HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-27, Page 411111. comosivreineilday. %wog,' .140. GAL IsTEWS.m itaimwiliiiint the 0110." , 4000101, - 4 I, t et it Uses vela fa eent to Toro:pa *Pit it sintafrans anis ratable source, either , -IOW e,r *item Revell et Meggingh en. , 406111100406 NO040 4.4 church doings, ste. +, *ease raw "sours cf gam* interest eass. aysi Aare a Attain, our ootansns.-En "•.,' •WO ,-BOYS WANTEI:1 at onoe, to -441arn tha Art ot Printing. Must, be .sett relinble. 5Apply at this bratitatt ExototatoN--To Buffalo and Aft Falb; Sept..4th. Tickets, *004 two 411AyS only, $1.75. Train *:\14*,:ir`f1 atilvOn 0.27, it. tn. Thie is '11.110);Mt'neii,ent excursion of. the :*emtr. -.Crowds are going. to Go! . ti.frevirford, the Genuine.Singer sew- ing Uaehine agent, has REIMVED from the Perrin Btock to the TOWN HALL. Intending perchasers of machines who wish to wive money, time end exilleY. ones .elantld call and see the "Binger"T- eraltop in Town Hall. 297-0t 0014 DOWEs.--School supplies est; pricand 5 quires good a0littittlito 1cents, at Weir's ier . 301 . trasrox from . •u to Port Ploy, .Priclity, Augailt‘29th-, fare • .,-;.-See posters. ---.0- ,,,„,,,,,. ,...„._ • Bin'Exonastox -Over 'the t, H. * B. totjagra Falls and Hamilton, .; . Sept. 120. -Train leaves •Clinton, • ' 1,05, n. tu. ' Tickets; good two'daYs, .only $1.75. Every body is going. '40Oute along, • 301 2t Van Walk. W1140114,111 hes a hoard of trade with forty members. L. 0. S. -We have to aolwowledge customary courteales Irma the °Clears of the Luchnow Caledonian Soewty. There will be a big time in Lueltnow ou September 10th. $1,800 in prizos. Will ye no gang to eee the games? Dr. Coleman, of Seaforth, has purchased twelve acres of land a short distance below S. Clair, Mich., for the purpose of putting down 4 aldt Well and eatering into the manu- facture of omit The contract for hortug him been let. "SERER" crowded out this week. Will appear next issue. • It is roMoreti. that the editbr of oar, 'Cafe* proposes going lnt:O. the -1...xcarsifin %Wildness champion quoiter Of Huron ruce....:Mr. W. A. McOlymont, if/ghoul. -What will. Mr. John Morris, of Colborne, say abont it A. Hutto AY CONSTABLE.='Clie ,Walkerton constable visited the bek.' ere there a few dap: age, and &died .60 loaves of bread ou account 0 Antall weidit. MR, T. A. Mot', left here on *Otiday of lett week to attend the funeral. of his youngest • brother UrellESq., of Chicago. The t• AvounNo Tam AFFEasAsco Rm.-A Scott Act man rode in a buggy with several neighbors to Walkerton to hear King Dodds,and walked home, some 13 miles, rather than associate with oleo who belie'''. ed. Dodds had the biggeat end of the stick. Wnar NEXT,. -in Missouri, hug. ging sociale have been introdneed well Salvation Army treahuries,and a paper gives the following beale of prizes: -Girls under eixteeu, 25 as. for each hug of two niiniaes; from eixteen to twenty -Live years of age, 50 Oats; from tweety to twenty.trve 75cents; school ma'anis, 40 cents; widows, aecording to looks, from IQ cents to $2; old maids, 3 cents apiece or two for a Pickle, and not any. lim• it of. time, OR cotem in its last issue says : "A couple of young men from Late, .on got into a tight at the Grand Union on Monday evening, but were separated before they had hut -teach other very badly," We are request- ed to state that there wasno tight at the time and place mentioned, consequently no separation: Nor has there been a light at the Grand Vnion since irWit opened its a pub- lic house. 11111 ViTt-fillir-t IVA correction be made as a matter of justice to the przwiatess,, .• • . BEEF in Bjteratri..-Mi!. tsaa o Waterloo, has recently returnefOrom a business trip to the Ohl ColIntrv, He claims that Cana, dian beetcantiot compete with Eng- lish fed at paces paid and effv:red. Cal:mai* buyermust in the future pay less for cattle.„Mget more for them. English diati'Sled beef is sell- ing, at 6 W. 6 pence,•iktifst , which our Canadian cattle capat confpete at past paid prices... ., remains were interred at Hamilton. MARKET ButhOlweis.-SeafOrth is agitating for a new Market house..A • market • house in Clinton, and fix, ad market days for different kinds of produce have been talked of by . ennui Of the eitirlelis of Clinton, e c 1 ' Rev. FATKER SHEA, o ta oeamrto, has fallen 'heir to a fortune by the death of an aunt: in the Old Country. ..r11 . Rev. gentleman is a liberal one and )z. •• a are . pleased to learn.of his . ..kod hick, • • ‘ . .. IR. V: H. HELE, of 'Wingluttn, sowin-In'w of Mrs. Morley, town, left last Week for Rellefoetaine, ' Ohio, where he will engage in bus- . laces with his brother in-law. He Was aeconipanied. by Are. geio and Miss Long. " j A RINGER. -II. W. C. UPyer, 7 Esq., 51ayor of Witigliaini has pre•- • 'witted a beautiful silver nied.al to he' Wi lighem...Quoit• CI ub, to become he property of the party winiiii4,.• it, twice in.:three years, One match to be played each year. . • : ... . MR. CHAS. • WATTs,•"of•Hainiltoti, ill in ioivm since Saturday 04 0., Visit to bis father tind brother, the drew gists. The gentleman is aecomPtinit791 . . • • by his Wifvf.anil four Children. MI • doubt they will enjoy themselves in our pretty inwo. • ' Mat Am) Hoasg. Tho fastest marled wile wade by a wan, with only his own natural powers of lecomotioo,i four minutes, sixteen end one-01th beconda, by William.. Cutowings, at Preston, England. The fastest wile wade by a nutting horse is one minute t1dityuiue and three,quarter second, made by Ten Broeck, at Louisville, Ky. The fasteet trotting wile is two minntes, nine arid threesouarter aeconds, by Maud S. at Cleveland', Ohio. These records lead the Chicago Herald to the conclusion that "wan is a long way behind the brute." We don't 11110W about that. When Maud S skipped around the track in 2:9i a Clevelawl the other day, Bair, her driver, who, by -the -way, la a wan, waan't more than a couple or three feet behind her all the way. . • ' A CREDIT TO litator.-The Carle- ton Place Herald contains the fol- lowing concerning the Eonald en- gine, made in Brussels: At 1,000 feet dm stream shot beyond the epic° of Zion church. At 500 feet two streams were Played several hours at thiPpostoffice corner, com- passed 1130 feet horizont illy, and wetst. over the three story Struthers block; all this with fiteete prelsure QE between 80 atid 100 pounds. It was a magnificent exhibition, and the glory of it was the sustain4b4 power of the maehinery„ It was a superb fire teat, and more that hat, fled the keenest criticism. Even Mr, Button. (an American engine maker), who waif present, was al-, most dumb. A.,4•ain on Thursday afterneon she was brought forth by Messrs Shilson and Flett, Mr. Thompaon, fireman, . They ran her splendidly and proudly, knowing she had no peer in North Lanark, and proved it. It is only necessary to add that the council were-satistied; -ilI�thexpta1tnd the -people;'--- , CANADA COmPLErE.-Mr. 0. DuilloP, of Se 'forth, who lissso punctually deliveaed }Ake . greater portion of Lismo.7-Bdchard Carlton, the suspected confidence operator, ar- .rested by Constable Charlie 'Sleinin, about a week age, was yesterday, identified by Alexander. Campbell, Winghatn, as the thief who con6,1, enced him out of $40 at the Union station, 13y representing himself as a merchant and borrowing the cash to pay a mythicta freight 1411. The prisoner:was committed for trial. 'Gaon) Excultsrow,-The excursion of the seastin will he the one from Kincardine and all stations on the London, Huron ei Bruce Railway to Port Stanley, on the 20th August: FluDAY, 29TH AuGusT. The return fare,from Clinton is only 161.25. It is getten up under the auspices of Clin- ton L. 0. L., 710. Arrangements have also been made for a sail on Lake Erie. As Port Stanley is One Of the „Most popular resorts in Canada. everybody and their wives and if weet hearts should take advantage of the • ROT. DuEstiont, ia lad in tile. . $„,„forth sun office, 10.0,,,,,,a Al ,,g : et i n v I..; t.t.0 t I entered he P. M. Sanild . Dmismore, dreatenake. e, Clinton„'met, ors against James Ceese,,of Eergua, With a serieux .and painful ocular,: for refusing to. acconatiltdate Seott . He w.aff ,workiiig a •smill j.rinting A.et .supporters at his hotel. • ; - Pr°1";.aud h'ivi'.1g.nli48"4 L." 810('t1 he MertE PROHIBITION' 'WANTED. - ritthis hand hi, to straighten it and T ' ' . . . . he deadly effect .of. the 'festive cu.. • .whpn the impression was being cuMber have been Written and itreak. taken, hie hand; was .erualled badly, en off from • l`tinie ,iinutenorial" yet hatingerri.are broken and the an baalaubbroalsb b„ Foliated, for palm of the 1-taad badly tiqiieeZed.. , . legislation pro. hibitirsig• ltbs . stile'', ea.: St.oPataru Paearts,---The.Durbarn oePt on the 'it'd"' of a l'hYsi°i°°'' Chronicle man is a flatfooted alanda The latest victim is. Mr. .111artin and plants his lioof after this fash: *Vaulter who resides.theee miles froul iou:-.7•"Olice .more we:remind our Ine,erao,11.Who died last Sunday'. On readers that it is a Matter. of the Saturda3. "aninfi be 'ate largi;IY of . ., moat uttee.inbffeaeece to us. if any mice inbers 'mid vinegar. :The result contracted itidividtral gets mad, and was that digestioo,waS.tiriatated, and stops bis paper, but a refecence.te • lie Was • taken with spasnla and al ' (tor ternie will show that no'aubseriii, thotigh ' all was done- thet uted'cal tionda taken for less than a year. 'Skill cold do they 'pill& net 'be. ,. .,.. . y , rs anc ten o broken and on Sunday evening' he • , ' They will pleaait pa fi t i tl - stop taking at aspen as they.picase.4 expired.; death tieing' preduceil by OFFICIAI0 TasitiroNv, At a nub- paralyals. of the. heart, arising .froin. tic meetini in Bruce, a .couple Of' .dig6sti°n' ' Week ago, chief constable 13radley Crsr.,cet's Painarr.---.Sonte time Act said:-- ago tar. e Made mention of a new deviee of.Miltoin itt referring to the Scott •'"Liquor hi sold: over the•bar, and -, there are eight Illicit:4 in- Mitten Where,yotrcan procure liquor in any quantity. Titere•is now more liquor consuinerl. In „the eminty than there . Wits under the license eystem. There were only fditr. plades." Where liquor could be Obtahied under the .Orcioks act." . .. . ..• Fog A Buiiw.-A. tvriter to the Of Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods* ewelry, Silverware9 , Bibles, Albums, Hannuocks, Pocket Books, Ladies' Satchels, W all Ipe-, Cigars, Pipes, Baskets, Croquet Sets, Balls, 6ce.; dm., will be I.OLD AT BIG REDUCTIONS So as to clear out the Stock before stock -taking. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. HRIS DICKSON in the rear of the town hall. Mr. A. Campbell had the coutract for the brick work and made a good job of H. W. Gook and chit. dren, accoinpatfied by Miea Lottie Mitchell, have returned froin ildielial-The brickwork on NV. C. Searle's block of stores will 30f)ii be completed.-Ildiss M. Kilby, daughter of Mr. John Erlty near Suunnerhill limiting the old home- stead and her many friends in the •viirinity. The young lady has been residing for several years past, at Houghton, Mich., and is now on a ten ,weeks vacation. 81m likes: her Athevican home very well and will return there. -Rev Mr Craig has re- turned from a short visit to the pretty eircplar tOwn.-Peter Craib taka ing a vacation, -Me. Rowland, with S. Davis, was called to Lolidon the other day on account of illness...of a relarivegirere.-8chool Seca Hides; has refurned from his trip on the lakes monuthentally bronzed,- Mr. Ily. Young has 'received a letter '"Picturesqu$ Canada will on his frOtn" his son who m farming near ..coNvIcTIoN Quiattan.-It Will be rememi ered that, cases were tried in. Elora,against Movel.s. Spiers, row and Clouse, 'hotel" keejatis, Fora daccharge 1 with rolusing nceotereo- ,datien to a nuarbar Of. di-lc-go:ea of the Seat etsiebervention,. held hi the village- of :Verges', All the engPs were diamisSeil and Mr. Jelin, Mac Donald, Ontaelo Lieense it:sr:actor foa Ocntre Wellington broualit a freak case against Herl,ert •Ceuae.. whitdi wastried in the Guelph, police; next trip complete his task so far as the work praper is concern - e 1. The complete numbers will form one of the most interesting histories of Canada, judging from a literary point of view, while the ex- cellence of the• illustrationa makes it a work of art probably net equall- ed in the world. "Picturesque Oa', c.hada." is certainly a work that. Canadians can be pro'nd of The bun- 13randon, Mich. Ile reports crops good, wheat averaging 30 bushels an acre. -Mr. Homer Cooper is contina ed to the house by an ailment of an inflammatory nature. -Mr. Jobe Mal,ileton of Goderich . township, shipped a ear load of cattle to Teron- to, Monday, He took the same: train to look after their disposal, - The people of Au Sauble, are to be congratulated on having deeds of thouaands of copies ef it secured the eervices of Miss.' Yough--: that have been subscribed: for 10 the Wingliarn, to take charge of a old country will be of inestimable allenefit in :placing Canada before the 'Capitalists and others of the old world in a light drat he is fully' •de- sefiring Of. Mr. Donlop will on Ilia next visit show sabseribera sa.mples, Or atiff inoroco eovers which are ad-.. mirablar adapted tb bind the work i. I c is iiitended that' the 36 parts be bonald, iniwe volumes. A. valu- able work aike "Picturesque Canada" . is' worthy of'a mere solidlarb than the ephemeral paper coyer. eourt, and the magistratf. entered convii.!ticti aticl• tiite'd the defendant. $5 'and co,t8. A.t the eounty itoopt ti 01 at Guelph Or: Tuesday, Honor Judge Giaiiwiek .tlia Tia Fnowsa Snow. -This .exa hibition has now • been open for week and we' are in a position to say that no more.Suitc.essful an affair. has been held in Clinton for a:long ;time. It must. have been gratifyiag :to the promoters . to lia.ye. been so. well pall onized,' and spealra well for of the llth that,. was that of the our townspeople's liberality in 'candidates who :wrote fez...Second Class only. The list. below is com- plete With„the, exception of the„Seu- ond ClasS Wrearly: published: - .T ./ohne, Eadie, A Cruiasliank, M MO?, wen. • 'Third 'M Doan,. E. E Maxwell, 13 Scoit, A 1Vt prag,tw ITutker, 1'.D. 13 eks C mpf;11, Cooper, A Orell; GA:tat. S,Tey, , ler, G Vancomp, Black well, a Danby; K puhlio sehool there. --Ar. Malloch, on Saturday received Dation from the Education .Depart- nient, Toronto, that those whom. the Examiiiers passed and reemelnended at the Clinton .Eutrance Examine - does haVe heen.confiruied. Exconstom from Blyth to Port Stanley, August aoth-areturn,fare $1.35. Call your friends attention to it. Edicational Department,' • Clinton Woollen. Nil's. Having rurebased the above Mills they will Commence Running AT ONCE, under the mattagetnent daft.. E. Column. All kinds of MANUFACTURING done on short notice, and a large Steck ot • • Woollen Goods for Sale, Cheap, or in Exchange for Wool. DAVID GRAHAM; . The follewing is the continuation of the, lint of canalidatea, from ,the HIgh Sul:eels or this. county, who successfully .pftsaed ,the recent Non. professional Examination, The hst which we published from the Globe long KO:tabling the exhibition.. • It wail the intentioif:to shave closed on Saturday evening but .upeo univers- al request the show was kept open Monday aud Tubstlay evenings .of this week. The. programmes of loot, wrek were varied .etiouall to attract large crowds each evening. Tile Doherty Oegan Cifd ban 1 dia.eacel: ant etarvice and added. greatly to the enjoytnent eacl eVeuittg. On Friday evening Mrs. Newton td Prof. BroWu. etfthrtaitted those pres, tint by . rendering several appropriate. seleetinna on the .organ kindly lent by Mr. Corbett Doherty. Mr....Wan Jaekson. furnlslied the rink -With-. tel ephOneiconnectivii and . gave ala'rge nartiber the drat, opport unity olex- eiitiuing that 'wetalerful ill en: t1.01) Music played. Godei hill could be, intredueed,into buggy gears by Mr. f everiooked, it wits not through any Hairy' Cantelon . carriage maltor, intentional slight; but 'because of taafar It • Was Len stated that A.Ir, • the large ainoant of work Odell had Cantelon :had applied for a patent: to be done. There' Were a number Last weeklie obtained tile necesiary who had beautiful' flowera, which paperat compried. The patented would have greatly added to the proven:tent demists in a novel arid •exhibitian, but when tile canvas Yvas. 'made these were • either 'absent or ingenions mode of attaching tho cow overlooked. ; It is pleasing to know fleeting parts of the geat to the roar and front portions. It is Often no. that 6°°°(4°11•Y the 8116w was P; aua- cess, realizing ever $150. PROPRIETOR, E. CORBETT, Manager. 299 . - IVIARKE-T REPORTS. • (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon ctarros. 1 lour,. ' • .. '• 86 60 to Fall Wheat, now, • . cr so to spring Wheat, 0 00 to Barley ' • - . 0 62 to 04,4; , • . . 0 30 to Peas 0 70 to App)es, (winter) per bbl, 2 00 to Potatoes, • • 0 50 tO Butter 0 14 to Eggs: 0 14 to Hay, - • ' •• 7 00 to Hides, • 6 00 to Beef, . Sheepskins - Turkeys, per pound, Geese • • . . • Ducks, per pair • Chickens,'Per pair Pork, • Wool Cordwood, • , F....1(3:7;lro''linte(,,j.,l'al3s8..,"--81LIigillinal,i1At°'il.'PlN Mei-lardy, A ; M 1116rriSori; 'A ; T si444,1), 0 ; Ca ..Aaideraon, 13.... NV 4. Baird, A ; J.:Dowering. B; A. Budge, A. U Gray,' A i W . lY1 nee, 'At G aleEinley, 13.;.L Iv Di.ehi, g ; A .:Gregi'fry, B ; L.2, Gregory, '13 ; T m. ..Jihtiout.is,rearti: The 'Mouth Orran •Oallear,:•Il. , 13thid _deserve' Special Mendell 7 for • GODERICIL • their service:4., .-Iti feat therp.seems • Intern -fed iate.-R. 8 Acheson, ,A to have. been' a general ileairearit Elie .G., ahem, Ic. Conies ..A Can:Jilin, M Part of every one to do what they A ainioiabb., J. stal'ker, ',.T 1.-.41.ciiii.c,,, could, aild this made', Ciuton'S firs n Roaertrion. . . . . 'flower show a gretit.sucCess; . Mr. S. Third ClasSa:L•T Allain.R Serburn Davis :crested a.s.,dendid ,wqkieg E Acherion_t 8 Smith; J Wilaoni M feuritain around w hich. vont arranged pl._ ..,anieron; E J' Cassidy, J OW411 M Grout, A Portre:, A O'Reilly, .1' M Houle of the handeemerit flowers and . plants. .Jue;. Cutininf.,liaine filled up . . •GOrdoir, .1 .G Munro.. .a email aquariurn. and surrounded it Second Class.. -M Robertson; A • with moss arid ferns tneking a. very . pretty . show. Messrs, . Foister & 0.. EVI°1-Cbti,_.'iu,., A....; 3....M"eriY, ..A.; 'll'' • Bryley's . :exhibit Of uameron, A , . J. photographs • laj...tIrray, . hr. ,„ ,),.... .. ties,oed ell the preiee woe)) hes. W:eathernettd, D, . lieciit.giVen it; and it eel tainly ad , . . ' - sorPlyr.11- • clef' largely to the exhibition., The ' Intortnedifite.-F MeCangbey, A. ladles very kindly lent their birds Mer,,ea:n, W Govenitick,,I Melasallyett. 'for Friday, and in the iftertioon the 1:1.Muartry, D De.Vereux, P,McDou- huildine was vooal with their Music gall. , • ... ' . . . ,. e but in the evenifia cantrary to ex: ' Third ociaa„,.ar smibb, B Barr, .9 ,. 'pectations, they ' were silent. Iti .}} Dodds, 3 Hogg, J Foreest, .3. 3 would be imposeible to • name' al Keyes, J aloylm. G;ki .Thompson„ • those in. connection with the' affair Second Chas's, - G A Dewar, 13.; who deserve mention, but the cotn- T Ma,1811e, 13 ; W Ilewitt; 8; W luittee wish' to return. their thanks McQueen, A • 8 Anderson, A; T 0 to all for the • assistance and patron- .Batolifro, 8, i E, Murphy, *), r, -fl a la, ka ..c. age given them. 11 any have been Bishop, 13.. ' • - New Linen Lawns, New Victoria Lawns, New Embroideries', New Reversible Prints in Pink Checks, Black and White Checks, and $13110 and White Checks. A 60 0 80 0 50 0 52 0 80 0 70 2 00 000 0 16 0 16 8 00 7 00 to 000 0 75 a,to 100 0.00 "So 000 0 00 to 0 00 500 to 000 000 to 000 750 to 800 016 o to 800 to 4.00 Orangandie Muslim, White Pks,, White Polka Dot Sateen; New tuntings, 'Nun's Veiling, Fancy Dress Muslins, and Summer Silks. . — See Our Great Stock and you will be satisfied. Estate JOHN HODOrENS, The GREAT. DRY -GOODS PALACE OF CLINTON To Margaret Mains, Matthew maws, John ionins, Qeorge: 1111qins, Rebert Mains, Joseph W. Mains, kW- eliKel E. Mains, Isaac MMus,. Albert Malns. the. heirs of watug MAINS, deceased, and to J. tbe. moostrator orivuumn Matas, deceased, and to ail others interested ln the lands here, mafter mentioned. - TAKE. NOTICE That you, tile ve named Margaret Mains, matthew mein f Mains, George Minns, men Mains, Robert 5. n Joseph W. Mains, 14c:heel E. Mains, Isaac t I Albert Mains, the heirs of -WIttLIAMAAI leeee.sea, and the s31d-(1....P... TfliDALL• the 6,1 istratur of William moms, (Woollen, are In at tear to THE LONDON AND ONTAltiO INVESTMENT CriMpANY, MUTED, on a Mortgage bearing date the 21st day of Jana. ary, 1880, to secure tho sum 0( 52,000 and inter. est, made by William mains, and 61argaret Mains for the purpose of tarang Aar dower to the English and Scottish Investment company of condo, Limited, and by them assigned to tbe. London and Ontario Investment ovmpany, Lim- ited, by Indenture of Assignment, dated the 28th day of November, 1831, and. by which said blortgage and Asstgnment tho following lande are conveyed to the said London and Ontario Investment Company, Limited, neMely, all that certain parent of land situate. in the•Townahit7 of Hullett, in the County nt . Huron and Province of Ontario, being uomposed of the north ninety- one acres of, Lot twenty-1We, in the fourteenth concession of the eald t(Avriship. And RA payment thereof hoe not been . made according to the tenor and eff.et of the proviso • for payment, therein contained, you and each one . of. You are 'required' to take notice that unless payment of the said mortgage meney and interest be tnade to the said The London and Ontario In. vestment company, Limited, the said Company will prodeed to .enter upon or ieaseor sell the -told ussirtgaged,lands pursuant to the owe:wand the several covenants, and proVisions contained in the said rtiortgage. Also take notice that the maid lands will be offered for sale. by Pubile Auction, at the commercial notei, the VII.LAGE OF BLYIII, on THURSDAY, the TWENTY-FI5'Tit day of SEPTEMBER, et .2 o'clock, afternoon.' And thin in case the same be not thou sold the said The London and Ontario Investment Company, Limited, will proceed, with or without any consent or concurrence on yoor " Goderich Towns.bip. From our own Correspondent. , Harvesting on the Oth completed. Mr. John M.ershall,, of the Bayfield line,: set fire. to, some thistles in a field an Saturday evening. The wind or Sunday .stirred up the un- noticed sinouldeyang reniains .of,the. thistles and spread the fire to an ad: joininglarge field of Otte, a conaidem- nla portion of which was coustained. What were not deritroyisd'were saved' by plowing around them. •. . Mr. ;Arthur Churchill,' of the 9th has:returned from afanitOba: where he was. on a visit. His son Arthur, Jr.. had IOD acres in crop this year. ,nehl has 200 neves. broken up.for nest 'rhe property is in the neigh. •borliood of Brandon. , , • • Last Tlitirsday the team,of lir. Geo. :Can Wien, of tha 7th, ran away •while hauling vain from the field.: His daughter Linda, who Was. on• the 'waggon, was thrown off 'anti 'badly injured aboot the head andshouldera. She. is iinProving. Council met at •Irolmesville; Aug., Ilan 1884, purauant to adjournment.' Members all present •exept, J.11. l. Heft,. wan Was unavoidably absest. aliuutettof. last meeting readitnd Pas- sed..- Ceu n•ty. Clerk's letter, read s tat ' ing :amount required for. County •purposee.' Moved by &trees Laith .waite.; sec. by Johti Beacom, that 'a ratdinf A.mills.on the $ be levied an all the- read rateable- and perscinal • property .in the • toixnsiffp for•county :proposes, and the, Clerk levy the. dif: ..ferept awns required •by the several -Sc000l, Trustees -for the c u rre t .y•ear A•By•Law ng the, above was drafted, read three • lines' 'and passkl. followitigacedtints were. paid t LaWrence Manning,' gravel paid.from'B, M., ta a;tae ottlee„4.datirtg,,jal CO in plaint being'thade.thitt private intrtf08 took gravel' froin -rJact allowance and 'left the plooe in an unsitfi•i stritei it was mov,erl by John Beacon?, we. by Jas. thwaitei thst the Clerk notify Win. Ford, P.,a1,7 tir have Pickard fill .ttp at once -whore he ,tuok.' the gravel 'frond opposite John- Calbick's Myth; and that. Pickard be .keld responsible tar any .or all 'et,cidents that may occur through his neglect - Carried. The Council 'adjourned to. Meet agaiti. on tlea last Monday in September,. . • WE HAVE -MADE GREAT PURCHASES part, AND WITSIOUT ANY FURTIOtit NOTIOR To you, to .enter into possession of the eald premises, and to t•egelve mid take the rents and profits thereof, mid whether in or out of possession of the mine, to make any.lease or leases of the same, as they the said Company shall see At,. and to sell and absolutely dispose of the game, .el titer by auction or private sale, or partly by auction and pat•tly by private sale, ma they the said 'company may deem proper, and either for cash or upon Ruch terms of credit as they may think proper, and to con.vey and assure the sante triton so sold unto • the purchaser or purchasers thereof, as he or 'August, 1884. t......„___Iley obeli direct i.t.tnd.. 1,0.11.mcolfiraAn..ivicK, ' 391 It Dated at the City of Tyrant°, this le.th day Valhi,. tac,, . . . . solicitor fur the company. , . • • . . New Yeti< Drug. Journal states: ticed that the eats otbuggics become • While engaged in a elientioul lopsided when' an excessive weight iment, I severely burned my hand and arm. To allay the intense pain mixeil whiting with Water to the consistency of thiek cream, and With it coVered all' of the affected parts. ''s„'.17he result wil3 "magical ;" the ,pain instantly coasetifbut the heat caused , by the inflammation drove off the water as (deem; when the whiting • was dry rwatilied it a and applied rest) liguttrecatting, and so en, ln svo days my hand was well. A ORAVE BustatEssa-Neighbor veneon hat; had the end wall of his building decorated with char. Actors indicative of his busineiss, physician congratulated Me. Steven. - Hon on the SUcceSS of the artiet, tut said Mr.Pilatoian-,-"Mr. 8, you should einuplete the dard by havitig A pottrait of yourself tit., ono aide, . Mr. WoUldn't be. appro. priate at the lade, sirs I'M All tad& taker." Mr. r... -"Very wells Mr. S., just lay yourself out then." 11.tr.ES.*,-"13ut though I'm art Mt& dertaker, rrnmita flat, just send me your photo, doctor, ib Will be so tench easier to lay Ont. a flat, tball an under biker." hey speak is on one side. So much so is this the case that when a heavy and light person -are_ in the vehicle, there is -danger of the heavy one being throwe out where Vortions of the ,roadway happen to be sidling. .I6 is uncorn- fertable in any event to be riding in a buggy with the Sad declining side- ways, , This patent; by a self -adjust. ing device, preserves the horizontal position of the seat* no matter how much heavier weight is on one side Alum on the other. How this own palmation is made up we dattnot here state, but a call at Contelon'S shop will satisfy those intereetecl. Besides the increased" comfort of riding in vehicles with this self-adjusting and eomponsatiilg gear, the rtinnieg of the vig is rendered easier and the wear will be much lose by proVenting un dile strain and weight tmon ono tido. We should him to nes Mr. Cantelon go into the inanufaeture of thotm glare extensively , and stmply the trade throughout Canada. with thoth. Exports say it is one of tho meet yal- liable improvements in the running goer of vehicles that they know of, „Alla its introduction OM baldly all univoreal ao 610011 at, ita D known. BitInt8.-Ras. J W. A. Stewart, of liainiltoin spent a few days in town last week, as the guest ef his brethetain law, Mr. Cole. -Mr. Glaisgew has returned froth- the roinid trip on the"Ucento," lis had a pleasant timo. and speake very highly of his treatment by Captain McGregor and other officere of that boat.- A.fter many days with Lite temperature so oppressive that Sid- ney Smith's man, divested of his clothing and flesh andsitting in his bones, woold have felt comfortably warm, a cool wave put in an appear - twee Friday alast.-Mr. Preston, ef Michigan, has returned home after visitiug his uneleit, Messrs. Taylor St Gill, town,-SeVeral aboriginals, friino Southampton, visited town last week; They were booining the bas- ket bilainesS.-Frost le 13russels last week at Ow time Clinton folks' titer. monieters talker1.0.06 in the idiade.- ittirday mot hing about 8 o'clock a welcome and heavy downpour ef rain came, lasting about ten min- tes,aThe eifitot of the Miteliel Advo&st was oaitsd Ittlit W6616 by a Mr, Levy, who brought the 'date thorn all the Way front Scotland to do the hueinese With. The editor retailiff the cane tte 11seuvenir. Miss fl. M, Campbell is visiting at Itintardine.-W, W. rattan, Usti, has lia(1 erected a fine brick stable Front our own Corr.ognondent . • Service next Sunday at the Sharon appointment will be at 10.30 instead of 2,30 'the usual hour. The above arrangement Will affeat next Spider only. VAS. ialces" the Ser- vice. . Me. James Birks paid a visit to our village last Tuesday and took part in the concert at Zion Church on the evening of the above day. He re- turned hoine today Weddesday‘ Mr. D. Birks Inis been successful iri passing ler a 3rd 'Class certificate, We congratulate our young friend (only; 151 on his success. The furnaces an the Meth. Choral ate to be overhauled mid improved. Not before being needed, Foresters' excursion to London was not well patronized last Monday ad far AS llohnesville was congener'. There, will be a society meeting in the next Monday even . ing tor the- purpose of' realetting Of pews. On the following day there' will be a bee for tins purpose of fixing the slie,c1 and grounda, • Rout to BOOR SCTIWilig Edward Shepherd, of Ilarrisbrurg III" says; "'laving received ao mach, benefit from Electrie Bitters, 1 leel it rey d,ut,y to let suffering humanity know it, Have hail a running sore on my beg for eight years; my doctors told.ine 1 would have to have tile hotio toraped OP leg ItInputated, i, need, 'naked three bottles of Electric Bit. ten; and seven boxes Thieklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now bound' and wed," Eleetio titters are tiolcl at fifty eenta it bottle, and Itttekleirs. Arnica Salve at23e,,per box by Watts et Co's, S Cartipbell,-:-/n Clinton, oe the 14th the wife of Mr. Angus Campbell, of a daughter. JANES .PATTON, • • Clerk. Ashfield. Prom our own trorresponclent. The barn. of Mr. Harris, the mill owner of Ashiield, was burned last week, with contents, implements, etc. The fire originated from sparks from bush fires. About 4,O(10 bushels ii of gran n a granary narrowly escop- • MOrtgage Sale OF VALUABLE . FARM PROPERTY - In the Township of Mullett, IS TUE COUNTY OF HURON, rr , 'WHITE AND. GREY. AND WE ADE. SHOWING- . reg LIE ill Whit gook New Cheok Shirtings just in, latz.Just, Oie: Goods for Harvest timo:igr Boy's Clothes Specialty. UsnEn POWER OP SALE contained in a mortgagea hill. will he nrod.ured at the time' stool, theta will Isa °tined' 201. Sale by Public Anetion, e.t bbs etilliillOtOici Hotel, in the 'VILLAGE OF BLYT1 f; at Two oaaoea P. AL, on' Tisitroney,the 2Nth Stditesstbcr, A. 16.9 .1880, 'ALL that certanipareetof land situate in the said township of Hullett Mid composed of the rth ninety inie`ateees of lot twonty.flve in tile .14th' Concession: ; 'rids dobnoble property is situate within' one mid a half miles of the village of „Myth, on the. L. 11. 3: B. 55. 11., and b. No. 1 Gravel road earMOCtS it with the Town of dode rich, some sixteen miles distant,, and with the - Town • at ,. Clittton, . abut toh distant. Chun:hes, Scheele, Flour and Grist 11111s, good stoics and merlons ato alt. within eaay TOO of this,preperty. •' • . ' • „ There' aye said to bo 81 sores cleared and' in good state of' etutivation.` boti Said to hi). clay '16Om. and gently undulating.. There is said to e wonhthe premiseS Lug 1Piuso in e....good state of.repalr,. and. a Frani e Burn, good, Well and inever.fablibg supply of water• This, property win .be %Ad subject ba 81.085001, 14, Terins and conditions madeknown on.day of sale. • ' For further particulars apply to . E. M. CHADWWK. , • ' . Vendor's Solieltor. 'BEATTY, CHADWICK, BLACESTOCK & GALT,' • ,. NO. 58 Wellington -St. East, Toronto. ' Dated .16th August, 15.3.,1884. 80O -4t • • A Startling Discovery. • Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dak. writes that his wire had been troubled with acute Bronehitis f�r thany years, and that all remedies tried gave no perainanent reliekuntil he procured a bottle M Dr. goes New Discovery for consumption, Coughs, and Coldai• which had ,a rnagical effect, and proeured a., permanent ;cure, It is guaranteed Co cure all Diseases of Threat, Lungs, oP Bronchial Tubes. Prlal BottleeFree at Watts t3r Co'o, Drag Store. Large site,' :00.„„ eohntyCurrency and District HOW. • Tuesday night 'last week tin old num named John Connors, who has been living near Hepworth, Grey county, of late, committed suicide at Dobeington, Brune county, by/taking parts green. ,Dotnestie infelieity was the cause of his suieide. Iiis relatives a son, and -ons oe two daughters, re- fused to have anything to do with hie interment, would not even look at their father's rethains, and he -was buried by the neighbors, in a rough box, by the road side. • A. earl shooting accident °coved ono day last week to the twelve.year old sob of Me, Charles Ellis, who re- sidee three .miles east of 'Alchemy, it appears he had been out picking berries and was carrying ft gun loaded with allot. While getting Over a log fence he drew the gun towards him and the contents were discharged in. Lo his lower jaw, breakIng it and al:tittering the teeth, and part of tha eberge lodging in ins mouth end ton. gue,. From latest report& the boy Was in a very oritieal condition. Maicelin Campbell, sin 014 mei& ent of the township of..diiiross,iwas found dead on Saturday last in a field not fat tenni his reeidenee, It t1BODItt ha bail been to Teeataliter fee some trierlieine on Priilay last, aeti on his r, turning got overheated and lay down, Mr. join, Little, notified the coroner, Who Skid that, it, was not, neeessary to hold an inquest. Mr. Campbell WM a single man, aged 5/ years, and has a sister living in klatit WilliaMS And two brothers iri the reited Stele£1, • . FOR SALE OR TO 'RENT., rrII:ATVALUABLE PROPER,TY, knowit . ea the • • ilburn 1-lotel At present occupied by Mr,•Fitan EIonams, is offered for sale or to rent. The Hotel 18 situated on the gt two! roads betWeCti Goderlell and Port Albert and Goderich and Blyth, •and does a snug business.. Possession on first of Sop- •tember or sooner of required.. ' • ferrms _Reasonable. For particulars apply to ' • • _ A. ALLAN 0 204:298-11' DUNLOP Pe O. ERN°. t 884; CANADA'S GREAT EXHIBITION And industrial lEuteiposy. London, Canada, 86pt'r 22, 22;.2fi• 25,28 $17,000.,.00 IN .PR.11.E S. ay it i.seinath GROCERIES Cheaper Than Ever At COOPER'S Grocery. Mr. Thos. Cooper returns thanks to 1. hi many customers for their tuberal pationage, in the past, and bcga to announce that I,Lt• bas admitted his son. HOMER as.a.nienibcf. of the tirw, and hopes they will receive a continuance of the seepert Iteletacre 01.9 liberally accorded to the heuse. T DRY -GOODS EIVIPORIUM OF CLINTON. . 32,00000 IN EXCESS OF 1883. $1,049,00 inSpeeials by Friends • 6f the Western: Fair OPEN TO THE WORLD. The 1Vestern Fair for 1884 will far surpass all 11.8 predecoSsors. The prizes are larger and the new features and novelties to be introduceil win Make it the most satinotive exhibition over bold In (floods.. Walt for lt, • Write•to the 801004 for Prize WO, Posters, Programmes er any inforination required. E. IL GEO, Me111100M, • President gOS,It Seeretary ..1500)EN .. I. -IA CIR.A.Z.e. 1M EYo-A,-• Thebestgre4rii!,ionknowntoseioneeforbeeutifying the '/IF1 COIVIPLL'XION • .....-:: ONE SINGLE APPLICATION 15 warranted to _•-•:_; • neautify the „Face und give to the l'adtd or $allow -,---T-etlCorn- i rv 3eg°1.ferr13iiitflOrl'egTigr!liig7.;)1.)..c.„tciV#ieFrCleE,Zi . Foot, and the Ericlenee 02 Age, leaving the Skin Soft, . 4# .s.°P,Rthicait_dowelleintet.s. Sent to any. aad.resS. restligo . stamps tukuri. Address all letters to . . . / ' CREME D',011, prawer 2,678,; Toronto. KO. , Ask your druggist:for' it. Wholesale by all whole-, sale druggists. nometaxaccsaisirmacargiosocommew 01J Ft. Cita CIT....17EA-•-•,— win still be a Specialty, arid can net . he beaten in the market, , All oth, Groceries as low as possible. A. LisTg•-e-Stiiiik 'Of :GLASS-W.:ARE and Cli3OCKEIt bit band, s-Als4 FRESH OAT MEAL, . CORNMEAL, FLO1JR, OATS, POTATOES, • • do., &,e; am. US 4 6611:quil bOaritiSfied, T. Coop" perScSo.n.' . , 'Aelearneasa(iteevase..yievai LUMBER ANO LATH. ;. voR su,n; all kinds of Pine Lumber and .1 m ! Lath.. Those wanting Luber or both 1011 thid it to their interest to give nut a. call. Yard hack of the Fanning Mill Filetory; wellingtoif Street, Clinton. 280-tf, • Josern CHIDLEY. ..P.LYTII. SAW NMI GOSMAN & D.O1),T)Si Are now prepared to do all kinds of workjin their tine: Having put In a grain crusher, we are AMC :to do obapplog 01. 5») time and on the shortest .netice,.• • GOtiAtAN II; irons, . • myth, Ont • THE LATEST 1.: rrA'Klatt thfa renowned Ten. 1-1,sorial Artist, has obtained the assistance. et a lirRt•eisse Ilather. (far All the latest styles Of IM1104'endgeatielatorahair.catting. 0116(100r .eatf, of the CoMmereial ifotel. PR izE so gi‘o„„t, to, postage and tectivo free, a eostly box is If goods hilitlh Will bee) au, of eithersint, tO (Ora money right away than anything elni in thii world. Fortunes Await the Workers absolittaly sore. At ones Address Tarn f. co 2nt8rItt.el: made }lair dittar 0 86 III 81101)e *Co., Augusta, Maine, m • ,A,..,..I.Dtililf-tr , It!lif,,u,11,,!..8„,,,,11.(1: .,,,,161:112,„111s0 k'PeApit:IO'nit ale at no -Niles of. 1.,01111 A. Ttlf1MAA. ge• NEW BOOT 86 8110E $TORE IN PERRIN'S BLOCK, WOrk,' easy's' and pegged, 'at prices to suit oPery purse.. .Tho best work, lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed, As I have fiesta:lass city workmen em' ployed, entire , satisfaetion is a certainty. Give me a call. . . • ROBERT ATJTTBRSOX Prepr. 11. BEACOM, _Meager. . . . • . LONDON LOAN. CO'Y, /- $1.00,000 " "En!icelselinittATEs' &:6 --per Cent Apply to trte.y M. J, ZENT, Manager IN PEACE PREPARE- FOR-- ViAR. IN HOT WEATHER PREPARE.' FOR old natliar OM YOUR STOVES SALESMENWANTED. , wiTif 'ENERGY AND Tigititidi06A- .1) • 'PION; amjpossotnnd of a reasonahie autount of intelligence and business tact, can. have their expenses paid and earn ltirge oularies, by. soiling our Nursery Stockwe guarantee alt storle: A.1., , and AA we aria Well and favorably known through- out Ontario, our agents Ilnd 010 troublean tnalting. sales.. No experionoo. raquired t Outfit can -bo carried In coat pooket. . • . ' Send tis a postal card feu, terms,' etc; . „ At S. DAVIS' Mammoth Stove Warehouse. CHASE 'BROTHERS, . Nunieryissen and Seecinnell, 284.6m. • • LAKEPORT, oNT. THE POWDE1181. • \r•er:ctiscntto t 1o, Contain their Owe' - r ti' 12 li it sa(e, onto, and atfoefatiil .. • • •. en' .vorans iu Childress oiadulta ' TO THE PUE3LIC. Gfideri.0111riarblelVorks tor rile Coutity of Huron. • • T n4v.E. appointed MR. 'ROBERT GORDON, a 1. st General Agent of the Goderielt Marble Werbit ' JOSEPH YANi3TopNroEp.ti:av Ir • GodoricFeb, 6, 106. 0.1.inton Iarbie .1-orks?„: • • RITITON 8TBEET, „. . . . COOPERF- IManufacturer of and dealer 1u all kinds of 4 IVIarble & Granite frit' CenieterY Work at aguris that dory competition • • • •,„ • Aieo manufacture,:t of the Uelfforaled .41tigrifiTAL • Sros,r, tor pOses and Cemetery. Work,.Which.nimit he seen Jo bp apprceittletl.--.-All Weil; • watt:tilted to give sati,placti on, • f •FIRE OANTE.LON BROS. -DAVE- - REMOVED Racey's OA Stand. • . OCERIE CHEAPER THAN EVER. 0)1 Bankrupt Sale' WITHOUT RESERVE, - •The subscriber.hegs to return his shareta thanks 'to his customers. anti the publie generally, forthe liberal pa:teenage ed to him la tho past,. and by furnishing • the. Best Tof/rite/el' --AT THE -a LOW. .S1- Premoptative he haves- to Merit tt contietiance uf the , Jlo wonld specially (eeeregfe4d o triol f • . his Dia= Oteorrivatoss of 010 snr ,s13,010 8::AANDS of, BRR BRANDIES, tON WINES aud }IOLLAND GINS, suitable', Moat 'Purposea aud rand ea. BAss' ALE and CliftsNEfite PORTER, bottles -pints or :parte. CAsantaar Arra CAattes & D,teish Lter.) toestantly on hand; • ..fitst, received, in ptiinoceudition, :JAN Tntra: GINTWIt. btL, C16 iri,t;:01 C111.11, PIAIN SODA, „ Itr&le f411:40(04.60deltab.• al It. NLROBSON Estate of G. DIEHt 85 SONS STREET CLINTON Ttsi ACCORDANCE WITIt A lit. • ont.iFsgitti:rjeo,1 taifu,•the (swears, the whole stock ' • Town or cnotoo, Will be sold at COSI, PRICE', frout and atter MAY 'Mb. The stock includes Bedroom Sets4 Parlor Set, Chairs, Sideholte4111,,n5eetitt140 mar n general assortment, all new rod of good workmanship. The stock eau be seen at eny time at the munKooms et Gum Dinut 0soss, vice•nw sired. Teams -Alt MOOR 1111110 S eash, ever thst Amount, six months' credii on approved Joint -notes. 8610!' cent, per enema off for rasa on sit sums over 54. tom the whole stork inust bersobi within ons montli„,this is an excellent rimers- for those fur; nishing to 10)1158000 180018. LI,' VI /E0 lEto A ?leaflet). of Lumber 10 itSfiArtd Mr Sale on Moe, Or if( Info to Ault purchasers. Tbs atecIf In chats, IValtatt, merry, reaterriut, Ass, Elni and Ifs_seemod. , UNDERTAKING. This branch tithe.' business *in as attended ib AS usual,. And at greatly reduced IJI.1100. JOSEF/X. CliffiLET, Aisigate 111 lama et the Estate of \ef.t.), rhald dS4118 I 'Shy 25,1051. 0.3ft •"5)S0'" ' ''.•••••< *