HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-27, Page 3ton.
'Eta Goiterich News
turon Reoord,
• (4A:4Z(14314TM .
slt :40144 Wedaeaday, MigaSt •27
,CTittearltralnivetio ilonht• heertl. it nd
17.411 a great deal al out the Seott Aft.
see. will therefore essurtie that they
irew jot purport and .the aimso
et promoters, merely saying' that it
•e ports to de away with the esiest-
•!!.:e ligeor lionise system and to pro
'el it the, sale,, wherever carried, of
bev'erages for other
e teen medivinel, Heientifie or meehan-
.• putporiee, Tt is b,y many
t. 1 that enoh, a oropoeitien is a mite
• eovoos one. 'That it • interferes
e it it the liberty of the subject and
invasion of the somal rights of
. . •
,• rhat the proninters of the Seott
A mean: well and etre eepeeially
teevitens for the newel welfare of
being': meet he csoncetled.
,ntiot, also be remembered that
t4rvoltmce ofintentien and benefi.
gee 1,e.tentienev 1111,14 COVilltine to on,
es.tette the moral goodness of a poi.
..• v There are etrong grounds for
eeeteteing that the tendency Of the
ratioa of the Scott Act would not
ne morally loinefitertle:The 'almost
et -a,
etei I, mous verdict rifles° stvlso are
eespetinted with localities where pro.
• is the le weie ; "If you know
• tete ropes you can get What 'liquor
:sea want." An immoral class of
teen are thug' created• More numere
•r,ne than;would eeiegt melee a liceese
ressetene. Law is .breught into cone
tentlit and 'a regularsystem of ere
eeetieed hypocriee iR engendered by
the vory itiOlt118 PP11011Mil to for the
perpese of tilevating•the moral -status'
• tke ceimiluoity, Ie. would seem
it. el n looks';Ileeply int* the -we' kings
laws elsewhere, and of the
leenat• i- 'heart, thatth•e effects of the.
.8rett Acte will be to stimulate: pas -
ox' desires in mankind -which
./..illerwi'Se: might remain compares,.
•IteelY deemed. • • •
•• Tem advocates of the Picott.' Act
eis-y thin liquor iri'of 'I'0 U80 to
14:10. Now, .to dt ernx no what is
t� 'nap; we .rnumt determine '
of man himself, use
reed' fit notion ieto be the Witeessof-
elory' of -God and to advaece
sea glory 'by reasonable otiedieebe
•-ta Him. Mao cannot ,14how. !ea..
Mable. ohedrence to what. W.e edit-
• eider the will *of. the A.'imiglitje if be
. :fere.ed. tc!. edniply iith that' w•ill.
• 'Where cenipultlion come in• free
• atid freedom" of will is: the
enly.operative ageocy • whereby. we
eats be. ;held- ,accountable tor our
wroug deing' or rewarded fr our
eri toridea • coed ucte A ni an men -
• etit'ese roittermably' otreillent vv heti he
• le: deprieeti of • this •!OptiOn' of • beier
disobedient, There can be no glory
ro Ged-edie eiviegeie whiell .is the
shier pie peeeof iattl'a:.• creation -L. -in
ear eompl fence with Frie'commancie,
by hanian laWs we 'make non.
with • those' Commands
,-1,1,(11en (min pulsioe, • is ,brought t�
?teer tesiive a litee'ts..8001 the means
biefeal , the •
The Scott Act. ;feints to seve teethe
'•••;eiripul-t-iole. 71.13 circuit',
0t000es We are apt to forget our de.
iendi nee :oft that. God whom 'we.
ieteuld glcdify, and replatee for the.
etreni,th we should- i.eiegive from
• t 't -e Strength of iimit h ittrian , 1 ,
ohm, Moral suagdon to melleet•ie
t lie heart a reason:11)1e' end spiritual
,s, •
eeneeption et our ditty teed the ,vole
• entary Carey hie, out „of sueli emicep• •
eeele, wfll give as weilegreunded-
)elpe for rewaril. • . . •
• It is quite obeioui that in mettere.
selivietiti We believe onr octions -May
eo the grol ef GO or oili.
er'Wiee, there eels he no metes ttinlese
.;we elates done rielifeween we had 'an
opportunity ,of deiog. etherviirie had
n 0 been AO T110 &C,itt Aet
eptigin -"Qteit .ye like
w 'hot addressed to, tbo0e, who
had. rso 'free will te. dos otheritreete
'oftitit15 . iimppeeitely used by those
hat:deli to Ileck, the outs reit' felli
ed.: mortality in ts, eeentino eereplie
. .
once) wit h eve Will of the. Master,.
VAtile the knee man is nothing but
whited eepoieliele the w:ills decor.
.et keel :-7e"I
eni holy, becanse I
caniust be ahything oboe' ' . .
St: Paul deeeribes 1 ;of men
t!Sier 6uld,Pxist, under the. Scott
Aet When he sere "He that looked'
mein II Wlitlftll to inmeafter her het h
-already committee adultery in his
eettei tiertet," The chergieter of. those
se eftePslitstitestriiiii ed ,frou?
drunkeimess by the Se.5,:irt;Act would
Ise that of A negaltiee 'it not hypos
tie -ideal patine:roe LimpNM of meet
litiff being ..nerienary fox them is
peoof that.though foreibly restraiimcl-
from overt nets ef intemperance,
tliey would be 'guilty of excessive
liiiiirtgenee just ail often as they hap.
pelted- to think of the eine when it
is red, just OA the man referred to
•elett h eleteetly committed adultery."
• The ergtiment is ittivtoiced filet a
men eliould he totally • prohibited
fettle drinking hest eriodertde holed -
go II CO Bata him drink to exceem.
"I'llis is an Mogi al 'otiterition. A.
might A man be prohibited from
miters -lug one wife lest the taste of
6 dome:tic felicity cause him to marry
many wives. It may be aitiil 'diet
/ter love provide fiunisbrnent for, All
parties eimeerned in bigamy, josh
.g.e, ammi tee (rook At providea
ea:teed:ma it'tr ell pettiest concerned
•.)itiel teepees Tr steeld l,m ne
roslainteelf teleisat Opeatut tAks
utoderete drinker „fawn drinkill 4
all liecelnes bow votnedo driiik
to exceise, SA it Would be to prehibit
a 'at' out/gantlet freln marrying olio
wifo becuuse we know Unit onto net
dividuale allow their fonduefor
marital relatious to lead them into
the 0X0054 at Merry:Ng a half 410Ze4
of Women.
That the Scott Act wouhl be belie-
fictal, trout a worldly pint of
in a few he -plated eases, there cannot
be any doubt. Take any locality
thet one mays tae our own town
for hi:dances with a population of
nearly 3,000, the preen that would
say there area half dozen drunkards
among us! would risk his -reputation
for et.racity. And we do not think
shat Clinton is 1111.14 less free from
this utifortunate clime than else-
where. There are prohtibly 600
adults,in the 3,000. It woubi
niterifeetly unfeir to reetrein or pro
!lila 594 persons front temperate
sumptuary indulgencu. hi order to
reecue a half dozeit from iiitempere
• ate IiqiiW g I u ttony. Rather i•eistrein
the belt dozen. And the Crooks
• Act, which we now have, if proper-
ly enforced its quite competent to do
rte. Penalties can be enforced againe
vendora for supplying 'liquors to
minors, drunken men or habitual
di•unkaids, the only class that •the
Scott Act is iutentled to protect. If
Publie sentiment is not in accord
with the law, or if iikompetent °file
cials are imeniss in atteeding to their
ditties, educate the fernier and re-
spliteethelat tea,:
•,Thoste :who favor tho Sott A.ct
say that ' their oppenents 'coetend
atuotint Of -liquor eoiniumod." Thee
is 'en erroneous statement, Tem,
peranceenen, eo fay as we have ob-
served, say that tee operation .of the
Saott'Act has a tenrheicy to increas.e
drunkennese, Now, it requiree no
dilatien to show that the econsumpe
tion of a lose entoulit•ofliquee under
.certain conditions would lie Preduc-
tiveelf. more drunkenedes than the
coesureption of a 'greater: amount
ender othee•conditions. , IToder.pre•-
sentegenditions, the licensed ,sale of
liquors, .there 18 110 inducement for
Men to gorge and surfeit theinselves'
• '
Witheighor, They eno.w that when
tbey,dsire to "Rpelle" • in eider •Lo
overcome an .uedesirable, ennui,. Or
to recoup exhausted nature for any
undue.tax.upon her, t hey can ae,
go about their busitieee, arid if nes
pessary -repeat the prescriptiye dcise
• •
at such intervals as' Will serve their
purpose, without becoming' Intoxi-
pitted. Under the re.strietions of the
Scott Afit these same temperate men;
moderate drinkers, ayonklehave to
getdt doctor's order on 'a druggist
a,nd most likely the quaitunt si
won't] be a quirt.. eTtile tekee home
Would be . very:- likely taken- Pi •qtran-
tain. excess. ,Aud ,suoh persons would
most likely, under these eircenuitan.
ces, become int,oxiceted,.. Who, would
• not -.hotter the existing license eye-.
Mini. Then under .the, Scott At
inatly temperate memi. would nut ot
in larger quantities and keep it
constaetly the ,hoese: Note'it is
. ,
„neriertree; and wewili aeree,. that at
present idleneve iseitateworthilY con.
. .
dueiv-e.te intempeeatice. Well, theee
erg:smelly idla notheets .ahotit the
.Ifoine thee:we V.e right•to asSuine
. . ,
-Would bO filled in by.tipping of. Ore
eonverlient -sepply kept: 10 the side:-
beo,rd.in tonsequenee. of en iuterilie-
'tore law and the. abendeining of the
licenee system. I:Noe, would the ill
• • •
effecteof thdoPeratioo of the Soria
'Act rest et thia, It is claimed that
• •
the. preSeet opeu iieeus systemn off-
,. .
ere •temptaticiiii to our youth ..to
commence deinking ltabite, • This is
thoitgle for hotel. men
''•are probibited from supplying uxin
ors. -*duet the evil of exitinple and
, We balletic blind oe'r eye ge to the fapt
that the, teuiptatien for our youth to .
drielt Would be , much. inereased emm.
dat a eyetein , w }doh necessitates
..(rottity conehler ripirite
-the keeping 'ef:te supply.of Neer
:•egnigagietter tinder. t•lie ,house • roof,
The 'young,. ' members . of. , fain i I iea
-would have, the tippling ilabies. Of •
fathers beeughteletlet theie ini tilecii•
ate observation, •with a stronger
probability, became of more facile
opportimity, of doing as they ob-
served , their Reniors de. As. it is
•now, it . is the' exception that the
'young people ever. see..their seniors
drinking. They' :do •noe feennefft
lintels mei would net beellowed to
de so. Under the Sega Act the
yoeth„wOuld•beve many eepportunie
ties.of observing the indulgence in
diet hetet hy their eeniore.e-it would
be the rule thee, as against the ex.
tAption as now, We may be told
that parents should •under no the:
cunagrenesease do that %Odell they
0.ardni,ti'di.ve their children do.
Abstraetly that may hold good, but
in this Imatter.of•faet world it"swill
net. There are umny pi.opereteihine
'which Christian adults de that
Would not be right to do in the pee%
eetiee of
Sonia teetollera .beg the queetion
when they' hold that there are elects
hibitore IOWA against murder, theft,
etc., hut that stich legni repreeeleti
does not Stimulate murder, theft,
ate. Granfitti, 13iit in all civil-
ized comniunitlem both the na.
tore' conscieete and revealed reliss-
ion cline; each ectione art 'crimes.
They Are intuttively abhorrent to
the majority, It would, however.,
Ampossible to .ehow that time
taking of a glasti of wine or beer itt
intuitively ithltereentito the triajori.
ty, or that time :natural conscienee
revealed religion claasee the doing AO
aoms orime. TIOrefore the analogy
between prohibition rtgainist minder,
titeft, e.„ .and prohibition ageinst
kite tetreesseitge Met of spiriteetale
liquette, tone tin 0441.
thaNtoetenQueekwetititeel gi70;117evYrosstl7e438a ecrrit4"ute
if yo ll Mo1 lea we have already en*
actmente amities it puidelia,ble; to
go futtlier awl make the temperate
ttee eNtleaulaute a crime will not
only tiot be productive of good, but
tio far as current history and elope
observation of the workings of the
human tuiud will enable ea to forte
an opittion, le would increase the
very evile which the suppottere of
the Scott Act aim at leesenittee
The monetary loss to the revenue
of the couutry, provincial and iirni."
ci pal, conselluelie upon', the' doing
away of the licensing system, though
of secondary importance, 'Weld not
be log eight. of, especially when we
reflect thet the equivalent of the
fends se lost would go into the
pate:eta of liquor brokers as a
beaus fee netting the lame at defie
It would seem that the onlY effect-
ive way to repress drunkenuese 15
by eclueating the people from the
pulpit, Ity means of Suuday wheels,
through the pres., end by means of
the various societies :raid social or.
gaitiza,tions, aided by a thorough
isefortemient of the Crooke Act, and
stmpletneuted by governmental in
speedo!) of the liquors geld, and by
severe penalfiee egainat those found
vending ,achilteretel liquore made
injurious by means of drugs or other
foreign 8014k/ince& We have now
an "Adulteration of Food Act," in
wi itiighteite-inoludedeepiritivous
liquors. °
The Toronto New, in de.plorably
bad taste, reinerks:-Keep your eye
on Bowditch and the next thing you
will bear of him iu connection witll
a new-iiook, 'a lecture tour, ora
eat medicine. or he islet the smart
Down Eager we Wirt lmiin to be, to
waste SO much geed advertising.
'Twee ever this it makecoetsid-
eralele difference wbose ox is Mired.
.The Secitt Eeet people ilistribuee their
literturo„ through her Majesty's
• mailwithout paying pOstage. there,
on ; the antis do the bathe, but the
Soott tolks think they should Italie'
a monopoly of this system .of robe
A Montreal macaroni. maker as.7
aeeerts that the duty ott flour bag'.
thirst up las our pasta, pieesteui
business. What will become of the
Italian organ grindere and bear and
Monkey exhibitors, now that the
price of their faeorite condiment is
likely. to be . increased HOW the
thousands of Canadian farmers, will
. cry. ouiu veicY deepair .th reply to
the shrieks of the grit preseover the
crushed out Mitearoui told macaroni
business !
Yaekee prehibitioniet St. John,
of Kenecis, told e•Canadieri audience
at Milton, •Ont.;:the other dayethat
121.1e believed niarc should be given
a chance almmeitle the bog." That
sort. of domestic arrangement may.
suit and be very convehient for the
peoide of Itembas Who . live in "dug
outs,': a specieS of 7k9 castle formed
by making a hole in the greed:id and
raising ot;er'it a' 60'd roof, bqt; Cmn
atlieris do not went sfa efieetce along
aide the hog" eyen when offered 'a
plebe there by the eminent Kltilsfts,
prohibitionist. •
Dr. towditch, Of Boston, with eii•
•cellent judgment and commendable
'taste, iii letterto the' secretary
of the'britielt A.sseciatioe doinpoSed
of letilleig iseientietseof tha. mother
country amid Canada, now holding
session in Montreal, says. „'"Ainer--
ha tny mother eountry, andel
eove•lier ; tIslanci is my grandmoth-
er, and I leve and eeppect lier also.,
England's Queen, Victoria,. in the
.way she has ecluetated her chilslien;
and in the exist:tele she presents' be:
. fore the . world of the beautY of a
pure home life, has More influence
.for good thee any other parson upon
.the whole English Speaking race." •
• •
St. 'Jobe the "hireling" Yankee
prole:bitten spoke'. whom 'the Web
• meaning teetotaler. of ()abeda have
keel With heels of money to talk to
our people ie not very flattering in
his estimate of Canada' and Can
whited.. In one of. his speeches in
-Halton .0ounty. he mid he had to
pay "$4 for" a pair of thickens. in
ie Cantolee Ito could
buy:a boy fol.% "ri(iOk'or bailey:"
This $t. Johnknowe rather Merle
IIiecoinpam'isij is an odious ineult,
inappoeite to prohibition as it is
senseless and mitrue. ;Whet veli.
ance can be placed on eny .etatee
went.; made by a rearewlee publicly
pate% "he can buy a boy "in Canada
for A Peek of barley!" jout upon
Buell •"ontell to heaven* orators!
Earls of motley, it is alleged, will
be eepentled in Halton between now
and the -9th day .of September.
'The Scott Act men allege Oat the
antihave the biggest 'bole; hut it
looks as though .the tee total party
have kegs enough to even tin,. An
ex -actor from Detroit., a maseuline
woman, froin Iowa, a Wipe
ter lawyer, from Nebraelca, an ex.
Gov., from Xmxnstsa n broken down
"hoe" hack, from Wieconeiteettrid
other 'Yankee iatrnigrantt, have befl
imported temporarily into lIaltorty„
by the teetotelerey for the relifia,
Lion of the benighted Caoadiana,
The disinterested foreigner's Will
take back with them a coneiderable
Anmant-of Caninlians swag, probably
a greater amount than Will be paid
to Cauldian workers ageinrit the
Act. The barlit atee,,riet, all 00 one
sick-, why, bless you, he.
Tire Oanadien w,iji3rgare %phi
agitating for an auisuilation.of the
duty ott dour to that on wheat;
They SPOW to bave right on their
side when they esk to have the duty
on Sour iucreased. Vor if expert
testiwouy is to be believed there is
a leo duty ou a barrel of flour
coining into Canada titan thereie on
tho equivaleut in, wheat coming into
Canada. If this is the case the
tuillere ought to be alrie to show is
to the eatiefaction of the Govern
Anent, aud eliould receive the redress
they are elamorini for.
The partiaan Grit preen do not
lika the rends they. have reeeived
the Boutulary Award matter, The
Coneervative contention has been
maiutaitted by the Privy Cooed' of
Efiglettd, and the stateemanlike and
legal ticumen of Sir John Mactioeald
received striking confirmation b,y
time highest Court in elle Empire.
Remember the word e of that Court:
"The .Award la not lewdly -binding/
Sir John Mecdoiiald, the Conserve.
tive party, nor the Conservative
press undeetook to say %there the
Boundary should be. .They merely
held that the Award wise not a legal
one auci wished the highest authority"
in the Empire to decide the matter.
It has been deuided and jrSJohn
fully vindicated.
Mr. G. T. Blackstook, son of the
Rev Mr. Blackstock some years ago
stationed in Goderielt veld Clinton,
was rioniinated, in the conservative
iiiterest. for Lennox--localsedast,
Thursday. Although a young titan
he bee attained a high reputation as
s4.1Pfnereetted isanier ef ati
inent Toronto law firm. There are
some serious charges against him
formulated by the Globe, The gray
est of which is that when a boy he
was shooting at e target and abeid.
°tidy killed .a horse belonging to hie
uncle, olle-of the Messrs
!Debaters. Can it be Possible that the
Conseratives, ("base hounds") of
Lennox will allow .thenmelveis to' bee
represented by a min who did net
skill a human being instead ofla melee
horse '1 -We suppose that it is the
emitted crime the Glebe! jeievea.
The. most harefaced.falsehoods are
put forth by the free 'trade press to
discredit the' N. P. Every one
-knows that the:crop in Canada last
year were the worst for many e
4., consequent depreseion pxista
This year the crops are average, and
the. people justifiably loidt, forward
to better times. •• But the partisan
press blasphemously and lyingly say.
•."there shottld have 'beets' tie depres-
sion last yeale• had we •not deputy
Providence in the form 'Of Sir L.
Tilley to work all things • for elie
osood 'of the' N.. P:" " Sir Leonard
Tilley -tier the conservative party
Dever contended that the National'
Policy :wotild assume:the place of
Providence, and they are blasphem-
ous idiots who assert. 0,10, and ex-
pect 'nine people to believe. theme
We havethe beet reasons for assert-
ing that the Nation'al:Poliey. was the
means 'of enabling 'our country to
tide over last'year witeethe mimeo
din of disaideremuchsless thee mg.
dee a free trade' prilicy. The Wheat
doties prevented the AmeriCair Sur:
phis fione beingruelitel into Can
Leda.. The coneequeece was cbot qur
fermers got a inuole.higher price for
the wheat they had to sell than they
would have received .. inide.r. other
Cenditioni. Then trade oft, the to her
side' has been depreased, but the
elaughterieg busin•ees of seven or
'eight year:et ago could not be repeat-
ed Canada. So. that while Men:,
ufaetuidng was net as buoyant as
-desirable, very many nretre .raen- were
employed than. • would.. have been
possible under a nonprotective,
'slaughtering sytiiim. The prOtece
tiye system it was claimed would as
sit nature and 'natural laws. it
was never intended as ett 'substitete
for prOvidence. To deny that !!hniah
foresight and tlaotighe can to Borne
extene "eoueterace danger from- eat:,
Ural citusea, even. in' matters of -trade,
hi a fatalistic dootrine and worthy,
of "the flies on the wheel," Were
the free traders right, by parity. of •
reasoning we would not ;call. in a
(lector to assist nature in phYrical•
ailments, Phydeiiiiiii do - not pre
Slime to takh the place of ProVidence
but they, "Itolcl diet if ' patients have
any vita* to work tipori. they "can
assist tiatere, and if their treatment
br policy ispursued enable thein
recuperate.. Even so the N. P. It
we:Lint:ended to assist rust tire where
there was LI our inew
country with. it untold, undesseloped
resourees, there is an alnindance of
vitality, and though the body politic
heolsbeenren down by Sir Richard
'and stint ColArteks, a four years treat-
ment of N, P. infused a vast amount
of energy And enabled it to with
stand tbe trade epidemic of last
year, and to, be in ti position tti take
advantage of the "good trap" d the
peestint ode.
Froin own Correepotutent.
Mtirria Nil sheer here on the 15th
and 161h Oet. •
• Another Wheat buyer. Thlewill
make four on the market, and no
doubt the prices will be kept stiffly
up to the top. Clinton will have to
take a bitok seat.....
There will be an egenrsion front
here to Poet, Stanley ,ott Friday Aug.
sF9. The low retnen rate, isl.35, should
.:induco minty to go, See postetsy
Gtve Vouitutetes A Iteet...-Nie bet.
tor way of doing this than by taking
An outing, A good place to go to is
• Port Stanley, and a cheap way to gct
there is to buy an excursion ticket
for the 20th August, 111.25is the
fare trent Clinton, Arid equally low
TIAN' frett Other plaeee altetong thn
line, Got Go TT •
Palltical Mad MAY POW&
Thar* Were 987 more Yokes polled
• by the autpSoottites last week, in.
WeTitmereland, N.B., than were poll.
ed the* when tale Aet passed
three years ago, yet repeal did not
Voting on, repeal of the Scott Act
takes plasee J.0 fleltion Sept. 9th.
Over 'half the voters in the county
signe6, the petition for a voteon repeal
being talteu, but tbey may not all
vote as they Bigued.
Rev. Canon Carmichael, Montreal,
A life-long temperance man, does not
favor the Scott Act.
The Buffale Telegram bars publish.
ed a statement, pettinorlOg to hers
einanated- Item •Terentlie that the
Orangemen of Toronto and of the
Loyal Orange A13800ilttiOU of British
America, had adieed their brethren
to etrenuously eppose Blaine for tbe
Presidency. I is uee dew; -to say
that the statement le a hoax.
W. K. Atkinson has feft the staff
of the Loudon ddueoliefor and taken
a gold headed cane presented by his
late employers and a puree of money
presented by the compositincs 1de
geea into mercantile baguette In
Wisconain,- •
Conductor Robhine, of the Canada
Sonthern,a married man, eloped with
a sixteen year old daughter of Con -
(lector Fraser.
Four burgle) ies were committed in
London East, early last Sunday
morning. The inmates ef tbe houses
were chloroformed and considerable
money and jewellry stolen,
Tim petitione kr the submiesion of'
the Scott Act in Bruce county have
been placed in the Sheriff's hands.
attached, about, a thousand over the
requisite number.
Vyielent.thunderrollail and rain.
storm passed over Peterboro' on Sat-
urday. .11all stones as large as eggs
fell. Standing crops and fruit are
very rnemh damaged. • Glass lo sev-
eral -windows was meshed.
The Headinaster of Markaale, Ont.,
school who cisme there from Lion's.
C. of Bruce, Norris byname,
shot Miss Ford one of the lady teach-
ers, in the achoOlroom, because she
rejectatiA0Zaddrellies. 11,e then
ledhlinself. The ybungiady may re.
'min our own' c•O'rreeP ondent
Dr. Taylor is away tor a few weeks.
Pie:Nies et the Maitland -Falls are
• Oearly,over:
Fishing off Goderigh is:now •entire-
ly suspended..• • .-
Mrab and MiSES.Newcombe returned
to town on Monday,. '
-Mies Minnie Cole, oflondon, is 'the
•guest of the Misses. Ball. . ,
• Mr; and Mrs. F. F. Lawrenae have
returned front Paris . • '
• Judge Doyle was confined' to the
house last:week by illness. •
Mr: and -Mrs. Jas. Yatee have -been
visiting east the past- few weeks. .
Mies • Annie Campbell ' returned.
from her Detroit visit last Th u rsdae
. Mr.. Eeseby Elwes : is away emit
soliciting orders' for the Big Mill.
Jai', Doyle Ezniid a flying visit to
Bnahlo. lase week. ' •
The:several schools will open. on
• Mind ay' lb r the' fall le . '
• The regular teen tidy ineethig of the
Siihool Bolted takes place Monday
evening: •
Mrs. FS. : Makes)? Winnipegesvho
is on a visible Goderieli, is the guest'
of 'Mr. Saml. Hiak. . ' '
• The Cataract with ties for the -G.T.'
R. arrieed. last 'Thursday, anti unload'
ed at the railway dock.
The prkieipal.cif the Moils] Buhr&
returried.. to • town from. eastern
evisit. lest Thurs.day. •• •
Mr. C. W. 'Andrews, (R. B. Smith
• & Coe) left by *men trainee Sittairdays
. for Belfalo. . .
• Early 'Saturday. morning a most
we -469111e sneerer leel the dust, so•
thee ti.avelling.•Was pleasant for one
day. . •
ibe Lord's. Army still'cOritinue on
the war pate. The only . noticeable -
feature. et ...the :evening parade, is
the .execeitisle singing. '
.011 Sattirde. y the Scott n
will be deposited in. the Sheriffs
• office arid 'will' 'remain there for in:
eviction ten days. • •
Our Lecrosse players returned huite
straight, last Thui•sday and well they
might for they get threestraightsthe
preceding day.. •-..
, ,Saturday the.Clintcin liquor • Oast.
'appeal was argued •beforeelle Ijoncr
Judge 'reins.. • Alter' hearing 'counsel
His Miner resertiecl lefa decision. •
• The cricket:match last W ednepeay
bettiteeti Wingliant end..Goderich,:re7
suited in that:veryrare oduttrence,
a tie, each club. scoring sixty'in the
One inning's played. • . ' •
Keith 'McLean while bicycling up
East street last week was thrown
from his inachine by running Against
a stone. The fall resulted in a broic
en artne which wasreset•and is rapid-
ly improving . •
.• th•ange Excursion to Port Stanley
on Aug. 20th. Fare from- Clinton $1.
25.. Train leaves • Clinton . at 845 in
the morning returning arrives in time
for the hate 'evening train to. Goder-
lobe •
The Ariel %with lumber for Wit,
Barns and Murettyarrived on Friday
morning, and Unloaded by Saturday
afternoon, -On-Monday she left kr
Port. Frank to load ealts'eefor the
Georgian Baye
The schnorese J. G. Kolfage. teach
• eel Bafield from die north last Fri-
day with material for the harbor. It
being impossible to land her cargo,
she sailed for Godericsh harbori
maining there till Mcindny. •
OntFriday morning a fire 'occurred
nt the Big Mill, which however was
iininedeately 'noticed, and the alarm
sounded. 11Ir Kent the tniller wittmi
it pail of Water was soon en hand and
ettediede.d in putting it out.•The fire
iNat amused by friction itt the working
of the pulleys. •
rAst,Tborsasy a number of visiting
brethree iwere present at the . meet
ing of Buten Lodge No. 62; L 0 0. 0'.
Among the'eumber were Deo, W.W.
Ty/ion o fl3ran treed, and Thria.ltreitly,
of Medter ille, Pa., the latter ot whom
treated `the brethren present by an
-exeellent address;
The drilling tor salt on the Big Mill
property VYft8 finished on Saturday
Ahortly befits-. midnight. Ths depth
reaohing a little over 1070 feet was
drilled in about 38 working (ley& con.
tractor, Mr, Geo. Motvt!en, having
been renmeltehly suet:ogre] in the
avoidenee or sooidoots. The tubing
Will shortly be pleeed in position and
pumping coinmenced,
An Marin P RI Ofillrided on the fire
bell on Thatailay everting between
eight Whey And in a feet 1111110tOR
itundeetia were apeeding for the Big
Mill where it, wigs teperted the fire
was raging. It turned out to be a
false alarm, and was eaoe, itili sup.
potted, by the wind playing an the
telephone lino at, the Big Mill, and
giving the Signal At Polley'e livery°,
; stable.
On Sunday evening just as church
service was concluded the ere bail
rang an elem. Oa looking sitywerd
the hertVenik that one moment before,
was °bemired' in EgyPtian dvitneris;
appeared brilliantly itionstnated.
'ea the south the effect WM heighten.
ed by the myriads of Rooks •that
were rising and deoeuding like a
vaat pyroteohole display. The glare
led workera and sight -were, alike, to,
the skating rink which was found to
be ablaze from end to end. The en-
gine was on the ground in geed time,
but thete seemed AG unnecessary
delay in getting up eteam. When
steam Was up two streareeplayed on
Mr. Crabb'e reekleooe winch by this
this time was burning along the
edge of the roof and at several of the
side windows. At this time the roof
at the rink fell in, and was (allowed
almost hurnedietely by the ends,
whit:et:greatly as:dated tiler firemen
in same r,Crobbethouse. As *eon -
as the fire 14 Mr. Ct.:Aril's was under
control the engine stopped for nearly
three quarters, of' an hour, when 4t,
started again and soon obliterated
all appearance of fire. The lose
stationed by Mr, Crabb Wile residence
roof and windows badly damaged,
an.1 ice house and fence destroyed,
til0 whole of which is fully leisured.
•It!is also etetedthat the rink is rullY
Insured, but at this writing we have
not been able to verify the statenzient.
The cause of the ere meat have been
incendiary, as the building was unoo
oupied. From diderent eouroee we
have heard that several boys have
sseen in the habit of playing in the
building, but as the building seemed
to have been fired all over at once,
it le hardly likely that mere bug did
it. Providence was good to us on
Sunday eveninkfor 1,110 wind blew in
the right, direction, and the engine
boiler did not burst, a calamity said
by many to have very nearly occurred.
We trust our eity tethers will at once
proceed to appoint .an engineer'
take charge of the engine, who has
the time and ability to make himself
acquaintedocith it, as Mr. McCallum
was wont to say it reguired great
skill and judgment to run it. The
18Oltof flfe. As there hisv,eetieVedethhucrunt-
tireds of predictions that souse day it
would collapse:hurrying many youth.
nil ones into eternity, 'flrere are.,
the fire -who would not feel Beery at
its destruetion.
•• Hayfield.
Owing to the rough weather this
week the work on the Harbour has
been delayed Boum.
John Whiddon who has leased the
• the Grist Mill -here is now making a
first class flour much to the delight
ot tee people In ehie vicinity,
Dr: Nichol our new Doctor has
been so overworxed of late tht he le• :
mtite under weather, We hope now
as thoweather is mere cool to hoar of
•theDr..enjoying better hialth."
• The Reeve is about, to Make A
'thatch Kitt' George Andrews, the fat
untrgol the C4th Cricket club to rue
a toot. race trout Baylield to: Exeter
Our meneniget npt get out of wind,
but we woulenot Say akmuch about
his tecaper. •
A friendly game :61 Cricket was
played here on Saturday between the/
members of the Seaton!' Club and Our
'tome Club whiolt resulted in :favour
of the lateer by 201008. There, was
eome very geed pi:eying on,both sides
as allelic seen by the following score.
iffitsi .1E1,11E03
Thos. Cameron 8 D. Charlesworth 1
"John -Falconer 1 Ed. Celentan
Henry Erwin 8' Geo,' Baird 5
Tiies. Gardiner 1; Thee'. Jostle. ..8
.1,110; Pallock 9 . Geo. Aettirews. 2
Ed. Itutletlee • 0 ' Alex:Wiison
P. MoDonited 2 L. Mutes, • • ti
Jas. MODonald 0 A. Char1esworth4
.Tdcs.. Pollock 1 L. Coleman, •-'2
siat.Eitgleson • 0 •Geo. Dewar 5
Ghat=, Gardiner' '0 Byes 2
Byes . . 8 Leg. Byes. e• 2
Total -. „.47 To.tal 32
Thos. Cametteon 0 D. Ceti rlesworth 9
Peter McDoneld,4 Ed. Coleman 2
Jas. Po I lock • 0 Geo. 13 a i 0
Ilenry &Win 4 Thos. Jostle 0
TilO8. I$arI,, er. 1 Geo. Andrews 7
gee- Rutledge • 4 Alex Wilsoo .0
j'no P,ollock• '17 Wm, G. Itied 2
" Falconer • 2, L. Dancy • 6
Jes.: McDonald ' 2 A. Charlswoet 4
• " • Eagleson 15 L. Coleinen
no. 2 Geo Dewar 4
Byes . 3 Byes 3
Wide Balls, • 1 Wide Balls 1
root. , •-•
. _-
Greed total.: ...gel.. Giandstotel :72
20 rune in -fatter of Bay field: • • •
From our 01071 Correspondent.' • ,
(Joon WORIC,:- Mr. 11. ilio5ftfrray
and R. Taylor- cut witb a Patterson
Binder, 15 acres in one day.; eutting
aceerebetween half pastoe o'clock
and sundown. The Patterson is the
lightest and best running binder in
this seetion, two horsett run it with
AmOIDENT13.---Aillfr. John Reid was
drawing in grain the horses started
and he was thrown off a high load,
failing en his head and shoulders.
Dr. Gunn is attending hies and he is
doing well. 7 On Friday, of last week,
as Mr, Millen Turner, of Parr line,
wit13 going up tor hay, he slipped and
fell gloms on the eine breaking his
elbow and putting ie °tit ofjoint. It
Will be sometime before Mr. Turner
will be able to work. Dr. Elliott te
attending hitn, with n peoepeet or
making the limb as useful as ever..
Deputy Reeve Campbell has been
seriously ill with affection of the
lunge, but Is now considered Out of
danger. .
East ',Valvular:Ili
• From our own Correspondent.
weEexk!eedingly hot weather last
It is time somebody would divest
'himself of his winter's clothing,
litp., is visiting bee eister Mrs. G. A.
Fannie Lovett, elf boderich
Mr. W. Johnston had fall wheat
sown about the 15th of this inenth.
Those of the pedagogical cedes -
gen have again resumed their labors,
after a few weeks reereation. What
a' pity those hard working' fellows
have not a longer vacation.
The hum of, tbe threshing Machine
may now be heard .daily, indicative
of busy times alining the laymen'. It
is reported that the fall wheat hag
been an average crop.
A Wing of the eLord's Arany" has
truck East Wawanosh at last, and
thet•e is DOW hope for the drunkard,
beck-alidee, Sabbath hfleaker,
TI10 d- is having A rough tame, be.
ing +misspelled. to stand a great stege
from "soldiers" strongly entrenched
in the MethodistIlrick Church. It is
truly reported, a number Or 46A.rtny"
sharp shooters have been doing ex.
cellent pritetice, and Many of Satan's
followere have been brought low
surrendering to, and enlisting in the
numb .talked -of qeorclei Army'," thus
proving traitors to blade farmer lord
and mestere Much has been said for
and against the "Army," but from
what tan be gleaned they ate doing
good work in E. %V. V1any Of tett
boat iiitizens are taking an active
part in tile "bringing home" of lost
dwelt, indicative of the willingneste
of per people to fight for the Xing,
„ •
Reeve Itogers, Th4115(5616, hoe ptiteli.
liseorpontteit by Sotof ereleteseet.
CAPITA'', . • • se,000,000
Ram 4500,000
Tread 0010e. e MONTREAL.
TO011.Ail WORKMAN, President.
3,11. R. /JOLSON. VIce-ProsIdent.
F. WOLVEllfri'AN TUOJIAS, gaming *saga
Notes disconoted, Collections made. Drafts
issued, Sterling and Anterican ex-
ellen° bought wed sold at low.
• eat current rates.
Motto adVaticialk fanners on distraint poses
watt one or more is.00Ifiera. ite *19410,40 re•
quiredia seettritee Hem uggiwia.
Parton.; 1884.
ton* to to pad.
M low rates of Interest and upon temp to sult
MANNING fit soorr,
Bearer Block, Clinton
Minton, May 170,1882. . 20
AIONgUlt:110840agslaz. 0 eor.,:utaRecsuurnizt oat;
tho lewost secrete rates, &tilt nuron.'st,
Moto!), Fob. 26.1331. 1,1r.
10asTo family should be without one*
0 0 -
Just Received.
EST:Roil ill lc lidel
9a1i and get Prices before purehasin elsewhere,
etor (Oar or 10 get, •
June, 28 .1884,
known on application at this oilloo, or to Wm.
Mix and la altogether first elan farm in good
condition. Tortns and 'condimons of sale made
at ixirn. The property is well fenced with coder
are also a good ced4r log house, threolterea of
creek runs across the roar end of the- farm. There
orchard, btnk barn 86x56 with 81 foot stone wall;
containing 80 acres, '/O cleared; A new 1411Ing
two good wells and pumps, onb at houlle and ono
Alexander,'Clintdn P. 0...or the.propnotor, .
nem suFesA.0:1:ItaFoOtteRre 18orAe7le MI*14 eseeli r
lent fartn-lot 35, con, 6. Ouderleh toewalle.
. Wiarton,
SALE: :• • fi•
• r 1
11 CIGNA with drop loaf; has never Won
used; for light or hoary work; will be sold (Or leSS
.than it cost. Apply or address • A •
290.tf 01.7nron, Oxy..
. •
.TN THE village of BELGRAyE;the (twat:1g
house and store occupied by me. • Tho site is
ono of the most desirable in the village for hued.
ness. , There is a good stable, outhouses, and au
excellent soft water cistern on the premises. Tho •
lot comprises 1- of an acre. The buildings are
In good repair. 'Will be sold cheap, as the pro.
priater is• giving up hnsinuo. Tortuous). ,
Apply to • •
Solgraye; Ont,
riONIPo ItTABLE deviellIng houso in the Town
of Clinton; contains six rooms; garden with
fruit treos. Situate in good locality. For fur-
ther particulars apply itt this office, or at the
Wow Sewing Machine office,' Perrin BlOck
Ci Mon. • 0. 2813.11.
VALUABLE paeu, Soutif•west part of Lot
v 11, COODOESt011 4, township,of Morris, county
81 liuron-distance from markets: Balgrave, two
miles; Brussels, six aglow; Wingbain, eight utiles-
gnanining 180 acres, 90 *Cos cleared, 40 acres
fino bush. '0a.good Brick Dwelling House, ole
Frame Dwollingliouse, a large Bank Barn, 70x42,
29 foot hign, stables undernbath, (stone founds:
Mons wider all buildings), two never -failing
• wells, good water,. good young orchard, new,
board Nilo (cedar posts). aroUnd farm. The
. fano, 'buildings, fences, &o.„', aro in • first.class con-
dition, well adapted for grain and stock farm.
erfinglo tho death of the late Owner, Dr. Pvne,
sr., the fartn 'is offered for sale; Possession esn
be•given at any eine. For terms, which are ex.,
optionally easy, apply to. • • -
It. A. -FYNE,:
286-41 TORONTO, Ont.
.A.E.,t40, U.S
• 'Any one wishing to se I this class of Property
414 reasIlly obtain a purchaser by mooing to •
Land Ofneo, I./undue:St., London, Ont.
310.1.11,-firy. lt40 T-400111'
• atlowest ratini of interest. Apply.to
242,0m. • . E. B_RYDGES, London.
Thia Hotel is furnished throughout with great
care to meet the wants of the travelling public.
Cemmodiouo sample rooms. The* best of liquors
and cigars are always kept at 'the bar. Good,
table. Bost situated Hotel In Clinton. Give Us
'• JS. WORE, Proprietor.
Clinton, June 1882.. ,
Tho above hott1 has lately becn leaseel by the
Undersigned. The preinisos havp been refitted,
and tho best erasion accommodetion tor formers
and tho general travelling 'public la afforded.
Urge stables In confioction. The bar is supplied.
with tho boat neuorsand cigars. • Yourpatronage
Waned.. Veterinary surgeon In.connection.
GEO, THEOBALD;Proprletor,
Clinton, May 884. 286.1y •
MEM HOTEL IS NEW and haspll the require.
manta of a first•class house. Large and airy
rooms, elegant parlors,. heated with hot tat , In
the hurnodiate vicinity of the 0. T. R. Depot..
Tho bar Is well (tooter' with the choicest brands
of liquors and cigars. The travelling public may
rest 'assured 31 being well cared .for at this
hluiaten'tori, mat la, 1834. 2871 Propnotor.
WANTED -TO stir,
New and Superior Ora,vollaTa()IWN'sape
and Oharte,
As paying as any agency In the world, For fall
partieulars, free, address 114 0, TONISOlV,
Slap riddletier, ass Richmond Street,
London, Onutrim 287.481
And all Implements used on a farm
as Good Aft the test, and AS Cheap
as tile °heaped, At
J. B. virrin)
ased machinery for the manufacture
br dairy salyttida two story b°114ing4 IMPLEMENT WAIIEROOMS,
25x46 feet will be treated at hit shlt
worke for duet putpose. Seine 6 Of
8 Additional hands will be employed, • CLINT110144 01%410
Is too bilis, making fineditting
suits to write an advertisement. ,
Ho Will have something. to. Say
later en. Watch this tipace,
• .
West of England, Scotch and Foreign, 6'ultings
Trousenngs,fnglisly French Worsteds.
• • .
Goderich,. hasn spienehily assorted stock of•neW Spring mid Simmer GOofia. •
Ordered and Rertily,inuth. Sults at the lowest priceS ever heard of -none bittlhe
best or triminings need, and perfect fits guaranteed. A full 1 ine.• CENTS'.
FURNtSHINGS elways In stock. call auti see, it will pay .yout • '
ABR SMITH The Square
enuhw isoroillit Sale
undeisigned will oder his entire mid complete stock of
.0 0 T..4 AN.D. SHOB
AT A DI3001110T , • •
15.: Cents Off Every DoJlar.
Customers wiileee that this is getleine, as goods are all marked in plitin figures.
And not composed of half.sheddy; but ALL LEATHEIt. come and 'prOve for yoine
self that this is a facte end no dodge to get customers in and then charge' the usual
price. Remember the place --opposite T. COOPER'S, and next the Telegraph office,
1 • •
Victoria Block, •Clinton, Ontaria.
-4.11aving received iny-‘--•
Spring' and' Summer . Stock
. Of BOOTS, SHOES, ete., I would cell the attention- of the public te the SAM
Re Women's Kid Boots only $175.
tar Men% Boy's and Obilikenet, deep, accordingly.
tar Trunks and Valises eery theap.
• W Team and Oatrbige llamas cheaper.thalt ever, Silver %tented Single
Harness only $14,
ire Baby carriages, a large variety, at Almost half price, •
t5j:15,000 Member* lied' Lind Pine and Cedar Shingles for sale, cheap.
Butter and .6:08 taken as cash for Boots and Shoot.
Rooms To LET ovart sttop.
you require any tiass or printing, Tim NEwa-rtscoup
cheap printera guarantee as fine a )ass
° works can bo bad in Nire8.tern