HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-27, Page 2'..10ttot,-0 41 rota
Doderiot Nowa
Vitro Reoord,
t.4.a1.4LG4MATBD: •
We4riel1thlYs Jtulgus$ 27
--,•vereadc rehavetiolloulit hoard nild
• Ada se•eat deal al out the Scott Act.
•••" • 12111 therefore sssurne that they
s e"av hs purport mad .t1,e aims of
•ta pronmtera, merely sayiug.that it
pnrts to de, away with' tbe ettirft-
•t• ligeor license esteem arid to pro
it tbe snle, wherever carrietl, of
-.igxic..titig beveragesfor other
medieinal, seientifie or tnecbate
...• purperef.e. It is tel many olaiui-
• diet suoli a proposition is a mite
"woes one. That it interferee
the liberty of the subject and
I./11,441011 of the ?octal riehte of
ts.e iialividual,
l'het the peeninters of the Scott
:el mean well end arts eepeoially
s.-•,citone for the morel welfare o'
,ef el low beitigs meet, be ecTliceilert,
opi.t, also be remembered that
i.'Irolence of intentian and beneti-
tendendy muet Cotuldne to con-
•t."..i.eal the moral goodness of a poi.
. 7 There are Strong grounda for
•••i.htg that- the tendency of the
- es, ratien of the Scott Act.wailld not
beitefieial. Tho .alinost
. -shift-lams vordicieof.-ilifiree-swhiseare,
stseminted with localiiik where pro-
•••• ,•11,itiOn.-is.11Te law, is :.-111f you keow
-7'57 rap„iiToti
want." An immoral clefts
a. en are then created more' nu mer•s
re.s; thate.would exiat glider a license
Lew is •hrought. into con.
tempt amt. 'regular System of or.
• .hypocrisyis engendered by
• the very initans reseried to for the
Z.:typos° ofelevating•the
ei.• '• the cure muility. It would :seem
• ine !opts deeply.into the Workings
id` similar laws eleevliere, and bribe'.
.heurt, thattlie•effects of the
ett Act •will be to. etimulcite• pea
' ?snipe or- d'sirs in mankind which
ellterwise might remain' cow para
• dormant, •
. ,
advocates of the •Seott Act
lesv that liquor is of set trite to Man-•
.NoW; to deter:mites .wliat.is'
..sas.eful te-Mansswe..intief• determine
'le, use of man himself. ' Man's use
toel fellation ia to be the witness of
*.ff .1flOry. of God .ad to: suleance
ena glory by rearioneble obedience'
In Hine . Man Minuet ,ehotv his re3e.
rmab1a obedience to what We eon-
eider...the will of .the Almighty if be
..,Coreed to comply .with that wflL
Wliere compulsion .cOm'M in free
'11•2119.enc1,S, teal freed.oin °twill is. du.,
.sely op.erativefageacse whereby .yes
gan. • .be , held :a:cootie:table for. o'er;
".;•rolig tieing er rewerded for our
bOnilluet: A 0)11.11.'00r:
'not hv rettsbnably obedient when be
• »,.»-ideprireil of :the.option. Of • being
•sliSoberlieiiC.:. There can be no glory
to Ged-:-.the giving of» widish is the
pus poee
. = • - •crcation--ib
li .111s bolo Mobile,.
...t• ity burnitn laws •. we ,make
LICC Witt' •.thosii comiottodS
• -
'cOniiinlsion is brought to
• tear :to•iiart a mob's soul the it-itans
tha emb.• -
• „Vie Suett ;Act •rtima to save mon
compubdo.o.:•••In .suult.
r.;r_dbeic.i.Ve are apt. to forget our tle:
• fiee on • that :God Wham we
..••••••.Uitirl • glorify,..and . replace for- the
ren;:th we -should reeeive from Him
the strength qf finite .buinan legisla-
:iiso. Moral suasion to implant in.
• »heart nrealtonsbie and spirit nal.
-...isiaispiioe of our iltity.amithe %soh
eataryinarrying•ent, of slash coneep.
•:OBIS vi11 ,givo mi a. Well grounded
er,:pe reward.,• • .' •
t is quite' obvious that in Matters
rein Ws 'believe nur.actiolis may
•efelound to the glory. of God or oil -
there ran lie no ilitirit,uelesi
we liavoalone r•ight,Wlien 11,...e.liad an
oppertimity .of deines.otherwiee had
ttt .Iste.,n so Minded, The Scott Act
gi yeti um no *option. • "Quit ye like
nom" was not mid to't hoer: w li
hal no free •Will to tio.ntberwiee. • It
erten 'ie inappositely' used' by those,
ho.Wisli to fleck falli
•Ide.- alert/LW in 1.1» seeming
onto with the will of 'the. AfaStOF,
14.11i10-t1trt juner than. fs nothing liut
wh:ited &Teich re.; dig Walls; flecors
.ffin -,•bol y:Itecanse.I
n not he any bine else." •
• St. Paid deainobes n elate; of men
that watild .exiat, under the Scott
Aet When he titiye, ',1Ie:thas Ipoltern
:neon aW1111all te Mat after litie
realty roontnittoal ,adultt.ry in his
heart," The character of these
Wir hilt#1111`,3restrained „from
drunketinesa by'the Sott Ac w,;u1,1
b,, that of a negative if not hypo,
godlindss. 'Vile fact of suell
law hoilig 'necessary . for them
proof that though fereibly reritrained
frees Overt acte of, intemperance,
limy would be guilty of excesiiive
lnTTgenneJust as often as they base
.peliel to think of. the %inn When.
is red, just AM the nom referred to
...lett h alrettcly committed- adultery.'
Tile argument is advanced that's,
nlibuill be. totally prohibited
frnFiltinking lest moderate hote1..
genet: enlist; him drink 1,0 OXCOSS,
ill all illegi al contention. Aa
...sell might a man be prohibited from
tinil ring one wife leg the taste of
&mitt' tic felicity causellim to marry
rtypoy wivea. la may be sai1. that
to? 'awe provide punishment for ell
•parties entieerned in higamyv
riutl ths Croolt4 Ain provides
1.0 osbitient kr t11 teat:hes cancortoril
,ir ,fzut,1 kit,t,00t oeht la. ee
ineui:estly nejust to prohibit the
moderate chiuker from driulting ett
alt becenee we know sowedo driuk
to excess, as ib would be to prehibib
monoteduiet farm marrying met
wife becausewe know that some in,
dividuals allow their fombiese for
marital reletious to lead them into
the exceoe of marrying a half dozen
of women,
That the Scott »Act would be bene.
Octal, from a worldly poiut of view,
in a few isolated easee, there cannot
bo any doubt. Take any locality
that onto tnayj take Dor own town
for imitative, with a population of
nearly 3,000, the person that would
say there arta half dozen drunkards
among AOC would. risk his reputation
for veracity. And we do not think
shat Clinton ie much less free from
tide -utifortunate class than else-
where. There• are probalrly 600
adulte.in the 3,000. It would be.
manifeetly uufeir to restrain or pro
hildt 594 persons from temperme
sumptuary indulgence in order to
restate a half dozen ,f11:1111 intemper-
ate liquid gin ttony, Rather rest rai ti
the half dozen. And the Crooke
'Act, which we no* have, if proper.
ly enforced iequite eotopetent to do
so. Penalties eau lie enforced against
vendors for supplying liquors to
mirrors, drunken men or habitual
drunkaids, Hie only class that the
Scott A.cb is intended to protect. If
public sentiment is not in accord
with tho law,:or if incompetent offi-
cials are remiss in attendiug to their
duties, educate the fortoer and re-
place the 'alters'''.
„sea-- •
. Those who favor tho Scott .Act
say, that their opponents contend
amount orligtior consumed." That
is an erroneous statement. • Tem.
perance men,, so far as we have obs
severe), say that the operation of the
Scott ACt has a ternitmay to.increase
dt•unlienness. Now, it .tieqiiires no
dilation to show that the,consumpe
tion'of e less amount °filmier. under
certain conditions w,oidil be produc-
Aliso of more drunkeeness 'than the
coosineptien of a greater .itmotint
under „other conditions. • .Under pre.
501)13 conditions; the licensed. Sale of:
liquors, there is no ind•uceruent for,
men ..to.gorge apil surfeit themselvee
with 1404.. They know that when
hey desire to "eMile" in 'order to
oyereome an Undesirable 'ennui, or
to'receup exhausted nature for any
. • .
undue Mx uponber, they. eau do so,
ge•ebout .their businesti, and if nee
cessary repeat thepreeeriptive dose
et Such intervals as will :sre their
•perpose; Without becetehig intoxi-
cated.• Under the reatrietions of the
Scott'A et these same temperate:then,
. .
Moderate drinkers, Wonlil have.' to
get a. dOettir's order On 'a druggist
and Most likely. the eiratazith, sesj:
would-be a.00art. This takee home
Weald' be very likely taken iii:euan-
• •
um, excess stiell persons would
des, •136dnine intoxicated, • Who. would.
most likely, Unde.r.:t.l.ies,d4.6, :ireunoitan
not -under.the _existing license aye-
tem.- Then -under the Scott Adt,'
many temperate Men wetild•ons; t
in largerquantitioa• and keep' it
6.9.esteutly •.ite. the • house:: » Now 'it is
asserted, and. we wilraseree; thatat
present idleness is nateWertliify eon-.
ducive te_tritemperance: •there
aiernatty idlis moments about 'the.
Iroble that we have a right to -airenne
would be filled in by. tipp•ieg of the'
• . ,
coevenieut aupply, keptin the side -
:board itt coniequence•of. an tritilic
terY.laWs and- the -abandoning of' the
license:syStein.Nor would. the ill
effects of the operation: of the Seett
Act rest at this. It is 'clai Med that
the present open license system ofi7
ers ,teiliptatiotis o our youth' 'te
commence drio, ?rig habits. This hi
le 'founded, though, fori hotel • men
are probildted free) supplying tide
ors: • Adroit the•evil of exernele and
WI ammo .blind ottr eyes to the fact.
that tli,e• temptation, for our youth 130
dritik would», be 'Much' inereat04 Un
der • e syatein Which- necessitates.
(Miter conaider spirits indispensaltie)»
thekeeping of a .supply of liquor
constantly under the house roof..
The young • Sneeibers .fionilieri
weld& bairn the tippling. habits of
fathers brought 'under their itutuedh.
• . .
ate ,obriersation, with a stronger
beenuse of more facile
'opportunity, of doing as they ob-
served their:seniors do. As it is
-notvi-,..it is the' etteeption that the
veins people over see their. smilers
"drinkieg. They' do not fret -petit
hotels autt;tvotild, not be allowed to
t10 sq T.Joilnr -the *Soott i):ct the
etti hi h
ti's of observing the indolgence in
'this•ljatoit Ity their seniors—it, would
Ile the rule then, as against the ot-
Ception as now. We may be told
that 'parents should under no air»
cuiritabbosi, do • that whicb they
woull • Writ have theie cliikireo do.
A.bstractly that' may hold good, but
in this eiatterof•fact world; it Will
net. Ther6 are Many properactione
• .
-which Christian adults de tleit
would not be right to do in the pre-,
wince of youth.
' Some teetollers beg the question
when they hold that there are pro.
iiibitory laws against murder, tbeft,
• etc., but that such legal repression
dot% hot stimulate murder, theft,
etc, Granted, Bat in all civil.
izetl cotranunitieh both the no,
tural conscience and revealed relig.
ion class Buell actions rut tortures.
They are intuitively ribhorteet ..te
the Unjority, it would, haweeet,
be imposoible to ShOW that the
'taking of a glass of wine or botor is
intuitively ahhorrentito the durfori•
t31 or that the natural conscience or
revealed religion elassee the doing so
a » crime. Therefore the tinalegy
between prohibition agairra mnrder,
theft, idea anti peohibition egeittet
the temperate use of spirituotto
liquors, tulle through.
NO One will geinsay the Assertion
that drunkenness is wrong, acriwe
if you. like, bat we have already en,
aettnento making it pueishable ; to
go further laud make the temperate
use of othnulante a crime will not
only not be productive of good, but
OQ far ao current Watery aud close
observation of the workinga of the
human mind will enable us to form
an opinion, it would increase the
very evils which the suppottere of
the Scott Act Ulla at lessening.
The monetary loss to the revenue
of the country, provincial and ;Municipal,' consettuen't upenv the' doing'
away of the licenstng system, though
of secondary importanee, should not
be loot sight of, especially when we
reflect Ara the equivalent of the
funds so lost would go info the
packets of il3iib liquor brokers as a
, bowie fur aetting the laws at den,
It would seem that the only effect-
ive way to repress drulikenitese iti
by educating the people from the
pulPit, by means of Sunday schools,
through the press, mid by means of
the various societies and social or.
gomizatious, aided 'by a thorough
enforceineut of the Crooks Act, and
suppletneitteil by governmental in-
spection of the liquorti sold, and by
severe penalties against those found
vending oatitilteratal liquormade
injurious by Meant) of drum; or other
foreign substatices. We have uow
en "Adulteration ofi Food Act' in
which' might be included spirttuoust
EDI7'0.1l1AV NOThS. •
• Tile Toronto News, in deplorably
bad taste, renvirkse-geep your eye
Bowtlitch and the next thing you
'will hearof bim iii.connection with -
a new hook, a lecture•tour, or a pat-
ent ipedieitie, or lie isn't the smart,
Down Easter we take him to be, to
waste so inuch,good advertising...
'Taves ever this, it makes consid-
erable difference whose ox M. gored.
The &tett Aet People distribute their
literstere, Orr:high ." bee Majority's
until:wtthout paying postage there,
on; the /Otis de the same, but the
Secitt tolke .thiek .they' should have.
,nionopdly of this system of robe
bery. •
A Montreal macaroni Maker as.
asserts that the duty -on flour has
ltu'rst up his flour paste, pipantern
biainess. • What will become of the
Italian orgaregrinders and liear and
monkey exhibiters, now that the
',Hee "of,tWr favorite -condiment is
likely to be iecreased 7 • How tlie
thousand( of Canadian farmers will
cry• mat in very despair in reply to
the shrieks. of the grit press oVel. the
rushed out Macaroni and macaroni
businese! •
Yaeketi. prohibitionist. St: JOhn;
of ICausas, toldw'Qanadfan audience .
at Miltoti, Oht,, the' Other day; that,
believed Man Should • lad given
a chance alongs'ide the 1,6g.- ...That
serf,. of domestic: arrangeMeet 'inky
•suit end' be very convenient for the
people Of ganeee who live in
ontti,". e species Of Tx9 Castle formed
hy mak.ing tt hole inthe groomi and.
raisiog over it a sod ....rept-but CIM.,
adians do hot want um chance along
side the hog"- eyen. when »4red a
Prime there by the, m1411613 gansas
prohibit ioeist. ••
Dr. Bewd itch, of 13oston,•with ex
-cellent judgmeet and Commendable
taste, -lin 'a letter te• the Secretary
of the British :A.ssociation caniposed
of .lemlnig scientists of; the Mother
country and Canada, now- holding
session in Montreal, flays. "Amer-
ica. is my mother eoentry, and
:eve her; England is my grandmoth.
er, antri love abd, reiipeet her .alse.
Euglaiid's Queen,. VidtOria, • in the
way she has. educated her children,
and in the oicaariplis ske.presents be.
fore .the .world orthe beauty of a
pure home life, has more iefigeoce
for geott.than any other Perkin epee
the'Whole English 'Teak ing race."
• St. John the .‘diireling" Yankee'
prohibition ipouter whoin ;the welt.
meaning teetotalers of Canada' have
fee'd With barlitiof money to talk to
onr•people is not very flattering in
-*-1) is i a te -at -Ctreethe
ailians. • In one of his sPeeches
Halton County. he said •he had to.
pay 4‘$4 for a 'Pair oF chickens in
Kansas, while in Canada ho could
berfor a' peck of barley.'
This St, *John knewle rather mud),
Ms comparison is an odious
ha inapposite La prohibition' 'as it is
trenselese and. untrue. What reli-
ance can be pliel» on any state,'
,niente made by» a man who publicly
inateis "he eari buy a boy in Canada
for a peck of barley I" Out upon
such "emelt to lietiveti" orators! •
Earls pf money, 113 13 alleged, will
be expended in Halton between now
`and the 91311 day of September,
The Scott Act num allege that the
antio have the biggest he.r'le; hut it
looks as though the tee toted party
• have kegs enough to even up. An
eknetor from Detroit, a masculine
.Eitteleh womae, from Iowa, a shys-
ter lawyer, from Nebraska, an ex.
Gov,, from ICatisas, a broken down
"loon" hack, from WiSO011aill, and
other Yee ee immigrentt ItaVe bertt
imported leteporerily hit° IIalton,
by the teetotalere, for the rdritet.»
tion of the benighted Canadians.
The disinterested foreigners will
take hack with them a considerable
.atimunt, of Canadian swag, probably
a greater amount than will be paid
tO Canadian Worketti rigrainet the
A et. The bulls aro trot ell on ono
, I wI I
Tfie Comdiait ere again
agitating for an ailaitIlilatiOn of tbe
duty on flour to that on wheat.
They seem to have right en their
bide when they sock to have the duty .
on flour inerettaed. Fur if expert
testimony ie to be believed there is
a, less duty on a barrel of flour
• coating into Canada than thereia Oil 1
the equivelent wheat coming into
• Canada. If this is the •case the
nsillera ought to be aloha to show h
to the satiotaction of the Govern
ment, and should receive the redrees
they are clamoring for.
The partisen Grit press do not
ti1et he spelt they have received Ie.
the Bouudary Award matter, il'he
Ooneervative contention has been
maiiitaiiied by the Privy Council of
England, acid the stateemanlike and
legal acumen of Sir John Macdonald
received striking coufirmation by
the Iligheat Ciii-rt in the Empire.
Remember the words of that Court :
"The Award ia not legally binding."
Sir John Mricdoinild, the Contrerva,
tive party, nor the Clonmervative
prees undertook to say u here the
Boundary should be. They merely
„held that the Award was not a legal
one and wished the highest authority
in the Empire to deeide the matter.
It has been decided and Sir John
fully vindicated. •
Mr. G. T. Blacksteek, son'of the
Rev Jar. Blackstock some years ago
stationed in Goderieli and Clinton;
was nominated, in the conservative
illtereit. for Lennox--local.--last
Isuraday- •Although -a young-tuo
'lie has attained a high reputation as
a lawyer, anti is a member of an
some serious Charges against bitn
formulated by the Globe. The gray
,est of which is that when a boy he
was shooting at a target and thicid-
(Italy" killed a lichee» belonging to his
etude, one of the Messrs Giblet, of
Oshawa. Can it be possible that the
ConSeratives, ("base hounds") of
»Lennox will allow th•einselveS to be4
represented ba man who did not
kill a human being instead of a mere
home 7 We• suppose that it the
.bmttted Crime the. Globe grieves
• The Most barefaced falsehoods are
put forth by the free »trade press to
discredit • Alin . N. P. • Every Otte
• knows:that' the crops: in Canada lest:
year werathe. worst for many years.
A. consequent depression existed.
This year 'the Crops are average,. and
the:people justifiably look ferWard
to .better But. the Partisan
press blasplierneusly o.nd ingly say
"there shafild have beets no. depres-
sion : last year, hafrave not deputy
:Providence in the forni of Sir' L•
Tilley- tO »work all things for the
gOod.of the N., P."' Silt' Leonard
ner.. the 'Conieriatiee party
never oputeeded that the 19'ational
Policy . would ,assnrbe ,the place of.
Provideoce, arid they are bits:Thron.
ous idiots -assert end), . and exs
.pect »:peofile to belitWa..thent.
We have the hest reasons ferasserts
ingthat the National Poliiiy•wae this
meting of 'enabling' .oilr eouritry, to'
tide:ever bistoiyear •with the
uni Of ttreariter.iniedi'' less than ne».
der a free tilicle -policy. • The wheat
.dutifie'ie.ev. felted the Amerman surs
plus from beteg- rushed. fete' Care':
eda., The. consequence was that per.
fat:Mors:got a mach.'higher price.fOr
the..wheat %they had to eel( than they.
would have, reciefved tindee.:otIser
couditionie Than tratleam 040901er.
side • has been • depressed,. but the.
i-laughtering , business icif seven :or
eight years ago could 'not In; repeat
ed in Canada. SeAlret while. Man-.
Ufactqring. was not as buoyant as
desirable,,very many moranien Were
empl oyed than st en ld . have been
possibl e . • .0 n der • a rionprotective,
slaughtering system The protsce
tire system it was cleimed Would as
sist nature and 'natural ,It
• Was never' intended as a substitute'
. for Providence,• To deny that human
foresight:and 'thought can. to. seine'
extent counteract danger ' frotu-nat
urtil causes, ayeit in matters' of trade,
irt a fatalistic doctrine and worthy
'of "the flies on the wheel," Were
the free traders right, by parity of
reasoning we would not call' in a.
doctor to. assist patnre phyisical
ailments.. Physitiians ' do. • not pre
:Mere to-ta-ke-th'phsce a Providence'
but they hold that if patients have
any Vitality to work gpon they can
assist nature, and if their treatment
or policy.is. pursued enable them to•
recuperate"... P. It
,was intended to atraiet nature. where
there was vitality. • In our hew
country with it untold, undeveloped
resources, theie hi an abundance of
arid.,though the herb; politie
had 'been you down by Sir Richard
and tis eoltiacks, four years treat.,
ment of N. P. inftised vaet amount
of energy and enabled it to with
stand 'the trade epidemics of last
'year, .aed to he. in a. pdeition to take ,
advantage ofAite "good crots" 'of 'the
present one. •
• Blyth.
Prom mow oten Correspotutent.
Morris Pall show here on the 151.1
and 16th Oct.
Another wheat buyer. This will
make four on the tinteket, and no
doubt the priets will be kept stiffly
up to the top. Clinton will have to
take a batik seat,
There will be an osculation from
here to Port Stanley on Friday Aug,
20. The law remit rate, $1.35, should
induce many tt) go. See pastora,'
Glyn Younrstvos Itosr.-No bet.
tor way Of doing tide than by taking
au ontiug. A good place to go to itt
Port Stanley, and a ehettp 'way to at
there is to buy an excursion tieket
Lor the gotb August. is the
Political ,aad PLOW rOlitts*
There were 087 mare votes polled.
by the anti-Scottites lost week, in
Wataloreland, N.B., than were poll-
ed, by theta when the AO passed
three years ago, yet repeal did not
-Voting on repeal of the Scott Act
taltee piece Raltou Sept. Oth•
Over half the voters in the county
signed the petition for a•aeOte on repeal
being taken, but they may not all
vote as they signed.
Be', Canon Carmichael, Montreal,
a life-long temperance mare does not
favor the Scott Aet,
The Buffalo Telegram, has publish-
ed a stetement, pergorting• to belie
'enaanated Teton* that the
Orangemen. of Toronto and of the
• Loyal Orange, Association of Britiah
America, had advised their brethren
to atrenuously oppose Blaine for the
Presidency. Is is nee ilesto ' to say
that the statement ti a hoax.
W. K. Atkinson has felt the staff
of the London 44vertior and taken
a gold headed cane preeentecl by his
late employers and a purse of money
presented by tbe compositors. He
goes ieto mercantile business tn
nonduator Robbins, 'of the Canada
Southerilla married man, eloped with
a sixteen year old daughter of Con -
dug LOP Fraser.
Four burglai Les were committed in
London Ease, early last Sunday
Morning. The inmates of the houses.
were chloroformed and oonsiderable.
money, and jewellry stolen.
• The petitioge for the submission of
the Scott Act in Bruce county have
been placed in the Sheriff's hands.
There are over four thousand names
Telteirett; IttetraVielirou-aient" OVOrtlfra
requisite nuMber.
ak-' violent thUnderL hail and rain
urday. ' Hail stones as large as eggs
fell.' Standing crepe and fruit are
very nitwit damaged. Glass in SOV-
• eral windows was smashed,
• The Headmaster of Marlsdale; Ont:,
sohOol who came there from Lion's
Head, Co. or Bruce, Norris- by mane,
shot Miss Ford one of the lady teach.
ere, itt. the schoolroom, beoeuse she
rejected htsaddressee. He then kil•
led himeelf. The young lady may re,.
. •
Prom our own Correspondent
Dr. Taylor is away tor a few weeks.
Pic...Niles' at the _Maitland Falls are
nearly over:
Fishing»oWooderich is now entire-
ly. suspended. ••'
• Mrs. and Min Newcombe returned'
fo town on Mendes,:
'Miss Minnie Cele, of London; is the
guest of thelliefies
Mr. and Irs. P. F. Lawrence have
'returned from Paris • • '
• judge Doyle» was confined ta the
house last week by Hitless. .
• Mr, end Mrs. Jas. • Yates have beeh
visiting•east the past few weeks..
• Miss Annie Cempbell retui•ned
from tier Detrait visit last Timrstlay.
• ' Mr. Seseby Mines , is away east '
solioiting orders for the Big !Mill. •
Mr. Jes, Doyle paid a flying visit to
flufralo lest week, • ••
• The eevertil "schools will open on
Monday for the tall term.
The. regular monthly meeting of the
8011503 Bonrd takes • place diOnday
evening. '
'Mrs. F. S. Iiick;Of 'Winnipeg, who
is on a yisit to Goderieli; is the guest
Of Mr. Stool. }lick. ' . •'• .
• The Cataract with ties fee the.G.T.
• R. arrived •last, Thursday, and twined.
ed at the railstay -dock. •
. .
The principid of the Model Scheel
returned 'tit owe trora eascern
visi t last , TIM rsday.
Mr. C. W..:Andreess, (R, H. Smith •
&C»,»») left by noon trait -ion Saturday
for l3uffalo.
Early Saturday niornirig a most
welcome shi.wer laid the' (hist, go
that •travelling was pleasant for. one
',the Lord's Army Still continne On
the war•peah. The •enly 'noticeable
feature» sif the evening parade, is
the execrable singing. • .
•"*.bn Saterclay• the Scott. petati. n
will be • deposited in the Sheriff's
offiee and will remain there for in»
spection» ten days. ,
Our Lacrosse playqrs returned quite
straight last Thursday' and well they
might for they got three straights the.
predecting day. • .
Sattirday the Clinton lignite case
appeal was argued before His Honor
• Judge 'fortis., Atter bearing counsel
His Honor reserved his deeision.
The. cricket inatch laSt Wednesday
between Wirighatn and Goderich, re-
sulted in that fely rare occureece„
a tie, each club* scoring sixty in' the
one innings played. .
Keith MeLeen while bioyeling up
East street last week. was thrown
from his initchine by running against ,
a storie. The fell resulted in a brolt
en arms vvhich Was eeriet and:is rapid.
•ly improVing.
•Orange Excursion to Pert Stanlei
ott Augs'29t1C, Fare from Clinton $1,
.25. Trarn leaves Clinton at 8 45 in.
the morning veturning•arrIvetein time
for the late 'evaning tfain. to Goder-
lob. . '
• • The Ariel With lumber ,for
llama and Mili.ray arrived On Friday.
mornitig, and unloaded by Saturday
afterneon. Onlionday she left for
Port Frank to load salt for the
• Georgian Bay. . ,
The schooner J. G. Kolfage reach
ed hayfield from the north last Fri
• day with material for the. harbor. It
being impossible to land her eargo,
she sailed for G•oderich labor, re-
maining there till Monday.
• On Friday morninot fire occurred
at the Big Mill, which however was
immedeately noticed, and the alarm
seunded. Mr Kent the miller with»
a pail -of water was soon on hand and
aticceedecl in putting it out, Thelli.e
whs caused by friction in the working
4orItaillset-PTuhititer.s71:ty. enomber or visiting
brethren wire present at the meet
ing ef litiron Lodge No. 02, r. O. O. E.
Among the number were 13re, W. W.
Tyson, ofrIrsintford, and 'rhos:Roddy,
of Meadseille, Pa., the Mao, of whom
treated the brethren pretient by an
eXcellent address. .
The drilling for salt On Old Mg 'Mill
property was finished on Saturday
Bhortly berore. midnight. The depth
refueling a little ever 1070 feet wee
drilled abotit 88 working deys, eon.
tracuir, Mr. Geo, Menwert,Itaving
been retnarkably succesaforl tho
avoiderma of aotoitients. The tubing
Will shortly be placed in .poslima and
pumping detriment:m(1.
An alarm 1t4 +mended An f ie fire
boll on Thursday evening between
eight Anti eine, And in a tow &denim,
huralretts were epoteling for the Ilig
Mill whore it. Woe reptirted the fire
wet raging. It turned out to be a
false alarm, and Was 011iland, it is sup.
peserl, by the wind 1511101)g en tho
telt.iptione line ,at the Illg Mill, and
giving the aignal Polley'e livery
fare from °linter -1, and equally low
rates from other place.a all along the
Viq ho, line, (lot fin ! ! , eteble.
On Sunday evening juot as church
merviee WS0 concluded the Ore, boll
rang an alarm. On looklug oitywerd
the beaveno that one MOMent efore
was oboeored to Bgyptian darkness,
appeered brilliantly illunduated,
'Io the ooutar the effect was heighten-
ed by the myriado of sparks that
were rioting and decending like a
vast pyrotechnic display. Tkila glare ,
led workers and eight-seere, alike, to
the skating rink which wao found to
be *blase from end to end. The en-
gine wee on the ground in good time,
but there seemed an unneceesery
delay in getting up steam. When
oteam VMS up two stream played on
Mr. Crabb'e reoldenee which by Shia
tide time was burning along the
edge of the roof and at several of the
aide windows. At this time the roof
ot the rink fell in, and was followed
gluiest Irnmediately by the ends,
which. greatly assisted the firemen
in oaving ti r.Crobb'ithouse. As skin
as tbe fire at Mr, Crebli's was under
control the engine stopped fornearly
stItiarretee4quayatienra aonfd a isioloi u or ,b wi tic; le,anttt
all appearance of tire. The loss
sustained by Zr, Crabb was residence
roof and windows badly detuaged,
and ice house and fence destroyed,
the whole ot• vvhioh hi fully insured,
frie also Betted that the rink is fully
insured, but at thia writing we have
not been able to verify the etatement.
The cause of the tire must have been
ineerullarri art tbe building was unuo.
cupied„ From different sources we
have heard that several boys have
• een in the habit of playing in the
building, but as the building seemed
to have been fired all over at once,
it is hardly likely that mere boys did
it. Providence mut good to me on
Sunday evening, for the wind blew M
the right direction, and the engine
boiler did not burst, a calamity rend
by many to have very nearly occurred.
We trust our city fathers will at once
proceed to appoint -an engineer, to
take charge of the engine,_ who has
the time and ability to make himself
aoquaintedewith it, as Mr. ,McCallum
was wont; to say Weequirecl great
skill and judgment to run it. The
skating rink has disappeared without
loss of life. As there have bw ht414,
-417eds-OTITiedriotions that ware day it
would collapse; hurrying many youth-
ful pies into mernity., _There ate
the fire -who would not feel sorry at'
is destruction.
Hayfield. .
Owing.to the rough weather this
week, the work en the Harbour has
been delayed some. • '
John Whiddon who hasleased the
the Grist kill here is now making a
first class flour feubb to the delight
tot the people in this vicinity.
tsoNoicviel°rWI °
quite under weather. • We hope now
as the weather is more cool to hear of
the Dr. enjoying better health.
The Reeve is about to make .a
match with (.4eorge Andrews, the fat
mati:of the 04th Cricket club to run
a feot race from hayfield to Exeter.
Our man might oot get Oat, Of Wind,
b lust, iive wr..
e wpeou111 not say asnition about
A friendly game of Cricket was
played here on tiatut•day between the'
men] bent of the Seaforth Club and our
home Club which resulted in favour
Of the latter by 20 runs, There was
some very good plaYbeg on both sides
as will be seen by the following score.
enisr l$NINGs
•Ctillier°11 81 gpd. (.'chaorielelL811:tiorth 01 Iliohtinrylliiiioinner 8
Geo..hairif » , 5
'Pima Gardiner I Thos. joslin'8
J no. Pallock • •9 ()lab, Andrews 2
Ed. Rutledge -O. Alex.WilSozi
P. McDonald 2L. Dancy • 1
Jas. McDonald 0 AaCherlesivertlet
Jas. Pollock • 1 L. Ooleinan • .2
»,a.Eag1eson 0 Geo. Dewar 5
Ohas. Gardiner ' 0 Ryes
Byes ' . ' 8 Leg. Ilyea ' » 2
. Total 37
• Charlesworth
.Ed; Coleman 2
O en. Baled . , 0
Thos. Joshn • 0
GA1;1 Aow7i 1118:01:n:1s .072
L. Daocy • 6
A. Charlswort 3
L. Colennin.z. 8
GI co Dewar 4
Byes. • 3
,Saide Balls 1
Thos. Camersoe 0 •
Peter McDonald 4
Jas. Pollock
Ifenry Erwin 4
'Thos. Garfn er1
lei, Rutledge» 4
Jno' Pollee lc • 17
• " Faloonet: 2
Jos, McDoriahl 2
-1`..Erigleson • 15
fl;teardiner no. 2
Byes . - 3
Wide halite 1
Total 56 , Total• ' • ' - 40
• Grand total » 92 Grand total 72
• 20 runs in favor of Bayfield. •
Stanley. •
From our own Corresponttent.
Deputy Reeve Campbell has been
aerioesly ill with affection of the4
lungs, but is now considered out 'of
danger •' •
Juorporst.o4 by Lot/of Parllinuent,
CAPITAL, • • • $2,000,000
BEST, • • $1100,000
Tread (Moe, - MONTREAL/A.
THOUAS WORKMAN, ererildeet,
J. IL R. 3L0LS01 VIce•Presk4119.
WOLVERSTAN UMW. Qopors1 awing
IsTotoo d111001111t(al, 0011020MM Made, Drafts
issued, Sterliug and American ex-
change Louglit end sold at low -
et curreat roes.
Money adrelleettto farmers MIT War otos,00too
with ono pr more imeoreers, kto mortasee 44»
quintet as secUrlty.
Febrtfary, 1884, Of.arrelf.
-Vionty.to tnL
Al low tat, of interest and Upon tetras te
Beaver Block, Clinton
GlIrdoii, 'May 17th, 1882, • 20
liNIONgyL t:loegazirei4lainno eoari. nit faurr3t, on al
tot, loWeSt 4:arrant rates. A. 11Af E Kurot4L..
CLOon, Feb. 25. 1931. 1 -Vv.
oat Oil Stoves,
*a.No family should be without ozteelf
Just Received.
ESTI irthe 1111r1ci
call and get Prices before purcb,o.siAg else"Where.
2 PIZ tl 1 -
June, 23 1884,
4or $41.e or to grt,
eflUE SUBSCRIBER offers for elle Odd excel -
.1 lent lann-lot 35, COD: 6, Goilotlell toy/whip,
containing 80 acres, 70 cleared; a never tailing
creek runs across the rear end of the farm. There
are also a good ced,wlog house, throe acres or
orchard, bank barn 38k58 with 81 footstone wall;
tWo good wells awl pumps, one at house and one
at barn. ' The property to well fenced with cedar
Mite and is altogether a first class form in good
condition. Tonna and conditions. of sale 'made
knowo on application at this office, or to Wrn.
Alexander, ClIntSci P. 0.. or the proprietor,
• . 292-413 WIarteq, 1.0.
• SALE` •
011INE, with drop leaf; has nt.ver been
used; fer lIghb or heavy work; will be sold finless
than it cost. Apply or address
390.tf Mons, On.
FOR SLE.TN TIIE village of BELGRAVE, the threlli118
house and store occupied by me.' The site is
!me ef the lost deuirable in the village for busl.'
ness. There le ft, good stable, outhouses, and au
exCellent soft water elotern on theptemises. The
lot comprises i• of an acre.. The buildings are
• In good repair. Will be sold cheap, as the pro.
politer is giving up business. Tern -mato) , •
• . • Wm. DUNCAN
APPIY te; •Beigrav.e, Ont.
Gime Woe.- Mr.' R. •Molfurray.
and.R. Taylor cut, with a Patterson
Binder, 15 acres in one day; muting
9 ser4s between halt past one o'clock
anel sundown, 'rhe Pattereon is the
•lightest and liest running binder in
this seetion, two hordes . run jt with
ease. » » ; • • • -,
' A00;DENT14;,--A8 .M4.." John Reid •v'cet'.'i
drawing in grain the horses started
and he was thrown off a high load;
laIlihg on.his 'bead and 'shoulders,.
Dr. Gunn is attending hiin and he is
doing Well. - On Friday, of last, week,
as Mr, Robert .Tureero, of Parr line,»
iVflE1 going up for hay, he Blipped and
fell down on the .014.- breaking his
elbow and putting it aut ofjoint. It
willbe sante tune before Mr.'Purner
will be able to work. • Dr. tlliott is
attending hitn, with prospent .01
making' the linda.as usefubas ester.
East Witwatiosh
From ottr WA Correspondent. • . ,
Exceedingly hot weather- • last
week. •
•Itis time somebody would divest
himself of his wintee's, clothing.
Miss Fannie Lovett, of Goderich
tp., is visiting her sister Mrs. G. A.
• Mr. W. Johnston had fall wheat
sown about the 15th of' this month.
Those of' the pedagogical reales-
sien have again resumed their labors,.
after a few weeks recreation. What
a pity »those hard working fellows
heve not .a longer vaeation.
The hum of the threshing In:whine
may now be heard daily, indicative
of busy tirnes among the farmers. It
is reported that the fall wheat has
been an average crop.
A Wing of LIM "Lord'e, Army" has
btrtuils East Wawa:nosh at keit, and
there is Dow hope tor the drunkard,'
beck -slider, Sabbath hit.hkerf eta,
The iq having a rough time,be»
Ing compelled to steed a great siege
from lisoldiere" strongiy entrenched
in the Methodtathrick Chueole It is
truly reported, a number of ‘'Ariny"
sharp shooters have been doing ex.
cellent practice, and many ofSatan'ti
-holloware have been brought low
surrendeting to, and enlisting itt the
much talked•of ',Lord's Arley, ' thus
proving traitors to their former lord
and muter. Much has betel said tor
and against, the "Army," but Nona
what earl be gleaned they aro doing
pod work in hs W. Many of our
beat eitizens are taking an active
part itt the "bringing hone" Of kiet
sheep, indicative of the willingnese.
of our people to Oght for the Xing,
Reeve Rogers,13ussele, bat pureh»
cited mitellinery for the matturecttire.'
of claim salt,snd a two story
.25x46 feet Will be erected at his sitlb
work e for that porpotte. Settle 6 or
8 achlitielial !etude mit 1A employetl, • 01111NTONe
. •
riOMFoRTABTA dowelling hollso in •tho Town
U Clintoo; 0011bL11111 BIN rooms; garden with
fruit trees; situate in good locality. • For fur-
ther partIculare apply at this offlo, or at the
Sinor Sewing' Machine office, Poulin Block
Clinton. • . • 288-131.
• ATALUABLE PARK, Sonth.west part bf Lot
V 11, cencessien 4, township of Morris, county
-el Huron-distancefrom nunkots : Belgrave, two
Mlles; Brussels, six 101e9; Winitham, eight foll es-
•avntaltiffig 130 acme. 90 ores cleared, 40 acres
lino hush: - good Brick Dtvelling House, one
Frame DivellIng House, laige.Bank Barn, 70%42,
20 feet hltgn, Stables underneath, (stone:naindo;
tions -under 'oll bUiltlingsl, two never -falling.
wells, geed water, *geed young. orchard,. fiew,
board. Nilo (cedar posts) around" fawn. The
•ferflU buildiegs, fenties, &O.. bre' In first.oloss con-
- dition, well adapted for -grain and stock forth,
Owing to the. death of the late owner, Dr. ?vile,
"sr: the forth "la offered for sale. Possessidn can
he 'given at anytime. •. For tains, which are ex.
ceptIonally oaey, atmlY te • '
286.413 • TORONTO, Ont. ,
A: EA'S Cki uusii I4CY3r.S
. Any one wishing to se 1 this class of Prpperty
ca reatlliv obtain a pUrchaser by applying to.
• Land Office, Dundee St.; London, Ont.
, INICP 11 CrY t
2.1.11e.west rates of ter to
• 42
Dt1F.S London.--
, 1101. FISCHE-17
Is too busy making fine -fitting
suits to write an advertisemsnt.
.110 »11s11 have something to Say
later en. • Watch this space,
We.st of En nd, Scotch and Foreign. 6'toting8
& Trouserings,English & French Worsteds.
Gorterich, •hes a • splendidly iolsortOd stock or new Spring and sunimer 'Geode.
orderedand inady.mode Spits at the lowest primes ever beard of -none hurthe -
best Of trlininlegs u5csI, and perfect tits guareateerl.. A. full • line of CENT'S'
FURNISH MOS alwaYOn stock. call and see,..it will pay You; •
ABRAHAM. ,T174.0,ziare.
' »'
• This Hotel is ful'aiSbed throughout with . great
care to meet the wants of the travelling- public.
Commodious sample rooms.' The d he buof liquors
and cigars are always kept at the bar. • Good
table. Best' situated Hotel 111 Clinton. ' Give tuf
' -JAB: 'MOO1E3Proprietor.
Clinton, June 5lh,1882, .
The above lultal has lately been lambed bv the
undersigned. The preinises have been refitted,
and the best poesibie acoombiodation for farmers
and tho oneral travelling public is afforded.
Large stables in connection. The bat is supplied
tilth the best liquors and cigars. Your patronage
elicited. Veterinary Sdroon Inonneetion.
' • (ma, TEEOBALD, .Proprlotot:,
•champ, Mel 8rd, 884. 285.1y - •
• •
MEDI ROTEL IS NEW and has all the require.
mots of a Brat -class house. Large and alry
roos, (dogma parlors, heated with hot sit'» lit
• the humedlate vietnity ot the O. T, R. meet.
The bar Is wou stocked with the choicest breeds
sof liquors and cigars. The traielling public way
rest assured Mt being well cared for at this
Clinton, Kay 18, iSSI. » 287»y Proprietor.
New •and gupenor Canada Maps
• and Charts'
As paying as soy money In tis world. For NI
)Sartieularo, free, address It. 0. TIONTEON,
Map PublIonto, itlehtbsond Streets
London, Ontortb. 287.4m
toiatele atieekrStetyr ei' .
corm sipuarts,.
. .
And afl IMPleinerifil used On a fano.
as Golati as the Hest, ana as °hoop
118 the alteapest, att
3. tt: virrutos
I»iseount Sale
undersigned will offer his entimand complete stock of'
.1)Q..TS -A.N. D
15 Cerit.Off Every..Doliar.
CnstOaters will see.that bids is:eeeuine, as goods are all marked le plain figerest.
And not Composed of half shoddy, but ALL LEATHER. Como' andprove for, your.
self that this is a fact, and no dodge,tc get easterners in and, then charge the usual
price. Rernember the place--oppopite T. COOPER'S, and neat the Telegraph office.
Now for millargains
01114. SlillekiPtila, Doh;
171elori`a Mode,
0 • 0 • 0
Clinton, Ontario.
.7...74/a2114 26COIV,".0
Summer Stock
Of BOOT, SH0D51,;13r., I WoUld call the attention of the. publle to the Atm
est tVoMen's 1ld Doom only $1 75.• • e
et WO% Boy's and Children's, cheap, accordingly.
T'reealtkeanadn'ClaVtrallaisgeesllealgie:ilse:IPie.•aper than ever. 'Silver Mounted Sleet
•. 4
.ttle 0ahllyttOrnaerl6glejlay, a$111i4;ge veriety, et telenot half.priee. •
10,, 15,060 ButiehesIIigli L»n4 Pine:am, Cedar Shingles fest eche:cheap.
Butter and J*8 •taken as. ,Cash for Boots and Moe&
0,00MS TO LET OVElit SHOP, •.
if you require tmy tlass of printing) Tnt Isitws.ItEcoup
• cheap printers guarantee as fine a B16,88 of
• -work as cox bo had in Wektern