HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-27, Page 1pameakair 'hoer.
tattoo to lati,
aelaers ot
duties Ow veY-
hes otoommended
4,Vgat'$ rdarearrramer..... n wore altellar
cakalt kkg has rawer let Wend Oftotaltve.
ass cc Arr. timletlfe'ltfarat
his lee„ Owing to the bad
etatit afh)a bleed, ail Uaiy Pjorpfulatis swelling
Pr WM. *Wee, red eat Om 'inured now,
rInle WSW et tleat Nana, With. bundefiera4
3.01411e eines tiarourtb hae lump, wade life
slam* bateletedee, The lox besets* fm'T-
Mosel/ fpolprged,apd rugnIng sleep; formed,
acttreearnent wee ot an
quint/WS or- extremely
til Alto nip, lay^idr, rAtatures dime -
Of MOW, %4111 Aypa's sausaist-
. lo..1) 41414 the pato and Writ:Olen,
Admix remored tbe swelling, and,
crop eta y reaferecUlte limn to use,
31.1*.L*4-7--airr•has persoually used
' Ayers Sarsaparilia
with entre pewee ;
• ,'Ongefel obtereatIon, cloth:rot that, in
:nlemo IA po amyl:clue to Oa world
for Um cure of Diver Disorders,
Vae: Offecte or 'Nett living, Salt
otneutar,„kprore ITIouptlomp.,, rano all *Ito
%allolte, Potomac*. Mood discaaea.
Whave ittr. =LAND'S ifenulastoutoluvite
all who way desire humor evrtionee In regard
to Ina entraordium.-y curative powers of
Immemt 4,1118.14,41111LLA tO SCO lam 110111011-
..c1111Or st 148 wareautela oectur notei,
.atkINOR 11! popular Lobed hots!,
me, erns tar streets, ICOR York.
hetasnes cx Ivo latefledge ofthe
Ono bytins, eoradicatbo of
aq4volsonoennb o give Maskers
4. Yalu:quo worm/WWI,
OKIJ,C, Aye rdc I..Owell, se.
rex bo tit„,„4„tertte.
• "CANADTA.11, -
A million bushels of grain are
'Raid to be on the -way to Eitigstott.
majority for retaining, the
' kicott, Aot in Westmoreland, N. a,
was: 73. • .
ea,vy crepe are the rule through-
proyiuce of Manitobai wheat,
.r•-a-nit'strate giving
large returns.
- -Robert 13euttett, Of Georgetown,
'taken county, has 'been convicted
of a third iitfratition: of the Scott'
Act and has been sentenced to two
Months' iniprisonment. •
For violating the Sunday law
1Singston bar,bers and others have
beim tined $1 and costs. the bar.
tiers wiIIFrosec.ute the milk dealers
: .y11911011 �n Sundity. ' • -
• flovernor- St.. John, of /tansies
Pthopresidentied nominee of the Pro
hibition ,•party, addressed a lar0.
gathering 'Of people at the Milton,
O.nt.i4temperance eatnp last week.
J'atties W. Ross, of Rrantouville
cit.., states ihmit he has the largest
wheat yield to .be found this aunt-
'. met In Canada,. It has :averaged
neer 60 ,busheleto the acre.
•!settee• nastnor, Bruee • county
are causing , so. touch destruction
ing-, Sheep that the township
• cuuttel has offered n bonus of 1,15
fur every bear destroyed within -the
A leading cattle Mapper, well
kuown in Montreal and in the west,
said to„hitire bott this tuatson very
beam y rat; his cOnsigninents to. Great
Britain.- It is 'riteted that he his
tiudertairen. to represeni for the sett -
pot some En'glish houses -in the.
ba,ttle trade.
A lady "liv.ingt1 the pine bush
:Leer II :speler was attecked by a
,wolf one day laSt -week"; her cries
•. chneUght a , number of . ania, who
4Avv,'0if the ferocious:aninud, and
D r..LI4utyre. being sent ,for. d rebeed
Cie lady's wounds and pronounced
her out of danger., The wolf is, said
to be etitl at large,'
G. IIoggarti, a Belleville, hotel
kee'pe',,*Wits set upon by five Ring -
n ub) ronaehs who refused to pa v for
l'quor t ley baci.drunk, on Monday,
, and retived• wounds in the head,
•iuflictedj by a liettle, that may prove
fatal. Th.ree of the gang --J. Her.
dershot, W. j. Bu lis and W. F en-
derson were arrested and retuatul-
,„ ed for a. a eek.
TEEM: $1.26 per Annum, in Advance.
, onday of, last week a fire
Tclitoke out in the mill of S. S. Fuller
dz. Company,' millers of wool
stocks, Stratford. 'The office, whiel,
it{ breasted, is well as a bare con.
taining ebtrut $5,000 Worth a stock,
were saved. Toe loss'on the build=
in& and untehinery toiF about $12,
030; insured for about $7,0,00.. Tito.
fife 18 aupposOd to litiee originated
In the picker roan).
An Anti Scott 'Act speaker Was
captured by the Salvation Army in.
Barrie. At the Mine of his conver-
eion he was billed for a Meeting hi
Penetangui4hene and he thereupon
. declared bls. intention of proceeding
to fill. his appoitittnent by speaking
In fever of the Act. III) was also
taking orderit for liquors and cigars,
Publicly rtire ilp -these in his
A pfisermidon which had not been sent
itt tohiseMployeis. '
When the mont:111Y audit of the
London Loan Company's books was
made on Satitidtte 'kat, it wits din-
- •covered that the. accounts of, Chas,.
Morley, the teller, showed odeficit
of $2,000. Ho wits followed to his
lodgings ani compellell -to disgorge.
$500, but Was, for -pale reason un
' explained, allowed to wand is now
out of the ettuntry, His family ere
cennezted, and the Company is
secured from 1088 by the bondstnen.
Walter West; orGuelph tnwif.
'nbip1 is the owner of a white Suf
folk• sow which is a wonder in her
waf, The animal wae onty three
' years old last Mercle.but,on -Friday
bad her oeventh litter .of pigs.
There were sixteen tn number, and
tit of these fifteen are living. The
inalleast alutelear she has litul'in any
litter is ten, and Mr. West stays
t iat in all, this valuablow has
giyen birth to over one hundred lit.
tle ones.
Oti Saturday night a terrible ac.
eident Oceurred at the • Salvation
A.imy 1ikrrack# Belleville, A young
woman tiarited Mary IIiZt Glenn,
aged 23, Wlici tertidee in Anniliaa
burg, being torimialy greeted by
the heat, walked to an' open &Mt
at the rear of the hall, Whiell Walf
formerly mod for bringingitt bag.
gage iron) the bola, and whielt opens
into a pitiOlge between this hod the
adjOining building. A. young men
tried to warn her et her danger, but
elle paid no tatterithati th hie cry,
flea fell from a height of Aboot 40
her breast,. in
WHITELY 6c TODD, Publishers,
VOL. 38,
The Donttnion eloistion in Queen'e
County, Prince Edward
milted in the return of Jenkins, Con-
servative, Ly.. majority of 82.
The Preebyterhins of Dundee hold
cherub out doors during the hot
weather. Labt Sunday evening ser-
vices were held on the lawn in Root
of the residence of George Bar.
ton, barrister.
The trial of the petition against
the return of Mr. Hemmill, thereon-
servative member for Cardwell in
the Leesl tegislature,resulted in the
petition being diamissed with COMO
against the petitioners.
judgment hart been reserved, 111
the, election ,petition Against Dr,
Dowling until Sept. 13th. Petitioner
leges Wit the Doctor wes disqual-
ified when be was tupteated at a pre-
vious election.
A Chinese opium den, under the
guise of a "Waallee, washee" ehop
has been diecovered in Toronto,
When the discovery was made three
or four men were engaged in imbed.
ing the deadly drug, Hitherto it
we's bellowed that Toronto was free
from this curse. • •
A Quebec priest,Rev. Mr. Daouta,
relates die miradulous,. cure of Mr -c,
voie, one of his erisltionem who
itirriW*1 1i;r siieverai":Y;Vs. Sre
lately Made 'a :pilgriniage• to Ste.
'Anne deBeaupre, and while kneels
iribetore the Shrine, ber-eietie Wait
reatcired: so that ate can distinguish
any °tiro to her.
There has -been a term11 rebellion
in the SalvationArmy at Ancarater,
an outpost of thp Dutdas corpe. It
'appeare that a nuilither*of the army
there.went to A rigiOtelfaii thou t or.
dere, and negleeted tiA•eport matters
to healiquart ere.. Captain A ddie, of
Dundee, received ordere -from the
Major tii depOne him from Once, but
"Jim" didn't Flee the mitter,in the.
Ratite light so in coma:limners 'Ancria.:'
ter In the happy poseession of ac
new hranch," called the "Evangeliatio
Army." • •
. J; T. Thornton, eecretary.treasurer
of the Parkdafe School Board, has
been arrested on the,eharge of mist,
appropriating the sum of $2,000.
About a month an he win handed
a etieek for $2,000, with inntrucs
Hone to deposit it to the.credit of
the Board in the Bank of Com-
merce, hitt, instead of doing this,•he
placed it to the credit of )iia TIAN/ate
account. ,Thomenn also holds the
offing of -truant riffieer of the Toronto.
public school and collector of taxes
for Parkdale, .
' A 'diepateli from Burgerseyi•Ile, tp.
ot Norwich, cow tity of Oxford, Rays:
0.• Cohn, ineroltant„ .of this place,
had 'removed intonew premises, and
a few days ago was Wee engaged in
repairing the warerorms, which bad
been paetialfy Undermined by: the
creek. :While engaged in digging,
the workMei, struck a vein.of petro-
leum', which hag .continlied to flow
ever elites. • The oil appeara • to be
nf aorta :qoality, and the neighbor:
'Imori io mitell excited, as there is no
doubt thisis a genuitte diacovery..
The Witerl so Clironicie says
Our worthy town‘ council distill.
gashed itself by ,passitig a resolu-
Hort on 1VIondav evening, that the
'Salvatiop" Army or any similar:or-
gapisation ehould'oot hayntlie tovvn
hall, on any Lerma. We ate • not
concerned to, defend the, Salvatien
.Army at all, her do *e hereby offer.
any opinien about their •work.
What we would like to know is why
their mcney 18 llet 'as good to -the
town. • as . that,„4,•Of „filfy travelling
troupe that conies along. If they
pay their Way; ;why should they not
be acconutrodated as well as other I
people ' ' • •
Chief of Police Griffith', spite twO
weekaaeo after great expense and
troultle,•discovered'a young, man In
Brantford, • concernieg Whom lie re,
eeiyed notification a year ago that
lie was wanted for ,muriler,
Wayne , count, Ohio Since' him
discovery he has. tonstanily notifi-
ed the atithorities of Varaytie that: he
had tracked the 111411, but no answer
to his comonthications had been re-
' ceiVed .until hist week, vilien'lle was
infernoid that °wipe to the expense
and trouble.which would ice in
curred by extradition,it wAs not
iIltlII(lL mike any mon, .effort tit
ocu re the tuttit'e arrest. Mean while
the murderer walks the streetelat
will. • '
AbottLa year ago a young lady
residing -in Sts Thomas' swallowed
an . American two rent piece. No
di:pleasant resillts ,Were 'experienced
until Revere' menthe ago, whet! ,she
was attacked, at titties with violent
pains in her stomach. By this time
the faet,of her swallowing the coin
was forgottee,•and ti� satiefactory
ettutie.7,.eotilti be.alvogoexl,fOr th.e.,P.atot.
A physician was called, butwas un
aide to Afford her any relief, and
she failed rapidly and her death was
speedily looked for. A few days
ago, i
however*she' passed the coin
and is netv mproving. For the)
peat three weeks she had' taken no
nothishment into' her Stomach that
she could retain. Her mouth, she
states tierted just like a penny, and
the saliva from the stoenteh was of
A greenlet) doler and strongly inpreg-
nated with the stnell of copper.
Mr. Joseph Arnistrorig.of London
Townshin, has been exoeritnentipg
for eight yeare with: the view of
producing a paying crop of fall wheat
(rem spring, and he km been etnin:
malt, suecetisful ,ftebiii efforte, in
the (all of 1876 he trotved ten busbela
of Fife spring wheat on five acres of
land, hiving in view the °Ident epec.
ified; and foe leer cordocutiee years
he continued the,proeese and reaped
but a very indifferent reward for his
efl'Orte. At the end of the fifth year
he realized 35 buslielti to the acre ;
at the Citified the sixth 44 bueliela
per ACre titIlie termination of the
etwenth (the filiation Wee a poor one
for the wheat ()top ali-ve), he only
itectired 25 bushele te act444 but
at the end Of tide, the eighth year,
he thole hie efferte crowned with
ultimate noose, and from the five
Wen of ground he ban threshed 285
binshels, or an aVertig0 of 57 to the
G 0114S is the Finest ill the 001111
. •
ell Assorted
very rad
Bring along your Butter and Eggs!
-Highest Price Paid I
sa,tii.e:.q.01.#k_.:g1707i'ap.....,fitir $2- by...us
as .c.a.4...13e....•.:b014g4t...frOpx.:7.4,404-.else for $3.
; California ia belieyed to be sine
ef turpatiaing tiyery ether State in
the Union this year in the size of
its wheat crop. Some thutats pub
the total yield of the state at 55,000.
000 bushels.
Two officers of the First Ohio
militia Captain Richard Sultimpti and
.thd Lieutenant, who rtiefied to oheY
their corinhateler during the Ciochr.
mud note, havebeen fientenced to
tively, to he iulpeisoned thirtr•and
ninety days, and to, be diahonorably
dismissed the service,
• The heaviest rain of the season in
,Dakote Wee...9.114,4A, Ileports,
:from tie-Wetshowmuch damage.
At 13elfield the crops were entirely
destroyed by hail. At Little Mis-
souri it is reporten eleven milea of
real:tut were washed out. The hail
storm at Fargo Warm the heaviest for
two years, and serionti den:urge has
been done,
A party of inesited mon attacked
it -Mermen Meeting -in Lewis county,
TennesSon, on Sunday. Tana elders
were -killed 'rind a third taken into
the woods and probably ahot:.
meeting Was held at the house of e
man named °tinder. dander's son
was knocked down with a gun and
his skull broken. WS. Condor had
her leg broken. One of the inaelted
men, who proved te be David Hin-
son, a well.known farmer, was fatal-
ly wounded. There hi great excite..
went in Lewis and IIickman coun-
The Ohio valley has suffered ter
richly from drought since July, inter-
rupted only by one doy'e rain. Corn
will not Moorage over oue.third of a
drop. Other.field and garden crops
are not btityoncl hope of recuperation '
should rain come loon. The regilni
needed le a etrip „100 miles wide,
and 500 long, extending up and
down the river with Cincinnati as
centre,. an area dittefoUrth greater
than the state of Ohio. Peettirea
are dried up, fielde cluity, etrearue
dry, drinking water Matte and farm.
ere dispirited. The drought tovere
the great tobateio- reeions of Kee.'
tupky, Ohio and Indiana; and has
seriously effected that crop
. .
The trial of ex-Secetary, Cor,
wall, at Dublin, resulted in verdict
of not guilty; •
Locusts have eaten up ten million
dollars worth of crops in central
Olibbern of tire Salvation
pay a fine of $300 arid. $100'respec- Army, has been expelled from the
city of Neufchatel, ,Switxerland.
Cattle are dying from thirst and
atarvation in Mexico by thousands.
,The drought is terrible. The finan.
ciel condition of the-reptiblic.iaalso
Twenty thousand persons took
part in the Nationalferprocession at
Monaghan, yesterday, In the even.
ing a banquet was given, at which
notaliles were entertained. The
Orangemen abstained from A counter
A general cutting eff of boa& in
going on in Megitto now on itccount
of the recent insurrection, Life is
considered of no more acconht in
Mexico than in the soetherti Staas,
anti bloody reVolutiens are everyday
affairs, .
When the Mexican govermenc.
avialies to get rid of dreaded •politit
Man a general guard, is tient to arrest
him, and before they reach prison
he is shot and it report carried to
headquarters thet they bad to ehoot
him .because he tried to escape.
Elalit victims were thus executed it
few dive ago,
Particulars Ate pulili1iic1 of Ibo,
project for constructing a ship Canal
across Ireland.The proposed canal
would be 127 miles in length, and
would Contain 80 looks, For Alpe
of 1;500 tone the coat would be
000,000; for fillipe 01 2,600 toes 21 2,
000,000; and for allies nt 6,000 tons
and upwards, 220,000,000. If hoilt
on thle scale the canal would be 200
feet Wide On the inirfttee and 100
failt, At the bettorl. Tho passage
through the canal would be °Waded
by a system Of teteirge, and it is
estimated that the .passage of a ship
froth Galway Bay to Kingstown
wpuld, occupy between 24 -and 3ii
hour; „
Lightning at Tray. •
The other day while • Seymour
Caykeudall and his family of Mata,
:morale Pa., were sittingAiiietly at
dinner, during a terrible thunder
;term, three excited neighbors burst
into the house and wanted to know
if any of the family were hurt' or
-killed. That was the first the Cap
kendalle knew that lightning had
struck their house, and that the Maid
had been playing all over and about
it. The bolt had struolt, the roof
near the chimney, tearing a hole'
though it as big as a tub. It did
not enter the bodge, hirt; divided it
in three parts, courefligin different
directions over it, One portion .of
current it:pilled along the roof to the
south met of the ample, another
traveled north, and the third took
an caston, course . along the ridge
pole of an extension.' The ourreut
tliat went south slid down the vet.
andah poet, which it mattered in
olivers about the yard, and entered
the ground. The division of the
current, which took the oppoeite die.
&mon also started for the ground on
it verandah post, but, when half way
down met the end of a wits, clothes
line sir Itich was festened to the poet.
Switehilig off on to this line the fluid
was conducted to a tall post at the
other Mid Of the wire. This% poet,it
inatie'short work of and then leaped
to the ground et the aide of &coal
holm in an adjoining pod, twelve
feet, away. Pioughing a ehatirefl
for itaelfin uteler Obi coal 111140
from olio bide to the other, the fluid
turned upward and form* a (thicken
terap at 'a spot where another Wire
clothes line was fastened. Tearing
away A portion of the shingling On
the hen, house, the curreut followed
the wire to he ter militia on an out
house, Which it strattered about the
gentile and then bur had itself in the
ground: St il 1 another wire line ran
parallel with the one op which thus
portion of the original bolt suede its
last journey and five feet distant.
A. linen handkerchief vvas hanging
on this line, and 118 the current' pas -
seri it wet -he other wire the handker-
chief parted ili it zigzag tear ascend-,
ing from the bottom th the top...That,
portion of the fluid which bad passed
along the ridgepole of the extension
left the roof at one corner, and iu
plashing down also came in contact
with a wire clothes line, followed it
to another yard, where it tore An
out bowie. to pieces .end disappoarocl
in the ground.
The electrmi
al dsplat at Ceykem,
• • ,
daI'e was hardly over whim lightnitog
struck it tall pole in Charles Lep.
pert's. yard, in the ramer,,etreet,
There- the partial i ty of Atentiviis
people for wire clothes Ham came iti
goOd-play again for the lightning.
One was attacite51 tot the pole, whence
it. extended to the corner of the
hornie, and then to a-henhourre at the
lower end of the garden. Next to
the lielthOUSO was a. hop vine, and
near the two a gap -colored bed of
flowers. The fluid ran .e.long the
wire to tire corner of the house, and
tore Ora portion of the Biding. it
then passed along to the henhouse,
where it did but little &image, play.
ed sininitaneolaly about the hop
vibe, grape vie°, and flower.bed, and
then disappeared. The vines and
plants—leavee, !Amnia, flowers and
alls.-were here changed to a octal
black in the twinkling of An eye.
At the moment the lightning Attu&
the corner of the clutellieg MK Lop.
pert was in iv room in the rteeond
story. She felt a Revere blow on
the right aide of Lite head, which
tittlfilied her for all icilittfint, then a
peetaitir numbeetot pasitted over her
left Ride and leg. Tide soon plumed
away, and was followed by A 'bora.
ing Rerdiatiren in two spots on the
hip. Mtg. Leppert found two round
lila& and blue tip* the, Sift) Of E
dime where she had felt the burn -
mg. '
The play of eleetricity about the
villege during the storm *as al-
-most utilanriten for 20. minutes, but
no other damage was done.
has Ide accuetomed appetite. The
ease is attracting considerable at -
tension among medical igen, and the
many frieude of the family are show..
ming congratulations upon them for
the toireculouti recovery of Mr..
Cuddleback'e faculties and strength.
The matter is to be fully investigat.
ed hy the physicians who have been
at work on the case,
Cured by Lightning. '
Abrehann Ouddleback is a highly
respected citizen, of Danta8CUat Pefl.
na. engaged in the sale of general'
merchandise. About three Menthe
OfticJal Statistics,
TbellOntario Bureau of Industrie
gives the following statiatics relative
to the urea and production of grain
crops, Ibr the years 1884 and.1883 :
4 [ 4. 'sir 8 ec° 51. .r*. re' 13
Tr vo os to .. i- co R.
i . ' .4r of of f re
orr to
pl.= `',e1 03.7..._ 17's 5 L:i e;
plo 1 .42.,rg
ra el rat µ-0 ,.. ' • 03c0 ..-.i
..4., . , 2527 sa.-.„, sta-L 111 1 ‘i...:,„,..4... r.......
....., . . .. .., r•..•
„. - e..•
-ce j... „...r.d. CO...iii ,
1 -, "
C .-..,
Z ‘4.1s1
a t.... 015 .0, 4:1, •-•
.....,x,... •,,,,.... ...........,—,.........77.....„...„........
cu cr... -,,,r. 'R.. . (c. •4 . m . ,.0•00 CI
• • Ut . a 05. AI tj 0, CP.. . ".'
FE, .00 ' t••• ' tll ...II 4. ,.• WT.
t••• "1:4 '''''S 9. -Ir"""''' 10'61' ''''°'"'
f "a
• o
... ,.
--Taalfe all the Aleoltpuritiets,„
ell the Igeittnatic reniedivs,
—Tette all the Pgspepifasedindigestint
---Tiike Ali the Vigor, rover, and halite%
-lake ell the Arabi ad Nerve furce
--Take all the Ootas health roeterers,
—to short, take all the best qtealitiei
of all these, and. the —Rent
—Qualifier of all the beat readleises
the world, end yettaill tlatt that
--Mora hsve the best curative qualit.
les and powers or all -410.10relPatisi
--la theta, awl thin they rill care vdreA
any or ell of these, singly or -..voreGioad
—rail. A thorough trial Wilt alva pee
itivc proof adds.
Burdened Liver.
Five years ago I broke down with,
kidney and Hirer complaint arid
Since then I have been unable to
be about at all, My liver became
bard like wood; my Waite were put.
fed up and filled with water.
All the beet physicienartgreett that
nothing eould cure me.. I resolved
to try flop Dittere; have used seven,
ticittle8,1 the hardness bas ell gone
from my liver, the swelling from my
limbs, and it hes workrd it roirork
my case; otherwise 1 would have,
been now in my grave. J. W. Mos -
LE; Buffalo, Oct. I, 1881..
Poverty and Suffering.
er was dragged dove with debt,
poverty and suffering for years, Cikal
ed by a sick family and large bills foe
for doctoring.
I was completely dlaceuragetl, en -
LU one Tear ago, by the ativiee.ol my
pastor, 1 commenced usiug Hop Bit.
ters, and in one month we were elf
well, and none of us have &idea a
sick day since; and I want to say to
all poor men, you can keep your
familiee well a year with Hop Bitters
for less than one doctor's visit will
Oast. I know it
..."—A Woaxixasiaat.
hick, None genuine WIttIOUt ft buneh
of green hops on the white label.
Shun -all the vile, poisonous stuf'
er""HoW in are ix name,
• 299 4,
•At the recent mutual meeting of
the Ontario Cotton 0o,,of Hamilton,
it dividend of 7 'percent.. :for. the
past year was Annouced.
There appears to be a busy time
round ' tile Lindsay woolen mill,
judging froin a recent visit. .Every
machine hi moving along at ita best
andthe amount of:wool used u:p is
.astonishing. . Mr. Coveney informs
us the mill has been very busy since
the start this spring' and will lave
all it can do for a long time yet in
additioe to all the 'manufacturiAg.—
.Ex. •
: The 'Dominion .Button -,.-Holing.
Company, Montreal, has been or-
ganized With a Capital of , 00,000.
'Meatier& 'Andrew 'AHD', Hoe. J.
•Hamiltoe, As. -Mitchell, end, H. • M.
Allan, are the the ..principal etoek.
holders.. • ••
-Aebostos is becoming a very tune,
fill • and Valuable mineral. It is
cheap and perfectly fire.proof,
that it is rapidly coming into use in
the manufacture of a• large vailety
Of bre proof and water-proofArticlesi
Two Count ies near Quebec now. f urn.
ish the largest .and best eupply fOr the
United States and England: '• •
Even' dew hair has its cemtnerciel
uses.. The dealers who purchase
thtacuriouscoinrnodtt front the tan
mire '9.rlovir" the hair by a peculiar
proceses- WIncluaeparatea the long
heirs from the short ones. The long
heir ,arothen woven. into a &brie
with Other -material, which, upon
com Motion, becolues the genuine "all
woel!' blankets .presented by ijecle
Sam to the Tedialis. The shoi ter.
hake are worked into felting.: The
Average price of cold hair is foue
cents tt pound, but. white cow's hair
is worth 11- dents a pound. •• •
• . The enterprisiug Smith 'Broa. of
Belmont; out., are erecting a- cam-
arodious Structure ash receptacle for
flax. .The din .consegnent, upon the
advent of a colony of. the aborigines
to overlook -ail area of 200 acres of
fax: will conduce to the primeval
thipect of the classio
Thomas Journal. : • . •
ago; white' attending 'church, he was
stricked down with paralysis and had
to be carried to his home. Ever
since helms been belplese, and many
physicians from New York and Phil;
adelphia have Striven to give him aid
but without avail. His devoted wife
'haft ban 'Untiring in her *attention
to her husband, and everything that
loving care and eurgical aid could.
devise had been laidelied upon the
satarer, but ballad received no mat,
erial aid. About three weeks, ago, \
utterly, broken clown in health and
cleapondent;the family removed to
Mittamorts, Pa., directly opposite
Port Jet vis. During the prevalence
of it heavy thunder atorns which vis.
ited that section Of the country Aug.'
8t1i, a huge bolt of lightning struok
a house Moss to that occupied. by
Mr. Cucidieback, and.with such form)
an to hurl hirn from the chair he was
occupying to the floor. He WAS
Alone and after lying there it short
time his wile Canto hi and helped
him to it Asir. Consciousness was
Oen 'Mitered, when the happy
covery was mada that Mr. Coddle.
who A few momenta before
was almotit helpiese, had entirely re.
covered the age of his limbs and was
in apparent good health. Another
peeuliar Otago of the cake hs that the
gentiernan had no appetite previoue
ter this time, but After hie tieteeti
and bealth Were mattered he Wee
teken as suddenly hungry eta now
'Parliamene-be-teuteed' to -Make
decision binding and effective.
• The Order in Councilapproves
the Report of the Judicial Coulon',
tee, and 06i:emends that the Award
be „obeyed and carried into execu,
. .
The flax crop is reported•ecellent
in the. vicinity of Stretford Oat: .
• The flax erep is an exciellent one
about Listowell. A . Considerable
acreageof flax is grown in this
neighborhood; hence the farmers
will derive quite a revende Vein
this product. All the Mills' of:" the
Mesere Livingstone wilt he •uhusual-
ly busy this season.
A :reroute Capitalist %Om js this
citya few days ago lookieg tor a site.
iipoe which to erect it Ilix Newry.
Ile will return to the city in • a few
W eeks; --Kingston Arms,
. The IVIillera' Aseociiition has again
lowered its standerd-of price as fol-
lows;,—No: 1 hard, 77 cents in M in.
ileopokin; No. 2 lisrd, 74 cents; No,
1 72 oents;-No. 1 69 cents. Prices
in the cooutry will be based on the
001-014EL. DONAN.
,• • 'ATOlt OP DAKOTA." •
Orates at Aberdeen, on tie
; riot's Fourth,1884! , • •
4adies and Gonitemon—FeliotO OiCrona of Da
• .whnt Moans this:mighty,: all pie.i
ccenudrlgierl roar and pe • -n;
svhieli,:tike an ever swelling, widen;
..ing, -deepening,. giant wave of gladacclaim, comes sweeping •oVer all
•the land tO-day, 1 .Like a rremietleeir •
clew:I-buret Of harinony, it 'flies upon
Allawiegs- 01. every. gale. '•-.1t then-
Acre 'along the hoer Atitintic'e sterni-
leshed..Oottst, Peala in evert' bil-
low -beat that pulses tbo goitten
sands. of the Piteific iNortre... It re-.,
yerberatee antid the ,,vast abyntitall .
canyons, ruggeddrags and. grizzty.,
, • ,
guarded, • solemn gorges of •the cloud- .
. punching Reeky mourrtains,
•whese 'shadowy ,solitudea..ille.
was wont to -.Set . Ins trundlehed un-
til the all,conqueringlocoreotive
drove him forther aest Jt pi [Cur.- .
'inured' npon
berders•Ot the great northern fait.
It. ia• whis ered beneath the eindit
orange groves.of the bounteous 'Flew,
er7yealui. , It • is muttered on the:
dreary confineri of Mirosehead, W ni.
nipisserrgce and .S.yeladohrria. • It its '
crop:lied in, the:, 'green seuilneovered
swamp -nurseries.. of .
petite, .bull riogs nd belidezer.s,
where weird, ..graysbearded foreab,
odd their patriarchal heath! . atinvtl.
the. tidal turbidity.' of .• Arkansas',
Chattahoochee, catoOsalietelie0iiat
Altanni.ha. And .it is eh:tided,. •
echoed, bellOwed, ''•hunitned and
strummed,..from Haskittelletvan aul .
MinneWakan to. Okeechobee.. atiri ,
'Popoeatai5etl, from Naragardert to
Sao Diego,- from. Dry Teri ug 15 10
Va nee u v er , Yen k tote and A 1e-11(kt-tie
until the blue dente of the titriveree
shakes atithedie, and therengele, OA
they fly over. 118 L14111111011 inilan high,-
:fittee to 'stuff their, eats with .soft
white clouds. ' •
It • 1,8 the Molest:6 ant tem . a it
hem isph e's . i ependen tle. 1 t . -is
the 'extiltant, shout of wirth'e fore,
most nation.counitemorating iisnatal
.day. It ire the '"Ie- Triereplie!' at
„fortyssix states end •tt•rritories, re:.
,obratifig :the birthday of the. per-
lese republie that bifida all their
powers and poesibjlities in. otte,re•
and maker; them...A-lie liedof the
'free and the houie.of beave,'"
humanity.'s: oeveri-feilieg phioe of
refuge. It. is , tee 1,1011.61 .1thistoi
and liallelitj Ilia of the freeat, proud:. •
'ateihd happiest. people beneath 1ha
skies, rot:beam:rating the hallowed
'anniversary Of their freedom—the
one•huntlrecl and -eighth return of
the holy day that saw • the bit tit ef
Titne's most glorious twins, „Liberty
and ;Uncle Sam- • It: ia the grand
nualA ebilee and jamboree of sixty
millions 'of pew -world Haverigne;,..
every man -Of them the peer of kinga
anddiacienied potentates, and every
.roman a princesa. of a queeti Of the
riled race of Yanktedocalle.
And well may they tejeice: \Veil
May they 'blow the inasculitre mut.
toe% • cornucopia Intfore them - with
aiIy braggadoeios crepescra
Well may they make the Welltie
ring with Joyous and triumphal .
labelloory, Well may they lipid a
yearly earn it•M-01„,:#cplAtetetrisr
cannOn hoonr- their lofty pious.
Well inay their . slnill tifes
their cynitrels otsb, and their Of.**
age legielator.like, oneity, leathers.
headed drums roll thurnpy
fhoaryteh. rettolitai t
Inore aeoliAjzfIrtrfie;tiliteri .
oilier nation wader liettyMil-,for.hott.
est pride and eXultatioci, Thault
God; they have reason for twe ani
ninth natety-valve daysic,...ene itt Jhly
and one in November..." to• blow 01
the r nutplus ste.tiu of
and iiit-lel'fiot?eionir.tg is tattle rocepated,
te the greater orfi�n f about ti"A
01 a mail tilerenf the "alter tongued
oration, With such blasts from e7
mere Anierican Colonel ono is not
surprised that niter: Jumbr egeola
himself in tevored pakota. 1`111/4
we read of eyelono,t and bli2glitila
and tormulos And hailetorms bthe
outeome of the !sods to flown the
"weight of eVidenCe in fat•Or Oi
The Boundary Case
The Report to Her Majesty in
Courteil on the subject of the bound-
aries between (natant) and Manitoba,
rendered by the Judicial Committee
of the Peivy CeunditNeflnes the
weetern boundaryf and in partrthe
northere boundary of Ontario. The
soutb-western boundary is the north-
west angle of the Lattoof•the-Woods
thence -clue north till the English
\ River is reached. The northern
'boundary so far as settled is along
the English River, including Lim
Saul and Lake Joseph.
Vitith reference to the third criers.
Lion stihniitted by Ontario and 'Aimn.
itoba to Lite Privy Council, namely :
—'Whether -.4n case legislation is
heeded to make the decision in this
gase binding or etreetoal—Aeta pa»
sod by the Parliament of Canada,
and the Provieeial Legielatere ot
Coterie and Manitobe, in tonneetion
with the Imperial Aet 84 and 85
Vid,, cap, 28, or otheewise, will 'be
auffieient, or whether an Imperial
Ant VW the purpoto *ill be
The Report expresses »o opinion
AS 10 Lite aufilaioney Or OtilArteihe a
conoutree legislation by the Provin.
Mal and Dominion Parliaments, hut
*Mated that it is deeitable and most
expedient that ILO Imperial Act ot