HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-13, Page 9NRINSPAPER LAWS
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Any neglect to do so inak.0.3 the pan:aster
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r.orr s Church.-Sorvices on Blunter it 1
a.ta. tea e, in. male maas, 10 4.131. Sunisy
eehnot. 2 pmt. eordoe on 'ivedeeLde.v. 4 P• rn
use. witttsa CRAM, Rector
Co itlathodist.-flervIcet. at 10.01 R. tn,
and p. rn.Stbbath &heal at 2.30 p. m.
J. user, Pastor.
consala Presbyterian.- Services at II a.m. mil
ale n. hs, Sabbath School, 3.30 p. m. Rey,
mev. area-sa?, Pastor.
rabic ehriatian.--services at 10.3e a. Tu. anS
8.80 p. ni Sabbath euhoel, 5.30 p.m. Ity.
Baptist chure.h.--service at 8.30 p. tn. c.ale
bath sok:A.2.30u, at. Rev. J. OR AT.rmateo.
T.rmmim 1=4T,71:t0M•T
The Goderioh News
Huron Record
(A MA LeAmArm).
.anaranteed average circulation, over 1700
Clinton, Wednesday, August tO
When he Wore Frills -on Ills
"Toe eilitprial columns of theTor
outer kfai/ on the I ltlt itist. contain.
' ed the followitig
F. W. Glen makes the follow-
ing astonieher in his attack upon the
N. P.: "Three...fourths of all our
manufacturing iodustries were ees
tatilidlied or, very greatly enlarged
'cluririg the low tariff peried; not a
eingle new establishment Iran been
established uoder the present tariff,"
This is a free trade story, If three-
fourths of the industries were este!),
lished under the low tariff, when
were the missing oue-fourtli estahs
• lielied
1,‘ fa reply, I beg to say that the
retnai.nitig industries of 'OshaWa
•weee establialled when the long eared
.editor of the Hail either woee
Itlggud pants or long dressee,
F. W. G."
the. Price. of !Wheat.:
. There is, ..sonitt amxiety abeet ;the
probable pi:ha:of wheat already .in
the .thiitect •Stiitee. At,presetit, the
price �f wheat Is about Ode quarter
that, last, year, and in a view. of
• -the favorahle crop prospects hernial.'
over the World Valik:s.fiaVe anything.
•hilt 4 stiffenhig teede'ricy, .Parinees.
•• in the Western States are tirlking
• about holding theirwheat mid tvait•
. ing until -the price Teaches.one
• . ler in Chicago;The New York (Joy. -
mercies/ deprecates. this
•. "hoarding" policy (Is one which:ex.
•po•iene,e has preyed time and again
o :be a losing.ene.. It regards It. as
. . • „
. pal tiettlarly ill advised thia year in
• VieW of the' probability of a gelieral
•.. abundance :of . food. The • London
• .Ecoreintist also pUblislies
., average,. prices of • a heat. for every
• '• ytitir for e century. The ''ta.ble
'shows t•hrtt the. price of . wheat ,was
loWer. during 1,163 first half of the
••preetnit year, that; ler emy year
'since- 11230. Tlitt'Aiterage • for the
. half • year •' was • ..37s 8r1 pei•
quarter in. England against 458,70
'4ot 1883 and 45:3.. Id . for 1882.- :lit,
•. order to get a 'parallel for such a
priee tve have to 'go back •to I851
:when it touched 88d: 6,1 and 'then' to,
• 1190 ' when it was afis. ...And yet
the Economist allows that the:third
• /platter Of .the presmit year . hat,
opened . with !ewer aveiege pricee
than the first , and :prophecies
t hat with good crops:in Prospect .irt
..Ameriect and in Europe the value
. will he ...loWer Still. There, have
been no sh I:primate from Italia recent •
• fyy. but deem would immediately
cootie encl..' if pi ices rose • and.. they.
would tend to check the .advanee
beeend tveertain poiot, The Seen:-
, mist ocurcluties.that the indieationit
Aral hat "the current • twol vemen th
, "will close with an altogether ro
• "tenrIcable Teeord of prieeri in the
• -"history .of trade," withal means Gait
• the'record of prick' will he remark-
•. aide for its loWneSS, When conkid
ering the future • of trade in con.
• ecteciert with the crop •prospecte-the:
•• Hiclillood of lew. prices sliould he
. allowed fer,and farmers wito thials
adopting the bolding: policy In
the proepeetof higher prices next
epring had'hetter think..again before
. deciding and remember that. second
r-- • .rhotrolite if -come to fain greater
Irciwledge, tire best.
it Ul CooservatiweltIOn'out.
Tire Coneervative demonstration
At Manchester England A ug. 9, wale
great initeetel, It is estimated that
•elver 100000 persons were present.
Sir R. A. Cross presided.
. Salisbury made an address. Ile
Stated that tie lrelieveci a fair m4asure
for the redistribrition of parliament.
• ary seats would greatly reinforce the
•'Conservatives, The 11Ou8e of „Lads
wee willing to peatt the franchise
bill if the goveentnerit appealed to
thecountry and fotind that it was
t• •in fever of the titeiteure. Ile was
confident if the government resigned
their placee weuld otibe filled.and
tt eomplete enieasure of reform
• ' speedily pissed.. He Contended that
the Oorrimene• represent not the
elntry's opinion' now, hut ita opins
ien ef dee years ago. He referred
to John speech 4t the Ite,-
• form detne»stration a tirmingh.on
as imaginative.
Randolph Churchill Said thrt
appeals to the people by kith parties
would be ttrLa, tt sPeedllY Produce
general election, Which the Libors
els feared., the memory Of Egypt,
Ireland and Africa being too vivid.
Flo admitted thaA he had changed
his flews as to reform Bowe Decarnb-
or rind hrid arloPted the VielviS Ot. the
Tories. The party is stronger 'than
�V er before, since the enormous
gathering present would have been
impossible during tory previous ru.
form agitation.
• Churchill waif well received and
loudly cheered.
Crown Solicitor Bolton repudiatee
the cbarge against hint wade by Cos.
ey 1 hie .ronfession.
Dlichael Davitt denimthat there
is any unfriendliness between jijit
and Parnell.
Great heat prevailed in Paris,
France. Some (+entice's lying on, a
quay ignited undor the nye of the
autm, and ' the flames apreading
cause4 the destructiou of oottou val.
tied at $200,000.
The London agent ot the depart..
ment of a4riculture reporte that the
weather of the 6rst clays of August
has been hot and forcing, and an
improvement in time wimeat propects
is noted in all European couutries,
with' magnifieent Ims.rventiug weath-
A rthur Elliott, a Libefarmember
of Parliament, has written a letter
to 1110 S00141000 nutiontitNng that
reform of the Holum of Commons is
more important than the reform of
tho Lords. He says the wont 50
Lords are not worse than the worst
50 mu members of the Commons.
Hy the recent death, at the age
of 97, of hir. .I'hilip Obedient, of
Stockport, the Masonic hotly in
ichlgiand loses ono whor claito, to the
dattinction of be ng tin o destIneumb
er in England has been clearly ess
tablished. -In Outoliert 1811, be wee
initiated a umeniber ofthe Lodge of
Peale, No. 322.
The French Parliament rejected
the amendment abolishing the pro.
sidency, anti the amendment etuteting
that the president shall be elected
by u /1.41CM.O.t. -ADA
vote of 483 to 212; rejected the
amendment al:awl:mg the Senate,
and the amendment forbiddine the
princes of former dynasties • from
• residing on Freeoh terntory aud cou
6cat1ng their pr,operty.
Informer Casey declares that
neither •Myles Joyce nor the four
• men now serving seutenees were
preaent at the Mantrasna murder.
He reasserts that he was compelled
to swear falsely by crown solicitor
Bolton. • Bolton. told hitn that if he
did not, swear asilre' did he would be
tried hitusidf. and • surely hanged.
• partey's brother-in-law, Philbin'cor-
roborates Casey's sta.tementn
s' acl de-
clares that 13oltou • iuduced him to
Perjure himself. •• •.
The heat in England.bas been in-
tense, the mercury in London stand-
ing at 150 in the sun Aug 12, during
'the middle of the clay. The regular
parades of troops mere omitted on
account of tlie heat, and work in the
rept( deck yards wart suspended,
except for an hour or two iu • the
morning and evening. The iron
• work e well; partially shut down on
aceount of the men being 'unable to
face the tires. On the upper Thank*
navigation is almost impossible �w-
ing to the decrease of the -river On
account of the drouth. •
•••••• ••••• •
rimier . KILL :AND. EAT )IE! •
The. New York Times says' • that
'document's in the poesesdion Oahe
Navy Departenent Add to the repord
�f miserable human suffering already
published in • connectionwith the:
finding of , the Gre.ele -expedition.
Most shoeking, stories olinhunianity
and cannibalism 'are told : For. the
sake ofboinanity and: the American'
people the Army authorities are en
endeavoring keep the Matter litish
ed, but hi the ineestigation: which is
almost...sureAo tmine the facts Will
• undoubtedly °erne. out. ' The object
in shippin'g. the bodies In i e;ni caskets
Wes • to •prevent• axpoSure. • It ,has
been stated .that. after the game gave
out in February, the -Members oldie
party lived ,priocipelly on aealskine,.
liehens, a,nd.ehriinfis As a matter
of.faci they . were kept alive on hu-
man flesh. ::•When the reecaieg. party
discoveredthe half starved survivors
their .first 'duty' was • to leek :to two
!nen who were insensible from :cold
and pritiltion. , One of them sbriek•
ed, as the sailors took hold of hiia,
°Deti'.t let them shoot ree,aa they
did poor. Must 1 be killed
mia 'eaten as Henry was.? Don't let
thenn do it.' Don't,;.,don't1". After
brief investigation, Sehley felt that
the Man was tweaking the truth,. an.d.
that some of the men: who perished
had been stripped. of .their, fiesh, to
keep .theircomeadee aiive. Schley
instructed two or-threegentierneb,
among then the doctors and surgeons
of the "Beery"- t� make a careful ex-
amination and Put theireonclueions
in Writing. Thie was done. The
bodies were dug from their graves
back of the permanent camp. estab-
lished io October; 1883y .beit, it was
found that.most of the blanket.con.
tained .nothing but heaps of White
bones, Many ef Awn • pieked Clean.
Schley said that itiany of. thd 17 men
Who were said to beye perished from
starvation were 'eaten by their 'fam-
ishing comrades: It is repelled Ora
the only men wha escaped the knife
were-thres died•Okleit'i--
vy. The amputated limbs of the men
who afterWards perished were eagerly
devoured as food. -Chas, R. Henry,
was shot for atealing rations. When
hia. body was 'found,' the hands and
face though shrunken were intact,
but nearly everywhere Sae the skin
had been stripped from him and the
flesh picked from 'his boned, Even
the heart Mid lungs were eaten.
Fragments of humeri flesh were also
need as bait fir tthrimps, Some offi•
cers of the relief ship scout theidea
of cannibaliem. Others admit that
the bodies were shocking to look.
upon, but attributed it, to storm and
tee. The eating story they believed
to be a sailor's ,yarri. Coma:rider
Schley refuses to say anything until
an otticial enquiry is made, but de
hies the annihal story. .
, noun salts Tinitit 18 OtiOnNti.
Gen, .riazeti, in an interview with A
Star reporter, while endeavoring to
tiveid the subject, practically admit-
ted that there Was grounds for :the
repttet as ,ptthlished._...,. .„.
qtrixt f,t3011,103tg.
A naval offieettraid there watt noth.
Ing improbable about the story. The
men were reduced to etteh condition
by gradual starvation that their moral
faculties Were blunted. They should
not be considered responsible agents;
self - preservation was their Wily
The lirford "Niagara."
The name Niagara has pasa,
ed through many orthographical
changes in the laat 200 years. In
1687 iu was written Orriattoragh. Itt
1686 Crow. Dougan appeared un-
certain about it and spelled it Ohni-
agero, Cinyagara,Qneygaro. Pitilip
Livingston wrote in 1720 to 1730
• Outjsgra, .fagera and Yagerali; and
• Schuler and Livingstone, commis-
sioners of linden affairs, wrote io
1720,,Orijayarae, Ooltigara, eta In
1721 it was written Onjagora, Ou•
igagara, and accidentally, probably,
Niagara, as at prurient. Lieutenant
Imitulmmay wrote ip ATiagaas in 1701.
So did Capt. Valiancy (son of Gov.
DeLancy) who was nit ()dicer in time
•, English army that ciptured Fort
Niagara from the French in 1759.
These pioneers,however way be (m-
oused in view 4,4 the fact -as will be
attmeted by poettuasters-that some
letter write'e of to day agleam quite
as utmd ei.led about the °alio trophy
of tlus world-wide familiar name,
A Preseriesteau Corpse
anteeukee sentinel.
Several ferment, of Oak Creek,
who brought produce to the South
side yesterday, brought intelligence
of a stradge burial which occurred
there last Friday, Horace Baldwin
died last week. He was remarkably
bis army description making
him six feet seven incite% Itt cases
where his comrades would have been
wounded in the breast he would
Atop the bullets with his stomach,
He was so conspicuously tall that be
was given a aohrignet appropriate
to his stature, • He could not stand
army life Very well and soon gave it
up. Friday, when the neighbors
garner -at -to- tlftriariAlibtfeW"rd-do
honor to hie memory by following
his remaina to the gravem it was
found that the coffiin had been ltialic`.
for a six-footer ItAd watt therefore
seven inches too short. The corpse
could not be equeezed Into the casket
and so, rather than disappoint the
people waiting outside, a relative
• ran into the woodshed for a saw and
hien deliberately to saw off about
eight inches of the dead Mall'S legs.
He thought .the corpse Moved and
• he;fainted. Thereuponanother
attve seized the wood Haw and coin.
piked the shortening, procese. The
several members wet e hent bat:k,
the coffin lid fastened and the fun•
eral cortege,wended itsway to the
Oak Creek cemetery. The story has
created a great sensation in Oak
Creek and those whoe did the • re.
unirkably savage thing are severely
• .
' Be a Coed Reader.
. .
• There is, etre accomplielmient itt.
p'articaler which I • Would earneatly
•reepininend to you. • '0,1itiyate as:.
;sidnowily tlie ability .to •read . well.
1-stop:t0 prticultirize • this; treatise
it is so very tench neglected, :and
because it. ia,..so •:elegant, Charming
and. lady -•like an. aceomplislonerit.
Where One person is .reallyi it terest-
.ed in ..tnniici. twenty are Pleased
by good reading. Where oneperson
ia capable of becetnin'g: a gcro'cl
. . . . •
.mueician, twenty may become gond
readers. Where there is one • oc-'
etision for the exercise of inneidal
talent, there ere. twenty for that Of'
'good 'reading. .The :culture of the
voice necessary .for reading ,vi,e11,1
gives tr, • delightful dram' to the
same •voicecoaversation, Good
reading is the natural 'exponent and
• Vehicle 'grail geed thinge, is tlye
inost effective Of all commentaries:
unim • :the %Yorke genius , It.
Seenui tobtlng .clerad authors to':. life
again, aitcl tual,res us alt doWli farnil-
ierly with the great and gOod of all
ages:' Did .•youl.,ever •notice what
liferand. power :Abe...Holy Scripture
has • when • well read.1 Have
. ever heard ,..the.- wonderful effects
.produced byElizabeth • lory on the
'prisoner§ of Nesvgate by simply
reading to them the. parable .of the
Prodigal Son?. Princes. and peers
of the realm, it i'S said,counted it •a•
privilege to stand inthe disinal car:
rider& atrionglelonk and Murderers'
merely . to share with them the
privilege of •witnessing -the Marvel
lints ,pathos, which 'genius, taste and
culture could infuse into that
simple story. .Wliat a ,fasoinatio.n
there is in really good •rearliug !
What a pow.er, it gives one 1, '.In the
hospital; in the chamber of the in-
valid, in.:the nursery, ' in the domes-,
tie; in' the social circle, aurong chosen •
-friendsand companions, how it, en-
ables you to Minister ..te the ant Use -
Meet,. the comfort,the pleatiuteof
dear ,pnesy.". as ,no . other 'art or ac-
•complislithent can., No instrument
of . man's devising eau reach the
heart •as .does that most wonderful
instrement, the bunion Voice, It is
special gift and emit) win en t
to hie chosen creatures. Fold it not
away 'in a napkin. • If you would
double the value- of a11 your other
ecquisit•ione,-if, you would add int -
measurably to your"Own enjoyment.
and to'your power of promoting the
enjoyment of others, cultivate with
incessant care this divine gift: , 14o.
nmeie, below, the. eitiee...,is_ecinal.,.to
that of pure aliVery 'Speech from the
lips of a man or woman of high cut-.
ture.-Pref, John S. gart.
Of ItOartlIng Out.
Won; the Boston Moho,
• A aertain young lady left Ile house
where she boards in this city for a
day's visit in the country, and as it
was Monday she left directions with
the lady Of the house to give the
• watheroman her weetqs washing when
she called. The washing was done
Up in a newspaPer, and that was the
only bundle of the kind in the roomy,
sothere could be no mistake. On
her return in the latter part of the
afternoon she discovered that her
Washing had not been taken. Fur-
thertnorey a young man who oecupied
4 rOotri on the floor below her was
raving up .and down, vainly seeking
for a costtitne Wideh he had hired for
a masquerade party On that night.
She heard him deelare he had left 11
• in his robin rolled up in a in:481)0er,
_that it WAS gene, and he was just 495
and a good time out by the loss ot
IL The •young lady. immediately
troubled be LIM trite state Of things,
Iter washerwoman had got ioto the
%ming Mem And taken the suit in.
stead of the bundle of soiled clothes.
She volunteered this explanation to
the youtig man, and he agreed to
tilted her to tire house of the ofiba
ing washerwoman and recover the
• property. And there in the yard
• they saw to their horror the costume
suspended from a clothes line, having
been washed and hung ont to dry.
It had lost its original brightness,
and not only this, but, ite original
else, It had been intended for a man
six feet high, and had shrunk ia the
wash till it wouldn't g0 on a mall
boy. A it exclatnat ion that Was almost
an oath, burst from the, young melee
lipa, but just at that moment (ho
waelierwoutan appeared in the door
"Oh, what did you do it for? Didn't
you ittiow better? What did you.
think 1 could do with those thinga?"
exclaimed ,the young lady, "Now
you don't say, ' was the reply. "Ain't
they yourn ? I thought they was the
queerest looking underclothes I ever
mild see, but you can't tell nothing
aboot faahmons nowadays, aud—"
hysterics and tableau,
• Poe Croats or 'Folly.. •
Bating green apples, oucunabere
and unripe truita generally, may be
so termed. Dr. Fowler' a Extruot of
Wild Strawberry cures all Summer
Complainta. 30 /.21
"Dear sir,'" etticl an amateur farmer,
just from the city, writing to the
chairman of an agrieultural society,
"put we doWn on your list of cattle
for a calf,"
oh What cough.:,
wilt you need the warning. Thd
signal perhaps of the sure approuch of
that more terrible disense Consumption.
Ask yourselves tr you ean afford for the
Sake of saving 50ets„ to run the risk
and do nothing for it. We know from
expel fence that Shiloh's Cure wilt cure
your Cough It never Mils. Tins ex -
Phalle why illOre than a Million Idot•
tles were sold the past year. it relieves
Ot•oup, and Whoop lig Cough, !at once.
Mothers do not be without 11. For
Lame Batik, Bide or Oben, use Shiloh's
Porous Piaster; Sold by J. 11. (*mob°,
A wag, in what he knows of thrui-
ing, gives this plan to remove widows'
weeds: t1t good-looking man said to*
a widow, 'Wilt thou?' and they
_ • _ Not 1311(1.__ ,
Ills SO agreeable that even an iufant
wilt take it. Poe coughs,cold, hoarse,
nese, croup, asthma, and bronchitis,
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is reliable
fOr young orold. 3002t
Education is at home a friend,
abroad an introduction, in solitude a
eolace, in society an ornament,
BR. -We earnestly urge every purch-
aser to ask for that which is prepared
by Messrs. Laninon& Kemp, New
York, who are the sole proprietors of
the true perfume. All other tio called
Florida -Waters are only ordinary Co-
lognes. • .
An Irish witness was recently ask-
ed What be knew of the prisoner's
'character for • truth: and. 'veracity.
."Why, troth'," Jialti he "since ever
I've known !tee, She's kept the house
came and decent."
• Strong Adjec tives.
• "It eells'immensly, in fite 11 hasthe
largest sale of any p ten Medicine
in. Summer," says J. F. Sti LIi, 'drug
gist, • Dunnville, of er's Wild
Strawberry. The great remedy foe
•Suninier C'omplaints. . 300-2t -
The 'cucumber sings to the water.
melon, While the green apple rolls.
around in glee.: • are cramping.
kr-night On the'old Cramp ground."'
NATiONA.ff .P1,..1,4 is the favorite riur•:
goatee and anti -bilious Medicine, they
are mild and thorough.. • 299 4t.-.
. Fashion intelligent*: First party
hat'sethelatest thing in pante 21
Second party- "Give it .up, old boy.
Really, you knovir,.I'• haven't had a.
,pair made for quite two weeks, and
..Pm, therefore,: not at all .poated• in
the. fashions.. 'Inform .ine." First
party -"Why, • 'man' is the latest
thlog in pants." ..*
' WoRsis Often destroy ehildren, b'ut.
Freeman's Moro Powders desti•oy-
Worms, .0,114 expel them Iron the eye'
tem. •_.• • " 299 41
. "You were net at peer Maurice'
funeral!" •°;),T0, 1. was not Altera,"
"You did not treat hire well:" "Bali
he,didnot come to mine • Sci We, are
quits.," •: . • •
flusband and Wife,.
Mr. James .Moore and wife Well
known in I:earnhigtaln, were both
chronic stiffer s from .dysPepsia that
the pest medical, aid failed to, reliev.e'l
ThreehottlesOf Burdook Blood Bitter;
cured bdtb husband' and wife:-
' • • . .300-21. •
Swimming is cool, and thereought
to be '41. swirnmitig schOOL '
• • •
We have a Speedy Rini positive Cure,
for Ca tarrh,Di ptheria; • thinker mouth
and HeadAelie, in SHILOH'S CAT;
ARItH RBMEDV.. A nasal injector free
de Chile struek on his head, an' dere
"Dere dat chile vvas a comin' doWn
feet rust, told every. °bailee of being
and his mother, in• relating the ace'
wasn't 80 much as a butter) off." •
health and sweet breath,. • Price 50cts.
dent at the groeery attire,. said :..--,-•
killed, when de Lewd he turned him,
Sold by 3, IL Combo: 263 -by ,
s'bnd Story window the other day,
with ettah bottle. 'Use It if Yo.13 d.eslre
A colored child had a fall fromm-
,... n ..„
a:tonna:1r az arANMAN's FLORIDA pc AP-
ER. -The most delicate invalids, the
greatest sufferers with sea -sickness,
and those whoee:nervous systems are
most sensitive, prefer • it before all
others, and use it to the exclusion 01
all others, not .for a, tirne only, but
always and continuouely, The sense
of smell never tires of its tioft refresh-
ing odor • •
'file motto of tne proprietors of Dr.
'Henry Baxter's ,11andrake Bittet•t3
"the greatest good to the greatest
numher,'.and so dell a large bottle
or 9 valuable remedy for the stnall
price of 25 cents, and warrant every
bettle to give satisfaotien or meney
reltinded. 298.4t
"v eu f'ts Y about (naegnilnl
itfl iitiouxiitd t.1 hope tfveot
are very particulae abottt infection."
Laundress -"Lor', Mum 1 we never
uses none of it. .We always :washes
the clothes with our 'ands I"
A Valuable Find
Mr. Isaac BrOWD, ofBotltwell. de.
clares that he found one bOtths of
Burclook 13looc1 Bitters worth $500 to
him, It cured' him of Salt Rheum
from which he had suffered years after
other treattnent had failed to relieve.
300 21
The Indigo crop. in India will be a
very poor one this year, Thia makes
the peeprietors look blue, '
Dyspepsia, & Myer Con -plaint.
Is it not Worth the swiall• Mire of 7.1
eents to tree yourself of every eyMphorn
of theee distressing complaints, if you
think so call at our store and get a bot-
tle of shilohle Vitalizer, every hettle Mitt
A printed guarantee on It, use noun'.
dingly and if it does you no good it
wt 'least you nothing, sold ey J. 11,
Combo.. 203-Iy
Ave, Fred, this is the highest
toiler I've seen yet," Seeond swell:
"Think se, old nom 2 • Well, 1 don't
mind Lolling Yee, it's a little idea of
my own. It's one or the gavnor's
AMIGO, & 011 Liniment la Very heal.
higatiti soothing, and does wonders
When applied to old 80e0e. 208 4t,
wanting -
The most suddenly fatal diseases
Of MUMMer Anti Fall are the Valletta
fortri8 Of BetVel Complaints whkli Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
Will promptly remedy. 300.94
101.0 Ai TWO Isriglls.
FROM THE SON: "Porar, t!titlee?"
Ooitlootea,: Aly father resides at Glover,
Vt. lie hits been a great stammer:rem gorop.
100,, pa* the inclosed letter wig tell you What
marsolout effect
-A.yer's Sarsaparilla'
bastard in hie ome. 1 Ulla his blood must
hare Ordained the humor fox At least teu
years ; but It did not ShOw,exCept in the form •
of a scrofulous pore ou the wrist, until about
Ore years ago. Prom, afew swots wMcla ap-
peared at that time, It gradually spread so as
to corer his entire body, 1 assure you be was
terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, whoa
• utliceileogehnwiaisoufliiInfes:ouwuiwiea4nueoclineyoulnxijoaer.mosINTo ottigwood,;:eziertseeeLtrha
who woynoldtote4strtiflayi,to tho fwag!,83)41:1203;::,f,cure3bro.04th.
pleasure and
a duty for me to aMte to you the benefit
have derived from the usoof
',Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Six months rigolWaS completely covered with
a terrible humor and sorofulowi Bores The
bunter caused an incessant and intolerable
hotting, and the side cracked so 8 to cause
the blood tat flow in many places whenever *
moved. My sufferings were great, and my
life a burden. I commenced the use of the
SAikflArARMLA in April laet, and havo used
It regularly slue° that time, liTy condition
began to improve at onee. The sores bayo
all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every
respect -being now ablo to do a good day's
work, al tllough 73 years of ago. Many inquire
what hag wrought such a cure In zny case, and
tan them, an I have here tried to toll you,
s.tusAr*no.r.a. Clover, Vt., vet.
51,1885. Yours gratefully,
Bin= 1.41Liar2.**
and alt Sera:loons Complaints, Erysip-
elas, Xlczema, Itingworpn,. 1.1otaice,
Sone, Bolls, Tumors, ;mg. Eruptions of
the Shin, it clears the blood of all impn.
rifles, aids digestion, etimulates the action of
the bowels, and thup restores vitality and
strengthens the whole system. ,^
earnouteo DT
' Dr. J:Q.Ayer &Co., Lowell Mass.
SOld by all Druggists; 11, six bottles for fle.
De. Adatn Clark, whobad a ettong
!APO te perk.,..was .eitlied uponto
say %race at dinner, where the win.
Moat dish was a roast pig. Ile was
reported to have said -"O, Lord, if
thou cant bless under the Gospel
what thou didst eurse ntulerlheLawy
• bless thiarig." •
The following Is from W, Ptolemy, of Win-
nipeg, formm formerly grain buyer for WilliaGiilesby,
of' tiamilton arid Grinniby ',I was for many
years meth afflicted with Costiveness, Billiono.
nesS,. and Ultimately Dyspepsia. 1 suffered ‘ery
much And tried many different medicines; which
gave Inc only temporary meet and. than .1. was
as bad as over again. I was • reamninentied by a
• friend, who had been restored' ta.healtff by it, to
try meoregoessioedy Cure. I did Sp, andit
was not long before I felt like a new Man, and I
hare .onjood excellent heath ever sin 03, first
commenced . taking it FoLmuary 7th, 1879, Sold
by all Druggists. 10041 '
The world it; .full of incongruities.
There is, 'for instance,:thehig bearded:
man with .a. voice like the Bull. of
Basilan. Ile comes before the aodi•
ence and sings .111 Fear No Foe'' itt
bravura style, and in a Way that drops
,bits of plaster from the 'ceiling. . And
in two hours after that •man will be
:walking upstairs in his stocking feet
lest hewaken e 110 -pound. wife,.
Arid 'next Ineening he gets up meekly
and kindles three tires, .
. Young, 'old; and rn,ddle-aged,•.all
experience the- wonderful beneficial
ohiitbren ueyes, •
sore . ears, sealti.head,". or' .With . any •
scrofuloue at' syphilitio taint, maybe
made healthy and •strong by ite use.
Mrs. Minks -No.- 1 hati.no. trouble
weaning the baby. 1Ee rather seemed
to like the bottle. Mrs: Finks -,011,
the clear little darling. . 'Cakes after
Ms father, doesit't• lie? • • ••.
• 'fejt Entire DAND iturp eleatmethe
senip with Prot, Low's Magic StilplinV
Soap: • •A delightful 'medicated soap
for the toilet • • • • • 299-4t
• •
Shel atin fond of poetry.
A re you, irolet.12 .So aM 1. Do you
like Burps ? She -NO, 'indeed, they.'
are se: distreasing.' • But then .1 .am
not -:trotibled intich with them; and
tna doesrell the cooking, ' ' •
• Rucklear's Arnica. Salve. ,
Tan Bear tiaLve.tu theAmritl for Cele,
Itt niSeS, •Sores, Ulpare, • Salt-. Rheum,
'Fever •Sores, • Tracer, thiniped '
Chit Willits, urns,. a inl.,a11.•tokin ,Famp,
tionsi., and :positivelY•cures Pile*, Or-:, tio
pay required. It la gpartnteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or •money reibridtd:
Trice 25 cents per, box; Fit SALE Br
Watts & Co. • • .• 2.58-1Y
Hannah Simon,of Newark,
waltzed teo minutes at the celebra-
tion of her ninety seventh birthday:
That is what • W.. the matter • with
Hannah. ' •
A common cold should not be
neglected. Dowiret Elixir will cure
It.. • . ••298.4t
The Boston Globe observes : "Girls,
marry whom,yoti like." Miss Euphe•
min Jones, aged forty-two, says that
It is easier said than done.' •
• Fluid Lightning
Fluid Lightning not only cures POothache in!
stantiy,.but also Nedralgla, Headache, .hiaraube, -
ltheumatisin, Lumbago and Sciatica.' Pain of
any kind cannot remain onothinute where it is
applied. When Year hear of Fluid Lightning you
hear of oneof the 'greatest marvels ever known
in the way stA4fedicine, as weever Nei to eure,
net ih a Week nor a day, but the Instant 11 18
applied te,the affected part Sold . by alt• Drug.
gists. • •.300,41.
The last wish of a late Itu'glen bell
man win} that when he died,. they;
would bury him in the "mild kirk
yard," and not put him in the new
cemetery, which at that time wttsjust.
rieWly operied, beeause, 118 he said,
•"lie was fear% he wad he droon'd." '
• 'Dont fill the eystem With quinine
inIlia effort to prevent or dere Fever
and Ague. Ayer's 'Ague Cure is a far
• More potent preventive and remedy,
,with the advantage Of leaving in the
'body no paisons to produce dizzihess,
deafnese, headache and other dis-
orders. The proprietors warrant it.
A Ontidetv.ie.-Clalcleen are Often
fretful and ill when Worms is the
eause., Dr. Low's Worm Syrup safely
expels all Worms. • 299-4t
Plainderne, after looking tong
and thoughtfully at a plaster elparie
oast of 'Shakespeare, remarked
"PoOr Mon, how pale he mil 1 Ile
eouldn'Lluttie_been Well when it was
taken." "eo," replied Fogg, -'he
wit% dead." "Alt, that,accounts for
it," said Mrs..P,, drawing a sympa,
Giotto breath,"
• Salt _Rheum.
Silt !Menne Veniites 02 niocebes can be User.
ouglily reinOred by a primer application of Me.
(iregork Parke's Carbolic Uerate tO the part, Inn)
(my doaea of Meth eger'it Speedy Coro for
pure blood, no ouro nos get the genuine, Pre•
pared by McGregor Sr Parke. Soul 81 20 corits
at 5 our 1)015 Store., , .800-41
Carria:ge 1,Works.
LIMBER AND SIIINOLES taken in exchange. (live me .4 •ettli and I
writ give you prices that cannot be beaten in tlie Comity. gar Repairing and
liorseshomne done with ,tespatch.
Wishes to tnform his old customers and the public generally
that he has agaiu opened out lu the
-Carriage and Waggon 'Business,
Of till (Inner of lluron and Orange Streets, Minton,
In the Brick Building known as the "Mountcastle property," where be will carry
on the trade in all its brunches. An experience or over 20 years itt business in
Clinton will enable him to Meet the requirements of the public in his line. All
material of the very best quality and the wm•Itmenship unsurpassed. Call and
exitinine before purchasing. All the latest, Unproved rigsmauufactured and kept
constantly on ham'.
tSt*Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to.
•-VrAriaril F3 az CO_
.Physioians' Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Colpounded,
WCare -and—Despatch; 4:• "
The Public fiiict our .8tock of Afeelleinee Comple4e, Trarrantea
CCM .et eho Aot canaNtli Xt.
Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses''Sponges, and all
kinds of Druggists' Sundries usually keptin a First -Class Drug Store,
The time for House -Cleaning is near, All wanting
-Hall Parlor, Mining-Room,_ot" Bed-
•' Room Papers,
.• wilt find the
Best and. • Latest
• . IN— •
• tizr Tlie Bazaar Fashion Books rot. 1883 are oat and can be had for ntithing.
Oall•and 8 ge the papers aud get a 13ook •
It rTIL-41-R'
Ohe.tt, per than•any one on top ef the Barth.
liNroN mu:810 5.m.. eoRt. u
I ,
1:41 I
11 -
• I 1111111i
. "
yrrY,..24r- PI/
SaMpleSaf du/ 4.3 OM Ins in.thA Waterooms; Perrin Block, prices LOW and n
• terms easy. I also keep hostock •;
The Wheeler find Wilson; and the Light.Running Domestic
Sewing.: MaahMes..' ' •
Also Needles, Oil and .attach re en ts, Vtolbntt Varying (rem .$2 Up to $100,-13owa In
great variety froth 50 cents to $10,.Ebony Finger lcoards-,•Eborly Tail pieeee, Pegs.
Bridge .Strings, Steel awl Out, in seta or single, Tuning Forks, Tuniug, Pipes, -Har -
time teas, 1Ineiv Chin Rests, Mutes, Flutes; Fifes, FlaireoletP) Violin • CaSe.9. • front
45 cents to $4;.31teiic Books for Orgati,..Plano awl The • Prize. anthem
Book, conttini lig the linest selection.Of Anthems ever produced., Call and see..me
• Perrin Block; Clinton, Out: • .•
•-• D
Tlie countries where Cholera pros/idle, RS
in India, China aud Attlee, Pain.Hiller is
considered filo IRMA, :and safest of all
known rellitatisa end the natives piece the
. , --
most perfect reliance in it.
Read tha following extract froni the letterer is
Illiesietlety in china:
bent itins,-1 eoght to have acknowledged
iongago the box of Pala -ROW you had the good.
neSS te send tee %St year. Ita coming WAS most
. prinddential 1 believe latedreds et lives 'were
saved, ender Owl, 11, Tho Cholera appeared
hero soon after we received it, We resorted nt
08.0 10 the PAIN -RI LLfilt, using as directed for
Cholera. A, list was kept of an to whom tko
Pain !Ottawas given, and ter MAN° itseletttnte
fteenred us that olght °eta every ton to wheat
It was pro;oritiel, reeovereti.
Believe Inc., dear sirs, grattfull5 anti faithfully
5 ours. ,L M. JOHNSON,
Jtiootonarit to Stoma, Mine
pr Beware of Vomit arreitef and imitatlees.
1.1 11,1 emote, Perry Dav be Pain.aIller anti
• talcr to. otter. 07.01
.$11.:.VER WAR.
Ladies' gold and SilVer• .loWerry-
13raneluis, Ear !tines, 13racelete, ete.
Solid Silver and Plated
Suitable for lioliditY, Weddle:1, or Ifirtit•
dity Presents. Goods for lege 01' small
purses, mid to snit all seasons of the
Year. She the Stock. Large vat letY. of
Clocks, Everything tif the best makes,
en tlernen'a Plain a.nd Fancy Jewelry
In' endless variety.
gel...Repairing pronmtly attended to
and satisfaction guaranteed.
• • • •
d •
. ..•
A Pull Stook of Spectacles,
• O• f the test Makee, alwayd on hand. ,
Opposite the Market, Canton.
11111 ottwaor, •
(LIMITS11)01.1t1/COE, ONT.
fltty nn others till you see the eetehretral
wrought hen Harvester end the neatly never
Hay Bakes, littaw Cutters, Ploughs and: Met
All Warratited. 8tc.tsIro ronsiati fly oft hand.
WAhhhosinf nest Maiden.* Carriage Warki
Clinton 271-3in.
glit troll 3100 Nteor4
83 etruitsugn
Every Wegleeeday Morning,.
4.1' waste OFFICS,'
Albert Street, Clinton, Ont.
0,114 advalee; 02jf not 80
Tiro proprie tors or Tri ra Gemini on Nurvs,
baying purchitted Oa business aud plant
of Tar. Ilumne Recofto, will in future
publish the amalgamated papers la Olinton,
Antler the title of "TUE liunos Nuws-
Wilton is the meat prosperous town la
Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable
manufacturing, and the centre of the finest
agricultural section in Ontario.
The combined eirculation of TOE NEW -
RECORD exceeds that or any paper pub-
ished in the County of Huron, It is,
therefore, unsurpassed. ams mut advertising
medium. Our rates for advertising sin;
it:Diu:nal year, $90 column I year, $30
" e tnoa, 50 1 " 0 Ines, 18
1 " 3 mos, 30 I " 3 mos 12
1 1 year, 00 I year, 18
1 " 8 mos, 30 5 mos, 3,2
" 3 mos, 18 * " 3 moo, 8
Advertisenleats, w'thout instructions as
to space and tinie, w 11 be lelt to the judg-
ment of the compositor in the display, in.
serted until forbidden, metsatired by a
cale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
ne.b), and uharged 10 cents a line for first
niertion and 3 cents a line for each sub.
nent insertion. Orders to discontinue
advertisements must be in writing.
liotwes set aa 101ADINn MATTER,
(islenpareil measmeinent, 12 lines to the
'tleli) 10 cents per line Mot inseition ; 3
Tents per line each tmbseettent insertion.
We have One tbe best appointed Job,
Otliees west of Toronto, :Our facilities in
this department. enable p18 10 do all 'kinds
of work -from a eallin eard to emeriti -nab
poster, in ' thehost style. ktiowenut
ctfiiI'41-tw possible rates..
Orders by mail promptly attended to;
Th NeWSzReco:rd;-'
cuAton, Out
. December, 1833..
isms Ili -
Sas Ifs s
mrillivi±isT, •
Lido of yorahlo, Honor Graduate itOyal Voltage
' , et Dental Surgeons,.
• Codits's Block, . Clinton,,
411 Work lisglstered. Chargers Moderate.
D("SAIL REEVE. Ottleo, Rattenbury 'Street, 1m.
inediately behind Etansierds hook eaore.
fteettlence IpposIte Tempeptnee lOall, Huron
Street. (Mice hours from.8 a.m. 50 1.113 '
Clinton, Jan. 14, Ian.. " • " 1,y
Barristers, Solicitors,' Conveyancers, Ire Com-
missioners for Ontario and Manitoba,
.c.r.01lice-e-TowX 11ALL, CLIgTON..
Clinton; MaT 1711., ,1882. • ' 20
flOVVIO}'4NCIOR, Lt.VZ$, .i.V,517/14ATE,
i••! GRA VEIM L, WEVi' ttr itone1. to imam
Office, Beaver Block, Clinton: v2Stf
QBAGIlit li MORTON, Barristers, &e., rt. , Cod-
/0erich and Witighaiii.• Sciager, ir.,
J. A. 'Morton, Wing -ham, 14y,'
. . . .
Ayisos.& JOHNSTON, hata, Ohancery,and
1,5 Conveyancing.; .01ticc-Vest .Strect, •next
door tti Vost Office, Ooderich, Ont. 07. .
I') C. HAYS, Solicitorie &e. Ofileo, corner of
i ,Square and West -Street, sag Butler's Houk
Store, Gotierieb Ont. 67.
ire Money to lend' 51 10)1881 rates of Interest.
E. oh;
Jordan's Drug•Store, the roonie •formerly own -
pied by Judge Doyia. ' •.
kr Any runettlit of Money to loan at .lowest
*rates of interest. • • 1.1y.
. • H. W. BALL,
A VOTIONEER. for Iluron County. Sala alt -
tit. tended to in any part of the County. Ad.
iron orders to Gomm& P. 0, •
A ucTioNaga, land, loan and ineurariee agent
131y15. Salus attended In town and country,
ni reasoneb,le, ternm A list of lame and village
las for sale. Money to icein on real estate, at
low rates of interest. Insurance effected on all
'classes of property. Notes and debts collected.
Goods appraised, and sold en thmitilssion. Bank:
rupt stooks bought and sold. -
Blvtb. 1)ee..10, laaa .• —
. • . • •
Graduate of the Ontario . Veterinary College, To-
ronto, havihir opened an office in Clinton, is
• p raenpiairileailisyto!Lottfmatuiti.:itdinItIdocilosItewalsndef:oeotr:(11 ogiesn .t le
. °Mies. All operations carefully
•' performed, and calls prompt. *
night. rue -moderate,
• •
OFFICE -1st door West of Ken-
nedy's Hotel Clinton,.Ont. V-17,
liNSTlititENTAL, Webber,'from
theoston' Conservatory of inutile, 'will etke
a limited number ot pupils on the. organ or plane.
Particular attention giren to those who wlsb to
• merove Off their preent stew srpray liar;
dovecot L. P. Davis, neer thews:ran fattory. 31,
Phologt pliers
Life Size Portraits a Spooialty.
.14.s .' I N�.710,
. .
OX,IN'X'0N, •
iteas •yr 'ROOM iffelMaY Of every
month. Ilan upstairs, opposite
the Town tiali. Thltieg brethren
alwros made welcome'. ,
A. it. TM*, 'W. M.
P., AWF1i1.0N Secy. c.'TurtlanYi
i-sLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. A
ki meets every Friday, en or after the full
*mon, VisIthig brethren cordially Invited.
MacWitIRTER. W. it, 1., rORTUN PI, Sac,
dielendan. 14, 1881. 1•Y
H.OW to SellGoods
Over 400 IlltistratIODrat
Comprira g de. I gas, for klattaVankt.
• r 003low.
c.• :c.R.feritirt31.1:taGeleal:hi:hl.hiCc.bQyflairc11,11:Y‘4171:cill'o.
Rav TutIct Cushions, Rohtstcsts, Wosk
"kf a 'CUsTli Laise,t6?1 I prat° crg$4,1Varl Poet
cts, Towel Racks, 'I idles. Work Raga, Catch.
0.71 II II kr}11:1: 1:11:S:5 hWble:Y11:13::rle"1:1111)'Pkr:::tohiTakh::**1
ne Baas. Jewel nears, Knitted Jackets.
Pillow Shams. and laindreds et other swans
stk._ ha,..huova:tirghtboeirs074.1.13,,;,:tordtthamthlt. arc :0:40...tphas:114.1acir:te-ateelea,
varlet), of excellent -designs try 'otle`of
g'flil°nvaermyanlvaacli; w1118n4 this trook et rfieful oomrap.,.
Ion, and Invaluable to all who lova fancy work.
JOURNAL, 240 Broadway, New -York.
I I a lin )1S11!3R, the renowned Tan -
.01f ercatris'stlithehra.8 ti°grbtItAintedl thtehelatelataattYPIal
of toles' and gen ti entfeleS hair -cutting. . One door
thst of the Commercial Beta
A PRIZE. Son • six cents for postage
.and r002le trae, ,. loulic •
of either sex, to•
more money 'right away thait.
anything else 'in tins world. Fortunes await tbe
workers annonttely sum: At once address Tautr
& Co, Auguste, Maine. . 281,1y* •
sie at the °nice or LORD me.
Conflict: • Block, Cliiongo, Ill, . .
• '17A E .'1'.IIE
News Record,
eading [recall Paper
American, •
British 0,74 •
• Foreign -News
: Are. corrected . every Tuesday
• afternoon, just before
going to press.