HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-13, Page 8P o Mobil 4'0 11-0 M 4- _lFl!PMilM NP SATISUM04Y.—Tte 3 S(I.-mAy Dolmm-014 Sunday 18"It ff- AF­ff 4Ave agrood 1w 0w finitneW arraliza� &c,;oaip%nled by the Doltarty bAud, ARV . I violat 1AIIJUwAQ I�y thit late U. 0. to tile town hall Where they Hite . IIVd 'RM Ir, fAmLwa of tbo B'bla (Niriatian Church tile Foreatera inarchad in PITM41011, tp u rflE WA $15,00-0 W#"kRTH U oonf,*rtju6* of CAIj&a% AS to tile pro- to &it itiqtructive disimurfle lly Rev. 40­­�-� . ... .. . ... ........... . . . ............ ortiou of the annuity fund to which Xr. UeCoA. The same Rell" !title- Of Books, Stationery, �*auey Goodso a g4ml witilaiters of th� U. 0. church wan. preachel seritions lit lit. 1­1WsrM News , 4 m Cauada. are entitled. ollurch'MortlilIR Rita evening, to ]art;(, awo,. New EmbrWeries,., " a -MTer New Linen Law"'1*18, New Ploto ia L o RM congregationa—Sorvices wer R tNX)K1) —The wornap NVright dutmi ill tile 11, C. Meth. 4 Vowetitluillit; called Morrison froult fie t by Alotwr% BL-rl-.sjt-,, and bl ark Y9 el; Jelveir ;S11 ware, Mn !Moord, alippoeed Haidou with a wan of tit&* RUM. 11, k t New Reversi Ole rilltslu Pln %J11 Ms, 3314ok (AxAmAx�(mo.) oat -no, the pa'atlye father of her ball. Bibles, Albums,'- Hammocks, Pocket Books, Ladies' children, wai up on retpand, Satur- - MENTAL Rxm&xET.—A, London SatclAs" NIV411 P.0 er, Cigars, Pipes, Bukvt�, gust 90 I itiesday, AV day, before Judge Doyle, at Gooe- AI(lerLd&II objcct(�'d it il certain re- Croquet Sets, talls, 14-c.; &c., will be and Wh* e Cheeks, and *Blue and Wh ri Ill for delierting livr child at file solution. It was carried. As ilia -A T. 'Cliutoll sts,,tioll- Sh" was further Wortihip utteredi the word "carried" remanded to jAil till 2ttll H(lpt- tho tile angandi labor for No. I.Wardiuruped, SOLD AT BIG REDUOTIONS Or e Muslins, WhW) Pks,. White Polka Dot 404ate In Ana Around the DAKOTA. A Mllb' up, still let 10080 3 VQII of Oath is county atid virtuppration upon" So as to clear gut tho Stock before stoc New Bunbings, Nun's Veflitg,'Fanoy Dregs Xu*.Slhins, er of former residputR of tit Win devoted Settled in tile vicioit�y vf Gi smflit). of 1�1,iyoi- 1illojy. lie, tile ODY. 1)3k, About tile first of this Illoat (Uayor), wau lit, d—d fraud. owit4or, an Mme I SAP -GAINS FOn EVIERYB d Su stf:" rgrioNs =or a, severe littil Moral destroyed tile robber, and evarythiul; that wall ball. n*oru Of tatUtElius, #4. Among the tiff0ers ile AV% crops, there. time that) it takes to relate farftih. I 40ap, ltodftt� olil churo d9gr.flo) 0'o- 'are Arthur Militt and Ills brother, it tile Alderman was in 0oillittkile I S a D I See Our Great Stock, and you Nvill, b. e., satisf led, tile AT,VDOn%)J brothors, frout Port werfal 0111brace. Ile ,out alwayi k%ve ap.rooi inmv 'PO I YS 0 'er"At flili.alld (1!0- Pratt struggle4o fiecely at first, but on tile AT PAT914T OIL CAN. -A gentle' A YU&T DENIAL,—The Rincar .Wstcate JOHN HODGEMS',, �,rin al 10 PrIUMUONAL T"OOT RACE!—PtOl- 011stub10 tilreatenilig to put the TH' loara-ih ot Rridtlog. Mucl be . on, and Prof. Caralake, "bracelat"'on him lie Simmered flown man, from I�iaoardino who is el"949- dine Raflorter, 41 a rellort of it Scott Mart Apply At this Combo, of Clint in tile flournd feed busineastbere act meeting held, in 04 town OF p,,uglaud, have arranged for a nolnewhil6b, and was 09on ou the other,' ell Nn 0 omee, 19 tF.; Is. over in Clinton fura. few- ToeSd evening, of last jv�ek, bas side of the door. wl ;LR - foot m, co on tho Clinton DrtvitigPirk 11Z 1119-1 OV. rgford, tits Genuine I tiger rb =101ne (lay last week, Ili View- tile to 0 All. Smyth,, �nga Madhilis nent, IM � IMM00W this (MdUOSday) evening. F f, GREEN Aprrs.�About, this tinle� ing,tbe 404ts of this town he- took blethodiat minister, of Walkerton, froul. the Pwin Block to te TOWN Combs, aarees to run SOD yards hile of year all "apple year, 11 -says a city tit Villes big Oouring will. He is was called forward, nd ill a ve HALL; Intanding purchaspro of allif"llilles " V -annoy- Ills oppo"nat hops 100 yrds, forTIM1790 exchanget, tbo ground in an prebard' Mortgage Sale WE HAV whji wislt to, ative iulona�YJ, 1111410 ani beeing and carries with Able i3peech referred to the working MADE ahqllc� 49ti,11 call Alid. tile nestoItes. W. IL Cooper, Jr., is ar itli'll, te, him ail , ear trumpt, Re raised of the Soott Act. o perfaef.d his cl OF VALUABLE liall. 297_51t lteliolaeri and imperfect, worm-eaten or atung" l(gille wit], it at tile will. IC is remarks by referring to the rotten - or snil giltMgo 170 Fruit. It is so bad that pigs will alere- Gheaher Thn Div. Books -And all not eat it, �so tile ionest farmer long, While: inspecting the pretnises ly Stating that the notoriety be R M B%rgaing in ,is Town itY,, whi011, ill he. raiwA the. bistruinent,intonding at ained, had beeit. because of his In the To1vushilp qf Rullett, 10"i of Fillicy Goods at Weir's Cuuu )a. t 00PER18 Grocory. cil of Oshawa Iiavo Baccuml d OF HURON. "EAT U H7% H A a to P%per Boney Cnipboll as reNroe.—Coi. conical Shaped and atlout two feet egg incideilt in Walkerton, thy ectillujullity I;0fxarjI as tile, �to pat -a his ear a , ca,ty of the Soott Act, and tb t it t s bej,4pproched advo In TuR COUNTT to the "captivatin.a manner of A, ldy proper place for wbativev farna an at Iploye, but the latter had retid, whitiltey was the movink, cause of $11vation' Captain front B.Owmativille. prc�luj2ts Ara allot for b a to pat, 'so muW-00110 Cranics And. pistol Assault." In, making such.9, State- T T.IME R POWER Or, SALE contained In A )olietty 0. r- V inert, an Otherwisothoyse . toliaveagrudge of cot lia age Nthich will �be roduced at the heT I m em Irs, sl�ttie body vii uy tit slionting and'(1yuninite slid earth- inent, Ur. Sinyttl is dellibLratelY tials f oula, there will be o ered for aillill by COOP0 teturhil thanks to lint Up sold 72 Organs last and tl.� attlicArtity." 9�hecsptivatingman- ,411110, Of tha oroharda--4o sell citing is untrue, The an ublic Auction, at the Commercial notl I in th AgAll) quakes llotupon the fit: OF al;Two O'Clotilt P. At., 01. oustrilaors for t1lefrilbelill pattone took ordpra� for- 12,oli M(5nday. no 116feeli Path SeVembei,% A 0 nits�tlllyla past) all nor 0 ihe lady soom a to have piereed ­4or Ole city is full of Stnall boys orde; at going btit imianter put an Scott A&t, party bavo 119 the id begs to au0iiiin-ce t1lat to witted his son gobipit. fill a nieltiber of tile firill, slid hopes they will rocuive'u, one acres of lot- twenty -Ave in the coutinuan Illa stwilort 11610tabro a(), of Alto fruit i, &' tliiji cerfoin parcel of Jai E sea S, e pie baksriei, 'and either. Id a' Ila,,$ all the hearts of those city father rg Inuch space.betweej) hinis0fand the towaid- the je,�. the said towashly of Irmiletb alid ponlPomd of the Gra;id Lodge, hbldf-1 i leaving them ks graceless as ever. will buy wbatove, 4 Cheap ad isitor as possible. A follow employb would not descend to lilacliguat I . 14tb Conres4lon. This deil,-Able property to W4 I E AINN D, G%` last weeki F. F. L%W- It (140110t be denied' that aiid the retreating one watched tile as 4. Wo6ld be itijuritus. to tnell, tte Of Godelich, Why don't the same clas Of. A171117 611ing- . situate wihin gliti, and nidleslot the village liberully ATt;oordell to tbo bovao. reace, of 0 po, nioyelneilts of the invader through cause. 4-.aliliiater of tile, Gospel 01 11 "1 an the L. 11. & B. It. It., and & NO. I workovs direct their batteries towa-rds 6'reilu aPPI05 Are goof) f)r 00") arall!11.1d coilriects it with the To n of 00fle. R- 0- 0 OT. I, about ten jultes distont. la for I .8 -always fil,d busixles�..pio Ile cannot rove, an() v�e ChAl Ictige lid with the! kiog that tile dazigerutis looking olliOal Cijurclies, SchoAs, Flqpx, and GrM Bills, gol) 8innss Is a lip 1.a46_A1UWI2" g %MaukLof still be a 0.�cial jot aWill SW till$ property. tile-11yark ,v nPon. u ittitW6 t I'll imd hoar(tsooluollabqut, Kincjirt.1410,�Ilerald, f9r tile 101SUrOly alill Olegallt u"lli 1, fruit, but 6,on a 11 ey) There are said to bg 84 acres cleared abil In 4­It'is reported BOUi' A GopnRicu rrolr'isulp it cuiUvotion, uoil esid.to be clil a GraO Guardiail. ees still I, MID H a key hole ail Should not inake, a stateatent which. h, tiollfie sixteen pilles dl�tajjt, a %v 'T 0 Town the Town Council of ClInta for apothecad d MIA* flet:6�mlnod ric o -T 'WOX'EN's tvenio pr6teotion sLS d*66bt. the Oil 0le god, state a oIIR rttknaen;btit theboray liandedfarui6i tietorappearlo Scene team and tly undulating. Tilexq is said to' of QLA113$wATME iui�t It lnq1-0_ pr9fitttille. and quite as that t ship Y9111).4 R� God(irich .. owil proliriety of killing off a fetv tile About tit s titue6almed, their fears milli PiQxERa,—The. Wititt, be upon the pi knises a Log trwse, In a itiod afrlell a.rtlu til, alatt) of fag to He, far s fingig peop y R.)pekse t I tv v in orining. ilas reuetjtl�i had. tit*, aild a,, Ff't )I , Anever-ti; in. supply of wher, This property- aflow ti M Ili$' �n 4 OorTown and County r 11 Ili' will be sold imbjeR ill, a reserve bid. Tema mud -1). CJAx"&TOtf shipped a car, to Giint6a young al in ell that two indttstries�iiot infantile— theol tj Ilia gen w ' oil' i conditious made knowzr on day of 811 OA T MC11 L, T. tip- the latter -ft Secure Arid furais" a may pr o�p . er, The wall, whobriijuR. friend 0ou)-be, front Kilicardine,-and ill coluala L efor weeks For farther particulars apply to Montri,,&I, on 111AISO a0d at-rangs for tile toarrmp tile trahy apples to tile OitY i that thilitifernal inachilie Wastin car Auiong otbt�r matters the writer of V ORPJ M E A L, R 0 UR, IT . I-:, Al. CHADWICK, is, tile Site. then backed out v.e. Vexidor'ji Solicitor, b�lieve this, I worse than lie who; brings tlit� FiniaW trlittipat. Andall was 4118ace Sit them gives. a resuave of tile personnol and. warit to D if -ta, BEATTY, CHADWICK, RT.ACKSTOOK & OALT, 9/1 T8, PO, TW TO E, a Mall solile- Iahrrg. - of lift'rveitt apple$ pox, And bel. should be, t -k' of tile- Methodist lijillis- oat liu-nibpi Little. ti,itiem play Such trick's and 1118 but gly, and wo, t. East, Torobto, -at one. No. 68 Wellington -8 that �eOion, coinnioncina Dated i5th August, A.D., 1884. evor KI I ipped -%DS,�Wfl ;front: here e'r' iiiat thii� ir iiux retaliate )roLUNTVER COOD. WO WE� 1 3 bH, at' f the prop about -a half 0. ceil.10y ago.' Ili last R CO' 811,1 UG' fhiflcd�' MR. RonnitTsON, '13-ETFFLO'— sa* wliilo_�._esppcially durILIg oBBEI) W T4 I, Ix ij)leasure a of call last weq it week's number wo,,conle across Vie ouce and, �. Ila -.Ills While,. ill Buffixio: last w.eek, Mr. frain Mr. llaldan,of Toronto, recent. M Ell ili John Craib I following, which refers*. to a. gelitle. m And Air Allies ofthe: North W'"bi son of t1w Tj` �IAS illti his avin well known cli taivvii- bons�odllfi� I Ungs "Unt e %1- Goor-e Davilson goodli Store.* I Miekle. of.blitfibell. were robbed by veteran ex-Higli Sullool'Ppineipal of a courteous SaIgAdian, His dutis 'from 13! ilgland by. Timothy -Ship) lie being a Sow of. tile late Nev York'expei t. . They 0ept Gode�icfi, and Mr. 0. ftel f septelliber.. 'Hansot�, ofMaryland, U.. -S,, ,be treamurer And assesor .6f Muni- ad the above Uills, thay t1feIst , -0 - uralms of fq ter At al�-bbtel and Another tile lifife tlie Goods -for Harvest 160 veo inatly. shaNaftlil qipa brother of 4iti - will ILMD yo,tiog man "ra ago. the Santa r(jcm was oci &till �d Sports 9 POD Pair of rs.been popular dre%v Whitelyl- lately. of Ahe.lfuioll. Mfflfio- AT ONC OU111try And bis girl were "Gold Dtif;61' horties COMMen6f tion6y, a. cmt0e buyer lake. from the c ohn J that ctui sl low.of a 'a. for hay for Itorse-81, but is -not Ro4d, near 8chbol bous st off tbeirho6fs at the. rate of "Inatiagpinent of1k1r, E. COABr_,7T, drifting slowly into $ill lce,cr(laln from Ullk*on.. Mr.- Mooney Arose ilia (lit -circular town :, ntet Vs t�ly 'u.ed as formerly. under the valoQn whet, the Ldlowilig early, aud left liu two,. rooni-twites the pole, Durhiga,drive ot e traduced- at alater date, to , -R��v. L. Warner was skicceed(id irl buti I "Vallilla, chocolate, I Ry wa% inv While' in this state a al)qut ton with the gentlenift, tb �hj.60 �jer it) a.hquid fortn' is still qu.1to kment at,tbe iivai�' 1863 by Ruv, Jolm. Sh4w, wile will -7 slid Strawberry ice-cream, A lcppck& from -Nilw York express;*d. sitonisl renietilbered thari UFAGURINQ pothlips be better used tile 11ullIM and stole. $9,5 iA_jImugh 11i cantaukerous feilo%v' ber Iendid private r. 4poc tho.ili Ejlteady nifitatonod from done "n shorf and A large froin bite pile. �,vf Mr, And �,d beautiful grou.nds, those of'.Wlos . Air. Davidson'. a very S'�-,Yold ALTEt AcT.—Tile new Epalth soott At is trying:0 curtail the fact of Ilia second ierai of service stock of Act wokos it srs R. inW. W. Farrftn -.1 Goods foi: itive � oil: re atw Potent date And. tho toucl t, So on.the assuixiptiou that I+, is W00116, houmiliold, r to. pOr a '901' 60 Of u plirti ulAxly challeh� ing their attert- u I n c 9 d nielaticholy bicidentsk coil, onous, ing an Mulplliite itito� liri'Oe-q, thought to Place biA,pbolu" ill, w1fivil ti".. Tile Ileat appearalleeof -tbe - ontan t1lete &Z Or Im r4 Age fe. r COUPMTION."It ba�,i been said 9. hict recalleetio of M P. . o�r mi i:A 0hildlren or Ardults every inouth. -Thkji carried his cah Ilia pi.1low poors . . dwelliags- enerally, the provalen flisti 'buro are lione so poor as to tie beforli oing to bed" a twt; that I ng-illpstreets, 11 t solut'toi is- by ii.u. I., I. of shadetrees a a his ffrat, Wbitby jo.pails of reverence to i1pil liair. Notwithstujid hin, ills Inon4y, After Sbaw'dtl pas, IDAVOD GAHAM ipounilt; of.cQpptkraH iii-tim 0 Ott Raitenbury Sixvet,. they water. I . 1) lifew days, Illanly cquiltenance taild OtIt, le pilf.,rin�t pooketliat sorne. And Ono live to the lljaujigfir� T,� tilateli 14, floor w1i hCRICKr IN r thwl; Such urgl�r ontervd- Atiiep-ted as ail indication, ofa thri. iAnd playnd Oil tll�, nd ti e tile. tier aut re" and comfor.6 of tlliBwo�ld uOU01001-talbly u ilies, He hall niore t A, n fhe Lip and grAP- Trie �j)londidrbzti�'k s6res wore -all fit]] rin the pr betwe,in tit , 0 T3 tit e note, , i 0 Or r.,. ha"q l'00111- ame to hiN they.wen­ RY �l t 'if the Voderl h NUiblo wo,ko 1�dy4tllej Rc6rod 24 may the . 4. Lit. i a it I im. town-rtli 0Ifkt,' hill wo1n %v h6n.. 1 Lin E,�;'- tive'. dip '6% lc6eidingIn 1101dilig d lleaving esteem, hs bad the lore of his' ilt� I P eming 1P al and th Witud ers, J f dlititon, P OR.'c E61 L P R L, K in it, 'poLiconian -was called in 6 f 11 ill) until oA -.Tile. D I Ob(l ill all the %yulk. whi& st e. of. tvi nce g Ilo.t. 9 6flij_,vart eltureb. x VANSTall, Tile econd imiigr PO.9.4, -Wa f his llfe,-and the nder hig O. "*0 RENT. of alld -tile follo,'%v at onde labdod t,118 id a town �,,,Rrcortll,' to fit khen tile Mliall-os of Eat- care marched Steadil., a4d.,V'roaper, p4ti ence Clinton 4T .0 tzells, Next day lie stood Ili, '6LljS' isi it all and. to all 1, 11� it) of sbt4'�� tBook and was 'to� illy a a ce�di` th wijA�ffatteringiistiliate AT.VALUABL MO I P.ERT1,k-n6ivu x hpiore, Od of it, f $50, being corilulittod they ha&f 4 1 awa0,11 't -he U —Boa trecoisved back $64 of his. are, flowt,ra. pat, r. r.- I I I t sin) oeSulied ty lifr,'Fit�D HGATON; tA C. ST1117 8 M u I iful,td Ioqk M fi. L. G. .,A P'Mrtc)N"of Hie ilia)- of.gaiall: Ui . I - ( I Ii — i, ri, : - - _ . a 16 0 than 40.000 edse, f -0 -,on. wit] ed bai" Tile Hota L) LD EN HU; wo,ilev, and Ui. Davidson his watell uP0ll,ft0( ef? not t6 I -ant. Th Army_iq .ji the elily, TO ad to ljol& Ig $(-a -lit lie iohale Wit in fl onlie by tl;e Roorl(lil vo6ata. In easte owers aig4 at Montrus. s situatea oil tlie giai Thobel, A 1?'LEASkqT o 0 &P E ME I k PU 1.10 Allid they 6RIJ�Ill a gat nd heir Ai 1)ert it wile'. i� I�a d "" .�;- , Tliip.�The "Sarnia- loves art Gliijej�11�ja milli und does (tit i-it!l t1le urnmatic t-viint, ri� (he fit', tile, saino. iwier all coiidition�:*A, leii'6% urivrid at, Each,' blog�ovi that Moog W,Iiij on tbij rep6al ON'lie. Scdtt- unhd' Iith 99 . I.-Inl io a talf-es Place Oil LAY ajiit in af I) IIIi I k 1a(1 f rst-of,9e oz� sooner if �eqp re c1ta We h!lpe tile d0zlitel -resulC tbeo 011. he 10. avesa myllt'c Ilan -GL 110 sigh b poun�IN ajidf 6 W 0Xr $IN E APPLICA N" is' intied . . -1 37 and 417. rx 1 ta PqQllds alni. two -Ter MS Recl,80=0-be. nottify the, Vacp and give to the Vallcill or SalloW Corn rXi`,U.,AgLr aitlel,4, A I appl I to e o lactly Health? a pojicil 'and Impe fbr tit,; P A �Lovely s tile' Ilig I� ,Natursil And Tduthru $ rinkles. Frocklm Ciow' plieltrance. It Conceals Vhat defy con"not tion' r to veatfae a oprtain. nuitilit I t'Fact, and the vidence of A�a, lea Lt e.Skin Tin litie Ve Oftf%U; but iiever ell- .-Saiijoill, an hi... as' sd jiy, I �st I ja vmtl ills e rpi� to keo Oijo I-aby of to the mdre A 04 atu�a.l and is thd oymbdlic lab"d.Lia2e ebts, 'ftlit'to ari6, ad6ess. all eltdy bolii, Jay iuch' as -1 did oil w a ad ill� sal,f.,.86 11 ill W(istwore, at ta-exi. 1edrtdsdIlIettdrsto­ otile Sootf A.L UN 1. e P P. 'ok of Fibrai Tliim6 96wera and inativ Drawer 12,678, Toronto NO. iij I br. filding pnr- t others'will lie on ex5'�btion Ili Wie -esulted iii a board. the Which I dow if -id C Work A k aruggist for'It, ..IV oldsalo by, paq Isidar to *be one, of tile bouts 00 aIl ivhtj�e e�'al e t of 39 for the- A ct. aOtt -tb TI conin)(Antion Salo dragg sts, ate wo.1-L-1 is lii� he i,4 the Ocean: le ab, Trado'Mark. be sec apjre�i this, i I ch, an Austral, M A In K T, RgPirp RTS.-: to lit', 4 skinim;,d, wilk oil gtilisat, L "it ?:Qt, ill, -SO let.4 Play tag." Slip ball superb alid, ail �(wmed'to Vary. Tnesdity afternljo Glitice 1110re to the gaJllonj oil flight ardiLy, Tile Irligei buildii is i6caly ian by birtli, bea'L lianial) bj -0 '�kriny to n v i6 with each otlier in giving pie "d w,�.h 91 .. I tI)e P4yarnp.tta river e w SALESMEN VANTEO' p o U rl d anifll�jjie oullOF), will its -cr�ivklj ure to drapad.with flitgs anil Fes ooi oltr�l Fail now, 0 of Ar.e dylijiv, fi,otn'wajit ounces, 0,00 to 0 XNER . GY AND DETrRuixA. tie' t -Or the is well ft- 0 46 to 0-66 '4ptsain slid the. foroi� of O'S4 to 0 38 OR SAM'ull kill, of intelligen;a and busiliess tilet, call Ijave,th04 turo 1.t pounth.; And ei' lit anda 'I'MIF �Js ot Iiiii't, I;utnber anid niost botal i -W. 0 " to* 0 10 F 'L%bh. .!rhose wanting Lumber or Iath wit e9peapos paid and GM larggl Palariall, by solU tLt, n quainwui with Mr. oil aces, allo, tile ffacdon ill that, r wasba!1 wood. Ili W'/ rqtl6ils n 1 0 8) to 0 8 GIVE 'EM'A polillds and f u 1, 0 5 50 to 6 61 1 U M 0 F ri AND LATH tl a floor in tile clSouth,Wal�s or arhmcrilturist 'Rt� thut tiley lie pleased to Thina N tile "Gliti)pRe. Ilan" of We waeit11111, ou� own Corresvoyl�int ptples, (wititor) per hill', 7;. 2 00 'be 2!00 find it to their it) torest to kivti we a call yrd our Nursery:Stocit. we parMittic is a, bothe.- the, ce ibea of. tile lak I . . P� , . I . . .... .. . uill�,Factory,,Wefllzigion Itnown througn. Soa', th ail is a siliall is- , ' t a 6Q Lo, o 60 bael and all we are Nvoll and r% rat;�r now ed da'i Sulitiol'bpeu&l liist� Monda� o id to q is atrelibi ClIM6111. ooto our agonO find noltolitile in inakink -i of Nol;eolk Reftrnz,&. He woi Butt ry. . - .!, I QSEPH CUIDLEY. Pm, pockit. laMR. rai all(l late Oil I , the comfort of & 1) , . I ah be f lan (I front vvilich I (Itallid attendain a of 46., .0 14 to 6 ill 286 raTuircd I Outfl� ti Appizs. SjJ a at o"IaPI6 tre; froin its, top isad i 7 00 W 8.00 a Of'NOVA'&OtiB.haVa.sIIO%vII. the,pa�Hengqrs,*aod tile stoerzi-s was li1r,0ooperbastheAl rovernentsorithe m I I Miles, 6,00 to 7 00 Send ital card for torlijil, ate. of water wbich Ascends twenty &i reli almost 00111P eta 0.00: to, 0 00 packing appleli as oit, SE 4 BROMERS, 1,4 oor urs on and-Soodgm that, I aI to to. 0 00 T. . a myriac a of tniY sprays producing -a onjo at t1le parsoiiag, 00 to d"oo eliardists of ri ve lux orip's of -clm� -hotel, visit 0 75. to! I N ari . in atid troatq tlimn liberally..Qut at L rijulated pie: hors, of pill �ial M alheell)"I'l"ll isolelit I Ing into 11" di div'd* o? Yondon -,Inark6t, joid, (ilia of the; best oti.. w.hile in.the Sal All in its paid.a ya,per poandi 0 Ott to 1) A last Saturdsy rye sLYTH W r to the.11ietmr and Mrs. �J. of - COOL. According in i 9 accou U t A,*'-t'rlp avrostl the A'�Llantic cia.0'a v ory illeatting efftjot. The� founta,in ji, Chickens,'-perilair 0 00 to 0,0 s1 00 to 8 00 DDS 0113. to 010 tile S'l"Ilill OMO1 , on- t do, tog,risj;R ill find-reater and a unilipr of rorest�rs of Cordwood, a 00 to 4 00 Are now prepared to.do all kinds of worklin their Acop tioll fill � cool, put in fk grain orushor,weareslilp a taket Allan" line will be dip prnpor 6ing q Holmosville for it thap, are enjoying theins 'Ilia GOSMA. N & D of Ills. i* th6 hatiliwork 'of Air. 8, Day. .0 lit6e tipreig thn treo� for.c uite 'a large . n AF1 It ljV g(jillg re. in� their efforts to InA110 Court Selwood att6udod tlis in litst innuth wal%� a., V tin st, J tally atA plac.Ojii 611PRP61- atalustiniont than ll(6) 0 tile - a III . 11 . ally 0110 '611 'On thl' "h0riji6t itfie-,afraira muccem.� ("IlAnge of -pro, Clijiton.list Sunday. huaoilik Part ill the tp the'fruib in ilia. barrek to itilirl wFixering places. *6 1)& r�pairink rand Jamps 8buirje', A -ting, slid. wh reas X, Nrf -So illankii, to' Ilis oustelpets and tile P thir Pit vwir. III suly'� 871., 010, each day, Tile, ' biic in�' pi'doossiria. 11i.aY.aonii6l�tid theinseiiigs I . Myth, Ont. lim I fin h dl heard 61 tT, Avalon in grauitae pu I irtin grave I was 74 ;�all repaid by the able,disiotirtle dolivareil T ed. re, They .'are thefi' Nvl)6-lvd� Ilot a6re but; it 'Ph6s. �Jflfgmv(wl $1,40; P, filkeellmut papefj� .-OVTI.00lK.--7�tCrn lirs. Watle, OfLf by the Rev. hlcoo�sll. last 111611th 'was 74J. of repairing'soMp'er 81.0b; -Will - 8b f(I gcnert, ly, forthe liberal pationsge-a HE SCOTt Aor to C!a. as Ito tile tlso frilit ra 'tile colulAll ibai06b*)"d-1u$1Iter, of ilvert $3.0 , Win . . s * - don n( -%v ou �d to hin; ilT tile pacst, and by flil I� Orl, olaiii till tillia fill'. sbipillant, EWM-R -1COIM At 'ally rate the Both Aug -Oub Air. and All�; kiroij-4pant, a 1 %a A I � . .. . . . I -ft rl v An enur, E xcurtiro. ust. the poll tion t'0 Slie'veturpedhorna oil TO UlliL(ld le4ra.volling and rppnirffigro&d ORAN' b,irrels% are thSn a iptipil-bli'm lajrge� frxatids� wid , myself �J'L thd',�Uvtt,'Ac� in " 'tile coullhy Of at tho TaMellc of bar �Mreufs BOOT 8`110 L and br'dmil , talAe, two at A, tihp- tound t iat va�i, old, Have, coi'rp,,4pond jiul-oll will, be deposited in the Win. Tiernan ' culvert $2 0 of L, 0. Mr. Itenner'"Of Olinton" reachad 0 here last Sundity morning and 0anilig, Fir G. Mokolkon put ANTELON. 19, a I Tile auioi Cog' can be better ni Wi a 0 11 t, I I NYX B. ), It Wra:� gravel 38.21; Jnrops Tvnpr. Oad: :111 PE.' il) IIautyhf'exasz�oT_ office of tile Shoriff at Go(li�rich ti R P-1 1 11 "S R 0 C K to u on't1iiIi. t.aliln than iq ariv �Ms nor, t'It's V9 . - - Birks I . . — . 0 L 'with I ' al enactmitit Mr, �1. Riltilball and 'Mi, Ling in oulvpvt $3.5 4 tT6hn Lahe Out - app .r,e ntand '.the, good or 6t f ruit iq �ivllen he highly. 'eul, AVP,-- agisb(I � the thorpaltent )twill rownin. tbare, for obk Air. on dfat %Illy' -mado work,. sawlid andpegged, it, ting and graffing hill' 430. 0; John. liand —AT THE_ atA 'to Purb. Wanl,,y, 6-e ilal�atait(,d into warked and cQtiffort of th6 Allan, pubHoi,impeation for ten dayq, NAlon Tlie natt r lilar. theetuit of Courtsbl., �Vjn. 'NI 0 1 , i l; wit every purso. Lillie rl ibb Mg s 1 3�2 Prices , 0 The beat work, latter part of next A rranga:- a hold on th4 choice" wid Wlien Ateaqiers the caorte,4y of the it "Will be forwa,rded to the SecreLary NvOOd NO- 8 7; 'O"?�' "111 11ralliday-silloe last 8-a- lolvest.price. Mild tat Melit,; �rp lio,w lining Maile for -it light 2901 Angust, All Main-' on goods 'i. char: As 1'.1iNvEr first-class. city wollkitieli oln- D hfflled� 1110.11pil im Ilob WiLIlOUtdO0it Mr. Heaton. of 9tate. to' take actioil 'upon, -It is count $60,00; Misses Exfnrl : . LGEST lJors willplease govem tliernsdvog, 1pyad, entire satl6f4pttoil is a cortallity, bthe be4b This %vill Aptin t onci-, lint with a co one of. the moAt popvlar'stewardfi' w694d tha6.'tkere wi.11- be 5,000 hing. inly, as a fall is desirad, iiy 1, Ros�prson. Plank $21 60, Yet pff-sred and town al -inting 08-1.76; lly*-Ia1vA'. ONO tile. a, call, 'be hopes to in llead,'�Ilioll will playloonely� -ill tile the'.Adantiej And when, wts, natures to, it. Thi! fequi6tte litlill- 144sf Satfirday evellip r. ddov,et'a W. H. Kerr pi RMRT TITTERSOxi Pro r -orlt a coliffinlance of'i)fo for Ft. pil-ItRant dayA -nating, Tile t to run . ond 7. weri fitily read and. B40041, ibi,-h bal; been pr*qperly: -agaiu'crosa . we hhAll tnalia.2e niattefo bar itioiie fourth Lisa his ;v&Y betWeOx tbe liver and tbis placo� P -' 11 -from Clinton w Ther horse tool; it ifito his.b(all Aased, Moved b ��ay All B in giv.11. He t1lixt W'd call enjoy Ili e9 So0ieiy,`j,, oLrekib(i�bl8,�600iiit)i6coutity, The by C.- A. woula s�adiilly roconlinond a tilft&of for Ile skieceeded in'bi asking thd sbafts of tha�) numbef us)AAlly PoHea is 011,011J,c tilig ho experirlpd In cutting, down topis hiaDila=T IMPOILT010IM' Of W NOT ALL DEAD YFT.—Eith(r POO' R '13M t1l;(.111 njore CIO -ther throuul� if thtise proatises- are,$orieot, one illjure ol3rd. con. Line -Carried,. Alov. of T 1 sely togi 000. IT a co%v' helollv.ill to Nf�, p1q, AM incurably .4 road alinoot 9 olit the The false; head'in lse:wq`Would not the Act will tie 'donlit be suball ars.oil -the: Our literal Fitzsininlotig, N010 ivas 011gaged ably. roliol't nnwmttni,,`tbab the 'use of file Town a.ff 0 n than relilavoti, and tile pek(liall6tit 'Wit"' it fail, dh�tica of iitic'desp, unless overy F floy vvith their ri.&A. 110Y for use, t:e (lay foll $J000Qqq.�O LFMAT LOWEST RATES. llj�xt aw. 'tile- granted for dismission Alt tra9tilig . th lendrin millsiI Tho owirlo.AV6 suppose to the pro&. tifgusticitc caffla'! Me doufv� r- r, . tolhold'ilivni closely together with. theniselves And 'use tict And rgy peat b I "it tountitillll Iry Oaf, which farnios oil then adjournad .0 ineet Again on willnrjtlikelyl)�p mnentiv' oien. TiiiiA and again ha�e we, it) to prevent this . ()Ila t6rolAr noxt, per Cent. v out ra,thlirig, * Deing Put UPOQ g8l)tirally AM 'T(lapillg.. th 0 1 Uh of S & 6 injurod tholigh this liot wpath 11 ulav 0oullnan with odier =,expoaea, '09,19 1. 0� 'I-, . I , . . ) I .. . I&N-D PoinfIlly, CAiwxo k, DAMS Lmilbi. the exerciiie f. their - wid'oubuid' Bitzxps,m�The bridge, 'ir's are told, is Apply to yet po'.4sibly lend to fa.tal ro.61tq, 1,36anbury re� theqe r .0an, lit r apt till this sll�,Otijif, turned �to Norwich jel;terlaxy �o ra- thiiell *krp thelao' who will not he right of voiition ill thernatter of Almost complatod,—Tho Scott Act carh*- Md as ah i0esiral 'tat, a ously.—The, lid' Manejtester.-� d cat) b- compollad to pay snle Alia dutiias 0 they are. of the what thily ShAll drink, Though the, P16ign still g6j; Oil �Igor tio nuniber Atated nifty be attaelind to L"d Biothars,itra btt.qv thrashing tile fall Just raoel�vell, in primis oolldf -OrIAMI"'AnNg Oxxnvat A ftny dallimpts 'tile" will, rniiult - froirn M&Gon I takiftg an bubin on bio Afford to take A, wheat. Thoy are doiti&� good work.—The 7 I tile petition, -it ill llai& that many , knos � of. the rertpor ivill Shortly be board The -bridge At this place will, eib IN P E It 1g, IT. prefer being 6windlod A0 inrY hapil a-thol &por ,it onA trensAnit on out. of enough who Aigned it (Ila not illedgo thellit- no more ili tlia land tot, snotharybftr�— this' ineots tho flyiss of your readdrq lill, "Alas in town last week.—I"VIr. continues very havie renolled from bank to bank act oil his piart. selve,4 to vote for ii, but -were will. MiAs Alica plliljp� still or Ttv6 our 8011001 to6h, in tho 02-- PUPAE FOR WAR. Itirfrig tile Orin of tlivir antur*31, ing to have -the Matter stibmittil tbo riglit man in, the right place. carsJon to London last wdelt..-Mr. P. F. of plao Boards, Is courtiligy helth ova the un. latet case of i.t excuRable the popular vote in order to flu 0 rhisterit, And Ile rapot,13 bubloss neighborig atil pro- iVAR. Calbick, of Brusguls, ial(I 9, visit (A Ili ail irart pan, with tit(,, Noma salted rjos and at snail river, Anil ta�lljg one way or allothor, a pr- last woal,, Ono, Of due y of tirpelitinc, tind got till loke ports lia (i oi alartripsi j,eqnfltitig, in.,not 'I f0raerg, IP. Robt, A16dd, lint odorich, DAtr t I tile' loeal papers 001110.14 undesirable agitatihii, Tlr� tiumbpr Altsqrs. B , glid Visa, , Laviw am kept 69- gMelat'10 alentfld I N 1-010T WEATHM I And readitir, veadingly buay. digging w6litlajt present, Just ha(t ereotdrl for blnl�6 al fire-, in tile 1`001n, Of' 9 01' )`Lo wbera a Well of signatuten, aid tile bqnk barn, st6na fouridationj 70 x 70. TN ACCOMANCk, WITM A RE- Wrill Froin.Torot watce is gotting protty aaU. 80L�,TION of lillget,fiditoro, ft whole sktllt' patient ill f3aid tM bf, sure cur,, ctirsion from L where obtained, is said to bil 68 We- proaut" lie found iV tlooessary of r"I'llittire Of the onafin to God�iih on knoClilltoll, ws swindled alit Inhaling tha rominow; silloirw dig IV wrolvRg t1io fibrinous a I ienitiranti t) on(lav was notlargolyjntrollz�d. f- $40. ' VoetunatelY the loss is. in torintiftiah with his fixteogivo 250 t r Aelifitla ...... 04 Vorris colivitill. a"o f%rtn 46,1 Ilia ftloreasing, herd of Eshto of G. ME 111 so: in this caso, rNY aA nrIr ,il inot in the Council improml attick te) wake the irnprov. John Callandor lasb wook attend. ownpoxatil-ely trifling, ToWn at Vlnto%� y es166 The boan ad 6110 Grantl Loag Oil Monday of la,0, wilpli: a niall tast Wawan6s) ........... 263 Room, 4th, Angudt$ 1884, puraliant, to mprit, , 1ASt YPar lie flnislied tit) ex. will be Wdt �a from end DItev man,—' Mr. Geo. xilty, of Belfast, pfiving the namn of Crlvton -a MAY The -stock include:) tie............. $26 10jourtiltnont'. minutes of Mt nleeting nallent r0844 Co. inl0loal work, testol it ...... .110 read Anti T)Assed, Accounts war(% oeder gedroom get, loput in iilpxandeii Calnpbell, 4 fArmer from Ust Saturday e.mrs. Plu'kAr and in thn eo of A, girl xvltZi, appr�w.ly And John -from Seaforblij wl tallou, re StAlkAr thrmahnel 60) Vhsbols of grain lot, havA Survived roitnj Clio bolielsyn with the liold, folics-,, at Wingbans, at tile Union 8 Y ... 104 ad to bo:paid (is foll(IMA, IIAMOTY" W 0oula 800 9 O'Connor for dit(whingon 60). oat), for b1r. Uodd in I% par.t of A day! 6140od urtanoxhill have rot, qoronto, introduced hialsolf ll� a w6t1fitilliship. The stork .01im be lictift �U AnN1 olirli, with the, atned to tile friondly :rnr6risr and proposed to Affilcillop .......... 272, Litio $18-80, T. P. Xugont, repairing bi iis at the v,,afe.f6otusbi Gilo, DiFin, & 90sa, vido&i Street, lF take (% Walk. They wetit, tip as far 242 sf%p.in pravolling $2,00, Stitaxiell 1112tt0r, Pie., aon. the Obbi %nd an riront-strOf, whan Carleton stat. .. ............ .... A EM18 -All otims etider 48 a4b, ovor tht .Lr Go(lorioh h 814 Thubli, ylallft' 60 eta, t -P. CantelOn. &rAO111% 81% ulilifitlis, Crdit Jolilt bto idva the I;ivotb ten till oleo ori that fie wanted 0, loan on it ay� :1187 dulvprt s5 at). rijon. ituspli Mm. Mary 1. Daheyyof Tutikhan. Ireton, Spot ceilb,pordlinum off ofgshlI&II n 0 0 0 a 1, $40, Ai nlight be Ilay ........ ....... ....... 17() paiving %puts over 6. tirvid for orno y6am Wore, (If it $1*10 PrizO i"Y'(16i 9 tit 0 VtO b tno"k PA,, wa4 oil Int, Rix yearn ,t-ii'Ai the *hol a Atook oliailt M Wif 1*1011t Oils Or- pmlipetpd, )to soon itfterwarda .............. month, this 18401, for,thift fur. to0vil all gravol 4.30; ' * t th:ng in tbd running of "the m .180 oulvort, $5.09; A. X, Roborarin gravAl with ) Alit'amil, And Broliolilthq, (luring of ')Irbrell t which tiola the be.;t phytiplang 0ould 4plIpared. Mr Cat4b'All giVV6 ille, ..................... 253, $2.85, (10. now ealvert $I r.00. Umoa di(,koritig wan going on fj" Hill, 11TO wan i1a; ......... Igo� 110VA1,14 zoml sorilpfir $4.60; URA 9iV6 no rOlill F C, 131pni 11 pitt in An libi, courActition vith,the ljord'o Array tf)Anfr4 t1pqcir1)ptJNn to i e -N Carliffillan'k for aulvol-M,50, J Mt. PaWhd of, until Imt, odtober 8110 pro., 231 At Be DAVIS' ,Irld Mired o 90 fivP bpttoE Tho movetacink Ile -will morely rfty in anil ]I(% -had votelied Nrldtan fo' 011104 It Rattlo of Dr, 1013g,a Ncw 1 7.px Voty gpiw6l 41,00, Tmopb 15YARb rel A eptaritoy of tumbor it oftomi for r414 on ........... Mr. X n a lial it Itinry Disoovor, when Immediate rell0lfas Ift IM W gulf, elilt6ta, The sitock In ............. 126 1�. Boat ravoll Jarw. A ititiis proporty 00MInittoo ant �rjvgly to h3tro�illno q, w)nio tinie, Thitt iglit lip catan '96aforth ..................... 116 paii-ing mad and nto �nnlvorli I'll h1liff, I;raht�b � felt, and by contintling its n9a tar a B06tokolit, If itile 10.30 train, And wilightim" tbr*1light, t))Iq wag a 9, ig (Inw.fl to 1110t, lwan riAtling 10, MP5,11%dlf ladies .1ting On ....... 97 00VAring 0r6AW4ly.$SO.G t n tO MIA tlll'lll� rurnewad �bab lie ill, rtn ly for the WLCA, I My th ....... 69 bridpe and iring g(iining, In fluall. 60 )Ila Ill A fow r)&viq wrote out a rfp �ry. I P Wrdictor .................. 38 otilvPvt S37.55, loh" Agen'gir,%vOling ),�itl' and off On train in slispici ............... son hoilding repA 12i . T6 IvIll lie iiIiijid4d to gnt a 1161,11, and at gveittly ftdaead 35. Mild' vo UjIl e t e r .................. ... 394 0.10 0- Tames.' 06,80, Fr66 Hal licifflen or thin i till) w4e, Tbin rmlled thlo, cotwal US I 5ortain Rardw 'irle Tin 9o, Pold li tho towl) tho to Mift And lie lit on 00, ................... . rN1. - I Iltilloyovila MMY104n Onlee 0f'l'br0,%t ftilij 1,11% bitiOA061i 'At as tile flonflac-nen 1' obn