The Huron News-Record, 1884-08-13, Page 5elleny Pectoral.
vo (an complaints are so 'Insidious In their
littlatols asthma/ effecting the throat end tangle
mon. tie trifted with. by the notlerity of suffer,
era. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting
perbape from a trilling or unconFelees t:s•
Immo, IM often but the beginoieg et a. fotel
Sicknelta. LIt's cluntity. rtaitutat, Las
wen proven ite enicacy IIL a ferty 3 ears` tight
with throat anti lees ditteasee, and 44.41 bfa
takeu la all mutes without delay.
A Terrible Couglit Curet,
411n m.-,• I took a vere gold, which nit'reted
1100114 1 Ina u tt rale cough, at dpast
L1tidier night; without sleep:. The twetors
nave me up. / tried Avett'a Onunet 1 EC.
Witidi relieved my lungs, iialtmed
*leenand afforded Ble the rot x.eeessary
1,ut,ee recovery of toy etrength. BY the
eontinued use, of the ,,PECTORAL a 1114111111.
Peut care was eireeted. 1 tan mew er yems
old, hate and Imarty, and am 14utialipti pow
CilihOtr stlyed
Denten ralitunornan.,*
Itoctingbam Vt., duly Is had,
' Croup. - A fteetheee Tribute,
awhile in thr, eouhtry 1.L oil kr my Itttd.
1"Y.tliree years old. n tal,ell Muni, eretip;
iL seemed us it he xvotda die trot. fitrungtt.
latleo. Otte it the tawny etIggeeted the toe
vrat's entoute reerettai„ 71. bottle of
-*Well Wat alwapt kept itt the lictise. This
was tried in ti11111/1 stud fretiueot (terve, ood
to Oar delight, in 1ei4e than half an In 111, the
tittle patient wits breathing easily. The dog -
tor said thnt the C111 iitiv Pi CrOnat. 1144
Fared 111:r (1itrihis'S life. Can en wonkier At
(MC Eratittwe? Sine< relv curs,
, us:1?Nin cirn3rr.v."
fasWest r2sth St., New Yore, Stay 10, 142.
of havo used AVPR'S CI1ERBY VEProltith
In my fondly for sovergl >, ears, mat do uot
liesnate to promoting° it the )1.05t 4:hernial
rinedy for 00140 1104 elids we have eVcr
tried. A. J. citasx."
Lake crystal; Minn., Nardi 13, fhb?.
"1 Suffered for eight Vara frolli Bronchttle,
and after tO Log 11111117, reinedlis with no suc-
cess, Was cured by the use or Aviles unna..
AV PEcrintat. dosrl•li WALBL,44"
11Yhatia, miss., April 5, Its2.
" 1 cannot ray enough in praise of arett s
elinnur PI:Cron/41,, brill:11LE as I ale that
' but for its use 1 rhoUld long since have died
from lune troubles. E. reaccuolc•"'
ralestinti„ Texas, April 22, lead.
No case of on affection of the throat or
„junp_eaists,Kajokiannot.he greatly relieved.
"lir the use or AYER'S CHERRY liBOTOIIALT-
Ilnd it Will ralways cure -when the disease as
mot, already beyond the control of medicine,
Dr.J.C,Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass.
Seld by au Druggists.
Temperance men seetn to forget
that se long as human nature craves
and demands a stimulatit, 'lumen be-
ings will invent and manufactere
one to meet that demand, all the
Scott Acts, and prohibition liquor
Jaws in the contrary notwithstand.
ing. Let the detinind cease am,.1
the supply will stop itself. No one
will waste labor and capitel in pro.
diming an artiele that nobeitly went»;
but so long as. everybody (or neii'dy
everybody) wants it, somebody will
produce it. To reason with men do -
initiated by a hobby gr a craze.vvould
be a elteer waste of timeas Well
try to reason, a Itypochendriac 'out of
his delusion,-Exeliange.
TERMS; $1.26 per Alinuni, i Advanoe.
WHITELY TODD, Publiahere,
we.14-1 .
VOL. VL—NO. 37,
one bond of real value, it is hardly
necessary to totter° any one wbo
have done him the honour te follow -
what he bas eabl. More, lie has
never believed, and does not believe,
it to be practioable. canriot
think that the current of events
which has hitherto eat so eteadily to-
wards independence will all at once
change its course, or that communi-
ties ivhich heve nationality how
full in view, will suddenly abjure
that aspiration, and consent to be
come forever subordittate members
of an enormous frame, the head and
heart of which are to be far away.
-Goldwin Smith in The Week,
Extracts front a Northwest
The following extracts are from
a letter written by Mr. J. Harper,
of Medicine Hat. N. W. T., about
two weeks ago, to Mr. JOS. Miller
"erfrolThesville. -Mte-HurperTwas-a--
railway employe and him meaty
kieutie .-itt-th aricteliy„. : _
eameleraftont Winnipeg lest Nevem-
ber. There Mary was getting $15 a month
but since coming here I have kept her at
home.' This place is 660. Miles west Of
Winnipeg. I am foreman of the car repair,
era and car inspector ferwhich I receive $70
per month. I was working nights all last
sunnier as foreman over the molt cleaners
in 'Winnipeg with 14 men and 3 women to
look after. The pay was reduced and I
jtunped the job. The company then sent
me here. I had -8 goslings of wild geese
given me when they were two days old.
They were caught- on the river. Throe of
them are now geese, Indian dogs having.
killed the others. The ones I have are tam-
er than any domestic ones you ever saw.
They will follow menbent like e dog,go the
river take a wash and return, to thew house'
like regularly civilised folks...We have only
one native Manitoban in the family, a little
girl, which gives use half and half mixture
• three boys and three girls.. Thetlantily trial;
to be remembered Mall old Ifohnesville.
friends, . ••
The rum' party are 'all at ▪ work:
The whole* horde . of the Unwashed
are to be let loose on Halton. Agents
are now trav'elling around to see Who
are purchasable:' Lying and 'slander
with lot* of blood money are the
weapons of. their weifare. Ourmin-.
isters.ancl .Chriotiao peOple are tO be
-1)lackguarded and written down.
The chief. ring -Master in 'Toronto
pelts the:wires 'mid pupPets darice.
"Satan finds skim miechief still.
Forldle hands to, do".... •••
Had the SOU Act:not. belle e sec
etas in Helton the rum party Would
not have attackedi; but there is no
fear of the. reset t. Free:whiskey. is
being shipped to our:county to de -
'fame the act.- • • , •
4.‘Reea1ie. mighty host advancing
Satan leading ems.' • •
Manitoba's Condition.
• ,
• Berm:Ms-Some Impowrasie PacTel.
Mr. C. 3. I3rydges, whohas just
returned from A. trip westward, in con
versation with, a Times reporter yest-
erday; discpseed at BOOM 101121,11 the
pondition of • the enti-immigration
'resolution Passed by the Farmers'
utiles) last winter. Mr. Brydges said:
' "The action of the farmers' meeting
last winter undoubtedly had a' most
set.ious andfiejerious. effect upon the
.etnigration of the present year, and
was industriously made use of to die-
ert settlers into the country eolith of, iestead of bowing into Manitoba.
"It ia an ill bird that fouls itsown
neat,', And it is Worth while to oon.
treat the flatlet factsas.they exiet to-
day, with the very,remarkable resolu-
thin which'the farmers were. Induced
•tet adcipt lait winter. fleeing lately
made a ehort tour into the country 1
•am in a position to give F01110 facts
which may tend to counteract the
effects of these singular farmers' pro-
ceedings.' .
etiess tSais afro nee NOW
"Three years ago; abon this time;
drove frotn Winitippg • to Turtle:
u30.1eteAriti, and thee up to Brandon,
from thence I drove on my way to
Qu'Apple. After getting away from'
Brandon' every few miles left behind
us all trace of houses,: shanties. or
Little L ..FED 1.1.'RATIO N..
• • • .
Imperial Federation eeems'at lest
• ,
about toetnerge from the nebular
titate alld present itself. ttie -definite:
form. • A meeting hi England which
Must have been important, afece Mr.
Foster, Mr. W. Smith and Lord.
Rosebeel wok pert in it (Sir Owes.
Tdpper was also present), has passed
a resolution, 'rctosied• by Lerd...Rose.
bery, that federation is indispensable
to arrest:disintegration and'preserve
the unity of the Empire. It is im-
plied that, in the opinion of the
meeting, .unleetr .federation can be
brought abeut, that final step in the
concession of self government to the
colonieswhich the Meeting Calle dis•
integration attd others cell enutricipe
atiorris 'at hand. It was high time
that this question shalltake practi-
cal shape.and be brotight to a degis-
ive.issue." Lord' Rosebery .arni his
oininent associates 'no. doubt
give us OM. with which we have net
hitherto 'been furnialifida working
Irian of federatiete With the structure
of the federal legislatuee, its relation
• to the legislatures 'of England and
to those of the several colenies, the
representation which the .coloniee
respectively -are te bar? fit it,. the
subject with which it to deal,'and'
:the contribtitiotie �f niorley and SY.
metnent.:which.. the colonies are to be
expected to supply.. They *Will also,
it may be presumed, tell us plaiuly
ar-Sehittlitiate--epecific benefits to be
'reaped by this huge agglomeration
and what inducetnetit .ie to he hold
out to the coloniets to pert With their
independence, ineur 'new iiabilitiee,
and submit to the olivioue inconVen-
ience �f being under the jurisdiction
of it legielature separated from some
of then) by half the globe, Of the
leaders of oer own political 'parties,
both have declared themselves t . the
Liberal, cti.rioesly'enough, in favoui.
of Imperial Confederation, the Con'
servetive against it, Sir John Mac-
dPnalti's assertion of Canadito Hotne
ltdde has been decided and almost
defiant. It is needless to repeat
what has beet) Moto than once mid
. in these papets.. Mutual eitizenahip
exists betvveen the people of the Col,
0.0iee and aloe of the mother &am,
try.' The "13yetander" truats that
it will never detract to exist ; heeyeri
liopee that at Wind distant day,
when the trades of o, iseriesletis fend
shall have Vanhed, it may, be etM
tended to the old eolonists of Eng-
land in "the United Statea, ; and that
thus not, oni 'he moral but to tiOnle
eXte '4% ' unity of the 141g.
, cultivation al any kind, and when we
camped for the night at Gopher oreek
(now Virden) thereiWati .nothing to
be seen but the enbroketi'
without' the slightest sign of. human
life or oultivation. Going out the'
ne,xt day to *Fort Elliot), the same
-'et4MP1ete absenoe Of settlement 'was
eneountered for a diStAnce of 40 miles,
This vveelt tweet by railway from Bien.
donto Elkhorn,and the entire dietance
W86 oee . continuous suocession tat
farna-housesbarns,- wheat fields and
cultivationof ell kinds; including a
large amount of new ground, which
has been .broken this year' to be
coyered with wheat fields next Year.
Virden, where I camped three years
ago. in. a scene ofsilent desolation, is
flow.a thriving village, with 'hotels,
stores, roC;rns, agricultural
implementhalls, arid a large 'steam
'elevator at the Station.
"Driving north, from Virden and
Elkhorn, fecount'ry 0 miles' square,
which three .years ago was 'al1 virgin
land, without A human heieg. settled
upon it, lies now nearly eveay
able homestead taken up, and 'under
fietted settlement •and cultivation.
Fairly cemfortable farmhouses are'
everywhere to be •Seen, „surrounded
by fields of wheat, barley, oats, and
potatoes. Almost every farm' lituvone
or two cews, a few pigs end fowls. In
S01110 places small herds, numberiog
from five to twenty need of cattle,
are met with, and in two eased I saw
herds of 100 and 200 head. Li nearly
every casco, also, new land bee been
broken this year 16 per Under trop
next year. Such a thange in three
years is hardly etteeistent with the
extraordinary farmers' resolution of
last win ter.
•A ituoctseletlit l3ETTLEtt,,
"Rut ati one of the uses :made Of
those resolutions was to try and deter
English farmers from coming Lo this
country, it may be well if 1 give some
oedema o( a fent established by an
Englishman on the batiks of the As-
siniboine river, about eighteen miles
north of Virden
H. M. Power catrie from Here-
fortisliire in England, to this country,
early in 1882. After inspecting var-
ioue ,parts ratite eouritry he finally
deeided to peteliette five and a half
actions, containing 3,620 acres hem
the 0, P. It., on their then Moe with
their rebate allowarme for settletrie b.
Ile entered UPon the land in June,
1882, and broke some land that year.
In 1883 be broke a 'role' quantity.
He began putting Moak upon the
1:arro in the fall Of 1882. / will rule*
tottttd *0 be the 6011.
articular !
$toeL of DRY .600111.4-i$•
Bring along your Butter and Eggs'
Highest Price Pai
And as many Goods of same, quality given for $2 by us
s can be bought from anybody else for $3.
scene of a most fiendiell net on the
evening of Friday last. A man nam-
ed Patrick Ludlow viaited the bowie
of A. 13retfort ou rriday evening
lad and inquired of ids wife if her
husband was in. On being made
aware that lie was in the ueld lie at
once caught the women around the
waist, dragged her into the bedroom
and there outraged her. 110 was ar
related and on Saturdav sent, to
Brockville by.the polioo wagiatrate
to stand his trial for rape.
Daring the celebration at Ottawa
of high ems in the parish church a
messenger called, taut the children of
Peter Hanley, merchant of that par -
tell, to tell them that, their father had
met with a sudden death. Quite A
commotion occured in the church as
the etory circulated around, and eta -
era!, people left the sacred edifice.
One member of the congregation,
Narcisse Leteurneatt, received so
severe and sudden a fright • that his
-reasoe left. Win, and bus not Mime
returned. •
Sarah' MeComber, a'jmung white
women narrowly (+Heaped being
droWni3t' lirreirmitalterferSate1'tlay-
was-be4ote:-M4e. Bouatead,
P. yesterday on' a charge of alfunk-
eneess. She elated that she went
out for a sail in a small beat. with a
colored' man named Isliotnas Jobe-
ston, and that while lier companion
was turning the boat, it upiet and
he was drowned, She sank twice,
but managed to graftp the boat,
which elle clung to until rescued.
She is a very had girl, and hes at
ready served two terms the Mer-
cer reformatory.
Mrs. Mary McKenzie, at the ripe
old age of 92, Passed peacefully
away on , Tuesday, 126 inst., at
Hyde Parke. Ninety-two years -
nearly a century -baa seen a great
many eltanges in this world, eepec-
ially on this contieer.t, America -
in this Canada tot ours -around
London. Mrs. McKenzie was one
of thelairt of. the Scetch settlers re-
training who came to London town-
ship in the early part of this cen-
tury -about 1822. Hyde Park
at that time was known as the
8Coteli Setilereent, and London
city was known as the "Forks" ---a
few scattered Leta' .the batiks of
the Thames. . •
•A fatal aecident °peered on deurt
street Torouto, Aug. 12, ny Which
Win. Lovett,employe of Cowan &
Co., Galt, teat his life. Lovett 4(1
been sett to superintend the 'plttc-
big in position of 'a Writer' .in the
Methodist peek room-. The boiler
was on O lorry in front of the
'book- room, and Lovett jumped
over it to petit block underneath
when it tipped over rind fell on him;
. crushing him frightfully. He was
retnoved'inte the' building and med.
teal aid summoned; but he expired,
shortly afterwards. The poor fellow
immediately before, expiring mur•-•••
uttered, "Whet Will beef:tine: of' my
• wife and childred '1" • • :
The whole country around Lifford
A Great Prololetaw
.....Tu4g ell the gitiney and Liver
111 tthe
--Take ali the Pyypepaia and ind igestivia
- Take ell the ,egee, Fever, and halloos.
--Take all the Brain and Nerve fetee-
rev 4:orr,
. 77Tithe all the 0,iat hi:4t1 restorere,
there, take all the hut etuilitiee
af all these, and tbc -kat
_qgalitiee of All the bolt
the world, and you will find that -17 21)
-,-Bittert have the beat curative
i116 //QW,IIIS or all --conceetrated
-In them, end timidity wafture viten
a"-yQtal1 °rtItou
ie5erol iI4t
singly or
rail,Atiz --e1-1c1c:16:41105.
ttive proof Otte's.
Hardened Liver
Five years age I broke down with
kidney and flier' complaint, and
beSle.nbeloeutillettn Ir
hard like wood; my limbs were pul-
led up and filled with water.
All the best physicians,,agteed titet
nothing could oure me. I resolved
to try Hop Bitterq I have wieder-yea
leitalesil the hardness boa all eone,
from my liver, the (welling from my
limbs, and it lute weeked s miracle in
rtisow; ionarnieyrwigsreavelw
LET, Buffalo, Oct. I, .1881
Poverty and Sufferian,.
6•1 VMS dragged do vu with dew,:
poverty and suffering for years cane,
ed by a sick family and large billd foe
for doctoring.
1 veto completely discouraged, en
til one year ago, by tbe advice of ray
Pester, 1 eommenced using Ifop Bit-
ters, and in one inonth we were all
well, and none of us heve seen a
sick (lay emee, and I watit to eay tt
all poor torn, you CtIll keep yotte
farailiea well a year with Hop Bittet*
-for-less than one doctor's visit:will
None genuine without a bunch
of green hops on the white label. .
Shunall the vile, poisonous ettiff
with ‘illop" or "liops in their name,-
, 299 et.
4: -
then himself. Both aro d 'ad.
At Piedmout, W. Ye., on Satan-.
day, Jeiretnieli- Porter, agert
drank a pint of whisky, arid died iu
terrible agony'. . •
„ Nora Walsh, the sehool girl who
was, asaaulted by twO trantpa neer
Pelhatn, N. Y,, it month ago,. died ,
from !ter iejurieti, The' tramps aro
in jail.. •
Six.hrothere of B, Diek, of Lene
Oak, Texas, w was u nj usti 4;011 v
shot by a sherik's posse last week,.
111111ted up three of • the posse, h nog
them and riddled them with bullet,
At Oakland, California, the thorti.,
ammeter stood at 115" hi the shad,.
Worirmtm experienced great ilia),
venience and- three died .fretn. the. .
exceesive lieat one day last we'
acres of epenclid wheat, in 'first rate
condition, with a prolable average
yield of '25. bushels to the acre, 40.
acres of barley and 260.acres of oats..
I drove around all the fields, and a
finer growth of cereals' it would be
hard to find. The pcierest Crop is
the oats, which,„ appears to 'he the
case wherever I have been.' Potatoes
turnips, and other vegetables were all.
expellent crops. Tbe .
IFIIFAT TS egoixxxxo TO Turd,/ iritd.OW
at the boitotn and it was expected
that in about a fortnight harvesting
will carernence; and. that by. the end
of August nearly', if not quite, the
-Whole crop' will be safely gathered.
All the hind now under crop' was
Owed last fall. Seeding was begun
on April 2, and the wheat was all
sown by gay 24.. Two hundred an4
'sixty acrea in addition have .been•
broken' thls year. They are now
cutting and putting up 500 tons of
hay for the use of the cattle next
winter. There are nine houses and
barns now on the farm for the work-
tnen, horses, etc., and it is intended
to erect three or four more. There
are now 208 head �f (Settle on the
farm feeding in the valley of the
Assinibeine, where • there is magnift-
eent pasturage, ample writer, and
shelter in the wood on the slopee.
Seventysix calves have been born
during the last twO years, and begin-
ning with next year, there will he a
good supply of 8 -year-old Esteem to
sell to the butehers. The cattle look
remarkably well and the calves of
thie year, ati alto the yearlings and
two year Olds, are all large mid
strong. AL etteh house broods. of
Oldeltena are being tensed. At pre -
tient there are 38 pigs, sows and
littera, which it to expeeted will in-
erettati to 100 at least by the fall.
"This is het very. bad record of
growth in two /earth illut it is not,
MI. Mr. VewerS hss r,seetine of 740
acres neer Mostionain, et:el/Mob there
ale 125 wee:withihrultil:O.
vro.tIr twheat,1,ut
under (seep next year. • At, the two
fetal& :
amd at Moosornin there will be -a pro.
bable yield of about 8000 bushels of
wheat, which, deducting 6,000 bush-
els for seed:next year, will--loave
probable quantity for sale of froto 24,,
000 to 28,000 bushels According as
the. yield aotually lures out. Mr.:
Power also purchaeed seven tactione
or nearly 5,0Q0 0,ONS, at Whitewood,
acres to put under crop'next year
Ile will thus have at the three placce
about -8,000 ttereg of land to pot under
orolisli-ext year. His land is all brok-
en and back -sof. before being sown,
end is plowed in the fallaho aslo be.
eoWe as early as possible in the spring.,
On those three farms there are 12
horses, 18 working oxen and 29 mules.
It will be remegiberied that nine �f Mr
Power's mules were stolen by Monta-
na cow -boys not long ago. Any of
that fraternity visiting his stables
again will be supplied with a plenti7
hal repeat of cold load.
Lest fall Mr.. PeVrer visited the
emintry to the north, and was sao itre
pressed with tho advatiteges that he
purchased 11,000 acres, itt fee simple,
from the ManitobaNorthwestern rail -
Way, and along its proposed lino. At
Russell he has broken this year 100
acres, mid proposes to commence
stock teasing on a large scale, by plac.
ing 800 head of cattle on the Mahe'
has purchased, to make a beginning
with text year. Here then is the
case of an Englishmen who •
by the stupid reetdetion at the farm-
ertiv meeting last winter, who is prey-
te: the station, Messrs. • Bouverie and
Rutledge, started in this year, • and
have broken 560 acres, which theY
will backset this fall, and sow.with
'wheat next spring. The •hrere also
'etarteS a knell herd of cattle, With-
in sight of the station, close to where
I camped three years ago, Mir: •*.
Stephen has built comfortable
house and barn, pieturesquely placed
krt. grove of trees on the banks of,
Ciopler creek. Ile has already,h.Folt-
liii a 'geed -dial orgrOircit," Mid
fine herd of about 3.0� head of cattle. -
South in•the direction of Pipestone
creek •
" 'rue Liam iS nfinSfar surt;:en -
and on every side are to be seen large
'fields of wavieg wheat, just heginniug
to ttfrn Under the powerful rays of
the sine and a large extent of newly
broken ground to be pet under crop
next year., • ' •
"It is' estimated that at Virden
.thero will be about 200,000 beetle's of
wbeet :to sell this year and at Elkhorn
about 75;000 bushel's. itis very earn.
eetly .to be'lleped. that there will be
sufficient buyers come forward to deal
'With such quantities as these, supple-
mented by what vill our in for sale
at other statione, and thus itveid a re-
currenee of last year's operations,
which by a practical monopoly, heav-
ily reduced the pride /mid to tha.
skThe fact ri stated ate all important
and encouraging, rod if the results of
the harvest peeve as bright as the
present indications point to, the ode.
bratedree0111610e8 of the farmersewill
by the inexorable logic 'of events he
blotted out of reeolleetioe."
big file faith hi the toiletry by inertias-
ing his investinents itt it, ana who5
humanly etiolating, is now sure of a
fair reward for the tapital, energy
and bard work whieb be bas wisely
and jodieionsly expended." •
"Other aireilar easel, lathed& not
-60 so largo a Beale, emild readily be
brought forwArd, At Vivien. clone
The Sal vaticn 'Armybarracks at
Ridgetewn • 'Was burned, ' Monday,
It is stippoeecl to have been fired by
itieendiaries.The loss, is covered
by insurance.
It is.stated that Mr. Allworth, of
the Paris Review, has entered a
libel suit against the proprietor of
the Paris Star-Trartecript; claiming
421,000. damages.
. The 'prOolatnatictri for the West
Ontario election has heeraissue(I,
The noiniiration takes place at
Stouffeille on Friday, the 2211d, anti
the election on the 29th. "
' Miss White, "aged '94, died, at
Kingston, Thuraday. She was a
school teacher, mid amongst her
oldest pnpils was., 11.0-n. Oliver
Mowat. •
An aged pioneer of the towneltip
Of Darlington passed away the other
day in the person of James Rundle,
Senn, father of the ex.Reeve of the
townehip, at the untteual age of 96,
He settled on the terra where he
etleover 52 years ago, and has lived
there eontintioully during that
A &invert at a Lord's Army meeting
t in Mt. Foreet lase week,on making
pubtie 06rifeaSiOn of his misdeeds,
said that lie had, laid in lyei.t, for a
young giel.pot ..te kill her, be.
eittlite she had 1,0 eted his riddreeseft,
The &Ming lade WAS the dal/0114V of it
prominent offieial of the town and
herifathee has bad the &invert Arrest-
ed on the strength of his own "conies -
Mon, evidently having very little faith
in the eineerity of)108 repentance.
Mrs. F. BurrOwa ea old resident
of Toronto arid 'Stork county,
died at her residence in the township
of King on Saturday Morning. De-
ceased Waft born in Tipperar Ire,
land, in 1810 and emigrated to New
York 1833, with her family. She
came to Toronto with her husband,
who still survives,
Gavin Hume, miller and dealer
in hardware and grederieer. in' Galt,
has suepeteled. Hilted had bean
doing business in Galt for the lot
26 years and watt generally euppotted
to be on hound financial footing,
}lie liabilities amount, to $70,000,
and the nomitml surplua reaohes
only a tent huttdrecl
Some en& in human guiee cut
off the tail of a valuable heroic be
longing to Mr. David Suitt, of Ale
listen, Sitrietio Co,, MA night" lad
week. They also &teed the coat
nit AO sinhnal, cetting into the
a email village in the viciniti of
' The hired man' las been liyine:
obscurity of fete, but last we.ok hI
came heforethe•publie'agrdh, havit
killed his maker, . Swig
in a dispete •tibout
George Mete; of •PittsUurg;.White
laboring ender' teeiporary •ineanity, .
. ,
ran into the remit OT It16 t4.441,r, 111,-1
seizing her eighteen• -month old child
threw it out of a seertintstory
dow. The.mother was lioivor striele,
en and rushed out, expecting to tied
the baby dead on the. aideealky but
it, lay there alive and'uninjured. . •
Jim• Paniels,. of Eagle. K,troota.
get up, dreserd, took revolver;
went to the bed where his wife ley
sleeping, and deliberittely blew her
brains out. Then turning, to o
in the same- room, °cal plod tWir
of his daughters he shot the* eldest,
Pert Hope, ha'S been thrown iuto a -end, following her down aftiVS, fir, .1
;state of 'excitetnent over the untie.
countable disappearance of Miss Col-
• vin, a girl 18 years Of age, on .Wed,
nesdaynight.. Ste, in company with
'herlittle brother,,went in search of
the citiivs, but by some means they
got separated.' • The boy reached
honie, but the Jogs that were with
his 'deter did not return till late
that night, and they both appeared -
bit badly"frightened. The general.
. opinion is that they were cruised by
bears and that the poor girthas fat-
• len .o victim, Weil, person who can
be:spared in the .Country is looking
for her, over 40 persons being out
ow Friday :night. . •
tlesh in several places. When found
thohorse was bleeding profusely,
'and it is thought itt eanuot suryive
the injuries inflicted. .
Judgment has been rendered in'the
case of the Exchange bank ,against
Henry Bulmer, one of the directors,
for alleged fraudulent 'preference.
The ease was Something Marital; to
that of Butitin, and the result was
the saute, namely, committed to
stand trial at the next Cotirt of
Queen% ttencin 'Defendant :was re-
leased on tarnishing' bail:
. A. story Of tatinibaliata In the
Northwest is telegraphedgfroth Win,
ittipeg•to the New York World, '"The
ditipatelt stated that a 'California,'
Miner named -William 'Owens, who
was recently found near Kicking
'Horse' river in an exhatiated condit-
ion, had sustained life for six days
:on the flesh of a cotnpanion who died
for Want of food On a journey from
Kamloops • to the Columbia river.
John Rainer, of • St. Catherines,
went to a pond beside the canal and
in the rear of his iiieidence. Oir
the pend were a number of young
ducks, and during hits presence he
was astaniehed beyond measure td
nee one of them give a quack, and
disappear beneath the water. Wait-
ing it motnent he went in and pulled
out the cluck,,and, to his amazethent,
found that a large overgrown bull-
.had caught it by the head and
was In the act of wallowing it. :Ile
saved the duck but the frogship
Mra, refiner, who resides In rdijr
of No. 30 Center street, Toronto,
met with a falinetvliat animal accid-
ent, on Saturday, and, but for tile
prompt attendance of Mr. Barton,
one of the emit:wit inepecters, she
would probably have been tatribcated.
A cross -beam enpporting the floor At
the eloftet gave away, and she fell
into the eellepoOl beneathpeinking up
to her neck. Her crieti for help al*
armed the neighbors, and, with the
0,81datatitto of the inspector„ they
placed her On terra treas. She is
very ill. "
Tho liEtld vilisigo of North Angus -
fa not far from Prosoott Avjks tho
On Saturday eight Joseph Mer.
cier and his ion went from Kilieeton
to Clayton in it skiff,' and started on
:the return trip Yeiterdity morning at
I -o'clock, With two heavy treeka.
.When near .HOWe 1810,114 ot- day.:
break; a .meell made by aNiaassing
steamer. filled the skiff, whet) trt, eon
lifted the trunk :and tout it into the
water. • The eon clung to tlei trunk
and the father get on the top of the
skiff, which' was hottour .up. They
let son,i 1 ngt
ing hisfather was weakening, left
the chest and swam to him, but he
had not gone far when Ite.wati Seized.
with cramps, anti 'went down a few
yards front the boat, • The old man
could not Swim a atroke, so he clung
to the boat till 7 .o'clock in the morn
big; :when he .wits pioked up by J.
Rueliferil, whit put out from the
fully 21: laintibrcisl't tt.Iiiite33" tibRaYtIlr.le •T‘late8'
drowned men was 22 years* of agek
aird sober and indiistrious'
TwO yonng Salvationists, Thee,
Tenter and Jas, Menirlane drew a
crowd by.einging Itymna in Dentin -
ion septare, opposite .the Windsor
They were soon arrested and. brought
before the recorder.. The policeman
who took thetn deposed that be had
acted on complaintfrom residents
about,' the equere, and becauae the
prisoners' singing assembled people
on the genes, whieli he had been or-
dered to keep clear, Lord Cecil, for
the defence, teett fled that nothing
could be more orderly and edifying
than the conduct of thepioua young
men. Their ari,orntte, Mr. 8t. Pierre,
a Cletholie, contended that the inter-
fererfee with their proceediega was
an attack on the liberty ot conscien.
tious expression, and urged that as
his °bereft wan accustothed to tote
the atreets for religious denotnstrite
thins no should every One he 'similar-
ly privileged. Political gatheringe
were afforded protectietit that should
he extended to religioue meetings of
eyery kind. The Aiecorcler interritp.
tad the advocate with theremark
that asseeiblagei by a couple of
rtusponttih10 young men were of a
complexion quite different from
Chereli or political meetiogetipprov-
ed by largo seetions of the commun.
ity. Ha let the youths aft with it
promise to sentence aunt if ever
brought before him for erieh practice
again,e. Wawa,.
11. M. 0011180a, pftstor �f
the Vallortoo avenue l`teapytoritto
ehoroli, elhicago, shot "his wifs knit
again., *Ile , tben blew his it
113raineinut. '
At Smithfield; Utah, en ..11,.1.V 114,, .
Wilt Ileitis anti ;Joe Taylor got hi*
fooling and pasnng sstlUita* joki.,,
Wit kb soon gave Offense 'end: a ,
commenced` hetweeui. thou.): iit d. sti
earnestboring the serim outgo Ta,,....
lur bit ofrabout,two thirds of one of
Harris' ears. A.fter the cow -
hat, ants %Voie parted ilIarris1A-griti.
looking •cirouild on the groded foe:,
his ear; when' Taylor ,exclalined t,t"
him you, you neechA loek.
there for your eari it'S clown he' '
patting his stentach in it. manner to •
indicate -that' be. had Swallowed tit',
member he had bitten off.
West Spriegfield,
'rhos, Heethie, recently relettri
• from the insane asylum,
into a waoon in which were three
farmers. °He. threw an arm -around
Julius 'Perkins' iteck and dritiv it, '
loro.c knife twice across. his throw,.
grazing the •windpipe ansi. caroint
artery. Perkins fell. out of tho.
Wagon and the inaniod poui)cod..01)-
on 'John Colvin in a similar manner,
inflicting a less Severe ouiiid itt his
throat,when he also "fell ota of the
• wagon, Colvin's 'father junipeil out
just in time to'escape the murderous * •
knife.The lunatic laid -theWhip to
the teitm, aud though the Shetitf
arid poem) are fn pursuit notidirg hue
beenHem' Of • him, Porkies' will '
probahly 'die/' • •
, A moust. atrocious motile',
committed at . A rangton, Tilsit's, V • .
R. Liedsity, ‚the •victimic tieing, hi; ;.
step;fattliere James A, Wright, mid
his atop -sister, Fannie Wright.7.‘•st
thetiiiie.the.•Vietime were in bed,
Fannie•occupying arm:Wien:As 4it1i
her siker. Lindsay, for some iiateat
not definitely known, entered the
how*, :inspired' by a uturcleriatta „
phrenzy, and made iris way tes .
Wright's room and pistolled bitn to
'death. The noiseof the discliaigsti
fire -arms aroused Fannie, who eroa
in the bed, but before she eetild intifi -
the door Lindsay shot her through
the - brain, The other sister fled
shrieking from the room, rellewtil
by belleta from Lindsay's pistol, for.
tunately • without -effect. LincIssy,
escaped to the woods, and at 4,4, .
accoun LS was at largo, though clottelY
At the eonclusion of the Itelieltijah
banquet it) Breed Hail, Norwieh,
actin,, 1Vionday night, vx) per.
oons repalted to. White's Hall aol.
partook of rates), 1110111 8, 911er whieti
followed "au all night of !payer.'
The prayer and experience nivel •
' was kept in full fever, until )(lee
After stthriee, soma tarrying until 8,
'aol. Tpenday. Contlitierelde ex eau.
trient prevailed during the session.
The decimation of Mre. ' Capt.
Shirley, of Litesrence, Mass., that
phi trout an& Emery were a 1»1141141 le
the etijnyment of fell efoutifie
cadet), to Itirected many of the well.*
dreseed persona that they took their
expensively trimmed herineta treat
their heels and tore iron] them the
°Whit) pininett, the Attraetive toW.
ere, anti tile tacht.61, and Oro* then*
CO the) flee?, Until there was n I ills
atifatiela to a bell 1108114 broker,
representing itmoy doilara ittvahis,