HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-13, Page 3nnthis section bAS betill blessed with for vices it, St. raul"Is citurub Aioxt $0, ltuv. ALI. McOoisli, of AF a will finish tl)Q largest wheat barvest will liold, tooruing urid to tile OdS ow% r A RM. Many yoolra &lfbindors ari� the butli. 10 r -1 49;Z;k, .4 rago 111IS seal They bavo beell Fore4ters liuth I owit, H 11 ut 2.30 Go U F W doing emo goot), work, alit] yet and at $uuIr"orbill at 000. ittirit, nob satit4led, for they fternoon Ril Fitzsim- th ity Book Store* N' e Tho GoderiA News pwailt, !$III attachment to tile Ina- wons bay more Waited a bug.,,IV 061011g Richter Mouth Organs, 10, Key, tit 20' Cents. Alew Linen Lawns, w Vietoria Latons, New Effi�roiderte,,z
olline to stach: up the shett%0H. ur e
wiorld, Was the; re and Ontario Streets lit a f e a le, at also New Fxpress JN'agons, irou ax wooden axles,
there Ito in ti is jouli rate. 1jy 4 curious conicideno Reversible P rints in P iik'Checks, ack
ffuron Record, "we" uOw!,wllat harnss maker, a YUtorivary aurgeotl at 7;-)c and $1.50. ilcarriae inaker were onicokL lie gazed oil a self-Hudot for tho. " "::,: , — —_ I I AGL, S going. very cheap it Checks.
-_ at ,tile runaway. This g4vu rialit to i 13, Orat Oule. jokes about theset m. all looking First-class stock and ul, ite Checks, and Blue nd Wh a e 6illitout Wedoesd.&Y, 11911; rades of,Fredl Ink. New stock Blank 130OL-6.
AGAm.—Wo ve much 011b for j0413, als tile rebuilt of the tile Woollen wrEOL-1119- Nvt touch injury done. die Muslins, White Pks.l White Polka Dot S,ateein_a, LOCAL NE pleased to know 014L+ Orangan Mills here hilvit agaill POLOD'elleed RLv. Itilt. Vueosij,of Wingliani, lie 14 runtilimr. They ha*vo beeti, purchased 14 nua will P cad serm9n, to the or- New 33uutiUg1$,r Nuns,Veiling, Fancy Dress Xusl" -S, by Air David Grallalov, of Uiver- e4tera, r of which orkler lie is, a ukeui- W LL Viva (title 0 burl, in tile Towit"Hall 766 Sunday IrIlo lat-gest variet and cheapest in County of 11u),011. and Summer Silks boglail to receive standilig ill ulalufactutilig and tbi 170i'at :4.30 E X. IP is ov- y Yans, iteins (if all crJIV Connection LIDO that eim"Ill ditrarellt, Courts Croquet and Lacrosse Sticks� 11ainmocks and ty either finalluial led.
oiti,W or torig(on. firoull-tit on. with this we feel Sure that it will �voiell be represented and that at Iea4t See Our Great Stock and you will be satisf 49c;0ty 0114 04arch, doila.,lli, etc, afrord much pleastiro to out, readers, Of tiio.hr�threa will be presmot. ON, OLINTON to knoo that our old frieti I d ii r E "Odii, is a d, 01HR1 D I KS Ige'th* As Uv. U(;(, tillEstate JOHN HODGEN 0,60t,t will colitillue to I ", 0 peaker, and eloquent 1BARRING U 81LJT ONE ail instractive. aud ruter- oWN P0tJL1J11X.NT, rNyo. 130yS IVA NL'J'ED at once, to Art.ot.13rinting. Must be 1. A pply at this. Iteattlal, meeting Monday 4tII Several of o M
0110�art mid tellAble -A uTRUA of Orandin, eStintr discourse may be expects. -,ir town lintel keepers. E AT;' pit complah I)akota, after friends sont, the '.Nfqor, the R -!O, wvre A of OA_ e GM)* D"`�"`lT-GOODS PALAOF 01" A Bm Tais.—The Western Fair re Xh Deam,rojill, the Genuine singeriew- (4,,UeViell township returned to� the to be beld in Loudou otl.,90p1i's 22 I)oputy Reevo, sod Cuuticillor,s torio, Inspector Vale$, oil Saturday, labt wealuesday. clanteloo, McKenzie, Will. befole [ills Worship Mayor Forres- has ICK 101`1113�111111 Of course h ;13, 24-, .)5i .946, is annout,cod by, i ill- Walker, Gibbingst ter and A, S. Fisher, Bq., x. R., Ile o4e and 'Id ripped - oil, anti (,ivat", pottile, H I . P. -L, tile Pol-rin, Block to the TOW Q antrtistic-lithogra I ._200 GROC
'bitics 1' M . HALL, fliteitdiii.�piirclxoLsei-ao.filiaL to got 104o best local I out by iltnil. S, are.. With Vittlating the lAsy by having Ivish to save nioney, thneauil annoy- V,ILD .. letter press postern gottei inore than Ole bar each in their ro4 JUN sam (:all still see tile We art glad, to learit. that lie tho nnP)esx, and by ad., �s nd selling tberea t
'.0 P P eComillelliled GheaDer Thanl
is pleased -ith that f pectiye bouse ver
,Coruor shop ill Tvwn 11311. country Ill that Fillance.0owtuittee r like. mob , t. Of our Limit "boys" v.�rtispmeut ill various IIVWSPIP�r' liquors oil or ovir m6re. tban, one TiN This is tisuaily tile most attractiVoL pa lit Of the following, accounts: Hair 'Vl* gor TED anil gilt ed,,d Nott Potiter _yule bar ill each of their houses oil the ooks atitt all abroad lie has g fair prospect of �ac I as most popular Of tile city Gen. Ron I work oil fitl�e�s, �At 000PER's Groceryll- l5arg ills it B tiou. of a* Wet tgell, 120 day of July !%at past. restores, vith tile gloss and freshness ot Falloy Goods tit Weir's uumulathig por kindis of, eV- fairs, 1$00 It-OILIO at'd die said at' art $107-49,- less $11 8114cription. a natural, rich 299 tho Sure atid yellow leaf outilo4iiist, Tile poople of Western Cenittory,accouilt $275; %Ira. Gaut- . Mr. Thoobal. was tile firt to bo, orlih, faded or gray halt 1�,OZ brown color, or deett black, aswaybe4oslrod� 0,01 -take's hiul. Ontario will do well to See tile Wits. fell, berill,bin" $1; W. W. Par, Called at tile bar of justice. Ity its itso light or red hair inay Uv dairtiened, -eturn houile Mr. Tates testified to seeing two tilln hall: tiliqlioned, and baldness Often, Thus. retains thanks tu);6� Rev, Air., Stilt4 is at Grimsby V Tali, Work Of man on street, $6; J. We will show this'week a Case A 'i IUpOuT.k.NT .—A Braut. air London; I !JIULov vo happy until the ziext recur-' Callendar, qrs. Salary, &c., $48-80; bars in his house on tile July. glousit, not aiways,.cured. ti,eir 11bolal patiollai,,
ford uxeI1aIi9('saP:—'0TII0 Ontario and Iii afa, , lug of. the- hair, and athutt- Iato aullulallou 0;u Charolk S. S. PililliO G. B. ay, for Fire Complinvi balf Tile extra Ol 0 was it, tile* sitt"'Ll. Iges a witak and 0IckI growth to vigor, It lund bvg T pall" I authorities have elill Buit rin0& "big t"o" if, sit aclujittil ),is suit lio.mFit as a ity, W. Dtl- room. Saw peeboils drjiiLhitr,there Well yvar's salary $60; Chat, prevents and curtis scurf and dandru -of La$dies and Children' they Will r 10ainst Messrs. Croonio,. 4, liott slid otilt; fitill, Unit excurr, . a I I o V. p- nearly eveEr pioaso ilueallar W Ple was $5, if L Callielon, lumbev' for a t. F usher for $240 eah. Tile above welry ry Porter, of Bidlilecombe's. je As a Ladies' xiair prbssinq y � I the llbQlall. tl tQ ill 0 SAy_ that. Iii,pL $3.31; Yew Rra, printing, alitiquallod; It contAlus 1101tharoll fpLE otor hut"I keepers, it. will be rem.umbered - Examined by F..W. Jul) 611opi has had' Workmen for Sol',(, 'Ecotti), print- awbottles odglasses, 'Thl", tiUl it, his attentions to last Blay'rutu8ed to Pay ill their fees ect., $33.&O; Ni,,ws-N a ro were nor dyo, rentiers tile hair 800, glossy,'
M . d. it, OUR 60 COT.. TEA Weeks chatiegio- tile location of Ili$ Account of 0, SPO011eir laid various kinds of liquors ill the but- 11ken fit spite, it lg, $9; a;id hapartg a, do cate, ilito )IOtel keepers, allowing" those to tile Batik n y ;Street all etitig,L receiptB of Did epted, vel, till next ale not tasite.41he liquors. agreeable, and WIt. C. P. 13" li, lltllIintlatit. it. Tile
Jajje!L* scut Uee. Which proposiLiOil was not ace
0 Kidiv, O.,
_Put6h191Il a htolle full ltprom "lie' to C _N �v ,tw If F is b tia eitig brou �aw iquor 'sold over the old' bar.- lj!�ellllie conSps (:),J) wa4 afterwards Made sTATAXENT- falling out, And ilt'llt 8116L NTILLY as loi.� ..(Ali ill collillilet-ablo quatitities. Li All-, Lougl P I ol A i, iille fall- . P: -, AP,E ta.d. -incipal of tile biLia. i 4sett Part ur a Ilia- of iup withou�t thetli. proset 1,U,LL 1. I'L b 61 (;� . By liquors I Large Stock of boo 0 an I ttt(1 thW -Bo,.Yer�4- � T-: $aull)188 prluo brandy,' ghige� boor of tfto hall,, and startoda llow gi P r. tile bo � beard' before X head of hair 1p lo
Ithou"ll $1,06,11al.1 been Paid tip to oilli'A to -Ito fiouse oil 0 tario Street is,fat folluNvii (or July er ilp, etc., e.to. Did oot tatu Ilow t for tile. q . . M.. orh, 'aild alit atieviliced that. bit B0UGHT Saturday. chafici,ry 1)jvi�iQti in all probability implotion, It lilts one approaching el what lie cousitiered Were liquors. 114o.6 your pr6paration. Wcu Till& woulall LlOrrison was up fit Turouto. The (Inelitiolls e " 0 I ouwitfO; ..It it, FREMOATMEAL, o0at OLPallit oil t to tily 1—balance on hand. ..... Would ixot' Emear that of -Ilia own )'lit - OORN REAL, FLOUR, are very 11001AN 00 T� W. proprietor of the 'a Alityor Fon-e that. before Uttopabliesi; 9 70 knowledge I.o knew tho liquors d at tile station. . J�UpOKIJIJNG PIXOG[MsS,�ROV- r. ing" it Will have, tit lebst t%v.o coa�s prooeois of suales fur Julie ....... ii it I&A 0XPUll`!'l1t preparatiou for dw llil,ir- COS OA TS,, PO T,4 TOES, ,deBurtil chil ..i,2oo oo -he."w Sold were really ally of the it Ally own e,xii4ii0lice. Its
Uolsons But tetk fur trial and ... ." 6 96 14qu . ors lie had. flamed. There were 1 allealc of it feul lvth of lo;w, hair, alld Awttur - Below tht) Bite W )T1L?rro\v who spoke ill flLvOr of. tile Arrears of taxes 4y aw ,tit$ comulitt The V olakeki to Gualerid). Llgrass at cc ,I)t tSmt Act, ill title Towxi Iihill Owin, to the %I)- W, steeR 20 OO liqoors in tile bottles and the coil. ftlC .1tillin Illy L�. SIIE?PrttD . letting's t'go w'ritL TIIEY GOT IT. I I toll itfew oi� L 502 06 tile seticeuf,4�vkral.tii.f�iiit)ertioftl-oTowii tents werdtiold -over the second. bar, A. P. AN15 (A all ai$d be 4athified I01, U-14 it C v So far LAS I kilow there (joun� it ac its Illouthii, 'oil IMunday. are .52,aoi 95 Would itoti specify wbat kind the leader of the Ij ebuittry. Air, S. I" teach- or �vvrlliirteell lle,�Yspapvrs ill Lit ged, to Iliquors were.didt lie saw Bold.' . Did 0,310111-11t,id OF ..XANUFACTUREO SEE TIT -EX. S I S, a -er. on WI ILI �Iill, llowicki I I at, the Lord's*- Arutir,.'maua T. Coop" jjlg Be lool'at oratille county. -ore for. Oo �Aot I gB6,.e, ulotiott� ilmsed allowing theto 111tol-est iliglichool. ditboutums., $138'60 ijo't see the speond btr or. couitti,r Shwo illy hair Lwgau4o give sit- 433 98' ISAII; 1! 1.'vv, 0 whiell Ilcotbig - UvidQ1106 0. I and two doubtful. hall' sktturd�v used as a lunch table., I havo ustal-Avelt .4 D'US - H. COOPer three a 'ail"st the'ue of tho tow -11 8treet 'acLolil J! tho ollil 9 ever 03. tia'N ju,It cQuipleted $100, wovtIf.Or y% wenti Pvesby- 8unday afterno Coll aY_ A,_
on.4 for it far. 81, 500 00 NY. i. Falslpy, called;..,�-Am a lul,k, so hay"Il Balan 6. M-gh school gral youtlifildrie8s -a inattur tf oiitBp4scoilia tall, p tonth, by a Iterial vato of 5 to . 3 �8 tabll Could iiot 'ally Ito wils lit cullsoillionce to artifluial stoliefu account. - .. .... 2 8 r aid ill fact every UU41, Lo liv's oil Duptist atid.-all th othr llil,liSt0i'd At t, following street watering.. med, - Was to !,,IWLo1 ale... hotel now, in cotirse of erecti lie July mopting the �5 00 Olt Lite day tii* 3r 00 eyw ut the palille." we 6 00 A. ParSCOT'r, writhif oil blie'platforni support.lo" thil as 'o i!llat if the Lovd'ki Wqrk hi cettleterY. ut of it. - Saw a bar. in Lite ill" w Hamburg ill -�ro front 18 0 ship-' Act. . Tile putitiulls will b0'1IUll9 up Army reauire the, hall they shall pay sn'laries roomi . Wits if) trout of the 81. , e of - Einbroiden, es,, t.uos. of Godoriub -', I - - lluol accoanit., .612 10 KI - I, 11 li, ago about two-thirds Uf Illy 1111ir tt)o ft�olll. tth6 sheriff 4 oface oil tho 31.t day CO I publi . a So sitting room, outrW� Ndii% ratildly'sud I %rale t some rout for it as ter dehow, It.tilhilled very I roil 42 head bf Ca 3 List. tons are 1119 of AUo, Some or. t1fo 1111111i, tat gr4win 01, UR FI - 0 11 hthese m6ti $1,840 04 ally'alle dviiiking; Saw persons be- V"toult the ?aITlllg-Ht0PP0Al tit station, OIL .1ilay. Tlie, previotin vas is not owplat- ilia ol . I tile winuto book as Bal o oil hand 04 91 about LI iM t(.,ly otirtw, d. with all '011 ' I - at opted, and t to Litte ST13LATES.. itititstiiii ariso L itcipalitios tile. call' lie e bar' about s, 111011th MY Load -Im (I ort huir. It reek they shil)P" The, )Jul are. rustlers. Lid, yet,tboy have 5,200 natut case, your oil to row, and1i w P i pow as good its A 111q, Do. Mr. Yaies—.That.!S,my -w 0 to wl;iL;II otio 'tile 6aretakor f ieu vs I I 1), of the N10 lit, bat. ilow il itvecuslotially us LLUAL Louil have to ack- tile putit;,.oll. &t the. It , t veneral The followiiia l t for� next treglilarivu hall is to ('a bN.- Out, Part. year wuVu s iiitt6l �vl adopted. Wet., . i 10,500 votei to d 'jatt,bere. llo%vietige tile reocipt of a6pieaof tile 0 ...1 obi. I i ie4illg that tile: peti, It 1 - 2. . I � .. . , : 1 M re Jolt iiston 9LI-It'illitte tl .pollell.� Oull.41 Nywounixot Sve Why One 0 )OW PsVty IiECEI-pTs; We Illm huxalreds of-iihililartesilillonials their oyra "StlAtilt(IS Of 011lt4rio, to d it It ri I a a vury I'LO case inUde out Ito evidollice to U13 01[110110Y Of HAIR I'lGOIL. It St,attiws Of 0ana � , � , 1 'and should be;alluiIved itts use for a losl da 188-j, vol i ti011 were qimultt ..$900 00 Tht bat o. trial,10 011011RO-th Molt bIlcliti- it -o oo to UsWin fliv: I.&. c -bliy %oajoll,- und tiuder Lite atolonat: thall U11001or. 11lail Lt. tt 45 _ijrau pr 4auia 2.;' 5' do tiliere is Ito penalty - uoder the Act. cai of its ya' u,?, stallue could �Ilot but be dolle 1111. par6y who' . travolied through h(ra statilto 7 a p6�1.1,ectl tile' rwi'ult i� wondurfully last w,, ant.1 Inagis I-rcrAlIrr, 11Y IT PAY9, IT, DOES.—A Colborne Yo ek, With bears and uIQ,tlk ws" culiAtable's N04 -(3) That; the Ontario A P 6 61Y Man F fattier li�ing Within, out. wile.4 of 1001.00, Vb,es all -I not �itl and th(�011* Dir.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell,Mass. tH PUBLI.Q gre.Lifyin�r, 'They., have It Lille, lot of, applied for tho ba.11 014 Would huvo* 1.)o 00. whiull lie rtiouiv. id Act. P I Will lokig 1-0 Cr Illy visit tO OILI' Why make Such a difference'. ndarylilloatitl Plolw Roseve 1� .00 sa c fwd. -a load, ot wheat in 0 . . , Coral � . ., . .. taVl0ABse1IIIUy has Ito to, pass Sold by all Drill heAd of tile orgallizil, 1011.. 80 00 F1 tilon. Lit OIL t $5 for �lle first night. Dug tax. U W BOU thaii -ho e6uld'got ill any tex YLAf-d Said tile A ut (11"thictly party.cause.4 as tnue NEW lie nthell 1,830 00. T) 11 IIAV 19 tililb"Olk the $ 611 town assois- 1arble Wo :Oph. -ai I d rack I lie, �AvOtlt as.t The DRY -GOODS EMPORIUM vuvr 0 Illy PROPILETIC O 11'�! —1-k I i --- - Gollerld Ationt of thd G-durivil itLille ' -Us. . I I . . . . . I �Jflt. J, t)UNNOl ti .1, . ililowbeis a Ilieiit..u,f $530,700.. Ito had Sworn and Paisley Ilaa. -SHOE STOMY . , I . . I I . . . . formerly of i"re Wero Ol BGOT I f9r,dw eutinti tA -Aludel -ky aoil patriotimil tire 80111L ieaLiflud t.0 till Will" more than 6110 witill Towu. I12,0811.30r C L 11 R n 0 i tho Lis '"d we trust tile. 'mat,tor Is ..., . I .�� 1.4 PERRIN'S. BLOCK.' )ITURL —111 hat is a bar I - Locia it revivilla old ugs L" Its ill Lid 11 ai�a there, It Ol up w-'aill wit Ila 0 active membpts of r, % .. and otli&. 0 selidill accolult. $3, O06. 0.0 illity, Mtl(l' that Of itAdo,ance. -11iffe ABsuciaLioll. Oil —'l 111, . . . 11, � - - . strueLure ovtr at 1,600 00 -A work. sewed. v few weeks. tIQ �l 't - t very pull 10 -st Work Stl,60�atlll SiLlo walk aocovint.*..,`1,20O'OQ liquZirs. tire Saw ti , vurk fill;' follo DIQ 'r I'mi Ix * tatisfactflon salarles accoulit: 1 the liqitors. Bold. . 1 aLoualit, ST EE CUNIUi. �rl�, Wait, vilAtill", ifir 1-750 Go H UR Gti R_ T 0 OQ As to Ito pellutl(.V ill(. -ovitlul"I or Ontario: sl of'016 7 P: tile PI . . . i - A, V, .111.olsoll will -ittLeud'. the Lot . I' I L ''CREAMY I(lays' Bt uulare U.I'd saw: cylcAs v!5 italit ill uitiu'ABso'ciatiblk at Toronto. h(�ver 11161"11tal 209 00 Stilti-ld $20 wa-,' Lille 41 u'JY. licalh� 00, of pittee. till BUB tilojoilit of Olin 11 it. it. 4000 00 ,virollce"s de.11116d and wherti 'Lhe.pen- Ll", ON, Prolir. VoWn 0 d is a- to Ile gi�611 fr.,the L, AUTT ...8 O:O,P,E at aid t.111terest oil lli�h ioll W*ith T W. H altywa� Ilot i'll Coll Lieut. dr., y B fore tilt- ic t -1)e 6autif' ing the reduue'd tile dislo. Ill extra er- coulLI it, 000 00 'Ybo best propuation knov�,n to science for It ttiitts- prosent had to tile nd dualer i!1I till killas uf
200-yLl atid y.is. ranges.. lAvator.. d IT .,t leg tON a at' -oplietic 601t, -,12Q 00 0io poN% efi of. Lho Oil- lJust here ia it-ro the.pi be� ti)6itialf Our 11ito -for Cepiptei-y gardon 0Qt;,alkd tit tIto �iotild iiot enter on Gra it D.�vA, ofl,itiloil, Il-.-Sineii comes in. .So: by his Division 10 00 I'Na LE, APPILIll 19, %varrailtod to .of our loerd rk of Wli'75 00 k, ONE -and give to tile 1ca(it(ldr stalow Coil,& Ito DO y pluxiona Natu lathat theil' t1je exhibid6il at A 00 illto( Ii..j,;us,;_i6lI u pqll.iti im,mly Venial Ileatitify L12o Filoo, is
Bull f6llowing will'appl' 1. unLX' Youthful the iil 8�. - . I forza if Freckles, Crow's Still illoridog to brilit, It 'In' at to thut. llor'd 'Oullty of to Q, levivill illy 0110. itil dual 11 of 'tile Q -Yeet und the, Evidence of Ag ic thw,-.5kin 2oft, Joe" stationory.,at�bunt' �eighi.YOQVS Smo�tlt. ari&Whito. at,$280 w: L �il d 20 dO Ill yutil of excellett tit it e i, tht A., is, rit 111011V this Huron of which CHIA- iii 1,11L cei of His dis6oursus 00 d .by their ul,Lh -'dt). ol�it to' hriY.:hddross:_ Natago, tiochne� it rpol al�d. light. for Inikil oi- E-50 coil Is. S aild Chl are upgotiLit stakon. Aqdres:; ail letters to,. follow a: itild jolly 6otl euinete& . . 100' old Del'ared had tfOr il'u iii(140 goitil-clinili, I't, is a Were o'do�cvnd,lilt '6f it du all' 2,q78, litronto ip.boolfi'l ItI)d Wlort.l loo 0 c's CREME DI OR, Drawgr kregadtjli.�Of St. Fal,4. dit, hati !d by personal conversation i ailtl�a valuablo otl(ll W. p the poet ill tile c6udt� I -lite, 1 2$l, J011114toli S�blllittud Coll rlill druggist for it. �Vhoicsalo by. it W 'O 0- to be N� U Wit I tua A is. vim I�CLS lii�iitl .,tlii, - Eve thei tho Court y. It 4 - grill, r of the ind.'(T�itrh 841"l, and IL r.es4lent farmer�. will-raitt d t Ino jin re, lu Adoo delved and to BI itup'.1111lis return -with.th.6 550 00' 1111AX tile !Lxt�a btruett 5060 00 Theolit was a -it;y tq., that . Pay I roolil driwl uj ay* lie said that the aut.�Iiok of fall wheat, Well dolia-for I 8oint, 0 4 Ile "Who Wits 0104, tile g�ntlonian I 'tile, nipaiiint, of Lite 'Aeti '1110-avel'age Yield Work: lI`a*.4*b6oii is its colitill 11-t 1 S hi, I $120081 24 bar uthler , I) . I SlIelH PALESMEN. WANTED 1; fri . ttid. All �w` ill'be Well a r,4 up , 4 tbat 'Mr, Yates had Ilot provott tit a tatpd .-that scalp t* lie pi It R. elit, That Air. All: n4on (101-8' 01111 A -tile this year Will*'be about -30 bu LUMBER ANDIATHII ship.'silape a -Lid iqiio ;6.tlkb acre; Soule fariners.c.laill, S5 gt; AND DETERMWA. to.tllatik� for. his Uouriosy lit per, ends, well.. wanted 'to Organize ;U towil illto-vicati 11 'rs llad beell. �Sold also a I:avo 'tile testitlions, of-Iii1r. john,U-p- 41 loy 0 . i;,)S� whelib d W/ NL' 8
till ' tilt), water Works to; be Bu P, over it; that the provisioll a,,.fti ool'"I Olt 841,11, all kinds of still of busialogs IT I I (I I I e i�6quetited �o .4tat(; or, a,th. �y 11 M lotia ti.� lklit, A N�tll yiil)�Lw rtibse wantln�r Furhbar paitses'paid and carn targg salaiies, bl' goill", PDo �XT mr KISSAIIIE ton a profess' I rrow. ba6d,.a more thall pne bar.%vus pas4d after 900 int -dilat's alit. Yard 'OU Nursery Stdcic. it d crop, ILI. plit'd trorn- his pollill, s toll; Eta the aptaiii. Hatubly. 4,tho Lord's Army I cil ititit tijitty desired to 61,4 t�vo urem t, to give ive guarintoo oil stookd.1, Pet.ry Bair near Biriniogditim, Eug, to'tho Coll I and , . . ing in ru tory, �vollliigton �fi( I,s we tire woll and favorab) y ImANN-la Act referring to it pLitalty, Lhat ll�al'ly every. arni, back of tile —AND. TIM E elk
n QU
L tblilot)ying to. Lite -is repurtirl" a less L-11411 av,e tre Street, olinton.. our atitilits find 6-troublo ill I'lid(1119 .rag P 111IDLry. 2w-tf.. JOSE1,11.0 es. experionce- t I Outfit ULL11 bQ WaS Out of toWil. for 4 fow. dtilyis, jUl o.lit,'and wlio -deulat per u. e�
lie plovis
tt�v�p TOLD You So;—Tlio pro- it Of ih� tilt Pollalf,y for-yiolll L 8 average yield will. be I i,i, week. Tht wits �ribuhttii,)Il ill tile tliat for out door raised vegetables town liow ill IiossAasio ions of 0110, AUL, UOU[(I, -, ll be. crop. In coilt potiket. sa gra IrLioao. who drtirkk before 01) two ,pliclatil ta tnake, shillitory law ilt hoitiers of the fort here durinir I I 1.13 ftkil"I Co. baiid. 116,bad. nearly if not (juite 20 Lid its a poi,tal card fei ternis, ote.
to allitly-to tLoolber A-it;t passed.sbv- very 5L�lld
fit %drably" Witt) ally that 01,111w atidor Ito formal at ef-.%I yelwat after,- thottall thil two to the acre, Soli,is clal' ing 2 BLYTHISAW- M IL -CHASE BROTHERS, drink-ati?rel-now, still hoillef 811tiefied - nunile?w of foflower.4' wont' to 01 ilotioe i?.1 the old -eonnCry. Of gib Ill . .. - , 0 0, lit It ilt Qllo of tile Oya - I , t.; One even. 30. one feature 'of I. on avid to cl 0 siole so ljeo 'IT
Acts r4lbited,- arly to be iioti- LAWORT; 0. "r & DODDS ':-4-- 1, 'a He Sle., A* 113118:�'11. is nttO6. old I .1 284.6 i
Station to WPIU011le'llitil-110111P. ,ed to, wits &Allowed,io -ftildress tI'l,,,t . wlioat �erop is particul insist upoll t1w tototallers 'Itakillo Ithat YiStes . bad int pioved 110L 111any were tli� to l(larn alid lie lilts take" advantage 0tti; the heads are filled to the top GO S At AN lie re,tui tile coull6fl.: Ile stitted lll.at tile ill- a ail(] I . I . itri'llus each nartv lift.s. -A I I Theoill bail . I 0 1, Arii now �rcpared to to till Ithadii of worklin theirSO islippitintiliellt, IR of the profesionat service al.t US-. desired, wits a Valuable title. put in a grain crusher, we are Ale I I 1. I.S. . F or all tit( wo0d . like Plualp gruill 0 a supol 0. ILI. its; awii wav, to do clioll at iti,3 thus tind oil the shortest m r i r. ,n heakS.hoed.dowill, with ity. This is due to tile fact sociatiul�l %Vidi UV, Uptot-I.ttt lectil a �OlTe, that band ball a silll-� our ty %$,Oil After.aOtne cro*K firltitt* bot%'�eoll 111jul"r Indistinct' warmil f mable. I'lin, itj v tho�.-w atlliav hai subsolber beg4 o cW W!"InkleswIlich wi.11.0 I a e & DODDS, 411, )I oir' add nmpyRtor Oet that
laivyer� 'E "TA.6116 av baon;heavd.of, 110 onlall, tile liaLiv:13's; t; to Ila- itvoly cool durin the tival-Wheo the tt thopublil. Two TuVTIIS too .,to aA be no -injury to thairl weLto thy d�.- thou�aiid elan opeii tit(- 0 dtiar, our Captain Stops 1014t, at ti-veg, wholl -lit- exhib,itH ill* tho fail,, grain has been so that THE. . privotl of 0!eLone' (if V., for'thelibLili
tJIOUtLgJalkdjIig'bOth LIP. tile f Attoi�to -
r wl a 1. r; I P bu y' his Usual larwe ass 1011 0 and 469ired- lJy tile Coal Little was given fOrL it to prOporly. ibl)oi UP011 INI e. . r ED. . . I Z1 . ' 'r of ifio prQposell .6. GIRL WAN' CIOSitily tile blue I- I H t or:tie up , . ! , Dalld' wits hiffluttid. m.0re. :Lit tile only Sbotioll"i -where� it1ble eSCUILLItR.L tbat the I Dulierty OrgaklL Co. tivit ' "r-P.1l)—a general Johilistofi appealed ani'llbe ca- Will �at has at till twil ed * iliat �kN Vant at. the o7 mv. 'btlimiti bro-wil FL I - R E i otdit:t allid dowu thA y IQG4 its a private kilt'llikP tile liew iptl wlIZ t11 " W Stl —.Arr I w unty Judge One loan i111W t1loosallif oppili ovelillig'. a I before th�il QQ failure has'lloon (low to i1ru lit, pi;," -colliploted f a to w l 041 to. astlitablo One. Alip Y. at onty cut. orgaization public one ailid e ar, lie 1) Iell 111111/.&Z N:. n oollplits are fast b With- liand.Bliaking and withuB M.Gloderich in a Saloon ao"or fret 13 itled t.o tile lustrualept* -ultural'EXIAlbitioll"whi is seilt L IIIMISV, OATS, &C. SPOOElt, t viIiie 1. 011o, ti1pulsive in t1w the FloriL The other left i.11 ab0y� ou� glalicimy -lit) and dowli, y Was public properly'.. Barley ba Colne oil and Will o-ut.—,ftlaWa lee--' maddifig crowil gVaped tile of vo bo'- openei.1 next Tt;ieiBdA Milco. In alyy ov�llt.we believo the Lit, 88 CANTELO beforti .Ai ind fr. C8rbio rXive, WOI:e thah ail average crop, tile: Clinton, Xia)y 20 1 31': dDolierty oil -behalf of A It" k NoarIjLL_pvoryono mattor 9f tho-power of the Ontario -excl " 'Ska,ilig itco.rd. for Jov, -ill town.- Owns plants,of ally Ili,, band4ewurtet] to,the, idea 61at will' be Z:arried no to..ibe yield ill some sticticills b6ing'as higli Ioui ts. test L JJ Tim Joti- kike'14 0 out' (A 'Dolierty rgal [If, (:00ILr' tile 0 00. Build . was 40 buholB to theaure, and l GIRL "WANTEOn 0810 hwas I as. kind has an , .. ri — LOWIST on G�tlt, who spotil, his. -holidays' here, J' ion; Ov(, .1000 an exal-iltsiv'ely pvi�.ute 6tiv. T.boY bigi about' 30 IoDilling tv ltntlo, . this , tivet. oxhibit r A GOOD 01 y will pouse of tnistiii(In idviiti n II)g ItL is tvalattal for -f bicy,04 holno 14st 1), . . . -had mettiberii will averAp to. give from 40. A Ro(iin tilt tile. OoNI,4.11011GIAL HUTI, lie to lite or ills %%110 beatitifill platita; of every variety, ill who were not. cots- I . n '. . �JO_ it �ulltftlltnlleo
clinton'. Stratford, an(I o, Co,,- und had. t., to bw COLOCI WiI,�,08 Will be jivell. lipilly A 0110t: 6f Goderich, flower, will. make nectud with �Ije OrL tflow)'r alid Our, at E ducation par 4befil to tit Ipirt 50 buHhelH, thoutoll watill Spl ..a, and .9 istrui;i fit O.A. ilill d i a I J ailal. to get nearor than sovi-ri .Tlie in- TNJr.. St(f warti, of* 0"Jit'A"a to joill tile to hourilan4.' yirds of thto captitill,gulidd. out' '110 -'Up 011 tiun. orrZEto Wi4'Used -byNdX.,' 4; Racey's'. :$tand- N8 -it i,,ks aw dd let �rue 16111)taim?, . At is ""Will buslioirtonaccoullt 01111toll, illy 30, Jai. . 'tile vwt SO4(iRli. ' li 6Xtensivo h6th 'to (10 Txvicivres. , 1.� I I __� it Ouse, -and p. 11clisoll.who of drought. and S�ratford in 24. hours. 1-1-o r6 evidtintly 4 favourito, TheaupphOA- 11UST IfaA1,'1')3 of vult ed Goiletal. Ro .4011 W o with -the Bibb wherever &owi moved, tile y-leld will averlig Thompgoli for lit 11,tid rall'ity its,.,. lo'l -0 0 R 1E.8 o abou� 80
Them will be 0, 0i'Ll til -by Organ Mfg. CO. reas are gool LONDON LOAN 001- I)Olt6 beil;g petitty �Volll tired out and bchaeged 'I I
titributiort Quit) ill Godis,� The 'following d E
r tered 6"R U ory-litt ol 01111u, lia, tition fo�Secorld-(,'Iasal Cqrtilfcates. mt little has been 'ST 1UTES Ai.r .114,11g[Liti.4tti)(icilptrii�. It's enfated with f1jigs lie left ill tile pos. I" but wl , AT LOWE CHEA Full TILE NCIFIC Ptiovl"v will not t, iXtid'evergeoil . I (I ow, will yield&b.ly vell. $100,000 VU LP Short ditto loallsxt PER THANIVER. tile . who -want to kitis him alit] tilt) A00110 will Ile etAive'llp.1 witli stisBion. *of, tire Doliekty 01-Itall 0. In additioil to these a further state. a n ' t,j .4 'Nothing Ilk tags of th(i niusio of scores of i �titlg tile call. In ill few witt"ICH ago we notell tile fa6t.,-of tu"lit will appear res'p,iit Obt, a( otions is an ab" it-, er Cent B & ankrup
"INTessr's Var'ranI MoPhorson Unit Space Ili others ratbor li 6 &.6 .p t ale il -b Inap year privileges. Poster Bayley Will havil U, atnendilloilb Nvat; Ulado that' -ilidattis whi; preBooted theniselvea fl fto�ey of this 011illtoll Fouil(Iry hav- for a ditiplay- of Artist Work, fur thii averaty to tile illsteutnont be left With 6110 Lotl, second nd third class standing, me is a,go6d 0110, about one pply a ghiptill Of till iv EPI�OJITS I - I I M.Js KENT, WITHOUT REdERVEll, receired, ill prililoconditioll, NION, ing 0106de oplez A ivr and U -1141f tolw por tievo, which they are, Illaicing 4 -lioperty Conittl Some -of Whom 'will obtaill socoild brated "Clintax" mireshina machille.9 Tile pi -my aragraphiM of '.our 0 Itoots Will albo'turli i5ut a -gPod ALI',j coteni i Vilify LO tho.I. 0. 0. ed the patisago of cla.4s, but their lillums are not hicluti. l'i'll now we orgall Co Thompkon 111-9 t,,which Lontains yield ex to British A 11 I. cept.will drought Ila$ in. n U, Us evening" lite Dohertl 110 clainiod that d t ed in tile peelient, lip observo, that Cowan ond.0o of Galt, states that It 41W loot,11)9 of 108 P(MullIti011, d. I Sid potatoes
I Will give olloeds ii�', 11" IEDS last wisok made tbeir 6attond alit* lot to- ob-ifIrve our (it elytly" be a much more t1dail over e Will Ug S obi�ild though knuw1i as �l 0 thoso.wlio L1 toll for Shi Went, thigbes8 Tho admission has buen placed at 10 Dollel-ty Co., 41and could not be. tile oxat'niners not havilitt: L.011111110t0d rolne sectionti.thd former p by f it were; rateyllyors heir. Avoi k. ON ing inatibitiery to that distant Fro- occupying tile positiou of ch'airniall tull it), teralf, 'Ktric 0 uotas, with Thurday aftornt: it a tly private,otio. All t will gi�ye 500 to 550 bolifiels to tile
o ild one fartilerolaillm as high DBS i 1) do, Will, IM was suceef Ti-, 0 r ff 0 Tile present IiA is 13OW publihbed . FU at The Rink the flicre,ti, S EEDS, Is st4octil of 1111114.0 14010, 11 'Tit 0 opent -froint 2to 6 and 7 to 10 al ail Such had an equal ifitOrest Ill in order that candidatet! May UPPIY at; 230 bu.BlIvIA top tile hatter. Thot , I . . I I . `011D,iN ' T WHTOX Tap I-EnGub lfwr,fi� tillers "orinal 'I Tor . . TX ACC ALSEPIT STREEE A i Ob tile- lierau� Nvill.-.pro- m. each day. coulfUhton,of io%Vli pl.oporty!with tile "let* t I , f0,V ail till iso,jon. to tho IN averago yl( -L '01 UTION lit t1a; eruditord, tial,whule bwch of Fe rglu s, who ,were. charged with edu8ilig, 101184ver a Ally lie about 3( 1-Inialture of the modation to oo too ill his lltlloquenWiiqua, kindly lent tholl, W4 s, SEEDS,''I'! o0 p, tacity of the ohmnicler is W Bit Us' io'saj to tile Any Wick build that thigliv be, fur,t, ihools, if. qualifilett to attend and pd,- Estate of G. DIEHL SONS' it 0. Ttol- tatoes about 100 I , hel patties attending the y parties who have being taken. Thonipsoll,14 I C 13ut hin vaulthig Style quito ho I 8 It. A. Stowapt, A ;8. Tay. Tolvil of (Illat'011, i 1w i
Scott &ct owivention beld rotiently War foe. tile Ilkbibitioll that tile A, vote itri d, 11 11 s itself Nithen Ito. describes iblu care will be taken Of motion to tlio it�fitrutrwllt With I 1j; IV. R. But(,1111a, 13� F. A, Scott, I)pleg goiora,11y will. bein good will besoid-notoS PA -10114 from sral1fter I causeri"p if r at Vorgu, 'reatest n heof muic and it sole' M4 126U). Tile stock 1110111doN viol - t tri
I 11�unlj tip to Life ovorago of tit III Su Dediromn 80 4 11.
B ; It S Swan, B, N21 Croloy) 11 A. cPOP' 0 It 4e 4 itor thoii aiiect agont4 Bucacedill" Toe],]. I A collipoteilt Inall has boon flilt JJ10herty Orgill) 00, fland wits F pply refuuil They had I oiltiged.to Water and watchthomand cal"ried. w Ataig, A. it 'tbo of lutisid and tho good 4, fifo which 1p� should, ally Ilittliago Ito drino till X . Xerr, A fj�w yLlArs, but not Bu A. general All row NI'd A ljowevvr; ail() Fpr� ) 10li'l - butig ail itiformal 'dscusion will' 14 ni�dil giriol tf any I)artio-4 among .Rome of Lite Oe� the would be h6d Lite vfaruih� pests .4 .1141811 Thq ottick' call he Acen ;it AnY gllij,
gtiq hotel keepers Will Ile more cartt, thy looked Us Willi ill tile chair aslie did, Ti 4k C (Itnioron, B,; A IrWin, thom alt)ne OF have boon ovorlooked in tile Canvas , 't 4 at tlio� art.-routivi tit Gho. I)lt;111, & ful in future how thoy refuse the Commit tile pi,evailling idea Eta e.)Urt I qriw, 11. ly, wo shall bo,that tile correct thnio would wele0me them nAtIeSiralilo citizens, taeolved ally Unto on' Monday. be to. fix a'prieo Oil tho instrunifint it3p,tronTit, A Beow ill 11 , J llar�,, reodilt I,1V 111011ths, ureau. oil A ou"luical — , A Tilti!rty of nearly 800 exqpridniRts n6tom. K Ivor off for . !L at that to tho I'mell ill & . A X�will AlLiVadyen, A, Built$ over U wpro and rithe it laidand Ga, 6 rambles oil tile uIvic holiday we v is and this sola IIl0 Apriell, CI ill toll, Ren for th" find hit then to I tilt, wholostnel; Mist, hl Within 6116 itOd tile 114 tg Oerpointa'1)61-01 Oftllatford, 1111i'lil- glits" down at 109001, they tit tile for,,] of iva . Ice 0 (It, it at Sallie price to tile proposo ed dt tho 'UH1611 Atfainh lrortintd 11486 heand obligod to take the chair i'Were, a 1, w tbriy Messrs Watts Ico,� ivi organization. rim upv. �Atvt, rnie,srlay mfit,iiitig, Unit spohli 1,116 day tr#LVp � L"11411tiat rninktof in L110know, aA
Of tit, tile 1`1 it 0 till),, I 110 alive to thoir bushiogs, Anil spare 1 I to ill eight Seeitig round tl�ie city.' At Sit, DA vell-Villod* land, WW wero 'Shown clothed I 11ad INSCher mado pkitis to semirp the beat or every,il hareei,ived ail linanituntis call from 4
)ill Would "astonigh tho I I rtilg1l'ilapAPIlla for II'Vilitadil & vialcolmIg of I'lltill'or is Wr Oki Ii 61A I
vogot&bloif if I It" , I'sprillp bottom" 161, in theil, linoi 'I'lloy have sitioured Aye thl- coligrogation of Caro, funittito friotory haa --been dle-sed olis1,41; T110'll alld clothod thoir tile Ugenoy for the celebrated J)r. thoso who.,tieod it modioille to purity Wn thil By moting Or a Inat("Piffliz,it �dual bosoing, "bollind Xingla New Nsdovory for ('46hquylip, their blodl build thom ill), 111oreao ielligall, at a salary of 11000 it rot the past few a4ys owing to maillinoth stovo W'ftrehOIISe� iud il,,Nswotid, tion. The 6 year, want of water. Tho )(tat row hionvy 1108p, water is drawil 00ol and Witt, Wey certain e"PO I'n6lvn their appetite) and rojavertate their rainsdavnd It the well, and A neW Clio UNDERTAKING. itholl always figure.4 41, fittillft: V, We PAUSO. teir Uontluni.ptlon) Cangbg$ is Tiow boin Thli br&nA%1 will hil Atell6d by
far. lie Hst at tho vat or a reply. But it 113 like trying to Want. Ittouldholl rot' tovolls 1py FiveLyfilctiow tile eva� Istbina, Ray Fevor W110161SYsL0111, III 91 ibead of or any AffooLlorrof tholsowellmoetsthel HIP dw 0i P 65 Tin 0 P 9, and lia is olve th�probletnof tbo A for torty IS lying Ofinusly' ill with it PaVillyflo 170 bpoolded trout last weok. MA 66wa And exhibition Throat and Lurigs, Sold oil 6, positiva.1 -tile exact spot. Its Mot Bays It, Ilm; not 3 vol,y�i record o U tfIlfal"blZO $1.00, kil jn(l is )lot ex M 0 I'Ale unI .. CI . I . owablontois ot the futor. A ArAnytie, TfAll Bottles NO.- Ito, years is triumph over Atto dity rot, li