HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-08-13, Page 2191
-1 � A
y, It Pottnry toww; vkh-10i to0z
A, 4"ScrUrcr.1,0111ts, this Da vlace 1!1 AWAY by anytt,ing kilobjeetiollalblol" It Ivolild. lie well it tile voters for KING$ EVIL,
tbo, (0.1thedral. Thok convertli were for I ant 8ure filo large �Itijorityr (lift al)(1 agaillst, tile Sgtt Aot—olergymen Front, oter owa Vormpondant.
almonit vritirely ilvoIllo �tkf tho hutub- not think us be iliti, anti, I %)link it not excelat 44d use 4eQuating
kl T�Ithv, (1tv. —W, WK ttliflIj St t Our buAtitess men have tile most of w43 tile nam Scrof all
lamulage. . . a formerly give , to
e""- 11 IvHt (;IaSiQa of it;uuicty. wallytif 014ill would tie well Poir blat in future to 0 tile day to themselves. 'Viie PeOPIO bmtm!,,3 of a s4perAll-lou M;
"Fittf-.1 'XiAll-Ilen X11:11-i-AitVill (11:01"1111. file verly rnigh awl diS90luto "prilne" his reports a little on julutiol Art,. ins. �tdilisntk wn3 nearly two - TO MASON 1ANK.
F..Lif .1. are so busy barveiting that they. mn conctl by a kingld touch. ITU, - __ 1 1 1 1
'ki J)r. J. V. Ayer S; Oki. j vilaravtor:4, whom tbo firdinary ai� - ca) 01i3tt(l. ys, I only spIre Ukokio to run %Ylacrtlow, a Incorporatca loy i'let oI Plorlilkliliont, 105.
.1 an(I ottick a little elgier to dii. eaebln� Baygeld per set oner
wn ad knowlithr.;ti,
ob. the truth. reoently. in morijingriladevening.
III, 'Vigo�- Vielli of tile chilv-11 failed to rital
I CAMAL, $2,000,ow
Ovor eil"Ilt Walked, front U10 : Thankitimyon Ickv Your space, AIr. Mr. anti 'Xra. Jno Welsh, of Strilt INcitement runs high over the b1cy SCROFULA
rallwav stttioll libroll,,01 tho 6ty to Editor ford, who tire in town, -are tile guests cle question. one party holds tbat USTI $500,900 1
4 tII(A citlictival. aocoll,pallied ly tile roll repeetfievily yours, of,the gentletnen's brother, Mr. WN. there are bloples tuado with on() , cook oiilr Ile oured by a tborouOl Turibell-
pireleads, tLe Paloollial elergy alut. welah. e -1('( Hea4 Oilloe, XONTIMAL,
x z --g rl� xx-CT ROTIT Is. wheel, whilellif-other party gay it Ilan 'of tilt- bloold. It this 1% uvil. .10,
1 vIIHtH, 1111.1 tit' Q I J. 1UP47;1VB the,1110MO its 113111t throtrAl
to, 199 d Illo lio(.Ilsitla illy evall", i I The Misses, Cillneroll's eveninK, k would be iulpossiblef6ka man to r1do ge,11=1tion 11MV MIA. -V311011, AtIlt'll" l:`4 TTIONAS WOURMAN, President.
and, 'Clintork, -lug I Ltb 1884- i600-wil-el. The &V0014110118 "Ille J. It. (LIHOLKON, Vive Proidident.
3.1130 p. In. the 11illtop It ittiLred, party last Thursday evelititig Was 'a vellicle,with on , earlier $VIkjptojI)ILIIU
tjfIQr(I'SA EQZejIjj
largely attendett by youth anti lictitt Ae 14.ent'.11011sy TAIL, F. WOLVER, SrAN THQUAS, OcupkiRl Mana4cir
Her%, Col Was coil) IM; ileed and. flecolu.-
pattieAl by theorgan auLl twQ corillits, beauty significance com1*00il withthe pritio.
tho va"t, body of voices frolli. lilvv rurplent Ulcers, Nervous Anil Phy. Noteg 4liscountoil. Colle(tiDne inaile, Draft* ADAMS & W- ESTLAKES
awl tranavIlis joined, In. tile hylillia GOMM"RICH. Arr. "Jitio. Ratipford has returned �Iples involved I4,tbe wheel (11401,151. sical ('s'llitilse, VIc. - It allinved tQ cult -
out I, is, 11011day trip. S1111n. lCiOdly t1jr6l0f,111,61110 light On tIkQ thine, lViellinatIsIll, Isex-ofulmis Vill. issutd, Sterlh;g atitt Amerietin ex -
'0110, M News awl. responses-, and tile Rishopprenoh- rronk, utirovii, Correolwatient. v ffid and Liver Diseases, chailge bouglit filitt sold at low.
I'T [Ans, er—.10o are . one tart'It In
Irt-P. R. IliiLwlCty Is At her summer Olt"ic"'t Ir I'llons"Imptlon, Laid %orl. ebt vurrout rates.
Olt flit) benvilt of porSevoiranco, and All,$$ 51oua Start has return wheel'd, trippihinpow propeltoll ll� , uborcular lattl UU44col, are INTFUW ALLOW1,111 ON OPPOSM 41 U
ed to residence. ous otiter t4vagerous, or
was listened 10 with tteep but allholiled town. elders its tride'40kein. They W-ol call- productal by
111t] rill 11118 Of responso. At Stratfor(l, Mr. R. Situmons $I,. died poncefully , it,
o rd, ill the t Tile concert oil )101)44Y nislik ed oveles:limv4ver. It woulli he a
r,- Was last Friday at the 11a,tritilrebial, age of' paijable Misnomer to call a okild wheol- co aw 1 0 '01 8 t ^v e:80
Uuron flee -i�y of London, ik;nd other 1k
us Sarstyparilla iki-,Aev own notilk,
it to fOrtners oil tbla
(.�l Im U.) .11, 1 TV A places, similar largn niectiugh Well. a riell In i041 trellt- $2. Tile funeral took rilackti on, sun ;d vehicle kii. yap S
plac'.14 about 416 -salue thno. In fact 1111ron Encampment 'Not 28 will day 3rd Inst. to 11nitlanAlL cometery, I witheic or Lime onalursers. No illortifitgo, kill
Intatfodaveruge, vilelilatioll. klvor 17100 1 The LarLN Army 110111 servier., quireol. as soctivity. -4No f
it lik.rge nutabor VCa; amily 8110tI(I be Vjtjjotjtone. W
tile 111tis'do"I r1lovenient has spread all meet oil Friday evening a0 Was attended by 8 the oll�y olrerfer flud artro.1,13 reltable Q� DBEIVE M,
i I lo Stinday belbre last ilitl�e Presbyterian I'll pti;k 7�1 16,1111) ",
Iver England, ailaw.4b the happiest Ali,. IT. Clucas returned fromTQ11011- of relations and I`reidi. The de l000p -i ningitice4chke. it Issoct"ect., -a-
rail here, 1111jere were abont 301) i1al an 41tvAlt li-0 that it el.4(lif.kite, 11-011, February. 1.394. STOIC
to oil Friday.
ceased, gen tienian wits fiather of the
r yellj.s people present and .&here Seemed to, the sivistent llereditary Scrofula, ittirl
Ili-, 'lloody, tile faliaou"I evangelist, is the Ittte A. C. Simmons A)r mani red, pulsoill, J CA collingloug tti,ewcs- ARMIt
Miss L�va Farrall or Clinton, proprietor of the Goderiob Slar. We Ilave taken place it praiseNorthy the hied !gllptltv to xtill(T. am
%Nho latcly il'irived at Now York fro") to thile it en. 7M -W
guest of Col. tile 11w), A. All Ross. shaking up of tile dry bones. unit inercury. At the f,;Ilv
Fugl-mil. offer ,tit interval of eight tender to tile aged witiow &lid. other riches and iltalizes the blooll, restoring
5frs, Anil Miss Them were in town relativew our sympat,by in theil- be ThereAvas arhirvy fro.4t hare ill the b(nilligni Getion, to the vitilt orginis 111141,
AIOT*qjp�y rr
It we are Ia 1)61i�wo 1111k roports yfnars betw"n his last And. Ilia Pro- morning of Aug I st, tile Thisgreat ' LOAN
vakis. visit, Says:- "The Chumll. of last %veek. b,4 , liov, hea rejuvenating the 4vu are system 0
f tho At -it Act aluilt i-, it, Johnson of 'Xexas, is in j,Ije Sollool B of oil Monday wilte(l." little in oonsequenep.
n Oard in At low rates of Interest and upon terins to suit
Ei and has bad a. lift 801110 flegenandlyo, MOWN borrowers. DING GURD
-irld Iton i..4,jtvit ()II0 Inan it, llow or citlicr, anti got. , firmor grip to%vl) oil business. evenina, 51 r. Buchanan (wing ab- The brick work, wood work anti
on. the In Lon(lou thOrCk N (L %vas ILL barbor sent, Minutes ot last met ting re Ad panting of' Air. Itobt. tirlhM's new 14 composed of the croulne Irmikilittras %VIL'i tri The-oten NN -111) rldlow Dqk. M11-
8uciely fa, titery colliceivub"d o1ject. or) list! way north last, F riday,l P'taker lire is noty compi"ed Ili a. ilinkiner SeirselP112111(t, id,
o, ilk and confirined. cuA of 110tassfillit anti Beavor Block, Clinton Just Receive,
awl irtry 011 Thoril, 1.4 a S00i0by for tile r0li(le. for is visiting Allisia Marks 00111 -ell it list of tile repall's neeil-ed* quite creditable to the skill of tile IM7t,, Rua otl,,,r of 1'0� Mow), 17t1i. ISM 20
llit jw%bitlilitY, how- Sailors, fur hll(liers, for facterY girls, a . for tile (hkiltral anil 6L, ivorkmen and tlie liberality of tile pro, carefully ILIA coni- —
at Brucelleld. 1. -. 8orne ot,herof our vilitwel*s d, Its forhail Ia Is a 11 AONnY to lead lit largo gr RoItall 411418, on
vitia vor. for 1(p. The city seekali ard schools, oil motion it ws. refe jorietol
to Ile ill) into di fforetat olmseu, ruseby Mines returned ]list w sliould follow tile example iGot, b olikewedleal Profession, iI)PA good jilortg4geo orharli'll), ectArIty, at
real to Coil Uljxlj� with power to Act, hysli-lani coliqlatill j WS 0
Stirlini-inthe builillnol linp,
Ant tile Church of Enoland has lie- week front It trip east, Accomits for Alailt $1.40) EA . 44, vri.;�rlbo ATC * 1-1 -Jered to Ile paid. Air. Rtivling moved into their Foll. 25, 1881. I. -W.
its aggressive a"MAiny obLtreh call 1L Trs. . Bolton of (itielpli was tile Globe, $1.48, were ca
or�`forniturn factory �of WL�hiffll bo, and reauliva into tile tilidst of guest of her mother" Urs. bittullell, A oikoular from the Vducation De- new house Olt 11lontlay. We wish them Absolute (Ii00 has itainatuod.is goodly a juyv days last week. partmont in reference to cooduotiti,, long life still liappy tillnes* Ilk if, Robt 6
Ili, the ATO(lel'sollools was hild over till tile loorcs Ila F or 411 Allseaseg caused by the TWIIHon Of Priee.4 before purehasiyqy elsewliere.'
as, a youm, mother tile b.olotl. it is concerAtr0ed to tho IIIzIk it A meeting of the lailles of tile con. R fo r 'a fow dav (Mll" -11 of tile princip'll. Tile overlier . tit baby. Z
Here then we have litippy' results grogaflop will take place this. evening ITtIll eit fintelloalk!e dogree, $ar beyond, ally
z f) %vaW, Ile water. The risillo, . �rolll file toilelliz, Of 0 It seerris tilat rQapers- can be sold ' e U— —0 --
all � or- in t. Giiorge's School room itt 7.:jo. Model School entrance Ne was jila. . , �%j V, Will, other proptiration, for which lil:e tilcets ell at number orapplications to- ( harvest. .
ftillml! botly'of clor ant. orgallize Avittl ties even in liewt o oforo tile clic."'1100, 0 C..
press bavo ftS Yez fitile,l tO I I'lity, nullor 101 The Sollionner Restless . - h d vacanc in tho waro slibool ivere read, eek A, -e mid iq lber Is o mom
,I control wid [oi, the'G. T. 11, arrivet! and fints e. Dun an sol(I one last , ' '
i its weas thQ bost'll' itod pq1f)Au.-kned11- J It %vas mmlo by tile, North Auter can tl)19� particular i ,tailce of gnifiallcO, and all tIjis is attained kinlogdIng last week, when Sir. AfeNillieuddy moved, see. cille, in'the worl"I.
to- 1aIjQX5-d by Air. Bill], Lhat -liss Sparks be en. 00y. of Lon(IQLA, Unit. 0
stal-ted Olt salary of $2.40, 'Rotion with. X. P. or to"tlie (,xtra aly Other Christian body otu'ried., 1, (4, Robertson wait
if% day, the slight difficulty that calls
Dnb any Shaming, or cap. tile stoppage has been overcome, -go of 8b, PILL PRT�PIIEID BY
tictil;I11d for file crystal flui 1 (1, "Iering aud s �rftotigcfl by ca ordt-i-ed to tako chat AN ARMY SOANDAL floil),01e, universol fludd titio OF 11 1 ioAriniesto,,ibtr,,telatt(,iition. illrIV. iltitelison ad a party or ward, school; and. MISS SParics Apr & Go,, Lowoll, Caw. W 110 AND HARDWARE MEMANTI,
y- *2 t 4 R .
left file Slo-inaw last Thutsday that of St.. Aidvew's. Tile Board Vion) Tile Toronto News, A118. 9. ' 1
attkir rely' oil practices and son- a
[Analytical Chemists -f Z z
-to, falor In t1r, Nows re p -r JLrs; to sustalik their neaMajors, At tit ting of Fluron Lndge'No, po�ter, occupying .801110 Ili%$. 0 eg,in a ye -grant 6211, 0. Q degree& will b�e conrerr bottlos for $5�.
'Up. June, 23 1884.
14V� oil on a large nu cokililuAled, anct thd result, is aill"Ply
06,111MUNICA T1. life, oil tile indiii4try of others. Thro(- other - - - - - ... ron� o or oliva correspondent.
—7- that tile coultnand,
All- * W, ; ATIccly 4L
1411-lerstind that We (10' thc4d. uken first their ppPar- DaTicy has purchased tite Standly el'Ofthe Pavl dflie oblitingle-2 stall(Is MAR . KET REPORT$.'
at the harbor and will I take has returned llome, again after having - I Aed'ofliuvingnsed his professedly (corro , Ltoddrory Taosila afterntion
I pleasant till Y fo r 23 e or to grt,
to with friends it],
0 pooplo bpro to sneli all possession, in Nov'ember. skcred position for the �ase'pLilzposq
befoolod Born, :� Id 0r 7 113 D
this, v ib Ell I ty. of.sadsr) ing Ilia lusts. Z: exlent that it quvrol has taken place Schooner J. G. Kolf,age.witlit 0 to 5 60 LOT FOR SA LU.
ago to 0 05 IIOUSF,4 AND
0 Vo 0,V0
1rhe Lor4l's Arilbyli, -anonk tile officers' over the c4ditr posts tinloaded In'bt Friday and Tile ajilogation is that one. wee Fall wli:tat no,
miyfleld- olast Satti.rtlKy y bg is 1)), one, loioled 6alt t theltiternational early 0 45 to 0 5
tile c1ruin. by' anotl Words I Froila our otool W 0 i.t to 0,301. ITUATff), AT TIJE Ill?,%D OFERIE ST., it
The mone
lav in Life son Went to ("kirlton eist to conduct S N E ERL, :F'T CN
011". 0 7() to 0 70, K_ Alontialiatioll of P
a a Sunday berore Inst Nov. 'Pity lot- Peligidlis i1coornpabied' by
illy last letter t.p. high botweoli tb 0 06, 1) to 11 ts, AT - I-. flarry A arriv-ed ID--, Ilia to `�) (10 Id ul storics iiigii: 9oft and hard water oil the
L I rtkol'd Avbo A (winter) OML(Avs. have resigileol, sorylo while lit theEl ngliAchurch, -Livo fervale'soldiers or the Parkdalo a ,.a to 0 (M' proni14
I ondoavolved io (10 justice to QIO settle town Coil- a reAv days last weetc, as om, also,st.twonial Tile. TIAS 110 11'OVED ro 0 (1 14 to 0 15 let (tontalzis. considernbla inora..tivan ai Acre.
ha-�.a and some-lim've,beei L I rty Oil Ava s stricken tillconscions :Ili the pul -ariny; lie had reti�r it ll�ittl, 0 14, to 0 16 file proport I's In I exatIlont ordcr and will be
niovc-m-prit coptri)II&I by prevailed Qwbo stay for Lh6 pit the girls into
gently told. to go 'to warnier pit. to 6eo lie called one of E� 7 00 to 8 'Apply.tor it C
1,4 * INIOlk(lity n"ght Lilt, sold oil favorable t�mnio ftutj wkilst frokely fV1. linit'rterg. The kinarre; Ia "a very his voon? ankl,,kept hot- there forn (A 00 o 7 (10 Irike I,,rtnv aftor a few.days retire- 0 at) to 0 00 josj4 U1410
le14 1.411 e ej-potpd, I prqtty quarrel Its it staii(Is" andAho I tile nkiii;tress Of tile to I oil the r
lit 0 " I Jwis. tivo Aloolr� north of the Grand a
-CHaton, July 01 1894, 904-0 oce.upied by 1 r"
till! Arwy In.01i Armstrong riouse alfuie and the girl out; Tatkoys,,por -pound, 0 00 to. 0 00
at tho u 0inti Of * , . ment is again oil tile MO IttAll kwl Ily ll(;w onem,
ton snorris tp be III)Icte The SPOI)A (10, Get to lie Ile 0 00 to, U GO Aviiere lie will Ili' to see till. hl�killl Col I . Or Bpll�selsptiia it $1191-t visit diat-In U16:., Inorning lie was Intind lit pensc k OnAl' atill see Illy Stot-.IC. Ile)*.. W -forluerly'. nitid 8-munier Over-
Istile Ariny is divi 1.10N%,(ivpr, than oil Inoit eek. girl. liar 1).iir 'a 00 to 'U 110 FARAI FOR
cBrien of Llid'O.01 CI AN per Imir 0 (10 to 0. 00 FIli(.y, rroits ato tll,- l':il1c1PIA pithily expressod it All'. Villiniiii Swanson of licgo, 7 00 to 8 00 Ill . ti(IL'titfLi t tit Ilk t1je1ateit Fashion.
P -i:Rllcl edi and as Ile lilt, I o . Kilty,011sparorth, l8speild ocetillying a respon. voric,
be it Short visit to tile circular . Q 16 0 0:10 r I
-he -1. At foxe 1mvilig, 1,1110 knolivy 'alitl the Who is ()It I Able 6ilicial positioii ;.in sk,govern Wool
of, alyabi . 01 lyan(I i I ng lij�;holidays tit -lionle. oi- the, 2ol, 3.00 td 4 00 0111101 p EVERI
thi,� 8110' ell' women have dono the to w n -is, d -GARMENT' 1S WALKING TIAMEIT
Jjor(l s'Arkny, nd I led und.er tile. arental An( illititatioll wa$ interviewdol. I" lia, 80 7b a nover faille. A
roof. coil. . . I . . .. . : I . 'rhoro 'the 13et triniawil,with tile rIonlinings In,
Now. as to tba ii-loiivy part. We 6aid lie Mak:lv by s
(�onduotor Hig�ins is AbIR tb,fio The Qu"nl,,,,,pas,1ur6 fleld b%q been rit -good cedar lottr honse, throe:%oro of' llit rejoitotion Lis it ('atti-r.
A. We lia-vo heard cf one %vith the help offt vrutch. We n 01' JIB ih(2,jr OW 'St that the dares ree Sowell 'd rn 3OX1516 %vitli S.j *foot stone wall -
'lien) alitl Vile Sl)llrgeQP wolklil sugge bht no gralis is left, .-like to-say� rollch 7,11)0 Own I.MMIN'
.Iziy boAvoctk t on.. have on- aST114A0 until mcen'tly two good wsslid title tit house and ono and (. a ket s sveoud tollolle ill:the colinty. jlartle8 hav'
-11al, of,tilke Armies boi anti cattle on the 2nd. c . I TIjo pro;)Alry 14 %voll fonoed4lth c
Qlintoii cuiyi� in I . lit ij(l;tr cwn have thelif ill -.#e up and u.1ruillolki on tilt, 'shortest notice kind tit reasonable
brit ;�ho in the liabit It able 0 regol!" through g.000 Geen. a inetrib I ther good charges,
tile . tone P9 lj�po he will soon bol several occagio er of tile Arnl�, slid 1,
1j)tjIly rO.L to hing ofgivill()r is duties on therold.. object. is good, And I m Is and ls:Aftnt,
uut$ Oil every fetico h�,elievq. ttiei condition, - Ternis and oonditions of sale made
bath to'� e nooll elleve that Boos or tiie,tik tie ilfLI)II111cl tion lit thk ollivo, or to Win.
ndwaicT§ the mipport, of his'nichi of Christ left hy 111 ec t Ie of own - 'Also zb lkllow'l" IlFISOHER,'
istor. Wholl tho Amy oponed fire, I I �s to n I�eni- elin, re6ljduk1jlg dr linkai-Lis." nto.
oi ples, it lidall ta o lit Im blo to bit a d'hu rob , tritiq on. AI e I"i P. Avill 286.v
n1a 1)1.1006tly to-divido his th4 Deputy g(Mby did'yoi leavoi*the'a' lk`�. OAK HALL..
kl;ow:rofcr tpnitary lit cia Vinyl"' Wlarton, 0.
ifY aiii-Al Constable Yule. --RU
Colimeiwe,, inhic','L AT' ONCE
re seekii P Of what you a no
of a4litivir body. and the thus robbing Peter to Twe party under-Alkie "Ins From our lC.. 'aliotit. -1 left1lie.Arniy� jinkler the Fol NT.
Vub worse foll. of England, whose qiliot we Ili it I I d gels Ladies Aid Socie. illy Plumnl6r, All. kind.. (if
nhty n6cted'. 41( of whlcll� uni.1000 -too 111111Y those ill Out' local A
ti a Ent'ance lyaCjoin lVe not Of. Olab. 011111'aul coyio� tot Erie and, hm stroets. Two
-doings of.tb6 TIlly 110 declal� have been hant ell ejve� to) tho'church allil r�illilv Tir pson (if the Publi�
JIV(l I Ve
t. go to t1lo. ��hool' pAsed r ;-k- M AN.UFACT UflINCL
rif are naw:begifining to 1,I)OSPS, . . ' R.' . ard erjS 1,01, . C olle %VOLIt'd like his N G
)],xionination at lilint,on.. family to 460.01, t kitchen, 11sril and soft wfttur Ili the bilild-
�Llat.nlaliy tile T/A I LO R 1,
bliss v, and it 6 tilt, admirlitiou,: F, . ty 06oll'er few weeks Alone on short voltit.
of t�04k 'were flips Mvs.,Jererniah Whitley, is very ill
Ing. Other acconitandatu
.Wit to �tovl, ur. i largot fanilly. lWit very low to yqarly tooapt.
bout it.�'p:ile, dild at the ii�ade we caunot tell, but: if tile filinds t resent fo 'Apl$l%- lit thli offloto, br to
(kran it: left for hot, honle, Brus'soillit. oil it P
Armies 6al3not be-recoveli-od. froui this. Sttiva- er hidinbei,.s of tile iv-116Y.Jilit wouhl Sale, 8t of �ny�an rich a uftMgs
al�cornpnniAid-by bWar-'. Manning is builiting h. - fine Wool-lefi-:Go6ds . r ,,Cheap,' clintoll, 04. we d). So' nd FOeIgn 6'
_"blintl edtfort 1i bo' o be cotisc(I'deed uitclO..18, 29iriou..
falki olkirs rx A it would be better f6r thol by the pt.lull
-d to their first froulle re.6lenk-4 oil his inrin donoig to i6tui it will Ile -it hnd TrousenngsEncyllsh Fr6nch,Wo teds.
lo.ve and* jhij�e restitution. Ili tone TI)e Directors- of tile. '190h i Illy, �v�S I (Ion't e'are to BlAy
(1(,:,Ilg Hri I inillst noticonn scrillel comfortable buililing., NE NV EWINO MACHINE FOR
. ..... tol(l.t6,tli.(�iriDjtiroclibiiiistei,s. This Itistittite itreerillingin.the b0'04K$I' much ahliat ;beef LIS'O 1'60% —0-0
y A L .. , J_
nxpres.,iod by your coxroqponcl� (lie fill'ther issue'un tit Sorne . improvements been -1 snlil . beflove, thoxt� there ore DAVD GRAHAM,.': SALt.
ie nioneyL solirce of ....
le lthe -grounds and school arc- made,iiii conformity trial I'll6se. toil neqf I'll MAIL it;W110 are -try I file in -ebeia INV C'MOTMIER'
tl� received house here (furing tile*, do 'Br instrootiOng I wpi-k. �BLIL 01'ere are SIGr SL ING 14A.
"it is a gr,4 t illitalce of 0' svoinuft prt*rt, There secru s C N (,I, leaf nt,vor been
As to;tll froiri the do ial,tinent. chool coln ot Nvith Air lifts I , menced n Tuesday, the
inter i- runiedy soWithin. the ark(l not few or who will be old for le4s Si')I( kSprjjl�'imil 'it I D4' tit the privu,4 I .(I
tb notliep , o r to � bo, Amilm, those that) It uoiii. Apply or addres 0
-w9el, tho o are a dsgrace to tiny Coll ity'and, W""Ch . f�-Lllont' hill, till.
-vith .0wso I -e 000 Tile confirmation class org L lIUIl0N NEWS:11WORn, tit' CF_r4.TS,7
non last e ti'lle Eitat. or Till-, 201-tf CLINTON, OT. Glit LAIld pay YL)IIi
I town FU R P41SH INCS [kiwi'
fof Clinton, II A %=x
REStECTABLV, Ill -,A N f Anaidatos, 0 LE
d in tho Toronto� . D -E L licknow, lip e by.th(� Rev. W
R I o 0 to �v 11 lifts. n. large norliber 0 .1(' (InY. Yon
il, 91fiZT11 Th ilwy on., What'l are Ave to j6V A N G E of Mi6lq "'eye alla. Alessi's Campbell', eyer, and. They ineet on ThursdaY-P116ningS to" therit for PT6� . I . . OR -TO RET
ea I ihore than it moiin knk�el ill
alitl 0 ID =i I Wilil nPI;ar(,jjt.I_y., lift'. T -C- T, C)TTrT'
Tieqcced B&x Taoffice. '. 11 J. -, . 1. . . . . . . C
'Ni G Prayer TN Tiff', of Chippe, hrall,
S'011ng people's gooiety or Vic- ev*jbIxnson tied. srected it
irivo it destroy?' 'We . hifer thowfrorn that , " . I filtoa?rm, known toI,ia C!IjkjV0l) %N.ill give It ]iferal-Al dilivii;g Ail; �fte to 1111'3J,"reator, tal<e the fetilikIeS) tits hr 44, Nortli Itafigo not. The mistake bai self. binder. d' eilties WWI taillir to Is
art Flidwy I oes 801(4114 vouililained of' 'to thtj pollee �Tntlhl cot
oint ��t. I frorn the ri�
liln thatilain saelt "it: '11-,t tile VA-�IIC)t lIt Ill ialvablon rilly. in' -Tor0latO. will tie taken tit did %voric... Ili.60ulil liojx� ti TlKilibur Hotel
8 o'clock"and tile "ill alissioll p t6ed at *fi or Weir fold. their -Thon, 'h fell !it fiberents a sliort are, as I
v v ont" tile Will P )I r. Pitt., ftit'liapply to
10 cents. disaboe north of 0 -little . ..... �k t'pj nutgeoupicid by I) flolito.N, PER EN.Ta s" of tIjUse Arinies find no -ke itelight lit in I
11110, Cj 06n to tit ro(l fir side at- to 1-011, TbAk 116.t I
lance, a Ii 'it 116 �j 11 (3, 0
ptjjjlll..� avow0d rusnotisc, fronk. atnofig�t Its. lwn social. oh'Fri. ijnflnedjat�jy South 01' itL (hill; tit(. wCo. 0
I i:.I U
tit �11% jlle. tly
ilay even fI oni 3
farihors wero, not JV
Iny faillily to gn neall t)lenl agil'i
l'Lt none Ilekliapsk soine of t-lioso people 111AILY Albert .11141
1113' "poldug 11 . 11 L I, adillission 15. Cents, The draiving it) tIkeiLV'.�AVIIellt.1: F 011 tillk.wo. are it `1 Ile 111i'lles or Like parties ik�licted OilkI14,001 till[ 11111111, and ot�a
lteptainnierit, is til)(101- tile Ltij�pices iSep -7
for iall, bliell). This is not so4. ' The silbi6ot ell b � ; . r Or soiallet. r r0,lUjVcd"
of Like stle t .1.
i-ety, of tl 8 3�ortl le
idlotic" Als for, thab, And the. Tenson. that lip village of 'I K.
Ili too gerio %till Ntere outakiiiiid, by tile. - 'lie b
o of the Artily is nwbottor 1,617, I-n—wllojli� lie odiYi, witix% be of t1w Ili tI;e villaile far
-1� by., t Iel rroin our kne?A C.oi,i. � F. Lawreirkep �tjibc, tball. if has 1)(,,Ln in othor'Ijl,'Ce.S ey blazontka tot noss. , alalt
elel,tj an )er VIA siltwl ont, n ils, but' -K tj ey iing 15i nk U on 0 eit, Tile
Ion (-illy t' el And )I are a.( il, thpjibl1(,-*p . rints, vIt eQ-P.ry name
b L�skololept Olt wrint'l ratllcr�-Se roselied fr6tli tlio it c tel)iilkos of an'tterv. Thl, bulidingi; tile
and,froin knQelij)g Of tile' Ul'allil I b0 sold ('11CILI), as, the pro: IT A
(!tin be j�.Allsllcd at ally iiule fe r. ilb
nas� tile twil. r. john Nvitile ciitbn,,;-
Lomilg6 L �O.V� at St. 1111101 A'ALLAR it, t tip isinobs. Turinlitlast,
6f 'is gjLVc ly pre, pftilfUl eVitlelle Apply,to; -
of ti 11 ai evitlelic lat! itTfur bands tit T3. tlireslling,.,I,60�
The doing Of tII 0. chrch 61"the boar ling lj�otjse, 294 298-tf DUNLOP,P. O�
nIV j;t�tr.t 11 fliulsy for t1iii irli(Irlity tit-: LA
WINI. . Price The'Cuvry brothers have not takeii ILIA Lient. Adamson
uctity iS b a on.Loilge nd tli6ia.ucr frorn JIuron. a glice off his Own thurn.h.. : * , I ObL rate LII -
�liall no'w all olitwar(I of �t ker ti�rlol Qt1jers cork 0 a 1.
mencetkient, . - -glad to hear that ElMe's a$a Gemuse fit 1V
In. Sluce, In y first, letter to ',you oill We are B. Churchill's offer to accept 1be allij kither. TEST
lle Kubjoct I liNvo preserved oxtracts joiturney restflted in 0floilig lill-6 cliRlIenge, in 'Tim INI"W D. R, L L . I8 A L V1,
TtIF NPVyS ft-AUG,us-T I I:r;!. AIARV FISTIER, tile. renowned Tun.
Of We. of, tile crimillill ptuceudi ef 0
;ai ors of otto 7A.-kiloins Dos of tileso :qIj UtitieS bf'tije tIg N 11�'110111 Clia.rLebill now the TT'sorial. Artist, has obt,altiod tile tisklatance
will' ) cities or: Ontario, anti The. reporter dallied on- tile 'it hnow in the Trwn
-h of th9jatter Lh have bequ Ina(IQ pitb- fh t Ii( allikippion ladv tile latest sts,jes I
Cillm , , ... ing, liouse at Carle" Onedoor -will offer his entire and cow illete stock of,
I ji�e, alld t1ley forul It slid of Llicir holle thkit,Jlds neW Will k ov p I it g, t1lo'boart] 16 Uigg Uzzie SI) eLp phrd, of' tlib Bity- to,. Aecr lOoMIltv, k'or' for_
r doings, we Allay give 'to L110 ineet Mill ever' Success. to the conduct, Ili '.'"Oil
field Line, Avas last -,A,e(-Ic forwardPAa thi-ilotilco, or at-tho
the oftlic tile IftSS'PsL tit un itladIll offluti; llerrlq� Blialk ijah Afartin I -laying litintiAg cae lvt�ll, being.0110,01, the
sell gin cents 286.tf., 94
great alld lupol their lipp rech i lilt - early hevening pro,
We refurAL) tht strained or one golecems compkitors ill' an-swering v pop fiI ig it its the' 'Artily Gazvt6c,". Ili
y, who 6ontin- tire frorn aniong' us tiny rot-ior tlli8 ilLeioiisj' she said got tip sof goods will licip, all
10114 01' 'his AQ6 14 s in Toronto Trut It. of olther�ljox, to Inure iaoiley I'll hiu; FOR SALt
o(j(!kjt'X 11 fititIlki aila unnecessary. Those Mljiyi�g us -who .�11, is kliti(a larne from tile acoident, ext tuorning, 4nit while"Atte
to. tile th fllk( else in bills world. 10orttinell awalt the T A DISCOIJXT 010---�
i" t) Ic A IeX. v Itis niv , yownger - sin-ei -e I I
cacouragett A je kneffleal ,lVjgct� sttitbg that wat At OnL atItIrels Titoli
g. error tll(iy 00 1 tjLj3itt0(f Tlinir--cry, it -Ile.. I. .
or' th� Church of ELL t'likini it) tIJ6 fasbi4rktiblo gling. sigtor fi-Q411 t.118 city, and. South�wcA' part (IjAt'
I wiieks ibefore. lie re- it shake it tbresIlino In I, townsjill 14.
t give our-youirig poo-' AVIjile she,' wkts,plissilld through tile vo
We I -ail gains 016 full Aiiii", orit'. 'very Dollar
Ailflne and pai,ted %vifil, sev.oral of 1), 15 Cents 011, .21 lisometbing'to (16;-, if it is only 14, saw, Adamson g;.into t5lo bell -nihdo oung man n.rknied (i ` .11 colitailling 1:10 acres, 90 1 -ros cl�ared, 40 acres
A UIUL11iii if d6cuipied,by the wit Cowtorners will soe illat this is.geniihie as goods'al
itititle 011( gooll Brick ot)e k
fl( I alctiby into t1win, and Horton YIRT-1) 01 -who 11'arl paid it ci�u�i6,6.t visits to ille itllfocAl of LOTID .'S� THOMAS
I '61ober Gabriel Ellic)4 bitd-a th*res-Iling r,)Om tile '41i, Sit 'I'Lly . .. 1. . hign, stithles
I ULat the f4pr6ad of. -popular lill"IlitAlAd to 0 gh t before, 0 Ohleago, 111. . .
lift, li'l'ison r 0, ALL. FIR ES
lia'I ilAIVik� tot! 'IN16to and cry Nattiroa, '. Fift (,it acres of' li alterwards-sbe inet Iiini comng (5atj 06'ns tinder all bitildlys), t%v 00M S.
i;uniall All tho Ili W eat �� o,
of liked to Ivivie town and join the 'board fence (codivr post) ar(om T
'ire be
"t Ills tb6ut 700 bukiliels. 11 ajj(j ittLonae si f I'll I till Ifilif, fence, tire in first-ollissi Doll.
Biicoril owned tile ma6l'no. how impr6per it was
il(;Iy tjoh ooke.�d LW H
Arm Irifflowe
1A.11l4onary Ill- (4 by those 'wl 0 wilit - upon of to 94" 'rot, a -man to 'n, dition, tot grain and stock
dicliaeged him, Anti not cokikiptis'e(r of half sllodtiy, but ALL Come airil proro. for, ybut
'A tie at. owing to tile ilenth of thd had bwner; Dr. flytio, 'je' to;
Of Ashfieli; Mind. 11(l lit) (10(jg
visit a girl while st I to iift bed, and FA I 11REM, NTS llilthe 80, had i si-,, Clio fitrin' Ili offeeild for sale. Can that this is a fact, et custoiliers ia aild then bliarge.t.be usual*
Mto 146 _a#J0)Ig 1.110all.4 Ot ciraolq which lit! has onjobi. smere drilp. t%vill Colts givitill, llifi� it piece of lit 110 t IIZA i-ai:ly njuvors were. thts od lis. t6 1140. is stficide last; N� ins oil Sunday, ThAy tire sired by A and :patting ber on4lie back oAW T, COOPER'S,'and next 60 Tqlegrapll offica.
� .: anity. Ia. A;6ptionally easy, ap,11131 to price, 1ternernber thti Til --toppos
unin 'tit Ib;v. Th6s, bordering an said, "Oil, neverhlind, Oie has: it head A. IlYNE
to excitiou, and but it re- s understoM that 1)�00,6LL-'.Ijlg� 11ILVe DoiugaP's "Fear Not," tire nice;speci. aelfe'and I '$is L just. Tokrto�0,'o it;
tRQ.V.� J ollidanee njjjj V(,. praying
ehn UIV,011, n plie- vb It mens f holleflesh; and may niakq. it to tile
%A lit), =iy -oil eeill taken Latin I in �elnovp..d to a
fho of yonli" A. - good ruldoll tefilli - boll It being.horses. L6rdt6 nialroher bette soslieCOUld 1, . ARGL AHSOPTENT OF
Lunatic Asylutin so- that -ho may be and t W. D E N 1 N
V(,VtH 1,1114161illy 101-0 IS well mate(L go o prayar-m"ting�ll Not long
11MIly' 110blit alld' a tililo. fQl! kilf Lhillgil, and till' property caved tot,. 0001) 0 bell -
A be� returnod to the
ll41dor -kind liti,41110 " it sli,glitly
IVIIAT, -TIIJD 11nO111,14 AIM 9AYI14d tile Bavfiel� Line, hni4 it hotsa co'lt, 7W 'DESCRIPTIONSo
qurq voilit'd oil Itlill tbo M1 -voluire to opot;'fell do%�n'on his 1%�aes and com FARM.S. �OF ALL'
1was propk�rly, 61811, :E3T
That llollei Fev b�ot'l anti of
to; the gfritild toul. exception ror -size and 6one. It will All ri a
v -11... _prx%�_ !,Its I for his . ..... n rei
eues", nol. if half the'oncygy wjActi. Ada' it i be�l'.With th' fenthle, ]a U, S 11. 11,
tof ullion Wili(Al 111Lvitilell, to ta0total .1toleve ohnstOn doeorvos but we Aid' se' the t Anvolle wishing to' 4o 1 this clater of pi
turn the settles at allout 800, and is wo it, BOOT &'STRAW CUTTRIff BOXES,"
tie. thanks for Lit() reduaLion in our coun ty eftell'otlipir's bedrooms, which V oonw icaeiiv obtwaa by apph-Ing to
lotbor* hobbies were Ili) doubt one 6f the best speeirikens CUM%, El; A, 4404, -to
tiny young girl."
ur,killld (10 more' a�veral yeu, 'llidilia are tilak cojV
Ine"t ef till' y ng - i� e. lad.
glive a mit of tetyjpbat�lbki feet)) jjj� lAtige With V16W to hIt havng been alleg6d that sonle Illf and arm inoculLitted,11
.jVVII y
I wr Ili lit ti Is ftor Ijilliard, rouills, anti olhallg�,�f n"Loe. or th6eks Attending (lie meetings bad And a11 Itbpl'ein�nta on a farm h6lowdstratesofint(trest. Apjily'to
ell. alkil tholl111 for a thII6 r Llie It swelled. talcein i1nproliker liberties with girls 242 Gin. 0 H, BRYWJI�.�, I.olidoll.
thall'-All thu Or 'rhat tile Lord's Arm is figliLing for of x)otgon ivy.
. V;tllc( y 01) Was Very -pain fill, ..By- tho R4.Good a tile 13est, and Its Cheap :.,I it lip I lititt ri,hig ell ill prIihibitory Ivg1slik; ion framecL tile solla, -aver. the reporter inveitti- f, during pi a. . .................
Upplichtion of a, lotion the or
1 84)f tll(3 C ill that is file jA,ttkactI()kIq, ab our Iveitati as the
gated, an(I %viks
That on our CiVid in'toined by an.elder
llgraduall holiday the only ties been reduced and tile 'limb
y sicatin,r kink (laridol ottv taverns n(( one seen full. was the llinanji is ly la(ly, who is quite -lit the I, oaln,c, rk tile now in, Likilair way of bqint., itself to hAe �Cli 01 4,,TC., AT
t Itillik): - MOAll. again. An IV,;, ;iLlfitlavi r statelnenti but
Churoll 'of all(I Ittrijilt,S mention.
11.11(t 1 5, r(ldrollItion was thus %%,Ito doea not W141) ])lie 1141110
'N(rgy. lloll fiffy eoirs to tile yotith of I)otli Sexes, That Our boys had'& good. time at � Air. ArthUr' of Grandin, 316. Bio' WEIR'S
Dakotill flaM been Visiting friends oo ell In lone occasion.
blo'diat tAlljon 8110� tten(l OOMMERCIAL HOTEL. TWIT"PMELL'S
�ko fanatics Alkloill,,st 114 1 t.10
11, Iv"i14 vis vo-C tile QUOP-111 city, nit 0 meet nit she 0
to as Siliful, Mooing ITIlat tI nritiom linjong ignoralit, le ig Uill startlag ea tho 801 and Ili 6ther parts of *tile wag n noved by a coil file of rfg gig - tills HOW to fathfshed throughotit ii-Ith' gicat k4o.
+tIvit S 01 - I , ts N I Vero UP -ice of . I . . A. Mock,
AW f. tile "i %latioll tile Tit after till absence In the gling 11) liront or lipp, w1jile t young -areto niout the wittits of tile travelling ljoblie, . V d, it lid yvt tho4o same 'i I -]tit I a n ILL) )el'tles nplaroorms.
1,0 PIN Of I IM CICT, tatujI territilry of five years. Il'en wej� tnki g sal
Ak iU 00d
T.j r
sevoll engagement rings Avere returned on Wednesday anti w And 1`1118 Wits Whilet OnA C1411VIV41111% ill
to tit(" bOj;ght in '1'0 coLto Yj�Ster(IfQV W"
tho %tork, B116 IIIv r k, As with client. tahl . ost sibutAterl 1100 In (Ilinton. Give its
hoexil Itillinled by Ills 11100101 -And XV81
�.o qtl, Ua% by still drurnilling, niflVelifillf Anil P1,0`111,11 all- Of tile. WdS 11(till" tip Ills aI,
That.the party on ontloy nighly MO. d, formerly Miss Currie, all( voice it) J)raycr�
filailkly 113' volt"IbIrY ties ill our tile . . to gellulno botiAltY) 'by fig iller, dauglitep -of U001U!$ Proprietor.
Ulks, 11.4
Ir , ;%])ItflY (tilt Army, Ily old ILI (I Wu dancing, and lovely musio the oseph Millelk. G ton, 7clij I.M.
to 114 ERN, an Summer'
!f' 1.tv'(tilalo it wit".14 ILI) 8(,jjjiljltj tivopla wi'l Ilikltc� ill so nit, —nie tail and top pring d
t this 'S Ijr)w [Lt an and that, �esl, for many. years.
"114 - - . W. tit 1 n IA,` Gh W.ES S Stock
I young Nrr �ril, 1�411 f PRINCE.OF WALES H617TEL. a to the same,
It it LMA 4)4 (09101 enring lit flituro lor plon' op$ fat' oxopAid Fall writ(,A,. It novel, IteMleto to rocoll; wtjI;I1I ('111 It Tie ill tell tion or tile pulill
has Intoly. boon lofled bv the
with, 0 wirl I lz 16 P1.0iit a dall nod, apring wheat 8vill Iiii from 20 to DIttPl,S t 0 my Tho alova hotel
iee r . C, o lit. bettor than oxpeded it) Kill flows only $1 111).
I'l ol, oil' rcadvr$ ()%Ili (Iliti(% Pd. good C107'erkslifty, eartivr i4flot i7sual 11loot leerle Ant rice they give entil'O satisfito and the liclit, possibre for farniets
th-tt long' YOjjrSki&(!" 1110Spring, OANADA'S GREAT PURIBITION Anil tile ilovitl travelling Inthile Ia Worded. Iifell's, 1�oy'd alld atcordingly.
oj* Civic holiday. the fllotellig I'lenlik, kind are rallid still) tn in connection. The lety, Is lixilifilled tmi Vill IsVs vQI`Y
'I's tit 0 wit, 1! the 110A 114110rikand: olliats, Valli- 11.1tvIrlage d
T-1, bt due course) did but well' hpadpdr, lind will ho, 11 I�jtt t (Lee i#kiirv,4t anti boist, indastrial taverAge IM rl P v ll average and "IA;h1ino. folown "'I Witt pnitively In alleaper than ever, Silver Mollntcd SII)ATILL'
t4r ancarrin.
I X14t It tic I 1,11(lifi"ll its tio. wellsinvo(l., llei;,sl�l average., Tile an I J,iver Lolidon, 'Canada, Ilarnesa only $14,
Npivi� tellrino Toot orilly ]ins plakild till greatly dur
Purify tho b . lolor, find, regnilitto tile lety, at bkAIr price
ii nob fly wilind of fare oilgo Tonks for, stealing pro Clinton, Ma $0. 1884,
tie it lia's It I amitsibg to notice, tile I)r0j)er t A !ng tho past, fi,.kv wCleks, awl now in It Iftl'40 vitj 'for I 'll, olletip,
prolmiges,to turn out, b(3t. linwels; Na faniliv van uffort) to bil. lip 14hingleii a
t� hrat bolft of I liv Alf tile 1110AICILl Oritj(I 0, tit nSept 2,23,24525,26- AWAAVEIILY�, IkOUSIew 16,0601411.1, tence. Ali overcoat tba property PM They Avill savo hull.
I% lit) nre (Ilitlo loore foll(ily Y011 towliroteill. jittilorlmi, Or top !hall for somo years.
R, A bird cage tile of doll.1rikin flantor"t bills ovoy
811aws 1114 hick of 11, *T, Iloots (old ANhoes-
IWall tobw ri Im
voae Sold fit Arty cell ts� it bottlo I)Y tit
i.9inaill, And a On( 'Airy
tnoierAyIja(j titif Witt, vurpot in)(1 anti forks tile With hot (tie. lit R.10OMS TIO IMT OV SUOV.
WV fillft Of 11001ilIg it going to be- gond In qtialit slid tho' tthe buinediate vi,flnity of tile 0. litollot;
lefofill,] r it Ia
.1%Lf Thol bLr is well Altockod with, M16 choicest bila I
of tile 4th, hall orip of' the ChieAt 'ant] on tjIj%L t),
ill Illy 110tish yield' large. Mr. Thonlas 'llark,18011,
ly concert, and tioti hAigives all 1,111favor. Whi(Ill fitIone fill for tho m $,2,000.00 IN NxIor"S8 OV IRS abl Ia till y
uHis Ilontit, Aptitonced thy) 1"0116 being well eMoa or A this
1�ody of 4 igul :of illy batijo Songs folt, . in L lM-4 kept we, Boon for movill 1,049,00 In Speiiiab by Prionds
I (Ile to Aeven years IIV (it. IT I -Iftl Venitential'i n (�ktollf a ]oklo* [line. 110 llftq '100 har. flail vigor has to p(IIIAL It of the "Waster Vairl tit 1,111. I slln�ffri RI.e. by Iloptilar Autiloes. tiild VpAt, hill Lind wintor troogy tilt) restores filled ill" grily hair to fig OB PRINTING.,
liptil i�� flictnalin', flio to run on-
filelp is notlihig wilatolver Ili t nfly, yield 4f W100,11 WIll b0 over natilrAl eolor, Rtilklulatos tile 9110AAll OP FIN TO THE WORM otr
D, I
its I oil two earjoinds, ol' loopoilling lilio 3oo r tile, liail', Alld gill0s it A NkIlutifIll, U tile hI0- I M i A d I A Tho W, ron Fair Olt 18,4 will far killirptio All W N ED T
'rho I)ILiliAll And fho of
tto 01tifull alld I Thp Bile nit volls to )lroVe ��kjr, and IfeA, S'. liorry"L and f bilrrots, Many of' tile Irees llqvt% tin Sort, glossy 11111(i Allk(Wilt thalonrLI(Ill of 'I'llornaltr linve brol� enjOAlifig Applosil at '111, so ()lilt tile yield of it' ft,dilles Iti'd W lic, MINN illim will Now alid Su lnAdt a
itit the 111,10, ittNetivo edlibItIon ever Yield map of
lonve lenst, well pleaqed, ItIld I Inke .1111volls briSezoo 016 1149b few iq pnormilitil. �Nfr. tit vviiii not only 'Rivell by Of tile I dayft. 111irri,ion Ivill Inal(tv 4loveral hundred In0w 911 to the Int Prim MAO, postorti; A ttgekity Ia thil world. Vor fall Work ; ill n tIIWrit, 'As .1 his trp** TIfT
hoati tilt, 0mutiv itntl nia 1vt his be,