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miksqueradsog 0,* saleswomen
1141r7.Grootia 11,014SCS•
2,hav York World.
with a view of ar.certaining to what
extent the practice indulged in by
youth e of effeMinate appearance of
maaquerading in female attire pre-
vailed in the city,* reporter obtained
the addreqsea of several individuals
who were represented as boys in
petticoats, and called upon them one
daY la$t week. ITpon tieing told that
their secret was known they at once
acknowledged the truth, and when
assured that their identity would not
be revealed conversed freely and
related some surprising experiences.
In fictories naany of thele horgirla
are to be found, and a 'limited nuna-
ber are
in fashionable retail establishments,
In one of the largest retail dry
goods houses on Fonrteentlf street,
to which the World reporter was
directed, he found what appeared to
bo a pretty and demure !yoking
brunette nt a glove counter. She
• vas attired in a neat fitting black
silk, displaying a symmetrical figure
slightly inclined to embonpoint, dark
eyes, a clear complexion, regular
teeth and dark brown hair fellieg be.
,low her shoulders, When approach
ed on the subject of sex she hesitated
at first, but upon being assured that
her secret was safe talked freely on
the subject. —
"Yes, I haVe read the article in
the World," said the led, o'and I
think itImike Ar.st, of theicind I have.
ever seen, although I have often been
surrirised that there has hot been
'bore written on the subject. Why
r 'adopt" peAtiobats ? weni Tin
ten. you. I did it to Support myself.
As koititif my companions were nearly all girls and I was always of a girl-
ish disposition It occurred to me
after the sudden death of niy mother,
my father having died when I was an
infant, that I could supFort myself
easier as a girl than as e boy. I tried
it and obtained. a place, first as cash
girl, .and Was gradually promoted
until I reached my present position,
and new obtain geed pay. For the
past two years I have been able to
save something every weekand, att
you see, dress ,well. This yvatch and
the trinkets you see (gold bracelets,
mean diamond ear rings and breast-
pin) I purchased out of my savinge.
Ras tny pex ever been suspected ? I
think not. I have been very careful.
My wardrcibe is wholly composed of'
female Wearing apparel. Of creerse
'"*.• tvnAit cossyrs," A
but don't have thein made specially
for me. The.girls in the store don't
suspect Me, I'm sure. • With.several
of them I am very friendly,and they
often tell me their.little escapades.
Some of these stories,.are very arnus,
Jug to inemore so than they would
be if I was really a girl. I •huve. two
or three friends, who disguise thein-.
selvea as do -there is one -in this
store, but I'm not going to give him
• away. He is a clerk at that counter
over there where ladies' ivearing.ap•
parel .18 sold -one of the twenty=
and if you can guess which he is 1 11
tell yOu." •
. .. •
-The reporter glanced at the bevy
and madetwo. oe.threl guesses; but
"Yee see;?' said the speaker, "how
easv. it is to:lhe deceived when you
can't even piek hint out after knee/ -
41'4 ing that he kr there within ten feet
ofyou." • •• •
• '
"When •chi 1Prepese to do» male
attire? •That f dont'know. . I baye,
as you see, no beard ),et, and untij.
it appears I: shall continue to wear
my prerieni 'cvsturne 1 cien't, think
• I could make half my present salary
or live as comforteblY as a boy 651
do as • a girl."1 have not found it
necessary to chloge my.name, sbnp
ly adding an IV to:Jesse- and lhave
a girl's 'mine."' • '
"Where are the other bees you
refer to employed•f"
"Well, one is a ealesman in:ala-
dies' shoe stove," • and he handles
many a dainty foot and laces meny a
boot. Retells me he has never•been
sespeeted. The other is cashier in a
Broadway mineral -water saloon. Both
earn good wages.": •
,, At a loom in one of the large weav:
ing factories the: Werld reporter
found a.'pale-looking yeah,. neatly
but poorly dressed as a Working girl.
"lam• not here from choice," he said.
in reply to an inquiry, "tint rather
from compulsion, a applied for work
two years age 'when I Wasfifteen,
clad in my own eosttime 'and .failed
to procore a place. I knew et' a boy
who had edoped this 'dieguise and
thought I'd try,it. It was, of eottrse,
'awkward at first, but now used
to it,and .get along 'very nieely.
• obtained • work at oeee, end 'make a
thing.. ABTA!' as I knew, there is: no
other MO of the salree'kind in this
7. t.,..I
where, The Most astobishing.one'iti
my experieece is the Case of a fellow
who .is reaptng haftest from the
dudes and tounterrien in the role of
a Bowery waiter girl. Go and see
for yourself and see if the disguise is
net complete. But don't. tell who
he is, as it wbuld f course cost him
his place," • :
The reporter premised, mid lifter
getting an accurate deseription of:
the boy entetert one of the concert
halls in the Bowery the other night,
a little before eine o'clock, Out of
a couple of dozen girlain the hall he
quiokiy selected the one indicetted,
and explained We objeot Of biAlsit,
Tiva• youth Started, but quickly TO.
00V2,rod himself, Fetching settle
beet, he 'Seated himself at the table
with Ida visitor, Tbe disguise was
complete. Nature had given the lad
regular features, a blear, white cent.
plmtiOrt, large blue • eye, and a
iNefilth of golden little.*110 is of me.
&um phyeique and height. The
form eloaely resernblesi that iv.e-
Mari; the foot Was netlerge, and
A Next' Ant. kriiiten.Y Airtmt.
protroded from the thort walking
al knew that thy ttex litts %levet
teen auapected eine° I have been
here to More than a yens, ett !have
eVidertee of it every night by the
attention paid Mal None of the
TERMS: $1.25 per Annum, in Advanoe.
WRITaT TODD, Publishers.
VOL. VL—NO. 86,
say it 111a spirit of vanity, I an as
attractive looking as any of thetn.
How did I come here? Well, I am
new eighteen years old, and. since I
was fifteen I have been wearing pet.
ticoats. To conceal my sex •more
completely, I let my hair grow and
had my ears pierced.• These dia.
monds are the gift of an admirer who
came from Boston, lecture,d nae on
Iny mode acq. life, took me to Long
Branch, and, finding that I resisted
his •love -making, finally made me
promise that I'd be a 'good girl,' and
gave me these to remember him hy.
He said. he would calt. and see me on
his return, but I havsn't seen him
shwa last summer. As I was saying/
I have worn girl's dresses for tvvo
years before I came here. I was ein.
• ployed in a factory, and the girls
• used to tell me I was pretty. It oc-
• curred to me one day that I could
make more .money here, but was
afraid of being detected, and hesitat-
ed tor some time. Finally I applied
for a place rind to my surprise was
• hired at once. •The pay is not much,
but I received lets of presents, gifts
of meney, jewtry„.ete.., and have
saved'upAllite a sum. Don't the
fellows make love to me? Of coullie
they do, hut being a man myself, and
-knowing a inan's motive, I know just.
how, to treat them. • Several have
proposed to elope with me. I know,
even were I a girl, that they do not
mean marriage. Yes, I in,ve a slight
beard, but it -is like my hair, very
light and soft, -and a razor quickly
reinoves every vestige of it, although
its -growth will .probltply increase,„
•and if it does I suppose I will have to
don the trousers again.
• A Two -days Courtship.,
Rom.Aitmo x.sartiAaE or A llowrinvEST.-
mot' mAST wrriI A WIN,Nre:Eo. DAMSnL
The last chapter Of 'a very in-
teresting Tittle- romance was.brought
clese -last eueoing i'Fiery
;Trinity Church,' when 'Rev. -G.
Pot tin. Celebrated the euptials • of.
:Mr. Immo... Cowie and: •Miss Maggie
5.1r. Cowie clone to th s
country:more than'. eevetiteen yearst
age, Coming from .1iIttglatrd by tret)P•
of the lititison Bay' route; . Dating
all thattine lie. has betel stationed
in the North West territory, remain.
• ing in the service Of the. klutlson't•
Bay Company. -Latterly he. 'had.
charge of the company's post at
Fun McMurray,- Lake Arthabasea..
' For seveuteen years he has never
heeduitt•Of clue country; and b. held:
Wilmipeg tor the first tiate upon his
et.rivel • here, en Thursday eve' Mg
Deciding.to take a :trip to
England to • visit la 'relatives, he
took passage on board the steamer
'Pi incesa , from , .Grand
on the- eteetnee 'be met
•yeueg, lady.: named Miss Meggie'
Sinclair, who is. a nie.thi of Mrs.'
Allen, of this eity. Although their
passage on the boat was' only for a
eouple of dity.s duration, the tte,
queintatiee proved so agreeable that;
before • Ote.v. redched their •clestie•
ation, Winnipeg., it.: ripened • ieto
milted affeetiOn, 'titid before :they
left. the bear they.:WeTt engaged* to
be marina' The wedding...was iliced
for last.niglit,and then it: was' that
-it leek ' place, the :ceremony,: as
aloVe stated, .bejng performed. hy'
Rev. Me: Fertin.: Et,ery.thirtg -was
condueteal vety qeiiitly and in keep
log with the. Almada courtship.
Mr. Beestoir„ Of the Hudson .1.36v
CoMperly, , itasisted• Mr.t.' COwie
through 'the terrible ordeal, am.1 'one
of the young lady's friends•attereled,
to • t he bride.: Mr. Cowie iristeird ctf
purchasing one ticket: for. England •
as he had, intenthei,hought tive, slid
after dining at the eouclusion of the
ceremony left on rhe •evening train
with ids wife.- Winnipeg Slim
, • ••••.
A Lung' Helve' •
. Free Mai.'
S: N, 'Fester, J. P., • of Peel,
Carlton county, .13., left •that
place •ou June 12 with with hit
•wife and a Child fouryears old, with
a wagon aud a team of horses, in.
twirling -to-: drive throngli• CO. Cres-
cent Lake, Asea., whet e he inteilds
taking. tip a farm on :the '$atikatelp.
ewatt • lionteetead company's land.
Ilia route lay. •through 'Maine, New
klaitipalisire and Yetationt, and
north to 11Inntreal, wheralle. arrived
our July 1, •havieg spent • sixteen
dlaya at-0-11.10.We
lied some relatives. The distance)
travelled fietween Peel totit.Mott-
•treal *Lis 800 uuiiIe.. When he ar-
'trivethfAlotitinal 'Ire fon/rd.-amt.-it
would he inipesilible to wheelie his
•journey by wagon north of the lakes
• to Ala:Mk/ha, Ile actortlingly skip
ped his outtit to , Toronto by boat,
tbetice •to Sarnia by the Grand
Trunk Cod to Port Arthur by the
11Satty line of boats. ' Ile errived
safely in tho city on Friday last and
will leave tine moreing by wagon
for Crescent Lake. His horsee which
are valtiable pure bred Clydesdale
stood the parlay' well avid am now
in better conditton than when they
atarted.. Ilis wagon is a strong ex•
prevehicle tted he carried a load
of about 1;000 pounds. MP. Porter
says that . he would complete his
journey westward by rail.
JIalIeInjah LitSseSt •
'Whatever elms General Death and
his wife have failed to do, they have
at least accomplielied one notable,
thing• -•they have erea6d a new car-
ter for women by which et this mo-
ment 000 are gaming an honorable
'livelibraid, and they have probably
done more than itny other twO pert
sena now alive to elevate tbe 1.4)1100
estimate as to Capacity of the wertk•
or sex. They tire the itiveritoes of
thehallelujah tass-of the fonalt,
oftleera of the Salvation Army -1
v, lie, despite bee barbarous cogno.
nip% dp,R0I'VeR tho respeetful etutly
of an age that is both curious al out
.- •
S is the Finest in the County,
Bring along your Butter and Eggs!
Highest Price Pak
And as many Goods of same quality given for $2 by u
as can be bought from anybody else for $3.
ioration of the condition of women.
Nothing of late yeats has atfeedtkl,
such ademonstratioe of the inherent
capacity of the aVertt4te women as
the. fact that in the course of a few
years it 811Oulti have beim possible
.to ereate ehiefly out 'of aerVant
• girls, factory hands, and other Wm k
Ind woutett!-Of that Class, a regiment
of- nearly one thousand evangelists,
each of wham hart proved herself,
capable_not. merely ef. addressing
lrge .atidiences indoors , and out
-hut 'attire" d tsc g anth
Loral •work, and of the management
of all the affairs, financial and other-
wise, of Missiot,t, staStons alt prter_khe.
-e64iiiii.=Falritlall &a:Jetta, '
' A •Horse Attacked .by Rees..
• •
Mr. Reid, of Yarmouth, was re-.
turning home on the 23 inst., from
St. Thomas and stopped. at the
house of the late Edwin Zaviti to
inspect the. aviary. He tied the
horse ,c a )ueiglibori ng fence. The
animal tvas Observed'''. to rub his
!lead against his 'reek as if stung by
a horse -fly. Suddenly a .swartn.,of
bees appeared, or a -collection of
swarms: 4,-Vhey. covered the head and
'leek of the horse, . at the
mouth, "lose, eyes and ears of the
poor brute, until the animal, quite
overcome, lay down " Unresisting.
After much trouble ilessre, Reid
and Saab` were enabled to raise the
horse to its feet, and drove three-
quarters of a mile, the bees et ill.fol.
lowing, until filially Reid was
obliged to secure two bed quilts
from a neighboring farm house and
completely envelop the anintal in
order 4.O. hided() the maddened bees
to leave. It is Supposed • that Wheci
the Iloilo rubbed himself a queen bee
wee annoying him; that tire robbing
crushed lier, and that the attack by
the swarm was an eXpretisiOn of
tetterittnent for the murder of their
queen, Nleesrs. Reid and Smith
were badly stung in their attempt to
save' the home. The poor.. brute
loaks Imed, his head being tivitiee ita
a ural sizc and his e es 'welkin
• '1111E 111.01NOS,
It is rumoured that • the Remati
Catholic bishops ot ballada are
abbut to he auteleoned to ..f.torne.
It is stated' that ouly Tunperial
4egialation will •now be necessary to
melte the Boundary Awatd binds
Rev. J. Edmonds, reciter of St.
Thomas's Church, Seaford', hal ne
offa.vtsit re'llirarea, for the Genetit
• of his health, .
. •
The petition against the return of
t I) n e Gle.,--Wriit-Ross as • '111.••P.'-'1";
for West .1‘liddlesei was tried and
dismissed with colts ogailist the petit.
• Honer,
The Bicycle Chili of Seaford), put,
poses holding a 'grand Tournament
in Seaford) on the 14th inst.. for
which grand prizes will be offered,
for competition. The races are tO
be open to all cornera.
On Aug 4t1 Mr, Edward Crosier
Oxferd county brought to market
new barley, a geed plump eample,
mach better than Iteit year's. It
weighed 40 lbs.., and brought 55
A young deughter of a fernier
named home, living near Moulton,
Essex county, was bitten on the
foot by a rattlesnake while 'picking
tv or ti cherri es rocezttly. A nticlotes
were promptly applied, but without
avail, the g:r1 dying in a few lours,
Diet Wednesday, while No. 26
freight train was leaving theIngersoll
station it collided with No, 28 opeci-
al freight from the east, killing
Alexateler Jollestott, of London,
octndttetet.On NO. 26 mid damaging
the engines and care.
A young man 18 yearn of age, 800
of SohnGamble, Market Clerk, Port
trope, in attempting to board a
feemittat Bowmanvil le station fell on
the track and bed both legs taken off
He died immediately after the ecciel-
ent.'he intended, going to Whitby,
Missed the regultir train and Met
Itio death in the attempf, to go by
•August Briek:andl'elcHeic Caine:
:bell, of Carrick, were brought Ile10I'e
o county t0 11 Juatice last week on
a &large of having a dance cto their
-preintsos on Sunday. • They pleaded
• guilty -and were fitted' $1 and costs,
atimunting to. 0.10605 eaelt.
It has been finally decidedby. the
%reroute Reform Amsouiatien to senil.
a deputation to „Meet Mr. Mowat, at
Niagara on his.return.frOMEngland
on SeptetnI)or 1.6t1i. and give Ilia):
.Q aeon's 'Par k in theatterncion, and
tnquett-in eveiling, The lo-
cal mssouitttions all over the Pro.
Vince WiliPart'llipate.hy delegation.
4 R. A. Colwell, of Wellington, hits
• ' *.
a 'four year old cow which' gave birth
to three fate sized well' developed
calves this Spring. Twoare living.
A.ed•Setues McColligin is -the owner
of a grade 'Durham caw that givee
daily 72 lbs of milk, and.'hea.done
so for the past 2 mouths. Sire
milked three time a day, 'and the
milk weighed al each .mtlking.
The meeting of the London Wat.
er.Works Board theother nittlit was
• enlightened by a ge..as you -please
tougle•and-tumble tight betweerrSec.
rotary Danko, and • Cointnismioner
ge„,vittle. Ill feeling has exiated be-
tween the two for some thee. The
eph bete "liar," "felon," "thief," were
freely used, culminating in the. con.
filet referred to, which required the
eombined efforts of the 'Slayer and
other members of the Board to- quell.
The ceremony of bleasing the new
printing hottae of Mesars 1. Serieeal
& 'Son Atontrecil, obe day Int week,
was conducted by MonaingneneFteb
re, the notion ,Catholie Bishop of
Montreal, ret3ointed hy the Rev, Cure
Sentenne and the,liev. 111r. Toupin.
A tarp) DUMber of both Iiirenalt and
Tnghsh eitistina were present, After
the dedicatory service bad been reed
the hishOp Sprinkled de different
'parts -of the building with hole water
The building is fertiislied very com-
pletely witli modern conveniences
A eentleman who isalont leaving
London for Montreal sohl quan•
drie Cartage Co. who does the tann-
ing for the, G. T. R4 Iouur,loail4 of
fodder had 'hem: weighed and
usual tickets furnished the driver by
• the weight scale clerk, when the
,aliarp eye of a G/ ;r: R. driver deteet.
ed die prostrate forte of it stalwart
intiti on top of •the loaded waggon.
Being ,elosely questioned the matt
tweed to havimebeeti weighed ott
eitcli of the four loads. The'stalwart
ott beirig weighed •seperately was
'lotted -te....tip-tiltrbeitareat.4.7441ist
A Attie multiplication .priived that
$3.50 would have t� be dediteted
front the apparent value of the hay,
'And in=a; 'efiikets"'.Weire"; inifaliro '-fo'
this effect -
The epOrting fraternity of the
county of Iluron are looking fors
ward with considerable expectancy
to the 4th September, the date fitted
for the great stallion mid colt leaces
to lake place at Seaforth. The first
'lime is a matched trot between Mr,
Clear Grib stallion Gars
field, and Roanclottd, a stallion owi,.
ed by Mr. .Bailey, of Goderich,for
WO a side. The secondi
race s a
trot for $125, between four-year olcla
owtied by Thomas Kidd, of Seaforthi
Thomas Bell, of Wingharn; Thomas
Hall, of •Brussola; and R. It, nay,
nf Listowell. It is also expected
that the matched race between Mr.
Wartive Alobattok Chief, and Mr.
•Battertiory's Itoyel Revenge, will
take place on the sarne day, but
this: has not been definately decided
O'n Saturday night, 26e11., four
'highway robberies Were attempted
in Owen Sound. A young mem who
heel landed from the Afripa, was rob
bed of $65 and Mi. Thototta Christie
of Owen 801110 west kIlOOked sew*
lesa and robbed while en Ilia way
home About tnidnight. Ile was
rifled of a gold watch and a small
amount, of money. Two other at.
tempts Were Made, hut, were uneue•
Three young men whose
parents are respectable eitiztets of
Owen Sound have dieeppeared and
anspieion fell on them. Their tomes
are Sohn Spencer, Alfred Wiley,
and Wie. 8 were. A telegram was
received tiy C. C. Pearce; at Oweit
Sou id yesterdaymorning stating
that ' the boys had been kiught .at
Detreit, and were Willing to.returit
'without ex tradition proaeedinga. •
A• couple of days ago Mr, John
Webber, of' Crowhind township,
county of -Welland discovered a
straage hog on kis premises. ,
NVebber's little boy .went to drive
the hog out of the pasture, and it-
apptarsthata ilopthicILIte,. had.
Withliiiir gave lThog COnsiderable
• uneasitiese tts, well "aa'a good deal of
running. This infuriated the hog
.the, boy. The father being at.
taitked by the 'bey's calls for help,
• rau to lus assistance, •and then the
maddened animal turned his atten..
tion to him iti a ferosions Manner,
The animal bit Mr. Webbee's left
fore finger almost. oft; along the
back of the hand the flesh was liter-
ally torn from the bone and in the
ball of the Omni) a large gash was
made by a tusk. Ilad not Mt.
Webber been a strobg, active Man;
no doubt the infariated brute would
have made all end of him. As it is
he is progressing favotably. The
little' boy escaped without serious
A. boy named Ball tailed at the
house of Mr. Hooper, Paris, Out,
o burrow an axe, and. while Clara
Hooper went into the yard to •fetch
the implement, the boy rati into the
work.reom, opened a chetrottiert and
abstracted a pocketbook Controlling
$11,65, w.Ifich he secreted ahout his
person, and, taking- the borrowed
axe, went off rejoicing, When Miss
Kate Ilooper arrived home she, was
made acquainted with the robbery,
and knowing the weakness of boys.
for candy and °ekes went the round
of the eolifectioneey and lolly -pop
makers, She diseoveeed that at one
plItee he had spent 60 eente, at an-
other 75 'cent& Ana eo on. Then
taking a conetable withlor she went
to the boy'e home. 111ise Hooper
then treationed the mother as tO
what money she gave the boy for
candy, and she replied .none, Then
Kate tusked the 1. ey where he libt
the 60 °elite ami the 70 cents epent
by hini at certain sweet storm • lie
then confessed and pi oceeded to the
woodsshed, where the balance of the
llen, ef Arthur
• township, one of the early settlera,
is now over 105 yeara old.
Four h'undred dollars, have al-
ready been subscribed towards a
band for Grillie.
Cutting thirteei acres of bay in
eight and a ball hours is the record
of an Elderslie farmer,
A Hamilton Salvationist named
ur, Stout attempted to commit suicide,
by hanging to a tree in his garden,
but. was discovercl and cut down.
Thefourth ofeach month is always
a day ou which a much, greater I.:mu-
tter of notea ma.ure than at any
other tirne. • The nianageis of banks
bit Canada say that payments were
fair on Monday, A ugu.,t, 4th,
A ben belonging to Andrew
lIa.stie, lot 15, con. 11, in tha town
ship of Benttck, cu the 16th of
Jun e hatched out a chicken with
four legs. The chicken is 'dive .and
doing well, and should thrive r ipid•
ly-i• flaying -twenty toes to scrarch
A singular coincidence -oecurred
pison_-_,Hpuse, .Bratitferd,
when on one' day fan..., gentletta.ii
called for a 'klassot ale,'WhOtht cone
billed ages ameutited to 334 years:
B. Salisburz, aged 84;• G. .Miles 84;
Wm. Ainstield, 83, and Levi Bout
ton,' 83. The gentlemen in ques-
tioaHre all in excellent !veldt: '-
The Alontteal Invest:neut. and
Building Society resolved at its
meeting this afternoon to go into
-liquidation at once. The first (Uri -
deed of 10' per cent Will la- paid the
shareholders eext month. Pile assets
are set down at, $280,000, with lia•
biIitiesof27L,000, of whieb all„but
$7,000 id stock .iti the 'ceinpany,
• .By virtue of a slight change in
the Municipal Act during the last
session of .the legislature, widows
and... unmarried ladies (uot neetia:
sarily old rneithr) .vhe are property.
holders, are entitled to yote
at rnun-
ioipaleleetions, and in couseqt e
, Mr. Ray bits added twenty•four new
names to tile Port Elgii. voters'. list;
We doubt if. there are many.
cipalities in which the new reg
• elation lute been taken Advantage of.•
Won't , our village .fathers have
sweet time in concluctingjheir next
: The eotelition of grain' thengliont
Mexico is deplorable in Consequence
of the grasshopper plague, , •
At Brookville, Kansas, one hint,
dred cattle are infected .with Teske
fever,• Eight have: died at.
thirty-four are siek tied fifteen have.
died:. quarantine. enforced,
There'inive'been destructive -storms
in Dakota- dining the -past
:Pleasant 'Valley, one .of the great
agricultural districts, lias been: laid
waate. , :About 50,000 acts Of grain
valued 0.$:209,000, was destroyed.
Farmers are .cleStitute, • '
•A boy named Sehieferstein, died
of hydrophobia, at Otta.tVa, 111011
Alonday night.. • Oil Saturday he 14
Caine ill, and 21 lours later bad •de.
velpried •uninistalcable eiyeeptems of
hydroptiobia; He was bitten tlirow,h
the ear on June 13 last,. but no par-
ticular attention had heen givitn to
the eirentuatanee; -tor the deg was not
thought to be
a quarrel with hia wife Sunday
.eVening, James Masterson; of Troy,
Y,, threw a .belt it It Mis:
sod the wife but struck the :infant'
atHiut a year old, 1 -ti •her arms, the
,buckle attached mit the child' head.
The gUsb, not supposed pet ious was
bandaged, but the child suffered and
syinptona,of a bigl, fever appeared,
.and next day the little one clied.
Gen. Butler has written in Chas,
A. Dana, af the New York Orti
as follows: -"T do 'intend to steed
by the noinination. of the greenback
andlahoring men ancl •anti.:onenopo•
lista, and I hope everybody' will vote
for nie who thinks that it is thell3st
thing to'do, I'will giVe N.:est:ins for
my action as soon as I can have the
henelit of,Cleveland'S lett rs of accep-
tance, so that where With
Ithe I may do hbm no injusriee.".
BR .
. The trial of .t.he sctioe for libel
brought, by Crown Selieftbi Bolton
against Parnell and other preprie--
tors-oft Uniterk-Irchturtr-fortlyn hlatt
ingoefleetione on Boltou of a nature
similiar to the charges against Corn,
wall concluded at Belfast, .The jury
"BAirt1id-1.461 ton --1""5110 (Lilt ages':'
Twenty men, se far, have been
implicated. in the disgtiating Dublin
scandal. They alloccupied respect
able places in the commutrity. "As
mong them were atock brokers;
justices of the peace, castle officials,
doctors and several aoldiers. War.
ranta have bi een issued against sev-
eral who have fled,
0-n Abe appeal ef the Sews' in
Jerusalem the Sultan hen annulled
the sale of that part of the 111.ntnit
of Olives which contaies-the' graves
of the prophets ileggai, Zecheriall
and 11IalacIth The purchasers were
members of stir Itussian priesthood.'
The burial pieced the prophets has
been secured to the Sews in perpet•
• Dr. Fernendez, tho surgeon of tbe
Coldstream autteds1 who is accused
df tile RAMO 011%8R or effencea•eliarged
against Cornwall, Into beett.sent for
trial.. It is probable he will love
to und ,rgo a court martial ar4 well
0,8 a- criminal trial. Archbishop Mc.
Cabe haalsaued a pastoral lotto' erg..
ing the press to suppress Oa details
..of..tlie wee, The Dublin Comnrission
opened torr.day. Thil trial of Cortt.
wall and semi others charged with
utinaturni crimes = Was fixed for
Aug. 10..
(1.1,01Aun s cu., druggists, write
that Dr. Fewierle Wild Strawberry
has long boon the best remedy for
Summer COmplaints in the market.
: 208-gt
A. Great Probletru,
tai tl& ikluiy tee! i.iti•
•---Take all the .liti•od Jennie:1e,,
-Take all be Racutnettetentiali,s,
-Take all the Appepoio tun! indi,rativia
- Tate all the dp4r, Fever, and what*
-Take all the -Oral{ and Nerve facie
-Take all the 0, oaf Itcsitlintstortss.
-fa tihort, take 1t tint Ipet qualitlea
of allthese, owl the • -Lea
-quatiliee 'wan the law neslicinire 118
the %void, and you will lied that
-Billets have the bit curative
les awl powers ar all • -oncost/law
-fa them, and that they will cure %loll
any or all Of these, singly fq, -rtmbined
-Fail. A thetortga tulal will give
itive pouf of this.
Hardened Liver. 4,
Five years ago 1 broko down witl.
kidney and liver complaint an4
Since then 1 have been unable b.'
be about at all. My liver became,
hard like wood; my limbs were putt-
ied up and filled with mai%
All the best pity:di:hots agreed that
nothing ootild cure toe. 1 resolveik
to try Hop Bitters; I have used seven
bottles,the hardness bus all goni,
from my liver; the swellingfroin rev
apti it has worked a nil ragic 111
my case; 'otherwise 1 ivould
been now in my grave. W. LON.-
LEY,, "Wald°, Oct, 1, 1881.
Poverty and Satirerint..
was dragged do en with debt,
poverty and suffering for years, tams -
ed by a siek. family and large hilld foe
for doctoring.
1 wits completely discouraged, nus•
tit one year ago, by the edvice of my
pastor. 1 commeuccal esittg flop Bit.
ters and' in 0140 el)011th ‘vo WPM* al 1
61011 day smee, and 1.want to say to
all poor mon, you can keep your,
famine's well a year with flop Bittere
for less than one doctor's visit; will
cost. I know it" --A WunsiNmu.kx.
: .
• 40„, No1uerttutjue ri ValiunCit
of green hops on the white label.
Shun all: the vile,. poisonous Ault'
with "Bop" or i'llopsH in their name.
I A: We..11._Pa_1(1°S. a. Int.
• AOgS OF 'riumt
axsioxio's Pn.ttsioNs.
. .
Among all the saints whose vit.
tiles are celebrated With fireWOrks.
Ithet whose hat:1'003810B i14. sought
NV 411 Nax. cand les, there is, says tho
lao Nem!, probably mine more D0P-.
tater and more•feftsted in Brazil than.'
Santo Antonio,' As the sa-411-ly
sponsor and protector, tif ell tlei
Antonios, he could not fail,to hay,:
an innumerable follow lug. Add to
teat ins specialty -or -patron stinit to
, .
tlio 'sighing sWall, 'and ' lOve lora
'damsel, in which charneter • his
derfoi powers and activity arto taxoti
t� the u t most •iti 'order. to ontet titto
qountless pmil:ions for, bis. heni_ua.
. intercession', and We have a,
plicitr of .d ties w hicli ;Mob:tidy
renders --Santo A.nioniO the
saint in •the whole calendar:
'tut this is.., not . all.. Aititie from
ids constant interveation in >drat'
Of. tb a heart, an -1 from
hi wouhiu1.-
11055 ever,theinterests.of that legiori•
of. rollicking, blundering It.t
.11.6 , lig still another Unarm:ter, •anti
oneiwidely. different' from, the petice-
fel • one just. mentioned.. •Santo
Antonio is a, bravo, a- Warlike ',aim,
Whiletender indidena are 'making
whisptied vows before his saint -
image within the: hidden :la:posses t'f
their peaceful bat:picks. and pVtititt4
ing for the gifts of husbands Whose
personal attractimis dud pecuniary:-
aeqUiroMent's Shall .. ma he :111eiti
i1111: 1
6; cf SI it( i 1 r1.11 31:
, oe 1)0 1(10,1, nictr.tit /nip
.to lead..ithent be battle,- to .st.ciar.,
'Wein from 'harm and • to overthrow.
*their enenries, • . .
.. The' otiNatty standing. of Seek;
Ae.renio in tlte•Brazilian 81111)14 Otto
ef consideraitleimpprtance,and wititto-
:ly diversified service,
A.:ca.:nailer! to a statemenvof Dep-.
uty,-Artistiirea.Spinola on 13d -i
idt-thetiminent• saiiit'S earn fetist•
day -414i career'10 the military ser,
Vieo.of Brtiztl has.; hem: ,the
int; t - , •• t . I
By e royel letter. of '7th April,
1707„ tint committsion ofcaptai
was conferred "open, the image of
. Sante .Aettialo ila 13 trra , of
Thitiimage' was tit'ornoted to lie a
'major of Infantry by a. degree of 13i it
September,1810, mid by an avise
20th July, •1850, his pay W1.18 placed
upon the regular".pay roll Of the-dis
pautrnsuit 01 tar
Santa, Antonio, in
Rio tie Japeien, • however, . outrank -a;
his coupterpart, of Ihtitia,'Ititel sernia
.19 have.a More brillitiet ntiiitary
• record, • ihis qoatmission 08 5 'cap,
tiatesi frOm rOyal letter cf 21st,
,Mareh, '1711, arid was conferred itp..
on. hint by Goverwir A 11 tuh u � .de
Athiiquergye Coelho de Carvallo in
recostrition'ef his.. valornes expleita
••in 'resisting the French invasion
der•Duclere, 'watt proiffuted to A .
14t1i July, 18.10, and ,tolt1 Heti tenant -
colonel ill the .saina brancli-of eervice
a decree' of 26th ulv,1814,..•
ing exenstal 11101,,freni theusual ex.
pontes of iiiR •00011iliSSi011,' owing
probahly to the reduced •tatite of Lis
linanees. De Was decOratecl with
the Order of
Christ by a -degree of 13t1t
1-814, and his pay as
01 tel was made 0 permanetivelmige
on the 'military lt by eviee 4)1
18ili Augu• t..1883. •
The ineige• of .8atito Killoitio
Cloyaz was invested whit the rank
ana pay of captain byte, prrwisoo
lfitit September and a .,4Y8OhltIa0 ne
20th October, 1750., °Wing to bi,
bring stationed so. far in the inierior
his record WA been OS eVtitttfol one,
and has appai,ently • been limited, to
roo tine serviee on the national gnerd.
l'he image of Sento A titon'o,
()ore Petro, Afin is Gerttea, attained
ha rank anti pay of Captain by HAL
oeiso of 20t1i V0,11 w;igily,'• 1709. Ills
career also has been MI e'veittfel
one, and 11158 11t 511 00B6IBA ;min
-eipally to the not tash of
drawing $180'. a mouth trout the
public tree,ory. '
The atilariea of all these Ackt(liorlY
iniagee are ill -nullity duly conatitut.
ea nuorfipys tied are devoted .00
Noel' repair0.1111,1 furniaIiing rta tho
WistIT anul I.PAP of their annual cant,
patens may render melee/tiny. Tlo
balauee left over is 'devoted 10 t"' •
private ex ponaes oft heir bottsehol ,:„
Arnim tirtiMent to very Te ."