HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-30, Page 4now a virl V111wes, a relifees, The Moderate Orlikillier, S4110111hi CORS11111141olit cifire,
Thil 4.4 beyojud �ijiivstliw the illoit tillp
Ivu. eall tllec�pedal attention of Petit- li Willi boldillo., it% paws A so-valled "Alod'erate DrInker" M.11`111 V011191) Aled"'i'10 We 114vu Cx �ftjjolll, 0 t! N. T: 0 N
RrviswMPIER 4AW-0 Itsliks; vitting skiloriobt witbin. tbirty
reilt or jilta. I
above Its'eyes, On a Plersoft 011mill. few dk,ops itivariably 'eurett tlj� %vorit
ald: to the folloxvilp. I)id you ever sea a gifl try to cl itoill w4q once vh-ry An'"ry w,101 a, f ribod :1-NiPos 01' 0011gli, C101111. Illicit 111-ollk-IlItII4,
Ing all jobject at a alstalice, anti, wau a li'lilk:0 I It Is Illore of a allow t1lan wbo clatwed ii Ilififety" isalone ill %,%.fill, its wolillerhil snevesa ill the I-airis (it
A linitullj, oattate tuall with all titally abidaining froi�i the utio of ('101)"oullptioll is Ivillsout apal-alli-I in the
_IT 1,j I., . to give Staring at the pr C ar r iaw e, ,W o, rik s.
ivi im,mit kretin r I ble.1 air of great curiasity. It Wes evident 4, circuli With a W I I i towasbed st-lelill alit. artleut, Spirits, ailli wbo iilloved Ilia Kitory of olviliville. SlIll-it it's linit disiz-
I th4l, oil rie,mining its composure T1114 ill 00 way 13110 does fanatical (!) ooti'oos,(I) to' ilibilluato ,)Very it ]IRS beels. Suldoll it g1larnutee, a
a-t un,%%t r III,, hkw) wlivualiall. I 211'�r dtles it:
U It Vlliu Isis 1,111ol (lilt of tile tifill.k., ancl. kst wbich no other inedleine vall Stanti.
I" it,- thl, re!violk for US. not living, takell, after the occurivuee at the foot or the Fil at pho Looks around to lind out tha� the"Mociorate Drinker" ltituskiIf It you inlye a corigis.
A;iy it, gleet to ili -III lilakvs� thi'lloSt"Anstel tree, (be beast bull concluded
to vdietlitir Anybody is in sight, Then, miglit-dwits be beyond cowrol. to try it. hire locts. 5008. 40 81�
To, Inalte pikkill Ilia quaition. 'WIIQ 1,111igNI ar.1 nore, chlist, 01'
rt. -twou,iii1o, to fill- linblishers for 11;iviijelit. ascertnin ir possOlble wilat, if tba coahti I,, clear, LI" T.Iallie, use "illiloill'S Porous Plaiter. Pylve,
return a
.11, a1IV 14it will ortlers 111, paI4.1. dii- to Puts one is 1ron4 Said file temperance illau,
, AAii
'jinlift,h, - Islay contimw to h wi it flulue, "Will yolk qU:t
�;;tIllisivil, lip 11111"t Irty all arreavages, III- minister of creattive tbis was whicli foot oil tIAe, secoll(I tail of tile I ts. 811111 fly J, 11. colilbot.
fill. -am
rou-11t; fill eneruy by falling on it ft
0 His GANTELW 7.
w�i ti p.4yolvilt i'*,B)a It-, unit volloct file and looke around again. Then site not ii,tioll a Irop during this Tosuccoed' one muot Sometimes . . . . . . PROPRIETOR$
W+I1,14111.11111t. wiliNtlitir it ll�, taken 1`1
tree -top, be y
givest a little Imp Unit gets her otber till Satisfy
ie 7" 8 &111 t other- "To be Ver bold, and sometimes very
t%� offivi, or not. There vacs, lie it,) logrk) ()if seeing that Wilson wills call- 11 Whit pleassure, pruden
I'J", 'ItIlluallve lintil th'i, I'I'vilicilit ii lasule. foot up Olt a sevotl4l. rail. Ilere 6110 your mind bir, I iv i or
.;, .knv poli'l-11 x0lo tak...t a palwl l7bill scotious And Inaking at it, the bear fit- tilough I kilow loyself, I will (10 as For (11ijil ifir lComign
ll,kip - r" find
wilotlior Ilirvervil to lits tered a Ivrowl of. deflotice, and roade a 80P8 for A molpolit to t YOU ask"to cuf.e �xcrwruught Dr. Vowler'srtxtraoti of.
CA Avild Straw.
flo kelit the prond v berrQ is the reatedy lot- Cholera, Colic
t, wN %,I, another. or whetbel Ile 1103 move as if to attack liba, but tl)lt)k- tstraiglitels, lier, liat. a., but At tlie end
I OIL not, Is re"'V011'ible, for the pay.
)1i bet. lie cause to his friend Disli-rhm and Dys GIES, OUTTERS, WAQ0NSj SLEIQHSAC,
Linters his vallcrtict it), ter of the rush attempt - pos � Tho next inantiuvre is tlIecrjtjc;,I of the tituo outery. No portion
Sibly fpa�ill , whit tears in Isis eves atill 04tiked is $Are without it. 2" - at,
�tqpeft *it it certain little, all'I kill- IltIblisli- g Santa other lie V and one- to gpt one foot up over div, top Mats for savitv,, him fro III a droukard'.4
:-V volitinaps to tiend, it tile "1111-wribry Is turn- Ijard Words are like Inkiletorkes in
I J-.1 ...,I (.,I I 'I".I.rhelfforn main CIT
Juvorponitcll by Act of POwrlIaniont, 184.
CAPITAL, - V10001000
m3,.r, $500,OOQ
Read d0iooi, XONTUSAU
J. it, R, rdobsoN,
F. WOLVERsTAIN THOMAN, dionvital Uts"ager
Notes Ilisetiviltell. collectiolu; 111alle, Drafts
i4sucid, Sterlilig awl" 41tielleall ex-
change bouglit luld Sold at low-
ebt current rates.
Holley advanced to fariners oil their own noter
With one or inoris lisidoroors. No inicartgap riss..
quireol 40 latruvity, TF 0 TI11MV00 ,
11 linil to pav inrit ll to Ittlit'lln WIE 0 le
Isl4f clilive. 'This prot Qedt; upol) the tfrolifill
llial it nuall intibt Pay for wilat ll� uses.
ecl its -tail and fled Into the "ridet,
. .
bush. This, wns the last seen of it,
lVilson't; eninspa it ions soon returned
awl the hijured mail was barrio to
I .. . . W
entIr flien gives a quivitlittleupward
kick, that dom not quite reach the
Ill ,
Illark, but CaUsinS her to ju lip owl)
grave, 0411.1 ties never kiiew Before
that I was in tiny seiwi a hItsive to
drink, but the Isilit moilth Inks, beery
tbo fiercest battleof -Illy life. I Sea
surniner boatiog doxvn anti destroying
what they would riclurissIF-ware they
melted Into, drops.
prolidnent allsong - tile greatedt lJoi'lleal slft,.
LUMBER ANT) SHINGLES taken. irk exclicinge. Give iiie a call and I
. Repairitia, -and
will give Volt prickils t1lat cannot be beaten, in flic, County. 4W ft
Jlbr�cs,;1144,ig dull"with slespayeh.
FootbruarY. 1884, MINTON.
11100tv to X&44.
,t. nL if s vivirch.-Ser% leo,; oil snllkl�L"t I
4 ol, 11114 7 v. Ill. Wide Cla,18. 10 Miss. Swa liv
eastop, and later art was brouglit, to
oil the -round a"ain wit;k a tilly
now that, I lil alinoit beyond Itopot
and had, the test come alany I ionths;
coverle4, bv the niauy cures it has effeeted, Vc-
it r4jfj9fl(`C(jq C10-flitalIN the %an. silliIji-1-tell
sillutc;t viloodoil allal.%Slil, it lim bott"
9 P.111. Nervit-0 oil W0110511. Ili
("it'llon, Ret -tor
Seream and Luck ber clothes its, till
later, if. would have lovell too late far
foond to contain none Of thol-o injurlutis ingredl-
ents cilIaracterlying the worthlitt,ij spedlivs daily
At low ratell 91 interest and tition, torais to suit
('it]!' Cli mettind Ist.. --ser% IL.CNL at In"" A. 111.
Around her. A-ftin title, Sui veys t lie
a) a."
offeredtothopoWle. Every !og I'QJ cont, possesses
pl,l 1.(1,*. 11. 11). 8,&hIjAiijj SvIlicial at 2.30 1). in.
Lecture. 14
, L Q
Surrounding country, and agaiti liops
- I I . '
"Won unto bills that givet I I ill
a fei'llillir adalitability to the varlous coniplaintu
for wbiub It has been conspoluided, nud Be offic-
W I s hes to I n As rm - Is I s a Id, c utild to ors, A n of 11 ot 1) 11 b1 to gene la I y
0.1jakia Preapvtorlan.- Rorslecsi $It 11 mll� 1-!
6:IA o' ill, 8.0111,itll sellool, 2.30 1), in. RHI
MI. Eorrot; Will
up Olt Use second rail.
nei-libordir'luk, ete.." flabukkkuk 2,
4r1e(zV,.h licling- uStabliqlied by
1 Volk. Ata aro tborefore coolloluot 1440 we
that, lie 11115 ag;;IQ opeed out III tile
Bcayor Block, Clinton
Afa:v. k4i-,krurr, 11alitor.
yon please
IjaVO it Ilrefictrati011 WhIVh We Can otter to the
ubile witl -1 o"itrauce that it Will )so Noted
0141ton, May 17tb, 1882. 20
tp _N �v I", P
to, `11
p jo
* tns
crnu bzi 9�� C4
fO 1, Q U. 11 11 J; ]it i ills Little site is bulder, end throws 1) 1 IQ;
at 10-30 ol. In. an -I 0 "Look flat upon thus xvine wben 'It licit oaly it relies' Wit an abiodlillit, More for Pits- Vitti- 14K V alilm W iI 11,
1 -111 P. All is;kbbatll sollool, -2.30 111. for, otolitullis ofl-our paper. 43 UP JLJL D
liar foot clett" LO Ilse top Of the fence, is red, etc," Pro. 33, 31,,32. myer Colmliallit, Collstli'a. ONEY,tolontl Ito largo, or inuall suilloo Ott 1W
IirN,,c;N, Iluitor. t, and Wiliam Blood Free trial bottlits sit Al good inortrLgeS Or j)ors- nit I ecurity, vit. 8 T, E K INDINQ
ler at 0.30 p. In. c-mh- A car Drug Store. 12011.0 On th3 Corn3r of 11urou. and Orange Streets, Muton, tise'lo%veat current rates. J. nAf& Ilurvil-Nt, T
11,141A Olioreh.-Sen Tuoi. It. WATrs. where it catches by the heet oil tile If tho friends Of Iltobilecto" would he Q be will carry Clinton,
Nail 2.30 1). In. Itt'i'm J. GaAy. Pasto"
III the-13rick Building known 44 the "Alotiritca4le property," w r Claiton, Fell, 25, 18bl.
top rail. It is novy- or never wi Ix in, ke this sause test, tlipy wall] I It is much easle, exim III busluess in
rvPv. B. D, Daniels, paslor fif tli(- r to find ft t;core of Oil the trastits !it all Its bristiviliCs. Ail -iencoi of over ',)0 years Ito
her thell-tioulethino, must; be' done 80011 Hold Out Wbflct`Ij!I.VO4 E110yare of men wise essiough to discover I'lls' ollotou will enable lifin to invoit the requirelitients of the I)ui)lle In, fits line. All tlsi� PEOPLE1
Swedelbol tail" hureli !it ToronN
MIZ-In :E_1T_TM0:DT 11 0 a 6 a a
histauvr. Graspino, the torl rai I this vicv, and.would, if they thouglit trutil that) to fin(I one intrellid en. witterial of the very ))list quality and Llie Wf)I`kIIlaIIld�jp unsurpaii-ed. Call and 0 - =' 8
lectu'red it thec8ollsi of T nliper- about iti eartiestiv abstitio with the Ought it] the face of Opposition, to exanilue beforks pul-cliaslug. All the lktest Illiftrovel.1 rigsillanufactured, and kept
Alice ffa I latit Friday evviiiiqgr. The with all liar might hike piflip herself I I stan.l. up for it. C.6 0
V VO - 'A V U V.41 use of help of God, bolill frolli the constantly im"Ilailk.11 tF 12 3
speaker took for his text I S liki, 1 71, up uli. it �110 hitt;�Strlisddltis of tile fence ut, 2!
0 Of illit0s.XiOliling drillk AS Well AS P . C� C,
.... ...... _1. ., 11. 1, 1. -1. 1. S
34, 35, which Speaks, of D.ovid do xvith ' (lie landScape mpivad dust 11UN froini its silter I-tobacvo," and in k1u. Illarvellills Cure fill- catan-11, DiV041111111
v0rilIg 1,1110 11111, 1) Out Of tile jAws; of ni-atli lier like. 4, . inap. If aiiybody 'I, so, cease to be Ilten,pters to Pacifier nitostli, unit Heati, Aelle Wills
Repa, aptly Attended to. Z A
iring and Repainting, Pror
A 11H.Sal 111- 0 0
�e MUM News t"he lion. He Said that, tbo world appears in Sight,' She justi* drops ollf, ent'll bottlo there is all ilige F
11 tnatilloint, IT
--ASO— 0 1 Sector jol, tile Illove Sliceessf
ll(ledis % new interpretation of the Lbe felic:e as if all Iiad I een Ibot, thes'i (.01111slailitt; without extra, vilarg'. 08
Suriptures., _0j 11 Kold 2AY !M Fi 0
r(win part -of file Bible is figurat-
Huron fleoord, -CLUXTON, ONT., DE ALP= IN-.
id P _S� al
ive aud 4110016V Foal lit-il A young bride cialitned that her
(ANAMANATIM. If �tlie coast continues clear, site* M- 11IM::1 'a 9 J
allotlier F;ect says thlit, ti, difrolont Fi itiallY $0111" one whitlPf"I'011,"SiSill busband Was a model man. Atli] lie Vim 1%/Jc 4,— C11 40 i XX Z . F 4. a I
Ill'.10cellciverago, circulation', over 1700 pn7 - ;,, _ t: . H
pilk i4 fl-uralivep etc. Wliat we prouvoids !it a very leisurely ulallIkOr Arkansaw Dub's goitig to 1 roy,"aild WAS. His ocoupatimi jias makIng 0 0 � rk; e
oil the Other -side djj,� and Acourately Compounded,
Ch.-Ooti, Wedffisesda3', J111Y 30th it edd,iN till no to get down dudil mies lot- clothing Stores. PlIvsiolins' Proscriptions Car�sflilly to
uthority -to toll tie wliat 4 's V
-fonee. First alto turns argund: =I
"�VAF� -�—. ong
of the .. and.Orders Answqrail,�tll Ca0_anO1_D08pat0k_.
Gooi)TinTYfrtR- 1Rov-.4v:=t--NNatI 1 .4 W
T16 WAY She caille, anti. feels
-All taviog 0 its it l'ou protly tou-111 -ifler, liver. ...p.liblic W f4j,( otj St ok. of ',,lifeclici e 0 )It, a d
skll�l WIlat drtions thus and your olitwo, but Pills are a good blood pi.ft it 8 0 ml e we
'i 11 .6twkward with tliufooL w1flub is oil- I ajls�% AS .0
43 -egul-ator, And mild pill
a so us t w io, spiriflial tiling each UIV ji'"thill' for myself, itn I 'gative for Alt -7- 7
-ady and B66;1 Qlw -i�y
tbilloI Siallill(iq, Wills sTeel, ri I O%Ier tlie.fenoe, for a good, f6t Brigwfi. Ile ill dealt novill, but fleatlOr's-
M 0 st,vady rolial,le r!Ail- Ilaviner foilud I . n -�, . i, x9t., -
PRIDE HAS ITS' FALLo A guides as- this evory ono will filter- I(, was as.whito it ulan as ever x�nl k� ToilotSoaps, Perfumery, Slioulolor. ByhoceS, TriiSses, Sponges, and -all _L
I - 'A man'Mi `Owledt,o' is bagetl �ki' -8-t6ro-l' '
kill sho ptallte -I'lZirliel-f tll)6tl - ndd6f iiiwrif�Y-LioSs Drucy —T
Su.011 a -rt M 'AND LOT F R.ISALP�
pro-CA-3i'15116"O"Ve, jusit sis d oy ivill el Ae iiox�clr did no' Inall A' burt, HOUSE
411 111, .11ary, IoVe," the mother said I jj� 'r 01) 4otual experience says that, whers
_,,�LtidSew to work,to get tho other a a bi,f as a 11101fl,
6,�;o 1110 YOU farth " I I translate a pagill of Lati. Alike, and be It d. heart aa calling on their s I
ll'�Qvj - - - - fis ice, weetlikur s, yosting 'Y 71k A
2 This midiority- holwever, inust be fuot Over Usti 'IL
alit] no one,, asI liave, lien rds�oversnid literr 4h;uld -carry affectiolis III theii, 01ITILTATED AT THE HEAD'OF E1tfl-.'0r,,-`&
I — VV R P., coatiotiation of PriiiJoiss stroct. Tio, ii,iosis 11
And feteli, one: dozen Thir, fresh, Pg.gs ratioijally porcuived. We sinuSt This is a.very ditH.3ult and embar- a word again bills. I doil't kliow as hearts, perfii-cLion. its their inariners ALL PAPE 0_1 a I
12 ..., I . n 'PAPFR & storloti- lilgh..soft a.wl hard Ivatoir oil t1i
AS quickly.as youmay. 'deslying tiiat there, are-Viffii, -at., akegy,and d good what I stay Will IlavLo, 111,1611 ijillaullco, iMilliNos�, also -stiihics and otner Outhouses. The
(tease The tinnes for Hou§e�Cleauing is. near,. All,wanting (it collitaills colluldoluldo Inoro than u
Dlit Mary made a, toilet hne, csllti�Il %�ijcli tho incra literiji.l. senNe iliany girl; will sit Oil tile top Of a but Briggs stood wolt wills us � do I Tlio properfir Is In excellent orici licia 11 lic I
Wito—what's tliojuattor now, Jolin? sold oil favoiable t;:rnits. 'Al?lil.v to,
-out)d the fence lial a, herei And ithlibu,A) I,doll't licit 1111hIM1111--01), 6r Bedoss.
Aki(l After long delay of 'thes, Bible. . Oki t1da at f a. do y 4efore they xvill at- k now 111)
Haill.''Pea'Zior, Dinnicl-Room
Ifear kills ille. llorp,)IA:�, I
ame forth at leingth, rlgjit� Wenr�.. inflilel g-ets tljd butter Of kill. TI -e tempt iti, Battle ovoil sta:y there kill- about his careor, Or hill historyj or olithu irwilisca, 1
real questloli i�4 whuiller tile Milli til � horrid nian, comos al'o.lig and his f"Juily. lie was'a.iiiiiii that' y6u gob a bottle'of iotufa Ughtning? Yet] know It dilnison, Jxly 4t), 1884. 20, .4�
to . I I -
Cht(I !it lierb6st, rfay. citrus all sizeli Lwolis Toothmello, Nownigilt;, IWO!] ,,Papers,
I rs�spirltnfsl boolt, giveu to treat of .1if(sdA(.nl. off. N*ot So die ti�u)�,coura- cou!d bank oil every clatter,, . Ilt. 'is NI
IlOadot-JIL', Lurnbligo, * Earache, Sorc'Plfroat, etu.
"A basket?" `11O!",81re $earned tile our Chl,181,iaif experit lice. gilotils oii.l�slm who is 110 1110110 a- Ml,% a iuk *111vxicau A4 50 once for It kilos ilistalls; relief, will tied FARMFOR SALE.
an illu,,trafion in the Ild like to Ilit've you give me a -good d Latest� Fatt
thougilti This finds fra4l to olhillb a fellLe thall to Sit in �tntdiqiiii:I, ' and thon titrntd right Besti an erns.,
t saiii0rouni witli a fill 'ski -strap, -ilursioNd , 11111c, diromill ft
-411 bihig thern daintily' li�xt. The 611 its A tiuyu�a for liell, the . aroundlaill
au. - Send bff,* "sai(I a manjo the eclitor. UP'
d Wilt tarin-1035, con. 6, G iderINI. too, list III)
All harmless in a paper bit,;, 811c,xvill llovel, give up. the fort till fever,: -but thii-infernal.Grotaii(v Ila 4� klWelltas soon as nil, .80 acres, 70 vicared; A novor f4jm'�
or thengwreir te. of wivked per
80118111 -s before game bacli: from ronsavro�ii this rear and or tile plants, 'I'ller'a
slitt g(,isl on* tha. i'voce iti.the ancient, been. wall inor(`il two fla) boots tlie. cobblei 6
Xone guessing what they be." the a K TMN
Alir, g" $ 1.1� 11 g(10410011117 1091 110114e;.threciaerw of
ther lib.. The Bib)a uses the stole If rigg's sliddip,liagg; Ali ! I'll do it," WAS the. -.effective relil D I! trd, bvik harn M56. ivith Sl foot 13110110 WAll;
%valid 140119 1" to (10"OtO t Ali ljovotable wanner Of IjLr sex,,' I a I. . c_ , U �L�� _1 , 'I
.,, , - : V two good Wells and pultililiv Onto afhoulinicid one 3
he whole I ou." A.
other no -
11 '1 scheme succeeded wells, diu.*ro, iiiill t ally pill ft L -ell With cada
of. heaven, 'aild.14kewiSe. the Word 8110 al-fispi file top rail and lealtis Lot I . . Ilk h.krn. The property Is wall Nice
A dozen squareti, oi- diore. ' I 1 0 "lielclelit's Arlific.-II, Salve."
I where - round.li-ilrii, or. we'd I had bills ralls find Is altotcather a. first elivio farill ,, ,,,r,
"devil to doLlOW, th J Whale Of AS fur back aii lier Itrifis Will 'allow, 1 . Toe Br3li SA[,VF. ill file WOtIll ror Culs, &C wwlltloo� Terms and vouditions* of oalo'londit,
01,11sped 13iinisly by the toprilost.part, ,, I 'L r i ot, to cost x t I I a I ef ... heralo say,sollicithi'lla 11101.0 pilited * FRIEZES.,, '.0 R N C ES AND' PANELS, FILLERS lillciml oil apiffleciffoll at this Offlee, Or to)VIII. I
to speakei- gftv6.inStatic6.q, 'The and then ractory 'U'cer'. aft It"(
"No bing site sweetjX:I�sd* Sore"' "' t" "t"'ll - � 93� The'liazaar FAsbion BookA for i863 avo ou� and can be.had for nothing, Alexander, Olinton P. 0.. or the inollrictur,
re:. - � ! to you 'thall I call say it, I nover Foyer 8oreq, 1J.etter, (.11sailifse(I 11:111cit,; .
.01(ur0i -oil oart,h is a inylitio. body. linihs ovev,. After 'hev. A laH ; it is, Call ano iiLcl the paliers �scd gd't W Book AUDERRALEXANDER,
j)ttt�6.red uny with the Bit)le, all' eazA CIIIIIA'Ans" Curtis lind -till Htill El'up- 200-4t NVIartoll, It. 0.
But,�ah I slie dreahised not that below X111.) So with the elluroll E60.1011t" ailill So site jullips back -a- tiolls, alld positiv,
at' 110
t now reilleriXer -A llultisil-sojig, but
djiy 60/ilig thb, in beami. And ub-per Contra with
Ugh, And It lc.4_�Iliilf- Iste6ki to glVe
strkiddll-, N%itli a little Iii I c. e,111 -.0 pay required,
jPI'll ts� niall.of;iny was 1; 1 111 flat _B - TL
n * c It d cortz,.- lav which dron by. hell., Afind fiasa groat poNver over tucks lirr skirt nrouild her a4ritill.. I-((- t!ts�itctlofi, c)r�tiioiiey,.r.e1I1lid(,Il. VOR...SALE 013, To. IIENT.
ic e 0 Y r3 :9 1 1 Alft
I r A Say, all i riggi,, If', gVES.ft it, lan"t; per b,jx,. F --it Sij,E BY,
Illill.d" both III tile body nind -out! -io -good it record in' lied- W Us &.Olo. 25 4Y U 1j K I qwi ri a 1IFAT VALt tho
A ftet. a bri 0 re,ti-shol to S, anoth xvil e
I Inal, . as ABU% 1`11011HUTY, It
'lo%v slipped kbat fabrie fair , , I r
riteLapettkur gave interesting 11101 KP*. Ile Sells -Cheaper than an'v endon toipo�thcslilartb'
S - I it (10, 1
tir xvi'lli C I a. Shot h6s; fl, Wil oil Pit AS anyone that 'ever aot. there. Milburn E.,ellikogo Ilotol, at prolent ovotlpl-
&L'by Sir. Farn. lldivro:i, is offered for tede or to.
(10116' 111 the Little of C -s of sliver riiiit� The hotel I.% Mtoatild (11) tilt- gravel -I-quds
(,)no$ of the proft*ssoa -th� n*
Siti still, inyljeart," She sudd�n cirlOd had ki u1i,,lity, 9 ip,cilu.li Iscir face oil the top racil 'Rild tri(w.1tc). IJ'o linc.l., Bway -do5wii in his licart, sity,of '11'exas xvits ell Ng n -
I lankilld, de g", ged in explitil b6twevu Ooderich asid Port 41liort, t5id (3odei-leir
s, - as dia I,as o`teii ioilletiling'th, t w. s s
"I ter Slide on, side%�RY I a . quitrO, fill good Ing the Darwinian t It Q,' BIN th, told duos awitij bisifuei;s. Alosmesilhi�
e,66triles St. John Ple �rowkl I strii III,, 0ii-ir freedom at)(], III many theory.to bis*ol, si� Oil flr4 of Solitellij)(ir or- 'llQuIlol' if retinlrod.,
Ille'll tfiln'k-l'ni bringlijoy ban bo till' as true us st:0C], I'll' Oh 1 LO "d when hiacibserved that, they. w
I y o- cillitic; their bo Ties— - The 4eun her.little bra . ther (lb. ellQ110t. - - . 0-_ D 0 `YU.0
las cases; coutri CL IN, -Ofl/UM ls�all
. . .0 . I . . , , , , . You mus'n't atiback-61) tlmt`kiU4oi ittenti(in. IIG(Al TON,; ARM EMP Terms reasonloile. For j)-articulars mliply. to A..
frum .4poaker q`u_ote(71 largely from tIlP This N�ould fdl�be well. enoug,11'.. proper ALLAN, Dunlop 11. 0, 294-.tf;'
:801116 ato' fid uld �Ia.-o lier, un'teira- (Irtnis, a span, eakits JILOV're too SL`00XZ iji,
ski nit -Iii,' said the.11rQfessoi,IIxvhen I nin
at). list). re ip. towii.'I. Bibip saad - frOtij history to pr,olve a. Wid �ndoavoirillg to QIqllain io yfitl t 0 pe
14 aga dil, it'silitt only had tit I'll' to, these, pbst ts. Anson,' Ima I
this.. y. Gnd coul'd redeklun or illrifieS , I � . . 1=1111 .
ell] orthe ni.-ilikev I wis
lipre7the bottom of;tlie bag ref4crie.. Inallkind. 1jut even, 1p tier itittlltioils 3ut.i9st
carry out atjilo." -Sk
bodilid silo ih a6OUt to Slip Off pallid Nar. PLE,�SANTLY s 11Y. not
iv)(1i -
141 builgtt with iluddeii could , Is ot .(to thilI, -in His - Pu re Q�Ilo !1S A. m issitep xvil I often ni tdt O'n cl;i p Ille . .... Miss.% stroets. 1 .0
..4 'I'le nod. , , 1 "'
4 iwsl�roolllic, Willforlind Slow
one su&len "crasli eims her. Si'lift s,;reanfii, riglits upj f Answer 'This Qiiiiest El I tor III the litiild,
uilve.iled Ossetic c I was� 411 Italy- qr life. A bottle of Ile tol IL
Twelve egplifg ii,the grolind! ..tll it.ht.could not-coine near etiough lilly. ])(!oil -0 wD me
0 ft and sitrid(llos this fence 011cu �Nrnica.F.rl Litilillelit.4t haild, IN - - I 'o I-- rd .,I ON
'lly Al] 111111 N1 cold aceollikiloilato
wore.., Otis 'r
prevent the 1. Id W4, Seem to prollui, to salflZn- atilt he wakle 'r " ranlilx�� It
to Is (311 to f ob) its powor, Hence I -To Tbi not I low to 3 OUrl,%. t0la.tilt,
te passed on the other s li' sort of thing 6oritiiipea for linhiediately it IvIll $Live it crip jili'vi-able 11%, J11.1hto4tioll, Collslipiti6i), In ti
itY, ill 'whit, I five or tell 111111utut, lull I;
a's.quilled tile but lie.,fai, 'it. till; aIC.' 2 Mill
Alls face tiblied`tbword the wrIII nan j)le. 293 U
tell) PttsctjOl'j.§ COLIJJI be. r(lCuived. 111 acrol . I .
It 6, US
Well 4he moral's (I Yellow .8kill,. xvikell for t
fle? 'All theTolu
;at wgins to get'wi-Ath '811lot
that lie 'met- ut:n& ovoircaulo he'll, g*r0'ul'Id, only. wo Nvill sell illon 811iloli's ViIaIl;'Vl',giIsLl- N11
dookS at the L.hreo,-Dr '170-MAIMA' GOOJ)`,JA.1I.�I.)IaC0 one t, "I to vuee.- SOW 1) 'J.11. collibo, 1111iiiii �j" N R NY SEWING IN I A 01 1-11 N El FOR
Alid retio(�til'cd.tlie.,liut,ii.aiI rUCO fl'O!il fotl� fQot lixylly, al)(j*,.Os'IafCes up. her fluiier-lh tile arack '01, ( c5or. �Shut, Z111 CA,
-LLLIP Was ::Illilld sit 8 A L Iiii.
e it fall sw ty. -e will ruticli it Some t a 33axterl� �Lrandilnjce Bitterl; (tore
f'ridd osOs b0fbi
s terrib'd Tho bt tl;d'd0or SlOwly, LL t fil-1131y, juld, Iteell
knu silly- hI.
-��oosed. ror it,. least -ii, CostivPne,,s;
a Strife' in tlie' SouVroftIm. Tl' ji t
way. V,,( Ifearr But
pon-the.door and ietnove'tW atilt III IIINLIAVkLI.(ML;uS&. Twenty live
tic hord did for' the wo�:& as wl""s 81"'
her'li i barliend fingers und add jjj I -NTI1IXK,, Wil,11 (11-011 Was; lias ji,%lur'liogn
whole 0 8.1io s 6 t L I os DID on elity .0 111 t b -17P a-. cents per. bqttle� 29,31.-,3t IIS041; fOr H&IVt 01' lionily, work; Will be old fOrIO 8
just what ffol does for tl-,4 III- Fla. d v e r lise your own fill- el, it' s . s
wpauu.)II; is Y, 0 s. III.NT t Nvibil a deierillined 16ok,�'�Stpps Juick Wco;;V. Ajll�lyortddr"s
A di%'416111' COAlly, -TI 0 spi-alawq Tills IWIlox "anv.54HICCORD,
�J?R,Dll A� TIME'.
Scriptures I to - can I void it,
'oil copiously from the 116 reliabltj �.ajjjj w�itl,. a you II'lVily Ad youf rarey, your p0ekat,
E ; . . . . 12041' , I I., Ot0r,
00 book in vour lisildy" askea,a hillsband ... .......... fla"
'[Wove Illighty c�-flurtjlraws baLult'hor-f: t
j'ryl up,h,,� L
ell ltesclili�d �.sst Last. of' -1
to the VUry edg'�� Of'the iOl) rs,Li I,. I i I Wife. It ;h �i` lil-as til�
rugi FARM F 0II �ALE.
. ...........
-ist of IiVatei
.N Inah 11 it III �d Ed. Ivilissill xvits IV ),I C,
*� - * * . I %� .: all:arebeir dru�yiiio all "Ullow-to tile. da ( iflet 1 ;i)13" it 8 1 li,,Ijt that I atil A
ormight into the Sisters� Ilospital oil e Correct Thiliti.g. says�'ivlleii all.otifter r0inedieS f1i'ald ltlul,�Iltjunlp 0`Utof 16y. pcltoiOl
11 for BUW61 Coollplailiu-I thell Dri g9vah - NTurcounty of chij)powa,,�,tateof:iji fit
!1116(141. fro in a� ossim p in. tAie dinber
It is inipossible to lay down ail), Ofil if it �%-,Vrc,not1or flistit F ro-noli Fowler's, 1�'.Xtrzkcf, at' Willi Strawberry Are voll,troul,IW Nvith sait, Illivilill, Bough ',Q,
load f, IQ t r,, J,
its 'Lo.
be treated forill- 4
"e Ines. to tile resq 61)VU4 ()f jjIQ 'I(IjILI tfif t cannot' Ise 499aii c4, North Hall,,162, West, ot,lisilljoing.160 gla,
S a
-vo. But; 'nlas .00 ,u e.
stritilt rule its licel Site, would' be fil
c 91i'llated on the road frojo Sault St. 31tirio,
--witli'Llie'(Aull persisteiie xt
it. In" Of
tilL Size I Parko's VarIA)liv CQr:i1v wl I burti"It. to liollit'St: lgilavo, alld is :lk likilliq frool the ros.
itiries Pa elveol by' fidliDlITI-Om A-'tl-e0 "too
T -
fixtq. -'of tort '11%1 Oita. tile silikd6W, of: it floul't it Is tho 110.4t
;;I to which hoi - had been chased lika An ofol,mi ister In Pertlf' in dis��
of A luolt -or iiI.Bil. des,. Is
arel,011191santly varvill cu�silig .1,110n) SOUIL lltlalin�., (loulphillid avoll! fcallwil. Bolts, I'Lisicilli'Mi
--olimled beat-
isc pan, c a sis f es: 0 1, Ulu rrouble. aro illdie Tic _71F!
word' "Folidw, ob'aurrea, injorillet. R,
text III willell 1,11ei
info wily -it ocourrOd 4t�lell�s 1).y x olil, Dyllggist-
!They 'hould be prill.uttl Oil the filie ver h 1 - 1, E
ti�, 1111618 Or 1�ilr shill
flig audience Al (it llo.would,speak oF `.
.11,note paper. In Jar -c! -1111; 0TOO fit ick Ou t lik( bul.Lolif4. eurc(I.In it, ssotd lit,
%%!as Us Is C 0
lid another inars were'ellb q'singwood. citie, a
I w f 6nd Said
s �a: caid of lachnisisioll t,d tIjcN gi vvs�- a quMr, bauk�v rd Jvitp and clitt�xens kindS of fouoweirs.
91 -
!:,I tile timber Wot or GIOStej%. AVhilo, Iuts�go FOR SkLV,
ciluru-Ii i -j. , to U - n0coAqary. lie, my friend's, there L04S or Op, it is Said, is
Are, lollaiwol-iis aftilit;,s;V.Lol� tneii I;Ililkll And licitly, That is t
-xvIlite-111u)l of tll(I fifil'st.(jual- dly,'tfiere No-
unca ghd Wil.301-1.,101011MI Whats6rpriiie,xvhat delightl S ie faci C.. N TIfF villap of BP�LGIIAN'N,
ttlerd Just look'at the diffence in thel iiii]CIlpied h�l Isle. 11ho6iteis
fl) lt� jilitia llorsMf ali'ditilla I i�djt Ilide up qUQi 01,11 delicate scli.olar anil the rQ and Store
AW 11 -bo e. 4eari placidly contemplat- iiy, Profusely irflulined-widi [tell
are foillowers cbeekia for c4owl and . J is ....... IL
c of tho niost ausirawe III tlics villaite for inisi.
tljeui from it (119tLifice of about, white Vali'llol'i'll.es foraii rt t a With ciilv:�011 th(Lfofs; turf Nviolutsit
us 16 :L,. 10.1144". good Stitt)
or tile gre"aier pai-t-of tllz�nl So tillicill sidie by sithei and littit, a' '10, there fldlisi rhore Is.11, to, olithollsoti, culd all
—0 -xi-elloot soft water cistern on-theprewises; The
yrtrds;� .41,I)e bear� was. s1t.ting -gher joWed in lier -e followers Lliat-siAnd staiie-still.11 . . * ' ' I I.
I't y as ' a fe i lot. colliprises I of iio acre� The Iiii1lilingg are
p -it l4call'Off. Mirrant.
�tljtu is to say, very Witt bordqvilft� 11 t. She carA inias,it;e how I
livi,ilct, with its,"arons appareii'Lly A LOW and lngocidrej);Lir, %vill Imoold ehen
0 $am, lotsof bli )-I., Oj�,, In,; b! the Will er focn,4, Perrl iY Block, prices -Ictor Is g ))' Its tile ')ro-
on.-cudli iYounce-wlien it is not all pejllt�&S6. 8 -Il e 'f u 11), e ted.16 be. any lui,l, !Ving' 111) �u4intim TerallSeas),
and Seemed isitercitoid In Ir tbere is 'ing talint of cep In Auic.k
xpec o litiviiist in the neld. terills eltsy; -1 al 8 0 4
!;ii;iI nialluero . f outtit . Ig find Splitting ith Orange Islas I � Od dock Apilly to
la, 0 yo -his pic �p It COlkiplitto. iVreCk upd -.4twol'uht. in. 'the * system; B (I I-,
ILIce!blri"(11;,1w "I V There is'no Hval for Dr. Fowlers ]JI00d Bittek!s.are warranted to search Tbe� Wheeler and Wilsqn, and th-e* ligf?t Rann
a efisps;.Pat oil ilf�'buiwlle.q Carrio'll hoold ter die-tinionty Sorrowful Axlyack, Of NVild Strawberry. It ii�i, it 0,L.. qng Domestio
Bolgravo, Ont,
ordw6dd, AS it'll, Illight, Some b N ..
11;d*sprays. Atilt tulle yvil�niid or- fri(�lvls. the ael'ilowledged chatilpioll for tho Sewing achines.
Of going into tile bi,lshle�48 I I I . .
an -o flowers it) the'lutir, is t(w prot. cur( 0 o bell in bad legis*lft,
But now thrit '9111P iti.really Safti. otall 6baiwer CollipictiliLS. Wroll&A enti, Yl ws - SALE.
.-elf. whell (lescried the beat- was so'Nvedles, Oil an(littlacliblent',, Violinfli'varyIni, from $2, up to $100, -Bo. 11,
tl(.bt alid inost apliroiqiilt�q sullitilipil LJ93_;ti tWi cau-novoirlbe converted Into velis. A]
-eat Vickie -om .1 -.4 to -I Bo ri VOLs,
t I 'holly Tall PI g,
.1lerfectly F 11, Olowed ancl Souird upon the floar oltj earth Is e 664'.
-wo I lini� tbioss , but if- you wi.411 to ted:1-Ight, I -t y Si 50�cciif 10, Kbouy I -lie-cei it
"94ill, She looks; at) W;Lli u.nspt,akiab'.e g 1 130 dge SLI'l jigs, Steel - fill$ I d ut,,J 11 "t's �& $I ligle. TO nillg; FOrks T11-11111g,tIlries, flar 0.111j,'011TIABIX. dewelling hoilga III the Town
ofllol4tility And %vits Simply alld* 'eel) Tbege is, C.
4 N'lolin 'Vases rro-sin (If ClInfoll; colituil's SiN, 1,00111s; gardell xvith
be married in ytIui, Lravullin-, (I 111cac", Bluiliv 011111 lzrsts, N111tes'lollites; Was., Plau'reolvt"'. . 'irtilt trous, sitnato in itoott localltv; yor f4ir-
M Vehi, grqfJRlLN0 to tlw.clel�r blue gkx�-'- then nobody who knows this better. Ch iiiii Volt ]"a pin"'I'le to'P4, Al u s 1 o: b) ooks Ill 1, 0 rga I I; III dno . at I if r Nl ()1111; I'lle fIrl zi� 'A it I I I cut, thol�,I)a,tIci 11 1.
.1.11 interested speotistar.' J tilliciflou'.
I *it or, at the
-jet. J)V. of imls� gray .0k, %vith drap� brii -iftirt4 alid, beat, �4, Tall -lit) it $011 it of'Ant)%eins. ever profluctid; ("
Nllillg hel Ing tlivin the, geivanti girl, ospecial.ly� in the, 131 tell, tuinors. I;col�, (!ojItaIjIlljg tile no.. Singer sovvin.,
Chill it! 11 and See I oilivo,, xcirrfii Block
bacil" fitllli'�'
I'llu wise It Ing for.the men t.o linve ovioH of pale! gray siun'%: veiling, and' -SO. thilt'djoy' 1, t, morililig. U. 0 INIII& Blo0c,-01inton, Out.
9M ol', the'Slitin" LIS6 PI., 1 1, Lv
4:-,11V 111)(1ei- I110 Cli-Olf-1138taildes would nittile in tv quier, somple stylo.o The $Ull)l ur'Soap 4t.
jille,vows tfIrLt SliakIlki silo ever - li,tvV
been to. IL-it,'Ve tile Vear.61611q. liat-, of fine gray utorlt"', 81loUld h),11teb prejildiced PC jille.
beellsioll to croN.: lot�:ftgni III � She �%,lll C--:. DOXIMARTY.
Almight Mlson's Camillo 0 Il It fill trinlinilig ;, the. glov('S, ciflIF ballon. (I I tany.people are prejudiced against
I 1, 0 shign -T7-AUTABLE PARU, South-west �part of Lot
11, saild li olor I' else have Illeinitillet, bub, till
fail, sind JALLULIL who,
ories 011(jivil ifi, All'
11. :1311t, lIVilsoll thought a Y-ouliq khan,alting to pull doxvii ce_0c(iVesSiOII'4, towhAllf of.MorrNi entint.%,
-tile Burdock 13lood BiLtors aloctolliperIled jificro I tance frooni inarkets: Bolgravo, two
oilles 1, Brossals six
.-Itil (Ilia notlohl"t that the bear. had. L. of kissew: 13(jNis" illot betWeelil Of contallsing 130 acres, 00 acrop eleared, 40.acres
knot .11tider the 1) ijli*�.of yfiliti. fifit find bush. one good Brick I)%j,ejIjjjg nollsol, oi)o
Vraino throlilm I lou.9a, a large Bank earn, 7O.Y41,
whita, spot, *111.11le ("eutel, or. its a�Pi,:Ilst a hont, nil *ivitfi blacic or. "I will E. reltilf I veA, osenly, t 11 a It I sti
'It N40 F48.411 14 hile t1w fr: A a (I foot higii, stablow iinderociathi (stbno t
I...onst"Jilst. th-O riglit sigg for , it is ic , 6' r "'-\a V said- the jiouserklis,1(4111 (lot) end )I 'WAL HESJ tions lifidor, all blijklilsiFS)f hro
thit 'of (frav if your'llide IS blando foiltips, . I . . S
�!;tttrerttly. .1fuldba(I NVhlChbgt(?I1 t, , to,acicliowledge. it worthy a jnlwss�� a4 Mio-.Ailciontii comytool' ilirep Itilids
Yotis could w(nir, wliit(; 110wors, in A
a Valliftbi(s). didouVelly. 2U5 3
blue velvi't The. wran. to be J�ut Oil of voliescadroll. - 81ifivin'. thi, IOSS pro walls; good Witter, gooi. 'young, orelmr(I
Itpologize to a man 'ivilen I throw 'a wiLtd-folica (cedar posts) ar000d fario.
tilk,-Ile fmid lie bellevect lie'd take flft(tr' coreillolly 'i'llould be it 9'rity. ppr�tlfatl hetweititi . 'Invoril. Tho Clocks. jewelry, ,
LIUCIC'et of water - down the front, farin. titifidings,fonectil, I.Le.; areill flrsit�lllls Con.
116t al, it, The other Ad v iSQ4,11 ilia otmotly Or In refeiance to the oppillibil of . 111011k.4 - Of MCI* Illijillo'citigoil- A dition; woll loll "Itot'l -fill, grain and stock farin.
6ioljair'uIs1,6'r, cli't Inniv, fult its Lb �kasli "ouk,.,and Ite-aoinlissa great
me set OIV voll . ast, u o,of hay And -gets.drelloilled, live, Lt. thvorisitii- divided - tho . Idis ' into 0wh1jr to tho -101, of the latclown6r, III,. fivne,
Ljo I16jit,.alid beca xyij J)� a` I'Ulj f t f, f,.n(,(I Dr. Dib Lewix as to tlla, Ca 8 Ste N
ittki mr,, tilo form is Offered foriotle.- ilossesSion Van
as walit pologiviing, but PY0 fOUni. dherals he stivon at aoV thoo. Put, torintij which fit(.- ox.
that 110 IV down iit tIfe xv;iJitutillor gray had'o fevpr, Dr.'Doveiims, [[('it, 8ed. of tilo' lifievill flistifict; and Aeparate ordvrH, S/ L Vffl WA RE,
ill'a -_njjI,ljl-t3g�,YOLI -.0all."Silty I V I I X I 1&& 0 r. 0 1
(�(jxo,jtjs4r 40'a �-Itiiall will-. A, :1, &1,1&
-,m bViiii. &J, 1',e W.), f;,,
Tonosro, 011t.
4 Ltlilly 11111. the dililoniatie, or kiss at 1 0 t
aill. It still Sat flicistionles an III A brich ll(;Uillllt� isla.livays )Olicy
Molto Illark on its brotal:i; lookot'IJI tf wh'itct 110wers oxilly, Iisich mvitzlillefts, land) obsorves:-11ttving liail," much kj,4.4, t6 aseerlaill if a- BIDDLECOMB"', -A.W ric 110 JD.
a' with peoplo oll,� of :11cal-L6 it,. -Tar, 1voltils are well"d wainall lins 6kinken winit; 4'
hat, witInjot more -ad'o, to"d J.
toll.1laing to 'i;sIlld 1 o8, will, mined.. Warin Vowd�rs will destroy kimw infarnottitil-4
'.1orwidl Oram". bulls; Lill (1, blotitiolilli. li'agland, I bavo ,onio in 0"k islij, 5' tho OPPOSITE THE MARKET, CLINTOW
coil tact,
..Viisecl Ing gini, ofilled, find III red 295 4t. spot r. kiSs :-FARMS, -OVXL�7 DESCRIPTIONS,:
1�rill. lonaiii's; botiolim. i Of Witt) PONT, PUPARIi� 1OR -THE
The t may 11g, ;�ftl.rin� 60111, li*ay; *
or flitting tile white ant INIPROVY.0 AXOP.kkl`�Y INIPROVYn,
Praetitivii ticiw,ZMA tyr S, 7 a
Jolietite Giited but not bright itowei ONE YOR THAI oil
Aell woutd. III ve beef] fover, alit] havo kitiowil Islas y perfect Ocild., (I Sliver Jewolfliy� Aus4c> lu U S 1-1 X., 0,rs
t . . I'll Oar).- V is! ting olergyrilan (wild 6 'ja(lieial -kiss; 8, tile fouilseil kiSS; 9'. fle;)oelles, U.sir Itingsif Bracelets, ctol".
a d , Oath shot Foro'et-Ille"116ts and violets, ImusieS ly cured, by- th siiii ifo allot itio
lifillett-Ilti-tiel; 010 ar Its file o n u;df a 'a, strong upholder of I'Vao and; tjju, r(,Jigious kilin (Itiliging On crass), sk Sol Ali%, ona.wishing to No I this class of llroiiilrt�-
be and rnsiviJuils III(? tho proper 11 owerii bili�"Wilt4t 'do you M a6ily Obtailla purchasw-by fill )hill 'i�
11.1fter. The. voillid did not 0111). . , iionfleslk diet. Utterciso Will (10 "Vol, 10, the acadoniical - kiii-S, -(Oil j0h."itIg
for t1ruin to carry Or wear. '11)(4 Masioli, of' the proposal to "I'llk it Solemn brothe 'Ood); -11, tl I , I n Solid uver andhated 111K.1064"s,
f1w afilwal muchi but 80.1'Ved to much to, volitiva sulTarors froni.liaY 'rh Land 0111ce, Dundas St., London, Ont,
o1ro gfwprally by the purent.q Of the onn sormon Sunday ?I'
ldvidy -enkindle, in its bpen,41:1111. briole. jti,4colj4 " kiSs; 1:',), the Judas kissi). W
idered I'Milied littell- tkivor but cave in'rogard to.diet will "Weel) Sir).[ clan .fee y1le guILt that, orhofiling ARES to T.Jortll
�l I., to Out it wood.-choppel'. tioll ()It I fle parb of the groans to pro (to niuch wore, WhVe kid -oil), Use of Itilge., Clev. ICIII ki.4.4_,for divi.purpo'le T
Nolile Hickimso; 14, tile Idiot at ed -
ii 10S ft I Sultable for lJoliday, `IN`eddljlr1, oi- 1311,01- 61 West Vatosofilitorclit: A I to
-X thing Wilson rolmeniboirs s,(N'ijt tho lipicWH III th"l, with a boll� dieting - will re� gymall-I'livionit is t ?" , Ue. Alas 'S1111111 .6 1� I.,,. ilit 1,01111011.
can Only 4110viajo day VI'LISCIAS, (4001.18 for lal�ge 01 .24-1a no
colilpfuliou were doing quot of d(dicate tinted, fl agrailt And oni-"Theil,4 wud be fewer nallyins quette; 15� t1to 104.4. of love lmrsatt, and to �Illt all sesssi�ofls of tile
Illove (lie fuhcoptili ily. Allow lite t this w6li'also & * -
lit ti,ov 61411bing act, wit)l the line'llowertir" f1rh MAY FlZf4PqU0^1ItIV to Add il WOrd to tj!o", wI,0 quin, i preached." ofily leal 1, Du yessr. See the Sto� Large varletv or
n 8. its.
1. 6 bei 'varinusily 6611610rOd, Viz of . Everything of the best niakes.
I'Withill ilnlellillg (listailco ordiell, ft;(il like, giving lial. R -club, but.-tllis�S� fl.0111 lilleullisistisin, Isivurilatio 4(tv
or, Wornts often cause serious Hinem.1gi�,oll bV artlunt, enthusinsin, as, by (lentlernall"A 11111111 and Pailey 16*611-Y
Is,* -early in, tho p�60vcdillg Ila ))aid bet� alid gout. � Those who watild Ila, f 1-0.0 Tllo cure is Dr. 14)w"s Warm, 8ykill). M I
Ills excitellient, ffectu. fly Illatillilloillal afrit-clion. ; or III endless varlety,
Aiwd lklion ii, litilb wIlloill was too, ter Wulc to posivs -And pleasantries, 1'roin th6so pahiful diwalics aslid Choir It'destvOY'Saild G-XpcI60VOI'M8A' OOMMERCIAL HOTEL
lu U
oftell, e`v'II , aitt;nOnlit, dysipi'lliia, Lilly. 1080Y, 6'"'eull two "wful
o Iwar his wJight, li'lio 111111) H8.4j ta'ding Ulm sandwiches Without Aild satiSfIlCtioll gultrillit0ed.
;u, ImAl Im fell. The distanco t6. sliould Avoid all flush food als t1lay \ Breeches of pr_1miso::TIIolSo the, I)ettor or Use ellroto 111001, the walit:s of the tl,;%Af)lllllg I)IJbifC.
would pokon. flavingt beon et,90,11till tallor sitid tie would havo finished
gro,1114 1vasabout, t1f1pity feet M
anti A MelbburnO correSponrlent, says (OP YeArs ill 11)(I Rtutly of the nottlowl 611 Saturday. And cistars nee alwavis liv,�b at tilt, liAe,
CNI�L bill, B"'t 'Itilated note In clifiloil: Give Loss
to a call,
allift down. bmig oil top or t1fo that the colony of vicoorift 1111r; it Off flesh, food, Olt lwaltly, ( lost coll vilm, IF A of 0.00baclos, ,
Mli, littliffichill Word& ioso idiciro, Cholera I T&S. 1s100R:Q,,- 3?roprictor,
.114 011 ac�lootknt of its Wound, The voinliti
400 M tilat, tile ninjort,tilir nif thot HIS of life Of the nest, Makes, always oil hand.
fliall xvilo IS worthotilory th III, $� I-,
1, Out. III fivila, Chinta and Africa, Ilain-Killor is
JjiS Wp 0; 1 be trace, 16 i tiI use.
bf�vii illiftblit to e I U ra. 'MoArdlin" 0 1 11tiveviN, (Blinto", Jana 7th, 18811
lialb, 1,11(k tree. OQ OOOL I ItIld altil is rapifily a says Hill- Could not keop litillso witl
'I sit wilivil tile bCar pecelv('d !-vIj4jJPr0d' 66 14111-04t, 011d ININNt Of All
Illore"Ini lit', This lucky Iliall I, Crood file it ill, it fratill Atnite $;))out( Out lIngvAud's, I'Veto-pal 91114111;1 t
Ow I'#,) Ilounds of falling inar. a own IVintlli filill IT P liativi-s' 111:wl, file P91NOE OF WALES HOTELs
-'s lie fit -ill Isild plasitic to' the touch, P -Ore prevailing thioat and,long tillott. R!
Lord Ruportswood. l3v Ivis fitflivi J. Diddlecombo,
WIN it )if, will fill Pit 11(tir to 2,1506,000 werfim Tbo odor of frvill) hipal, bles.. 1295 3t. Most porfeet rOlialkets filit; 11)6 abovis hotel hati latoly hooll lealloal Ill. tile
�y 111al'. I Olivosite tsits slarket, elluton. Undersigned. 11110 preallgoiq ])live hNicia rootted,
ino, :11111 it startled tile aninialso 8beep, 300;000 rattle aroi 3,000,000 Should bo presont, and flie ment- and the oleconjillodation for larilleris
Pniploy tho bired band wboiso and the genci-AT traveDhIg pliblie 19 Istfutdoid,
-It, clill not wasit for forthor pai,. I her(,8 of I'lei0holitl landtf, b(Isides it`fisun '411huld 10 (ley, of- at. tbe Inomt, 60iiies firo patched in 1front rather 114:1311 the foltowitlif estraot frolill the letter Of It It Atables In etalinstotion. Tlio bar lic shipriliell
thull LOX
31 sy Illit ltt-d III great alarin, and it 1paisu4lold bf crown lailds if) 1""Ig- locrely looist, The appettralict, Of ll
lipNe's ak, T olight to ham THE MADICOr Olill
of a It A9 I rtid, vot"1111141AV
ill the Woods. funt) qUhl aj.o�l, lly cith, also poll it) ott in rilarldvilli ruld ils action 4 (41M. T111,1,011ALT), ProiMettit,
led oil blue litinus-paper is acid—thit ni"o t) vold'.11le TaNt 1'ear t.,4 "jo-ly I
III'm 1.1oltial, I bolletc, liondi-edo of lix 04 Were
bawk hall be tell rell(u�l st onem Warrante,l as rveoin. tA, linder Goil III )t. 'Tbe 41111P.Iteed (1,naTFT)) (It'l-mcor, ()NT.
.4 follild flint 00111111 " Downs, Iflixit, will give you ACRICULTURAL MIMI 6OMPANYj
ttion it Wait tbrift, ]to Ism doell) iryots�u�troubled witil it ;l1inalting 'eonsiolowfigolopt
(111 so ilijurtid nlaldl)g it entishinvalfily ovet $200,. ills it turn% Use blue paper 'to it L
W"81?LY HOUSE, -
000,()00, Ifiq rpillkIpIlefl,ill Njal- efifor, jja;d Bleat, (in
iw w,ti Tumble to wallt. Ills thoi oth r I abd luentled bt, 11101ley refillided, to thp-11AIN-10 LLER, nitifliq (is 1111,0004 for VHOS ARCHFIR-AGENTo
-w in said to Or Over
NNW and hall al] the re idtit.,
t"wre"bre set, Out 1,01.1 1 lie tho nioNt skirt- NustmIly extrallily loois I holf ra. A list wos kept of all to svilow thi't Tilts
'"I 01,I)posef7l Said a Clavic oJIroet'. Iloill U IM e w.Aj I'Nol), arld'oor native lissilldantis
to brilift w4c:1-matic'.o. fit in the w III t tie, IIN 010i'l,"ilt Old Of evory Left to whoul ro6ing,-illottrantpittlol-sis, beated With hot Is
0,)00, Ills go,111'rosity 11-011111 pr tile iolfilediato vlo*1117 ot the 0. T� 11, llolft,
00 esplltl� of 11111-1; .14Y)OtA in I 11(l flt jq to it. wj� pregerille VeCoxflftd. 1311v na otherin tfll 3 Ott Acits VIA Vollothrated
physican to it patient, whilo feeling, z _" rle . aft I
low 11011114"s later Wilson raillted, Ifis pu1scry.14 that yox! consiffor me its the lleatty lken)tr ar Is Ivoill stoso'kia with thol otholectilb brands
igi tou Vandpr')ililt, bnt over %litipicious idgily Thl, 1111irrow of ti .0, Ih I itm- Ine, lie'Ll, sil"i, lor"Ifefol 1101011, � nov vatterif, Ploughs and Ot Ior
i r Y to i humbfig." 11 thi ii, very oild that, J. U.JoYINSION, ',IN ;tr. � I rithilounny
I (" Ins' table to )enrll ill Melbournist is boilivit, inAl 11fa sletictua., rhipia
Oil Bill collselositsileAs (III I Load of billing liobt, rocl
S -fill 80 noettrattely diville illy thmighta GX �Nr ox rititt ficAssured 5 fining well ot0e.4. '(Or at 011A
it jand. Til)! tionq,
t"!Ill;f)ylq wereatill lie Ileavily inJollwill) to Mill, alldjljl� dolor, nift III fpeAll Intialti ill t- 1 by sluiply feeling my ImIsel" rotorted C3 !N't 'Cr next Vantolo IT(Jarrinific Workil
1) ;'s hwl rel lfrj;�.Ilallfl P(irtswood is it vovcrolvi liall)(i, t.d and oftell bhua I bl, 0�1 141,018, the &,I'.- I,,r ilstoilwo- lIvrex, IM% N Patill-Kil er end
I"j w il; r, is
Its .b.
or to a.
I.. Wo
m rocL
i War-
; (by .
'cellent P11
,oil thl.
1,.d I
Olick j
Let, acid
Foreign News.!
GATHERED V 130.5 I-RRLIAl3.L1-`c
Aro 'corroetpol' lDvai.y Tilk�gday
atternoolit, -Josb before',
going, to press,
—I- Rl-