HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-30, Page 3Mi4s LouisaBLUOT, dauglaer of EQUALIZED the ozi her way to with Couitty Juilp Torus' eqnalmud k. 'Al i0118 'd and t0l"118- Sarnia laot, wfre V41tlQ Of % V11149t, FOR Vora TH-E W, A R�M-,- 0 W '0
It wilt 110 noticud tbut tilat of 01111. Ala. DAxEll, Of NV,403011e, ill$ received 0, call from St. 1.11sul"41 toil has br, .e1% incleAsell. At he Cit B Church, at Walkerton. Stipend A LEAP YbAu Bzvour;— Y ook Store -T r t NOW8 $1,100. 411171 were you awl you, woro me, Itichter Alouth :Organs, 10 Xey, Brasq,' at 25 onts. Noto linen lawns, New viatoza, latus, ew Embro'
131151101iVELLUUT11, SulTragan of A bik"lAftill suitor said j
tslomei1lWhCt4 Would you and quickly E, xpress Waggons, iron axle, 4t $2.25,; lso Wooden axles, IWO" lie Black
11,uron fl000rd, nipolf,,R ew ersible Prints, F
P 0 Huron, is out or) 4 visit to Then turned away III$ head. at nev m ink (AX,41,G4XATXD.) Ilia sons slid willemaia in LuudoiC GrIlirg,litogd, liverage elrealatiou, over 17001 for some time. She laid ber, little hand on life, BABY CARRIAGES going iery heap And like Lobla yvire looked back; Books. a d i e. Checks, nd Blue.. a;ud Whi e Checks,
WE (lay last, week boys Then piurrip, upoh his blushing pblz Ftrt-class stock of FreskInk. New stock Blank: n it fmilutoritst,l) lire to tlw bridge ewerotiallIg aulac upar Ocuncillor Bon. churellill'a, OvEa 800 persoi I is took in Clio n ji"llett, Ilear own. Mr. ollurchill Or gandie Muslins, Wh. .,ite Pks, W, hite, Polka Dot Sateeiks,
L Clinton ethodist 8. 8 picilio at b put tire fire Cob. Las, be careful. Uotleriuh I , ast Thursdiq. The al most Fncy Dre9s Xwlins- ja� and A ound t1le iful, ELLIOTT,, of New Bu tings, Nun's VeiliAg.. invarja6lQL Reegalpnimeut of rain WALL PAPER 11'
geliva SAI.A. to-,virship, has cut his fall wheat slid was Oil hand ill the overlilig, but The largrest variety and alleapest iii Count of, Huron, and Summer Silks, estimates that it Will XLQrQ out from
to th'3L Acr take the fiNQrj08._ At, gtj; gncl, we win be 91at; to rocitte 35 to 40 bushels 0. straw W. Croquet and Lacrosse -$ticks:, 1-1-ammock and Fans. at ofaeolifroin 94.11 reliable $014reft. ciaer iNL brigist., the berry ditto. slid lots of, yablewit. ho Wherty Orgai See Our Gre Stock and you will be sati�fted,
hraroat, or writlea. Averts of )"Otit'll", it"S them to the ear. Co tortaininvtu, slip�etd aisd church itail0s, 014. from the Usittenbury St. Xethodiis� 1.0- H R DICKSON, OLINTON
NT4 -4 d A gil e 1. -
isto, or a-ty ooter Miltierg 4904"al tllt�rel' AjI%NIH CA , LO, , u t r hutch An the station at Clinton will alwetua I.are tzvloe;in our of r. Win. Cautelou, jr., wits tile and corittributed much, to the.onlive. -Sunday next hat tQ lf!eoole aro Saying state JOHN HODGENS,
T. PAUL'13 C111111CM .4.Qrawrord. the Gonalue 81119or Sow- reecipient of the preetAt of po liatid-. oing featurt;s of the occason during bohig the third Auni%eraiiiry of Rev. 11kr kiell,ne L agent, bAs ItCHOVIE'D solne alburn from Ur. Lt,cke, for th, day. N171 Craig's ministry iii. this;C114rob That the blast fr4m, Dayflela was 41.4m tile Perris -olock to the TOWN having the highest number of marl�s, speciall Sermons will be proAched. 's relviihir blizzi COTT -A Thurs- -trd. The GRINAT DRY -GOODS PALACE OF.CLIN"'"ON. Nho to SIVO uloney, tilue ant, at the recolitgullool, exujillation. d blorrow address-. NVX, FOSTERS One day 14 t Ivefill That thoLshots from Itelglon And O:nce should Call and LSla 044 "Sillgor 10 G T,—be Independent Or- meeting it) the To%�n Hall irt ,hot s W - , even hawks and a bitt-,rn. Onlooker doubled kip- Senex.' corner allay 207-t5l; der Good Torriplarti Will giyo a free favor oftho Act, Mr. Moir; f the 'Llho long -billed bird is a G ES 0 C R I .9
LAST CIIHAP j4]XCURSjO$ or TUE fill tertai 11 met) till the tatilp Ttjwt the pros and Cons twent the Front, our own Correaponden a IN all CMUC4 114! I 'Exeter PteActor, supported Tvinper� alily in t1legfI parts. Sotitt- Act are gettiu somilwInst, ,S, r t Che CXCM.9ioll On. Friday everting. Ali energetic 9
A3o,4._jDokjIt forge ance as against Probibitiulf. Front Mr. Thos, Forties, of tire 30 con
Oolujoitte is prepilCing %. good pro 0 V Q4" ITOTLL POR S41,F OR TOUENT Wonotolluria li'l u. nthe OccatiiOtl Of the What we criln glean Or re � ill not is home Irdill Ma".1tolla. n
tliero, Wedues- AT DuNr,op township of Co borne, Chein Thavor
edonign Ganies, gr4inuit-, InalIV As poi4ible, I That the Globq, pe�petrated, -a. gives ,, rather dispiriting account of 20 Qlj 4"Al result many converts to vither side. A f day, August 13th. E very effort liar, should make it a poitit to. be pre Apply to Anthony Allep, DuCilop wboppel, wheil itaiij that Sir JOn tbillige I n Alanitoba. It 1jad nQt The weetitig was chiefly composed 0 tj, to illake tire P, O.—Change of adivertismol4t oil is declareo tj)at 'nee spring, in consequence 0, pub If r tent. of thop. favorable to the Act As A. AluD ald 9iii, Ost a A t COOPFR'S' CNoe Ontario should gamca thO ly,o.j� interesting ever field. next w -eek. never have :sit 4ore Of whi011 the crops will be Win
Tag jIoLb%E8VILLr, BRIDGH i at only 15anti-teniperance" speakers total failure. Starvation or rernoval in (janads, the greatest athletos, Tiii, LoRD'S.' ARMY.—The L 1; st being Pushed With Com- were invited by those who cilled the ord's of jand, A stick -of Uniber or all, litares many. in this face. DIP. Fran. pipers of the world -bottle meeti,ig, the majority of -)e )oil ounce of mineral in Oft disputed: cis Clegg, Pix -deputy reeve of1lo anbuIpudablo Vix floncel 11 011. Al r. liat tire t.olliper- Army seeins to ing grond
greed tl town We will show th*s wee a .11.1 thU111,4 to Lill
Pnhabents up, the contract, ance people of the did not turn here of late. Conspiracy in the ranks territory. b4s a large crop in, 4118 por k Case il. Cooper retul As'gooi go! li oiI7 All regulartrains y I atu tI istonlem for flioirlibwal pationag,* for fliling Cho approaulieF, will be lot out. slid ambition for oMee appears to be wlileli. got in early will be good, 6e ly, That Sir Xohn X,, McDonald did balance not worth cutting. Allies of aln Of Canada -lie was anti not a good field of grain. ,Thursday. turn (A binders, just - about as y 'and 1. 1 4 luos4a�ifterfiloorir sild WtidaftdaV, next SAturday and the prospect' D. CANTELON'lis shovill" Out th?� the Cause. We would not be surpi is, liely swe that, as reilliIer, . P liali adwittod his son klo:imt tv, a llieniber� i�nd reiiarning, � Wedne,.Aay and I o1japie. put Luitivated, country can boL travelled oil are fayorablo to tile 00111, rawfor' ed to the' Domiljio of Ladies' and Children's, qpocial tro4o will re unless older slid more swad colitilluatice ofthe t llelutofolu ect the rihts of each, -d t dr Alai co in Welsh prosented her liberall, auc,AL U the- work 'early in September. bound to Prot ow London, , Wednesday, aIt 7 1), as the law allows, In din sincere hands take hold 6f the holtu. and every Province ihftreof,� antl 'husband With a bouncill. IL 05 otiverts and followilis boy last eave to feel its io, Trains Oliatou at 4' SOCJI.�Ty 11 r. Me flurry and excitement of fillha,, o. r, Zilany ol bli.e c Wedwesday. -He seelps OUR 60 CT. TMA m, Tuesday, and 8.45 a. Ill. ed. CO611, of, %vinglialli, will preach a ger- dera he�very'nettrly bound lihnself appear to Ile oil the down -hill- slide that lie wts btland to see and, would I iven P, W, the, Ilptlakv IS gL illion to:jh Foeesters at 2,30 P. Al, tip -�vjtll, oile.of q see that Ontario, was. not defrauded proud of il� its though at Is( $tw(hii47;h tunittel 20. - - _ and it will re uIre -a special efibri o hini a hundred.acre faval. Will still alid van Il . . ...... -A"ugililt, ill, tfle '.V.OW11 I 001 flail, Ginton. It U, expected, there covered his jilistake btfor fo I r blis-O'BuiEx, t i.e ac! UM Wilber or one ounce of wineraL tn ia n r ston `Tiibioze, '0'5;bo luron'ran 4rA m—In
Groceries as I I., tir who -a out froin tire lo� re_ .7 L i* �urtist in the. t1rdsawaking title, will be a I trge Cur ilioselkill alloaf form.,stooked up in Tit t Sir John was right Ilien lie a sail �r �iiie river Sl. Clair, on August 'llas"filade. NO. Popular With FLORAL r1XIIjj,DjTjo-;,—The Ale, , (I - it -t -and thotift of* the surroull, �Ie� flow earKi,io- Lar,ge 1� itock of Of L AS %V Alt R ulk 4 tiong �sirl Cal Clam -4: ill itild outi. of parlia 60), Rpturn fare Ood for t 4y4t ce she u ride.r0olt"the cliallies'llistiLute are to or skat that the Boundary A lLurid.' AlsA ,inamigement of L ding country, in la sling, while nursing a bruise- ward only $2.00, SOUGH ht.'�Tli()L Salva-� finaer. and 0w, resulting froul tjlO hold a floral exhillition ii) th T NATHAT'S IN A NAME was I )ertson jaL tak IS oe r ot biudirw, flie, 10"best ("Ourt Bir. Roderick England, 'or the 5 th 9 Mr. john Rob ing riuk about -the jpi,ldl f Am, TRESH OATMEAL Mr. tion A imy iol kij do Cortai illy get ii p' novel opfiration. iti.the Empire having xiow decided con. orris,. and Bliss Ilare were so, AAN Ifo.1 I desires to say I tgrjooro- is qv er of iv e c k List, This Will be a very appropri inarried in Winghan) on Tuesday %owe very stralige a 1I9RsoMisftAPTI wellknown ate ipendix as it Were, to tbe in- Though- tile happy RIV ffl�&,,; FLOLIP, speaters I P 9,'. Orm -ars find the biide has OA 'Too, PO TA TOE$,,, r three score yt by Mr.- G ott Act, ut 11 CLUUty' lt y, there were p� eo, Whitely, -of Sed' r0ij - L ' , " I - -en ow - tin
%6 return ordrs Will 6,3 titteilded Illalleluah tenfight, i rc, N. Y, tr,ottill- stallion, owned tellectual treat afforded by tlip'upin. That ir, lia'd f
the other (Is in opposing tire $0 lireling, id spea ars tile -iiffai v Was the outcome of love Sol tool o :;I, In I Coot
-to with qqstouiary. P 'JuniliNg Sanlbo, Tire 11allolujah hickri by ,another Iy the . course lectures duriog elloapil s( as than EL score of sunitnrs, a In, irt Willy of fire. "I the, 114 . k I nI - iit - I , .. I . . I . . I . , I
Canary,' iuger,' 'Joyftkl tireR, i Toronto lust W th lisslay slid lirCd 1 vor of - i he Act, 1jough they - bv the parties having first has been , 4, L L I uty is a jtiy forever.','� That 6n, a fir8t� sight, k1j'a 6jtIl tilid be satisfied,. ltby, .1-1appy. ISIviiiii- Ality" a One re loz,& broken. lie -met the Sunday previouS40' their MISS FERPYi Of wil III hisfo , V 't is'Poetical. - ' - Goderich, "Dick, the lievil-Teaser." tilliellt. 1.4 as 1. parsoiia,.are ditLo. was valuod -at $3,000.. Tire G&ZI ni-ringe. 0 F MANUP40TURE. SEE THEN
Ninton, ii; t IS t. Go. The beauLifill never di(�s in tile That bir John A1aCj)6naId'hAs' ARTz, oOD. jj"ORKL been rlt,_ PmEFS.-�R. Sterlilig.11118 workmen -T. Coope'r& So"
ift Mr. Salton of , Th a ed 11'ki,I4 . C -i t is likely d fly of L40 Vindicated, th4.i ppist oP �rs. Joliti Furoler. oil the brick work, of his rl�w house, has left'Sciono, slid is, noNr stationed Afr- trottiog stall eciAtEr jt,� 4nd, iio.better Ontario %%ill got. mor terril 'is being hf�vo alway !101(1 iol bi%olce 0110 of his" turod to piir and -it fit , of 'the' 'R Clinton. Mode. of c�ulttlro Owl be Chair by tire Version rivy Council, Nifitilew. Brit0on. 'is, opushing COUNCILWR SFAirtiv Went east, tire gentleutin in high beliov- fore Ife hai been put' clostl Contact witl) . tire beautiful. if) as lie contended, than was give" it"long vigorously.—Fall: wheat 14 ra- da le siof IRlid Ov Will be-inade� r by th it. arbitbr ,by north rho utl r truit. and "Mi'll f' ery ellrt -oLab ft?i011 'a ward. slid pidly ripenin y I In to bq a nature, tp i ly, Iloilo of us it Will ,.e fra-excel -h -ry pi r 81 MIGA of the njil,i Wilutive of )lATCH for the juiii6r av; they batIc trations way -be prc A mr Lt P Ontario, ) 11 Cite d"il e r I�w ithou t 1% brick ill his [is wot kor for OlirijjtL and hope that his to- 8 I ve 11fill, .k of slid 414 is, ill be I 11 t ci o I),. . Bel eking is the drd. pleh'tj of Embir
t1le *01 that wl t sler of thel b�_4rk oido �.ucst of the lisses Roprs i this d4u the ftil�urti,jhatl io ul 'as tbev fire her his QIll 411 40 to a greattir exLetib 111all,do a -win who -has b"n IWill be Play ve r.—U. a S.. A. Ii .villaap.�Gorrio wilterprise ill the past. 11,3 h11' ed on tire Cliuton Ag,ri flJO7 val'i tinted flowerim, or fol if lit for iotne time, is 7 ii OuTof 99 candidates at -tile sea, the love and.roNtIvet (if evoryono se- bs, Blyth,4 residing in Doln r� Cultural firohndh.to tuorrow -;Tliurs Plants alld sliru at her ja� hei-I a op a- few weeks Visit, n9 i.—Dui I -OR, day. 11"ickets pitcKt-d tit 10 a, ni I1, Qljool entrance eiauliti- -�juajiited with lim lain Cla e youn. in ohTh 'A way, DoWn' Pnee. -,utictis forty. oulig A 1Vu:IiA.',%z. SCORIRZLM;�Varsqns August 5th,has lte(A'll proolaiined, rk (A W( ol-der of.,.Reeve Kelly) a c Atr. John Daley'Cal -to t IS vil� 10TV ID E R sCanarlian" OF t, Thofikaq, axid. tbo We -b holl HuitoN FALL As6lzFs will ho'beld AIR. T,' -II. Di3ST; how. it rilii,t'ig 14ve a Ilis-horse iniolan open the fact of Mr. Rmyth of d"Y- Nge r.ttlid.di,ov -4-- altwile . ing oil.Aloll . (lay �.qliiig barri�tvr of. Lnuk naw, fo Of.01ill toil. &WIQU-11 Aie& the aninial; but it ;Nit aqd�riuh Coll i,uLtviA egg'd will be B4 lipling a. thy'Pe year old c6lb got, un- 8 t ity,for out.chizens arid tbo6o along' 22nd opt. Wj 11 ney r bpon Llefvatt�d Silo gi III C!iil dreg o; Ad)4 W 'Initon boys ala. goirit, I tile lills4rlilway t preside. 'Rincroli, Goduvich, Cook the C ',NY Itso Ftolt arid 0 Id, Mi�s. mal4till. Or easy,* broke away rorn its moorings, Ite,L LI.OlIV,befolle. find Made, tracItS for home. 'talit fouglf the. �7- p (I'O I L" to-, 1, I ei in.- I ist b oil the 5,01 o the boof, pni-6wig of the TitE offi,..ers of thes Ilvatioll Ariny 01hitoll otl�or illipol all' TQ'THE PUBLIC. Solis it' tile County, lalit IN, at e I-. ' If liopeti, t1jall Clinwn will coifie ou� t exertions' ofP. Kelly and wrecke - d btijRv inarked ."WAY, 16 ay , or Place' . I rT UILTI:�, liLwor", baid ;—I all i tire t'aloi will ltiltvo,tllt�'va�ious 9tit(lulli lis osti-inite of �ur toWn betteroji grass -than oil i". At, Lily tire b6agt; 'Pile bu-111y. ivas �fota ly is," nan '44 wilittly �Odi.40011triluet III- future - . I �'guaqoil I Aw a tiienlber...00WI�r., ay & iv lig: etc..' arfid, t ho aLIvarja it.1116. lialill' an rate an Oil thatdity rol-Sariliall . I dest�oyed. - . . 1, . .rut Am Nt a v.ei,3, l6w.tilre lr tile trip 9N aetiV_ for. 4 will lJO 1 Kinca ,lief a(IiIjitted to tilt -d two, ity and the ilutlll)Ll- of goo 'Sail oil We river S p litisdaild dit. rtlino Ubl, Blyth $1.76'eic -A U riq plea- GOOD E UM coil,e(ll 0 a IS w, d b i I. Ch4 has* also beii) 11 e' DRY' S EXPORI Birks, -of flo nies- layhigulaiiti to a fai I r share . o archi hd' go' to, r. Smyth.'s 11 u"l, Ou TaL .Afr. Vri, . f nged for in connectibil. A GIRL'WANTED.: 71 Ivillo, 'it allil it! I Otinund gerit of tht Goilerk
aConsequent. u 11 an ail L.L L-110'galliC. sant titnelis expeLted Itt a. d.Osb Clf�rtp- ful, tlii Cullittv of Hurdn, of havili, -d ANTED��w 'kefierai servant at tire P-0 NO. lioly lie 11 11rin4do or tbull T.�Tlse followin-officers,. BIDDUPIM 110 10'10will" W "C-F:4TiiAL ITOTFL.",. OPOA - *11�110S iL NsTON;F, I . ... I L NT jo'' ", L. dwcidontlie wet With while pit; itgaillst, my ella 4.1vel. . I . � L .. . . I . .: _ . 01V . a Saitable oukA. . . . :0`1? :CLI A. Is . Oita quiront q Litav ,,e r� anpriyalous lt�tter �was . receive I Will 11a puid.jo Ajij)ly at 40f-rieN. .. . -., . I I I . . 1"' � " ' " L� mr. OP0116I.V -,door. and I Tr6bi,surer throug'll t 16,Pbst. by Al r. Bn ed -F 1griij-,o up,- Pr6yin 0 D g. crSil D[Pbl. T , . . ' " ' ' I A� 111110; WN -Z, J; 6(Ahe -Royul, The July 20fli, 1833, wolit. but* Members be'' tracod to: a -i sronti lluti and Wa. abuilt: tew ini to Al 1. '116 'o!,e. was rjj�j I Bro or Coui;lb " t 1ATELY h% NV T we r of t1w 11h 's I- ni v Vi' D' :TEODEVIS WANTED itad %V. JNLI.' E STREETj C.I.1, Isis way to the rit %Vlik'll Nlle tjLjlj'0 ik)LI �,tid led in fire GIRL WANTE OI)S -Cli, UL 4laV .Frs .,to be 801""LVus 'fOr V.ou tuld. Ill TER. 'Uranbrook in tire of I. al For whiteiII)qr and kalwilinliC. ajiX milairlux A :JuCy 2411 GlItt, j.4 IN 1tillopi buildu r y It plain �ey I lid 1. -A t Ant, 'WilhUll 0 L f the L,) it's Arm ff E AS
ftive all. aocoLitit Of the 01 Q Al.o, tot runiovin.- the u0it 0111 P. �XT. .0. T.', 11. Uliant; I)UVO' to to N,lr. Groo. . Butistoo.. I M. Co, is 1 * W Iro ' - 1 aV O., Brd.1 Will.- pa,ro t6' woot your, God f 'you as rtrea I by tL"Ll"tirltinj Bluckboard
T . itlr� PwLGI..'R B ado 1 1 T. 0,., 8' ine piritu tv e I ro- 1�,, C ll.qt - oLn� III ill tit la GOOD. I the Dlidirg t 81�ee A no.ir, at tire All. 1?atters'lli; VV. U. en, ,,I did' noto set C�Ile 11". . L I Mae for repairin. He replied TI Good %i.a Vil eIV fiNvili"llaill 11, M doeds (10 114 fi d me it, t IS of and dealer in all hilidS Ql_ 11'"ll roujoyod t9. Clintoll, -A DYFRAsi No. —, A)Te are real IV tir- 7)e nod �tjr bill(); Gold ii; lo�vo. A Clinton geiitlernan P4 clinton,juIX 3..0; 1881,! b ruot" slid I Cold him I 6duld e (ILI , III last ee C oil clinwil, . July 14, ISM fo Ce el. - Hiley of this. Place goes: to Clial-La I01om . P, e -t us. roasop* y Ur P. through. here Oil w cc. M 0117
oon� ed m dosot IRE file VOUlIg Idd-ies of b or your a be Rs I. lis way to.zueh�ll ll ques d not 11, Nil rate -4. It is no use the' I11jol-e to 11jill tilail I said ato A Tog OF -11A4 ''it no arlet thev shall Iju as white as P01NDKEEPER'S widingthnni, Our rates sc I -MOUCE. lieff Clinfon lo got suplilled" 0.8.t , , . Will occupy 270cubje feet, 216 Lo243. ed:'aiid if s It 'itf- 8119LW, though'they arp.*rcd fig er-1111. ow : . . t , I . . . L . I . . . . . . . anvone. )HIC it) the riviii, ill would, not. 'line. Ttierewits,awliole,ij,,-ti&Y,O.titil-em H�itnn have lietin iialiounded vVith mn 4d -its tackii-Oranows,ric ;rdifigtoftgeor rofitftbic to t1feel, wo 0a %vool., Goa lie] CANTELOR P P I qsked $.j00,.000.T9.LI',ND nnot so .wash Illy. dou'll bel.0 a*8hOVt,-IinIe go Rod I hroe of 0 Syl6 'd T :P:EC+8"86oIIb dVr Ilit P1 Adz o at �i,ndial-Stall(I they. I'll tLI I'll KIAO Clinton tt: Ittails aa - b1fte1c. And I hereby give Oasto titoe- to curtailed ;You. re.plied MIL one and Work; whit-li n U., 'to 324 cubit: feet of (try clover,veigh it altern- Con said aninuilit tire - �Inlni�d a �A 1116 -ii til "YO(ir Vel'Ly LIPP su""Ple- 111111 are, still (loin ajj%ll ell t1felli iti, p1liffla be 4k,e _b�i,ikp lJlrociatud. w w ic tun. ti ersi Ali,! our rat s.artloccept Wi drtmIt. WAiF atelv feedin-on the wicked thistle ex able, wou,1111J6. t't?jVCrtii;er,,4, a,rLj,r jL ook. plce directly 6 Alietijin oil thu AIA�161t Place, In the. T6WN OF REMOVLE D 1 atik�,d-.Iiirn what. lie and, klip goody-goody jaul. of s6clety,' Ap�ly t(r. 270-y mix,roIN, on inst., at, one. N I varrarkted�to ppoi�,Jte, t IS G,01'g !(%.iltijjljjjI ClIrlr(:_!_ : * d . . I : . a IT -it; �ftid tha6 if clialli be dppli(id. not 'knoiiill to.,the 'O meat a )d S . . .. g P it 'i lie ai to' look fIC'my' Iff. JAENT,..31an p) the liittf (if a nko,4,quit,o It. pay in advance or give kespgrisible, or 'unrlilty evenifig last, it boing it LUKE TROUSE, ):.S., . . L Voundkeoper. �To_ aralleb, Thst was AULAiisiver Wanted. rcure it, slid 17w. pnia- Call 29 .2t. pugilistic. encorkiiter. 0. �;d. it tw 'a� StrapiCiorl, n ironically suggests t 1, fi.�:L , Can.nni,one-brilrig.us a ease -of Kid'. Old -a d
ht ppuple rou� FANT 151ill,68011.11Y.11 Ali oltl bachn- of this' Ok we wora favope&. with my apputararl6oL w ney or Liver Cdai'lililrit thaf hleotric Racey, St abled %%ith hires.ill t1lat City.-, lor w4o. went, to Church R'ull(lrxy' i, call from J.- B. of Myth's Sinydi mpbko up aild'said Sol W1 N [0 WlIf "et"1119 Bitte.rs will not,speedily cure? :We nil olve Philosophy Of Elle fUll., a say ti ey can not..s4 thousand of Oases LUMBER AND LATH utio milk,..as it answer the same co 111pailioll was very ill4tilLillig. BOO, -SH TOR Wilile IkoL IT. B. just lie lig, purpose. wasn't lleari iig t lie �sprnion. t it' ii -ie atime. There is, not t it air hanently cured and'who eady,pert
11�ros., w4d 'fire ur girl," 'aid, "Fall Ellelll- ill"Sti-il In another Weyele rit ..a, cost .tit jo U a�re dAiiv recommending Ifle-tvio Bit. tif, Pine Lu.bei tin d OL 0 rHk. Elliot 110 I, ildacl ibe rull'itir afloat, IN PERRIN'S BLOCK. :tzth., tuinbor ur Lath WjljL "ER [ES IS, st- in Brown county', 8 if Frank'* ,fit prove. Al-ight"s Irge. s4ves rapidly; a ON I llavo noi guilty of ally tPil's Il . . . . �Iid Ittit theft a. call. Yard ivisibn D ij�j JV.�ak pr,6�, or any "brintiry A1141, who raised an 'cri)p 1,11 L 1'�Ijtulk tf�jj 0'rbil of the -THullt d !ged at back-oftho Vifirihig .1111 Ira f dry, woillugton I ality. (ApfflauA -omptly sewed a JNAN EVER. e, pi supproiiii� 1 , 11(l CHEAPER 0 coriep a% t quic.kl� TtS,ey pul.. Street; ( in Con. two . years ago, say ttj";t tile arain iij,y Igli s6. The best work, 2flo-tf, JOSEPH CIFIDLrY. I' tile "Ai -my," P�ai("s a C_"_ illedli t to Ilaye bled it bv' Weaf wbife matrops are more caim alSIOU t 01 ify the too(], regultito he-.bdwels, lcos t'O'SLllt ev, and ithio vioillity -in looldiur fully 1� roll 'w6s htfra tand'act dlr�ctly on the, worknien eni- a"il Coach their. falls to soft�;tnur� U dkeaspil W1111 as it did. th�t 11161. sister, Wlj'0 IMS urIjad lio civil I then arts Evei;y'� bottle guiartiteed. As I have flestqtlasq. vity.
inur III entire satisfitotion is a certallitY, -W% S P 0 appoi'tftec' Artlay, (I ale at 50o. a .66ttle 4 vll�atts ',VZ PARI. IMPRIENTS1 fican, Abe.rd ei; Dak, ;.while fail,, -in the I to o (A,ue i n 0 I ( all. took tho Ill. W, jilto - illy t5tiyll liands." RI r a' aBLYNSAW MILL� ell t1l $fill story CRICKET I J�R:uaE lumils:of widows t be tatiourid -It w4 allilde tip in a 0 Prbpl..* r fine of $15 w ROBERT AUTTERS t. of iiliy ij� PO'Strl are few laillu-W in Qll'e8jjjV jS ftliklOs tire poin Somt & Be, s 1)y. her :friefi's in the I 0. . . Porte 11 ill GX 0 S MAN & D 0 D D 11'. A�ajlo,� is lf*aviljg, Il.i-ni, I! v,v ook to Sertfiortli, rho subscriber bega to retit n r 4
fever line� a0tgput lit it grain crinher, %%,a are ahl AgSOILTNIENT OV Hadley is attached to Durlia tind I;o R4 h i in horna nd ti, B Are now prepared to. do all kin,ts of-worklin their thatiks to ]its .. eustoil0ti; mild t liblio
14peirce 8 spoutilliv Ory8tal Cityj %[all.,. imil Winnipeg,, oil tho SUOI Act. Olurt Cxircimras —Outsiders epin to a. L g, ilt �any Cline and oil the Hhurtoiitl, ilUve lately 0161- appearanct* for' tile 11heyal 1%tItIntige UX to cortlille))Ce the erpa, ClIaton .11111� notice, . . I I . . ., . . . . I I I � . . Now I es it dwreand tinim o poor I �';L & birinns, . �to -"be %yiih C11(i, idea., aroun dpol'ter's Hill) ciiiefly.among 06141,11A. Ij C -Ili. . ON (to it, reference—Pol-t tion i, -f -Wallerodul iii'a ............. :_ - I . - 11 Blyth, OVA dtiror4 of Qin- the. fluir Rek. ' % � - to.: M!, orl, at Videt A certain Ila a. Pat. that th6 3 unior N17,311 w davq It tchelor vvb6 got 11 RTL11,SS 6'O1fDUrjT.—G,, T:. R.' enf; 'cradWl tCi take off his harvest LFSPJIEN WA tIl0y'.P6yed latdy they t'SA N'T I- E) 990T ANo=FR D, D.—Tiie Lo 'don el"69 Nylliell Ag,6t Pattlimon -,bwi, horior a ih 'tinitt visiting TRAW CUTTING B'OXES,
Advertiser in wevo oppqiied I;y -8kinior piuked t(tams with hha lost, so inuas 'Pl*eilte lat wovk slated and q a i to. n-atu ral ly were badly. month oil] illfant Ord t lition Ilia) by Air,'Turnb t6 pfttiorjt� Chat lie I bail to go:to r WITII hNERM ND' D13MR.NYINA. brook.,Grit ell , out '1I lip Me expense *of, Ituying a -self Wild I (16 hls� Alitntia.y. evenin 0 N', f a c t Satfsfab.tigo.. Givoo, 'of iti)(1 blusinbas tiit, Van their con, �lj I r T) a A 7 B61 iv wi fuund :in alphabots It 1) en, The Clinton boy Lire 110 foulldiL nionti) Ohl nfiLkit Ali and lie threatens fij have that Dun- Tll*'L .seconded a rlisciulutibll� it be of goo litit Ot 010W Who 'liat'le pa -480 oklionses paid and earn Iarq6 iiitla? ies, by Rolling (I njottritill, slid with practice scribe' ati-ested if e* turns. up ualone in its glory in the Indies' wait ratice exatni"nation to 1pussible that per.40ii nionoonitil is the 4itty yeb.110ii" their Nonior oppon. tire recent vill, arounil the Efill agaill, s the dause,of WE entiot, nd tu; %va tiro and favorably Itnown throu4h- DO NOT thinit wndtfesaan, to yr. labi ar (I piooi; Dajill I lie was ents. T[itt anitt'in 011illtoll citi tilt) it]- rooln. It did oot suller froll) a Clinton 1-111i"ll 8�11ooli . S.eIrtility-ope allids Of ladles that"11mve givell N1148 oub Ontifflo, our wrontq 9ii(I nn Cr#uhlo in inaking 4 it all a All the 'trouble, .:, � mu,,,er to, [ice lInto n be it Good its tl;t- Best, slid Che I profuttioll Of swaddling efotbeil, two O'llatps dresoos and costurnes to riv 8.111m. No experience ap 0 lie wrote, twenty faur have, bearl porredtly dolizlitod Mid sUltifivil %I k (Lt. all .3 A Will be C DtCNt6d I W i th O' 11, tilled.1111Pkins an<1 ashawl conNti- 'live carried in doat, ill,11, drencis -llob duty tvi th the stv1q of the Irkin Solid its a; postal card for tortnii, etc, fipassed, slid ard recommended. 0.'od�,rli ho'butioa tb merit it viinthitiande of iho
TnEits is W mistake outsoniewheril. tile.fille4t, unior organization ill Oil. tilling the little inottal'; w6rdrobe. tilont but Clio HAR11,6-alid Miltififlig 18 86 filer' io the' Ioajid will probal,ly be Ph8se( by the duirbi Infirlauted.buforti leavlog the ostabliall- -CHASE BROTHERS, .about, tile alliount of-liq-tior, Nold in tar hositittlon In fligh School Inspectors. Of tiloso Tha two Misses X yle', of Seatort It, 'inolitthit6nolad�' need hard aw Nit iaer� nuin and-scotiminAn, Ito oul peeially eoirlinctitl a tri "I ..r p1maling W Dtos� jitid Costuniti fit MLAS t34 _y If re o Victim% I, 0. I I 0, r. ku kkg L4KEXORT ONT, Ala lw�liltTTIONS Or! .010 I"): T,' are visitbiq.g tit gnindfather8l, 0 AkeT _ivort OIL WEIR"S
The temiltors and farmers art,- p6 t W 1HEETING 11 ... I Ithe kiew Position lie E')tltld lIiltls(.If a .:6 n 9 qn, Q O ten' h t dIffer 1IFST TInANDS 0 oonthioal oxpenia to Ireop tire tlrog* 'montl Wert) rvjeuted i7it, di' tatiolij a: �j�vjtor ra I Ify meding. O r, iro N�itl don. elA illasseii Of g66do. 1 Alayor Forregwr alid'oldof lield fit Choir. ball 'it oe -a soulewilitt stiverii cllftractor� Mr. Nvm., Croo a -W so, was Injured TEND,ERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY 'T Z&A OALL G01,161T", IN 48 Anil I I df, kb GIX8, on thf--ii '--.�aggon wlicel.4.6iVing k e IS f Ic_ �lip ' ' DIPLE110 I - 1,41 110 Of-11flio Othel, 'Tlid bloat fastid16118 MIII] be tionvineett that Miss' .1 -, I., - itIld falli L n,6C.' IN ` , , si�pllart 11611, ifA16'170 �Lffit()�`[IlGli 8011 ort,livy" - 4tuto ever' ou bistnits.4 hor'busines9i 001" y kluell III excess F holidays, Fr 'Cou 111 ty. M R. 0 1111pt fw ,it and,that she Wit I d6 li�r %-tiry best, to qatvr to the ji,%al ILPPIY W 0 11% �TA RX 0 tid waif 18 suppotied to have ours' 16, of, Porterts the of ant, littly'W0 should visit -diir W, U. sedy. �,jr, ifild pOY:TrjIj fill
,,,ft , I)y 80,110 heart, -estabil,thilient. -rha itunoti of unaa And couti- Captain in'place of M.r. John 204
HAILSTROH, eps Parent 1,vl1O - -ive more rattentiou N try it; now in, 'Clio 'rn�at b6sinoss and 6ill rest naiured. that there Will ,,It ,to inistitIt, '611"ton, July 7th .2t. orquarta. NNADIAN Als-4 a' to rect 1884 .4tita; dalliage to property from. 11 if. ni I,y bile, 6,30 train from the of tile bad a, very AD PORTM, L,V .A. canio in fill,t calls on the fArriii-ps thirodghout 06 allerralt)"s or dlsafi�ohitniiinh, ' orders attended. stOrnis is conRidaM as likely to oc'. was promoted froin th�. Position of township once. a wok witli a supply to witil d1l.'stixtah.- l0foulA-1Tq CLiNTON1 Bank t Sah r, all is J,.inliage frolin firo in'Otitar, Littliteallut to thilt Ot CIlPtaillby ae� SOLItIl. � Slid is ftUPp08ed' to' llftV0 idea of. tire sulijvct. put, in. of Clio Carrieous ti4pue, r,,u P e. .constantly on ,011 gotte- north. -pdperg, cHEAP EXCURSION' A Dakota #,Xchange . iteinisps., el aill A ]ally -at PikeIs hot, I ,,tat .11110 well executed John Robertson. ITHOUT RPESERVE, ation, Thd noxt in dur was th o linai the hibint new in cbargP. ' It is 'thilig which callnot I O too 16011 W tind of A Lioutenant, Two C. —the Yat)ktori losurtinco Co., paid ftP111-till hariellionlie and healthy, 25 Petits is y A Lawyer's 01011lon 9f lintere9t To Toronto on AVgust 5th. % leptio.11 , to THIjAl, (In.sray.it ALU, \Vidi" tho III. L Reftirn.-Fare NOVEL OF— oeawi idates were in tire field, Nlir. loll n somi. Ave clla;g(ld to 4CO And already about NJ PLAIN rr $1501ast we Of the paptir in, t.lictatiou aiid.perw . A. n A OIL 119 at. artial darvages. to his Crop of, wile" Croll and W. I-1. 0ooper, The first cmlq-ro.�r, IIA8 bOPn' gOtt011 ill 068 Way 11 1ps that ili all' t1w top I of. Winona, I ballot restil ting in a ti� 7 & 7- The L50 -by ))all recon Which will be applied to puruhnso ib for inore than Clime SEEDS of r. Ji Orall clotijillef for it; papars watt g9od and fair rTilesiets. Good tot T-wo MICY66
-,WrLL to tho abairman giving the (;aqting lip., MAREts. that I reirard Dr,. King's New-Discov- ot itorki in tire olumns of our local Ada Drown ............ .......... pl-y lor Cl;nfon at 6.27 i%.M. R OL:
yi(.,Nv is for t1le,follow1r,g: "ons6tilption, as the �Put at 7 tion. B -Su votc-,, misequen t ly a. wicond bill lob 1tOTTXN EOGEM Tire I F UH TUBE N ,I3e)tAnl-ln96 we4k, It. Hayood d6rie ......... '387 'm Lj OL WA4 takUll VQ8111ting in faVOr Of W. Atherton, jtLjij Will kjtoWjl� I (, ('Ay in the WO1114 far Cdughs and SEEr"N S I k and as. Patter 11 . 0, J)y 11111nia I I Speei4l Train will IdaV6 Termite at 6 IN I ,the bridkwor 0 t 11" Cooper or by 9 to� 83 , It lilts nevor ritilod to, bore fill t0d "Iciltio ......... ............. 37.1 tile Cnt(la in 1110001111110diltO those WiAbilig iO CCURDANCrs �VXTTt A, RE- ALDER! Ablintoo, olom Clio plastering I have had, 266 it s0L TtON of the prbditots, the wholo.stooli; ifroetirn Forlture of Clio '11 the coustrul, Wis ITYNre.ftil.L.—011e of t11646 pleasing tile, y6ling fair, li�ut(!Ilatlt ................... und lkivaelnbl� reli�vlis Clio �ahlr in 1 I . tion and f �j 0 y thn 0 Estat it teAdenCe for Dr. Sloati, a events t1lat alway's gladilpli Itlift as a daugliter, of courmo lill0olln$j i- ...... host.11 SEEDO e ofG, D3111 &'SONS lal'y L, tottltls ible. . , - T *11110 itorn furtlipt inform us t Ijill, the li(tarts of tire yoling folks took place and'Ntrs, Alitneton being agreel .1 ofthis stlre:tiure (or HE LATEST 1 11powl) ot 4,111111ttilif AggiaAlWal-VO, .......... .............. 354 till Throat anti Ding DiAeiiAes may be ny�ptajjg, work was well, done, ab thil I'lloytil?l 0;1 Thursday last, Tire Major t1lus avoupod the, right to iellie Nforrigon ....... ........... 333 IAd Willbosoldst,(IOST P11t)(0019 a youll". ..417 Frp,e At, Watts & 00,5 Dpug,,3tope. A NO the renowntil Tion. IttAY26th; the stock Includea Tho occasion wits tho InateingO of treat, t1l, fililly 44 one of the (4"rtfe I)IIIInkner, .............. go size, Artist, hiul olittigil Vie fairlilyti,nob an AlIldi,
Tim rumored app6intinont of -Ale. k, It"ni)p prite.1rigilt ll()%V_ trall 11fil(I ......... SUPP Y etq 11.0orMt, dy's only daughtfir, ....... 346 resh Ono door ItAdelitfs to the Collectorship clivistino, to -Atr� J. E', 1111acka,11, V: ever, Rays 'that tile People Christ ................. 412 31A)IOUG ES, ollit of tile 01111P.90 Sideboards, 111111*Q11111,C9 Q(TRACT4MLO 'eh turns out to have bef, d 8 11 .... .......... 303 CLlFFbVD L . Aild a, toporal All now ittid of godd (46derr. L fl Xentiody, brother o." the of Dtinvillo'disaiSprovarl �of the itew PtIliIiii, till) 0 I ....... WOMMInj411111. TOO 040k win be taith fit' Ale, A. F ai�rcwi 'brot Miss 4n'nia Blile-101, Ais. rel bilormbill alld w( �S. _VIATO-M—At BlYthi on OF T&LULP, her 11,j). Arthur ............. 11 ... gal 61celitita fortitt 11. ha been tj .......... ...... "jo I NVednosday, July 23rd, by 06 lZov. tirrid at the wro-rdorrili ejfL'GV'ff' Dlitat'. & So io groom, stand by tire he sse Nlctorfii, Parrow I AP R I Z E it a t1lo Major Id Ives, CIliford, ...... ........... 323 of otoldr hex, I& inoto ul,intiv right otivity. TEMM -All tindex $1 owr tivit He% Aftid to he in, every cipale, to Itio solmila eoutract, his daughtpr in blia, flo much no LOA0 Vatoll, n-fliluk othe in tina ty6riki, Y,Aunea aNvalt trie intillat oft ilioritlai'L Credit, 011 aPfjroVt(j J,),nf, way qualified for did ptiition. Mr. The knot wiis tied 6V Itay. 1�tr" tilltf L t1l"y treitt ............. %vorkora ahkollita] viluftl, At elicit ruldtoort TRuit n ottie. 8 per tell b, per arinu or off for oaiii[L On at I Oil) �air wily a Getirge A. IjoOdy .......................... j 6 Of 1111trutift, is will re. j 0 kdli fild ait PAP tho whitla &trwk mmt he avild Iviffiiiii w1a Ittiddlilwe, it Tli� britlowitif beautifully (lost, of rottoll aggq 4 -fir it tok'I'll 6t ani $fill ............. Imeith. this 1.4 air tottio.11ont ob%iwo for View tilt, ion 618wilere. Ito do. ndbe Joseph arshall ............. WII,hlriq to par6hitiul ebeall. R heoAtL tr...... 11, July 6th, 1894, at I O'. 0 of a number titcost,ly on lird fincm It a' ............... 1� OV &j D" "A Rb :tIlONfAS, .it t
TYRATi n offlope of the W M' �Njj.: Ilugh riilmlgan. of tho Town- 61 f'o jwkfid to Call attmition to 06 marmor slid bpautirlil Pr(taelltir , th OL lia ppy It' r My is J)ob to 6i allowed lo MA4 ............................ 03raliak Irloal, OWcagel, Ill. of Lumbot to tiffored forWoeh, 1)(' (jtjL tlia'G. T. coup'14 and friendq partook, of (I it US John Stanbury ........................ tn N114t; Liley 'Aun A' M, L A G It
A0 M 4 n o Ploliket, U West Mwallosh, 00"n' Atammoth SO a Warehouse. A, oltracil, Wa1put, Be utirforto Ath, Elfu .It, in thd Auitlity of ('11111fork treat"A 4pecially `Pmpared wedding feast, Nrlio- tvoul(l be all offloorl Atrijor and ji.,Lsaw6oa. I 11fiinia t"Arrow, ...... ty of Ilaron. . . 7 The Ilapi (,,tnpIOyp(j ondor hini. 5y COU'PIOL took. flib noon Athorlon '.9boul(l noD bo ePn.§urf,( TUNISOZ FtTAKING. V train jur tho oaq IL111 .............. 4 ... Now Ana suporlor -UNOP n�jr We i Istgely with ))y0fallit, rijing for Whitt is fit) Ov"PJILY ...... 333 OfEnAt WaW11001, Tilihilimioll (if Oialalainbali will bo 4tteialtidw to yo ....... L ..... .. 1.
rattlet tilb oxoption. tourand returned Saturday,They will If 110 tilkAAL tho propol'.8top, David Artilahlonety-y .................... 4t jo Iwitik charts, it lid at greatly rildoatl pfl�oil. 66"010 0. imake 011. W, ", ti a *0 is wulibilb p(ti-ont", why Robert J. bealitl ........... i17 4 InIfIding A vory 11, a AA IlSyloa 49'%ay aty6ntv In the worl,T. r�t teil 001`6 Lbeir 110mo in Oil) & g H Tin S J68ppir oogftli�11101,rb 0 d%V6111fig, jrn- SoMW L eir 'frit, fro.1 aaaff fzm N."s" 9 look After widt th 'ILICIS i n Wishing abould he not bo allowe tho ppivil- .......... ......... 375 pvtivemill; to Mill 4th -p 11. 0. TVS3 fro* goi of 0i