HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-30, Page 20917 MIllyit proatOr almd thain that, 141 Awarao4t been tryiul; to itilluce Mr. Molvat to OOMMUNIOATION& of the Lola himself. kjoltwoswitli 'Will colt.00 when tile XoCartby Act "I s9oaro ohAins,thols tarvolno so4l.
to u#, under the decision of tile privy do tbe thing lie hols, now done, For Paul; 1041104'On the wIlY, W119 was do- will ba the recos Ise 1. w of the d :
d it ly 14 throw 9104 solkelti on to
Remov40ea. Crawford. a dozen �eara,tbey Lava vinployed clarod by Him to be q, "chosen vessel land,and in that event Mr. Kowat's the road li.ad, continued on $Ile ruti,
Council. $0410teftlie, owat'" not 10*1 olaselvelll ril ollliib�lojb, a. fwfalog to bear Ins plami before the 0eutileiii:
,Xr. At Il'o tilish it to lio disginctly undn'stood that W do Intiliectors, etc., must go, and there. via Rile& swei; to,Bsileylo Iiiii,ol where
Gill Nvltute4-44meo Wore, arguments, entreaty, remonartanco 3, Awo
farce is About played out. Tile opr- ribyo:l 0111f, Lip, Nswis wit and who can doubt that in all thpile ftfra in arder to got even with Sir It Woo stopped witbolit damagino
("III Ivauted—ollaa. Spooner, andthropm to got Ontario's case Ink 00 called and chosen, as your car. John oritl give his appointees the
Cholo-A is Coat ivo I tain will won, be rung down And. ell before Judicial 10'01"wittee of tile reepon4oute say, 'Itliebeart or spirit, 1 bounce, they inust carry tile -Scott eld siatidned A sliglit, sprain of t
Editor Ifuron x4f;-Rogont Ii.
Last Cheap Vxvirston of the Somou. Mr. Nowat will obortly'liave played Fdvy Council. At lwtt Vr. Uowat Uhl spillerewal; so awakened !a them I Act. 1 And, also tbsit, pearly alI Clio wrist, but otberwiset noburt,
Dri ontaidlig--401111 Robertson. Ill* last piece as tile chief delineator wsecornered And forced before tho Sir.,—Y6ur issue Of 23rd is now be- that tit 'y 'Were Competent, to toach ad vqoites of the Scott Act who claim
-ro ry filing has Z e Ilia flonor Judge Tome beit made Ilia
Court. Till tile vt fure me, clintaining, tile comments 01 and 1034, others to follow -in the toot. to lowe any influence in tile Reform decision ill County asses
'Of boulidary b4ocoulbe. pin- tiloni. steps of the Ureat Nkster, ttle foma. ranks, are the busiest nen: hk our .amontappeol
happened which tboso "traitors" sald your corrcstioudents, sig der of the ChristiAu - ebureb." Bub. tQWnr Irtadvocating the same. if tile. Came, which cOnd"Ina tile assessment
would liappen — tile thing they (it -lilt, ovives respectively, and' thd ige of lifirulca Is now mmors are making tile temper 0
of tile several township� its made by
R "d to 1141"jen-' And To, we ore told Ilbfilodkor.,* on illy letter in your Clio County Council and makes tho".
I do not tlibik that "either of your ancopeople their tools in theoArry.
that lie litili gal' tied I% great viutory. previous issue, Commenting on thO Correspondents "Aollgi Ing out of tills, measure, It " a Win!, besswe"t for tile towns suid. wit
rl ou"I.or -"Ono 40,fQ11Ow8'0iz;) 'Pagea III Ontario nobodyaeriouitly ques- movoinvilts of tile 130 called "Lord's looUor," will aporbIllat thence to the I' not allow my a f STLAKES
pets, a I'
What stuff oxiiiii notlepnsei if vot . ace Tory, 'WIT A -DAMS Til
t* iedtlieriglitoftlieProvitict-toa rmy," in this place;. and I can prosent,day the Byatem. of Christian to lie InAlla the voting matililue of; BY, J1171)(11111 BT COVI;TY
aplieniv% will partisan pupora ill. lot A as- teaclil1w tims'luitlatod, h such designers. I hope thematter Bayfield, large territory welit and nortbftliti P- as beigo lm-
Godevich Nows, in.' Tits lateRil ig, the Globv sure you it lima givell me great upoldt-� I do no villbe fafrly discussed without dra Bly Lit, 138,840 1311'"
height of Will Tito (,illy quarrel t think they I
dwibbing ir Let iianl Tilley,. "tile tboollwaitors' hild Ivith Mr. Dlowax ell Intel- iviltritoliture3li say that the proo6ed. ging in politics, and t
ligont and --discriminating writers, ingsQftlio "Lord'sAvaty," the "Sal- one togive An Intelligent Vote o,, the Clinton, 481,1:130 450,0W
delluty Of Provillellep", *.%a tbai lie ref list -d to take tile prop- baya to such a large extent endorsed vation Army," or any I otbo L r hu an quoaVon. hiseteri 336,050 3 1 U^X)
pleasure to find that two an bull- enable every 111-118801s, 2 !o
er stell% -to nldj.(J� our title to that ft -r- Your$, etc., 875,M 11015,000 0 -al 0.il bluron fleoord, device, can be more effootu.4 for thD
ritory good. Por a, dozen years lie MY views- Tito writer over the work. It tbey do I must differ from 51PERAN0133, 6 467,LQW 450.0LIQ
The Globo dilates, oxiiatiates, upon 11as liept tile people out, of their own sinature "Roll ion," says that 'It 344,70J 340, .0
cireallition, -over 17DO 0 0 and prefer to choose ittle more Goderlobl. July, 29th, 1884. VZLi�::-No fainily Should bewithout oue--�F*
Some QXteUt,.8orlQX" 114,
m given Voice If they prefer the Wroxeter, 80,160 100"'o')
------ and CAI -pis at tile idt% -Of tile -PA)Un- for .6,016611 persotial and party pur. oxcellentwEv
Wednesday, Jilly Both 1131v Award hoing a l poues; when, as the event proveR, It(- to the opiniou of a considerable nl�m- mode and tea;);1inIX of the Army, "to The sneak
proper niatter thieving of the past few
tilight. have ell(sed tile ollatter in six bet of his follow. citizells, if I tha� f lly recogulzed., body of weeks, it is hoped, has been stopped
AnIt to
for le -al. adjudiesti6n. It I t GODER10H.111 by the arrest of Aaron XoBriet, last
44 C iris inn teachers I Loan not. d
0,yrilpllo BOUXIDAUr however, tilat tend nothiligg tnore4 judge bythe expressions of, appro�al can not however but regret the fact FrQm our oton Corres,"Ment. unday. 'I'lie immediate cause of
The wron- done thilt Province lias and "Onlooker" am- which this in.*91ves: that therli'mqat
1A RC I'll/ Tile- Dot.viiiinti. And- the various Pi o- i , . 13 the Armst was tile lose by Mo0colable. For that wrong phatically eek, Law
atlas, oil am not a be. Ile sonietbing, wore Attractive int. the I Afre., Citift was in town last w rerfee of tile Stindaylo provision#,.
cmerumming o6o4 march, Airs. IL Radcliffe is vistO ng tit Buf lvinch half been stolen from the too
v ))ices wore the parties interested 51ow-ai is solely rospoosibIpi hever in all the motbods and protencQs
OF ALL THE rivor, iw that in certain latids. They Agreed to be , held,. to the Army*' tba. tile rate, bilx: in his cellar during Saturday DINDIN:G CORD
For that, wrong lie will Ing. with 11 a in
lipea played on. national boards of the Lofd'o, Army—A good many religious teaching, or the absence Afr. Eugene Carey to. home On* night. Suspecting Chat pi-isoneri, Ur.
thatentitIM tbe "Boundary Award:" hmve the nialter to arbitration, just things they do and, say, are utterly ab- it, in- some of the congrogatiomi from Vi8it. Lawrence obt , allied a searoll warrant, Just Received.
tile satue as several fartners. would f rover. which the reornits seem to be obtain,
bftm: been tile most ahsnrd� It ALSO borreut to all correct ideas o ed. But As "Onlooker" tile Meeting of U.uroh 19,neampment on which Ile placed in tile hands of Con..
leave flin the boundary MR@ LYON'$ ence-1 and religious, behaviour.." - Your Friday. stable ule for execution, Con,
opid lia7ve been the most ludicroviN griestion, there been no increti�'. stables Yule and McKay proceeded
lilies, of thoiriArivis, o arbitration. coritempontlont, "Onlooker" is again ed activity since the Army's adve Af ra. L%ing of Stratford, was in town
nt to tile j.-risonerls. residence, and 90
wAre it riot Chat while tile Grit An oxchange reforriu- to the res- empliatio in big ondoremet of my a last week. n
A properly constituted board of ar� 0 in Clinto�?" I hope lie may be abl enteri g were salutod with tile gag-
netors-wern playing' their asmamed i -nation of Alowat's pot Lyon,p- to rd a, a or to It.
bitrators is to all it4tents and puro retty views when be says "There are objec, AfTo a sw Mr. Ed..Doyle has. returnallfrom *rA0 odor of a roasted leg of laiAb, a
%Tt the country ' bad to "pay joint that shouhl have been.steaming DES,, -.Uii iD M91�1,
p poses It. judicial court. correctly squia up the bo8blegs, as tionablo features about the Lord's There is only Ono query wore which his Western trip,
Statutory I,, tile domicile of Mr. F. F. Lawrence.
the piper, followa,:—Tho "Aloniber for Algo, Army beyond doubt. I would ihat' I nPod nobiee,- I am asked "'who is Colonel the Hon. A.. 11. Ross was, in
provision I lit -ance,of the urchasixg el
R inade for the formation bold enough to say that revivals have town over-illondayi - julmedi,ttely on tile appeal Call 41.14 et Prices before p seWbew
yvnra. Ago Sit, John Mae- ilia hall resigned.. Ile preferred to they could do without their street 0 ism am cBrien injide off through 9
M accomplisbodno.,good?" Heral-am rile town is pcetty well filled up 01
drinfild walitpil -tile inatter of the of such boards, the mode of pr.oced- resign rather that) face' tile disclbs� parados,and musio. I would again an opening in the fence utid made 0--0 ------ 0
In Accord with your corres�ond- with summer tiurists. almost a bee line for,the river. 'Vile
Tile ures of the election trial. Alis res that the &ri�ny'a mollos did not so elit�- ow verevaneseentsensation.
Ire, of taking evidence, etc. a. a
Ontario Bounilory roferred, 7to the Boring is still the le'a"lling featorol at conkables, followed and tile prisoner
al religion may lie, some good seed ig
Ijill Salt W,
fact of tile dispute being referred to ignal,ion will not give undue pain to much give rise to - a spirit of irrover! the B all. I to surrender, constable Yule
Privy Council of' Englapfl. Mr. Day fall and take permanent roof,, refusing
qrlij,tration at all sliows'tilitt it Was. lie Local 'Government, Tiley will epee, but it tbeee irreverent Croatia but ati61i rosolt;H'aro small in compar, liss Hattie Rea(I, of Clinton, is the Ared a pi4tol, with the intention of
Mowat refused. He Pritered iritq, bi partially saved from the scandal, in tile past, been, properly trained in ition to . the energy wasted.. Time tests guest of tlio Aliases Dark. Criglikening him, lint lie took no
a purely, le 41 question. There was.
9 nqL with tile Dominion- ous revelations that wero aata-sacredthins, tbiwwonld� Alt Tile. Spurgeon...- Xr. D,, Doty !a around agairly- After notic?� of the allot, in lle-.motter.of onsat" -Afr. no doubt ill Tiop�4' of movement linq boon the most Kit ess- Ilia recent littietis. West street others
r A-ij- not Ikave boon the casQ. I would� yacAnt lot to
ry, tuttonal character, It was %:tnere Havi himself from, -tile charge,,; Ill, of modern times, find tile rival' Miss Lizzie of Galt, is visiting lolned in the chase, amolig tile num
by a6itration, Tile late 0,104 Jus- that the meetings could be more ber being Mr. David CtIrry, who 1HOR AN HARDWARE MEMANT9
mat,ter of metes And bounds. Sir volvirig persotial (lilt arinips are ambiti6lis of supplanting bet, sitster Airs, Elmes,
quiet, and in accordance ith our it. But tb 'latter work . is n a very tuAlly caught Ili- prisoner and
Jas.sumerville, M.P., ofLuck- even
handed him over to tile constables,
If A -Ito :;T-wa .
-Aft 'a, -(W-6r .1 . )Y,.'L
VE141ward Thornton were till, him, We do not, undlirstand that it I call 0 cobvey*d to the gorvatives held this view. After tbatthis work of the Al; be 'allo'll Iiot1i,5i#oor.iool3py your space
-of 1878. X a prosecutorm bub- alloiid Joe 111 Clie sutntuet ppy migh a I ny L. f tirtlrei", your obi, Mr. and'Urs.-Jmloson 'And family ' kup., kit tile artiole.stolexi frot
wr0gling and 'P done in the church and with the. f ham, a leg of'
ft(le' tlip:li ward which has just twelve years of abandon those chargem; tind Mr. rellp0ndelis challenge onquiry as to 0 Stratford, tire visktir.ig herei Sfr 'Lawrence, VIZ.,t,a
.-a lamb, it crook of bu 'er, and a dozen
tQL'ther co-untry Mr;LJ:L&oWat Lyon -candor-cannot I -in, sianction.and,-suporintend therestilbs.of their respectiva labors, Logan-Jeft'-pri ile OmAg-
get aside IL ly lla t Thurs( I Jay evening for Sag'
flip Judicial Co' lie' cliargi-o will lip ence." Rere -th r I may afford- them some in "Ja . ale, '*iiro -found louse,
agreed to test its Itgnlity and ther rwiigniv'�, an are both yoll Am?wig the articles found hi the pos.
.#inittemof the Privy Council." tile on -the subjeck Mrs. Andrew W.gadol return6a
66TIlp pressed, and Al r. yon must take correspoudents fully endbrsini
hmsession of tile prisoner, J, R.
decision is 'D RtK0VFib
Yours &c., from her eastern visit on Tuesday, , . Nov"
a a p 11 inatice of the comments on thor pro� er has identified a iubber over.
MoXenz,ie t e'al corigilqtiO 1EX111 'Waddel returnedhome
Boundary is not Ioually. binditl1g. poe, Whiell IV i Mr. A rod tewL Mill
-1 Ilk frielld as coat; Nil-, Joseph. Williams a Carpet
Ottawa at et1to ratify the Award, wall s. 111111- ;eedings,of "blio Army" in Clinton as -VAvt Mr. J. M. Slip A saw and
Thi's coalti have Peen know.n ten or -Ly6n's reignation ollens from Foi -hur last Saturday.
C', self. Mr. contained in my letter. Nay, even -W�Jf6, , ppaiO
MAcdonald Government. km#.Rocord. ',. -
Tive Rev. and rs. Jno. Walters left by square;-Afrs. 11acara, I% portion of 8,
wonld have been amusea at e. - noon train yeat rday for Uon,
Tv;o tlearq ago 11�4L not Grit par- 12&M L large.carpet, ; and Messrai tnatl,
up q, tb arf intereati-og cliapter.�of using stronger language Of. cQ�
Would not do so for Various 0 . I�VT T1 1:
tylsm prevented it. political.his�ory, offset nation. ill thar two Stratton, Shaw and bamerous others,
sons, the chief one being that line the-absufflities ontained IIA RE If OVED
to tile of thiI Al�orna el.ac� diffiSrent arti'les that Tied. been TO THE
Haid they confined thdrilselveg to Mrs. Will McCoy of PinconnIng Th
of the arlAtrator declared Aat tion that the Olcotmpiracy" slandpi. your last paper, were not' stolen from their I�remiqeg.
The ailt of kii(okin- a man down to, this, -there would- ave been no, tile. Attempts 'to condone blasphemy for her.home last Tivirsday even.
33T.001<: -�R*
lionever tlie"re Was any doubt am to was Sprilng,, I't Ivan, brit6rious that as to g. prisoner wits brbu-hi before Nlayor
then �tll Aloold,
out of pure cusswlnesq and 0 election WaSVON. '.The needt troublo,jou any further so painfully apparent. When I filid at. 10 a. in... Alonday, And his
'ITS The Schooner'INT. f3talk&r' with 500 Worship
where Via line was.the. Formerly occupied by 51r. Jaines Anlltli' two (loor nortli of the Grand UnI
bO.tho pool�, my opinioly oil their proceedings, but art�or hearing, the evidonep ll(Itel, wil
in is Val,V grossest a Iftil, their 1111�ppy "Hallelujah Sal- tbm, of coal for the Bla. Mill finished ere he4ill Ile pitlased to sce till lilm old ali(t inally new oil�'..
apongo4ing t as tile have trea of Nfn I�awrence anti ConstsbIn Yule, t,o e and see illy stmA ,"Seotell add Canadian Tiveeds,.10.4h Serges.
in variabi v il�.oided aai list Clio claily!s y ted some of their,. ra
poor aatisfaction�to theAnj6red, Conervative voters w'tre Aisftan.. lies"' "Saved unloading on Monday colmutitted tile prisoner for trial at I
own erroneous assumptions am facts, 11,01-'steds, and Fancy '111'rouseirings andSunkiner Over-
Ontirio- This course was per-.
clilti�d. The 11,�i Portag Illitil-ti attributed to� me o 'nions: 'Ienny's," Smiling Sallies," and C.A' arey )ybo died Tather ni -tie t (;oua:of botlipotent jnris ruAle
Tile Volic last week �eferted, e and ha P the X
-ttontly pursupd. This phant- of the were I 11108 which bave never expressed, and 11,,XVIre-mQ*vthod Roarersi"' etc,, in diction.
to' IaNiyar asr flagrant, The d isina auddenly'last wet -k was interred
to a' prominent-Toron fillueS L cen Paidil' Awl Burden, never entorthilied, I nifty be oxcusekj, an etery. award t. N it] Wcvin EVERY GARMENT tS k 1% IDVERTISEMENT
wns "flicient,to vitiate i hold ;qp,,,,%p exapip arm D piety -aud the '!notorious M�. 'F.' 1), Barwitlk 'hZ - beep. flu ng oil- tile faille of- the froui trespassina a little- furthei on who Is -Week a. cricket match'
persouations of religion, tolmind Kate Rearl, of Clinton,. -left and L Milton Made by the fle.4t 111feelli-.1111c�4 and trinlinea Ivith'tbe Best Put there were otbor featureitAll (lie between the Godei %vile is now,. engaged, runnit I House. ApJ your space. vialilng in town.is I fie' kuest of; bliss the mitaket, lit Iteasolilyle, zW h1r. As it Outux
ig lilt,] boen conv.ict
nv�,hrif tO�T(?nder it the memoralilp words of Madam: -ounda of
riot du 'Your4orrbap. iguagoleads . . 1 1 clubs was played, on'the gi I It Ill 1 ()010 rail k e r is gi�cbrk(l tonotlelil t1lectitinly.
ap,irious. vo� e.A. Tile Cabinet NO R ilaxi the former. club, The home team ters, at tile. Muskoka
Not O'a ly tile opposicion thus V Miss Annie Lawrence of Pavis is tile went it) first, and- came'off victorious '*, 6 to can have them inadc' up and trimmet) o
Acbordiii to Qivi text in 6onnection, d as'sho boviec r licautitul e anti at iiasouslile
iejiltur.- is. au -6 Church, fioad to,,.thb 'statue of Liberty iti the 'guestof her relative, Mr. and.'Afrs., Fi
WIC I . - ; I . .
ive therfi. bn that Place de: ]a Revolution, a e
a now sty.9 it does :n6 lie while on Ile L wr nee. the scores, viz )I ilia award ill lit Wsordaiti6d nainistorf th C%HER9
it,, tho fill, to vinces" by 50 itins.. The following shows.
ported a arbitrator re, but tile I wish. to uildec
that they Lilt. boon- point,.,And assure thorn that '110, Liberty, Mr. N. W. Jons who is sperioing
lieve that Mi. Dtrwielc bad -v: trnin wit.hiJ'1:' All oil. & . .,. . I I 61,a gUeStr Of
sea regardless of 9 p no nor arn I .,too full of sanctity way to. bo' (jxQcTAtod : 'tted In tile vacatio� in town is, IRT INNINGS 2�G:y OAK'HALL.
dAryline in ml�me Ca' how many crituals arelcoinna ally lvind.An the running-in,of viously 1116' iny, to. lot,my. spotless rob6g,bolich.tho. thy narne I" When Ono -notices the i ic k I i�jf R.�,StRrk c, Johnton.b. Stevens —2
the weight of, evidence, in others 'not garments of till otitbast," it,nd tlj(?Il-h 11ftys 1). Stevens
11spurio s,vot6l.s aticl -that tile word Icen oil t doing. of the Aripyists here and in A nllmbe�. of summ�r tourists 10
m;itllout ally -evidence ni'all. 'p, t . fully And AkAhis Ibo Without all cial call for by tII4, ivallier. Ocnto -61i Dr. ]logs b. Kennedy
vaticus parts Of Ontario, their uttQr -7 At
ed to lit)). in crisis I -. morn dotipprate me of tile Tight$ -of dthe a, of Sattirday aftenloon. c,, Ny.righ t b; 8 to 3 ir Jrilin.-ilh.lared the awar'a not r
'his electioneerin- :cacit M 11, Vidal b- Keiniedy 9
their passing Mr. A. Farrow bavinno.
of tile' Local Government enlittired nd fight, the evl of. the tirne
legal w4rd, He �y, r Nay,' further, it is. far from me 'to been swfyrn 1-1. Mactlermoit run out.
Darsvick play find considerable Con;' or bi)ught soine of. ti counterfeit money, their thefts, tile s --A
rxn�i* fwl. i ' .1 . M finfault "Ir any oria attempts this 11.C. 'Ross run out.
ir a chmilittee of the Ifouse. einbezzloments of'the their
themi; 'and u"rams%
Untorious" only rHerr I the' work I ain' not ilafraid to duties there'or. �W. IV. Jones Vens—
Relation, *ill kn'o*%4n,,Ahat*he,is DO to t4sk:too ]Ono neglected by illoie daylight and Midnight ilbpiotis earn'- - F.McPhillips c Sta.nbury;b Kennedy 5 0- y 0. 1.
.Of timmonk to invostiahte the.mat- Proliffloot - not out
'"]logo duty it ,vas to 9
ilotorions in.the way of,:rahnin.- in.. CIIPM as Npie.,;, livirs, 111114peiJurer.i.in d it'l—I virill. Valli; till ights. with Jesus and going Will iiiner, who is�vlaitillg Ilia W.
r ay T. Armstr " b. Stevens' nd To�*gn -!'8uft1*n.gi§
bomaNvith tho girls in tho.inornin . go a6.0 g E
I.r., Thaf 06minittl"O r,eport:ed tbAt tile. "couspi - racy. P) case. Thit. is five, only have they noi, done so? sisters,sliqlVed th' tmym, bow to 111 ...4 West of ngland,. Svotoh
spurious voters—that is III Ilia elell- b' cricket ittlia mtel last ad
true s�,crot of:tbe case. It They, tbll liours, their pc!rsonvt1 b. Kohn -dy 0
%ttri,uto toi�O-tIlloopinlo, ativisaasoni
-tioneeringev i�y-. Tile iate,Tlic' that ordainid, ministers only can be A nit-teting mider ilia till, iii o Y Trbusen,ngs' li&h Rench- ftrst6ds.
tile award did not describe tile'ti ac 'Come Otit-in. &10 �vill all from the platform, of Christian, ces r 13 oil ;Eng
botfridaries of 06til io. tod) before
I'do the 8946 is -its, hol&ij, log Byes tI,:Q;j;en, of Goilerich', 'while ildfwr =s,'aD(L the false dedial.4 of thelk
lifter1beAndingof tile Commit. n6t s6 think.. 6.r.dipition not drum thquiping on *the Sabbath havi. VictOl'i'Lliall.on'ill.oi.ittity. vvening.
of the."Carvadiart" ih -a u r -ed . At Political -and Pithy -Points. owifer bolin�.qs.'.on:tfic recipient but interfered With; docorous'roligioul; Turn out'in )Isten to. Ball
t r..AXowdt to . . . .. .. 1. . 1.1 't ed that a certdiii stilip Y u thbri ty topbrform�titeg' , I- JL
yo 21 1' services ill properly dedicated, places tba 7 tktuttal ion, Bano which flag the -CLOTIIIE R
.'�rs gone by atn;t refei the to -the Privy Qbuin- 79.
not fit"to car -D .11': 4A or peril f which rosts with of worship -1 Am c6listrained to a.%.- reputation beit inOtipir
ey ihe 6, 64, late, backed hope 0 lm.: 1.10, ainn, what crit assorted stock now flild qummer Goods. vil,', Mr. Mo'wat kill refuslid, pfia- 'lie cii: 11 ossureyur el, nes a' 2ND OF GODIM1.011. fell, Mis it Alliellf
I b Alowat and'ln16rality'l t (?,� ". r. .9.
Aume� Ing visce a ii t pre-' and I' Suits at; the prioes ever liettild of��nonu but t1lit-
most I ti ra,to. a. bear. Y.- Icorre'spoinients that I. I no committed in th'y'hame 1" b..Stovens 41. Or(k to lyingly* proclaim to Oil- from,the oil bridge bol'i Ila.y.s. run, ot' -3
or tfi In it (tigs it lit I li ts. -u;i ni it tevd, A foll 1k
17pon, with Alr.- judiaod, AE$.theyCharge, I.Iagaintta;byr :guell ig or nt:,j Ile be who wicked'- the riv�r. I)P!ov th'e Alit! is a. ti IVIi IL11
being-ramptiCratild bna a 9
Dr. Ros b ennefly FURNISH ys 1,)ek. Oill it will pity you,
farians that 'tTle Dk;n)i O"r ATC SIiiiitu:iI. moveni b having for its, ly say thopkire* teaclitirs 6f tha relig 'i -and con-vnienee rthose Visiting
nion Govern, 2'2. obje ell ,n6
BleQuecrv,. tipplogiz d . by twknOw 1 aci) rn,' Ounser ct'tli6 bett' inent wanted to ilrob".Ontario of a erim u& oaltint days of, ulivacles the ones c. Wright b� Stevens .'2 hi
edging, that tile -pplitician �referred Asiatic chole.ra: 'is mlikinty 'bfour follow men; unlosi;suc movai. 'are paat,the�o inorhant .-..12'. qUal
0 a ill .. fftct' . in e. proper. rile iiii)orilight excursigri of tile
of ber feerftqry w in the- so calloilrthodox l6eachers could only be fitted for their . 000�to 111194 Thursday IV" well patron. tn6t.i b; Kepilplly 0
ortion. t -IV 3 at th Fratic and tifew-iniport montfollo C-ro]:D= IC=. C:)- -T r12
ATr. Alowat scceeded in two genN V.1ioligiLy inr illfi;t all 'IVOrh by &:wiraculouL.9 intierpositio� Of' lie threatening as .
ed case�have"ovourred in tile ITI r�t," J�ut we ust remomli3 IZI, Tto"ll a Roll s -IdIful teamster ma uspeb, tile :P the'days of Christ* Poillips cstftnbpr� 6stevens ... 8
per on to do what tie bad.Trb a. rovile
nce,asin hem
Pral ons to
hoodwtQk-ed' tile M. , . , i?eot. of thawent W. Prondfo
Plecti in ? . ho'Llva'; r. Stdte�i. Tile ur,g, for' �,xtrei ot'b, Kennedy
asiie'rted no' tile, tna� fo digoLples' As io`nloolior" CA- , :. L
ccleaiiliness�Abo,ut proinies is A large number ofinvitations lav- �1', Arin t q g' Ste'Ven"
ri,ilit His narrcw�ihiljority at tile. recall tons. at, t of., fanb ruontlibigs of tho Arinyists to- ing
to epitiondle' tOL '41thering
a is about the at ajy p grumbiers, I lie.is ratlier un�ortunattit. C jjyos , ... 0 F
been, issued, there was a brilli:nt' if. J�ay not.out
r Dspondtlnt� 6Z it is ll�fie iih at Mi" Attrill's party I;%st
apology to Mr, Darwick..' nt. r 09s O`R'pital for 0 E R 0- ENTL
f Core bv tho false.ciry -of Ontatio'g b, fi I n b,
Till le:Cif Clio G�db6:'ls I canfally,agreo vvith your cor. paring. tile a. who o Juct to b it pro -
every mail. to worslup as his', gon6rril scicz;ce dictates, ab longi 4 that ridl. 1, -a and Friday qvening. work ith. Clio Armyl4s' are the grumb I
Tito 04ario C ei C sed rail on
ibat thn farce was getting - W f In -�& Jault incters, 'they trade' on 'th,
Thd cot tend. that. Ontario 'onservativos arp is not br'i* in a ay to bitorfo aOR, 30 -DAYS.
ft in -ch4radIberisticii. 'hey . g
I V. 70:
rl,xyrkLil hut, th a0cal power tile lleclaredillegality ,Vith the CqA&I rights bf ilthers,'" :
Will. got. more I ly Clio- decision of .'tile jubilant over Lgan tridians the incilloiency I of � regular.., church i6to barbor on Saturdity)'where. ofie lilt OF , . I .; I �
ofithe plirame "Onfarlo'is rights" had of-tbf-Boundary Award whicil has. NOW if an incursion of p. I D.6, Alid t I] . P their son- will redt. Ao:ak.
Cotirt�'of h%Wrvs6ft th-an she would I-�opinsd iliei.;wliole . tiase`fo� Ontario- 1)'itV tI-elr Redicine, men, ;drums, niiiii6tratio Boyn b, Jones AT M
loAk iiR potenev-an,d.%i6tRAbOu0o be.- santl untli . elodiouS melody, assailed out anal, son'- lebaging sbreot-bkawli�g in TheteRm I-arge U.S. -Irelimllwith Speak b. Jones
-tile 'Arbitralion i -en I Obtai ' n tile . re - in a. Cars on -the - S),bbabli day w hilst we liell of tIld'sOu floona ln�j staves' for Jos, Kidd � nA Jolinston c.
.)ad I-chastenng, int.-Ilect- :a AfcDormott b; ones
t ra -Ivro
timmIAnd o llowh:t'ji ng
IThey al�P Rgitatilig., 'for. ft plannor.-than wail giyen-t.o her le.rsor�vices of tile et�v fl:;Z%ven finished unloading on -�Xennedy b, St'ark.'Jorlos.. JM3.11.G tile iclidroh, I would p,�h �would Anity consists libb ill Aviialit.o. b. Jonig�,.
Alo.wat boom not I elicts, !Religion" -
'of , soun,ling brass and tinkling cytnbnls. tevens r6n out --BUT
till or' rat6r
al to Chat 4.611 tie- Von illy good fr! I Angels. tile Park, tile Ban:1 �ktand has
agree a ill Tneso Arinyists rush it Harland run nit
isliveir ballots liv tile' elitotoig of:On- and "Onl()6k,"r of new seats
It I lild, fear to tread. They. are like numbef Derinott Sal
Ane nvinced t I to— tit- Pre" 'niter a 0 a V house treated,
io. on n n on we B...Stanhur b. le 'lit
A iis rotbri from EI1gI Ill] thinking,that. thegki �p%gan intruders arranged around, tile su.nirn�r
a ie equal fights of me o. -2 .-�furnbull b. McDermott -tant ques Lib Ilia alleged effort' in adding oLw'jtI,bI
GODERIOR gaurites in away,
tfi Ffouch.11ovAutionist' 1hointhe Tr.$tanbu" b' McDermott
for 6xorcised their pa no. f liberty to.a now roof.
I, to interfz3r I i e
are miles of *v ualild, g cap i. a Buff"o, Sp6oner not out', tbnt. tit(, impol tion of tile r y destroyed Mr. Troy A.
1. 1. U a;nd lai(itlief count the Savage
Of fheir tel�rjtorial entild 100,000 sq others -aday keptia,the
W110 rrived last Thui BViis
M toft a.' of.ryrants. In t 6 name of Rv- . A L '- . " tim-ber,and hilneral land those FaltrWrI1 91101011 AND AX)DRnss. ligion thVise Annyists Are making eg yon not Mall; Ic . an go further in,dgroemont with' vthe� circular green in bis memory 'by an- a CO 11 be kept rrespoildbrits Wiwi! they say, tl6llllyL visiting theold hothesteatI., On 'Sunday-..evenim, an lin.meni your 00
Ilitherto possessed I)$ Ontari . o. Th.ere "It is - the work of a patne a I?yivoraand*.reproach. I Iwill ll.00mlldte stock of,'
fAn�lil)tll 116twoen'. lipim 411d partll� - tit Ohris6idu uftdo signod ivill'affer I is entii:o a;
-�.A mistake aq to'tho. -lierson to edilgreg4tion, li�Avi Ilot insd t 'dur, regular Our County -Constable D. C.. AjcKay, 40
present at S t-� cl on by
dOtta church to bring all'clas" con, �voi Or mmuch nd - 2%-D INNIXG9 OF CLINTON
yet 'between we avid litillg,6ut. itt. eitens 119%,
?nnfO,, to lict,' r- I a n iat"tho,good news iri le B oyn b. Jones' a
all town aga mp
To, Who Province is indebted for Georaels Church tbliear tile Rev"T"O' dititilis of men under the influbnoe -of and r. Q. N- Dav'SLfeft 6rClevela
o 'erMo a is their daily I * .,the conto Mat Sunday. is
Walters' raresvell . the g�spel," and tl tdoro Cl' st-lik' valk per -,0- -
r ea es. The. Rev.� &all . menexpec(t reach* .:S HO S,
this large necesion teaching 'than is that of the gentle 9 b. J i a,, B 0 T S t fi rial ly gentioninn ook ag his- text the 42nel. Of. S41V is to. be preael in, lipok. c. Dr. Ross. on
AT liti. atio led to 'tile aggressive Army grumblers. Iwould' to-*Jlorrow." Jobnaton b. McDeirmritt ographical orroi's Or those poor and tjoedy—
Pitted soli6tations of ill(. Otwn 0. of file 2nd cliapter'of the A eta to.tho outeast and XeXtLiiesday there will Ile an ex- Xenne(IV a. and.b. oned.. T,A D1SC0VXT.6F—
SayL to my fellow -'Cbriitians, run not
res6ltitlt, V in a lapus, penital (To d fl,0111 it Chad forsaken." But how is this to lie ge gods, whAlYn in
0 6ftheAp6stles an broligh I ospiind- away after stran, -t Huron returnii.ig the W right c. MoDermott b. Jones i-4
ants or :potfldi is, instruct your game 4111y� though 'those witilling b. MoDermott'. GoVetilm(nit to submit tile matter to aliout 2, Your obrr lirsion to Pot
sometillies ocour even lit io well reg, an'.elo ueht do' Gilts r0illi.Ud. me that L '�tllel inception
rn r etyal tribuna Children find send them td'the orderly. r till next da -V Witout Harlrnd b. Vid!tl '14 15 C el it ff- Every D1611a r
apn� tailing fis-16'wbve Tji�,mitti4try in co.n�. of Christianity Is marke(I by -all array can'remain ove n S- 0
ulatod.an 0* fride A's. t I I a t of tile globe
hAlily,".iff drriV 1.hly at -tills of tetkollem-of tile, -ri�o) w 8%bbath.Schools to be itistroctod in additional charg6'.. B. Stanbury c. Jones 1). 'Vidal .,'.2$
wilich. 110pi-nal 'an," With flit- P� . righ now doct lie 11. taill-inry L. B. W. b. Vidal C"."fi)erg 'till goo that tylig is genuine, as iire*;kI1 zlioil;ed in plair'li'figuirM'
t a totally, wanting firspecial train. the knowledge' of Ged's. great love. Messrs 'Hilliari and, DQnPgIi *110 J. by rpprt,solitations, of T --the sertnon. Was less to - say . Ill i ah(l. morcy, of -tllb dlyinity And glory notbut 2
vangelical in 6ne worthy of Lb a grace of God -m -a love of eaus business are. obliging
:..The par ob. I i ke i torli t wii' and leb them -know how you. daily as L rVe, A, Ypq 10
wi !h Ilownt a I )r L 66cher. At tile conctuailin of ti ill-, other, than.boartiL.'i'LUblied With' succeed H*'Loltioagi 0 L FR "SF
'whn is more than Iikply s , Lie TivirDy dea of 'the Saviont's person, and w6rk, the paintingnd f. 'S000 e OL and b Al Phillips .�.l L
51r. Jolln'. rn lint inalce ' ie Cliii'si and Qloir fellow Mon.,, I yLo ng r!ienj find d e fitir gliare
tile WON s6te 4 service 2%Ir. R. Raddliffe, o nk of Him, and � the -profound ofu L'StOp furt1for and.remind my cytiti,Qn%ge.
n? of tile 1, i If al lint Al,L. LEAT heyovoranap- with whiich yitu nsLtn�-�His And, filit covil e� of I.s. - '1. -11 R-- Come a d prove for your.
no W 4 read an. adilressi rig tah n g(ioil TI&Ve yet diacdv . erei, t to tills -(Ien eiias'. re--, hardly fail to Among the numerous r. we. ers in a in and illem � chArgo thii u8u4
C . lit of. th. name., Yen � will t4fis 69
i;ny rnt(, r. At inception'. acif that this is a faet,- and lit) db(I-0 to got lititomer
take., suppoRe Choy N�ill. all 'that a Committee donsi6tin:g it t -Ues. impress upon them it seli'90 of tile tile vicinity Of tile Maitland M 119 BOWTIN
uee—op�odte T. COMWS, nd �ekt,the Telegrdphfficlo.
nrit 4tiliport Corded: by St. MatlieW. Whon "Jesus and how it reflects a pri 1terrionillor tile pl
7r I . I I'Adcliffer Jno.- Deacon, Dr. ivine presence tvintion ill faVo tilt, stick to it now. There is ffint- yet, A oil! anil es. M.G. Ciliboroji, �Nl P. and
r letivil,ty Of I left Naiaroth, ai we and dwalt in 'moral Ileauty -upon'all tiround aiia by %it.
McMickingo anti leDavI4 aiid I Of Contrast the� will shati Was IN-lalcolmson, Mi. sild, Airs. 0. ew
Jolin A. CAVernaum, be'bogan. topreach, more force,
the award, lt.i: frtunitits or hi Ann -and 11.,W, Mill. had r6 for the'li-16g(Itilil 0
the "religion sffbavon is at hand, still "walkingby
1) pared"b -to SaYt. repent is." dcplaeili',�uos who have ger.* .9 ENISON
.4 howeVer, to sullstitute &r LJ
Alt.- �m6wat- tile vestry. After the* wl tllo�ls�lvo.
-evon*ng the'
atioty", ssouild legal all, Order 'of -i bilb. ��o� our town and. Thi6 arternodil and
mi"take siloo 110 saw two br
tile . tl)'Ab* 'even dr6as-had been tile Ven'Arch. tit() Sea of -Gall Pro, reproach upon; ChriatlanitVa Ladles Aid Society. of St. Jones 0 0 22 5- - '4
rity,tli,at. he tl;rl not.do so. For .12
W climps flashing, aeroqq JI)e kC. 0 Wilful bno deaedn t, Ilwood spoke, of the faitlirul!� ren.Sirnon, Called Peter, And'Audrow 'den Party 'It AlcDormott 0
though it wnro Yours, Chu"Oh will give a gal
his brother, Jmes tile son of Zebe..
t1ley' nes; with which 3&, �Ifflalfer llft'd riebidonce -bf Mr. Ifugh, ohnsoll,
nJohn'.1118 ng
Lin . .... . nli�O 18 4 0 tlj('YL'kv)O%v knore at,the latter llied1hom, alld t1ifY -fOIIOw0d Clinton,"July 1884 4:�itif�iahmnt of kind obtain JOne!l A wrd and hisF deep regret lit Ins. -rinott 0 0 12 2' `13 5
el In of %;Htin abont ttl" Gallileol' bi
in,, eo netiVe It co-worker for -ilia an(' 'ine Went a 0.
r. 'a synagogues, and 0. 9 3 44!1
eir.11 ;fallo ;lint g �bnn at the forme reply th,Ankw' - Air- 'It.- IV. B'd1l; has'receivet in- .8 2
A,,QtJNS0r1O1V- ORE D �ANO Vidal I , 11,18 0
.9 an d 'i�) I's, liton, mountaln, E �168 or
Cowl blowgivell to fttv)bjtio� to shit;p hole of her hodie hrilil'.furaitu
vo, Be Walters, and 6onolutie(l A� I and* permi was soto 'his clsiciples With (I loving bl�irvedlovion. n Wing * ill;" 1111�ev hrl1`6 will onntne+tica At, 1.3 l, p in. �Vr'lgllt 01
its qn, emin,pot urist dint, tiloNe few drift* for youl-'s Of tile. Appeal to tit 'RL C"hUl'oll unto him, and lie tailghtthe ' L Rdil6l. iwt. 117ec7��, Atevehit 0
Walters Sb. Goorgm and �vo should 2106 forget wl d Will take OlAdwat 1 .20 4'. 2.
lab Ilia 8ttturda.Y; an
The appeal, it is loff(19,a' miniter of Inditstry , and quiet -street rumors, Carl her residence opposite ilia CokboPnei Xennedy. 1 0 22 4 11 2
allillilliater tonelhing thouwag. Aftor'llo,came -fil � �, 1�' 1-�
ally a mo�o conjiigatiom on behalN)f Iii1q. It WO, (Ifti "old f that vis� tl' ed tli� 4
ham inate a pieaol
lrially behefitted On. lei -Of great, power, you intorin tile if.there is any truth RoiaT, Turnbull 0 0 3 -0 3 1
4'5ir John is do�vn from the'..monkAn, lie callod
servant ol'God %vile 'never al. Thomas, In Uid to -port ChAt.ofie of the_ 2,qD ixivas OF CLIVTOq: -
Tit waff Al n- Jewell (Ile' friVolitiefl Of tha to Philip and Bart them- The. Afar , Gordon. wl th'barIc ferL
feinterfere wit)) his duty to, the a0 Alathow the publican, jamoB tile bers of IltordlA.Army," at- Rn. Detroit from Port Albert ranin on. kene3y 0 �O 27, 3 It 2
40 w4wro tl hou Alowat'A inclination'that the appeal son of Alphons and Lobbons, Whose -evening of Saturday evenlng,b�lng a man ell it Ste one
114 69 .1e ndary legally 4 and agliid,'or Clio dying, Am to tile t 0 0 23 4 .8 yen nip, int-eting �in the o,, v
k pro wall gone on wid,. Givo, honor AppositellOSS'Of one p�rtionof the 4proame wag Tbaddeuq, Simon the W 120th insc, denounced Urange- -Tile cargo was Aippod'hy 0 0 5 2 4 2
eq I.glonn 011� I
, I tit! T W I T,%.*f H E L U
to W how honer is due, fill repent the risnini44.4 dhnaanit�, Awl Judas Lcarjob, Who men in general, btating in eff�ct that ofiltis* town, n1iii, g the fourth lie Tur�ldull 0' o 0 0
-PAS, twe
qpf- 0&11 WAR givoil tl�o evil, ad I I i 0 shipped.the sathe, week from
tion to Sir ohn through whona pe. " nado 6y oileL Of also botrayod hm'lliese tW0IV nitietX�ilind Out of evevy'litindred'
our Roman Ctlin ii� Jesus sent forth as teachers a to.
ttsuallabolill of tile �nf tlle�ll were. perjured men ? By sarne Port. Obliton, Ont I,`
d ilont fellow citizens who know' the gentio. Christian doetrille, And tillis it ivAs givitlg an Answer yet% will greatly "the 11ptho(list SundlitV dhbol ex. C.-Camerson, NY. P., ofGode.
Till file (lie vlotOrv, of 0"ongervii. ar, Man ill Ali eastern Province. ill am that tile great founder of the Ev oblige.', rich, has purchased it handsome span have benoflued so orry �1 r. WAlters is lesiving, for vberQ jingo- oursion felini Clinton hiat Thuesday
tive Cotentions will be colliplotA lioat Xingdoin prepared tile sblomW of matched ponies from McCullumo
�thoro wall gimcnegs. and povoay in y6urb trtil.vo Was largAly attended. A good hand received my—
Inhes; for &0 collstleration.of the'living orXinloss, for $250.
party pf Ontario uthere ou ould alwnv6 11nd AN the party,and pinyed -Joseph fledloy, of-Witwannah,
lTo jj�e 11'(4116ri evolimion -on thei.Ste airler Oconte), a
rit AinpUdeilee. , ' I -a$ found. Bnb tree, when part or it el rmg t�' nd Calle(l, a.traitDt d mm r Stwk
.:cOrigory"tive prem llftv�e ........ hini'" The I6IiOWinJ4 IS the ft(ldreaa: b6inpIC, Yot oven among tlIeSo Cllntliti� July 28th,1884. during Clio afterno %Vag relli
f'ell on )I anti ho, as so so.rio'baly
yfnlillv limintairillil th it flit) Nvoriling tile ' church wa.,Rnot to rest, on earthly Avsivit'n.—We have trisitto inquiries Rain begin to rail lienvily just be. fore P
tile' depaptUl'a of ti 0 trai U n Injured that he is riot. expected. to Of liOOTA,'S11084, ofe., I would Poll tile attebtlon ofthe public to the shint,
ltile i(lp& RPV, VI) vp.xn seen 11C follildfitions Tdone. The- living stones Ind that AUCII. 01, 81ftillar langUage I lip oft i .9
been prepared fly ineottvorilano6 tq tho, excur.
#qfler it was us6d tit the 'time refoi d to by rell, Ate 'lliam Heron Sr., dip -d on kr 1votnell's Xld Boots only $1got up tile n1dat 14milent 1" that Fiet Reetot pf. oor chur6h, an.1 sover your the Lord "whiln till) (lay 9. - I , WI
401111petitill lip. wepallnotallow ou orpenttleostwittiflill comothilywora Our Svvoral morn. 9.01118ts. pAp, tied rdInAl.
lip 1) 601n(l AIDWAVS to dor Art without it, A�Illo all with Ono accor( , in one bera of C11A Army inform us* that tile hitatio county, fit(-- rosideboo of 1116
y till wititt 1. rile fu ' g Leighton left harbor on r. of tlrritor�,. IVIIntlJor ft a a faitfital diid earnest Saturday for tile Wrecked solilioner &.r Trhoks anti very 61104P.
0 who they were Alt - sifillotl wit], tile statement inside by oi)o Ste s6n,at tile, advanced age of 02 ydars
!at frielidg, 11hode n *net
Of, tile little pre. t'XI)O , iind(st, of 00 Gospel truths. k with froin Mitchellf While othorg may Chat 0111tarin, Roll tile steam barge U. itr Team atill CarrIago. Harness cheapor than ever.. 811VO Volinted il&
-i� valw,%bln Or unt 1�4 i)ot to lie c0fl- mior 01108b &till . began tb Apea S- and 6 months,
ix 140 diat we From the time you Pomp ainotigst'lls 010, tonglies, as tile spifItL gave them the lan.guago was used by one Robt.. Neelond on londay night, After Ifitrno4s only S14,
b0li(WO It is propur' :0.8 the doelvenoil. a I
ad 4(st, A good doti'l, of In lior elturch have boon moit tilt) 'folluding Drowrif of Clinton.: That the' statee a ]AI'go vAiioty, lit Allyinot btilf ptloP.
Tills was 1 foriner had for i#4 minoral And 7ealolwl V earpled out, filld whilo attorlding 'and establishing of - the church Oi 1110116 W�g rals�l gos I�Itllouf, saying, chnnnel lit ilia gtorn of tile Ontario, MARK19T IREPORTSM
to flwil� dillieg you 0ave at tile saine Milo Christ, &till to thO StrOlIgtlf df 1111innn and tlyflido lill� tile Ileelftild Was attached to the
its, minAvAl. 0 1pe of explilit4ild av�kty the vi.,Ifm tile., Members schooner allil hortly aftol. Ono on
a�S C
Butter t. (Y. le, 6 1b), Boolq awd -Nioc.q.
Invo wA8 ftado(l tile illilmipatioll Of bf-by CLINTON. It t.,) potili 'tho (41111 letting him down 04A glepflon at Of* 1161neft, N10110 Mondy, Aker"Ooll IlAule-I her ',)ff )-ollp,, - , , -
y word till the Holy pirit, The obOmon wom. too 0 , , - it, 66 to 660 'LOOMS To LnT
Whk% wo wrbnob liropared.for Was AhIll fo Attend DIVIne Sti-vioe ere in her wititer 1# 1 And I rouglit, Filill Whortt, 61(t, 1 06 to 1 10
F�,Inin Of tlip 0,166 Anpilt Allin, �'l lea ftntl berR ot the tiew Communion wovo dina Itfill Whoitt., fiew, 0 6) to 1 00
livyourp nbOL 0110 bodyeollbitilig of bl)6' T119 SOO' V brip Into blither duriog tile tifteenoon
soring W116A, 1 00 Jo I y(I
Is TP it 1101d that Ito. nktrio twd 110116 Iv4da f Comfort a Mr. Nownt IlAA At lamb triu0iliked Afilletid.), Ioe 'Yet, Ott 0 46 14 '666
twelve pd? -Pddorel Iv, nti(i tooks rather ilingy a1wr hot, 94 to 0
fiv to ovor big food, Itild over Tory trillittim P,
haq allvayet fitior it) imiling to CO it! fd 010
A o 4 11is ),%,n proftt,
ft1lose tile welfire or vill? oof Ill# In(Ir
6o too To
rig t , wd filuilt Prio(I of his ftlhil,�.tlly, ltwl the tow riot taltingtido", with Winter omposillo. Apploo, pot blif 9 to PIN
I)l'ArtfJJt illofil(A rile t1le I fol, qf rII P
(18114atnall) t610 t6 00
liverts tholl AeolikPA (lithor 113, 109 efthev partie's fn the draiootloh dr th A runaway th0 Might 11AV46 111(d Jots , P NTI N
Perintig 66 111ifOhliftY V 140 1,10111 tIlAA.% NvAro on.; y -Advo. litigg. &,4t Act, 1 h0d 116AM fillob V 1?14�v. 00
of tht)qor 6equth 46lngorg, nnA tilt, lIviaebing and ruir I ' A litimp sattkohed 7 04
174 fell4t t1lot Ill Y6111. �)O%v Aphort, Alit'. even "g. a tA 7 06,
Oving to klfrmt frul eml Play liftontl Noll both, olld that flo Of.611A ApOqtl('Fi 10h the shIP, cat -OA of 00i Pima throw out a 6w tile proporty of i1r. liand 8alkislil, am tio 600 It you requiro aii,�, printiligy, Tim, 00 111) flililgq m4ll' prAnt you And C110, activO ZA&I nd 011fttifY Of hinto jot a and not wam Atahiling It' 6611t, Of 13111'R Ice 'k it) 100
TIP# -
I is dolivit 11.0 P111JI pvtilltnally IIA I Tho imlin(liolipA Af tfie- profolie% iIJnry SalkOhl DO 6'M to 4 06' f -for all 4etivo Inpreapd of thn ilifAllt Iftlift 1,11A hlldgy boldin the lines. StAil pot ptIt 0 ofy to 41 M,
m, on (i M. WA tern
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