HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-30, Page 1•
4‘uron %twO Pad
Di madman)
•Every Wednefitlay NOrning
Albert Street, Clinton, Ont.
it 14)3 fro advance; 1,3 if not $o paid.
be Pro Prietors of Tilt a *stain**,
haviti purchased tho busiu.ess and plant
or TIIS ItS(00.1),, Will in future
publish the amalgamated paper' s in Clinton,
.nuiler the two of "fax Unsex ICSWS-
0111/4014•113 the most prosperous twain
'Western•Ontariotistite.seat els-mu8hier/1111e
'Maaltfacturiug, .and the centre atlas finest
agricultural seetion. in.Outstrio
• The .eombined circulation of Tit 1.111
ItECUitn exegesis that of any ram pith -
risked ui the .County of llama. Itis,
therefore, unsurpassed as .an advertising
medium. Oar rates. foratIvertisiug tuC
1 column.. 1 year,. $90 3/4 colionn 1 year, $90.
1 " Gino, 66 3/4 " 6 mos, 18
1 "mt 3 tilos, 30 a mos 12
." 1 yoar, 50. * " 1 year, • 18
i• a 6 Mos, 86 t 6 inos, 12
• " mos, la " 3 tees, 8
Advertisements, w thoot instructions as
to spout and tinto, w 11 bo left to the j udg.,
11104 of the compositor itt the display, in-
serted uutil forbid( en, measuredby a
ca le or solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
will), Ana ollarged le emitsa line forlirst
nsortion and 9 .ceuts a -line for eiteli sob-
eg tient insertion. Orders to discoutinac
advertisements mast be in writing.
clt4' Notices set as alf,ADINct IltATTSIL
(NellPareil measnremeat, 12 Hues to the
10 cents per lino first • insertion
teats Dor lino cook tubseipseut insertion.
.Wo hare one of tint best appointed Job
Offices .west of Toronto. Onk fat;ilitres 111
" this department enable U.S to do all hinds
of WOrk—flum t callin cavil to a untionoth
poster, fit the best styitcitithli to tho
volt., and...at- the Jowept possilde rateti;,
lOrders by ;nail promptly 1.1:ablated to; -
The News -Record,
Ont I
Decombe'r, 1882.
ID3111•7•41671, •
Lute Of Toronto, Ilemor'Graduate Uoyal college
ef Dental Surgeons; •
Codii, Block, .01inton.
. All Work Rolgistered, .011a.rg.es.Moderate.
fifIe • • •
DU. REEVE. Odic°, nattenbury Street, up.
muJiately behind nansford's book store.
• IteSidence opposite the Temper:um:Huron
Street. Office hours (von' to p.
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 11
"gegaI. ,
MAN 1NG 8001Int
Barriiters, Solicitors Dmircycificers,, Aci C01;1,
nitscioners for Dritareo and Manitoba. "
. .
Clinton, May lith, '
pds r prit NCNB, .,1,41.:1-D,• .1.NS1.1.11.4X0h:; .1!
y /ARA HIM 40114 .1% IV' Ante(' 'Of :Loan.
Office, Beaver Block, Clinton, .. i,22tt
'0 KAU ER 4, tiou'roN, ilarriste'rs,.if.ch', Cod,
kOcrich C. Senor;
J. A. :Norton, Winglutin, ,• • . 1-1y. ..
• • . .
• TIANT:40,N &.,161.INSTON; rAtW, (.01•1$04rYtand
jJ COIIIVC.Vatidilin.,.: • 011icd-West Street, iroxt
d.ojr to, Post Ofliee, Ooderich, Ont. • 57.- .
."1.1' C.. HAIN, Solititor, &c. coruerof
apt II 1lP Square and West Street, over Butler's Bonk.
IF Store. Doderich, Ont. • . • Jr/.
illoneyto lend 'at. lowest..ratee of interest:
• .
•• . ,
Bairister, Attiirifev;
elpimiery; Obliveyincer,.' &of DIllegi &rev
Jonlatt's Artig Store, 'the rounds forinorly ,occu,'
pied by Judge boy's. . •
MP Any ainolint of mow to Mali toe.est
rates of interes•t,• • 14y,
• .
A UCTIONNElt for Huron CeulM. Sales at,
tended to in ;toy part of tho 'County. Ad-
dress orders to (Ammon P. O., V-17.
TERWIST$L2& per-Auumu, iu Abaco,
WHITELY & TODD Publiettert
otm. No. 34,
Av-HOLE N.O. 291
The Algoma.
The report that appeared a short
time since to the effect that Mr.
Lyon, At P. P., for Algowa, had
resigned, turns clut to have been ger-
rect. Tlie resignation Was handed -
hi to the Speaker" on Saturdar.
And, thus mule one of the most tis
graceful episodes in the • legislative
history of the Province, Being
determined to• carry Algoma at all
hazards, Mr, Mowat atioptecl the
most villainous inetheds to effeet his
purpose Every rnamouvre was
resorted to in order to defeat the
Opposition candidate Colonization
reatis that were nob wanted were
ordered to..,be built, without any
contrite:A beipg had for the sante,
Money was paid out lavishly to the
-farmers-along. -the • line of those
bogus roads under pretence of
vances, but in reality as downright
bribes, The staff of constables that
had been sent up to Rat Pertage to
""ttiVe"thil'iletilltrr *orris:Tett into'
the service, and the Piovince has
had to pay a very heavy bill to
-these people for, ..the atteurpts. 'that
wero wade to deprive the electors of
their privileges- Polling places at
which it was usual to hold eleetions
were wrengfully elosed-;-- and the
larAixiiiur ON,
'UCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance ligcut •
Blyth. Sales attended lo town'and Country,
sn reasonable terms. A list Of faros and vIllag,e•
lots for 'sale. ' Money to lout, on real estate, at
lciw rates of interest. Insurance' effected on all'
classes of proper0. Nottol and debts cacao!.
floods appratmed, and sal on connaloston. Bank.
rapt stocks bought and ' . •
BlVtli. Doc. 16,185n •
J. E. BLACKALL • '•-
• .
Veterinary :Surgeon.
• 9
Or.acluatc of the 0;itario Veterinaic7College,
route, having- opened an Waco 11 (JItitot, to
prepared to treat all dkoaseS of dome:311e
animals on the' most modern prin. •
cc.,iples. All Operations ce.refully
' perforated, allftelaiii
ly attended to, hv do% or
night. Foes -moderate,
OPPICE,,---186 deal- West of ow.
voters were compelled . •t6 • travel
many irides by Water in order to
deposit ' their ballots. ',Special ar-
rungements Were made so as to delay
the preet3edings Of tbe, day at eer.
tain races iti order that. the °ow
servative vote might' be kept back..
Open bribery was practiced so that
it ,Could be told 11-0W much 'Money
was spent at particuler pointa.
Etupleyes of OW Mowat 'Govern.
went were engaged in cajoling or itt
bribing the people. Boged lines' of
railway and of colonizetion litres
'welt run With -0i( hope of indueieg
the. people to believe that if they
voted. for ,Mr. AloWat'S candidate,
Mr. .Lyon, suolt works woold . be
carried -on "to their .butretit: One
hotoble ingtence Will,. be' borne in
-wind. of, this, kind- of tbing, that
being the Attempts that 'wore made
'to make the people suppose diet the
Local • GOvernielint were about', to
build a bridge trent laititoulin Is
land to a Sinail one' lyittg.off it at a.
nimi t 'distance, , the' fact biting that
AIM, territory' question beieg in
the Indian -depai•tuernt the i'llowat-
ites bad ne. prerogative there heel!,
thit.ofter all the disgrace that It is
been Iteapt"d on the "11.0fOrke cense
. by. traitsuetibha Mr.
Lyon' is', afi aid. to face the invest-
igatiOn, that has been coin uieneed,
and has made a precipitate retreat..
In tfri87use,.1to Joubt;discretion is
found to be the better' part -of Valet.
'Still' the people at large 'will be•able
to understand the truereason of this
hasty resignation. Mowat's,
colleagues. -aro afraid -have the
--disgraceful precet41ings: they were
. partieg to nettle. public, through the',
agettei of the courts'—But it may
.be•doubted•if consent .will be littd to
cover up' transactions- whiell Mr.
• Meredith told Mr.••Pardee; at Motnit
'Bryilges,• would be tiradethe subject
of spot:hr.:I invegtigetion: . Mr. Lyon
may try to get 1118 friends out of •the
serape by. noltins e'f. resignation, but.
this strategic mitiVewent ')•4 nt not
• save those froiO, disgrace' WIIQ't/11
occasion 'referred'. to • 'so .4i:up's-teed
nedy's Rotel Olinton; Ont.
NSTIIKSI.E:iTAIUliter.-1111on Webber, frciill
,,t1Tc•Beston Couscrvatbry, of inualc,raelOtake
a lltntttl Millibar of pupils on the organ or plain), .
Partictilarkttention giVoti 50 thou who wish te
niprove on their,present style Of playing, at real-
dolicoof L. P. Davis; near MIO 0011111 factory. 35
Photogr a hers
Life Size Portraits a Speoialty.
L O. L. No. 7100
.1toets stem llifistua of every
month. hall upstairs, opposite
the Town 1101. Visiting brethren
always made welcome. •
A, It. TODD, W.
0, l'WBEDY,,
14. ANTBLON, Secy.
First. Canadian •Priated
•" CO t
Week there wale scint;-to
. .
Montreal • from 'the works 'Of the
Magog Textile and Print,- Company,.
Mageg, several cases of the first
printed "calcoes ever produced. in
Cat da These samples havo.a'per.:
feet •appearaturr, atid -seem to -be.
quite as. good as the imported ars
tiele- • Several 'Of the • goods wk.r0
pZanrinell it •the after000n, bY , Mr.
A. F. Gault,' of Gault Bros, &' Co.,.
Mr. Robertson' of Mackay Bros:,
r. • 'D eta a n ps, -Leclai re & Co.,
and others, vita -pronouncedthew
creditable, • The company are maw
ufacturieg about one thoesand pate
terng, principally .ittapie .patterns,
and.: will not. touch fancy, patterne
until tire market for .staples
It is uuderstood the goods
will Ite old at. prices which will
-..slititrOuti-thet-sam e- el ass-ot.ioi,ported
goods. The' 'Magog worke- were
erected'. within the •lasb. year at 4.
coat.cif.$400,.000,„and are tile only
Vtii•til,:' the
ton, - •
tosigo, No. 84, A, & A Mr,
4,.) WOO ovary Ptiday, on or atter the hill
' Auden. Nicking brethren cordially Invited. .
J tiAoiV1114711,11t, ve, a;
Clintori, Au, 14, 1881, •
lbw to Sell Goods
•Captpre of an Eagle.
gxerriNa S•itt000te, ron
Mr, Hugh MeGovin is a farmer
residing near Itieliview, hi the town-
ship of ttobicoke. Daring the suin-
tner an immense baldheaded eagle
has temi having a iellie •the
neighborhood, and lambs and ether
dainties' hove been goieg to the king
bird's tabio. On Sunday the bird
dropped- on a turkey just lo sight of
Mr. McGovin and' started horne-,
wards. Tho farmer gado chase, for
the eagle WAS flying low and bad to
alight to rest. Uo.got up to fire
party, awl tire eagle had just, time.
to rise, letting the •turkey ge, when
Mr. MeGovin seized the robber by
the neck. The eagle instantly struck
hiu taious into tile farmer's legs, and
a. 1161 contest „followed. 111r. Me.
Clovin succeeded at last in getting
the eagle's legs grasped in ono hand,
the head lb tia) other, and tarried
they enraged euptive alive back •to
the'llouse. The bird is now in a
cage, quite unbarined, it is a very
fine specimen, •tire wings mernetrieg
over seven feet from tin to tip. Mr.
Metlovin says lie will not forget, his
battle with the king of birds, as
there will bo the SOAPS on his lege
lock , of Ditici.G
, 5
very Particular !
'-'S HNOT F.A11: TO SEEK!!
OBS is the Finest in the Count
Bring along your -Bi#tP.r and EAg!ip
B .
-Highest.Price. Pal
-414 as .many Goods of swede' quality . given for $2 by us
as can: be bought .frocitri.apylopdyels:e:fOr
A Hairy Mao,
• ,5
. . ,
. .
;* Petitions aro in eiretilittion.'•for-
the submission of the Scott Act iu
Winnipeg. • •
The Scott, AC t bas heen carried in
Arthabaaka county, Quo., by about
1,030 majority. •
• The Dowinion.Allialice has wade
an'appsal.fer funds fee the prosecu-
tion uf the Suotu Act en.ipzeign,
• AU ex -priest, named Conolly, long
einee disrobed for dtsunlceitiiess, died
suddenly of heart disclose in Mon.
Briitiford Oahe, "of Port Ilyerse,
Norfolk coatity, committed suicide
by haoging himself, He was subject.
to .fits of melaneholy, though nothing
serious Wee anticipated.
Tho Council of the village of
Allistotr will militia a b,y-law, grant.
ing a bonus of $10,000 to Measra.
Knight & Wilson, to aseist them in
rebuilding tbo Vulcan Foundry.
Rev. Dean Carmichael, of •I‘tont
treat, has taken a trip to 'Winnipeg.
On his wiry ho took ill Hamilton,
where Ito was the guest. Mr;
Adam Brown.
Two Kingston Salvationists raised
sixty dollara to make a presentation
to Captain Prughes, They 'bought 11,
twenty dollar • Bible and pocketed
the rest. There is now a bub -bub
in A.rmy circle. •
'Win. Blocher, of Blenheim, will
stay at the Central Prison, Toronto,
for ono year anti ten months • for
snatching a satchel from the servant
girl of Mrs, tall, at Buckhorn, the
other' Jay. •
Walter Cook, conneeted with tho
Franklin House, Hamilt'
on expired
while fishingitt a boat at Puslinch
Lake. Ho was extremely fat, weigh..
big not, long ago 340 pounds. •ife
had not lain doivti to sleep for many
years. '
Senator Ogilvie had a narrow es-
ettpo in Manitoba one day last week.
While erossing abridge an uaspiked
tie gave way with hin; and Ile foil
in eight feet of water, but managed
u; do to shore.
1. B. MeQueStan and .JOlor .11/iney,
of haVe bought • the
Ilespeler Woolleit
Lizzie -Smith, ea Witnatrried wo'.
man, smothered lier new-born' child'
iu Toronto and has been' 'phiced,
under arrest, .A n.inquest.was held,
when the jury 'brought. it) a verdict
that'Lizzie Smith did iviIfully ond
of malice aforethought kill her own
child.' •
While ;lie, fleltizers. ives enctaged,
iiidri"Viia'reaper at Villa Nova,
Out; oir fueaday, the 'horses took
fright, ran away and thee* hit.
for wa.rd.„ .1.1te„ Machin tig. over
Itis body and • frightrelly Wangling
trims •His recoverY is dqubtful.
'rho appeal eases of .Gullickson
and MoHartv,,of Italifox, who- 'were
'fined by tbo Police Magistrate fee 'a
breach of the Dominion Licata
Act, canto before 'the Chief Justice'
of the ProVioCe,, who declined' to in.
terfere with -the operation of the
Act, as its validity was being •n -ow
tested in a higher C'oure, The pro-
eeedings will now be taken to the
Supreme Court,
The' arguments iti the 13oundary
ertae befere•the Judicial .Cotirwittee
of the Privy Council have been eon -
eluded find a decision was giVen Ott
one of the points submitted.. The
deeision is that the Southwestern
boundary of Ontario is at the•nortlt:
west angle of • the Lake of the
Woods, The Committee have made
no announcement nit to how the
will run from that point; but pros
bably it will only rip; as far as tho
Northern Boundary of Muuiit.oba.
A case, which was probably the
first of its hind, came before Judge
Sinclair in Itathilton a few days ago,
It ;vas an appeal against a decision
of the Court or 'Revision of West
Flambore, attd the peculiarity about,
It WAS the feet that the appeal ;vas
brought by the assessor. Tile val-
nation of • Clarke's mills had been
educed by the Court of Revision,
and the assessor, thinking this WAS
6 tenet:tit/1i on his .way of doing bus.
aPPOSIOd LO the judge. Itis
Honor denied tho app6al, and held
that the assessor had no' lams ,94(4itia
in the metier, beieg a servant of the
Court of Ile visieu and tretintereaed
iitth fir. -,t case.
'Reports from all the eauthWestern
States thew that the Outlook fur
crops wore never better.
Mrs: -Win. 'Home, of Strowdcs-
burg; P.A., wout to pick. berries the
other- d ay:tit:ming • LI uted•-sin a
71ren Ti et t th •
tome. toy 011fs ,- 0
barn and fired the 'straw and wero.
all hurtled to dtuatb,.
whe was recently foned lyittg hi
the outskirts- or the city, with a
spike four incites long in his head,
died yesterday. It:is, now suppood
that he was niurdertid by totknown
joint • Pergusoe, a well known
hotel man of Denver, Wali 8110t three
tiniestiti the street one day last week
by Miss C. with whelp he
formerly kept company, lle re.
eently married another woman, llo
will die,
Mike Peister, a Charleston, S.
negro who secretly carried whisk--sy
to certain- parties itt Prosperity; has
hem murdered, it is suppoadd by
prohibitionists. The • prohibitory
law XS ill force itt that town.
!rho entire salvation Army, of
Grand Rapids-, Mieh„ numbering
twenty-four:1)(11.8min, twelve of them
women•and two colored, which par.
aded the streets on 'Puesday ovening,
were arrestea by the police and
looked ,ttp in the police ,station,
Thoy continually disturbed' the posse
by beating tambdurines and drums,
and shouti»g. Mayor Ileikortp read
the riot act tO their captain on Mow
day and requested that they stop
such Actions. Ito, replied that he
would do as' he Pleased,. and tlid,
with the above result. .
The eommittee of the Toronto) In
dustrial Exposition have hit on
great 'scheme to get up a been; in
photography. They advertise to gi Ve.
two valuable prizes to the two most
. , .
beautiful' living Canadian laclitig:'
Thoite svlto Wisiir to answer Will hove
to seed their portraits, No names
vilJ be attac1tts1 -to therm butcii
.plettire Wilt bear a • number. to tor-
respolid with: tite,owner'e nitrite, and
the public will' decide which is the
'prettiest, We' expect' to see several
photographers murdered ',after 'the
prizes, hie' ftWardad:-Detroit Jour -7,
nal, • •
iinvee witehoirr BY A yror,BNT
. • IN A. ,DANOTA. TOWN . .
Dello ltapida,-1)ak., July 3.—A.
or no.d o: on Menday aftireneon.denl-:,
()lisle:RI twelve dwellings, two etores„
two elluroldls, house god
two wheat. warehonses. Some stock
was 'blown atvay. Many, persons
were 'hurt and otte killed, Crops
and farm property were deatroyedr
Sioux Falls, Dak.,• July 23. --
Seven persons lost their liveitt tins
comity .during ilonday's stone, •
Delloitapida, Dak,, JitlY 24.-.4be
tornado which struck thia village
-Monday afternoon came from the
north,west, and wroaghtconaiders
able datimp,:e. • Nene wero kilTesi pr
te.riously Injured-. in the village
Barns and other outbuildings with-
out number were blown to pieces.
In the cont.*, . there:, was great
!levee. Those reporte4 ltilled are:
Mrs, John Halo, S. K. Dielten's
daughter, two children of • Mr.
MARACA+ jiving -eight miles .west,
'were blown,, away and eannot be
round. Four other deaths are an,
nouneed, Those serkuntly injured
are ; Cora llatr, two children of
donett Minis, C. Walters and a soli,
two children of 0, • Gunderson,
Peter Halworeen, Mes, Mareus.
Several farm honseg were 'destroyed ,
and nearly every farmer lost barns
and out buildings. A great many
horses aliti cattle woro killed. Crops
were levelled and destroyed by the
hail. The traelt of the storm is
In the iiiimedinte vicinity of No.
4 tunuel, situated wane twentymiles
above 'rale, 13ritislt Columbia, are
bluffs of rock, which beve hitherto
been unsurtnountable, but on Mori -
day of It a week successful yscaled by
Mr. Ontierdmik's employees On Me
regular train. from Lytton, (»misted
by Mr. Coaterton, the British Col -
amble, Express company's wessen-
ger, and a number of gentlemen
from Lytton and poiuts east of that
place, who, after considerable trOli-
lile, and perilous climbiug succeeded
itt captuting a creature width way
bt'letialsYt.14t1"raltlderdo,ilairntan a
.ae eidbai
has been called by his captors, is
Something of the gorilla type, stand.
ing about four feet seven incites in
height, and weighing 127 pounds,
Ile has lung'b'ack stroug haw, and
resembles a human being with 'one
entire body, except
ing his hands—or paws—and feet.
at; 'inch long. His- forceesrin is
much longer than. a inair's fore are',
and • 'posses's eirtritordinary
:strength, trs he' wrIl take- --'a-of
stick and breakit by wrenching,
and twisting it, which no living wan
could break in the saute wey.. Since
his capturi he is)tety retke,it, -only
oecasioteilly tittering a noise; 'tvincli
is half bark anti half growl. He is,
however; becominff •daily at-tached
to Itis•keeper, Mr. !cleorge Tilbury,
of this place, who proposes shortly'
starting for London, Engleral,• to
exhitfit hitn. • His' favorite food, so
far, , berries, And he drinks fresh
odic with 'evident relish. • By ad-
vice of Dr. 1-1antringion raw meats
have been withheld from .Jacko; as
the doctor thinks it would lia-Ve a
:tendency to alike him savage. The
mode of'. capture was as follows:
Ned Austin, the engineer,' on corn.
ing hi sight of the bluff at the east-
ern. end of No: 4. tunnel, --saw what,
• qh:is:iip, apsostell4oh;litbbele7talitel slYigili:agl
close pit:axiality to the track, -and as
apply thebrakea. , brakes Were
instantly 'told hi .a few,
seconds the train Wag brought to a
standstill. At this moment • the
• supp.osed man sprung op, • mid, utt7
. tering a .sharp, •quick .bark,. began
to climb' the steep bluff.' Coinluor
,J. 11 Craig. ari.il'ExPress -.Messenger
Cestertoe, followed by the baggage --
wan and brtikesnian juleped from.
tbe :train and knowing that they.
Were -scone 'twenty •01 u tes • aheadof
thne hinnetliatelf. gaiie ,eliase. • .Afs.
ter tiv.e . minutes of perilous climb-
ing the supposed. demented Millen
Was *ailed 'on a projecting shelf
or Fon. ..•uthere he could norther as-
cend nor descend. The query.- now
• Was hoW to capture hinraliVe, which
' wasq eickly decided by' Mr,ICraig,
whir crawled, en..his hands and knees
until he was • about 40 feet: above
tho.creature; . Taking a. •stnall•piece
of .rock be letit.tall;and. it, had the,
desired effeet of rendering poor
<leek° -incapable Of resistance for • a
thee .at least, The lien rope was
then• brought Op :and and jaelro.
Was . now . lowered' t0. terra finite.
After: Orally 'binding hint and plac-
Avg ip, the baggage car, eff
brakes. Was •• sea mieti and the. traip.
'started foe:Yale:
about eight miles wide at this pla•ce
with the village in the.centee. 'Vire
loss in the village it about •ql'l30,9_00;
'Pliree fourths of. the crop in a strip
six wiles %video:lad 20 long aro gone.
The storm lasted about thirty min.
u tes.. •
Rockllapitis, July 23.—A
revere 'storm pesetal over this place
about 3' • o'clock Monday morning.
15.041 no serious clannige here except
• • •
Huron, Diik., July 23.-1teporth
from the track of the _storm which
crogsed the flotitli•Western part of
-.dila flaunty Monday are very' die-
•couraging: Crops on a strip seven
mires. wide by 201ong are wholly de;„
'stroyed: Tho lossipto tirmers will
reach $40,000.- • The towea ot 'Oart.
huge and Wohary sutler much from
the breaking of glass, but no lives
c . •
An. Irrepressible Conflict
'The eonilict between the people
and the Lords in England is getting
hottee. Tho , more prudent of the
aristocrats 'wish to temporize, but
trie vote on the weir -otitis° scheme
proposed by Lord Weinytie„ thitt the
Lords woeiti-uonsider the FNMA'S°
measure ifthe, government would
promise to bring on their tedistri
Whin bill in the fell, :howl that the
majority are determined to persist
in their obstroetiouist pulley. The
ceinpromise Was voted'46wn by 182 to
132, which is onfliciefitly sigoilicanb
of the unawerving' attitude of the
Lords. Maenwhile the • English
workingmen aro getting ready for
an in-mien:3o demonstration, intend-
ed to impress the Lords, quid it is
expected that over 200,000 tuen will
Ting intik/Mt OP NAV TIM WORLD...a,
The entire western hemisphere pro.
nounees Murray st Laminae Florid».
Water the mist delirious perfume ar
the bontioir, the ballroom, and the
bath, that theinistry has yet succeed.
t ed in oxtractmg 'from living flowers.
.ff..81 Liver.
And Itadtgoetion Ourek
Ague, Fever,
And pintous Speeifies,
Brain & Nerve
..Gthennak. -
331011,4D ',111 111 DRUC TBN ;gulls:.
1ear,00 keittylvert-4.1
Great Health
IR esitorret,s4
qualities of all theae,'onci the beet
qualities of all the best Aledielnea of
the World anti you, will find that
HOP•Birl'ELIS have the•best.curative
qualities andpowerg of all coneew
trated .10 them, and they will two
when any or all of these,' singly ots
combined, fell, A thorough trial will
give positive positive prooloithis.
. Wi-4k
I bey° sleeked opium '.for. ten
years, and no hell -would . hold tho.
torments piled- 01)00 me if I did' not
(yet it, but 50 know- that another
, • . ,
ounce would never. • comp asnore in
:ArnArica. Theypreaell*of the tide
of iticalrol that is washing, away
hearthstones end carrying desolation
to happy homes, and- the:loving
'wife who sees her fond husband try-
ing. to eiddek • the gate -latch with
Itis Watch key- .'I could _show, you.
mothers by the 'dozens 'in '.this Gay
who are :looking .on ...whiletheir'
and- even daughters, aro being'
drawn -to the -grave, with -the hlash-
of. , youth yet in. -their cheeks, . by
opium, Liquor ig debilitating, • •aml
it depraves Slid '0141.1Sel Init. the
,tuan who tie 'a. drunkard to -day inay
cease to drink fOrbver tomorrow.,
Not so with the habitual : opium
smoker. Where there is tonb that
quits 'the vice, ten litIndriai are
buried.frow The. (twills spreads.
ing °not otiry -ott tide coast, bat
through the lolast, and wherever the
011inese go it will ,follow. Itt 'this
city there.areAt•present;.4 may say,
withoutexaggerating,. • between tir--
000 anct 6,000 white opium smokers,
to say notlii•ng of those who take it
its its other states and 1180, kindred
drugs. Of these there aro at least 40
per cent. who aro considered respect,
able peopleond probablyare respect.
able mon:Until they aro vicious. Two
years ago there were a lady and her
tWo deuglitera living in It t1 elegant
inanition on Van 'Ness avenue, ;vim
were addicted to tho tine •of opium
in the tripe, and ono of the daughters
hod a, pet feet Waldo fer it. The
mother h al, begun tite 'use of the
etuti;to. cure the neuralgic. She
cured the neeraloa,but she has
110 01' been cured of the antidote;
and filo never will. Many contract
the habit by using opium as a mod
iettet. A wealthy lady in 'this city
begat) stneking opium as a rem,
oily for corpulency three years
ago. She weighed 250 pounds when
the started. 'She) •weigha 120 now
and she can't quit. 1.1sing opium as
it remedy for disease it; like tatting
ail 0/A1(10i for smoking. Thp cure
is worsetlian the ailmeot. 1 began
taking an antidote a couple of years
ago, and I have two hobite now—
the Antidote 'habit and thq opium
habit. So tallied au ticiOtes are Mere -
Ty snitstitutes, owl they .are Of ten
ivoree than the opium. A marl may
give up opium for morphine, or he
may find 'a friend in "throes if he is
not too old in the vice, hot whatever
he &ea he Must give his system an
equivalent for the drug lie quits.—
IS'Idit Francisco Post, '
"Meet lite at the Officer
A.young woman, whose character
is no,t, the 'best, sett' a 'letter to' a
Married eitizerttlie °flier dny akitit
for a private ieterview in the late
ter's office on Ontario street. The
letter fell into the hands of his wife,
who at the tints mentioned secreted
herself in the office. She luid not
long to wait wheir three raps on the
door were heard. She admitted the
girl and then gave her a Sound
thrashing. Half dragging her,. to 14
1aflip,p0ot, she saw who thP woman
Was, and then beat her again, Thu.
wet:1),(1,1)1s husband bas shipped to let
tbo-affair blow over. She may bit •
arrested for assult,.
Organ iiiisadyenturcs.
The disadvantages of leech an ice l
Organs have more than Once howl
. .
illustrated. We ourselves have
heard on geed authority of a cow,
gregation that Wore eotopelled to •
wait while an ptgao was eorried
bodily out -of .church to Elide)) its
perfornieece in • the' ,cherellyartt,
. .
because on the • partbular occasion
in question it Would persist,.. when
onc.e started, in going through the
whole of its repertoire. Tbe , • •
ing story from the fife of
Mathew farther.. illustiates thus°.
disadvantages. • 11 .any could
be. said 10 be truly happy Father •
Donovan Wight certeittly •lay
to that Tare distinction. But 'there ,
was one elotal • that oecosionallY
shadowed ilia luicittinesa,-the wttittt
Crj an organ'. 'and ((Yell*. • Twp (Mill •
eul•ties and rather :material onee,'"•
stood in the way of the acquieition
of the first • object. ' The one 'wee :
the poverty.of-the church, the other
was -limited space' Of the,•builiting,
•Still, uetsvithstanding the impossi, t
bility of acctimplishing• his .aisli,
the idea :of an 'ol:4ati and choir .
haunted' thee brain of • Father Donn
van,,,atia-- he' determilied to acconi:
pliabhia..purpose try home means or
other. .At length' he 'believed lot
had tovercome' al I .Obstitetee; andhail
realized.• the' darling ,objeet .ok his
ambition. Father itiatltey. 151453
pOnseiou.sof a..striktttg change • hi ,
'the manner and bearing or. his yett7
erend.' friend,. Who suddenly 'Munk
Patteda degigto of:Softness' and • gen,»
tleness not generally Contemn to':
and who walked, with o springy • •
'and•rather boyish step, as if lie Wein
revelling in' the possession'. of somo
joyful speret:',. t'1 have It, ',my flettr
-boy=-I,:liovelt et last—at litst,.sle !" •
•exelaimect, Father Donovan .to his
friend, in a tane Of exhltetiow-
4,11ave what; thy. ilt;ar 1rather•Do-w -
oven l" gently , enqeired- 'Father
Mathew. t'Whyrtlie organ,
dt•ar boy 1 T have sue]) a treat foe
:you next- 'Snioliiy. Yes 'sir, •tho-
.or,gaii. .• 1 knew l'd have it at iast."
."An organ, my dear. Father .Dono.
van; how are • we -to got :it, alni •
where are 'we ' to. • rit • i't r watt dtt'.
natural' ijuoktion.. all right,
1- got :it,. sir, a 'icost beitutiful .
strAilnent..;_anias fon-rooliffitWOleti----
occupy wry 141)100. - You will be gere
to be "delighted • and • so will out*.
poor people. 1 tell you .wititt it •
the ‘A.deattr' is heavenly,. Wait :
you. heat • Vather Donovan had t
reeling) a barrel Organ, wIliel0
played a 11D 1111S`P or sacred Ries, emit' -
all the Atioste•Fideles titeVSicilliett
he fittingly introduccardurieg mass,
and *also at vespitrs. The
would be undo'. his control, . and Ito.
-(Vittiter•-Botro van') WONIth bp -10410L1.411'.- •
:Able ror. the admirable effect of thiFf
delight,/ it iinnovation. The Sunday
fratight.witit anticipated triumph to
Father Donavan arrived. The or.
(1511 and its operator were in On •
little chapel', owl Father Donovan
was having a vigilanteye to both,
Nothing could be a more decided
eveeess than the Adeste, as wanly
lwaides Father Donovan, thlergli
"heavettly," nor was its (greet les.
Honed by the plaintiff • sweettrese of
the hymn; Tears cf. rnpturti stemi
itt the; eyes of Pother Donovan, 1 t
was a niolrient, Of unalloyed triumph
such AR 010051118 0x periencb but' rare,
l'y ie this life, The lost gospel woe
being Toad by. Father .N tithe*,
who Was tholgelebratni wit, ti the
operator Continnticed 45 third 41,#
bias horror -01 herroks 1 •iiistead of
those gentle usittt spirit1/41ireatlillig •
strains that lift a soul to lteaven lit
A flood of hely nwlotly, ow, rattles
the too known• inivultir air of
"`Al011 i» she wad 1" is ss polt1 )10
iiripossiole to cleheribe the bewilder,
went of the rovigrepation 00tho
rage and eenfeniott of poor l'Othee
Doneyne at • Lida "awfel scolidel,"
whieb nearly threw him in •
fever from Shaine nud hamilist
His friends were then eefiit loard
rather eaetione in their allusion its
11MISiO, 61111 1044 o
gans of all kintle, and as fot the re*
motest reforeeee ib "Mbil in hie
wall" that wettlid have lam). P1461'
nem as fatal 1,6 811, it 441/11141
LONO bOON 015144 and VOgODS‘P'Oliti 10
.the sorely afilieted friar.