HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-23, Page 4-
- We eall the special attention of root.
0134tog& awl anbeeribers to the following
ty Iterate of the newalalper
1 -A, poatateltert requireit to Ova
melee ay worse (returnieg elver doe*
not answer theism) whena ;Member doter
aot take hitt paper ont of the office, end
state the mon for ite not being takeu.
Any twaicet to do so make* the posttuaater
reoponsiteo to the pehlieltere for payment.
--If ails. prison °rears his paper ills-
iamtioucil, he most pey alL arwareges, or
the pablisher iney eontinue to and it
omit payment is made, and collect the
whole amount, whether it be taken from
the olliee or not. Thera an be no legal
111-woutiultause .until the poyment i made.
3 -Any person who takes a paper from
the poseothee, whether direeteal to hie
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seribed or not, is respousible for the pay.
4 -If a subscriber ordera his paper to be
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eontinuee to send, it the stibscriher in
intend to pay torft it be takes it out or the
pu.tof1ke. This p leveed') u pon the ground
that o man must pay .for what he uses.
S. Paul $ chureb..-sertiees on Sunday at 1
a.m. Ind 7 p. tn. Bible Clasa, 10 a.m. stylise
soma, 2 atn. Service onwodnooday, p. m
WIll43S CRAM, Rector
Eana•l;i niethotnit.-sertiees at 10•34
kkii0 7.00 1). in. Sabath schoot ab 2.3e, p. rn.
osuada evest,yterifoa.--servivos at, u.a.m. lets
0.30 p. in. Sabbath School, 2.3e p. rn. Ray,
atm. iiThvvirr, easter.
Ifilde Cleristion.-Serviees at 10.30 it. In. Innt
5.30 1). w Sahhati) 5011.001, 4.30 p.m. 100. J.
liesitott, Pwtor.
ittptisit otioreb,-soreleo nt 0.30 cab -
both Sellout, 2-30 p, tn. row..1. OKAY, Pouter.
Tx--rm 1--x-c71.torT
NI • s
liettr9- 7.AerOtli
The Goderich News
Huron Record,
Gettrantocirtiverage circulation, over -17e0
Clutton, Wednesday', July 23rd
(From Toronto Truth, the official ergae WOO
Good Teinplars.) • .
Yo the AWN). of Troth,
fitti,-,-The liquor 'traffic problem
is one of such vast magnitude, .and
the peoper solution Of which is ot
whieli is of soul' vitalimportance•to.:
the race, that even theleeblost'effort
looking:. towards . a settlement of the
.difficultyledeserving at .least of con-
sideration; and I, therefore trust..you
will, bear %dill me while 1 endeavor.
:briefly to expltiiii iny views ,on the
proper -mode,. of settling this. inuch•
•.Texed question. •• •'
. ell admit that there is a great,
. deal ofovilconnocte4 with the traf-
'fie, :and ail at least Profess it desire
to . modify that evil. Souze seek to
' aocomplish., this end by restrictive
measures, While others wic;11' tO, des
stroy evil .sitogether hyprollibit;
ilig • the. mitilufaeture,. Jinportation
• and Ode of intoxicating. liquors; and
' to this latter cluise,the writer yields
• .1 will at °nee admit that 1 fully
appreciate. the gravity a any action
Vt ndieg to place u resteeint on per-
„ .
'eonal freellette but .this ;is one case,
in Which J think individual .11berty
•14iOuld'ide 'Surrendered to the general
Weal.•It.for no ether reeemi than
• tot the score of economy,: this ',radio
•'is un that. shoultrhe done' away
:It costs the -Dominion 111
•stetual ea..lz outlay .for liquors' cell -
smiled:, over. twenty-tive zziillion dol-
lar's atimially,;' the loss frotreitIlenees
through drink eilust be.Still greater..
litel the eitra.' boat Of atheittietering
* juetice, provided ' f , those. .w ho are
driven.. tit 'insanity • or destitution
hrough dilnk,inust alto moonlit to
ail enormoua sniu.. I don't thuiik, it
is , an over- estimate .telphice theie
.eoinbincd.' amounts nt tieeentysfive
million dollars a year; as being. the
total cost; in. money :and money's
worth, .of the liquor traffic in 0.ina,
•da; and thee- aboveall and beyond
:all this there is the -untold misery•
Wreteliedeeks Abet tan also be
,1;6:.1 at itS,,d0OP. . Now, what can he-
ahowli On. the other side to counters,
• imlimee all this evil?. A. few paltry
millions in. revenueand • in :return
for leiter and predoce which might
•.'.1.et put . to ineet Ouch better -use !
'costeesslergen '•
• But haying stated that I ain in
Liver of Prohibition, mid:given:some.
.of the reasene why •I am so,I wish
• diatinctly to state that I holc) vieiva
diametrically Opposedto a large ma-
• lorily: of those wile advocate the
'Satins prineiple.• The people- think
• ',that liquor dealers have 'ea rights
Prohibitionists :are bound to•
respect. They say that aincedicens
tea ere only issued from year to year
, man who itiyests say $10,000 in• a
hotel does AO kuowitig that his
•riglit to keg liquors in that building
is et -movable yearly and tittit at the.
Pi)1. of his term . he has no. cativo for
• 'complaint if. suddenly deprived .of
his lice, se, It is impossible to avoid
..a rote of •pitying •contettipt for, the
houesty :and intelligetiee of .people
who liold quell doctrine. -DO they.
not kuisv that Obi:traffio. for ages
been eartied 00 under the spe.
Mal Function and protectof the
law 1 .i.tu • they not I; now also that
here in Ontario, et Inlievents, cure
tout mei law have' both implied that
when a mall once reeeivlis a licenee
f;tr a proper hour, that licetise
Would.be renewed yearly so long RS
the house was properly kept 1 And
do they suppose, for a motatit that
any titan would be fool enough to
invest ton or twenty thousand do1.
lars in a building. which was tit tor,
no other purpoSe but it hotel, if he
though,t. there 'Watt oven a reason-
able !littittat • of. his losing his
iieettse at the expiration of the firet
year I Now, if this argument holds
good with regard to hotel property,
how much more strongly does it
hold as regards breweries and din
eft Wil PPP, besitleatlze buildhige,
thousands and thousands of dollars
are inveated in blautt
f .tai • .110 ground that we,
o )ploolreiti Towable for this trallie,• '
reel that if we now wish to 'abolish
• it the only hottest course is Co either
competisate thosewho are :engaged
itt m hat both custom and law hese
.s.tutioned as u legitimate tradefor the
hist of the business' We uoW Wish to
deprive theili of, or else give them
3imaliitio to get 006 of the traffic
without undue loss to thenvolves.
Pow uty:pert, 1 wotild strongly favor
the latter plan. A poliey of cont.
pollution Wield be difficult of ReS6111.
0141111t1b1 inal wonld tizLftiT an expel).
11o01)143. wOhld het 'Ore to
assartie. 'hit, by *Milting
'l touipin ii t bit. embodied in the
portico* oftlat;illtiOartlas Act relating
to slew Roma*, the luittion Peril
went nttglie vise an Act nOWI
abolieltiog the Gristle altogether and
brit% it into effect by proelemation
tett year hence. • Th �plan ram ld
allow these in the trelile a reatterable
twoe to get out ef it, *Ord an
opportunity of preparing the people
for an enforcement of the A.s..t when
it did come into ore 1; and prevent
eemmercial crime whieh woes'.
almout certain'? UMW the Redden
stoppage of what ban be long been
an ituportaut tr. d-.
Tate seirrv act
Prohibitive 'IT means of tiw Scott
Act I look uptin as a coloiseal fraud.
lu the first plot* it is AA attempt at,
confirmation as far as the legitituatn
dealers in liquors are concerned,
gime i /woketo destroy- their pro,
petty without any compensation
whatever. I th6 steeled place,
being'ait otquat law, an attetunt to
ttecure its adoption its a Coulity /emits
to the most internist bittereese and
burato the lion& of friendship end
trade, as wittit wt Sitncoe, where a
policy, of mutual boycotting has
already wi'mniencedi and Ilieftim,
where inceediary fires are attrihnted
to the saute came. In the bird
place it does not prollibit--oruearly
prohibit., -.the coe.snuiption of liquor
as even friends of tile At in Ifeltoti.
are forced' to admit. And in the
• fourth • place, where the .Act is
adopted it creates a feeling of popu-
lar sympathy for those whome busi-
'less it illegally, .destroys
the 'present 'attempte of forcine all
Wine in half the counties of the Pro-
vince is peraisted„ its-will,have• the
effect ot set ting 'Back. the. tktifers:
mice wave at least ten years.
On .the other liend susb a measure
an I his,ee'prOpotied'woUld, in Aeter•
• io at lettat, see re the ponn tenii0e
zaiaiyd 4, Chtraffie;-
wOn1/1be'se OweeWitelinlitgly,suWer
teitry inotletate-itteri' cis' to render
frotu the Wide futile. It :wool(' be
an :effort to do away honestly and
• faitly with What 'all . are agreed' is a
• nioneter evil', and aa soch would
tueet with popular favor.
Ai oe farOrel le to -I, otibitT00
I'regret to see temperannanen west,
ing their 'time and money over a
measure which; will no; aceompliell
the end they have vieer;.. and AS
ono having nottle little pretention to
lioneatV, it grieves tne still more to.
See. other holiest men . eugaged„--.
through a mistaken Sense of duty --
in what I eon only characterize as
work, of plunder and spoliation; Aird.
I trust that some abler pen than
mine will take up • the plan 1 have
briefly proposed and Secured its adop-
• tion as the prooram tee of therrollibi•
tioe play. Ibelieve that by adopt:
ing it they will more speedily secure
Prohibition than by any other tneans;
they will carry ,With them thatforce
elf popular -opiniott without which
any law is useless; and they will win
for thenistelves the respect hot °My
elf moderatternen, but even of their
opponent's, • . •
MANITowaxfzi.u..Inne 26, .1884!:'
•• •
• Getting. 110.runk on Cologne.
wogsx Wile TIPPLE on vAitious SUP
'. PLIES F11-031 THE DltT,TG STORE, .
• "Did you 'ever hear of anybody
getting drunk on, eau de: colotke
inquired it, reporter ot. a popular
druggist. ' . . • •
"Certainly," was the druggist's
answer; "aod it hi by no meaus an:
um:out:11161i occurrence. I once lied
a customer, a lady, who. Was puzzled
to kiiow what became Of lier co:
!ogee...She suspected that the- ger-
vents Used it, and carefully watched
thein; but „could never de,teet 'the
sand) Of it about their clothing. At
the same time: the 'housemaid was
noticed to lei occasionally undertlie•
infitieuceof tuz.qhntR, ad it wits
sotiree of onder'as to where: she.
procured bee • eupply. •two
pestles were. stilt ed togethet,whee
it with diit QV red that the girl was
in the habit .o( drinking the cologne'.
The girl's appetite was se strong for
the 'alcohol; and her opportunities
for procuting it net in that
elle could not resist 'it even • in the
Vinod •cologne.
"There is no doutit that the main
patrOnAge of yari us patent reedi-
•t:thee, toinics,• bitters and- the like,
. containing %large ,guttntities of aloe
hol, counts from women who seize:
upon an opportunity to gratify an
appetite for drink which they could
not gratify in any other wily. • One
of my custesaers .told nie that site
couldhot keep a bottle of laudanuin,
Or paregoric, or eyen of hay rein in
the liouee. Any seda.t.ive or same
lant medicine was sure to disappear
und the tervanta were the culprits.
,f'Jt is well known that in menu.
lecturing establishments where alco-
hol is used for mechanical purposes
it is difficulttit keep the topers from
drinkiii,,ti it. There are many wo-
men •'The drink all Ts of stuff
that they get from the drugstores,
for the alcohol it contains, and who
would be ashamed to be seen buying
"I know a Still ae of YOung
girl who was a, cologne drinker.
She- Vi ad observed to' be stopefied
and incoherent, and it was long be:
fore her secret was diticevered. At•
iasl he family doctor said that she
was sufferivg bout alcoholism. The
declaration *of the doctor was re-
ceived with indignation. But the
girl was watched and at last detect-
ed in swallowing her cologne. The
alcohol habit had by 'that time taken
such 4 hold of her that she could
not resitit, and it was only with the
greatest difficulty that she was re-,
a'aimed. Every druggist knows
that there,are eonstantly put in the,
way ot those who are weak, Stimu-
lating poisons front the chug store
that are as periticiotto 118 the vilest
drams. A conscientious mall can-
not see threie things go on before his
eyea Wit holt regret, and yet he dares
not het upon his conviction, lest he
should lose his custom. Bay rum
and cologne are innocent enongli
their legitimate uso, Lut otherwise
they ore ' harmful, anti should be
kept out of the way. of those who
are known tp have an appetite for
The Privy Council have again
given judgment in the case of Me
Laren ve. Ilte Moeda Central Rail.
way Company, dismissing the at.
peal with costs, and coofitining the
judgment of the Supreme Court in
Mr, AL:Luau's favor, The amount
iiivolved is about $100,000. The
suit arose out of a great tire 10
plaintitrs timber, witich he claimed
was caused by sparks frotn the rail-
way locomotives.
1ft raison Nett.%
• '.1tAilniNTAL
rsireate 1 a word in Tour •eave
• may *nether voice speak it to your
hearts l,00neerning your reaponeis
bility in the matter of temperance.
• This word bantam mailings. The
6ist Seripturel, includes
every breech of that lielf-000rrol
which, our head stroug Patera .re•
'quires t involving emotion in things
laWful and mischievous leclulgeoce.
Tho other use of the word refer e to
the one form of kelt-restraint. •ntatle
oecessary by the entlui3tiveness of
Larolciatating drink%
To the latter this brief appeal
Must lie confined, True, every part
and every appetite of those bodies,
fearfully and wonderfully made,
whieh you have taken -the !Opt:Ma-
• Nifty, under God, of calling into
being, ie included in that mapper+
bility, and should be studied and
guided by you, the only law givers,
as the on IS* cfelIcirs, Whom your child
at first can know. '
the One branch of temperance,
which in commuser las use!pal MODOri
• elized •thette terms, is so important
and. so, 'interwoven with the web of
human life iu this age and country
as to demand an earnest utterance
and your candid hearing.
If We should say that parente, as
•ouch, aranpre reepotisible in thaw
waiter than",any and all *Om, it
might not be far front the truth, If
we should addldiat thii reepoilsiblity
'begioll with: the birth:DE.06°0141d, it
would he but part of the truth. In
tnany_cases it plight be asked, "Who
did:.aii(1sis man orliis parente, that
wat lierP,"! iflok
•bl)dilg mental and utbial
• hefeditary nt4Itifetteasi,undeyelop,4
'appetiitett..thatailtliii himn aidiot Or
a-druithardl “.necessary.
Quit the, parent should bo either, or
f'aEntiviretliing else ohs. very low grade, in
orils‘r to curse the offspring and the.
warldoyith terrible hereditary evils,
'slight carelessness, in .the in-
dulgence of animal appetities,..'and
especially of artificial "craving for.
stimulants and narcotics, may Work
infinite harm,
And then, after ' birth; it is not
enough that no bad exaniple is set,
no hurtful' influence exerted. 'There
are positive as well ati negative duties
pressing upon parentacmicerning the
youtig lives, both animal and spiritu-
corn mittf.d.to their care. Standing
ii; the place' of Deity for histruction,
counsel, .and command to your child,
you should, not _omit that. guidance
which he cautiot .at first Bud else-
13esicies inferming hint, as scion as
poseible, respecting the divineCreator
and Ruler, you should teach hini
'respecting hiuzself and the laws of
his nature, which are laws of God.
You 611001 seasonably caution. Mtn
as to hie." appetites and their due
restraint; hie inclinatiMis and their •
heedful control : awl: this before
those appetites and inclinations are
fully developed- or the appropriat e
temptations pritsented in full force.:
Caution may then he too late:
• Do, not. wait till your children .
are, itivited to drink,. still luso till
they have acquired the taste, before.
teaching them, from Scripture and
that wine is a meeker and
strong drink ragingrat iast biting
liken serpent and stinging iiice .au
It is not enotigh that they find not
the foe on your table or lurking in
the 'tweet dregs:at tile bottom of the
.conlial or sb called' "medicine" cup
;--ofien• more terribly fatal than
would be 'a residuum of arsenic or,
atryelinine te the indulged darling
*Ito sips and smilee,. and learns to
make his parents•wbeet, bitter • tears.
Itis not enough that, -when they go
front home to college or to a ladies'
sentipary, they are not furnished, as
some hate been,. by • feed, foolish
:parent!,, wish • cordials and health
restoratives often More Niel- than
thedisecteee they *Mild avert. ----Rev.
J. V. Chiekierle, D. D.
.Chatiging TharCreed•
• _
Hiving learned that ,a special ah•
. juration service of .coeverts .from
Protestantism had been held. at St,
Patriek's Sacristry, Montreal, on
.Sunday evening lash, and wishing
to know something more on the
enhject, our . reporter ,this meriting
eieited the latter place, and asked:
for the Rev. Martin. Callaghan.
Analog, that the reverend gentle-
man hail just left for the:„West on*
• iiie annual vacation the reporter
asked for rather Jean s Callaghan,
and was soon after intredueed to a
very pleasant, smiling faced gentles.
matt, reminding one onueli of Chat'
ceets description of a good priest :--
'Tull sweetly heard he confession',
And pleasant wee his absolution."
"e The reporter having explained
hie errand, Was cOrdinlly weleottied,
and asked to Biel) .back info the eti
cristy, • where the :books are kept:
Father Callaghan adding, doubtless,
a Wight offset to his cordialty,
"Although, you knotv, we don't
care much for the firdlisp: that is,
should say, we don't read it much
or subscribe for it," After this
open confession, to which our re-
porter simply noddedhis head,
thinking ,that silence Wee golden,
the hooks were brought eut atel it
was found that since 1859 no less
than 115 Cony'erts had been baPt'Sed
as St. Plitelek'S. From March I,5th,
1874, or Since rather Afartitt Calla-
ghan had taken hold, ho less than
408 loul been received into the
olisrfi puldiely by that gentleman
.411304' asked the reporter, "about
tlie eight 001iVerta received on Sun
day last; Father Callaghan, who
were they l"
"Five 'were male, and three fo4
male, They consisted of an elderly
gentleman, Mee middle aged men,
twe other mete u lad ot about thir.
teen and two young ladies, of gout
nineteen or twenty years, Sane Of
the then Ifelouged tcl the Preriby ter.
lair the 'oh in the North of Ireland.
The young ladie*, I believe, forint
ly belonged to the Epiocepal Church
• A %limber of Protestante wete here,
. desirous of withessitig the ceremony,
which Wall a lengthyone, taking in
all, about two limit% Slid a half,
'Plat abjuration Se.rviett is «one
through eeparately with caul; iota-
vidual." ; should walla inside of the gentleman,
"Could you oblige ea with the
the manage for publication," naked
reveller.• '
"Well," ,said the Rev. jaraett
Callaghan, have Ito objection, all
theta) natnes-716 which you see
hare -are genuine, but not ,one of
thew have been published, the work
goes on all elle thee, and If would
prefer not to give you the names,
because many persons at their tirat
profession do not wish it made fully
flumbuitic:a. ibteltheirui tetutolpith4ecr71:"Pelt°0.1,11iigitet
makieg converts we use lie force in
any way, I &taunt you sit is volun-
Loy on the part of the ono ablurini .
is ef course at great thing for a
Protestant to abjure 1 couid name
Many young Intel" the re% erend gen-
tleman here did name elle, person-
ally known te the reporter, the con-
vert in question having lately al).
jured and 80011 after married a Ro•
ritan Catholic young lady -"accus-
tomed to do much as they please,
saying only their prayers to God,
but we immediately bisiet 00 per-
sonal confeseion t lily to god,
• but to us, There is, 1 askure you,
• not the least doubt as to the truth
of the facts about which you called
on nie,"
rather •Tanies having Asked our
rept r,ter to call and 'levee talk with
Father Martineau on the tem; or -
mice question at an early date, the
doors, loekecl as he entered,
were unfastened, and lie, was hewed
ioto the street by the gismal prieat.
A SiSterly Salvation Let.
Mrs. Snagge (horribly homely) -1
alio* I ain't much, for looks, and
Jake says I'd take the prize in an.
ugly mug shim of tive'coenties; but
I dont • Car1-gOS is'ge-Od ittitsbatiil`
and my looks.don't worry me
Mrs,Suiggs.-Resztly, Mrs. Simms
yoisore cruel- 'te-yenrseift - W-113'4'
know- °
• Mts. Snaggs-Oh, yes! I.s'pose
you'll say you know sane one home;
lier, but that won't tickle ineeanys
I'm mighty proud of my featurein
• aitil why shouldn't I be, considerin"
what a salvation they were
-M.s. Sniggs-A salvation I
Mrs. Snaggs-Yes, salvation is a
mighty good weld. You , know our
Sal 1 She lives in the city and is
just as happy as the cley is, long.
Shills got the beet Lueband • inthe
world, and rich,. too. Well, if it
hadn't lieee for my,looks, Siel• would
have thrown herself away on that
iniserible critter; Sam Slink.. the
laziest young fellow its the .villags
Sam is as purty good lookin' a few
years ago, and Sal was juat
. wild
over him, but 1 scared him off,
Mrs. Sniggs-Why, how did you
manage' it. -
Mrs. Snaggs - Simple enough..
Otto • °venial when Sam was here I
just remarked, easy and natur‘l
like, that I was the.very pietur' of
Sal when I was young.
• •
Scene, in a Colored Church
Aunt Rebecca is a good oItt-Color-
•ed :woman, and 'site ju .the eaten
corner in Salvation Chapel, in South
Naelieillei: She is Very .pionipt itt
toting her twist lave' or disapproval
of anything tlie Pastor says, and is
in: tile habit of throwing in. emelt,
interjaculetory remark it as "Glory to
God" "Ness the Lord," &c., while be
. .
preiteld rm. Last Su uday t he text
was "Render into Ciesar the thiugs
that, are Caesar.% Lied to God
•the things that are G.oirs." The
Pastor had no sooner spoken. the
word.' "Csetter" than Aunt Rebecca
sang out, to the • couittereetion of
everybody. 4.‘Criory to:King Ciesar!".
Stop, Hist et." sehrthe Pastor,: "and
'hear me out, end. you will change
your tune and ,say, • ".(4Iory to King
-Jesils.”- 'Coop this :Au ut Rebecca
bridled upand said.she• knew her
•buitinese, and King Jesus • would get
Iliaglory when His time came, but
King Cmgar Canle' befcire him in. the
Bible., and,' therefore, should .be
tied first.. The Pastor preached on,
and t:vilen hementioned the mime Of
Jesus, Aunt Itehesiea sail, "GlOty
to Ring •141.361141 three tinosi,":aild ;she
hal her say out three times before
the Pastor got a chance to proceed.
. ,
RomoluS, Picte; a emninercial
trvelier ot Montreal, while eliews.
ing some thin:pies hi: Quebec eity,
Was itreested for 'doing buii hese
within the limits of the city as a
tt•ansient merchant without having
previously obtained it license from
the city corporation... Ile was taken
to 'ITO. 1 police station, . where he
paid,,mider protest, the $60 requir.
ed for a licenseluid was get. at 'lib,
erty. Action was at once entered
in: the &peeler court against the
corporation to recover daniages for
Nett arrest 'and • ittiPrisonntent.
Judgement has been rendered by the
Superior court deciding that the fax
was illegally imposed and oondeine-
ing the c'ty to Pay $160 thanutg-s.
Rescued at Litst:
W. It Crooker,druggist of Wafer.
down, says, 'when all ether recticelles
fait for Bowel Complaints, •then Dr.
Fowler's thract of•Wild Strawberry
Somas to the rescue. 295 31..
• A Boston man was arrested for
calling his servent a "red ,head." 11
he had spoken :of•he'r as a cepillary
substance ;wearing a roseate blush
like unto the brilliant hue Of a gold -
en sunset,- he wou'd have gained the
applause of every resident ih his
In Murray & Lanman's Florida
Water the most debilithted and IMP.
V01.16 can find relief, Used freely in
the water' of the bath ite effect fit
almost marvellous, so strengthening
alty, g, and withal so exquisithly
Oh 'What A Cough.: .
you heed the -warning. The
signal perhaps of the sure approach of
that more terrible disease COnsuroptIon.
Ask yourselves If you can afford for the
sake Of saving tiOete,, to run the Heti
and do nothing rot. It. We knOW frOln
eepetrence that Shiloleg Cure will cure
your Coneh. It novel' fella This ex
1)1)11118 Why more thou a MIllien fiot.
ties were sold the paid year. It relieves
Croup, and Whooping Comet, 'at Ohre.
Mothers tio not he without it. For
Lime Back, Side Or Chest, use Shiloh's
Portals Plater. Sold by J. IL Voinhe
• •203dy
A little fellOW, three years old
who had heeer eaten froet oak°, Reif
ed at the table for A piece of that
l'etike With the plastering on it,"
),To 111 11a
There18 00 rival for Dr, Fowler's
Extract, of Wild 8trawberry. It is
the naknotyledged thampien for the
eure titan &Miler Complaints.
• 203 -sat.
When a gentlemais and lady are
walking upon the street, tile 'lady
A misstep will often make $ oriPple
for life. A, bottle of Henry &Johnson%
Arab* and 011 liniment at hand, will
not prevent tbe misstep, but toed
sounecibitely it will BATA being a crip-
ple. 293 Ot
A Milwaukee man ha* been sent to
jail for etealing it kisa. As a Milwau-
kee men could never get one with -
telt ateal lug it, the punishment seems
rather severe.
Prejudiced People.
Many people are prejudiced against
Patent medicines, inb all who try
Burch* Blood Bittere arectempelled
tt aoknowledge it wortbY a Petent as
a vatautpla disetayery• 295 31.. •
"My dear Miss A., this 'ring which
would ask you to• accept or me is
erablentatle of my Idve for you; it lias
no end," "Thank you very much,
Mr. B.; it curiously reeembles my
love for you; it has no beginning."
Hoperail iiVords.
Mrs. IlticArfintr• lielYeviVe, Ont.
says she could not keep house with-
out Iragvaill'e Pectoral Balsam to
cure prevuiling thtoat and lung trou-
Mee. 295 3t.
It ia said that the Prince of Wales
would like to be an editor. Whet
kind of it man is be anyway ? Isn't
he in debt enough already ?
Ifyou are troubled with a "hacking
cough," Downs' Elixir 'will give you
relief at once. Warranted' as recom-
mended or money refunded. 293-54
"Kiss pie as I fall asleep," in the
title of a new song, It might work
all right, with some men, but it would
wake us right up,
Weems often cause sellouts illness.
The cure is Dr. Low's VVorin Syrup.
'It diistroyeand expels:NV orals, effectu-
ally. • , 295 4t.
"What are you winking for ?" asked
a druggist clerk of a customer stand-
ing near the soda fountain. Was
winking ? Beg pardon. Force ot
habit. 1 came from Maine." The
• apology 'was- ateepteiL-
• For Old or Young.
Dr. Fowler's „Extract of Wild Straw-
lierro is the'reniedylor
Diarrhea Mid. Dysentery. NO per -861i
is safe without it. 295=4.
Snoopil was a young men who had
been Married a year, and was telling
a friend how different he was when
single. 4 WereyoU'rinich embarrass-
ec.1 when eve "popped tbe question 7"
asked the friend. ' Embarrassed ?
Well, shl'
buld say I was. I owed
$1!500 for board and clothes andone
thing or other, and didn't have a
darned cent to pay it with."
PrOntinent ttniong the greatest medico' dit-
C?rVer ' Spa
aprel e4; b eth4Cnia'unrYelodsthe rn.
a euros 11
th has
cif e•S%tbt eefeMc
G, I
to. t110 •11111111tes1 chemical analysie, it has been
found to contain none of those injurious ingredi•
wits characterizing the worthless speeilles daily
offered tO the ptiblie. • Every Ingredient possesses
a pocueuradaptabnity to the various complainte '
foe-whit/It it has .hcen compounded, and its Ole.
ndy fs being established by testlinonials hourly
received. We are therefore cenfident that we
have a prep:wawa which we can offer to the
"public withthe sastirance that It will be found
net only a relief but an absolute are for Dys.
pepsin, Liyer Complaint, Indigestion, Constipa-
tion and Impure Blood Free trial bottles at
3 °or Drug Store. 206.41 ' ••
"YOU look as if you had been Maser'.
by• a breeze from Northland," • said a
poetic young lady.to a. pretty friend,
whose cheeks were glowing with
"01), eel". was the laughing
reply, f4it was only asoft heir from
Baltimore," . • '
• .
Glom) Toe YEAR ICOUND.-NAtiOnal
Pills'are z good blood purifier, liver
regulator, and mild -purgative for- all
-seasons. •
Little Boy (to Mother, who is nurs
ing a baby)-"Marrime,• when baby
begins to talk, what a dreadful thing
it we find out he's tie fr,stiniatt.'!•-
!ma. • .
Dyspepsia .42 Liver Conplaint,
It itot woitit the small 'price of 75
cents to tree yeurseff or every Syinpiont -
of these di'stressing emit plat nte, .you
thinktee call at our store and get a nut -
flit of 1h1lohs Vitalizer, every bottle Its
a primed guarantee oft Iltie itecer-
(Jingly and if it does you no good it
%yid cost.You nothing. Sold Ity
• 263-ly •
.• Some ono stole a good Suit or
clothes trona the Queen's hotel, •Sea
forth. Constdble Dunlop 'arrested
a young 'mart nained Vitae. Connolly,
Ilia alleged- thief, in Kinkera.-• Ile
was wearies the toggery. at the Aline;
! comitted . to •Goderich jail
tor Liiai •
Wit:el-Whites the matter now,
Husband -Oh, - that neuralgia and toothache
near kills me,' ,
Wife --Why don't you go to the Drug Store and
get a thole of Eltifd Lightning? you know it
eures all such things as Toothache; Neutalgia,
lioadaeho, Lambast>, Earache, Sore Throat, etc.
It Kb us 4180:1 relief, • 290-41 ' •
liatenien's Arnim &dire:
Tao assr Sault In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, 'IJleers, Salt Rheum,'
Feyer Sores, Tater, Chapped . Hands,
Chilblains, Coritsaiud all t'kin Erup-
tions, and positiiiely cures'or no
pay required. lt Is guaranteed to give
• perfect satisfaction, or motley. rounded.
Price 25 eents. per box, F‘nt DMA D• i
Watts & Co . 258-ly
, "I speak iyithin bounds," an the
prisoners said to the gaoler.
Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure' in•
.digestion, heart Burn, • Cestiveneds
and all •malarial disease., Twenty five
cents per, bottle.. •• : 293-51.
. A Saloon and. bull's head are sy-
nonYihous. You can • get it hero.
from either.
Aro1 yoa-eroobled with" Salt Itheum; Rough
Minds'or Old Sores of any kind that cannot .be
healed? Even though it be 6? years standing
McGregor& Parke'd carbolic comae will cure it..
Re; end the shadow of a doubt It is. the ,best
healing eompeund. ever known. Bone, Fesieringe,
Frost Bites, Burns or any Skin Trouble'are alike
cured .by it, Solcl'at 20 cents' by youroruggut,
Some young men, are so improva•
dont they Cannot keep anything but
late 'hours.
Search Warrant.
If there' is 'any lurking taint of
scrofula . in the eystetre' Burdock
• Bitters are warranwq to seareh
it,' out, '1;, 1, 7 2- • - •05-3b
'The easiest way te mark table lin-
en--Letive the baby end a blackberry
pie alone at the table for three Min-
We have it spt edy and 'positive Ctite.
for Ct,tari'li, Dtptlieria, Canker moil' It
1111(1 Ileal ache, in SHILOH'S OAT.
Akin( LEMEDY• A nasal Injector free
with eaph bottle. Use It if you desire
health and sweet breath,. .Priee.130ets-
Sold by .1', IT Cornhe, 243-Iy
rboster has been born With only
one wingin Doory County, Ge, in
order to give a paragraphist an op-
portunity to say that it resembles •
some chittneyS, I. e., it has defeetive
'flew. • r.
Pen Comer,exlow,-Eo Pimples,
illotcheteTan, and all itching tumors
ol' the skim use Prof, Low's Zrngic
Sulphur Soap.
205 41.
- OHL I 1)1 T N
•arriage Works.
LI,J,11,11.3.413, AND SHINGLES, taken in exchange. Cive tee it can and 1
wUl give you prices that cannot be beaten in the County, ser Repairing and
lIorseshoeing donewith tleepateh.
• I
Wishes to inform his old customers and the petite generally
that he has again opened out In the
Carriage and Waggon Business,
On the Carner of Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton;
In the Brick Building known as the "Mountcastle property," where he will carry ,
on the trade in all its branches. An experience of over 20 years in business in '
Clinton will euable him to meet the• requirements of the public in Ills line. All
materiel of the very hest quality and the workmanship unsurpassed. Cali and
examine before pnrchasing, All the latest Improved rigsmanufactured and kept
constantly en hand. . . . .
fitaRepairing and .Repainting Promptly Attended to..
3::Ortig 11.4C4E3cli.1-xxem,
Physioians' Presoriptions .0arefully and iloourately"Compoundeat
- an Orders, Ani*ered with Care and Despatoh•.,-
- rite- • etitr Stock ofMidiciiies Coimplete., ilico+artted
and. of the Bea Qttality
Toilet Soar, Perfuinery, Shoulder 'Braces, Trusses Sponges, and all
kinds of Druggists' Sundries usually kept in a First-Classbrug Store.
The time for floase-Oleaning is near.. Alt wanting
Hall Parlor, Diniagoro., or. Bed-
• Room Papers,
will find the
Best and Latest Patterns
1,34 The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can be had for nothing.
Call and see the papers and get it Book . •
at OirT IL ER' S..
. . .
• rt- Re.5plis C4eaper than ask cone on top of the Earth.
• "" ""
/. -
.4'49)19,,2 11, tor44It i'ril , ..r"-Ililli".1 iIl T!
7t• 7.ilart
' 81,10es:if tit its Orgtns hi tlie. Warereome; Peelle Block:Prices LOW and ••
. terms easy. I also keep' in.stock : ,
The Wheeler and Wilson, and the •Light Running Domestic
• Sealing ...Machines.
Also Needles, 011 and attaehments. Violins varying from $2 up to $100, Bowe in
areat variety from bO cents•to $10, Ebony 'Finger Boards, Ebony Tsli Mess, Togs,.
Bricige.Stringe, Steel and Out, in Sets or single, Tuning Forks, Tuning Pipes, liar,.
monietta,,Etionv Chin itests, Mutes; Flutes,'. Fiageolets, Violin. Cases from
05 cents to $4, Music Books for .001400, Plano ATM. The ' Prize Anthem
Beek, coin:lining the (Meet selectiouefAnthems ever prodeced. .Call anitsce me,
Perrin BloCk,. Clinton, Ont.* .
. .
Olt WM. itt a Mokpo/ atatej
ASTHMA, ortOtry, ,) 4
DIDEAD88 00, THE 'THROAT, Ulnas, -AND-
• fitn.Monafre .0noass. •
sr its ravelteirt trait
A.Whed other Remedies end Physicians have ,
railed to ffeet 8 titre, s
Reinntniencle4 by PHYSICIANS, Mietertilln Anti
NURSES. 10 lett by everybody Wh6bas
, given nu good neva' faits
A to &int why:
'AS an EXPECIORAisit it has las
tt is harmless to the 'Most Delicate Child,
It conlalmo HO 041111f in any fornt,
ortAttetios accolapany each bottle.
Or For SATO by all betggitas,
. •
;Ladies' Geld awl Silver Jewelry-,
Brooches, Ear kings, Bracelets, ete. '
Solid Ever and Plated
Suitable for tioliday, Wedding, or Birth.
day Presents. Goods for large 01' P111911
parks and to suit .all titeasone of the
year, 'See the Stock. Large verb tv ot
(Pocks. Everything of the best. makes,
Oentletnen'a Plain and Riney Jewelry
14 endless variety.
ifigeottepititing pronlptly anointed to
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Pull Stook of Spootaoles,
Of tlie Best Makes, always on band,
J. Biddrecoinbe,
chnlosIte the Market, Clinton.
(0tarrito)ot.tmcor, ONT.
cma *mow5 x4.t.,
nurse boors tin you 066 the ctoiebetted
Wrenlicht TWA IhirVesteratal the natty neapor
Rakes, Straw entterS• iloughs and other
All Warranted. 'Straus vunAtft•db nu it nul. 1
corrin(101;:inenvou not eu
anielo'e cArdaer 'Werke ;
resetesr,ttod by ate of Parlianiont, 1808.
OA l'ITA TA, • • • 02,000,000
• 0,500,000 '
Xifeaci Oftioo, . MONTREAL.
J. IL IL 1401.,SON., Yire-Proldent.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft
issued, Sterling and American ex-
change bought and sold at low-
est current rates.
Money advanced to farmers on tbelr own note,
With row or more endorsers, No mortgage re.
tildred as security.
11. 0. BREWER/.
telmittry. I584. Otissom.
panto to pod.
At low rates of Interest and upon terms to suit
Beaver Block, Clinton
Clinton; May lith, 1202. 20
41,4 lowerct current Mkt& Al.: Haws 1144r0"*Pk"
Milton, Po. 20, 34E11.
.41 MAW 33o0x, giving plain directions for Artjath:
ifEmbroldem Zane Work, Knittnar, Tat.
f(a):144 ting, ...,. Crochet.tr.li1 ie:::::.7.4:7,..:70:r9,:kr:., t ..: h,:irtt :1.:,,,,, .4: 4.4 ir,
Over 400 Illustrations,
•••••..„, c Bate Greennunly destgais for Boyleys.
/ids. t ederigny for td:roglacr:::::
Berlin anti Shetland Wool, Applique.
‘'.ksii etc,, II andknrcitiei bomers, Macrame, lion
bein Work, Java- Canroo, Fringes, Turkish
Arir;..2.P baskets, I.,atnbterptins, Work Bags. Scrap
Rugs, 'I inlet Cushions. Footstools, Wan
!!!"..gri4 B.A.'s, Tdblotr p Patterns, roldingScreenr.
J.'.. ... Sao Cbshions, Mintier Pattern., lit, all Pock.
l'ffil cal Is.Chair Itoloters,Sthoul Bags, Patclbuotk„
m Teuel nasis, Tidies, Work Bari,
1 ricot end Burlaps, Wood Baskets, Ribs.
Shoe Bags, Jewel Boxes, Knitted Jackets.
Pillow Shams, and bundled* of other avocet
la. c flea: c• Y ;vie: ': ' 1 he P"^." v°1'... d.0-..g.t ...-
3:euriztyillaBurilrgrIll.olans_bweitvph rareelsDellzeirto3es. id%
• ,astu to supply within i ts COMpa1.1 a greater
I•an. nvwraadt.; wril kldlY , 5° ur srrisV 114 ta rdatti21'o rrouesev he orY1 edne5coig:
*tidn.'t"T' hal4tylelrflikbertr Ini.Sb4entiOgaittli:CareRkl4 Wettl.nROU'ral;an.": - -
i071. and invaluable to all who love fancy work.
*JOURNAL, 240 Broadway, new-vors• , • •
tOr ov to .et,
continuation of Prim:one Street. The house
is lk stories high; soft and hard water on the
preinises, als6 stable and other outhouses. The
let eontains (Mimi:hirable more than a j acre.
The property In in' excellent order and will be
sole on tarembic tun's. Apply to ,
on the Kerning.
Oanton, July 411 0884. ' • 294-44 • •
• 111E suliatelimi, offers for Sale thht , excel-
lent tarm-lot 33, con. 6, Goderich township,
'containing 80 'acres, 70 tecarcd; a never failing
creak mini across the roar end of the faun: There
aro also a good ((War log house, three acres of
orchard, bank barn .36x66. with 8j. foot stone wall;
two good welland pumps, one at house and ono
at isms. Tile property is well fenced with cedar
-ralls.and Isaltogether it first class farm in geed
condition:- Terms and conditions of sale made
• know, on application at this office, or to Wm.
Alexander, Clinton P. 0,, br•the proprietor,
.• 292-46, • • Wiarton, P. 0.
n3ITAT vAluABLE PROPERTY, known as the
Milburn Ex:Mango llotel, at present oce0Pi•
ed by Mr. Fnim. llowrow, is offered for sale or to
relit." The hotel is situated on thegravel roads
between Ouderich and Port Albert, and Gederleit
and Bb th, and docs a snug business. Possessiob
on first *of September Or sooner. if required.
Tubas reasonable.. For partieulars applY to A.
ALIAAN, Dunlop .1"-- 0.- 29444 '
21. corner of Erie and Mae) Streets., TN:JO
stories high. live be:14006 . Whiter and sum
mar kitchen, lia IA ;Old SWE MAO hi the build-
ing. other; winveniences. • 0 ould auuommodate
lArge family. , Rent very IOW to yearly tenant.
Apply at this office, or to
Clinton, •Juue 16, 180:1. • • 291-1m;
j_' CHINE tvitle drop leaf; has ni.ver been
useil; for light or heavy work; Will he soldlor kiss
than it :lost Apply or address . • ' ; •
- ' THE fit:WM' NEWS•rtneOltn,.
.2no•ti • • ,• • • Ott:Cron, Orr.
. •
. . . .
TN !rue counsy or otepposs., State of Michigan,
the Sotttl01Sest quarter of Sectioo 25;16wnship
44, North Range 2,'West, containing 100•aeros au-
cerillikk to the Govermimnt survey. This farm is
sirinttud on the Main road in:MS:eta St. Marie,
to Point St Ignatte, and is 81 mile$ from the Gs"
ing village of Sfrongv.ille. Par further particuls
.arsapply to ' MARRY G1j,LIN11)II/1111,
•• . Bayfleld Road,.
242-4t, Goderich Fp,
• ele•Tiik village of eecottave, the dwelling
▪ house' and store oecupied hy Inc. The site is
:0110 01 the most desirable lei the village for busi•
nes. There Is. geed stable, OnthOuses, and on
catetiontsoft water Cistern :ot the promises. The
lot neinprios OS Ith pore, vilebuildings aro
in good repair. Will 118 SOld chalk!), as the pro-
nrictorislovisgep htishiess, Term0eas3. .
. .W51..DENGAN
5-111f. • Delvrave, Ont:
'.00311,011.TABLE dowelling house In thw
e Ton
. of Clinton ;.co»beinle six roonee; garden with
fruit trees, Situate in gond locality.' For fur-
ther particulars aPply . this office, or 44 the
singer sewing Nat:time otnee,. Perrin Block'
yeatda. • . • 221.1-1.f.• '
ALuABLE Soutli•West part of Lot
11; concession 4,tow,150II of Morel% county'
of Hurorr-distance from. markets Belgmve, two
• miles; Brussels, 81% 1111108: %Mignon', eight miles -
containing 100 aeries; no .acrea cleared, nacres
tine Intsh.: (Inc goad Brick Ms:tilling tionso;.ono.
'Frame Dwelling 116use, A large -Bank I3arti,70X42,
20 feet hign, stables itridurneatit, (aione tottnda•
Mons under 'all buildings),,tWO nevUr-felling
wells, good Water, good yofing ' orchard, new
hoard toned ete(1tw posts) around som. The
form, buildings, fences, Ric., are in fIrst•elass con.
'Mien, weal. it:hinted for grain and atock faro.
• /wing to the duall • of the late oesthis" br•-.- reales-,
sr., the tam watered kr dale, Possession can
lie given at any thno. Per tenni, which are on.
eeptionaity easy, apidy co
• 0
• . n. A, PY101, 0.4 .„ . . TOtkOrt,Ont.'
.-1/477.A.Nrjj •
meteors', AND 1.18318
ALSO,, 3 U S rix
-Any ono wishing to SO I this class Of Property
ca reamie obtain a env haste be :vetoing to
roma owe, Dentition, London, 014,
r • 0114"ytoLoui
nt !Meat ettosot intereqt. Apply tO
242.01n, C 11. B10,14018, London,
41.111110101 It filrninheti throughout with great
care to Meet the wants of the travelling public.
Commoillotte multiple teems; The hest of liquors
and elgorte aro obvert: kept at GM bar, (Mod.
table, nest situated none In euntom oice
ealL •
• JAS. MOORE, Proprieter,
olinion, June V141181.
hotet hila lately heel, leased ht. the
Und▪ ersigned,. The eternises hare 'been: refitted,
and the boa possible accoutinodotion ferment
and the general tutvelifng panic la afforded.
1.111148 810011111 in connection. The lair la supplied
With the heat linuorsatui eigara. Yew patronago
elicited. Veterinary Swoon in connettion.
Off0,TilltODALD, Proprietor.
°Baton, May MI. 1884. eitil•ly
trittS itoirkt, Is NEW and haft all the reunite -
1. MOM Of tt Orateleas h0100. Largti and airy
5061001, ffiegeht pittltut, heated with hot air. 1n
tho immediate vicinity of the O. T. it. Depot.
Thelhar la stocked with tho tholoiNt brandS
ef 11411012 arid The 1r,01111111114 pa min may
rest assume e bring well eared tor at thia
.T_T it Y the renowned Ton.
L eorhti Artist, has obtained the assiatance
ef 4 firstmlass weber: per" All the latest styles
of ladies' anil guntleplea's h0ir.uut4lILg. 44,03 dove •
,RAIU of the Ovum:Arad Hotel,
. .
Send six tents ff.)! postage,
A PRI E.1,1 440848 which will holit all,
and receive free, it cestly box
of either stui,.to inurg money right away thw
a •
ything 0138 n,thls world. ,•Fortemes atlatit the .
workers absolutely sure. At once address Taus
& co., Augusta, Maine. 281-ly"
Sis at the Office lef 4,0110 A. THOMAS, Mu-.
Gormiek 131001c, Chicago, 111 '
New and 'Superior Canada Maps
and Charts,
As paYing as any agency in the world. For fell
particulars, free, address is. enamors,
arse -ottninasee;, 3138 Richnsood Street,
Lonffon, Ontario.: 207 .4111
Lea.ding Local Paper L...
• American,
British and
'Foreign News
• *
• 1 SQURCES, )
Are COrrtreted every Tuesday
afternooti, jut before
going to press,