HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-02, Page 4' We vall the special ettentiou ot Poste eaatera 441 ttlibmaiboni to the following of the newspaper IttlY8 it -A pester/4er is reeuired to give meee. terrne (retinVing, 4 paper floes ft)na81e. the law) when 4 subseriberdoes. tiet tale, les paper out of the dilute end irete the reason for itsuot being taken, ttny co.Tieet to do et realm the poet/meet eepeasible to the ptiblishers 1'ov payment. If anvpeloon Ortlers bin pew dis- eentien • I, he must pay ell Si retuned. or itit,eisher may continue to send it ton' printout is made,. and collect the, amoutst. whether It be taken from tee oiii,o or not, Them tan be no legal diseeutinuttute uutilthe payment is nteeio. porson who takes a parr fivut • the post-oftiee, whether directed to Ilia name or another,or whether he has oub. willed or not, ix responsible for the pay, 4—If a eubscriber orders his paper to be stepped at a certain time, and the pntillah• ' contiuues tosend, it the subscriber la . blend to pay for It if he takes,it out of the past•olliee. This preeeeds Upon the groand that a man meat pay for what lie uses. fillITR4111 DIRECTOR1t. fit. elturch.-Servlees on Sundfo at 1 anal 7 p, in. litme class, to a.m. supaay s•ormi,2 0.m. Service on wedumelity, 8 p. IM iter. wteetesi CRAM, Iler(Or Itrethodlet.--ServirRit at 10.30 a. m. and tee p. m. Sabbath Sohol it 2.30 p. o. 3)er.-.1.0ater,Paston geaula eraohyterian.vic , Seres at 11 is.m. and 8 81 o. Sahhath School. 240 p. m. Mgr. Alms.fitutWattr, Pastor, tithatphristian.-Seniceo at tom a. Rh tutcl 38) re le SAblieth School, 2.30. P.01- Re• KiPfsett, Pastor. naptist emwoh.--Servlee at 6.30 p, re. nah. Oath schczt, 0.39 D. fli. ReY. .1. GRAY, Poetise. X-XT-T1R,01\T 11‘!,14 t40' 41 iitrorit The Goderict News - -mat- *Huron Record .•(A)r4 L04 444 • . • • •Qt131*-,teed average Circulation, over 1700 .1rtritott.'Weduesi1a*.;.11dY--2nd- , DATJWITLIt—SISTER-MIFE S Plod In ClInten, 3fay 2284, 1884, • COld anti pale our daughter lies, Hidden are her laughing eyes., Ahd .her reatiest3 hands are folded, Still and white•-litte marble moulded„ On her brow our liot tears ran, .Bt7ttby eniee her not'at all On 'tier lips fond kisses rain— • None are given back again. • Nevermore the robinrs call; • oitvelster's as shall fall— .lier.the May shenvere,* 'Of• the wake'ng of the flowers. . • Who•ean.know or understand. • Why Death lays hie icy hand On a healt so warmand Iigbt— Not a throb it gives to.91,ilit. And our hearts are sad and sore,• • For bet: tIitIlOsOrna voice no more Ringing out; so gled and gay,. . • Shall the Windows chase astray. Days of suffering, ropg and weary; • Nights o' pain, stip sad and dreary, Laid the lightscine spirit low, Lefteto steeegth to meet the foe. . - • Sn her yo•ing life passed away .With the' timing May day ; • , All her patieeke and her pith, • All eur yetirning hopes—in vain. . God is gedil•-•-ll'e knoweth best-- Tie'hath given the loved wire rest ; , In his loving,arnis we lea've her; • 6'M:rows like ours air 11 never grieve her./ Country • for • Is. 15P in the morning early, •• luat at the peep of day,• '. Straining the milk in the dairy, •. Turning:the :cows away.. . • • Sweeping the floer of the kitchen, . Making the::bedi up stairs,• . •Winthing, the breakfast dishes; •.Dusting the .parlor chaire., Prushing crumbfrom the pantry, •• lItinting for eggs aLt the barn, ,. .• Cleening the turnipsfor; dinner, • • Spinning:stocking 'yarn. • ' ' Spreading the whitened linen; . Down on the bushes . Ransacking, every Meadow .• • Where the rod 'strawberries grow. • 'Starching the fixtures for Sunday, '• Churning:the stievey.crea,inr!' , Rinsing thepail and strainer, : Down in the limpid streani• . . • reeding the• geeseand turkey!. , • • ,Alsfking the pumpkin pies,' • Jugging the.young one's • Driving away the flies.. , Grace ie every motion, Mueic in 'every, tone, • Beauty in form and feature Thousands nmy covetto own. • Chceks that; rival spring roses, 'Teeth, the whitest or pearl—' •Ono`bf these country maids is worth A score of your city•bred r -W estchester Village Record, 'rlE Towcro CONFERENCE . . SOFT SOAP WINB At the recent Conference in Te - :ran to.. tins.,,,r,ppat,. of.. the ConiniittO• on Temperance awakened another- • proCracted diseussiorr. • A- great. ;teal, of .-tiineavat Aerie in. about the Meaning of cee thin ternes oontained in the repiwt. Some very foreible words relating to • the , traflice were somewhat. modified. The question of allowing •fermented wine to he used for sacra • mental purpeses elicited a diversity of opinion. Several of the Members failed to see that there could he temptation to any inan in partaking • rineeted /vine at the Communion table • re tascoinmended an ex- • eellent iirtioie in Unfermented wine • which lie saw ninnufketmeed at Lott. !Ion. .1Ie entered. ,satisfactorily info the method of its manufaeturti, to prove that it wile impossible for it to ferment. To eon vince the teembers (11 1(5 excellence. he offered to bring a bet tie down and treat the Confer. • Tito secretory of the Temperanee ennitnittee, ninni Much laughter; singgeated that they should have the ' fitst p1111 at the bottle. An old it ember of the Coniereeee ed to the unfermented wine on the itveimil that what he had 1001 ed of it betteetirt strengly of atilt aoap. AVtltaNCSON aaaistON. • An SIMOnel motif, to the Tempeisince enunnotee's rep 81 Wee AdOpteti, re. • eetestitig that Lidellnellted Wine be otod for sheramenfel purposes. A motion W88 passed in favor of memerielizing the (4overhordoCenti. oil tO order the votes of the people to be talon on tho tpleation of' prohibi- t▪ ion et, the ettxt generni eleetions. ; ioerd eon Amt. Nova Beetle has eighteen countiee awl one city, of which twelve wept - lea have adopied. the Act. Now Bruuswick luta fonrteett counties and three cities, of which nine emu; ties,and ono city have wipe - ted the Act. Manitoba has five countieti and on city of which two et/nutlet; have adopted the Aet rrine Edwald Island has three ceu it ties and one city; all have adopt- ed the Act. Outatio ban forty eight counties and ten Citi', ct 0 cot, 0, have adopted the Act; ea.ttipaigni ore ping on in.fifteeti counties and two cities, and proposed itt nearly tall the rest, 91101Peo lots fifty-six counties and eaven cities:eone of which have tutor ted the Act. Britieli Celprobia hart five. parties. ;wintery cote tituenvies, noue of which have adopted the Act. Slow the "Crook's Act- Works . -- I'llough it ia well known that at a number of places in the townahip of Tiny liquor ia openly sold in eel/emu/- ea houses there seew . ee be noat- tempt timileto bring the ofronders to juotiets. ()nem. two localities through- out the titaveship 114 notorious in this reapeot, bueetiontlis have passed on, and io ;tome casee years, and their tra140 le not-iirthe -least hiterfered with. Even cm the rtird'occasione when a complaint is lodged and • the penalty Provided by the Actimposed, time to pity IS -allaiiecribirparttes, the moat recent case having cote° up three months ago, And the -flue yet remaiuing unpaid. TIns is very un - 'fair t� the lieensed dealer who pays the commissioners for-oertain legs; ii wiohttt3. hgh Lo Teu1a1Th that bis trade is proteeted agehast ,tliene I itensfiti et of, stint tilaitte_ Ageiii, the t,xistence of One of these brothels, for they, are generally. little eke, in themidst' of a counnunity has .an' evil ellect, and the causea eliould be, stamped ',out, If the Crooke! Ad oannot cited with such casee and cause their suppression, thedthe ;money we 10a:ire the eleClir. thy Act; or Scott A.et, the better fin' all (.•oneertietl. Theyenighteled'prove failures, .but, 'experimente west be tried until we provide stave tiort of reniedy.7-Penetaii, Herold , Pular Vote .041 •Ths worlplebisdto is coming to lie pretty .nften employed among us, but net in ItS, . Roinan stense-."-• .not•aven in 'that one in whieli. it haft been' generally understood whey, used in 'France in connection with the' Settletnent or confirmation of forms of government... Generally, if tiot always, it iH among English speakers at.any rate simply Aftider; stood as the.fortnallatking of a po'rin lar vete on a pa rticalar !abject,. With:. out such expression ot opittien7-"Yea. or nay—having aitY binding legal ,force.. As yet..a igaitecito is .not a law, nay, does not. neck. ssarilyinvol- veany subsequent legislation at all, . though it loa.Ypoint in that direction . . andit is oven paasible—it 'frecpient- ly • resorted .to•-•-iiitlit ultimately • cc ine to he regarded- aaIniVing all the force of an ordinary legal eimet went. prenett,• however, it in Him ply -an ex preeidon'of.'opiniqu liy. aetuti.1 popnliir ballet. • : Often .1ids it. beet; ebjeCted tneer, • tail; .proposed Changes that thisiehad , been. no ,expressioe of • .any populai deSire foreuell thingS—no petition in their f.aventritttet.".-• What,. then, .coirld better answer objecti,tits of. this . kind, or, on the :Other hand; strong •Itesirtiona abut :supposed .popular .favont forebbe' that, or the etiter proposed change, thee.. such an ar: rangeMent,aa the Metltolist Chnfers enee petitiens the DaminionGoverie • nick; to Make,so es . have 'a popular vote .throngh ;the Whole Of Canada, at the next. rimiern1 electieh on- . tie; question-eProlifbition or NO PrOhibilI041 Scene are affirming that the great Majority of ,Oanntlians are iti farciuref the tete' prohibition of the licptor trallie.• Other sre as strongly ,..Opiniert that • theY ik1 no.1 To have, thee, a: section in the. paper on tbie order that each elector . Mark Ijea or nay, Would iirvid vo little troublr and wonItt cause tel MOE no: additional expertae: ',Why not have it:? Prohibitionists could not reason - 'ably objeet.. As little • could' Ant is. Prohibitioniats. It would :Moro likely 'than any othei• p11811 sCenre 18 general expression -Of ppinion,; for it .woill involve no question eithiw uf politiee on persoos.—Olobe . , The linighiA ' TCan plat. and. the • . knights .of St. John. • Th'ere Brews to tic a iiimelteuteoue cruttaile, on ,the part of the Church of Rome 'against Freemasonry. The Pepe ascribes the thrOftt to blow up hew- to. Mesolti'n Archbishop :Mec.fabe opposes the lection of Mr. Winstattley as Lord "Mayor of Dublin O.rin; is 'a Freemason 'and, therefore, an enemY of tension. The Bialiop of Mon- treal 1088 just innued a pastoral oigainst secret societies which was read in 11 1110 churches last Sunday with approving retnarka frour the elergy.in every case. Father limo,. ob, at the Jeanit Cleirch, preached a • :airmen on Alreloitry. Iro probably, thenglit that it might -sound aiittle grotorque ,for a Jeauit to make a special attaek on necret aocietiett as such, Ile preau mei y believes t hat there 14 melting no great mid holy in the world, Hot even the Pepe Mins Self, aa the areitt (work aricietiea of which he is a member. The strict - Ores Ito did vette' upon the order wei 0 many of them reesonable enough, Ntiminty is It giean tie pseudo.religion with all the ritual aId peraphertetlia of a church Ino with alnioet no belief anti no spirit - Ord power. It igneres the etiiritual, or, am Father !lemon celled it, the aupereatueal, and substitutes; 0 mere elatimer. Having no opirittial ow- itt not yory dangerous 10 any really !spirituel institution, and if it it'found dangerous to the Church of Rome it is evident that that, is 001 the church againet which the eates of hell eannot proven, The Church of Rome is itself a great eecret ao.. defy, whose 80Preffi GPO pss8ednf thi; confessional, and tit eannot flhLle PV011 Oft 8ltat84W of 4 rival WhoSe v,enreta h diva uot control. . When ovinomt-euraod. ryiBubtertunr; Liweeeisreteodbyiesirn the first fair day After I think the gluten, starch and sugar are the moat abundant hi the stalks and leaver, and burry on the work es fast as pow sible, during the dry weather, ad vvbile,there is plenty of Ounshine. I never cut grass for bay wizen it is wet from much do, orT,even a very little rain. Only a careful obaerva. non of the weather is needed geom... ally, to secure the crop in good con- dition. During the uummer season. two or three days of cloudy or rainy weather are usually followed by about the same number of goo], or fairly good, harnutting weather, alternat. ing in that manner through the sea- son, except _in seasons of severe .drought or excessive rains. I never pay eetention to the signs of tbe moon or the weather prophets. I •once bought a barometer, but, it wee too slow and uncertain in owning to oonclusiona to suit, we. They are poor property for the average farmer; and scarcely Re reliable as the, rheurnatient is. All things being ready and the weathee favorable, or until the rake starts, which must be in time to lake up all: that is cut, with men following the windrows with forks, cocking up in good eleatte aa fast as raked, leaving no uncooked hay at eundown in the Meadow.— New York Herald, the elorgy Mind they could not turn the ptople from the botuewhat reve• l- utionery saint, John the Baptist, • they took part in the society and successfully piloted the whole move- ment into the bosom of the church, where it can now indulge in ita page entries after a eaintly fat:Won. Would it not be a good plait for the jenuits, in like -manner, to work their way into the Masnitic lodges, and mount the box and drivel— !Views. Ali on Account or Iller CoOkIllg Mow Tork World.) A young ;married couele, Charles and Nellie Jourilani, were before Justice Smith, at 14-eex lilarket, the former to answer for threatening to a.laindon his wife. "Yuung man," maid the magiatrate atortily, "why do you wish to aband•- on your wife?" "Because of her cooking," he an swered." "nor tea, coffee and soup taste like dishwater, and the meat and vegetables are ouly half done. Judge, what would you do if you had a wife who coultle't cook?" , 'judge," eaid the wife, her eyes flashing indtnantly, 'I'd like to see a woman otmy age beat we in cook- ing a beefeteek. The troublo with my husband le that he is not used to niy cooking. /lie mother is one of the old fashioned cooks." "That's just it," ejaculated the husband aud that is the reason I wautiad you to take cooking lessons front her." —0 -What a o -you -take we-fert any. way 1" said ,the angry wife, "I thick • my mother is RA smart as your, and I learned front her." She tenth you to malca tea and coffee very nicely," uueered the • did; and if yon come to my house Judge I'll rive you the nicest cup of colfee you ever tested: No, you won't coma. Then lot we fetch you a cup,to morrow." ▪ never driuk coffee," said the JUstice. , Then let me tell you why the col - fee is so weak, Ile hat; it echedule of how much and what I .should buy in the week. Tbiek of it Judge. Pelf a pound and tWe eupa (mall a day. Do you Wonder why it's Wea.ke The magietrate ,wiled and erivere- • ly lectured the husband, after which the couple left•the court room. Scottish Stories Of Wit And . Rumor. • ' ' •(tte pen Ramsay, of Edinburgh.). -* Dt esidei.*here- many original' storieshad their Origin, 1 reeolleet 'hearing eeveral of ap 'excellent and worthy, but very- 'ainiple minded man', the Laird of graiginyle. 'On one occasion, When -Abe beau iful and clever Jane, Duchess of, Gordon, Wa&• . scouring.through the country intent . upon some .of those electioneering: ..scheineseshe eanie to 'call at Craig • neyle, 'and' hrivink• heat() that ,tlie • laird wai makieg brick on the,pro pertV, for:: the purpose qf *building a. new garden, wall; with her usual teat sile openedllie subject, andkindly asked: "S'TeP, Mr. Gordon, anebbete bricks . !Mine OD Good .draitrinyle'S thoughts were. Mitch cece pied .witle a now leather. portiou" •of his dress, whieli • had been .:latity constructedEso, lookits down on hie nether garmenteelis said pure Fiuid Lightning • • d talect, ‘Mitekle Ohleeged • Phitdtioadache, Earache, and vein -awe. it does not . "ni Lightng's the only cure tor Toothrtche,, in yer Grrice;the breeke.: war sum take a day or an hour to cure it. but in less than debt at' ,fir.e.t, :but they:8re deeing'. eneueli nom'. 0, minute all pain is cone, 'Thousands' hard tosted ,s Merits within the laet year. fluid Lightning is alio a positive 'cure for Rheumatism. 'the worst pessible cases have beon .portfienently • I,InLaitarkshire there lived it sma• ' cared in ono 'week. ertuo 25 cents at 3 our Drag. ,snia' ieird. 'neared flaniiltonrwli,e• • - store. . , 292;48. . wan neted..for' ectientricity. op . . . one ocean/en, a neighbour waited on him, and reetutstetlirie nettle as an filEtlfai011. bit: bill • for twenty pounds at three Months date .w kick led to • the. fc !lowing •charect-'. erietic and.truly &of tish. ealluquy;. 'Na, no, r canna ...do thee,' 'What. • for eicejaircl, ye litto dune tit/418;10M • thing for idlers. itS•e, mite, but it I ter e's • 'iv heels within • wheelseyeeken naething •abont r cantia do,,t,, a, !Una' affair to re fuse, mei, laird.' 'Wiwi, ye sI e, 'famines, .if 1 was to. *nit • my name till.'t, yo wad get the Biller free the slunk, tind• w lien the time came round, ye wandna be ready, and I wad . lute to phy't ; sae then you and me Wad quarrel ;.sae we mac joet . as WOO fillarrifl 'the two; as laug's the sillei; • an -ma ,poueli. : • • • pegamion, ItamiltOn having buninese with the, late Duke of 'flatnittlm,'et Hamilton ..Palace, the Duke politely asked -bine feliack. A .1iVeried serant *lilted upon ,thein ' lied was inclq assitluou.sin hiii etten,. tines -to the Toike and his pleat. At holt our eccentric friend lost patience, and. looking et theeie le,nt, addressed' linit thus, 'What •th diet for are fe. dace, dancipg about the room that - gait Lean ye no draw in yrint. 'awl Sit; down; I'm sure there's plenty on as table for t12.000.' . do nee know a better illuetration of quiet, shrewd, 'anti' acute Seottiell. • hunior than the following little sittoty • which. an, -estneutetV ..ce rreapond en te mentionhaving heard from his hither When a boy,' relating to a ferniee „Doke otA thole,. who had, n6- fat'nity of ids own, [end whotii he inentibus as having .,rememberee very well: fin .ittek, onemorning, one of his cotters or getrdenerte whose wife he knew to be in the hopeful 'way: •Asking him e 'how 'Margot was the dayrthe man replied that 8110'11mi that morning given him twins, 'Upon wh.ioli the Peke said, Deneld, ye ken the Al, Mighty never sends hairne, withont meat, That may be, your Grace,' Odd DOnald; 'but whilee I think that Providence make. a Mistake in thee matters, and seinie the bairna to AO 1100110 011(1 the meat to anitherri The 'Nike took the hint, and sent him a cow with ealf the following morni)Ig. • • 41=111111111•11111 I • A (10041 THipt. 'When is the beet thee to take a blood purifier? 'h'itenever the blood is fool and humers appear, or when the sVotein i dokiittated take13ur4 telt 13lood Bitters. 293.2t Who woe the tn08:lt succesidul flnang cier mentioned in th,e CM Testament ? Noah, because be ettecessfully floated a limited company vs ben all the relit of the vvorld watt in liquidation. -- ShIlels's COnsinnsPiion Ctire. This is beyond (ration the most sue cessful Cough Modelle; we have over sold, A few drops luvartably tones the worst cases ei Oeugh, Coup, end, Dioneldtie, while its wonderful unman in the curs of Consumption la with."..it a parallel in the history of medicine. Since it's Bret die. °every it has been acid on 4 guarantee, a tog which no ether medicine an stand. • If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 3.Oats, beete, and $1.00. If your Lungs ar3 wire, Chest, or Back, Lame, us o Shiloh's Piaous Plaster, Noe 26ces. Sole by J, a. Combo. 202.1y Bulwer was rielet; there's no such word as fail, It as mollified into ea- bigninent. Mr. C. L. Ireland, of Winghatn, i he inventor of the new one hundred thousand dollar electric fire alarm is in the camp.. He ie Sub -officer -it Ne.2 Company of the 32rd Batt,-Frpe Press. The Presbyterians, of Seaforth, will have to do without an organ for a While yet as the.vote in its favor was not sufficiently" large to justify its to introduction. •47.ohn Uglier, of Gocierieb, who left Grey eight years ago•was visiting old friende on the 1st eon, last, week. He ..t1;104 the township has., greatly. line proved in that time. While pitting in his chair, the other day apparently in his usual health, Edward Collins, Saugeen road, Bruce. Co:, formerly of Millarton, received ,alteciet with a moment'swarning hie summons to eternity. 0» F idity large funeral escorted his remains 10 ' theireest resting place in.Bervie. Moderh Mingle The magical power over patio (bat Ilegyard's Yellow 011 pOsseeses, out- riva)s the =Preis: of ancient 'times. It acts; in a natural mariner to sub-. due inflammation; cures Rile ti madam, Cronp,e'Deafness; Bore Throat, and painful injuries. ' • 25821 A girl who was if she wit.? had the 13IUM ps, end: "Yea, that is; I bad one reunite" To .the Ladies. • . McGregor 34' Parka's Carbone 'Comte will cure 000 08 of Bituples on the face or Routh Skin on either hands or face and leave them 8.1)6 118 11 will Also hoe any sore when all 'other proper. ations fail. Thousands hare tested it 'Ask yonr druggist for McGregor Al Parke's Cerato, and do dot be persuaded to Like anytlimg elite clahned to be RS good. le is but 25 ceiita per box at your Drug. Store. • 2427-4t • IIens may ItejitelebackWard on eggs but•they . never feil to come • to the scratch where flower beds, are' concerned... --• • SSILOWS CATARRH. Rug Eny. marveloua cure for • Catarrh, Diptherin, Canker mouth, and 'Beast Ache. With 'each bottle them isaniegenious'tnisal Li- •Iseetor tor thi; more aneeessfid treatment of these complaints • Without 'extra !thereto. - Price Nets. Sold hy S. H. Ceinbe, 2824y The lean who has' hon esty to reeommeno him may be sore of a reward liereafeere but be get a job here ort,parth. — Cutting Timothy, The following method is (bet of an educated Indiana farmer :-Tinaothy, unqueetionably makes inech the best lay for all classes of stook velem well cured; which is More easily eceotn. Wished than with tiny Other grade; but Which te tot alweys done, by any meens; end yet, hi as Worthless oo need be when out At an unseetionable thee or handled in an (Mit tellig0111 Irlitritler. My ruin for cutting Um - oily iswhen it ill iti ite beet state; if possible; and that Is when the major part of the field Is in bloOM, Softie of the !Medi aver° then in Milk, and Mose et theM; perhsipa, before was through for I IleVer• tut m y grass, , • "Well, my Young gentlemen, and haw woulckyou like your heir cut?" teitielike papa's please -with a little ,round hole at the top.. .Great Fatality " . • The ravages Of Cholera., Infantinn. and '.:Suintrier • Complaints ameng' children is trulVelartning,', The'inost. reliable cure is . Dr: PoWler's Wild • 'Strawberry: Every bottle guaranteed ,to give satisfaction. •: 213 21 Port Elgin' crieketers heat the Kin. cardine eleven at the, letter placer Thursday .by seven wickets, A misstep willOften make a eripple for life. A bottle of Iienry &Johnson's Arnicaand Oil liniment at hand, will not, prevent the misstep,- but used immediately it, will save being a orip• ple. • 293 51 ..IJ'you are troubled with a "haoking, cough," Downs' Elixir Will give you relief aeonce.- lyarrantell as tecom. mended or money, refunded. 293-51. • • The Baptiste' of Zerich have seenr- ed the services of Rev. Mr, Ilecitoo5f • Hanover, after having 12 een. without e pastor for seyeealyears. ' • . • A ilirm oototoii :The &in or Ormand a Walsh, drug.. gists' of., Peterhoro, say Dr, Fowler's' Will Strawberry is one of their best. otandard Medietnes for Summer Com• ' 29e 21 • • Answer Tills Question. • Why do so ninny peoPle we see around ns, seem to prefer to suffer and be miide miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming tip of the Piiotli.•Yellow Skin, when. for 75ets, .ive will sell..thein •Shili's-Nitalfzer,•gnatt anto'pd to cure. Sold hy J. IL Combo. • alleighlie 1". said Mrs. .8priggins, .4f.1.80.6 pear'n1(1-11r.--AV-il kips lin died -gni -estate. 1 anussaid' high livin' would ruin his innards."• • -- • ..----- Ittgehlen's Arnica Salve. 'I't,ii Bear SAI,Vvi in -the World for Cute, Bruises; Sores, theme, ealt Itheuni, River Sores, *fetter, Chapped 'binds, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Ei.0p. dons, ad positively cures Pilee, or vo pay remitted, It is gueranteed to glve peefect satisfaction, or inoney rellituted, Price 25 tents per box, Fee eemi nv Watts et Co. 268-ly When' is the worst weather for rats and mite? When it, mina cats -and dogs.• . T don't, see the bell," said a hand, some woman at the front door of a house to en Irishmen shoveling coal.' "Faith, mune an' ye wud though iv ye Were to luck in the glass,' -- Sudden Attn.*. Alt people, and eepeeially trevel- rs. are liable to a soldon attnek et Cholera Mottos, Colic. Bit/1Thu 8 end Dysentery; tiro Fowl -r' WildStraw. beery is the most promPt anti re- liable! renterly known; 293 21 Presiniene M, Ce IP maid, of the \lathe State eollege, finds, from oh nervations Of the weather; extending over eighteen yearre that, Snterday ie the day con whitth mOi Sterma ()emir, 004 1(101. contrary to the general idea, Friday la the day on whiell fewest atorina 000tir. illeniarnathic Restoration Mra, Adelaide O'Brien, of Thdfale, N. yo was given Up to elle by her i physteians, ts ineurable with Con. ettitiption. It preved Liver Niro i plaint and wits cured with :Outdo,* oo ttets. 2O3 DESTROY VIE Weems or they may' destroy the &ail:Oren. Use Freeman's Worm Powders, they expel all kinds of worms. ;.?,9 "Young rammstrian"-No; yet; can. not say"the besotted risen." Although in Nay " rpiite correct, the shad has Noun_IN ungrarnril Itical, you will be roes. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters cure in. daillgratni omit ,041frei Hair "ti isBeuarane,. ,Crowsetlilvteyn;v1 ciente per bottle', 29341 She had false teeth and tale babe but she was rosy remelted, bright-eyed and sweet•tempered, and her lover said: "With all thy false I love thee g.REA4 PEI8hiA5E,NP.L.0.2.-1UA0AY LANMAN'S FLORIbA WATka givea. it a wonderful 'advantage over nearly all Other Oat Imes ; deysencl weeks after its applic ation the handkerchief or garment exhales a Bort, rich fragrance agreeable, refreshing, and healthful, If yon- notice young man walk with a young Irt/IY their relationehip eau be Opt ertniperlealolleeeek le hie hauls are both ,januneri into panit's pockets, she's his sister; but it' his /emus asstitue the picture of the pooition of the handles ,on a !weer blew), abe's some Other young man's isief. DR. Low' S /cone snitp will remove 'Vot'ms anff Cause, quicker thnn any Ilther Med eat ne, . 290 -lm. NATiostar, Pitts purifies the Blood, regulate S'omacii, Liver anCiloWels. 200-1m. Cruelly Murderel. In tbe Province of -Ontario every year thous- ands are being slowly murdered. by taking un• sultabte, untried nostromi 00081011 complaints tel CesiicelleSS, dudit`iestion, Liver tioinplaint; Kid- ney Troubles, ate., who might easily regain lost Strength anol. energyby using meoregaral Speedy Cure, To convince them that such M the care we will give 'them a free trial bottle at your 'Drug Stoic. Price 53e, and 81. See testimonlale In our own town. 2914,1 - TOHE Clocks, Jewelry, . SILVERWARE • J.IIDDLECOMBg,, OPPOOE THE MARKET, CLINTON. . , . Ladies', 'Oold :ma Sliver Jewelry-7- Braoelies, Ear Rings, Bracelets, iv, Solid.Silver and Plato4 wAREs, Suitable for lioliday, Weddi Mr, or til -Ib. lo Presents. Gooils Awl:tree 00 8110111 purses, and to anit. all 'se:04311e of the year, Bt.° the Stock.Laea; ge 'elay et Clocks. k;veryth o' f the best makes. Gentlemen's Plain and Pa.ney Jewelry In endless variety, '• ' tee_ !typal ring prpmptly attendedto a881 aatistlietiuo guaranteed. • A Full ,Stock Of Soeotacies • Of the Best INIasIses always on hand.• . . . J. Biddlecom g •.Opposite Inc Market, Clinton. LUMBER AND LATH: UOa S-1LE,- all kind* Of Pine Linulnir arid Lath. Those wanting Lcnner or Lath wili find 11 60 thelr interest to give me, a mill. Yard becit'of the Penning Mill Factory, Wellington .Strcet,. 01..fiteh. 280-0. ' JOSEPH CHITA:EV. 0LINToN arii&ige WOirkso CANTELON - MANUI.PACT UR Mt • PROPR1gTO R, BUGGIESI CUTTERS, WAGONS SJ.EIGHSAC, LUMBER AND -SHINGLES takenin exchange. Give me a call and 1 vett give elm pricastliat ,cannot be 'beaten in tite County,. stiiire Repairing and Herseshoonik done with riesputcbe 1111111thellIMMININ=WWW11111111117•••111thles CANTELON. 3-01-a7IT Witibee to inform his old customersand the public generally that be lute again opened out la the Carriage and Waggon Business, On tho Corner of 'Huron and Orange Streets,, Minton, in the Brick But 'ding known as the "Mouutcastle property," where he will carry on the trade in all its trenches. An experience of over 20 years In business In Clinton v.111 enable him to met the requirements of the puhile In lils line. All material of the very best quality and the workmanship unsurpassed. Call and examine before purclutelug. All the latest improved rigetnanutactured and eept couetantly ou hand. ALL WORK WARRANTED. - •. PRICES REASONABLE.— (1.•Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to. TOR MOWS IIANK. invorporeted by Meet esdismont. PAW CAPITAL, . • $2,000,900 • • 411.100,00Q Untati Office, - MONTREAL. T11031AS WORKMAN, President, J. H. 18, MASON', vice -President. P. Wol.VkitaTAS VIOMais, ttenerei Manager Notes discounted, Colleetiontimede, Thefts issued, Sterling and Anterieen ex. Outage bought sold at low- . eet eurrent rides. IliTtiageT attowErt on DKPOSITe ^ Mohey advanced to tannery on their own notes With ems or more underact*. NO iscrtogs quintiles ,»corlty. 13,0. eaewee, • Manager, Pebruars, last Otortoe. Vioneg to -gen& MONEY TO LOAN At low rate* of interest rod upon tonna to ma borrower, 2,14,17NING if4 SCOTT, Beaver Block 011ataa Clinton, Max 17th, 1888, 20 eforigy to lend in large Or Arnim. sumo, On ell good mortgages or pens nat ecurity, at Um lowest current rate, 11. OALE, Huron -fit, Clinton, Cl.nton Feb. 25 1881 , . 1-1Y. W.A.TirrE3 CCD. ..--or.4,sioN, ONT., pFeLERS 1:33rieel, CVO 211/1E3 Physicians' Prescriptions:Carefully and Aconrately ••Oompounded . •and Orders Answered with Cap and Despatch. . ,4n4 ofT1.6ile ie.P.B76.8t1 tli •Qo ,.wilt:azfl.Itct Stoo_k q•t: •Mich:dines .rComplet, 'tea -ranted • Toilet Soaps,. Perfumery, Shoulder 'Bracee, Trustiesi.Sponoti, and all kieds of Druggists' Sundries uenelly kept in a First-OlassDeug Store. ineestwee 1.1•111111111111•111•W' wAapER t WALL PAPE The time for feonse-Cleaniug is near, 'All wanting. Hall, Parlor', Dining-Room,or Bed - Room Papers, will find the Best and 'Latest Patterns: IN— FRIEZES, ORNICES AND PANELS, FILLERS, &C. The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can be had for nothing. Call and see the papers and get a...Book .• at B(14.°7174EN' S. : GopER$011., r.„; Ile Sells Phearr than.any ()neon top of tlierarth. • ADAMS & WESTLAKES 131No.fului1y should be without one. Just Received: BEST 111 Call aud get Prices before purchashIg elsewhere. IRON . AND•HARDWARE. MERCHANT, CT_IIINTTTQl\T". June 23,.1884.' CLINTON MUSIO EMPORII1M Ea@ - tto ttli) The Queen of Perfumes for • the Handkerchief,. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. SOLE AGENTS, Q N'TI:2,3114.L. • gO ;mita 1\TAITCEOtTS rum! A LODO.FELIWANT SUPPLIED. Campbell's Cathartic Competed. k ednpu.d fr the cui e of Liver Com- plaints and Laths Dis- orders, Achl Stomach, Dyspepsia, Lost of Aptic lite. Sick lIcaciache, Constipation or Cost:ve. aess, mkt all complaints ar"...'my from a dIsorderel .stme of iho stomach or towEls., C:1:11rC111:::3 i • tOth.C71 12E0 it! e it it aw able to the tattF; tiest not .11 an el, a• a waota p • enc. is certain' in 14.1.1 8; riecove sine,' dose 2,7)til...,-.1rff ma' ittedieine Deaterr, ewe, en ore, eel otertec. reli7=20•A corzrewr, tained, 01.0mno figootz, montroal. 4 !HOAR •••,11. .. ,.• eeeete4'P-eoeeeeeee.leeejee!„e•t;W liefele:Meeirereeta • .44.4%.- ':"!: V' I Ii, CIP2L Atsx.ozsxmx> rig 1866. samplesor these Orgatia In the WaterOtiraii, Perrin 13106k, prieta LOW and terms easy. 18100 keep In 'stock The Wheelerand Wile"and the Light Punning Demeetio Sewing Machine& Also Needles, Oil end attachments. Violins varying trotti $2 up to $100, BOWA In- ereut vutioty front 50 cente to $10, bony ringer hoards, Rhocy Tail Piero, Pegs,. Bridge strings, steel arel Got, in gets or single. Tuning PorltsTuning Pitirs, Tine. MMIretta, thonV Chin Wets, Mutes, Mutes, -Ores, Plitueolets,'Vlonn OOPS (rim dS rents to 0, Music Books for Organ, Plano and Vionn. The Prise Anthem nook, wet:lining the hest selection of Aritheme-ever proditeed, CIO and see mo. Perrin liMeic,'Cillitott, Ont. •04 HERT, • 1,‘" .8TEIYI; WATCH it* evervi tothe ImEsIqE, 1VINDINS Substadlese mews\ norm, •gar .0ilit or to ga ' FOR RENT. • A PLEASANTLY SITUATE, ROOMY ITOIJSE. • corner of Erie and Mary streets. r.‘vt stories high. Five bed -rooms .WInter And sum nem kitchen, liard and soft water in the build Ing, Other con.venience,s;a0.10:01118d aticrenoronn:yda.te a I irge family. Bent very low to yearly.tenaut Apply at this• , office, or81 cupton;Juue 18. 1884. - 291.1m. NEWSEWING A CHIN E FOE SALE. NEW WILLIAMS SINGER SEWING" MA. CHINE, with drop leaf; has nt.ver been used; for light or Mary work; will be sold for lest. than it cost. Apply or address TINE HURON NEWS-41E00RD, 200.E( ' CLINTON, ONT, • FARM FOR SALE,' IN .THE County of Chippewa, State of Michigan, the Southwest quarter of Section 25,10wriship 44, North Range 2, West, containing NO acres ae• cording (.0 810 Government surrey: This farm is Mutated em the main road from Sault St. Marie, to Point St. lgnace, and Is 31- miles from the ris- Ing village of Strungville. For further particul. ars apply to •41AltitY GILLINOHAM, Bayfield Read, 242-46. • . ooderich • FOR SALE. ' T • THE village of DELGRAVE, the dwelling I house and store occupied by aro. • The site is ,One of the most desirable in the village for busi• . nese. There H a -good stable, outhouses, and an excellent soft' water cistern on the premises. The lot comprises t fir an acre. • The building, are hi good repair. Will be -sold cheap, . ail the pro. .prieter iagiving tip bumineas. Ternmeasy. ApP.ly • to • • WM. DUNCAN 3.1 •Belgrave, Ont. • • • DWELLI.NG FOR SALE. etonroierani ilea:oiling. house in 'the -Town of -Clinton; containalx rooms; garden' With fruit trees. StEuattilti good 'locality. • For 'fur- ther particulars apply ttt t1(13 offiee, or et the Singer Sewing. 51achlroe office, Perrin Block Clinton, ' ..PAR;it 'FOR SALE'. TALuidir,E FARM, South:west part of 'Lot v 11, concession 4, township of Morris, county of Iluton-distance from markets; Belgrave, two miles; pritesels, six mileei Whighatn, aIgltntiioo- OOtltIijIllg 130 notes, 00 sterea" cleated, 40 itcrea' line bush. • On( good -Brick bWelling House, one Frame Dwelling House; a large Rank Salm, 70x42, 20 feet high, stables underneath, 'Wont) Olinda- tion4. under all buildings), two neverthilling wells, good water, goad young orchard, new . board 'fence (cedar, posts) around farm. The farm, buildings, fences, ke., are In firld.elass con- dition, well adapted for • grain and stock faun. Owing to the death of the late owner; Or. l'r ne, sr, the farm is Offered for sale. Possession gan be green at any tithe. For tetras; which are ex:' ceptionally ease, apply to •. IL A. PYNE, 280-48• ,• Toitokm, Ont.. W..A.N TEJO. • . . FARMS. Of ALL: DESCRIPTIONS, INFESTED 'SNP PARTLY 13011.0M, • A:t41$C); 1E1 TJ S li 1.40' • Any one• wishing, to se 1 this class'of Property ca reartily Obtain a purchaser by appiping to • CHAS. E. Bill/ DGES, Land Office, Dundee. St., London, Ont• 11X43i.key. to I-J0SE1111 at lOwest rattled interest. 'App'y to • 2424ini, • BRYDGES,,Lotidon, g ouzo. 90MMERCIAL- HOTEL: • This Hotel is furnished throughout •tvith 'great .eare to toot the '008, 03 tho travelling public. csounodloos sample rooms. • The best of. liquors end cigars are always kept et the bar. Good table, test aituatoil Hotel in Clinton. Give us o call. ' JAS. MOORE, proprietor. Glintbn, June 7tho 1a92, • • ' PRINCE,'OF WALES HOTEL. . The above hotel has lately.lmen leased bv the Undersigned. The premises have been refitted, and the best /towable accommodation fur fanners and the generaltravelling public is afforded,. Lame stables in connection. The her Is supplied with the beet IlcitiOra and cigars. Your patronage ...1311-040....Y.ateriPorY.80tgeffn 40Pneptibit, GEO, TIVIOBALD Prop:rieton Clinton, Mayrd, 1884. • 285!ly -AVAVE IR LY- HOU E. ?TUGS HOTEL IS NEW and has &litho regain. ntents los &dogma Wise, Large and airy roomit, elegant parlors, heated with hot air, In the immediate vicinity of the O. T. IL Depot. The bar emelt stocked with the choicest brands of 'ignore anal dors, The travelling pees; may teat aesurecI 1! being Well cared fdr at this house. SAMUEL Plitt, ClInten, leer 16. 1884. 2871 Proprietor, THE LATEST! la A it It It li'iSftLcR, tho renowned Tub - 1.1. wired Artist, has obtained' the testetseee of a first-class Mahar, tar an the latest style ot tallies' and gentlemen'S hait•eutting. 00(1 110)' east of the Counnereiel Dote'. PIZE Ren,) s,ix cents .tor .A 4re31re free, C o.s tly box lolgdnt104viiib619a11 et deer leir to loremoe;11tswaytht4 Anything ehte In NS world. Fortunes !melt the workers absolutely Imre, At once address Time k Co .y Augusta, mine. tsi•ly4 , ADVEIITISINGEfF,i,t1tirl file at tho Moo ot UMW 8. TIIOMAS, Me. Cormiok Block, C1110140,111. WANTED ___AGAName.r.t Xo* and $ttperfor Canada kap . • And Marts, • A. Pitying earthy agetity in the World. For toll partieniars, twoo, C, tritrNISONI Matt Pobilattero 398 kiewmee Atreeto Leaden,' Ontario* 0.87.4m 'MYTH SIM 'MILL GORMAN & DODDS Are het, preParea tette all ktnas of werklin their nee. Bossing put in a grain trustier, *ante ahle tode ehopptng at any time and on the ehoittest metre 00,11MAN lbukipPtettlgiviN2StulivoPtellaessPITI4waPlitacrbisnWithcrsiNreiglitiPtat litiese41914wyolruw°L1‘147Itt That oldastablisbed paper. Ito monies_ seaseaset LOURNAL, of Now.Y.ork,__never. does things by makes, The • Hoseld.' "Times.* " woad: sad other rtmorest . 1 sejealCIribelersPd14V54d14-by ththeUsaNdhiiirRESPriell0canlid wsunarriNeTwirerdl.s:e1"""UsPI*84‘1'w guarded. Remember, it would mot pay on oldestibikiteL, pssminentNew.York paper to do anythIng dishothrable. We ragiveantrawachni.wwaindroubiwbov,ivizte. GsrmulaNaklakraca crystal back an/ front, made of the best material, and Wir. , ranted to keep good time. H000tted direct (by. Memberof our aro front Switzerland, ath:yakets,. who are known the world over r their arcellue arsdise awn M watches. We willsend one of the ebov ascribed Watches - FREE, oe receipt of *leo, to pay for the 913.00888 reinstolt JOURNAL. Cal yell', &Rd help pay packing% portsigv. .4 81. Advertistment thir (0 cents extra, we wUI 004 7011 ahead. somel3q1dplato8 Chan end Oiled= (altbcr lady or gem). 10 oraer to fauterlatcre coutideace. It desired Ira wllisend you a ssrapla watch .0.0. n., sedate of se asatv.i...,, bslaaca collected when watch is received. lUyeu wad tlie"" alt amount with ord.:fora Mil send the !catch. as watch sal chain, prapaid. by .inalL . Still betters lf you rot et= sowatlorgtat eaipo'eachiverw tif •••111c;;;s (581468 , • 4• j.i1)'. 1.1•Zi L•67 A faA (e)tnerth y or gent rad for youv•tron le. 4 .W.3 41'3d:3er:411mi 83 008 roo.coo rewsubsuribell. and I/ seso essarjara wittily to paLtrattott to tictit.fcelhey nue 801dwas • Wise silbsatibs (10 1h.. Ntreoldei Jettrard will always weld It, You nthsteat this adveruseracat outind send it to 8. voucher'. that yea are entitled to the watrli.•• .We anaob tOltlyclo .bairsenits atTiosins,,mtdottaplefEe.i.leilwxneirtslasezeolondess: 1TAL more popular Cum 0,00 this year. We have added many new Matares and beautiful Illustrations by the bra ** artists, and hays also tecure4 letters, stories, and sketckes by Messm H, VT, Pooches* •Tincle Inn Brat. tss"une; a°nhartl wie3w31`111 geuadarPutiendonVigdtwerstfithealwrithe'yenw1118045mor"1 than pleased WAIL this sparkling Illustratedfamily sad ray paper. Humorous articles and Jolly Illustrated laughs, in every sunutlbeerb.er,A Foern anrne,ritUbSsTwfloOtHeINcGouMNOTNitly,bystlitaktik6 AROUSED to our LIBERALITY. • • . • /f you are la the clty, or 10 70 have artyfdesa In the city. kayfdtitt,,ens ot:ius atearctrotolway, ottgristo tralzr•Olerts Peoplglealiligniffia01661'. 0101YWOrtillf/WiTedb. • HANDMADE BOOTS AND SHOES. B E AO 0 M., TOWN. HALL, CLINTON..' Hand -made work, sewed and pegged, at pricei to suit every purse. • Thebest work, „lowest.Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. As I have first•clas.s • efty..workmen em- ploye/le entire •satisfu,etion" is a eertalety.• Give Imre cull; • • ' ;* 'BEACOM. OU TAItE THE • elp..0.1F0cor, . THEa]cC. N LrOGED eadjo.g.',Lotal Paper,. OF T1 -IE 110UNTY1 A. LARGE STAFF OF WIDE-AWAKE CORRESPONDENTS IN TAM COUNTY, THE VERY Latest etqs About Homo. ff meripa.n; British and • Foreign News GATHERED FROM RELIABLE SOURCES, TEE IVIARItETS Aro 'eorrected every Tuesday afternooh, just before going to press, THE .4;114- k01-4 I.!1 1101V1E . Production.. HI