HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-07-02, Page 3WaITAmyj of the cir. Tax Presbyterian S. town, is hlry be held - oll"'Tully"In8ilow 'Ing lk plo4oArit at Goderich gxue visiting frionds, Id the hub. Tus employes of the organ fae- t Staploton, yeater- -A MR. PoWXLX, and wife, 60114a- tory pio,nickiiiI 0 H -W, , R e W_ 0, do . ....... . .. .... ... ......... ......... law ;Lud.daughter of Mr. X Corbett day.
-eon visiting here the past few MA, TAs. SulTit and fatifilly, from ore. have b At the City Book St' The: Godeft Iff a Woo�atoak, are ill town for o, few Alew Line n;. Lawns, Now Viotoria Lawns, N W Embroideries.,
-AUD- Tax Loiwli Anuir serenaded sev- days. Richter Mouth Orgns, 10 Xey,'Drasq). at 25 Cents, A k4sk hotolk; oil Surldity evening. UNION rICNIC.-Irhe Ito ateubury press Waggons, iron axle . , at $2.26; aoo wooden axles, 'New Reversible Print
iff� U. ro The proprietors, it ie alkid, would Street Mothodlob Churob S. S. arid sin Pink Checks, Black
n fleo-ord, holding 'willingly dispense with the at 750 and $1.50. oiotended them. particularly w)hen- it tbeir.s4linual pionic ill GOdOrich BAVY CARRIAGES going very chea. d .0hecks 144fisa tied *verage circulAtiot, iii offorW Ott the SabbVll, Thursday July
,,17. and W. hite Checks,, and Blue an 14 Flrst�class stock of Fresh Ink, New stok* Blank Books. .404up?n Veiilfte$44ily, July 9atl pitopraTy six&�_Otk. Friday last T-vilss--Urs, W. 'as In- D. Dickinson, OF Clinton, sold at creased the population, of Clinton by
0111 Friday last, the WID. adding tQt, Saturday, two bourne -Dot Sateens,
L 0 CA. L N E""TS Orangandie Muslins, White Fks.j White Polka * Wilson ID0, acre farm, in tile first loys. it is Also Said that Mrs. Daly 4 )n., Hay Township, to Mr. John is to the foro� w In and Around the Ilubest e v e it]; another Pair. Tuis is Tor . , aeaingWAL P, -pg.. New Buntings, Nun's Veiling, Fancy Dress Muslins,
Wilson for 410,905. Will onto's big, week, ill part of sawe e0 to) bu lots z title semi�eelltelinlal silless. of Huron, 1`01ma It thi The largest variety and cheapekt in Count and Summer Bilks. 40 woresold at prices. ranging f opear4ons like 0. do. not occur
At 41ttiaiell ICOWUI boutad, to receive t $125 each. eve yw there will no doubt boa W, Croquet and Lacrosse Sticks, H, o6ks ns amm 4114 Fa ' I fneiosfroY4 an reliallo sour,4, either try 0 'illr be satisfied.
See Our Great Stock and'
WriffeM J?dportg of EMOTIO.,(Al� good Cline gell it, xoci#y and church cloilis, did. The following 1,Tbnt Tax gj page Globe of uturd"y OHRIS .01OKSON, CLIN:TOR other inte,1481! Phillip Elikery committed suicide n" 11 _FO was immense, -we believe tho largest mm�� While under t; rpor Estate i0 N HODGIENS by drovenilag, abeet ever issued by a daily news- The street frorkri the station past Wits Igth inlyelebratlono Wools, Canyals Thifml, ary Insanity' the said loss P Der it, Canada, If tile Globt' 'a 11fuKenzie'ti planing Will, foundry.,., F , diug meet- a try Weir a ell by exoltoakent tte" dylog its. parting kickogre very vi - ward, has been ROIN'S SIONS ings of SaIv Was tile 01-OUS ones. But the wickt.d. do ravelled, It was neede 'PION IN CLINTQX—Ar1;1V NOT3N, Th AU IV: X I jverymucli, "AT 1D:"1�1-4cP-GOODS PALACE ORCLINT0N �W,Oro, Beaver Block. 292 ation. Arbay,' graded and is being souru Hu lrElt DFXO1
e GR% 3otwo9n Fair's will and, and tile coronor a _4Y . verdict retarned by the., sometimes flourish. and Ole improvement is. owing' to tile r 14, V. i on. tile 41yth Roa, a r 'TU �rth sends 14 lod' es to
Pru ilk Ilixe,449. Finder ivi.. * TE&CHERFJ MEETJXQ,�-A mozeting energetic elforta of Cow. Pub worl:S South PL or NOT A V NOR AN X Bur AN I.— of teachers arid officers in connee0on Coats and 1�eevo McMurchie, who tile Clititon. procedsion. MARKET REPORT$.
p1me, return to JQHN XOILRoy, Blyth, GROCEIR totbia, office. 291 4Ter, say that. I never give yor wit,, the Onto NVaiterwarks Corylati8sionor Ifewit (Corrected every, Ttalialiq, s1wrinogn inWife. St� �Iethodisl;. S. K raised by subscription the larger 014i"TIM Organs 10 keys, 290-, nothing since yor been V CLINTO. was held last Xronday eveningi when proportion, of tile cost, A vottion of Toronto is to beolloof tiliespeakers. to 000
Croquet, Faiw� etc., at Do, yer mean to tell tile court I I our, 50 it was decided to unite with tile only pf the expense being borne by FAII Wheat, 014, lull to 1.10 0 Gheaper Th Ever 2 92o never give, yer nZithengt' "No I .0111, nine,, qr ten lodges are ex Book, Store, Ratteribur y St. Methodist Church tile corporation, It would have Fall Wheat, now, 0 to) to I 00 41%VhAt Ila$ Ile been in the peeled from Worth uron. F;pring Wheat, I UO to I JU JVOOD or dnnd hold their Annual piquic been well Could, the Public Works 0 45 to 0 46
ee have been Been their way e.0 70 to 0 70 Ole largest iii Wakern Ontario. Wilir be Barley At 000PER18 Gro The Clinton procesaion Oats, Q 34 to 0 36 'for Accoulpliolillig habit of given you wookin m4dall, at Goderich On the I7kh J111y"r 06minitt 10 , I oery,
this cQ6JX be hadatr RaCeyls hardware asked the court. A blaek eye, your a X clear to cutting down the hill at the' Appl-es, (winter) per 1pbl,. 2 00 to 2 00
'a -L tatoos, 0 14 to Q 14 nor,
03 foundr This wouldhave afforded at the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associs.. . Butter ok, GOOD OLD Autu.-The �Itpssra. Otptiork to tile Tile merchants and. busineas Inert to 9 14 Atik!V'VAWTED 7 Is to $110 Mr, Thos, Cooper returim tbanki; to JAL3 to learn the 11.1 clear view from tile Q 00 .0
2 ho A. MaD ALLoN, of Goderich took in Brantford mily t%lit; kqeCOIld place. 0 bo to Or 60 Bi tile Pai,41ey tion lit. Berlin labo'week. Although a should join together and endeavor 0 0;) Johnston os., of Gods and Nows 0 00 to 7 00 oory,,rancy G fond of a joke �v clon% mean to say bdsitiess park of the town, niany vustowers for their liberal patro 0 supplied. a gratk�te to maker tile ton, a:r attractiye psi 0 00 to 0 OQ k; ikthe past, and, begs to anucilince th once, Chris Dlxon-� Araeble Worko, tell that he tile Association of STRAWBERRIES AND i !-The _hy pqtt�li.oki�. bunt. Ilia 0 6 to.- I OD 0 has ailmitted his son HOMFIt as a ruotubtm ofli-icTfUe �tlieFdiyh yoling mat) a" 0 0 4
Died in w ing, And erectii I I ks, per pair read ig apche�L Goose a 000, to 4) 01) 4TXCII5fU,;T Of the P Irrierston in 1878, aged 113 years, and beat informed members. 0 r irass i3antt will. sbow tile. 0 00 tp, 0 00 continuance, oftho sul)portheietfifora tig Di A inere mature vears decided to treat libQrall t girls: in certain esiab- U 41intoa lokons, - per pair 7 00 -to QO y avoorded,to tho ilousti, from L!.intoll W'09- 2 month 8 . andi .3 days. A ii.q;, . lveof M1,XED-COMPLAINTS. -The following the sewin- Th i visitos that pomesseu first INIVI)01111, old, to 1 113 WN14ist Saturda evetillig. 'Dublin,'Ireland," .complaints a . lisbruent oil Albert Street. ical talent, VOT(two a OQ ;a. 4,00
y onfined Smith to his bed class mtw Od .1 lu-cious fruit was secured and the NIV Buv ori r lliorc�u There are Our Viet 'a Lawns, OUR 60 OT4 TEA
H _,A kr %'Nyeek a'd are sai(I to be veiry including' Kirkcarw n est lighod. in...11hitan. unible aiecti'metances, a pr�valent ItMaiwx Will stil be a,99WJI� four journals pub Was in b alill f I s" 0 oe.beate them alippared to be unusually beard- ops Lawns, �Groceriea 'A euk up ) 4 f --- !tX,_ -]it- 4e monthly, And one -Scott A fielyps. In 6xitig one. b of d'i n e, rwo Week hhe was a High Sell9ol .'girl for all itip's *here tile. e ot is in force send Ia lodgep. Our Bish V. that'; 15Yes, Papa"is pv, W-ormg. Kincar4ine is o2ep6ceptl o send sUY . . .... 'toe 9f -epurter�' , . . 1-1 Z., ... . I -
ittsf�6w` lioly, marketed in Olin— qhe renifarked,.to a. I 'Oil alit to town f -aid I-ndigestior. ed the- protiUding a# -a tiny UROCKET�Y on hand. Also his season Was br ,, deed," responded the reporter, a o -are. _AXD YOU of wouse,. and as. the -little rodent Drethrea-from Fort Hurou ,-ori aturday by ffoUry Carter, to expo.4ai his rawness by a9kitig S tomach ache. pa r o, FRESH OA T AfE. 6 evich iownRlAip. d order, scampered awa)r frizzes, strawberries expected to 'take part in. tl to I — I . . .41, what the belief of that particular and exelainiltioiAs were thicker tha.tI7 oos�siolh FA'LED TilNDERS, addressed to the under 7 nd lie learned. head. of one The ladios oi tile MethodiLlk Bulldingp, sylli be rotelved until MONDAY, 21st * Mil.JDHN MILLER of Harriston, ws "ey 0' Of S mignodi end endorsed "Tender forC.41, Public CORi NAL rL00, the hair will be on the .nodlionie corinterviii,wip- .diat,"paps imparted thedesired de, ilv, for all or any of retul tJULY. next, for Coal, sum, 0 OATS, POTATOES, ie low jund'i of tile donors when't1le"girls, got an Kom oils, tablewtil. k ol Mild vicinity for a impetus to 9; wheelbarrow for a* chit ell will furnish tuealil. in. t11% the Dominion public BuildinZ8. U/Jr A
G frieudii in Clinton. VCRY qnlet in Clint w -tile f r 6 oil irst. .,ppqrttinity to interview uncii chamber. 813OCifigNtiOn,forinot tanderand ell noeessary Toronto, Godprich'.an aed at this Departilient *0 eek or, so. d other points will need a sibitak; Inforina,tion can be obtah —_ .,::W. e editor The 06116 -Orange Aect of Clnon sund after the 24th instant'-' THE �ecassary number, of Rigna- ....'WolITU XXTIONING.-Th of interest attracte d the majority of ,teuddrs wIll n Ia oil the po� b �en obtained to the pe, of tile Bvu,sela P084 'in . de4qribin r people, CANADIANS —TheP6pUldtiOU,0f` xpects. to heat" Poo !us: ,a" t3ndering are n6tifled tiiat hrte cousidered-unieg4; inade, on the Printed ttionq for submittingl*the. Seott Act. natters worthy of' tecord that !a . to '0 Oil th-eyarious Provinces of 5'anaditand 19�th. Tito Doherty Or. forin4suppileaatid signed witit thefiractual six- r under.hi . a observation durinvi bol- THE . Clill companies ht oope on uro i. some of df the cities, a, 'tender niust be acqoinpilliled -bytkn ad. I W Id battalio6" re- Qu6o . c, .1,359, with -both talent T -c s toil ail(] other il as f ba�od, one Of Lit -beat in tile comit, ba tores. . - --"h I
iday trip sflye:�We Visited tile Do- campca,ing tho. 33r Ontario, 1,943,228 a d other bands cep,ted bank chcqpe, inado pvq'tble to tile a rof of our citizens Sa tb I-(] ay. A I) d. 027 ; Nova S60tia, 440,572, Now and high reputatio, AiiniiitQr of Public worics, er rned houto 'oil Ili will,diucourse the lionorable tile i ellea ox lierty or'gaik factory,. where ,some 3O.. tit w1tofiveper dolit. oftheilmountof thatendor, L Pintlt, iemse ves r t1)6y-:iafAmired ti g od 1"Usio rur thousanu.s.-OL people I whivi, will be forfeited if the - party decline to or 40 men are offii)loyed, and* we're .,tile hidifl-9, - how . le Brunswisk, ., 321,233 ; Pritwe E d- 0 ir., Z� Ouia�da to Lolidon jo W'Itaess I tile bronzed brav6. One could almost . -d Islillid, itoba n thfit; 4ay., But tlieii 'you kliOW' elitor into 'a coutrac% when c-kiled upon to do soe sho*n through the various' depart. Will 108,891 ; Man lit fail to complete tile woric coutrActed tor; wjililitary review. . tioR, 56;,446 a Ia:k6f loyalty W it t d ar thorn sigilin 1�-bhe tend . the chaque will 00
mefits.fron� tile ground flbor up, slid lit, 651951 ; The territo etc., ill no doukilk Or or be no ilauopte 11 U, -can be no ian tile "'Oil, Illy 'Britiali Columbia. 45,459 , Tota t f )preciating ruturned. Im
AN exchang says there look it tile walk'of thein; I of proven our cotern rom al reason why wf�rneu should had the work of sticli, liftlidsonie �oung fellows I lievev did, ood The Dopartnient will not oebound to very Cttiiada, 4,324,810. Ottawii, 27,412; Orange nius". the lowest Wally tender. ,ilebrated 'organs ex'plained. A Ilot L-6 alloived to become triedical By order, extensivdbrisinesli`� bi ' Kipstpn is , eing carried on, 011 dear,,only to talk to t1lain;, 14,091 , Toronto, 86,4.15 Announ,dairits will be . made. r. H. ENNIS,
Secretary 0 0 in nd
and the outlbok is Very promising. A red coatod lad is tile d idy for ine. �Hamilton, oli,vol this weeir giving tile* tariLA rtLte 0 'finent6f public Works, 1?Ziu06uTYPuRposeR.-Tli Uy �e coun Dor;r T duction of tile cantata, 8ErN by-chaRge of ad- Quel ec, 62, 446 ; Montreal, 140,747; fares f i ow di rtint poill OUAVri, 21A June, 1834- Lin -pro AS WILL BIF rqtto. this yi, ir is.one and eialit tenth Fredericton, 6,21S - St'John 26,, Will b ood Wreturn the 14th.. Loit arid aved," ilk the town hall vertiijornent; tho buitioaskCberetofore, .1 a, ar- veti*hirt under the , man, carried .0 . U. 4 Thos.'Cooper .Will ..o " '(B rt.in thoevenit t Spot Prints t6, 3POWI)XItS. nills.onth %oftbeequulizod ass , V" Some: New.
oil Friday' e 127 - Halifax, 36,100 ; i�t ridi coni::6 )g wil. f a-ement o that enke a p ied oil under.the 0), 7,3.01 ; Williipeg, 7,985. Those be'tike event of tit SALE BY TENDER Is f rprising iin- in f tur be 'Carl e seasoll. COntMill their GVF1 plelit O tile county. . I' r of ail item of I'll, are the fi ures oftieially giyen, but of Blikukrupt E:statt',* i%ro.I11O[LR..13t,.t6 take. W ii rN y o q itia Mr..Tbo. Jackoa,,jr,, firm nanto arid pro6rielorahip of T� 9 bol ioved. that- the - PON �lld Orangettien of Kirktork and ia it 1, COMPONXI) OF, .;r and effooftall toresting newh aon't-keep it t6your w,'is one ofthose agreeable. surprises Cooper&S66. Thjug'briolueentive J� is gene rally rivell, ook out IfOr them. Of 1910 lieighligthood ititend celebrating the U 01W4012 or Adam blet.U.-I 4 Ito w ablo Q t ft� as so. On that- make atriendilJor &RYS of ex- was necessary to influce the junior pulittion of Canda is flow, mucir, of . J,uly. ill 'Clintoil.-.Exet,r Furiliture Sho rork-Shop Out� healthy niorfil tone I", of tile now. fil tit to make it. nearer -five than four �mil;ions uses and Lot, ali possible. membe Ho pedtancy. lloixr, MF of WawanOsil, tills 50160tioll, while 'A�Il bh -pleasitilt and. profitable for O I .14 WIC.AT.811DO"OF. TO THE PUBL.10111 1,�DIT61ts 13��iss "FRU."-An ex-. Tile an(i-Protestant shoet of'Clin� ltoal to pre, Wa.4;itk- towit *oil Saturday iiig iieklent ail( ppropr to aos- ciistoiiiers, it.is.but Ila iVICTORIA STREET,' 011 R the G NT0. ALL,, at 't Dr change- a6ts f6irth tile bonefitsbi tfe. toll,. tile Bra, t a -0 - gen ell Y I,Li�8 ability -and. -sume that tlie'p()pulqrity of the howse rP ,NDEIIS rpfos.s oil as fullo�%s : No have no ba(kboiie. The stAtemetit -is W LL. BEL VED N1w1511EZ==&= illfN 11010tilig. "of flie 11 it I On and tho natural teditorial p CE I Goderich M Works e ii a trained voices oUtbe perfnrinei�s,-Ieft' will be mile iierei4skl, by 1be I r '-L by tile utwersignod for ti wourchase of th of wiliell 11 one who liciver. i"ItitAted onih6 sweet not corroLt-Someof tliebest..an�. tribet pied b3e' porilum all buIldings occiA l4tlo - t'o. be desired Ili kilo way of 6 realists, ,including .. of -glory of its promitkout nien,itl Canad tile- Dliall, & SONS, ill tho.Town of Cliato , 11
anti bl-�gia to take in the D a d Goods. Em �IIAVE appolated SIR, ROOKEW i A girl ;9,yf6llv'ass6idd lie rtistie'rep havIntf. it frOntae of 61 (out Oil the West sill" of' General. Agent of thohoderfou'.gArillp Works r a (4uLLJt .(,'Asr op iii 1pt�fts" it: cricart %oHd*ovijr-_aro Orangerneu. . They �5trclit_and extoliffing. back to King fortho Courity'of nuron. . klothov thq other day 0 co wflH.fai, but not in propoTtion 'ny) was ten dolla J.s, worth, and gets -have backboi a suoh its is f6und ill all iitraot, up to 12 -o'clock; noon,*of Tlkursdayp JOSEVII-VANSTOWL at she ba(I aQueon v -s.-. (biga � I I I I -louild 6ut where thtiy Inalic, 1101-Ses. tried Rt Ba sizes. Fa-weetty in �otilpfiiu6nt L161 i(�.,; L ana is. tb US true Bill Lish sul eLU not tile ba&a' IWIX of qk1l1:01 .11ext. M propflAui to 0 1883. uc� rolua bodefich, Fib. 6, meetille, of T00f&'-$�00 ot.purQhase nio PAY SE A No its of th.q vnte�rtaipmeiit. rrie As
blid olff.. Hullo'.,T L. iKerr, 'lie blows ndPu -i of el such as 04� cot 'tg nW pasea '41free." bons ail e e.ut. on n101 Mge at 9 pur cant. tier tiiamo, balance 4,. was -naillil',; 6'11 his fo6t at d . ic nieuibprs of - Ole fluron Live 0&911 on. complotiun of purchase. larbl 1 Tork o did n(yt e�xactly suit'.1lim. She a'�liurch fe.,itiv, I free to, nY. desired meeklii;'to 8 8110 uiatioji �Was beid at en- Ila a sharp toil" d 6e,.'Avas of ex- extent anti does. the po4er. priti-ting JOSEVEI CIIIDIXY, 6v.o 4 odys hotel IaNt Satni-day -The old., besides.-otber faults t i,illf �ssignuu in trust cjt thq o8t,ite of UARSHALL 1111(i, t 4roly 'gets a Geo.;;)Iohl & suali. off,jersauddu awere larY.to trientiorl- (Itht-ttik I it t goc, as part.. Ili the arbitrtion between. the li?ft hore a which it is not liece's. Hqp STREET) CLINTON, Iayou pililton, Sliq 23, 'f� of eu P 8' ty - as o ail. ed itor. o CIO for Britiah u in 1) iii, have '110. and 3 w, 14 d id d to I aid t.h`e annu- uarrelleflL.011 the d ress que, of du Q!)UIl Huron'and.the township -of to'Gan'llner's road, ti; aial alio ran,'away 0 ber. moth- �for tie 4U,xiell. it ka -6 iltat tio TAII'L�ORI'N`G--.'� itt they ai or ovoinber to b The n. -re4used to com� -back ana towii Mill conitnunity tlian'all 'tLe Esrf.,�,ox-Marden, baii 0 "0- W. H. -0 OO.PERf 111*4 wit)l Lhe Ptteith; P1 o yk Uxed or She d ise 11011a. tiled ve 10 been appointed' arbit�rator for the uty, NVnI.L01egg,.9X.1Je0.Ve dt'.Blyth Manufacturer of and deaterin. I intro 166jig ini N .-Foreign: 8'ai !.Lll k nds of.
..4o,-iation Ims done. mikuh -good in i i" b"in �and. I' warried rest of Clio population put together,. COU . I stof-Ingland, So doh and tings proued 'stoeir 9,111019. anot.her, acquainting ]let., With tho .11ship, all Mey- wore and'gets cursed for� it alI,, while fol (,116 tow U. IV..C,' a es kil to 'of tile Ott Trov ng Engfigh. &.Frenc'h ftrsteds, Ma6le.,& Gran.16, f6r Cme ry,
-i�xivpwratlo . rp:i nie�s.o'ftho comity. 'Tile bebefifs s-, k1a was fo�lnld mail Who '(]oil a few dollars to a er lilis been seleated.as third.-arbitra-- its - I te 01p, - -may -�dt b6.614 :,) I . � i, I I . . ad, ervitblo at a 'caswi kind sentenced., to oil(-, brass ban(] to r.." - say,tilat the is doing binfaht, wl,d had been Work st figures that defy competitiosi 'Oly . it'- is a. thing Trn' 0 C* Ssisfutl n�* lygn .for defendant. I 0 .: . I a lcohol; I I pfipicialls Who off. - G . . a Mr� a to -01j, is gratefull'y reinein I, all uch bak�jn to�. t lo risi ng geiieration n , Inolit I I or t to, be all a(] Lily bitLen :by w4 'frbe, gainers by the di6- a a lj.'lItlIi1Jg-)1Jg till at you kUbw. e, t o e other . THIER 11111111factkirer of the Ctfo'brAW4 hf Ito LO kit-ftFiclty, 8 j0t; ae.knowN -an ill, to lar- ff TON H for Ruildi
ing, til I'Lt t ow toes, wait E DO NOT thinicit'nocessai3, to inentiod tock.. -of tiew'Spring n nit Summer Goo& b 6f the rnouibers'o evening, I , , hi6 blother doe doll e I riel . i, : lial a FiplendidiSr aAor ell s t mo itill�, tool� place tit Lotidoll'�on ' - a` of. the raosqui- thi.s asociation, As-1.11110'ney'm k STILf, TIMY! PAS.�.'Awxy.�-,,Sinee oqes arid Ceiaetery Work, whi �mult - a �v oia lr hitn' with a lntern.- W haines" of ladles that havo, given Ordered and' Rew -at the lowest prices ever heard of-rione but tliv Fglay last. hutween two l6okin" fc dy-mado- Suits A -All wur
0llt.,L_bftd1 a $17,000 tb6 go,, thoo who a 11 11". i,(i o(Info our G.O'dericd t6.wtv, ovukiv4 dresses aild dosturnes to make. Thai, to Rkrk,t6 be apl�reciatL 'Y putting ill ty pe S - with, b(mt df 44nitnlngi� %ji;&t, and fis;guaran teed. '-� fuil'llbe of CENTS* - 0 Times, Pree6ciou infa,ri6 wit 11 r 6 Sattrrdiiy. Tlie Te(waisel) Soli te,f fo ..fit I eial conir 'des' in' at haye be�n,porfectly dell�bted anti sittisfied P ntile rranted to gie %,Ltisr to give may be ci r, C6'()]C. tlitir dreb6os-not only with thb style Ott -S ltlw&Ys Ill At-Oek- Call anti see, It..will pay you. a nuiubLr of: Goderic i, rli,ijor and. ad. The Walkerton Herald of.last week finishing to so dr- -VURJ9lSH1.N'C of 11tih turdy is' re7 NValkerto I n young -I niant but the f. an lie jutwi I t of I the 3 3r tee oilghly Instiected bdore loaving'1110 as (108(ro vvd, d b�xttalioni, fid -ceived the -Wei, AIMAHAM SMIT391j:-The Square.. forred to, o hae, it walked to Paisley and back, a dis InontL that ail huly' ficed lum ally hosir, . i , I . 111-ft� EX).- VAN Evray WaSLin town C The lose. -a are li�. Frey$ Geo. Barker�. .,rllQtrIas-Fitzpatrickj nigllk� ba� aricholy. bitelligence o 'Lis.,dea _ro] tance of tbiety-two miles, on Sitturtlay 1,a
p accltoi! a Dress and �Costullld In 11188'0 n ot SatilifeletI611 gl�,Olak A Alickins" T. 0 last ,eLlc bilihig tile e a a r,. uiet�ter at the Rieb mond street depot. V011k The sad. evei�it ;dourred 11011�a' last. They lattirted tit 4 it in., loaded li. Prices of making. vory'iiioder er, olli6 Ott dl5ffe�lznt classes of goods. it i .4 of 'tho �tpikll ; D -a il ford. - Partly 81011 � '1P . . . P h�� joined kho second -battalion. nd the flurieral takes' placo.to,dki i , 1, ba - to.of eatAble's, and a large suit J a y e 001�101TEXM N ES une 29, f ro tit ay),L * ' M*AL OALL nof tbe,hth Pt'iffes I'611814, came to (W4dnesd July -.The do- 4mm bpent fiv6 Hours plcriioin� j fastidious *111 be convin��ed'thab .Slles TRUSTEE'S H0710ETO CREDITORS THE GLENbok V fleav� We.11t 'to 'at P'll her basin riell. , to-sagi Ia C061icla. e.y, I thph willked back arriving. Tito moo ra,eeipt, of blio firA in the qame yeal ceased was allout the - last. of a 9131tw Is t1moughly -AND. . Calling. 'tj 'Bay City-, P61"t RLUjo an018, . I sAORICU Wo are i IA p England in 1,846, aro to tile Cape home'about .10,30. id that slia %vill do h6r very bust'0 Later to LTURAL. KFG; COMPANY, Moviumeniq -or herdic band of* immigrants. who tilat shohid visit.our OTICE icrelly gk-en'tht George Mobil Detroit. evory Heven. daYs.. (4 Airdn-ements are -being triado for tile wants of anv it L, Diehl and fiirair Jani.es ie (LIMITED) OLEXCOP, . ONT.% l000d Hope. in 1851. They re� fiettled.in Goderio township stabliOuncht. 1�ho ladies of Clinton 'and coun,' t1111100 The f kre f 6r the toll nd! trip, hiel, Uibliff an exed toil from BlyLli and Wing- esy can rest assuidd thm:there AN -111 be no�ihlflts, doing busitioss at the Tomm of Clinton, n 1855, Ile wLtis a iiative of *dounty-:rl erman' hani tile District 61' Algoma, via Orders jtL
all t mairod there until tOL 2. ended Couut� of Iluron, as "Georg Diehl Sons,' THOS ARdHk R AGENTs
ef, L to with dispatch.-VIOTOWA-ST., Furniturc,deAlara; Cabinet imlkers and under- E, ineals ikku6 berths. - is 6&�/ $12.00 Fitzpatrick wont back to Ellgtao� Oil nder the su�Uivi�iom of 11116:11 n'lid published quarkerly Viy W. agill w" proud of . tile, of all their liro. O,i Ili.. G. 1W. McGre46i, is tile nlaste� Ir* ." ) I - J ohai. 'aaaa an Rsilg' d i'b . tile W%Y to tile Crimea, while n a no th'a Beatty Rearer ill�11-trd Rock,�, ail ai harenb of the Chas. llamlli`6n, who i It v! g esttes, au d off(ots. to th6 u i do ne f the said Town of Clinton, in t ,Co ipor, Jr,, of ' Clinton. 16 exp of tile Oconio, ima ohn Roberfsan. �tho frauds of tho 'so called ."Bronze 00 V E liglish chilrel a16 of ome alua, 6nont of ail their.creditoks, aluf alPloughs. and at ier
thorough C k tier in' tile Indian' n utit;y ' ,va- larg6 a�ction s* 1; ble trust for. tile h' 0 wr- 1�okcs � -t ce qualideaLiona L for tile ).and of the Consei tbat, all porsons.1mviqg elating against the said I" . L . L :lr I' 'S soam fivrm abd tilbberlands in tilgonin, on Hy , .at :Nfonui erit0-Myllb Advoeale. ail(( ill Cbiaa. ..They .5ubsequently s L. Diehl %ad ndrew Jatnoa Inip tivo part�;Of ingrained iptqVity and position ji.o. only equhiled by big . - - - L. the 8th 36ly. 111" 11an)iItoil George DiLlit, Goorg leorge L Diehl come to Canada,. but had not plet'loi -roU8 to R dogrou, we n0er shall ili'llein of 'If'. :a Canta)on'sCatriagd Works nil r dayi I Ok i-ickets wid be issued "on Or before Jun ta ion gene I'lia, Bt-ainN4.' -At tile s' ti expects return D the u Se WAinwoobt no jiklavi�y of inn" er*.aiid L&P kill( Sone,'"are required, notirly diirty years till ti.ile otbe lipoll JLJ�o again ' warili oduringthe 1884, t9 send in by letter, propared"and ad= Clinton tho other da gentletilan sh6wod atientive interest ho iakes Ill Ills way be the meet- goot a return it , any tiln FIN ND -DETERMINA. to the nailles; roMdence. post; to return hillLsinie,
'Atoub. .' Patttityoa a Mlvwb4ilry, when, as hearte(l, hutikorou4,110 sonsonaii the,reduced r4re ot 015. aUlOillit" oince ad, vss�H, and particulars Of their claims, subscribi.3r begs -�Vo'speak' from a per INI TM and possessed Of a rot leasan 6 one, to botli-.� , I hav 0011' tfal� dapocif3- Hugh Sturilk. FLa06,VO.0Y �8 106 Ths is a arand: trip through Georgian: Of intelibionce and business taoC, emn e lik ewltoiners and he.pUblie
grown at Sonill kn�`Wlodge `Oi tile Captain. Ing Was a P pipenies paid and amen targe llaleui^ by soiling 1,)g ilia of tile it ang. held, by- `Qoper Bayand Lake Huro n'; pritSing thou t 0 aix in�ho.q ill circu its f orolleer� _Mr ourNarsery8took'. We gilara,itee all OfWkA.L, them; and take notice that after saidiate generlly, foi thef liberal patronage exte.kid:. 'Wm. LeLi a, will fur- ANOTH9% gan(is 6f i'slands oil the eastern shore nd as ive aitwell and fav6rably known throu;b. oursualit to 46 Vic_ SAO. 1, Ch 9, (on t.,) the :pnt Goderiqh AF E 5 -ling this ba s the conb�qet for ed, to bir,it in tile pst; and bj, ivirikist I g Sottrle has that in-easure; 'I, allL :oiid trustee; wid pro rt t.111 inforiliabi6fit., regart of the. wrestlers With, the,wiflibirn e*ss. of 'Pile excuraitill olitOntarlO,oUtai�t�.ntsflnd-iio-iroulileiriiiifLkin =1 to distir bute the assote 0 of L.L I)I0111. ail veil .0 CQn-.' lgaves on an t in coat packet. W-jalues I)I0111, said firin 0 ovov 4, 6111,n way by f6rnishing tile, virtifluial stone 'for it, -in tile person of lklri the Ist d 4th ofJU131. cacbeap atill depi?able trip. f Huron f w-- . . .. I .. * Andro and they arii . . I ' d ond,pa�ssed away last The. p6tition. for tile r4pe . tile gor d us,a 1) . astal cAtd toe terins, did, ."Gloorge, Diehl & Sons," wilong the parties en- �h othei liot lioarly. full havidso lie a6w res; leoce to be el.;oetpd ai or :g PuB,Y16ATION� ltpbmvrpc�WeLPL�e of 'Setifort . It. etOWnL' ee 'I- Jalton was (letiosited in rowti 3r Mr. IN-lier', This
ill J,eoeipt of school krupplement, k tit his-honiq ill Hirtudrillville., Scott Aqb it I having iwara out%- to We claillis of-Alic luilaottie*0 't that 9 .1 . OPIASEBROTHERS, o 11, tone vies'vwith thab of tiature'it OIL tfieWieriff'sofflLo on &t�tuidayj the nd that .11 be al J*d, (I U d 76 years, 67 o 11' *oodsnwe ' ' �`hali have boun'jivqn, a 16"), 11C piliblihed in T af the pasaed i live to renikkin N�irsor)nien and s liftblorfor tile assets or any par� thU of ab did-. ic 0:- - handw" r1c in point,of berluty 284 Gra. 0, who. took ii, -ip to 0 'Onstant was trlbutcdtony��,orgph or,p� rin'ar cor, ohn. ti Weeks ronto.' Tho..nutab" �bofore US Ia a ral3iliby, wb0A tire facility with which the Hu;�n Dis.trict. at to inspection by 1�11fi FIRLE L L Et4g aud' leaving, hore foui for toridays subjo �oyatloljp, of w lose deTA or ollal . lie Shall ilob T TITE_ -nateoilo ing oldestsion of tile late Col; Anthony eve notice. lli�hlj.oj bet it call he formed into �11 Man" er of. any e!eo�or. Vill) Egniond, ai)d was w linoal des- CLINT014 HIGH SCHOOL Dated at Clinton this 12th day Of Silly, A. D.1884 ill Charge ot solno cattlo that -a intents While fil-it il oJectfor the ostabl tillusti - mofid ishment-of a d - rrnif-sinSariiisis'th,ltiligpi'�OicaI Tru with burves arid orna i tile manufactur io", Wero being has been Colint V411 F . I Is R080-- 1OWEST Rftflerat'lve ice
tivo Of tbo text. s ceridant of tile rqlle)r aminati'M CANTELON B -wif��, who plastic sta,to enable. stock books are now is interogtincy and I I-, lonedL SC r 2874t. -other matter tz. I hehopes to., racTit A. pontilixtanco of thf,
. 0 or to suol)ly ib'at ldf4j U086L igRida '' 011citokNito Truhtbe.
licro,. lfii4 ki�k-heard front. arid Fall of the Dut6le lle�u.b- open. The capital 19 $5 100 , in 1,00f) oF PXAAIINATION for the ad"116810h bf than natural stone, olumig, shares of! $50 eaCh'L (,Qo Ot T'Tandidatnil to thQ CliiltOn 11191i Sulluol will 11109 lie left and:is naturally o'XcI I 411r. Coopi r has ()nly'$3& e and should find many su t lie," 061. Alithony, 11,01d a c loped Yea also tile cobtract for fornisbing Wile,,. NAN, stocit will be issued at present$ of ba held In 4),vor' tile rpport. It ils� to tie I lkeher$ -illy V10 J REMO V Ei D. in end a trial' of 0111v akf]otle� the Dutch "%I recorn !t, - - '. .. ,ii 7- - " -0e�,__J, Presbyter- 0 'I A rL I , . ", , " 111. Clintoja' nd*pupils,,bu ong.,th genera I t 1ollamliand. jyilii�b ngL!��!��jj�j��00 r
nall church an(j. foe eartes new wic ON TIlVlt8I)AY A D FRIDAY0 OT
a under tribute. Ito fO'Ugbk Against Academy.Yet�s, pliblisli- store. TlIalie eolittacts, with, orders DF.9T Ink,tNba of 1311lANDIRS, PoRt. TheLdoiy of ktoe'n eents-pe 3rd & 4th DAYSOF JULY, 18$4, WITHOUT RESERVE,'. .0 tli'e 11111an of Destiny." li-nd alao �% ith r busl.- NVI_ ed at Orchard Lake, k $1 FIPICY -ntfi ,Ip J1otXAXD 4rTlX8,'kndtAble for, marble and granite' monuint (if la8b -it llilll, ill a Col a r(6ient ximp6ting- 50 da* dl�.at 0 mall, d by ilia wa, wheat
) O�r�fr
a,.po;pn o I ac ogeraoll W �,Nliljt I J� , "; s"out greatep ..t art the'diltY 6h th,undor4giled not litter than the Ist dayl pUR U R 0 P�i c h Aur alina wikil-4611iding 01 further deolin I AVEITP"XslvpuEXPEltliNcz.-Til(l, gent ilia coulltry Was forced to sup to Esig'. Pon'Tift, in
it . full of ex,e0lient rearling foe. tile got% The' eNob of this has been Tulle. -tile O.Alo of t ngs, tile niall" of a nei-libor� 'Waswiditho4itittle Hour.' J, TURNBOLL, 13.A., likis 01* qUarts. CANADIAN A1,14 o Alilli oral Public, and is preserited_ln--an- o I -tlie disastrouR 0.0
eligible youug 0 bottles
'iitttra'ative form, If morit will !'O'T)- pretends, to have sonio, Corporui"! thro Ugli to giye the millers Oil tile other aide Master. -11 oil , U-44, wag % ing villag 1 ERIES A,'.%b Il'olitSti, CARLI'.%`9 & DAvira LAOV4 a&M, 91 a., t le 69(1�0 Paid �tellsiQo exierience and malces tile Russian callipaign and rtstr.eat- lie' of , tile line ail advantage of about,.- con6tantly on bau& 0 . mand success, there Is victory for ol Ust Wool;, b ng rvaliz'ad toe 3,30). t I I o Ne iollowhig- revel ati 6ns. -W h46 a afterward joined tile Allied Army 20 cents per tirrel ovilrJ,lunadian. A nos Altead. .. LONDON WAN 00,Y) - ----- in k)o. Godericligirl walits ber.fellow to under Bluelier at'Wiliter. 111111ors, with theresult of great ad- Rg- pliant condi lion, M4)?f riftatoryllielt haVo Wiqely 90 and served AC ORDANC WIT -11 A 'INgyit, jkl,F, 'CnAM11AGXX!ClDl9l41 elop.c 'TAP11M-TbO woUnded. A at indillitry ill willing on the ndiis ACCIDIONT3 NVILL I H 1qbO Oil home 4he taklis down hei baek'hair, loo Where lie Wits d itiol Lowr rtATmq. 1,13TION f tile cfeditOrO, th9 whole istook yateal Col, tile Canadian I
water works Cliritoti girls take off their slippers. son jusb deceased had many of the American sidej white $100,000 To LShorbd%toloahemb of rurilibure of the t%AIN ODA. cmfiof tile pastures Ang lit iner lap,4ed . one day ]Alt weeki and for my Wills' are Fistate'd G, DIEHL & S0X8 SEEDS 11, '.isplandld Thur.4day arid Frida we' had drou, Seaforth girls gay 99t's time vig�roas traittf and oterling qualities 6 & 6 1 41ymt�(o
thy streeta, It Was not tile Pump- ileatett potpr to kkncsk5p Ilia circling of h1w old tinio ancestry, Helped Takyral.)& Applyto per e Ivill of clintong ly To
NVIIA.T WnAvrly Bt, ariin'tind hid awry to his Paternal his father to build tile original Rur- will be sold at ( os pniip po tioutillid after (IMICACIo.-Sal Manger MAY 26th, Thb stoek includes. .411 fruit is rapidly 6 ing engine that, gave out. U W1115 4011lici;e.11 13111th girift are more on lto'ad through Waterloo Purth VALUABLE� 4001ifig a ' drug, ill the ChiC090 tho ihttibatiug nitiahinery that 661- ortionWative, anti 'arid 1.11troll counties io tile I and nedrown Sets, Pitirlor Set, SEEDS I b. Vor five. Cents you Call lapSed. �raetical Arid less d fl 'L I The motive Ower 81111ply �ay�L"&nlly'L�tjnjoo� up, git.) . 06140 to put up �6110 first, Wayside. )to, - Chalr,�, Sideboardoil Buteaull, 1111r�o WOOL 0 P ink1h)g machinery '114 iinpolled LE MILLS 11 %ad a goncrai w9sort-won d ALBERT STREEt CLINTON 46arb box Of t4trawbort'108, tile a r dittion. of - in MENT131 to . all new and of go 4enitAining cloven alleged atiawber- Or 4r The Ldrideboro girls Agy, "O 08H I tels 'for tile' accommo worknianship, The stock Cn be sedil at any awn along the Weeks got be had bet(pr get ihinga read � tot brieak- 0,,in, ,a, I 9, and, was; among tile, FO R , SALE, tilljo i%t h0.1 Gw. bitur, & Boxis. S S-1 tt . VicoaW1,06t, . . ..1. L .. 'L.
a Pint of sand and a green tto pro EED yond the eon" r6l of ilia engineer, the i t.,,, 0 pro catnrpillar.;. Graiiii pnaa as Brusge.1A 4irls , get nervouif first to pro -i o wheei'd colkVOYallc0s MUMS -All ounid undoe 43 cAs, Over that A"id niotivo power being horses' L nd extilaim,* "Ttg sweet tomeetAnd for bringing pr.oyisions aninant six Months' oredit. on irimoved Joint dL pbr annina off (or beetano frightened fib 10 defte-or yolioll eta into tile counly Of 11uro T%6 dfillfxpst will buy a cast-, of P6,1011- the passing of amno rail way carg a,nd sadia part; pop som I . TOWN OF GLINTONN Assonflmtoi norable crkse8 of cholora broak iny heark" cotilseclueutly, wa known fair and &V'As Mid whole litocif tao4 be sold withlo one h' P1 Fres Su' Ply
they broko away with the water (I J... wideby the older settivra find was 11trAMWILT, 111tol"V91i M FOR RA1,11 W nonth. this 18 an exealisrit Akade far those work8. NU living cortain Of the alloolw) an 1, ilibillng t6 purcliaso Obeall. whiskers; Ott them ii,re cents a buoyuncy of the wagon and tank N1 I W I bbber, of the �tuftml Alarruilg4 held by� thern in killiverfittl esteem. �, 0111,10 Ak'011' ON, l -we I I . . EXTRACToFM ats 6'clock In the aftornooll. Oil th� Ktllilsm in vx�o I' they took a circuit around it Pond Aid, cliftrgOtl with..fraud, were dio- iro Wits it man of.- kirill clisposition tho TOWN or the extons vo ixnd val. TAUIVIBERV RYLlAtL11. 4.t�o and was gerieroug to 0, fault. In till, pr ls�ii, aotl aladh1h quatil"Ity of tlliabot Is offettli tot Oats 6" CORMTT & not'8.4 T'nown AN'tho IT= of 19 Prk inAtead of atteliaptitig to crorig it, to, ell arge(l at 11am il ton, igatu irday, a! arpled;to Aling Annie eon). R90T aTRAW 60T.TINQ 00XESj. ble, or In3ts to Inlit, Purehavari, 'TbOL paek 10, did not iappeal�. They 1842 Ito WAS in Ith B(%tt0rnft,L Atli, Mai 1882; W 'w
a hind whools it 1, Who 11 lftl'geL 3 story building, I 00X8Q f 6. VcrtiAntilent, fo, all' IoWits rim, ai%l the, Nv -A*A Of boilof don Plao, 4ow York, tiondq no an.nd. tile ni�Antlme one of th 1"earresteil ol bivo of 1'!'Il trigino Aml boll6t house, b0it lit' d 1h ft r Of -tile Wag eete immediately Johnson, A hal ly 26 llot$e power liaginond 40 Mae P fieldga-901 Ly pn(la of tile it nprotected ept)kst butrip. imilar charge inade by a Brighton still survive" him. Thoir Goldid 4, StW0116th lilbufAttlItt, Yftft 1�1 Colt*,; 811PERIT, UNDERTAKiNG, Nkws �v i, 1. t6naltia of -aix two so�n ligo, with 12 fall sots 40 itieh waRifacturibg ina- this btenli of tho.businois wilt tie etwndeil 6 Ailliukily in efif11 ; Or foeL t-xtrt% dlfl� ing Along tile grOutlel they were soon man rhey will bo trkkell to Brigh, litorn"All of whorn hre ditinest, 8 Splaning Jaeko 4 111,0&d 1,06ind, red1l0d PtIM, CURPS tile in advanco on, '%o Pregidont, Me. DUV, Alhar. atirl four Citing I Nftfrow T.0nra8* With alf 'tild otlAr beeMity OiJOSPI'll 'y wi I IL poy Ault allowing onfiiiidof t livitig, Anti Pettlial floar live old houlo- M%ohifl6ry Awl AppilrAtill for 'on 0, Irl ,0unt 611ing in Cho R of tho tstato 61 Of tile, vAhiele� to C6410 t6illodler earth, ristee, is larigul mt bilsiflOH-9 cApobld 6f n1allota& )[A.sotin. f,tilluttlty Or qitrterly, on re( _�Aliltolv tea(l. Afro, Honey 4ackgon" of ) Tweddo, Planaelir or Blankets, 18,006 as Good aft the 1100, find 6;9 Cht-AP! At 186. DA OLE 1�
)pq, NO Y()kl The front part of the Wagon bAcAilAo bttiiltilfl. 8'OVel'al 11OUM Of c0ttift- A turing Int as tile ollespeA4, fit mq % 1AR4. Pn- toltIt Yo 4) f -, Will -LogAll, of pounds Of today per nlorith. o. .9amondvill8; Atr8 (Ion't, lZmArx. Hoywon. it can't dettichod itrift tlio riw 'thoroughly C004 in GO(le.6011 And vicinity hV attam thfIl", all 10 ""'a I Soafortlh; MrA. Dr. Worthington Ot ltlblltl lit I do", ho. yortiAtment ilk ovion onel aroused animalm app8rired to be mak- (I'llptoll have PrOd into theaffittif OVOP workifig Mot MY& taft he f t. Imamilioth St6vo Warohnol j,�HOLERA INFANTUJL
go"byour ail, Clinto od Alm. 0. Rudolph, are 'tloe� SRA ST91E hout pay in u1k111"ith 6 wit tilt 33 a i x ro tin, j,Rror of All sah, advance,* Nve'llig a dead fint for Rome soalloldina Ono 111 I k.nd tirrAs ob; f4c c� re of , , b �ao I.. ,
()kir Open Vviliell some moil 'Were at work Rhr6wd lawyor of 0 a 0 .1i; Bold to daughte M
Ellis ptipor. Ile ou Oils 2601 of Jiffle, �k� liba? Lot is, littron RosA, If' 11 0 rL Other I lrwin'ii S �-Otjrs old 1%*Sf, is sp6tt6l tM. wbitt T4;d blikok* vertising hi;� white fmor and wbito 1(g.4. 'The QW1161' I* ft- QL raterl for ad , are to lile rout)(1 of, At ff"dWare & Tit �on Art;,6 page.. IV41110 y6ur qmu., arriving. at it of luber ar. corn Which 116� took (k.1 0ollatel =d to Provo Property, AhdfA'ko their proqekq. of Redurity awl whi6h, cost Ilial 0,61' tothe 1160A6 byft slight atift. rtilot. $Lway. and wt)' 6hall t! VAN 'TA121. 1 A, 1116rehinw, WON doing duty as 41 .000, It is tilore tililft Probable Attoko teWvd At Xinvilrdillti On 01,, Tra�lp ON i 110"W0014, 3611 out at l0ifs t1sanCOW, Friday 146t.
* �, 111
- M