The Huron News-Record, 1884-07-02, Page 1Site Nrott Nom Suor4
Every WetineedaY Morning*
NNTV,1.1%.0.\ TA7464.1
faT Taste Ottides,
AMA Street, &Won, Ont.
14e$ M ovancti; ta if not 80 paid.
The proprietors of Tix (lemma IsTiws,
having /laminae(the business and plant ,
or Tat 'woos nscoo, will itt future
publish the amalgamated papers in Clinton,
under the title Of "Tait Reims News-
Clinton is the most prosperous townie
Western Ontario, is the seat °Considerable
manufacturing, and the centre of the finest
agricultural section in Ontado.
, The combined circulation of Tau Wawa -
lineman exceeds that of any paper pub
fished in the County of liuron. It is,
therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising
medium. Our rates foradvertising are i
column 1 year, $30
" 6 ines, 18
3 mos 12
" 1 year, 18
mos, 12
, 3 mos, 0
Advertisemonte, w thout instructions as
to space and time, w 11 be left to the judg-
ment of the earaPasitor ia tho display, in-
serted until forbidden, measured by a
"cale of solid nonpareil (12 linen to the
itch), and charged 10 cents a line for first
risertion and 3 cents a line for each sub-
'ettuent insertion. Orders to discontinue
advertisements must be in writing.
Notices set As SEADDIrk mAXTER•
(Nonpareil measurement, 12 lineto the
;nett) 10 cents per line first insertion ; 3
tents per line each zuhsequent insertion.
1:•cotenni I year, 490
" 6 mos, 00
'4 3 suos, 30
40 iyear, O0
" 6m, 30
4' 3 mos, 18
4013 WORK,
e are one ot,theritestt-appolded•bh,,:,
Offices west cof Toronto/ Our facilities in
. this department enable as to •do all kinds
of work—from 4 cant card to a marimotlf
poster, in the best styie „known to the
• craft, and at the lowest possible rates,
• • Orders by mail promptly attended to;
The iVetus-Rpoord, .
Clinton. Out
December, use.
. • , •
le s• •
• 1311•1-TIST;
tate of.Teronta, Honor Graduate noyai college
• ei Dental surgeons.
008tEl's'- Clinton.
AWork Itegistered. Charked Moderate,
n12-11ERVE. Office, Rattenbur, Strea,
me,l1ately behind Ransford s book store.
Residence opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron
Street. Office hours from 8 dap. to 6 p. m.
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. • 1-1
• Skeleton, Solicitors, Convey,ancers, dm Com.
• • miesioners for Ontario and Alanitoba. '•
. Offi06—T0w's HALL, CLINTON.
Olinton;May. 17E4; 1882. 20
UM: $1.25 per Annum, in Acivanne,
IlllopZlit$841ettrie:'411.1,11eYert; ."ste of t°****44A
ear ad o ;snowit* world
tilvii.91:11:111/4:.°00.017,11‘onuj:ualifes1 1)4109 paiaistariart04..ttliast
110 thou /Pa °Paid iveas Pelt
WHITELY TODD, fubliabero, 4":141.t.:013.4:04411;:i4.:41:911a7rial, 4404
„rileealet or-4,bret feeaspialeilsktr
poor know the value of flopa$*
for bilious, netsuke* *0 -1440•111Vsfe
Cae am with Nei) Traten
and I shall hate name; IN fri0040.11*.-,
0. Adddisease upon. &metes .04
let the worst come, t tie ;Will :14
119P. Biettt:i
7rmy life hate •
with sickness end obOip, soActiot
a 'oar No was I oureds Hop-flitSqr ,
He -that romps* Whoa*
from s.ohisig from Ilthetumatisut esall
Neurelgie, with Hop Illttesom tiootht• •
pwlieillea.:yttohgokulthe, tharturhheasuti4,1c4,1,07411im;
blood poisoning, yet 'fuer Itittote t1144
17100.:lowtkheh,riotawrollo.mforra' tIo9hemlieestintist
who destreth not health end. udoth
galPl.Bloteter4uauettirtgreolg.tv044iist; 110.e
Bitters bring on mevittilit 1id4oy Asa
7.4ver complainte.
.Xeep ,thy tongue -fro* heiOg
furred, thy blood siure, blici the
otomach front Indiseattott thg taaktit
dill°,11:31:14taticrilkY0Patineio'"laiefft .141ecflore."•atfilili." -
11111144. whihean-rlsi utti:45.mesPeafiikit09t 41:1"')If
dead and given up by the dootore
after using/lop Bitters end beetatneth`
15, cease from worrylng nttout
tierVOUSneen gefierar dIlity,04
urinary trouble, foe flop Bitters wilt
eetstore you. - --292
Ariehleishop LyflcIi OU Idolatry,
ce les
anothei column Will be tielnIk
.a letter from Archbishop 4,,,Yh-lfet fie
• the 'ministers of -die Presbyter
General 4;metubly, in regard' lib
charges of alleged idolatrous rate
aces of Roman Catholic", ISO
Witness has the following in regal*
be the prelate's.letter iss-Arehilhohe
Lynch has a manly way of ilyeg
the public when he has imythltift
his He does not inahatitift
an awful dignity by hiding ifshint
the curtains of the sauctiney, LQ b4-.
• shown to the people Once a year be
so on great ocetisions and wheo tfio
umphal arthee have 1. eel:three,*
over hie holy path: fie oven writ I
to the newspapers. He ling serenity.
addressed the Presbyterian divinoe •
gathered in the General Assembly. .
and. told them that when eltey*spohe
of the Roman ,CaltielicOirtireit any
didnot know what they were telt.;
ing about. It would he well tomo.
times if beth Roman CatItolle ar4
Protestant orators could realise the
presence of Berne et a different faith,
They might be more temperate in
their :assertions. The Archbishop
writes under these limitations, sv.ti
yot he says things which viould re.
quire eh greae, deal moreaophistry
than he has 'space- for to Conyintie
any ordinary Protestant of. Aa nn
example he says: le nut, the
"creed of the Catholic Ohneelt to
"adore and worship images. :
"would be in a. Christian ,..101+1
"grievous sin than in a pagan
"knows ho better." : . *,
WHOLE NO -9098
Right YOH Are, Sir Hector.
A. few (Jaye ago at o banquet Sir
Rector Langevin touched upon the
those of a great mejority of the
independence queation, and aebis
views, are French Coneervativee Oa
the euhject, we give his utterances
on the question:
"But he wished to eity * few
words about a great question whit*
had been raised by one of the leaders.
• of the Opposition, Sir Richard Cart-
wright, The Liberal party had been
accused of having no policy, but Sir
• Richard Cartwright had now found
plank for a. new platforei fee the
reform party, and that wes the inde-
pendence of this county. He (Sir
Ffector) for one did mit know what
we wanted with independence in this
country. We were indepenclent.ens
ough. now, Who Was governing
•this country? Was it the Parlieineyt-
of Great Britain" Wes it the tleople•
of Geest Britahil Had we ,not our
own constitution under which the
Queen of England was the Queen of
Canada, and did we not find, that by
the Act of Opofederation eve may**
,everything eXcept levy' war againlit
(maize natiooe, or deliver this
country to another powerl.Our pow-
ers by that At are moot extensive,
and by it we eould tag the goods of
Eitglatid es welleis the United $tetes
themselves do 1 Was that not hide-
'peedence. enough 1 ,In fact we did as
we pleaied with our ineney and with
the reyeeues of mir country, 'We
were told that if we liadaindepend;
Micewe-could make combsercial
treaties,, but if England had,. -failed
for years to wake commercial. treat -
les with France and Spain, for in,
stance,,liow could. we, a small five
mations of people, induce -France
aod,Spain to-do what they Would not
do for England 1 The link between
us and England *as the Governor-
General, who was sent here to goy-.
ern the uountry in the namoof the
• •
Queen; but if we • were its!ependent
we would have to eleot a man to be
either. the preeidentf govereorgeeer.
al or king of the. cimetry, and this
man would need .to.bea men of
:Weight and experience,. and Armin
therefore needs be a political niati,
end if the governer-general was elect-
ed by. the itoformers, weluld the
'Consereatives have the greatest con-
fidence in hitn, and vice versaBut
we forgot another-liee which 'bound
us. to the toother.coentry,-the leyel•
ty of the.peop.le to great Britain:
(Load Ci4iers.) That Was the-strolige
est link. h.etweett the two - countries
and lie could not see why•SieRiehs
ardeattwright and followers
wished`to destroy that hi*. For
his owe part, seeakieg in the name.
of his 'friends in this province, :ne.
itter what their origin or creed,he
woUldsay that they did net waut to
break. the.:1ink , (Clieers) They
vuili toremain underthe gloitooe
old fisg o! old Eogland,'. for which
their ancestors had .shed their bleed. •
(Olieere,)But supposing we had 'hide,-
pendence, .we would teed to
exdcutive heiticand we would have to
tae the people's. little more for .the.
:purpose of keeping �u1*. executive ofi.
the same 'footing as. those of. ()thee
countries„ and. we weldrequire an.
army and navy, 69nsols and-
Sadora, and n fleg of One owe, and if
that fiag was insulted it would ru.
8016 160 war and who .wtaild 'pay for
it but the pkiple• of Canada? But
toslay. the: flag otEngiatifi proteeted
no* and we were free frau' all 'this
trouble and expense and besides, thir
prestige of • tide country was ten -
times greeter than a .would .be ender
the new Order Of:things proposed by
Sir Richard Cartwright. . (Oheere.)
•• D. A. FORRESTR,• .
. .
' no.vvEre:Ncon, 'my)), IsionANcg,. k.
w GRA, RItAL AORNT. re' Now to Loan:
Office, Beaver Block; Clinton. . v22tf
0 EAGER k MORTON, Barristers,dm.ok , God*,
rich and Winghaus, C, Seeger, Jr, Ooderich.
J. A. Morton, Wingliam.. • • 1-1y. •
jOSTON, Law, Chanceiy,and'
Conveyancing. 011ieer.Weet Street, next
ex door 'to Post Mee, Goderieh, Out. • 67.
C. HAYS Solicitor, .t�. • Office' corner of
• Square and West Street, over Buries Book
we Store, Goderich, Ont. • • • 67.
EeT.05(.0ney to 'lend at lowest rates of interest.
CAMPION, barrister, Attorneyi• Solicitoe in
'rj., Chancery, ConVeyaneor, Am. Oflieu over
Jordan',s Drug'Store,,tho rooms 'formerly °nu.
. pled by Judge Dol. • • •
MP Any amount of money to Wallet lowest,
rates of interest. , 1.1y.
. .
.• H. W. BALL, -
kUCTTONEER for Benin County. Sales at.
tended to in any pare of tho Cbunty,
• dress orders to q0.DERICS P, 0. •V-17. .
A'tome eee, land, loan and Insurance agent
Blyth. Sales attended in town and'countrY,
reasonable tonna: A list of farms and village
lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at
low rates of interest. fueuranee effected on all
classes of properts. :lace and debts collected.
Goods appraised, and Hold on eenualesioin Bank-
rupt stocksjought and sold;
' slob. Dec.16, Ism
Veterinary Surgeon,
• Graduate of the OnEarfo veterinary college, To-
ronto, htvlliy 0pen3d an 0111co in C11001106 .
prepared to End, all diseases of domestic
animals ors the most modern prin-
ciples. All operations canducy
performed, and calls pronipt.
ly atfonded•to by day or
• night. Peoasnadorate.
6710E, —bit door West of Ken-
notly'm 1-1 eel, Clieton, Ont. V-17.
,11-V310•mmlB8.4011§1m. tram,
•,‘,.• the Bolton conseriatdie of 'mune,will take
fa limited retainer otpunits on rim oraan or lilsno.
Partleular attention given to those who wish to
Improve on thelr present styio or playing. at real -
denims! L. P. Davis, 110 66* oescan fareory, 85
Photogt ephers
OLIN 0—N-:
Life Size Portraits a,,,Speoialty.
L 6, L No. 710,
Meets slalom) Moaner of every
month.. Hill upstairs, oppoeus
the Town nail, visitingbrethron
always made welcome.
A. M. TODD W. M.
r. ANTELON, Secy. C. TWEEDY', S. M.
qt0,INT6N Lodge, No. et, A. P. & A M.,
meets ever,v rrido. on Or after the tali
m visiting brethren cardiany Invited,
maoWriittren, W. 16. L. FORTUNE, iSse,
' Minton, Jan.14, 1881,,
TO MERCiiiiiT8
HOW toSellGtoods
• The Reeriprocity Treaty
Referring to the statement that
reeiprocity treaty -with Canada'.linti
been arranged, the •• News nays :
"The revert must be taken with a
grain of allowances _The treety um.
der which the people' Of the Utiited
States and Comae' traded to equits
a b se...m a y ear Wee Id „; I le .iotx.i
iateoce to day if spite had oat over-
come the common sense of the 89.
..eadect., statesaeM • of this .ottu tit ry.
Fee a long time the feeling, against
the peOple of Canada -was verY 14.
ter by reason of the open •sympathy
of many.0 inadiane with the Con-
federacy. Itis true that our neigh-
tiers did not not towards us as they
should or as we had a righl. to ex
peet thot 'they wpuld, but we ought
not to have allowed our anger to
run away with oursense. If it had
note t for the St, Albans raid,
the shipment of smallpox rags from
Canada. and the open sympathy of
infitiential men rte St. Catharines,
Toronto and Montreal with the
rebels, the reciprocity treaty would
not have hems abrogated, The more
the people of Ole country reflected
upon the unkindness Of the Caned -
i16016 111 out trying hour the more
firmly resolved they becetee that the
tweet), -should not be renewed, and
Whet' the time for whieh it Wait 60
retrittin in force expired there was
not e man in the 'United States to
ask that it be continued, . Thew
has betel abundant time for pehaieti
to cool, and now the pe pie of both
eimetrIerr realize that it would lie
for their good to •resutne the recips
roeal relatipret, whieli were Ito pleafie
ant before war father Seared telt
temper. • Tho tariff will not he re
dead, but there in a disposition ori
tho pert of the adminietration to cut
doWn tho revenue •. Means of
ednitnereitit treaties, and WO de tOt•
re averse to euch
•`.•• ••,••••••-•
Every Particular
Stock of DItY-GOODS is the Finest in the County
1 ssorted
Bring along 3rour Butter and Eggs I
Highest Price Paid
And ,,as many....C+040 pf same quality
can.bp',.boUghtyfitolin 4.0.StiOdy else for $3.
Several persons ore being prose -
at Brantford for iiifringemelit
of the Dinnininir honor license law.
• Bishop • Cleary Ids returned to
Kingston tato! his visit ta
81141 received a cordial Welcome.
Immediately after a thunder
storm in Toronto, on' Tuesday, tke
gr�uiniifor tiboitt it Mile" east from
Sumach tareet wee observed to lie
tt;eidn. with smaIt is
ll frogs.
Michael Becket, • a• respectable
farmer of Metecife, on hie way home
from Stratliroy, was etruck -by tho
Chicago Express going west, and
WAR instantly killer). He Was drito.
kliz over the town line crossing when
the train struck between the horses
and wagon. The horses wore also
killed and the wagon cleinoliehed.
On Saturday last there died in
n or heart
Hamilton clieease a lady
• who ..was born there 75yeare ago.
Her maiden name was Margaret
Hess, and her father (after whom
Hess street is named) was one of
the earliest settlers on the land on
Whieh Hamilton now etands. The
deceaned lady married the late
George Rymal,
Mr. a 3. 13rvidgee, of the Fludeon
DMay.Company, now in Ottawa, says
• the commercial peaition in the
Northwest • is greedy improved,
whilet the crop is geed. "/
mate," aaid Mr, Brydgeti, "that
there will be about double the
amount of wheat for exportation
thiti year that theft Wee late, and
that *Lptobably ithout 11,060,000
bushel's will bo slipped."
Alfireel Foreytli, eboet thy years
of age, residing on the trantford
road about three miles from Brant.
ford, tommitted Reicide An A most
determined manlier. Forsyth se-
cured an fild OW '011616,11M:ea one
end in the beam, and Math 16 enti-
tling ntOse at the other. Ile had
head in the loop, and dropped
feet Paell Hide uf the hive, which WAS
f011tid ithinove.d between his legs,
just as he must 'have .placed it.
Last summer, a (laugher of F. 1).e..
Lacy, uf klamilton, • swallowed
iieodle: She has been quite Hick
from bleeding of the lungs .siuce.
The other day the needle appeared
in lier right arm above the 04,4 ow,
vvilence she pulled it out. with_ her
• 50 a sermon on Masonry by the
Father Hanlon in the Chore]) of
Mntitrettr,:: 'he no irt
a6eeldit;g00'the DO101,11124 and 'books
• of the Order, to lie a Mason and a
Christiati,•inuch leak a Catholic, was.
as absurd as it watt impoesible. _Tie.
Order of Masons hoarded of'religious
tolerance, hut this Catholics objected to because it ignored things HU-
pornatural. in Carlisle's /Adel
• manual of the. order of receptions
he failed to find in instruCtions for
the first few degrees any meetion
at all of tho supernatural or of
Christianity. • •
'On Juno 22nd a young Scotch
man named Dougald. Douglas. inn
bis life. The deceased, in company
with other di:impatiens, started at 7
(Albeit in the morning for a bathe in
the rand River at a point known
as. Welk's Dam, Brantford. The
decmuted, who was not a very good
swimmer, waslollowing tsvo other
conapanione, who were ahead in
deeper ivater, when he Was eteldenly
mum to Sink,. Strenge to say, he
never rose again, and despite ell
march the body wad not discovered
• until a long time had elapsed after
bletlitappearance. Ile had been in
the eity but a few vimelts after vend.
ing the winter in Seaforth,
" A stabbing affray wbich is altritist
certain to result fatally Oct:Urea on
the promities of Miehael Xennedy,
411s eonceitsion Tyendinage, abbut
,sixteen miles from this eity. There
had heed a.bogging bee (hiring the
• day, and twe Mett named John MCA
Anlity and *Unities Alexander ongeg.
ed in it fight, in *bleb •the fOrreer
lilt one of the latter's Angers, Job
ignorant and naturally prrjudieed.
° gav calbocicurch
year after year, at your ',postai
aasegnbliea and published zn the
newspapers to be read Oy the more
ignorant people, we feelcalled upon
at this late hour to protest ageinst
these calumuies, ro tho first place
it is not the creed of the catholic,
church, to adore or worship images,
which would be in a etiristain a more
grievous sin than in a pagnn, who
•knows no better, If we have statgee
*hi pictured in one homes and in our
churches, they are -merely to remind
up or of the great example which the
SOMA have given to dm world of
the high& virtues, operated ia them
though the mereles of Christ. "'Bet
to me Thy friends, 0 Lord, are made
exceedhigly,bonorable their pririCip
glity exceedingly strengthened,"
We do not call prosteatants idola-
ters when they till Weatininater ab.
bey and ,St. Paul's, and adorn their'
highway with statues slid busts of
heroes in war, literaturecand -state-
craft, thou ;It the models of many of
•eke tu-svere-by Aso -means -edifying:
Nor do we call a metber an idoleaor
when she kie.eos the ,photograph. of
her dear son hi a foreign hied.
kiss: is relative-- it applies to -the
• original. 60 with cathollcs, vrhen
they venerate the images of Ohrist
and hiseaints. We dionet find fault
when you call the mayor of a city
"His Worihipful,"or in soeietiets`‘The
Meat Worship the Greed Maetlr,"
or "Her Most Gracious 410 -sty the
Queee." Oat-helics pay to God alone'
sovereign worship, mid may give to
.tho blessedvirgin, the apostles and
otlier saints, the veneration and hon-
or which is due to them, as the friend
of God and benefactors of their race
in the spiritual Immo. • IrVould Car-
dinal Manning and NOWIllaill nearly
three hundred prostestant ministers,
Lord Ripon and Grey, govenor gen-
eral of luilia,„so many other lords
and earls, and such a large number
• of the English nobility as well as
some of the most illuetrious citizen
ot the UditedStates, have renounced
protestaetiern an 1 manse xl oath°.
lioity to become grovelling idolaters1
SOtrie prostestnnts think that WO a,
doie bread. If we did we woald be
idolaters, We believethat 4 thecon-
secretion the bread is trans-substan.
tiated into the body of Christ in its
• glorified state, and under the appear-
auCe of bread, we adore Christ as
Christ . was adored under the guise
of.a child by• the wise men from the
East, or as His blessed mother ador-
ed Him On the cross with His body
•covered with- wolifids. We believe
• thatebrist is hiddenin •the blessed
sicrament with hie body, which has
put on immortality:
Morden, a Isysitander, upbraided
McAuley, alai bit response to a Oal,.
lag!) mimed in a conflict with Mc
• ley w lio draw.a knife and stabbed
It sixteen times iti the faceand
all •;1'6 find upper part Of the body,
•ono of the wounds being in the left
-lung. • MeAuley made • his eseape
did up to file latest accounts had
not been captured.
James Carroll, the. conetahle Who
'this alleged titiltiVe been die:H.1p
• leader of tho masked men who 1114S.
sacred the DotineTY family in the
-,,,t0M10111P: ttfAifitku)pli,,Ont,. in.1879s.
ie one of the tiWvies on the Canada
-Pacific west of' Leggett. 'Carroll; it
will be remembered, was tried and
acquitted with the rest of the ac-
cused, He 18 in bad health, and
goes moaning about the plaza as if
greatly disturhed in mind. The
doctoe haw tried to fix him up, but
says "medicine can't cure
The gang on the week treat Carroll
kindly, and no reference is ever
made. within his hearing 60 the
dreadful crime of which he was ae-
curled, It is probable that he will
be sent east in a few days, He.bas
not done a week's work in the two
The Port 1?,1gin P'red Press naps :—
A eouple of weeks ago Oapt, W. H.
McLeod, who is running one of the
fishing boats belonging to Mr. D.
iVielemd, an extennive•fiell dealor in
Southampton, caught an immense
salmon trout; weigiting 86 pounds,
measuring from the point of its
none to the end of ite tail five feet,
twe inciters and around the thickest
pot of ite body thirty four inches.
.The head was ton ;epilog •in length;
and, the width of the tail, from
point tO point, was 12 irichee. This
it* the laegest fish of this species
ever caught hero end Mr. ts. Mo.
• Tptal may well feel proud of having
• caught, suet) ane specimen Of thO
finny tribe, The monster was pack,
ad in ice and tonitigeed to Mr.'
' PltreY4 6f WoOdatmer, where it is
now hold for eXhibition, end is
etiterWardO to be preaerved artd
plated in the tritmeitim IIS rioellester,
N. V,
•'• AMEK;CIN.,
The ot1Mr night Abe Massey, of
-Oxfurcl, Miss:, charged with- brut-
ally outraging a. six year old girl,
was shot and killed While resisting
ai rest -by constable Wm. jUy.
Miss Lizzie' Spencei, the daughter
ofa prominent citizen of Minnesota*
diaappefired and was found wander -
big far flout home in great mental
distress and physical exhaustion,
• °villa/ to lei, rd Ala/lied
66 secitre school boners. .
.A. reporter of a DeArpit paper has
•beeir isi tt rig. - a cel I a r• • in that-cityn
where maple tingais ie made. The
.only sugar uned is muscovado, With
• Whieli is mixed sand, twige, and
dried Maple leafes to give the sugar
a real maple. bush look, Extraeta
are used to flavor, Then the mix-
turele poured Mies Moulds and the
more liquid stuff into cans, labelled
"Pore Vermont ,thaple syrup. Be-
• ware of imitations. • The greater
part of thia "maple sugar" goes to
farmers and country towns, and is
gold around the streete,
. ,
At a recent meeting of Oranges
men at‘Artnagh it was resc,Ivecl that
the Orangemen 6f the country obeli
attend the ennits4tiary niootinge at
Newry on July 12,
The Pan-Preebyterian Council con.
veiled last week at Belfast, Delos
gates are present from -every tmeter
of the globe.
Olio era is increasing tit Franon
Notwithstanding expectatione to
the contrary, tael Spencer teas re-
ceived with .great enthusiasm in
There fiefrittri 66 be a good deal of
different% betsveett the authorities in
Kngland as to how innoli a amok.
able" cigar ctiati. Sir Henry VVelff
told the flo066 of Commons the
other night that “decent" <Oars
might be had for Oned, per hun.
dred—tlitt,' is to say, for a little
tnoro than two Conte apiece. The
London Timer, on the other hand,
atitititON ila itdeit that it bittir" cigar
can be had for niromence Oe AM.
ing -equal to twenty,four Uinta
Archbishop McCabe has written a
letter in reference to the eloctiOn for
Lora • Mayor of Dublin. He is
unable to see how Catholics could in
honor and conscience vote for Win-
etanley, who is a Hotne Iteler.ami
Freemaeon. As a Freeutason,
Ca.he Rays, he ia a member of a Ho.
ciety Which aims to overthrow relig-
ion. To Freemasons the revolut!one
of the last century were traceable.
one 'mot plead , non:participation
as long as ho'remains a Mason,
A !sold experiment •waa tried the
other day byser-Vree-Chu rebeninister-
in Regime' tipotrtlee members of his
congregation. He preached ansmer-
gado aerosol deneuetifig the growing
tendercey to desecrate the Sabbath,
and concluded by boldly elfeeing to
give halfsascrown to every woman
in the Miura who would come to him
the foliovving day, anti conscien.
dowdy declare that she had not spoke
of worldly matters after leaving
church, The tnen, who are presuma-
bly not so fend of chattering, were
offered a Alining each oir the sane
terms. Not a single person appear-
ed at the minister'e house on Mon-
day to claim either half a crown or
shilling. fiabouoliere says I "I ant
'Ileum disposed to Wake a witnilar
offer to the entire Englieli and Scotch'
• clergy."
•No Mine man -with a respeot for
truth" :Would attribute •to catholics
the belief that it is no sin to runrder
protestants, to ',reek • faith with
thein, or, iejere them iiihne respect.
For we believe tite docrtine of Christ
that tells us to love our,. enerdieifito
4o good Ao those t hat_hate_ 'items bletee
them that curse Us, ami tOpray for
theM that peroebuteus.•:(St. Matthew
V) .0aiholies are . frequently 'Called
:upon to practice this rule of Christ.
•• There is anotheegrievous Citlunp:ky
that we have heard.for the first tiine,
Which. was tepOi•ted in the papers as'
coining from •the Rev. Mr.. Tanner,
who fehielv quoted from the council
of Trent • Chat othe blood :or Christ
cleanses all sin, both oi iginul and tie•
tiralk but the adult sinner: -.Must re
Vent of .his evildoing before the trier-
ittif the blood Of Ch rist eanhe applied
to him; The belief of the pathetic
church is diet oll redemption Comes
Jesus Christ, -though • that
redemption may be hastened and as-
sisted by. the prayers of the holy and
'dawn t person. Proteiriantsati welI
eatholics- pray andintercede' for •
ono another, ft is a pity that prot-
mt irits should be froin. their very.
youth, -steeped-in. error 'concerning
the catholic c emir and, Ito doctrines•
Yet we have some gonverts brOught •
to faith through eurioeity to knoie;
whetliereetliolles end their dimi
, 'were ao wicked: as 'represented -
Those people went .to ' the proper
;Mune; They read our books, saw
• their error and Were converted, It
is alleged also' that in Lower Canada
the superotition of tile athli s there
is breeding infidelity. By supersti,
.protestents very often tinder-
• stand adherence to the :strict ,pram-
thle of the catholic religion:. This
:certainly. will not briiig on, iiifitiel-
Archbishop Lynch Speaks
To the Rev. %Moderato and Min,
inters oftA4 Clenerat ..iseembly of the
Presbyterian °Aura,:
GENttaste24: .We have reaseil to
think that the emit, majority cif your
venerable body neither believe nor
ttoprove of the utterances of some
of your body respecting dm cloetrinea
end praoticea of the Catholic* ehurch,
The old calumny of attributing to
the ohurch idolatry and immorality
might be cemeiderecl t the present, least by tiontiemett Of
ecindatlert •ktio*ledge Of the
woeld-o*e *fairly exploded, or at
moot but half believed by tb voty
- • We have bad some personal inter,
course With gentlemen who:peofessed
theieselvee infitifild, ' They paid they
once belonged to the preebyterian
e'er, r their"G0ll'Vuetts6 'dui&
and abhorrent. They could not be-
`lieve that • prodestinationt as they
understood it, could be id'the coma,
sets of a wise and merciful , God.
The quotatithoi concerning the dote
rine of St Thomas, as reported in
the newspapers are all incorreet.
If the cathodes doct tine were rl a'ly
known as it ie a great in,iny good
persons seeking after the tiuth,
which ie it Christ, would embrace
it and become Oatholics. We have
the consolation of receiving many
such into the obbrolt, without,. how-
ever; making any nom about them,
for, following the dictates' of an up
right goefloiencei is a matter between
God and themselves. ,
The sin of bearing false witness
againet a neighbor is greater in pro..
portion to the number that is sought
to be Neter!. The catholic chiiroh
numbers, throughout tinheadwoorolvd, aeft
Pa 11: C1160143% 12186e° o'.°12a0sio°f°Cirieapeotabla and
God fearing people of all conditions
of life. Thera are unworthy mono
horn as in every etioiety, but to eel
',opiate milt a large number, in an
assembly soch--ae youre, through the
publia press, may he considered a
very grinvouS Bier
We shall feel greet pleaktire In
*Orgill* Our catechism of religieti to
any who may net be aittietied with
our explanation)". We have the
honor to be, gentlemen, your friend
and well wiaint,
$J0tN 408Zrit
Archbishop of Toronto
"We . do not call a. Mother e. •
"idolater when she kieriee the phns-
"ograph of a dear son in a foreign .
. _This reletise. • Itstees*
"plies to the original. So: with
"Catholics when they venerete 'dee
"images of Chriet.aed .fasinie
tiere'then, 18 the fine
they do not Worship., they: cle riet
adore, they venerate. When, their
kissa picture Or motetue•they ear
Mime that they are hissing the ricfn:
al body. Of the eriginal- Neivt in
all:this is rot the• geed archbishop ,
making tiio stone niietake aslie
'charges 'against the divines whorn
he addressee,: to wit, taikbng about•,
whet Ile &MA not ,underidatni. find
• "slandering", -that • is his Word -:•-•
slandering 'his fellow -men, to wit,
the heathen, who, he says, know'ite
better: There io not on hitelligeht
heathen in' all • heathendom that
would not 'Make exactly the sante
explanation.: True, some of the
hem erudite of them might not be
elite to draw • the film distitietieu
•betweeo to venerate anti tO active,
hut:, that might apply aisle within
the Catholic fold; After all, there
has heem a certain • wisdrini ifl tho
custom �f the Rotrian Catheliii!
Ohurcji in . thio PrOvince 10 publishs .
-jug the Teti Commandtimints witla.. •
the second left, out, for the spciebe
Commendinent'Ams omitted to draw;
the neessary etymological 'distinct :••
tions, • It saya plainly, "Thou shglf '
"not make unto thee any grave*.
"intage, or.any likeness of anythiag
141146 ht in lionyen above, or thatie
4.fiti the earth beneath Or ttliat Is bt •
"the waters under die eartht „thee; .
"riltal(not botv down thyself to then
"no -serve them."
Ajoom..1144.04.Wr. MOD - JERI OS • ..
On the" 241 June Oliver Canfield. '
wilo'butobered Mollie Gherkin, wild�
in jail in Vineennes, Ind, told 'Meer
'Ruiner that hp would like to see do
girl, and he was granted the privi.
• lege. When he entered the room
where she WAN lying he laughed at
her. Officer Rumar took him out of
• the room arid asked him. what he
thought about It, "I Would like to
finish her," eald Canfield, with 0,
fiendish grin, and theu he burst mit •
laughing, Canfield's mime' a the .
most fiendish ever recorded, here.
Ile took his idetiin in bis 'AMU mull
idiot at het fire times, two of the bu
lets lodging in her brain. She
beet's conscious but once sine. she
Was shot. Canfield was 'taken front
jail be a ntasketit Mob at one -o'clock
in the motning fr'sid hangech There
was no eppesition to the mob exeept
_that the sheriff eortnisti totteliver the
keys te the pilot-. In o6nserpien00 of
this, the mob bed to Malik thelsil
dome, this °coupled at keit forty
minutes. Canfield wee fond oower
Ing ito cell and made in tttottot
at 'Stayer: Ha arta btetOiattl biif60
• the 0064 whore StiVeral blotched of
wstlitibtiabet ati:s:titiAtt ; i„01104
it *at ,proptioci ost he belt/44
neer the jail, but the bente tteetteteeti
that be be hinged In sight. Of thil
.13e Woe banged to a telegraph po)10
bows where he frweetioAtt.
within a Steno's throw from, the
Meitetcl'a Pe 11, 1884, hoes e,