HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-06-18, Page 1N.01,5 turd ,to tvui.v.intu 3161.00 wodliefclor Atotrapig, \\*AXem ok, ilatert-8treat, Winton, Ont. ROPM,Men* «.1.25 i a&;ijQt8OlMdo ptaptietotio(Tatt Drat ten X8ws, haviug purchased the busitteSs awl plant or Tux iirnex Aceuan, will to future ublish tho aillaigantattml papers in Clinton, Under tho title of "Tnr; mato," Clinton is tho most prosperons towniu 11/44terit Ontario, is the Rat of considerable tasolttfacturing, and the coin° uf the finest agricultural seetion in Ontario. The combined circulation of Tuttntws- litteetto exceeds that of any paper pub - flailed in the County of /Pron, it is, therefore, unsurpa,ssed as an advertising medium. Our rates for advertising are : 1 eolntnn 1 year, $90 k coluntit1 year, $30 1 " 6 otos, 50 I " 6 in, 1$ mos, 30 " 3 mos 1$ " 1 year, 50 " 1 year, 18 6 loos, 30 * loos, 12 mos, 18 " 3 mos, 8 Ailvertisemeys, walkout instructions as to spaeo and tithe, will boleft to the judg- ment of the compositor in the dtsplay, In- serted until forbidden, measured by a cale of solid nonpareil (12 linths to the neh), and charged 10 cents a line for first risertioikand a cents a lino for each sal)- , equent instotiop. Orders to discontinue advertisements mast be iii wilting. Sar Notices set as 110.1.01NO, MATTER, • (NOuparell measurement, 12 lises to the ;414)10 gents per line first inset tion ; 3 teats per fine eacittubsequent insertion. JOB. WORK. Offices west of Toronto. 'Our facilities in this department enable us to do all kinds of Work -from a callin card to a mammoth AC Best style knownto the --CAN" and at the Towew Orders by and prozaptly attended to, ' Address, The News-Reeord, Ont APR ITEMS t $1.251erAnnum1 Afivatcek. s, • VOL,. V4..—NO, 28, 21.111..; 0172.7;.00K FOR MR. „Although licit inverts -1'4y, right, GolJwIn Smith, •aa a„, Bystander, should mai atometimesedeestake an or impartial view of the' lacer of political parties and e nteana adopted to susteia tlip,one or the other of them.. Bys ' r, bigh .0 enthroned above cold g 'parties in he state, his it is o point, out the imperfections of partyisin anti dilate upon the • chances of success of the one or the other. While purely a theorist, without a particle of )practicability in his Utopiou ideao of a nation withoht partylaut in politics, his writitigs ofteo eXitibit a judicial tone and often eoutain Sligg0StiOBB WiliUll preetical every- day workers in the political vine- yard would do well to "make a note tr A week or tv-vi:.: ago we-, gave By. etandee-g.-view-e- -on-- ;NI r•-• ---illulta and his attempted unnatural alliance- cvitlt the Catholics. There is much . . foam „Bystatuler's. - 46.3 lt f ti9D (1.141 'WI', Blake will find et the next general eleetion that be has not only• made all Orangemen and in my members of (*alter societies market • • • DIpECTOBYelmu(1 but roused • from their filidINESS peutiotrg. Ift EDWIN. KEEFER, . , 3DINT.sasix, -,-.14te etToronto, Honer Graduate Royal College •• .•,• of Dentalsuegeons, '.COatS'fi 310011f, 61.41t0111 'Alt Work 1141stered. Charges Nfoderate. Ilthao; Ventral.. ne. BREVE, Oflico, liattenbury Street, nu - •ii behind liansford's heolr store. nesidente opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street. Office hours freak $.0.01. to 6 pm. • • Lflinton, Jail. 14, 1871; • • pgal. • MANNING & 'SCOTT, Barrister, Solicitors, 0.4everioersi &o. buts. " miSthmers tor coitariquid'Alanitoba. Otilue—Toirx HALL, OLITI.N 0. • Clinton; 1872: • , 20 . . A.,F91:41ESTER,,.. , • . saw: r A N'qk h, L4D, A' SU 12A LI Cal \kU41 AGAIN 7% giff• .211oneg 41),, Loan. ...Office; Beaver. tarfirelir e1erioir7-.LtI 0 KA0B11 NIOILTON, BarristOrik; Bed, • porta and Wingloun. C. Seager, Jr., GdierieB, •• J. A. Morton, Wingham. 1:1.5% • A..N1LSON 3.1lw• MoincooyMil COTI/PYITI,AT.17: 01/11:6—Wege Street, usit • door to.roat Wise, Goderich, Ont.. 57, • • .;••• 13,• O4. 41AYS, Solicitor; ,ec. Wise, corner of .'11,1e. square Alid' West Street, over Butler's Book Cl.. Goderieh, • ' 07. se Money to Iona at'leivest iittesid 'attired. • • •-••-- . • • - - . CAM rioN, Barrister; Attorney, Solicitor in . . . III . Chaneery,•Conrevaricer, &C,011ice 05 gr Jordan's Drinc•Stere the. rooms formerly est:a... ,electoral apathy a good.. many Eng- lishmen who, if tbey do not wish to , . dominate, du not choose. to up trent- pled'on, and are determined not to be made accomplices in the: dismem- berment of tbe United• Kingdom (Empire)."• , That Mr. Blake. has estranged turtuy Pi•otestant.Liberal Reformers from him by his bidding for the fever -6f Irish 0 lic, admits of no room for • , ,:tse.,Npeets with them etiery day, . ystenffer giVatar as the reason for this entrangement on the part Of Liberals that Mr. Blake "cannot win the fayor of .the Roman Catholics, Without rivetting upon us the yoke of a powerraii- callyliostile. to every artiele of the: pied by JaZge-Boyia, • • tdr Any -•amount of money to lean ab !West • rates of interest. . • I•ly. ,`'''ittettottetring. '• H. 'W.1113ALLI • A 1.70TION812R, for Huron Cou n 1,Y. • Sales , at, tn. tended to in itny,p,krt of the county.- Ad - MI/ 0040IS LCI 00061tyl , • "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGsi toi,rA1,- IN NOTHINCV • AdVergIeble; 0.1t has becoluo so eoinnaoll ,w ite the beginning, of an al tittle& 31 eldgaut, interesting C131,11101'1 ti111 it 1111.0 Mott that we v0111441 alinlit "/ind aimplY call attention to th-A ' rnerits of Bop Bitters its tot honest, terms au P041 WL, ,,ro induce people give them 'Due trial, ta proves their value that thy never 1180 anythiug elae.". "Tau ftemem: o favor/a/4 4904'4.'4 in all the petters, WHITELY TODD Publishers I Liberal oreed," • , • • Alr, • Blake thus finds lmnsfIf tieing gr�uittL batween ....the upper and- nether : millstone, Qrangein en can't:4 t-upp�rtMr. Blalie because he, denounced themin, the: most fiercely: virulent'language. , Seetchmen as a imle detest 1133. 1.:OLIttrts log i,51r." ,• Suglitilitnen doit't liia• Irish• :•• Home sympathies. Irish Catholics are:afraid, 10 11 him as lie evinced no sympathy -with • them when he' favored the perpetual banisliMent of ' Denellue of • Rief • rebellion '• fame, and ' the' 'punishment of the real offender, 'French Canadian Biel.,: And tht, Uon-EJwui'd.bas also. to bear scone •of the ill will stirred: Up by 'hi,. lirdther, ex-viee7c1Atiicel1or Samuel Blake, wheinade-itae of his position on the *Bondi to •fteeellessly itisult the various : Rtatuen Cotholie s".ster--• ••' ' Then Yonng Canada has eon,. pletely soured on. the•Kon. 'Edward. Ho' raised• their expectatioeS, and' lett tiled jfl an roll/eked.. state. Iliar lie followed up the promise of MUT 'early disturbing speeches, Mr. Blake would by this 'time have lied' n poWerful ' and over -increasing stip. port from young (lunacies. Bat ever ready as a trieorizer. ' he lacks, the nerve of a successinl. tender of . . , CIIAS.111,611114TON, • 'yerrox eisitomic, lose and insurance agent • • Blyth. Salim attended in town and conntry, •• 50 reasonable tering. A Ilst of farms and riilage lots for side. Mono'. to loan on real estate, at ' low rates Of interest. Insurranee efreeted lot • classes of propert. :gags and debts coliceicilt • Bloods appraised, and sold en commission. Bank.. rept stocks bought and sold- •Blvtli, Dee: 16, 1860 ' Veterivarg. 'J. E, . • ' , . Veterinary Surgeon; Graduate of the Ontario Veterinari• 00110803 To, tont°, laving foamed en Wilco in Clinton, is prepared to treat all Elise %sea of domestic animals' on • the most modern pH* • ' All operations carefully • perforetea, and galls prompt.. • ly attended to hl• do,I or. . night. Fees Moderate. • . Ortreit,-.1.81 door' \Vest of Ken• - netly's-II•itel;:01inten, Ont. 1-17, * P6TrattstmxTA.b.m1781(1-mtss,tveslier, trim the-11041013.-Qoaser,v4i.sitr,ot,n00310,..47111.take .1%11:tilted Onruthet 01,101011I On Slietfk0/411.0,111t010 i tleular attention "given tatIsSie who wi9lk t • tenipioreoro. kholr present st.vio of playing..ntires, A 01 utris, near the organ factors, SO 1. Photographers VOWItt CLINTON. Life 8ize Portraits a Speoialty. (Orange. L 0, L No, 710, • cLANICON0 1466t01 IRCOND Mosorav of every month, Hail ungairs, opposite the Town met vatting brethren al \VIVI/DWI W0IC0/116. .OLINTON, HAMM COUNTY, ONT„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1884" WitOLE NO, 291 om otion in ilio Dry G ds Tra ---ON A000UN OF RESOLVETRETIRE FROM BUS! H 1 • $30,.000. STOCKOF STAKE FANCY:. DRY -0000:8 IS ON THE MARKET AT WHOLESALE COST! 15 to 35 Cents Saved on Every Dollar, Secure the Desirable Lines Without Delay1 Our 'Stock is Noted as lbeinfoie-OE the Phiest We'd of toiOnio - -We.are •Tha't 'Blake will ,s1Mrtly be 'deposedr.:•Or. • will. '"resign," •seetini within' the range of . probability, The recent .Toion to speech of Sir. Richard Oisrtwiight, would indicete that the Kiiiglit is grephig. Eater e policy, getting together Ili& .old planks., .and it few elate; and bits of new timber to patch up the affair with the probable' purpose of pre. • Senting a mosaic platform. It will. 'evidently be, Variegated enough: • Patches whereon- can stand the he- perialisti.where those holding A iner-, lean 'annexation viewit.etin rest their weary souls; then a soft. place for theSe: wiled° .patrirnie altpit•ations take•the 1mil of Canadian independ-, ence,* while the commercial theorists whose happy haven ht. a 8°11 verein -1.11,C1MEtr.6 A. M. 'MOO, W, 11. P. ANTELO14 Secy. C. TWEEDY, 11, IC Inagionie eibtVrox Lodge, Ile. 84, 1: & A tit., •4._,t meets every Pridray„, en or after 11101'311 amen. • Yialting brethren cordially invite6. UraeNVIIIiiTtfit, W. st, 't. POPYrt:N14.4e0, Clinton, 'Iran. 14, 1881, 1.v TO Mtn -01111M , IrowtoSeli Goods TALK TO havindias' expected, 'a Great Rush! Wholesale Prices are Simply Irresistible ! ! A Genuine Sale Without Reserve ! ! ! Sth .4744t"'4 T4),T: T Mack and Colored Silks, 45c, upwards. ,X)ress Goods,..9e. upwards. Hosiery and Gloves, 5c, upwards. . . Laces ttnd Ties,.i.e.%upwards. Parasols, 20e. upwards. Table Linens, Napkins, Hollands-away down, Cottons, Shirtings,... Ducks, DC1UnIS Cottonades, aAT MILL PRICES !nd . EGGS HOUSEKEEPER$ 1 KEEP., YOUR EYES OPEN.' Tiowers,.Feathers,,Ribbons, Ornaments, ait-Wholo.$ale Cost 1. The above lincs are Specialties - ith u o.11ousc, can equal us hi these Gooch. Save 25 to. 35c,. on every dollar, bo.silles getting 35 4 wide fame to the correctoese of prophecy that tho Christmas of 1875 would he a green doe, followed by • is muddy New year's flay. Fuliawing up bissuccessand adding to his ttelehri ty 130 published the first of Vennor's Almanacs. Since then lie has puI.- • Fished it yearly, which, among other kindred matter, contained, as 18of 00Uraa well known, u:ontly forecasts of the wsatlier for the entire year, and whicb lie suppleutemied aid) a monthly weather hulleain. Me, Veo. tier waS also widely known as a stto tient of emit hology, Hie work on "Our Birds of .Prey," published in 1$10, is a valuabla one. Mr. Von - nor bad reached but the •age of 43 years and six months at the time of his death. -11eretofora-the-,great- bdtly-eF the • Ifeiir Rilfg-iip the elenieneltas been Igialue to IltrItux_About an Eu.- been solidly attached to the Demo. A SUSPICIOUS_CIl_tOCTIAll TO Tilt °retie party. The first step towar,ds Irish Catholic American viste- has' PLAINE AND THE Ift1811. A recent Buffalo despatch says t- tititalement with England. OILANGEalEN Of THE U, S. • ta;‘eliby:i6Bleai oltes "ltica:ePatciia:notlnc:s•tiat I$hPec1etIer:Tewiiai11iil tlusiisn.Stilof Mai n e's power in forcing Great Britain to hack cloten from the former creed of "Once a British subject, always one,r in cases • gliarimse a. large sale, ninl la sups mtiee ail other metitaitivs. 1..iteligt0(4 end 80001311', 13 ill'here is no denying 1 Iit 7131 tie* , of the flop plant, and 1Les/ro10..0 ot Hop Botera heve oliown greet. sit Ana wtin t y 13J3 volopounding 31 bl whose virtues are so pelpae 1,4 every one'lloldohsesirviaglitioilb• e.' gNol 'Slie lingered and suffered ;thole, pining away all the time Mr years.' wrhe doetoie doitig ber no gocali," olAntl at Nat was um ed by this Ilop. • BiLteriTiteheedotapienrsdesaest.lato.iteuvii :Awe "How thanItfull we should be erir- et haat: unittedliieezditrioefi" itvut;k: rr)x, misery •"Eleven years our daughser • 8041(01clieirlitYdie care 'of the beat gave her disease veriotet 'names, "But novella, '.113i vow she is. restore} to ea .ie • good health by as simple it remedy as !fop Bitters, nett we has e ebonite/1 • for years before using_ it, ' 'rues , PAns2crs. 174ther Getting elt used flop Bitters." • "nu is getting, well after his,long mei', • eriug front a disease thmisred imrata,?• - "And w sicsirsa.TW.fif liliti 110 Bitters."' A LADY of lien, N. l': of certein Irish- A meriettits, have been- . revived, and are being 'given wide . circulation in Blaine's papers... Ins friends 'are -openly.stating thet hie spirited foreign riOlioy will be direct. 04 towards an -entanglenient• with: England. •The .next moVe has been in the shape or a circular Elated. Be': chester, N,Y, and directed to 100,0a0 .Ortingenien in the United State's cautioning them against Vain°, and, ,.giving hid record andquoting '„'hit purports to be an. expression of his opinion in ,fityor of Irelaed. 'nay enough, the circular is not se - °ratty handled by Crangetnee„ but hi finding its .way Into Catholichends quite. freely. "four ' corresiondept. heard one • of Blitines.ndmaers. say yesterday in the first ward,or what is kilown as the ,Irisli section 01 11)15 .eity, that Blaine would get Oil a war. with England and free -Irelind. or „oouree all -this. is the yeriest politleal •clap•traC,'but itis imving its effect, 'and is probably. the. firstmeve..of 'the -nide political • schemers,. of whotn. 131aiiie himself the leader.. If But ' reinain in the- field failiOB the endorsation' of the xzer, • Btaine•e attempt to capture the Irish yote wouldprobably not. be ,over• successful, as, besides being a Demo. crat,..Bittler has a strong hold upon the affections of the 1rfsti people re; body, and-. they would hesitate te mu counter -to him: TIIEJ MOST Sal -Y -1_11S= 0-000IDS iisr 1r111 -1M 111,RAMM., MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES! h,ave a IFiue.Stock.of 1Nt1ultle Cloths, Silks, and Trimmings, and ,4ucn-antee you a perfect 'fit tnd stylish Garment -evei'y time, JOHN 04A113 says an Attractive Horne .;,is a- Mark of Civiliation: 114. the Correct:, thing.' in: :CretonneS and Laces :Curtains at Wholesale Pric.:es. This is the season when wanted, .Priees from qel UPwards..-L-fvergbody ma now afford 4-niOe CARPET, Tapes.. biog. from 32ci.only -Berl es-ols ,-1 iyori upwltd8, ools from 800 ..tipaviirds4, nomps fii 1 le, upwards. Mats and l.ZugS; inend:legs variety; . . . • mat arecraans iz1 Tweeds and Ordered Sutts front $0.50.'upWards. Do you repent htiying our alkyooll$2pants.11,Not iimehi better goods can't 'be :bought :at .$:3. We are Aiing 200ai.d'- . of :heavy all -wool 14 .oz.. TWeed, at 47.1e.,.." at: everybody that gives us the cbano; and every man we hit is pleased.. ABOUT Olothin OM NI ' ., • • • We think we have the largeSt stoek orNew Goods in the Trade, all.to be sold at Wholesale :Cost, :We have not forgotten the 'BOYS either—a good Mackinaw Straw Hat froth 22c, upwards; s.ee then:), the. Latest.Styles, and you. save 40C, On -the COIVIPETITIO EAR) M Style, hi Quality; in Elegance, 117 SALE F01 - CASH, FOR 13 -UTTER, FOR EGGS. , THE WifilEIVS CANADIAN., . • A $35,000..fiee in Wintlioeft "lest week, • A terrible lightuinglefortn visited Iowa, Kentucky and Virginia lest week causing the death of. seven Or eight 'persons. • • Clill, the Parkdale druggiet's ap: prehtice who gave poison in inls• 'take to , Mree Eratikish, :was tried before a. J. P., and cometitted to. stand his triel for ninnsleughter, ' - Charles Kirk, the Guelph boot and belt) fall; alikftDd:igth4rtittili;;, Iari)1,11a'Wi1dIpeil 0111 to the States, 1 le had been relensed On ban,. giving' $800 in his ea n Italie, and two sure. ties of $400 catch, • Diptheria is spreading alarminglY in Montreal, with especially fatal results among children, The cause is attributed to the oivio authorities not enforcing the by law eonceening defective drainage, Two Kingston lade Aged 11 and 13 retired one night as usual. Not being tibio to go asleep they got out of bed and played burglar with a revolver, resulting in thp shooting and death of the youngest, A man named David ll'amilton, whir lives at Sheriff's cornersnear Lireisay, was shot and 'killed in a house of ill -fame 313 Orinia. To Wait shot by a Toronto private de- ketive while in the discharge of his Nty., *The rain of the pest week bee done a wield or.' good to the wheat. troll throughout, the North weet, The &leo rides, 318 they aro called, have fellen in duo season, and if the September feoete wilt keep off, there will he a, marvelloue yield, .Arclibishop Lynch Ilse addressed a letter to the Moderato of the reeebytetian Genteel Awe:trebly. -charging that certain membets ot tered ealumniee against the Roman Clattiolie „Church speaking ee Frerieb evangelization, anti appmi, ing to Ilio sense of fair play mid reroon, Considering 'that Sir Richard is an old shelblin.ok Tory with eone of of the progressive ideas of modern Conseevatisre as represented by Sir JoIiu 11 acrldield, he bas . taken his present, a,:lies by surprise at;d tondo a big political push and a "right smart bid" for popularity and 'the leaderlthip of the Ileform pariy The old rmvereible shield weldor makes the outlook for Mr, Blake rather bad.• lie presents his many colored platfoem. lie .,pepachss from the portioo of it that embodies a federation of imperial Britain and all her Offshoots, even going SO far as totake I.Inchr Sam into Ales grand 'brotherhood. Or • he wilt go,in for 0, ememercial confederation of the United States and Callada. Or lio will favor the cutting of 'tho nominal corcie which bind us to Britain and declare for independence anti the national sovereignty of the republic of Canada, mayhap with Sir Richard Cartwright as the first Preeident. The fitness of thinge week! be obeerved in thie of the monerchial and the deamera. tie itt tho person 01 1119 0,tigu8t Richard, One thing ROOMS Ottaill that a large number of Liberelts are agreed that fl1a10 "ninet go," it does, 1101 seem, however, that Sir Richard with all Ids now born plim, bility rted expreeeed determine: - tion 10 Vtt1'y bie -principles to Ala the factions of lithe pairty," that there is any likelihood of Ins being lb; mol, Sir Leonard Tilley loft St. John, N._13.5 for Englaud, An order has. been made winding up the 'Mutual Martiage Aid Society, uf iiernilton., • Tito Goderich District Conference of the C. Mi"01)U1'011110,•400d a r0801 tion favouting the Suott Act. lion. 0. gowns end 'Attorney - General Miller, of. iNlanitolia, sailed for•Englatal to argue the ilejantlary A..Wartt ease., . . • 'En the Ottawa Cetinty Court Judge Ross ilechliql that a (lam Ouinpatiy is liable for clemases cauSect ly art es- -„ett pted-gariittnetvgerttlatitt iiIrtr:e es donee, • ' . The earning?) 9f Canada Pacific) Railwey from jam I t� Alay 31, 18843 were $1,604,847 against $1,636,471 last year, a decrease of $3'2,395. Tho Bank of B. N. A., . finding so inany.fraucls bad been from time, to tune perpetrated upon it, hal itisded 31 oew $5 bill which presents quite ft novel appearance, A man, his wife and little boy, were poisoned in Toronto tiro othee day by eating custard pie, into which, while it wam being made, the eoto tents of a cup of hellebore were • blown br the wind. No fatalities but a close call, • ' Loading politieians of both aides 111 atimbeeland comity, N. 8, have have agreed that Chas. J. Towne. hem! he elected te the Commone 111 ple,tie of Di...replier, 'without eppos. ition, and Thomas Black, of Ain: horst,41 eupporter of the local gov. ernitiPtit, be elected without oppoRi, tion to the seat Vadat ed 1)11130 lIOUse of Assembly by Towleihend. . Veaneoie Ca lieux 410,1 ou the 5th of Juno inetant at St. aged 100 years, 4 months, and '26, • dart. The pall.bearereff at, his fuliotal weee hie foor sone Aged 78, 75, 72, and 70 'oar e respectively, Itis • great great.grantion ,aged 14, 1,14t8 • altet preeent. Altogether his children, 'grandebildreit, great-geandeltildren, •aro) great greatgra1d;c111.161'on num, bere(l 137 • ()tie clay last Week Mr, Daniel Ray.- allood:riof lot 1.0, second eoliceeeion of Vaughan, brought into Tun, . ()tont °Ince a fine sample of Findlay wheat which was fully bettered on 1110 4th of Julie,. Ile says that the farmers uf Vaughn.), are well pleased with the »respects.' , . 'Mrs. John. Wicrnro4b, of. r,Qiidon East, Was tieing coal oil to hurry up the bre wheittlio vapor iguitechthe result being:the est:nettle n..of the Op.. with e report 16nd:enough' tO :darn) the watehmetria •the 'Car Worlre, several blocks Oft' :rho burning oil 4it13,fiee..--toe..gewt4\he1nlq#,t1.tras4„ tO'Soiether. the flames by rolling her in the sande Her erine and feet -are severliburra ed. One of the car -works -men states that the explosion of tho can ivas like a pistol slims and when they iittsk the smoke, anti lairs. McIetosh roll- ing on the gene iitl somebody cried's-. "By Crs-"the.wounttes shot!" On Sunday a reception wriegiveii by the Hamilton Salvation Ardy to the tiew leader, Major Comien who has recently arrived from England to take eliarge of the army in Canada. In his ree,eption addrees, he said:--" if the authorities think they can stop U8, why, NVO eliall fill all the jails its • the DominiOn. tion't Want to .go against the authorities; sofar lie ,ve• 0111 WO Will respect them, for we are good, lawful cittzens, bu twh will serve God first, We will be ent to' tho law as file as it hi obodi- vnt, to the law Of God. And we will help the authoratiea, for we will do the work which they might to do," • A.M *ICA N. The army worm has appettend in, hordes in. flatland county•Conneeti- cuf, • 7./Oring a Revere flimider atOrrit at ITarrisburg l'a,, Frank Dively bin wife were strnek by. lightning OA killed in their doorway. The excitement over the discovery f)f the ammo diamond at IcAgle, Wisconsion, has been revived by the IliScovery of three more gems,1)11311- ing tmven found thus Ear.. • 11. 0, Work,. the soog weiter, died of heart disease. 1,Ie worte Through Georgie" and "Grand- father's Clock." 'The annuelreport of the treasurer of ,the New York and 13rooklyir bridgenubmittedlast week shows'the total receipts for tolls for the year to have been $402,000, and expenses $308,000. „ Mettler's to tha,Arnerican 1)epar1. moot of Agrienitnre ellow :the &a' crease in the area of spring wheat to be nearly 00.0,900,,tteres,„or, 6 per 6 iirlithiW-of$373+1'113.g7a hca "- avel..nges lOrpc4r cent.; being up to the standard. Li nearly every (1134 - triol the oondition of, winter wheat continues high. Tho averit,ge 38 93 E. G, 11) 971033, a litieneee maker, and wife %yore 'accused of cruelly abusing their 8 menthe oci babe, with interit to 010180 its death. The efii Id was found to have b000 cruelly injured, It wes nearly starved, one ear was nearly torn off, anti its•little b«ly Was bruised up in a terrible menner, A body of 01)7514(74 17))')) toolr Ilawley out with ropes on Ws arma and a neck over hirolioad ruelled hint off to the woods, mid treated him to Celt Of tar an/1 feethera .froin head to foot, then gave him about thirty Ittshrte with a heavy whip and re-, turned 1110) to the lockup and dee persed, Tuesday morning be With taken before a jestiee, who son. • teneed.him to.t1 • Iona prison for 00 days. - 13 It T 15 it -FOREIGN, The Prerotzartia Deblin, SRNS IlIntlialli.111 971.01•0 fAlft Prince of Walea 6111 a brinitill' IN/118011f ASItina the Prince'lauppert tO the atheiatiCal propogamln, which he said it wall the duty of English' Alla Continental A13861114 to provide. The Prince was greatly annoyed at the' reeeipt 631 1)36 letter and Sent it to I•ord Carnarven, It belitived C'arnarvoty 'Will move Granil Lodge for tradlaugh'e 071- pP 3,11181iho 62- / t Oir0111 the :\ Yrs 'OM,. H Barnes of Ireht vitree near li1ieter,pulilit:15, exprtsses ;the belief that.' by ioserting Gen. 'Ger/lea's name into the litany he mut be 'prayed out of his present dillicultiee, and the Archbishop of .0entorbery announees his Willitignes that .vicar Barnes Inay try it. • O'Leary, Fenian, row resiing it) Paris, curses the new and Itiwrible delusions of the ilynaleiters and Ins Vincibles Ile trusts+ it is bid trpas, oCo'go, anti warne 1119 friob peo• plo against supporting tho rlytia- ,tuiters ,11e,sityag. -• -l1117Cet1 Tk 15-10°Itiut: i;:t.1 4oll)aiti(1 11 e.1 1 be ruined, : • Mr, Thompson, At. F„ for Newry, Who witnessed -OM recent, Orange and 'Green riot in that town last week, intends questiening the Goys 'erne:colt on tho subject, and if the answers of Chief Secretary Tree yan are not satisfectory to Lord Arthur nill and the other Orange • leadere he will force a discussion on the 'lenity 6, Vomiter. ,14EATIt or 'rus vett islowat WSAT tit rementer-nater S1(34T111 OP ' 1118 CAREER, • Ilenry G. Vernier, the weather prophet, died last week in 111101100el, ,The &dewed gentlerean bad teem • for some time from rheumatism, and latterly it became apparent there W0.9 110 hope of his retoverylie was born in this eity in 1840, and begati his besineen eareer in the firm of Vett ingleim and Workman, after five yeere git've tnercentile busineee up and received the appointment of Assistant 1084- Williem Logan, tak. Ng part in ail 01 (31)0 surveys for fit.. teen years after his appointment. In 1870 he was elected a Fellew the Geolegieal society of totetuu1, /o IA80 to resigned his position on i• the Survey, lie 05808 his At orl:14 Doillste Execuron LOWnsit AND '1:KoliPSeT1' kiANGEtt kr elorrox. Joseph 'rho-nips/at 6,334 &Ivo. Lo 0/'1ee were hanged at Beton, P3-in6c Eff. werd•Co„ June 10,- fur tho dutsiee of: Peter Lazier. Both tualataintel their imtocence to the lnst, Tho 'downed uten were bath pithy bat walked. firfoly• to the . M41b0.8, wet • looked Cahn 31111 0011e1:1e lief -Ire Lilo mites, Were adjusted.. NV,Iliru trot trap•Thompsett turned- su as toi..:,toft LoWtlet'o hanil, and 'say George." 1a1 143 ly, but in ti brolteit voice, Lo.wder said, ("Clued by:6," . the -black caps were pulled 0.111 the o . ,heads, trnr legs piniontni mut rc: le) etis tEr. ut sot t 113 short prayer, niter condu 'which he said : - "Sheriff,•:l these men want tO (my The Sheriff directed thelianginen remove -the black 'caps. • rillotepset did 'let .say a woid,'but atouo liardly doing they Would. sou do it,' • .-•they kliew • Las tie y ' • Movitig a 'mat/ell:4 1,1iw 004.. j C4.! • a 0 d en. began c ray i • fi • ed• fey some ;nil te •kk )„ u 1/418Aldiiii05.41arl..• .44.'itthe .501reutcluo7vue7e1:73iplt:te"IY., • tot&ering 89 that- he •v0u:1 1, -ha. stand. As soon MI 1115 ootistsd, the hangman swift.), adjusted the arid took, hitt position -art the 1),:1t, Al a signal from the sherd he Horn°, at the hell and' the den •sliot through into the lower,eorridor, 1'!, 09 ed back and forth,: heir rrin legs twitched strongly foe lot r ,i 33 )8 after they fedi when the Ihnri211 ceased. They were both. one grave; but inaeparate :hits S 3)3 the jail yard. Nee,noe of the ei,fec. tu-nttie men .adniitteil his,guill 'at any . • LARS or time. wder left a lettt . be solenioly u1.§ T 11)7 0171,3731 . . The General •Asscuthly .01' 'the • Paesbytarirsio 'Church. „ -,-At regular session in Toronto last; :week, the Committee., repornmended that : the..Pr.esbythries be ,iiistrneted' to hoht 'annual • conferences on the subject 43,f temperance., yhdy recom- 'mewl that-. the' following beth de'. liverande 'of. the Assembly•ou ..the subjeCt ' • • 1. That • we ' regard. the traffic • in strong -drink Jilts or.the greatest hitt: dratices.te the progress of the cense. and. sKivgdom of our' Lord. Jesus Ch2r.is'it''hat. Ina:ie. the evils Wronglit by thisscourge of . our race', thi.4 As- sembly would hail with gladness:the utter extermination of the traffi•e 137 intoxicating 'liquor as a beverage by the poWer Qr example, public. Opin- ion, and the strong elan .of the $. That we:rejoice at the wonder- futedVaneeinent of teniperanae and. prOlobition say timent throughout. the world, eitd especially hi our own leo q; and would reconimend -oti elle& pie by voice, Vote, -and example, and by all .Peeceful. atiff righteous • means, to wOrk.,,for the abolition of this great 4, That we .re•assert 'our approval or the,Ttinciple of -the Canada 'run - Intranet) Act of 11378, rind recommend throadoption of snit' Act as the -best availuble• means ' for .the legal or°ssion of the traffic. — 5, That the Assemble make titeitbo. 1311 recogeition Dr the 'good work accomplished by the women of:our , • s. ianzt • 7%1nitI19jrs.11), Ibe ir -,011;41.111044W- 1 fin/ id Bid' ettprieify, press the hope that theieselfodenying etforta inny be in the future more • abundantly fruitful. ' The- • report. was, on motion, re- ceived. The recommendations wort) coo. •Sitlered Trm he fist retomendution, for the formation of temperance ,societies, WAS adopted Without discussiOn, • The second recernmetulatien, flint special prousincitee '1)0 given to tem, patentee, was emended by inserting "session" instead of "ministers" dui adepted. Rev. Dr. vre objected to' tiey 131 stroction beim; given to Presbyteries to bold annual confeeenees on tem- perenee. Even .reesbyteries' felled to attend to the matter of the state or religion— The Aforierater-Doe*r.rre more on atnendmerit ? • Rev, De, llee-It would be 110 use to do ati..Year after year the Assere. bly 'passed instroetions of this kind, and whenever anyone said anything • about the proposed actien be was supposed (9 be opposing temper. 113100. The remaining recommendations Were egree(1 19. , 1109. 1). Fresee, Yount Forest, moved the adoption of the report As a whole, and insteuet the Committee i -to be appoluted to issue the otwomari to itbo 1'.09.40118 nut later than (01731303 1, '• On .ths night of Dee. two inask,:d men, •eadli with a r.evoiver 37i . band, knocked 'et th(1. doiir of ' this regicl.ence,af Crilber.J ones, of Blot:Mo.- field, and oft 7)118 110131' being Opieled 'rushed in- . Peter Lazier n, eitilieri 2 Whe Was visiting jitot.a. st the thhe closed with thit'hurght-i•I . 31114 131 the sough: whiell ensued ei.ti of the burglars fired, it ill i tig Lazier. The Inuteerers .escaped; but cm following day Tr.o,upsett, David Lowder and tcleoria• d. 'Wits Arrested on suspicion. '11'nut• -• prints and teaek-rie werw • , traced from Jotteels house ad qsa the field direct to •the limes of Theutp%,.. .sett and the'. LoWuers, alai' 'I'llonot, • sett and George 10ovier's bouts et, • ted -the' Li auks'.1./utot•timi up the (111>0 and s'uceved,u41 in ma k13 a- perfect i 1iain of c,realinstuntisl evidence agaiest 'prispeers, mais pr(1ve)) 111 David. IA's, • der's 038031314 he .eas. .tlischttraeo, r two .were eon viid•eti, tool' •,,cilideented death, Statryitig l'cople, • • 171 it1t1111,E 1117ti41 l',I1i1'10 N0I1'1117%EST 1.01:1s1.,6it,A; ' _...-.- • A (1)13')) 3d' 1131101• fr 111 Little rioossas:ersa-iszs-'si-' z144i0,11s0,0/ 01 11- -4- • • ressing te 'of, affairs, ni the 30 3'. .ishes of northwest Louisiana, to, suiting. from the recent 0011160971,The:letter seys The Levi:Pile .1 ie. „ tures of distress. exhiting . 111133 seetion aro pitiful hi the . extrema and . we aro _powerless in relit", • 8n tiering. is not. only among !be . bls'eks hut itleo among.. a hitt: 10/9., plc/. They aro in a state borderin on starvation, -but too proud (4) In dui their • situation pithlic, Itiffitiums May ho faodly -of, .celtertel.• yoking la, Bea wl oo constaatt occupetion •j riling dui outs all -dity ions; it, tbs./ II 4, sun as th sy gather from teve 171 - bushes their verdure to feed as/ .ortawesti 11,4 lite/II perk, 'rile kb It • mien, although desperate . among the whites, is tildred • appail., ing titnoog Ala eolored label> rs,„ The hill eoeetry it) the commur 97111)113 dall bweirt httic);::rtillg'w":1:0111;1111101:at'ele", 110 week to be obtained at. point.; iNeyaelreekt,1 dultrIttlil•ofilitgeritutrultiiii,414:613,0br: 301111,11 in their ravenous hunger, devourilig them 'in their raw '1,73 9, is met tf the terrible aticetacles to' scan, qtht ate SOO," thOttentfililv said ew -3)7170 Who WAS 10(114i6334 01 (3)3(4101 " AN be topail e, the buoket, loake, the rope is rottee, an I the eothine ia Ilef-otive, but net) ss1 bele, 1111411 '13 Wu.: ro,