The Huron News-Record, 1884-05-28, Page 2In "lip V017 w&.v in which a wother it) were. Morel), April find MAY, eminent lawyere colitiltid it will be, XF.D. Donaldson left On W"Inef- Aff4h`- 110 84ye that !While quarrel - would. No one. It is, 40 we aveIrssillo 1,003 to each Of , these but tbeywill have theliratappor day for VortA paid last week, the outcome 0, rthurwherebointellija 14, Taylor and bill me u attacked on III$ Own occoun&. We blin, and tbat arwr lie, Alcillullogh, Froin our own. correspoildelts Soles. their montlis ; greutpot number of �fewale.0 moot of license$. That is, the cow. may be guccessrul in all, his bell got file be ter of thernen, TiL ,Uooda at (loss -retiring frotti own prurient inner consciousness, died in, *Are I 1 1, May and January, bined number of liorina UnIc t . t on visit. PC", -John Oraili. es issue y- JAmes Sautiby is botne , a Will Allall let 51166 Batpa speak for Afarch seems tho most fat I to both, der both A) I d on. and Obli kiligs its a more gentievionly lot- picked tip a Stolle and tbrew Rilt WHO's Safe by Tender�Joserll Chidley, herself. TV , vid, Crooke tonvid. 811r YOUR HATTER Carthy a YOUDS Mau, could not be 111MOIC(Ulogli) Inflicting apallifill Il rs. Davey, of Bervie, waii'visiting AVO shell refer the reader vexes. I * friends bere'lasoweek. Assignee. 4'etli 'Will I )Pulse oil it Arm. Timt thostone in numbtlr- those The (lounty Council will a e be lloldit�g thearm anti tbe' Mrs. Armstrong, of Goderich, is on. .-le of Furniture-jos. shed in The poltulaVon of Huron is put diat Would. be possible under either next Tuesday when, it N expected body, be Seized it and while suff Bankrupt 8 to her own words As publi as to I Chitiley, Assignee. another cohimu of the same paper el"119 ayisit to friends here, (it 4 -525,; the number of deallis one of tbo Apts. Should the Ala- the vilejority Will order the roluoval front tflepain butily ortile eastern portion of tile 0ourt It mity lie stated thatMecullogh show- 'hrrv. Howell, of Do$ Arbines, Iowa 11sts slid Capo-w. Jacksotl.* that colittAine a reiteration of the 685, over 8 to the 1000, about ito Carthy Act be sustained the licen. 4111118- It. W. Caralake. IlOu"O building, besides donating A Is ourt, Ano Itbat it ex itother)y i9oduot -on the 1000 less that,, the rate for the Sees under it would got licenses first, small Amount for Rower b tentled three or fQu clotlit-11 Ole CbArges of nut d the bruise in a is visiting friends here now. edg. r inches. Arot; the part of the propilietroas Brown Alskliougli anti family, of WEC21 Of �thO Wbole Province. 90 people clied, necessarily . leaving sQuIe Ot tle Last Wednesday Air. J. Fisher, or the elbow joint, Lucknow, WereL Visiting friends liere botol, avid wbivh te4timorly we 'a #0 year in till" Aubural gave a p County, Of Crooks Act licerisees.6ut in the cold, _arty at which OlArse On Friday evening At the annual On Sunday last. number or big frielaft vvere p resen t. meetingot the lectirtuic's institute, Air. Dave hfailougb, of Tellawater, republibb in full in.thio issue. I'lltbillis or consumption, 13 per Not only !a it not necessary tl4br A splendid supper was. served and Mr- H. 1. Strang in 00 11411', the has solcl out hie bitsiness there And %,III be seen that the ep Adcent ofthe total d the And wore, the UcCartby Act regulations to dancing Was kept up itill at) early following were hour, when etedofficerri fo the his friends here. girl'ilnya slie remained At tbeotel, than from ny other illsPase; 43 have satisfactory, proof that tile Ap, file guests departed ell current veer (viz)t �residenti`Mr. is now visiting pleased fit Joe'shospitality. Oeo. RI4, Vice dOL M r. Several farmers few miles from from *8:30 to 7,30 p, in. ; that a died, from anaemia,. 66 from Oil plicant has paid tile provincial fee, The Junior Lacrosse team won the Th Goderich N Young man asked her if site intevid. agft ; 44 f rom pijrtl�ioujs , 25 fro I ' ald, 2nd Vice: do Mr. H. 1. Strang, here Are unable to put in the re& ows in provided lie furnishes proof hat 1) 0 silver Inedal at Lucknow, Algilday, Treas. Mr. A. J. Moore. Seo- Inainder of their crops on Account of tearn *I tiler Wet, weather. ed to stay all 'fight, and 11saii no, diphtheria; 22 frdm heart diselisp.; beiiting t1le'WinghArri in two Alex. Morton, Directors, iressr" basteridered: it, b the McCarthy strai 8 that I intended to go to. a frieud's, 15 from typhoil. 941:4. We congrnttilate tboJun.- JOO. WIIJIRII, J. I.F.'Colbornel I. bl, Tbg Queen!s) birtbirlay. prissed off .1 fever; 28 frOUT Act Inspectors. 113ormito advised torsion their victory, will trust this. Sheppard, W. Prondlaot, 2. It. 41VAt- very quietly here, cHuron Re house ; Mrs, Mo $I egS olord, r1ey cameofterward acarlatina, 9 from diarrhoea 24 applicants not to eyen tender it, but will not be the only one this season. rit and Wilmer Smith. The retir- hill �n were closed. everitl of Said it war time young girls from, tonvolions. On Thursday evening ing president r. w, It.. Miller was our Voting mou went to take in the to &Posit the Provineial fee our people Onal-iteed avers" eirculotlop, over 1,700 were st 0, Of the 21,800 deaths d Witt' had Aulneroui meetings. to choose 2lected an honorary Director. The ports, at Kinta They report A, place they intended to Erring the tile Receiver4eneral, to be, paid to frorn� narnely., cliurob services at fint.knoial, statement sliewed. appy day spent there, stay -, her bouse was, , f till and could year in: the whole Province, 2,464' the authorities Oliy uport their re- ClI ton, Wednesday, may e$iiiiii, not keep me.,, Lord's Arm nd St. Peter's) the REOUIPTS. Win. Glenn, who has for the past yL meeting At the Temper- Bali. on, hand ........................ ?215.04 few months, been suffering from con - It this portion. of were from Phthisla or. Consumption. cognizing the validity of the Zfe. once Ifall, the concert in the Xethn- Tickets sold .. ........................ 207,95 gumption, died on Sunday ISA, at Miss Bate ence means all t .,)as are mor subject to it tban C4,rth Act. dist church; and, for 4ociet men, ahitig, JPema a y y Govt,. Grant ...... ............... P400.00 noon. ire Was an i dustrions young of Ifuron Lodge, No. 61, L 0. 0. F,,reg- Murvieirial Grant ­­ ........... :: 100.0.) man find bigbi respected. His, &A TAFNG .4 Z1'A I? it weana that she -did not intend to males. .260 or over 10 percent n ular weekly meeting. EvenLng classes ...... I .............. 146.00 friends the v Stay !it the house on the eventful the victims to, thiS disease were 11) coulluetiting on the recent out- The concert in the Worti; Street Sale Lot Magazines .................. $6.80 of jIL14 heartfelt a A Wilighty, authority has said tv. inlit -in question ; that' about half Under 15 yonra of age ; from 15 to rage near Clinton We have hit I communitylin their Ybmerell'%tylley liertQ Methodist church last Thursday was ........ Olen are Th thi well a ttended and iIi%esen'ted a Illtrooly" past san, ilia proprietress, with ap- 20 years 246 or just 10 per cent, made no reference to the part Carson rXPI-INDITURR Ciawford's . little son Willie good leditor of tile Goderich Grit. parently inothei ly I'll- Jollies 1, bra He t,'.i Sahl ry ....... h 4ealded musical treat' licitude, said is. Inthe decades from 20 to 90 more a'nd,Gray are alleged to have taken and Zen all a n4i*row escape from being Otot Reform) j:)urnal can onI7 get iLq tEme yozf4 girls were at. the place deaths occur from consu WOreen to whom the several Rent ................ ...... 80'(0 killed lastSaturday. 'rha little fel. mption in ik We know nothing of the numbers -Were :allotted sang Ellem In a manner deserving high command.- Teachellsaven ing clfislse?s bal...282,50 low was playing Around where it horae out of f-Iiiis category oil the asump, t4ey intended to stqy Not ot,ily among. those between 2.0 and 30 except what appeared in the evi. Books, lost year's RoA ........ ­'. 197 ation. .21 WAS lying doiin. In big childish ti -Ill flint be is not a man. While should.the proprietress have acted years. Duriug'� tbat--decad6-of hil-* 'doifee before Qie magistrates. Jf Books this years acet ............ 10.35 Playfulness Willie struck the ]large, we sball atot atten Great interest. is arill IPt . to iflaist all in A-motberly matinerl-but the girl'a unui life 779 deaths were froin that maniested ........ there are any possible clewa con- in the so called Lord's Army meet. NIngazines end Pei 1000 with a switch. . The Animal kicer.1, dievorree it assumption, vidence proves that site did so not, disease or over* t aa and knocked bitil qnite a dis- tnes of th 'lodicals ...... 79-62 b IT 31 per cent. that.ja necting thern with tile brutal trans� Ings., Oil aturdav eyening, a large Fuel .................. ...... $1.78 ce The dolptor wris called An(] NJ 0 Us 1­1assert that be is anything it will be seen ti tbe uirl's evi4enee 294 males on4,484 females between Action, no effort or expense should number of Idies from a distn(e 1,ampsand Oil ...................... . 25.44 tile InjUries. sustained were found to but manly. Q011ce(ling, then, that (see another rlolum�) that 'she w followed file drum round tile Sundries ........... ........ ........ 37-68 as 20 and 30 years died durilig be spared in following tilem up in t I is beati ng in d 9 be'slight. lie is a plan, those who know1ini I . 11 the sing. 110once-on hapd., .. ......... .5111 - t 'not turned out of the house at ele Ptioll. We feel strongly, file whole 1100.0. so what horri, an year from consurif Army was so discordant �a Total .................. *1'.-.-.7 An atioldentof a ' rn� best will readily admit that lie mus the mollify I fe aO`- to, be far fr file libi rying n4tilre took plailo in Stewnrt's t or twOve o'clo;-k at night as oin honoring the Lord. -at-inn report shewed that saw mill here last Thursilay. John el§ Strongly, in this matter. The government. stortmeii- "3 YQILIML� had dur. daughters, and a Captain Alurray ieGregor, Ing the past vear. proposition to !)a rated A. one in the universal army sensational press have it, for site .DrYORZAL XQTES. Soule of us have Redmorld-was attpndirvi� ths-bolt, fop of truth distorters. oui 89veral 'says She remained only from 3:30 to rrvepreparing lath. Throvigh sortie mis. hundrea.--readerstlin Go'deriol kno parent must, even from the interest, in port.ort Fri(lay and left a tirld an to the list ar)(T liap his hand got caught in tlie me- w 7:30, She tried to -find the private el-ange says that the ed stand of the preseevation from oij Saturday, after loading VOteSO' f t 4 A Grit P chine and two of the flngers of the thilt of fler Balton, Who is on. bard �nd the librailUn. closed the prociie& bousq wbete site ;6!�g utra l;�Uj AOw 'the "ohari of forger ,Agq jjilkt. 51 ?'WI Inore- a) #r, tiCl­ the thirtl finglir was badly sinasha pit] lake and bays in Ontario,,wbi it.' .ky, and tried tv get a room in was dismissed in a manner daning, family, feel' partiIilularly concern?, a and the thumb split, nppl,ar job will take I 5vilror six years to 00111- t1lejournal 'rvfeer;d to, -b another hotel. Site failed It, __Q th, jng.to his te§jimotly,�1 Most people' insecuring the punishlif4ut, of TalvasIll dreise;J- the And. '11 plete.- The gifil't wi I t'b P 16Y �4� e. ilia in the omdtiing well. the exciamatipw I i attempts; Iffilrdonlillo-bitokinfront 'Would expLct"subli a result -from petrators of this, speci Ion, of tile, loth., of. dtillIp. Geov, From our oil ndant. 7 net, 31r, Samuel Clin'te Fornit -the many accounts which t t to same tiEnd wie do been bfAirs-ATdiltly 25 1 1 iild�) We X Thiijk it I, was w -efid of the rly nail) UArs find the e I bits ereoted a new fencel Oil the fron "looked a -bardly propared to hear his ujifair newApap'ar, to assert file of I. - Seat evident y rneAnl; 'In a ent, not by design wei 6 THE QUEDN'S IlleTFIDAY. his, lypi-sil terror with whilch dynarnite 'ning the yncht race7, in business. is it mail in fill 9 Say that tile illyeStIgation . the mol a But who; this lineal de.,Pndant of considerable, time for kra Ho'nlev',4 guUt of any Otis accused of seritius' which Diva, 8 cnl)tp It the Alouiy.� original" 'Anaujs con- did ot'Ontor the hotel" when' boat Mr. Ifugford's that mdn-� neigh'borrhood who alows as little rinio, Upon street talk evi opened the:day. The' tioned fkS dread orilynainite its he� -would of An e% was. "damaging to 111a, tvstinlony." d i I ' ' : ace -%vs over ping l a e6uple 01' iinftl"VL gunpowder it is Joins Wit hereditary aptitud -0, fo-inill, berself irl'fron't of It after her If the bold, IAO Tori6a bad said that denc.e'an%l the' suite gliont floUrteen miles, bein'g a' due south, then nort go, is -now qu said that one (Jay last week L 111S gerl_ for the a Iling o ATCKinN testimony Was daill,' ters. WlaWertheextent�of Carson east to p I), then weatt then Mr. aLs. Connolv, of tbe*7th I t isils of. thb wri- 1% efurfle Ito recovered. f is famods pro. fruitless search, We are not, now Air. oint of starting. tace' tl drve Outi,frorn towin with it lag iscussing 911 Whom, rests the awfdl �ged by magisterial in ve ..ay'a guilty int Was one-Ofthe be, I A box of the aforesaid . combustible, genitor, 'Seyeral -years of iissidu6us d Psth'atioril oi at erest� by. conitiv- at arrange(l sold'to� Mr. - ugford, of tile' 11 W 0 ON 0 contested we- haVe.ever witne fine young horse-ior studynnd Oultivationoftlicait eponsibility of, either concelVing or' DIM statement would have been at. once, collu ion Sized In dancing aroudlfi the.bottorn of his! congenial �o 111 or conspiracy, npth­ our harbor. The T, The men t ion, or the-efiorniously in, buggy� - A great Ir nanv storles.alle re. .1% natural inclinations, tri�btvted to gangrened partyisin. inihas perpetrating the flbndisli crio e, been brought, out in cv'ideviiee N. Danoy,'R. 14, IN1111illms, - and .,j,a creased value orthe oil Rolit. Qoo]4 lated of the 6mless way in %viiialt fit, 7-- ------- it is quite ilight,tIlat his. 6rits This tnl)Lter'.wi!l come b fore the agsinst tbqnrv�.st the preliminary Clark; and the tine keep6r, flt"ll that RITeared in yQui, paper Irby -Ossible Ilillould. .. 4�1- it 0 nyIle reco iised afid,, all the 11roperttribunal and,we The'ed r of tbei. organ, of, aruinations of the Van E%,ery satishietorily perfort�ed two weeks ago ivits. very much ex- means this gentlenitfri-tould L three in, prison, the Icluties, assigned them The R99grated- duced 'to. go to Toronto knd (I'll ill - a to extreme pro- WILII.all good citizens,: hope tbat.n6 GOd6rich took. 'ell an, interest it) Xor.d-oeii Miss Bates' published evi- start VAs a flying, onia from dff*tlle an offic, . it the provin6iftl parliament 111188 PJPrR,'of )ITitheill is Visit, IS I ficiebor 66, a d barbor mouth. '11,he following, oil L 'i IW common )c1upy Cl t making for ]jig mi Weliave, legitimate means will be left un ried sstate% Pmcinl incriminate them in all -V iray.. aiVa s tile Iljg at Mr. J n F be'inight"possibly,-abow tile rd. A 'gentleman OfL B' a merits tilat lie volunteereci 'to' see As . the magisterial %4 othwoll 4rites, few al -e I ti.o desire to, withold thoge lionors to,listablisli the guilt of the p 11 oflicial� the. re flow to. behave *hbn proper investigations -`14 (11. 0 00. CC M III arges of dynamite Are !ound, The nboi; I fills oroln rnii ano. are propororl'to do all kinds of w rk in tile P114toni and Inalinfliew from him. that -the corrected- - version appeare.11 -))eye been held )A"ith closPd door ohn Beacom that he wil[.sond a laylog around the building. 11110� a 0 110 will, therefore, ale, parties, those now. in durince vileor mare up. to* Clinton to be bred to 111 its Iloilo in of. t-elass-style 'an([ on "gratulations of the oth�rt,,and should conviction ensue, n nee lit the col i the To o there way be' domaging dvide Tontine, and will give an equivalent oil Its 'reasonable telm-411,4 ally 111111 in Lila tratle.. ir6r Goods--�-We ry journal pf the still)'. P4 4 Xnws Ilr.CORD 'thoU. town. The Tory j6tirnalist' As interosts sollsoll -.1, Oil 11"Ot so tliat.fio, maudlin sentitinen well against them it, tile of 1:50 1*01, the use of Tontine ana the These are S611d,tacts. Stock '['IV I, P tAlity will BLANKETS -p of the infiro in the m eari ti -.uNloy. PLANNEL' younges'.110 UsOd'to b Iiis, efforts prpve AS flip- I)Qn'l or, -all keL 'me, 'The bes� blood purifie V"Ik T1118 liber, Wl UIOSt.L condign punioll- -advisable Should .11 r A�d C;1111, ;., nt the quivocally: pf justice, it is not . . . . . . .. , ), Ih fhir aplilood within tile W4,01, and 1111mv froln 1b. I b.exchanze:t turn;, or at ber the U.-wo, will Par Marks ment bei bIn fjjet�tell.j. a falsellood ho illade -pulilic, Tjlltil evidence I.% colint, of the whois An ex n tS a avj� t1le. .X '11; i Ing meted. outto Ithem. Our reach of Suffering ris :pcior`burro� none geoui Ain q, lie did.not make Clio publishorl ofe, nature to iociii having -en son -in :Ntter.4. Inactivity Or Ole no witl]Otlb�. task wli� -m r., It- 00 CS 8. atoff-. I iousne .1 00 c ol Vinton :of ti has been to, rate- some of Live. - - nil) i� 4 �') . �7: .. M - -.- M - 'Olt$ and examified the Live- dice, F A ME R leold till rep, tiol we,said lie � IZL NVO flow Calt -did E3 0 as, Jaun e- :11presn gang" ,.viz tlie� them the' press has no right to brand �i la .(=> 0 hei er value, I . . I I =: poiligroo of tills favoriteAlo.-40. Your.'Wool to I pleagure injibbbing tile presiding publishing A­-contradilition of Ilis thttm'a� crituitials.* patiom Weak Kidneys, or.any ortljo . . . .5, . . . and to allow a '-fretpectable Ive.. 1) 'Ii6ve in GOOD (Or.T. -it,- ary organs, or whoever .4 Ilow running, stelly at.d you call depend on gettInL- tit Rolafill Jenkins' lifts a colt whial I�Lli duo I-, onic atatetbelits or' insititiatioi 1111d oil 411ort gelliuA 'Of the Dn'l organ of the citizen B'ritish fair pla i and Brilihil,law appetize 'Oil mild stimulant, L Who n -for . �l ed 3 feet 4 inclies wi I always Vind leetric Bift -I.S. tile coull, ived in Clinto' sillell foaled mensilk ty town Ahii I;Bo�41­ bOtIj ing Mrs; Morley he Tov�y.jou rtial wbich holds a mail inir)oapnt till arourid the girth tuany years,' th6ugh a pu�li* ar,oulid the best anti only * cortain' otfro known. call 1J 0 iiaturailly did so in iks issup, jDf the 16th i114t. proved,guil b 10.ino ies' of bono below tile They Act, Sul.61y, and , quickly, every Our I .1-oods �.,8Lre we,r ky cultivation, of tile . (1i : : 6. shall riot be singled"out as aLsinner Eitlipr tbecondpmn- ed .1 �: : - - : - , . : : - : feet high and'hig bottle guaranteed to I'llis selison than ever kno'' illiefore 11) fill class he knee, stonds 4 'up a Dish w y tile old t -i in e ntradiction was. fur ed by ing or exculpating of* p:ersoi give . 'entire �'ll't of the Counly -plya US a call' Q11L, Whoni. null ft4P- 0 Whell faitled.was 16.5 Ili'. 'HIS satisfa6fl worthy whi6n he said reproach. a ion money refuntled.. on 'All all- tllf� '!go, betwe it ted from Soldt flfty cents a battle. .1) Watts. r. Dan'l �orga it scribe. misod. of serious offences-sliould. not "SIL111pson I . ripo may. be the unprincipl� cast, without' are liars. owned by Jillil,esLairl & CO Y BOLES We �Wili a, the' latter's OWDL -7, ed writers: bein up to the scorn be doub ih d6feri-nee to aroued feel.* wafte of this township. g held L -at there -may bi ci Wor 0 doubt ds far awthe Staq:is cotl­ ilngs 6dicyllat.ion. �or to,a sup " - .: - 0 and contempt of.kil lbrers of justice. or 't' - r' : 'W � L L , . � : �A t I . brood, the �-4 C' about Oil". libe al'itY.iii this matter t kurnal- publish' ed the te C; our otoi 6rre 0a.1ty It is tl we &hall allow WOL . ext HA RIA G A$, : I 1TI. Job r; fielin pro'strat' tile generic ierni'liar, statement of Mrs. Orley At the re-� �ivin,g Way to these- j, remes W W e� ,, IlDhn'l that so Inuch trouble IftstiMr. W. Ball raised -a va fo� so io me Week.q... His rrlrt�y to iticlu Q tlljtt of f.)dl fl, has eauapd' OVED! the on -D BIR THS, quest of the editor R I C 0 V It barn on the old G:ii" cossarily includeft -fit other. We among our upighbora, pota I y tlie rell would, beglad­to Alle, lahi� argon," �aj` tbere. we,,; no catophl shall 'not I . . ... . . . I'l Base Line. pro. it 'At this tilue Attemp, Tito latest Prov:ncial Report, just qion -in the matter." The 'go-be� Cin t to re citfatti riots, aridttho-lq.9g of imbly 1,70 bonds. lit tli,oi Ili-itia- raising on the 5th, on tile ing." pro L inelf to to Anirn CD 1-1 ply tothe fo6l actlorditio, to his foll isbed, gives thii fitimber. of d ths tween See fake alivoly ifi ng. is tlio At it ter- * 111Y innocent live tind. inucl -farm of' ) aliust Cohinius, on :),.))T 07 Wi.1,61P 'nIftnY IRL Wooden. p of tile ve his ouble 0 g 18'82, last in the matter, we would fair; late'Was almot in position, whe'ri, d F istered duri'll& �s 77i'.078, perty. It 'is not riuht. to- haiig- a 0 stmettire 74x6i With posts,24 ) . L . . JOEO t�b tflre, 11 AS - I , ill -slipped nd fell, 170 TIM, le. I;opeih t ft vhx.9-fr6ni a lively serlse man firs't anti tr 60 C: POD: d10' feet $toile stllble or tic -.r cout.- over ay ward, noy P; lacesl In file, rall of lilt- plate 01 it right to try him and'-flion Allow, the j3 -T—.-.C-),C IK be a bilgelinenti making r in 188.t , p, ' the numa 84 P 6f th great wrong lie had done. Lind L to man.was 6nught-itri Tile infainlin's from, tllL 0 hThe' T6ry journal ist. says lie "rielthtir our filelings -t'o dverrids t M to The.. bagament Vi few bell the (,ran(! Tint I sititiations coft- gro d hurled ,conaLpet of , I . I 11irths' were 42 429. Blai- i).bf tile Plato. vie proprie- III e he. aw alid of a CHIA' ria o the rifternoon it -o narrow. J ote n till 41K old on ges, 13, 44 . 9, 'Destlys'. 21 800 retracted --nor! qua] ified." So far. pasily'linlise. IThDan. wl�ere he #,,JH as th� evidence-.64ber To Oil hotel'towam f r. or npinat 0 Ball evidebtlY iotends to lake the th' -Se ges., The ratio of. bi rtlis. It the Nrs RECOtID is a' Ban'kers nd Ln wy e rs' irl, Are oil a 1000 PPI1,7 oncerned no All Comer's caitI6 Ile I par with file Was piltyed Oil if ]As MY of the .5th he Ichown charaq-t6r of the Sol's livin.is 22 eve ie gi-pun(Is rieAr. the fill . L ty� ree' a girl. I )abv I0111 U one birth to ry appeared in a col.till) 'The other tiny t fir weeks oil],. which , ' '' C l P k t t 111 t14 welgI16...17 conduc- 0 A 0 n '401d. tta',Nlr; rio6nds,� t had rel6raote'd ge.apneotirse (it' Spec MERT 0 0 D E winning Illetavolls" POI1eY,:Or-QOdeI1icl1 fol- Another part)-, 45 of the pot ulation tj ei 1. ei* ' f. the Got erich"ournals station In Oto Iii,esence f 0 Diin'l oR1 0 EMT orgall All. Cqmers ERTISE 106 al 9 W for $250.6(1 1 1 -is c.,l tt le it IL is said that mr. Xni' 4 a nd ns*� tfkj? thb-ge 'who are alqjarentl�'de ere born' o.every 100 or qualified. any 7of . first lyffilling ib . . 0 '11V Cest Illatell I y return -from tile At Rel ann le by a S aVpI1O,,O two a iorti le-firaf innings �score The, corporal.costi a highest number orn" their utjust aspersions upon the 'fr. Robt. score'41 tl developed A females. Th b son of David Re!d, I ariti.' Is r , eptitaflon s (Initer gation Which 'king w n Ihaving theIr-own g. is home from Buffald. AM in ' I ter Sault . Ste� -let person Pont, , bowled by Protillfcob, will not *ovily de -,p '"'P. -UP and 81101 ,t;llotic r.. Ilia., Al In atir one month. wag 3, T48' 1, whu keeps., the hotel at then% IIIL Gore, fortnerl . .1 - . U y Irtiater J -2, 1,1 b. 1)v'p 'and at ietxs.�nable -of Drug. All,, t.0 Which fill' yOun Willinnis received iIlg. §tr0b9;2,*-,j,J,l,2,l,I, roudlp' eattl� Vel,y-lefi�h' butilvil SaVO u t.� the lowas timber 3 130 9 IT1011- - stopped � ') . I also tZ*1.GoVi0rntu'en6-oflicia1 in bicycle b'Y' a press on Sattir6y' ' very much in ABall hns 7C ftealti is -cQ e r' or 10 0 a -crime* 0 Pat, to the Not a;. drunkard4o lie on DuIlLAn b. 1IvpIIlIIJj,s Iler6f; (if Infid ii'l file 'neighborhoot Henry Baxterys F180HERi flip N in J -1111P. have be,cii InDliti; d, fo 6ial f X ­ ' b. ..,see nL tile re'vel'i aqr' 1,2,1 Bass". for :abtlsing Tile number of pairk of, twins re.: avated..asatilk near 24th.... 1). I'id,%l is last ptil-ch"i y, Win througlidi-e ,o 0240'flcrescoub� and be cured 'OAK WALL. [foot b,. licilli'illips .7 of -all biliousnerss ctilutillis Of I rted in 1882 7 Was 3�9., five more clil4on.. IlThat W6L di I Say im, hinlL at"OtIt iil.4,000,00. '6r liver-houble. 25 c0ntR IIS paper, Wei. 'File' sterIaher -trnito.4' 3�mpj 7 without po Prolldroot %v!I buy a . It, , . I . . re was -Dick-on 1 1), �Juplljl lips 2i t not L)V the g�re 16 -04 thanill. 1891,I)p t - eigb teen: less Ulan the In I _I'ge b6tile. firdin hitit a clia Lt they lunde repara ran, -eta.; �y last. Wednesday. Vby, VIdq 21 lied to relily, jll�y i188 L. - , r.1 Vwdnd, 1,1,,u. Proi,dfoot tl�`Vida 0 'Ithd .8el low � Jeer et,' lie bas ninde N F he e ileelt. -t FiV ot 'were It one )a() port Not out -y. dol I v Saltltor�. 0. e -cases Of tripi Publisking of. their le a eamer.Qu6bec 1 2 evei ar of "IS alid 4.1com . . .. . ... I � 'L on hee.r.egular 4 pulsory".01 -slalrdtiro'wl: Statements. Mrs, trip last Wedn�sdity.. -o- sottled "all'Ahe Base Ifen ry MARKET- 'CLINT 0 -T REPORTS. I N DEALrRS nX— Use Of his pliblishing BIn k( a of th C. (Corr A_I I j� I - - 0 . is the regulitt, meetin night Palinab, -r th flanri�r olktoll every Ttlesday Afic—P. tplunlIt.. �O tenient was a contrr'diction barn'tuentioi 1) 8 a The e were 96G,illegitiinote birth.% "Itly's sta, t r �vas it th I of the own Council. led it ove. CLITON n1889,.-' 319 of, these of t lieie veraiori. o iInIvniory of the' "reparation he. had f her. conduct;.theV 00 to 5 60 CUL C) r .0ourt of Revision si IS, tills' lif-PhillIP", 1, e- b. At c-Dorinot t Ill. t Waiiiiailtosli. 1 00 to, I all to make to ANJ ,a.. a Were raturned pubihilied 010. tatement or corifir Oil Al from Ottawa a (lay. hysidans' Acclimatelk COMPIbluiided, guire, of Gode. a] yl I'modfoot, 2,2,2.1,12 2, b, Ar 13 A-om otvr own i0 11.0 to 1 00 P I lie, I Do to I. io rich,. ior P I - L I . ling 'iy and ,,..early all of thpae 1 319 . 116gi 17 their Inag of 16 J it0 4r) to 0 11,15 UbI* Villainous diction. Alias Flo CameMn,lins returniaLl to rias It. Arlastrong III, S. teen hag completed. md Orders -Answered wi it0 S4 to 0.35 are nd Despatch. t troll) an. eastern visit. slanderous fliat e bi�pbbs took : placb. in taw d I Arinvotioh r. oat erning met publj6 Alay — — ------------ DIMIUM 1,3, N ot ou6 1,0, 0 to 0 10 J)?fb1*c OLITIell Its colic, a a a bani. 'I titiv.tfon in thaf a Appleg, (tvinter) Pei fold Olt). A31ock of iedicilles Con ,ft . I . . b Will '2, 00 to 11 Oil Marranted her, that ills I 1§ 4 not time that the lamps were* is A� cohn(y contemporary - tkbi us ITenry, who was potatoos, 0' 46 to 0.50- and of. -Ilia Bost Qnalit' Ailot, d on West street 'stron3. ley. 'It.is quite Thei 0 afflicte(I with. sJimaltillsease., is �,l wly a 15 to 0 16 t -do o. l so Vi -e tnerease in sp,,4A 0 13 to 0,15 4 rho 1<oltage loaded. gait' and. 0 recovering' 7 0 to 8 a y, Shoilli'lor Brnovs, Tiiiss�s., ponges, a d. 'all the num- to task for out, v'idws aneut tlle. po� i�. b, Toilet leIcinds. of Drngai!;t1 Stni(I al ly a F! vst-Qls� Dim a Star I c. n po sible. bar of Uiarriaw registered both in ti6l, of tIjIs I,: �n Tuesday. 00 00 . I 1 0 1 rone-of hiscowardly phillipief quor untler thp null .t tid 0 00 to 0 01) 9, aiia �016 Cl es.apd towilit, as well as- ill. ba �chooner Crordn' I' 7� WPI,e- visl ng At III A Our n art with- a r. G,. A, 'Fyn�r's ...,0 7 5 to 1 00 good friend per pound, 0 00 tb 0.00 ularr be weiiti down du hiL OW bantis�,�, ie whole pr6viuce, - Fairly good a (I c cAr.'O Of 8111 � on Saturday. ia.sb. -weok. 0 ool� f(i. 0 on thodgli Elle jollltii� ilia so - vory a L xklronday even ing the School 0. trnstoes 'ten0ier or S - .81. ppr i r '(too . to IL.o no . . y� havo b6el ltelided-to inLereas s 0 00 to 0 06 11611lewhh'istiff, And lit e shOW that lie is no� all wall Poted Will [beet for tild &)'planted a 6vituber us. lice Pair. 0 humble ti)6 marringe ratle. 'Tbe total'nu of bIlSi I), eS L S, transaction witats, nrins, WIGIECTS, ov 7 60 to $.00 1`101,411'not 4' 24. , 3 Pon"' t"Oes on the ii, ot 1 0 14 t3 0 121 oil -in tho liceri,�e inatter an iia U'Sil 34 4 9i I dwood; a 00* to 4 00 -1,N Gill n ritio in- (loin" clearly. Bowling analyal, bankers and t to hill' L.0 -T R Y the hand -of btlr. 'of marriages '13 41% - The 011"Ing, which adds vory milel aJIV is oil Other ilAtifi-s We skat c1rinipliell"'tho i�eafortll 'Song.. VidUl L�Ito E,116 0or 28 12 2 ohOathe it aLL, tired lady, 'Ile'st nurnber if' 10 left ror her hot C031'PUS, I ally one Ivollth DoniiO 1010fle 111.0neY afternoon., o14 Uitin 9 'IT tWhetilver th6 compul'lon, ill 'Altil 1,573 in Decombee, the'lowpp :Arinlitrong 17 7 West of Eqland�' &0' h, and Foroign 6' t "was rortiml li� the-Olital-io. Tivo 2 Tike Ajllgl�Ig-4011601, 01) file gill ConL. -to ys I* terider the ell in fit, froei r it f- In the ovening-a grAfid'oonnert P n Trod�en't?gs, -Endlish �renoh ftrwd� 710' 3 in Auguat, 85 8 eceutl� PIA 11 favoalAY miller the 8 E G R A I N. (Y's. case. 'they. . liavo­ber, . Ill. t lie percept of the the park a,ee considerably. was given 16 ViCtollia Ifolli' und li . ent or lr.John Green, repai-ation Wes mado if , whole nPinber married wtire' Alet fee, y had not fla I Clio' marine, lio' or - r ho.- .0.44 This is file to enc6urn-ga and been grante(I'llecliscs a er cant. were Pretliy� wk. Tr. F "nunderik - is get,tin goo - we fitalell 11'st although th, (lis go P' file Ontalill a it in lbrtab S W g in l, fill, Cultivate home, taletit of �1�'Ilicll oui� , ­ 4 .. 17 rip I a UP. The line mily be pi-oull, 'ED 0AT8, were Epjsco� end of the gtick, bsence f'rom the ei SEED 'PEAS, The 0 gn Pot 1 1011 rev) let, to' following well known rpsidonts tOOk SM T Will llo bavo Aill wqgest it few dAYW With his pftrpnig nfter'a ed Ilien 1TH9 'not'dilunge hail)] It6mall Catholics 13 per �'Ws latter The, sollooner,j. G, t par t viz eadatries-12176ol'11011a(i find yourginen or rather of' the 96 BARLEY -.OEMO gX ito"have,orily the $15. to ridy Under the Al 6� nirrived iti. 1) . L Cook I,, Pi, 1 7 . ., L �, . 11 Tkid gy'L striplith. �not , . 9 . 9 iY jig ( 10 " ) . (�V(�I' 11011rd: Or_IIOue but till, it rid discharged I i I" as,e sults �Tarthy Act,", d ock Skinimingk anq J�Atll —FOR SAL13� BY lv.st'or stubborn ret3italloo to c(Invictioa is, The ratio to Damed—;--seenis to be fivinly 1,00t.- ilsol, nild porrvot 1118L, I A rull III)(,- Or CENTSP- e, it W10 Ilay YOU, po�ulatoon of lepn Be 111PS81's. . RothWeIll filaro that whol Pr6vinco� Thodford lit.46 Avelivile I'Tenderson, fi.Ob nsoti. � illcolinlon, belbre nuffibor or'loill, yotln,, ju.4c lilib tll�. pttcllel�, Ild.b 'is quite Agog in t he marriw This ig queteil as proof of on is in rmma Itolmeg 1) F U 1Z WfS H I N C S�o fwnYs In .41 The Dotiiii*on lice 4.5. m noticeable froni tho fa" agdny, whoPe, She .1thbaon,' Brown Will Vidal Th aIMP41-fintla �Vill 1100 ObRIVIO110(i ft, lit' flnt III L)�,e par county of,11V ))All been visiting her brothin, Mr. I!. tn,l.ltrvtl.v fibril the blare, 71-T issue tolititllo�l , V r . efused. to acknowledg(l, tile Qldily 9. Ifolmes. gap a colibnoy And will bPcOI1lQsubIl)eI.g. tty Were 'a satisfacittiry- and. novel ed -In O%%'e V A 8,tlidard Elevator, Oro- or ran it was oifly 5 tier 1,000. t lWas Rite, ]a r 111 tilts county 4 of. tile Ontario discriminatory. Mr. "Ornhame all in, ranoxation. Sell) 14 Wodlibstlay, bvfb' Li- town (in the 0 I've 'visit theill all PeosPerity find etim CLINTON. I n=!MTn!!ft- rmer ged-12 Queen's V-0 AdaullZion J. P. Mayor 11 c0lise DMPS Act end ltrhderpd� the 1PO"t BaYfield, haviiig cali'e!d it' so"L91 i, (001c to hilliself a parther. Ag"d 70', game fewas� axod.-for 'Ontario li,,(Ls this t SALESMFEIN WANTED Ttin And corroli pdrt. ... Or- and a frisky carpet �, i. I ACRIGH"TURAL fill -C. COMPAKY, of 73.*Ipd A. sees only, -and who,", ),()Do Bankir" uVt is, IVITIT ANY) I I . I - t wgg ate it 0L)"xCOE, ONT" Mr. W.. Davis esclipe our )tAtio OfliCialSL wl 61001 Cot material point and marn f on Saturday, -J-ust as lie unti And blIqIlw,4 t.wt. ln lim c tom'Ont'in all youthful bride of 71 o theallar. refuged. by the Of file . I Ali,. Alark U y ex- III Oxford clsonty, a laboror, who I ebw it trie(l to hook hirti, On", P Oil thiq our.bdovoll Queen's' nitfal (lay 1111mlyall Onel 111VITHOu THS AP26H .4. fler front 0 rep Of Ila horn throng1l the rill) of his )fit c ER MENTO sons hoil dallglitera pray, PUIPit in the Oil r �X Iva 9:1.11wi Leo edl litack A.I., ",winn ilig way" aild O'el. w Atld AS %vull And tiol long nut�� Our flor. so *06WAy Stinflay night. . itov. Bil.ka I a k va tiollolly or by, tho stiek,il "Pley have ohly to for. graying his choelt in doing 6o. , oph Illivn�rorlh Ifild In Inald of judgment AtOd,patc TO Wintara had 0,;p ada and Phil of Rev, ag Grays work it) iwd lb"o 3-0ty �06 the ColebrAted nigh proof of IlftVing tendorod 1110 overeign, of, Beatty line, ih ll"At pikeket. Wroilgilt tile Ilc&tty Ilearar 'unday Intirti. lighlnd glen, Clinton on that nig) Sand its A, p%titl rirtifor wrinq, etc, It'll- CuttOrs Ploughs and ot,ot wns. in lini-bor early (M I orlilliffo% to t I'll I)rIltal treatment the rogular—not. tile ext,cirtronat ing, And the Onti 'io or file A-11me line A meeting Or the n front Lowland rlitepayers All NVArrAnted. T?cpAIrq on iuotv alid iuminq� aged � L A farmor, find olitail. her itibnoll ror-tho gillinvit inen' See. \0. 9.,%VAH 11 ri fly Ilig4t. 011A SE BRO THM9, Unfortunarolvirl 1. 016 Donflidon InApeetot�g in 'the oven ing"Jo tit 110a,vlly' ladeh If,71VAIINA00.�f next . � 1:1 1 1 agod 10, Wou alld awl bottrd u . p4 Af her qntion's counint lid I otfirCo illto win tl,,01611, orbyl in tho P' meted witly orange blogso Lot Sent ift rroln ifroin.gonia of 14,11 . PUHN1r1UR.E cortificate that they Are rWed to A, 9S4 Oni. 'its OT. Iamaiden tl bllit� of bliving tho B, A nother lick. liaphso Under ' ills AIoC I aethy Act Aractillngh -,V-Ofl the silver Let liarp witl) Its heart strilign iiii'll, U ell')OI I)IIII,flill nAC(,'0IZDAN0E WI:rTr A RH,. 1`18t il'O.Lla t.11O odal In' the mile blevelo rac oft.this happy rpsointion tvn g, Wholl the rollo IXT10.14 of tho croditors, Elio whole stock a -let- of tile soil, of Potorboro" Aged flin Dominion Oommimionem Spitforth on the quoA)a organ a i. � (sit. to create it prij (lien a,,faillst, ft,, cot f vartature of Elio U life 'a Airden Until 1 by Yr D. ("ook IiCengi) to thein. We' we,., losing khe gold Ono by About to" And the brow Or Qtlten Allot A FTER 'aitfia diadinn, do&A Ila 80curg(t the bond of a b1poruing, ppef(lo fee, 6. n . (III? lfJI.kttPS 1) P " Prollowered listato Of a. hIE-111 & SONS htre of )lot gild 411f, ilatui;ef of 21, A shoemaker Of Dominion licansoeg whose Illoney Ave imagine wo have lipArd-flip Lot hAlla with infi,th tilsoluld; sell .61 P1111p6stifl. p1roviding they got Will bo Aold At C0.410 PItIcAl front will After (VIM nll(�ge', , last of the eelebrAtod Anit Arill "IfIdWs corrill strand abolind, itt a liguro. 12 ynted Tholitockinelinl6s J1Y 11is-i Bruce And a farmor of AlOdlese II T)OX eflpo) With love that in loyal liml-t,4 I$ rou -itio.qhnvo witli. Q against, 111 no hX, wag refuse(] fly the Ontario Inspec- as file London nilthol nd for tho nloiion And, Sell P'tt"I'like an T 9 L ior bilcauso they ' did -(Irawrt from th(% ndaabove motion Elio liguireaux, 411 the more content to 'meet witli JAvor ill CIL 1441stePs wero oil hand olt the day Of nd It glitioritl tImiortniont, All h0tv ari(l of good porlion wag Shelly aide of 70, were Lora, eiti hehavo recovered. The 0hailitialils anin With tho oil, to flat tondilli, tho extortiollato ftlolor. 'I'll I L Goornic" Tow-;.quir Assmymo CA.01L Salo bot failod to rnftl�o the plil'ohnAtl V0rkInttnAfIIp'L I'lle Rine), &%it be Soon lin ftov FIRE titoo ab thd of Vito, DIRTIT, Xt soils, 0116 who was the mother eyes of partners aged 30. breatifie they had not heoll gennted A.4ocintion meeting Ingt was Clio building lguig to' stmtt. lJoUld I ThursdAy, wAg largely at sUmmoned beford Afayor 1161,toll for DO XOT tbirilt It, to mention OL �8. .-,%Il ilijing Inlior $g Ilim of W1101 MAE, liftil-o given 4olting 'I'Aylor. As the (10' At ),11ftfils, rlroqsm And 0shillwA to Arid Thil ppopin or tile Moth, unnot Abe rolintlis, orodit. joint ( Thpre w0we 1,021 )(-ss deaths licenkon Ili (lie Ontario conitnission6 hers fro oytr El'A' W"n,, pg ere 1882, thart in the pro- eve, will aqgu�odly. hatre tile big it other towng being Present Jelldrint not r4dy, (lie eaftc, was notoff. 8 por dont, Pot finourn on or ortall on All Ilave hooll in # tt-d CANTELO r1lurch 1), thiallisloo had it Vol, Y e I) 16y. le.'4,f N.BROSIt 't&*AJq 1 IAV 1", . fill, %VIJAlo $to(Ik ino.qt bO tiolil 60 Illolt but tilt, V %yos'(1 Will 1111181111;". Il Ro t1lor. aeigot 111) (IllitP A rb(I hftl�j it 1)i6L 0 file ell I I I ite at ,000 ,Ind. of thol Nticle. Wo aIg6 kylbw A rooh,way Oil till MilvidAy,'on whiol), (Inv Able tinin oil No 24th litling 11 _ In ontiv, this Is Rn chanea for thoso ir. tit Ina,if tinroRtirv6illy eOII(I(,Inft ItR in tile wholo Proyflico wdif. 11 per, 'Clint 11111co tile disallowall(lo oft"llptl it flutter fir OXORPolPht, bring, %V?)rA)Iip,. whoIl'it WAn Agin ndifiltrilotl in(ilia �f tile I�g be SidlllWalkt to di prospouter to go, prt,�44 m DIIIIIT Or 1,000 Brampton', e0unty of Peel, Ontario Act f I . out busitioAq mobitnill t , 111(i ill iflat soRgioii AtIft rim, A borso [It(%. liroport?. Of of) t. of A Ove spending A few -(foil Alven ow, ino, fetll attach oil tho III((%, shorti, rt o1%, ver high (lentil rate, MAnY who had II(A PiPpliod for Do. t o I igil t fli� witnosA tbAb I'llyide their sult differont —To— A qorntlf,�, of titniTior Is %ifform for mit, oll : . . L ,f.4,_A or In IRA to sill tplitella F Morley did 302ptir 1,000. Wdlkertott it very million lieerApa havil Ainco applied in Whiell W01'A' 1`6111' 6111 011cupithf. Aflont fit lionlo At on, e(killy 'hour, with the lIers Tho Ataek: ift- )'At eill, in It lrill Inall1lor 0 iful)POAAed IlPoli thoul that they - turbingaround g6tr lne)�A Tild IroAt fasktil(1168 ivill be towftnig Ioi;v rate, 7 pet 1000, Total nura. Not Only will tIfOAftL Dofniniml licon. '(111 In rjouC clocies, Whilit, nA811, Ulm alVilwity of WOultl aaftin, when iripportu 4ad OfmWood: h iniovo,i f her Afe(1111figIr tIlrow it Atonti At Whon Ra A E110, girl. NV.110 PX(lapt A Itiltig a f6urtly of 1110 Taylor, P(Piking him in tho 01160 More. And Mat Alto, will (16 116P veri, to v f. our 'd th0m her R PAtIvA in, Oil Provinno in st-oft whofio morloy %voit by onts. tir ol-r Tog.l(lont., in ifort. ng UNDeRTAKING.' ti)(, -inut of -ltV"1qrlto lile 1 1'�85 Vnr haify ivoillill" fearn Tills btantylt Elio baslam will lie 0tondild to 1ftlul flIeti, 'An thrill 01,111d red thit there N011 lit, n6blIAN, hnd Ole Ontario of Ifilift f- hn%v f ,flefalf; llftvft Only 915 torl whitit Irtivitir fnotn aqq�i in llim Ilioighborh Wright ProrrIPUPPR of tho I O� 6 6 5 forn til on, Tho -litiont-lift liat to ptily' for tht. roiont, it (bo A,te. P16ripp(l Anil Allow. I Piw6ring Aft (ji(i nof, Anil fnt)IJIV fir�(i At Vifliting"'at (11111%py, t1i i od a \,611111 t Awgtiod In tro.0 of fit(, P, fMv!XrJff fbig girl 4) lond it bAe ta li pr6w"t, �hv'v%vlrIrl)tA wn ivllqt, r. find G' grif.olit numbor ot Indlog �!W Aet i.q atly aaft ill (Ito, 'on