HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-05-14, Page 4We cell the evocial attention of rest
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vituncli Dinceroui.
St. ohate1i.--30n0003 on Smitia..r at 1
hi tral 7 p, m, Bilde Class, 10 a.m. Sunday
5:lool, 0.m. Sallee W5(11101,110', s p. le
nee. WILLISN Ciimei, Rector
Canada filetitodist.-serricet, It 1.0,3o a. m.
and 7../C p. to. setteath sehool at 2.20 p. •tn.
v. .1. (lany,Pastoi.
c.tnada Prosbitorian.- services at 11.e.m. 00,8
0.31 o. .n. Sabbath School, 2.3O p. m, Rey..
rowanT, easter.
Mine christian.-serrices at to.ao a, m. and
8,30 p". nt. Sabbath 8chool, 2.30 p.m. Bev. J.
gvol02, Pastor.
Htptist Church, -Service at 0.30 p, In. g.ib.
blith vol,Sch2.30 0. in, Itiw„ J. Paste..
'11.1-X31 1-1-C7IZOW
vitt5 effit
The Goderioh N.ews
Iluron Record
(AMA L04,11,9 DNA.) •
Chetranteed'averaee circulation over 1700
Clinton, Wednesday, Day ihith
iEc'Keen Tour IllaSbanit:
A few days "ago a Detroit Wife
watt reading a_ newspeper article
which tickled her almost, to death.
:It was entitled "How to keep your
Huaband 'at..ffonte," and it was
abeu t the Troy wife who turned the
.sitting room lute a saloon and. thes
.wedded her huabaud. to his home
• .and.kept him in 'eights.. •
The .Detroit wife cackled
grittried'andeaeltled again, an v_ow.
• ,eti that she'd follow the plan to _ the.
Jaitt detail. • .r.rbit evening *lien. lier"
. •
husband•had finithed his supper and
. .
Wan making a rush for his hat.to go
dewn enq See a man • on $100,000
.worth Of business, .the exultant
wife led • him intb •the library,
There was sawdust oh the* fleor, six
big • spitt000s artistically arranged
arryinel the reonfand it bar on winch
rested half 11 ,ln,zen bottlesof beer
and a'supply of beer gl•asses. .
• "My• angel • wife, 'may haven
bless you V.' exclaimed the husband
as bo iook •11 areend.him and' took -
ell the details. •. •
Then hp walked around and ex
• p.•ctorated (mail .spiLtoon, ..and le•
. walked 'up to• 't he , bar' • and swore
like a. ttooper nald . chile(' fur beer..
When • he had drunk.. it he licked
over the cheirs. and, said be was juet.
ifs god mi Vanderbilt or any other'
man: When he had int bibeil ' 'some
• more beer lie kicked oyer the bar.
• and breke the bottles, and as 3000!EiS
Itis Wife talked politics • he blacked
her eye.a.nd. wen t in to 'clean out the.
. Wave. When tlie neighbors finaily
got mitn, tpileterl, down things
'v9)'. wNo and .cross:iise ell Over
.1 he house,. while, half the neighbor -
hoed were timidtiff for *a .11re ala run
b .and the otherehal fe 1 p lice.
1Vhen . the •hysteriely •Wif.e
cexpleined. eke', 'plan :to. the
• mob-• filling the 'parlor the husband
sat up On end amidst the wreck: and
waved' Ida &its died shouted .
• ,, "You bez • yotir brioz I Niceez
toWni. hficesz wife in
• D't roit 1 . Everybody .come •tiet'iadriz.
tit, 'tmense ! • Whoop ! • W herezer.
inen who wants 'e.r run .9at night's ,1"
3ETtl NEW; Gathered" by an
• Iowa Editor. •
The styles of ititerestheg 'local
• mat ter .often- chronicled hi ye ..eeun.
try ellitorishappily hit of by an
IOWA scribe thusly :
---Our daughter,. Leila 11rt, is
visiting heraunt, Mrs. 3. 13. Erma),
in the *south part' of Higidarid, • this,
week. '
. •aCtknowledges calls
from" Ladies Leach, Ocheltree, Corn •
: is)), Vaeler, Raitledge,•Knapp, Blakes;
Inc,: A eeowsmith and others.
--From a, letter we learn that
oar mother, it Stewart; Iowa, •has
been quite sick, which we Vei.titYlugl,
r('gret. We hope tohear of her re.
eovery Boon,
—.Not long since our daughter, in
•' company with. another -girl, her
Hehoolniate, was • reading in her
. language book.and defining parts of
' Speech. • Among the rent they etuek
• onto the word "'mull" when our
•eelittle boyet3 yeare old Raid : ..4511whe
• 'et a noun, common, becatisteit is the.
2)3.1 Ole nf, a thi»g,"
—IPaving home this morning for
the office, we kiesed our little four-
yeer old good.hy, saying to . him :
a good boy toelay," Ile some
whet' eurprised, us by saying :
will. Be a good man, papa," Sure
we thought. We need the
exhottetion more than he.
•trainable Aslies.
On Saturday March 22, n package,
of Intent moileyf'representing $11,890
as received by IT, S. Treasurer Wy-
man for rede m ption., It was the pro.
petty of Thomas Downing, a quarry-
. num, living neat l‘lonitalitt, M.
and represmited the Savings of 23
yeara of lierti 'Work. His cabin
Nizs destroyed by fire Mara 6, and
with 11 all his money, which was in
the form of ereenbacks SIid rettional
1,1et.irk note, The charred remainfl
of the mongy Nettie) stilimitted tothe
exemination of tt committee rf
tree/wiry experte, and all the legel
tender notee, to the Amount of,
f,31,050 were identified. Tloiy woo
rethattned at 01106.. The remainder
u ill bo transmitted to the benka of
bottle for their action, and the result
will be that the entire antount of
money will boreetoreil te He owner.
This itr 'only one ornianp ectites acted
open by the treasury,
There was a wedding of two
tte.mbers of the Salvation Arm at
the Toronto bariacka last week
The happy couple were Thomas
Collins and Maggie Ilea. Fully
2,500 people of all grades in life:
were preeent at 8 o'clock, atilt sotue
300 Mentbete of the army who had
taken part in the torchlk,obt proem.
Woo afterward came in and tie elled
the audience to 2,800 souls.
Aa the bride and groom were not
expecte 1 to arrtve before half past
eine ftere!cee were con filet-
ed hy Captain Wass,
Captains Madden and 111*tin e Leidy
of Owen tioundi aud Teveie Hall, of
London, the hallelujah. lassie. The
band played several religious selee-
tious, after which the rnale sehliere
endeavored to speak, but were good
naturedly choked pit by the crowd.
Then Capt. Tessie Ball, who by the
way is a very handsome youitg
vroman, mounted a chair and pour.
ed a broadside into what she Waif
pleatted to term the "Devil's Regi-
ment," It was doubtless owing to
her pretty face and good figure that
she was he trIreneti to ao long end
patiently, llinnie Leidy followed
and told. an amusing story. • She
was a married woman; had been
• married for several years. During
all that time she had never' seen
her husband.
A voice—"Either be or you are
Miee 011, but he's not
the kind ef a husband everybody
Another voice—ttWhat're ye giv•
in' us. You can't stuff this chide -
- leeshirea-ectife-
Lord,. and He takes good care of
Oa:eals(cries,an1. singto,g-tel
'a crowd of rougheln the cotter pf
the•hall stopped further speechiry-
ing until the bridal party arriv.
ed. •'•
Precisely at half past nine they
came on the platform, and were re-
ceived with loud cheers. • The noise
was very censitterably augmented
by.the hand which struck up a Rye.
lp tune.
• The' ceremony was very quickly
performed by Rev, Mr. Jollifte, but
was witnessed only by those people
who Were close to the platform, as •
nearly all present persisted in stand:
ing on the baeke-Of the seats, '
After the couple were.aplicecl, a
regular old fashioned prayer -meeting
was indulged in—that is, one where
everybody prays at the same time—
and the assemblage dispersed about
twelve o'clock.
•. An .Alivfni nought'
"tilt, Lord I • Just think of it !
• Eighteen thoustind fair hundred and
fifty glasses of beer! And they're
'gone; all eone," and the rnan sadly
conteipplated a barricade of beer
kegs on the .side walk- by "Billy',
O'Connor's saloon. • There were 200
•kegs. • • : . •
"Just .think cif it :pursued. the
Allan.. "Think of how. . piany meo
mast havegone home, late at night
in order to. drink • all thosekegs
empty. .Thiuk of•liave many weep.
leg wives, mothers . and children..
ba,'Ve sat up at nights while the old
nein was drinking Moe() kegs empty.
Thulk of hew the sidewalks and
electric lights must • have. reeled
when men were going home after
dritikingethat pile of beer' kegs dry.
Eighteen thousand four hundred and
tifty glasses 1 $022.,50.! Just•think
hew much good. $9.22 50 would do:
Think how lunch geed it would "do
me. Ent the 'most terrible thought
to tee is that: they have drunk the
Inge dry'; haven't left e. cursed drcip
Prthe Vile stuff. And if I were to
go an ask for a glasSori so and have
it put on the slate ,de you suppose
•they'd giee It to • um? • No,
Not by along triedit
and I know." '
Imitating* the Wild Turkey 'too
• Well.
..•One day last week Mr. Charles
Reynolds was hunting .wild turkeys-,
in the neighborhood, of Natusiness.
Bedford, and oalliitg
with' a ..y.elper (usually Madefrom
a wing bone of that bird), he receiv.
ed a strong reply, and coptiquing to
hall; he advanced to the. answering
• Bounduntilthe ohject of his search
.was seen 'through . tht. bushes, when
he took deliberate. aim .with his rifle
and fired; shooting •a- young men
named Milner' in :the eat, the.ball
coming out lellind the neck.. .136th
were, hunting • end calling,' each
thitikine the othe' 8 fine, ' lerge gob,
bier.. Milner's condition is favorable
.and it is thought he will recover.
A. Canadian Cashier.
• :Buffalo, May 7. — Fort Erie,
„Cot., opposite this city,. is in..a for.
meet • over the dieappeartioce
Joshua Pltillips, eaehier of tile
Grand.Trunle railroad ot that place,
with nearly $2,000of the company's
money. Phillips liftS been lioldiog
the position at Fort Erie for eight
years past, and for twelve years be.
fore that, was in their employ at
Goderich, 014: He has been re.
ceiving but $40 per month in
position, but spent fully $100 a
month in this city,which he visited
frequently in order to have a good
time. Last Friilay afternoon he left
home telling his wife that he was
coming to 13611410 on businese, but
as be did not return on Monday
morning she sent the keys of the safe
te Jun •Phillips, the agent, who 16
gems ie no relativ'
e although the
namee are similar. On opening the
eafe and examining the books it wss
aeen thAt he watt short, end a dis•
petal) watt at once sent to Robt Lar.
rimer, divisioa s,uperintendent at
Stratford, WI10 Mit 301in Payne;
tetvelling iteditor to the statiott to
exittnine the hooka. Although the
examination is net • eompleted,
enough is known to abow that the
shortege will eninunt to $23000.
Nothing boa been loomed of Nil.
lips' whereabouts. Phillips?. wife
18110W COlinned 1.0 her bed from the
Pitecta of the shock, llIillipa has
tone ehildren who have an iitterest in
Some property Tett I y his father.
Some years ago the whites under-
took' - to break up this and other
savage practices among. the Eaten,
but tlie red filan'S agefimpl jail merits
ne liars 'made the task 'very difficult:
Quickly 'divining the object of the
pale -faces, „the Piutes insieted, with
great gravity,, that the medicine
men, al ways killed themselves; and
when remonstrated with on tlie sub-
ject of murder they readily assented •
to the declaration that such practi.
i.ett were iinneCessary and wicked.'
Now • when a' ineclichie man is
found dead the Pintos a wee s visit
Ole towns and -camps and anneunce.,
that' lie 'killed hienatilf; when it is
well known that he. was eilite-
rately. slant. according .to the .Old
custom. •• re-
.. •
TUE' rAVTIA Or A IIITTE noorolt, wno
Many poople doubt that our Sax-
on civilization has all the boated
merits claimed for it. The °Meese
decepitate their uneecceesful mili
tory commanders. The weetern In-
dians slay their doctors -who lose
three paticute. Here tide prectice to
prevail in Ciaoada and the T.Tuited
States, even the armiee of brand new
medicos that are turned out every
)ear could not prevent tho noble
piofession from 80011 becoming a
thiug et the past, A recout de -
vetch showe how the untutored
savage in his unsophisticated sim-
plicity deals with those who follow
the healing art :
Under the rule exieting among
the Flute Indiana that A medicine
mail who 1002 three patients in
ouceession meet die, Pinto h'rank, of
Buffalo station has just despatched
an tutfortutiate native doetor who
attended his sett diming his last
illeeteh The tnedieine man. had
been ia hard luck for re ma titne,
anti he knew that if he failed
in this case his professional
career would be cut short. For a
time it seemed as if the child would
recover, and the doctor was in high
feather, but the patient had a re-
lapse and the medicine man was
summoned to his side. It was evi-
dent that be recoguized the gravity
of the situation and would have
fled if be could, but Frank aucl his
friends stayed by hint, and he had
no opportunity to eseape. Then
began the wildest incantations ever
• seen at a deathbed. The medicine
man, beside Iiiineelf •.with fear, in-
dulged in all the sorceries known to
him, chanted his sungs, beat sticks,
inveked spirits, and etirred up hie
naugeat Beg- tifedieneer WW1 Vereitir
creasing vigor. The ceremouies
were continued until far into the
night. The child lay in ,a stupor,
a sort of a trance, watched his op.
portamity, and, when p1701 served,
1.010 hie departure. An hour after
le,left, tbe childiwas cleat), and the
afflicted Frank, armed with rifle and
knife, was on the tt ail. of tlie fugi-
tive doctor. He overtook him in
Paradise Valley and killed him.
The risks whiah the medicine
men .iun 'under 'OW -arrangement
'awe 9f course very great, but they
find consolation in the .knowledge
that if successful their fanjet.; will
extend tepidly, and that they will
..be held in the highest itivereuce by
their fellows, •
'Mining. Amenities.. '
' .Eagle • City; Idalm, ;numbers.
aniongits prominent 'citizens many
wh0 didiipt Como here for their
health, and yet they obstinately re-
fuse• to..wartiTtejaiey honest calling.
'The dull 'time consequent upon the
breaking up of the trails have ree.
.duced this not tion of tile popUlation.
. „ •
to deepentiou, "and all. have. antici-
pated some • otitbreak. During the
finish times the. ex.roacl -agents ancl.
highway inen.. could mkeastray
dollar ' or:•barcive *enough to ,get a
:meal or" a night's lodging. Now
•. they • ate' starving' and' they sleep
around the skives' la the saloope,.
Followig o0. the other •exciting
events Of Easter Sunday • came% news
• which aroused' the indigeation Of
'e'very ntan in the camp—even. the
gamblers we're prompt to talk pipe,
and the ,crowd was in a; fern -mitt.
Toward evening a boy ,of 14 was
. .
broughtin by his fitther, and from
their lion thn excited men learned
that the • road agents had • "got in
their' Wort; "311.A nlnet cruel manner..
Airing the afterimon the .bey was
alone 'in a little *cabin a niile or; so
below here, on the banks of Eagle
Creek. • As he: was sitting by the
o!'e two . menentered, and by his
tinenspeeting eeplies to adroit ghee. -
Mons .soiee it -toned. that no.riesistanee
Wits.near.; , Plunder •was the object.
of the vieite and the men. evidelithi
!mew that money west hidden in the
debit). Uralet• the. influence ' of
threats, and ' after a. reyolver had
.• been* presented to his face, the cold.
barrel actually touching • hill forc:'
• head, the boy directed the nien this•
valise, where was '$40. ef. hid 'ow'n
inoney, . the *:savings of • months.
More they :wanted and. would hare,
:but having given up Ws, own the
brave liey.absoletelyetefused..to-dis.4
close the Whereaboteettof Ide father'e
hoard; saving -ire would die first.
Then .the robbers displayed' their
desperate cruelty, The • pluelty boy
vette • tied • down and a keen knife
drawnacross his nose, When lie
cried he witepromptly gagged, Then
another slit waS tnade in his cheek,
but auto 110 purpose, for the trecret
of the biding place was still locked.
Up in his brave young heart, While
the fiends were debating on the ltd.
visability of "tp isting the kid's feet
in the lire" one .of them etumbled
atop a bora, the hicrteyaboitt
$500 in all—wns found, anti the
twn clecamped,• leaving the boy
hound and 1 leitili»g on the bunk,
where he wee. found 'an hair after
by his father.. ,The nevre created
gertat feelieg and yell armed partiPet
Scoured the timber and questioned
every matt no etiery trail, yolue.
leers h slily gt aspic] their Win.
ellesters mid went out to esehit the
deputies in the seine:it, while the
more lee), op es hunten lip' good treett
or promieed to donate the rope.
All watt timeless., however, for not
the slighted trace wag ever found
of the diteperadoee or the tininey.
ries •gettertil feeling was well +feed
by brieof the wont 'confidence men
In the ramp, who .letelly ptoelaini-
ed "I doll't mind bracing a man
on butiku *um>, hut this d—d high-
way roblory, aid on a kid, too,
evil] give thnettnip 6 bed name. If
we catch 1orn we II have to hang 'Om ne
"paw p
A contest in pronunciation gaye
great amusement at a churcb social
meeting in Chicago lately. Each
candidate wee called in separately,
anti read the following mentencee 1—
The root of,, the difficulty was a
pile of soot allowed to accumulate
0i1 the roof.
The riae of the water § haft in-
jured the riot, crop, and it may be
expected that the price Will rise.
Ile had moved his gooda to the
depot, but his Mee& bade Lim not to
be clisenuraged, as he would telly be-
come acclimated if he would only
stay. .
He is an attpirant for Asiatic
The dieputants veined to be con.
versant with the question, and if uot
gt od financiers, they are at least
familiar with the problems of lin
The irrefrogable evidence that be
was the sole cause of the altercation
indieputably fastened on him
the responsibility for the irreparable
ie conduct was indicatory of the
blatant blackguard, and Ins cone.
plaisant coadjutor, with his incom-
parable complacency, was et.en
more dangerous
The physician,', after a careful
diagnosis, pronounces the patient
to be suffering fi•oin bronchitis, gast-
ritis, periostitis, and meningitis,
caused by the pi evidence of mephitis,
and has prescribed morphine.
Rhubarb Pie. and Old Tillie
"Rhubarb1" said the artist as he
laid aside his anron. "vou are a
"irctie ettiTy for 014, But if u
want my recipe IC is ; Peel
.apd cut into inchdengthe two small
'ft tilletfae • of. elin barb"; pq-611. "tWiltre
in a porcelain stew -pan with half a
cup of water; cook 1201.11 tender and
then stir in large tablespobniul of
butter, a desert • spoonful of corn-
- starch ; wet with a littlacold water
and a, scant :cupful of sugar. Re -
Move from the, fire after it las boil-
ed up once and add. very slowly;
heating the while; two well whipped
• eggs. . Line a deep dish with good
este, fill with this tnixttire, cheer
with paste and bake. There should
be twe enPs 9f the rhubarb after it
is stewed. The above quantity is
sufficient foreone large or twO hinall
. . '
You have probably tasted . pan.
cakea that grandmother made"'
"Well, what was her way 1"
Whip- ping out a book :cif memor-
anda,' the artist teed
•I"Meit butter the size of an egg in
a pint of hotavreet ; !Fulda pint
of cold milk; the yolks of four eggie
-thoronghly beaten, a'teespeonful of
• salt, balf a Cake pf compressed yeast
dishol ted in a little warm"water, and
flour sufficient ell. make .stiff batter ;
.setthis to rise in, a • 'armplace for
three hours if they 'Bre wanted tor
dinner, over. night in a cool place if
they .are wanted for • breakfast, and
then add the beaten whites • which
have been kept cool ineentime: No
'Hoar must he added again .before
baking. Try these With ' honey or
niaple syrup."
. .
Wingharo has been inVested witha
'gang of fire.migs during thapast few
months. Their game, 80 lar, bas
been to fire out -buildings and unoc-
cupied dwellings for' the purpose ofe
caIIiug out the fire brigade in the
night and rousing the people from
their imds. On0.• Man •,enpposed %to
be conneeted„ with. the gang' was ar-
rested ari'd. Placed in the lockup', but
during +the night 'the • bitilding Wei
broken open by two of his brothets
and the prisoner freed. The Council
have' offete'd a reward of elOtt for the,'
conviction of the sceiintlrels. - •
Fradnimit- Transatetions
• There tire many frauds pernetritt-
ed in•medicine, and Many advertised%
remedies, worse than useles.a. eNot.so
with IIagyard's Yellow•Oil, It re-
mains as,ever the best internal. and
external inedielne for all pain,, sore-
ness and injuries With which,hutnan
flesh is aft -Hoed. : 260.4: •
Simon Moore, aged 25 ,yeere, a
mute, of Dublin, Ifuron . county,. was
stmick by a Chicago a Grand Trunk
.eng,ine while, %%editing on • the track
nearCheboygan, Mich., on Sunday
and instantly killed: After the in-
quest the remains were taken home
and: buried in the Irishtown:ceine-
teey, Tuesday of last,week. .
• PROM4We SULPHUR Seep is highly
recommended for the cure rd Erupt.
inn, ChafesiChapped _Hands, Pimples,
Wan, &O. 285-1
, At the Kinloss Branch Spring
ShoW held at Lucknow, in the aged
°less for bulls, Mr. Wm. •Durnin, of
West Wavvanosh. carried off the red
ticket, far "John Bright," while.
Messrs. E. Gaunt, a Sens; of West,
Waryanosh, took the first prize with
Young Farmer" in the two year old
class; arid Mr, W. Kilpatrick, of
• Dungannon, firet in the yeaeliegs
for "Louis Napoleon."
FREIMAN'S' WORM Powunnt's require
, .
no other ptirgative. They are safe
and sure to remove all.varieties of
WOrine. 2815-Im.
It is stated that Rev. Evans Davis,
M. A., Of St...James' Church, Lcindon
South, brother of the Messrs. Davis
of the Mitchell Advocate, will shortly
leave on an extended trip for the
benefit of his health. The Rev, Mr,
I fughes IS sp.oken of to take his place
in the interim
The Effects of Whiskey.
The effects of whiskey are always
evib.and those who feed tipbn aloha,
ie stimulants, vainly endeavoring to
bur° coughs and consumption, but
Mine , viper. Iragyard's Pectoral
Balsam is a remedy Vint is always
reliable for ell throat, bronchial end
lung troublee, and never does harm
to any one', 283-2t,
The Waubunnulikee,Lacross Club,
of Wingliam, have orgenieed for the
season, with the follotving officers ;
--Min, President, If, W. C. Moyer,
Dsry President., W. J. liteCuteheon,
Dm; Vice-Preevlent, reank Hollo-
way, Esq; Secretary, 0. C. Carr,
Esq, end they an now open !or
challenges. „
. Low's wome synuebas removed
'tape worm from 15 td 30 foot in
length. M also destroyes 1311 1(131(18
of worm!: 285.1m.
Misa Margaret ,Tnne Fee, of Stan-
Itiy, died on Saturday, 10th ult. The
youngledy has been ill for long
time with that fatal diseese C00.
MAW ti011 I. yet hor WAS ',quite
unexpeotecl, This iti Sad itIOW Lo
the Betraying family, ati only two
weeks ago her hither died einklenly,
After a very abort Oliveto. S110 Vil'ItS
Interred the Beyfield eemeterv,
v. Mr, raylor, of that pther, ofII.
bop, for sure," 1 tie
morn rrOVOIL,"
sellar epos dollar in frequently leaflet on the
Nth of reeintuusettetwes ter ertivice entirety
worthicea. Not so with Ahnirrian'e koredY
(lure ; am; 130 10311. wilted to purchase. it Patti it*
omit* 11.51 prven. Cull at your drug atlas
and Net a free trial bottle, nadir' not convinced
it will onto you et the Irma halm of Oyeatp$1e,
&Ivor Complaint, etv., no matter et how long
mtandlinr, it email you nothing. Sold in 50a. end
hottice See testanonisle from IDoreone to
youo 0w33 130130. "53 1w
The teropertmee people spent
2,5Q3) in securing the ,passage ol the
Scott Act in Oxford county,
We hv speedy aud .peslitve Cure,
for Catarrh, Diptherta, canker .moulli
end fitted AChe, In SIIILOW$ 0.4.1-
4111t11 11E4E1)Y. A nasal Iniectorfive
with each bottle. Use 11 If you desire
health and sweet breat?, Price 50cts,
sold by 3, 0. Writhe. :268.ly
Mr, Geo. Daniel, of the Saugeen
linernear Kincardine, has a cow less
than two Tears old, that has never
had A calf, and has been giving intik
for over twelve months,
Rueblen's' Arnica Salve.
TUE Best SALVE In the world for Cuts,
Brinseee Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, ()beeped Heeds,
Chilblains, Corns, and all ,skIn Erup-
tions, and poeitively cures riles, or PO
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or mopey rennided.
Price 25 cents per box, Feet eaes at
Watts & Co. 258-1Y
A Winglitim lady has just built a
patchwork quilt of 12000 pieces and
is now constructing. one of 18000
pieces, Her name is Mrs. William
Wright, and she is how in her sixty.
third year.
important Changes.
There are two periods in the -life of
every female when the system un-
dergoes great changes, First, the
change f'1•0113 Ohddho0C1 to woman -
1)00d; next that of' womanhood to old
age. These are critical changes ot
life, and the system should be nour-
ished arid regulated by that match -
1 'so tonic Burdock Blood Bitters. It
is invaluable in all diseases peOlallar
to felin103. 285.21..
Port Elgin Busy Times: Donald
Smitiree-Woodstock's- neer--Chef
PqIice,was born noar Lucknow where
his;people reside, He is 28 years of age
stands 6 feet three inches in height
medaveiglis over 9.011,..pountis, ttfaw
years ago he Made quite a reputation
for himself as an athlete, having beat-
en Duncan C. Reiss and others.
• Fluid Lightning
There are but few that have never suffered in
. tolerable pain from Toothache, Neuralgia, or like
,keifte.pains, To them Pugh an instant relief as
Fluid Lightning is an •nnti,t3 blessing 0 tims o1
trouble. No disgusting offensive-modi-gtorte
be taken for days. Glie application Cif Fluid
Iiigh.tnIng cures. Sold at your drug store,
Kincardine Standard Jas. McLean
113a1/4.02 town in few days tcir GoderiCh,
where he will hereafter reside. Mr,
510.Lean's cheery veice'will be much
missed in and around the town., but
Jils business as cattle boyar Will -beim;
hrul111041117080jues. Or: less frequently back
•• Oh What .41. Cough. ,
Will you heed, the warning: . The
signal perhaps of the .sure approach of
• that more terrible disease Consumption.
Ask yourselves Wynn can afford for the
sake of saving. Wets,. to Tun the risk
and donothing for it. We know from
• elxpeilence, that Shiloh' s Cure. wi 11 c (I re
your Cough. It never roue.
pitons why more. than. a Million Hot-
tles were Sold the peat year. It relieves
Croup, and Whooping. (.:011211, at once.
MO,bers clo not . be, Wallets .16., For
Lame Back, ,Side or Chest, use Sieloh's
Porous Plater. Sotd by J. H. rombe.
' • 21311-ly •
: .
• Mr.'I1t11, saw niftier, of Wroxeter,
while oiling some of: the'. 'shafting
fell; and a short piece. of leen pene-
trated one of his lungs. etcov-
eryis doubtful. .•
Cure for Deafness. •
As numerous testi Men ials will show,
there :is no more reliable cure l'Or
deafness than ilagyard's Yellow Oil.
It is also the best reinedY for- ear
ache,. sere throat, croup, rheumatism,
and tor pains and lameness generally.
Usetl.extet•nally and internally., '
• ••285-26.
Dogs are still making hityric among
sheep folds in Waterlao tOunty on
Thursday night Mr. P. .1ulroonYt'011
the 'Brock Boad• . had two* valuable
aniinals woritied, ape the same night
Mr. Janne:if:fantail had several lawn
and! torn. A. few days • nretrictls'1.0
this ' Mr. Brock .1lottd,
. had a valuable; iinpoeted gander.
killed ..
• 'ATICNAL PE Li.S act promptly upon
the Liver, regulatia the BoWeis and as
a porgative are roil‘u And thoroughl .•
Ellee Durein, ono the olcleit
persons in the township died re,
centlyle W. Wawanosh,' at the re.
sidence Of her son William, at the ,
age of 94 years. Deceased was
native of Ireland and emigrated to
this 'country about forty years ago.
The present deputy reeve and trees
urer °lithe township are two of her
sons. •
Thp aleoret Cant. • .
The secret of beauty hasben at
last revealed. Without good health,
Pure blood and a fair dleareskin none
can. possess good looks.. What is
'more repulsive than pimples, blot:
clips and &sallow or pasty comp -lei -
ion ? Burdock • 131ciod Bitten reveal
the fact that all can gain pure blood'
and freedom from the .repulsive-dis.
eases of the eleilqthat result from lin.
purities, , • • 28526
.. • , •
Mr. • 1Vin. Douglas, of Turnberry,
has.been appointed Lieerise Commie.
siorier for East Huron 111 place' Of
Ilebert Miller, Who resigned, Mr.
J. Miller,of the same township;
has Limb begn• appointed Inspector,
. •
• What to Do. • .
tio.2ibled With an . s218o3w.i.ilitteallog
avid completely removing ;s our trouble, it.the
liteorogors speedy Cure from your I/rag Store,
sore use McGregor. find Pisrices' Clabolle Curate,
Blood is out of order, tai.c with it a fONV 3108011 of
you win end it viduabietor healing, cleansing
• The mail 'is 'lbw earried froth
Goderich to Denmiller three times it
Week instead of twice. The stage
will also run accordingly, for the
convehienee or passengers.
• What's in a Name? •
Scrofula 'is called from the tatie
screfu, a pig, from the supposition
that the disease came from eating
swine's flesh, It is nften inherited
from parents, and leads to abcesses,
ulcerous eoreie lebili1.y, Iting94 evil
and coristunpiion. The case of the
Rev, W:iu. Staff; of Witirton, who
suffered 23 years -from scrofulous
abeesses, heonet of the most 1.0131111k.
able 3715 record. Burdock 'Bleed Bit-
ters ouTed' him. after tlie beet..ined.
feat skill had failed. • 2654213,
Cellector Cavan, of Stra tfeed, had
John Carter, • ot Kincardine town-
ship, ConVicted Of tho illicit, 'Mann.
faCtUre of whiskey, and sentenced to
one inonth's imprisonment and a
fine of 6250.
D3'Sieep:Sitt & Liver Conplaint.
Is It not worth the Small Mee of 7:5
dents to tree youreelr of every syMptorn
of these distressing complaints, If you
think so mill at our 'Strife anti get hOt.
tle of Sh IloWst. VI tell leer, everv•hat le has
e printed guarantee on it, ase nceore
(tingly end It It does yen no g00(1 It
wit 1 cost yon toning. S021(134 4, II,
Mr, 'Mint teeltie and wire, former
lyaf n311143010, 1111(1 more reeently of
the Northwest, have retnrnod to
Itrusaolftto r efeltie 011 fly,
owing to the delicate state of .Mrs.
Leckie's health.
Car." ago Works.:
LIT5115hIR AND SHINGLES taken • in eXelinnp,e. (live roe A call and1.
wilt give yea prices .that cannot be beaten in the County. cte, Repairing and
Horseshoeute done with ‘lespatclt. .
P.Tif you want to get a
good PARLOIt SET,: oallat
WU you want a Fancy
BEDROOM. BET, .oall at.
IPZ- If you wautt.a good
IT If you want FUR-
NITURE of any kind, oall
at DEEM'S.
DIEHL'S Vie2tor9ia Satreet
Furittl IU N ERIIN
tilt? AqgkQt.1,......
Clehl's Great
EIAN ITU liElanioms
296 Vitorii:St.
WAIT:knit t• WALL --PAF)E• R.
The time for klouse-Cleaaingas near. . .All wanting
Tian., Parlor, .1.lgoom9 Dini-Ror Bed-
Room Papers,.
• will find. the
Best and Latest Patterns
03-• The Bazaar Fashion Books for 188.3 are out and can be had for kothing.
Call and see the Papers and get a Book'
dt.O.VTLER' S.
Ile Sells Cheaper than aV onesin top of the EaFth.
OR 10
rice #ole
,Clinton, April; 1834.. ,
thu)109V Vine Orgtna lit 6he Watert.ems, Perrin Illoele'priceti LOW and
terms easy,1 also keep In stock
The Wheelereind.Wilect4and the Liiht Running Domeitic
Sewing Machines.
Also Need'es, 011 and attachmente. VloIlns vatylne Nom $2 aii to $100, Bows In
volt variety from 110 cente to $10, Ebony ringer Boards, Ebony Telt Pleeee, Pegs,
Bridge eitrIngs, Steel and Ont, 138 pets er singer; Tuning Forks, Tunipg Pim, nor.
omoicto, Eboov chin Rests, Mttteo, flutes, Fifes, Flageolets, Violin eitSes from
eti muds to e4, Mole Bootie tor Owe, Plano fogt Violin. The. Prize Anthem
'Book, ceinalning the finest seleetloft of A»thenIS ever produced. Call and see me,
Perrin Block; Clintoe,•Ont,
,. 0.
Grarlinat the Great nate itostorer anti Renewer, Oar erar he* to 901 natant
color, geedueuy Red pennidlealY. Not a dye. marvellowi mven a. Oray-haired
11414 014 woraeu, miaow woe young la three weeks. Nra Aare gray hair Men
repidiy and luxuriantlY. Senator descriptive book, end testmonans ma %wens ot 4004,
han and doctern, cm, who recommend It uglily. Addreint,
4.11.1114.4s9100ris nerrOY Otteetp New Vol*.
Incorporated by Act 01 ..gflta51011 4 4855.
CAPITAL, - ' $2,000,000
REST, — 6500,000,
Head Office, - MONTREAL.
'MAUS WORKMAN, President.
J. 11. 8101.SON, Vire.Precident. •
E. WOLVERSTAN THOMAS, deneralManafter
Notes discounted, Colleetioos made, Drafte
jostled, Sterling and American ex.
amigo bought end sold at low-
est current rates.
Money advanced to farmers on their own notes
with one or snore endorsors, .No mortgage re
(mired as security.
February, 1889, CLINTON.
Pollen to ppa,
At low rates of Interest and upon terms to snit
Beaver Block, Clinton
Clinton, May 17th, 1882. . 20
urONEX to lend in large or lima sums, on
ILL good mortgages or pers, nal malty, at
the iowest current rates. if. IJ3LJ3, 1100)0-53,
Cimton, Feb, 25, 1881.
XISIN Booz, glen pada aiekakaa kr
Zmbro1d.ri, TACC1 Wo1113, Xeittinr,,
141w, Oro fc4hencyt,w_1080,tair_worolczic, a.111 aitEi.b.,041101we
Gm° 5183, l'sinf Row.
cJ: :Is7,1 n1sTui1
013)3.15, wkgsc,
Basknts.Tabieseo Patten°. twilling Screens,
Soto (kinkier a. ilt'm er Pattams. VI al Pock.
ctr,Towal Racl v. liras Work Bag,. Catch.. ig
Shoo Bags. Jet.c1 lgotco Raided JaCirCin.
Pigmy Shams, agd hundred, Of Other &Agog
133 110 8111001
stion.„63.. book,ve nhi. Jennyet if1116Yofh100.410.;ThePrbl reU r t fj Cjc: .:0bC1 Kul irtet:Ki h adde':::rt
right Direclicas with each paint.
gat protean to furrnalt Cno 'theory or practices
atone manual.
tor and
filagraar t tarsi whb000kiosironsfe.artacyoowmoraurk..,
110 sold for 50 c sa4nPY% 1901-0_nnY Person A 1.61046
•fie who will nand So rents lac too rrom.o's FU0355:15 30041/.
NA& for 50 months. Address. PEOPLE'S PIRESION
ofOURNALe 24Q Ill'Salissys Nev-York, ,
tor Atte or to pt.
TN TETE County of Chippewa, State of Bilehlgon,
tin Southwest quitaer of Section 25,1
44, North Range 2, West, containing 100 acres ae.
cording to the Government '811rvey. Thislarni is.
siruated on the main road from Sault St, Marie,
to Point St. lgmaite, and is di miles froth the ris-
ing village of Strongrille, For further particul-
ars apply to 'LARRY GIL LINGIIA M,
BaYfield Road,
• 242-46, ' Gloderich t'p.
TN TOE riling.° of BELGRAVE,.the dwelling
.1.. house and store occupied by um, The °Reis
one of the most desirable hi the village for busi-
ness: There. Is a good stable, 611E10'14es, and all
exeellent soft water (Astern on the premises. The
Iot comprises I of an acre. he buildings are
in good repair. Will be sald_ch ap, as the: pro.
.priotor Is giving up busitfar- ormseasy. ..
Apply to.
• . . .
5-11.33. Beigntvi), Out.
. .
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
11E•SERSCRIBER.offors. for sale, together dr
separately, on'termi to suit purchcoer, lot
91 and part 03 103 2o, don, 153 Gedurisili • 'hwy.
ship, 3 miles from. Clinton, con.isting .01 140
acres; 125 cleared, balanao hardwood limber,
clilefb maple. Both lots are well watered Com-
fortable fr,smo house; bisrit.illtd10 with stables 1111-..
deineathi also other outbuildings. Good. and
large orcnnrd,,200 hoice apPle nSd variety of
other-frutt trees Apply oti the nremises to
(*address • .8. 0, PLUMMER
27343 . • ' Clinton P. 0.
DOIL SALE, 5 ht:11135 And ewo lots., on queen
Atreet, a short distance north of Ifyinl/ess-fil,
nearly opposite too residerico of C. A. Mutt,
Esq. This ptoportt is In very commanding,
healthy locality; there is a, 11 Ica assirtniont of
fruit trees; ornamental fir and.ksther trees also
add Inuell to the appearance of the. prOperty.
The 11°119°18 fairly; .com nuid 1011A.. • The ground. is
enelosOd by a niew, 'upnigilt. slat -fonco, painted
• dnU
will Ito sold on exeeedingly modemte terms.
wit it,e. '1.11.18 a. App)y to Tory, .d.tig, ilrumbxlemp.res:oir:e•
Clinton,.Febi 21,1884.. • 27;i -ins •
.A:1N rtiL`
• ISIPROgED. ARO PA 1tTf.g 1n gOCEP, •
US C6 13 u s ows
Any one wishing to sell this class of Property
1113 reiteily obtain a purchaser by stpplyIng to
•efiLaFr. E. BileliDCIES,
• Land 03E00, Dondas St., London, Ont.
on't?...37 11,0 an
421:111°."8 litaa!! Chit E". Y DA 01111.:18Y, t'..°Ondon.
410 gig •
Thi. How is furnished throughout with grCat
•meta Meet the wants. of the tras oiling puddle.
Commodious sample rooms. The best of liquors'
and clgsrS aro always kept at the bal. Good
table, Best situated ilotel in Clinton. Give us
JAS. MOORE, Proprietor.
Clinton, June 731, 1882,
. The above hotel. has lately been leased by the
undersigned. T110 firainiges have been reflttod,
and the best possible necottimodnIT00 Tor 0nnora
and the genend travelling nubile is afforded:
Large*stabies in connection, The bar is supplied.
with the best liquors and agars. Your patronago
solicited. • • • • . • '
GIEO, THECIIALD, Proprietor.
• Clinton, May 8rd, 1889; 2$5.ty
• .,..
.T1rAiirtif vi§if DIM; 'the' terroWned- 'Fon:
aortal Artist, has obtained the assistance
• of a erst.eheis 133thor. ..r.41. All the latest style6.
of huh& and gentlenien's hair -cutting. . (Inc doer
east of the Canniuncial Dote'.
PRIZE.A...Senff six (vita for postage,
of either eta, to more money right away chair
anything oleo in this World. Fortunes await.the
workers absolutely sure. At once address trace
& Augusta,. Maine. ' 281
Fresh-:- ,Supply
OP RELI.4131,13
Field and Garda. Seed
.AtinylnaeaddyweborSaillcutbttlds4 Patti
=Lilt to us along with the names • "
and add:nogg 011 ,0 Young Le„.
3807 6061 of adrertlung, postage
metCortweledpviEllIngs.2natt4 (FteROCJILLeRilow4
crits.rit.say.4e-itn. 1111O.7hr,isrti-ts;1,ttinlgt,zadest.pyfi7ai6Rr....ey
In worth.f..:1 you send u.S. - ' - '
It DM 083ANCE 1 D'alti"T iti.i1P
What the Idtd.155 557. Rini, recelyeri today, 16.,
•‘•01 order °Mar goods from Crtaloguct soon.- Illary
Freeman, Troy. N.v. Pocket -bock containing, 'ghat. at hand;
*Am plcascd-gfrs.). Storm, Dayton, 0. Waqi gut_sell
1St b.-Trehd wow; orten..100;
Rothchild al'fla Co. Station P, ilow-YorRo 1
:erfeeee lee
le.: .• •••-
00 YOU
New- Record,
Leading Local Paper
Canadian, •
American, s
• British and
• Foreign News
Are corrected every Tuesday
• afternoon, just before
• going .to press.
So1i PIM
Guaranteed Average. Cixou•.
• lation, over 1700.
TITA.T TUE Ntivgataoh,r)
Read by Labeller&
Read by Panners,
Read by Mechanice,
Read by nit PEOPLE
And as en advertising Medium
gaMMOMI Stove Warehouse, few (if ally) equale lie Western
ilardware & PiiiBolt,
CLII\TTON'i11.L181I Us.