HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-05-14, Page 1*1. , ght *um woo $UOVA1 ellselefiltu illatoor4neoclear Morning, NV144i**4 tvr 'meta oeennt, Albert Street, Olint9n, Ont. 0/.95 it& ntf vanes; it? not so paid. The proprietors of Tile Gonzales' Naws, having purchased thu. business and plant of Turi Runes Ilecoari, will in future pnlfifelt tho ainalgatnatell papers in Clinton, nailer the title of “Turi 110nON NEWS- %Wenn." Clinton is the most prosperous town in Western. Ontario, is the seat of considerable manufecturing, and the centre of thetnest agricultural sestion in Ontario. The combined circulation of TUE Wawa- itscoun exceeds that of any paper pub- lished in the County of Huron. It is, therefore,. unsurpassed as an advertising medium. Our rates for mlvertising are; a column 1 year, $90- " tamoo, 00 1 mos, 30 " 1 Yeata 60 mos, 30 a column 1 year, 4130 co 6 Ines., 18 oo 3 mos 12 " I year, 18 6 Mos, 12 " 3 mos, 18 " 3 mos, 8 Advertisements, w-thont instructions as to space and time, wil be left to the judg. tnent of the compositor in the display, In - fantail until forbidden, measured by a cote of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the Itch), and charged. 10 cents aline for first usertion and 3 cents line for, each sub- equent insertion. Orders to discontinue advertisements must be in writing. Nottees set as immune atArrnIts (Nolipateil, measurement, 12 lines to the cneh) 10 cents per line first insertion • 3 tents per line eachssubsequent ifisertion. , • JOB WORK. Offtees wet of Toronto' Our facilities in We, have one of the best appointed Job • thiLdeparkent,enable us tude_0.11 kinds of work -from a callin carifto a mammoth poster, in the best stage known to the craft, and at the lowest possible rates. Orderssby mail,promptly.e.ttendeti to, . " I' Conveyancing. Wiwi -West Street, neXt DAVISON. & JOHNSTON,Ln.w, Chancery,and ...sloor to .Post 01110,, Goderich., Ont. ' 57. Address, The SEWS -Record, Clinton. Out $1.25 per ,urn,1n Abaco. VOL. VI.—NO: 23, "INDEPENDENT IN ALL, THINGS, NEUTRAL IN pOTHING." CLINTON, HURON. COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1884, voirsu & TODD, 1)141)lii1mrs. • • WHOLE NO, 286 ATO HES, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE; J. BIDDLECOMBE, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, CLINTON Ladies' Gold and .Silverl jewelry -a Brooches, Eir1.tine,pilli.)3rItqelets, etc. 4 alid. Plated, • WARES Suitable for Iloliday, Wedding, or Birth- day Preens. Goods for large or small purses and to suit all seasons of the year. 'See the Stock. Large variety of (Monks. EverythIngsof the best makes. Gentlemen's Plain and Fancy Jewelry In endless variety. IteassRepalring promptly attended to and sntisfaction guaranteed. A -Full. Stook -of -Spectacles- • Of the, Best Makes, always.on hand. Eiddledbflibb- 7 'Opposite tne Market, Clinton. • .8.117iNES9 DIRECTORY1 FARItt IMPLEIENTS. pentitottli. .••••••: EDWIN KEEFER Rase.. 3DEX....1"M/BT, , Lite of Toronto, flonor 'Graduate Royal College of Dental,Surge'ens, .00fitStS Block, • - Clinton. All Work Regihtered. pharges Moderate. *Mal. D n.' nievas Ilattenburv Street, tm- me,Ilatoly behind ilansfords hook store.. Residenue opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron • etreet. .01505 hour, from 8 a.m. to 0 p. m. Clinton, An.14, 1881. .1-y !MAN NING. St SCOTT, faristors,:Solicitors, Conveyancers, &a Cont. misnoners for Ontario and Manitoba. ars,p7 Office--ToWN HALL, Curviest', COntem, May 17th, 1882. 20 • • • D. A.. FORRESTER, DON VEYANVER, IN.SUBANCE,,t GENEIt4G AGENT. aa- koneq to Loan, Office, Bnaver BloCk, Clinton. y22tf 0 EAGER & MORTON, Bar.ristars,',..he.' , Cod - '11$101. rich and Wingham, C.Seager, sr.;Gederielt: .1. A. Morton, Winnow.: • 1-1y. • -13 C: HAMS, Solieitor; Oille•i,:eoruer of '1 lir _Square and West Street, Over Rutler's.Book Store, Goderiph, , : E.,?9- Roney to lend at lowest rate's of inteOst.' 'CAMPION, Barrister, Attorney, S011oitOr OhalleorS)Oollve)ahvor, Office. over Jordan's Deng Store, tho rooms formerly °elm - pied by -Judge Desla, ' .. • . SW, Any amount Of 1005ey to loan at lowest Tates of Interest. • •• '. 1.1y. • xtrttolteerinff. • AVOTIONEER for Huron :County. Sales,* tended to in any part of the 'County.. .sa. dress orders to GOMBILICII P. 0, • V-17. 11A.1111i1o111., . . - • A UOTIur.4 gait`, land loan and insurance agent 11. Myth.. Sales attended ih town and cinintrt', on reasonable terma. A list of farms and village' lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, . at low rates of interest. Insurance effeotat on all classes of property.. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold on commission.. Bank. rapt stocks bought andsold. • • Birth. Dee.snosse • AEtterinar,g. . • LARGE ASSORTMENT OF _ . •1#)i -40 -WS, • ROOT & STRAW CUTTING BOXES, • J* E. BLAOKALL • f • . • • Veterinary Surgeon,. Graduate of the Ontario •veterinary Colleg.,, To. tontwhavitig• onanua an office lb Clinton, is prepared totrelt all diseases of dornestie • animals on the most modorn prin. ' • Moles. All operations carefully performed, mid calls prompt-•. •ty attended to •in, day or night. Pees moderate,. Oevies,---ist 'doer. West of Ken- . •nedy'e Hotel, (Milton, Ont •. , puslixt. •CORN .SHELLERS, And all :Intl:dements used on a farm asGood as the 13eet, and as Cheep • n . as the Cheapest, at B. WEIR S IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, CLINTON. • OIVTADIO A IIIIDOWER IN SEARCH OF WIFEt FACTS STRANGER THAN:" •• FICTION. • • MRS.. M'GREGOIL :WISHES TO KNOW IF sint C.A.N SUE THE CORPORATION OP LUCKNOW -FOR DAMAGES, AND GIVES THE FOLLOWING HISTORY OF THE CASE :-- . Lacknew, 29 April, 1884. , DEAR Pn.. Enisron,-I ant a lonely'. widow and I know that yotir soar is always open to bear the tit'es of joy or sorrow a any of your subscribare,- so it ie with confidence 1 came to you in iny• hour o trouble. On the 22nd March la.st share appeared iti. the,. Moho an advertisement amoti,c, the cTersonals," which read Something as follows WANTED -A MIDDLE-AGED LADY • -With means, to eorrespond, with a view to matihnony, with a widower who is honest, sober, and industrious,. Hosimar, Preston. • . . :A. friend. of mine, a dear, kind girl;•Miss Estella Russell, Wrote to 'him ea follows • • , • ' Lucknovis 22nd Mar* 1884. DEAR complianee with your request, in to•day's Globe, I bog 'leave to submit my case to your con. sideration. fate a• maid of twenty- five summers, blond complexion, blue eyes, and of medium . height, I wear a 21 boot', and a 6,f glove, and iny acquaintances consider me rather pretty. I am an orphan, having the sole control of a smell property MAO) is more than stiffiei- ent for my support. I reside 'with an aunt, whose husband is in very Peer heeltli• ;and eonseqiiently1 find a plaoe-for my spare °helve. You ask for 0. photo, but I think it not best to pend it, in the meantime, as My ease tray not find favor in.your eyes: might say that I am fond of Inteeic and both sing and play a little: 1 am of Scotch decent and was born in Caheda. I wee- educated in Tortintee lite() now Mr. Honesty, I think 1 hnve told you enough in the meantime, and if you are honest ih your tuiver- tisement by addreasing the here I will be glad to open a correspond- ence. Yours. etc., ESTELLA Ressatas Drawer 30. „ . • INSTRUMENTAL. sItIsics-misir Webber, from %the Boston Conserratorv of Music, will take: . onbulted tilliuber: of puollenn the °man or Plano, s-4-Parneutaaattestiensalyenstatintee wia.w141.30.. morose en their mesons style sit playing, at' HSI; dense et Awls, near filo organ factoi.y. • 36 Photopephers • (-CD VOSaCC° 0L1 NTc5N' • Lito Size Portraits a Specialty. &nap. L, O. No. 710, ciANT0N., • Meets ocean •Steam& Of Ovary month, luau upstairs, opposite the Town Hall, visiting brethren always made welcome, A. M. Tenn, W. M. ,ANTELON, seq. • (1, 'TWEEDY, MS o Silinly Fair Mill tomakary Muff Peng Oile reer, poottle. • ArattarrON todge, sio, 84, A: r. a A. M., 1‘,/ fitisIttl every Friday, on or after the tult moon. visiting brethren eoadiany Invitee. himirritiaTtm,ar. , Ft:Mom, ssc, .las. 14, 1881. • MER,011.AlliS 110W to Sell Goods • TALX TO .7 • „.7. . .rav PAIS . aorozazo14. Prints, Sateen's, Cretonne Fringe, White Pique, Cretonne% White Book Muslin, Black Book- Muslin, Checked. 5loslio, Jacooet Muslin, White Lawns, White Figure Brilliant. Our Hobby is to Please Our Custoiners. • • White Drill, *tweet Grey Flannel, Colored Canton Flan- nel, White Cotton, Yarn,,White Cotton Warp, Cottoned° for Pants, Colorea Woolen Yarn. • • Our Bargains Represent Goods which Sell Themselves. Gents' Br ' lees Boys' Braces, Men's Cotton Sox, Men's Wool Sox, Men'sIllerino Sox, Boys' Silk Bows, Men's Silk Ties, Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs,Boys' Jersey Suits. Rave You Seen Our Stock of Corsets • at Low Prices? • IAadies' Corsets, Corset Steels, Factory :Cotton, White • Cotton, Table.Linen,131eached Table Napkins, Brown Hol land, Russia Crash; Cotton Ticking, Straw Ticking% Linen • Towelling. Kindly Tell Your Friends About Us. • Black Jet Lace, Darned Net Lace, "Maltests Lace' Cotton, SaXoey Lime, Cream Cotton Lime. • The World-Vontributes:tna._ : John- Craib Distributes. Blen's •Cotton Underwear, Boys' Seoteh Caps, 'Rain Urribrellas, Black Velvet, Black Silk Velvet, Black Farmers' , Satin, 131114 Watered Moreen, Colered Watered Moreen. 1 • Bleaehe&Cotton Towels, Linen Drill, Bleached Turitiell Cloth, Table Damask, All -wool Tweed, Stair Listen, Bleach. ed Sheeting, Unbleaebect Clanton Flannel. Quantities Purchased For Cash tell Our Story White Cotton Lace, Silk Oriental Lace, Colored Silk Lace, White Embroidery, White In ' aertiou Mantle Ornaments, Colored Spotted Net, Black Spotted Net. Come and See them, Small Profits a,nd Quick Returns. It • is -the Quantity Sold that Pays. Colored Silk Velvet, Colored Dress Silks, Colored Satins, Black French Merino, Alnevool Black Freneh Cashmere, Union Black Cashmere, They are grand value. Our Print Trade This Season is Immense. s Bleached Canton • Flannel, Cheolced Cotton Shirting% Striped Cetton Shirting, Bine Denim, Brown Denim, Brown Duck, Checked Duck. Be sure anci see these goods. CRAIB A Child Buys at the Same Prices as Per-solka — - Gents' White Shirts, Gents' Linen Collars, Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents' Stiff Felt Hats, Gents' Soft Felt Hats, Boys' Stiff Felt Hats,,Roys' Soft Felt Hats. , • • Read This, Then Buy From Vs, Black Lustre, Bleak Nun's Veiling, Back Bunting, Black • Brocaded Lustre Black, Brocaded Sateen, Black Serge (all • wool), Black Santee. • IL Alrl?..Y. ..&" .M4. N T4E D EP.18.7:1YEN.T ..001141W. , ' A DRIVING TRADE Done In gmbroideries. Loveiso New Ent- broideries front se. up per yard/ One of . . the best assortments of 'low and medium ' priced Embroideries shown in Western • Ontario. . LADIES MW MISSES' ' . , • , Silk Jersey Gloves . • , • • .• From 12 to 28 mthes long. • .'- JUST IN. Twe cues of New Hosiery in plain and. ,striped, and in order to have a quick sale - for; they goods, we have inade tlie sirofits Abalit. C011113 and 0'I 11111110 thegoods and. 5380 the priaes. We have them in Merino, . Casloneve and Cotton for ladies and • children.:- • • HN .) • THE GREATDRY-GOODS MAN CLINTON .3.—Butter and Egg § taken in exchange for bvods. 1 CR,AIB •••••••••••••••• ()NT CRAIB I quickly. and -if, you are 'not already yon comesup you can dome. to our suited I heats a frietts1,-I thinktwould bones and stay, as the widow's•friend do or at least I thinkl might get her • and my nunt, will never suspect ,any- to:correspond with you 1 have_not thing, the widow and she are great said 'anything to her at presentsuritil. friends. Will I hear front you again 1 hear from you, tiut I will deseribe.: or arn 1 only.to'itnow of you through her. • She .is a widow, ber.busblinct the widow, but In suppose suolt is life? being. dead . two years, rather talk' Doubtless you. have heard that pearl - graceful figure-, thirty.seyen years of °tie bulled, 'There's. nos room for age,.irticl. hos a. little over four thou* twos"- so my case is as Alm 'poet des. and in "bard : cash,"as you lcoprds crtbas Jennieys.. When you'oome I of dresition"..'teriu :the filthy lucre. ehall.endeavor to, reeder. it with all The money is out at interest suiliei• this pathos the . poet intencled,and if • I • st flo , 1 ' I fail cl 'net blame me 1 i• nett ivine in•dependent, but yet I think if she 'the 'photo and tell yoo thet-1 ani well pletieed with it and I think the Widow will ne so too, but at our intervievi more worasafid thoughts Can be ex. changed. thari I have tinoe to writeor you to read.• •• His deer. kind beart went forth to • ram WASS mercenery wretch' might think it was for my • purse, but rim, ,it sans' not as he wrote. again. • • April •Hith,•1834. • DEAR MISS RUSSEL!, reCeiaed yours of yesterday this p.m. In reply weuld ease first I thank you, flew your interest In two hearts, ete.; etc.• I suppose you know how it is yourself. I Would like to ,get a line from the lady herself', the more so ail inferred front ypur Wit note that you had not spoken to her,on the subjeet, arid of eourse a line front her to me would be mote assuring that nt, 1st alto nOt• Object bian interview, and as You say you expect her back this Week,' there will be time for a note as I intend. to come on Monday, 28th inst. (Monday week). I shish. come direct front G---- via Palmerston, „do my bileineie in Wingham and borne on per -Wain artiving loleknovi• nt eight (some seconds) *bock, I have to go to 'Hamilton and Torontb on businese next week and cannot leave till Wednesday or Thursday for there se that it •would be too late to start front Torcinto as I intended and come per T. & B. R. R. away up some- where and get stuck over Sunday in .soine switchman's box perhaps, and ,so I•think it hest to come home again from Toronto and take , the straight road irons here via Paltnerston, and nowyou know. the prograinine'as here laid down there wilt be time to hear from you bOta'before I start. I have written this in -a terrible hurry to catch first mail noeth in the a. tn., so excuse scribble. With beat wishes for your suecess ands best wishes to the widow, I remain, int to keep her. t se 0 el ( „ys t 0 i but looking ability. Good :lbeyeel,iidlges'ar Honesty, but, believe me' to got a fain offea'sibe • would accept Os you know we ladies 'often think of . f be your friend, - that passage of Scripture, "It is not • . EiSTELLA. . ..., good for naan to be alone." If you I submitted my ease to him in .shoula coriciude to Oorrespond write 'these Wordi :.- . ' .. te me and, I will introduce you, as . you know we Must help as well as DEAR MIL' •IrOlgESTY,- It' is :ivith some misgiyings, some inexplicable. love one another. yoors, ESTELLA.- •woufeelings, that I have consented for Ms He wrete back to Estella, tliank friencl,..Miss- Estella Russell, to ad.. . • • dress you. She has shownsme your ing her for being so.c9n4iljeritte, and letters and told me as nosily is the ., , - stated that "),he (the widow): would ooula rentember, sO she ...says,• *anti' I be more shuiteCtO My age as I do' novel. had any reason to doubt. bee 0 . • ward, all she wrote you: • I. am 37 not want too you nor.a liu y. I want • a wife Whose tastes and Wefts' of life .yearanf age •last Oetober, rhave been • married once, bet my husband, Neil would be more like my own, which . McGregor, died two years ago.. 17th only .experience can give." I hope January. I haste had two children; a the poor dear man has had eneugh boy and asgirl • who died in the first . 7 yours sincerely, of experience now in wife hunting. week in March, 1880, with diptheria. I knew I have rater a man, • but , Patn of English descent but was born G. in Hainikon. My husband was ft, alas 1 some will never learn by 'ex-. Highland Scotclnpan, and ail his fe- perienee. He stated also thet it latioes are in ,the old' country.. 3f3' Was not for "filthy lucre" that he . mother is dead some years and my a 1 ver tised for, he could c ma ry father is married again and living in a lady worth $10,000," bet lie could New York, having et, large dry goods , • not -love her and "would not marry business, butimy step mother and 1 her:though she Were worth $10,000,- are better friends when aperis the old, old story, but I do not wish' to -000," 13leas his soul, Mr. Editor, 1 not grovelleta after money, are so main here, where those who 'are clear Wrong her. 1 have preferred to. re - how is it that good, sensible, men, to me are laid to reSt. I am coneid- searce ? . Do tile)! die youngy the ered •of pleasant 'lively disposition, dear creatnres i But I must not rim of dark complexion, and consider Myself a neet figure. Would send - moralize, so to my task. He isse, *wed steitily business man . lion: sem a photo but have -none on* hand. • 0 , 9 . 9 . When you.come up, i agreeable, will eat, eeher; . moral, • don't- drink," exchange photos. As Estella. IS so nor in he a "libertine," and during anxious for you to come, I will mr- married life "loved home an the imst peOt to meet you at her home on place` on earth:". ilie • must have Monday evng;,- 28th inst:; as I board been a little heaven here below, He ,out and would rathOr tneet you there; thee at my own house this time. ft etated his line of business, tile num- ber of children he bad, 'their ages, is e pleasant house' to go to; and I •know you and I Will be well received etc., rind that they were kind and as I intend being theta for a few days good, He wanted to know how about that time. I think 1 have many childree I had, a very delicate . S.-Rennember the number of this &elver, as there are other • Russells here. • After 'some •day% Dear Estella -r4ceived• the followingstetter, huvirese Aler's enclosed, with the 0$0U8a „that she was too young, but she thought. it was on account of her being eneum. tared with her aunt and „Uncle, as widowers generally are like other men, do not want too old e, wife, something young, freih and inter- esting ; • April t11.18£14. In reply to yours of tho 22nd Match would say, thanks for your letter, bid, .111itsryouii e loo'young and as an evidence tnat the advt, was in good faith, I return you your letter, so that you may not stIppOse obis tain letters just to. show or make fun. My address 'lbw is Dravver 8. G U, Respectfully, nog - ears% . This letter vas ,a damper on Eetellit's feelinge, mid She theught of that Vulgar expression that you so often hear quoted, "Pair, lit, atul forty," and sighed that she was not forty, as oho posaesspd the tWO is only twelve' Mika from here, do other qualities, but after Wine eon. please some up. • Yu • bad better sideration she thongliti r of me, Ho conie on the tight. o'elock train from submitted my case, without consult- Itha Ill"t YOU at 016 iug me, which was as, follo.rys 1--.«- Ioteknow, April, 188.5. ImAtt Itositsrs..- Your honest, let- ter:of the 6th 'inst., came duly to hara) Ohniftitling Mine of the 'and tat, and have ooncluded that if you are not honest by neine you aro by nature, am sorry that tny ago was not suitable, for I think would like to correspond With you, but you Oa Anil) that. my ttgo being Buell is ltd fault of mins"tor I was not oonsulted in the Matter. 1(10 net wish to see th torroApcndboo 4toppod 30 Epegia.A. If Iam net at Ale station take the 'bus. • • enclosed just a nate along witlf this to the effiat that I'still exPect- ed to see him and would exchange photos etii.31oetlay evening, if agree- able,.but photo is still in my possession.- Was hi`s destroyed by he rioters'? I cannot sit,yi On .firontley'afternocii E.stella received n. telegram front Win,ghaus stating that belied arrived there and would be on next train, ;and ea' noon as, the 'bus %yes seen to . g0 to the statien the. str,ete became is ith the •villagers intent On iit•eihr,,l.bv)corhifili stranger. If it Wad been Baintint's white elephant bitted to aPpear, or had they expeeted to, sett our .bes loved Queed,... they coald not hate been Moro eager for the sight; , Tlie crowd conaisted of -Irundrede, and some excited individpals have placed It • at thotisande; at, any rate they were frete far and near. • Estella and I failed to meet our friend at the stetiOn, 48.0tir. watches wereslow ad he „took: the 'butt and aftee: being driven around 51 o e •• Upon receiving. this letter, Estelta hada disettrded lover of' hers, Mike Bowlitie, to dome for we with bis ox Learn and 'bring me home at once, to deoitle whit wee to be done withthis Mr. Ilohesty. After some talk we ,bctth concleded to write the net; day, and I send you a copy of Estella's' lettef . • Lucknow, 9.0th April, 1884, BEAR flogger -Its -Your favor of the .written .enough hi the inean time, ex- cpiestion to ask Estella,' the yOung. 'meting to see you. Monday evening girl; mexpertenced as .yott. and eight days.. Your • unseen friend 18,th ,•eeceived yesterday After - n000, and please, 'accept my thanks for' thes prompt reply 'The widinv (Mrs, MeGregor) has vet -timed, and I saw her last nights' and srooman•like ,teld,:liser...eyerything., sane .hassegreecl» Lo write you, 80.1 suppose I mutat now drop into the background, Mrs. Mc- Gregoe vvas born in Hamilton, of Eng- lieh parents, but was married some twelval 'Years ago to a Highland Scotehinan, Who, as I have already ineormed you died Bowe tvvo yeas% since. She has been the mother of two children, as you wished to have Shat delicate question answered, but they have both been dead some three or four years, through diphtheria. I had seine trouble to get- her to con- sent to the coreespondence, but, I have placed such implicit confideinee In your hone* that all would. be well, and diet after the coming inter. view, 11 15 Was not -agreeable to her She matter would be drcipped, mai fool assured the, yen will not betray our trust I hope when you seem° you will be eble to stay n day or two with us, and we can have AMC nice drives together, as I do notintend to allow the widow to oeenpy all your time and attentions, Of course, I mean to have always the Widow in your company, and I will allow you to have a lele.a.leie with her otteasion. ally, YOU will think that I want to Islamise this thatter, and I intend to this time, afterwara I ean forgot. tenor remembered aa one aorne in existenee. envy your visit to TorOrit0 ifs I spent four of the happi- est. years Of my life there at,Boarding School,. and expect to be there for June and ,Ju 13', when the Torontoni MIS have their telebratIon. I thought YOU might have signed your name to your last, but as my correspondence has to come to a fihi8h, it does tot matter fOr me, but nave put tt down AS auur Ana / right in Isly eOria jeeture bare. proposed to the widow to stay with me for aweek or ttVo as she often doos, so. that when Ttrrow lier to 'ibe, ; it: day.. :Or tvV0 LtratEISIoCiaEooa. after tide' letter he wrote again stet- P. S. -.111y address is box 351,' so ing that he would. he in .Wingliam please say, that as the Sootelitnen are the lieittseweele and tasking if .Ito- olAllte40.9.019.r.454.atttltittisQl..411_ Of 4p.i. 'fieegot la Well represented. ' not call on me, but as yet I had not beard of hinns being out of ' Eetella and 1 bah received letters town, so Eetella wrote to explain in acknowledgement of Mira and as I mad thairk llitri for his photo, which would not show her mine and the she had received. AS I look at his widower had net said anything to picture on the table before Me and her alsout the she sent him the fol - study bis One open features, what lowing : will relay Inc for what I have loin: . LueknoW, 24th April, 1884. through that mob driving him from Dean , The fandharity my door and me from his heart ? with which I address you I trust will 51oney will never repeir my wound. hot shock you, but I Was on the point, ed feelings or My lacerated heath. of addressing young in the possessive (-. WOO when I thought. that this was to BLit to Estella's• letter, be my last letter to . yon and, the Lucknow, 1.7th April,'1884. widoveeitting on the other side 0 baAu. nognarv.-Yotir 'two favors • the table iniglit not like it. Aeeept Along vvith photo have leen received my emcee° thanke for • your ' letter, anti% would lave ans*ered the, first Un receiving it this p. tn. as you wild sooner, or had my widow fritnid do nothing about, the widow my Onriosity so, which would be more ageeeable to, was gh excited, whethee or not you you, I know.now to my sorroft but,- had written ber, that I could not rest the widow is away out of town Oh a till I had invited myself to tea. So Visit. I expect her beak this week, accordingly I put on 'my things and I shell be delighted to be • the meana bade my etiot good afternoon and inn of making f‘two hearts beat as otie," 80 that if vou are in Winglani, which here ott• the titidoW's. tI stippose you will say, 01,o, wornan's chiriosity," bo It. has eYee been thus since our novas mon mothelstve,took speringly of the fruit. I use the word "sparingly" fctt I think tho ono apple did both of them, Mrs. Me, has not shown ttt. your letter but I think by the Way she amilece you have wide sortie impression, whatever it WAS yot wrote her, I am still locking fel' ward to a delightful evening in your company and y.ou must tun get veget If I am too numb around; for you licnitrn7tgol illirtivs i)rotriatftetter utrinirlY 'rill Ohlred at; ovng., and then t will Jet yon botl pursue tam oven tenor of You ways." So BOW good•bye untit thn 100°4110Iva whistles "dovvit bralseel 011 Alentriai' Mr 8; I o p. m. Yours truly did not send we a receipt for the last quarter) Yours Truly, LIZZIE MCGREGOR. Fon,--We would, just state for the benefit of Mrs. McGregor thet we do not run a legal firm in con- nection with this paper, nor do we •allow our devil to run around the village with atiewere to cerrespon- dents. in our opinion Mrs, Mc- Gregor had better let the matter drop as in going to law there is a siorry gate to go through, We •ex- ceeding regret this disturbance as the party in quest of a wife, to all appearances, seemed to be an in- telligent ancl respectable gentleman, as can be gh aned from the following intervipw between hint and a special reporter it -I am sorry to learn that you have anet with such uncivility to. night, but believe me, sir, that dem- demonstratione are very •unusual in Lnowtouvirenk.s • hinit very. discreditabl • • 4 e' to the 11 -It is to be hoped they are. I t . R -Will ypu give me your name and Moeda? ' • •IL-,Cestainly not,- certainly -not ,(nuell excited.) I am not a boynor a fool, tun• a respectable business roan, came to town to traosact bush ne "wrossnrg bto°Ylisanhdamthetnn(;•-i/rtho:htlusci: whiskey, don't purpose giving them yaodu—intdere7'letdwith. n any . way by •R -On arriving at the station were the boys? II -No, I was not. I was civilly • treated at the station, took the 'bus • down tOwn, met with no incivility in the conveyance, but was not brought to the destination where the driver was instructed to bring me, R -Do you think the driver wag in • colluelon with the. mob ? • II -I certainly do think •so„ and :more I think he toeless:ay money under false pretences. ' R-llow much did he charge you? 11-11e collected 40 cents from me, Which I tonsider an exorbitant eherge. R -To what place were you con. veyed •by the 'bus? 11--To,,Dr. Gardner's. ' rioft-touNsVihyernnp•dtohlmat7ho' mob first Show station or if am not there take the • 'bus as the driver knows where 1 lave. lify aunt resides in a large stono bouse,so oome prepared to spend the evening if you eannot stay a day or Waif itild Will IMO the widow on hood, Masts let mo know what evening to °spent you. Looking Thr. ward to a pleasant time, I am, in ' yourseetO., Igsrstidt. Yen knoll,* that. tah never 610586 It totter without a noat. cript, though It against And I ato 1105 nil egeoption to the rttioi atrailOW Ine to thaflk you for ie v. loge, up n street and down anotherjoited and and tossed about in thattiorrid 'bus for nearly an hour, the driker lash- , lug. Ins berses almost to a gallop, that dear patient man was deposited ' at Dr: Garner'e..residence, where Estella' and 11104 dined but an hour before. . As scion as the 'nits stopped dig crowd gathered, and as .ottr friend game out of the houseiliaving learned that we were not there, a shout reue the air, and cheers for „ abconmanied. by snail sweet no:laic-As old tin cans„dow bells, and liorns can make. Our friend drisw.his revolver . and fired in t he air, bet it only seemed 'adding fuel to the. &ere, as the riot increased. He took refuge in two bowie% but was erdered 'out, and' at laet got into Shelter at the Whitely Holm% the.proprietor of that eariblishment looking after , the interest of his guest with his usual urbanity. Es. tella, about ten o'clock, received a, note'front'llim, saying that. he was besieged at the Itotel, and could tot get to, her. Bouse, an -1 asking what 'he should A°. She replied that sh'e 0,0c1 I wore both ot us so much upset that it was impossible ,19f. s.,..10...se O. ;hint. .0 t -iiilit hut. would'do so the next;morning. • BLit .alas through fear of the mob or anxiety for hie dear children at home, I know not which, I heard he passed a eleeplesa night, pacing the 'room till the break .of 'day, when he was seee hurrying to the station With' Itie grip sack in heed, into which the morniteg before he had so carefully placed hid linen for a week's sojourn amongst 11£18 Aol now, Mr. Editor, through this riot I have lost a kiod, dear Intehind; one who was Worth $3,000, with no debt, 80 'in/ WPOtOs alni I IlitY0 no reason to tiOubt his words end 48 lie Witit so good as to State in one of lila dear lattt re, that with the help of addle, wo would be comtorteble "during the nfter000n of life." Quite poetical, is it not 1 Oh, poetry, how great aro thy Cilarelft--.. but I was 'forgetting myself. 1)0 yon think I haVe a sufficient cause to enter a suit for damages against the Corporation of 1.tick now irk the Surrogate Coati Or, do you think Intd better let the matter drop, as that is generally a sorry gate 'to enter by. / 'do not wish to make a poui I am HOT, the humor, Mime last forty eight hours I 'tette lad enough trouble 'to driver any sane women insane, but I hope to livo through it as hare had twelve prate? experience Of married life. I)0 please .hrt. me know by yont believe that, is What You printing call the boy, whatj should do hi this matter, and belieVa me to H -On leaving Dr, Gardner's foe hotel an immense erevid of boys pur- sued me, shouting. and ringing bells. One persOn knocked oft' my hat, whereupon I 'discharged my revolver itt the eir .Se let them see I 'was pre-; pared to defend myself, and if any- one had molested me further I.would have shot him, se help my G ----I"' 1% -Did the mob ask you for noon- ney ? . • 11 -Yes, they asked Me for $11), but r would 'see them in before I would give them a cent I • • R -Do you feel disinclined. to state the nature of ybur buidnessto Luck - now? 7 1, • • , • .11 -1 amhere on boldness, or rather Absent from- 'business -am -em -la dyspeptic, ends- and -em out for a couple'. of weeks. Gentlenien, the • questien is a delicate one, and Ido not vvieh to lengthen or intSrviely, tion engaging the reflection of those who reason and govern.. The Poil Mall Gazette says the report ia an- dacious as it favors, agrarian revo- lution and strikes at tiro drier Iett- (Pres of present social organization. Trouble io De Church. 001.011EP W014311 TIsnow A PUBACUPt OUT Ok' A CHURCH. • , A division in the African Meth - dist Episcopal Church, of Charles- ton, O., is threatened in Conse- quence of the appointment of Northern preachers to Southern churches by the general "'conference. T. tiere is open rebellion ip two lead- ing churches of (Illarleethn, Re- cently the -congregation of one car- ried an objectionable preacher out Of the church and_naitad up the doors. The preacher ittetitu ted cri m mai pro ceedings, and Almost the entire female portion of the congregation have been indieted for riot, Vital 411014141411:1 Ask the most etpinentr.phYstals4 --1)f %ay **Ant, whet Pt the WO. Ins in Pao world for quieting MA Ytti$ 011 irrita,flon 01140 nerve' suit poring Atli forma of ustyous coo* platoto, OtIng natural, ohilttlikti rte. hashipg eleeP SitWays And they will tell you unherittatt- lugly 04041ft form of traps tau erns en 4 BUY or Piga* vuot olularmi physicians!, owhat la the .best end only retnedY ,,,,that can be relied on teloure ail diri4. oases of the kiiipers stn urinary or% gang; such as 13rightie disease, dial. betes,reteotion leabitity to tetaiq *rine, and all the diseadeal and oils' merits pecultar tEtyp,Ret)",„,... oAtin they vtill tell yen explitit4' and en3Vatically #413uchte The Pope And Masonry "1140111.1°DLEIRNFITNTEATsTrY- T. 1111 • CLIC.A.L. p...E-....AR-1...;(1-pg. ' PIZ a0a1IiST IT. • A late New York despatch states • that the 'Vienna Neue Freie Presse has published the following SWAP mery of the Papal encyclical about to be issued r--Freeinasonry, which Is eger assuming mote terrible Pro- portions, ainni at the kiln of the throne, the altar,‘ and of the public welfare. The meens employed ale • the turehristianization of the state and materialist education, • Mee is, to be guided, not by faith, but by rerun:n.1; his duty to GUcl and the in. flueuce of the church are scofted at, while the holy see is the ohject of. incessant attacke. The. patrimony of .St, .Peter is •incorporated »with the throne' of Savoy,' and wai to the knife is.wtig,ecl against Catholicisni. • This corruptive current that tra verses the world is encouraged by the press, the stage, and natural • -acne* •which eapttvate people's feeliegs and keep virtue in check. Vice is increasing; marriage bass be- cotue merely a .ciyil contiect, and education is:confined to scientific in- stillation: .•• The • susremacy of tire • people and state atheism are openly • pioclai !fled, •the -way being thus paved for those radical logicians whet • elaiin the' partition: of Property and social equality; so tbat eighteen cen- teries after Chrlst the CM istian world has sunk .tost lower level than • the 40attieR. The,, •separation • of • church and state is•mottstrons. • Life, even of state% proceeds front • Gad alone, ` God .protnoter of the Atk t Pale PhYaleillRe ti%% Um, Is the ,eeost reliable end AMATO cure for all liver slieesteetl OP despepsias conetipation, indigestion, biliousneea, malarial fevers agueof ancl they will you' Mandrake! or Inintlellonlir Hence, wben remedies aro pombined with otners equally toils' uable And compounded into flop Bitterst auoh a wonderful and myeterious eur. ative power is develoyed whiell is so varied in its operatione thet 110 dia' PASO Or ill 11011.101 ORE possibly exist to 'resist itsepower, and yet it is *melees for tiler-135st frail women, ;yealtest tuvalid or antelleet clititt tit use._ ortsrven tt, "Patients "Almost dead or nearly tlyisg" For years, and- given up by 'physl clans onli ;gilt's and other kideey die eases, liver complaints, severe cough% called consumption, have been cu ted, Women gone nearly orazy From agony of neuralgie, nervous, ness, wakefulness and varmint diseue, es peetiliar to women People drawn Out of shape 1101n. exoruotating penal of Itheutuatiati Inflammatory and chronic, or gill.: fering fromaerefula - 'salt poisoning, eyspepsia, indigestion, and in tut almost ail disuasea frail • 1" Noture is heir. to • .Haviabeeirrured-byalfor sllitterarpr Call be. found in every neighherr hood in the known world. 282-6t TIIDAVDEK'S DOINGS. ' AMERICAN. : Washlieston •has 52,000 trees along.its streets.. • " 'Carolina county, MI, wheat ;hi 29 inthee bigh. Two slavee, formerly owned by Jeff Davis, now own hie plantation, for which they paid $200,000. • Saeremento, 'California, had the first cherries of the season last TU;s1d14343:early petatoe trop in Florida is being rapidly ' harvested; the yield is very good. A. Cincinatti reporter is teaching a Sunday echool class As a Qinein. ottti man is liable to •be ,killed in a riot at any moment,' the journalistic foresight of this young man is not so surprising as it might be in some other lociditiee, . •• . • The Mitchell Adtmeate gays :- A son of Mr. 'Renjamin Tints, of this town, died suddenly, oh :Friday of 'last week. He complained of •being 'unwell in the morning, and soon after went into convulsions. Deceased ditring the last few months -SI his. life turned almost as .blaele aa Afripen, anti' although people remarked the ohange little 'Eke Work of a Singde lInir. attention was paid; to it, unless by . his parents, who had a foreboding that • • A Washingten correspondent dos - some disease was.working on the system. The peer boy, although • never -very strons,O, seldom complain- ed, and was on the street , the day before his death playing as usuel. BurrisH-FORtidN. • •. soyerei,gtity whith •they , and • they are but his servants. Hence the theory...that' people can dispense with the obedience .whieli they •ovie tO . their sover4ignty ia: false And. eriniinal. Whet will become of the world if the fear of God °and ol41.1.- tence. are don ° away With 1 The answer -is easily supplied *by sontal- . ism • 'and „commuilisto: The free- • masons flatten princes because they require them to:triumph over - the 'church. • Their present • flatterers would, however; become their 'met bitter enethiei if they attempted to cheek them: May they opeo their. eyes ie tint's.- The freennisons throe the people and exeite them egeinst -.church , end state: The church de feud the. throne • and teaches, the duty of obedience. •• • Me charree Tupper. The retiretnent of Sir Chariest Tupper from the Ministry anti from Parliament is an event for whiele the public was not wholly imprepets ed, • For many years this •gentts. inan's • health has not been good. Sir Charles went. to England last year partly Tor change. of climate and change of work, as well •nsOtin the purpose Lf noting elle 'biat Enropean _ advice. He vote so toOli lienefitted that on his returri hoot& were entet•tained of his indelinna atey in the .0ebinet; but of' late ,t has been an. open secret that re. tirenteet ,.froiti Rent ve:paiticipittion itt atinediap poi:tics would, not long delayed; 'and now- we are ins formed that it will • take place im- meEdi:ette•ylY'patriotie man, in' Capettle will regret the loss of Sir Churl ea - Tupper: He was one of the fetlicre of confederation. • • Before donfeclemition Dr. Tippet. hail advoceted' and carefully . the sellout° oi• the lutuecolonial railway; and tci him more than any ether'mati is the ,cotifitri indefited for that work, though, of •comae, it Was a neceSeity tio less a• tile . tieal sit tuition • brought about by. • confetti:Fedi:in' than of the commie.- sitiketiOn .created by • a :atose commeroied unioil of the FroViticee, It is a graiifyioe circuinatenCe to know dint *Sir Charles' Tupper loin • rdmained in control of • the •Intet- colonial long ertOugh to see it pny, .itri704,:uitra• 7ay ani,1 .constitutieg 1,10. , longer . a burdte. on theptLli ' H:i8 greatest. works lieweVer, ha been. the Cahadian. Pacific ralleat", ..To Sir John Macdonald we RYE hi:. rcNiv:iiiivvi:tt:ilyu.,6f°aitsr:lit:11::elipticilteillaiilttioagafallti.ifitoeiae.eePors:tily-1161, • .7 , was only contract written on •papi‘r,. With Canada Wart bound inton, gounteK''The 'executive of tite Po ,�iflo tpai lipool:r4r0:i1;11.!ehlaltsassovbf:O'r.enenogubSltiitriliroeC:pli}toarltitiit'int: * cal' opponenta, overconie aud oVerecene the deter - reined opposition of rival cowl -mines, It is ver much to Ite regeetted diet, Minister•of Railways, he will mit diive.the last aifike ; but .he•Ites the : satisfaction' of It w that lio company is now in a position tot:tis, ten the Work of construction tot tri, umplient close. • ROME* May 7. --The Grand Oe - lent of Italy publishes an ironcial reply to the eneyelical of .the Nee regardipg Freettlasonry-• It says the Vatican is free to Intuent that it itedenrived Of the temporal power to 'oppose.. the divine s providence Which has decreed its 'downfall, and that it may rave with respect ti whit it coil:A(113es abasement •of human dignity. • The trooped -4 Oreeodile, •from India recently arrived off Porte - aloud) • Eng. There had ' been six scastia ;010 eressthoard cesleav nig 'Sites, three Of them proving -fait -al. • The Natio. alists are preparing for a popular denionetratinn at Newry pit -White Sunday, The Orange. Melt are prepriririg for • a • counter, deuionstration, Caretaker Tucker, who is in charge of Lord Rossmore's property, near Cierentorris, was recently so severely beaten by Fenians that he is now hi a dying conclitiOn. person hart been arrested, The LOutIon police . atithorities flOW Resort that at the tieX1 examin. atien of James Ilgan and John Daly they will prodtice tiyidence enflieniet 50 coneect hoth prisoners with a plot for the assassination of'a prom. biota, member of the Rritist Cab- inet,. , ' • At the hearing of the Invineibleg in Sligo the other day, 51en0.0 testified that he and tWo other tuarobeee of the Invineibles were promised apiece* if they wonItlmueder the parish officials, and money enough to carry them com. fortably out of the country. Casey, 90 OX•faildier of the arrnyi.lred dr fli- ed the illettibere Of tho society. Casey was arrested. - The report of the Seotch Crofters' Iffiyo the severance of the laboring.ttlasses from the beton littt and enieyinonts of 1re,e0tfY, which ie a large element of civilise - tion, roorality,, and public. order, and their precariOuti end dangerous position as dependants on capital 0,3 be your. paid ,,up subwitIor jy04. Indfo recipientrtof 'was% W a ques. cribeg how She tnoiStuee absorbed by a single ban' fine up that tittle fila- ment go RS- to inalte It an automatic guage and tell whether the aie in too' repiet in the 'flatlet -tidal halls of legislation. Some one hart suggested that' an inclientOr Of this 'kind would be useful in the Capitol Ottawa, bist thone ,wlio are snost- . . edt nay it is totally Unnecessary, that (ain aiist1egeiatiorkai :y ays e t (Trta:s4p.:otis:rewhere ttyre.i4intpot ln the base of the Capitol at, Washington is the enginery by which the hdtise, the senate and the Coni 1111551' rooms APO wai'ttti'd 1111(1 ventilated, and the gee lighted by electricity. It is Altogether a big apperatus, coneieting of three ihe ibetise foam, four engines • atid eight boilere, with the becemsary appliance for regulating the temperature and moietore of the air supplied to the natioti"S legisletors, The instru. went whieh tells' whether the air it+ too moist or toe ;dry ie operated by a single, lin ir L perfectly dry air is put at 0 ; satimated Die, that is airoerryingtillthemoistoreitwilliteld is put at 100. A diet with a hand. like that of ui clock representa the dial -trent de trees frcon 0 to 100 The boniest hair alisorbe moisture litC6,a rope, and, like a rope, it lie• coulee ellorter whee wet, „, Tile dit. ((worm) in length between a hair six inches long when wet and tile tame heir when dry is made to represent the hutuired dvgroes of moisture On thted id; anti the hand or pointer moves baekward and f011War.1 RR the moisture in the air Wiriest, lf it bo-, comes too dry, morn Steam II thrown in Of too moiet, less Stettin is lowisLtuftsteapo, and thus thedttmos. photo for Go nation's° 8111E081119.11 18 regulated and 'kept at a healthful pOitit, Which is about 4) degrees, •Sir Charles Tupper'a origin watt bumble,' Ilia fathet was tbe pastor of 0 very poor :Baptist congregatimi in the . Annapolis- vallvy. The 'piss, sent 51inister has risen Whelly by ,bis nstura sbtlssy tied by perseveN • ing effort. His leading characteri istio is that of going straight to, ward his object, no matter 'What obstaeles may lie in the way. . Canada is not losing Sir Charles Tupper. . He is leaving one field of . griat usefulnees to entre abothee, . Tild'need.cf etnhn, matt 111 Etirope 114 great.. ..Catuidian intermits • on °thin. side :of, the Attitude betel it man not •only !of ability, but fitted by political education to kbow what , the ifiteseste of the ccnintry demand, and -and • One whose position • is give bini Veight with home 9Us"' tho'rities.. Bach a. mail is Sir OhnrIen, The hOpe of the Oanaillag people in that Ire may long FrerVO lis WO • country in that position. . • A Royal Commission • APPOINTED TO ENO:Hitt INTO THE ATo LEGED EltIBBItY CASE. • A meeting of the executive .sottnell of the Previte° was held in Toroeto last Tbersday, at the office of tire Attorney -General. All the Minintere wcro present, On motioe of the At, torneysGeperal. it wan decided to vs fraint Mt. Justice Prondfo9t, agpresn dent of the Royal Commission en the conspiracy case, and Judgo Scott, of Itrampton, brother of the late meets be for Woet Peterlarmigh, and judge Sonkltr, of st, 0a,tharints4 were also appointed for the cotinnite sign, It is not probable that tiro eins1saionwi1t meet before the early p‘rt,„ekJtili in order ,t1tat there nr-y beg siearaterfcronto with tho ordinary wori of the judieiary, and it was alen felt Mat it would be lardly right 41 attempt the eolleetioti frefili Vi denee while the caso wae.before the *cruets, 'rho Wingliatt qtwit(Iltili flavn'is4 spd tipoular4 to the gootting.eitiba of the West asking thp oplidoe 01 the memherit as ke the feasilnlity nf forming a Western Ontario Asmonial. tion,with CIO view of havilig A tt)tlf.liah1efitk