HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-04-30, Page 4NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the amidst attention of rost- talstere and subscriber* to the following syttopsis of the newspaper laws ,- postmaster le required to give waits, 11Y IdInstr. (retinniug a paper does net sewer the law) wheu a. subscriber does not teltelds paper out of the office, and state the reason for itsnotbeing taken. Auynegleet to do so_niakes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. any persen Were his per lilts. coutinued, he must pay all arrearagee, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is loath, and collect the whole amount. whether it be taken front the olliee or nat. There eun he no legal discontiuuance until the payment is made. 3 -Any person who takes a paper from the posteence, whether direeted to his Paulo or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or uot, is responsible for the pay. 4 -.If a seises:aber orders his overt° be stopped at a certain dine, aud the publish- er continues to send, it the subscriber is hound to pay for it if be takes It out Of the pestellice. This proceeds upon the grouod that a Man Must pay for what lie usea. CIIURCII .DIRECTORI. St. raw oaarca.—serrtals on Sunday at I ado. Ind 7 p.m. Bible Class, 10 tom Sunday School. 2 p.m. Service an Wednesday, 8 p. m Itar. WILLIAM (IRMO, Rector Canada blethotlist.-Ser% lees at 10.80 a, m. sad 7,05 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Bsv. J. oasy,Paciter. Canada Presbyterian.- Services at II sau. ani 0.30 o. nf, Sabbath School, 2.110 p. rn. Rev, Atart, STIOVART, Pastor. Bible Christiam-servicesa 1.0.00 a. m. And I. to a. tn. §abbath School, 2.30 p.m. Bay. J. iiita$1111, Pastor. Baptist Church. -Service at 0.30 It in• Cab. bat school, 2.30 P. in. itsv. J. GRAIN Pastor, Tian I--IT.T.1=4,Cn\T Rewo-Xerot4 The Gederich, News Huron Igeoor -watriitairitii:57- —7 -- Guaranteed average 'circulation, over 1700, Clinton, Wednesday, April 3.0(11 . . , .Get out Your Dktionaries, At a recent church entertainment, Chicago,"all who desired it had an op. • portunity to show the correctness 'of• their pronunciation by -their • ekill in reading the sentences given helow,. • whieh had boon arranged for this occasion. Twenty-six ver - sons of correct.',peep!' and proeue. °kitten successively took eaCh a long breath .and began, and when the ordeal was finished 26 nailing faces 'betokened the .• conclusion of each individual that he or she was tri• Umphant, but tlia,t. 25 others had . been guilty Of blunders. The Illaa ter of verenionies changed the facial expressions of all. the participants • bythe quiet announcement that -. not a single one 'hita. Pronounced all the Words correctly. The smallest number of blunders in ay instanee • was .fur, and ranged up to four- teen. The following is the 'exer- cise : • •• The cement failed to cemeot tlie apparams, but the damage is still repfleable. • . • • The allopthist in full dress, rid, leg in 'his catriage, was amarded precedence over the hydropatlihit, who, dretisecl in a blue blouse,'was • compelled to walk. . • The. truths- of: .science, like ail other truths, are indisputable. • ' • • The youth Of this village'prepbs • to get Up an excursion fo.the w.00de,, . and then •et, Into eitinps 'with one of their•pumber as ,00mmandant.• • The • •eontestenti Showed • their usual •coMbativi-mess, engaged in. 1.1 ',seemly altercation.. • • The literatiseetn.to be long lieed end to• enjoy • thienselges • the Bias ' l'Onfl day, 'hut b61/6 • nosympathy ,avitli the beisteriog, brave wha contieually. calling Out bravo. as a sceneworth being seen 'Lessee the boys catching fish. with:: their seine. T. • .' • A leantlry hiu been started by a man of ',leanly habits who may. be • expieted to do Cleanly. whatever he' does. It is strange he should per, • nitt,his -family to liye in squklor. ' Some 'wile think themselves or.. thoepists deem it oldigatery on them to indulge in labored, pro, „n‘,'unciatioo., •• • This statement of the equation won't satisfy thaconclitions. • • . • - • Education. • A Vermont farmer wantedto. get a couple •of.shingles :braked over a leake place•in. the roof, but no one • -claret' -to try it; the roof wits so -Steep. •I'llat very tlay-thelarmer's ditaighter cane, home from hisarding echodl and _ • did t he job lt•fore she satclown to sup- per:She said:41e Waft used to crawling oyer steep -roofs. • It was• •the only viy the girls could get out after• •.04.1lock, •• , • Quick Tempered Stuff.. ../1•WO 44114 t-Itigc.' nitre glynerittei'and right then, • for the first titer in his • life, „became 11 tk;Kft,1).'s inkuggr.141.4.1441,a;f: caedinge by. turning a double sower - suit and knockingouta hodful of Mortar and brickwith the back of liis bead at one end of the room.. He continued the perfornmece by kiek- ing .down the stove, pulling down the Chandelier, and, plowieg up the plaster with 1,18 nose. When the uitro-glycerine let the old 11100 sit down and take a rest he looked mournfully at the remnants of the fragnient of tin that onee heel the chitin 1i 1 tn ing, . and said te the doctor: "Wel, if that ain't. the .quiekest.tempordret stuff I ever ' tat*." Ile Got a Wedding Gartnent. A friw •years ago it man living half a dozen miles of. Lewis. ton, Marne, was about to be married, but the .stitte of his financea peeelud, . ed 60 purchase of -a new suit, of elethee for the purpose, 80 lie P,Rort. • NI to . diplomacy. .1te went to a elothing store, anti aelectiog.ort op- propi bite suit, told the proprietor tile,t, he would like to take them home, and if his family liked them he would pay for them. The -proprietor egreed to the proposal. The mail returned the next morning and'bitturt, 503111g ids folks rod not like the clothes, and thought be had better 'lot , keep them. The howeVer, been the best 'blessed man at the Wedding, M DOluttUtie Story. smxvrENT OP A LOST FORTUNE BY A yOtMR CAXADIAlf., The' S. Louie Chronicle publishes. the following romantic story. The Newingtons referred to at one time resided in the town of Paris, Ont., where the family is well known : The unknotting of a snarl in the history of a family of high stauding in this city was accomplished when • the Rev. 3. P. T. Ingraltatn, of Grace church, tied the knot uniting one of aoeiety's young lady favorites: to an English gentleman whose husi- ness interests are in New York city. Few novels have a more startling plot than the romance which thus • develops it8 denoutuent in real life in prosaic $t. Louis. Some thirty years ago, long he. fore the fair bride elect was born, her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Newing- ton; resided in Victoria, Australia. Fiore they made the acquaintance of Miss Geodwin, an English lady of wealth, who was Unmarried, and a strong attaellment ensued. When later a son was born to the doctor and his wife, . their friend stood sponsor es god -mother, and subse- quently made a will leaving her property to the ohm ubio and fortun- ate child -for hisfather had become Wealthy by professiopal • success. Filially the maiden lady decided to go to Eugland. In her pocket was the will, not yet signed or recorded, unfortunately for the young heir prospective this will went to the bottem of the ocean with the vessel and, the ill-fated lady. , ...Shertly_afterwards doeter,.. Ihaving returned to England with his family, entered 'Suit in chancery to regain the lady's fortune for his boy. It proved to be • another Jarndyee case, and whenit, was et last settled in favor of the ledj's relatives, the doctor fouled that he had spent the .greater part or hie fortune for nought. The family then removed be' Canada, a daughter having been . added te the number, and eventu- ally they came to St. :Louis. }fere the son finished his education and assumed the important clutiee of a professor at Washingtou Uuivereity. The daughter. about a year ago,• went to visit friends in New York city, whence, she retutmed week ago accompanied by a gentle man she had niet there. • The climax came the other even. ing, when, the family -and their guest being alone„ the - 'Australian legacy was related, end thee for . the first time the visitor learned that alortune from his aunt, which the British court liad saved to.him from. unrelated clannants wile. the proper- • ty which. • his betrothed's brother would have 'had but for the Ship. .wreck that engulfedthe deed • and • its owner. ' .• • • • , • Thus, after more than a qoarter .of a century, •Miss G'ooclwin's wealth retu•rne.d to the family a way it was least expected. • While the friends -01 Prof. 1farry •Newington will aduiit -that the fortaine is no more than this talentedy.onng nian deservea, there is not. one who will be sorry to hear that his Sister, Miss Alinnie,Nessington, gets it instead. by. her Marriage With • Frederick .1. Gond wip. , • • , . . Over a Coffin -Lid.' "She -wase -me r A good wife,. God bless '• The Words. were -spoken in tremb- ling accents over a •eollialid. The :woman asleepi,thera had *borne:the -beat. and burd en'of;.r.fo's • long. 'day, . • . • end ne one had everhee'rci her. Mins Intir; ,her hand was quick*. to itach Ont. in a helping grasp to 'these - Who • fell- by .. the wayside, and her feet were swift on 'errands of mercy; the heart .of• her husband had 'trusted in her; he had left• her to. long hours of .solitucle;.While Itaionuied himself itt sceneS• in which she had ra; part; when boon companion desettecl when ,fickle affection eelfishly de- perted; when pleasure palled; bo went home and • found her meitieg for him, .•• -" 'clime from your long, long roving, ' • (1.11, life's sea so bleak and rough, ponce to .nto tender and loving, -And h shall. be blest enough, • That had been 'her love -song -7. -al Ways on her Bile. or in her -heart. Children bad' been born to ,thetn. She had :reared them almost alone - they were.. gone! }Jr hand had led them to the' ettermoitt ledge of: 'the • morning that bee no aeon. Then she earth-m.16d' him. 'endsent him out. streng . and whole :hearted while 'she.. stayed at. heme andss,' &ilea, What can a -woman do..',but ery 1 -and trust? , • . • ' W• ell, she is ats rest. nevi% But elm could not die until he had pro - misted to bear up, not t� fret; but to remember how happy, they . liad 'been. They 1 Yes,. 11. s'even so. For eliewas. bleStAit.gieing„ „andshe, •leireTvliii." It ' vaa�.iieqeai part:- . . nerslup atter all 1 • • • "Slie-e-was ,--., a -.good---wife-to • Oh, man ! man 1. Why not have told her so, when her ears were not dulled by death ? Why wait to say these words over a eoftin *heroin' lids* a wasted, weary, ' grey-haired, woman, whoee eyes have so lOng held that pathetic story of loss and suffering and patient yearning,•and • which so' Meaty women's oyes re- veal -to those who read. Why not have made' the wilderness in her heart blossom like the rose with the prodigality of your love 7 :Now you would give worlds -were they yours, to.giveto See the tears of joy your. ' Words would have -once caus,ed, be. jo,velling the windows of her soul. it 10 too late. We have earefUrthoughte or the sttanger,' And smiles for the sometime guest -- But oft ter own The bitter tons Though we love -our own the best, have Pyotection. The platforni of the Republican Mate eonvention of Pennsylvania unqualifiedly approves and demands it eOntintleneti of that system of pro. tection to home iocluittry which has proved itaelf to be the basis • of , national inneperolence, an incentive to Industrial Skill and development, and the guarantee of just and ade I gorge 'wept for labor. It :le. I 001111008 all attempts to reduce the I ratee ef the tariff helm the levet whith will accoMp1i..11 these objecte, A 'Sonnet Itoots Arj A A I A q NOT IN CLINTOS' we•ww... Our lady readers) throughout the county, if theriwould be spared the tenable agony of the writer of the following screed, eliould visit Clinton, herd quar1.er8 for millinery gooda itt Wertern Ontario. After four days of brain -wrench- ing, heart -heaving examination of uncouuted stocks, 1 kind of centered down on five bonnets, all with gold in their composition. The first con - sista of a butter -colored satin crown, covered with beige lace interwoven with gold, and a geafbeci, gray straw brim, trimmed beneath with qubling of.gray velvet. rhe narrow strings, which are carried around Ute crown, are in gray watered ribbon, while on the top of the bon- net are placed,a few loops of the nar- row, butter -colored velvet with two very large chrysanthemums in but- ter -color and bright • yellow, wtth buds to correspond. The second of these delightful bonnets has a foundation of gold net amuuted on gold wire, and on this are sown small flowerets, made of copper thread, so closely together as to cover the crown almost entirely. Over the brim the gold net is closely; gathered. The etrings are of copper - colored velvet, and the decoration is composed of two ears ef corn Made of climeon and green velvet, two grayish - green velvet dandelion leaves and two half blown blush roses. The third is far simpler, and composed entirely of beige lace, in- terwoven with gold, transperent on the crpancl_feruting a full cap_ %order in t•Tie front, • Ct, bow of beige.colOred velvet beneath the brim. • Outside these are more loops Or the Paree velvet, and the strings to match are .carrfed across the back where they are 1,stened by gold pins. The fourth is of white gauze, embroidered with gold scrolls and flowers and edged, with a quill ing of goldstrieg lace. The brim is open and slightly peaked, so that a small coronet of pale pink hyacin- , th blessonis may be accommodated .•beneath. Otiteide there is another •:huneh Of the same flowers with two 'feather bUtterflies, white with black and gold spots. A (iftli is china pink crepe covered with 0 gold net, ing &lid ruched with gold 'litee 111 front, is tied with pale • pink velvet striuge and decorated with a bunch of 'crimson and green velvet bails, representing the tassels On a palm tree, and with leaves to corrOspotal. At GAS writing Lam in a Vevey of excitement, a tremor of doubt, a shake el 1 -oyer of nervous etress. The Cold, hard, regulation types will not•let :the .reader pee by my 'pen.. mariShip into what a physical con- • dition of wreckage the menial awful: 'less of the ordeal hail el might Inc. If I live till Sunday I shall walk Fifth avenue tinder one of those. five boenots; mope' I•shall be able, only tototter; but, tf I die a Meade, _my last gibbering- selection must be adjusted t� ale in my•colfie. • Write mi my tombstone, ' • * • • • • • • • • ** ** • • • a • 1.,; • • • D.IEDOPCIICOSINGI:a, BONNET! ; and let me go to heaven peacefully, 'with ‘the. &tine.," blissful •lasnnett on , my head. :.•• A tYomaiesitoenge.' Mamie Warren, of Reading, Pa.) aged 15, swore mit a Warrant 'for the. arrest of Jol'n Easterly, who She at -leged. had led her astray., She swore out. a Warrant in the name of. . , a highly :respeetrible young woman. with whom Easterly' is acquainted: •When the ,ivarra4 •wall..sdriceci the young man denied all knowledge Of . the' affair, and dech.red that the.lady named in tho. tgarrent was innocent:, When the Young'..lady • was made aware of the facts she declared she .k.new. nothing. • of 'the warrant. Mamie 'Warren as thenarrested; and. confessed. 'that Mary Selene) paid her fifty Seats. to swear Out a 'warrant, .She Was held for perjury" and the Solunal woman was arreit, ed on elierge Of subornation of per- jury. It is thoirght themotive Of' the'latterW. as teyenge, • ,ROW.tuoch was Received. Tiiinble c0001.y, .Ky,, Mari • Stephens supposed her hashand 'was dead; • he having loft horne ,meny • yeareago, and She married .TUly last. • . • • . Stephens went 1.0 1(18 home regently, •h.ot. intending ,to let himneli, he known, Hrs wife jinni ed iatelj, re- cognized bilin, and, • throwiug'. 'her arins abouthis.nock. screaming "MY: long-kist larshanTH" kissed, him. This, :aroused the j.•alousy • of the ite•kr husband, who struck her across ihe 'leek with a. drawieg knife he •ltaii,in hie hand, severing the j ugtdar vein. Stevendrew-a revolver and shot Ore mOderer, win) .turp goVe Both men are said to be fatally lured. ' -*-- Sti.,iien'S. a Cut across the back of. the. neck with .the drawing4•ki.ife., Married to a Corpse. Samuel E. Robbins, Of Appleton, 11e., died last month. He had been in receipt •• of a pension since, the war, eald as he Was a widower and childless, his pension would die with hinr„ This however did eot suit, his •friends ; so whon it became evident that his days were number- ed it Was. determieed to find a wife for him. A woman was tonna who „ . Ives Willing to become a wife and widow in quick auccession, Feb; 26 the bans were published. The law in Maine require!, five days' netiee ,befera marriage. Atareh 2 Robbins fell into a comatose condi. testi and did not recover his sensee before las •'diql, Match 4. When Squire reese, the pension• agent, learned how near dissolution Rob: bins WAR he eent post.haste 10Rook- 10bal for the brideselected. Unhap oily, the woman dii not arrive tol midnight, nine Imre after Rohbih's death. The women ...was hurriedly taken to the chamber where Doh - bins lay dead, and the mockery' of a tentritee .celeuriony betweim tit living woman Mid 1.130 POrpAA Was gone through, with. ?POO'S 000 took the elannny hmni nf the detka alai Owed it in that. Of the Nvilling widow. At the 'teemed ab., Waa iutreduced as. llohhin'S Wife, and claims the pension money. WOOd as Food. Certain anhuale have a remark- ablepowerof digestingligueouetissue. The beaver is an example of this. The whole 01 11.8 stomach, the meow, often found manned or plugged with fragments of wood, and bark. I have opened the crops of severed Norwegian ptarmigans, and found them tilled with no other food, than the needles of pines, upon which they evidently fed during the winter. The birds, when cooked, were scarce- ly eatable on account of the etroug resinous flavor of their flesh. mat here, by the way, correct the coannonly-accepted version of a pop- ular ktory, We are told that when Marie Antoinette was informed of a famine in the neighborhood •of the Tyrol, and of the starving ef some of the peasants there, she replied : "I would rather eat pie crust" (some of the story -tellers say pastry) "than atarre," The, e .e, n the eourtiers giggled at the ignorauce of the pampered princess who supposed that starving peasants had suet, an • alternative food as pastry. The igtiorance, however, was all on the side of the courtiers and those who repeat the story in its ordinary form. The princess was the only persott in the court who really un- derstood the habits of the peasants of the particular district in question. •They cook their meat, chiefly youug veal, by rolling it in a kind of dough made of sawdust, mixed with as niuch coarde flour as will hold it together; then place this in an oven or on wood embers until the dough is hardened to •a tough crust, aud the meat raised throughout to the cooking point. Marie Antoinette skid 010 Slif) woold rather _ eat, •croutins Clain starve, knowing that • these .eroutins, or meat pie crusts, were given to tbe pigs; that the pigs digested them, and were nourished • by them ia spite of the wood saw- • dust. ••• • Slippery Salvationists. There is trouble again in the . . Salvation Army, in Ottnadic;and, any unprejudiced .person can See that the army is not held in such high esteem' as 11. was seven months ago, the trouble is over a number of •fenuile converts who previously had not borne a good, name, and the .backbitiog of the soldiers. Crosby, a young lady frOto the west, said • recently :"that she had • .become heartsick at some of the stories circulated, and that she was never in a place where there 'was so much slander going oti, as in.King. etori. It is trite that a number of the female :soldiers, although they testify they are saved,. are Opine,. ,What they testify they have a hor- ror for. • A. recent cianiple is 'the capture. of a Kingston • Salvation lassie.in a house of ill fame at Nap- anee and she is now •utidergoit g, if len...line was not ,pail,• a *short t:erin in the Napanes jail. But this.class of converts. does not . apply to ell of. the females, as there are many very reSpectable young v.tromen on the platform young women wbose characters are above reproat,b. : The .SaVed Army Of .Pertsinonth • is slowly, bet • surely, • superceding the .Salvation A,rMy ,in. Cana le and before long. Will have asiliiisied at:y; if not more atations sta b than the other. The head of. this movement, (General •• Lindsay, of Perts'ineutill);ie a geetleman,:itial is jest the. reverse Of that Ottawa lot- tery, shark, Major Moore, who' 18 sIoi tly to stand his trial at New Brunswick, N. J., for sWinding; '• The Servant' .Girl' Murderers • • Dienwthe Scanold. . ';The tsv.o men whcise•exrution.is referred to Made a- buSiness of either Marrying or: becoming .engag- •• • . .ed, to ser.Vant girls, whom they found had 'money, and then murdered .They had made away with . • out abont.twenty t -A Vienint cable despatch says tlie .execution • • of Schenck and SchloSsanek Was wit, nessed ,by • 150 • pereons, including many members of foreign ernhaitsies. Several ladies applied fer-edMiS8i011, including. the Princess Metternick., Holten lobe, and Cobou rg. lo.s- sanek was . hanged ffist, 1 -Ie trem- bled with:fear as the • moment • ap- proached; and broke out had a -tirade Of guises upon Behenck for having led..11i01 into trouble. Ile cried out. ppeal ''Dear. Christie irs, 'for eive me. Does uo' one forgive anel Am 1 daiathed 1" Theattending; priest triedbe pacify,. the 'Matt, •titid Irifiavd hint, titteeing eonsol.i ng words. "God save my ,poor wife," cried the murderer as he was swung off. Ile struggled violently for 'eight teinittes before cleat!, &tine. Schenck walk,* ed to the Heel:told stnilinglyand with .a ,springing step. He kisaed • the priest, uncencernedly, saying, "Give. my love to my wife." He glanced setsth,e.horrilde •,-sights_peeseitted-Irk fell ot in urdereek corpee w ithdrut apparent emotion. Tlie.. fatal word led in the air. He. -dit:d in three eves -then. given, anti trig- Istirly'ditq. minutea. without anY struggle. Ile was a striker. , ADVICE TOMOTHERS. At you not disturbed at night and ivolan of yottr rest by a sick Child suffer. Mg and (Tying with pain of 'mating teeth. If so, send at once and get it lint tin M.Mus. W i Ns how's Sotriii I' No P00 Off LO- URS Tmairi NO, Ito Willie is inealculable. It will relieve the poor little sullbrer imme- diately. Depend upon it, mothers, flier( is no Mitltalre abollt It, It atireS dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stonmeli end bowels, mires wind mine, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone 01111 (11,1(licIvrg'sY to tiio 11XI;())8e18.1Y118:trmmiroaM11 il'811.11\.‘1'111N081,1. Inwrittso is pion:tent to the taste, and is the preseriplien 01 1)1(14 of the oldest Imitate physicians and nurses in the United slate8. and is tor'sale by all druggists through. out the world. I'rice2S iOs a bottle. A bent pin en 0elute. is an indica. Gott of' an early spring, • • A llkid Case of Starvation, 'Po starve the lungs by e leek of vital food 0031tained in pare air, If I 11 gs re elm t rile teti by eolds, remove the -accumulated phlegm with that sae and pleasant throat and lung remedy,. Ilagyard's Pectoral lielsatn. 28.1•3t 1110 Shoe trade ought to he a gond 'One for it le generally believed that articles of foot gear are soled before they are placed in the store. Wn 111 rn 8 PrieNly 1111e pOsItIVP Cutts, for Ca tarfh, 10 ptii ri it, 17ankor Mimi It ileird Arlie, In C1. Altlill 1‘11\41.1/Y. 21. mmal Injertor free With earl, bottle. l'se° it if yon desire to, Tills end !sweet Prier 30CIS• 80111 _ - Tag More Awe, Pale hollow eheeka and precarious appetite, in. dleate Worm, Freeman'', Worm l'owdere will quickly and effectually MOM/0 them. 280-1m. _ Curran being angry Ina debatelone clay, put, his bead on his heart, say- ing: • 'I am the trusty guardian of my own honor." "Then," mild Sir Boyle Roche, "I congragulate my honorable friend on the snug sinecure to which he has appointed himself." Danger Siginals Reader,. if you are troubled with pain,weakness, wearinesss and a dragging feeling in the small of the back, with thick -high colored - slimy urine, then you have alarming signale of danger, and should resort to Burdook Blood Bitters, the grand kidney regulator and blood and liver cleansing tonic. 282-3t "Mr, Smith, do you know the ober- eater of Mr. Jones?" "Wel, I rather guess I do, judge." "Well, what do you say about it?" "Wal, he ale't so bad a man after all," "Well,. Mr. Smith, what we want to know is, is Mr. Jones of a quarrelsome and dan. gerous disposition ?'' “Wal,judge,•I i should say that Tom Jones s 'tory vivid in verbal exercise, but when it comes to personal adjusttoent, he hain't eager for the contest," A Run for"the Iltoetor. Is generally the fast thing in ease of an injury, but a, doctor cannot al- ways respond to the call, If you have lIagyarcl's Yellow Oil at hand, you have a reliable remedy • for alt wounds, injuries and pain. It hiss saved life when even doctors had abandoned.hope, Keep it ready for use. 282-3t Prince Victor, of Wales, as Len, don ruiners run, is to be given a new honor. There are reports, that • on attaining his majority, which will occur January 8, 1885, he will be raised lo the peerage, with: the title of tl1eDukeof.Th1lIjn0 d •*Thene7fortli make his residence in Ireleild. • • . A man_left.a.boriss-,steed ort, the street, and coming, back, a sheet time artery,' a rd., • -disco v e red': t t •tt u any Youth had placed a card against the fleshless rib's, bearing the notice; • goats wanted -enquire within l" Oh What Cough. Will you heed the warning. signal perhaps of the -,sure u pproach of • that mote terrible disease Consumption. 4,9k you Nei ves lfynti onn Sitlbrd for the Salto of 'Saving BOdts., to run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from expei !mice .th at shiloh's Cure wi U cave: your Cough, ,It never fails. This ex-. pining why More than a, Millie:al Bot- tles were sold the past year.. lt.relleveS • Group, and Whooping (Nitwit, •at -once. ' ' Mailers do,. riot be .iicttlieut it. Fcir. Tame Back Side 01'. Chest, use Shiloh' l'erous.Plaster. Sold by . J. FL Com be. • 263-ly A . camel, will work for seven or eight (lays without drinking. In this be differsfrom some Men who will drink seven•Or eight days ,Willront working. ' Merit Prove'''. 'Behar mpon dollar Is frequently ,spent the faith of recommendations for .artieles •entirely ..worthless. • Not so 'With Alepreg,or's. Speedy ()tiro ;YOU are not milted to. purchase it until its merits are proven.' yonr. drug Store and got a free trial bottle, and if not convinced • it will curi3'you et the .Worst forms of Dyspepsia, Liver ete., no matter *.of how long standing, it rests you nothing`, Sold in 50e; and • 84 bottles See testilno»ials ,from Persons in rour.own.town, • 083 lin. . . • . In New •York city alone. 'tiler° is • spent annoally about $6...•;000,, fordrinks, or' aw,average•nf 042:70 .per citizen. • • • - Don't' Re Giddy. 'Arany people' a -re. tXible'il. *with giddiness or:dizziness, whieh is gen- , era•Ily_a sign, of. disordercid. digestion .or unequal .',circtilittion. •Burclock Blood Bitters reStores the digestive pewers,..promotes a..heal thy it'cu1at- ioll vital fluids, allays nervous irtitation,..thits curing. 'headache mid giddiness. • .. 282-4t. .. A Frehchmanla tene hing ct.don lc e to talk.. Whatwe Want in this try is it roan who will teach donkeys not.ta talk.. •Vitti4t Ligl,tnhig• There are b,if few that have never suffered, in- tolerable bein from 'yoothache, Neuralgia, or like acute pains: To them such 1) iItLlt relief as . Phild Lightning (01,, untold blesing in titite'of •1.roi,blo No dbignsting !tied luint•S .to be. taken:- for daysQih ieat inn of Plaid bightning cures. ...sole at our tirtur. store; • • 2.40.101 • . • • • ...;•44Ver kick Alban when he iS down. 11. is covvitrclly. Never kick a man. when he.is up, It hi reckless, ' It Is -Natural 10 natural forams -le penple to be bilious, being often a result of peeul. kir bilkni temperameot, Which with. high living, too greasy food, indigest. ion front inactive Hirer, is the fre- quent cause. The remedy, above all others, is 'Beranek Blood Bitters. It is highly cerative for biliary. com- plaints, and far better than physic for inactive conclitintis.of the bowels. 232 3t. •:8(10116%1," said an ,Mnerican ".1 always observe that those persons who have a' great deal to say ebout being'ready.to sh6c1 their last drop of blood; are amazin' pertio'lar• about the first drOp." ' • Dyspepsia & Liver 'Con:plaint, , 144 It not worth. the lun'all iirle'e 415 cents to free yourself p.Very eyinptom of theseMattessing complande, If you . think so ettll at ,our store and get a hot; tle of S1)11011'8 Vitalizer, every bottle luis a. prin•feci guarantee oil it, Use • 'teem., dieelyanni If it doeS you no good It. wl cost you nothing.Sold iv J. It. pombe.• 263.1y • There are no plan Ii1.tla stories abeaf • tl , `Or -the 'podigal' daughter." The son eao retprn and have - the 'finest. veal SerVed tip for' • him, but the daughter must stay •:What to • • It trouldell with an unhealthy, slow•berI"ng sore pse Mearegor and Parkas' Cabolie Curate. Yen win stain. inviduabio for healing, cleansing end enum'etele removing your frOuble. • It the Blond Is old of brier, take with if a few defies Of genregorm 'speedy Cure from your Drug Store _• . 233.1m. .•. Five theneend dogs they. Make the midnignt air palpitate with their howls, in ono ward, and next day when the 3155e0501 goes eround he Won't find more, then three dogs owned in the entire ward. A Handy Sivraeon. . As .n dressing foe ell roanner_of flesh wounds thrte.is nothing better than llegyard's Yellntv Oil. it clean. Res. al !nye pain, soluln es i flout mn 1100 withnut it scar or stiffness of the part ininred. it 'Scratchy vet 'mete 11.4 it pain remedy fer internal .1100. • 283 31. ^Sweet nee the intoe of adversity, but most people prefer' sugar. Ducitlen's Arnica Salve. . Tun Mow SALVo in' the World ror vufg, Ibnises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Trevor mores. Toter, chapped Cornsrand all 1- kin Ertni- 1.10110, and positively cures Pliee or no ply Neuf red, It Is gliaran t sod to alve perteet ,4attsfartien, or lumpy refunded. MIT 25 rontst per hog, h' .11 fixtli et Watts & Co. etifidst • • Where there's a viIJ there's a way .to break it, • NATiox.tt, Prt,r,s are rotaar Ponied, mild Ina rhoreirelr, and nro fit host ' KtOnatdi and 1.ivet Pill in :me, 201 im. LINT,:. airritme Works H. CANTELON 70,AMIFACTURER. rr_ PROPRIETOR, BUG. GIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS,84C. 1.41.11113413. AND, SHINGLES taken in .exclumge. .Give sue a call an I give yon prices that cannot be beaten ia the .Coonty. Repairing.and Horseehoerog. done with despatch. H.. OANTELON, g ;MAW If you want to get a good PARLOR BET, °all at DIEL'. • • WU- you want a Fang - BEDROOM aET, call at DIEHL'S. - IRK'S q;;g14AF;tiq;; VT If you want a good DINING -ROOM SET, call at DIEM'S, C4.Yr7 If you want FUR- NITURE of any kind, oall at DIEHL'S. 296 Victoria Street, CLINTON YOU WANT-- FulleralLEUTINIST11110 S - Best in the Market, AT:—:CLOSEST:7:PIIICESI Yttit WW2 r21-49' t40 DIEHL'81 CALL Diehl's Great f,t1RNITURE Warerooms 296 Victoria -St. thtniitt t WALL t WALL PAPER PAPER . The time for Efouseglleaaing is •near. Alt itan dug all, Parlor, Diniag-Room, or Bed - Room Papers, • ' - will tied' the Best and Latest. Patterns —IN - ....., .1 9 • , FRIEZES ORNICES M13 PANELS • FRIEZES, f -• 11:1' The lia$itar Fashion Books for ,11383 are out and Call anu sec the papers and get a took • FILLERS-, 8.C. • • can be has) for notking. , • - , ..B if TV E : GODERICH. ti:rITeSolis Cheaper than any (mean Lep of tlie Earth. . RTA1N ORNiCE rui e • - • 0 - • - 0 - -; • Hes, olese IRON AND. HARDWARE MERCHANT,. • 01.1. II\Tr.11C) Clinton, April, la84. CLINTON MUSIC EMPORIU ' own% etre 191 PER. Ez.8..4.33:casx-mx> Ca) IWO 4:866. ' Sarimiesof Vote Orttus tri Wererootne, I'ereln !Book, Prlees LOW and (*33110 49111431. 1 also keep In stock The Wheeler and Wilson, and the Light Punning Domestic Sewing Machines; • Neetree, Gil and ettaelernente, ViolIns vetying feom fl,1 up to $100, 130W1( In great variety feom50 cents to $10, Glumly' PI nger Boards, Emmy Tail Piero, Pog.i, two,. otrimei, 0101.1 And (lilt, In SOS or single. 'inning Perks, Toning Pipes, Mr- inonieee, Ebo,i (11,10 !test% Mutes, Mutest, S'Itee, Plageolete, Violin Vases , from 05 rents Io $4, Mesie Hooke for organ, Plano and Vintin, Tire Prive Anthem Book, toeusni lig the unrstseiection of Anthems ever produced. ( all and set Me. Perth: Bleck, anton, Ont. .0. poifEtty, NO MORE GroOrlaltet the Great noir Relltorer and Renewer, CUMIN fraY 44fr tO color. gradualti nee permanently. Not a dye. A inarvellows invention. (iray-5s4034Peraolike men and old women. 111040 ts, InOk YoUng in three weeks, 140 more gray heir Also grOln) halt rapidly and luxuriantly. Sendfor de*OriifllVO Wok, and testittiOnlale OpinleM1 emtdeilf,enock„ 330, Imd, Octave, etc., whe recommend It blY. Address, ,), U.1"3ie13o1iesh 7 Murray Street, NOW YOr8,14 rswclaSo tu°ox • i °. .4u0t :jaZodGu„'u[ull ,4„11 (1,,,4c. Picin. P!".1% sgpS411 3:1P3.13:C:1 'tW.;adl hi;O:tuW° U:s7 4;1 itBaKt ::ggs; srP"111:: s „kk ;• ", eta, Towel Ras RS, rims, Wurkitags, catch - dot: t ,11 I. 1 IDA( 6fiu TR. .1 • Zra acu If.la UM; SW 00 v kcal Artts Ziot Work all 3t,Io o( irsting.7 slaw tinted paper, and cone** Over7. 134l3110:g.5!wit0tai /trail dui :41s:tivraotcto7fron,t41:41 ,ptnpl trtsti urn.; el' Iran loarderu. Macrame, Med; as,ava. Cane Fringes. Turkish Lan b Work Bag,, i. 14 Jenny113,7 aiherona,_11FrooefueetstoelaiWthinorle, in ews. ecord, ,....„.thpl:ecthe"larh:Itristur'nelsliwt.119:0711,110.orryt. bournig 04'12 wetIcebeyisouf.exoetitre4atort.,,esiggtit.sh-olvbeoryidoda.ce aim ,Poeswaisa:. to icy ts ca oaftio40%--ntnu.1114.,v,e eYer before :nu go:LerEed, w81:03Eesleal ;am: isifittu.7,tarLirolwd ilgiavd,0:0:ricvenveflaxcliithley.thowb1;ipicii...'susnyverpt:rist 11100045 510100t • NAL for shr months. Address 0)00 20IALt 240 13!Pa0Vitty1 New -York. TARE THE THE A CENOWLEDGED Leading Local Paper OF THE COUNTY?, A .LARGE STAFF OF WIDE-AWAKE CORRESPONDENTS IN THE COUNTY, THE VERY • - Latest News About 0 . INTERESTING- Cangdian, , . A merioan, "British.and •-Foreign News. GATHERED FROM RELIABLE • . • SOURCES: THE MARKETS . Are corrected every • Tuesday , • afternoon, 'just befOrd, going to riress. 3. .THE ..rodactio#: • AND IS' T40::..(1rilt..Papet* • IVITH A • D LE CIRCULATION, IN TIIE COUNTY OF HURON. FOR ADVERTISERS : 6uaranteed Average elm- 0Yel: 1700, _ WE' CLAIM TRA.T THE NEWS -RECORD • , f?ead by Laborers, - Read by Parmers„ Reaol by.Meehanies; Read by THE PEOPLE AND IS 7AGE11.11,V. LOOICED FOR wmaa,V. ITS .D01.1: 131:,14 CIE,OWATION Talks -to Thousands ! And as an travel tising medium has fuw (if arty) equals in 'Western Ontario. We .stat, without fear of contradiction, thatthe cir- culation Of The News -Re- cord has increased more rapidly during the past three montbp than any other paper in the county _ WHITELY & rimixottus Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. wilds, well-known city. missionary In Nen, York, and brouter or the late eminent Judge Wilds, or the massnens. setts supreme Voure, writeu sha Icfflowar "713 E. WA St., .tveto York Nay 18,1882. 1,1101. juieVr.lAul:itEsilraouteliGweittleanheino:t =corn. fortable Itching humor affecting more especially my limbs, which Itched so intolerably at night, Raid burned SO itt tensely, that I could scarcely bear any cloaking over thein. 1 was also a sufferer from a 1101.0r0 catarrh and catarrhal cough; my appetite was poor, and niy system a good deal run down. Knowing the value of Armes SartsArs.. to r4...k, by observation of many other eases, miler front personal use ht former years, I begais taking It fur the aboveduttned disorders. 3IY affetito improved. almost f rom the iirst dose. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin clisappiaretl. 111y catarrh mut cough tears also Mired" by the.sarne means, and my general health greatly luiproved, • mail it is pow excellent. I feel a hundred per Cent stronger, mon attribute these results to the, use of the Saits.tpARILLa, which 1 recommend • 'with all eontldenco as the' best .blood medicine . „. • -ever devised. 1 toblr. It In, Moab asea 'flints •times a day, And used, in all, less than two bottles, • 7 plitee'tliese emits at your serviee,toping their publication may ire good. I11 13Z8f"uY'Z:PWiLD4OTho ibOv:1it:eis but ;Me ofthOnsany;n: -4 stoutly reining to our notice, which prove the per. . feet adaptability of A vEn's SensAealttk.44.a.',„ the ettro of all diseases arising front impureoriiii,:' • poverlsbed blood, and o weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the anion of the stomfealt and bowels, and thereby enables the system to realist and over. come the attacks of all Serofutous Pisea8es,,Ertip. New 0/ the ATin, Itheumat tem, Catarrh, q.enerta Debility,' and all disorders resulting from poor or • corrupted blood and a low state of the system. ritEPARED .111Y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. . • Sold by all Druggists; price Cris bottles for So, AYER'S CATHARTIC • • PILLS • —Best Purgative Medieirip.-- cure Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, aith • ' • all:Billon$ Disorders. • Sold eVerywhere. Always reliable. PRESENTTO. THE LAD" ' Readersof this Paper.' Any lady Who will oh this out and Saajdutaidtatorcus.s.s alo.ngiww7ithotlegnaima.es &OS in rune tow!) ; also Scants • .3 PoStutt 0055 5, Sumps', to it 01.0 • pay cost of advertisittg, postage, lentinci,1"7.1swinOp.se,naduftrulto ohy-Lnrenteprn COLD, Bar.,XD BANGLB jag at ostanati ros h !plc 01111 Wa ids0 send n ritarl, with something. M le worth a:1 you send 01. . • • • . 0 MCI C:IANCE I DON'T I..2T re SLIP - 55,u13;w,3wttir ortrie;adir otehaer°gOrda fRrsimngOftacetalguadieb'sodo71..-1MUr'y Freeman, Troy, N. Y. Pocket -hoc k contatrund 'Ring 01 hand. Art pleaset1.-Mrs.1. R. Stone, Dayton, 0. Would not sell : Tor it3.-Irene Brown, Otnaha. tier. lreas • 00311011314 Mf', Co. Station D. ; 1141 P.is Vog9tab],e iciiiaii HAIR RENEWER was 3ite 111'4 imhparatieni perfect I y acialted to c ti ie. diseases of the scalp, 4114 the erst sitecessful re, 'Storer ot. faded or gricV hair .0 310 tuttu•ral.coloi," ' :growth,•alui youthful &nay. ItInts had Away loUtatOrS, but nrinehavo so fully met.all. tho ' • • juin:mints needful for the proper treatm of the hair and soitlp.. 114 1.1's HAIR it tiNER'in a .giCticilly'grown in afar, and spread its fame And • usefulness 30 OVOry quorter of the:0611e- Its 30. p.aritilolett SueeeSS CM] 1114) ALtribtlted to but une cause: ihe entire fillflintelq itspri;misea: . The proprietors lime often Ireeti surprised 0( 11,0 ' receipt of orders from remote countries, 'where • they had never madeon eifortior its in tretlactien. 1180 for a Short thne of HA rd's nextwen wonaerruny imoreves the personal. appearanee. It cleanses the S6aIp froni ll int, purities, 'cures all butnors4 fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stlinulates the Vealiened ,glands, and enables thein in' push ter. Ward e now anti vigorous greneth. The effects of Oki arti0le:atom:4 transient, iike. those of 81cO holic preparations,but remelt! a 1cMg tinte;Whieh makes its use a matter of ecouoniy. . .331IQKINGHAIWS 137.E • . *or, Top " WHISKERS Will •ohnneo the beard to a lintirral brown, et, black, as desired. . It produces a perinanelit golor tIprt.esptaralltlitothritotsp waisha•riway. 'consisting of sine, • priAleciwpy ithnouttr.ouble. • pittnt,-• ' 11A.Ila 8i CO. Ntsbui.N.11. • • Sold by all Dealers InNefilelnein • VORL. THE FORMS 01', gerCoraioua, Iiret'curhil, and . .Bletod..Disortiers, , t1,ehest1nMe4rhtioa41ie-the•05Ost„-.-- searching anti ;thorough. . purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Seta by alt Druggists"; V, biz bO311o6, $5. • TO MERCHANT How to SellOoods —TAM OL.UCAS AS fl'ITE PAL\ TE!?, BOTH .-PLAW • Mill GOSMAN& DODDS:, Are new prepared to do all kinds of werldin line. Baying put in 4 grain erashor, we ire aide, toile chopping et an) time and On the)lbortest notice. • nusMAX & DAD1)ar . Myth, Ontj Vit A. FARMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, • IMPROVSC AND 051e01.5 taiMOVati, t...SIC)4 J3tISZi()I'S Any 080 59301,1037 t� s 1 this elass et Property et, rearms obtain a Int N baser hr 343) 113 Ink to CHAS. R. 8R Land Office, IhnulasSt., London, Ontr IVICotkozir to r,oAn: at lowest vacate taterext. AlusIv to 24