HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-04-30, Page 3..
THUI SIZTXtOleT Ma. aeutz MisoN, ExateeYe of
, Vullett, gave! ue".pletiaant.eurpriee
wyeealrPerroa:g1)%14ato:inueg teen
the fearful ravages ef the disettee by
which he waa contined to the bowie
for some month; it was deeitietily
cheering to have positive eiridelnie
that he is hi a fair vi ay of w.5rhing
around to his original robust health.
May hia eletdow never be lase.
, The uottoric BOWS
ci , I 'IT
*Huron Record
Guaranteed &verse, circulation, over 1700
Clinton, Wednesday, April 30th
l'A.ttes CIII78011.— rho ad.
journe I 'Vestry meeting was held. on
Monday evening, The Auditors'
report Wan received and odopted, A
committee coimieting of Nieesre.
Sheppard, Combe, Becey, Jackson
anti Tisilall waR appointed to solicit
In and Around the "Hub." su scriptions to erect a, suitable
fence is the front. and rear of the
church, It was aleo decided to re-
move the doors from the pews in
the °buret). On motinettbe organised
salary was raised to $100 per
Sown itollt.
"ri:C84--A( at Mari 164444/ to utexl 14 receive
iteme Of news from any retiabie cource,rither
sorbet or written. Reportof strainos, on-
44,rtafruseita,lootet4t. and church doings, et c.
oras' other matter* of general. interest
IViX attsap have ptoce in our columns. -Ea
liOW ARE Yon Or Foti Koraii.--
"As usual I will this sermon, ply the
bighted. cash price for fresh epee
TKOs. COOPER, Albert, St., Olin -
280 tf.
Bansarr, TuE "RED ROCKER"
rtraiirroite, MAN; To viz Faowr
AGAIN' cleaning will com-
mence soon and Baii ha secur
ed the services of , a first:close
Upholsterer from Detroit. Any per-
son wanting Sofas, Lounges, °Mare,
eke., raspholetered 'should Reed
them to. the Red Rocker Furniture
Store, Albert Street, Clinton, and
have them done rigbt. .280 tf. •
0.11E4P .PIONTrATG 1-0000
srouirt —Nate znd .Letter Heads,
aatensents, Bill Ileac's, and all kinds
of Commercial Printing, at THE
• Nyaya-UC(IRD office, chever than the
cheapest, quantities coniidered • ust.-
tlesit'Ennelopes,-witlt card printed 011,
rem $1.25 er .1,000 and upward.
••""-loril.i;--BEI,leaVi---Of-• . as.
visiting in town.last week,'
Ray, A. SrEwaum, of Derham, is
the 'guest of his daughter, Mrs,
Peter Cole, jr, .
• .111Essits. Sotvg,, barrister.' and
deputy reeve Thomption .are
Westing it.
Jons' Cueta lies sorn, th,incr.to Ray .
in regard to Inc .tailoringadepar.
meta. It is einiely tied well worth •
Mn. PALTitinas, an old • titne
0„ businesti man, revisited'Clinton
yesterday and Was no dotibt stir.
prised at the'immense progress of
,- • '..
•Mit. 111,:F1sonee has rented the
store receetly occupied by W. 11.
Sinitle'opposite the pest '<date), and
will conduct the 'tailoring business
•ii.i the new quarterain about a week.
TtIE Ternperancie' Lodge will give,
an open entertainment' iti their ball
on Friday evening, *ead-
ings, recitations, ..dialogues, seitgs;
ete., will eompriee the programme.:
The admission is free.'.
. ONE day last week a.yotine lady,
when. in front of. Coat & Sou'e
store, fell AO the eteetit in O fit.
She was .ceeriea hito.the etctre. and
with a glass of Water was .soon
brought to coosciousness...
We notice in the Toronto.. Truth
that. Mr.. John of
Clinton, in Bible Competitien Ro, 9,•
carried off the.thirci Prize be the
"middle re Voards.." The. prize .is • a
sewing Machine..
BOARD 00 HEALT11.1110. Health.
Committee of the Cduiteil . Met last
yeek and resolved to receininend as
Ineintiers .of the :Beare of
Messra• Cheney, Fisher and Dr.
Wililams. The.. Mayor and Clerk,
are ox officio mon:here. ,
ed on the Market Square•oo. Sitter,'
day evening. They c,•1A.' good, time
and played Well. Oar. citizens tnuelt
appreciated the Music, :as'• waremei-'•
deut -front:the large number on:the
;streets. Teti band- is a eredit.to tire
toWn. -•
• Ciazereko"—Sergeinit Ans-
ley, of. WitigitainOt.ot been:gazette,:
Lieutenant of No: 2 °emptily 'aline
'33rdeBattalloti1vice El dint, protein -
sed, and Mr:4one; Youtig, &Mod:
Lietitentuit of.No..4 Colima:ay, of the
kitne 13t.diou, vie W. if; Retie
for', 'left the limits. • •
Went /Laren TeaChers' • Institute, in:
Exeter ori 8th and/ 9,01 ri( May.
A libetarprogrannue has beenar-
ranged, isewhicie while pertly. pro-.
Ak leissional interests • have not been
lost sight:10f; the Menem si le or the
literary, man hail ,not been negiected.
MR: G. WRIGHT, a vvell known
ex -citizen Of Clitioait; waeiii towel
last Week. Ile le now a remidetit of
Der! i u •anel a mete her of • the„ mfg.'
firm ef Nelson & Co. of tiler ,plaiie
'Theiy;are iittiodeeing a smell ogee)
of-abOut two .horse power, built on
an entirelY new prineiple, slid said
to be very economical in 'working;
• atterroe its properly .terated the
"Huh"' of lire equity. Its 'central
location .atill rail way cantle unicittiou
cast, West,. eerth awe moth, makes
Clinton a town of greit importance.
And the meet,' Mattel leturimg
cents here with -worll-wide tiputa-
tions,,Aein(te mitke:Ithe "II Oli" One,.
Ot-tflO *"141(4.4f-ilici.i6Ttiaii'VOWVR"fli
Weston:4)1:61mo, ,
WATeg 'WANTErs.:,-.The Streets
Withetif a doubt shoold be reirtokloti,
The dust of 8 iturilay was Mutest
unendureble ab times, and eliould
our ditiZens to realize) the
tweet:sky of having the !streets
erifered'. The eost would only ben
7 *AIL.' and the benefit groat. We
hope that action willbe: taken in
the matter mid that a dieee busi-
tieesetesei will mat have to feet the.
bill. The whole tOwii. gets tile
1144 t„ both directly and indirectly,
about the .24t1) of May
Ilit9 00 ene.interested • Mattered is in
etd•1 Or what; wit ye
have besides , the racea '1 Some\
towns maho grante toward siimilar
beiebratiotiN. Walkerton sports have
Already held pdhlie meetitige atni
raised $600 •Or $700 for the 24th.
,A.walte 1 The bill ,of fare of tlie
"1:11111" hould not be behind —hut
tionid be Motel of —fereler years, in
the matter ofeiporte,
Till& PoporAllor or Ustrrox.
ThoNill the aswisstnont.rolt .t,ives•
onTy obout 2,700 as Ole population
of Clinton, there ate probably 3,000
get& iir town. These who are Ceti
vereant 111 Welt Matters say that it.
al Meet impossible for asseaSers to
get the out% numbeie, and ate con.
lident that it a Oellaila af dm town
;were taken foe theetepecial purpoetiof
riacettaining the population, it would
feet Op fully 8,000. There may be
'something iii this. There Are many
•vlio hatte neither property oor
ilie .whoin it is Vito possible to
Ob, the mud, the boot-clingIng mud!
Splashin„,,, and dashing with sickening
Climbing ',way up on the back of our
Trying and sighing to slip down our
Olt, soft; sticking substane.e; too soon
yotell be dry,
And, tattling to Sust, you'll ily in our
eye I •
Pattering niud,
We sigh when wo spy thee and cry opt,
"0 Led 1" ._.
WHILE dining the other:day " a
gentleman sport in town was describ-
ing 'our imaginary horse race
on the 24th. Those around the'
table were listening attentively and
the "spore! was describing the
horses and drivers on the bow
stretch. With Outstretched arms
•rr-a-backweril poRture.
...".whes. 1 whoa, r'—the chair lurched
'backward and over he went.. Beyotel
a serious eliake, the breaking of •the
folt*ire and w number of di.dies„) he
`woe het ebriously here Just mei)
tion horse races te that man mild
bell cook you with a hot brick -hat,
Tua Bao.—Mr. timitheou
wao practicing with a bar the other
day—a dark colored bar—a ratite,-
ble crow.bar. There on not be any
doubt that were the five foot metal
bar endowed with the faculty of
articulation it would indeed crow.
Not being aentient did not, how-
ever, prevent it from being active.
VeIt,1‘1,r, Smithson aceing in cou.
e.ort with the aforeitaid crow -bar, the
letter being used ats a lever, was en-
deavoring to reise from the ground
a heavy sill timber. The bar did
not grip wish huOieletit adhesiveness
the timber, but Mr. Smithson held
on to the bar for all he was worth.
that' e where he missed it, but
the bar slid not mime him. Mr.
Smithson was powerfully pulling
clown on the bar when it lost its
grip, the sudden let go of the lever
threw him backward. iie brought
it with him and struck himself with
it with great force over the left eye,
.He was off work for a few days in
consequence, and, •though he receiv-
ed a, severe blow, will likely be all
right in a short time.
Qt.:WKLY.—Mr. Harry Stev.ene, the
picmcier builder of 'Clinton, seems to'
ite about tor active as any of the
younetins. Already We spring, lie
ItaS erected a frame hout:m .34 x . 24
with kitchen - addition. Joiner
week complete and • evree thing left
•Riiip shalie for • . the phistererir and
pa'nters. About, a 'Week was. tlie
time Mr. Steiiiine and a 'email, force
of men took to do the work.. The
extram•dinary demend for house;
nee esitetes • exteenrilinatlY efflirte,
and we are lefl.(1 to be able' to ,shew
that our builders, espeeiallY Mv
Stevens, 'met-equalto thePecasion.
•Itietf,e Witoens No ONFL--Our
local eptene has settled a very im-
portant legal -matter. . In
o' iiiiaI langnagil is declares that
Liceeses granted 'by .the linninion
Commissioners "arevalet wort') .the
paper they are written 9n.".' The
eiemtnismioners, 3 -however, have re..
..ceived, $1000 for greutine licenses
in dee County' ,and 4/ course they
have a right to it; remelt oer. (totem.
Exactly so. Tboy .nave a right. to
Bet our come% Would like to -
know what value Ow Ctiminissionere
gave rifor the. $1600 -they have a
right . to.. .•He should ansiver his
,OWI1 (petition,. or rialto!. Ite -has
answered it •by gating. "theyelied
theriglit to it Midereite Ace".
Scurf Anreon —A. good deal. of
talk is g ing the toendti about the
Scott Act in Hurote but why ie
tle re not some decided actton taken
at once I We would suggest tbo
calliper of a convention for the
Comity at Clinton at as early a date
as possible and in tine way aseertain
the feeling of the different
palities on the matter. Who will
i/utke the move 1—Brussels Pos&
U the Post were not as deaf as its
wooden namesake it would haye
heard it telephoned through the col-
utime of the News -Rectum last
week, that Li, meeting of temperance
delegates had been held in Clinton
on Tuesiiity the 16t1), when it was
deterinined to call le thoroughly
.represent.ttive.,C011,Yelltion to be held
in Cliuton early in May to take
biro coneideration 'the advisability
of carrying the"war into Huron`,'
aneLife'yee tole ovide for thoraugh
ly stocking the weenie -may clopart
meet for the impending campaign.
Tee Post's suggoetien, however, is
an emelt. nt one, eveti if action had
been previously taken in the line
indicated. •
ow °oda
Wurt 3L=Lettotviaci..
Five different kinds of 10134C00.
Caps and Baipeers, Xngs, Knives' Scissors
School Sponges, Combs,
WALL PAPERRITPBMCome and see our large variety of goods, which are boina sold,
at lowest prices.
for God and the world. He warned
Oddfollows not to rely upon Odd-
felloweltip alone but to 1.0, Christians
• first and Oildfellows efterwards. He
answered many of the objections
raitted against such °tilers, and do.
(dared that the necessity for such
imtitutions hatl arisen
bee no of the ()beech's recreancy to
'its duty. The choir of the chur
led by Mrs. Newton, sang an appro-
priate voluntary, and a special col-
lection was made for clench pur-
• Division Court..
. '
His Honor judoe Doylepresided
„ .
at the of '111(4 Court on, Sat-.
urdity. lame, -The bar evas repretteni-
ed by, Messrs. Maleoinson, Manning,
Seeger and IIeret. The thicket' Was
a small one, hut contained several
cases of eoesiderable importance.
°Hot wee vs. Jordan and „Man Mee.,
'This wart axe action by .1' R. liolnio
against Edward Jordau and Lauren -
eta Monitor, as makers of e preens
eery note. 'The defenje was tlie.t a
•payinent of $79' made by Jordan
wets to beapplied on tliis mite and
uot on an aceouitt also held by
HOIIIIHS: 'against JerclOn.Judgee
meet for.,Defireilante. Malcomieni
'for Plff; Maiming' for Defendant.
Little, illif,-alleged small pox pa.
tient, .who insisted • Cm leaving
Goderich for Lendep.bospital
is stated to brive almost got.
over the effected: the diseasegyinet
ever it was:. The Lomlon Medicai
'feel th Officer -still. insists that', it;
.wati aeries() of small pox„ but of a
. very. initil.tyPe. tinderitoml
• that the Letidett authorities con:
template taking steps to pRilli41.1 the'
Goderich inediaal .. men ...Alirouiflt.
whoso. interutneittedity„ is is istated,
:Little was .foisted. upon London,
Titer*. are 1,6 good• reasonts
thitik t ng that tete' medic...el Men' of
sent,.Lilile .aiyety,. fi.out
that towir;- as suggetited by the .Loni
don tiapers. • • •
GOderiCh 1'0113101LP.
From our ows correspondent.
' There will be a meeting in Sharon
church, 7th con., on Friday evening
at 8 &cloak in reference to future
arrangement's. All are invited,
A peculiar ease occurred in th'
township. the other day, Soinetimes
Ohl "Trust" iseelead in the country
as well as in town. Onefarmer went
to another to get ionie seed potatoes.
'Plie bags were fi.led to the :mount of
$2.50 and thetetusteraeg etendered a
."V' .in payment therefore:* The
seller could not intute change, and
wasn't going to lose tizne htinting
waiting, etc. in fact the customer
should come "after hours." The
"tidies" over() emptied from the bags
and a purchase rode elsewhere,
wos he . not trusted? The
money was tendered, and the custd.1
mer a responsible and reliable man,
Holmes ia,flolnies.--Actiop on
promissory note. • Settled . before
trial. Malcomson for Plffe. Seeger
for Deft...* . • '
Oaborn. ,vs. -0elierne—Aution -on
promissory note... Settii-d before
trial Aleiming & Stott for ;
Seeger for Deft. • • "
Prom owr oton Correspondent,
The boys of No. 5 intend playing
those of No. 1 a game of foot ball
two weeks from last Saturday.
We have not heard anything oldie
"Who Speaks First," Wbo are thOV
anyway, and do they want to play?
"If they do, we will accomodate
them," so says the Union Club of
Sugar making this season has
been, very poor, although quite a
nuinber tapped trees it was mostly
syrup that was manufactured', in.
deed we have not yet Need of any
suger being made here tine spring.
The boys of the eighth line played
a game of football with the boys of
the ninth line, The game was well
contested and both sides played ex-
cellently, considering the practice
they have bad. The result at the
mateh was one goal for the eighth,
aud one (conteated) for the ninth.
There' li-loTius—ei-iaffereriffit over a
report that the "Salvation Army'."„
intends paying this part of the coun-
try a visit. There are some here,
who, IfY their own confession, only
want an invitetion to join - the
"Army." The abed deeds of the
Salvationists( appc ar to be appreciated
in this locality, and there is not a
doubt that the "Army': would meet
with a hearty reception should they
visit us.
very pleasing event took place
at the resideeee o, Mr. John G. Steep,
of the 9th, on Thursday evening.
About forty or .tifty assembled to pay
a well deserved tribute of respect to
an olgainti faithful superintendent and
Smoilty lichee! teechereMrJohnCluff
•Wlien all had assenibled, Rev• Mr.
Mattheets explained' the. object of
the meeting. A tetiching and kindly
Yorded . italrees was read by Mr.
John Marshall; and the presentation'
ot a"veluable and lemilaaine easy
chair made by alio Sesame Sheppard'
and Miss Charlotte Marshall, on he•
half of those present: Mr. Cluff res-
ponded in suitable terms, although
previonely •Iutcl no intention of
what had taken place. A very plea-
sant and enjoyable evening 'was
spent, and .Mr, and 111ra. S. (lid
emelt towards making: the• evening
one to be, long, remembered; „Fol-
lowing is the , . . • • •
AnnitESS : . . • ".•
. .
• , teethe:4e two cases the -prineipal
point; was the colleetion of intei est
at 10'X'en notedrawn for one year
'only,. and. wieheut ethe •words.
til fair tieing added., This was de.
• eided by Hitt ...Honore* flie tirst care
• in white! - he allowed oniy 6%, the
legal interest.
. •
Glale ys, two cases .'Dei
..fence eittereel, disputed *mount of
Claim and jeriedletio.n . oe. Court.
Judgement • for .P111'. itt botls cases.
Igannifig idt. Plt•
'i7emeLit.kerm, Sexiatt. —On Sim
day evening R11fri.0-;
preached a powerful .and eloquent
sermon on Tem perance.:..H e took
his. thief, elideok of . Genesee 4th
chapter, •9ileatialOth veraes. The
Teniperatice. Lodge attended , itt rp•
girlie, the church being . well tilled,
In 1118 diecouree the rev. gentlemen
clearly pointed out. the ,evil effeetS
of the . liquor trafliee the amormt Of
crime; the.. iittalt'nl the al:elutes;
and the 1.ff ee of dt u liken ti ss and tip.
on a maleswhole botteelielti.
Who wee reeponsi el le iu r legislators;
titepeeple whoeletted tneillhert; to re- ,
pre:item them; ,atttl the moderate.
cirielcer.. The, latter would • invite
les friends' :to partake of the
toxicatimtg bowl ancl, finally. Would.
be rewa,de.d. with a• (limit: tird's
frrsve While the nuitiorate &hiker
could •snOp, When he Wished, :A ii,t
thn great; teiReey wrought...by home:
leating liquors. Families rud
f‘om wealth .ts povetty and • fleet
happiness to misery. , -ft WWI the
duty of the. Chemin
Christians to denounce. the ligiier
.i.ireffeeettillie•te .d i I Lire -their Were
to eweep its existenCe from our
land: • . •
th (illat • blowing aloe odiestreets.
become a perfect
meets grits every whore. The nu:e-,
mice should be abated and we pre -
ranee that the Couecil will take the
wetter epee lot fleet meeting: We
hieline to the view thee if street
a attiring is tieeessary it, ahould • lie
paid for lint of'the town ftnnis. • If
ni,o..as • ev.nt allit hiitt the inie rest
of the majority. Thati t itr iteceseity
we believe the majority will admit.
Though those livieg outside the bus.
ii1ess portion of the tO,Wii a ill tie(
Italie the istreepsytitered.in front 4
choir (1001,4, illek will 1,0 benetitted
to the full extent of ;heir taxes that
goes tor this purpose. tomilitv in
he levying. and ex pendii tiro °flexes.
hi a cereciet futidamental pr'eiple
Should illogical eel fishutins contend
dud elm business men are those
'chiefly behelituel mid that -
(demi sliOuld ply for street watering,
the burtinees teen eouid logically
ttlst nonethe applicatioit of the RAMO
p1"1,11011110 itt odor matt..rs, Say itt
that of.selinol expeilditure. Out of
ovee 600 .0101,1ren on tlo solool roll
ttliout, 80, only, are thoso of losinpas
non. If 1 monoits 111k44,111-0 to poly
'for street wetering belumtbft is al
1; g, to benefit-,shent el '441,14 surely
parents: of children ehould be at
the exclu‘ive charge of edueadog
their own children. We invislione
etyle of argnmeet Should nOt
resorted, Thi 'town slieuld 1 ay fur
tercet, waterieg tts for anything 0180
that itt tt reblie benefit.
.DPAR • " SIllootI STEN WO, the'
members of St. ,lanies' Sabbath School,
have asseMbled together tor the purpose of
Showing hi a Shiall degree our appreemtion
.of your valuable services. . Throughout .a
number Or years past -you have. been en-
duavorill.' to teach us • in in: earnest and
persevering manner more of that blessed
truth contained in the Weril of (led. In
return we bog .you to accept this Ciimit as
a small token of our United esteem, and
our most. fervent 'prayer is that 'tlie,bless-
• illgs 'Of tilY God maY wait upon thee and
.the Son of Gloryshine around thy head ;
May the gates of. plen ty, honor, .and happi-.
ness be alwayi open to thee and thine.
May ilo strife disturb thy days,' nor sorrow
distseSs.," thy nights; and' pleasures of im-
agination attend thy dreams ; and when
length of•yearS makes thee fired.of earthly.
. joys .1int1111.e curtaias.of death gently close
round tlie scene' of thy. existence, may the
Angels. of *God' attend thy lied, and tal:e
care that 'the. expiring lamp of lire shalI not
yeeeive on. rtide blast to liaAen lts.Oxtine.
"Bon; and, finally; may the Saviones Blood.
wash thee.froin. all impurities-enil prepare,
theti,to enter the land or everlasting felicity..
, .
Ode Vs., Ilarbourn &nd Belfry 84'
(40Sinall.--ACtion :on !tote. Judge
went for PItI. Mciuninge‘..Secitefer
Dickson, vs, -1-Iaryey,-7•The Plff.,-
all'in it -If et-4)er,, field a set of •bareess
euggy of tine Hitrvey fo'r heard,.
eleiniing 'a lieti.. under tateedevidtee
'rite Dretilaitthavittgae.laiw agehird
Harvey seize(l. theeenteetuder atteele,
wen ;4ot i iiterpleader was enter
pd.. Tite evidence was taken ..ane
tee arguinenteidjourned to,Chamberk
.Getlerialt: .Maletnesou and
nine for 1-larvey, Johnston for
Dickuote. •
Thie latter decision will be an in-
teresting one to boarders and lint
keepers alike. -
65th: Anitiversaty of the Order.
Sunday last- was theer6.5th anni-
versary of • the independent (:);der
of Oildfellows - and was celebrated
tlirotigItout .tlte coutery by atteerdi
twee at cherelt itt a special service.
OR Ole 26t1t day of Apra, 1k519, in
an °bemire- little villagd111 die State
of Itliesouri, the first lodge was open-
ed with a meniliet.ehip of five:.. Sitio()
that eitne the Order lets- etowii atm
*flourished to,a-titembeiship of half a
titillioit-ea lam t' one' eight 11 the
latiou twe branclt.
irgailizat eels •knowil is the Eden top-
niet* end Rebekah Degree. The
first lodge itetituted 'on Canadiati
Atte, was not.' openetl. until nearly a
'''fieittnerlaf '-aiTiffiartiTtiii
flower of "friendsliip,,loveand truth"
Vas first planted arid 'took root in
WaleN• Hodge was inetituted in Mote
treat. under the jurisdietion .of the
TjettetrS,ates Grand Lodge, being
the first lodge in Canada. The Grond
.Lotlge of clanacia, awl stib;,equently
tile Getatid Lo igo of Brititilt. North
flAmeritea•, ivere formed. Tlie Grand
.b.dge of Ontario 'wart formed itt
1855 and timid:ere 13,861 metubere.
is now about hire niillion
dollars ievested in the istitne of the
Order iti Oittario, fluid about $25,000
Itas hen paid out for sick benefits
Op to the pri•sent time, whichwith
the ane.una, paid out by Le Order
far rillief twinge the amount up to
about, 540,000. Within the . past
tive years the growth of the Order
in Ontario has been Most astenieli.
ing, and at presient nearly Avery
toWil mid village in the. Province
boastof at lewd, one Lodge, While
wherever the Oildtellow may roam
in Canada he finds bis brethren of
the three links about RS thick as the
proyerbial blitekberries, eve', !Taal
10 extend R 11.11146g hand t� bine
The Clinton le °three nesembled
in their lodge roinn at ,1.0 o'elock
and maiehed to the Baptiet ehurch,
which waell11,41 to ite utmost, cepa
eity. Rev. julin Gray preached Itt
10081 suitAble and elognent Hermon,
founded upon *eras in the pirable
of the Good Samatitan, Luke X.
lie did not give nil extravngant
eulogy, as teeny in eietiltte positions
do. of the Order, 'but poleteil
brie*, though it 1'0(1(1 but ft
indittitiOri, it rniglg do' grand work
• 41iw .Grandi s
A, Great Success—Surpassing any Previous .Atterapt,
Ofouids of Astonished People to see our Tremendous Display.
Everybody seemingly pleased with the great variety of Its and Bonnets and with._ Miss CAigrom's
to cater to their tastes.
MISS 11,1c111A.XINCIS is our Mantle -Maker. A very large stock of maittle material in Ottoman Cords, Satin,
Brocades, Gros Grain Silk and Cloth.
OUR CARPET ROOM, which is one of Alm finest west of Toronto, also attracted the multitude and very
numerous were the pleasing comments on the display- we made and. at the large stock of goods we carry in thi4
department. We have the finest stock of Carpets in the county and will be pleased to show them at any tim•e,
• ,We thank cordially those of you. who favored us with a call at our opening and will be pleaod to see you again,
To -those who could not visit us blaturday night we extend a hearty invitaticn and will be glad to see y -au M the Great
ryt, G oods .Palace.
Never Give hp.
If you are suffering with low and
depressed epii•its, loss of apeetite,
general debility, disordered blood,
weak eonetitution, headache, or any
disease of a billious nature, by all
\means procure a bottle of Electric
'Bitters. You will be surprised to see
the rapid improvement that will fol-
low; you will be Inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return;
pain and misery will mum, and henget
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric Ettters. Sold at fifty cents
a bottle by Watts' & Co,
Tho spring work has commeneed.
The vocabulary �f this distract for
the:past few weeks is 'characteristic
of the amploynients of the people,
the prospects of spring, tile condition
of tho fall wheat crops, -the gradually
improving. state of the roads, inc1
the probabilities ' of a . oontinned
spell of warm weather' forni the
staple subjects of conversation. Al-
though we heal the 'seine obeerve-
• thine every day, , and take -part iu
converge:Lion abreast word for'evord
. with those of. yeetorday, there i.s•
here suet) an oVident•sinearity.,in all
that: is said and done; 'tufa ouch a
'spirit of 'friendliness -made manifest
in the dealings of all, that •we feel
that) we aro , in a ,conimunity where:
truth and honesty •ancl 'geed will to
man are the ruling principles of the
people. . • •
Last Tuesday quite a company of
the -neighbors assembled at the house
of Mr. Clark, con. 0, Morris,who is
about to leave here for tlici North.
west.The. viiiitoes brotight supplies
with them. Before leaving they pre-
sented Mr. Clarkwith an album co11.
teitaiug the photographs of the. geeat-
er uumbet of the members of the
•.Sunslilue Loyal . Orange *Lodge,. of
which Mret•Clark haeheen for 901110
'time a very active member: After
the reading of the address 'Mi.: Clark
replied in a very feeling manner, pro-
mising to use his best efforts to pro-
mote • the' 'welfare of the. Orange
Order in the land to which he -'ke,S
going. • After a heppy. time Well
spent tito guestsmade the best of
. way homeward In the "erne' •
hours el the Inorniii." • .
Quite 'a number of the yoling 'poo -
pis of the neighborhood aeseinbied to
bid Tazewell to Mr. Robert. Way, .0
Morris., ewho intends going. to •the
'Northwest in a short thee, M. 'Way,'
who is .•well lolown and ie pito a
favorite 'here, will be sadly missed'
out of our 'eocial circle, The follow-
ing' addrese was:presented to Mr.
Fram-our own earresponaent •
. .
Mr.'T: C....Pickard. has 'commented.
huiliiing an'addition to his store., Mr.'
Richard Docking has the job. .
• 'Mr... Thoiriao ,Kelly,• foremen 'on
Holrhesville seetionte.T.11.,iselabger
•ouOly sie.k, 110 has been •off york,
tor several dayta. •• •
• .. • .
• ilevi Wm. Birks has purchased an
IncVan pony from Itev. A. Andrews,
ef Kincardine. • •
Mr: John' O. Pickaraefrom the vi-
cinity of Whitby, and wife, are visit-
ing at the. residence. of Mr. -John
Mrs. Lavis is visiting at Brussels at
bdr datigntetesellre..J. W. Hill, who
recently reineved 'to that town. •
From our own correspondent.
The ROV. J. A, Sahinieft is still 111
and un eile to attend te his deeps,
It is reported that the Rev. Brapcite
B. Cv • Minieter, has •regeetted his
move to Texas and purposes to re
earn to On eel° Again.
Our flax manufacturers are busy
sowing seed this spring and intend
running both mills this summer. '
Our barber, Mr. Doering, has re-
moved to 1.11011(1.. •
All our hotel keepers are grumb,
'ling about this Lillie of the year when
liceine_must paiflointl espeeitilly
ment has increased the fee so greatly.
To cure oeneumptIon, ulceration
itt tbe 'lungs must be stopped, the
Matter must he thrown o, the mem-
bran RIO alis'al'iee-Wetleeteutethee
Systein invigotated. Downs' Elixir
will do all this. Try ire Every bottle
warranted. . . 270 4t
• We are turning out some very
Under the Management of
MISS O'BRIEN, late of Detroit,
.1)tittiOgitud Fitting a Specialty
FILITIT Apprenti'ces
Life Size Portraits a Specie*.
At Less Than Half Cost
Aild we witi have em. in Sock this week. COnae and
, get one of' the greatest hits of the season.
We baye also a'great Bonanza in...116§TEY. Auikor
" them and get a pair.
Our Mantle Departnet
Is ahead cf any season yet, a ease. of NEW ORNA-
and'IAITTONS'just in,
Bargains' in Parasols 1
.Barkains in Prints
)Q.ase's ofEm.broid.pries(2
Is. WITH. PLEASURE that I rettirn
A. my sincere tlkanks Lb the NORWICIIFIILE
INS -TRANCE COMPAY tor the prompt mini-
usit, thiougli Mr. Chas. 'Wield, hod agent, .
. in Mike they paid nty tilatin, Oaused by the
-late fiae. • • •
Clinton, .April 27, 1884.. • 284-1t.
I hereby lironlain) WFDNIPSD ‘y • •.-
trubG that all parties will observe it. as ftilly as
281-11 P. r°r.tittliSTElt Mayor...
as Arbor Day for the :row MAI To,
n nton and
Demi Fetiemee-It is with fooling:1
of the deepest regret that WO aro
about 'ts• Sever otir conueetion, with
you. Detente yourstay 'aniong , us,
ysu have won flinch:teem and gond
wishes. of all with whotu "yon have
associated. Moo ecotaitthia small
preeent from our. hands as- a very
slight .token of our appreciation, of
your worth as a frlenet Although of,
little intrinsic value it is given' in
friendship_ so that when we are
fiepArtited you may have setnething
to recall' us to memory. It is our
earnest wishes that you may have
,proSperity and happiness in yotar neW
home, and that if we never not ou
earth, again we may inedb• above
where parting shall be no more.
Yours, (*behalf of
.e, . „
Amin' elects y FRIENDS.
ig a duty,- Disease it crime
Use Dr. 'Henry Raster's
13ittine and be cured of ell biliousness
er liver .trouble. , 25 ones will ;buy a
large bottle. • 270 -It
Mr. Jacob Stabler had tin auctioe
l'iritteteetantelagerf atieles. household.
furniture and effects and purposes tie
remove to Iowa, IL S.
Jutins • Morlock who had been
offering from cancer • in the throat
died at his residence lastePriday and
was buried. Sunday the 27th inst..
Mr.' Morlook had been a resideet of
Creditoo for a number of years and
earriee on a. bustneas as waggon and
carriage builder; About throe years
ago lie removed to a farm aboot 3
miles from Imre and, everything was
progressing favorably until about five
months ago he was troubled with
•what he consid '1'0(1a toothahce. He
had the tooth drawn by a Dr. shortly
afterwards but the pain increased,
and en mediae( aid beteg enamelled
pronouneed the ailment 4 cancer,
arr.' Morlook prOCIOrPO all tllel
al aid possible soul still the disealie
grew worse, and for one week before
he expired the rood which he partook
of passed throtteli an incision made
at, the side ot neek large enough
to admit goose egg. mr. Morloelt
leaves ri, widow and a large family to
mourn Itis 10140,
. Bayited.
Prom our own Ci?rresjwad.crit. •
The fishermen have commended
deep water fishing the lake . being
now•clear of ice.: • •
Fall wheat -Will fie rather under tho
everage crop in title vieiniey.
Messrs Thotimson & 0., Italie re-
paired the beeek in the mill dam and
ItnItoor.e.nMinning Order .olloe
We are pleesede to SeelMr,. 'rhos:
Ito has •just.passed a Maley credit -
:en). 14119,99,4.11.1 1.11 .thre.PI9f"sj."
able/wintery. examinatiou and will•no
ho has ohosCh.
•• On Tuesday of last week the llev.
,Natlianlel Paterson, late of llay held,
mei inducted into the 'restate emerge
-of Hanover and Norte Normandy,
by the Pi esby tery ot Bruce.
. .
I wrote you the other week • about
.gettinga wet at Cook's at Varna and
my seeing a lot of seekers that dill
not havci to go into the !water to get
wet, • Well, I hey° something more
to say about seeker's. I am • told
that tteo hot tempered, non 3 of Erie
lied a little diffloultr the other day.
One had the other before.. our Czar,
His Heuer melted the defetelant why
he hail assaulted tho complainaut.
Tho meno amid in •eatentuttion of
breaking tho'pettee ana the plaintiff's
head ;
"Ile Milted lean ilemin' sucker:"
"Whet if lie aid?" said tho Jus-
lie'?(*)P11 alloiv man to dell me
"Why not What IR itsuchor Oi don't know,"
"now do you know hin what It is
complimeetery term re • •
"It may be, yet' Honor; but Moike
nivet meant it for a compliment."
"Don't you know that natives of
the great State of Illinois aro celled
"01 did not, but 01 ao now. Oien
Allure Moike Inver mint to eall MO It
pabivo StV Oita plaeo, for woll he
knowe OPul' from Tippo• (ivy."
eompronnee Wri,8 fr..:eted,
A (great DiseVery.
Wm. Thomkos of Newton, Ia.,
says : "My wife has been seriously
effected with a coogh for twenty-five
same, mut this apring more severely
than ever before. She had used
many remedies without r1if, and
being urged to try Dr, Ring's New
Diseovery, did so, mei with mere gen.
letting eesul to. The lint bot tie relievi
ed her very teuele, and tile seentid 1 Att e sure remedy for elek need.
bottle bns absolutely cored her. SI) no% el t 861.1 stemeeil, DigyepRin,
1in not Ina so good health for thirte-dieastioh, constipetion Liver,
Thlitoutonies, 'Ale, no ince'lieine itt PritUil
..ONCL, at OAK. HALL Clothing' llouse, Clniton
Apply at 01100. . , M.riscitEn.
• -
NoTtee IS HEREBY GIVEl'i that the Annual
11.And don't,forget what we told you last weekti
:about the
1307VS 01-101r11171IiNT-...
Meeting o01110. Shareholders of tItenbovo
.Con;nnus will :be bold on Thursday, the
Eighthdays of May, A: D.' 1884, at
o'olook p.m. in the COUNCIL. CHAMBER, in
the TOWN O'FOLINTON,,to receive Lite Report of
;toe Directors for the past year, to elect a lioard
ot Directors fpr the ensuing year, and to transact.
general Businona:. (By order),. . • . D. A. FORRESTER, President.
-A. H. 41ANNINO,.Seeretary.
Clinton,14th Apr11,1884. ' 284-21 •
IJ.. PION, Mid possaspecl of a reasonable alumna,
f intelligence and bnetnm tact, .ean have their
>menses paid and tali Ictrge gala) ies, by Soiling
ur Nursery stock. 'We' fratirantee ralltoele
nd a's we nre•wen and favorably -known through -
lit Ontario, our agents mid no trouble in making
ales, IVO expeases repired 1 Outfit can bo
arried in coat pocket.. •
, 6
Ili it nasal card for terms, oth.
Trial flatlet; Peee AMU& ,t,/ Co'S, to Dr. Baxter's: 'atandrake Bruen
Drug Flora. /Argo oizo.,$too, 25 °tint:1i por bottio, 270-41
Narserymen and Seedsmen, • •
284 6113. LAKEPWLT, ONT.
.:The.DryL.GoOds:.'Eloorim of ..Clinteito
!Cheaper thau ever At
The undersigned begs *to retutn hia
sincere thanks to Lis nuutertitte Ma'
towers for their liberal patronage,
for the past two years, aud as
into& to give Ids cuetoniers the
Best Vallee poseible for their money,
he hopes to meet, a coetineauee of
their patronage, .
• . .
Will still be o,Specialty,,and ean not
be beaten hi Ike Marker: 'All'othar
GrOceries sei IOW as posible,
Large Stock of GLASS W ARV•traid
CROCKER Y. ou hand. Also
o, •
. &q.„
Give me a call and be satisfied, ' .
Takes this means of letting -the Public know that • he his.
opened. out
Which he will sell at the 16west possible rates I
,RAYMOND - Machine
At a Piice everyone can buy. All kinds of
ties Ana CrIttelstil. Published' every Tiluredny ftt
al 00 per annum; 'pa Want( appealt'ty
prehensive tables:a et in tents to the difforeot tastes
which Wrist within the circle 00i1 ctiltured 'lento,.
and will eltdeover'fnithfully to reflist andstun-.
itiarito the .intellectual, social nod pelitical mutt -
intents of the Ray,' Prof. GoldwIn Smith 'Will:be
regular contributor. ilir. Edgar FaWeett,,autlier
of "An Ambitious Woman," !cA. Gentleman of
Leisure," etc., trintriblites to Tut Wars a novul
of Now York soolotytaltleti, "'rho Adventures
of a. WIllOW." Omit, of Cpsco's Vtit-
Berta desitiptive of a tour taken by 111411 duritmg.
the past summer '•Down Wei:Mang !torso and
nereSi the Solkiths.', There aro contributions In
novo and terse from many of tile most popular
the .Thinin wIll receive abundant and careful at,
tuition. Advertisers will find Tim WRICIf (t opeoi,
env good moclium 1513111511 which to roach the
caliwated (Ulises ef Canada,. For terms and ether
particulars apply to c, 11 LAOKETT ROBIbION.
LSit,1ttIier, tI Jordon St., Tosorro,
'Novir's the Time
Itlade, on the shortest notice and at
Lowest Prices.
HALE' -1s the Place
Cdtne and sec his stock and
• give your order,
Eggs taken in exchange-
Don't forgot the place,
keep. the Celebrated,
t !Boas:Oat to t'ke. Contain their oww
r 0 0. IS 5. afe, sure and errootuel
••••••... er ‘vorma in CWidxoA or AAA%
•Goder-ic.h111_. a_rb. le Works'
TITAVE appointed MR, Roemer GeltDON, •
General Ag•ent of Ute Ocalerich idarbleMorka
'for Lhe County of Huron,
• • , 4'tOpt1et04. •
Ooderich, Feb. 6, 1888. • '
. .
Clinton 'Marble' Wafts,
Albeit Street, Clinton
. Alwayson hand.
• Reniembq the Stand, Opposite T.Cooper'S.
TrAftlaY. PlEitiltto the renowned Ton-
sortil Artist, bas olo-ained the aStICHAIleS
of a firLi.6is66 littlier. (VW All thn latest styles
ofigdweandgentionnet'shatt.cultIng, Ono Soot
eitiof the, esuniutelet Rotel
• itA,Rtg:t
tor argpfi
Dot, Slios,_Ellullot, into
Victoria BlOcfr,
Clinton, Ontario.
W., -1-1..,.CO.oPFR,..
Manufacturor of mile aoaler in 1I alitcli of
Marble & Granite for Cemetery
Work that defy Ooi;metitkes:
Aloe .manufacturer 'of the Celebrated'
AarTriOmAt SroisiE lor Building pup-.
poses and Cemetery Work, which Meet ,
be seen to be oppteciatede-eAll Weeit .
warranted to give eatiplaction,
--Having received
Spring .4nd •Ouramer Stock
Of 1300Te, s10fl, ete., 1 would coil the attention ef the entitle to tee einem.
tee, Wanner's 101 lloota only $1. 75. 1 -•
kir Men's, Boy's met 01111dreteseeliettp, Accordingly..
tg• Trunk's mid 'Valises very cheep. .- .
: AT Team* and Carriage Ilaruese cheaper Mae epee Silver Mounted Stogie
, , .
Parnees only $14, . .
tee Baby 'Carriages, it raw variety, at almost half price.
Irt. 13,000 lintreheirillgli Land Pine and Veda r Hiingles (Or sale, cheap. ,
Butter' and Akis taken :fag cash for Boots and Shoes.
itooNts VO ovEn
Wishes to throrm tta oki .iigiritnors and flt ,. public genertilly
that he hatt again opened out In the
Carriage and 'Waggon Business,
On tho aornor of Huron atta ()rano Strootaf Minton,
fit the Theek Building known est the "Mounteastle piemerty," where he will entry
nn the mitten.) ail Its branches. An .experience of over 20 yeas 'b
s Ieelines te
'Winos will emote bins to mr•et 'the reenineecnis of the pa Idle „hi itle Bee. MI
Material or (10e very hest enmity eini the worsinansidp„ ensurieisteeL .0111 and
'eNt111115t• before pereinising. All tee. haest Unproved rIggenitnifactured ttnd kept
Centlittittly hatufw
subseriberhegs te Totem his sincere,
thanks to his :customers mid:the pulilitt
generally, for the liberal patrOunge extend.
ea to him 111 the past, and by fureishing
the .
Rest article !
—AT THEi--
LOWEST Ilemarative .Price,
he hopes to merit tr eontinnaneoof: the.:
LunoiriAriONS orttie VARA" • - •
Bess' Arel end (117i:setae' PORTRAl. 04
bottle:41-1408pr entitle CeSADIA)? Atte,
censtantly ell hand, '
• Just revolved, in prime condition, Mew.
Timm, OtNnEtt 41; an ale rmisn z4i11,'
W'Sige Agenyor Ooderich,
OR mzuevg
0 rnt won
AcorY OF
or rim 'di.
tg4S"—t opairing a,rid iitpainting Promptly. Atiergled to 'I, lilltin601111";')gno:'Peo:tftettroti