HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-04-23, Page 4alve litirw oor AlAi4iter every wau,l belp moot earill. wIls.0 Tou lrl�iyrili pale hollow
-Me$ warrilige. It no #nab line th4p three me"a ) Checks And precalloull appetite, In.
X,�issra, 4114 wu'lo lit) e4tto."
-V Wall, l,ov 01,W406 tittelitlost, 0 11sist- oplit-sirsi, the porlion will roulaits use tired of opiril yet.' Men, title ex-convie-0 laid 0 t I (lice -to Worals. Froeinau a AVorm 0 L IN T 0 N OR
Plowdert; ill quick THE
ly a Ocilla y
or huse,; till thoitio of tile, 114 remove them. In.
Loaturilig on Jacull's lad3or pili Plan. for saving life "Palo," 110 ba AF
fil"Iferd Anti tsill"scrib"O to th"011owing Injigle, unless there be a aboro, line H�O 'E E
1-4 vistatisuter il required to give low tile- little ski these also But be� 3-ehitell ot a elliuslif;
I , lid be- the angeld of God aseeliding And, -do. lint 4, colit in lilts Pocket. 4
witiva UY a Ila er does cendini,! on easily, lie contrasted p4wited Isis coat slid with tbo pro- young arrhal "4 Work so
,ler lines denote the titilliber of Wines married. this with tile futile that it the covda birud a room ill that p4rii of 'Woman "I'd A (;Ilincsis 1411Y
being introduotid tiley l9okod at each.
I t t4-0 hij llalwr eat of tile alit] Zle lilies extelliliq down bo melf ilghlefillu inalis to enter boav4i tbot city NvIsere thieves irefsort. Ba. other's feetand then both faintea
sl�vttt tile reon. for its uot being taken. tweesi thethird or lio-er and by WR own Ili, rw or good works, tering this. little asylum, be dead awpy; tbeformor from mortid–
Ally l4eglCilt to 110 80 allikes tile pmitillastet in
to tile litilstlishers rot, payuleut. tile little ouger to tl a line of the and lie forcibly pictured this as "the Ole door, knelt dow anti laid tit" cation and the latter from fright.
v 0 T E K Vill PING
:–If oily lionsou )lid plsiler dits- heart, Ilutilher tile loves of a lifetime. tswk�iwrtl apramling of the Onner oil oonstitutioul and, by laws of his s. ollzk
tile )II111i'lier Illity continue to send it
net), Ile pit all airearage I or It but a ShIg!0 11110 Ili visible, aud the rutigs of tbo, ciety before God. WATCH
Reader) if you are troubled will A cleat-, the perlsou Ile said, 41he may gvt up ane that is deep nd
silltill paylisent is Illaile, alld Collect tile ,1To disolAarged r ran lilts Pont) weakness, wearinesss and to 03A PEOPLE'S'l
will love fisitlIf H. CANTELOV#.sm, ROPRIETO
%%hole'astiount. whether it . be taken front Ully alld warlill Y, A far, bit just tile farrer Ile tbl4s tie VOW, 14sliall, 40 from dragging fesall"i in tile satall of tha .7 . JOURNAL.
paysnelit Its Illatle. lored-
-Ill till 11311co Until tbo the rooln go long 45 thoril 'a Space to back, thick—bigh co theollivoornot. Therit van Ile nolegd long weil defined line of t1ill lead is fillcon bib; followcnell, gild 'FIRESIDE
If !Av or
proinises intelleo,mal power, but f new AAr lie thinks It I to t
3—Ally Prison who takes a paper from e a 110 Yett 6 0' shelter bim." slimy urine,, then you have alarming
may tie too long, Be it it extends Signals or dauger, %till should. resort
w1wther direeted to Ili$ iRt tile., Rairer will bel life "No tuan sliall eat a second eal
IN-betbes: lie has sub. quite to the edge of tile )land it in. 0 po lie will get When'lly 414L far for Ili this,ruoui, till lie has earnet it.)P to Bill-dook: Blood Bitters, tile grand
Serib,24 oi, not, is responsible for tile pay. lileates too intich calculation, craft, fat be will." kidney P0,91114tOr AndlOQ0 And liver
6 U ]Clio begisining wall small on the oleapising tollie. 282 -St DUGGIES, OUTTERS, WAGON83 SLEIGHS.&C
bo lit end under Ulecturin.-Ion the oliftracters of plan Simple, Yet Mike haa shelter-
StfliTed at a cortahl. time find the publish- the third Of) ,er or thereabouts. If Martba, and Mary lie very 13thily A prairle farmer report& that 4 late
Pr oin V1 tidred diseli.arge.
tinues; to Send, Itthe Ia it is forked or (IOUI)IO toward the described Mary iss I'll, 11 qual"o Wells, many of whom he has led
to pax,for it if lie takeli It out of the d eleven ]In con. wind Storm lifted about everything
Tliispi-oveod3itl)oiititegi-otixitI entlit denotes deception or doulihi 4aclant rretur," but siecor from his land except tile LUMB174411. AND SHINGTIES taken in exclinnge. Uire,me A call and I 0� .0� YOU
t lilts Inall must pay for what lie, uses. dealing, though Ili a hand otherwise Martha 4wa a bickerini d"19 to to a new life by p �rfuading them to
bomp becomeservants f :Ilia Ala I A10in for tim bootolt,. vVill. give You n1ces that cannot be beaten. its. tile (Jounty.. 10- Repairing and
rampa,dn' bo.0y; nud, like a Iforsetilloults otio with despatch.
0 1 good it iinay Inean only extreme re ; I titer. Is g!nerally tba'first thing in'easse 9S TAKE THE
PIREVIIII. R, ticeuce 01. Shyripas. When this line witrlule"n,.�sbo had a gey lang tongue Tile little room bas given way to of all Injury, but A dootorannot AI- RXANTEILUN.
on sundaysit I
1. flat 7 1). fit. Bible 10 aml. Sunday is very short slid foiut it shows 0, 9, it building that cost forty thousand
her ain, when She cud fit' foul n ways respond to the. If you.
servivo oil wedneway, 8 p. in stupidity, foolishness, dollars. All soners knoW have Ilagyard's Yellow Oil at hand That old�tabllshed p,per, the PWPLF,'$
the very Saviour Himself." ow -York. I
IV 'I 1'�.
Ill,, gs by halet;, Thm
ews-necor 1911.1 Ncw-York t.
fstio�so a. If tile Russ of tile bearb is long, chael Dunn'spariouse of lodustry." you have R. reliable i�IhQy for All d) itad Ill. Ili a ser-mon on tile Cnicifiction, Tilk�y %hso know tit t When (,I. Chas W; `41 � - .19 . Smbbatb Suite. a I; rg. It has, 11 At 2.30 p. nit, wounds injuries find Isain,
tQXtentiLing front. the edge of the hand Ili which tile hour and power of ed from prieciti, they will &lid there saved' life when even doctors bad swoers by tuQAaa'I-,9Pf la:atiAj ev-AJ tv 5�.IA�Olber t4
below tile, little finger lip between darkness were depicted witban olo. THE ti.0iblIth School, 2.30 p. a welcome, a bome and aid where- bandoned hope, Keep it ready for r1siv, the first alit) second fingel-s, .1 . Use. WIf you want to get a W If you want a good it quence but filya wortlll�,qj �.S,AhZt 1,
Au". srnw4irr, iltstor. of the highest order, Mr. 282-3t ),AAO 5boald
Rcturnincr) II 4,t 1,1y aa cjd-*%tbl�hp,
catol; ail atTectionate disposition atid with to begin a better tINING-ROOK SET, oaH pwall".1 Services at 10,30 a. Robertaoit, had stated. that during good PARLOR SET, oalla;t D sA, COUntry slirl wrote.. tolser lover-, It watch w. dr,wnbo. ,z.; A G'La-ini Liviiss NoV
P. I t4lichtIoll, 2.30 Pan. n also pronilses well for the happiness our Savionr's iinitrations oil earth Watch.
Pastor. Bub they hiust earn what they Now Geor4 don't We to be at at DIEHL'$. LRAing L)cal Paper
=Ial to k,3QP Cool tLuto. aho,t
for Mike believes that inillistry ool to night," George of the possessor., if it se'lliti down Satan find Ilia afs-e!s bad collected eat, the -ight 'If you wan- by a,
is the first Step to honesty. Suilb. QQL Q -T If you want FUR- orw
"th school,, in, U411. J. QII�AT. sbon lilies toward the head -line it their forces froo a raicy datch;.
walzers", who ass luny g,r*,l over r their o I
in the uttermost wrote baelg tl�ulit in tile bi lexi- seal 1
%' , cr= pay fqr t:.o 11iamn", I �'W,
shows. that affection tputit be founded tile legiti-mato effects of Chr, OFr THE COUNTY I
ends of God's universe to frustrates con of youth there'll no Such word ai BEDROOM SET, call at ossslmo % NITURE. of any �ind, oaH
Hit$ hit one Jolliz.4AL na.- ye,r, aaA V,,,y and sI
respect, bnt if tboo.o, Small if that %erepossi6lo, n alit. tialuity on heart and life. IfaIe.1 DIEHLIS. at D11HUS, AsolAAA Qoldpla6 Uhia Gialthy'rutcarblad
lilies go upward, love is more a plan of salvation. "In our earth 911 Wlmt A Congli, or anti). la, vr..�r to f.rt:;,zr I zo ,Icnc .111ftter of paion and impulse C. cc tti lit of the Cold NN'lll you beed. the warning. The fill a,awiat wali
at thot titne," said be, "the whole of TheL Faseln. 0
AA LARGE STAFF OF of the heart its broken tile, hellish hust were. qolje ted; and signal perhaps of on g" I a
When tile lille
dll4erlSe L,oIL O;Iell lis riinn, at 1.� each, c- one a Iva ets
lit Judea. there' were aI t1le -e appl ,,a ou a
it denotes inconstancy. But judg- t tilt inore terrible the Slit Isulliption.
1 W�Wh,
Ia -,broon Victoria Street ...... An OR for Wtherla yorgent) G4,.,for�A,AryvuIa.
of gold Ask yourselves iryot, can aJIbrdL fa tit
ment tnumt not beLformed from any deevil o, -4 merica, and a.' the black sayp.
one appearance or I I tie of theband S440 of $,living Melts" to run the Oak WIDE-AWAKE "Aw.: irj4j6eruIA 0 fTt xw,0o norsubsCribers,and It vt�
de�vils 6' Africa, and a' tile white hunting : 1 01 EHL 01 EHL"ow# rAt wZIL,, 0 in Po It,fCCoag sarethatthi5a
fto Goderich News its tberts are many thing to be coi and do nothlu, for it. NVe know from CLINTON. Ij r I% j irofddo 0=10411 will always wapt;
deevils o, Europe, besides those o' I-Wts the fascination of it. Lorl expel lence that Shilob's Cure will cul -e licr 11 that yo -t ire enlida 10 Lie 'At, we qbli
Asia" ot gtttheri old
a—AND— Your Cough It never falls. Tilsex. —IF YOU WANT— -d tbegillini against Inan, when you've stesick it pretty —CALL Ar— CORRESPONDETS Are Inakiar I. _T1 .3
rAll-the-144t-hand 01 Laild-his- P114JUS AvlLLyK!Le _A.Lrnorn__P02aIar, thin qvA,r thi
Bpi Were Sold the past. yer. it relieves chiefiv for Ilonoul-R, riblies, loves and 'serviiij. am ]to spoke one of [)is hear yer ew illm li� tI64 0 eh' s Great nrti�ls, a,,l blva n1so sqqure I lattem# stories, and swt�he
Crollp, and 1yJloOp'II4 me�rs. Ir. W. 313acher. Wlmia C Ili., Xt. L
misfortunes; and Ili he right for or* sera, hing Isis [lead with a front of you*,, when you're pilin- iC Funleral ISHISHINGS IN THE COUNTY, to M 0 1 0 is hers (10 'lot be with t It. For
emtiatt. Ill Iaoo
Ubtiig and incredulou, Lame P whatever ptrtains to health and do .1 .1 ok oil up every half hour ' the (lay, witli Swe or 011est, ug(t ,;blloh,s ttaverage circulation, over 1700 paper. Iluatorma article� anajollri !a, s
InanDer. AF 0
quts aralius*r co Ni,,;G A
Porous I'lastev. Best in the Mark t,
length of days., All Jill ' if Vale olil by J. (1, collil) FURRITURE Warms
cal. his face, of which the Scratching was , a fluggest now wid Ag i b` a e subs,rlhem or tis, anA the N11110ILE COU I . 14
Ince, 'Of tile 66 ote I nine, Mr. Robortmon Stopped, i,Ul . I tt to A, ain. as gas a AROUSED to o4r LIBERALIT
and, wide, tell, th� abm 0 beer ypq,,,aod Ifyots are. Ia tile rity,or if yo4 have any friend In the ritn
that TA.— 0 L0 S. F 3 T - -g: P R 1 0r, S 296 Victoria -St THE - VER - Y
C� Irlillipit, Wednimli 1,ty, April 30tll quality 0. said, "I 10a -A
I?xistence.of tile 9 ppoisito quidity. Ye f eellN cOnt. This a0boullts,
the 110 is of�,;Ootcll ae
gvellill, pollies and you coutlt I
od(I olhl,,,
4 P: (160tin' this; but, ill r
Forinstance, a,pale, wide line of I lie fat I say is. gospel truth for is it UP And find a linzidred. or his persi feirce, It takes-Inore
a co ness, or en 0 All
wine$ anti horse 'flesh to un
Just pieked,6ut-ol -06 earth that -Late 't
that.tiot. 9 a a Ili do.the (lay—well, there ain't'nolhi S
oni', An it' like w
cruelty. When the Iinilq of the left Iligion of deevils a. d'tbat, Was rk,of whiskey and baggis,
0 � I 1 0 AYE
Tbe Erratild.-. hand are elptioest and ruddiest its Ili Judea." 'i t, Then when you don't 4rike it
possessolt, resembles -bis mother, Preaching on the -ftimptation of rich you always think you're going Merit -Proven., .,etv
our Savio. r' and the firist and A6t ItIs of recowineiidations for artleloti cutiroix
iS ars 5 1J., I
1lefirill, oth worthless. Not so with AloOregor's Spec 3- PAP t- WALL. PAPER
to next day all' its jUS6 as exciting ,,Dollar upon (I-Ilar IS frequently spent on the WALL N er Men tell Ili tile eve.
,rhe color of your mustache, sai(I she, n I - Ntl!uraigit, ni euinatio
"IsjUst tile s . arne-color as iny haU I e tit, t. of pal tii� what they patined out as it is are at eTile tinsel for Hoisse-Clearling is near. All wanting
istry some knowledge of physiog On over yout- hy, I've and got it free tr4d bottlootind it. no� colivInved t Gout, Gonewill. X)obiljt3r, Will All
Cure , ire not asked to puruhase it mitil its
In tile pr lot ceof tb' mined resittanbe �vhicll 11.0 gave to illll �'ou
as gp _ -, tile. wiles of tile wicked one,, lie coull U didby a QLID 21,A],
Be ple u do�tvfi to the store for Zile, hoiny is. (if great ailvanti�e I indeed, old"It sbtiwed.tbe unco, 'tupidity I it Avilloure),ou of tile worst fornis JLe4
Ot Well thr6e alid' four months at a Liver Voin inint, etc., lie matter ofiiow oaw IWI P or corrupted, condition of the. blood;
lnath00M. or Bed.
thAp'two Sciences gd il'and in and theaul oitedDeovil that lie ever
tile otandln�, I costs 3 oil rivoing, Sold lit 60o. awl ilia blood-polsolls from tbo
time withoutillaking akdc , t
Thl' trie Eo.get the-bettei oi very 41'ar and bo les see testinioniali front isorsons fit
tile 511011 girl Said one a withou't a u,"lit Ili my pocket; but . own town. 9,03 lin. -a rtiiiewing the Wood, issid, restUriiii; its vitai.
itipf; the other. s. Room Ppers Home,
1, Yet w%iitLd lt.not like your rnustq�clssie ? is why the-shrew(l gyp*H'y.' fortune. izing powor.
cree.wbittaker! theexciterneritof it will r
f;It is a beautijul thing to see a ilia 'the of uniparanoica useful.
Yo ridcaIget."- feler. scang.the face aluitist more 0 11 (1 SAR8,i.I1_AItif.1,A sDuring a long p
n.good authority be was. thu6 don't give time -to thiiiik.'how husband and wife of' one mind," rip-
A7id t1wn to the Nvindow kite '*cUt �yitb closely than file hand of li�r Patron, reported to': have' corrected bil inarked Nlrs;.Fogg. Ily 11 eplied erfect aduptadoii to the cuto cr all disk -as"
lard uPhe as, r Bet' 'and:, L a; est Patt. orignating hi'linorblotid'alid a walceuedvitality.
'A few set' rules I'll regard to the pronunciation of 4 young. preaher. Fogg: Mb . I
thish. . . . .11, . I I I, Lit then, it mekes a good erns..
A lid. ijivisii)la net i .: - or Santa.
featuleg-and cbstracteriliticsof tile, wh ill� tile, deal lt.;s a higlity jxtract '
o officiateil. for. him of difference who"carries 'the' visitor Crnsliei][Ag�dn. 6nddian., III -ort, nlid. is the safest, lllo,4t rullable, Ali(! ill(bt
human face well, be addeld in forenoon,. iiye sai devil, but I this conildctiou w Q5
odnwsay't that way. T�say deevil* As a aliperb hair dresing L
economical blood-l)urlllvr :,i,%L Inluoil-fuuti thtit.
it's mair -kindly like. lkeepiltups bad a.. matinee "A
And, first of all, the soul dwells ovfttor Ayer's IlairWigor is univers. clau.betised,
y on Y wit
E. L S Whintinlitory Rhcurv%at!I?IAo tured.
P, 0:1? Llrj�-, AND. rowrUNm' lo,the eye, and tile ability, to Ull- h, ally commended. It oraciiotitessqurf FRIEZSt ORNICES I N D P �N rILLF S; V.
Otfrinother occasion when pritadli- oriembers of tile. fair 'I
nod dandrtiff, ,-ures allerupitionis and
ing on the parable of wise and fo�l-' mcrica
!EALEDI'.)IN OPL,,N if A ND derstand its. languge ir; inborti with more *tliuu usual spirit,. and old. thin
n- The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 tire OUL'aad can he had for no JtVFIt'S SAIISAPAIrmr.A lin,,A curva ako of the
ish, sayin.-, 44.Giye us of your 01 1 Kef�p Rup was t rei;.' of life.. itching$ of the seal .0mote"116 Call and s0v tile paper& aud get a Book g.. Tri'I'l-alillimtory Rl le 'dill sItielli, %lith most people without havin tositudy Ho renewed growth:' of P7 1)' autrerod foi- inany yeavii.
WiLL COU111. TftU]9,- it but a few. %yords' Ili re(yard'to it* for out himps are gotie out lie tile hair, and
ailing or, turning
may -not be,amiss. 'Very qnie broke put upon "The leein'
dashed up stairs and came`� down' ill -surely'llrevent,sits 1.
"Ziglit Yearsago I ]'Ali fill attaek of Rlioulvat'.
IM&U FOUNDED ON RhASO� t'eyes -'ell B V TL R MIL N... ',9�it�sh anc( �1)
that and einba -�"`iuute with a'coil
ith audIi,'fihP fill they Loll:' ibey; bv�r of rope on bi 19111 �Q stivAlp thatl Loll 10 1 i(A rrass. ono % or T40. pracCi of, tile art' their t rep9se signify sol&c in Y 1- Proesence,or tnind; A lftdy' ace I).'.
of valm bad. oil ' 6*1 arm;. GODERICK, hout unl6b ifany rell4f, ulitil I t,uh AvLR*3
I SA Ils,% Of Z,%Ao butt:t-s.i.f
ped into the. an * notilli 113-IM4011S 0114aper tliairl ally onoon top of the Earth eW8 - '%'It
ietry has lbectlitte'a popular paltime and�rb-ut also gi�eat conlrilso.ency- g to cure bia pe.aille of the "Do you:see tbisY' he all For(;..' n N. outed. -and said dw9etly : ."I'Vill stou lb� kin(I
and conceit., vels that'rove hither bid habit . of I-eaviikg their Seats* -"I do,". she - said . I 'coolly. ."enough to let ine.lookt liThe ullris-
very Ol it
GATHERED FROI R YOU going tor stlil retaligs. lit; woit-hrt III, -uth ii.thoipediid abroad; FAor'.the -and thither' wbilie thf-ir possessor' duritig' tile benediction, lie held lip crWil 'tian at, work.Y"I 'The hoi-so ttai ABLE
1,.kipfit. of flio.46.who are anibitious sp6ak atof.*itl ' Are to blumhed, it littl y!lIjility
i denote a deceitful, ddsig'nin*g his. hands tit th; close of one service. a, but had ElIG ))I Fsence vilice illo that WAS tilti'bebt b:wId a4,ld to their accomplishments strikli'me with 10. .190URCES., -all tit tile publitsi
nsilid. EyeH Ili which the white has. or.a litt.Jpi With the Usual 61T�itt
tOL nass.., of sib I.' e a Yellowish tinge anif forced wlt%.� can I lie for
is str(A ed that sonso.were nittking their way No,":: ho '.;replied, I ii 0 A T8' qt WarAch I was so woak frow r do.
TA 1'��
Alvaq-t-d from various sources a 'few 'reddish veltis dentIte strokig the door. freens," lie.-br6ke VI am going. to let,you bilitythlitl could Ve.
))aaiiions�. Very blue eyes belspeal-k aL out, 'lye iist Wind mb'o' FostIrhill's a your own way from thi's,titi) Unity people ar� trotibled, with
0 a_JEL AY It!8 Ia lore I had %Asva
III actical direcii.d.ns It is, t diffi. inviiii,t] to coquetry;'gray eyes slowto '&i. they're btanin' their less or t-lizziness; which is-gen- T1 MARKETS
henceforth. J ani of. ..a.. three bottles I felt I evcrdI4luj%I�'4Ife
cult 'to 'tell fortunes by tile' hand signify intelPgOnce; 'greenish, false. isho-Reener Ois the herd-pit,his going out to till. digesti6ii I have lbeen tit flow for two
tlmi� 'the 1.1'tatt0 bl(L(,d
-c V lit the morld. . J.A:'AIl,s
-or -A re orrected every Tuesday r)-lolvLsbl.,dsL,,�NuviYt)rl,,J(t'yll�,lbb2..
barn with this rope aild'' halig lily- Unequal flies are fixed. in -the mincU Hands a passlona e, ptrsl-, ]lead's turned tile the door..'.' Is i.S, Lprolno-6efs 1, althy of
owe e I culat, r afteritooli, jiist before' AYL s cuifli; Ser,oftsist nn(l'
eopi up ga-YO a. qUit! C ion of tile Otal fluids, allaywriervous coulplailitq, aVa diyj hosOne: of ILlr. Robcrtsori?a. bearers r t
when ce a few rules 1110 Priticil bood, and a lik i ng for Rcandal black hand to. tfiflie� -collars than ever
mot't : and" brown,'
I Blood Bitters r�stores life t lively. te. with it.-'
a kind,. happy CU ull Set
disposition. _o
W, irtitati6n,' thua'curing li6�duche aiid widi tapering fingers, those 1kith as a farmiar who was Ritioli addict- serching �Zlance.at the t . 0 preas., 'bli t tips, an't:i. tit' so illut Of tbe.nose A Romon nose (Ia.. ed -48L fil -a cOtiiin Tuniorn,aild EliIIJILIons ol'"It. It eltari
ill 0 any farinei long 4,itud(I'n e p at him Captured the bltnod Of iii 11111,11ritles, lds stillm�
tirs- with cu'lihions or not�s an enter rising, . Isusiness-like distalicias 'and' uI-,ftcduqtomPd to 'Tile enervation anti lusmit0de of'
P ction of the bowels,alal tbus rcstom'.
weapon. A fiercO; ' ti -1- lates. the,
0. f sitting stilt were m -of durin't, tit indicatiolls of the
-side f 'tile a Iona nose 1.4 a sign 0. mni:e'b' If s4rengt, ons ilia will,!, p6ls oi 'flesh at. �aeh lhdit shone if% her e3 es.
tv wperfectly straight nose the service,in -Spite of Mr. Robcrt-� TUE ood ae ."Not,with that rope vot) don't A11 of. tile lool, allcilldwith carbonates newuloIL! It
ail actin- eili*
in(licates a pure and noble soul;. sollIa,vigour. One-hot'sunliner. da 2=91
The first -find higbel-t type, Vvith '.mile slil)nted, -it'behind b'p, -beuse of Ifeating-tood in %%,Ili er. D6. J. -C. Ayor Co Lowell, wiitva. Belln C," 'this fari�er had coi�o. in lute; gild holding by t t ell I'll, six the, L r the.eyes contradict it 1L nfli back, "Not with a new . clothes-lile condition may.b died by N-1 0 E". N 'rL mis� the church-beli g�ful .'he had nleinno t tile $1.25 oifly a� wegi ago
itb a F:eat at th6 outmost edge - Use -of Aysi,'s tI . Ila
Ati Atitguire? ti) put
etrousse, signifies a'spirit of I Ght c69
anti dasb ; a large no96, up k
pOr ons -cep- best blood p.ul!ifier knor�o.
R Of quick �pet You don't. hang ybursivlf I" , Not
very Plows iridicss�tcs`good mind and of the pew, andiiex.t` ltb:tho l* ile I'm a I aild
I . J i a have tile . 66% of 1 -Did you.reveal your 'identify .,..rt, very m all 'nose, good un,iure E van though micoinfoi-tably se4tod
minds aiid' a LkVotrian.you don't I I You go.Alojig asked A Ne -w. -York. I)Aoliticia�ff. of one IS -A
L,Y. ail artists wl . to have.' hot (lay, t1i ZY'L tile Ole S
but lack of aner�y. e. ?ng journ�. 0 r Midtakoe. h of' blit minions. ll�v.elfl- �you -bet-I
stideality'of a prourinefit traib_. Tile Tiji I d t4e force
P(" line that's Plenty good ell6ugl)�t d id n't. who I �was bl a 4it pi fo, - 1- 1 1, brolco him ill up'.1y Cor
tv lint, - S - venius or great stupitlif ;,vory thin a(] f-00 [tin r
quaro y hang bei,ter'men 'thulu' liver ina�ri -i� ,a to scient' Ife. began to nod, I was. Ation te
toppi .4, 6clon. Ilia lips cruelty PnrtiCU_ f aslep; and. awAyiiiia i�ci lily father a Amilk, AIN be Fluld. .11filklo, to and, fro lie
IThore"r Iel)o Tbotbacho, or illm
lost lfis� balance 'and it too Ishe �sbr'ii- quick about ked s-mignIL Y. -out of the door after, hittil
ll-mr to tile clasu of professionaLLor bini ples in, ,tll() s-fld
1 passarte. Looking. over tile. polpit I It Q i1n,
love all'a do to - - I - I'llild Ughtiling r tile. X%v fling. u
ngu(�iy ; in tho to tie -barn, Unhut C7 trouble. No (11.4gui;tIng offLilsive inedlehics:.to Pr a Gi
C hiul r said, collar and toariijgr it be fat' 01 9 111)J)HUAIIIIIII Of Flultl PRESENT TO TllrZ tA C'o
cAF intelligence; a fat race shows a a . , my nion, tile e aliout it,becausd it II'Readem of thi:; 14�pcv.
represt-lithig each of ,%, ly rocking you
2834M A , N D IS
er + joitit or P" illelinGd to'faltseboo its goin�rt' to be ail inqu'64 about
fiiiger.ip�evpry hind of habd quetry. btail in, a is.aiiiiiii, icatlp" Tamnias T ninia oft as -he.* ran. Lightli 111.1 Mirosi' Sold tit ditticsture.
'Tile low' d itare n dai" bist 1) a lias coupit. es of to yo%: L Ll
tlli�R hoUill! I Want it over,alid out'of ient'waya -of 1ooking uor Polet) divisioll thp, filim. Ilext to Me onipallied J)y all tL,� Di i1i 0
Irascibilibyis acd Ile X. d.r St im, p, t� U
ldL8 f r the OFnf. lilies :1 envy &'dog.. ccLt oraj
pflul of the: hitild stai 0 prect posture, open nostrils, tnoist the way bilfisre baking dixy.j` e nly Paper*
j'�eVpr bas to dress
lj;l,iy; tile n idlith repriefients leniples, dislilaying,r, '-rficial ve . ilia or She+
pp:p 0 any me I TI e e
Aotlier Pei itent Tl ter, Old X0,Ipitup intellvet, aod the It, a of"onel'Isaw-
gheilit spir. whch-stand.out and thro)� under the Vit hf4 weiit down town
'6 find IngsaLways to wear tile saine-dress."': WITH. A
t tintil, If die flivii ns are nearly excitpinent, lairgp, Unequid, ill. —0
himself -nine or ton times anti.
a well-ballancKi ranged eyes. and equal- use or both The ni.oiit pet. suasive,of tbe- "EviL ob wfsilso send a TAOc=nT-
bome at,dark so drunk he lLpt If ts Natarlal A 13:0 CNANC13 1 Dt*117. I.;tT IT 'SLIP
fittlivat-A. Wjlitln the denc�es of Chris'tiaflity"As thefiet -IlOum I 0ZA natural for some people to be Mhat t,id T;adee ray.' received to -clay, fr� % olf illto tile hen
divisioll is 1oog6r than the t1IaLt it 11.1. bilimis, being often a-resultorl beautv; w; I orqcr otaer rwas fou, afee,4 good, man out of ba�d lecul. B LE AAn S -one, tAnyten. . NvAAuI,I'u.t
J;tI -fill fly4j tiLill(it,
A I 9013111S.-ITIfty he expwted 'It. bit 11 FrccmAn,`rroy,N.V.
goof ir bilions teinpiranient, which 0th
1)(1ore re,-ogi, far 413�lrend Ilmwa, Offiaba, 1. _15. AH.cs-
cl,00shi,, titi!ity rathertlion beamv. tniddlP Stature, b.lue or g iizin,y Irtni had thret� high living, too greasy lood, indigest Rothchild hIlRa Co. stallon
eyes, large, pronflner
Illid'(114 divisiotl is the it forehaiiii. dou�iter inalce to this faut 7 hiskey' fits before morning, ion frow ft�active liver, is 'theL frP
41 with a lit -tin' hollow a fix quent, elluad. romedl, )ovt CIRCULATION.,.,
d All, it; now wo, kim; Ili No' ILI -.kill
r, it Hllowm conitsioll all, w York a muc-
a III ari v Ill c a I e U I it t i I 1'r fiV0 others' is P"i-docilc -1310 h 1 t t I t
attfiPtive look, alid habitual ille 'hilatithropist, who, XATrO,1TIlJ,'PfIAs are sagar coated od
f dic.
niii is hidily curtitive biliar, con). YER'
lt is 1 11, -pugh I Im It 11 El coux'ItY'. m (I URO. -,i.
'y tioll of tit blAt thoi ndare tile bw
er t1fat) HIP 0tlI,(tmv yea . rs ao It plain'(s, anti fill, bkter iliftif S PILLS11
was 0110 cit the BlOst Ox- '�tornacli apd IWat-11111 ion 0. A.largo proportion or the diseases wh
.. I se...1 .; I . .. ich 01111,41
fll, ina.tiv� conditions OrL bowels. hrunaniniftering result front ailrauge I ciii or tial
pen the. cowitry, He )861m. l.. A - . q I -' MENNANT,
t 'ali .. ty �UlldL 11kck of pe' of A Droll M t2 3 t, 1,10:1 AND HARDIPIARE
I' :]MS PILI�a act klfro6tly upon thesiIi organs, atid tie
by tilt) 0 0
L especially ilestgned ,ed
011irs 6V TIM LkT lying to L elil.o thd disc 8 Lw
Of.aaCl .,A physician- sxvs: "In Ii
E REV. P. ian religion,. Arot, fiot disturbed at slight atilt
rest by a to in by thole deratigolnent, includilig constipat toil,
Imflil 911fisvi), tile Jiro. mother- was an ailan.don.ed !) ' tigatil tile �ot tit TT rz 0 I\T lndl�estlon, Dyspepsia, Headache,- alil a§ has 110131,;RTSON, CitAlODA2. Ilis sick dlothlfi� (,-are Aiould, he taken
Iog Rild erying with iiaill of ves I e, woman And 'his fatller a , thief nrl-at oneo till(] got it ItVe, always (10,; blit, $If; tery. alid a hostl.of OL116V lIllniolds, for till (If
1 0 Folt Cillfnz it may appear, �tnariy I )er- Chave n4 ll-dawith tile charac. 1 lany of Mr,L Ro6ertstn's. llulpi6 Born 1 iffaf6, n the atmdmpllj�re reniedy.. . The extensivo use of th6se VJLI'1`s by
For am the. of' tile ellds of tile. illuHttAtio Its is blealvillablo, son a coat and. never give, a
Us weero-truly eccentric,and' lie took i'll.th.6 art' of Stealing with. It will poorlittle Lboa I'll 0 lis 113,gl.68col FOR ADVERIAISERS�: physiclails tance, I tile hi or )!city. Tbis
foi ins rd U Upol unirlistaltably tho'esuriiatwit. tn icrous, but full of his mothbr'sniilk;- I tile)'( is *a great mistake, -
of with tit 0 4pade- Ifelln!'Stlyentary . . — CL MI/s/0 EMPORIUM held. by tho.
oil t at siollifican cc.. In lk' tit -ing -nit, ri.
way balotl,4 to, all Mr. -P T, ing and all acute mind made, illeIttollia('11 ZZ1141 DySpo 't Con.plaint'. Q Those rif;i,s are compouaded of Vegetable
usr�uteed Averan C'
'tile, Shorker sstances Oil I Y; furd are alitsol free Swill, calolilk:1.
or fluthor, 'but Ile will., oil - that .,question 'in: a aillang tile most sucoe"- a14 It fiot Worth Ne sinsill priee of 75 Utio'n, over- 170,0, or injurious Ingredient,
teeav his ul'itsets Ili a numt CatechlI'mi *"Is Any wan in thi )ife oil, tollt, mid derm to reyourself ciftivery sympion) A Stf(rerer froin -, Then, again,, tile' -able perfectly to k" yhri, 1.
fill' t1libv0s. T116 so gratiflej his WINS. or th(,se coinplalnt4, Ifyon r1li'llt, are Invalluable to tile, and are
_p flin-coliluland- depraved ambitiop —ilk is '*l-nk;,o call tit, orirtory and get it bot, A. nly have been rL Were
a 'M oil t4l
yt,arm lie dev Jill" i11 iilg l.could 21, to for relieL .0he dosta)
.I, llar6uttlilp, and ono may offiet P =filin Iftoorime 36 toll at W�M_l A
t0forgAlidw in)'oosible that; was allfl litirsel fil tile, ullite(l tate, 14 will quI431cly Illove, Illy bowels and Iny head
t printed guarailtbe 0;1 It, use aecor - 1110 fisiiilWill Of the Othier. St years lie lived Ili prison, 1.10 druggists througlL. Oy and If it dops yoo no good 1 fr()Ijl paill, Tally fire tile 1110�4t 011'Letive IIII(I tho
41Y hen Mr. Rohis was, all(l.is rot, din- t 'easlest i1h),810 1 Ilaire ever fire .Ili w Mon graxiely and lb tie . ....... .. 301 'glii can
oIL, at ill their pra -lalmqg,
Itla �1.11g a qtls so ern" Ili of Blacksvell'ti Islalld and Sing When bit.1tiftv growg tile flis, 1agil, Sing. JUIIO 3,,
Icalled the ring -116.e mair daelt, nla freen&, than* . .. .. I Then housewives will prepare 'QNO,� ( won't.havo a 6at about my I n to be hinyo III Ill..
fiLl, recoinmentled byN I, atilt have P.evor
apo can climb lip a trels.11 Their annual spr ng cleaning. �o corn. house ava-aly excIlliln'ad a youn Read by Laborer,
11 fit ht,fioarly. with tile heart, "We"ll,keep Your coil �v I's L,
wife o6lier (illy. IT"Vety Mine .1 kjiowo thein if) roil to accoul plish. tile desirod ra.
m(Afnee, finance lbenee
arm for . the atilt. NVAJ keep thein oil hand tit alis,
The prindipal lillie; of tile heart As illustrations of Ilia use of tile YOU$ A'l I I e' for Fjix wotsks. You'll Theil� linfil)ands %Vill look.blue look at a cat it make-, iiio mad to VPAR hoine, and thein Its a picasapt, afe atta
brol Iliichan dialect the. foil be back edd by Farmers, nri!, oaNfly The life - two, think I Clkn't baV0 it fur Coat in wi Owing by that time," aniii till. A till swear tin path cis n- AP309"
lilitl which koulld tile ba wardoil.of ing-Silig prior),, to hit,,, AndgrOwl that woulen 114veisl,tany . ....... J. T,
111OXIa, TeXas, At title IT, ISM
.40 of tilt,' Illight lie lvotl 'Preaciing on tile. flitill1l) tJJ(J lifla Of tile 11ftliff, whiol, c 9 lie left it, five years ago, Read by Neohanios,', Ig, OnIlition of the lliraolitmill Egypt 4($, ItAll tile The disebar What to 004 e
0 Call of IV, 0. lie Said ged convict siniied as A It- A S I lille'Of life and tit I irouhlo(l with Ali 1111hol Ithy, alow-healing N Nad by WE PEOPLE oOit) afid crossing lie tomised tiack an "All right, sit 11, To. stai,4 tile 11, %wo . ., I .
ngs by 4 lo * Of sirs, and far dae.ye think dild hastol Vi "tell You will flild It lflir, loiddlo bf die pains, alld Ow led to his -old hisunts -its 0011tained In pure air. it val Ill'o I tftlti jig' �k 4't fj..4'� II(q
1`0111oving )'Out, ttallblo. If tilt A*.L%TD 19 LOOK.R,
ftgoes from 116 fall, God's chosen pe,oplft, all(] il�it the city, Itins ore Obstructed by colds, penitsve Islood is olit of order, talce witli it n, few (iocs f have tile accluniLinte(l Iblegm, witll tbat havehuitly 1111pro0d illy g6l loral Iloal ealpeug gh3.11ll WE 10CLY. IT8 D,OU' fri-Ogufftrl-
(if tile, hand to the olhop think ye were they daOili'll. 110 faill, Bub bUO (lay, tile 11fallter met him safe atilt and III
nt tha ote letho Ia.,, I ol, ' in 119 buwel�, iltillinlate tile appetite filld
Goselion wi' the'ir the Persoll, of all lionest Christian remedy, Ilogyard's PedtopAl 13alsm, Action and. 1,eaction . The milop it"' of tile
4plh - Z U
282-83 Sponges the 61601,, and thd dude (PgolktIou, *aud by th.ou, pronipt and thorough
]if,(, of lifil i9of It coor,-101)g fillirk leeves rowed up to the' oxterfs, mail, and' tilrough hia'tt'achings the max ctiol) give tolle alld vigot to the �,Vhplo Physical
nearly Or oldjatil bird foubd out that :he wng Sl)0IlgP4 016'. tniloirl
fit Men Who
qflitp flown I'll, III(A for( I uNy lti,niu', amot clay, ail' iffakin' not only a bad ian to hill''fellows tl,An exchange Pertinently emaks
g I adver TalkAo Thousands]
good Imaltly niul 10 fv if t tiso in their A l9litildy Surgeoll Dr. 3, Ayor & Co.0 Lowell, Most,
Ill (illy lJoll ' but a Hiliful mail before, Ood. impers itro men who trallsuct As a drossing, . rot, till , manner,flf iold ball Droggisip.
it, it tiorlott's he discovered 1,11ftt, tile tilster had the business of thd town. Anti as -in veitising inodlum b
Oil Clio Cloynnimiion IL to r You. xnn flesh his nothing b�tter )its
14iokiso,44, if'short efifly,deatil; pl.efad,�d 'et.1C all( Oi
(-nine hyto the worl, flick.61) tiny slid In five than Ittillyfirdys ow oil. All the woriderful lipueft-
Isis pet-mon, "Noo, hill tow (if tiny) Pqlla11 In Wesiteell YOUNG
reo ll'krtlll(� fref'ris, this is to' be msivasuoh reckless, oudlssw�ad Inlan as minutes toll w lo floea 'tile VIl`yi'h`g 0§'Alinys 111)(I noe Ill fllttli Inftlioff ONO 01A ANDL 6al ctreets of
111111self" M10C
Mid, Vitalify T o Milo llyand the Invokle broth pot'N Oil awl nrit lizoolls alive tile ill� rind boals it a scar or Stiffness 011talio. Ayer"s Sargaparll,la.
Ance, it ilow;1lapor. of tile It bloqually Val. witli W. )
tl W wlist wintbar the OP AIIV Profillouq or s�pblllllfl tainto
the d ry ail' yo anti n*y got'spoeniri till' The two ffwta gpi-nifilated n hit, ilivat'lablY relief to tile worth, firiter. liable as it pain remedy for intertlid
Olin I'llits making thil-ty' but, eati t ftn, I art Until they jl�fttln 1+40 find in tell! gonaPof tile eommun- use, nifty bk, toade hehlilly Alld strolls; hy lo UIA"'.
9401 him A, Is We gta' WithoUt Sold bY All Dtfiggists, $1, six b6tties for .
abandoned his old ity in which it ix publiiht ar
f-brnetor lili:6 the. Still ey . dmiri Oil Olin htloaqion lie 6pew tllj,� but Ilia hoart weilb (wilb toward*, hi 11 Ave 11 Speedy and positive (11mly 1601; ing at bb; IVatell li'� OtA411 . Iq Ill tho Witt erool con'tradlotion, thattheeik-
evil (lie IVe lilln it dellotet I(Aft Of An rot Caliker Illout. As We have a flow miniltos, I ShAll Y, Vt 11q, Perrin Mock, prices 1.01V
old women who its tit() h4bit of old Tile I.ith- l)l1LltlIir1:tj 11
in gla(l to keel) Ili stock
(I), bliminvuFi , find p knSiVer any question, QIsit ftily TO MINHAXTS
Orto used to Plan 'robberi b" 1 A na4itl JIlJpflt0fi`rf,e, Pilo nifty Wi. I to tisil0l Student:
qtell. cross or elusterin.g around the pnipit mittist find flead Ache, oulation Of The New
hillit 114flortill;A or Alif. il to doviso a way 11 wilidly 41
Ito VAI,y PorarePtil,le 1!1"101 n IN ith'010h bottle, I'se it It i'lIvilat, time is it, pleftq6 21, 7he Neeler'a;id,Wlson, and the light Running Do.J?2.jt1U' has koreased More How to 'Bell (17o al ds
a qinaular dire Ip to AtIll N00 fli6se who Abould be heAlth find sweet 1) Sewhly k1ahlom,
,et reath, soetj.
ThA, little, pet on which till w6mon apo NlIppor out Of PW480ft, b6inelogs and friend. Sold by J, It. Combe. It It mplft during the pat
lillf's are Ilia oft? 'a 'n1il 1. .11 VA. Also 0 11 1 nd ft tfarb nion 0. Viol In g from $2 11 IV to $1 no, Pows, 111
t it WAS At tile 610140 f ft)(, TUP upp 8,%rvn 110 tile, Worm, rot ('lit q Lvrt,zif. variety Noll) 0 evniq to $10, Rbolgy 1`111 ger, Bollildcl, Ellony I'All three months, than any
()116 of tile guests al'as
q, Avltvv yelf, 'Aitting of two eo Nores, Mums, Nalt, Rbplyl 0 11tilly 'I'tifillia 1,1111fog 1111)09 Iflat-
withfArod sandf(f ellA hsto. tbe health of (tin 1) 1111L All 1 03 To 44 I;f)okq r orgrill, Plillin 4110 Violin, Till-. 11PIzo Anthen)
lift)() � floor r tts,, nip Illan laqsk in Nlr4 a s,11110 to wIliell I can talto I L; of Ilia r1TIIf(,r4 or )no wiv M (,hill ReAt.4, ute,vintoq, Pirest, 'othor paper In the 66un
yok Ali
to __ ty LU ninil� liplow tile, tionsi, 1111(l Irps or no llook, eotit:iln ng tho of Antlienisilver ffilid ace ific
for I knn thAt ilk ano tile Ifteft W011111 l"MV0, A diWiftst. '111ay hn See turilly dvs like d
0 E '0 PA I Y#/�'/
IllPd -An4r aul, upturBod,fllcols liflyo to, York City hItIlst'llf,041 to live, And;ple.niso(Illor, E'Ly
110 6 -low tile Thie nf file lirhrt lip yf, ulrod. Tf 14 gillinilki T0 I"(1011 131011k, CTItIton, OfItt
loono, 9' Ilio Intention wais good, but, the WHI,
well lonkod lip Ila il"80111001ing dis 'ft sitp ...... .... ..