HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-04-23, Page 2z9rM1dW40UUW_W wyl ed by Ur. bloWikt'alid otherlittrigri- erunient. �Heuvii t4eir Opel) W.1
1110,partikolut, that Mr. 34plivrdol)
for tilt-Quabou Vote 11A the I -louses
Ilotl u1ndo. up hill willd to: recQUI
10110%011 by t1to indi";uallb refusal
okond, tho aj),poinleoo. of Wilkill Oil.
of the Quebec Cotim,rvativem, and
their opell And Wanly loscutal'oll , t
14d1ft,,P,4d 71lis-I.Y. Dmiso",
It Jilainly and distinctly Sta tt's 04t
of the injifilt.
whoVidurillater-W. ja'ckdou,
the wrilor bad made ulphisillilitt to.
Thell cattle Mr. Blako"o second
McGregor 444 Parkplo,' Carbolio Cerato.
recoultoolid file, appoilliew-ut, of Wil-
bill fur Queuvo Support in bill; bitwir
killoon "as Relptitrar." Neft1wr di.
dellum.,iflition of ail hucret societies-
WX-19 la:17:130=
rectly nor by implication is ally all,,
a Ind not only. followed by. failure,
else than Wilkinson, mettoll.
but aLtiojided toy (Illiallif'" to both
J�ut toyatery 3lowat in rofilning
leader and 'followers, liumillated
Itht, ILI rt
loy 4,fal -, hopp whispere4 to'
to tho lillegod conspiracy. ill the
04 bqate'l Italer that it Inight be
Assembly rattled tbill Wirivolled pa�
possible to capture Otitario as 06
!it tile well proservell, poll A lid Vn-
voinpensatiou for Intving been ill -
digoantly by "
A; -Axe-
deavorett to Score a po' fit agalos the
stitiroed Quebec. The
Opportunity for this move appeared
flillron. fleoord,
Debt I niou Q*errl moot fiv. blauilig
meat aloustrous, datitnrdsy, and
a to Offer itself in the railway Subsidy
rebolutiou. IL'bo
ground was ail ult.
charging COIIUS*
certain one,, but desperation appear.
circulation, over V00
Ion between. tile Domillioll G
vd to dethrone reasoi� for tit a u L %On).
out, and all amendmt-rit was, I
f -amatl
mont And the a, lleged Con"I"I"tOr"
which was hoped to catch the ear of,
VIIIAt-oni.We(likesda A
A statement7he ooul(l not have be
Ontario on the ground of Queftea
Ileved, and whicl) if ))a did believe
rect-iving so much, consideration.
11p, I$ DRpyC12r
110 was not. wafranteill In making.
The amen itmetit, was expressed it)
31r. rvlowilt, clothed in the official,
such geneial ternis that. Mr. Blake
Otld C'natlian Knight of the
9 orb of Premier of the Province of
calculated on the Support of his
followers from the Maritime Pro.
brazefi..SIliPk1,: 41i4a tile !Knight of
Outarlo used tile following words,
vinces with no doubt the support of
low One 0 f the X PIS.
whiotl even the Globe credits him
his friend
-8 flow Ontario. -These
fiw-llurou, once ttied toout-Iriiih
with .
met). had sufficient penetration to
Uh't1-"S`4y 04imbig that lie was
"011ices have been promise d likewlae
perceive that to su�port the I% mend-
Irish oil Ole 'Iptitber'l; side.. From
13111d the 00118pirators declared that in. o
f4ring the offices for this purpose, in con,
meno and vote agKinst the resolu'.
don wOUIJr III), to collinlit political
Kit addrysi; o6' "Subscription" bk the
nectiou with 't I
he All dowii (lovorvintent,
they had thersailetiouttrid authority of tile
Suicide.% They. chose life rather
JAte ZpUlf"Siall ley .0110 would thirik
Minister of the' Interior to. do ao�
ti atit death, ant] no less. than 19 out
that Sir , Itichotr& was pure Italian.
We bave'given above, the letter
of (lie small following of 54 bolted
at. the . critical monient-even Life
Ili - bi4 adilrees. Dea'tl StablPy, finj(l'
of Mr. B-TuPhemn on which thili
valoLrous member for Bothwell behip
that, 1;iibini in a e, unitea states it,
naufrageous.chargaismade, Could
among the blisington ;`
8 the muster
J.U., ell, asked' wbat war a the
diallolisin itself farther goli 10f�
call, Tbotior-tbio was remarkable,
dikligrro.414t beset Churih. He
fices liave-been promised for this.
theeffects -of it 01) tile Opposition
answirail that Its Saw but One per,
L . .
purpose (vorrupting members of the
was '*,at less so, and from that, nio-L
men t Mr. Blake laid down -the spear
leak!�l i ti, lang6r, wit ich a frected all
OntaiiQ Legis latura) in cont.ect'011L
anti shield. Ife looked 'angrily at
chutcheif aliko, andillultiated it by
%�'i(h tit" ]Dominion . Government,
his foLjowers,, and, trlley�eturned his
astory front noothersphere .�,,Wlien
and they (the ofrens) have had tile
glancoll; in , ke. angry nice(]. le
_l0la lquPtL given to flint by the
oritv of the Minim.
led them to the verge of a ditell.
P11116f 6 W1,041,111HO Of Itid . -
_y, M r. Glail,
a .1 .
t -r of the lutoribr I Chriiiti in
"'to Which -they muilt fall sirrecol'Y(Ftm
RI)Iy or retreat., Never did a'
kitiressed.ibeiii in & flower.
pqliticiatul Mr.. Uowwfl� ii,flqel
I 1. party in a deliberative no.'
-lie A 1,
�-A.ott.tf)-e gitqio tll'(,'e
scoll -Opri
tidrellwouhl W"Linoreappi
tit-luttly exhibit I ..of lnipoh!�m
Ina, -a d
00 ulltry., In that ispautifilljtaliall
16�a Hanle. No inan -call 11SL a
the Opposhio, ti,hr,
"t9ligno of whi(lb"ho im b�, coil
Wall, Ol, all I lonest politician who
Clip last week of t116 sl�S,
"a lowite.l., It,(! Soddenly IiNclainled
- wo . old lolidAiiillself to suoh unscru
Tl.e Government ineas.ures have
'101011 Illailked by - tile. usulil Will,
B,.,t tll�ell a 114. all an Villy -in the
pulous. work as defarning loolitical
progVeSHL'Vo PoliUy'of tile party "LIder
ulidi:� of you! Thf�y Started they
opponents, without a tittlo 01 evi.
the it 1philership . of Sir Jollil.
urn0i. eaouh otbt-r- they wlitispi-r.
tIvncp,:a.4� Mr. M a'.
Tin, strain of N'vork'con all conne.-te, _J
. mle In
.ed lis Clse Polle" "But
We have giieiv Ur 11toPhol'Still'SL
'A, Rod'o.w-A contit
%itll th Itious Slid
i-mr. Gladstalie'was t4inking of all'
or , we haviqgivell Mr. Alowats
sMpre througliciiit the livssioll, but
none Stood "i loetter Orc.sint -out 4�f
ill the livart of the lbiliaf�
miserable charge Insed ther"m 'Poll.
tho fray h1lowilig less signs of weak.
"kidg(lbin, fliMliliali to tbrillflalje
L We have L)� s"ed judgmen,t uptni
inisa. or sxhatnition -than. th . .
0 rJulit
4ex-ii(q.iietices iii whiub his tra been
"Jit fit dile,ioll
ItnioartitIl `readeig will Bay
"Onorablo leader of (lie Go vel,11.
111-11t. To all iippearance tbo_'6
III 'it
1'0%% ers%luiaot�'Jii_
that we have hot orred,
4. 119�111 Ile said 'His 114910, is
posi(ion will Anin.'eleaders, -y,�t AA
couple -o f tinies lit -fore' b'O r(-4i'ns
iiii it Dealt continue(] 44it is
lirrIntineptary tilktioll, �alld' itL 'IS
'NOWill tl* rangfi of pruba�hili�v that
n (-it I I ey I Pop", itor-'.critical,. in-
L Mr. Blalie voted with the malor�
110- tn6itilwrfor West, 'lluroil 'will
N it i ry: in
It ioi�llot C116 defleielioV
iij favor Of th
I y .6 iftilr ad subsidies
, -d
yet lffave to Ini cillt .'upon to re -
0i gaijiz . i I i tit . i defutirtiliz I ed' forces
not tile deii0i6ocy'of Churell
to Quebec, ie Torontii L
T.1 -Yows
the Opp obit ioll.
lilicir'%Iiu�, not die, d4ciency i Of
it not the deficiollay, of�
voy.orally favorable*to tho
' 14 wall, almo noti'
ceaNe throughout
gar�,iiera t;ays
all thedebate. tllktt*tlle Geveri or0rit'
u liot Chit thifleiiincy
I fTe looke(I o'ne wayAn . d voted anot)
`ullporters tre-atf- . (I the acrimoniou8
(if 10 itl�, -enlightened, conscientiouS
6r -.Ii o inade a speo.e.b. 16r princible. and all
hin.. ultute Of dle- 011posilioll with ex.
41 who will enter the. servidq of
antendinellt for policy -lie talked for tho
Ontario Reforillers, alit] floted for the
treble forbearance. This waS very
. I
am in -fornier'ditys."
111"Os Of QIcleac.- There Its it ither
unit k, -d il�, tile delatte oil the it tt e.nipt
the Oppot;itiun to, drive Sill
AK-,-iP .,tlie-. flingdoln of Italy
statesinanghili nor. honesty ill title
Charles Tillitier'out of pit . blic lifu
Q14 'Imfon" p9intitil, out �of ninudalle
IL e case of Wilk ills 4i,' Ki r1lignd,
.` The fiti'nces'of the, c6uhtry, aftiltr
inattorm, still am Dean stailley
K.i, .. 1. ; , .. I . pic
M.fiek and BuIlt'lla fjll ft
L come up ol
a.course of it
. . , eel) scrutiny,. are PP
td�ello � Hill
..i ritual iwatters ,in
4., . .
tiW at C (,'Assizes whioll coil) tile ric
Inoll-stnted to be iriLa sound and.
Clluechm '911glaiiiii that the. ar.011-
. I : ... ., .
ell -in. Torpnto:yosterd .
flourishlo" conditioni ai,14
� n Elie Do.
utillion in a ppsition that.-eirs6leti
en! is -1
DAci�",. so in Canathl III Lisp
e r
ve' may:�je! the r.@,4ult there c 'n be
oil) tit y
hnl� io, le -to t.he'l;ellef
COUIL itry sitilifarly
no doubg tliat�,McKim, Dowling
ciftfieprbvin�es. So.enclotlithegecond
tchilpil." alld, fils permolialit y it, I.%
Bal fob r'. Atowat, Frazer ind' Pardee
-of d4o fifth Dowin iiiiou Par.
Sir R,(A�ard John Car'twi-ii,lit tl'
aboul.4 also -be iiidi'
ctedfbir bonspi.re� . cy
In i -.Il I ber. for.Scutb Huron. 'As the
Ali emillent E nglish jurist defi'
I)qUisherl, pul,lic accounts of :last.
clonspiraby as -7
I . TI.' a co in to
PRESS 01`1 X1 offF.
in,. has
gedier of 't S
we or more, -Soi I
p,ci .11)
. . .
ii is wort.by of note thilit.lbe ses-
31var mhow, ola I fic�t: not
injure anotlibir-in persola. o p n r8c.
inado nor Ile likely to tuake much
Sworn evidefice fitis beiti'gii/en. that
si s t closill"
'011 is the sixth .6inge
pro-gress in shis Canada.of ours.
tbp'alerlihors�of the Ontario Goverll_�.L
th ' 6 ' -at
Sell( Governinent took its
Ili,; . following in Pialitki'llent is
u�en.t;-Ana t: I lie M. P.� PIS ino6tioned-
seat consequent upon the carrying,
falling.o year by y1p 66 that oil a
d id a
0 tl;ioilie to injure Wilkinson and
of, the great, National Yolicy ques.
1� -
re . ct- I i I. v PCe, , Out Of. a 110118 Of.
0. 1,63
Itirklaild iri ii�ws and
tion. During,clach of tiloso L selosio . 1.1 it
i , V Stlp�
tili4pbers'lie could only g0'36'
:tllq most. important qtie.3tiong.whivi,
I) . ("!,tors.
Air., Mowat- says'the alleged con-*
I v evei me before a 1C
a a 1-0
- — - ----------------------------------
spiratorn;. 11'ossrii. . Mel(jul, Dowling
Phrlianiont bilve been discInt,
. L sed and
Pt. als declared that their 6.11 eged
I a wit , a tak�
fidopteikq at w hen th a
roii. McPiiii.its6
'SilNu, N is coming
co conspirators-Wilki 11 son.a.nd*Kirk.
all -upoil . the� Railwa aid.
eiona".4ast weeks the. Goverrigleilt
:ill4or a I �rgo �Uicunt of, un,
land'had the 11sancti. 1�'alld
0 U- L,
nitilety-threli, d-
e'll i front
'isli tl a -Grit'pre - Its bee I ause
ity at-the'Minister of the 111tefloe".
Chat -in vChouse of: only 4M mltn-
ll� resented . tile ull-
to offer. public %oi(Rces, as bribes to
Blakeliad--at'10a back
when this vote.waa tlMn, oi.ly
sedundrelilon of a. -portion,
Grils to C.OmpAsal the. (1cilwilfall of.
. 0
eibberg.�GWt Alv 11ter.
of public press, and title rascally
the MowAt GoVernment. M�- 11c -
allusion to him it Clio T,ocal. He
I use
dailies the..Cha rgd and there
The Wisdorn of' caerying oil the
bvc, Pr or Mowat. Senator' A a'
is no proof, -direct or, Orcurnstahtial;
Scott..Aot conteruporane6usly in �ag
oiolion, as Milliliter of the -Inte'rior,
of the- charge. But somb of -the.
many do tinties as possi ble is. made
rti�r�ypdftll af1pileation- from', Wilk -
a] IL eged coiaspirat r, . say, aye swear.
�Plain . bythe facts that the "betiev-
illsoll, of� "big Posh" fainp, I one of . the
, to it, thlat .06y, bad. this . !-Sanction
. .
olent. tradesmen" of Torou to 'bave
I .
allomid cono, irat' rs, who.is maid to
and, atithority" of the Ontario Min-
sul-seribed.1hir " -five. thousafid dol-
li kve noted Jo collusion with the Grit
istera to offer in iie.y. to bribeltheir
laraL 'to 6ppolle the Scott - Act in an
. L I y
A.1, P.P's. Do W I . hog# McKim, taffour,
Owl' oluppQrters..'L Nice inen Ifteis.4r&
County in Whi ell it may be submit'-
alid oth'i-roi to oveithrqw the.Alowat
Mowall-lartly and Frazfit.-
ted. Wit 6
ft could the -poor people
to lippoilkt hint Ueoi
Of olle county (10 �tco blipoile S�Ich, a
tr,ar (if, E,hnil I plon, N. W.. T.. U
I � . , . I
. .
TA lel IJ HIF, Ar 2' P R 0 R.0 G Ul"_D. L
. .
(ritya IQ. vol).spiriley atrahl8t, their
W01.6-in(l. Tf, lIawjtV0.e, ti
, � to W.11ole.
ilephl-o-olf I'viflied in th o.. ftillow�lllgo
fo, inal, taftlilipt,
,The -, D61ninion Parliawoi.it 'pro,
. '. . .1
Country: 464e. in - its IllighO iiiniul-
"OTTAWA, Ist'Feb. "188,L
regued oil S-Curtlay last after all
A.ollarm not cotrut foi- . fit . nelf
':ilJFAji8IR I -I have 11111(lo till Iliv Illinj
ariluous 'Sksil:in . of' about tfireo
.111%.ery church will he rL rallying
to. Yotli, It'ilpoilitilloat as-rogis-
ti-ar of I'dillent(oll, IV.T.
Al 6ch obm Was
-no I , ,
.1! .1111, told evory pulpit it p atforni
"Yours vLI;y trilly
ca. pski I.iy the ft�otloulr co'Inluet''of
to urg4; o6 il't"Ay'al, gaillst
L, All,
11;'A. NVIIACIS80% Rwl�,
' I
(lie Oppts4itioio, notahly', i ,
by 6Ur lio
. nono 0 theme call Ile, liought
lind f . ?I.
for ally 'SoLl 10 now . splipplis
(.nn Joe ()light, 111,11 ullien a Jounial
IIoII(;st Ininde.1 Call certainh
A goneral liuminary of the, 1worlr
takPoi tl.p sit this fl."Ilt,
.10 in I
see,14"llin'; Wrologill fill
i nitIttipt, or
IN am followli:,�Billi; introduced in
Peroplo will ilivoluistarilv think of
Wit; -reply. __A-V lie] Itpr
tboSenate 14, 13411m introilu"
.... . ..
tile fhlrt�;flve Allousanit.'Loliars
lult 1,
i liw -Tv) uAit, ok 00
to r0v(;ii�e i-tich an. apliciotal .nt. 1.4
-The 11 f 11,flls pi4sised
w"m 107, as hollows ;.-Govern"10111
Mr. Blakespeks'to lessell t lie force
llot flip matter that is q1tostioned,,
Billm, 43,. public. Bills, 2; private,
l -f criti s
Cilong Upon his. late i)(tiltob I)v
D.Ut, it. wit,11114 tfia�t hop Wdkintioll.
Billm-railwiiiy. companieli, 83; it)
r( fpirred 'only 'to
wrolip Is of HIP, littler L
solnit wort I"' -oil
-loall colnp�lnlem, 2); ttilogr,tph com,
? I
"loatll bound" seck-6 it6cieties. But'
tuilii.lig flit.o abovo lipply with iweii t
va , ideli 2; divorce 1; wiso-flanpous
"ftpiLall,,the anlendillAilt diops not
,to Lolivvy fit*(- I
hlpa'that ho could at?-
10; tht�ii 1117., Tijo lillinhor. of ad�-
altoi the ;Ktata of - thingii a bit,
point wholn It-, lilit-d to,the oilice. .
dresmeli"Mid ordem inovea "for W'aR
Nearly all secrot t4ocieties a2*0 bath -
X-4) 01w, howe'veii, who lookS at
055 aWl the fitifuller of'ret,uril;H
brou.,lit dpwli in. Accordance
bilull(L Millions, Oddilillows, Uili.t,
thii afrair witil a -mind �ioill OfprJu
ficil or iiiirdolanisi n call rlee any rea.
n with
the sanio wou 186- Tho retorins to
c(l Work'n'", S"" it of
Hot] foi, holding tht, Alinisterof the In.
wIllro-sk-its and of(leril'of fast" mosiii.011
WereL53, making a total of-roturillf
Good' Templars, Royal Tplliplprs,
Kili lits of' Pythi'loi, and, 'Ele,
torlor.1-p-81101IN1114414. for any inippoper
protmentm, during the session Of
othees-all are. oath -bound. Yet,
U4e hill 9tralightforwaid reply ujay.
I i,
1884 of 230.
while loodly ..protesting that lie .14
htivo been lout to. Tliere in iltiti a
The sallient, feqtb�ro.§'of filiesesslon
In. 'ant only4 Loatli,bit4ndsociellip.4, lfr� 'a
sellitillft of evillence io itilow, that
tilay tip-thas suinined up. The unk,
Blvlko� takeq pains ': to) explain Vo
311 i� 'Mcpherson, w;t.q awaril of Wif
precVlIefIt;d litfull'or of olepal-61 tell.
In P"I hers of two of these very onfil..
kilimollis allfiod I nisUO till a at.
Cal retnellilI Cal le'l for hLy I Ife Opposi.
bound Ho6ttiem chat,, 110 did Hot
.:'But there are minilmlit) I . Wilt . ul . ited.
Li0h. oil ', almost, every e6j)Ceivalolv
sulijitot, wbich,takmi I it colittootioll
Ill-ith theni. We .4hall presently
114VP the Opposition leallet, explain. c
ftll(l ilitrigno in the
Wi0i the llunli.--ous quontiofm -flat by
Ing that when
80 protio to JIXP('at itill
th(�Jla 16 tile (iniliftrujilent. fildfly (;f
wi-re file .4frig,11trul mother of
Odi'vemi that they vvill Ilo-vep %coopt it
theIll of it njoiit trillifig and personal
'Ifialignity. Illisrepri,sontation and
�!Wfii r,,Ivioll for a plain filot"if it be
Characlor, evincrisjIleir, Ourflilig de.
bigotry", he Inowit'iladlill" and to
lit, Itil possiblis to devitio.eauses for it
fill e to 111111to Inuall it do oil 4 tl ifling
ferred to nobody. The Aititille, fd6t,
I Ira I aet, (iltsiell rp, U 11 W L,
orkV othollest
vapiW, Several of title rotu'rilf!
asked for aml brought. down Cover,
6 that Ila Inade 4, big, bid for Polill
poll support, nild lifts since digbover.
wtin,, far-fvwlied and witlally not
all the wftv front '200 to 600 Ilao is
that he mado_d tei-riblo blunder.
W -Jr, 11 the carriago.
of fol)1804, , The istrain of �va`r'k
thisimfieflothlivg call be plainor
01UR-tiltown on thaotopartninnti; flail
beat$ lleav�. Molly or, ([)a refuents
�Vill 011)lftrVo il L
lat C116 Grit PlIptrU
fliall total, Mr. Mal"I intKon nierely
bitought-116wIl ppinitin unoponed Oy
fire brideavoring. -to malto tbi.q docill. 81
rf,fivutillilondi.d the - lippointillent of
010140 Who Cal led for thnin.,
1011 "ItIll . other ViPtOPY for MOWAL Will W
Wilkinson Its. Iteg-stiar of :L"11111011.
In thol C'. P. it. lona and thk%, Ap.
Ptavinal"Iriglit;", IlywhatilpeciP8
i is voopt Is U.4od wi-re , "I"have
JolivAtion OP the Govetiltnent, of
ofroatiolling out Grit cote aillorar it's
towlo up wy wind to recohlibPrid. ,
Q Uebee for 01A subiti4ty oil tho
OttliwA, Nf.ou(tieal &LQUebee
cattle to Such -it conclusion it ia dif-
,$L,)Ilf., afy,'olifilkleill, U6 14ginCT0,11
Tu , iti, itt as plait, its � 1,16 smit. 1,
Willy tile Opposition' thought 1110y
lictIlt I to Unrlemtsli o , 141,0111 O.Ur
)111(1 a S�Ielldld opportuntly for har.
Atalldpollit tilt- Ifecimilon 'Of tile Privy
4ow, 11UL fm till, ah v0sailml,
14"'hilig, it not oydertue.nisig, tho flor. it, Commit is a h1larp reltilkl3t 'to tile
Howat Govor-ument for poising Q
Streams Bill, which wwi not requi
ed to Protect culdwehs intereot t
the ilitervot Of ally Other Jumbo
wan kilmilarily The la
as it stooll was. qixito suilluient fo
the thlivourio, has dvoide(
Why tholl WAS, the Atreaule 1111
passe(A I "I'llo Vrivy couiloil say
by i ta decision that it waill a work
sup[ rero�ml,ion. 11, could, riot loak
the iaw well in force, litaritill 0
this ;iubjv"' any Stronger. It WA
I lot pasbcd in Ignorance of the hiv
for its, preamble orgillatly Set fort
that %fllat it colittelid4d for tit)
(taught to enact, "is 411d always. wa
the jaw" of Cho land. The Bill wa
passed, not -W vindicate the law, bu
siloply to enable Mr. Caldwell,
Grits to rob Air. MeLarcu,.% Van
sarvative, This -woul-I have bee
the -correct title of the Bill. -
Tile decision of Priyy Couno
1. That the Strestras BLI we
unproperly passid,
2. That its disallowance by th
Federal Government 'was� wuse
quently j.ustifiablo.
3. And that the q4estion a
Provincial rights, so far as wo kno
at prei�ent, IS riot even alluded to i
the judgment.—Sartlia Canadian.
Canada Weitilipermice Act.
Sir r.Tolin. McDonald moved tb
Second reading of the Bill10 amen
the Canada Temperance Act. 1-1
explained that the amendment wit
intended to meet the difficulty -to
garding tile e,iforceinprot'of the At
In certain counties in Nova Sooti;
and New Brutiswilik, where ;)a ]I
censes aregranted, The Act state
that in ari� counties wheno license
arit granted, the Same Anil [)a annull
o�d iifti`�r Clio atfoliti6ri"of"i'liefi rst"I oar
of the Act by a md ority of voters
whilp in Nbva 1,'cotia there art. St. v
oral coutiaips whereiiii'fio licenses at?
now�_vranted,atld thiiiiincapall'. itat-pi
.front theadoption of file Act. Th
tituendownt provithig , (-flat in sue)
counties tho Act fillall cool. ill force
thirly days after pr6clamation. 1)
01,11tir in Clitincil; L 'L .
. TlLii bill' wa,; tben read a libirt
The fluirlibbr Disaster..
The'llumbitr reliercornmit . t I ee ba . v
(lot I ided.' upon tho amount ol'th
claima -a-aitist the urand rruni
Vs i I WR v U3' tile' sufFerers front fit
Humber t1iiaster,and the claini hit
been placed in the- hands- of,.Jplltl
Bell,Q. C�, Solicitor lot- the G. T. R.
Who . jar Still conl;ill�rillg- it. . 'I'll
atribunt claimed tlotal$ LIl) to �-90,
000. Tbe matter wIII be Carried t
.tlie courts ir the Grand rrunk an
thdritles refuse a set tionient. A. ti:
how the measure lot, tite claim 'a
eavh.ihdivi(�Itlal was arrived lit 11 le"
al triefiaber of the committee said
IV a were gu 1 (led by Lord Camp
English noit, wiiiell'. has'liseen
exacil� reprodue6d in Canada, 'I'lils
measure fixes the exact pecumary
VAILleof a head Of' R fnillily Without
pllow!ng iinytl)irg for wounded feel.
ings, or anydiing. bt * it file aoto4l
rnonoyvoilue.ol the deceased. Then
we have �to �.drlsider' how nnidli it
.de?d man is w6i�tli to It s' fftelily, litt'
duating a sum s'6ffloienti for. his own
liviilg,experiges.. Take, for instance
a ybuna nian. of 22, earning 0`22..par
week, or 0600� per.annum., '-Aocord.
ing to. tile 11101'tiary'tabl6ol, which
juided the, committees the - inan
would have a *prospoctivo IiTe of' 32
years. We would take:bis incatile
to ' r.,this' tinl�, dedticting expentli—
ture�s mentioned, The valud 61' his
life had:he a,wife and Illnuily, %Vquld, Us
about 07,000.,
We, ivilsh it to be 414tinctly, iolderstood that too do
Not hold- �)ursalva reiq)onsibleposi the 0J);nCofi$
64rcsiled bY Coiresi;oadtints.- En. Nswa-Itectlitio
Why Fr6c Tnitic is '.& Faillurii.
'RdUor liffuron j4ivseneeori-
It has licen a 113�iiliei
y.too ruany fox
the past yearg fillat � free trade
should be a failure. Vom- a con.ver.'
Sation If libAthe �Ieastirc of listening
to-betw6en a prominent -grocer 'hild
li�e le'�ding wribor for . the I I ree trade
organ. - in our town, I tilluk-1 lia-tz
penetrated the bj�stary: t
Mr. C.—l'By the way; Mn. H., have
You a Copy of your, pappr with
Mr. H.- `U have"
ki�.C-YonkilowI.arn. always .
anxions to read your papdro"
Mr. 11.—_1 11 believe you are."
Q-1,Yout are the only man' in
your partyj Mr. ]EL.that itudorstands
the fr6e tirade policy.,,'.
liaNr. IT.' "'Thank yen, Mr. , C.." I be-
�Vo .1 am."
Now thisAs' whatits the inabbar.
Thd 641 -is can find a seat L in tile
House for B41ce to bully guld' b.%Attiri
th � civil onst',nregidoub.' rbprel�eilt�.
,a to find A seat for. ClartNyright to
colivulse tbO Ilou 50 with ckullo-like
curtain . loctlircs, beginning 'at the
early dawn of civilization, an'll 'elifflug
there. But when a live lliilbto�lltll
OtilItIlry "'all who, by a liff -Iong stuily
of "free trade " has �put IiiII18(�If out -
Side Of fill tll%?t IS w0*rtlI
poaras lie is totally ignoto(iLtiot,
even a s . eat in ' the. 11onS6 offerelI
hiln, rubell IfIss the Wditagiii(s aditor-
This initaAdo tif the free trade
Politi"A1060110till4b Of Clliutoli� livill"
till only. Inall. In file arty who under'.
Rtall(IS'thl) "free tva(ple 'i I - a
qnestioll is
IncUlOrRbIc MOuPle of the in iqtihy-of
monopoly. Were there Ilot Soule,
protective force in natural which gives
lial a mono 0 y 0 all )at is woitll
Cnowli4f cbllaernil�g free trade, '
131alke' all(l it* ICL 'kt r'L
hard artwi-igh t
Ilight become pos,
LiSed Of Holne,
koowl6dge of the matter. As it ig
low li-vn tlioid Ron. gentiletti-,ii kilew
ftl]Ytllillg about it NVII(Il all that is
worthlinowingN IockciT:n)) in tile
elbe,W of the clinton ecol�o.nist? Xho
1 ?4
, tery is Solved. 1116 failure of tho.
(�Oplo to talliblo t6 fell(% tra(lo wolild
(,'041 to be OU'inp
, toLthe ins and outs
f file "dililled" tlltiig being nionopol-
Zed in Clinton bown Ivith "lliflo-
)013'1 If it Were. for no other reasou
J�liktttridirtb it ' 6anses tho beftutifiti
at) Il, a plant to litild nild blooll) and
ilosgom and ivasto its swoctuolis� fil.ft
ircutriSoribod area aull, to an. unap.
reciativo Public,
Won ouration
Air. Asa lofair�s, of the Toronto
vaq holno for Ins
Schools i
olidays an(I lookod hale and
1110 following is tho repoft or tile
vintor examinatioll it) tho fourth
lass fivii, S. No, .4, Go(lerieli town.
)ip. Tho - total number of marks
It q ") 6 0 : I
Gortia plunitner.
.101111 Shop xtrill., 440
Than'. Hartlyl
Illicylillu n
May BA('t, 039
Lenti; Nesbit, 2 C) 0
J."ditli ilaillaing. -2(1,1
Tbo If uron Laerm#,4 Club to orgall- B. Farrier, St "Six Thowaa H
the delloon by bV4 holhe, Ally ago or
prow uartlwoi lu 103f. following litall. UO3,11iltiu,
r Clark,got up steau) 31, IJUJIQ
r Oa Friday and, 8iltorday. do, Dr. lJobves; tiro, yeare W�*H:011s� YOU H ATT ?
w $ecy , S. �l al co) moon, and At. 0. ol(I autill, over -41. liarnoub,
r on Alr. Jas. Alelcav 101E ilowalmlilVeek "Prince Tbowas
Sheriff (lit bons, Xayor Horton, NVII14nuou, BOgrave, 41
i. r.jretlry Ai -11014 Jart on 31013day -11 Or Cooke; unit J.'I'. Uarr^ O0. Dulls under for Vois.Coluln-ve. F. NV. Joboato", Wei- tor, 1orri", $$Sir tolivaford." 1 -h -
A. Al. Polley, J. XoDriae plown, to lipst bull, 4uy ago or clabo,
returned to Toronto
f On Itturday. Illid Win. Crai, L� sqrs. "Sit 11,01144ford-1,
a Ir. John . 0gilvio,of-Ogilviect Ilu Active Ajetabors --- 1'resident, R. S.
. t. Williams: Vice do, Geo. Rhynos; Sea.,
.Obton,, Al rivoil Ill town last weipit. Cap-
,)Ir"Antliony Allen is recovering tain 11el!ryi 1,7jeld U'Apttiiin, J. Front our olva
frora. b1sieeent. severe filecidelit. Currie. Ur. James 33irks, of Uption, spent
Friday is the usual monthly meet- Committee-Tboo. C. Graham, Jas. Bastor week at boine.
ing nigh t of our city Futhers. Ellard, 8. J. Rolli Mr Deal, of London, spent a, few
Mr. F. A. Kent returned to town and A 0, Cameron. dilys sit the pareonage.
8 from Uontreal hist, weelt. itst Thursday evening the Mock
Miss Ellen; Milterls #boottoleave %-rV STIFF,*
0 Pieria still und for jDictrolt. A CHRIS I F'
0 repair. "going and we understand that. tbollrernierl'
a Mr. E. N. Lewis, placed his reshms. A wedding W expacted to take So famillar bus the term of a become known 4
ifr. Ilarry Vidl is Away on awo flon in the hands at the Liout..65ov- Place hit Chis neighborhood. ill a few
very large npn)4-r of people Pro under the impre-WO-i that et ejry stiff bat,
weeks vacation. tit the same OmR 40timAti"i; day�,
The Redemptorist athers bave that the leader of the oppositiou, Mr r. and Urs. Lawrence spent. tilittwo, no matter by whom madt-, is a "Uhristy Stiff.' But -It is, to& the
left town. I Foot, Should bapAlled an to form a, their E aster vacation ease, a% thp Christy flat is a line ofGoolla inall"FlAuttirvd; by 0
3r. Q. Cameron is home, from Oto government. Tile Lieut.401overnor At the resilience of Mrs. L's parents. 11"rue(Ilate'Y called on Mr. IPoot, who Urs. Knox, who bas.'been, visiting LONDON, fNCLODy' (lie -Inosl in. Mite morld. For year" we
accepted the responsibility,. and has bor dough te�,. Wright,.or Berlin, have b I Pen agents for this make of* bats, slid no line I he
Reeve Kelly, of Bly th, was lir town been engage ever since it). t,ying, to, returnedboome. a few d a W14 to'dal that
last Wednesday. form A . government of file talent$. well. aye, Ago looking. will give the wear or Satifaction equal to them, Pporpole wh*
a I%Jr k r., returried As fer as we can learn at the tinle, a rikfi a
from loort C61bortle last Ividay. Mr. Andrew. Diff who has fitted up GOOD HAT should come and see' our assortments which is the fi4eit in
at' gning to, press Mi. Irloot, has not - is now.svery day oil the real#
31r. and Mrs J. P. Holt returned been S"oQes$ftIJr in Msposing of the aErtlegulding to. the wants of his more tba count
Front their Toronto krip yestpr4ay numernis port fQJjoa at his cOm' customers. week. mand. We wish the gentleman suc.
The Rey. T, 31. Campbell lectured cesol., however, as, we would like to 0or ex -postmaster and merchant, ,
11 oil "Mati-irriony" inDungannortMeth- see extrornes meet, Its they assured J. W, [Till, has removed to Brussels
odist church fast Fria 1jea of We. congratulate
my IY WOUld ULL Foot war hat burg at:, th�
Regarding the statement in the Mr, J. L. Courtice has engaged t 0 0
the a gavel acquisition of all excellent cifize
Mr. Stephen. Ywtes occupiet St
pulpit of the U, B.' Clitilrol; last Suu- 0 Ratemo0jo
(lay worning. London "Frea pl-etial, concerning.the service of '31r. �A in, Cox, formerly of
wan Little who is laid up in London Porter's Hills to. run a rig 01) tile TAKES PLAOE ON�
e The, Choral Union are preparing an atitack or sulall-pox, we have koad and be is now out at) the roll(I
'for 4 grgrill concert. totake I)ILLoo at) ascertaillea Chit lie was not sent atu-rday:.-,---Night:,.�
twity, but went aw4y of big own on, many old and new. customers. The Cricket -Club. fire succeeding accord for the purposo� of' being Pro- HAT THK PISOe. H IN 110LItirsvip,la
remarkably well, its members alread.y perly treated lot, the 41sell0e 110- WILS ARN sAytxu;-Tbab they will not When. we will Show our fpll assortment of MEN'.9, BOYS,
exceeding in number la"yearls roll. oufferin" fi'00, and that so far as the vote l'or those who opposed the sille and CHILDRENIS Straws. for the. c6luing season.
Miss Pol)-WGus opened fill 'infatit niedioal" men are concerned they walk loeLitio". 'rfirtt Ow lall wheat
school lasitt.Manday at her reoildenoe gave bitia no money. Will the "Free is looking pretty well genernliv.
the cottages East street. Prew.'� shorty wbat authority tile doc Tba, tile Methodist lininn is finally
Miss Downing left last week iot at. tors,bad to. proverit.-the man frorn Settled slititfilotory. 7,1114 our tiler
tend the Ilatilihon Wesleyan Ladic 111' leaving town, ni, supposin'g all it says chants tire ]a I 'in gooil stooka. S
is orr-otinds could Clio 1rhAt
I oil Cho Santa in file
mail Ilave been Aotainf,.d tire... tq
inan was EL recent -N.Vo
t A0. ON
hot- with lops but the. as,� ol. bees tire now ovor rov the wo,
inolir" at. Which lohk�e his wtip reeprit?v n0I rnir its tile eye bbill(I see, sn Coll The Famous Hatter
und'it is ol Iii-p-lition The llev,,Father Watters officiated Ft torti-I - I ba t t . Im Pr -that niAlle.It" 0. 'it$ t to%yo 04`411E . 11i'll I IW"v. 'I'l I p 111 .111 11 al 1 13 i, 10 VVa I
u ay 'etum tieketin lils piissesaion, atid C -4 n—
It I ; IoDlougall, A C,. C.i hav- it %vas on this t1nit'he travelled to Ing I'l-6111,111a severe illness. 0 -far 0.4. We all]) see Ill(- -CLINTON. ONT,, Dl�, ALL, RS.IN-
Ills 11 again. (Inotors are riat too, lilanle in the nit -
County High Constable, D. C,Mcj.�flyl t,r, unil so litrLas the town is crifteprn' A- of the Soufilk Ifuron A/X cl-, C1
has ip(,urned frool. � his Brilli4els .0d its resi(tents have ew
visit. I pn:,lod flimt (lip inlin tin a 11) RX00.1', llvx� .15 C.refhUy.afid Accurataly Compounded
Oil . ain4teur fl-illeriniin bad a rath, ho6itid where ho. qntdil I Phsiciaas'4 Prasoription
n 'A nitutber of of' Air. Is I
ei -weVic,noteveli A to treate(f Too a d Orders Aiiswered with -Cre and Despatch.
ite being ..0 toU plal of Walkert.ii, -covers lie will n 0 to Y;
as'Should lip do SO, it� will he rollotl Clint 'a iblic Q& f, d dur'.ftek of f-odic�iite Ooftij)leteo Warrankd
A.ViLeod, the Britisri Colulkilpiu. and of 11w Y3osl Qncdity
and Expro s
JlealliOf a mark in its mention or the casit:...
will fill b6`roady lot, sett oil S�oiiurday. J. 13' Tilet Soaps, Perfumery, SI . ioulder Braco, Trusses, Sponges, and 411
farill to And rson' will'
Bitilel . sters, AVingball), so 't 1111firan Spring, Show, Urn it. It Store.
tOwn'9n..SlitUrd:ty., prollability, becoults a
lips rostile;nt of Wit-glialili.
Show ef'entire stool, at Brited! a store ne%t,Dnv11s's tin shop with it ed allythilk, of tile ndsInatellell to ovor R I
or of WeiluesdaY latlt, tile south 1uroll
supply or wines 410 fiCIL4,0111F. TAI"
-eotitity..' Tito 6yor twell- John till 601-y'li 1101`6il N.G
0' On Friddy evening its one. of re IV( . . ".. ... . I . 0
YOUng linibs'ofthe law torning ty iinliorted stallions.on thti gi,0111111-all Lull � oil Elp. Sonforill the first %
i6to the Po' -66 Farin Nail lie, hd. arlilhills IIIlittle,.,
all(] the coin PC-, tiltion, ill ro . pset�., the i . Idlest of England, So' and Fo`
olassos,- was and stable if
...'D. D. G, IL R1141cliffO, �61' k0ell; ill fact. t1lo judges, III- niny cases' KbicaidNot, were TrouseringsEnall'sh. French Worsteds.
flill-oll Distvict, will' attend .. idilig �vlliell oyiA by , fire oil Toe iav li.tt,lob Ora P. U. Jewel at, livillglla�isl ho -ses SlAilif be otwartle(I tile pr;yos. fit' cks�- Loss '14:1i0oui In
oil the 2VLII !list. Samuel bi�lftlltius Nvore $1 ii.g to the Lom Awl
.Detlor car . ta ITH T"E'CLOTHIER
acconillall led 6y, At IS$ May, Malouil 113- . iown, aud, Chong], tliiii A.a ord Ion papors
son, left, ye�Leruay-'pn_a visit W BUrl. jud.9,38 took a long thua,�to decide, and is Ilurons' 11 eli_L 4
iII9,6011. . . plentl litly stdek �-or 1114 Slwilw ,fill Suinnom�r Goests-
secened, dipilsod to dolil out Lleuiau who wit intelldilig to apply Ri-ady-Ill Ill.- tIfim at tilt; ever heard or-iione lout flie'
-oni the ellief U all!w4hip - 0 �,Ill iPLO'( (A-11 Lal A or CENTS"'
justice Nve know; Ti --wbat we.boar fol f 41, it
rnet with a polizi. 414GS lilway, ait Ul. Oil tilat. a very illfiniiel'Oftil(i 41)0(!tat�)rli CLI'dillf', 11US now got a tiiLUaLIoLA'IIl FU pay you:,
TZZ ho... Squar
(Uiltt ng flielli judgeK), rult $hrilitt'jitil f( r 01i
smashed ollis of his fingees W41110 utilig . I . I " I I- ty d
1,00sthorsesilitho rilv, a6
ivin-0 Tlic. Doui;s conveying -the land Ilacca- G�O:D=' -RIEC-ET- -NTr
IMr. Ac! arn 'Cook, ivb bots boon. af fvold." flicted W101 so S�re eye oqt Sark for L . lie- 1) epo�ed -Govevionjunt'
Ill Clio cold"l; %I'll)
11.10utlis. at,60111pallitid, - by. Ilia to tile hurile(I vattle IKIO� ftla().�El) Celli"
': ;. � . 'Poi;otlEJ 'llitling, all It The followint, is th t000Cho tug Jas. ai T.' file prest"ll
Alf. Ch"Inhei -telf AFT.E.R.
tiou'po.rioraie.ii Ilrize list - PHL
Capt. 71011UR. . 1. , . ..
("I"t- J- libilort, Well -9r. y; �nd trales, Walkerton. PU,1IilU ivallt.a ioller SEED PEAS
Baxter the TbdinanX. dils Ill.; 31 -it it. 110,uring will, aud tllr� SEEI I ) OATS,.. THE
J. Turneri Wory.
V , , — D. CORN.
[lot lolk'a gilloi,,tifrolilo Proct,
preparati . ons ar beins-, niade' draviglits n 't" wer - SEED BARLEY -SEE
to rieledse the lodnian' lier J MoAilla�i, Ilallott, llitzzlu FIRE
position oil tile harbor' island, wlitili Clinton, 1,urtl ol, tile Ohe It' place: bf that lately 1),urii6d,
it is will 1�le efi6cted� LLt the anor; 3rd, T., CU1( julaoun, 11itellell; boutiii of$12.50U..
ing corileit, week; -BROS
Niii. Beck- . returned Ti come 'Vwo yos old .116avy Dratigh ts (6 on. Capt. Will, McKellzte, of Kill UNTELON
�ak�.s ohargit:.oi I, t Stand Elew�tor,
Stattis where IIlllo4 & 11ortori, fliblimt, Kill- lie molloo1,ler
the Russ, A Inis
Ile haid been visitiogAiiiaiilick brother. Itiount Th -GLUMTON.
So lioly. 3 .1, J. 'W-11-1, ufs'&
�-.klr. 3, Ireports his- brothel, its'still suf- D,i.r Kilkpon,TolMinan.. - - a . .... - . .. . 1 .1 ... RuzaGVE D'
hcarit; J." u., Parsolls'' J-� Willis, 114�, Wgill3ild Ch. �_T
ponlinal , )d arld ports dlid G nielli oil.
ow 1%yo 'yliar old, Thp villaz'o cd Brussels is 'submit .0
0 oneir Gal 7, y
-by 860bie' "Zlid IF rs ns 'Of J61in Uray it bv-llt%vj C A., St6thd
!t. 0 .011 NO h to be.'icited-oli oil the* this towli.,
i�pzdhul,: 1,ouintrd Ranter, Uslool Ira IKO 1,.)Y' W ely of,
to 662NIother-1akid. We o6Ucii that 'A -ed Getforal Pllrlpos�LIA, o$. Fisbe I I- r. tho pur--
1ilid i ug it. too
Now is the seasiinior cheap trip . S' a
loati the'suni, of $5,000 fo S EDS 1
the nalou41 line ttike.steer g� pass 'DUke 1,11111. . I19GsO,4.IIo%ve,7 .. , , �j R 0 0 ER IE
enge.rs fLoin Goa6ric'4 to England for. ;Iiwoodo Yonne, 1101,1`60tioll... to'ellable'llim to erect a wo'colell mill Three. year olif General I1nrI)osbL:-ISt 1EAPER THANIVE
Tha Rev. W. -aig, of Clintob, The votipa on rt� S5,000 loan, for-: occupied thepulpit, niornitig and- Goo' A�Johitltty, Seatorth S EED&I
evelling, last Sunday in St. Georgeog to tell yeat-4, to aia it) ril'lluilili6g the
G.d,. VauEguiond , 9
Church. !rhii gariblein4n. preached Sbir, "'olitine; 31-�L -J:T, 6loq ent sernions oil both Ocl-lisions. it 'oil with tho. r(-quimite E,34
The." Olitario �Bloar 61 Liceris' Rilailsto Stafflons(4 eutries)-Isi, J. took-pfave' fit
Com. ners nietliere 8earorth, Sorrel Cloud; 21od)' last %�pek, At 'thl- tllv� F
iresh Supply
(lily, 'In, granted licenses for the -polls the vote stoo,l 146 for and -32
present yedr. I R.
wlvh few
excelotions, was tile same 'us last a
-Ox- P Th.- Cannilian rnpri
year. ford Lord; 2ndj ollapinall; lilt,lice-
Oil fonday 'evening -a Parlol�Con- tiollpli o;l
field, Its having Cel't Under Clio auspices or thi lad' turn' 0
Two viiiii- ol%l litills-Ist, as. Dickson of Knox chlirch will be beld at Lile
aft'l-tri, 4th of Kent;' 21)(11, 'Out .. m,
residence orl). C'Straclian Esq: At) to be Crili Z r, I Cie man
Clintoi), Dtiko of Anil fitrol0i and. vatilit 411-alvi-, %Vll() I.;'., P, I
excell,nt lwograninie is beingpre- W d tfil9th Ii
rly,ist orr"t. lonr
niao v -vf4 it, I ,,
nol, (0 it"llitIville. '31-11 -fill I)lI% At S DANIS, ca
Point Fill in, The wits kel t wat, Young xtra Ovo year . 6111 road. ted
up till' -4 st, it). Oil 801,1111-filtY When'the . A to B uil)4� ronlllit' ----------- 7'
to towns ox %vaq nivartled to Ilr. J II&MV ill's -at bult!oeed Maiiiindth StoVe'Wrehous%.
well. loleased Wittithe ev SLYTH c` AW MILL
It Ito
'illLe 01 iling�s elljoyluell.t., ile for' heavy ran thfi (fistrio wh
Cel� looked Ulooll ax GOSM, AN* DODDS
,a Annive - A. III, nloitll; Tackel I Hn Wnlie & ' 4 ...
pbration tlext, UriHivaly, oild (111, hii.Shopl red to (16 . all lilinjit of
y Is. fail, tfl. illikes Wolitcott t Ilpfalcialous tire 'o work4ln thoir
illexPellent "one, A. Intimb rL "oV , ""
pl, Itolert put as.higb loill; in A gritin oruot)ieir, we atit Ablik
tifilliand (ih,tho Aborted
0 I�T
Tha wMeitst :--A
ill ddition Lo Opv, N. 11, U 401.01,what ainti,ing ifivitipar, Clio c Illyth, ontl
w to W
Oil pit 11 ......... .....
-i:,, of the jktivo
Tljp Jndges oil 3olls Messrs; T. GL1-_-4CoL
0111, towngnian Win. AreLptin ilrAGRIC"LTURAL
wit olit000.81111 in 1'rioging ("ho-i8tiall tllFG.-COMPANY
o. '41) PAtLTLY
flaa Iff-, A.
In over tilree thous W wolgorl pipssing
al I of' bLean, . 0 Infin I ov, and f6t' !lid.44willi it -6-ofil �11' la)gp -crowd- R AGENT T� S -14L 3��WbMq L' Ali%, on(l 10"10119 11 S A Iloilo elliell; 'of prorality
Ills CApterP Alid rettli'll 16 Ontario is our 6tillt that - was 'ga horp(l aholit' 'llilill tij� C? olre�(11vollit.nina,i it hal)[sy diMLInistance fdr Mr. e- stiowilrb )),.is gone to pny, 11-11 ?1n others I'll, )ou itell the Col6ritted
Lean. CHAN. . wpll, , Offlue, Dundas St,� L
r6ildo oil ]As 61rill 'If ulitob, ON ondon, Iray ioko4, Strw CUttom, I'loitthlis i6d Littler
- , , ' IrollfoijV t
ronday morn iliff the tIlLg It. it .1 1
is briny nlithill"t land I th op t
to of the loill o A%rk
Clark Steamed o0t 0 tho' fi-Shina roller, and wliggons. a d. rptv itl� WA =001 11"t Cahtelon'tj Works At loweab rattl4of infore9t. 'Apply to
grounds and sot:a hirge lIllantity McCallum of],Ptiqiivsin� %vlio. Ut) only it fow-, the au�� 249 oini
nots.* andon 0 E. Lofidon.
lily, a 1111illber Or fishing b, ioats left returned boallo. had Ieft Cho 8alo "Ild A
On Tuesday Clip was Out -aga n Is holit, of) P1 X1,
on the SanAh business. I iioll a line driving hor.4attlayMble. the Apt It irillantity rollod thil to hear w1lat. 11" had to say,, but Dav is life at thunilleto '(It Lollf) THOMAS, Maki of Morris for $Irio. 11kamo, 111,
06 StinflAy hiornina the wit'; not going in bit out, ft/1 POOC of Chit town, with a -6r Vjlo 1), . �jvabo School averages allil liothilig dalluted t1wough Ilia
at C110. lo, I scholara r. A.� Taylor isdoilg 4 llekwtioly of his he 0 t1lo&oll lively trA(To two
room mid t -0 -the V. ol.tll If ARM 11 ME Ol Bracketo of all'killd.9,
Meth.o(liqt - 01114rill Ley , lloal� Ploll"Iling Lq tho ardor at tfia dily. wag,)n an() iqll, it oviip 0love. to the,
atitimill serninnL. ifillo 11py �ofr, belBrandon a few Inillut(,s tilt) BookShelues,
(I - tbe liorvicts, day of lasti, week, Fail whoat loolm ed ilncontest wag( taill of Noture Photo.
Will "th 0 Lovili- Army 'nu the one 'Awe
IftlonlileV4 of tho nnf hiiiell a I
. 'If (, I if reprosent five of tho world, ZATME ASSOUTSMIXT or Frame, Etc,
1106 allow )Jim
. light to lio
pleasod tit the rittendmine, oin(f the cone
they listencl to, lindor a billillel and has put up a, Ila the on. filrgo amoont or t1lo 6OV6
(In SatnrflaV It poor unfoi,ttinato to the ptiblic. the Oillpf. T6 proveNt bloodshno 1101`80 With blt;'dIY a 109 to staii(I esn hIr regulavorunibusinan. thf# to aftel' it tiknitl rtitirvd :P -T-1.0 Ars
WAS nround tho,ilgiftitto In it's 110 Sold his 41111ty 14 now q1liftly info barrack'in the town
.progressit, Made severld slops, blit mking another, doing thO Wood fiftif and Ieft the iii poss(,ssioll gAW U TTINA AOXIS
WAS Soon plisherl, onaxed, woeh, irobill", 11"lliliting lita,, Of the fivid. We (10 not wish try ROOT & ST 0
oil Ugftin. toWawatio,.sh grienhur- activity the improsSion to on atterns
Cho r rpad Mo
fit soelvty, Spring Show was it pro; that tbo afrair was an OVOIlt 'Of CORN town blARSAd with It hi'linell Of niorku(I �tfaefimii, tile weathor being Allyseliolili niolliont, so 0ey 11111st
sopiotv for Clio prevelition of 0-ritpity Mot fieflab
to an'lilliflol Such a case ivould not, -ing Mill all Tint)lpwittsr usod on it farill
oo?"ur any similarity I to (110 battle of as (1004 nq tho l3vAt, All(l as Cheap Stationery, FANY GoOdS, Wit,
011 11611(ifty ovetling titIt tho, till. Auburn, wholl the amily of 01S as, the al; nSt,
Thog, (Jahlor, Lord. Nvas vanquislit-d off the fivId kept
Re A
F 0
It H
will be hold in Olo (4rpyr "Yoling Donald Mililie." Road by the idolatrous who
rootil i14�,noeh W-leldell hmvier and deadlior iveap
fill Clio filiallefill tata. l3lyth, Tattall ons Int, their This was E, I R'S As HIAL E nient will be And Cle ro. Wullwood, wingliarn, "If"thall 1)(TIVrf, of vortimittee am to flm'l Allon, irt' Two ortrg old RiA under eant victory, by a Ittsil inipoittant ai. or- rotborwigo of tiltoring I kiny VIftss- Andorson" CHeAP 811"Oftie,
tho ilystom Or Allrell 1. 100HY001 "Warklok," '21111, Harry tribo fA
Inionts ivillt!olllu till fol't'll uburn, '1111onest Tolill,"