HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-04-23, Page 1Zhe NOM% AC470. littor0,
Nvery We4nea447 Mornirtao
A.T TAME emelt,
"Alert 8tieet, _Winton, 9nt.
inattixonce ; $,? if not 30 paid.
The 'proprietorriarranO0D'PalcoNXWS•
14%1114 pun:lowed the 'business .410: lint
efTog fleaox REBORD, will in .future
the eanalgetnated papers in Clinton,
dlIder the title a ,"rita itigtoz NI:we-
lts:man." •
Cliuton is. the moSt prospermis town hi
Western Ofitario„ is the seat of considerable
inaliefactering, .autt the centre erne finest,
igricaltural section in Onttnia.
The eotabined cirodation of Tin z News-
:1!,eco1u exceeiLs,- that of 11114' paper pub-
itshed ia the County of litwou.. It Is,.
theretbre, unsurpassed as an advertising.
144444 QV 4640S.foristIvertising are :
1 otddtant 1 year, 190
1 • 6 Mos, 60
1 " 3 mos, 30
" 1 year, 30
" 6 mos, 30
" a moti, 18
column 1 year, 830
" 641105) 18
" - mos 12
" 1 year, 18
'6 mos, 12
* " 3 :nos, 8
Advertisements, tithout Instructions ELS
to, space awl time, will be left to the judg.
meat of the compositor in the display, in-
Serted until forbidden, measured by a
cale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
neh),, aud charge:I 10 cents s lino for first
use:lion and 3 -Cents a line for cub suh.
equent insertion.Orders to disco:aim:a
advertise:lions mast be in writing.
NI412.007 sot,' SR ItaltD1130 111411'4Ri
(NOSparell-rnessurentont., 12 lines to the
'itch) 10 cents per lino last insertion ; 3
vaitts pee,lifte,eacithubsequent insertion..
• —
• J013 WORK.
Wo have one of the best appointed Job
°dices west of Toronto. Our facilities in
this department enable'us to. dcr all kindsorwork—from t eallin card ton mannuoth
poster, in the. best -styio known to the
craft, and at the lowest possible rates.
Orders by mail pi emptiVettynled to,
Add.ress, .
The News -Record,
. ointon. Ont
Late of Toronto, Honor•Graduate Royal College
ef Dental Stirons,
COMS'S 13100k,
All Work. Registered, Charges moderate.
. • Saturday •of
each, week, in the old standrVictorla
Block, .AlbertSt, Clinton: • •
SON, Suiteitoft
.14:"Vrisi5will von.
tunic Cu:business
torment ' (tarried
en 11,04'. IL Cart-
f'7,T,H.'2wright. V 2,1y
Office open
on Friday and
TERMS: $1.25 per ;IUDIUDIf hL Advame.
'MUTELY di TODD, Publishers.
VOL. VL—NO. 20,
it. REEVN. 0 Iles, Hattonbary 'street, 104-
nm.liately behind Ilin44ord's booli Store.
(4)4)002(0. (4)! 'reinpsr.ince Itill, Huron
Street. 011lue hours EOM 8a.Ifl. to Up.
Clinton, Jan. 14; 1381. • ••
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, I8(6,
CAPITAL, . $2000 009
REST, . • $500,000
15%14 °Aloe, ATONVEN•412,
u. It. AIOLSON, V)ce•Presitient,
Notes discounted, Collections made, 'Drafts
issued, Sterling and American ex.
chauge bought and sold at low,
est current rates.
61oney advanced to tanners on weir own notes
with one or more endorsers, _No mortgage re-
quired as seaurtty.•
1f.. C. BREWER, '
February. 1884. CUrrrow:
'Vag to gad.
At low rates of Interest and upon terms to suit
, Beaver Block, Clinton
• blInfon, • "illavilth, 1852. ' - 20 " '
• Barrattirs, Solicitors, conveyancers, Am einn,
missioners for Ontario and Manitolia. : '
tiff 01.4INT014.
011itto'n, May 17t41, 1582. 20
It /1- 07511 it to lend in large or mean sums, on
"IL good, mortgages or pers pa ecurity, at
the, lowest current rates. 11,114LE Ilurou•St,
Clinton, .
eieton Fob. 35, 18$1. . 1-1v.
g a, 5 ill
.§ -..1 * .' `•4•' FA
O . e
a..J 171 li Pi .g. 2
IM 2 ta, ,,t, 4- '2
O a . .P. '-2 l' !II
'g ..,
- El '''6' ..;•.. 8. - • ,I4 ,..., • cy
>, sy'A
•• • 3:"
- o
.5 r* ..4•:'
1 s.
a; ... ;
.., . 0 .
kl 4 44
L11 cri. s
0 0 . g 41
2 1-1'
€04112 or to !ISO
ptTHE County of Chippewa, State 'of 11Ichigan,.
he Southwest quarter of Seetion 25, 3 ownship
44, North Range 3, west, contehong use ,ierosries•
wattle.; to Gm ouremment survey. • This farni
satiated on the main..roall Irian Siolt St, Marie,
toPoint St. 1(141000, and IS 35101100 from the
• hig village of 8trungrillo. F,Jr Portlier partietil-
• Bayfield Road, • •
Goiania t'a,
noN CB NCER, LA172,'10V.SUILI2CH, ,fi
Q.K.V b AGENT. Ife.T Money to Loan.
Office, Beaver•BloCk, Clinton. y22tf
1•DEA01:1( 3rOirrox, itat•risters,J•e., .ft , itoh
erich. and Wins:ham Seaga) Cotterieli.
. J. A. 1400t90, Wmgliatu. 14y. •
-ii.AVIS0:4 zoievsTott,..i.,sw ointneerY;and..
.1.7 Conveyancing. Odice:-Wese Street,: ic.o:L.
• door to Post tease, Coderich, Ont. - 67.
. .
TIIE village of BELCHAVE, the dwelling
1 boosts and.stere oetstpfed by me. Thoeitc is
one of the In ,A desirable in the tillage for bind,
nos. Them ls tygotal stable, outhouses, and an
03.lellont soft water cistern on the premises.- The
lot cm
oprises iin item Thu Windings are
in geoa repair. Will be sold ellealb as the p.ro-
priutor,is giving Up busluebs. Tormo
' Apply to • • •
5 11.4.4.
• Belerate, Otat.
Dress Goods Department
Will be found specially attractive,
having been selected with great care.
EA11•31 i013, :
iTHIE SUBSCRIBER eget; for sale, together or
L 8..1).4%1101y, on terms to sult purchaser, lot
:ft and Part of lot ;Ip,.ebn. 15, Omit:rich Town -
'ship, s• miles Irein olinton, nonAstburof 140
acres 125 cleared', balance hatklwotid timber,.
1111011) maple. • Both 4.00 1400 well watered 00111-
fortable 9003110 Matsu; barn 480(10 wlth stables an -
del :oath, also other outbuildings.' 000(1 141)11
large orceard,'200 Atoka
a pple and a- variety of
other fruft trees • Apply on the twomistnt,to
or address . • S. G. PI:CNIIER
273-tf : Clinton P. 0:
RHAYS, Milicitor, cee. Oillee,•corner
Sqof •
uare and West. Street,' ov,er Butler's Book
Store, Gotiorleb, Ont. '
5r*--'61eney to 1011)101 fewest rates of interest.
CAM.PION • Barrister, Attoi•nev Solletter 414
j.Chancery, Cuni•eyencer, oaten 04 00
Jordan's Drug Store, the towns formerly occu-
pied by Judge, Doyle: '
Jiff Any 00(100111 04 inoney to loan at lowest
fates of interest. • 1.1y.
• rAIIES BURNS,' Lleensed Almiloneer for he
• Ootnify ef Huron. Sakti attended at reason-
able rates. -0111420j44(Albeitst
Orders loft at Too Nows-Itoteite 0(41140 will be
attended to.
Clinton, Nov. Otlr 1893.
IN... BALL,'
• it UCTIONIMIt 'for Uuron county. Sales at•
tended to In {10 .pareof the Vounty.
dress orders to Goontanit 0. ' y.rf.
113111A.fie. II Ali. lig ON,
[MV0:4E121i, lond, 1Moi and infikanao agent
• •
Blyth. Sales attended In town and emeary;
on reasonable terms. A list of farms mid vtlinge
lota for sale. Mone7. to: loan on real eatate, 01
low rates of Interest. Insurenee eileeted on all
classes of .Properki 14.108 .41111 dolts eolleeted:
Goode miiprelsed, T1,11d. 4611.2 eunilpission.
runt stocks (101142111 41(4(1 sold.
Myth:110.10, 1880 •
. .
P011SALE, liOnae ' and 1v0 'ail- on Queen
0(0001, 11. short distabee mirth. of Prineess.st.,
nearly oppoiite tne rosideace Of C. A'. .1111014.,
'Esq. This propertV is in a. Veiy commandiig,.
healthy locality- there 44 3 :Mee assortment of
•fruit trees; ortiamental fir end other trees fOse
add much to the appear:thee of the, property.
The house is fairly counnoiliaus. The p-roilial i9.
enclosed hy• 14 nice, upright .slat fence, painted -
white.. This is n very desirithle ' property and
1>6 sold on exceedingly moderate : terms.
41)•Pl.J. to •
Chilton, Feb. 25, 1554. • . .27641n
This Hotel is furnished tbrongbout 'with great
care to meet the wants of the travelling publie.
.cmmiloillous,sampie rooms.. '0110 best 04 11)4)1008
and cigars aro alwass kept 'itt the bar. Good
table.. • Best situated Hotel in Clinton. Mice us
$1.. E. BA..A.CKA‘Li_ .
' Dradtatteot the'otatirle,Itete'rinttir Colleges,' To -
root°, (11.04411 opmed an nalee in Miami, is
prepared to tre a all disc tses of dOnlestle
animals oli the most modern prin. •
•chiles. Ali operations carefillly
performed, and mils prompt- •
ly attended to by dsy or
night. Fees moderate
OPPIOE, —1.st doer West. ot Ken.
ti .104 Clinton, Out, V-17.
JAS. MOORE, Proprietor,
Clinton, June 74b, 1882.. •
Staple ,Department.
We are showinglarge lines and
splendid value in COTTONS,SHIRTINGS,
ly low quotations in an lines by piece.
.Our Millinery and Mantle $hozv-Roonis Ore
. .
open for the season, and we invite you t9 exoptine'our London,
New York and Parisian Patto.ns and Copia, as they are
the best exponents of what is worn ever shown by u,§..
We are making a specialty of inexpensive. Fash-
ionable .Millinery, and think onr effbrts will be appreciated.
ap1-11\17 iEAIB
'Gents' Furnishings.
New White and Colored Shirts; new
' Merino, and Cotten Underwear, neW
Cotton and Merino Sox; new Collars
and:Cuffs; new Sows, new Ties, new
• Gloves; now Handkerchiefs. •
:House •Furnisiling$.,
We have iniporied. :Very
stock .et lintssELs, WO2L.•
' and • TIENIP CARPETS; and will sell
therri.at din' usual Close prices, nely.
Mats, -new Rugs, 110W Curtains; new
..Cretonues, .neW Table C6vers. •
Factlon in Newfoundland.
At Carbonear, fll., on Sunday
night when the Protestants yere re-
turning from church they were
attacked by Roman Catholics with
piekete Jute] stonea and One man
named Squib was fatally wounded.
The Protestants then collected, arm.
ed with picklts and dispersed the
woli Yesterday morning, a man
named Brennan drew his revolyer
and fired at an Orangeman. He
was arrested in the afternoon. A
wan named Hayden, now under
arrest, shot at Jones, the brother of
the Orangeman shot in the Harbor
Grace riot, while standing at
Hogan'tdoor. He fortunately miss-
ed Wulf The revolver ia in the
hands .of the authorities. These
,outrages were followed by a general
turnout of Orangemen and Protest.
ants, all armed with guns and
bayonets, who kept marching
through the streetseall night. The
streets are ;01)0:vetted save/ by ,the
crowd in arms. . The executive
ordered IL warship Tepedos
from Halifax.
—GOODS liOL E, Cillitoli
The'Scott As is to be submitted
in Sinicoe County. , •
It been decided to submit the'
S‘ott Act in Leunox and Adding -
t011. •
'No leas .then seventeen . of .Mr..
Bloke's folloWers went•back on him
by • voting'. for. the main • motien
•oti the railway subsidies. ,
. •
The Italian , Antonio, -whci was.
injured at the'fight, at St. Thomas
last week has*sinee died. Flannigan, ,
the supposed •ringleader, of the; trial'
brjo•ado, who Was also injured the
'figIbit, is still in a. low condition, but
was remoyed to jail.: .
' Two hundred and fifty members
have signed 1,11e. roll • (30 he Licensed
Victual lera' Association of Moetreal,
recently. organized: e meeting:a
bill of incorporation was weed, and
ordered to be. Si 01 tp • the Quela;c.
Legislature, The•brewers and wine
merchants of the city have contribut-'
ed sums df $50 te$100'each towariii
the:objects •of the A.ssoclat
' • "
' • Call.and leave your order fora good Pair of
Roots or Shoes, • •
dent's Sewed Boots frolni $5 Up..
Ladies Sewed. ShoeS.$2.60 44. •
f NSTRA'MP.STA Ntrion,—)11sq Webber, from
1, the 8001 nt Conservatory of music, will bike
If14111511 minflier papils (1) the ora tif or piano.
Particolar ;Lttelition Oren 10 1101'O woo ‘.,1024 to
Inprove ti11041' P141S011,1 style, of ing, at reA.
deneoof L.1", Mods, nedr the orinto faeteri.. 136
.Wo. 7104
'gots ar:COND 110.1W' of every
month. flan upstairs, opposite
the Town 4(011. Visiting brethren
Timoosa0 always made wcieonic.
A..69, TODD, W. M.
p Ar.pra,ON,. Seey. C. TWEEDY. D. M.
•• (4t4Oloate.
ilt,IN'toN Leap,' at, A.. F. a; A Nt.,
roaeto every Maly; ot after the ittll
MOM visiting brethren cordially lovited.
11fAcWHIRTER, %v.% T,. FonTUNI4SOo.
Jan. 14, that, t•y
Vittltir PtSIttilIt:f the tstrowneet tau
L torls1 Artist, has nutmeg] the tuoihette•e
144 itret.elAns Bohm Pr All the late -,t styles
aiptantiag. this Seer
'`' • ' Bend 'idx -cents' for rostegoi
.-11IZ*Eentrioods.widebAr.141•40to. sit,.
• sod receive free, ft costly lam,
of • either sex,. to (no 0 money, right itwit,,N4•,.thititol
:minim:: else el ties worm. Fortunes !fa it ti. .
Wi:;dieYs-it sointai7Yrithee,'-Atinieleittithcstr-ruLit
,& Co-., Augusts, Maine. •281.i*
Clocks, Jewelry.
Ladles' 6old and -fiver JeWelry—
Praoelles, nar Rings, Br1(.0144)s, .
Solid S ilver and Plated
WARE8, .
soitable tor Iloliday, Wedding, or Meth.
"day Presentii. 6100t1S for WO or small
pitt•ses, end •to suit all seasons 0(00
year, See the Stook. Large varlet), of
clocks. Evoything of the MU makes.
William II. Duncafi, aged 12; tem
of Mr. James'A. Duncan, Of Glan•
ford, farmer, Merchant and post-
master at Tyneiside, started to 801E001
,n good health about 8 o'clock
one morning.: After lying about
throe hours on the road is quer. AMERICAN.
ter •of, a mile from his boo- he 4 1, yonint,t, tin mine b'es been
j'oseidi and Andrew, Ferigan have
purchased the 200 acre farm .adjoin.
ing 111° land of Mr. J Washington
on the east. of. lot 26,. concession 3,
West Wawatiosh, known as the
Bennett farm; $,800 was the price
"Nevei.get married," said :Joseph
'Carrier, a- Motiureal *. shoemaker, a$.
he•sheok• bands with .some friends,
anti then folding Ilia arma, jumped
into 4.110 11 waters. -of the St.' Law,
recce river., and was carried to his
• .. . .
• *Mr.. Ir.- Soperinten-
dent, of the Grand Trunk Railway,
h.as circular to traie hands
informing them that .owing ,to the
.di L11;Ilishecl receipte the management
are reluctaiitly 'convened to eider"
an immediate* reduction of :5 .1.er
cent. on wages. over $1.60 per day,
-to extend over six months, .aud to
apply only to Caitadte."
.Major Moore, ' the head of the 1
Salvation Army. in the . 11e141;c1
States, was arrested. on ri. Orialitial.
*cliarge.,in New York.on ,D:riclilY kat.
Some 010(1(118 '41)14,0 lie:Secured $800,
which the. fifth corps had .raised ,for
bedding, a ' iiatV . barracks iii New-
Biunamick; N. J.-:•• vV lien asked, for
the money -lie refused , to surrender ,
•it. This Jed t� -litigation -10 New
Jersey. 'and his subsequent .arre.st., ' •••
A: Milwetikee girl:it. iif - said, be-
came (4oindignant on reading a let,
ter from her -betrothed In . Which lie
expressed the :desire to . break.'oll'
their engagement, that'alle tried. to
:match -the . • engagement ring from
her tinger„ but it was so firtnly.,fixed
that she coul bot resnoll3 it. See•
ing o hatchet near by, she then de -
'literally. el ppet1 the finger offi.and
sent it, with the .ring attaelled,, to.
. th e •fai th I went° ver. . . ' '
. .
nian nameit Laird
:bookkeeper in. the 01T:eye-lent. of
kessra. Stewart and Fleck, foundeiT,
of. Ottawa; skipped with .consider-
abl funds betoning te that concerti.
It seenis lie driiw the anionn of sev-
eral elreques and lield on to, to the
cash he was' to depoeit, 'aieci skipped-
"rhe bialy of Clore 13, Wilson, a
young. lady, was found lodged
against a snag in Kalamazoo river
Mich. She was miSsing.sitice,Wed-
nesday evening. At the, inquest
physiciaes testified that...there were
no Marks of ' .violence : The body
was in' the vrater from two to four
-day.- • She threatened to throw her-
mit: with a yoofig' Wommie by the aelflinto the rit4r the,day she- loft
tiain for Brockville, Ile was at; home in a freezy over the perfidy of
rested in Montreal, limn betrothed, who, unknown to her,
had married another..
4Y,tttiti (ifokui near ci..1,30,,,00,1, Virginia.
had Iiim taken borne; • br, "
\VIM" VAS f Opinion ' eat If ""')"'-' 44l4.414(44( 14. •1?""',PEO-VA0k0g..
titat offieers of territeries mast have
_might intve resulted through tile
I tt trZtli for tSaro Yel1118.- —
ill Elle brain, SA 1.1(1 .syttipt0ais aboat' th"" ekeming a. the •ktrw.s'Yer.k
the eye Milieated. Presbytery the Other (14, v,•as tut-
~ flounced that a wealthy boy' 1;m1
At the "'Temperance Conveution Temerity] the committee with $94.
held recently in Brantrord, various 800, to he • distriliuted met% th0
delegetes unanimously agri-ed that 11.014dy
the telly worle:to. The a the aino'in'eetti tiotg
ere, tf), tile,.p.rotr.stose.d. seen 'in •an improvement 'in tin..
Iludt"t":11:'m '1"1 1'4'11`"•0'1,1"ic07.8" administratirm of criminal justice.
with regard to the matter, It for
"" Tt !tree 00 foot' convict:loos were teaile
y juries tho court there last
411e y:111411 COUnty, with tit Rev. wet,k. •
14. 11.•atio as Gen. rel Presicieut,
;144(1 a Pro•titiellt and Secretary were 4)Aliss M.rtiVialew Windsor,
Gentlemen'a.Pialn and Ivaney 'tawdry
in endless variety..
itepairido promptly attended to
and aatisittotion guaranteed.
A. ran Stook of Spootaoles,
or* Best %hes, always. on hand.
3. BiddleoombG,,
sl e the Varket,
sppointed in each of the to-. nallips
of I3urford, Oakland, Braiitttn•d,
Oeontlag.t, am! 5 Intl) Deed, ie., to.
getiler With the town of Pai•iii, iinct
14) Tosearora, an Indian rest3rve sei-
tbituent. •
A dociaion ints been• given in the.
•Supreme 0-11r1 in the ease of the
Qeeen ve; Lou. a motion to qinialt
t conviction under the Scott tun te
Rentvijle, Kings comity. The con-
viction was quashed in this cage a
well RS some 34 others, the Stapleton
Court, devided that the Scott act woe
net and could net be in fo.ce in any
vounty in NOVa -Scotia %viler() lit.enses
'WOre DOI in. existeeee at the time of
the proelateation. Tile practical
effect tteeision is to render
illegal all proeeeding.a taken tinder
the Scott rtet in every county of tile
Province where it has been adopted.
in the meautime ttetien .for damages
have already, heel) entered for 'false
imprisowent by those who hove
been punished.
ft MPtliin't• of the Catholic sisteritoott,
in a lecto te4 on the aecreta of" convent,
life, 11 , med geveral. p to nd nen t priests
ami cha,ged • tliem, together with
sisters of charity, with gross immoi.
An Irish miudeal featival, attend-
ed by over 2,000 persons,. Was given
ni.New York a few evenings since,
under the auspices of the Societ,y
for 010 Preservatiob of the IriRh
Language. Miss Maud Morgan
-played Heveral inelediea of Tom
Mot redipnn harp which formerly
belonged to that famous minatrel.
BY' k ,PECULtAltittle .11/8.• RELI-
Bobbed. of $5004
VI, 0.11 44001, what la the lies%
tiony, in the world, for quieting no.k
allyitig ail hritation al Ow nerves and
•curing Bit ADDIS Or nervous cOittt
piaints, giving natural, clAildlike rot
ireehing sleep always /
And they will tell yen unitetilakk
"Soule formal llopa t
Ask anv or all ot the west em:netit
"What is the best and only reinedyt
that can be reliedOn to °ere all dike%
eases of the kidue, 4 and twittery or.
gans; sueli as Bright's disease, din.
bete», retention •or inabilit,y to retain,
urine, and all the diseases and
men ts pe e har to IN 0.o e
"Aml they will tell yon explieitly
anti empluttimilly mduclati"
Ask the sante physiciauti
"11 hat is. the mobt reliable awl
Surest cure for all liver diseases oe
dyspepsia; coliatipation, indigestion,
bilieusuess, malarial fever,ague,*1
and they will tell you:
Mandrake! or Dandelion!"
Ifence, when these remedies. Bra
combined with others equally val.
And compounded into Hopilitters,,
:web it wonderful awl mystericius cut-
ative power is developed which is so
varied ip ita operations that no dis.-
ease or ill health can possibly exiek
to resist, its*power, and yet it is
liarmless for the toost frail wemen,
weakestiovalid or sutalleat eltild kg
01I41'Tr1t 11,
"A:16110d dealt or nearly dying"
For year?, and given up by phYsi
clans of.131 'gilt's and other kidney ilia
eases, liver coin p laiti ts, severe coughs
called consumption, have ),en cured,
Women gone nearly. crazy
Front agony of neuralgia, nervous*
nese, wakefel•nessand verlone di..eas,
es peculiar to women'
People drawn out of shape from
excraciating panes of ltheutnatism,
Inflammatory, chronic, or suf.
fering from scrofula I
Erysipelas !
litlt rboton, blood poisoning, tlyspepsin,
111o14aeSti011, rind. In litet almuji all dise4s,4
Nature is•heir to
, Have bmaredired hi/ Hop. Bitters! root -
of which Can be found. in everrneiglibut.
hood in tlie kn.:AM world. ' ' 26'244_
the cletheyline and placed on the
ground a boket et clothes -pins.
he seemed to lety "Iiow 8 Until r
know what you want, clou't
The lady of the house set on fuot
qairies among all the neighbors to
SRO if any of them had lost a besket
of clothes pins but At last accounts
had not found the owner. The dog
had evidently ati len them from
distance anti had done .it to carry
favor—to biibe the girl so that she
would tiot tie him up. This would
seem tu indicate, tirst, that the dog
can tell bow many days intervene
between two wash -days, as Ito never
hid any other day; and that when
he saw the basket of clothea pine ho
thought (we use the word advisedly)
they would be a good thing to take
home.—Pliddleton N. Y. Press,
John Barton, a farmer of_Poster,
Rhode Islaud, Dear the Cohneclieut
border, owns an extensive farm
known as the Bradford Place, on
which he raises large nooks of sheep.
For many menthe lie and his neigh -
bora have lost many sheep by a
strange dog that killed them at
Almost daily in the morning,
Iwo or more were found dead in the
.10114 Atikbeet.tri.e.e'eleek on Mbe-
day atorning last a.great clatter was
heard.iit4e sheep pens at Barton'er
but it warfrrit chtil two -lfoitrditter
"that -tberliowls of- the dog brought,
the ,farm hands front their beds„
or three men hurried down to
the pens and found thirteea fine
sheep mangled vid dead near the
fold, The noise of desperate
stI uggle was heard at a di:static.° in
the' darkness. The men foued a big
Newfoundland dog aed a- powerful
ram in combat. They had fouelit
all around the.,pep, knocked down
the • fence, and ie their altertfate
(holies and retreats hatt.gobe half
mile from the fold .• Thefight was
in 'the open pasture and it wali im-
possible to stop' it. The struggle
hail lasted nearly an hour, and both
coati-at:acts were bleeding, AS of ten,
,ns the dog fastened Ills jaws in' his
enenty's•quarters liewas shaken. ofr,
and before he reeovered was butted,
rolled over, and jamtned against the
turf, The dog was thoroughly ex.
hatisted, • anti anxious to abetelon
the hht, but at the first movement
t� the the rain fairly rat) him down,
and; lifting bite high on hie horns,
.drOpped -trampled over - his
baily, and then butted him. It was
not untii •both animals had fallen
with.exhabstioe that the econflitit was
ended: Two of the dogs ribs were
brokea awl: battered in, and his
head. wits terribly mutilated. • The.
ram was scarred and bloody. The_
dog belongs to Job Slade, who paid
Mr. Barton $60.for tlie'sheep killed.-.
Mr. Barton asked, fiethint ter' the
injuries -to, his ram. - •' .
now•To;rrtgYeNT eons JULIANO a tIEEP
•- 4., -correspondent of the New
Sun says: "1 ,have read .mtich
about sheep -killing (Iles.. 1 suggest
a very simple remedy. My ountry
is a very great sheep country. Every
dog ie the country from the size of
a si54 dm", except sliepliesd's dogs
accompanied by their masters, ;are;
law com elled to dairy a. °Mb
ANDTI1gR NAME ADDED TO.T.I3E 1:40E01 trs•r
Hardly a week passes but some ex-
ceedingly gullible trayeler repairs to
the police headquarters and reports
.that. he, has been. owindled out of
his money by confidence operators
These swindles liaye time and again
been published in ;the papers
throughout the province, and 11 is,
astonisfdrig that thieves should, be
able tO secure victims so readily.,
Feat Thuriday a man named Tanner'
left Toronto for Detroit, and upon
arriving at Stratford informed the
Conductor. 'that he had been.cona•
deuced out of 0500( all the money be
'possessed.. Ire stated that just as
the train lel t Toronto a. gentlemanly.
looking •indiviclual introduced him-
self aa a merchant, and, after °oft-.
Veraing for a ahort time, he produced
a draft for 11,O4'0 and is way' -bill,
asking Tanner to *cash the former
• teknporarily and he would arrange to
settle the matterat Stratford. •Tici-
ner at once handed put 000, anti
took „the draft%as seeprity. Very,
soon afterwards the confidence 'man
diSappeared, .and ib finally dawned
on Air.. Tanner that. he had been
rObbed. Detective Day is endeavor-
ing to batch the thief, but with
•arnall hopes of success.
toile are a yain and fleeting show
and EL 'snare to the . feet of the'
righteous. .1.`liefaciboriliegly abjure
them and use hooks and ey'es te
fasten on 'their inodeat attire •• Th
abseilee of buttons Made the fugitive
a marked utan,.attif • everyone. who
saw him in, his flight -remembered
- 111e pursuers found .that -116 had
stopped over.a clay in Mt., Pleasant
Iowa, and had purchased a. tieket.
there for Lincoln. They found on
their arrival hiwe that he had'efiatigz
ed Canadian, money for . United
States money at one of our banks
and had . stated,' he :was going to
Seward's° buy land'. • •
• Mr. McLain and 'Mr. Bluett left
on the afternoon train, tied got frace
of Clzehr as soon as.they reached
Seward, They found that lie had
been negotiating with ..sonie parties
for the purchase' of- a section of 'mid
a.rel lie had etated thet he could pay
$7,060 in cash. At the tittle of their
arrival he tvas out 111 11141 conntry
,but soot) returned. Sheriff BrAwn
WEIS called to the,assistance of Bluett
• :
and McLain and upon. going,to the
Iniuse where' they, were directed, the'
object of their :Search was found in
the kitchen, . • •
MeLain and the Officers were
greatly' gratified at capturing, their
man, but they wei•e inuch disappoint-
ed tat finding none of the stolen
wealth upon hitn, 'Subsequent.
investigation disclosed 'the fact idiat.
a man, who .vvaa:identified as coming'
frotti Mount' Pleasant, had 'visited
ii,f6tXt ninth e
arrival of the,oilivetof ari
inised that.tire-val:tta!dryl't
had' he turned "over.tOthi).,
is so confident of
Detective Bluett, of Toronto,• luta
been doleg tome •good work duritig
the past two weeks, having captured
$40 000 swindler, after an rider.
Kiting chase clear through 10 tin
eoln, Nebraska. The 'Lincoln 5 -ale
slonrtial gives the following particu.
,Dav before yesterday there arriv-
ed in this city flout Toronto, in the
Province of Ontario, Canada, a de-
tective named Chas. Illuetb and a
genii email named W i Ilia ntJ\iciLaiIl
They at -onee 'visited the sherill%
451(0190and police headquarters, and,
making their bushiest; known, *30001"
ed Ole 00 operation of our bilker's
in prosecution.
They informed the officers that
they were looking for a man named
Christian Clzehr, who bad by for.
gory and fills° pretenses Erwindleci
various person, at, his former lioiro
In Canada, out of sums aggregating
$40,000. The matter had come to
light on the first (1( 11)114 month and
Clzehe bad disappeared last Fri-
Tn rayetto minty, Texas'on
Sat urday night a 4! ('l'0 etitered the
house of Nit's, Nicoll), a widow, and
ordered her to prepare topper for
141411, Tho WOiltall WriSi
awl refused. The negro went into
the woodslmil, 'procured an axo and
Inurclorerl bor. Tho (loud Wattl
tui ed on Kunrlay morningby 0i112ene,
tied to a stake autl roastod to.deatiu
A story of a fishy .natnre dermas.
front ,Oregott. It, is about a pan
and a dog. There IS nothing re
•markable about the man except his
power bf nail -alien, but (he dog pos•
i 1 a ti lishthents
81138Q8 var et , ac o p
Among Other things, lie dives into
the TiVer arid catehes large salmon
in mouth; 1-tecteitly 711e wite by.
the side of his master, MI6 was fish-
ing through a hole in -the wilep
he discovered a 'Choice salnion- and
dived down after. it.' Wien:nit
eafrieti him beyond. the hole :and
uocler the -ice, but' lie :Otvent fifty
feet until lie tame to another hole,
;whence he scrambled out with the
fish in his intioth.—[NeW York Suii1
'• nrio sutowes, •
• A dog of a rough Scotch breed be.
• longed' to a neighbor of 10180, who
lived next .doer to:me. The dog.
`*as often•kicked anCilltreated by: a,
German ,than -servant Of his; and this
I saW take place in the back yard.
did not know illy neighbor and:
therefore felt , reluctant to tell him
of his servant's utiscondUct,' 1 may
be to .blanie in this, -but that. is not
.the question nail,: One. day„the dog
w.ebt up stairs to 'the second floce
and jumped out 0( 1)141 open windoW,
into the.. yard enclose my: name
(11(1 address and 'can vouch for- th6
faeis exactly as r hove, narrated'
ihew.—{Pall Mall Gazette.- .
W, alsh s English ball,
terrier, . died. yesterday, and some
-titifere' the
GS our
18 'that
he began RBit against 'the man" • fir
the amount mit of which. •he w.as
awindled Clzehr.
The „complaint On which.• Cliehr
was held for the purpoees of extra -
(Mimi charged him 'with raising a
elieque from $100 to $500, but this
is only a little one mong his many
s4.Vill:11111:4 operations. Ile forged
11111Lain's tliaee t6 1.44 paper to the
amount of • $3,000 and obtained
:money under false peetence4, it is
claimed to two- or three ltmes that
Antonia. lie' own'ed a fine • farm
worth $20,000, and is said to have
stood high in the community.
A later despatch says i-dIzeltr
the • Cana:lien: fanner arrested li
Seward at the instance of deteetivi
Charles Bluett,-of Toronto, hati 001i
fainted to return without legal inter
Mr. McLain, whom Meir had
victimized 10 the extent Of at:tint
$3,000, secured the services of is
detective and. started on the fugi
tive's trail. A MD ioutti cirentnatanCe
enabled them to trace himi easily, and
Only never lost 1110 trail, no
bolongod to din On:1511 religious sect,
and ono of thOr beliefs is thaebut•
Ill t genuine ,•expressiotisi „vrero
hard .froin members of the tire
brigade and others. Cully War)
nearly eight years old, and had by
bus inteWguce•• and sagacity . won
friends all over 014.04. • The:fire.
Mew; teltom loi'ttl ways 1 ed to.a fire,
'will 114418441 1(1)11 very. much, 85.011 the
first clang of the fire bell hiS
jacket might have beett Beep dashing
:like a streak of lightning alinost Up:
DelhOusie .81., to ....tiro .eegine: 13041)40.•
Many imitances might. he rejatial of
Ids fetidness for. his friends, of his
eternal hate °tally who oven ittjtir.
ed ldm, and of his almost bunion
thought awl powers of reasoning„,
for .he snrely.seemed to possetni these
to a remarkable degree. The tire
Men Ara talking Of erecting 8111(110
ument t0. his memory frontrif th.5.
engine house.--tiExpositor. •
515 p
fastened by a' string around their
necks... -A cidg so • provided is as
good as a watch dog, but in hunting
for sheeP he:cal:not run fiat-eiiougli
to catch them, ncir can he j nip anfr.
fence. All doUs Without a eiuh are
shot by • an offieer; and the. owner,
'when fund, is fined. Sueli an or--
dinatice ur Isv, if enfOrced will pre -
sheep killing by dogs.' •
GOOddiumer is de safee'
a man, As loog es de dog wags his
tad (lar ain't no danger in him:. I
know dat he is in goOd humor. As
man hes got nO tail to wag. its kinder
oneertain. business to fin' out when •
110 4111) in good. humor. •
: : fittnaornona.
revert collo; unnatttrar appetite.,
fretfulness, weakness' and oonvul-p
slob's, ;are 'some .of the effects '
minus in'ohildreni destroy 'the ,
ivith Dr, Law's Wotan Syrup. 280 Int •,•
.s Fannin iv IltudlieSsT
By way of dignity, .farrning.has•
!often en Styled 1 proession, and
justly so, when it is .Considered that
in its highest type it deniatids
deep and sysitematio knowledge of •
its ptieciplea, anti that Mee of .wealtlt
and rank are net lewered by ettgeg.
Mg in ice parsuits. BLit,: a buSittesS
pursuit is A180 A: EAS1)8A1411.11.8 OCOili):14
11011, SO 1.110 qUesti011 1.141800 — Is faints
ing a* 'outsiness ? • Certainly it is ';
but yery few.. farmers: make a. bust-.
of it—'or kofession .either. A
.very kihiali number ,of- farmers ktiow'
fecon what source their greatest prO-. -
fits are derived ; indeed they. often
nntnage eertain *ranches at a loam .
Without '" knowing . it. The only
thing they are 81.1•113 9f is that a quart,.
er or half it . century. 'ag.9 they bad'
barely the necessaries. of life, v,-,11ite:
,neve. they•linVe bail k balaiiqe., or,
are able to. store in A few luxuriei,
4liefr sell *should be their banker, ;
and, having einem we'd the in'tei est,
•they..inferiugo , Upoil , the eapitai, •
bank, uptcy,in this or in the succeed.,
ing *. generation, is inevitable. Tel • .
par tnersliip afraii s, 44. k IldWielige• of
busintisS principles beet:Mies ,a ma:Yale. •
-ty. 'Why do fertilises net:take their.
sons into parteership With them like
other business num,. giVing•them a
definite perceirittize of the M•ofits. By
these Means they 'would be .enabled •
to devote their, attention, to thce-e
l,branclies'ei tit, ir locIttstry fur whii lo
their farms -are best adapted. .We.,
wetild not 'advise : every farmer,. to
to get a c6.111151ete •iiet of dOebette'
all:at.oncot this would reoeire the
ernpley.ment of ail expert ; but be
•ouglt t 10 soulnv nco bb9k,keetiit.g. • •
'on •,5 al-nail-scale'*and* common' sense,
Will nitro -duce him to the best Sys-
tOni for Ma particular business. i.,"16 •
this way lie would soon acquire busi
iteas habits; and find pleasant at)1
profitable employment to reldii•e the'
. •
Hair in the Buitteto.
Yesterday morning Me. flubble.
tiuddoloy left the dining room
at his hoarding liouse, lie returned
in a few minutes with a lather ettp
anti 1.11201. .
"What in the nano of 1114111041
aro you going to tio 1" inquired NIrs.
Bump, his landlady, footing that he'
intended insanely, el s,ki fig some:
body. ,.
g'011, don't, be alarmed," repliod
13:, suavely; 1am only going
to shave' the butter,'
A New York physician writes
to the. Wor/t1 of that city • strongly
protesting against the publication of,
4141-4 s items relating to death by liy.
drophobia, ..ffe declares that the
diseasedly excited imaginings result-
ing from the• perusal of. so 111, para.
graphs :are hi nialty (11! 0.5(13'
responsible for twinging int attaelta
0( 11151 terrible disease. [re appeals
to the newspapers to.desist froin .s.
practice which can do no goWl and
Iiiitioelliyle.terthe cans° of 'deplorable
Mr. 5, O. Dimmick, of Thin
Jervis, is the owner of a large St.
Bernard dog. Ile is young and
playful afi 44 k '10411—BO ninch 50 that
he ia smiletitnes troublesome in his
Andes, Early hi the whiter he
made' himself troublesome when the
Nervant was hanging up the clothes
Monday (wash day) by pulling at
them and annoying her by his plat
ful pranks. rinally„0 saye herhotl.
from further annoiance,trvery Mol.
day morning the girl Ni,mild tie the
flog up, releasing him after the
work was all done, ite temente('
being tied up very much, but stood
it for several weeks. One Monday
morning, when the girl went to tie
Win' up the dog could not be found,
As soon as tlw washing wag Oia Of
00 way lie appear, d on the scene.
The following Monday -morning he
again disappeared and this practice
he kept up, Monclav 14st week
he disappeared as usual, and later
about the time for hang.
IPg up the Clothes; the dog come to
"Better" and • "Worser" Ele:
• trent. ;
The term "better element" has in)
relatiofl. to partisan politics orto:
41:1'Y 'clasihcat2oi1 o4' 1111 n 105a"iiii611-
weulth education or social
" pool
tion.- A Ottebelongs' to the "hot-
ter element," no matter ,with 5)4141010
partyacts �r .what miry be•his
station in life,who has ao intelligeu
ihterest in good government anti
w ho discharges tonsciendoesly all
his duties as' .e, eitizen. A. man
&1�iigs444o tJie "woreer el ata eat."
tOin, without respect tO 1i18 party
affiliation?, hi's property or his rank,
who has a Selfish or dishonest inter
0.441 111 bad government or who seeks
to mislead or defraud the voters in
the, election, Some of tlw wealthiest
men are among the worat citizens.
They eithir shirk their- politieial
outies .altogether aria 411116 p1'000
thoothov,5. ty000.4orying of dwir.
bil•thlight of freedom .and F,p!f
•sovereigitty or they use their Inoliey
and their 'talents to :corrupt and mis•
lead. voters for .801 1184 ai,d partisan
ends, Some of the poorest Men—
those who depend- , Upon ,thoir daily
bread and 'MVO it scant supply of
even Vie necosserioa lit% —are
among the best citizens, for they
vote steadfastly on the side -:10042-
)'Sl, and •econoinic government for
tho hest men, withont regard to
party anti often at it 4440)'id110 of time
which they can ill afford to make.
They are sober, industtious, (iod.
feariiiAt, inatt.respeeting and law.
abiding truo "bout)
•and sinew" (1( 111)8 young nation,
Ilse Pane, tow's Sni.Trun't SoAr for
Priekley heat, NettleHash, scaley
Eruption. Itch, and air diseased con.
ot 11to s10, 5 } 1 141,
A $lInfalTosture '209 Venis
The follovvieglaw.,and law case ,itre
taken ,froin therecord of 'the New
Ilaven colony: in 14350. The. statute •
says ; "Whosoever shall inveigle
or draw the affections of any
maide or !wide sorvant, either to
mins& or others, without•fifst gain-
ing the .eensen 41 of her parents, slinll
priy to the plantation fot, the first 04 -
fence 40 thillingg; 1116 seeore.i.
:fdr the third be shall isoned
or ..coletoreously punished;" .
tier .this law, at a court held in May,
JaCcibath Murting end' Saletly Tuttle.'
were prosecuted 'got' settingdown
on 4444 ebestle" together, his..aimis
'around, her Waiste, and her arms on
shoulder or about his neck, and
continuing, in that . sibful posture
about Italian hour, in whieh time ho
Ityssed her and slie kyssetl 1011.451, 04'
they kyssed ene.anothee,. as ye tv't.
Proof Tiutt She Oidn't pront.
,ItOtiging liftyyears•ago %as much
Afore •oncommiet.tinin it .has Sinett
become, •and there. were strait laceil
people who, considered. it a le•itnaks , •
fretwo, On. ;this' account it Wart
that heti.; 'ran at Le'attling.101),
Nla,H„, one season among. Mi
---'s friends that the lovely • blush
which man t led her 'cheek was
nature"s oun bestowing. To end the
controversy., 55111011 . was becoming
exciting, one gantlet- gentleman, leg4
timid 11(.411 441111 rest, prOpobtril to aidc
the b Roy for 4 10'00f. Oat W01.11.11
settle the distbie, in an unfori44:,'
Irmo moment, and perhaps trembling.
at his temerity, Ile SA 14
itot , do you piiint 1"
• "liritig me a ttleswef•.,:wateri.t.ltis.
airmi sai I swi etly, "and you AMR
n.tfilt 0. 1.. WAS 110tiglIt 044.11 810
11i111 81101.1018 eatebrie baud.
"Now, dip that, in the 501( 400 an41,.
nib it on Milli," slte•proeeeded, pre.
waiting him a peindly elletAr 140
temptingly neor that his heart atood
still as lie gently and depreciatingly
attf.,47twitiook )x111;
" 111 handkerchief,"
silo said 'soinowhat :sternly,
It WAS as mettle:4e as liefero.
"Are you satisfied slie
P4 more sternly yet.
"Yes," he quaveied, "I 11111 e413434
Jle"1",:k1.e11 sa am 1," said the insultei
'twenty, as she ds1ie d the 'water LI
his tie,