HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-04-02, Page 2Xjw Adverfisemots Ab Day,
Kvoll $or Zsp-Thies. Cooper.
After the Free Nuo 6047-8. .T., Andre ws,
Advertising, etc—lyllitely a
. Todd.
Furnittire, IlludertaLlng-Geo. Diebt &
Dress Goderid News'
oHur'017 fle ciord,,
Clinton, Wednesday, April 2sid.
TS O - Arl UR 0V
Vitun. the Roport-of tbL-) Depart.
Inplif of' I'll migration. for the Pro.
vince, of Ontario,, for Ole year 1$83,
WeL find thiat there Were forwarded
from tberonto agenoy.lait season
",Blyth 2', Brucefiejit.5,-D�miisels 7,
00"tralia 27; Cllnton*,-6aJ! Dublin
c , Bseter 12, Fortlwi'h' IJ Gode
rich 6:1 L
41, 1 Gorrie .1, LondesborQ! I 1 Se.aforth 70J, Win-haini 13, Wrox.
.0ter 3. looseeritholt ClInton all.
sorbed al,greittrr number, of imnif
i grakits than, any. other pohit in the
4ouist.y. Itilkiii#auts were sent. to
0--llfacew- Ontario. 5,488,�,� was the total num.
ber solot, Clinton Stands ninth, on.
the'lij ilk point.of nuillbeirs absorb -
Pit, The ppint receiving the large$
3rumber hoing �Lond,)n 3901, then
f.,116ws. HAmilton 370, St. T110mas
217,1, Brampton 135, Woodstock
Now Sarun '124, Xiagara'
104,.-Prantford 94.1,.0,1hiton 93.�. It is always thus, Ulinton coutles
to the front in all maturial mat
even when compared "I'ttlaii4o Of ',tho whols Pro-
vilkee, and standaboldly ont.as im,
i,ijeasurahly ii1lead of. ally otiler. point in the whole county.: 1TORIAL A'02TES.
got d4tioguielt, from glikuliblitio. All
appoijil was, taken jillid title contivetion
quashed on the grouilkil thaii he
result of the glitne depended on likill
rvAber than oliacei Part of thi,
14�efitnce waiitliat 51r. Milli learned
the stimp at souie church entertain
knout slid Oue Ot t1w julgetl Alladmi
to the alleged fact, in lite oectimlon.
Have not Church toutched. botto-h at Igst I A fter the
Kingston I-az:iar iii thiat wbat rvallectable Congregation
has so little so Mill"
regard for rel . gion aij to engage in tbese
I loubtful lit"thods of raiing niolwy I
it May bet urgi d that, scine vburche.4
Must Ati such things or die. By Pill
manXoXim ha% been' ditted Dr.
Dowling has. had, an ovation; Mr.
l3alf,ur basreceived. Cite- asquilarkepik
of "t-be-citizeris of Athberstbure ! J1
but Alrll Gralism, who turned Ills
hoot Co. the briberfi, yet aw4its; re
cognition. Does it r -quire a mail
-to play Cho part of a confidential
scoundrel before; tie. r i tile
ec"ves '
thanks of the Qrit omillunityl-
Free 112-e88.
to oltilitato of some of tile 60verer War 41,
1.4 of our tuwu. These tail) that it
their own narkow vicws doetrines of
Chlistiallity 4re not ligidly carried out,
then nothing short of deisto or even 4010.
late itself; or rather univerFal scepticism
With its certain direffil corkaetluvicee,
would be the result. Mr. 130 -yo 4,tbat IIQ bets noAlk.01lo
"either or lothilated that 411 IVIIO
I lattelided 8kating ticks Nvere It) boeVaced
"Alliong the vicious and orlittilial Lisca,
4 Me Contrar. But Iflic Will
that they are, to be fouild III such
"141IL-es in, large, numbers?" Very jujilly
bi, Clinton and will deny t liat the
"vicions and etitnitil" are to be faired in
surb places in linnibers. It is ties.
i rblo Wine istich way be found tbere,'but
frous Several sttainks attendance I eark
tratitfully say, tbatit'there at all they it , re
in #10 saillfiest po;Aible nullifiers. Tile
nature oftbo paitilkee lmd. its pubIll-ity hold
O�t no attractiuns for the I'violoug told
One Of Ilia tatements were conduetedon different ofiviorality owl vittue-
:tllcY would not be as objectionable, (Ind
Iniglit lie made places of imnocent and
Tbis is not lan-
guage to convey the Was. tbat lie lucent
,Ijllst the contlary"' of condemning all
skating rinks, lit the next peragratill, 110
sai(l :-"It iti an Open secret t1lat the uOull,
."pany oil tile lijiltoll, skating link is not
,'very select." If lie (lid not. inean all or
tile greater portiop or the attendants at the
Clititcrit rink ]to bas been unfortunate in
his way of expre"ill- billiself. 0
Anonyujoits writing has never been. con-
0dored a vrinker, oil the contrary inkpersDii-
1. 1.
I I I — a in oth InjournolaRni and III ilic Plum -
The people Who are creatina Clio cation of wrks Of (L I
mlt tigher order, has been
disturbance !n, Manitoba witill It to, approved' of by the best rainds and itiost
be ditinctly understood th,t they gifted publivists. 8currilous writi ",
D I Per.
are loyal to Clio I sonalor iniperatinal, s' detestable. I r all
British Crown. rticle. be libdiotis, tile law s open) and any
They havono idoa of asking to be one may procced against the publisher by
civil or c
ali0exed, to the 1JtiR(-d States. 13at 0ininal. process, and compel biiii
they in.4bst oil havinly their right.,. to captlitlikuthor, orbeartbel)onalty.
I -low would it be if A, , mintatelikents mitling front all an011ynj-
movement were ous pen, njay be ,iniply contradicted. If,
now - Set on foot to got evei�ything llov�ever, tile a!gunieuts be unsound; the
back to its fernipir state I Let tile obviolls course is to refute t1jern, but vho
Hudson Bay company take back wrote itAsa(luestitill Oficile OrinlPertillela
t lie land nd return to.the Doini it' Luriosity, as it relates to file private con,
. lorl cerns or an individual. I Mail]; yon, � air,
0overnment, the nioney paid for it; for allowing ino file use of' your colklinjis to
let tits Canadian Pacific railwa . tov Oil all import Dt Fobli
y live a , to
track, be torn up, and dio. Indians ..ttql,, though it Illay only- be in t� le In-
�1 : tere4ts.ofI 0.11111 a ie r reservat, olis. lion RECREATION.
where 'would the agitators find lblarell 81, 1884. -OF CLINTO.
CLI' TOX SOCIETIES Ilicre szo wore" secret A�d
Other "saflicties in Clinton to tbt:
.squato 'inch than in any othel
place of its size n Ontario. TIj(
Free Masons, Oraktjk�gbmen, Oddfol..
lows,.* United. Wor4infin, Foresters,
Royal 'Toroplars,, Good Tomplars.
Litowary Socloties,,iPoliticall 90cietfes"
and oil urcli societi,es. are all reproseu -
tod. I wonder Aid the rudinberB ol
these outside societies ever consider
the Sum is, wbi6b. they
pay in every year to'men who con.
tirtiltbeso histitutiongat'alaistance,
Two or three are phid laige salitilries,
aud what -do they care for the,good
6f the otber' miembers. I Venture to
assert thaf enough money in 116alls"
and "per- capita taxes" is
paid out every year by men. in.Clin-
ton in these societies to insure -eery
mail entitled to * instirence in some
.good solid Insuranco Company. for a
respeotiye unit., There ltre three or
four temperance. societies, dividing
theii.. i0tionce and ;pending their
mongy when totoi would be just its
serviceable and probably accopiplish
more.. THE SXATING.1111113C.�, This tokins to halre suddenly be.
come thoall absorbing topic of dis..
eassion. As is goncraily the cas6 a
,great mlin . of tII6 arguments Pw �nd
con 1. aro.y. oily N6de-of the his rk. . One
tbing ab all evotits is Certain that ptib.
lie -seritifiient -very justly. condenlijS
,the lioldine, of these championship
iiiecs for- stull of money and bets.
Besides it - is manisfestly unfair that
t1i6rink sbould be. useil for Such pu r -
poses - to the exclilsitliatif these. who
pay for their shating by the season.
.The buildfria Nvas 1111teidded'. for a
skating rinkand noth! Ila else., The
so called arguments a'a0lst, tile prac--
tice of shatimt
are but. rubbish.an4
not worthy, of much, conSideration. - �,:GITIZIEN., -A -*vwrioN. Editor Xelra-RqOd- 'DbAR. Sin, -Ag I tfie � -Do'i'mi . on_J.A-*
conse 06lalui8sititlers It ave met sover-
at -times idtbis coklilty,-Ijow is it tj . at
Alri Alx� Gibson;: the 'Vardon - has
absented himself from the It eetings Is -it not his duty Yours, etciwl. wENQIRE R. r Ma, ch 31 188C GODERIQHN.�:
Ne x I, Stindity. is Palm Sunday.
lArtng�,rorig preacked in Clio AT.
X.Churcli'la'st 8unday'rnorning. 'Our. town fathers. met in golemn conclave last h ight.. . I ' . .
will he'll large party to..ni�,I;i
at tile Point-Parlit. - Artlkde�ikicon Eil.,wood is' away 'east,
VISILing relatives., 'Mrs. - Kitialian left- top home on
Thutsday. Colonle the Ron, A.I.A. Ros's was in,
town last, week. Mclipan journeyed. ea t
-per G.T. . ,. W afid,'Misa Stitt leri last -week
f0f8tratford on ' a. visit to their daugh.
ter Ilia. Jitmeison, "We are glad.to see oui,'old friend
Serg� Kelly around again after his
seve.rQ illness. Mi., J. Harrison has purobitied
the skating rink property" at it fail,
0gure, from Mr, Abraham inith . .
. Modeiate sizeil houses in gno`LI*re
pair are: how o0quired after for ren't.
Ing purp.osos.. Miss Lellie'Donagh loaves, by tile
noon, train'.to-day ibt llet, hothe
the.6ext'mo t 'y
-metitingqf Mler-SOI1661 -Boarld will ta"k.
Mr. 4 A.' M. Polley Sew c �d quantity
Croats I'ast weel�',pft.bis farin in Gode.
Maitland Lodge, Xo-'33, A F, at . 0
.? holds its-Pegultial serni'lloqat)ily
meeting On Friday evening,
Xext Saturday will b.) the spring
opening day of our milliery lestalli.
Bin itrid Ntys. Tanner arrived- in
town on atufda ltnd left, Again on
Miss Itirkilatrick who had been blie.
guest of 1161' sister oil the PAst three Illoilths, left for ligr
home laNt hursdity. -Mr. Will Ilolmog, who 'llag , been
visiting tho botheatead fell a fewdays,
lefir oil Thurday fol,Toronto accom.
paided by r. Ifudson, Mrs. If. 9, Tfolthi of tittledford,
After elljoying it Nve0k in trkwn� loft by
thonoon train for )ionic Oft Thurs.
day. Messrs. scobld Anil Porsoha re.
turnod lrorn Tbponto last where they halt been on business or'
q6O 'It alive, Ilia
Are sti
ItIt6f)(10d thuildirliblits having turned
611t, to bO 011tr6hiely harmleas hills.
Ur. 4. S, ODOUgAlly our obliging
division Court, was seriously
indisposed last Weak frain.an attuok
of plouriAy.
A gontlontan w1jo travollod tilrojigh
1,116 Minty 00hAidombly, I , list woky
reports the fill! whoub as looking ex.
l0eedingly well.
their condition
. The,, price'of farming implemplits
is. considerably cheaper � here than,
previously. First vl,tjis waagons
cail, be putchas6d for $60, three
new breakers for harrows
.in proportion. Mr. Renton Defer -
field We wheat, together with threo
other leads from. hitt neighborhood,
for $i.02 cents per buslief-1.3ran.
do it 6k)z, is about a likia . idred slid
fifty miles West of Wintliptig., Which
fact; taken in, coriftecti' I oil with tile -
'prices. quoted in this Sun"s . . . parikgraph�
wnk�s it OWn that the Manitoba
farinei must be. sullfing excruciat.
he is o - it I inys.si-and-In ,anmy-associatiolls
anod� lie ',-oxercise's -it. �1.it a, aiiPZ front: unealle 40ils. I- tliiiik:' wrong is possible,. as vt�e.'l.iLlieve lie will, beat, too out tbat I did not t4assail" tiny
was last�wookwlien he took.ground one:1 'I cliallenged.tbo' njittak6t,
the Olitario Agar, inbly'agai list thb. ti;lis of Air. Gray agaillst, tl!oc who.like.
toIllyself.have, patronizeWtho skating rink.
stiper[dr.rig )i I on . to And;. notwitligtan ding Idu-'p6ssiblo obj cc-
il�i the granting, t: t ' 0. iny pro senting -9 , x6ply fli-ough lquor lice.nsesj contra . ry to the posi- inedinin that does *not contain, tile origillal
flon-tissurkied by Sir. John atid thio, j�o etirr.lellt" (Whiall I ba-ve 6Xcellent alitboli.
Dominion Gov6runient.
The 3fail 4kv& 14we will, nitiet 31r.
.Prince Leopold, the yo.u.ngest.son
-Alowat,'at- Philippi, or at an. earlier
of Queen -Victoria, died- abroad -last
place or date." Tijis is a rattler-
Nrbok. . His romains will be convey-
puriolis ("xpresion for a journal
all to E'i'laiid. Hei viraji 19 ,ever
that, prides itself 11pon its "good
-4�olkg and in.corlseqnence, w as v.er-Y.
What. -.does it wean,'by
Much beloved by Her Alajosty.
"or 'place 2" And
B:g riot ii.i Oincintia.0 on Sit. tur-
the I'doi of Philipp! enybow ? If
it alludes to the batile, wa ed n
day, and $unday lkij;t.' Briskfighti . . ... . . 0 Iig
tbat classic loc�lity about iThe ile-
bo4w0en the Military Mid, 'populace.
ginning of the - 01tristian 6a, we
Oyer I 01 poople' wera. shot.
'hardly S 'flow the editor's:fondnvsW
I ween' 50 iii'kid 75 were. - ki I led. The
for antiquity it; to, be Nov
cause.of the' affair walij an attempt
even retroactive� legislAtionq, coql'd
-k aft, far back as .-two, thou,iikrl�
liy a Mob CO. taka a prisoner. from
yen'rs. the middle of lost
Jail - and . hang, There were.
week suit him for the titepting --in-
from 1.113,0DO . to . 20,000 peoo, 0 in the
Stead of * the 11(�arlier placts and
date V�-LToi on to Neips..
ahle puldic recordti were destroyed.
I observe they'are Ill t I t'
a it �a 111L,
eral civiluits f9e tidjudication.
It'liftomany &time been stated and-
Air, Gray now says that'his i-ernarks Were
nfitrepea�ed thhtthepartictilarl'itbahes
11`4 wishit to be distoictly Mat ive do
. , ?
of r. Meredith's mind were caused
. not hold olirselveg r"'ponsibl.e.tor ate pintons
cyrqget� by ts.- h'M NEW-4-ItFCORD
by..tljo, reflex"acti.6n of. Sir. ohn.'s.
Mr. George Armstron$. has been
$131 being obtained for a colt. Mr).
ThF�twlfeii.Sir-foliii*iiiL,;ed,AI reditli
Of. Course 110 olie be,
haves apy I thing: of 1littli, sot -E. 3l.r..
§in; 4 had of alit efing.inio at
Morellith has, i mind .': of -his own
'controversy requested space. y
he is o - it I inys.si-and-In ,anmy-associatiolls
anod� lie ',-oxercise's -it. �1.it a, aiiPZ front: unealle 40ils. I- tliiiik:' wrong is possible,. as vt�e.'l.iLlieve lie will, beat, too out tbat I did not t4assail" tiny
was last�wookwlien he took.ground one:1 'I cliallenged.tbo' njittak6t,
the Olitario Agar, inbly'agai list thb. ti;lis of Air. Gray agaillst, tl!oc who.like.
toIllyself.have, patronizeWtho skating rink.
stiper[dr.rig )i I on . to And;. notwitligtan ding Idu-'p6ssiblo obj cc-
il�i the granting, t: t ' 0. iny pro senting -9 , x6ply fli-ough lquor lice.nsesj contra . ry to the posi- inedinin that does *not contain, tile origillal
flon-tissurkied by Sir. John atid thio, j�o etirr.lellt" (Whiall I ba-ve 6Xcellent alitboli.
Dominion Gov6runient.
Ity f6r doing),, I jigain ask sp&d�.Ior a fl�w
"'n oil business
An admir r,,bf ir Rielmed Cart-
tilloosillb; illy ille(littill. I ani, not assailinle
file 1101-601IR lit3l Or motives of any*onb.
wright.., says tbat the I n ig I It's
ain dispating Atatenients. and
peech oil nato
refute.argulneilt8. No 011e wl)o'ivrittl�b
for t1le-public ea with
a4d .Ahe results , of the tariff, was
pless propriety
say tilat 1, oe"'An i Z ias !not t1le
y i L
ust so,.
. . .
do sgo-ou..
" Ill(" slid
th91014,11" . whatever I to filln I inay titink
�%%at all awf ul-muddle lie must have
Just the son glit-as tile party
li-al1lo. 'of I it I - Time was *hall lie
of' the. ptijur part.
'was it mealbeiil of the, governmenq
. . 1. � .
Ily'l'binner oflistle wics� not intended as a
reply."tollix.Gray; Itreerely'!containotV
tban hig speeches could net bave
key Views and 601111noilts on'wliat nitki
. .. .. . I . 11,
boen quite so dfor. parlianiptit.
it, tllo colillimulty' considered slandurb 1.4
1 IY2
accusations agiiinst. tlicill. I lied not and,
enuld Find did an".qw4r them by tell.
not ydt I'dad il I tile colreapoh(lellea
inig Sir Richard' to Step dowft Find
Oil this 1111POlPtalit 11101,41'question. - 'If oii
c6i. tox�eptiow to Wilat
,olip, AlloWi,g I)a Was rld,r I
dOr Purposely
septilates an ektract froill its qOljtcXt fol.
tile liul-po'�e'of-tlostl.()Yingit.4'1,ca.1 1110101111 &
fllej�,Jj he ba, got� Ito entangled hat
I Would lwitller�
- " 40 acting ciluitably nor
All, cinnot be lih,llirstood 'and conaew
arter the inannerof a Chaistitin.
The assertions Inade . at id
quotitly cannot. be answered. , .
I observe they'are Ill t I t'
a it �a 111L,
eral civiluits f9e tidjudication.
at present conducted, wit), tit i
The famous cage of Lati-try,
Air, Gray now says that'his i-ernarks Were
T)amosilin waH'some time ago. deci.dma..
hilt specially directe(l against flic Clinton
�katlinglyilik, .,T.fiat lie only denounced.,it
titvn�corkdviot of Rev...banon Dtimo.u.
Althoutilt an iinfereated party
bi� is ne6rei'ally the Jefindant. The
tat certain lands eregr 'ted,fqr.
the bent -fit of Clint particular 'church
c6ligregtition, OthorAnglicanchurth.
P.S hold that-flie ]ends were granted
for tlio.beneflt'llf all file .�Ilurebes Oi
that dollorninatio ' n in the city, at.
though they' witra not in existence
sit the time of tho- grant. AI)r.
Perguizin has that
-lall of tijo. Angli6an o1jurlqbPg in Cho 'tjl are
e.ii v fi cia PJ es 0 Ill d er I I i e g ra it I,
flidt the, &Arlt wits niallij, t6 tile
("llurch of Toronto, not,
only to 10111IJ; pArtictillar 11-nitt of it that
1-vilil in at file time the
geallb wils, .Canon Duhloulin
i 'o nuint s, 0 , to allido by Justice P ot.
stre.not and tile 0480 Will likely be
Mlig 711odd, ilia will -known. ailvd.
cat -6 of the liconq0ti -vietuallers, was Anod by bbo Poliao MqNtrate Same
iltho ago fier tarrying 611, & kind of 6ittinmit which Ali. Penton, thtlin. 0
is Pot lell J
ilia hulliedite cause ti, , , I an
file IcogtllY (IiStllliaitif)lls bit skating.rinks
general, Nvils-tlie'Clinton 'skating 'Gray associated with rinks ill gellaral
tile glevils cornplaillod or," and as 1 under.
stood lifin witli sliecial. reference to :tlio
of viciousness, profanity alid ty 1).V conijecti0ii with skating rillks �jjd
associations di(l not refer to Clinton his
remarks lose flicirating andi ask his'par'
doll ror having misunderstood billi. q 811101 take (lit'net issue witli tile statil.
hielit fliat file indulgence in Ilia 1),�istjjho oil
skating to file tvaslifig ofitilleli vithl.
able tinic and that it leads the y6kj)jg into
vely 111181litaille colllpally� oil tho coll.
trary it telids to bring them into More
lvloct Volillony. That, it prontoles one of'
t1le. illost dangerous of gitrubling re.
inains untiroved, That skating rinki, tile
Clinton one aniong otilern, IITLVO Ullowed
kind tbat heiting (ganill.
lif1g) I is n Coneolnithilt, of Will
not Jelly. But t1lore Will lie port'dralons
elf all callings or pinsufts front
t1luir legitimate Pul-pogea. And,, I say it
11(it if) It scolling Inallilee, the bigho'st re.
ligiatis and woral bavo at tilliel
been diverted front their Iegiffirlitte pliv.
posos to serve very base uses.
.0 . flat I Would filist on , thob is : That
akathqt nita ftn(l capnivals are uot, an
evil,, that wlio associate there are not
1111plille, inilliolla,411d prolalle, t1tat they (10.
riot proniole gailibling. It Were M10 in t4i% 'AW0111 %VOrld to
Attehipt to out file 111misalotil title.
frine of "I alit bettor then Thero
tire ninke of its too gooll I neftlier 1.4 fliore
ally'lling whie'll file arojitol� 1148
Ila but Illay, find will to Some extent,
But there is n(I reason
Vily tho" who proporly "so their giffs. oveit in the inatLer of roortlation, Pliould
be volidenine(l for mo doing beeltuse a fow
pto8titllta thoirs. I hall hopea -tllat--tlrO
dvilleates of laws Or doiltrillon llaving tiny
ttrinity to the Old rAtilliopod purita,lielil riesi ofX61y out, nVoll
't"i'l would rhill holve that I Atli in error I
Mr. Pinkerton who hold beelli in
1. Strang. made naop.
"'n oil business
POSI for Q844 Or books, We may
usle of the Pinkerton Bayffeld
niontiou in' 010701ug that we have
road, left for hill boutio, J)otroit,
bow informed tbst some youn g ladies
by their owilog encouraged. tille Uurqjy
Blind ity beling ille last Sunday in
conduct oomplaille(t of sboi 6. it
the quarter, the Sabbath school loa-
arch was tbo case let Us JjQpO
sons ofthe prqviouo twelvo, Sunday
Were rQVIQ`WW In X00:9 church Still-
"hall )lot IIAVO Pause to Calltblo
bilth. School.
youthful of the fair sox anything but
Xr. Kobt. Bfolenn hits phrobased
the 11inkerton prorerty oil the Bay-
goV road. The property comprises
acres. wail Obtained at a reasonable
PtoT olo.r 016
The Spring nssizes opened yester.
Mr. John: Bales has hired vilth Mr.
day, The criminal cases 0OMl"gL be.
fOrO thig Court to day are one of
Xr. T1wq '�Rogorson has set-up
rape, one of making#purioult nioney,,
43 lor sholi, h4re. Us ought to do
(in(] one of libel. ' Th4tiare 0
W( 17,
eral civiluits f9e tidjudication.
Mrs. Barkley. and her son Iroy betvis
At lbesuction"sille f farm stock
gone Qn:a, visit to their relatives liv-
yesterday week, tbe-property Ot Ur,
ing in the United States. They will
David Wilson, of Godericht township,
be away for a considerable time.
the stocit realise very good prices
Mr. George Armstron$. has been
$131 being obtained for a colt. Mr).
sick for over two weeks. o is now
11, W. 13411 was the auctioneer.
Xr� Witrd opened A. shootinggaliv-
Mr. Ge.o. cott has left tll(' Roger-
ery last week in the building f5riner.
'eon's mills wherelle had been working
poccupiett by Tur 0#013RINI NEWS.
The amusement took well with our
for about five years, Wounderstand
lie bag gone to some mill inthotown-
marksmen, several making a large
Ship of Wnwanooll,,
number or consecutive Bull's Eyes
The 11"roll foot -ball club of which
Ourlocal editors fell intoa trap last
there haalboich, soul talk will likely
week by publishing an article 45
original Clint wile copied from an x.
be formed with its head quarters
probably tit Wilighairk, But instead
change. The sameness of the at,.
if being as first
. "werich Townoiulv# .
From our own carropudeal. Arthur Oburcililk And sister leave
April Ist for Maniolin.
kind two song , left on
Tuesday for British Columbia,
Jobla _,Q. Elliott is getting vp a
model of a new patent fence.
Ur -'00o, Miller bought a fine brood
ware from Bir. D'. 0. Julior for the
Silln Of A livell colt; was dropped on the
farIn of r, Peter Cook, of tile 9till
Cho clay last week. It is a b(Allby,
and pas got by Mr. and Mrs. htFostoy, Kansas, olk.1-time rosidlint of this;
town4hip, are visiting friends anti
r0lativ(wi after an absence of about
nine ears.
. Mr. Jaa- Uutteage. of tho 4th
coh., (lied on Tbursdj, and wits
buried at Bayfield oil Saltarday.
TI *to decoatoedatione of tle Oldest
residents of We township and, by *
driatry and hard worlr made a cool.
fortable home, He was one of tile,
pioneer exhorters and, along WitIlL tile
late James Cox, was very ffective
in xclusing his follow men to a serisd1of
their whole duty. Tho fnneral was
largely at ten4ed.
Mr. 000. 0autQIon,.of the 7th con.,
is making some excellent maple
syrup, at least that its the verdict of
Has the pleasure to, announce that bis Spring -Stock is lrge�y to hJud nd will be
complete (in Tuesday, 2P Wi. Alrcli, when lie will ofror -One of the Best Selected Stocks Ever Bo
U, AT Y 11V
..."pose( some tioles exposed the. trick besides of 'members from tho difie' clintonians.
oilinsing much merriment,. rent clubs. of Uorria, it will be composed almost A QUIVVIN& GlIOST SWoll...-O.Prioes Tha't Canflot Fail to Make Rapid'Sale.
The hintail -stage that has for the wholly of the teachers of North and Sunday evening before last, what post four years left Kintail pt I Ia. West Ifumn.. The intention is to Soule thought to be a goullitto ghost in., And Goderich at 7 a, hall will play the'first: match about the,24th, apploaredon the oth con, Ou Goods are m for the future leave Kinjail at7 a. in,, of May. One far, ar1red from 15 to 20 cents on the dollar LOWER mer imagined his dwelling to be on leaving Goderich on the return jour- Mr. Rogerson sent a load of furnit- fire, and one youn than at g lady received any time during the past yearf.:-- ney After the arrival Of thet Aftel-1100" 'Oo to -Blyth' lately, the bad r,,d Such & shock that site Ilas not yet mail. , I a The, power of trhe'ready money in the Wholesa e Markets.'
I I . m1de the w6j-k very hard upon the fullyrecovered. The farmer jumped this
Miss Elln Louisfk Cox, dairgliter ho'ses. Thoinext morning A.Ir R— frout bod nd on, itioldug out the
o(Mr. George Cox of,vte Signal, was founil, window sokwilot a ghost—but wbat. season is more -noticeable than usual, and ievery dollar of my cjnek�ofiljo tearri, Chat had been murried lost week, �o Mr, Roilt, out t1i'd day before, dead in. the stablo. might reasonably be called a jack O' -for READY CASH, STOCK bought this season has bee
Clair, of Dakota. The happy lantern, walking a high board fence, n air left shortly afterward for their The mysterious being took possession giving us, 0. p of the to he advantage of D1,`RCOUM EQUAL TO. 25 PER 0 distant borne, where we hope they WOr AP%rfM0I3t Of the ENTIN
may onjoy a full quota or happiness. dwelling. Jack, after a few hours PERANNUM - A wlance through ou large . stock *ill k The Tho intembers of L. 0, L. Xo, 202— 80.11d comfort, got frightelle(I"at III ma e it'p'lain
ntertilinment, last,night, week Ill given hVes McLean, W. M.—Will give a repeated gbost like raps from above to close buyers that our customers, are given t e ful
y file IL E congre. ball and supper i _- I . - I . . . I . h, , 1 advantage of gation &o their departing. pa;tor andr.. bo -morrow (Thursday) and hurriedly retreated, leaving MIC it A large gathering is net lantern, unfi3rtunatcly, to make his his estial.able wife, Was in evory way ally� expected. This . ,ur. i a success unit reflecto credit;on"thil . young, and rtain. Moral], , .4!Do adei-- -in TONS;_._ dolitification 6 WH I t, t ArqD. ..GRF—Y GOT
.,�iU 116Fng r,� "it',, in �krogrostpiyq- VGUT--eQU-rt ---:--- - -1. � — --z_-....__ ". L �!! ! r � _ . Not -din, strides Since its formation, and de. Both Jack and the agrpo on 042�-Ia per,cent. below- the f6i�i'6st last year's prjces,-%��t tho SJIPPO�t of all Proteritant. thi.spoitit. On: Friday Mr, Griall, who has re- We hopo a pleasant. and profitable years, mov PROICIDI'll ION'AND, PlUBLIC ----'Ll HT AND
aided on the Bayfield road the pait evening will be spent as preparal few ' ed.tii. his farm, near PRINTSl Lucknow. �db to make the tions � itave been Mal The farm is a receft tr Pill" affaie"a gfoind shoe S P I N11110.. chase from'Mr. D. Campbel 1, ot"Luck- lower t1vin our best C,181iprius of 1881-7S!iJ holy, find is said, to be'an. excellent The District of - Goderiolt, Royal The debate. on, AIr Post one. Scarlet Chapter. -%vill be -opened in. resQ! the Graft'he.1-rall here on the b, tor OTTONADES D 1E I X AND SHERTLINGS, Mr. Jas. 4Addison,:who *as so 411 of ltltiQIIF,;, 'elipe&ing t6e of rious-- L -bo p�Q�eli,fi month, A full, attendance a prolit liquor aw wasresujili- 15 per ceut. lower th'-tu usuaprices.—some cases a ly ill last week, was at the.,time of is partictulaxly, ed, as thone is ed :by. Mr. 'Whiter cin le cot.of pr6ducti I" _ �
t its writing In a fail- stage of recov- (Cardwell) N40 ON considerable = of importance uloved in amendment to add that ine, ery, The gentlerhan also had a.se- to be txafisacted L nS and Towelingrs-very 'cheap goods. -vei-4 attacic of pleurisy, . find was 4t ,'as soon as public opillion will suf - ' - L . . . r i=) — time it] Go one such a. critical couilition su.4tain Such a niva,,uro,
'that the Members of his family were Wnw:1110slit.. re.S& ods.�--]_Beautiful, New Tu"es' that this. Holuse is prepoired to w Prices, 411 �k�mmorjed boree by i4legrblit 1. adopt the Air nge8t le& CA y morninp .. ,mg 8fronkth.6f N "HINGS At, St. George's on-19triada 1prorea e:amendtnent was carried, RPET%,& HOWSE. FURNICel %A the Organist played the dead ma�,oll old 'mckly dirninishing the during thq�collection o icyrasix orqi We def -U f the offertiiry; liter. Mr. Beaty was in favor of aucces�ful competition from any quarter. .. a C1 At both services the,officiating cler. of' tial pri6bibitionj hilolely, that-oftbe� Mr!Jdbh Green; biotb�r M I -death of Pi- le ?ev. J. 'Walters, Spoke feel- Mr. John.Coutte, has engaged with liquoys, and belie' ths of tile p( ingly in the i�oe, Leopold, Mr. James' McCallum for the coming nine -ten !OPIO would e elVenifig file In fit National Anthem summer. b lt�gisl4tityjl; but ill tile was sung viery 6ffectiv6i* As�Arr- -Alexander Robertson has. event of'pr 11, those engligpd �v . 3 . . �'d 1, Mr. Samilei Platt rented,the farin of the late Mrr Well it' pointed president and Mr, Scobia Should be.reconip( ident ot the Sol & oft(l Our. stock ' in, thi department t association -a of the absence of �V AND,
NJ,Donald). ii safe of Stoio tn�- It' was bocaus
,e .0. for IP 11 'CHOICE -i T110 ltest . oteli nd For -
P Piemonte took place on the promises. 41teb. in,6vitdoll dial, - Ito favored resefi yearL The Office of . , . I 'I ass last Friday afterno0h. floft or Dunkin acts. Ev ociation is now located Sort; eig a Fre.nch WorSte ery
ext A rnnn;. n tell G,' , , In �.(18 11 tO the Star�office ot thousand. By adopting leginlation of I it is 4toCk 9 111illrSUit eNery p9eket, !neetjn*gs Will in filture be held, and miles from Belgravej is said to be re. it would allbrd III en L gibintlenian sliould see th _t1le pl'iCe. of j 6 (1-1 11 g, of ecy.-Treas., It-. John and furi�shing an unocoupied vila ify of the appimicallion ��i; tbo Ransford, tilay bd.lVays be fourid. I, intentions' e, at. f it) IN ow(:% KLIN. present-, unable t?;state,. MR Mill
Tftditl's Aid Society 11 aj�s, li�.itrjltation of"Irls lie view of the present'. �onfused state x Chure!j.will open-fr'6a74tar* in t lis dl�prtl-tment." .tO.'1OijI* CboL 116nedlottit of liquor le&idation, ]to would not 0 ii ti ion eve e, case we wish -the Stolle between.Davis, coal army.. If this'la bit at] vo- to any further complicatons. depot and Ball's 61lit Stoje. 'file. "Illin fill a5�, L - I
bill of fare to be pw�id -G rante�e ed will suit all r. Cameron (Victoria) coilld UC y We&
tits�ps, and: thc articles for sale will � Ali event luns taken placO in C ln- not .&1l6�Vrtho:am(,Ij(I(ld Motion to 0 Ol 0 v) it Illide t1j, -eiiient, and6 be most useful for forn-ily . pill, L I
b pfo (.)s � ton, a notice f i hich may be int Mill r d Inalian
ta7 i wilhout protestilig. against oul�'stockeDines Up 0, -As this will be tlid.-first estim, to the communitv . I �J _ MI _1 in and. -by F I b t' t1i e. d
being roZid -Iielgrave. wightmil total"Proh ilLt ion aelison,ari'd it for a mer4i'vorks fobjoct we hope i t will ��okil([ r I't C .be' lil)rPrally. -Who fo'!Mer'y lived -tild'oth co quilport. Such a illeasul rd N sufficent.' Our p
on ri e� this patronized"tilat efloh I.. IV., but -moved to Clinton so ' e; AS that propos6d by -he'lloil. them. - 80118011 � . 10 L ' r ir.attoudant, in wl110 25 pers.',ceiit. wer. - atid'. litjS; beell They. be kepit bur, gatherin� in the time, 'united in 'the for Toronto (13, at y) I . . I.. , . . .1�L.1S1'J?,V (11e Of -fell tko`�As of werllovk� to . 211r...'IV, [ 1'L"`.1?C[ . �nd to.,buy.it,holly 1*01alb Will" manufit6tured firi'm bar- Last' Friday . ev , enin,� Wr. 10ok a. former resi(iing '136ar fin- the as li-y; �Vbicl was grdwn� in Ontattio,. to wh ic, ? ivill enable Mr'�nil Mrs. John Bont,, Miss gave a Iftilge. Party in -honor Awl � s irit froin qorn, whic adra?dage oy ba i ib .bicycle Tliti g q �omj' . A. Bone;- illn and �Mr� E.'Wight- P 11 le. pliest. nenc,-� veve, preiient at the intereEtting 911wh 'It J11"EY flie" dd arriving and at. 10 over man pfromorly, Th friends. of th.0, rohibitit.)n' of Spirituous liquors. QT C> ]a XX couple.Tiere tripping t . her light site. . Aft�r -a vory enjoyable -Iler'nll happiness In Would rnot Rb s'priously her 06w,gpber o nu(�s time the to Sap o of life. r v� IN to. was ..One.tllat file n. 61i"I'fint's(Ifty of lalit. weiik.' tl;e' c'ountles*w�er pleas6 . ey A 0 it wag adOP" The Toronto of -11a,41' Cost 6pioUj,6�r number of yolkilg, rheil 'tlle f and p4liate of,the -greft Were invited alton,tor instance—was; to.in* Fi ?9 Xfter.hearfily pa�t to itasip-mill6 on the, farm of Mr. Dob" & oilowiJig report (if. a liking ofthe boun. crease bd -,colistimption 6f� -Stron fill13ATT which was sprear'l r hpStllira and A. wond.-bee was bell on the 6th, trV. The effect of ltet it) tedus-ipread, the dancers returned bih,:*hen-; it is Said im c, �e trieti'at L110 a prize of $ was, ,dritl1c anti din o )rr.and Ao the torpsiiihorean hall wlme they offeved for best'samers. That. n on'IR 10 sajj'fl.'Jtij)j_ th; ]L , , , otheir nialt'litt el d themselvei )light fiettAily or the ll,6�s. from iorth were a0c able Cifij(llJ b'lytb, �Jlljl Spelftij (O :�4 till,cattly dawn,'wlien,they separmd :ecf, tnally be attributed. 'to r th-e- facti lili, Jawieson ft�vortid totair �ro- I' lbilged, .Well pleased with' tho kindness. of. �!J, I it we. hnv(- Same a.4awyers '1--h- pure. and Carter, n aetion.011L tbeirhogrtess� ml'.our midsti' whoso chronicle To Vilouill igree, to the question of ep prolills'sitlry llote; was Ole difly case col'd must hae.-instilled tbe Last W.ediie.qdav anti gloouly�. atioll O:ily in So tirday vil A' d' or fav its it miglit teieclat th& Ci 8iz" this ,ge,nuffiber qf bir sallors appe-ire ners p-r6spects or Paris g, eti, tllljjl� 0 pomsibly effk:t -a ent -of- file oo"r 0 t) I the payeted there ird 'r.ia a bet' it Borivd, were, p inatter. illurih(� l'iis regitud Ahe Captains Ths. Taylor an( rPseot. We have ht -yet th, August, 1880 the' defel)darlt, L prolklige(l td.pij�y.olle W.11). A[. LW' ilichiscite"on tl,4is gory. his-oi-der, $500 to:hea'jl&wbo were the.lucky pair.. �leador of Cite lt�t GtSy*(lrui6Ii !Iwain,f6r certificates, The follow- : : ' r I ingientlemen Wero ranted Captain decl:ired acitiast Jas. INI.� Gre�rll W. B airritlid. A.ioii, hublie could not, gee I)owL jtlhveb luolitils CertificatL , it 6o quo Jes. J,ohnstop, wm'.` Craig, Fron 11'r it wa uilconsti�utioliftl bopoij, t'i of flnote, it rrespondlit,14%, : ))(it ff became Finlay AfPhefsorj, IZ. Travinch, ohn 'The fishing is overfor Chi tht. ieilso of- the-coull6y Would lie been endor,,�d' to'llim. b e:season . I . v . a vo McDonald,L Will.. Robinson ; Alfred " ' ' f taken on this subjt t 6 f pe, long.,- Illogic as Baxter A'Iptter acbIre ssed to, "'file pret- rid d Mr. AfeCraney tbought the an 'jain, T 130s: Jno: est(firl' in lif ield" Is lyifig in the Tl o defe nt emed. the Jnd. -MOIh I JOSSLto ill COIj' allogn, MoXav Alex. Al. 1%fcGrPgo1l,,'Mul%' Post I. .;Dloe wfilting to be claimed. nun 8 lltiy by 016 USe tion" of tile plainti-ff, and Said* that d6ch VeDonald, Andrew Bogle all df Th ry enter. �_arjd abus6ofintoxican t,r was '$30 - 'pl�ior t15 tlli� Of,tJjiS 110 to I 11 ra pj�o Qoderich, and Jno; MoPhorsort of. tai ve was the owner of�a patl-iWright'fur M.tbodiSt be could Lucknow. Captainsias.' Johnston,- aid J, N I lul AcDon 18. Baxter kill(jay johof)l the 28tir that there 1"s drijilcin& in Hit]-' makini, boi!vi t1j, Ill ('11C 'of -doch I ' r �Jle Scott, op I of. Rev. torl shitie the ad tiorl sellina which in it' was a deeldd succes ripetenc ;e, also passed the c6t examin- r -e Oftr Si The folIOL w illg arid ation for Coptain act. llyllim ton firal by the Ll %Vas well wol't I listening to. were awarded attia le, of.IJEL11 & �("ol I one of tljc ,,,^ Jae,. Th'e. in Usio by the Clioir was, good. Mr. Cameron (Victorli-i said Clint I H IN 1, I Augus A;lt,$H L . , � tile bvif-q that ll� litions of such NAl OUS NOW(', Alurdoob Buchanan, Joe. Mc- and :Ile Was ed � that' the rill illien.4 �Ii,s Logftn� of some nant, siloula Tec,ivo Yell, 1\7011111in- Molver and IV, toAlie'Departnient, (if illiarn very fine instriltilental rhusic. ' A r,_ thirds 'of t1 ar0mito thoney Rwveiiiin iii the 'or tw (q ve. le Pir togeth6r.tbei entertainnietif was - U. secul iti�s for all Sale'44"ittile by ex Aq : we' till ticitlatoll, illigh oellent, and & 6itllil'�r 9 e will bel .%VOUld Sil 0 %y III t was* FL n School Litora�y'. socicty ntortai'l month %vllen one or Iarger' qua'fitity of.liquar Wd by in' about aL. me'lat. in 'Victoria "Half last Friday tv,b more IlAars'� noi lo�sg brill jant t4edrugigits 'in that..c0unty it 11 d e, r fidrow a , in Plaintiff, allft M.' Widddrii' to, ituilience. The pro-' than Chose above ftlentioneitl v�ilt add the Scott ot than �rmerly by �th (11 61 go rg their, lustile Co theoceasion. 1 . �g ]'!IL - - grammo opened with it medley ll,6 as their , agents in of 9 4 was a vetv attract�-vo one., tile p0ilt in tl)o Ullited arn that o-day,.Wedniiadhy, r, Poster Said -there. was no 1NI c K i nn 6 I . I andWidaer sold -dic contribntod a rLadin whieli. Vj% J. A, Xitlg takes o lifffiselfa was *o]I receiVO-C.1, Tighe fol. qdestion of fit 0 cellist I 'tiltiollillity of I puhnor for all thejoy and'8orrowstl) terfltory of OWO(I vvith a 6010, g4yO,u*I1 soon for� Or this lif� Ln file persoil. of' Miss prohibiLion., 'llestrictNo- law and ,95,000, -hi settlement oflikhich fit got Kathleen," VvIlich, witli' the ex- AgneR terling. We wiOl , O * moral suasion, �Iy jaelk, ith P u J(?Yt . hall beon Cook -a me tgage oil real coption of tb6: fir�t Verse perhaps, .all our'licart, I Ajuy' in deer"Rit)g the 66,118untiltioll of. a coessfully. and (1,., W prOM14S rLy note, the morigago be she'ron(lored most 811 Ileaven b ss you both I le alcoholic liquors'. which, proved the it for which $110 as loudly. eneoea. ig taken n Widgery'a,nitne iiistead is lady ings host. sweatly; and Th A nocos8ity for,prohibtion, Thus ft4i of. the r ticiplik, - The 'defiludant, bids fair to.tako al Ingll -a Vote.of two MIST IJPR HDITOR,—.J. is korkild bOU6 o.one had.beeii 'given was entitled 'to' two-thir&, Of Ilia r0oitOdmosb6ffee- N tivoly,* 'I did. My handle that. TH for -which, alto re of 'is Billey.. You don't-finow me b6t, I It reeititested Itall & to givo I hil CCiVdd a 'fair silare'. roads yer papor and I likes it So I in ainendillent; to ad,.l Alid - this at for YbIlng Nlejj,9 of applause. 'Iban followed i;Tho I louse is of, th-0 opilivill tll;�t PuMiC, his gliare and a certain portion of Tito Wear. Itnight, and the Page" a roa(lina by Illought. I.would send a letter tb tell. - Cho Socu , rit'ies, but thi.q they - w , . w nioll -calls for filllll(?dia�() 10gi4lh- A 6RAND'. S F; 6RTMEXT Miji� J. Strana- fye so. .1 was it Clinton tuther day OF_ - an 500 -At- 't -?� - . Me You keep refui4ing to givo Vill III($ but t1loy. oll. a 01 derbd by isoa Acho.son all(! I, ree. tioe Oil a division tho ',amondment 1,11
Man and sn*t ka'i,o III meet the h6la then Raw. Nvl(],,(lrv-
,�ajiTbo bOxt on the li, n W. Jackson, -the. F' ous Hatter'.
st wag, a c a
We -,�Cojostahco Wall, wh Was lost by 65 yea to 107 hays. whoru lie arramrod - fo am. on, sell I corkildhome. r f1w I com'd by'by 'Varney so I e6od git a but on account 'Of the noisy and, un. Tilley - said that. tran4fer of thw4o speorititils ott coil. gentleinfinly Conduct; -of goilm'Ove Orn alt, Cook's but as I was comin Ac neVer. wIdle in Parliam(,ut Nvon)(1 ditioll Chat be grown youths the, lady billod. for tile rose Tarner a Bridg6 I geed I Cot ChaVif Some hati )to veto against the principle of pro. Witigory $500 cash filil give I)illl part was "liable to ptoccod. We are big stick with spoars andL $QInQ hibition, In New trujmwiclt in two Promissory notils for $500 J 0 T deeply pained to think tbalt there ad dip Call I are, youtig . thought maboy the hold at d 1855 more signature Thee h6test Carter given islies to m(orm hl.q oid enqtonions alul ihe pI 11110 generally men in oul, ftjid4 14
it who, - to pettions professing to 1) runn'd away front some printip Oro were limit into the lipgialathre than On file that 0 gontlartion, ate do- fice and they Were tryin to tal<e birri. llathellas agallinpi'lle'd out In tile Vold of every characteristic. that is S 'I got skared an4l axed ein whatls to tho Pat liament of CallitiaA up to 110 should not be to I)R,v L 1- L . . I I 4 Soul)(1 in it trij(� lharj� arld we her,b o to -day fill, prohibitory le,gislation, tilleftl ulitil he Collected what Wal; 0
Squarely stato that, the noxt tite tba hup, and 0ioy told o didri4i, 'o, look, 11LIll was Ca and Wa on . Business,- the Tioige. Irof cord d10111. into due oil the. Securities given (ill by wl tc, =dtlafswe Inelln Comport `ht a pill)lio ente didn't' atid. axerl what it witit". kind 1, 1.85.6. qrhij file Ife cloillis t1lat he llnq Oil the Cornor of $trbe Janton 11tainnient they told me that Thomporils dam next foull, Illoliths tho noth ap. to Collect and -;tic wbvro lie wl carry th6y did tho other night we will 6trike weir, broko-and they leard that Cher Peat muitsil, ote., dil;couraged ;olllo of that theroforoLN idgery I III I etck ffilillillig . !(now!) J�s tifli!tounten
right houto )�y publimbing tbeir wur it run of suckers oornin', bu tLI 1118 glVQlI eIT IIIc- lit itil Air or ovpp 20 years In btisitieAs lit hal'208' 110 ' matter whero tho most, ardont slippotter of pro- 110 Value toy tho Ilot(%" By way (if 01111toll will 1,11able 111111 file req III relili'lits of tile pliblie ill 111.4 line. ll flv. l,Tb the told I,, Cu curn ta Cocks and T wood hibition, arld Clio result was a now tounter elfthij, Clari�r th"N'rial ortliv velly bost quality aild tile, worI4 fly:) list) 11.) ('1111 kind a I)y thoi allow"Onklots be snakerA, Init As J wur eleotion and the return of a larg cover $1,2t)OL examille ll tlle latesl litiliroveil eigsinanufactured and kopt conclu loft the fikst paitir -of the pro- e Oil it, promissory tyotp ar00011d O )OXInd with a Seed 'ein takin a stick to 0 a constantly oil bout her a jug ithd filly didn't use ftllijotitY of "johlbors pledgPd tb o giv('11 bY'lifelthillon to n ' Ab0l pantomiroo,".113cauty at � tho of,tbejaw: ueh had been Walkery aind Wll'oh Was fildoilsed to, which the ati,ff in the aoemotl to be hot. hisxporionoo, and ]ie wall Ailti8flod bitilt berore niaturity to Wiliker. by 11101111w or ape4rs' tu oNtell. it eather, and AIL W6.1 WARRANT96. PRICES REASONABLE.
(lidly performed, 1vtiss Williams ag tillg P, 0111pt �Wfltkh 1. cum'd Chat public ontitilent was not sufft- The1ary roturno'd it vordict for *e4Zopairiii wid Relixiii 11 I Attend d to
auty, Mr. Doncan its the Jillyk,01(l I card 6Kt title czar ad ,jently , advnr.o��d to plaintiff for $550, alid tilat'llfe. y beast and little, Atabel Untson.'lis to Support and 1, settled the Oallb jagainst tivo of Cho. forco a t irollibito?y law. If the blio falryt. #1ayod tholi several parti,; yotlng I)lu(,,s ful, imion is -job indebted to the d ......
furious drivin, in the sttl�Pts ;JIthoub [lever 'earing the ae prosent, pasiaWii it fandittlig oil hit4 onutilpt claim, rX, rl 3 _0 lJeqsio; Drown at, Luck- 116V now,,-, and wa followed by "Chicago �i ,(it, Witt] hout the, 001.0. Well]([ itallo a rptrogream 3troot cry" a rolin't by tll'� IneinhOrs. PlAiii1trit llrovill hAliy thingabout, hit cAlicul of prohibition that would cannot his carriod ih A "Joan 'of Are, L recitation by Miss so I went lidnits, I will write take, a century to rogain, dhv. It Is not likely to e�ilio nud. An I buther time.. CW 14/1 4e,413L OL13MCD fig
Ruggio CAmoroill wa,4,vxpresg!v( Tile triflin Modhil, 11A ile;ily,but by rt� Aoriog of gmdul ronderilil and orldly Alfry n,UtT6Xf wAq than oarried by 129 yom to 44 Advill)(1014w Aucil 4tg fit(, See by tile 111c"I. Pregoriptiong Oftrofally ,tna Auttratoly ampounded,
oariolls 1, hedehet . ... ...... rom$W4 Orderi Allsvtored with D6 A, ,oOtII&&WjjjgL and AIR A aniple 'notit'd 1111der And proparo in time for Clip Jlh"- Publie -vill - fold our, 6f JJe(JJdl`j4 olly .-A tGvuq,- -410ond Apho) 86tir Stomach, DipeiYA is it duty�'DIS11"As'e A. 0111ho t>8 np 4"al"ra"ka
by the ndmice And if thov Mlow the final o I[Tga, T)r. Irelury iialitorIA NA I ?"Othe Alse Qntthly Tho. Bitters and be dured of till billilualloss wave t6 catell 016�1 linaNvArtA III (it to 7)r. I litters or livor trouble. 25 o6jetal will buy a It! tll* own lookout, —Toronfo mer thirty ollar.4, will be t S aUfAndfako 21 Canto por botpe, )4t, largo bottle, W0.0 eteq. ;o tile 11008 of thexo64y. r. u. Idilds of Druggists, sundri(lH Usually hopt in a Dritig CM,