The Huron News-Record, 1884-03-26, Page 2lifertgsge Sale of Fenn Lands.
kilag.4-Jahn Ottiiht
fipringROpartstiens-ray k Wiseman
Smith, GI ociarieb. '
Ortt!t bpi's; Bele-Jefin
• T3.501"
HMOmi.'. ...trod
Ooderioli N •-•
ews •
-,4„,(L04;x4r10.) •
eltata.a, 'We.,luesdaY• March 29
4.11:17STERY YD
IT in not 'often that the hum -drum
of the "big Pounty Council," y'clept
tlie Ontario, Asseualil,y, has furnished
Reel: food for (scandal as it did last
Mystery, intrigue rind villainy
labered fee tit° aseeedancy in the
P ono, of Assembly hist week when
.A.itorttey-General Mowat aoked Mr.
Speaker to produce ceetaia letters
am) read them. .
Mr. Speaker obeyed.
One letter was (rote DIe.McKims•
N. P. for West Wellington, (stating
that•he had received 1, vote
agninst the GoVernment anti that ise
....._,......battaceepted-the-beibeetud. -agreed
to do so, .
Another letter Waft frOO1 13,3,1E.9,94
s, -s. ..s,e.
MO'. for SOW! Essex, allowing
that his villainy .wes .poly worth
• $800 aed that for: thet et, r;be had
vote. itrgainst, tlie ' III6W7LI,"' "Go'i;er.ri'--
- .. agreed with one J.,,A. MI elision to
tuent. • • .,
Mr, Messed; Said thee the soul -
perjured. villains, AlcKine Balfour
ape] Dr. Dowling, were Isis bosom
'friends; and that he was credibly
informed thet Benting„ of the Nail,
'and a lawyer named Meek, were as
big scouedrele as AlcKim and. Bal-
four and their Purchasers Wilkinson
_and an.Amerietin; Kirklans'. .
Warrants or summonses had al-
ready been iesu.ed for Bnnting, Meek, •
'Wilkinson and ••Kirklatel for enter-
• ing late) a censpiracy to'defeat die
Government of Ontario liy• corrupt•
members. of. the - AstemblY, so
Mr. Mowat moved 0)46 all this ne-
farintis bueiness be refereed to the
Standing doininittee of !Ile House
on Privileges and'Eleetions.
The:committee baire 'dot 'received
all the evidence, knit as the A ssembly
prorogues: to -day' the Matter will he,
ifilierreit;te; conimisSion of.Judgea.,
Soefer as halt been reached .the
cane is ,cleaf that lerait •three Grit
M, P. -P.'s„ MeKen,.'Bilfour afici
Dr. Dowling, were willing te see a
change ef Government, and in -order.,
to effeM it eelley recelyed, bribes •of.
.f roes $800 to $2,000 eaels, frees eifiig;
!MeV Censervatiye,
who had his eye teeth cut ey lessens'
be receiv. ea frOm the late George
Beowtr and Senator Simi:teen, "when .
they •indolged in the "big pleas" brib-
ery beeinese Wilkitison.expoe-'•
Anterioari, Kirkland, was the
prithe mover' in the .bribery .busilies's
In:entitle the present' Governmetit
would not:Make coecesisione . to' lite
'lumbering firth 'in . the;tinatter of
sonyetiniber limits:: Letters foned
.on, Kirkland .; from his -"partper.ilni.
Mit•higee Show ellitt.he.Was .rattlenr.
ized. .spend .$10,000 to get tbe
timbeilimits he witnted, • hi,e'
own 'Words isseeeduld.mgo Ray length:
short...of wieder' ':te effect Nei pur'-,
pomp. The 'Oantidian Wilkinson
was one Of the pi:principled teals
and -the• three M. P. P,'s named
were anteing. the others: , A.R. might . beim. expeeted the. Globe • aiel
GPobeiete. tittempt to- Connect the
GoVernment: with' the
bribery' beeiness .because: Wilkinson
ap ex.employe.. of theire..
in that, .eh'e leadere of the goneervie
e ire .perty.are sought to be , brought
into the disreputable businese. .$6 fee not a tittle. •of 'evidence Le
she* that Conservative. leaders in
leeminion or Ontario polities had
anything te do with . the business.
The Grit Ms ...P. Pis after •getting.
their thirty psecee Of silver • aaw
tenting of the efaie 'Who paid lie
would lieve nothilig Le do with theit
— mode of affecting ella.nee the
: Croverement, . he, • however; •heartily.
nerved 'with . them that the heel
the'provinee would 'be
served by It thangreeeThitreitriffe
ex tht .0f. tend tig'S eonnectiO'n 'with
the nyost berefaced atteintst per
rnpting • the:- sources of legislation
that less evet been beought to light
in tide Oatialle.of oure. The Cell;
Retentive petty had so, more to dt
with the 'winked same and, ere no
more reep.oneible ,foe it than ate the.
(ere perty. Net so inuele ior it
leaslieg representetive filen Of tilo
Grit party that were the prime
moyers in' it, evl-iei•eas there Is not
rePresen tat ive Coneervative
connected, with it. The bribere have
be`en relemied en bell-
The Globe luta seen the erriet of
i ways. It sap
"The great thinger to our institu
dons and our liberties is that the
Already 80 wele•spread
Will eat liar) the very vitals of the
.1tribery hilikt be attteipeil
out or those who et:4,bl it will be.
t onto the Oeopleir I:Mete:14v The
nifin ‘‘ lie gives a babe; Mee
who itsevivee 11 atul the mats
who furnishee the motley or tlie
moves 'a worth to be used in 1 ribery,
eliouln be punielied ite criminals by
imprigoittnent at herd labor. Arsd
the nicalla Of obtaining proof of bri-
lery Memel be simplified as :much
na /3riltery awl corrup-
t i011 are to day tbe great eneleiee
lf Man b01 always 'thus
SI it li lhe big rasher,
The Orange Incorporation Will
was (Ideated last -week. vote
stood 100 against, 6b for. We
shall oiler 10 excuse for devoting
corteiderable *pace to this wetter.
The principle involved' in the
Orange Bill le one whieh all societies,
secret or open ; hOdiee,
Protestent or Roman, ,eMbeerilee to.
at is deplorable to find bigotry and
partisassAip combining ewitls aim -
Wilted Awl acknowledge ignorance,
iu the belle of legislation; to•wreet
from awl trample upon the undoubt-
ed rights of 250,000 of the adult
population who represent, according
to Mr. Farrow, • M. P. 700.000
people of this Dominion. We will
go farther and say that every mem-
her repreeente a family. St atieiatts
reokon that•the aseerage family will
cotetrise tee -individuals.. Five
times 250,000 gives one and quarter
utillioes• of the population of Canada
who are either Orangemen or ere
connected Wiele tItem by. tensile. ties
sympathieee Then the. majority
of the Protestatst population of the
whole countey are upholders, of tle
principles of )0ratigeism..
' How is it, then, that the Society
eannot get incorporated •
In the first platee the bigotry, of.
51 French Cadadian represeutetivee
centre', that number of, votes:,
Their bigotry is yeniel because their, -
education -and associations have
wrongfelly "tateight thole that
Oraneeistn teaches personal haired
to.- Romanistsee •Ande.-^Proteatant
Grit M. P's, to their everlaetipg
shainer-sfood ip else llouse and
toliciously 'and ' in
.order. tst.perpetunto eeteeng Reseals
-Catholics :their mistaken views of
Grangeistn, and to feed. unealled foi
and tibfothided • religious ratlines.
ity. ^ • •
Then we find that of those who
voted against the Bill, 48 were Re-
formers. . W thoe Reformurs.
0 were Protestants, .elnwng these
etutery NINE ANTI-1)11,1E0E PROTEST-
AETS WERE. 541111111cry Axe 0AnT-
'These thirty:nine 1Proteetent Re-
fortueriCvoted against the Bill from
pure and unralulteiated partisan
yiews.The exeuse of Ignorance ef the
'loyal, religious. and benevolee t
principles of theOrder Is tqe veriesi.
olap trap. •The conetitetiens Ri111S.
and objeets of 'the Society haye
been, ventilated in the House time
end again. There is 210 secret about
Now, takn those. 39 Protestaet
Refortuere froin. the 105 who voted
egainee the Bill :and • add thetn to
the 68 who voted for the Bill, and
•the vete would haie) !stood i07 for:.
and 60 'tgainst the -.ATeeer
.axts there clecirer;,•More convincing and
dannatory evidence, Of Ttru,culent.
thirty-nine P,:otestant 14/brmers. who
voted against and defeated .; the
Orange Bill, end chiefest among the
(mitten Oes•Pueseiiiii of
Hueon, the Hon. Edward Blake and
Rielierd ••
juetiee to Mr.'Fiterow eve give'
his well reasoned remarks:in favor
of the Dili, taken froM Hansard.'
' Mr. Farrow, -The hen. • moraber. for 'Wok
whe-mecle' such a loug• speech,
seemed to transgress the rulee of propriety;
You will rehoneet ho chose te, quote' great
deal to -night, and among „ethers, he tooted •
from Mr. Parkhill, who te -on Orangemen.
Delbre qnoting him be represented him as
Sicying sonlethihr• bloodthirsty; ofter time
ho• read the quotation but them lots Jar
ElOOdin it, rind I ask the. hen gentleman,
What nhoui the blood ? ' thrreelineed me of
'anise who eint to the pest office to get
letter,' and on bein.,.* asked his'eame by :she
alerk, : oDeut," Loader; sald• . the
Clerk, and lie answered again( Deaf.',
So the hon. gentleinanseetned to be very deal
to -night. I uederstiind that he heatd right
welt whot rout to WM,' but he was dishonest- •
ly deef. •The hon. ineniber for Bialiwoll, who
has recently coine Into this !louse and who
hes logidernind, hastened to• take holt of
this stiloect, and I:took his words down.. We
had not tho power he s :id, and the reason he
moil was that this order ell, tad 'in Ireland
at.d. some other countries. But. we home
bpon .pessing Dills • for years_ ineerporatine
Itonurn Metirodists.'and Church ol
tngland assoehiticins, do net these had.
tenons exist in other countries. Is not the
Church of England (mind in England ?
m t the Methodist body fon nit le Englund 7
raid in :ill pat ts of the • world 7 1 horefore, I.
go not'. consider it' vory togical. Another.
point to wbich 1 wish bin members. to nay
I:ardent:a tittebtion is .this; the , hon. loader •
ot the Oppositiori went out uf. his. way in -
'suit the Orange:Tien., Noir, I will ,give yon
hiS wortfa: flo told us. the Ortinge society itr
a protnolorpf bad citizenship. When a man
18 beund tO be s drunkori. ho does not pro-
mote geed •eitisenShim therefore I conclude
ho means the ilrengeinon are drunkards.
•It' hen a Man is a Udell:els nofatt good citizen;
thei °fore they men be thieves.
'When a inith is a litm he 'is not a prennite'r of
good eitixonshipl -therefore, legically, Orange-
men itrellors. Ifit man enttimits nitirderho
isnot a promoter of wax] citizenship; .thote-
fore, high:ally, they • must bo inurderdrs,
Does Ife' deny whet, ho hos siddl Dude he
chlay,whathe SIMI 1 • •
Some hon, Members. '• Yes. ,
Mr, Parttar, • Then in whet sense
•pot-pronteitierefeereel-Clezenship.• r•
0811 the bon. gentionien, lrolu twenty tiVe
jptire,„ ex per knee., of, ,beinee tor-Oroingetilan;-
of doing' businops with Ortingernen, of know -
in; their constitution, their by,lawS, eVany•
ILEOUt theta, that they win stand on es
'good a local itS he or any Man' in this 1101ise
11 110 C0111I/090 tho Gringo society in thiS'
country, Or ,ti any other land? Are not tho
clergymen of the Choleli of England in it ?
Aro not the .%lethodist clorgymen in it? Are
reit the lawyers of tho country in it? Ate ,
not the Merchants of this country riming to it?
Are not the hest, 0110 ohoieest tioople of- the
country f und enrolled in the Orange order 7
An ivoi. 61emisa 01) I
Mr. Porto c. Oh Now that it your gen-
tlemanly ninn. These aro the men who 0 m
Mid faun; these ortithe mon who oat] throw
oblogay and overy bad expression. Why, if
there wits only ono Tends porty in this
country, nil that voisthe II. it pa ty, 1 nue Id
not belong Lu ask the hon. member for
Bothwoh (Aft. Alit's) if he name any
loth,e in °Anode, any number of Orangeman
in Chemin., that ate derepiesete people
Now, the hon member for Wtis Durham
laboured for three buirrd, bot realty It wes
Ineour in Yain, &sense what did it amount(
to? flour ore 26:•,e00 good num and true Lo
tido couetty, Otengemen, mid they Pat tisk
that they sholl own a few feet of land to build
It lodge teem. sve incorporate -eh() I am
glad xvo do Incorpurate; I nit glad tnat
Orahgeme are in this tioutte 'willing to ind, r•
potato-011MM P 411 rs, Sisters et Chord,'
Lipman Catholic' Bills 40 they C0100 11111, day in
end day out, in this Parlieroont, year le arid
year out, and give theta powet to own thou».
fierls'and WE of thotaands ef property in Mit
couutty, to Lake mortgages end give mottgrig.
es,to take hotes end pay notes, tr do bushiest;
on a largo sotto; end eloviien it COMO &WI
00 a notporation tett ago to held $26
Of Med, ot probably not tnots than 14100 worth'
orland, and tweet a little lodge room they
deny them that prifloge. Now, / iinost say
twit that there ere 260,000 Orengemen in
thiseountry, and yots met undeistotel that
they lost be of SONIC Age before they tioi Join
the eielety, those:Atm be eighteen. Now,
What do you supple° tee population represent:
Ing eine e260,0eo emontits en In Pentide ?
Take the fondling, trtke the nniVOS, toko the
death ere -I tell yea they sere up to 100,1 00
or 7i10,000 of the pm:Mallon of thie tiountry;
find his to sweeter .thet they say Ire sliest
mete, n too to ney thid,if they did unite
es out mon, his net the hon. monitor rat
\Vert theism, siert. it riny other ben, mem.
ember le tide noun. thet one keep them
trete getting; their right, their Just right.
hove been a member of the order ,for'20 Yearn'
and ern in geed standing at the present hour
I °light to know •OlnethillitI abea1 the eounti-
team, or else I should beeel woe ;Mug to slay
witiliable;.pretty bud /now, Iwout to refute
o little ut the loam of the hon. meMber for
est Dm Wig 1 h vibe will pay attention
toe. 1 thought, he wits oollego-bred mac.
1. !mow he ottended co loge fur he hoe hie de.
4raes, bnt do not think he undeisteeds
:lathe:utak; eery I think he Inis fur.
;ot Unreasoning that lie teamed the booke
of Euclid. Ile seiti to Ole « "Ifl,conmet con.
!Mice the hon. Member for hest Boron by thie
remoning, I give it up." ktow, whbewim it ?
Ele•Wiie trying to prove to you, though he kneW
nothing about die conetitution, .thqugh
knew nothing about tho hy-larte,- though he
contented he knew nething about the werkingn
or the orange Lease. he tried to prove to you
diet die Orange Society woe a political PO%
andi said, after he got through, ...That hi no
Mreof.' Now, what'was it? Why, he said
Chia dace-fourthe of them YOted 0011Serystive.
Well, thet., it billows that one-fourth • voted
Grit. Now, the very feet that ene-feurth of
the Riletlibera OC the Orange Dedgen voted
Grit showe eonzluel ely to my: Wind, end it
ought LC his mind, that there re nothing in the.
coustitution or by-laws that is of a pelitical
nature eay, if ono man out of the 261,11e0
voted Grit one man -that would be Jiroof
positive that there woe no polities In the coned-
tutha or by -lawn; bet when one fourih vote
Orit, why that hi plainer. proof' Why, next
yea tt ore might 1,0 a halt vote Grit, and the
next year, they Might a vote Grit. The con-
otitutiondoeonet bina there, could vete
Gritiest as easily as de vota, and there is,
not an Orangeman, BO far es the Constitution
se ter us teo by-laws aro coneerneci, that is
withheld from voting just as he tikes, The
hon. weedier _.for West Limon heti ogreat deal
to say. Ile is my nest neighbor, and ho
maim a political speech, Eupora() to eloot
him egoin in 4387., or whenever the e uctioti
eouieo on. I enuid 000 it StiOking out all the
time, Ile made a great bid to -night. Well,
that Speech of hi• Will be taken at a diet:own
when it . teaches Huron.. Ho odd diet tho
Orange Society wse not a benevolent' sootety,
1 knew that they do notgive tho largo amounts
of money.that ho gives, that he dispenses, that
he distributes. I know that they do not give
thtsi large amounts of .ineney, but cetr
point to an Orangeman's with or family in
dint:mein Huron that oro t ot attended , to by
Orougoinen 7 can be ? If there ere any
fetch lot him epees.' Ile toils You thtt it is
not a religious society. Door: he Jrnm, th
a:institutive 7 Does he know the obligation?
, Driest e knovi the by-lowe? Ho is a. pet feet
st anger to ell thene things, and yot he tolls
'ilihatilktir. rue tehnolneiins %ihon'
relief:In in the order. An I yet there aro
members of the Pre, byt r n Church lietint•r•
ors or Me ereseyt•rtee liabh-thiniatere of
the °hutch of Enelatol ministers of tho Meth -
Ch ireh, and ilienthero of all Protestaet
Gherehos,mnd.yet, there Is rolmion in the
order at all ? Now; if I tinder:it:mu the Ora•nge
Order it is this Allit 'mole to be dealt
with as other people aro deoit with.; Its
,fenclitmentel-principlo is tone tinte•others as
they.should clo•to you.. It is a scsioty sot
opart and couscor tett to the high ollisie
truth and freedom against ;di trattois, Irmo
get:motion to ginieretioe. Can you find .fault
with dint? If there is a man a»y part of
thecountrY that tratnples down truth and
freedom -the ortingemon will net persecute
him; die.t is against Ins religion, it is . again.nt
tho constitution, but ho will, by th'u, oy,
his aotione itplin'd truth .aiitl freedom. le
friends on die 0, posh° side would not anew.
freodotn of speech, in this Ilotise if you were
.not in that eh Sir. wok: nal got the
• liberty of talking here' to•niglit-aild haCe
already had to work htrd to get it while yo
Aro in that ()hair. The mon on that idde
.'vroald n it allow :no to s ty hat; I. am, saying.
-here 6,4.414 if ybu were n'et in daft.. chair,
You can Leli dna by their Orion, by, their
•strutitions, by Moir war whoops. The great
offence charged. apitiot the 0 a ngetneo till.
vountry to -night adult they do not voto rig. t
Now, howls it that the Inajority of them vote'
conservative ?thii•igh all of thole do hot Veto
eonserve ice. • I iv :I toil yeti. hey -believe
the Conservative party of this country is tho
beetparty, that it is n. party': I progresei they
believe the party milled Conservative is the
loyul party. Now that is One or tho ehie•
planks or tiat Orange •ociety-couneutEm with
theta Britain L know *Mal. am saying now
arakk know this will be read. in tho ljansard
and I knoiv it will be published in our local
papers but.; lily it -J.- have' holed pienty
Urits in my neighbor:in: d say it. would be a
geed thin.,a, it would be it happy thing for
Oin.gla if dui was ifonneoted with the •Unitott
States.. do not oa 'that tho in: jority say that
but I know that lenty of them say •that,
and I WOUld not have dr ,go,iar to find then«
•here. It haa been rn de a.point against us
to night that the Orange seetety is a pont cal
ono, th.ingli :one quarter adieu' vofo reform,
Now, is it not well known that the mojority
of the ' members Of tee .eburch of England
vote Conservative ? wed known;
:heroic. et yeti must oome to -the oodclusion,
acco ding to -the theory of the hon. metnbei
for Best Mahan:. that the church of Englund
is 0, soariety. NoW, it is ..rt won,
'crown (not thaf the Seuthh 'Presbyterians of
this countiy, as. a' general thing, aro. Grits.
trierefore,• accordieg to his orgutient,. the'
.Prosby Gable Church is.u. •politieal society.
•Now I implies° he thinks that is good logic.
There is another point I wish to make .before
'Bit down. I thin • a great tostilt has been
own to;night by the hon. member, for West
Durhani--and erten sot' y 'foe' it--:otgainbt, all
the socret.soeimufs. in existence in .mnada.
in the world -he doe's not believe in them.
NoW, what dues that mean ? It me .ns an in-
sult Lir the ,Getal Teinnlars-that is a secret
telety. It means an insult te large
and infltiential. society, the Fi resters. 'It
means an insult t nearly two thirds of all. th '
fAroiers in Ontarlothey are °rangers and She,.
bore a load sOciety. And they„ght 'all jheY
walted ta otrry on their busihess. They eve it
tine tharter Irmo thie louse, and 1 cann.t see'
Why Orehgemen should be den1ed that, piWIese..
ery seciety. has been shu Med by the • hon '
gentleman, bat have nut tice'least doubtdn ink •
Mind that the hon. 14 -ottoman harl EintAllf
morebartn then gpotlI Another 'word,' I have
nothing to say againstmy 3teman Oatholie fellow
stibieets. have lived 1111 geed terms with them. here arid at tonne: linty° (mind them very
tr lei as true friendi4 • I do.
not•tind faults° inuctrwith Rennin ...Catholic'
friends because they «Ionotelipport this 11111.. 1
knoW the why—their church prohibits
them votintr for Its. •Whatl do fln I fault
with are these Grit Proteotants. :What church
tt.i they bolone to ? Seine Of them to the .0Iturch
or England,. lace the hole' menther for ;West
Derliam. Don his ebureltproltibit it, -Some Ot
them are P'resbythriano, doee the 'Preohycerlan
.Chureli prohibitit ? ouine of them aro Itlethbd-
ists, does the' Blethoditt Church prohibit It?
Does tho Daptisfolotreh prohibit It? Does any
Other Protesta»t Church prohibit It? .Yolir ex,
011130 is worthless. You stand doggedly against
giving rights to Orangemen In this Reuse. Why?
Because the Orang•emen do not vote En you
That is the' reason, the real.reason, advanced
to -night; you etionot advance any 'ether rens.m.
Von 31'0 110to iirobibited by 3 oar chap:1184; you
MIA.° only t lio 'paltry, iniserohle eteuse- become
we do not yote for you. •,
Germaay hae returned to the
Aettericen Congress, without present -
them to thole, rman Parliament,
resolutions pasoed by Omigress ex-
Preeei ve of the. appreeiation of 'fere
Lemke!. and the good Work he
done •for :Germany. Herr Laeker•
died during- tour•elirough the 'Pnit•
ed Stetes, a few menthe 'ego, 'Bis•-•
" meek says he could not endorse: tbe
.etatements in the reeollitions rale as
thueli ats tells the Amerieen Congrese.
"tee'lei n sr n Tin i tie -87;7A n
is guile ShOulte Pertutli die
on a visit to .einerica and aongress.
pees resolutions •doclitrative of the
greet . good Parnellehed doh ci -for,
Breslin. and Oeuel theirs to Gladstohe
for approval bY ' Parliament,. the
people's" William would rather' be
excused froin doiog so. Iris posi-
tion would be .analag ass 00' that of
Blemark the Herr Lasko matter
which hae threaten( d to disrupt the
exi8tilg peateble relations between
Get wally and America,
The Toronto Pews says that the
Grits have not a (tingle prominent
•tretts in their ranks who is cap-
nhio oven for a moment of the Men-
tal operation desesibed hy the plireee
"put your Self in his place." •We
-oblett to euch wholesale deouncia-
tion, There Cemeron, of ilueon,
who can "put himself in aoine One
eloe'e place," both mentally atsd phy-
(deafly. 1144 being it member of the
Ironies of Commons; is proof of bis
capaidlit y of coMplying with the /Thy.
Sled OpPrati0O. dePel'ibeti
phrase gtput put:telt in 1:18 plaeo,"
as his illegally counted out opitonent
Mr. Robert Potter can testify to,
The Yews deplores the 11:01: of this
quality in Blake, Cartwright and
Mackenzie, and that: in (In:sequence
they ere tissfit It's he lendere of it
pest party. The posAssiOn of the eve
"plat youreelf Isle place ejualifiett-
tion being asitte qua non in cotton.
Lion ith the feetlerallip a the Grit,
party, seed 'Blake, Mackenzie, and
04rtwright not tilling the HI,
We humbly submit that Air. M. C.
Cameron who does till the tAll newt
be tbe coming man, Not'ooly dace
Mr. Cameron peons the leaderehip
qualifications we liave ju'a refe‘rred
to, but thereeare many other waye
In which; he'pliinea aa Vere' bea.0
Wear of the "great Reform party of
this country, sir."
PRESS 014.101102M
If there ever was time within
the memory of man when thole
oulti 1 e foetid in the ranks
of the Ts ry party n toe
honorable to do what they believed
to be base or mean, or too patriotie
toprefer self or pertt' to country,
that time has long pest. -Wok
Hear, Hear "
"That Farmer's eonvention wee
worth a million dollars to us," writee
a Northern Pacific ofileial to an of -
floe of 00,0. P: It.; "you mas
now cut ypur etnigraist rate front
$9.75 to 75 cents or ot11.r to emery
them free aini throw in three mettle
a day. We've got you." -e -Winnie
peg Times.
The Oretige.,bill hae been hoisted
for another seseion at eteaste if ;lot
altogether. The French Tories, on.
religious grounds, and the Ontario
Reformers,. on party groundeeeetteete
forces and voted againet
to 2'elegram. • - ,
From Ott rOttql oorre•ponten4 • • • •
Mee, 11,. S. Holmes, 'of .Thecitord, town fOr.a.feLY'claye lost week.
Miss Rose, -lert pn 'Saturday; on a
visit to Winghem. e, • • , -• •
• 'Our deputy•sheriffishow a happy
father. .
.' :Miss .1164, nwho is irs • town' on a
visit is staying at the Rectory.
Rev. J, P. Morclen and. .wife leave
toelisy •to attend conference..
• Quite a number of plug hats were
'worn on Sunday, • • •
Tuesday next is All Fools Day.
Dont forg t .it,
• A scratch 'game of. leerosse was
played, en the, square last Ifsiday
Mesers. Johnston,' Campion` mid
,Butler eetterned front ettawa on $a-
Airs. Sneycl• has purchased the
residsnee of the late elreLongworth
roe the sum or $55 . :
Ironer, Judge Tems,, hes been
cOnfined to the house the neat week
with a rether severeattaok ofague. -
-The Spring Assizes for the oeunty
Opens ;next 'ruesday se the Court
elouse. • • , .
'Mrs. Aleyee who• heel been on is
short,tmen, left •for herlinne,.
Winghlue,. last week. • ' :. • • •
The river broke' up Saturday -night,'
but so, far as we isaye heat'd of .no
thitnage. . •
Large 'numbers of wild geeee pass-
ed northward during Friday night
'and Saetieday morning; '
.. News reached iown fast %veal: the t
Mr. W. Stead, of the Norehvieetenovv
wears a peter:lel etrale.
Mr:, P." Metwetif ,Biltfoissle
purehiss.eci AO extra large quantity ,ot
.eoritsvood EseetsotOp' salt •
•IP.1.4'ichionet•lw"ho,'Irnve.`a spare hoar might
employ it reofitably by attending .the
nrpitleilltc. paella/nee. t sitting toenorrow
Mrs. J. L. eturdy, who was in town
.for a few. days last vveeic, wits 'Cho:
guest of Air. and. Mre. Alexander
. Waisen
' W. V'eung. Mail clerk . on
the Boffido and Lake Huron Railway:
lie located at the British, Exthange
Hotel. • •
. A efiresed .Goderidls •tewriship • far'
slier its toWn on Sas urdsziesiateil that
spring. wophi be earlier this geeedn.
than for the hist twenty years. •
Mr. Oswald Carey and 'family re-
moved. frotn town, last week, end
beim taken possession or the home••••
etead fares in Godeeich io*eship,
A safficient•musiber 6f me:charade
cannot he obtained ete'careyson ex•
peditieusly the alteratione mew
progress at the Mill. . • • .
We regret te have to report that
Mrs .el'hoa,•A ridretys is sit ffe ri ng froth
veyere attack ofecongeetion of 'the
lungs. . , • . . '
Mrs. Newton, er., died on Sundity
after (short nieces. The deceased
ladY, wise was One ef the oldest Pose
denis,of title district, leaves behind
her a large =ahoy oldescendants,
The schoenen, Beattie r J3elle,,lane
McLeod, and' Iiat 'thorn° »re- being
generally overhauled and, repaired,
and' will goon be ready for the cOnsing
seeson's business. , : .• • .
The Vouse erieteree street, the
properte 0rurs. sh.mion, WAS ;$01(1
by publie attrition by Air. IL W. Ball
Met Sittertlay; and.rertlized elite Mr.
P: •Carroll beteg the,purchaser.
Air, Joseph Fisher hes taken. p'os.
seesion of the' 'Manchester Hotel in
thet.eillege, end fitted it up second
t6 none in the °bun ty. We wieltioe
eVery success. • .
Miss . Pretty of yorento, niece of
Mr. ,Pr.etaxeef tbis toevn. hoe:elites'
iffel'erterie' yeeentle-vactatel by Ai r.
• Crept!, arid wilt,,altortly. open...out. in
the' tini finery` line. ,
The Messrs Currie having purchas-
ed the go .d will end stook of ellie
Geo. Grant will shortly open out
the viseent store next Mr G. N,
Davis' shop. , ^
Those members of Mb cricket
club who are in arrears with their
eishseription, are steady requested
to hand over the shekels at mice to
theeSeeyeTreas,, Mr. II Duncan,
Alio Soleil° Gordon had charge' of
the Senior Division of St. Patrick's
Wesel seheol fer a few days last week
d tiring the temporary absenee,
th mug's sickness, ot Arise IAwrenee.
On Friday °Yelling oor City Fathere
meet for bueiness. It is rtheored.
with what degree ofetrutli we teneot
say, that some of OUP progressive
eouneillors have a projeet in hand
for"advaneing ths tosyn s interest.
• tot Wetleestitty we were preeented
with a hen!s egg meeenring 81 incises
by fie• and weighing OVer five otInCee.
FOP this Rind remernbresiee we re
turn our thanks it being Eggsaetly
to our take.
On Pri(Itte and Setteeley the fee
about three miles out operated, and
floated tower& the Anierion shore.
The fee beeeming very
soft, the aun's rays- on Friday and
Saturdey, and the raid on Sunday,
having had a powerful effect in Otis
direction. -
The Grit organ seoi flint nett/tin
hotel keepers are $10 'ahead hv net
takitsg eta a Dote hake) 'Beer:Se. IlOW
Intielt Will they bo ahead if in three
months time the DOMilelinl Art is tire
elasted eoriatittilietude.and they kid
themselves without 11 license for the
rest Of the year
raptaht Robertson of the tord's
Army, was irs town lot Timmins?
mug, and attended the revival
Meeting at tint North Street Metho-
diet church.. ,D,uring the eervice the,
Certain, who isieviderstislen English.
men, spoke teoquently en the subjeet
of the Lordieetreny for whites smile*
bteearnestly pray.ed for reertlite,
On Wednetelny evening Afiss
Moulton, sister in law of the Belt -
.ATC, Ue4obeni, addressed the meet-
ing at the North Street Methodist
church on Japaneee life. Luring
the evening the lady sang nine
Methodist hymiee using the language
r rnateitaiotnIdi:stant, country in their
The coneingeeason the governMent
will have the upper lakee fully sur-
vceired by Commander Boulton, R. N.
The boatto be provided for the work
kill "be •conswended by Captain A.
..Uciu.ayuct(eitiregiol,rah Atigieen Ltlaektnea: watil al%
every My qualified for the position.
Don't forget the entertainment
Image the auepicea of the IL S, L. S.
iri Victoria Hall on Friday evening.
It may not be remembered, but it is
an undoubted fact that the last open
entertaintnent given by tido somety
was one tie the best ever given in
Goalerich. Our friends knowing•this
will eloubeless aetend in large num-
bers.. 7
NeetTee. malty of our merle -
era will appear before the board or
•exereiteers appoint° to grant Mas
ftleersilg4e l'Ittee'Elneeevve.tri fi °ale' nit' gm' n nEdxecde Pat
ship, the. Applicants fee Captain's
certificates will be merely tested ao
to color teinrinees: In this connee.
tion it fnity be 'mentioned "that one
of ouregallant cap's who was not over
sure otitis colors hoeght four .hrairl
kerehiera-of different shades which
Ise pisteed in aft 12181174 different
.peokees.e. By coetinually :using one
Isr other ot these' be halt isecsome so
donversene? with eeheir. • eiffeeept
ehades gest op,. expect he vvill pass
with flying colois.
At IICe annual meeting Code-
crieket chits held nt the
ITeliange Hotel" last weelc
frit' ir! 6141 kif'?"11111-11nii, ;sea' Y:otnit'elvfaoten.4.1.
Presee,nt, Col. "the A, AL Rose i
lion. Vice do., Major Cooke. Pres.,
Mr, Malcolmson; Vice Presilent,
-eeeDerinatteSeeyeTreaseree, E. Dun.
nen. ' Committee, Sennett( Hays, R.,
Vanstone; It J. Vidal, le. Arohn-
lips and.1", Armstranc. The follow
ing gegtlemen Were elected honorary,
"embers:. M. Hutchison, Esq., 311.
C. Cemeeen, P,, Dr, llolarese Hy,
MeDerrnott, Esq , D.. Mao; Esq.,. IL
S. Chilton, Esq. IL S. Cense!, Sheriff
0iblsene end Mayor Horton.
Mr. L.1. Blake having recently stab
ed that secret, eocieties were the par
•ents of malignity and batted. It
niay not be out of place to print the
follbwing extracts from a private
letteli received frem Bletish Colons
bia last week by a member of a secret.
(society residing in this town. It MaY
alsh be stated that •the writer is an
Goclerichite, and has ope of our
fair &welters to wife "'llere is no
lodge hero but a ntimbee of mem-
bers:- A bout twenty of us clubbed
together about. a month ago and
railed four '.nnalred dollars and sent
a sick brother to the hot springs.
ImO." • •
sick,. sine() then, we have:Meets .ctire
After being herci a year he wes•taken
ffe was made (t member iti Aloha
The Teirtgetois • ,Wieg 's.peaking
tbeeleath of the. lat•e C.+ W. Andrews
Pre. Of Mrs. R. Se Smith and C. W'.
Andrewi pf • 'this tosv,n, tlay,s
Andrews - Wile 4iAtillY este:eine:I
nen ditizen. Ire was, too, cohnected
with the ;Masonic,. Oddlellow en,"
Temperance societies. He Wee °tie
f the oldeot. thembei s 'of kingaton
.Lodge 1.0. 0. F. or the.elneaneptnent.
and of tee Oildiellows' Relief Assm
'diadems Aff a • tem1 branee mare he
was 'very seensisten t„ was in almost
every .teeepera.nee . movetilell E for 30
years, andesvasi active: ep ',promotion
°Pelle Blue Riblein. Set:tete, reeently
envied.' He Was •a" Inetobee. and an
official' of ..the 'Primitive . Met liceliSt
Churchfor several years, and leerier
Orthe• choir.. For e0 years before
that he was. is 'member (-dello enemies
siethodist -*Cherce. He leayes
„large . horsily, 'though- most 6f• Iiis'
Children ard, married, :Ont. •of his
gone •is Capt. W. D, Audrews,: Of
Tgeonto.. .
The Rev. gentleman who spoke so
harehly or speret nociet iee Toronto
recently forget mention -that in
every city -and town in Camila there
are large numbers of' lifeliree mem-
hers :end adherents of his church. on
the pehlie for Need, which rellerielene
peevems them being' in a peer 'settee
.0s rseekie• tem the, Bev., gentleman.
find Alasen's, .or_an Odd fellows
faniily• in- the Sarno... predicaritent.
Let the Ree.. gentlemen note this,
and • then, eomet. Ude town It
senedh theereeerds of' opr jell, when
he will itiseciver 'Osaka huge nismbee
of poor people have been inearderet
simpty bee:raise they .werts poor,
yet many of these :bathe peoppeeple•
had belonged. to smile 'church , or
other it may he for .1a hat.
mot tie thesight or the unfertunates
who (lie in jitijeit these 15... 'shun. Milts
eimply because . they • are poor,
1Vould not these (sante tmor create ees
be relieved of half :I ea,th's, sting were
they pot' herded with' the common
nialefeetme or the cetinese (soil -yet
•there ere men who. will inveigh.
.razairist societieethitt, enitert in the
bonds et a ciounnon lioneanity; leek
after, their own ppor, byte: their W:11
'dead, end • haye never *yet ellowed
one er their Hoek, to die. in. a common
jail cute/5'1'mm those ties thee help
to make the liessage Co, eternity 'easy
• teebe borne.. ' • .
I • •
Fano 014. mon Corespondent.
James 'Churchill,. of the 'Pee
hits perchased from Mr. Geo. A.
Cooper., at an acivenee al $150, the 50
acre.ferni vrisieh 'the hates^ pueelotsed
last week. " . • .
r • ITert?„1.4001.„,igetrCM14Y,P.11 81 114Z-
itrelp nits ess- ass& I) I ee
timse intereeted at various., parts,,,In.j
' the ii alli tlkIs “Weelr.'
• 41
. Ate Wre, Murphy, of the 16th eon ,
nueehased Irons Mr. ,b(inti Stew-
art, of StetIte"y, *a. finek . three year old
mare, for i150, 'Wm. Of
the..16t11 cone, fi'•'11 pueeneeen spl'en.
del team. el, :Ine'lsought
.sveggoe irate, Me. Beery Cantelon,
and will team wood, to Clinton clue-
ing the stimmer.
Deputy Reeve Boom has rented
from Samuel Switzer thee8 Acre lot
t110 rear or the Green farm
which he purchased last week.
This nukes Mee Beetles farm
cover an area of 230 acres or the
flivot land in the • township
Ile intends osieg it for a stook
Wm.. With the exception of;
about nine aeree the whole wiil be
devoted to grazing purpokes,
A $20
The publishers of Miiiedge's
fe offer twelve valuable rewerde in
their glionteete for April; widen virhich
is the following
We will Item $2e.00 to the person
telling us how teeny words there are
in the Iilpiatle Of Jude, as root:shied in
the New Testatnent Scriptuees not
the New Revistoe," by April 10th,
18134, Should tsvo or mere correct.
answers boteceived, the IlswAnn will
bo divided, The money will he for -
Wattled to the winner April nth,
1884. Persone trying roe the rewerd
snot siend 20 tente in eil Yee (no post.
ege (stamps( Olen) with their an.
ewer, ter. whiels they will recseive the
'May Monthly, in whiall the name and
address of tlie Whitler of the reward
end theeeorreet fillaWer Will he mile
lished, end in which...several more
Valuablo rewards Will he offered.
Address Rrnannit Prattstuxo COM-.
PAM', Eaton; Penne,
Prom our owe. Votress:maw.
The Rev. Mr. Caswell preached a
Sermon in -memory ef tha late James
Oraliano in the Alethodist church.
The pretteher referred to the christ.
IRO lire of decorated and his
usefuliness es a member elf the
ME. •V.Oncoal SIR -4 have been
uneer the impres loa that it is against
t le law to oil liquors on Sunday.
From the number of drunken men
that were to be seen in our village on
Sunday: the leth inst., I would infer
that the law is not much respected.
It is really shameful to allow ouch
scenes on the Sabbath tted 1 hopo an
effort will be merle to put a stop to
them. Youne„
March 14t1s, 1,384. •
[The above as from a lady who en.
closes her naine.-ED.]
Prom otor own Coreetpor dent:
Mr. Meth Cahlwell, wife and. son,
ar . visiting our resp eted citizen, Mr.
as. Caldwell.
Jollet and Chas. Reid hale ;two
splendid imported. Clydesdale stall-
ions, two and three years old. The
latteeevill be for service this year,
Gee Stephenson, of the Bahylou
line has a eplendid Canadian lam
Olyilesclale two year old. Ho solu
one of the same age last y.ear for
$400 end this is a bettor ausural by
Tho "mules pit," about half a mile
froin Our village, is quite dangeroure
Else authorities. (should attend to
prom our oto4 t.orrevantiont. °
Messrs. Robert ar George Wilsen
took their departure for Dakota last
Mr. D. E. Munro, of this eillage,
Ilea purchase,' tne -stook in trade Oh
Mr. ot A.anchester. Alr
, Munro, leaves a Inrge circle or friends
and acquaiatenees here who will no
doubt miss him very mech. There
is little doubt but lie will be one of
the few men* who .noake businees
successful, •
There was quite a stampede in the
mOvinge bueinesss this week, The
house vacated by Mr. D. 131, Munro
Was' irnmediately taitt is possession ot
by Mr. W. G. Glean v.liose lete tesi
• detate was in. turn taken by Mr. D.
8, elunrie • •
Protracted services are being held'
its the Mettstebst Miracle 'here Svitis
great secoess. • .
' An eifort ie being made to get a
minister 'or the Presbyterian church
here. '
•••• .
From our oto4 .aorro31-Mitamit
-Spring .is eeetraingly at oui (Tools. .
• .011r evillage still impro"vas. Mr.
il'Osepix.- Miller during the past .weelt
inatio an. addition .- te• .his. allege ty
commodious rose:tepee, • . .
Mr. Geo. Levis puiposes• -erectile:
berri..witlestone. foundation on hie
farin, a ' ehort ..dietance... from
places cleriug else coming. seentiere
Air. D. B. Calbielc int( es starting
for Britiell Columbie, next week.. •.•
. .
• Miss Aggio..Porter of .the etli eon.
was, at' e.Lawitinoe'»
clurin;.; he eaet week. • -
Mr. Thos.Lobb, of Go*rie„ Puller- •
ton- tow eship,.. paid.' a. Visit' •to . the
parental home oue-day last .
• • Mr: .Joepli Lob's. •sterted aefew
days ago lor Gowrie whore - fie in-
-tends': Workities. et the blaek.arnithitig
pw.yietiriy Isillisce..el.isrso.ther. We 'wish, •Iiirit
;Xt.' Stanley• paid .a 'visit: to Ein.'
burn laist-fentneday to see lie, rathee
Who Lae been sick for thepaseenek,
Ile • is however • recoveriug and .wes
liepe 'shortly ta heer, of hie being able
te be About.: • . •
The..stiecial services, ineonneetion
With lee . Ebeneier APpointment,
hold' by Rey. • el rel3irks; are .0o/stem:el
this week, with good...success, ...Teo.
meetings' are •iterea,sing . interc
.and quite a 'ember ha,ve reale:Meted
a desire for ealyeation.. -.May, tee geed
werk ea on, - •
. East il'aVvaanSit •
Prone' cur .oum .Corr. spondent. •
- Some of our. ambitious :easiness
Men haveteen wishing that the snow
weuld '"Lang ori" fee a eoeple
weeks; not far behind. •those..who
-Wished 'it . away a 'couple of .w.geke.•
eget - sic Witt. . ."
' Mr. Charles.Johnston has retarget' '
trete Kent county, where he less:been
working4er some time:11de winter.
4.11s description or that '<Turley IS
pustrayed in very viv d colors. •
We:AT Tut( Thome 'SAY: • •
e • That trows.:and buggies are put.
That the roads are 'very .bad. •
. 'rhat parties who haye wood On the
roadside should.take it away,: .
That Alr. Robere Reilly has per -
chaser] a new mama: .
, That Alr. G. A`..Tener is -rigging a
circular saw to cut wood.
l'hat some of' else youn,e folks have
bee'n tOClinton attending a •matri-
'menial e( regeony,
'Flea the. attendance:at Belgrave
Tripity elmreatemie practine svill , be
ieseened in nimil,er for a short time •
On smoothie of liad eoadse
•;•That new •and tight sotne fast
borees aro seen coui•eing the Oth. .01i
yesi But the beet of' it is tent they
elo not belong to the 9th, but. farther
That there is a ,splendel dt.ening
for a good doctor in Belgrave.
net some ferMers got "sold" by
teking cettleee Belgenv.e lo sell,ene
the lever did not purchase elsem
after advertising for suele •
That no less time six siearle.
whietles are pow hoed, dnilY., in tide •
vieinity leen, ative °fa tta0 htrkettht
0.....141,41b.ejliftlYtOg. • • ,
Tho. tbey are going to stitseribe
_roe thee Huron..,Nrowedti:corto, to -get
the local news
Ceuta ty Oirency
Air. H. If. Martin lute sold his
hotts1 in Exeter .Noisils to Mrele W.
Ludwig. Mr. Ludwie took priaaea.
NeaSi011 taftt week. Mr, Mattel rt.'
MOVe8 tO Goderiele
Mr, 'Those Dieltenn of Aleicillop,
line. sold "King John° and "Lord
Huron" to an American buyer for
the sues of $1,4000, Both atiimals
are Catiadaissii bred-.
The Orangemen of Auburo and
neigliborlinod have concluded to
••Ipuiltt a Mill. They have $250 in
heed, and 'ewe got alma $175 on
the subocription list, It is their in
' tention to build a hall 40x22 feet,
eosting about $500, They expect
to have it finished early in the suite"
mer " •
Some Of the enlightened and
patriotic Grit papers bemoan the
faet that Canada ie able to pile her
debts, carry on ini poi tent and bee.
cossery natimial public Worke, and
yob have a -surplus left, The Ot-
tawa Pres Press, Orit factionist,
winds un a lamentation over the de-
pleiable bolveney of the country by
saying : nett:lade is a great country.
There are triillions in it," True()
prophet 1 1101 there WOilla riot he
Milli:6bn ill it did the teg end of the
great Itefortn party Called tire Oppo.
aition have its way.
• it
Has the pleasure to announce that his Sprivg Stock is largely to hand and will be
complete on Tuesday, 25th aVarcb, when he will offer
One of th.e Best Selected Stocks Ever Bought
Prices That Cannot Fall to Make flapid.Sale.
Our Goods are marked from 15 to 20 cents on the dollar LOWER
than -at any time during the past year.
The power of the ready money in the Wholesale lYkrkets this
season is more noticeable than usual, and 'every dollar of my
INIMENU STOCK bought this season has been for READY CASE',
giving us the advantage of DECOUNTS EQUAL TO 25 PER CFNT.
PER ;ANIIUM, A rriance through onitlarge stock will Make it -plain
,to clue buyers that cur customers are -given the full advantage ofit.
per cent. below the) lowest last ,
• se -e":',...•-•••••-,
Inr 10 :per cent.. lower than our best.cashp 'ices. of 1883.141/
. „ .
15 per'cont. loWcr than usual prices-,setne cases acthally less than:cost of production.'..
, Linens, 411d. Towelings- ch.e4p.goods.
Dress. Goods.-Beautifill New Designs.,Zow PricOt
dety &Stijl cOmpetitio.n.from .an.Y.qua: ‘71','
• k-11'
• ci.Tfpr,!!!!!:77,!1,!,,i::PEill 81- • HOUSE: FURN1S HINGS.•
Onr stock • in. thiS.departinent is specially .vElitr AND
c F401 e,:7; , 'rho latest goods in West of England, Scotch and For-
eign Snitiags and Tr onserings; 11.7aiglish Pr eneh Worsteds. .
gentleman should spp the 81,0bik—the prices will snit eyery-pocket.
NI . .vtf ma ..,.}-101,1.,ING
,,„ at the head pf this dPpartinent.
.0 Guairantes Satisfaotion'every time..
till udder -the old managetnent, and to':
. say that onr.stock ceine up to the old
standard. is sufficient. 01 •prices this
season will .-be',25 per cent.. lower..
#276.• 1.-1811- PURCHifS'ERS. are of special intvest to its, as ice intenir to bu,z/ wholly
/or Ale,11) Y CA811 and newly fon the recall rash aspossible,;whieh will enable nst
\to give allour customers the advantage qt closest, that otherwise would be impossible.
(0 rail).
Tb.e and illlion Hotel
CITXCE this 11010i 1111F;110011 taken iinesessi,in or
the Present prorrietrt t110 premises have
been somewhat r'eatteteand .lidtlidonal* and 'more
eonventent shed Ns 111 h.r teams is being adde.d.
The hogd ont b1114"1., ro'Speelally adanted.
. the wants ,/r the rename!: 00111101111ith.:11111 t110
t01/1014 110 :-.11011 00 01 01/1111,01111d 111010t1
01111r0 of snob • pArennee. 'foams 'can he Iteeont
modeted ekced staid() or tmen shed. ' An'
ettentivellOatIor Will be in attetutunet. ffitit
time Pal aro In ti,wn nail at the mood cnion,
evorytniug wiil be done for '.yotir conduit.: .
, MOS. s..N1.0111.EY,
• • Pr prietress.
EE 1
Fresh Supply
Field old Gallen Seed.)
At. S. DAVI$-',i,
Mammoth Stove WarehouSe,
Tiardwave 86 Tin Slidli.
Wall Pockets,
Brackets of all kincfs,
Book Shelves"
Picture ct. Photo.,
' Frames, Etc,
I make. a large amonnt of the aliove
goods nal gore n tc•e satisfa cti n.
111 Y1 Domestic Paper Patton
the Most Reliable,.
Stationer..y„ Fancy Goods, Etc..,
-kept in stock. .
014EAR sToRe,
:Albert Street, Minton
. • • '
• A
Grhe: real- • t onhow Euer M
s=4;5.x-re," iszr • • a -
es. jdz:
on s Pelt ILIte at 50e., 75c.
‘a.e. ct.xxxots MU:A. , MN:km •
ty op:1:w. is.,,,pjs7Lji.
thee lie Iota suede opened 01.11 In the —
Wishes to inform his old me:tomer:teed the pithile gegerally .
Carriage.' and Ihracraeon. Business, -
, ,.... • 0 im
:. On thj Corner of' Enron and Orange Streets, Clinfon,
in the Thick leliiittling known as thtseAtoontenstle property," where Ise Will carry
on the trade In all its lattlielies, ‘ii experienee or over 20 years In business in
edition will Ina we him te els et the renifirements of 01'11, plilllie ill WA IWO. All
mitterliti of lite very beet quality end the woeiteanslep nourpassed. Call and
exemine before purchasing, All the. fittest Improved rIgsmanufactured and kept
constahtly on haud.
Repairing,..tand itepaintfifis .Promptly Attended' to.
•wA.rrrii8 &loo.
3DX•ILig'',S et, Iltvar (34Cli.0.111L0
Physielans' Proseriptiims Carefully and Aoottfately Compounded,
and Orders Answered with Care and Devoid',
Plic Public ' will find our Stock, (.1r. Medicines Compleie. Warranted
and qt the ker. Quality
Soap% Portumery, Shoubler %Aeon, Trtletann, Sp011gen, ittia '
hind% of Druggisttr Sundries ustutlly Rept in g riret.ClatiS thug Steles,