HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-19, Page 4.- 4-Fi0k, CLINTON It seetn$ thore-is nothing now no- Not wany 01glike aga one pitlie. fi dortlissun. Tbefollowing coming o. 04.1d, 114riselite X0QjF1W,R01X4XY WAX, 200 A FAR,
of tile nowspoper low#;- lb illso Tali sQoRj0U1TU*XaT4 WiTH iu tilgi township of -am 44.011 Acritutl soil -Alk
An. via Qrosby, Is, white wonlon, thirty- otinty of Huron, Niviss voliverve4 by true. roe mix.st hill known 44 ths 4131forloy lionto- li-ik "umtor is riquired to givo two years 914, both a Tj T11" �Aau Carr i a g ue W, v rks-
f Belleville, I staild, oil the Afultl�ind caricossion, (104orlah li-jito TIT WTT;:g (retur"1113 a pill All eveni"l; party of Alt unusual township, conitifiting of 200 acres of VOW Pivr floes A whale was recentl capture about in of which art oloarod, to for cent, Thing
ii -A alliev"r tbo lailit) when it vubiedbw does 'were married the other dayji nod that y0j, there's lotaof wbitlikoy kiad, whiv1) way produce matrimall- are on tho proluipoli a VOW slope f1wellill; house;
it it takii his ripor out of tilt cialco, And lived 1, the 'ray, vInd in connection there- Kotato tha reasolt for its %lot bolug taken. forme* A Ifol. a4V -tQ �1) got inthe ial. psults. of no 401311 consequepce. w1th jig I>undee (Scotland A of licalt fruit trool. The pripalsins gro, wiltorcil 41411 be reiltint On rooQuablit mly neglect to 40 Ali InAkm tile postumtol r"i, kat y6tv.1pust Ilk;.#Ftty 'llite,10 got Bowe, -vonerp,ttla maidens of, many at tollothe following fish story. Applyto ste"t jouill to the publ6hers for poyment. g -If ally pottiton ortlivrg his p4por die. WITO W40410' At* 116440 WW'eliven. iti�, t1i0io: Thojj4jjfie&irct",ta4Il out'imers, weary of the single otate, Bxtrrordinary excitement provaill; In Use. 8. II010 9774 QKT. colitillued, lie "Ifult pay 411al. year$ it di eel' 11100001" resolved to have. a Wit -party, to OlosgOw Owing to the, 414.covery thle go. sw,rell -to I to *!ill hill). old ractetie, and sen t4o p.001%sher truly to ,pen and ye. forenoon of.a live wan 11ifliet stomach FAIRU FOR SALE:. ,TO R'
Alt th-,t time,, and'when her husband, elflooking parce's protty closely. the. untilardild He MUM# PROPRIE
kiistil payment is nisdo. slid collect tile . 0, III
whole inuount. w1jother it bil tsken, froll died she agreed to merry the negro. A, good deal its moullfisetrell out which they resolved to invite oftheTaywhole. Irbe stow iLot 10, con, =O�Qodiirlph Township, cell Vve otfco or, not. Therill con , Ole A wjaek_a Qv 89 noret; worts or Was, Oi sortio c loarecl. .go last lVednItsilayt4ey aer three, ton* OF intestines were. Igdisectutittainleft Itatil tilt of t a *A] 0 ,regul r old #lPectilI414 willowors.oftli.eir Acqviaiallt- -soil is is a r (Non tfij� reshlen'q sent. from Aberdeen it wool- ago un- erected thercon %jood fr4niq housa, P. 3 -Ally of -ho t Ic 4A,
ivy with vict'in.ora old rye fit ance. first s fr4ino barn 56;c4l), %,Till Ootilidelmnary
wbetho der the direction of Prof. Strutborof lSx2Q; the barn hall a stone foundation an, callar.
dtro a to, bi 9% wWl��Atiart wild' bii(*� 1120wor anoth or livitlissub- v ev. C - , A than 'there is it)" a., pilit of . milk. Tile place of weeking was- in tile but it was only to -day that preptira- Large, health), rclaird, and good vi ell water On colored wife, by tile R harles ilia prowlses, alto it running 4tromin Tlivroarit
serlb4cl or ifol, However,it passnis for whirkey and tidy, "weel-planioliev" room of a I falt wheat mown, Will . be sold on,
4-1ra cres r4f tlo- P"Y' Lorewi, pastor of 0w 31, R. tions bad been compleked for tile BUGGIES, QUTTF_jRSs WAGONSIT, SLEIGHSAC,
Libor 6i bis. paper to I)v =10ottirins. Forpartleularsapplyto,
-g dvsoug4 after bv certain highly-esteemetl ifilitual friend. The tint,publigil. church. llfo� upposed lie was to is an opening of the rito.mach A number DAVAD BASKELIVILLIC,
Itollped at A certain tilre, still, 0 or confloam W marry two colored people until tie persons."' hour arrivel, and. with it the pullet of the University Professors and Y.'"Ll'It- an the primilints, hound, to pa.) Jorit ithe t0ea it out vitbe . . 10_r
*TI%6 proceeds it pen. the grouild. arrived 0 Wbitelvi house, and then This - i,s whlit art old timer IMI Spinstera, who., with the ex other scientific gentlemen were pres. FARM FI OR SALE. LU31BEP. AND SITINOLBS taken in oxchlinge. (;lye tile it cal.l. and I
post-offi.ce. Out a mint 111114t PRY for W114t, lie lists he married the white wowsin to the jast arrived from Calgary told a cekticln of t�?o or threo, far adyan- ent, by invitation, as were several will ive you ricus that cannot Im beAtenn, the County. 41�y- RLPAiring slid
n i1orsehoullig wan, because in New Jersey 014 None Winnipeg Times reporter; Anil, ced ill years, ninibly skipped tile men and promiti.elit citiz.en 1`111HE subscriber offlip for sale peot-It,LKit, lb CIIIIEUVII DIRECTOItI, About, nooll i large incision was I (ion. and, 1�' 1-1. OANTELUN.
there is no law against mitseegena. wlivn thctloter ask#4 blin it, ally riukl-tty- btair. Tile, intile gu's's tood state of cultivation. Good fraine house, St. lill It Ch0cV6-Sqrvjco@, on at I -ado and the stomach partially art), a tbl:i and shcop house. Young eirelitird,
-(Ili PO 9 ily, Most %cod
son. loll T P. tn� Bible ClAftit, -10 a.m. �Ilx*%y M. new spholiniA t4 evade lie ba,J alive slowly still Suspicions well water and pump; 3.1, Villeo west froin SO leerylejav; Wodainsts - opened, when something 14 the na- 4001. 2 P.M ,3, 6 p. in sello. ill be sold cheap. Terjus sivide
vilth, J9bn,jQgteman; likov. NVIdl4iff VitAto, Rector baill ti ivontffl; repIlled of them being 41dreich," I:`KdK; betWpeu ture of a a known b)* -applying oil the prenilinits or. address. Coa4la Welloodlat.-Servicilt, atio.3,i a. In. alas Wilson, bIrs. Smith, -her Sister Wild obstruction was found InK. HENRY Wall , "I
-IIYQtt bet t banged in- .$-it Kid 7. 0 p. in, Sabbath School at 1f,30 p. a" here is. The latest forty and fifty, At first they were encountered. Curiosity o 04 P. O.
and Uary Afalbel Van ItYinkle, a prek ono Mat worked well was to bond . tier AniaAf1tweut Wit.. Canada Prosbyttitian,- Sarviclis at It a.m. an.' ty white child or four years, were backward, and did ,lot know what' to N incision being nlarged- and tile tip. 0;30 sabbstli'Sevulot. 2.36 p. iiii: Itirr. liTesent, and all hawls, bittok as well tile ficuff Out I ar where. to look; but the . it, in, . 11 eggs to sav FARM FOR SALE.
Auzx; STsw&vKT, Pastor. per portion of Lite stomach efirefoily an. -Services at 10.130, ft. in. ani its white, kissed tile white bride; It ON eggis.1" fair Iliclicts were i.ot tic y, and IN, THE County of Chippewa, State of 111chiXan, �11..�Ovl.vrl.'Sabbathilchoollo 2,3Q p,til, 114Y,4. W4 drawn tile obstruction was the Southwoetcluarterof Section25,11ownebip
Ky. F 4 not until this week that the mar 1"Yes, Yu see, the Winnipeg cliered it ell 4 44, North stinge 2, west, containing 160 acres Pc F U R* N I -T U R E, XNF,a, PajItOr. _p the sober -looking swit ilia to be a hoinvin being lyin I Ilapth-t Church.-9orvice at 6.30 V. ni. f.041� riagp be.c.mel knolyn. mail would ship out, say tit Uglily, I with via I pawkiness." gin all easy citriiingto t.lieliGove.ntopilt survey, Tblafgrn Altruated oil tile nialn road froin $ault St. 31dric, b,Ltb School. 2.30 It. tit. 8xv. J. OnAT, rilstfit�, position, as in illeep, with the body to Point Sk Ignace'and is 3i miles from the I rls� A man named Rooney iiliving with a 'cuio, of Ogga. � The police inight; A few cups, of ten, with cook' .108, bent ; tbe.'ri lit arwKwbich was un- Ing villago-of0trongvIllo, Forturthor pArtloul- 331 3RXr1-.0Mq AL colored woman in the some Villaga. open tile caffie, anti' s4eing the, little- and 19oclile" biscuits, �et t4o Weary 9 arti apply to, IIAHAY GILLINGTIAhl, dernestli, doubled tit the. elbow, anct Bayflold Road,
Charley *Smith,, who to pure white, cell(, loAin.-, eggs they v-ould hgv Goderich, vp� suslikion that thero was any, widoweru'jaw wagaing, find soon the the side of the nose resting a the 242 4b., hall a, colored Wife. Rooney's wife tic w.liole company was oplete with 11
thin- contraband. Anil ' t forefinger. Itwasoppposed at first
illburied two busbands. a hat's souple license, slid permeated with FOR 194LE. GE0,01EX SONS
stake, You hAllowed. merriment. Tile Indies deAd but on closer in- Tile btrongest case is the sale of WIT" thev.mactis a Oil the man was see tho. Winnipeg inan—aud vestigation by theinedical men Prell- TN THE village 6f BELORAT4, the illvelling UTORIA-ST., CLIMON.
'Greasy Alary," a white woman, by la't looked their best,' and sniled very of it fit are up to 01luff—has a little env it Was discovereC, 110 WAS.aCtUall _thouso and store o,cupled by ilia. Thealta is Tho - Goderich No*' 'rhom on, a. black mpin, to Sweetly but the ]ads were unco onii of the woot detilratile in the villaW for busl ness, Where Iss flood stable, outbousas, mid an
rubber machine, sorrielb,ing like a grave, Afid saw nothing t1ut tile live, but in it torpid or comatose ,enjilice, 'rho. exuallen t *oft water clatern oil the pi "Dutch Christief" a white inan, for$3, syringo), with a ii-livirpely poitited pin� st te re embling cataleppy lot Coll] ,L of ran(] between tlicir platea allciL their. .8 ;prbies nit acre. The bulidlugs are. find all to beer Thompson could i,it._ Presvilig.tilis agaills lit good repair.' Wit; be sold rbeap, as the pro, drink in one night,, t-all'479"nflouths. It WR14 till In "ill thAt thil, tit less than no time" it peiistrat(I.S sweet creatures plied tile arts of D Apply to �Iuion fleclord, it the riliell anti draws out the can- 11he Vloncer L ays. WINT. DUNCAN (AMAt.GANAT . MD.) Can't Get the Knack. tents. . Then the �ggahellia; are care- ation. Belgrave, Oat. f al 13F pla, I 6d ill h6io wIINkq'WjiicI1 It's A oat I I isiolitil said one rejr and of tile, girl of thirty,aine, "but, we'rei title FARM FOR'SALE. dii1gsday, 1111jarellif 19 Capt. socii finds its v,d, "throu tt2e early newspaper publifiliers ill 'Loll- Clinton, We RTAKING
y Ol ills Ti river steam oat -woman, is.teritevera i .,. _ U'ND E LT a rl6rtafi flUd 4 I T lion 44tario, writes its expelti, IleO rp us sty f3scitifiml offers for sale, togetbor or 11111alvip Iller Feel Dail,, indkiths' practicej is still' hoplegsly., fill.- Then the i. talwo out "Was �e Rpeakin."..ttleill I" asked JL 150parittely on torlini to suit Purchaser -lot of tli� progress of Catia .4 -.to' thd St. art. of managi ng maaig,t 0 bit-ol,wax or whito1vacl-, e6figlistlux, ill 14U re ii, 'Tile old bj��C'Abe ubPd over. tile - *holvi -,and there -I'Ay,. I'm sayin' Wwailtacvj(l ljiojjt�q Paul Pio0er P s III' 126 cleared, balance hardwoud tilliber,
otere the vvord� aclaresspY ouc IgLIS:d"two� I; i_tbe, kvix'ok� of Hilpng out those alle is, tit,is line cauld tile nielit,' tientan'bas for a long period bVen I fortable franic hotvip,.barli 41800 with stables on- to. BirdietINTellenipin by hot, fri�nd L del neath, also other.. outtinlidittitC Good And
beautiful, flowin# polysyllabic onths yesir old b%by,, t)ut junt as fril of. wonian.- --IVtl o*er li�t, for me, , I'l I ropidont' of Alinnesota. If a says - '�ple atid a yarietval WALL iarge�orctlard,�W holoort. ther fruit t� epa Apply bit the j;rqnjlscs to Mollie, queers, iia they met on Aus. tho curse of 0anada, as �ny-old it)per- awaLoot to tile 610SO'Ll"' line a `Wlik"t," I'M - falher havincy a 'very, largit 0 a. OL PAPER t VALL. PAPER'
lit that I)XVe $0 in.-pil'ItIng- lilt Influence y or addre3i PLUMAIrR a
ttn fly f n ever was, ..Tho-eags iiie. then reafly, was tho unfeeling rejoiner. over APAI bands anti roostab6iits- family and uIllacustowed to labor 2.73-tt (,Illnton,P.'O. "I am not feel ing.r.oll." for Ishiptolifir, and off they go to Ilia infiu�tpd lady lv(,iked gl6clmv� The tilde for Elollite-Cleaning to near, All wanting and -us for knookipga. cook overboard- I Ireland, bad a hard time tit tile for- -blootnin" A Pit, where thd - boys likA *"Are you sick and Iod cries of tit lignation burst TOWN PROPERTY FO R SALE
nce. , or. kvivice. a. day, site, says site to suck -eggs like these.!' odiptv maitlens. -. TtI4 ladi; 46 IPU UICY-TZoofn or -Bed-
olists of Oatiat.1 Ilo bad 1,400'"e r1or, Din' I'm not precisely sick, but 1' f 6f ]and in: (11 Olt SALE, a b6iiso - aud two lota, on Queen ears she will never learn Posen- re mu,tt Ito. a good deal of w,(-reL givim, 'L and aid flat q word. eL towntiniti of Ltmdolll stroeb, a short distanee north ot Princess-st., feel tirid, overtivoi-kod.10- lto go oil foot 80 Ro'm P
,tial steamboat medwil otgaining re- I known. 0 apers
fill" too opposito tile reKidenve of C, A, llartt.' a thp IID6, tell M6 about it.,, trouble about it.,' ked'reattly to rush t sect. 'Ills other day 4lieWliq trying t -up till es, - to,,West klanilicirti, iii. the Esq. This proportv.ls in a very the bj�fid 'below 'the St. i11 0110 Gore dit,L ireas*, ornamental Or RIO ittliertreesidso IKWPI1, you see our golored cook is 1IQf -.oil rsq three is; b .door they'lluickly ga vs. heallillylocalltY; thoill Is ia oice' tt�sortnlcnt of will find the II00 q4h,And-i pays -7 -an �ljat purpose , whe stalwart, f.triat and bell hUll,ijejl .
LL-reit. at iind u Gore add inuoh,to the appearance of tlio proj,drtv,
lspinifffer jumped np .,-and. -Tile ground'it, d. 'Litt Pattern
slkilk,'a now poor mother has to do a an 4tood, on 'the mr. i, 4QU I iff Ool Tit -all est
g and. 86L I'Libbirfg. vflld� wo*i itamQuo, a ujerel at-., S
flit tile coo.in riciti3e rant, for. 69 ic;, uprilitt mint 1orwo, painted. ta give oro4ir toAhe new sBait .gI g and it ma es' as got�-Iyri 10 11hoesi -ocories aiifll clothin for Iiiii waslihig: and ironlet If ls�a ver, do-Irable virtiperty'and ile Orin" Me corty, if any me i,Ill 1. '.old on oic 11clillogly,inoderat t 'r old crea. My - I fevi so tired it) see the ilds, rackti 0, OW. It t' Ilya7as. "You see fit . fi,sliijwmen t of pau k Strapped over, ills sbouldor. turowdric.- L4!i istootilil' red Ill. it 0, Clinton, F eb. 26i 1884, 27 Ilin ID .1woviv, said. �she, ',-will you be ilit Chat gAis claw Id hea;l. tVI 'it, NRT STEVE S so kind a o. urn youe wheel tathe ail' raw Al% a sbeep"s luo .7 jad left family, and brivig till home tit one Apply to a Fu- 0 �eggs got too, bunged suspiciously 'Yag.as. edy,s it took -two, of rigk Iw� pluck. wheat to pay 'tile postage Oil '0114, .-FRIEZES, ORNICE i 0, P A , NELS9 FILLERS, &C. They Shook." orfi� 00i operi'molith Siljgfo 1, L Tj sat. now a dead 0ence. At III NOW Ott r fectlij Europe.* n' ho Bittzaar Fashion Books,fur 1883 are out a
IowjjiI;; ri pe %rl geplus -bivented the LgeL a nd c6l; be had fiti,not6ing.
00. t--nudglud tho At Clinton a sharp looking young .0 0 otile litaidens buidloill of �V-Ileat cold pay. call anti sell the paperi and Book Our. Pilot" site said, striving, to ell ow Of tile lady of tile ho.uSe find 'nit) I a-" t . ban foity such : lettelis fron "-L;.;.-* -il., I - I I , CIA lipgrg �o �n 0 . .1 ! I L 1-kiv it 1% at te�'n ti 6n,., pleaso" M 1'. Ill lot wl I -, B Ufff 0 . I "' I tile ganio. i4aed.' - ILI those'dayfi Lit( T ravin boarded a. train far tho south, I rter am Is t
anti af er looking overthe passengers worklid' it. file' it - whil,4, He wtin L do you -hear me ?" I I 44say' �6thilthW9;." '9116, tlitIm" 'people cultivated �xi aad had a -in one�of tile coiliellos lie took a seat fhi'ed.$300,abd fired. But lie didn?t .a elL gfunted the man at the brand hint. or tile haill 'plan 'ill,be.a 6vi, a bi ajid little w*bo.-1 Incorporated by Act f Parlianiont, 1855.: RICK
beside.iii triviailer, fro" Bjy�jl With a' P. . 1, . I I. 111 wheel. care. He tviade -A UMP nioney f I re..,) it every house D3- He Sells Ch4iIer tban. any eneon top of tbe'Harlb.
four ollrjr� oot.of it., end has,; W t - u were found lit. allies ontoqArITAL 42,000,000 ill TQU do'nie the to t loolils An I fit ti,tiluk, honeat.tas a bill. (,,W; out Just its: tho* tral' -wits thero&1§ ion. -ii Wwwwored '-not a urn, Thei 'i6od , $500,000. I It abou t t4i s tit rt I.... , , . w Ab Lite wheel over moven or eight,times. brought, uits fast Its eer you can out the-bottlo.; Tile. uteeting with a few ldies�eci de�6r' rX ad 0111ce.,I XON!kREAL Nly,fii.end,. I a"M oil . OVer Went the vhceI*. toluperance I", ti- froin tilft'14 Dotroit to seoi'my mother d,Olt, no, air, no, Sir, . n9t that way'.. reill, va wf'tre 1.64. Wit lf W for clothing J. IT. It. 0 rd to mules,"observed the giat
Hair. v wor
restores, with As glooll and freshness 911! -Youth, fallod or gray ItsOr to a TIOU brown colOt.
or red h;L1r may Ito darkonod, tblu hair and balli�101s, often, thougil, lie$ always, cured
ItL checks fnIling of tile 1141'ri allid Atinjildiltee ft wca)c. awl. sickly growth to vigor. Itilreffttela44
c4reisourt ali4d.niidruiraudlie*103&carlyevo.ry
Dressing. tile V100A To toloquallod; It cootallitis neither flit nor dye, xendvirs tile Italic soft, glossy.
villa vljjj�orl in appoarancit, Kind imparts It 461101lo,
Agreeable, find lavitly)W perftolo. p, Biticaga writes from Kirby, O., hay
p, l8o2, , l,ast 1411 iny hair coininonced fallint
out, and ill it filinji; little I imeatne, nearly bald. usett part. of a. bottle of HAIR Viaox
WhIcli stopped tile lailtisil Of tile hildr,AudiltRiQ
a new, growth. I have flow IV jull Wealt of itilLic
growhig vigorouslyr avid wit, eelIvixitted that InAlt
Lite KIROOf Your prep13rntlVU I SILQUIIIIIAVO 400.4
III W. liowElt, proprietor ortho 3leAtIbur (Ohio)
xa5,a Ilj.� IR Violin is a Inost
lir0p., -ak of it
tration forthe lia.1r. ISP. L front lily Own It's Use MPIKOt" the
rile joglito a sure caro for dandrutf. Not
within. lily knowledillo has ilia preparation ey"
failitil to give entire sathefil.000112'
Ills. ANOtts FAIII94111v If leader of tbif fiele..
Falrbalro Kinfly' of Scottie)' Vocalists.
writes froill liostont Frb. 6, 1880, 'I Ever
sliliteinyliall-began ofilre silvery ovidencoof the
4;11:lllge%vl)lcllfle,Dtil�gtiiiepi-ocuretb Iliavoused AY114's HAIR 001 have get& able to
Iliallijain, all nFiliftarance of youtlifulliesil - It, niAt-
tar of consliorable consequence 0 ministers.
oralorivi ctetors, and W fact every Oita who lives in
the eyes, of the, public, lifits. 0. A, PR94CQTT,LwrltIng front 10 Elm $4.
ritiIi,jestotwx Ala4s. .4fril 14, 1882 pays , 11 Two
je,arfi 4gO Stout two -t Ilrds of lily hair cinlo off.
I! thinned very rapidly, and I wits fast gro , wing, b4ld, Oil using Avi,nes Vicion tile fa.11111
stoplied alid a new growth commenced, and If%
alien it montli my head lvas completely covered
Nritkohorthair. ltilascolitiiiue(ltogroiy,aiidia
linwas good as before It fall, I regularly used but
dnd bilitle of tile V4001t, but now use It occuiciu- ally as a dressing." 'We have hundreds of siallistr testimonials to the effiVaCy of AVILA% IIA4X VIG0110 It needs but s,
tylftl to, convince tile, njoist skeptical of its value.
rit FrAnicii 13T Dr, J. 0.,.Ayep & Co., L91�0111, MaXse- Sold bX all Driagg4to.
Welt ftendstche and relieve all ilia tratililes llini� dot, t to n, bilh,ti-state of -tile systeal, such Ili Dis- sliles,3, Nanpen, Droweiness, Distress after ratio
Pain Iq Lite 31d e, 4, c. While-1heir most reumfl- able suc5aisis I;aa been ohown in -Ant Ing t OR R(-atliche,yctGarter'h Little I lverPillbarsesintilly valuable in Constipation, coring and rreviinting this ftullOylilg CUMplaint, Vhlitl they A ate correct alidisorders (if ilia sibinaoh. atirlitilsto the liver audregultuethebowels., EN ell It Lilly only rurcilli� H CA ID Oicy woult! to these will I es p,�l -
�rpi�L it , but fort
ihtile' Ott if' you. siri, Mi3ntivivia man -who find been &patient ring yfnger haVt' K 10% 11 ter way, icline. � Tile Vort.hy I that they *lvill 7lot owilling slVen't g(it 'ally vivein�y with vounty - IlIftli dllop;, ail acre -(.f tf,� to do ni. but tu ter ail alm head
Iown me uldk m I rations, lihter4r nre ard to mules 1, vdear Sir oui�k I T T -;-1 ess then, t6king a glasif it Nl iscOlintrA. etions niftile;DrAft:
hut I'll jjviii mv Watch IRS seffill'Ity 11 hand broke thd sil.ence— . lit-av titubei.to pay foe a 4puono Sterlirig. and . Anterivaii, ex- I We are within tw e.nt]i,'fihgeis %,then we ope'led the Pistol-Po.oket. coinplek" hik. we tr l!t tind sold at low� hautt"fiat to bou, em e of the b.i I" - "Not) said he, 'lye kpi) eht otirrollt rates; mine in '78. Tile grouncl was froze & D - ITire Annie young, loan Just then,, firist mate cam 'bundred.-feett all a level, and. we had 'v`ea1,..Qrator,,. 4ut as we firth ill IRESTALLOWED OWPEPOSITS a up L toilid, Aix Hild one fil INTE -a tile Mkoi.1" t hel.6 tj1O.Iliclit S'Ough r re-, nie ll)autl Squira'� Sco'fittid Itill 1:14. f6i tud butbitiway, and t6 616st out di.p quartz and. Zlirt witli. a. often $2.50..to pay Th� watch Wa.4 a, tile 0oor lit�te. lyawan, . hill distract; anythiDg 'We could get. One, day a, tak tAle, chilee hfore we pairt, I�t - I'M iiiarrisige f. That fit f ail In"v advanced to farl -nittep Varna, ;W6rth about, d' ate ex .48' diat �iQKK6.i Knors..on their own brought from lire the- Itopp Some. a a*i) i1jifa e , did mule oy� mine ifIat no. -all" the gia'nt. t[j,Ijg 'jljLCOoj0'oot. . Iivt,LI with ot;e or moro end stirs. NO nioithalee it T fifty. peirt, it) this gatherin., presi)itetod, and"dinii, ioi.rettvd. a irl quirild 110h, clear, 11r. Mate, I'm feel* Ing powdPr*cArtridgas we -had, and'ast. We 1, Ia help �sayi -Ofy 11. C. lilliI.W13R, loan W h..' ills' folir-dollar face exam better that. if 0% .111d. .1 if fing. awl riopliew-4 are to -flay 'br, r0n take coin.. were 300 miles from a store, we was her Februar.-1894. attack it,�and it in Ilia e -ill tikk tile. hiss tittin, litist1lbill prilmely tile mand of'.1.1le, slilp.11 ty., I . 1. 1. L , ... reliants lit tile city of stumped, L I 'd f. wo-I ff7i I . QtIjO 11 Then. lie slowly draw a* $2 -I'Ay�e;, ayo,.,61f) gik an to tittly pair, Know.-wbat b t bill lrom. Ills pocklet' and IjAn (loll the pilot$ he sung on. ured jv.F6rty?niner. "Been,outb'- I)ntlexpeat evory.inan 1tere that ver to tile r 11) ey, there, -you-sleepy headed r 0. -y94f1gL man. - "J'it 4 latt whiskey intho same condition I;a4 tile: r, it. al a fine 'ill Sao hi�' At it ll'orniolit Dahec. simply, glanced at it . and then t tie. .1. OAN son of -a gun, hard a poit theire, Ir I'll "All our"money 'was into the, In' hitime the itiolA.4 two smiled. Then tile watch and the. me,. tie(, our knOCL I lmve attended part.ie.�� qf116(b mtes of intarest and uIxn tar . ills to still k a I ate. iii 'yer" er and vie couldn'i 'gel nolyllar till the her ladii,s tiorrowerg. cartat;s big -hanped'Vack. Two or three' of c L 9 in a bale O'AIFLY !'! airt begsin 'to �n' L �'I wanted to kill addreAsed 'ilia tileeting'-in, 8iIIIIlu,r* .s6et."I'lio Iff man, pairy Was cb.44 A N N IN G & SCOTT, ". tor it ly'�di� ti,figoishable -for t1 Q Tlxo�watob wai(a dejifl'-swindlo,and L The boat slid ut in'to deep wnter, to ab ridanap. the mule straight at .j bit t - wv TArds tin d 8 pevor Block, Clinton, tile bill'a, bouuterfi�il, �nd both be- a Miller -wient dowi u t Th Barrio' of pretty '011, 111A 17th; ISS2.:, ond Cnj_lt. Mi'qy X `0sttd'hot,.vvnd,'0I back: been ig-including". ep kg.0 e yj k dow h1m,7 a' ilia Door "iW Iwn bor To s:-'statqj.wlovi -.w er" I;hl L w (i:w e wl Y iond: In or oniall Aunts, bt. gi'rls and tile Intl er into re'st tile. largo proportion of ody could hear lj�r iltb(ly fierlesson F k t and I-Pilije iing. �wa -At ;'�..Kli �t' "You bet 1 Me an.4 Swayba on 1"or X'tgell OrL ers,ml security, at D1 vorctits hit New Euallaimill. in river convoroatinnq.� As ilia. boat . I . I I - lipafed- eworts ; -while thm. icarcity tl,, jo, Jamie'I-th6 laidt; "Ifinished their. est iuiu,vit rates.. ld, . . I gIi ad up to.the ew Orleans whrr a bole it wild long. Ili to ilia Comstock mad 6 a millict 0 ChArge mi,13le-agbil votilen and the small linton, I'ly. drata," ind a h of th"tIl to o33pston man is tit's ant'hority for 81164opj)�'d her,trend (tid of ilie.state' level and would have: no n . of it, Intly.. We '-anxiolMly' -wait to propartioit of yourt 'tnen seemed file stntment� that last room door'*and i�glled:out, to it line only -a grizz] L �: y Varclum.int -ouf, end IL(I Vic� man on 9 ties wbettivir the excelleift of L.011";picuousi: The .6 rujon beauty n a and thlb* one at .tlje a" "to . . .. . -1 . . .. I .0. I ,, . I am Ill ved vvith Ad- L ; . ' < R .0, N L E S
Ilqr .. . , r ppearmice of a twenty' kenri b2oQw divieei; baie a the.hole4and we had to cattle out, 'tile Ito I -Ti,- air, make fast -the bow' It n e it; itells will be'talieri, Her ex, blootililig.. little , Alo a 2 .11tepli, grAnted.-in.IN;dwE *gj nd.. 'In '�" I . . rougfi'the.Conistoc c a ial't and give- a' ., might be J0110% Afassrlialju�etti Wnd Voinicint' t1free* Bv And-dod ourselies up." '- . ' , �: �'. . . . . scarcely -into ber teeiii,' whirlitily -0 CL ES 31A god back to put vailtage-i a more pre�elitiouq.6ii P 'outof every, 14 moiri�gea end in Il.. I�a_adun ortilepillow.and-cry. He -.toll. mh vbout:.that. through a passionate waltz,, the.. y titi Do' estia Sizes; 'Great Sav
V r filt1i . :. I - al(]'. S - , I Hotel A in in Labor and Fnel. .0 Ce (le 14and, one in. l2i in this game Swa bkolt allowed -a y An Adroit Escape. elotie mbrace of a flery ed a -0 2, If people Who' re sensitive to a ite A diApateb. front $tirth Carolina , no right. to lurk; Struck. wo Its Fin I- &- - Clothes S-gR'q:'ff C.Onnectictit, one in eight. Tile New r A. 6
The Third Fin mule had elit.the cartridges, he'd got r
ger.. grand fatlie , in."wb6m 'ilia fires had Englan . to do tile blastlnl 'so lie tied Act be Yak so
thiIse al�cusailons after the I Sam ton es, . lip Ili the Onta'. L find fed lem ex� llthird 6ger of"the left luind Ullpoe,i L al. to 'friend fia� >W -into . t1le - mule says Ot.ieof the w6st n4roit Ile-, A :: - M C � . .0-0 planstions whieli those interosted'in, Ilia idee w�afi that, . . . .. . I , . I . .. 0 was! dle.re Was supposed capes ev likened it to - the. �tppearavice -of a resorts for invalids 'put forth for eN- .. when the digestion of the mule, beint er known -ill criminal Ilia- 46 be a vein: upon the ri -uly day Z; JUST: OPENING -A
planation of tile largo deatli 'rate fre. ilg Witt, d anti) i'lle tory was effected toy Llicy 00e a Sjjrj)y �J H, TE tones, ketche wot 0 ild-nires that;.' , g N? A . SUPRIOR LOT.
que rii ly- ch sraliteris tic of those V Ill ces. is. di�eetly cob. 4oltijinatin' eefid al tire111. cattridges, Wilson, a f"16us c)Ii(jf of-� ga jg.of It, is one.ofjIle famous 11-beautiest of O� O-0 W4 It is it cte Otber�would be a hoistitil-o! dire, SO this blandio not the natives, ivho die, they a - Ivith tit is g.Lof IL itde'speradoes itifostit g: State Poij . guilty,' winter clignitariet; were worn oil tile third Ile tied a ill a over where -ho was Wit'.. . . , . , sfty,,but the sick pp.ciple whoar6 soil many.- fig4ii, and summer. Till. grown ibere, in. . the last staged of their (its - finger of tile right If - ai workin! aull lye ,wevik off it- bit to see S power and ilia cauuht, and after a trial s'!entohct-d .)(1, tljuh ex- Tiedii totuid to it find gmerally af�cqt [pip
ease Ila' be, cured. - It isi flat the New . . . 'a tiloil. aged partners gracefully. Tht'
tiger . qf tile I -eft hand -ilos di. in go cornmence.., 009MERCIAL. HOTEL ted ()it Tuesday his -it,, . L I Tills*110601 is ftlonishod thrQfighou6 w1tb great (IS 'oblInsel litiflers who :are, Eo on" -in ways beelk Vied4fo 'tell ypiirs lit It third fl 'a' 'Y- old fello" 6 fleein ii0ver to L ag L �tjo S -ovingly. %Tit ba k ball"a fall. -as maudlin care tonicist tile wants of the- public. theirmarri e-reh" 'ri� 'andib IAX !y nian appi grew I y. Tidy if a .
the'q6thol of 1'6ve a 11 (1, t ny C..)Illlllodirjllfj santille roonig,. Tile- b"t of IIIinors. riist, The alophal to - Ilia' Supilnie Court. 4y ,, joj,-(,� ftl� 80 as. tiley'. did at 18 -11 I AND HARDWAv MOPHANT9 ttleir mareing6 contracts; but';Pe6j)l ,emernhpi, Onet tie' Bar I y one me . r . n!lve t Ito wa . rden . of ! d and koiWat tho bar.' pood, houd.'. I j - I tm:ins vri,ar tit all W66 goitil-ACross. Dead ANIAn'S.Desert watery eyesglodt� ovt-,r flit, 'Beiii jittiattitr tittiol tit Clinton. , Give us T. brad, who. couve', to. take ad- Lite 'finver of tile h4l; hfirld, I tile ail, rntert;d Ills cell iiii'd fout)(1. 4 itil all ilia hppr call, 'fiatg4si aiud.,twefi jll, till, 1. 'in Arizonaj himself up with u,:I'.y oo Soft collipaltioll w O.- -RE, PFopriet6r. vintage o!.,tlje laws and'shoit legal. nuit'all flyitlg,L ort. Ijis. .,TAS. MOO T\T
lit IS milittress, oititioll'of a votilloisiefir in tile lilt of 111110ceesel; which. prevaito:An those bave. been lionortia in :4 thnothy seed, -and then put in car. w,:i 11 :w* I 7?11, on,'Dcc�'13, fs us 'L . I it .4 iniff.lsed I)IOO(I, a4 nd'Zlieir (,xa'lteil Mini 8a, states. .' But, infistnuch as t to . (I to ti,'e. rots, find turnips, and. stritwberrIPS' asi Life prigoner'li mouth. I' citizeni; position ill . the :ranks of tlie 0 of thi� Now England states Are'le- third.and fourth, and ouca(donally a 'ant) iptituce, And radioliiIs The tim- Ris eyes.were Willa opl-.1i it)d gtat� fultli!ul serveFf oft tilues to MERMANTS Flionsiblo for tile laws and ju(Igeg * �,�t ring its wort) on tho firs6 flngero cil,thy growed anti the rest..of the -A itig, his jI1*S fftlIPn - and- Ilk linji'14 a k, a -H atljo�Gerwnrl .style.. seeds took rant in it," 6o. all he had coldi Help %%,as stitillnotiml wid tile' them Ill ngen.u.-4. rivals oo 11810 EMPORIIIIIII
whibli attract to their stall;4 the.6e., youthful. Adclnio who tnaY ven owtoSelIG ds 0 L IN TO N' M- iln�ers om. the outside, they must to (Io Was, to walk along -and. digeat, I tv 'y was Cal Pip& florn file Coll" h1to (1) enter,the lists AglThtst 1,11eln. -At r the odium of life excessiv nofth F jr fr(-sb vegetablis. lie wag tile aniy at'i owliouse and laid off� for burial, .0 Ile Best W Good ib 0 the Gekitil(ii party I iit6ndeil, tj� L I . . I Inas ade, I M?A14 Initt, numbor,of(listin cl-copples r1w it lid my n tbAt ever walked a lia. dle. Waced lit a plain' Como. Tho until set Or -b ond' relestse-ji-orn the� mar;, tipother anti His Lit Clio charactai it, U In I'a.
lad L It" g" YOKO'l wow U -0, A Iam II uf�UwNy end. At dusk pi Ili(- eve- lby a damsel who l'lion tvin'a, fimn, a Itti- 'evid ::� i he- pt -r- otra,ted -all --u S44 a� M Orin I In Row -the, Grocer' Gave lit., 11 Ilia flifiter, sile Wily, MUCI-1- t') I& d rug, store. at tile.. Soil tit 1 0i and tile g�irls fiureil as kis iiix wivos Id hours and than tile horrified to see tile corplie ri.sa front of si;C different'.degreem ol age, Octin Thera was, up to a year or -two ago, InSt evekiihg, and walki6 * L - , ed. Wij�; st��j that diet. flow R thoull, tile e6flill, ,)lit Ill 11 it lIs*-OI 'Inously 1 3 to 500 and of iix different A+ I linandingly phic. ' �L ' . A' li I g Up to tilt?' Every thrie. it a a mail in tile gibaery bnsinetis i�'on6 cigar. cMa. and call and faet.-in - to nir. t) his lipti.and bolt from . t to room of beauty -ti blue eyed stshool gid, a.carl,ridge'%AFent off the mule *cold g1j. into the night. Sit villages of'Weste.rn ing bis half(] over', t he PLI14 im uncouth German a. whti' Wits fitmous for hisAiiired.ol' ontailling the �jx_foe.a. 11 it r k, in Ilia work, find. for seen days'we frinited. The rose was c not di.4(.Over� ,kiinglyrutiette'of petite forill, a :tit iftummers. Travellers foe Chiatip, Haiti : ,Gi�o tile a 25 Cent cigNrIp were dodgin' bowlders and tkyin" it) od until till hode after 'tit)(] Lucky fir blixom, Scottifils Detroft and- other liouses wore, 6rdar- "Two for half a dollar t" alsked tile git him out. At Lite end al that tiffie. Soo lind ku�e(�eded in cluditiq al Hteolilt tillifflod, shotig featured, Pri atot . Ilia sto're in tho rou�lldsb poli -to "YvA, that in the lie must It&' been 'AL Mile under pursuit, A vi,,;tt to Ills cell slioNl�ea vinegary-browti fintrio of 49 ati'd it Asil r ke atl',t6. Ato L LARGE 011TAIENT OV d j() but. I will only- ta und, cause lie struck water and I ir d matrom -.'Utali InAtinpr, find aoveral were assisto how artfulll, tile eucripa hall boFn gray in 1PAV6 I ill dL style morel fifrried than I!Iglkt ;� I bave 14t lily ease at hoiw,, tile watel; pdure'' up we pinned, NVilson had 011ed a. d mow gracerul. The boys, hottever, radiet, "I'd they Weak up, torijbly lit lily cou.1,1 sloo. I',, eltiviceit and covpred himst-If Willi ',Reach. I . . : . _j _V I Otticililetes Arnica Salve,, 0 \r id the*( Ifornian 1phjoyod Ito and g Was, forliled pocket," Was the reply.' at's so.16,. oat 'all te blood and ripping open the Inat. them, With solemn. agree. Ing out a handful ,cif tile choice idi an expreogififf of pull! trPRS concealed in it. Tijw I 11) tile worlij for ('11tift, I.t aIsorti ill 11 lilt of st ow, QrujQas, Sores, Ulcers, 81-h ithetim, knent to keep ekilingoh tile' Id,to t1lo OuNtolijor Clio apothe. "You bett but it. spiled"the 11 ROOT & STRAt CUTTIN9 90MI grocei Min o' pe
C.'ry .. ullfil�.he had late' mid ice train till cell\.wilidow ail I ft-vitr soreg, Totter, ChApped llitindii; gave -$onto otlean order,.. d iffitil lit tSwaybaak art(] me never seen no k,pi, Ilia feet and, well frozoil conisilitid all Skfn� Bruit# One to Auit hill), itifill then HkplacIng 'tell thut Ilcile.'I Otto dity, eight ok, ten months a9w, b" tho I I , yellaW oil in it up to the time whon ho tloijtI, all(I prif4itively cures of 110 Conti SIMMERS$ ob agent for it Detroit hou I . ir proper I,ox, took so entered I o profriered 25 amit pijwe' all% foobitf"p4ill tht)-cofridat, whenlin , pak. required. it is golshrailloolita give On the gPonery Prepared for ills worst, IrOPPNI it in -hill dill.- Aft�r woney, Noer made as direw it in A buckpt. Theirefore, or Money rertill(led. And all Implmlienta used a farin t,lli$ 111. firt,Vely 'took . LIVe . WITTI . %.P but what 0-06 big ninstorTiont, to be wmuch money botiord nor since. tile jailvir entereci Ito follild prive 25 centw Por bov, ri gin SAt's DY as Good, al'tha B(�Af, And (is Cheap 'with it smile of welcornti. 801d it tO it tenddriloot bank . preall. tile 111101'a feet and hands so cold OR tts *Co. 2684sr as tile Cheapest, at Ifloln his 111olwy drawtr, hit(], pro. ttv Thill WAIT40110w6d by kind words and curing isomenvatolles froiln it sihole, foTba geylief, And ga oat b6fore the to leave no doubt of till, prisoner's Ifiltor on ijy about 000 ioppel thellool,ey anti the lucifei,s� molediod,,' I novor, heitird what tile death, ital 'goods, he Ajo J, was 80 in tilt) yout)� Itiall,f, hand, slt�,Ijllg. as 36nderfoot did Witt) 10f 'J. 'Do WEIR"S (I tjjenbwp Ito did sto , 14110 51 -6-6- home and to a0voral of h1a;arquaint- This advice Witatakon I'IV 010 YOutbt iferenimy 0-ofillidontially, "kild 119 "' Peninve' worlyls Ivithout inju,�y to PP Wit YaN1.111-11,11ittr5NT WAUEROOS,
wid it was A wbt�k, b�roro Ile "I'd yhell 110 httd. ill lig" btielt got Any of -tile v* adult of, infant. 277-3t, n On-troto t1w to�v find
rhsoin�",hi - Ptlech00, Will its costly arotna I., ensy, h1so liffell lit litoelc
N ze, one of flia plon. 011499 Irerielittl tho d-fittitory organ,4 %)f I)IIS Mr. CTRS, olftrl, �,d,e
ituot it Alt " IvIligperod tho U60. The, Wheielerand Wilson, aild thg 4 01"Paindh# Doinestid
i'And dI,l 1j6 eohnnua o' buy 4d Ini ijIgc�6j)j parlion, Alto tortipti her 1p 4 g I i6lewing Hacfiw. f iiina, ran") wiftli lilt hand, to Ills a Arn gla.) to learn" is, cd 8 Osve-ligh'te I Orbit tip to It' 0. -Ind hn' I Ito it tho errojeta of 4 of $out, I)OUS611f A4ed one Who IlAd nhI
foll(Iti-of au I) 11k)II, It viollng from $Z lit), in $)10, nottis ill
Irlie, how ofin ion no'ciell to Anloko 9WAY1,inik. AgM4 MOD, tit# itliouldor. The injnity wni; rlls. A , !e�jjt VlIplety recial 5L (11, 1,',Iioiiy Tall NNIIA
gi cl� AW MI, LL to $to, Ill 112 oorU4 I- .4 r . BUT Colit Cig4eal"L iftinell by Ills ljorses runifing AI�Ay., n2", lindlet's liffildel" V unirla I"ov'k.s" I'll III lig 1111)('81 flar-
111011110mli, li,honv Chin Pirm, Fititrool(tit"Violin Citti,4 from
llAnd yol, Jarnpit will kilep civin of flia Z 't iI hy not ?01 t i" �good HOM 1985 PP S tit e0lifs to tit, )tit
itiough for ljjo� I'llti eoliqtjwA wit "IlPentme withlb, tot) days arior 1:4 0W.j plt kA 1% NT Wfllin v rtpr.- A r6 it (I %v I i re, I ii I, ts. IT I 6 it o 0 I k i �(dd (62 -It �rl I OR I t, I t llook, Own (ill Ili 1114 111a line.sit 40jeutloll of Mithouls ever prod ticed. deto, An flnd ofl�e(nit,j rom. line. Ilaviligpilt In it *caire &blii Poltin Block, Clinton, 00.
it Ito &1'116d g6l 6UT, #06f Willing in. follow hill) to tollo, At fifis tiblomil of% D 0119tilt-M61A mly, to r4lmilve fill hin(JAL Or Jty gV4 0#))f# ok) t), Al'. 'flit -01141,4 of (lit. (11, 0, t.6 Ar, % JR14 r0l, i7,�A 6 RTY
271 31, -ly N1111. '-)'I 7'. 2 C. 011 I
lives tbsthegro4 wheraws 114tikQ our great Ijuix.t. Ourpills,'cuic It while, cji liars. do Ili't, Cat, ter's lAttle !I ill a %triefly vegetAble an do not gri 0 or I) ti bILt by titir gintle aci loll picuse ANTI*
r a theirl. fji v tile at 2, cenui. five fur$l. Sold CAUTE4 R MEDICUNL4' CO., New ork R �vl, Father Wfids". Tim Rev. , Z6 -P. Wilds, well-known city missionary lit Now Yd.rlc, and brother.of the late enilno� . it Judge Wildig,ofthe Mationchits.. 'set s Supreme Court,,writes as4olldlers: :. 11 79 AP 541h t !Veto York-, ��Iny 1'6, 1892. t & 0)., Gentlemen Last irl er I tro6bled with aInost tincoin-
trnwl so Inlensel, tliatl c0al(I scarcely beap
Othing Overl-tbelu; I Was AlSo a'atiff ' erer � severe calarrli allit catarrhal congh. nay to was poor,'and my system a good deAl run Value ofAYEIt's SAAAj%PA, by obscrvation of many other ciailes, anti iersonal use in former yearsi I begait taking
abovc-nainea disonlers. My akp�otftq 'a I
Almost froin the Arst dose. A ter a .into tile fover and itching allaye'd, slid
,is of irritation of theskin d1sapteared. y It mud couch wore also cured
ko:1,9Or,, 1tlul I Attribifte these results to ilia , , 4
0 APARMLA, Which I recoroniontA %Xlth Fill its the beat blood inciligino ovei, evised. I took it n snintil closes I treat t1nicit a nnd used, lit till, -legs than two bottleti I pbigetlf�sofacts At Your. SKJOrigo, hophig their publioaflon gn6ils . I I i L . I I . .. . .
ou'rile above. Iii'stance Is but One of the Many can Strultly,conlifig.to our notloo, whiolt, prove Lite p,cr,* feet daptability of AYFRIII'SAICOAPRILIA tot tho enro.of all diseses.arlsing front hnpvi�oOr Ito,'
povorfli'llea blood hndg ilromicened vitality. - Ayerls., Aars'aparffla cfennses,, onrielles, and str6rigthena the blood, .4thnillates.thoaction of tho,stonlKich and bowe"IN, unit 4xilreby enables the systent to resist hild oVer, coine Ilia attnekgof.all,�c�qfulous Dis�tvtres. Erup, -tiond qrthe rafar4-rh, Gen , ovill Dibilily, nit disorders resulting front ]Knor'efl corrupted brood and a,low'statolof the system. PUEPAUED nr DrA4.0. Ayeo..& 00,, Lowell, Mass, Sold by all. Druggists; prilde 61, Fir bottlea for 96, AYER'S cATHAImC
PILLS gativo curit Collatipation.11ildigestion. Headache, &kid SciliflevpIrywIlic.. Xlwairillitsillisillple. WA"TGHE,& Clocks, J�ewe101f VERWA El* a,j, BIDDLEGOMB�;.. OPPOSITE THE MARKET, CLINTON Titillm' Gott ond Bloo whes, Ent, Ring, B jjid, S., IV
eand PI a-, te d WARES, Roltable for 11011dily, Wed(linst, or tkjrth�
day 111-owlittit. Goolls forhirgo at- mall ptlrse4, ail4l to snit all ; see t -11(y stotk. varlety of
Everything of tile best vaskiti. Go.itlomen'A P1 lilt 11111 14"filley Ili variety.
ProlmotIs' hitobde d to
A M1 0WOK of lap
Ot 1,116 On hand, aJ# 33i'ddlecow" ot Ite aktf, Clinton, .