HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-19, Page 1Ifht SUN tiosittord
144 VII61414010
*Teri' WOd46111411Y MOritirt
41 TIMM 0601011,
Albert Otroat Clinton, Ont.
!I• 114$ Irt eoloonos ; nos so paid,
Tr10 prOpriotOril of Tee Qopenice
lieeleepeteleuree the businese aud pleet
Tee'lleatie Recoup, will ie future
'publish the 81114483118t0‘1134028 in Clinton,
under thi3 tide Of IsT4WS-
Clinton is the moat proaperons town in
'Wooten% Ontario, is the seat of oonsiderable
manefactoting, mei the centre of the finest
agrienitural Booth:on. in Ontario. ,
The combined. circulation of Tex Nmete
Rigour' exceeds that of any paper pub.
• eshee ia the 'County of Huron. Itis,
• therefore' UlillOrpassed. as an advertising
medium. Our rates for advertising aro:
1 polite= 1 year, $90 e column 1 year, $30
1 u 0 mos,- sa i " 6 mon, 181
1 " 4 MS. .30 e " 3 mos 13,
1 " I year, 50 lk " I year, 18
44 0 U188, $0 fr ' 6 mow, 32
" Amos, 14 e ," 3 toes, 8
,A.4vertinoments, without instroctions as
to apace antidote, sell be left to the ,iinIg.
meat of the compositor in the dieplay, in
aerted until forbidden, measured by 4
gale of solid nonpareil (it line* to the
a '-'10t and charged 10 coup, a line for first
;maims and 3 cents a line for each frah-
eupt 4n t lusertion.',JOiders..to discontinue
advertisements must •bi-i'writing.. .
tar Notices sot as nuAntruk sfArritn,
(Nonpareil measurement, 12 lines to the
ineh), 10 cents per line first insertion ; 3
gents per line each t..ubsequent inaertion.
We have one of the best appointed Job
Ofticer-west Toroutoz• -Our •faeilities
this department enable us to do all kinds
of workfrere a collie card to a mammoth
poster, iu the beet-etyie„ known to the
craft, and at the lowest peasible ratee.
Orders by mail promptly attended tO,
Tho News.-Reoorcir—
ciinton. out
- 811.81NE88DIRECTORY.
TERM; $1,25 per Annum, in A4vezoe.
148fiesi•• ift ea•••
Late of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal College
, of Dental Surgeons, haa removed to the
Coats Bleck over Taylor & Son's.
WEIT41,7&i TODD, l'ablielters.
VOL n ---NO,
All work ffrstmlass. Charges moderate.
. _ dc SON, Sin:Gaon
rit,t,-,14 ce ' ,Dawriars, willcon.
tinue the businesa
• formerly carried
on by W. E. Cart,
- • lre ee -e ' A
. e. -7.....7.......-.P4.. _ wright.
Iblic't.itfl Oil Sk ' "
_• • .....4,--. on Friday and
ee eel:v.- - • Saturday 0,
each week, in the .old stand, Victoria
Block, Albert St. Olt nton.
l'AR. REEVE. Office, Rattenbury Street, nu.
mmliately behind Itansford's book store.
Itesidenee apposite tho Temperance Hall, Huron
Street. 01Hee hours from 8 a.m. to.8 p.
Cliuton, Jan. 14, 1881. .4-1-y
Barristers, Sotieltore, conveyancers, 'sc. cont.
retutalets fur Ontario and '
;Pr Office—TOWN. gth„ °LINTON.
Clinton, May 1711i, .4.882: 20
Office, Beaver Block,'OlInton, . v22tf.
•CEAGER A-HORTON, rfarristers,dee
lurichand Winghaip. • C. Sever, Jr., Goderith.,
J. A. Ilerton,,Wiugham. 1-1y. . -
DAvisoN. 14 JOHNSTON, Law, C'haneerymnd
Conveyancing. -011lee....Mest Street, next
door to Post office;goderich, Ont. Ht. •
fitlyg,liioderich, Ont. .07.
,044" Honey to lend at•
lowest Mt00 Ail• lutcrem.
ECAMPION, A1torn6y, Solicitor in Chancery;.
.. Cohveyalicer, dm -Office over Jordan's Dyne
Store, the rooms fonuerly occupied by Judge
Doyle. . . : . . •
tar Any amount of money to loan at lowest'
IV rate. of interest. ' -
• '
TARES BURNS, Lidensed Auctioneer for the
CCunty of Huron. Satoh attended at reason-
able rates. Office at Weatherald'S, Albert8t0eet.
.Orders iet at Tim Nawaitecoac 00100 Will be
Attohded to. .
Clinton, Nov. Oth 1883.
AUCTIONEER for •Huron CountY. SaleO-
tended to in any part of the county.- „Ad.
dress orders. to Golurrtunt 4'. O. . V.17.
. . •
UCTIONEER, land, lean and Insurance agent
Slyth. Sales attended in town and country,
so reasonable terms. A list of farms and village
tots for Salo.. Honey to loan on real estate, st.
•low Beteg of Interest, Insurance effected on all
classes of property. Notes and debts collected.
Goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank.
inapt stocke bought mid sold.
_.Birth. Dec. 18, 1880
J. E. BLA6KALL,: .
Veterinary Surlieon,
tiraduate of the Ontario Veterinary Confie, To.
ronto, hiring opened an office In Clinton, is
prepared to tre4 all diseases of domestic
Aninutly on' the most modern prin.
(sillies. MI operations carefully .
performed, and callstpronipt.
•ly attended to be daP or •
night. Fees modumto,
Orettoie—let . door Wegt of
nedy'S goto, Clinton, Ont.
Vtuoirat. •
'IVSTRUMENTAL, iHISIC.-Ltdiss Webber, frem
J. the Boston Conservators, of Mutilop will take
•si limited !Mather of pupils on tho orlon or piano.,
Partionlix attentlog given to thoSe Who WI811 to
mprove on their present style of playing, at rest.
statice01 P. Pavia, near the organ Newry, as
L'O. L. No. 710,
Meets SECOND :MONDAY of ev011'
month. nail upstairs, opposite
the Town Hall. Visiting brethren
always made welcome.
A. M. 'rob% W. M.
10. Aleeemetesiey.- a, TIVELOY, D. H.
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WM WEEK'S 12(0041QS.
The Salvation Army at St, Oath,
erines has made 13Q oonVerte
4. neapected counterfeiterwthhia
I�5'9 amount -of bogus silver o
person wait arresttel at Montreal.
Over 700, applicationa. for licenses
have been mule in Diontri el, only
300 of which will be granted'.
Canon Dumoulin has tram order -
•d to pay the costa id the omit of
Lauatry v, Domoulio.
Mr. Justice Armour, in ad.
deem to the Grand Jury at Barrie
vigorously defended tli0jury
An exoclus of families living in
London Went, took place in ;Sip -
prehension "ofe good ben cateel
by the thaw,
Mr. C. H. Gray, near Gananogue,
:41C:3 had 26 Sheep killed by dogs. •The
CZ') owner of the latter paid hint $120,
but still he is out $100.
• V4001144
tir,orroN t4d *a, 84, ,A. to. It A L.
MOB* evory, fodder,. Oft- Of after the full
MOIL %finning bredandOrdiAlly InVihed.
MA0W1flR1ER, W. g. I. FOATIII4t,+fi8e.
Clinton, 14, 1331. ••1'
ITO1 Afe, you that tete nee A0,4, mid
rotten nee, .14 tinny finher`i,
'bit Tonsorial -AMA, Cinstain ttatiloilatot, Pont
eiporator',', 4ind OapillarY Abridger, One door
esteof the ette fletill 'Clinton Cht,
Judge Boyd has declared, in con.
nection with a contested school. trus-
tee election, that all the ratepayers
of - Brockton are- diafranclesee until
they'rpo.y their taxes.
It is understood that the ateamerg
of the Beatty Line wil! be Com-
manded during the corning season as
follows :—United ginpii e, Captain
Robertson ; Qtrabec, Captain Syne
es; Ontario, Captain Zeatand.
The •Montreal Police magistrate
refused IiVirceept the evidence of a
carter named Charette in an assault
chine on it being proved that the wit-
ness was a notorious blasphemer.
Dooguld McArthur,. a wealthy
• Lobo farmer, about 35 yearn old and
unmarried, has been' arrested for
committing an indecent aturault and
dciing grievous budily harm to Miss
Aere lway, 'wtte lives near . Roanoke,
The body of a man recently found
frozen to death near Bristol station,
Michigan, was identified as Duncan
•McDougall. lie at one time lived
on the Canada siee, below earnia,
and is said to have relatives at Wal-
laceburg, Out,
Mrs. Jane A. Breaks, of 011iesgo,
to evade trouble regarding a judg-
• Meta. against her. late husband's . es,
tate for $68,000, has temporarily ,es-
tablished herself at London, carrying
ivith her a yalise coutaitung $90,-
4 StifOnge Suicide,
A W0RT11141410,Lcit'8 DISMAL PaRDIG.
A Philadivat
* tle ch Pays
Amelia Maag, one of the prettiest
belles of Bridesleirg, cut her throat
and killed herself the other day, in
herenother'n house because a wan-
dering fortune teller had prophesied
for her a long and unlucky married
Tlifheewpirtelittay 7;aentismheofcouthldis nos itng1 vlae,
tragedy 1ioa. 4441 1106Is of suitors.
She was only twenty-two years oki,
and had lived all her life with her
mother and brother, the letter keep-
ing a prosperous tavern. She wee
a Nociehle, merry, intelligent gi s 1,
and she never passed a gloomy day
iu her life until the Meadow of the
fortune-teller fell across her path.
"A purer girl never livrai," said a
member of the Lutheran church
afterehe tragedy. She kept her
lovers all at an equer dialeatiee and
her bealte to heraelf, About- A.
month ago there wandered; into
Brideaburg a little old Dutchman,
loon, shrivelled and • stiarp-eyed,
wed stopped at the lieited States
Arsenal and proelaimed Iiiingelf a
fortune teller. He Wandered about
and finding Miry Fritch and Awe-
lja.Maag et the former'house pro-
posed to tell their fortunes.
"You were born Unlucky," be
said to Amelia. looking at hererand,
"and you will be unlucky uutil you
die. You will bring evil upon those
Remit you. You must not give
presents beeatise they, carry bad
Inek.with them, nor accept ,presents
of others."
The fortune-teller referred to
Amelia's past with aufficient aceur-
any in deteit to frightee the young
girl; and tiredly ehe risked lien I
"Will marry I" • ,
i'Y es," replied the fortune-teller.
"You will marry tone you are' not
in love with, and you are fated. to
nee with hinva long, long time,"
The girl became' very Muter de-
pressed, and from that time' never
saw another happy mouteut.
Let's fiq to Dakota.
Was it a Woowoult
44.0TI149 LIKE ON ee Tee LAST.
A strongly built female, attired
in the height of helium, addressed
Jamea McCorineck, of 37 Stanton
stteet, Richmond, Va., on Thursday
nigh. At nrst McCormack paid
no n.ttention to her, but, being toi-
le -Nee by the Woman, finally turned
sharply and asked her what he
'eft's so dark. I'metfrald to go
home " Paid the mysterious fetuale
in soft tones. Her large, expressive
blue eyes seemee to till with tears,
while her lips, that covered a pretty
mouth that a ripe cherry would fill,
quivered pitifully.
"If tliat'e all yeti want," replied
McCormack, gallantly, "I'll go
hotne with you. Where de you
live I" •
"At No. 16 Rivington street. It
is not very far; but then I'm afraid._
ral ways- haVe- been siege- My bus -
0'• -
a As the couple walked along they
chatted pleasantly abeut the weath-
er, the elle, the ice-eatnival, etc.
TIet woman seemed to be well vers-
ed in agtrciitomical, matters, and
,conversed fluently...on -• • -
vomit etraoricee
•Three Toronto wonien tried to
1Ittny of the farmers have large
better their condition by; going to •
Montreal.. • They tried -to ,get work families, are poor, have come from
distant States, ane • many,from
dreaSmaking but failed. They
would notiteg and when found were Europe, lieve: struggled bravely
so emaceeed from : want: et foodagainst.the delays of. opening uteehis
that .they Led to :be .taken to.the
hospital.. , • land for 'settlement and the tardy.
•survey, hay(' endured .two *biters
The•Reforniers . • . of East, Miry, in here with ne Maim°, trae lieavy opt -
convention amemblece • passed_ re:
lay, and now, Wiled theyefind them -
.solutions •of coudoleoce With • the '
wife arat fatuity of the" late A. W.: 's°1196 on ihe 1•051"e•r#Yi'
Lauder,' conservative -M. R. P. for sorely needing every cent. -they ean
ilectieunty, awl testified to the zeal rake end scrape' together-, -in 'order 'to
and .ability With Which he for many developtheir .faerus in.. the Pring,
years discharged the enportent they-lmee to remain passiveunder
trust reposed in him. tire most outrageous epbbery,-
'In the appeal cliambereat aleede ea Correspondence St. Viral Pionder-
trration Was made to have Press,
elaeses e 30 11 and 14 etruck out of
the Aigrette- petition, au& the elapses
charging the dovernnient. With, bay-
dirieursee Tetley, • foe co.wpt
purposee during the Algonia cam-
paign.Juseice Burton held ;the
clause* to be scandalous and irrele;
eanteitud'Orciereci them tiebe struck
They have .had a- :rare guecesaien
• of eccidente i13. tee l'eilding.line at:
Seeley's Bay, it Vill8ge miate miles
to the east of Kinglbton. A resident
thee recounts them -.-First., 'a:brick
,school -house fell:for Want of e prop-
er foundation ; We Arad( steelier,
and it la •about te fall down •,.. We
builta town hill and the wind blew'
it down, ; we built a great wharf
and the flood took it aerey,;• we
,built a church, arid for. Want of 'a
proper' foundetion it fell down ; wa
built two others, and it is feared
they Will share thaseine fate.
"Have you ' travelled eo much,.
then I" asked McCormack, in :sir -
prise, as his companion rattled on
etraut.the various cities in the' Ole
World. • • "
"Ole yes," viasthe reply; "I'tte
been all over tho world two or three
hut its glorious in.1.6fidon,"
she continued,. "The fog bangs over
the city, like a pall—so glootneettncl
awe inspiring that one unacute owed
to iefeelita'ved by the tomb -like at-
mosphere.. Oh; here we atee See
how 'clerk.. the house • loeksi alt the
lighte . are out. I, geess .everyoue
has gene to bed," •
"Good night • then said kr..
MOCortrack, es lie turned to :get
. .
0011-," rippleefrom between the
lips of the *ornate, "you surely are
not going •now• after going to fia1.
with tee,_ are • you t; Won't' „you
come in for it few 'Dements I" . • •
McCormack declined the invite;
tion avtirst, but upon beitg pressed
by his emnpanion; at Iast consented-
"to stop just a few .moineets." ,
• '
He ,• entered, the • house: ' Whet
followed can best be told in McCor-
eitack's Wordin the Essex -Market
°Police. Court yesterday, where the
womere after being ,arrested, was
errainged. • . . •
• ."When 1 got -inside, the wemen,
as 1 supposed 'her to be,' threw her
arms round my neck.' and • kissed'
we. She called me her 'dear,' and
said 1 wag the only person she ever
levee, aud all that rot. '' Fiitally she
lighted the gas: The room . Was
handsomely. furnished.: She retie v-
eil -lite hat and sealtikin cloak. eller
'-steel colored silk dress fitted per -
fettle, without- a wrinkle...-. There
she stood heforele me; with
• 1114.R IIANDS' CLASPED'. .
I thought her 'Nee. 4 rather.
dark for one havie Olt Iight, -
...curly hair, and remarked it. e 011,
that's ' nothing,'. she .replied; 'See
here,' and taking her Mitt :by. tlie
bangS, lifted it 'Off• the top of her
head. Ir :Was pearly. Struck death
bywhet, follovied,, she Melee her
hair on .4 table, end, -unbuttoning
her dress,Cheeped it to the floor
to titerket report..of tlie same paper. . and stood- before me in men's cloth-
of the SillBe ,date : •
• Oats firmest 38c, et) 390, for 200
bushels.. • •
• There spates td be a
erepancy between the etatement of
• the eraptlemaii who writes the Glebees
:political thunder and 'the stateinent
llie gentleman . who 'writes tha.
iiiniple market facts for the..Globe,
Again, take the Globe's :
• ,
. TJie Massaheaetts : • Legislature .stateiriente ' • .• .
haseeeseel eel preeetine teat wife, Oats at Beffalee 43 centre
• • And compare it with the market
beatersalielt be, flogged... ••
grsss faetetatement of the BeffaleCo,urier
',A 'colotired duididate feet:6n
hag been noininatof tiles rale date; as follows:
Iina Iteepeblictine, ed by South dee 4Carer
Oats-0.6am' sample 'white at 41
.eefffeeecerits ; 2- cirri mixed' weatere at •40e
Dig snowslides in Colorado..
-1 car mixed western at 38. • • •
leg towns rind men, women and
It•Will ebe seen that when • the
children eWalicevett, up. :°
Ololtreepolitical:•statement is.dittest-
• Father :Murphy, of Dover, N. H., ed of its political inacceracye the
has been else ucted to excommere- Mit question leerier AO remitter itself
gate tlie Emmet essociateg unless., down to nothing. Now let us take
, .
More &odl%.. in the -States. In le eueeek; .'yeptereay. :weeat was
the ealloya of Virginia, itHasiestepe. Amon:. . .
• and Califortes'a great deal,of ee• In • Toretite. yeaterdity 'Wheat Of
age has WW1 d")1'°' the seine grade was $1.19 r
.10 is proposed. by. a committee of. • Different in favor of the, "great
the Urns se of Representatives to grant 2ic4.Mts a bushel."
st,00moo yearly to the.grie Canal
to•keep diet highway rap as a check
to railway eXtortion, also to prevent
the present- of the bulk of
wentern traffic toward Montreal,
The -guest severe blizzard of the
teraaon in 181innegota wee last week,
Trade of all kind was suepentled and
the people .kept' iii dem% The
storm Waft aevere everywhere in the
State. ,, ri1 the peighberbood of St,
Vintient' the enoi in'pluees is drift.
ed thirty feet deep, ,
O'DynaMite Rosa tho 'Brit-
iali Houses of pat.liatnent will be
hlown up Within els Weeks. Oq
Dynamite Reasa. Adele ho tarred
end feathered by the A4)4410608.
He is iliagreeneg the item° Aerate
Can fit lie and Iiist confederates
have disgraced the Immo of
man. re giving license to hitt
.motithings, . the. American people
are encouraging the growth of a
Cififfil that will eventually injure' the
'Thlited States more than England,
The Hanilltori Speetato.r of March
. . ,
the Ilei contains the following :
• "This statement was found in the
editorial columee of the, Gioia: of
yesterday : •
• Freits of • the'gresit N. P.—Oats
'at Buffalo, .43 celets ; at Toronto, 37'
And this was found in the Toren -
• A Wealthy Beggar,
Yesterday afternoon a constable
from Bismark, Elgin county, arrived
at the Elgin 'House of Industry' with
a Actuante individuel named Reed,
He WAS wrotobedly filthy, hie clothe
ing cousieting ef rotten rage wbich
hung to his •person io tatters. So
4i18,1)4140E1 Was Isiti teething, in fact,
that it could not be washed, tuid he
admitted be hail woru the gavreents
inoessantly forereven year without a
chimp. Hie flesh wen ON in. a
filthy state, the dirt being etreaked
en• y r
ingand crying whb
If so, stead at owe testi got 0. bpt
Weteleyem Srateitilek 6441/4' rtilt rILI.11
ur Teargleo. Its rem is insole 'got
It will eget teethe peer *tie Kaiser komes
diatoiY. DPI3041- hit% t.utbsii, thglit
la no mistake oboe It •itaitliii.47**tarl
and dier.thom, regaletee.the atom** es,u
bowels, cram wieti Polite sotteeititt 11041es
reduces ineenenstiote Ate (ewe toreeeue
enerey to the whole syatera, Maj. Wite.,
LOW 0 SOOTHING SYS'S'? Vigt, Wg-411146ft
TitVINNO 141 14104OHDIt At the With reit
the ereserietiori of tee' Oldie 01000 1/20141
physietano etie meow teethe Hefted Smite
Pt' 14 6114 01'113Y 0111 Oen** ,thrselert
out the world. Price 20 wattle& pew%
A114Wie tide
Why do so pure reldt lore i ito194.
us, sane to prefer to sutler and IS RI*
41118417410 by Itelleetiaie ggnIltiP"Pg
Dizziness, Loss 144%1/petite utnutelreeP 94k
tile Food, yeliper Skye whet °for'75ette
wo will sell thew, sidiela's Vitellair,galus
enteed to ewe. gold byJ. Combs,
A Valuable illitt,
Artiaans, actora, apartameo, me%
ohanics end laboring men, in, No all
Who unduly exert ImISP1414f etrenstIol
are subjeet paiefel contraction". t
the cords, Stiff jointe ene !loneness;
to all ewe, Hagyardet Yellow Oil is
Promet rertel• perfeet cure,
278 41,
tnerwAtitie cure for Cetarth, Diptheree
Cankermouth„ and tread Mho; With
each battle thee to an higee'eue nual Iu
livteirothptleawg tlioneeasse4tehelliatachirang4dgeenteltre. t4Pheereit°cse: ef:011;cniettP176h4Filirh- 6:11t.r4cert:r4l2$2get::
creatediby the vermin which played
hide and seek ali over- his booy.
Reed was taken down stairs by the
manager:of the Institution, Mr. Huns-
berger, and the surgeon, Dr. Luton,
and the attendants
B -dere this was uudertaken h 3 Was
eeked if IA itad,any moneyt and he
replied that be had enough to pur-
chase tepaiiel beetle that- wale all,
As the work of divesting the mau of
his garmente progressed, however,
bags ofesilver and gold, wellets filled
with • Coin, and old stockings and
rage also rich in motley were brought
to li1it.-Sniiiee'rthelee file
pocket, ethers sewed upin -various
parts of his -clothitig, and a large
number of them.strapped. around .1118
body. • After ehe tupelo° had all
been pla6ed upon a, tablieetewas
found to Consist of a 920 gold piece,
which had town carried ' So long it
begun to wear, ewo. $10 gold pieces,
four 95 gold pieces; and about 915010
silver half dollars, quarters, and 10
and 5 cent pieces. There were throe
91 bills in the collection wbich, were
se fastened together with filth that
they had to be Melted over. a latnp
before they; 'could •be •separated.
Much of the coin was covered with
.moule„ The bulk of .th 3 , silvar waa
in 10 cent pieces, there watt enough
of thio denomination to tar an ordin-
ary dinner pail, The total
VALUE OP VIE 1t0411.13 wee 9220,
Reed watChed the searchers pro-
ceed with their work without uttering
a wed. Neither did he condescend
to explain how he had come by. the
money, but the surmiee is that he
&mimed it by begging. lee was
tbbroughly cleaned and proyided
with, a change of linen, and this morn, -
jug Mr; Itunsberger deposited the
money found upon the beggar in a
city bank, . •• •
.. The Money, was deposited with
Mr G. Suffel, manager of the North-
West Loan fiociety. 'Two of the one
dollar bills found on.Reed were Bank
�f Commerce issue of 1807. As ono
dollaibills have rice boon issued by
this bank for many years, it is prob.
able that the fellow had carried them
jteonuri.loaLr.fif.teen..years.St. . Thomas
NOVION‘ raetS And rigarea.
Will be cheerfully given bv
proprietors of turclook Blond Bittern,
regarding the many certificates of
wonderful flitrOts male by Chet med.
leine in chronic diseases of the blood,
liver and kidneys, revealing firOof
that is beyond the possibility Or too
rPtito by the roost theredulous.
27816 *
mg. I was surprised, end When
she said shewas a Man &lid demand-
ed a carter' amount,. of Money
from me 1 tried to escapeibet the
fellow drew a dagger end threatened
ea kill me if 1 ran away. I handed
over the money, and when. I tried
to • get, out he again stopped me.
'Then Ikicked him and got awaywhile • he was hunting for • his
when the blood is linidett with 1111-
purit4es,. and mattes 'sluggishly le gm
veins, an, alterative is iteafiedt
Ibis Goncleera cif the vital fluid can,
not last long without aerlowi reetilte,
There is nothing better than Ayar's
Sarsaparilla to purify the laletell
impart energy to the system,
Shiloh's (lousumption Cure*
-Thiele 'tepid question the Wilt tete
eessful Cough Mode:hie we have ever sold,
a few drops ittlf8viabli Cures the worst
-ewes Or Oliugh,- Of Sup, anti • illFenelatis—e
while WS W0111101461 84005511 19 tlift clip 01
Consumption is without •a ptrallel iu the
history of medicine, Sinop it's feet 4Ie-
eoveryte)es leen eole a s parauttio, 4
test whiGh. no other medicine cam stand,
If you have a Cough wo etWIINItlY a.sk you
-to try it, -Brice 10etteeteets, iiI14100‘
If your Lungs are sore, Chest, or :tote
Lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price_
25cts. Sold. by J, H. Combs. 26247
Killed On The Trait*,
A shocking occident oecurred on
the Greet Western division at Paris
last. week, resulting in the death of
yardsmatt named George 114lb:hel1,
within two hundred yards from the
doorWay of his own dwelling. The
unfortunate man was returning to
work.from djnner, tied was walking
along the siding, when )10 stepped
from the seiteli upon the main line
in order to avoid a train ,that WAS
Moving ,into the aiding. At the
Imam time onetime train was be-
ing shunted upon the mitin line, bu
Miteltell unhappily failed to observe
its proximity until he wan struck
tted knooked down, the care peeing
over lea prostrate fain. Deetb
must have resulted 0111108t IDAHatt.
tah801141y1 his body twine ahootit
eompletely Revered 10 twain, 4119W*
Ing his bowels tO protrude in a sick-
ening manner, Ilia bend was also
badly mailed and ohe arm cot WI,
besides which his body was terribly
mangled, Deceased .had beenern.
pleyed in the Paris yard for tlb011t
tWelltpag Y08314 9114 Waft about
kitty yoora of itgo. fle leavott
Wife to MOUrn )481004
After escaping, 14t.:Cor'netek Met
Offieee. Wokelon, of the Eldridge
street Pplice Station, and told him
of the circumstances.
• The policeman, supposing . the
man to be the masquerader against
whom the police have ,been trylie;
to get evidence, Iturriee to the house
end arrested bine ,
In erairt thin sheep being gave
the nrang of August Hasse.,In the
house the officer found a slung -shot,
a revolver, and the dirk that had
'beerriftedeteleerify IttiOotutatle,'
When the eVidence. had been
taken and McCormackwas about
to leeye the court,. Hasse caught
lern"by the arm -and sank his teeth
: into his hand A *pelmet- of fel
• onions remelt was made one end
the prisoner was held in $1,000 for
triel, As the Justice spoke the
amount of bail Hasid fell to the,
floor in a 'heap. He was, taken to
the prison, where After an examine -
thee Dr, 1.4ealle, tlra prison physe
-clan, pronouneed hint dead, a
few moments, however, aitzes of
life wore, seen, anti Hasse was molt
to Bellevue lieepitat in an metre -
IV. iTs Fennell, of the tosenallip
of Howicke purposes going to the
Net -thereat this Redoes. In view. of
this hie Mende of the Orange
hrotherbeed, presented him with
heavy • pair of blankets to a slight
nramente, When the cold ranges
50 below ger° in lea new home the
rhiatiatitel:tbsrawniele.lhelp Mr, Pennell to
keep his 'Lorick. friends in waren
led Week Mimi Alice Hewitt., of
tOrlo was waited upon et her
fatirare resitierice sea prctienteti
with an address, eccompenied by a
beentitei gem banting cane Wetell,
wird and 1061444, as a, mark or ea.
teem and appreciation of her twee
vicea organiat of St. Cleergeri
elitirele at that place.
A. Question to the point
Reader, have you a languid, weak
and tired feeling, with nervoue see
haustion, especially en the early
spring? Then your -liver is intuitive
and eireulatioe poor. Arouse the
torpid liver, elespee tee eltigeish
blood and regulate the aecretione
yeah that purifying tor*, Bertiock
Blood Bitten), enett
Breach of •Oromise.
The Course of true -love never'
runs smoothly, and this hes been
fully realized by a young lady reed-
•ing in London, Wt.,' who may pos-
sibly figure at the Spring Assizes as
Cartees Little Liver Bills are free
from all *rude and irriteting matter,
concentrated medielne clan Tell'
stual; very easy to take; no pato; tie
griping; no purging, 278 2t1
• Clare for Rheumatism.
Sufferers front either acute or'
chronic rheumatism will find no snore
ready relief or bettor 014111 tlinnItaio
yard's Yellow Oil; the Patellar house-
hold remedy for external and intents
al.use in 411 painful affections.
., • 278 23
eyees 'Hair Vigor stireglates etre ,
heir cells to healthy nation, and pris.
motes a vigorous growth. It contains
all that can be supplied to make the
natural hair beautiful and abundant;
keeps the scalp free 'from, dandruff,
prevents the hair from becotain4
dry aild harsh, and makeit flexile"
end glossy.
plaintiff in an action for breach •of
promise . of marriage. Tlie young'
weettra inleuestion-has barely panted
her eightemith year, but` possesses a
very -':graceful figure, '. Coed vatin g
stele, and is -also eof prepossessing
appearanee. 'It appears .• that in
-July last . she foruied • the ecenaine
Meer of a rather geedlooking young
MAR; a eabinet-maker by trecle,• ape
upon him Bile lavished all her maid-.
en affections: ; He appearee to re-
ciprocate her passion and for a tinie
everything pkigressed finely, the
young men repeetedly promising, as
411 Pal elsite °been:L:10ra.lie
le attentions. at She therefore visit-
ottla keDel gentleman 'a few weeks
since aini Made arrangements"- to in-
stitute an' action for' breach ef eLe-
nettle claiming $2,000 dentagete it
preferring that tee •ntetter• should
be settled by Inner -lege. When' ap,-
preached :011 the subject the recreant
swain -gave yent M' dome rather ex-
pressive • liteguage,-.0ensignieg his
lady -love to a place the temperature
of which is generally considered ere
cessively suit ry HOwever, a •few
days ego be was induced to visie
ehelawyer's offiee, where he found
the lady in waiting with a loaded
revolver, and an exclied debate en-
titled, he the course of which she
.threatened to sheet the false geode,
hi:inj ttosoct
promised • te . 'na'ry the eg 1, but -
found he would be uneble to Oche
with her in. consegeencreef h
lent toniper, and therefore had
changed his mind. The yining lady
appears determined to obtain some
• hallo for her Wilted fheliegs, and
unites a mettletuent is effected aeon
the ' young mom May find littnaelf
taken into custody aa defendant in
the • case. Both parties are well
connecte41 and the lady movie in
the higher circles of gociety. '
Weather probabilities.
Peretellino the weether in uniere'
Lain at the best, but it" is. certain that
if you 'Catch cold in this changeable
climateyou can ,break its 111 effects
With Hagyard's Pectoral.Baleaist, the
niost reliable and pleasant pepsedy
for 'coughs, colds, bronehial end lung
complaints.'• It is so agreeeble, th
oven a child will take -it, 278 28
• Sniart Weed and Belladonna com-
bined With the other ingredienti
used in the. °best eorous. plasters
nialce Carter's W, k B. Bookie:4m
Plasters eite • best in the • maricet, •
price 25 cents, 278.28, -
It Should he Iuyestigated. 1.
.1r any of our readers are suffering
from chronic diseaseeif the Stomach,
liver, kidneys, or blood, they slimed,
investigate the tnerita of Burdock
Blood Bitters. It is Making scans of
the most remarkable ,cures onre;
cord. • n7821,
' John ileadersou, Tay 441.,
The following elevey aeeptation of
au old Scottish song is from the
police court report of the Toronto
Canadian: •
John Hendersde my ,To, johe,
when eret we were acquaint; Auld
Rye was nee yore °foe, •john; nee
sillo tben ye sperit, lit mutcheina o'
the -barley brae; Iiiidna see ye foe as
aften;Jobn, as, ilkaday t ken ye,
Jobe, the ego, Ws hringin' ye to
grief. John; yore back'twill Imo svP
woe; 'Twill bring ye use relief, John,
John Henderson, thy .16o.. 'rho
sterpent's r the drunkard's elle; there
is nao joy neat Oli I gie the laithsonte
habit up and cant the cup aWa!,. Ye
• see I lute to Write yete hatriel an'
opposite f plate, 4 fine o' dollars twe,
t110 811.1110 should leek' yore sauna
fade Wi' letralters lee eterepreral, john;
the option's Aft/fts, clays, Pet rather
000 ye, dead John, 'fleet welkin' 1'
Sid ways, Oh 1 pay vete tine ratel gang
yere gait And drnik not ony lnrj1
for VrilitaHIV'S but Mild Ielootices bait,
Veit 'lough eenditions of the Skin, and 'sum imb a intikre; Oae Mend
Shampooing the heed, Pimples, Sr. yore *fir an' be 0, man, The
'option 'and skin dioceses, use Prof, neurage show; Oh I liye upon anither
Low's Sulphar aerie, 2714t, phon johrplIonclorton, my Joe,
sclefifitlitta go7eliLord
ts: lawyee
keeps it for hime4," and 0.0 goes
on to, yeoill an old story of Lord
Aeoemere, who had fallen into the
had hoeit of interrupting countwe
Thus Curran was often stepped
short in his rugureenticy his lie d'iliie
who would say: , '
"Mr. Curran, I knew your clever.
• ° t ut its uit in v for yo
pees, ) 8 g e am n
to -go on; I see the • drift of it all,
tid uYtf:ollecaetiry
retr:uiY.tgrei, elf 1144
inc One day Curren, -being too ortee
stopped Melia *eye thus atidrestied
°IevPitiedrglitp:s, my Ce;c1, *am otraying
hut you meet. intim te it to the ex.
tempo agitation of my mind. I belie .
just witnessed go dreadful a, oireem,
stance that my imagination 1148 11611.
yet recovered from the geopk,"
Thejudgewes ettentice eA'
4:8 f,;4(,),;6616741417brijnO. to ntittift 71P' ya'r111°etil:
observed g butcher proceeding to
slaughter a orelt . Jest as hie bane
was raised, a lovely little child* roe
preached idol unperceived, and, too .
rible to relate ---L see the life Woe
gushing out still—the poor
bosom was under the lintcher'a .
hand, when he plunged the lqtifit
"Into tile child 1" cried Out tits
judge with groat emotion. .
4'Yellf lordship 'mealtimes entices
pates—it went right lag the rack
of. the calf 1" • .
Bishop Wiggere of New Jersey*
three years nue proltiLited the apie
of littera. mi Sunday, Wm, 'lay:
op, Tho 4T11(1llsW
lisc)ilYbeotti dtinI pie"
Priday and tho bishop preveuted
the funeral 'from the eltureh-
James Butler, who fi
oli aoleop n
a filiati near 4 tannery itet*oeu op*
linerd a4
1114111 lloiiv;:orfoNiVsioligi,heovrolirellotwitooKrako:
had to have ono, nf them sumll39te4
by Dr. Seth ttne,—Wingliam 11aWk,
toro, , ef‘VBrn.Okeetniille4r1,1474whoi81.0,1(vii, TX'
viotirsti friends in town, left fop
011 Mondoy.
to reported -that Me. 4, la,
rislut, of Gorier -fell, hatt bought Ilie
Nicholsee betel PrOP011). itt TiliOn'
eheetee, eed that hp 0911 tOke felt
400100 0008 thit Otek a April,