HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-12, Page 4• TX1C333, Mit lit V., The Goderieli News Huron Record, Clinton. Wednesday, Mara 11g. TOE LEAP YEAR grzsmci. Bo or Do Not Women Bake the • Matches? ,••• A taiWe Journey - Calgary Herald i ---The iter. Mr. Sanderson. wife and twQ children, formerly of Ontarip, arrived from Edmonton on Monday evening, making the entire diatance of 200 • miles hi five &ye, having camped out two nighta with the thertnome• ter ranging between 30° and 40° be- low zero. How few ladieet accue tented to all the coniforte of eaat- ern home, as Mrs, Sanderson, has been, but would Shudder •at emelt a trip, even withoot children to take edro ot But we are happy to eel that MI arrived safely, even the wee dot two menthe old. There have been many able writ- ers on the aubject, and nearly all agree on the iseue, and that is, that 'frown are placed at a decided dis- advantage in making a choice. There is just where the writer, though he may have no great exper- ience, proposes not to agree, but on the other hand to argue against the opinion. Magazines and other per- iodicale publish ela'oorately written articles deploring the Alleged fact that a woman has no voice in the matter; that, however witch she may adore a man, she must hold herself in reserve and patientlyw:tit for ltbn to pop the question. Perhaps lie never does it, but white all Alm same, and, fitailly, after long years of waiting, she marriee some man she daesiet giro a picayune for, or be- comes the proverbial dried up old maid, A leading metropolitan journal, in a fervid editorial on 'leap year"; says : the unwrit-* ten IftWii of nociety, as unehangeeble as those of the Wiles and Persians, hold the woman back underpenalty. soc;e1 ostracism. She must wait. until some man conclecends to be- stow upiin her liiirdistinguislied at- tentions. If elle puts hint worthy an.d loveable,and well ,suited ler busband, shemuRt keep her mouth sealed. k would be highly improp,, - - - that she weuld be pleased to walk Ride by .aide with him for life.". Thid• is all very fine. • But it is 'bo.. Pure unadultured nonsense, and every married woman, every married man, and a good m singlepeople will agree that the author knew nothing :about it, or Was t al king for effect. Directly contrarykte this fact, the fact steeds out in 'bold :relief. that the women make nine out of every ten niatclies. if she makes up her Mind that she wauts a man •and goes for him, she v4441411 if 'she gets any show at all. '& woman is the possessor of a thOusaud little arts- by which she makes a man know that she cares for him, and those little artifices and those, pretty little ways are•dis-• played so d.•lieattily that the gentle. man sees nothing wrong about it; .In heftily every instance the man is pretty certain that he will be accept- ed, as the woman has shown during the eourtithip that sha.cares for hint. 'Why he Failed. The agent of a New York clothing liouv, who was sent to At'are ta to eettleasp the failure of a retail house, made a few onctuiries of the man next door. "1 peliel it vhas a square failure," explained the man. "What makes you think sor "Veld, he didn't drink, nor smoke, nor gamble, nor drive a fast horst); and ash for his vhife, she tieVer puys nothings, and- keeps no help,' "Then you Itty.Lit to the stagnant condition of trader oVhell,. trade vlias purty dull, but you see he vhas not der right, sort of 0. men. Vlien a man slitops to buy a west for two dollars be (loan' make him pelief dot be Omani an oafercoat fur fifteen, und vben a man slitops to buy an eafercoat ger lifteeh he dean' convince him dot he needs a second hand sit for twenty. He may do in the grocery peesness, but be can't run some clothing store mitout ar- &unmet." What married man will deuf that his wife during,the.baltny,•,rothatnic: days of his courtship d id %not, in all. • the. tender was for, which the sex its noted, rnake'At apparent to him that .11 -is -attentions were relieheil 9 That she liked to have hito cothe to see her, and showed her, preference Ter • in numberless little ways'about • whielt there was not a shadow Of delitiacy 3 If a man, in naturally • itiedeat and baeliful a.good, 'sensible girl Can make lain feel so perfeetlY at home and show that she apprec iates atid esteems, him so Much and would like, perhaps; to be more. jo him; that he finally, throws off -all :reserve', feels pe,rfectly. at home, aed the proliesel is made in a way so • etisy and natural thet it potties as a matter of course to both.' Continuing, the inexperienced -or hypocritical wilter says : "thilese lie speak the tieceSsary; words,. it is all as if if had neile.r been. H6 goes away free to ciuStieelionie other. woman, while•she meet wait le 'be chosen by some other man." Poor • tliiig 1 hard inte.4. be her lot, but if ale wents the man, and he has any: idea that he wants her; it can be set. es no a dead mend certainty that she is going to get him, and she. dee't say : "Will you Marry we, , duller either There are etesea : when a woMan who has not spoken a word of affection consider*: that, elle hs been rejected' by a man she bits made !eve to.,..She knows that • she has given him every reason to believe' 'that- she loves him, aild it lie keeps his distance and d . invite closer friendship, elie• feele that her affeat ion is not reciprocated, and 99 cases itt100 she has: hit the • nail scpiar,•ly.ion the head; m A won,n can show her esteem in a hundred rill...rent 'weis man Ne inattiq'whilt her Newt Ir- .- in life, if she really feels R4 if she wanted a ina'n for a litiSband, and Would like the prerogatives of a man to tell hint so,' 'she can proceed mid. .prnpinte to hint in dninettner withOtit Itis .atispecOng it, and .fte, if.. lie ‘.1,rnilifiginonially 'Mohnen; leel knowing that his •affection is recip: e ,rocated, proposes and is -.accepted. The Miser's •Daggitter's Lover. „ .The .beautiful .dangliter ,of a wealthy cild Miser, residing near Niontreal;.felt . love last iBuntiner, with a swell insuratme agent, from that city, who happened to be rustic- ating at the above-inentioned village. The young -girls charms -and the - father's dollaist captivated the Montrealer and after his return to , the City, he pout:Wiled 'correspondence •With. the young lady, until finally their marriage Was fixed ftir the holt day before Lent. Last 'Friday the lover had a private interview with; the father, eud;bhe •latter agreed. to give $5,000 as his daughter's poition. The: o14 'man :keeping all .lite money in the cellar; the sum was•tlierti and thin cpunted out and handed to the futore.son-iielaw, who then depart- ed, and it was arranged to come back again early on Tuesday mon ing. On the .appointed day' the bride. .aucl ner friends .repaired to the village eimpel; whi re. they waited in vain for lieveral long hours. The bridegroom' did not eon)°, and, as be has not been seen- in.Molitreal since, it is eupposed that he has gone tc the land of freedom. A. Northwest ; eacstory:' Mes3re; Edmundson and: Pgag, who, keep, hachelorie hall togt;thin- on a claim neat Old Man's knol sopth•eide, are. possessed .of a cat A hich by day makeritself unefel; after the Ordinary manner of cats, and•at, bight claims aid.iis accorded . . a share of their . bed. On Tuesday of last Week, about.mickiight, 'Mr, Echnundson was itWitkened' by the weight of the cat which had taken. up a posit:en:con his chest., Reach- ing:out his„hands he foetid that it was stiff and cold. He threw it hastily on.the floor ,but for fear of being, laughed et said nothing to his. companion. • Next .merning the 'cat was purring through the house es usual.. On the •following Morning he was startled by Mr. Boag crying ont .that the cat ' was. dead. • To make certain of the matter Obi time Edmundson lit the lainP and there sure enough it was lying stiff, coil,. and :t6 all'app'exanee Bub in; the morning it was round*gain as lively as ever. The old idea about cats having nins lives ructY•itot be so far „astray after all. Not Color Mind - It is hard to believe that merely because of prejudice agaioet hia opm- plexien a negro studying law found it impoesible•to find a solicitor in all Toronto willing to accept him as a ole k, as required by the regulations of the law society, in order that he may become acquaineed with the practice of his pofession. Yet one Dude be forced to apply to the Le- gislatuto for a special act to qualify hint without submitting to the ustial term of practice, on this plea. The beads of some of the greatest law firms in Toronto were cimong the first of those who opened their homee to the Jubilee Sittgers when the ho- tels closed their doors rgainst them. A. line which excludes frorn a busi- ness office and includes in the home is, to say the least, rather remark- ably drawn.-1Fiertess. • The Safest Part of the Car 0••••••••1•••••• party of merchant travellers in a passenger coach were, talking over their travelling experience and the danger of aecideuts, and finally the question arose as to the safest part of the car. F.elliug to settle the question among themselves they called up the conduetor, and one of them said to him ; "Conductor, we have beeu discuss. ing the matter of the safest part of the ear, and want to know your opinion." "Want to know the •safest part, eh 9" replied' the conductor. "Yes, that't." "Well," continued the conductor borrowing a chew of tobaceo and looking ditiappointed....heramote. be dirket get a cigar, "I've ibean on the road for fifteen years, nod have been tit rned over embankments, busted up in tunnellumped off bridges, telescoped in collisions, blown off the track .by eycletiee,. ten . into open switches' and had other pleasant incidentaldivertissements of kindred nature, and I should say,' gentleureurthef 'lltdest•-• pare -of thiccii Was that part whicli happee- ed to he in the shop for repairs at the time of the accident." • ' Taking off.0v,ercoats. • 'fleVity is it," asked a lady, "that .gentletiten-no; ..hten-persist, : in . Wearing • their. oVercpate to their seats hi churches and then taking them off, to the immense discoinfort of at least four people -those on, each side and those before and be- hind him.ei .A man with a good vigorous swing to his arms generally manages t� dislorlgellie bonnet from the head of thelady beside him, and the'most careful action cannot save that Of the lady in front of him: To be this lady in front 'is to have an experience unparalleled in its annoy- ance.. A sudden blew On the back. of the bonnet is the first intimation you will receive that•the• man hind you is about to endue:himself. Before' you recover, a, blow on the side. Of the head assures you that One :sleeve has yielded' up.its 000. tents in a somewhat sudden man- . ner ; unless you are unusually ,quick. motioned yeti.do. not avoid, a.bliiw. on the other. side•when •lio Pulls the coat • off from the other arm'; all Allis, however, might be .borne, bub. your discomfiture is complete when be turns square round to hang the. coat .upon the back of his seat, thua giving the unfortunate bonnet,aii- ()thee bloW that destreyp yciur• good humor. for the evening. Talk • of large hats 1 They are , bubbles, of vanity beside the nuisence of 11:.man Yittli an overcoat. , • Pigeon English.: "One of the .latest I,heard," be • said, "iti fect,,ruri it down teeday, on rny way to the office, was 'about a Chineinah. Ona recent gold morn. big, when everybody' witi skipping along at' 'a lively rate to keep up' -circulation, 'and the . alinond.eyed foreign'er was stumping along the street; -with his hands under bis garment -'-which, • to tlie uninitiated; gives the Wearer a look of appearing 'en deshcfbille - and shivering fit to eltake hie teeth out, when he: suddenly darted into a neighboring grooery 'and' squatted down before the stove treide a strap, ping, big Irish woman who noticed . enr Chinese brother with a becom • hig leek•of contempt. The simple Minded Chinaman disregarded the patronizing air of 'thewonein, and opened a .couvereation by referriug to the•sevei ity of the -weather, itt his soft polyglot, by , saying, While he leaned over, his fade the' picture _of misery.: •"Belle eold I Belle coldl" intending, likely, to convey the ittf- premien that he was very cold in: deed.• : • 4'. iAr 'Fitt 9' replied the dame. Belle paid,' shiveriegly rejoined the Oriental.. . • • Ile Lived on Grass. A Bride In a Tree -Top. Ira enor writ from Itockport, Ind., to be married to Miss %rye* whose parents live on the opposite side of the river. Everything went well, the ceremony was portal wed, and the day passed pleasantly until about 5 p.w., when the party, with Bowe addition, started to return. Thay consisted of Mr. Daugherty and his wife, Ira Zenor and hie bride, and ten other latliee and gen. tlemen. After crossing an over- flowed field they rectehed a clump of trees on the edge of a river bank, when a storm struck the frail boat overturning it. The party clung to the trees and remained in the branches four lioure, when they were rowed ty a colored man and his skiff. They remained at the eolored man's house uutil morning, when they righted their ferry -boat and went to Rockport, thankful to be alive. The weather was so cold that the clothing of the sufferers froze on them, and it is wonderful that 'no lives were losc, Hans Yerger's Opinion of Illatriinony. "Well, Mr. :Verger, what do you think of ma,trimony "Vat vos dose ?" "The married life, you know." "Ugh! .You bet mein schweed life I know, Dot peen a humbugger pisness. Dot peen a wheat mid a pird drab to catch fellers'init. Peen - fore I got me married 1 thinks I peen So happy like a angel bird, und burty soon right avay quick dereafter I find me mein mitidake oud.' . • . et One Thousand Do whet they may, no Mormon leaderwill ever equal tli`e Sultan of .Morocco, Sidi eiluley Hessen, wito, has,just added the thousandth wife' to his harden, apd halt celebrated this Unique millenary ...by . it • brilliant ..fea4 given to the other 999 ; or rather, to the other 600, for 400 are either dead or pensioned.. off. Like tito.b1orrtions; the Sultan. "dotitinot keep all his better halves at one place,but'dbttributes them among his winter and suienie-r rdetiain • at Fez; Morocco, Tafitet, etc. Even then,"..unless'he has. more ' palaces than fall 'to the lot of most tin perors, there'roust be enough in each house to seriously, intptfer04.,with harmony Rove and.then.. ,e won or if be ."W felt as tnueletiritle andsatisfaction when be added the :thousandth to P. Gilroy ef Walleceburg, Ont., hart in his employ a youug man Who underwent a thrilling adventure while'prospecting for land in Dake' ta. He somehow got separated from his party, and for eight days eubeiSted on nothing but grass, Ile WAR picked op unconscious and brought to Deadwood. lie wants ito more of Dakota. A Fair Protectionist: "Do tell me what 'all this talk Mout free trade arid protection Henry," said Ara tn itt ba. "You know I den% know anything at all of these things pa is always talking eboot, and it makes me feel awfully silly sometimes when he lies Squire 8awiti and Judge J'One8 at the' house to dipper. I can't do anything hut Hit still and play with nty fingers, ,oil know." $o Henry told her in a so o t of chaotic fashion what be know about the atibject that troubled her. TO 1,git were getting i eloirg litany, if h had ottly the courage to take an antsge of them) lAil, lie liedn't mail she cundled up else to him and 84.1, with a sigh 1 "Pa believes in flee trade, but I ant in fever of protection, Ileury." Henry ordered a &MS Snit at the fa ItioeaVe tailoring estoblishment of Joie' Craft, the very next more. big. 0, tlie number as Baroe Tatichnitz did when he published tint thousandth VOID int) Of his convenient PeJollection of Brititelr A ethers:" For we imagine that after a man bad marri- ed his three or four hundredth con- sort -though on this point. we must speak mitt' doubt arising from a total lack of experience -he cares very little ror a new wife, as a wife, and f.regards 66 further addition touch as a colleetor looke upon a new Elzevir, Or a new,,,spechnen of japandse pottery; or Another pipe,' Whelk he &wait not Care t� •zsmoke, another violin, which will hang , upon his wall untouched. It it the• pleasure of the miser who has put up stores ;a pleasure of which, in tide lino of hoarding, only one man in tho modern world, fortunate's, is allowed to have. It is curious howo ever, to observe that while what might be called the physieal wonders of the Arabian Night's Ilitertain- thents,,-the carptt or the horse that traveled a montlesjourney in A day, the talisman that Conveyed °ries Owns at onto to We distanelover that while these and the like are coming true by the power Of modern Science, and kOeittl Wondera, as they Seem to US 000identals, are beginn. ,to fade away: A SOO of this .sba1t, the Printe Meloy Edris, not long ago married an ItaIlan gover- rieas, W110 dill net give up her re- ligion, and who etitulaten that she should be the rally wife; tied • brother of the taken, the •therif of Wezdatt, lies an English wile," Toronto PreShYtery, 55ORETB00IST1)40 ItaCIARO140,401/41.0)441.7- PUS TO 11111.1010111. Three sessions of the Toronto Pres- by tery was held in Toronto lest week, the Rev. Robert Wallace, of the Weet Presbyterian church, being elected Moderator. The annual report of committee appointed to enquire in- to the state of religion was read at the evening session. The report showed that only five out of the six. teen churches in Toronto had tient in replies to the questions submitied to them. Amongst these answers, one in reply to the queetion ; "What do yo a consider hindrance* to the cause of Christ in your neighborhood Nall as follows; "Dancing, tippling, vdclfelloirship, „freemasonary, and practical infidelity' among professing chriatians," Dr, Gregg, of Knox College, ex- pressed the pleasure he felt at seeing that secret, societies were being men- tioned as hindrances to religion;; he thought that, freemasonry was dbing muchmisohief to the cause of Christ, Otto way in which barna was wrought was the ignoring in theirprayers, the rnechation of Christ. Dr, Gregg's remarks were received with every mark•of approval, . .:4Theii you didn't rciatry • happily 2'. 'Oh yes; to peen sebum I married file dot vay. Dot's vat der matter vas mit dot pistiess. Dem honey- moon shooks yeelss Isms more happy in,a* . a beetled „ und -Lettufty... year, clereafter, onf I life the dot long.' 'Yes, but married life, takeit all in • the_happiest,laittaint?.L.L...—., 1 dmiii-lc•Wirfietter oufiii him got married to figlid der ding (hough; abor ouf him don't got Mar- ried it was potter for dot sohillern vot doted yos got porued yit to schtop mitout marry. Det safes droubles itt dot vorld und all der odder vorlds, und don't it forgot you • Peter!! Great Feat on Skates. Killing That Isn't Murder 110W ONE OUTS USED To THE 8ORI- R1On ,o1, LIFE IN WAR. "1 believe I have killed at least a dozen of the enemy during my thtee years' service in the army," says Senator, Charles F, .Manderaen. of Nebraska., to a reporter. • “One gets used. to tiint :art ("A bueiness. Just as a surgeon heeemes literdened and calloused in his profes: skin. The first man whom t killed • was tiefege_B.iehteacal,.wh4p. Meatel- lan wassin command 1 was doing picket duty late one night near the bank of a creek, and bad •been ADVERITISINTIEniFirlatt 0.8 ow at the etilso et 1411113 4 TitUALAS, fric. QW1it1cit sus*, ohtwxo, The People's Grooeryl Cantelon Eros. ALBERT4T.I CLINTON. For Good Value in all Linea. We Pear No aivab. TEAS. Our Teas are adways chome and the pieces close. Coffees and Sugars -the very best and cheapest In the market, Our stook of General Groceriee Is =- surpassed in the County.' The best value In town in Fruits,Canned Goods, Confectionery, Glass, Crockery and China -Ware, Andrew'a Sorghum Syrup kept con- stantly on hand. ,Produce taken, _ctuitcpnialTlie , as an:attack was expected..1 carried my • tensket halfcocked, 'and was. startled by every ninths the ' Wind mala. among the. , trees and dead leaves, It was some time after midnight -that I saw. a Confed- erate cavalrytnau dashing down the opposite, side of the creek in my direction Ae ,he was opposite .1 tired upon' the • horse, „and it fell, The calvaryman regained his -feet in a ;moment a,nd haddrawn his pistol,•. I called Ole hini to surrender, but his' only reply was a discharge from each revolver, one bullet. inflicting a flesh wetted' in my arm. Then I let pint hale it full in the • breast. Ile leaPed three feet in the air a•nci fell With his facedown. I • knew I had finished him. I ran and iump. ed across the creek, .picked- .bitu . Up and laid him on kis bablt. The blood wail running out, of„ his nose and inouth, 'end poured in a 'torrent from theruaged hole in his breast. In less time.thae it takes to tell it - he was dead without having said •a word. "Then... my 'head • "beganto swine, and r was sick at my stomach. I we:4- oveieutue --by an .incleecrible ,horror of the deed. I had ante. .trembled all over, and feltas. fella and week as It was • the greatest difficulty, tbatE inantsg;. ed to get into °atilt). There they laugned et 015, . but Atwas weeks. bel ore InVnervons.systeni recovered from the &hock.' :Evert in my dreams ,1 saw.the pale Tace of the dying cavalrymen and theepedtee haunted . me like e Nemesis leng alter. I hall got ever the time shock .of the affair, • -It ,was eimply horrible, but in 'time' 'L recoVered, and at are close of.the war I .was quite as • indifferent • •to saeri fice of human life as you .cofild _ "Brudder Shitibones,"'saki Peter, "did' I !bar tell yo' bout .my great skeetin' act 1" ••, • "No, yo' hain't nebber said miffin 'bout fiat, Bredder Pete." "Wall, now, I jesp tele yer how. 'twas. Dis byar )1appent when; 1 was it stnjent in. Princetown leg:3‘A." • wot • stujent:" "G'way, now, Chile; Ye' hake% a-goin' ftir .ter say yo' ebber was stujent I" • : I used ter Wait on ter de. stujents'in' dat's •.putty neith de Wal)) 1 started out (meet. ter skeet clown ter Trent'n en• de canaw). Wall; .its • a darned good' ten. miles. I had gone 'bout five Miles, en' was jess-a•Werkin'• up ter niy speed, When- darn tne ef one o' my skeet& dithet ketch (inter a cra.ck an' come off. 'Well, mall, I was a- goin't,.too fast ter , .stop. short, soI jest riz up de .10t wot hedn't no skeet on ate held't in tny' halt' wait - fur ley speed ter ran down so's I coied git back ter de crack.'.1•Vot yo' thik.happened 9" • • tubitsly replied the woman, 'If ye'd stick yer ,hurt in yer pants; • tike any other dace4 mon,'yer belly. wouldn't be cold I' f'G'way, niggle how de dabble I know I" • "Wall, Oile,,_now ye' 'mall me singin'. I nehher stopped till I got. ter Trenee an' grabbed holt o' de bridge. Wot yo' tink o° dat 9" . . "Brudder Pete; dat's putty lung skeetin." • "Botcher life, •Erudder Shin. bones," . Full Stock of 0. S. PIXFORD'S' Cele- brated 4t .DIST Mammoth Stove. Warohous.O, Hadn't Angelic CrodentiatS! A prlacher out west, Mr. was, a geed Man, but very rough in *hie ways, and veirtnnell given to clieW, ing tbbacco, 0-iie day he Was riding on horseback through : the conntry when there came Up a shower. Riding up to a cabiri, he hitehed Alin horse and knocked tit' . . the door.. A sliarp.looking eta lady egetweeed the :mentions. Thepreach:- er asked for shelter,. "I don't•teke • in Fara. tigers,: 1. don't know you," replied the old lady suspiciously. "Bei yon know 'whet: the Bible eays,"- taid: the -preacher. "Do net forgetful to entertain eitrangemi, for. thereby some haim entertained angels unawarna," . "You needtet quote Bible," said the old lady quiekly ; 'n�. angel would eeree down from heaven_ with a mild of tobacco in bis -tdoullilit hay ffeek.'..Wria! shut, and The preacher unhitched his .horaeand retie away in the rale. Pious Points, A young lady recetitly received a note from a young man of her ae. quaintance, soliciting her company to church, and as he had never of- fernd tp take her Anywhere else she accepted his kind offer, and -closed the note getith the solemn declaration that "salvatioit is 'free." 'The Scotoh Adventists have Sok the Ith day of next November as the date for the end of the world. As this is election day in the Unit- ed Stakes it in hoped the final smash will hold off until late in the even- ingoo that our American friends can at letiet nialce a rough guess at how the thing has gone. An • otitinous outlook—Priest 2 "Don't you know that you should lap up your treasures in inieven, • Mrst, Quinn Miserly Widily ; Well, where ra elver see throe agin To a ilpticon caught by his minis. ter coming out of a Worm there is nothing so coesoling ab a Rio, '-lot lied Tea," ort the Raloott win- dow. A Vermont Italy vikitieg in IsTew York, and noticieg the many "free signs over the door, wrote home that the Weller societied inuet be doingi noble work. That's the • view the Canadian •depeessionists uke of she "free lunch" businette Loo. The First Idea of a Telephone • Iti`a fairy tale written by the Brothers Mayhew, 'published • itt Leeden in 18.47, .and called The Good.Genius That ,Turned Every- thing into Gold, °emirs this this passage, Let their voices be heard ' Ate distance no voices could tomb 1 • And stv,iftly as thought • Let the words lie brouglit And the lightning endewed *Leh • speech I "As the queee looked up she saw suspended above. her a series of long metallic threads, which ran through the air till they were lost itt the distance," 'Yon wish to speak with your husband,' satd the little Bee, "I shall be pleased to oonvey eity message you please to him; caul HS I knave yosalir hesiness was immeniate mid important, thought the hest p9111 would be to send it by light fling for you, so 00 you might receive art answer by the next flash. What Call I say to him' for you 91" " "Ask him if he hotels the fairy dross; eagerly cried the princess. ." 'it is done," said the Ike. • "And instantly the words wont tearing through the atmosphere •on the wings .ef the lighteing mown. - ger. And swift as a titilfent •the ens w ttt` taunted." • OLINTON arriagelVorlis OANTELON 314ituFa.0TuTtiat PROPRIETOR, ,OT BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHSAC! LUMBER AND. SHINGLES.itiken. in .excleinge, . Give roe a call and 1 will give yon prices that icanitothe beaten in the County. Itepahing and ilorseshoeitin.clene with deopetch. CANTELO:N. FURNITURE hardware & TinShop!. FAR INPLEMENTS. • LAlt..GE ASSORTMENT OF ROOT & STRAW CLITTING,BOXES, poRN SIIELLERS,' . 101(1 all Implementeused on a farm as Good as the •Pest, and as (Theap. .as the Cheapest, at ' • . • •The •MeKillop Fire Insurance company have clecided to allow in- surera to uNa 'Steam .threeliers by paying' 3c extra on every' $100 of insnrance vdtich. eoeere. property Ruch as barns etc., Which May be in :I he immediate vicinity of where the 'steam threshers' are used. Members intending • to uSe steam threallersi niest notify the secretary before the first Septainber of etut.;11 year. ' , Bocklen's Arnica Salve. • , Tit a BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruloes, Sores, Ulcer's, Silt • Rheum, Feyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped..Ilatias, Chilblains, Collis, and all Skin Erup- tions, find 'positively'eures Piles, or no pny regailred, It is guaranteed to give': periect'salisfaction; mOney refunded; Pried25 eenta : per :box, For sae Watts & Co. 268.1Y 1 .4'1 -4'411 -tog ;gr S'', P -47.116:;:r s: :.::::::114:1:!:::::fig:::::::;r dAti2.VVVK 01VRAP.g. . SglawarP' A • g..t.raggrir OA .0g2.5?,,,g lop J. B. WEIR'S IMPLEMENT WAREIt00111S., CLINTON.- • • • B.LYTH.pAyil MILL ,GosTidAN:cPz,D4).pD. Are.now monied Co do all 'kinds of worle,ln their lino. Diving put In it grain mistier, we are aide to do chopping at any thug and on the shortest notice.. 00$11Alst • • .. , • Blyth, Ont. • TO 3uRcHoTs.k gouitosonGoas: • • TALK T�-'-- _____,__.•0_.,___ ,•4 re., 'I ATCHE Clocks, Jewelry', $1LVERWARE. J. BIDDLEGOMBEI OPPOSITE THE MAHKET0 CLINTON CL : ••P A IA, yen. •0-63)miti'o* givatting. TR 11101MiSIAIL 1iieorporat04y,Aet ratlianuMt, 1.855, • • . . . . Fib Dial & SONS 1 VICTORIA -St, CLIN1ON. . UNDERTAKING 1 CAT'ITAL.; • - • ••• $2,000,000. •• ltEST, ' 0,100,000 . Head Oftloe„. WTILEAL. 4,110.li AS aVeltli'.)1 AN, President, 11, IL MOLSON, Alec. Presiderft. P. WoLvuitsTAN Pii0MAS,enerall Manager, • • Notes (liscoudted, Colleotion'S pilule, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex. ' change houglit and sold at low- est current rates. INTERBST ALLOWED DEPOSITS. • Modey advanced to farmers on tlieir own notes (3w;14.on,i,; Itoid.uirnio; end o1r1a.,ccra.t3i!:}Onviollioirvtgage re • Manager .t' Pebruary. 1584., Ctarox. • WAPIRERI W PAPER: . The time•for House -Cleaning is near. All wanting • Hall, Parlor, Dining -Room, or Bed- Rooni Papers, • . • FARi1,POR -SI1A . 'Tun sunset:neat offers for sate, togetherr o separately, on tarots to suit' purchaser, lot 21 and part Of lot 20, to. 15, (loderich Town.. ship, 1 miles him Clinton, conitisthig of 140e heres 125 cleared, balance hardwood tiniher, chiell'y maple. Both lots are wellies:tercel Com. /actable frame house; barn 444x00 With stables un- detneath, also other outbuildlogs. Good and • large •orenard, 200 choice apple and .a variety of other fruit trees. Appiy on tbe premises to • address. 8. 0.1'1.111‘1511{1R, 573.11 ciinton e, 0. Ladies' trilold end Silveri, SeWelrY- Braorlies, Ear Rings, 13racefigs, etc, 8011(1 Sfive and, Plated WARES ' . 0 Suitable for Holiday, Wecictlim,Orilirtia. day Presents, Goods for large or malt purses mei to suit all seesaw; of the yeer. 'See tbe Stock. Large variete of Clocks.• iarerytbInMatto .(ti of the hest Matt. Gent" 41,1, atert MAIO and Pitney j'eVAlry intillellale8e8vtikrilielt: ‘ltpiir:pfntnintiy atteuded to e awl satisfaction gtiaptilteCd. A, Poll 'Stook of 8peoho1os, Of the IleseAtlies, always on band. J.13iddlecorab6, Opposite tee Niarkte, them% TOWN PROPERTY FOR. SALE t1011 SAFI, a hOuso ittol twd loth on gneen 1.! Street, lt 811011, diStanCO Wirth Of BrIncesiptit.t. nearly opposite the residence of Cf. A. Hera. Es. q, This oN reportv In a very commanding, healtity locality; there itt A nice itsiOrtinent of frdit treat ornamental dr apt num trees al(10 iulti Mitch to the appearance of the property. The house la fairly.eommodiens.. The ground fa enclosed by a nice, upright slat fence, painted white. This is * Very doirithie property and Will be sea on exceedingly illOtieritte terms. Apply to 1/1Iisl11Y 8T1CY'EX8. Clinton, Feb. 28,1814, • 213•ne • , • • . • OOLVINIEHCIAir 'HOTEL. will flpd the, Best and ,Latest Patterns —IN— DelATLID _ • FRIEZES, ' ORNICES AND PANELS, FILLERS, &C. 83- The Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and can be had for nothihg. Call and see tale papers and get a Book , Cherry Pectoral.• No other coroplaInte are se lesidleas in their ate etekasthoseagoollog the throat add lungs tattoo c•E'rattreTrylcwoluethaboyrselloeutlie°eIrieltYi:gf pcsurbear;onliroatql: trete]; or auconscioua expesare, ei Often but the' 1,121Egel /1011 AIL°hi a4s tWile1111;r1ovkveuiteilists cAtillre;41i(Itljellf:rtinry L eoorz:ilibtiaht kweinbit ai ththrloocat tlit4 owdltuo)ugtfliaeoseiayse.s, antis In 18511 tWoetrkr al bs ev eCietIcogi4d , Cured.wieh a*footed! in y lauttuegrs,logIbtrawaithtoeurrtibvilwe eop.velattetizejeptoeslisegdmvigg reupfievIcatrmleydiumArgr in'adClueiretusulexepl:kmentor.r,ouelincilto root necessary Or tho recovery of my strength. By the 0Ontintleti WM Of thelq.CTOnitti perma- nent cure was effaCted. I am now 62 year. old, rale'eraOult1LheetTYFtedY'zanne.d frortaraetradinYQuittroClalurat."114r 7::1:ogbam'Y9J:IIY18l8 Croup.—AMcilir'8W"Tlibl". ithe0Intryas7wttermy little boy, three years old, wits taliett 111 wait croup; it seemed as if he Would die from strangulation, One 'of the family suggested theuse of ATER'S 2.EnT0RAL, * bottle of wiltich was al- ways kept la the house. This was tried io small find frequent defies, and to our delight in less than /half an hour the little patient was breathing eas- ily. The doctor said that the (MESHY YncroitAL had stored my darling's life. Can you Weeder at MRS. 111sista, Onintair." our gratitude? Sincerely yours, 160 West 128th St., New York, May 16, UM. " 1 have need AYEa's CHERRY eec-rone 1. in my • family for several years, anti do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for cottlithe and colds We have ever tried. ,A. 4. caang. Lake Crystal, Minn„ March 13, 1882, sullered 50*' eight yea rafrolronc lwayftor trng4nyredies:ifnosuecs, caredhyth;useofA:1'scteaay vetTo:ALi. osritvAu. Bybala,ri..,Ap1:1b82. ..81tyur 1ietanrneEtnonAayetnougih in praise of ATER'S on , be loving at 1 do that bet for its use 1 shonhi long since have died front raiestine, Texas, April 22,1882E.. Biu.°3"14." lung troubles. I,To ease of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which caneof be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S eueeire Faeroes is alai it win ahealle cueonrstrwolimof mnthetuedolisuere is not already beyond the , iltEPARED at BrTLE R' GODERICH. .11:3?* He Sells Oheapei: than ails cone on top of the Earth. • T FA.S 111.ANGLES4 • flot61 tah'i Domestic Sizes;Great Saving in iaber and •Fucl. Clothes Washers and 'Rivers5best lakes ° This Itoiel Is ternistied thentebsta with great care to meet the wtnts the. teavelling 1181)110. Csminedloue hinted MOIRA', The best of liddere and cigars are always kept at the bar. Chard table, lost (lauded Rotel in Minton. serous call. • MOORE, Proprietor. elInfon,vene Itit, 1382 01.I1iel1012 ACRICULTURAL MTG. CUMPAHY0 (MMIT110) aLltNCOE, OTT, THOS ARCHER AGENT, C51•1411. llev no ()nom tin 3 011 ttttt t.110 flelebratect Wrought Iron liarvestot and the Beatty teapot Itay lakts, Fitrait PIetighs and other IftplOneldtl. • a.. All Swamies/ tematts, tatattastly oC Veal, ieyT wastnem sat onntiien's Otttnitto Winks *listen 251.01, O --a3 —0 - • ,—,- Dr. J. O. Afer‘ & Co., Lowell, Mess. Sold by all Druggists. TEN4UST OPFAING'A SUPERIOR. LOT. • IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT, r1101\T- 61intott, Dee, 13, 1833, CU/VT(1AI MUS...10.17111PORI ilifilmh (4; 21' (If mr InillslinnumagosuigirmilEri. r;‘,9' -f FREEZIAZI'S 1- 'I TORII POWIXERS, • &re ploatuint to take. Contain their owe r• ti e. Is it WT', sure, and effectual ~we in. Children es a.astal CARTEKS ITTLE IVER Pius. Web .TIcadh elle and 'relieve all the trenhles Inet, O tto a bilious state Of the systent, such ss ((Hess, Nalieeit, Drowsiness, Distress after eating.' Pain 11 the Bide, ,be. • While their most remark, - atria success busiteen shown to toning , ITTRIlleliCact Carter's Littlallver Macre enti11y., valuable 111 Constipation, curing and presenting. • • this Annoying cotiiplaint, while they (doe correct • • disorderit of the stomach, stimulate the liver sad IN:gelato the.bdwels. It en.if .0(1 only cured . A rho Pity would be ulmoht pelt elves to those WU' h uff •rlrom thle distressing complaint ; but tot lit 11.1 My) heir goodness do( .8 not codhers, a id those who (101 1(2' them will find those little pills vain - 1 in co manyways that they will not be wilitax .0 do withotit Onto: But alter all Rick bead • tholVill ( re.) Miley lives that:hero 14 Where re • • oar cos Our pills ciao. It while( , • :hers do In.t. •• • • • • Carte0...1 Litho nrc.very small an• d • rye,. -y to take. Ouo cr two pills waken dose. : •y at•• rieictly vegetable and do not grips or :rg•, (1 8, their gent le 8(4 01 please all WIC ' • ; Ote•n. lit \ eflri Cetus: nye fot%81. Sold clre&;iste eva, ywilere,..cir bout by mail.. . • C',..1..ILTE1L MEDICINE CO., Neve York City. , ATE:11"..S. • Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia; iithetimatIa ' . Gout, General 'Debility, Cattier's, and 'all ' disorder§ caused br it thin . and imporerisheil, ' or .eorrupted, condition or the blood; expellilog the blood -poisons' from the system, enriching •• and, renewing the blood, `anti restoringits vital-. izing power. During a long period. of unparalleled useful. tie* _ANEW'S te44.1.§iti tr,s has proVeit its , perfect adaptation -to- the mire et all 'tliseasee -originating in poor blood. anti a Weakened vitality. , iti rChighly concentratectextract of Santa. ' 'and Other blood-Rorifying` 'roots.' combined • wilb Iodide of . Votassiew and tron and is. the safest, most reliable, and mot •.economical.'biood.puriller Itt. biood.food.that eau bc:uSed,, . ' Inilainnuttory Rheumatism .Corosi• "A YEWS BaltsAPA iitI,hA has cured me of the Inflammatory Rheumatisal, dim *mot, i hers ' Buffeted for many years. W. IL Mooite." • 1/10tatn, la,, March 20852, . ' 1$66. zs:csgzer. . Samples of th080 Organa itt, the Wm eroomk, Perrin- Moe% pricea LOW and • • terms easy, I also keep tn stock WHEELER& WILSON owing8Mttattlei the )144 nelinhig 'DOMESTIC Needlee, 011 and attnebtrients. Vienne varyltux from *0 up to $100, BoWe itt greetvariety frotofie eents to $10, tthoty eibeetraiierds, P.beity Tttib Pleees, Pegs, Bridge Strings, steef and Gut, fn sets er eingle. Tuningforks 'lathing lapeR, Day. montane,. Ebony Chin Rotas, Mutes, Flutes. Pike. Plavirgilito.t1:1,Vilitesli ri(zleaSeAtit'itfirloernm ors Penal to Vinsle 'looks. for Draft% Ilf1110 atul Donk, containing the fineateelection of anthotrie ever produced. ( all told see MC Perrin Nock, teintoo, Ont. y • AGENT. Eight years -ago I had an attack of Rhemna- ' tient So SOW re that. I could not move from_the bed; _ or th•rsh, Without help, I tried several remedies ; without much if any relief, mail 1 took A van's SARSAPARILLA, by the use of two bottles Of • which•I was completely -cured, I have net hems . troubled with the Rheumatism since, /lave tog . ,,,unee.tateatiers„et xeur,SAttfuteA .1.11rA pr1101 it • r tttll retains BS Wasiilcriuliiiiftilaitiff.r-illi notable cures it luta (greeted in this vicinity C01.1. vince me that It is the best blood medisine evoke offered to the public. • • . 10, 11 A ititiSr" lever St, Buckland, Mity 13, 1842. • " Last 11lareit Iwai so weak from general de. • nil ley that 1 cOUld not walk without help. Fo14, lowing the Malec Of a friend, 1 Cotunieucce taking . *ATI' It'S SARSAPARILLA, and before 1 had used three bottles licit as Well nitI ever did In my life, 1 have been- at work tioW for ttito months, Aliti 011111Cry !min' SA•lig.tPAitiLLA. the greatest blood. tifeilleine in the world. JAM ES -MA YNAnle." 620 West 42d St.. New.York, duly 18,1882, Avetes shtesneArticrtt cures . Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complairas, Zrysipelas, soma, Itingworm, Vetches, SOTal, 1.311115, Ti.31.‘011ni:1(0"071' 'UT d1 111rut,Lionit 01' talt impurltiet, is"disgkesitn'ioni,tietlein: ,lateS (Ito notion olathroAtbln:BleotIs,ander4thutt restores vitality and strengthens the Windt-, os Yient. ltc Dr, J. O. Ayer & 1 Co ' Lowell, Mass4 sea by all Druggists; pri;ebottlet, $5. WILL. CURE pR 115411EV DILIOUSNE48, DI7Z1NEBB,' DYSPEPSIA, 01?0P6Y, INDIOESTION, PLUtTERMIO JAUNDICE. 6F THE Hear; EftYRIPELAe, AMITY OF ?ALT mtunr, THE 6TOMAOH, HEARTBURN, DRYNEM HEADACHE, OP THE 8/0/4 And every apeelett Of Mamie*learnt:loot cliserdered uusn kumsvis, aropA ois nownilt on ei.000, % MILBURN & e0.:Pr*Prortillsoto: