HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-12, Page 3NEWS. ri III,- ROBERT X400ALIP, Of 0040- URR. POTTO 10 110111OWIlab better won first in commercial Anti meohqn-
'AL we but not yet able to be up. ore FAIR.—In oil 1), on the Oil& lost.)
LOG THE THREE LINK$$ icat life, men in every calling
Qh township, ig goliviting Ord( adAre . do!o,, 'the ife p, J", Fail*, Of 6,1011,
share towards building up this couu- '*TSON Ily, Tho Next Two W.eeks Groerlei
14 444 ArOU)"0j. 010 44RU r fruit trees OU 8009111)t Ot BOWTO'll Y. X. Q. A.—Thotio 0abalifitio ROB; .—Ins Clinton, oil the 60.1,
So. Catberitios nurseries, Ile ill A, letters litiltna f�r y. Ou"g, Moplu (jilria- try ofoury. In the moment of cana. JO wiro, of Xr. Goo, Rubin Onn, over ul;
ioll, tile y 14,40, initial 441a need, if the time come* or dire ottl
reliable inata. slid the Oral lie re,pro* tiati As8004C 'Iy son of 86 daiijilliter. We wl11, he bu,sy opefl�ng. up out,
90livil gillu. necessity, sba-may confidentRily ire n1i
upon the loyalty -and 00=1,40r W �y
seots, bas q0tali lau.4iiscoll for a great another organization lit town. r VOW GROOER
HIR ek stranger in'towl" hillt frola t1tc%QPraad Milstel,
TUX SCI$SQRS I How, they many yl�,Rrs And earned a, reputation
4o�hllu`rz wy laxad I I guebs, I'll take for furnishing trees, ot qu A V! every true Qddfellow. FoR Rough conditions of the Skin, ri ality and d Bud It 110090 Of 11110MC00141 There is notbing in the laws or con. Shampooing the head, Pimpleo, Be. �lpg to while sway pla �velljog alike
them, to 11414fincy goodli fittom *0 names.4. roprosleated. what wali going oil. 110 WA 3 Ili* stittition of our Order to Oravent R option and akin diseases, use Jpr4 Tile undersiqlIt'd b(-gs to rettifis oat them aimpoicti, By our own liloportor. from lieltif a good olfigen, And Low10 stilphar Soap. 277.3t. silacero, thqlaks to Ilia is a a free tile ting lit
previous years bIr. Harry forined Tkhero w4
LAD110 TTiiximl—The ladies Cantelon bilipped A large number of the',Cemporance bull. Ilaviugfound A., large number of OdWollotvs porforoling we I the d titles of cRizen. Goo, FS1 toplers for patrom'.V
f in 13 eta , Lucan, Ikentiall, Bruce� obil). Oo. tile other hand if he, be Nr the Pat twf) YeRrs, anti as b i
of ClinC64 AW surrounding country wheei'd rig% 6� the Nortliwolit, And cho places *lid learning that tl , rO x r MARKET EPORTS.,
ti-tio, to gle vows he instatnetit, and re.
and XIn- will, pleaeoll to learn tbat a, 0 found ready sales for them. F members of tile Y. Al. C. &. were field, Oodericb,'Seafo interillm to ))is tI.
oriper members the charges given him hq (Oorrootlas) eircry Tuelstlay afternoon
Class ilrossmkor is cQwioX from urchasers, last week isoull repeat or- for mutual Improvement, cardine gathered in Clinton on Toes, will be ail the Beot Valuo J)otroIt:totaka ellarge of A Wsineas dero for three. of blo first-chil4a top lie ent , ored. A debate wa going op. day of last wtiek better vitizen find The latest RalglIsh Adviceg state that Ile iolim to 11koot'li
ionleckibeGraritl all tile better qualified. to perform tbowbeatrmarket oo qnletand here, Roaerve your orders ;and buggies. Thio goes to allow that Ile becaine very much. interested, Milster of tile Ordor -in: Ontario and, 41s, dutles to tile state, There Are uhisr, In Liverpool wheat bad deello- 0 their patromago,
watch . for atitiquncorneat ilext Colateloll CAR COWWO-bY making but W418 ratberstirprised to find tile, Attend a Lodge of Iostruction� In others whg state that, e allow,Odd- a red. winter wliliat H; OUR PRINT ST CK
Quaid- the arteritoon at 2.30 o'clock the follows -prlug 7s. ltl)d lod. H11 013' 0 0 good; rigs -with, the leading mallu- practical turn of fillo,dellate, c hip to take the place of the QT. T
fdoturing firms. cifthe Provi erine: that it was a weeting of tile Lodge wast operied And the Initiatory church andreligio", ha our,lives an4 Tile Chicago TrIfIrIC08 fairly Active, Will be unsurpassed, in and
degree conferred, ,and tile work ill hearts. j,hat-Also is false. Oddfol- closing prices boln, l[Irmer. beAspecip,
t. , Ity, "till eats, SEvEnAx batiportank 10041, items A. M. TAyLon's LEoTum-TI)e connection therewith exemplified. jowollip merely tries to, OUPPIY what Ill b All ud Toroolo little VARIETY of Patterns, VgWo We will take great
Brussels J-19st,. in rol'Orring to Air. 11oinarking to. a, friend at his hotel, In the evening tile work ofthe other church is �d in the gr I I n tile kOcreant to hQ9 duty !0 activity prevaIN LL n I
.crowded. out tiais wook pleasure in ShoWill(r our now patterns qrv(l desig4s,
IACO on t1te pleasant evening lie had cput three degrees was taken up and no. not performing, In tile C1161-011 Groceriesi 4.9 low aa pxisillip.. A
MR, 1911NOTON, Of Targe 14tool; of GL4' ,9 1,� Al -J." Nelsonville, Tayloro recent lecture Pit that p t to sick, Eastern prIceS Jig re,74rds c.kttle are
of say son. In litlaalo
in at a.uavetiog of the Young Metals merotill questions asked, by tile V181- deeds. of charity visiting
Man., fol-aerly of S�snley, is Among 0 11 "Tile Future -And R ir the wNQW, and ving to the orst o( tile sea old friends. gFor pv?r an hour Mr. Tay!or lie] it Association in the Twii. fore and nswered by the Grand caring ro faJr,tugoQ0 ShIpPI114, verAcommaud.
s -a wer� also. press tb eL hungry, is left to fl, Folly
tile ulsidividird atintion of the audi- perative liall, lie was told that it Master. Thai ,ent dur 11 Who $0 70 to $0,00, being 25c to 85c. pot, mit
Ing tile sessions Pa feel charitatil lower than the previous we
siL Gratid. Master y disposed, b%t as overy ek. FRESHOATHEAL,
Alits. AlcEwnN, mother of Mr. euce, 110 is a pleasing speaker, A m('01thagoftho Young Met Ills Copp. �r- 1.0ribson, of Stratford, 11 who roodered one's business is no one's business . ;6.00.
Witi. MoEwen, is very I low,, Dropsy never waiting for 4 word and every vAtIve Association . I Iswell," was I Ills good service, And Bro. IV. R. Ball, thie'L work is left undone Oddfol. Chip . lkgq Prices from $5.10 to THE DRESS GOODS CORN RAL F401149,
61 her Ailment, of rejoinder, "the, proceedings (lid seem who acted As Vice Grand.. The (4rand luwsllip�trieo'to supply what is )lure TORONTO, A TS PO TA TOES,
MIR -'Pt . ionkRio R&Nsroitils, return- sentence spoken in tit* beat to W& to partakeof rather a political Mastasr,,wbo is IV AloDiarmid, R84., wanting by placing in eaChAtawn or - Ny'11RAT.-NO. 8 fall sold at $1.03, and
bptL others -bound to- No. fall Is, quoted lit $1 .00 to $1.07. Ji-epartMent will be replete -svith all that is NEW aud &.0,
4.4 from the old country on Satur- taro, there was nothing barrister, ofLuciao, certainly proved banalet; a hand of br
day. WonTITILY Howolitop.-At the oulinally ariclasuged Lit $1.10
himself worthy ofthe honorable pos- gethor byO common interests to At "tpring III
"aid or done that could n6t be a tion lie er an, desirable in tbAt, class of -oods. Qiv(. ple a ba liatiiflud.
regular a,,settably of St. E11110 Pro. p leg, and won goldeni tend to these wants and minist for IN% 1, and $1.08 for,�o. 2. In
X%L D. C.&ISITELON, InlidA flo fillip-, provoti Of by myself oi- any oil ristiall, of�r,3-ullll ' to the brother W -distress, On , &uvzy
Kniglits:Tomplar, sa Inions those preseot. About , 6 of D -There 14 little demand and
Intent of hatter to, Winnipeg last was not at all displeased When tile ilia, brethren- adjourned. to. the caulies,which has led to the rise Prices continue unchanged. Car lots o! T1 weak. told at the Templar'ls Hall, Uode President woun(l up the -debate by 44TIso qLueen's," where and prqgress of the order has been No. I are qootco At 71ii, No. � at 0 Im.
rich,. on Tueslay evolaing of last declaring that the "a. P. R. It000lu I tile fact that tile church in this re. and No 3 L extra at We. TWO cars of
-4ter -link eley a
returned week, the 4th, hitit., V� E. Z tins, as by. Parliament, are gard did not do Wt duty, They tell No.8 In Grand Tj kor Soj� to gend.
on �srkday, after ik prolongetl vialt.At Sir Knight D. McG. A141luch, Ciin- was held, �bcsut 70 sitting dQwn to to, that good men will regard tile 52c. MANTLE DEPARTIVIT
ton, was presented splendi& hereby L doolared to be, worthy tile suppir. A. if. Xquining ocoupi needs or others whether they fire 0AJ":_0r0rIugS CoUtIoneL I limited,
MR. FRAlill tAMBLYN, tortnerly silver tea. set as a recognition of tile support of all patriotie Canadialls." cd Lilt- chair and Bros. Tho.s. Cottle brethren or not, but we go flakther and are steady, Car, lots sold. at IN ULL SWING. MONEY TO LOAN
811mo of 6ho older members present and Thus. White the vice -chairs. Oil P 87c. on track.
of Hullee, is home fr6in Brandon, services rendered by lhat Erinept, and whilst we admil, that our brQ. Atlowmtestsfintorellt.anduu6n
Ispeak highly1of the Club, wbiell bas the rigilt, of.tiv. chair were the Orand Alaster, dept - BrIJ. thers in the Order have1the 'first PgAs�The market to quiet, and
buyin, rthwout. Sir Knio,lit since the formation o about claim upon us ddfollow 0-
g borsed'for tile go. prices steatly,oWing to lImIt4,d offerhag.,.
alreadvr a membership of J.L Taylor and every truwO INC4 ik 00TT
S.ACRAMENTAL SERVICE Will bQ thiNTreceptory. tweati. The next meeting will ithers; and 01) tile left will seek to relieve distress wherever Halfa car of No. 2 sold lit, 74c, and lio.
Ito P�G. (xibilon, deputy. -reeve Beattie, JDfaver .orth Bi -6. Thorne and other,. lie sees ib. We do not see n
ad WAS IT BURGLARY100 FicidaY. on Wednesday oveniog, March 190t, k to 0 ore quoted lit 71c. Oil top, May 17th, 41112.
ministered in tit night between tile hour; of 9 p, an., at 7:30 shat p. Both-o!d andLyoung Afterjustioe bad been done ilia ex- dJ an'ything to cbrisfianity, but to d0raftild Continues We cian turn out a, First-CI(Iss of Clothes
carry out to its full the,- injunction good for choice qualities, which tire MQNEY to lend. In large -or su,m,
llftnsn�.*LSHAN &BFLL, of Hill- And 3 a. Ito-, Some person or perso off Are invited, cellent repast proviled order was, !on rather source and firm. with isales of to an good 6p pers, no vour ty, 0 1
are rolig poll und6tiled be Ifurol,:�t
Itt, Wave disp ad oftifeir 100 acre forced their willy into tile lower do- called find the following tters re I ad: nthe 10'6`04t ssslrr�ut rAtLo§,
UTILIZING ANI) HARUONIZING.- _,C`God and tile Father y the t ClIntnis,
os is this -to jobbing lots at I9Q to 20c.' Medlum
r y Tile JuDor'S CIIA11tirtis, ailties, sell -at 10o to 17, and Iliflerlor
fartal, known as the 'Cole, estate, partmetat of Yollng's bal er . Visit tile fathel-leoh and Widows in qu. Poll, 29, UK.
Tile liamil(on Spectator saya :- ajr at 12c, to 14% 0-
uear Ls)nde linronah. door was wrenched oft its hinges, DF Godericb, Illareli 3rd, 11384. their affliction and to keep Ili
I-Sonie one li,tp reconlLplended Put- An Bno, 1)IANXlX0,-I all) SOrrytO
I-dt it still rat aiiied owijiging oil a unspotted am the world." (Cheers.) roa,,-The Is quiet and
U'R, T, -I�id Kknl)-, 'Of Exeter,. it I ting a few poundsof.dqj meat under say that I will not be* Able to be with the prices.
An�, town 0110 day last we�kr., ..Ile.. pliain. _T oll. allin at too,. great things, SayaL.
Jle� ttlipgr, _Clintous.bi tht'en pay s 8, urin
let., Coso lot& se;l tit 20v,.
but dealers are not. disposed to V shings.
a back and, some cavilling critiel. ivell, Hat C ap Gen
ere4_ Mr. Young (lop not k it ow bave been unwell for iopo tiuse purposes o.tarking 4; dry-liciods sto]te I pla�tl re than 18c. was, t p I et'l t6d.. It is good scheme, a slit ndt sufficiently reiloverod to venture. tbers, there can be no doubt tbut our 'no
We Are not quite sure, Oat. IL isillep anything qpil'al idea. 'rely trust Y U lVill 1101VO A alm. 18 an extensive one, Every Iloqs. - Oft-rinas are lim 0 slra, Iked nod
lour several hoildred w(ight of 0
eaS. recoAr X.'Conflj_fl� t1fat dog's meat -wilt -d thA.- evening, --and, one-
Whi it Was i eaj� 611 Ole th 1) good, We, o, IV f r .0 t I
"AS lip In oa car 10 .
g to that ivill be of berielit to Oddfello Position, is a true cosmopolitan. 6, o
[title buL Are will�p�
Ment offr6sh field an rarden seedlI. 0
in readiness for Saturday's baking. th;ssection, Givemy fraternal regards to meell: to, bring tho whole world under POTATOE9.-The market Is quiet and
sacrifice every d4g,in the country in Alive tizietnerit_ will_ Appear kices liteady., , -Car itits-or .. . r, ". ils"Xt -d sway ol1ratertrityancl IOVa;Thnt; C,
week. A'ri4l%AitAY'L'O0X-�ATr. 'Clias; We atteolpt Lto fiLld Out. ' sent. Bolivve me, frateitisilri yours,
other of Mr. surely is a lolty ahn. Itwerb-better; wrth 08c 1o.70c per bax on track... 111obertson, bt NEW4-RWORD, always,on tlie ISA040. TOAls. a -M �N W b 31ISS No STEVENS, who bat; John Tile howem,, as th philosopher has put .' 'Wrlits.-Tlie L paark�t is quiet and of tile Palace Dry Goods alert for tIeNv idens, tumbled right Gonritycir, ;rd Alareb, 1884 . . it, "to ahn,at the heavens land, ktrike, prices tivin. Dealers. are paying, $6,70,
Leeu visitics� with frionda in of, ft Col 6way -tho A, If, MANaING, Esq.: - - ' 11. Z Houses i Clinton, WjJQ, with Other. 0 to the ra'ckot involved'in some loffy wou n(ain'F;'peak than to 'to $6.00 Ric clover and $7.50 to $8'50 I orne Iline time, returned homp imn,-I have just . lid", -erg of tile fau'lily, ia. now I OWL atin tit a tree and strike the groll for aisl4e, timothy, ranges 0
List SattLr(JAy - roceivoll a telegram cal ling mot
tot a cliellIG" iv extract fromAhe Spectator. A IF DRAR SIR AND Bum Aron] $L6.010 The'DqAoo rillia tol
a ntiouild in to Windsor -be one of thos w for M J�ql accordli t
in,r to Alistr'slia, is I would sooner d8 EMPO
e jig -*2
pourtai of dog weat taiider tile roots on Tuesday Qvening and I must go itbout
mwortby, fofirlerly the Port August vlog of - every tree when it is lanted I ail. �lt will therefore be impos . stable for strive honestly to make the world
Mims Lizzio Nor, aL Gazette lip. lip
of Clinton, tlied of typhoid fever ht I) better, . than stand With thhSe WIto �- 0stur .05 00 to, 5 60 Plan installed as W, M. of.Plindera Splevidid idea. Aldorman Xarle is. we tQ be *jth you at 'yoii hanquet. L I Fail �i'heat, old, 100 to 1 05
Winuilleg last wook. 8118 was Lod,,e A. ri. & M., of thai place. k own to- be oil enthusiast in tree hope you will apologize to the meeting for fold, their arms and do nothing but 'Fall WIlLat, newo 0 00 to' 1 00
of me oil account of lily absence Convey to Lancer.' The mismintra of each one Of stiring 1 00 to 1 05
about 23 Years of ttgil� Air, Robertsoli tor. ov f get.
It is doillattul if even R. I in ratulition oil us, wllol;ttor we be Oddfellows or not Ralloy a 4g, to o 66 aCe
.tile orts Id 1laat6r y c6og
Allis. R. A. Lrotb, ilauglitOr of -INJaitland Longo A.L 10', z A. AT., of . 0 is to niame C146 wo Oats, o S3 to, o as
W, P.hip"p-9, the grontf6rest'and tree Ilia alipointuient to the office; -1 arn sure- rid the better for
0 70 to 0 75
Andrews, and A is. Brown, Goderich, &lid wasirigilly esteenied.
culture advocate,- whO.4e out'. catu'a Is'ptife Ilia guidance. our having lived Even the Apples, (winter) per bill, 2 00 to, 2 00
long resilience Ili tile ., !rbink the, iivevabers of yQur Lodge 4or tIIOJygjIt5'OfL & flattire w1lich bro. Potatoes, 0,45 'to 0 50 FOR. SA
of Collingwood, 'are. viAting . friends dti�rillg Ilia sug,yestiunq have,been embodied ill But or 0 Ia to 0 18 At, -The Plal
I own" 4 u ro tircle and I trust therd play lie- therly love' is to be the chief motive, 1, IIkJI " stice to the 0 20 to 0 22 N THE village of BEI;dt"AVE, the dwalling
Quunty'of I it by a laige lid publiml�ed b t bs!Zt0hfLrs!in
book lorur a. ore able to, do ju give inspirution to action and earn- house and store occupleo bX Ilse. The alto I
-THE Ladie" Aid �v( heaconaiiatauces, 7 00 to 8 00
Ontaria-Goverianient,.. really kilows toast a4gigned thstil nip�olf. , Wfiliin- *ess* to, purp6s.e, making ligito 11, 00 to 7 00 e.of the most desirable lei tho villaile for lli,hill
Clinton Lodeo ankI, all brothren every site- estil Beef, 0 00 to 0 00 ness.' TbQrq is a good stable, tithonsw, at.,d a
it parlor conci rt at the residonce of -Titc. TiRT.�But by no niefinfiL more or cares'as inuch about trees as ��S, Ili life more hopeful and 'religiod more re. sheepskins 0 75 to 1 00 excallent'soft water cistern bit t, a prettilsas7- T1,9
oil r, rid4, and thill -noble ii-drki boliove time Turkeye, per. pound, 0 00 to 0 00 -lot ctnuprisel; J of all acre, I'lic b�llliljtgm 9-t
11r. Tijo -tl,e,lpaRt -iliteres(ing of the lecture; does. Mr. Searle..- 'But who YOU - rile, lijinus. - We believe in a bet.tei G 0 00 to 0 00 lit goQdL repair. will be sola Ili tho vv -
the , dogs touch TSTOX, coming, ar.d we believe that saur be- aa 00 to b 00
of tile PeoploN Loci u ra-'Cou nw will touch F1113-D.11T.401TIN . loved ' pockls,per pair 6 00 'to 0 00 prietoi 1p.jiving up bstollsebs Twrnlpelts�,
Alft.-JoHWBEAco, (japa ty.. r�eve Ito delivered Ili tile town hall, thisi a . soft spot under the Ieft fe;)nt Lottr;rs of apology. were' . al Order -will- play nomean p . art Chickens, p9r pair Apply to
in hastening the brighter day. Pork, 7.60 to a 00
bf:Searlog.veilt. W6 do i)ot ceived fr'on) P. G. Campbell; of Lon wow Q Is to 0 1
willhip, has ptardlian- Wed eit - brotl a Workers ' cordwood,
of Godetic.11 to i00 to 4 0 -T H.1 S WEE K Phfl0*- this against I i It does don, and the. Grand Wardein, Rev 1) 1 14;. inen
v4 a 40 acre - farnsi. oil the 7th con,, king will dilicour.4e oil the 4': inal as a crime. reping .4ouietl . lilt
Isorior It is t4 -tiri, of Chatham. g from Mr. Goo. Ocean,'. ior 2,700. sophy of -riull 11 if. Ito not (lie. to llf,.al�t if I,Ot to tile IThat whiell they litivedone's biit eisracst FATILAX rJOIt I r L N V
THFNrws-Ilroonphis 11C or Ile ur�ein t1ho meantimo.' do.7 I ... . ---W I -.0- -E-LTIES IN'
ii Coals bolds
110 not put irk an appt4rhiicti' from alderinit, irtink, the company heartily singing And who is there. as -lie difts Into tile.
Mr. & ff. Mthning for a courteolis. 'I Lot 18, con. 10, Tw-m9hip, r.
-sent either of theme c -Au esi -aiaLipoda opinions fr Go -A save We Queen'i -Being
Is .1 . oil). earle-as to future, and beholds with- TilAnys-)n gloing bf,.So cre nusec or adrob-oitiarft,
invitation to Ists, prt The co.trifnittoo in charge -or. tile on of tile There is crected thereon 4 gotia frawe huuti, e,
the u timixed. bles-44168 to be derived lia"'Locksley llall,!' tho visj CollarsI
will have, tl,eir money refunded. T01ARMER AN ES.
follow's banquet last Week. arrangements' had unitniniously firsb-Oussfranissbarn Get your. tic -Pts. Who has not, from. file running at large of chin6s - World as it be, but would like to l8x20; tile barn lias it stione fosindatlottaud cellwr
L nareed that tho usual address o.' Large, Iscalthy orchard, and good %ioll %votor IATIt. W� . MUl,Lf)Y'IIQJ'4' bs�e all. have JlowevP`r&maI!, i Ili
-(.-all of llEli Per4ins"I But tile and , Nye have beard'iliat -irighig about tile e r-tINCE till$ Hotel hals'lloon tftken posdesslon of Liten C. ollars, the preuilses, running stroant. r,",eru
num's I - .1 .. , bi
gaged.as adva.uce agotit f.6r Bat liotpi tialtt�-thui's a gbod word- was in the habit oftiit�ting up o nigilfil p b tho prosent lInTrIsitresR the preinises have 21 acres.of,fall wheat sotro. will Im sold
, .1 alid'that Ill- its y1ace tile obalriasan "Tile ivar (trum t1trobbed no lon�;er boefi'soniLwhatrelitte and additi6iml and more reasonable orms.' For partleii1ars tq
circui. Hi will leay6in a few days. of' his wit alld hatnor,- to'.b(i appri- to watch the graWfli of tile leafy should briefly wtlwisne the visitors 10 P cOnveniontshed.room for teams isboluKadded. BaSKERV
-f,*N�iw York'*wid from thence go Tile lto;el and outbuils?l % ard bpecially admote(t DAVI ILLM
_tliobftttlefla. a e ies qu the
olat6d,'twulit be beard it spark-' gtiardians of inother earth'. 'We in . big ope I ning Address.. lit thes Parliament ol, mail, to tile wltuti ol the faroulig aird the L' c TJ
to Europe. t bla will such Its �d counuand it t�obd 4
front shalltekf6ro assume that Cats.is' 'I'lie Yederatiorl'of th worldi". a
In rising to propose- tbe lieh)(1) of sbaril of such 1vttronage. 'A'c2nis call be adsions,
F01t J3,A.TJP1,
AlEgalls. W C6ATs,, & Som, town ., flidifferout to trea, plantillo ring.) The'toast l�ps. most. luodated - in closed Stubbs, or opio tell Ali Silk Ties FAI�
bave i'lenied. theirAwo. farrom oil 0 10 ix is d, ilia and 181aster .,and success to, (Loud othee,
but, to the I 10d Jlcl lows lip every w iere Xr. entlaiialitically fionorad; airat tb6 arand Unjoh,
eal cotom.j it' it hall oil tic other oc. tilito you rir lit t6wn I t
!)Lit anti 10th concoggi( Its,, Goderieb flon, har46 ino6ulatinly do Manning wfils receive'd witli: loud 'rile : Gi a ott ri011ng will be done f coinfort, rpHE offers for mrt 74 ".
-and. Master in respons gr our I Cost. (3, Morris, 60 acres;35 cleared and ;a
oil a uslin Ti
ano-bia casi, (lertaiii al! ei�
there:oro t1mt It go Oje6ra, . He spoke as fbllows'�_ BS,,,S. Al LF good sfato.of- cultivation. Good 'frains' Uwe.
made all eloquent reply,, we P prie
i, do ire
dernan, i.did nd when it said that, brother. - Is'. illat shall help -and Masters, Offildors find Bro regret not-behig able to reprodue good wall water and purryp;. 31 offles w6st Otero are wor4fA ar.0 Zrissels Will ho 'sold chosp, Tarsus - ITO coin plitnen I;ed-dlinton'Lorlge oil 'TheseGoods are all N -19W and- of the Litept k own Oil tll� �rpnilhcs vr addisw, We linv6 v"Oitizeno" Coats.td get -rid of -the (logs, with ill(. thers-4 beconlos illy duty 6n, be.' 200 ACB�11'� FARM. TO, LET, Is
hall'of'Clintln Loidgp-to welcoffi6 you tile celebration ol'the day -and stated
Will pialdish next week. -itandin" that 00 nIofter� and nildri. t1loy slip. iog- 'AN! a thixt lie would remember it ns one of lirst;Lls P. 0.
'XFW8 RKORD over: tile for'. trees n naost this . eyen IIE FARM known.. as the �Alorlssy- ",,)-a
To the flublic e gitlip , ly ann9tauce 11 ilized an plant fool] tile pleasante0t days of his lite'. He Patterns.,: ana-at. es 1 -bat will ensure their
willing his roilikeks. oil tho. -ward,to this visit from a all," oft the Afalthlijill concession, Gndlsrlel�_ Pr10 th
thmit it giloq for 64itios in �clleral a have looked I'm T . FARA
ed have Lite head of our Order hT Ontairi6and I dulitt iad.poine to' Clint' lerfect to%%:' conAstIng of 200 aerag of good build,
on almost a 1. .1 FOI�.-SALX
tand calls a 11spa( e'A What the ald.o.rnaan t whout 60 of whreb are o'eitred, Is for rent. There -Irl
tm.ell got rid -of an.d. all equivalent to," strang(lr and w6uld & away with hos S. eadv�'sale. Calt 044 Secure some of the
rod wam diftt,the eelitor of -a news our other Brethern with gieall, plea. 'ardoll the promrsesa gbod stoliedwelling hoklai; A
!oally thousands 'of of gralim, . sure. 60 far we. have realized veo was greatly alsol el &lid owwr outbuildings- a large X THE Count of Obipews, StAte
Its, By r e ferenoe to p - miter . hall IT6 did not dreh , "" '" ilig fruit trosts, The press , ilsos arts tile so
To FARMC ter �d thulostituartor r it us ghade pro- inoro, than we expected, and whon -tact] also BARGAINS this. -line 'before the are 44, North" 11go
wive fit�otneiit iii atuothor column tie Holl olle; -w' Ili the foint of, gentlro ple. that the oti well watilrod. Will be ranted oil reasontibld t, cont,111ITIg 1,00 RJ....
IIlXI anti as . THE NE, S_ 'file time , (I taiceii this opporturiltY ofvisitlllg terins toa, good Apply to co 2'W
-oprietreg% davi Ig a )d trees, will Ii, comes we 101)0 lit rdiijg'tzlieGoierniisietitsuri,oil, V*fArtu!2
I I a -w i I h tile Clinton Lodge 'and given elptutted oil Lite main rog
d Is ens that. the ' pt CORD Last ir C011,0iOn . pe void 6f of- �hejeeling of satisfItetion wil be hills. .9., 161011T.r�y, icked 4 front §�all, iii, tile tra,io of . the farniitig f tied ill tilat or ally other similar be grown Wheret I.aught: Ilut, arid him tile I advitritage of moting such 277-t Cl -,'TON, ONT. P P. td Point St. Ignade, and is 3) miles frotu the I a.
e univ-61,881. � To, %yelconle and . indet Ing
Grand: sterility and. previouglk, villigool9trongrille.. For'furthor pal,tiqui.
commullity, at thq I utsiber. Ile bad one, tinali. -6
knowing that thou"ll e �bu, Grand , aster, $Va. IlKvd 1141en* A large la mrs apl!iy to X may (�xtenn4tol oni'l 'Sa�Pul)J'c joined by Breilirg thought that ilia office Was A more
wo own in il from. the gro�.Yir Man,: arrived here oil Friday.* Ile; our lidart, to grow,i.%�h.eres olify one pro. ural hanislote, Iferisall and ti-.up6. expm,ion.ce that' it wall' one of - hard
ougly (;xistud,. what all: antount field, fro& the flourishing town§ to work. A great multitude of queg;* ATj
fle, Maki D, 7t
to daup-s two of town but, lie had hillined.1rorri. GRAIN 242-4t.
Mn. FkANM' (,'*OTt MLL, Of- Bb'd Ect, d facCor wl 8 all IM portant of Exeter$ from SEED
futends returni n -and: %N, ill take lewifli I (I t i oil s�,%v ore do n a I a ii t 13, b 6 i n g addres a a 16 it
y df wift 'those gelitlems. tile I-ioat all(f, tbe..Northi Soaforth at d
of'horqes. -
olOr Ills A eould nothave bt-pn truthlully-r,e, Kin-cardipe, and even irown .,that, in- to him, which Ito ried to roply-to in.
F, - � c4pecially Mi.' Searle,' have earti.ed SEED OATS, SEED PEAS:
Aka -H p*rtj_*to making. up ferred to. W. dou't� want I lie -a significant (lot upon the f.aike �h$)re it frienaly. tllirit, though a large num-
from- thw exi*ting cooltllu'llity'. avid a'- of t6w niost, trivia SEED ORN. We ate god rich. arb
All bar of thetri Wei Aviather teanit, called �- Goderich. (��au gh'te r I thi rt
to tender us tiny apolngy, wcfo�rgivvt ' , . I . ) BEDBARLEY s Depa' nient. Sh6wing, the, IF tbbY Lbese har.e uni ted with LIS to bid. y6u, haracter. Like stn..�i
THE right-tas-road'way catm WIlio)) him without tile aslcil;i all(] Itoo rom generations, yet, un6 isis iTi:'til - ' do HAVE appointed Mn. 111011FIRT 00RDOIT, Ile
g Oefiltral Airont of the GoOorlcli blarblo 0
. . I I lill't-fitarken to tile y6ice Of ti,tifity' welcome to the Gr&at County of IJuf-, ",se
-laut R a cided Lite aldermaif referrad t' -Will do.like ' ' ortt th ' age friendy'gatherhi a a we. poticod *'ek )v % Ae and arIll 7.1 go a I in -the' midst. of official duty. for t�p Coulity ot liur-oh,
r s Ifill, fill- th(t great- wr till.:
dheoied hini oil.. 11
and fe6d trAu and. bury whilst welcoming you as t le 0 Jib.f of ing W'saors. $1.00 pladcogto. It 8k our - Oritari ' ' a ' I been itiore loyally trd%t6d and hear -
!PING CONTEST.-Lilst. Titers- 'their di.fference to futh r�aid in did- Order in 0) We 0 80 a 80 is -ramored, there will' be beciluse of thd personal '4ualitlaa tily4eceived.thart-in Clinton. Speak-, At StandiflTd Elevatort
day evening tile. skatin� contest tititritive pr�6ess 1 We do not pre- have raised y8a to.--tilas.bigli Ing general.1y be. referied to:the- inar-
W it(.
f Po terd ong done It,:. 1) Qny kill. tbe,ldo pi, lit .,on. We rejoice to:be abli. tb-stiylb t ill lit,
Ly Sq I ire x and a had never' on tho Seafoth rink, - for $25 00 elld to be ill-th4 . con . fidence. of ofth or. ositi oil. ve'lldua growtli of. Odd!e-II6*9hip and
,'tif Jappla, will. ad- e ob;, steivems, p konyou- ai-O
IF tbq aldermen. mentioned, tit fe . -e that it Ia no elisk tasklas pro. the grand proportions it had.now
I el awai
I betw'en
Iiss MoTTo., Anefin the M. 'Sunday. Scholil of this' placet' ari(I Thom. Towni of assured tlia� we have 'only iia make side- os,0- and govern so large aud, RSSUMed. lie attributedthis succe Seaforl,li, elid'edJo a fizilo. At -tile apparent toAlietat important a,division
ehilrfre on..Sundn next. he will to the.good the O�diir was nebo Ur
your fellow TR gTi CLI
y a f Dom on. bicells 6 Vdntle-Maker HURON -S NTGN
f:peak in Japanese.prid Mielisli. Sbe conituptiebinent' of tile race. �* POWn as, its, Itjmatulp� the cr)IIIII-101i w al ' m6n. ' We are -well aware -of the. ar. plshing everywhere, and 'the.great.
-will also addr-'es" a public: U e to rluous and responsibleo duties which principles upon which -it was founded
meeting ill the'inside -place 'and for tho -a . their hearty c6 operation i
secui -(loud ch6eringl. Taking the motto
R,- -r, ties whenever Loo. at- devolve upon y6u. We know, t-ooi , 00 OPE
tile church oil .,-A1OII(6y evolling 6 St tiir('.,e rii' lging. i -t - to bear iiporr of the Order-" Friendship, Love, and W
t before he'fowrf. parlia . ill,
t you have brol
41ext. eriiptevi to hini lie would'iik dutie spoke briefly. on each, lif�nslfa cturstrofand doalr In all %in . (to lef
ate for the purpole of it tile rrmof' these s -ALE. JOHITsTom, the- lato oil Loose ice anti cutioll. Prejudice and-dogg' a ripe oxpeHencef and a Illinil well work. and made It noble appeal to tile e t' after pat; but wo opind"'illat-the trained to ssist you
Ili iheir. dis- brethren to be faithful.to their vovs cnnnorvafive candiat I West Steven mutdo a purt
fillig die. ha*rd, Marble & Grpliit6. fbr'Cemet�
Midileiox, tind- fieweriy in ' the tile wt�re in the discharge OF(lut
thejiidgeg witi'moold' have genior for St. U�i'q'.r'ge's Wtkrd QIIRrge-' 'We, Ill y. The.addreas :bT 0 r_r
proud' when -you %vere. selerted to wasvery. fittentivolylisteried to, and. .. . . -1.0 :M a d
ljer�5 entor.. llil,; octilo.1tent had tho-lattsif* k0jrf,* llim 0, 0 .2. .
will Ile equal osacHficing both, no%' ts returned and is prep'ared t xecute ll Work t.flgtl�es tit t c6inpol,likin
ct during this
all oyster supper guide the cs�i year, and won for the Grand'kaster tile
'on present, Conunissioners of the Cduriq, of llur�n will
j,t NIT. NV, own�icp,.but-hl., ead (if doing t )at.ho tation of tit OIL we -baV6 the c n- opini of W-PIRST d to her...
41dined at tlint our. pr�.gen 'SHERrBy thisirtomrstofl.leenie
i6rivictibn .'(fiai whe .� orders entruste
dincot on NIONDAY, the 11111TRI
Farran's Oil Fridav evening. Al r. crosl;ed ahead: Of LLoo. and a COM15i011 mut:1e clear� thit'he 11 your tdrin coas�i; S,�d can' loojc� back Al.e� tr�ainufiictarel f 1,110 The folloi�ingtofk6tt,,Nverb.tbet)ddlv 1884, at 11 o'clock hi the forer -at
Oor on
, o0l)
L 6`fell and clainidd a out. Ily .60 s4bstaintial 'Piogross itibu; ;fit for ]JIJihIiIJL
lihAton feat, lkas,! not chan'ged. oee 0 it I -p 110I.Gi for. upon a year itj)"TOW� 'I , I Jlilli in least, foul, Tile rofetoej who' Vr IF plit.4kilaot aii -the thr6tigh tile Wh6l -,1,,Ocge 'for 019 purposdof ttsking ilito tI as One 0 mi4ropre.,; 0 e. jurisdiction.. Bro,J. Gibson :8tratford; foi tort flotto fov Much ficess ems
ore, orne, Sea_� to bli granted.
ers� To oco6py.'an i'mportant bordinate, Lo(igoll Br6s.. Th
Rcv. R f6r'iberly huHinegs mon, ould. not and. witeref The'LisInor-LictshAllL Act 4ro Authorized to twors to be fir.
allow t4e� foul, alUi6ugh lie did -allow gitiola in tile vanks of iffi Ofde'r. 0 W m lited. to pire is tiarq tlon�
a iiino lims j;ec L ople a County," Bro. Jhs. Thompson, .,Tile'
,fortli,l find
splitting wood the othpir &iv, when Chief Inspector of Licenses for tho
fill great factor. in tile progriem
clot" -sath of tile' Ttaser, Brucefild, and gounty ofIluron
gp,4h�csos LI'lig. fore. 'ft 0�j I Thos. White.; he.,� isitill Broth.
is no ordinary distinction, and with.
of Ciiiiton, now OF St. Thomas; was po Ball, . Godari "Our
centri- of till,' ice. Tile ty 'dgln S
the'"Xia osulylit oil it that 'fown'.-w-am at the"tinto cin the 11,6911111
line, a -i occupiod: &bo r V
runti;er fs th't Tot it ally ce Ing' of
Dut 'easamillir 'af] U.,JY
-Ing tile past weeli-or ten dayA Ot
thiril. af tile ice ]load, cfea'n.to t4ie We are. two lid Would not thore"has been in this' soction what I in t1l a- West, reo iced %Then the. R, lJoIrrieti. Bros. J. :Cole
Hill EA
ed ta'le�rn lie Ia be able give Lrio. room to palls. _,A. foul was W� iiii-dit call "a bnotp in horseflptih. ' Grand stinsfer's inalgiiia'were pInced A1qD 'IN joinits will 860, and Wm, Jones enlivened, the-pron SERTIONS
-Protest e - but 0 . 1 to Ile around as lagual, clAimod - asild a ottkied, in y,bur hands. � We bid you weledtial i ' dpedings with gome, good songs. At.
it litui wince compromised, allow- Local Iwyorii,and buyers. from the because your6preiteot ho inistitation
abou6,1.30.o'clocic the compart
ny di [2
A PLEMAIN't PARTY 0anudi ordiwest and Dakota, that has gtown in the short apaco of 'a _0
pits rt, S(taforth hov tile mcilloy 01) sed alter ililgig tile 1�ration&l D A
or yoting people a vary tell bur boy for linve been purehasing for c use sixty out, y TTERNS
0 ith tit eve, ra
ma 'earsfrou!i An insignificant wi a R]"NMOVE.D.1200] NEW A"
wele Ia -o, law Ili tile City of Baltimore -to. a An �j pleased
aqant tim� nt tl romitiefice 'of r $200.. -a gide. fo - a five mile.' leg,, entertahMnsnL. _T
'John 611alidor oil Friday �ve- .0 T1Ir..
grand army over half it 'million,
0' C 11
"al)"Ovehlaten - P*
mwnn�r in WhG,tho,au ;ganasm &lid atoti4entients of various load. for'Dakot'a' yesterdy. lkn;oug tha*n ordinaryL al)otlt fill bas I;�en madp.' L�6. is". b far the, brood mare per was $otte L n up
y tmust be sometiiirig dit for the
At a, _oIktly hour 't to party illem was opet Mg1ling, tion growth has been $6 mar, nd your order tot A.good pair of
alcater d ilia wo and skates "BooWor Shoes.
-broke up. along Witil gr 1400 168. The lot were pur -v*eil(;Us is.. that, , 1116r,e must , Ile
MRS. JOWN BRINTWIILT,l forffio�ly In ditrurept parts of. 11tiron and sol�eti�ingttboutoadft-lio,,vahipwliieh- -.Anknd to Bone Scraping Genfil'gewed,Bqoto fr0ra,.$&L Up. _All This Semon's, Importati.ons,.
conam-cls it. tn the afre-tion andOf Xallostj, now of Belleville, wall
icnown iislt Iblinton, Wow been afflictod
tfor some time" witli cancer of tho
,breAlit. Of )ate ' little hopes have
been. en ter t pined of her recovery,
the doctor'a -only hope being the
.rise of tile kiaito.
LVOTURE. — VAR (Watinesiday)
-ev'enitig Rov. X Robarts, rif 'Ptfrots10
president of the 13, 0. -(Jolif-r.
.enco Will deliver ftlee(sare'Lln tho 11.0.
40. ellrit0b, of this place.. , 'Subjpec -
"Tile b(Ty thAtrW, to rpnown.", i,�To
'(10uht this interesititig �U�ioct will he
treatel in suall a way aa,to amply
'tepayLall jV110 fittoild,
Doo TAX, TNt
Vile Taft 440d& ahvIt that an oflittar
Intit T47 r fro It, tll&� vil-10,2 o Ia a mersi.
))or of the town cottIocil, An in
40ligtoll a propoAtion (Allie lop b�.
J&6 the council totax do -4m 8avai�-
.,�J,ro,topayelfg dialikoll t1to tax, AL
,V.pJJtJktJ6r[ of thelli, Wa.ito'l *Ort (lie
,rAitor-ooutiall](W find ilgeaod to
soyneally pay thn hillics0l)-t4l ptopcis(;d
5g tat, �n thoir sulm&iptiort to
& -
Ilia PA10, it lie could hfi,.V4, 1,110 ling
4x moil!o4odetonted. At the nvxf.
meeting of the el)uneil, thp sabnoxf.
millift0alro W&I rOP10;ed, pat
(lilt and fIllilt tok0tI)e,.f, b41t (lon't
lhliqtqka (4-4 Aq maying that interettit"d
trade wotivt% ftrb, at the � bot tow I I
ilia Vitaletab -opliti.jitioti to tho (16g
tsix lay lalorilbors of tho Clinton 66dri-
L oil, Tiplkailr# 116 editoell 'Ab 04
Alld sproads ht$ arniv like th wing,; Bruce. - 6omplo4raeolle Of . tile Oinking men r( 10ppaN f 0 11 8 r Ia& Sewell Shoes $2,60
WX..CR&IG sold a driver to Dt. lll.,sitys: 111faving.receivedaonatich
of' an cagle, imithee knowing,,nor of this clarilitient. It Were, however, benefit from R I�ctric Bitters, I fool.
Rosp, of Londgisbortati, lffisrOn. suffieJent for tit to be able to w
caring %�hat thoy may conle in 6011 .4 al it myAuty to jet aufferinjg humoolty CAUT1014 -Intending buyers sho
tact The Seafortli folks ask- ATTt..TAa. ,,tt I � purchased a conic, you to -day, no mattetr What hall know it. Ilave had a rupoing Adre ITHRIST11, notift. tho, Public that r VVIII not bat uld see our stock before
driver from Air, Gc'org(, been our snecesseg or reverses it; tho T fesponssiblo fls� tills, debts contraetod other
oil! two to ono and olir boya 0' "plon"'k, oil my leg for vight yearsi illy than by nlyoolt, poralsitid ly, or through toy writ.'
�gav past, because of th6 great underlying. loldL Me 1. woula have t6 have ton ortlers purcha$ing, 49 it Will'bO, W to their interost to do SO.
them all they could cover SIV4111, for $175.. i�;
.L Milt. AnTiirit CANT'6DN liai pill-- Principles of out, Order, (110 f0UpdA- bone scraped Or leg, atlap
E ilItS. JESSIE 9511TI1,
Tar ' CA.MOVAL, The last ojlii�qcd a splendid three Lich -Stories of I'llendship, love and North Albtsrtstj�sst
year, old trtah, ofL'Whioll for ti - lased Instead thr6o bottles of D, lectrio 3t.
carnival of the Iia,siop took Place 611 (Irivev. ie time being itn(I seven boxes Bunklen's
Fridiiy evenffig� Tile at�tendanci) wha It miglitbitye Salve, and my leg is now
you are the exponent Ar -� I,
Atli, Ono. Cox will (tkday) Alilp beon, and it Maybe, that tile liastitti- goon'd and well,10
�fair alid: tile, costullipli'an tit() Whol" tion itse.1 r- tile oil tsvard f6rill--hoin 9 Val . �trio:nl 6 ISTATE4 J TITX.LiM
to 'teoit fihlo : first-class h6roes. LOW inSPOCIff'S Nice, L Or
wrooh. Piollowiogarethoinames and Tihe huma tt'is are, Mold at My
,y wore parcliasold 'from Tairmers th(s 000(imt` Or iMPOP(Oct it contir'& bottlo.; and Bocklon's Arnica
so vicill fRiled, but tj -ff 'IL T
chn,ractets . In ity, of Clinton. wisdom shoilld have 'e Salve at 05c. per box by 'Nattal &'Co. LLM180,418 do4iring lAcensom for the artle dk
t . I A, -6 for tho cosidy lieeus0vstv are qP
R. Coats, Relle.�all Ii, Ball, great principles . upqn which I is L . off,illuot Pal
my hands on lit tile Ist day of, April NODGUNS'
Chinaman -, Toto Rance, r0igligh gentle- Al It, J. SuiPLEY loiinded being tile very -Irlfributog,of borolly uodflul Oxat Moir ttn)I -ation trust his Ili
-t plem, pu�pooa.teaml t . L IlliIII IaS -A Ooderle.1i irdwiniiii 1. J
man ; wtirdonts, putchinan 1 nei od mi. Nvm. Graig tile 1)01ty 6 , I, for flye nd A -ye. IIII)C6. 9
11 Wl WXY ltoblwr -, 'At; It-, -Webby ilaul Pry; Il. %� opit i I1g Wilt to V M 11 it TAIll 1) ly 11, 6110OPS) ThOP0 or(' t111190 Who tell Prow 6wir Own corm'slposident, IlTIMIM YATFA,
Anna It, itod Battle Irwin, Xate Gr"Dwity I * us that becatioso we reeognizo no Ikfrg. Peter Perdue, -of'th6, Irtaron Licollso I vllllldetos,�
charoctem , Jolm Cotag, NVi a -gart Ain, ill, 'r.'Vislipit, of Godetioll n it vely. loth, IS94. `5734'
n, NIeT I National lineg iii otte entIpAvor for r Road, is tierictivily Ill, Iter many - _.-L.. ,� .
Jils. Ttirnbiffl and Wro Atalloch Q,)1ursiti was its town last week, fbi the pur. worl(I wid6,, smt�, that out% loyalty . to friendr, hopo,666n to hear oNaor Ire. NOM Dvy Doods! Not Glinto an*d Him gouty
Treachows; 1, � cllilllo�; �pfthisfs 11riate 1. POSO Of purchasing roadsters. Our Qtieon mid country is lost in our covery,
Alev. Buchanan, Alwii�ackj Ag Lo N LOAN 007o
gia Jack
son-, Grnoclonn4 J. Xtiinedy, I)an.'O'Loary; allegiancoi to tl,o Orders A gveator NO T-0:6T3DO1�4# (DIN ,Vs,
I)tilly spoofior� consdi'vative 1;cw8 $411 1 To -cure conquptiption, ulaeration Ilbol wits never written., Irthe timo A Staftlifig Dist*Voiry . $t00,000 TO LVVI) AT 7,01VIIST MkItES,
Glara Swartz find 'Mhule Mp000tr, Bri'lels; In tile lu'ngg m4sli be stoppet)i tile gliould Over comi�, all I in those ditys Mr. Wra.Johnabon, of1laron, I)* $)tort slatt loans at
Islay Quatto ; Sarali J%Iulloy, lJoitso 1�laid brjoes out, . Jrrl -9, a
St. Holmes; Nvaq1twoltanu nod tissuca healed, and tile. N 10ioul; Sovereign IX4Y) "Od' itrift thillt, all rome(liesi tried gavla no Apply to y
.14wNg *Uirl ; Annit East, Spanish system invigotntnd, Downs' Blimir or threatening.", at evil to tile 1�111 writk that hill wilo hod been trouble
,Nlinuitl Webb,, Quom of Heatts ; 0. Coats, inAlter niuA'bc. thrown -off, tho metp- Id
Nellie'llesi rile, pij-t,.yivliol(iit)%,v�biiLwliatitmayl',iviiAn With Aclta, broIlobitin for fiianyyParli, 6 ou 61 per Ce` 0Hf N W, .-S
Lilly v, the asilistanne, ol good and true sijb pernanoont lleliof, until tic litocared a
J."VaRponner, I)i1fistingUirl; RNeota,4%vartz, Will ddali this. Try it. I'lvery bottle JectA bvery.whoro,'theres-is bo clA,4s Ili hottla Of 11r. Ring's Now Discovery
,41111aw gllw�t At witilding, lll�rt. walkert; WArrislatod, 270 U Ati(I wb avo now tboroagly oquippod witbitho
th(4 community wild Would Inort) fl)r (l()IJAumPdOh, (16tigh-4, and cold
J000y of
. ; LIMA E,11101-8611, Wity, Alaid qlliOhly and g1AIIlY P0AP0fldj OV011 IA- vitich liftvi§ A magical effect, find pro NV A. N *IV 1.01 10 1
U%1v(;InI 510TA"'gela, cHeketer, I)sivid FIN89T,WAOROUNDS and A00880163
Millson, (lip ia�kiiawn ; Xick Stalabol, DA. LOW$ PLEAKANT WOUM 81-1111P.- tII6 tilking, down from Lite shelf tho Itisguar.
Tinnill"r. Xavvy from -4 Yl trusly
cork, An agreeal le, -sale find effeel,nal rem. _ rille lifid ffilArelp"o lo 'Ile Antoed to ettrd 411 I)i8easosofthroot, ThtLt to4n bOprocured, and in gre'at variety.
Ireland, A move all kindsof Worms. laugle's cAllon fla the fold Of4mitle Lungs oil Bronchial Tub(% FAM OF ALL DESOIPTI
MY 1`0 1 rtliwisovitts
W. 11. Rawd'ord, !'Inowshopri AlissVergil. 217-8t in do olloo of totlotpy fino throne, T'rift) tatt'leg 1proo I'it WJJtjA1 6'O -J A "y
than tile oddrellowo 1"(3TS
Pon, fly)OWAll)(1f; INlIsA clam, 0.011, Silillsw of(IfInAllit. Loud I t 101,k
�tj. , Drug Store, Jf1srgd 6i74-$1 00. 'hod ab
obeel"Al I'() Ile n 16yal still
Istekson, L. Kom, Sielt ITP.ad. not, howevort wqoh-A t6 bo a ArildiAl ou sp oia
jdoteirlAdoex Plophrit
Ofly, 4. Millbury and W, As -it tur& renandy for Ok ilaw''I y 0 Ity is hil Finis a Ito
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owsh)i 'fandtalte Ilitters. Moll inimr. orlimfmoblo� 25cobtfi,
I'liotli, Snomkllwt,"It. C, Bmwer, 11116ohneAs, &d., ho, lia0dJetilab IP OqUAl duty, 1AJS Mpall dio pettriot -aA the Pittom and bonrild otill1lbil'ousnemq Kz'
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