HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-12, Page 2a rib 4. Tlays, of Ucxillop,' Atis, y T4oly. D n30 001% PINT I'M" r"41"'M owrzi rall will result. The I-Irloolplo prove in a body suppoited Mr. Nox- IUWWU oil NOWAY. Foom our DOMMOR License. 'Act 111ZIM 41 The itt000t Action The Choral Society,$ meeting on �jra. B.'jr, Crawford b" returned of Ole ontallo Involved in obe4lence to this Act om� Tlie, %zcj- amid W4 opponent is the very 41reumo was I r Ion, cps I)Jrm it, thepradi, I A 04 y from a -thy visit to Tivickilow. Wbilles to ityrorm his old rusloolen, and the public generally corner a.tQne of our woo only P, IdisguiRed Tory. The oil. A great race is to come off on Wed. tI.iktt lie line again opeqed out in the ment we have suppotted. Federal ouperottlicture; tile source tile local Grit or. Another 4elogiltion of our youth Acutlay evenivig on tho.riak here, be. He not only deel4res tile. I)otmity- of our national life, anif the carrying g4n) rid AIr Cook I ween Albert Cooko, of this village, Iff itsited the j)oInt Vorni last week. Tha haerch Ne,fl. I'lle jotirney to an4 Jro, An xcellent and Kerr, of Luekyvow� Cook beat .0ardage; and Waggon Business, .generally ion License Act Unconstitutional, of it out the chil f imessis tothe per _4" - undoictood ;0 100 a Conw-rviltive. =k;,calld five hours of the light I(err on Lucklytow rink on �fondiay made by the Bomx? of On the Omer of garon and Orange Streets, UUuton, but Mr. Hartly has, Introduced 4 petuation of tHe greater Britain cf Men he declined the Conservative InAdo the occasion, exceed- And this, fact adds conaidorablo In. Ideelisa Oonnnissiono�s lor th e ingly pleasant. torest to the coming race. In the Brick Building Unown As the I'Moutitcaitle property," where be will rArr)r, Iluron, fleoord, Bill into- tile Ontario Assembly ours. Nullification and incipient nomination lag Count of Huron, Under III year lie did'. not Yesterday week Charlie Dollogly We understand that Mr. Agar in. on the trade loall lig branches. An experience or over 20 years In. buslow" lit purmiance of Ithe Liquor Zicanso Olinton will rnable him to of tile public In bw line. All which, if it liflil any force, *ould jobellion, lietber attempted hy bTr. seize the opportunity to announce cated Tom Town, of Seal'ortli, a dis; tends Putting all engine into Ith% Act, 188,3. waterlid of tile very bestiquality unit! the worunlauship unsurpassed. Call and Ilitilify tile Poolinion *Act. Air. Molvot in Ontario, or by Ileedy that 110. wall a Upformor. Tho -ie �411" Of fivO miles at the Aread I o factiory here this, s I I. Resolved that it lie 0 on examine beforepur linslivig. Alihe lutest hoproved rigsimAitufactured a rink, Doloagli beat by about u4 kopt Vareh 19 Hardy proposes to ta-.� all ct'nqmer- politicians nd speculating land who support him are supporting the twon Ing :Vrotrcbed services ate to be com. requite to obtain a Hotel License thattho 011staUtly 01) hand. cial dealers Ili liquors wife takeout a a t., yards. Messrs. It. S. Will* in onoQd in the Mptho4ist church here applicalit shall provide the following acco- . harlvr in blivillititint, will liave to, be Conservative party." The partition 41tiviiiiind J: Straitorl acted at, jadges, this .week. Thursday evonvogs Are I'ludatiolls it, addition to that re(juired by "'FR-FX0- license from the Dominica Govern- stamped out,so that at least tile whip Its We have much pleasure in An- to Ile specially devoted t WORK WARRANTED. PRICES REWABLE. TYR 8UPRENS ALL �q at all vents lost its, power 0 tile young himself, Ills flintily and servants, politely, L O PA01AVIAZ tile ELIllouty t that they inidid line of. the followiog four4 has been long considered An of the iob it suitable btiil(liiig duly heated )Ila having *:L�Repairiing and Repainting Promptly Attended to,. BRA nou ncing that Mr. NY. II Afacara, son POOPILOL . (4� In Towns, not loss than bodrooryto 00.va,enov, Is LIQUOR. pay the Ontario Government, and applied to our Tinporial motbor, will irredeemable Grit constituen town, is, a, n Illeartra Bsqq of this, An cagle was aeon in this vicinity -roolai, all suitab.y farivish- cy partnill, in t1jo law firm of last week. and two sitting theOntario, besides, suit our caa,4. Time'will nq, doubt The people h4ve, tahen Vie power Atty.Gonj. Miller, Cumberland. and ataLe();)volliclitdiotttuce.fi-oxiltlio Thaux. trust, in all well. regulatra- sera, of Win nipeg. The Foresters beld, a a hotel stabling anti todder for at ]east Al uppor at #11tiltea ton a suproina governing power. Xnd Dominton licemyees only. bring ourountry in d With jotoL their own hands And elected Before many weeks el Martivi's hotel last Friday e ton borses, unless swh stabling 4 Art frou) tile palpable uncon- the other lines - an lildependent LiberalL instead of our Bel.le's will bellivited Spee one or 31r. D, Fl. Ain -nil lader be dispensed ivith by Tile principle hivolved.rin liedience In Vredlock's tire was visiting hIn invorpor4ted, VIIIV" th", bonds to a gentleman from an east- friends in Manchostev last weak, 4' tutionality of' any legislation 11.1 tond o litestled Ofivernmetil a fliorough-paced Grit. Had and Town8bips, a suitable building having 0, tile head of tile dortletitic family which, discriminates between ilidi- Frout lirocedent to precedent. pec pie of 0 South Huron been. equally torn town, As tbeindy ia it generat not less than four hed-rooms and one 0_� T S90E'' TO�HE`.: Id that which lium been XdoptedL ill favorite we anti tip &'large gather. sitting-roonx in addition to, those required vicluas, berd is m.del 1 heratet tool pt A and of just and old renown I free Iroin the partian whip, and to Iittl from our 0?011 by r6gulativig thefta irs of Al I c Boa the noptial coremon7. tile aiLlplicant, -his finuily anti servants, Where freedoulbroadensalowlydown."' log X notice that Air. Flevity, 'to youllify a law pit lie 811, should it be of a public Wingli of tlie. to who o suitably furnished anil heated; patrifirchial,. tribal, colonial L $sea by t had they exercised their electoral m Advance, dollies, tile all )ga- anti also proper stabling anti fuddor for not W, DENIS ON$ 0atitt-day'S Mall gave "that aL nosid. tion that lie w premD powor,. but tile Qourf:4 will privileges in an equally independent n lady and national. Saere(l And secular - XOTES. !,, Gcderi6jjLhf.tsju$tQompjet as ill our town can . a- less than tell horsos. yab doubt support the legal enactmetili whiob she bit$ bee lj� the -chances for starting a paper 2. Resolved that it be also . a -condition Takes this mean tuanner, Sir Richard d 4 qu It �s of letting the Public know that he, how, 14%tory AbOUU4. wIEh enceo of C?irtwriglit upon 0. lie Alo, scorns the alligator raquisite to obtain a Hotel License that Ovid, ftbleL to airAlis working for 14,430 'years." This or of the Federal Government, would not now be and foreshadows tbab lie will make it applicat shall provide, a suitable wator� pened out a any" Tile so-called forrtve�s' seceaslon statement provissf,holialubrity ofour hot for our ex -citizen, J. T. 0 convent 0, 0 thing in. the laws of tile province to . jL ticablo idetis oil the floor, of town, and also its quiet'ness, fbi- no closet-, and also o'good well or) r r Lie, In Callada tile all' convention Manitoba liss, een a 1 n)prac .0 ontly adjacent to -the said Hotel prory prome power tile contrary, notwithstanding. it Arson could livi; to Buell age In a, The Itv. G.,R.. Norbligraveswill fizzle andecession woo denounce(]. tile Dominion House. Tile Reform P I Ily coture on the' IL fo soil Labors of 11) the executive offlcors of th, is qatto possible, however,..tbat ofthe cantankerous towns by w.IiIQh, I i and stabling. tile sympatI4 if it I, era of South Oiford 1)%vo found e are surroondoil. St. Ptrick," in St. 5xichael's R., 0, Federal Government, for tile; time .. etio dyiplie'Ato (, ' L. w Lieut. -Governor - way save some somo0ing to reform. They have Air, Win. Megaiv,-of BrItiob Coly.m- Church, here, on Sunday'L 10, Tliattl;ea6cotnmotiationreqillred.1 tions be ulailltail'I Fargo, Dakota,,ditto. the resolu 1 4 he set WednOsday oii his return udog, lie currency Of the License and 'rito. Ole HO' 'I being. They bave it ocit inherently tr,010L ily witilholdin I)ii, assent commenced on the G his left I at 7 o'clock p, to. If lie lecturer iss, d - t 11lot by virtue of 'the power repose(! me.. Mr. Alegaw rather surprised ripe scholar of liberal culture Alad, that tile HOW and provoiset, be kept 21 BOLOTS AND ts ts. frona 'Mr. lardy'.s nionstrouto . pri., A A ly, Alowat's Algoma fraud, though quite a. young mary; has Aires- and orderik, In the Britibil North America. Act Pi hia frionis by tt�lcirlg away one OrQ"r ay shown, that be is SUK nontlik4' Tritl Free. clatighters, having been married a Arofound 4. Rosolved tb;t no Billiards shall be p,mition, las been held guilti, by the Supreme thinker and that xe cises his allowed to be playetl in a 1.10tol placed th.2ret oi� Assent given to its To convince the ptiblin. orld prove to abortly b9fortOie left. to Miss A e lie e r W TTS! _ncial righti'l- Court, of'hoproper. conduct A -,-F,OLD STAND The cry.. of Ilprovi for di judgment in historical and even p orin anadjoining buildilig opening direct - being tbalrer, kv all tile, a- the sceptical that tile Spirometer Is the Ddnagh� We iyisjj�tbe happy people ly theological mat ore, provinces, all liqtrumpritever Invented for the ters with asinqu- ly into thotiotel building. eged usurpation by the franchising electors in that district. best I qao� a ..9tylprising, this Dominion. treatmentof dlReaRes-of tIlQL.tIlr Pa4f plea. jourpey boin , nil a. lar freedom from bias And wit]" 5. Roitolved that no prollone, insulting Which he Will Soll'at the lowesit possible rates. I Federal power in the mattifir of Ire, The $1,000 judgment for ref - "90A, happy issue *out ol'all thetr troubles A a Thp provinbear forming the, origin- using find that it, Isall I luive".ever claimed should such ever 01-or's their comprehensiveness of grasp not often or abusive, laiigiiage shall be allo%ved in any keep tile Celebrated gulating the liquor trade -is a'mis. five Conservativa votes ban been rorit,nnyoneruffrim,frotri bronchitis life, found in gentlemon who deal largely Hotel or oil the Hotol promises. sl. British Worth American Confed' leading and a Neon tiouB.olle. It Ili affirimed, Ad there ry was sold by in rathbr abstract subjects, be are more to fol. anniption whowill eall atthe Coninterc-Ini This Seincitler'found 6. Resolved that the Voonses to- RA YMOND Sew'" - Muohine'. can scarcely I oration. conceded a portion of their ulilic-.auction, yesterday week to Eat* Wawnnosik County ofHtiron shall be limiteT in ntiln- a torril,le resiorb of bfr. Mowat. It low. Ile a called Hotel, Clintop, Monday find Tuesdny of p sued. in the various ToNvubills of 1be tt weelf, and consult.the surgeqns r urn of ounotm vorrespollawle. islity to the Genera 1 :-Gor" 'abo-w-t-owlitiltstr4its. even a well Appy John, the International I ]it- nd Lung Ili $5,100. 'rite stock and ceritain sun* Ali bor fit the respactiveTownships as follows,* �kta Price everyonecan buy, All kinds of arninerib. 'It a,' Maggio Miller, of Morris, was nailiely, in Aslifield to eight; 'Colborne, meaning mat), aq we muAL suppose stitute, Call have a on trial. ries were knocked, down to the visiting friends on the oth. last week, seven; Goderich Townslilp three; Grey six; _Thp provincen whch entered Mr. lowat to bey, can be drivel) by Tile Gia6d blaster O,f,.tllo jj�nljrv_ to be paict for at tile end or six nionth, Bank of Commerce, the bank being Miss Ann Lovett has returned to ilay six; Hullett four; Howiek nine; NEEDLES & 0 1 LS':--:F!M into tile colil-pact, orsnoner,11'putfilfled w4th the reLmlts. sfitnewhat interested in the instit-u- liar home Ili Goderich towilahip Aforris sevep; Alexill0j) five, Stanley iix; WZ L. I - — .afterward did P' ioaGrAvi-e'in the tineeting tioti. it is suppifs n � ton rot -r- Tufn-- - �t# artisit it pressure or a lov6 of' office. of that Consultation. advice nil(] l-6t!pllL haVe tile f ek ee, Ofr tters aligust a, wi, I soon undry tile, 20611.ult. teaming wood to Be,. a sod other ma last w( If0d'r6e *io%m­ <, - be i -y flour; Usborne font; East Waivanosh I have running ngkin. three and We.5t Wawanoih three. the @everal provin�ea oball, be joL agall T do till 0 -Vol �iugTr-euiena- 'hidulges in the I Fig gen, In tbo treattijent, lind to couvi-nec tbo grave. LItLis said the b9ya Nvere mellp sitiontOn urinal glitter . Fl,i 3 F. W I NG MACHIN be� L I A siecelmLlast. little breezy thfko Inirailance of that suiproyin 'Ay, '' , . .. I I - j. [Lit. bq, ti-P.PilditiQn, _98 REPAIR909_ a Iav 6,011 Ion� .-ot,hQrqL-. who tile death ol Ous; seqUenceq, W iy­we consider Oralitlos,. ovealtiolis--firr, Ills 4&: Ito dAN. e'v4pilting a notincing 11milMuLean, Of tliiktown� ts to'ObTain. a Sri 7opLicemo tb at t -ately froin S. d i -other of Mrs. R, -iod on sepal abor the 8tan4,,,0pj:Iosiie Z Coope tile land (th .1� Bill] seeptleal (notw!tl)stnn(ljn_­ tbe =ss sball'be �ah Remen thfft they involver a direct dpnial of res8 that the Grangp Salt'Associa.- thoutinn(is or tetim r. Goo. Andrews, by 'allipi TOCently, took lito a[I other busines, and that nosuch Licon-' 'I l"lled) till) tL tile 4 The,-deconsed get, domatif tielpmate in 'tile person of Miss J 11 b 'I'llilt(T4 an nson 110 T lie -constitution �f th'" j"Itliciarv,- tion,viiii pirflineter I -have An- B,, Smitb_ 0yCcI se a ).a 0 g vented and the medicines anti treativion %vivo was Well iri town, Mid Nvliofokiiiarly-livt)Ct'inB,31grave. the regulation of -1 the Aariff And' Of Government., Of-, coursp* jie pre- few weeks lien salt will be obtain- coulib.- Ivithin tile oviso to sub-soction I W preOribed -fly the..qtIrjrjoTjS I)rt'he Inter- - been sickly forsonlo.time, caused. by is. a good beginning,' and there re two,'ofsection 76 of the saifl.Act) to soil trade and commerce are. matters urnes eJ at itif actual value. Sholild this notional Throat lind Lufi,,, lustifute are* befing thrown 'out I of . a otitter somo splondid prospects, o of , a number 'of '40p, place or- pre - tire a pereent time since' when on a visit t niofn similttr occurr,411ces. .111piciftify reserved for ibe Federal 001=111 where j�ooeric or'-otber increbtIndise people, avid when lie cri t rail Ited muc m0e age or are es 66 111lition ktiLeffea 16 theqe diseolqog than any othel- be avitily in Dakotft., '�lje A. short tivile , we board of ln� fir sold oi- exposed rot- sale, or in any y r% of Ills f %go round provirifial,riallt",' Ilefil'slagille than, prisient prides*will be paid for, ""'intent An. tile' world. 11 aecident resulted'in parali'sis-ofolle mor,. living liot*inany miles f rent he store, place or provilisoo counectod by any power' to., deal 'with. T1`4 totter U . e . boldit good for;��Ionda; and Tuesday Of si(If. which Ila a re, Y�O tl-. -R upon tile f tile curinggild will ci a9 H APY la:wg passe�. by liffered till, who� took a load of grain to Win-lbam, interualconinittideation -with such first. proibee lie willearry the people with. him it. nextweek, �Dr. M. ex-al-te. death ensued. hop, PI to sell, llub could not ilisppso ��f it. 8 ace or promises. v�liicji olvall-conflict with theradifir Burgeon of the French Army, 277-1t. a necessart y ppry, by the Committee of W v.e, ivilo, having purchased all, talco place !it, oi- oil But ireason'bas at various. epoclis u toprnament for tile juvenile -,portion of. Belgra o PrealliSeS uoltand void. 'GO of out- people took PIACO at the a new, grinder, is -propareda to'd orally shop nsunder Thouib -tba supreme power, re; inquite,triodern timea been dres a e Arcade sk4ting �ink tile will Act or out of , or froin tit . a ivalo from or after. tile hollrof seven DER1011. a . I by tho in'"gic, of a naille'.. sod avid Me ns,'r Ported to tile' Muse Tile cho�)vmg t lowest raWs, 8. - Rilsolved that no side or fatlifil- �dis- laws ontlyes,e subjectSLar The Ancericrin. tariff bill a�rfnfkd- On urrly afternoon racing 1:10 inay viow take it to Mr. 'Tyncr, pofinl or liqurs , sh rl-oin our own C.orrespotutent. tor doniotel. a :numbt, of, Aj r. A,, Taylor, of Belgrave� is mov- Satal.da3, night t on up.in tile same garb'ag �Ir., owat, last,. Monday,. pro'vides that off, ill six O'clock fin* Monday. poses: in' W'16tL. we, shall -call pur Ir. W. T. :Welsh. ourneyed to IV) loll wore�.,kvell con ing his maiumoth, stock of dry -goods ti"CIGtheA his � t logi )cition-' A tit] [Ile lulmlssion lot- those' untler ton at' written "Con itution, it would- pe the..1st july sa'e,6�1 6r 'Stratford last week.'- id groceries to tile stora Vaoittod by 11 tl'�lock,aVuigbt until six o'clock Ili st ro* 'lie 1. Ina bieen unyvnaskeksndpl�uis d. Aliall be �djjji tt;d- freO. "Coal from was -five cents, and tile numbAr.thaf Mrs, Morlay, who I�as talc6n. - ]lei do- !,.tile ninrning. following, on,. all the Miss Allito 'I'minerleft for tratli-, f - ithoub c sit nipd a dea. letter w. an was the.cry'at Harit- 'Qanadaj however, only after we 'have' ro on Vriday oii a visit to her sister. to -Ile 6ilder that agowng puttire fir Clinton. An tile buildin- IA4 of tile Avock, cx�ept where a ril IS1, instyrurne . vitality to exeroi, remaricallte. be -,vliieli Mr, Taylor is. ino-�ing i4 , of, tni!;'In for. inotlival 11 . lll.jjO8eS;. . Sign6d It- ford Conn.,conventi Miss 'Nellie Donagh in in Own oil 0. G: M artin wli6 )Ian boen.'in the, 1roator dimensions than that former. liconorl itiodicitl practitioner (ir li�o e Fe on when reso-*. taken.our dwy 'fr, Ill this �ection That ills.truinentality is th d, lilt* on her usual winter visit. sorbe time on a charvA ly occopiod by that entorprisilig nice- ofthe Peace is produced by the Von iolis wore � passed all-thorisint" we ure i0evested. in saft And as the I It is c6alposed &� Motirla'y was -the 218t' tinniversary 01,11andling b(2'gtIQ monov; befo�c chant, lib -v6II be enabled to'slimv hia his oi- )lei' fl,�Ont.. r.sistance to the Federal power. bill is likely t p� b Rai it. lllay�, help..our of the Frinbe of Wale's . nittrriage. civilly Ndge on aku rday'on on goods in first-cItiss style. -Y of* 411f Rion, who shall I Ilava the confid- Fifty -yeare, ago.. Sout.h.. Citrol . ifia satt in . anutaottirers. He also 9. Resolved that it shall he the flut . . . . 0 Next Sunday is. the third �tytndtvy applipation rot,. bail. '44pi some takes tile �nawvgyemcnt of the tiele- each Inspevtor to make n tharough 1) itvice of Ila -etl�siorl I RiviiorWauA (11 inspection of promises for which rliament pas.ed.11stateri(rlits'. legislation re- i n Lent. "PI)H6. wns grant .for' Air%. J. R.Aliller lft on Friday -on a -ed in'two good urpties in the slim obliers" comincy fioill a i1iitance call License ra�iy Ile asl<od if, lib. Division s Tile inembers -If ment uj,� to pay tariff lilies. The 16 'pro* notice to.hini orsnei, Irving Pay Is v0d f. the.aption.4 T now rely -011 malThe 0 b; al . of. two thol ile 11 2 week's visiting down S011.0). 9vilirds gotting f a at soon as I 't rally thereof) to *3 0 pr@�fttfed thativRolves, 7and If ing a great, c6ilvenielics, lfr.- Taylor.. is sarily oesesit the confid�nli r norati6ii. Ila pusIr ra' .'. Mis, Lizzie Proctor, or. tra,"NbilJ4 will be "'Id to rel) pau6s.. P presient go ve recollections -of Grit, Ill evening E. -Nlaptin and Henry Wells all ros.4onablo Ito Ol 6: majority Of the peoplil Of ALL tile oft th' ir itttom tBI,i;o Iun" A'Igo- ri isit 1 * week. I G. was released ntilL ),tit obliging . nil Lillei-3a4 gonDj it'slilarsa(loseriptitin ofthe Wall. ja Conneetion"With tile Sjlj(l provinces. be StateRi resultin" of, L N T N lie t.r.easoll4ble "state rigbts" cry e c., Ili e p ved'in town on 4 v nat fit several'of t Ift main tho'interests Of ills party. Mr. Charlps Slack, of Chiengo,,ar, tile. spring Assizna.- Tho conjuill.nity at large - will he llotol, 01. pl�ol)oq lip involienIfe IOL 1 1. 1 . rived in, town ohThursd a -evening, Otir Cnrlln� (,'11111,11fts tint IIIA A to . all to lie so used,. shol*tfig slison tllk� whatever as of We and' treasure. 'AloWat and. his - 8018,'Ifardy and y 96, - hear of the bbalige. til -Cir front -811 -the. outbuildings cons o onerm. tio'nicii 1, 0 the Fedillal Parlio'ni were accomplices ili C116 Mr, T; Grab.9m 1AW of this' spliton whon All sucoedl,; t -lotel. or Ilotq.] pub does' 'or They werf carried away by PArdy, al'o . otltsid� 'clubs. This now. perninnent pin-yine attention is n feceived (Ole- town.. -lytosection 23 of sai& Front mir oten Carrespon(lint onvots -wulit he taken. -as having. tile magic of a na yet and -dearly A id gouts frauds for tit residents 6f illle;rculai willit'of success has bP6n caused in :LoyiA Iini1i'ensc­St0& of vialitition of wojority Oif.tha.'jeo. tit n eva, . ry gr&tns asking for Next llonday.,will be'thil ann'iver-- a _e 0"Lfes.�'ffr Act.: it 11,lill also*bu tho duty of -the ey :.poy-%,.th, peyk�fty i Ilills- -1 a the 6dednnian Afeldal. whic lasted" 1 (10 not think In violating tile ta t Ireland'* liatron to roport-to tile Chief lllqp�ctor Did the I ry.of:. Ito III . rth of halrAle Ivint aan.uLity. of privte: Collyi3isabiqlj If I t,� tile -wiso of Gov hint. t f r,. Mid - in.. Ill tc,. gufflOoney or othoi - tilio. To ls�pp instend othy nriho - itiontiow of ati affair which is liMit ob tile treet or- piitieular place AIM kavo oct.urre 0 orn ment-ling a donst4utional' ji-lit and yl nti -eiv (I aimil.be.presetvtod, There 'in a fo I ApIting to hini-tht Algdtna last Saturday 0.ot� a wigthy visit to' ferelit to Clifif, 6f'-pinyingbv ri ilc�f nd burg. 'lie it'lin6wri, therefore, that RL,§olved that in soon as po%i le M . 0 . Clinton rh 'national. sent' lould be carried by fair 'or:joul to exercimin certain' oWle Willell, fiXe tn-hiwo been the ma n calls certain young this vicirdby, arter tlia ist �1'may ilio Inspector of aaell, imonb to that .91 0 a-, rise tliat� tile Irederal This Dominion.of Canada rivust. "sib' dow'n.", on lie Globe Al-isg.Lizzie Logan returned horno ti,ni ;f plavi'lig �6 g.lv in P 'the Hotel pruikiist�s are situatu. R. Mr. J, "IsPeCt- in ricreating onr honie tell m.. �%v ith it aft,, barkfUllyporriSin" oporatep.pon and Afficet thp. purpse. men No assented to tile ing tile solioot of his. dis ict,in tilt- "littip more peactice one eltlh xvilf Of tho Potnimou'Lioonso Act Division liv'ensod to..4ell iquor horetorore er n ty; A— I I M, catuo. to tile the Liquor Li�onso and )Ve tre not 1�dul peopi � of. all: the. provinces,: and yet . Mr..bfowat, iI Ontario'foi p'grty ;villainbus doi�gs.-thit were - backea jsOutliern part of 1,110 coil f�rm, find h(� able to in, Tur is now b A(% 1881, fnin, omb a-�t t h(ld ihab Me governillei&.of 11'r, Dickenson, or the" hrV3` Of n`PhnItl 118*'014tinro pf�sionj as the conclwifon that its tapdration a tL or pp.rsonal aggr may try. up by tho'Olobe.' 0 1 a t 1, tvri;�t Ile 8a.16 'of 'liquors. wben Nf&,say we t Ile ST and Dickojison, of wingliam, club in.tho county.. to thki , 136ird whethei or' riot liquors ni:fr- :. L I chni-ch 11 'e, joll 11 8 tit, ftoil such proullses,' each provijn�e the right to fix *to inflanie the public. utitirl by in lsq3 to dictate fo, 13�r )a y . t ti was. in town -last F ridoy.' good in their eyes other fcts.ag lie way doein itfater- Pla that, bofore the tillid Whell ',9,\ YQ B vivid deterulinelta own. itifaiive pow. issues. ' 11m,.'may iold thatthougly cO of tile Hon. John CoWgan 11fissrs. 11alatimson, and' M. Ox. IValron. Saint on I RirtST STOCICt GY S and tile i7t.11 int. by would bo virtimll'y pL robibitied fers avid, -by.hecessary consequonce to the Diiiiiinion Li6enso Cameron viitod. Mvighaiii last. Wed. EL ifi�tnre livid con ,tter Man; Sir. 'C 11 ILD 1*'E' \IS, I I A -4nd OAPS'-in i Act'w,ore will.be fi. ed by a b.. will b� af-iiVert 0 _h1ving 1 11.- Rosillve'd that itshall bp -the duty of. 15�c u Powerj OfLtIj.a : Federal lega It would esi4t it in. the'inteit- J O'hii says,he is the bbst.judge of w . lie; 17his att'ond b3' _W. limit th generous tuile one(" tile Chief and ;of each ill' o 0 r anttor &nee at the 'Wednesdav the per. the' Board at, Govern-livent', ia to suppoRet 9 .. niRrItei. Ont,, it pentipmll'of g,tzp tipull tile wilic. While it was, fou li, 1 f! -Y ClAi-tyk 0 tlic Cliedyie�t Gdc?s:' iri his,exist- ests of morAlity.- Iliq position s hiscollesig6ea. sbaill be;.-holdi; 'Costi-' evoiling service at St.. George a -is ra re y the Cornmissiondr to visif, inspect upoh fifty wido*'reputlition its un(f sbow, -it away .1 . thifi. section' a�i tb, bltck. what e ltvintenable in any case. TheDomin. lie does not steadily it' bullit * presdutea'. itscir.. . 000. of, tile. jieetls d 1111,101. t1lo jillQviii0ils be the said con; gan in. his and says creasing. -ill y up muste Ile tin- t Vile 3) i,13io' V�Ant L a Mr.,Wm.LaAhatnt of.Saltrorr (if AfISS aiiittmt rightly, ion, Ac orn I nm bettr nian. Alowat .3, is. d,,, r- men is o0b ill the 118bit oi 'Actoi of'a Contra- No !&rsoii sliffering fro ;tauk of t Ile has �ee -in ille rdby anA the conse i, a severe it�i Fiviii I more ro :g "I 'tion �Nhe said ket., ows -i limp back hot e Sir. J"6hn a I of the.clinrchi w Re 'Solvoll -%vp.s t int ere long- his, powers. 12 n . I., . This ificoilaistentpositiotf ti?0u1�11'. Act: can gout., fjlivollco I itsball Ile. the fluty -eit tile assi-oance or tile wt.kil rt3 n i that 4asom d:' by thlill orltario� Pregaiveof the spread of Ila() Of stiff %�erteljra. tnohn am ton, o?.Alists Vfibs IN % ocomotion ave cotijplutely-� out, orthe Of'l r by ten icatingliquors tbaty-does l9r. .grievances ex iftli in blanitf!l- Great ill Ile presonted on a, once a yoar to all I ses lioewsd� under go 8jgjjt toL cotillion, tbe 86 APtaiid ingvect, aucl report therecu" a or tv hI6 D� look npoh b jag a t� roviowe& agitatidn regWing k W r -the ea. -th,being flat, iii, . 6,d , by the sr�d )fr. i F,'Rohipsan. 'rh a] c. 136AI'd, to :1131coa �Qrsolial Visit at laal and lie woull f it five 'rested him- tli'' .,Gqyernn intox, -ing pi WOUld not hivil b6oll t t bulklit not ;tnd;;d6e ot require I flate thereon. y tilloe Tit . 0 tho ocession, fl�nd all lovAl of the ollection last:.86vi V nt.c t still sI)OSSible ittly soohiki ry. to, c, -Abt in the, pnoplia's we re. eorge a tin.ivri if) to the 13oard ag-soo . I . I The vo not hold V.Ltillod asti and not was fort to miss'lon onvince. our road- fu lid of should attend thb,*enfeiv�, rn -nt:' 8 -s the diocese taiTi c eHi assooiht6s. took after suilft VjS . it. '�of oil y a -see ton; a a..ion6. to t.d1bw flarmci fr ra of the untena, ),I it�y of Ali. 'that The exec tili, z U -of n6j, o ence against Any oneguilty tiv . e RndL' re 0I)n,.g 101untary "St., Iatritlk's. nd a r I love time to team r MraBorker-Esq., P. 0; Inspector, be He'll bloyiaVa position bit Day Miss C 1118" UiCII L to f, P111,60' where Tine le to be pan iqnor pr6sentative power of the a e cars lateie ished as provided lly tlidsaitl Act WI)OI lid loaf] 'tit officially viiited' the P. 0, in this b , "010, 31riss gar wa to I)b had, and adl in e Do iiiiiiii. pir, ea. 1.011 ill has af4sellIted. to it. town the rosor dos resolutions %�dro Maile 'at tin up thy' I-Toly4lill".1 xisges 0,.116t�p i go.6dl G its FtLn(i boilj�p. Solo I� -uary it is supreme in itFI entirety. The GiAnd Tr0k ia not the tricst We nodce b 7 tesi I . . Goderich this 27tI day 9f Febi So long as die.people of,tbe vari. y the Exottsit 0 thatt'liqnia ill Ordor-;to,bringhim illjb�ral company ill' the world and- that Mr.:arld 'Airs. RothwoIj s A ng at back to lais pr . isti . no state ()f.:Bcj7rietjr. 1$84. '99F; provincps S far, a& proVincial legislation: in l3idi6lj;h-jO:4Naz r send representatives 6 q the Firemala concert ill that viliago, O_(0) yet. thpy.would.not hold �cars. at the Mr. l?nI)insoj7;- 0 Soine ot� tile Patty jusC tl;�ya dicovered B. L. DOYLE to tl;O,, tile I liquor trade Is$ -Iiarnetit,.,ao lo;ig ROBT. COR Federal Pal matter doe -4 not week. at the vinegar was notvinegar, but L Y, Wynne; 17a�tjturn -Ergo," Choir, 410 they'. fit Clinton station and, J%IIUW fartiier Af.r8i fl.. Af A �Ieaaly potion ittakell ill the qu--tu. IN 'It RY P P. K I X 8 tile tit t practical Ili D dotiflit:6 with-Pi-deral. legislation no, eyers avic aughter, of on. a re octi" ca Siinday aftein(yon 11rr- Chlef.I�spoctfir. .276. vier poKsible ailknowl t, to brin�y Ili tedin load,'each dav-111- Will,gh"lle are givests of tit(. lad. Ills. Thelabel poi - edge alren.. &nd tile ep .. ' L L . I . I 1 their excep ion call be t , .1 ptitiousiy tII at til -L tile earn got their quantum. As 9, the Ron.- A. M. and a 'little bov, son of a son," which hd been stirro -;7 'salO bf 'li'ql to r� pmettre ndyloolled); gavid. wefor, tile we lave Casten to mention V. Radcliffe iort on. 111edoqdAy posedtollave been 6ve yvy�po'se of truck it, and, whon -it was Lin full oviled �e that raising a re , venue and ti . to pre.qerva alreadv,�- the Manitoba ievariciss roe . Duridal; to fnffil -the dut ips of blaze throw it into 1: 10, 00(1 box arn ong color to the. supposition that, bile foafty to that kiii)reme * goyerning pi6vince I a tit ' rIght to taX tile I . , e I )led OC Put. On tile bottle' �Ilt wbich was, glip. OF VALUARI . So long as tlipy sel-11 ge FARN'LANDS order'in connection with the .#fre tnor�iy, ti . Ie*O Colle MB*At that,towil 'somolbose pper. Thepapo.k took 1'011119 v4`1 11 bad boon poisoned. -Terror HA '62"'GA'IN tor -vt'Otlsto ft -tile T01IMhilly, 6f ik power And exercise tiieir elector 1. tion 0 utcoliffs' of sonle ex-- for a. dine', reigned .56promo. *11ho 'victim was In a fire and in n. aw 6vtioncls Was bnrnlilg it:. Tile 11odge, orbitant demand - on the railway legrepa made aware of his standing close' to 1,4)tr, ilk '[;I t1l. in tile prfvilogev in constituting -thc QX sale,. aLrid use of On Priday -c�ening ndvelti� fi6rcely., The boy. -gave ao-alarni Of Although brought ' futurity. County of litaron. case d0aidos (his but be 0 -yy or tile* Government: We were oonferred'on candida�'.es by th,o siicral commercial -tiv� of it, so lolle I t' tll,-, I cilge % are they ayinvlla�le yond" tIlat mpai Ile I=t offied gentletnenfront. heir rooms. Those, given sign Q in d I t., till- prov,incii cannot legally go. facts I m- meni 'No. t0awA Ina 0 -by n our poissetsion ra of Huron. Ellen, p by the hilplicationof-iI f6wpitdli(3r,8 ly 28. over stomach. Various culottes were Bug. , Laws- h Tile ri -of t1i clj�rly proving that th' of wator 'sbon gained mafer and Others find Nvileh Irill be prollil(,el at the iade by,. the Provinci e Feleral power to. Wo flarneq,-and restorinl confido' ivityim wter aijd- mustard, tinio of sale, wili 6e_qoI(! by Pablio' n c Tile latest nelvq, fro nee to gested A fiction l. by jN,pa;IaLeU oli'L..Cr Legislat'llre a d h. ob' in p, resuffoop of de4l.witlithe liquor. traffic han- Iona typort. by our local west is 'to this. effe�jt t liat tile 1) C., I'Verb, trial!, but the poison Alletioneer, at the Coulmorelat IN off ib I'tf' onso. The dv,.-. . Ael, ill tj)o VILLAGE OF BLYTIT, oil... 6e Conroderation Act and more betfn -conceded by botl' ot nl*RN_�pllioly ima inary'ahrl, would still (]own. 'Mattors looked. gi as d visiderable,., inarkably so �sfyvl in his new linme., age 0110 As co serious ical olan to be arill - no inedi FRIOA. MOW 21i have said, are, tile, Outconle Of It 'Ivag hilQwn,to be Aii no -a, I WIng Vr.flailoh! pro it nw OnIv a teret' 0 X! Oak ni,;,tho f,,Ilo es, Tho Scott 4 1 T1 eth U n; i �our A opart,k,tilarly those made.in pivrti c e listhan 'Alr. DfxiA Ways' . out; had. ie vi' U ak the. voting lady on-' T lyi to it,,or in expros's 'on to.ry.-nieliialtre, i� a Dominion, one: F-rekly land tiarks 'and unrcation- said when she upset a dish of triflea TuUcTldX9 Of thisRomach, Liver ongaged to.a young lady; lie sBowtfls, are prom�ily romoved .0 rIUSTLY:-Vic north 'hitif of I I of, nuni . ber gehitleninn at 41 ' 2 . d if lie woulcl, not likis to wake a tl.1 to tho Federal Its legulity is nqt.questIoned*.' It able shippers. 11ardly a week dvera�yfl t(;'In- '"Is' T7�$,. ton Batiquet last week. auil pio�qro f6r tile wprst." 16 wall half of LotsixtfletiAn tlioel�litbconmsfffonottbe 0 —0, .0 Parlianlent'by tbut Act, inust 'aeo.. tha6, we have � riot' n1a, I . I be -ill fill -fie in variolm­' cifuntileft Ad Pits cc" r Rev. �%r- Mt. -Cost), of �Tivvglinhi, (T#rf� linted that tile young hidy wobla be Townshij) -ot 'Morrli (cieoptfng front tile kid ront tory perodal ififormhtidn, fi ar- Ilvered B,very int,40sting uddrPas at: Hquitr6perchos boretufttif:conVoyed for @iullill board west ronj the propor logato,of his erthly poss4 -r 'qs� the mo ting of the Biblo society, in 0 alty pv�o- "ard. 'rivals frow there, of -our views, -ding to legal' docuniont *as drawn Up ill Tile farin lots kbov described w)ntallf 100 R0004 Knox church last weeic. at Varyif,, Alarch Ist, cccil 0 ore a rich elav loant antl hre Nyell wattlica B� sides'the u riqueWon able 1pj�l All the inembers i.freBerill, bile NOiieh lio'conveyed to her cash Hj)j,jjjg croolis, yot No. 1.1, of ., 1 r ' 1 Reeve it, the' chair, i-inutes of Pre- oulth, nortrl�;. $100, aind his beat suit are clearod, is one of tile best gboc� fmrais in th. i0a lie which, conflicts A caraival oil an extensive 80AIW I i`i) .80 4cres with Federal 10-i it f -the DOI We*cotmineyid on q of 1110on, tile btillaings Are st log aull y 0 ..0iiiiion Act, it is DIAL. er, wits to take placo last. evening R!, the, vions meeting read and signied.- : Sev-' of c ethos. J.118t tll("U lie Lfall bach hotlilp I e's "sarn-ple case" am formulated Areade skating rink. Going to 111108% cl two very gooci baing 86x6o and above part isan"L, illfl I � I , , 19. Lotl(lhaaantliopretnl�eii dealingn--in liquor-as-aylL.articlo of P "Ofl.: uences, a eval tentlers Im; township rinth , d, Buttliodirkest hour, is -0 ore Wen opened anti read, oved sti I ong, recolim In the Ilaivii1ton Apecialor and on I llmay alt(�rnoon lit oitanj6qtbeforuday. Sotho eak- a h0v ne Fuld A half gtot,%, fninlo'bouse on st6ne, trade and co!Ploeref!.., 110piladon -in-its favor, j 'TpT A -.0 aii -mAn !trtliw 4. graxpLy - thur,th ItM I06 -Vilift9t) Of In the altiji to%;,osljjp (,f Not -b i lig can be plitinar th .6.'_V'6T0R1A OLOCKs 9LINTO%, It is.true-to I e.' A somewhat sitiv neeor(ling 6 tbe,r all r`eal temperance nipri. Oidy.6ne of nt at,the Clint6n. Oddrollowal i" tit �Ull 60 accoptedi "I wing tile pathic oinubles had been all'thp while Imn thereol, rogistoted is suprenne oil in the oidee 'It the sai(I of F=M aoWillintp Ili alt oli saerA ifilatifig d tile in . R. Inr "aaniplti. cail" W40 ll.eferr. Vigiiiolls!Y WTOFAlil-19 With tile on the twdnt3,-n1nth dy Of DeniffibIsri' 6 tra e upd, ciefisity of Iiiii'sitWild"ance at: Clark, secon6d by A. INI.- Critvii)boli, nod had -jinally stivocedoil in ovictiner A.D.% IMA. ill those cohillilla too little ago yindeir it., is tile ip, to I of tile I ton oil lhij business. Ijjjjd t'llo SI& it fee' thst ikoLiian 13rom. Ito itOi110 villoac into bave on lbo prentises a fmme d ..'nothing caTi bor ; L, in which 1141wice we took exceptioa monthly of$] ried. Mhos ere not I VOII119 house 26x3o and stable 20x2o. pikillee.than that -the same power Guvernniont, The couifty Judge Tile ust ill. Sevili a . .... ..... td T01 -111A end 0"(1166116 will betnadeicnownat 'vie- " all i f he _ , -CLIXTOX, OXT., DEALERS II; - to the alleged rievances. of -a Ctin- Oftho IlIgh School hy T, gi6ondod by, .1. fbor. all, it tinie-of flotio or nuty be tmertalfi--d oil application liali Dot only a7ilriority d the WArdon of t1jecounty I eing to of right' bob titkes:plice on Friday on which on� lUnley, that *00h, Brown be paid 'wag vorit negt. ad talcon j 110 Sole uArm casion it �he.sum of'�,52 1`61,� koppin 110Y The is blip will the htonite, A)o had returtled from IlAaru & CLAItp �S 'CFC AM 4e C1 140 3:3jeSI affulato the aalo'of. tboothertw.o, Whateveptl,ioJudg�'s select progrAnitne,, will be Dal OM Ott wf and who aired thein iii pre"ente(I., lor the yoni. Dec. 31%t) 1883, young twin hop _,5' to h1qis Af liquor by virtue oi i Political predilections may havil been, WeRiT P 'rite roll6wing are tile Orr 1wing no it ills own olthos, at hill' ititeuded1ti Phyd6ans . rasoription-'Carefiffl� -and* Aacurately 06nipouilded, is Sole right, to (lie colunilin of -out local] cotem. Our of Aflitl litim Bartlft Idigent regulate % '' vit 'Mov�.d by A. Akf. plReegItim..boyond. fill- It ox Church Ladleg Ai' wgna'Ord red n d bobietv rera AnsW6 with Care and DesRatoh. ovince has its well President, br. Vre'. vice (10, nd11rIltolliSon lijay, tha� tile folloing porson,4; be -pai('l "ErA d e ff it t,'d, i111111011430 Of ahY G( vorivnient, The raC-arned Nortb%vest greviance-mon. Campbell, speonded by 0116PIC xx LE giAitil Attempt 'I to Acqvviro I Set. 1jullotivill4�. . A . . L. . . p4e Public lid11 foul our Stock qf'Zodicift6t; C6nij;?cle, trarrantat rights is llot ii lie thnni, Warden,,of coury 8 thoroughly in. mcroan. their gi-hvel riecoutits:-John Alex. ourflan slid failing to do. no 'went retary, and.of thd Bdst Qnalily- tile pr0lnodtall Over, F11deral (1015elld011t too, WO thus have two MrAles. still rygs 141kck lort on. ander, *5,80: Will. Grant, and A veport ot another' dipping scrape labidly "llgin, tIjeL ao.vorflmil )t it U for damayosjd crop., Ueo, 11aind, Wall Pochts,,, dot 13rAd(114, Trossesf ponges, and all leg-i'dation In the matter of feado out 0 1 1 1 Mondtly (oi, their borne, '1.02 Toilo.t Sopq, Slion! thtee cointviinionerg rIC'Portor 01 t P is t1joso I till, speculators whom tile i�j m, 8 1 Ito 1 n Ilia -kinds ofDrtiggi8ts' Slyn4rivs msijallylcL, . 6 in it 1111rat-Clags J)rug Store, t has befiiii visiting tho oir- Clook Sheives, p ill liquors, it can riae. over r0fillY and practically bny�und- Lite IlovdId by .1. Torranco, seconded by N, ot this tinio oul; 6f a beat, nor during n tg, L OVVernuent will not to hold oulfte town file past six Iltat Lite Ro6vo be Vra6ket of 1211 ififflaS throtigh A help in tho ice either. It t)lf" mattL�r Of reach of tile Government, This I Which tiltlic sho wits tile. guest of paN the $tiny of 5 (at, experisn and nland withoub performing settlomptit and F. V. Liwreiiee. in thi,; Wig' 10 11 r it IXL I xc_ �N� t,' Cli cap, Stylish nd' n0jer r1l;bts re erved to tile �Geii4ral a ill(imelltous colloi rPg1sfr4tion in conviecti'on A Book Shelves, pain 1 Airs. IT, P. Wife of 1101�, 01. ing for 1.110 flopse. villo ate attempting to or in'lividud-wisbing t6cro.m tile rivor Attr, gNive ellough to cbver any minor Il Pj6,tUr&,& Photo. disall4etio"against (lie ID�tnhiibn P. ord6n will lectile-A oil Zovoij by seconfled Ily alill thvr6 meHev�t4a Sol] Fod.eral 'oeranco, tht A. 8tin inelles of wiltor al)(yVii trio, itip, wa's oofectis Ilt t6 Act. land polic�v Ili flip X.ortliwp.A. Thr., ij I* Frameq 5to We sliftIlL not viffil(�rrato tile N, Church, will' bo Ito chargd tile sit (I find brann e( 1 0 izola right, to, finpose., tariff and firl is . nj Of I "SI) fr %V()o )ojocuiring how );a OVo.f%' b0)1aftd6 8(!ftj0r IVII' Ill(Valij to 1116.k&, rot' ittlynission, but il� sil4r collection rol� liall TAL �. 'ND 0 \loved bLv Milian 811'able bollipil re4idetib nobly. I firfal"o it large arrionlit or the above j j . �-Xde julpogis. of the 6roolcA Aot;' it has many goad will be talcen of). cirk seseorldell bu AM A WINTER GOODS,11 Ian lit, (All Ey ti'lat 1, callyo to tilt,. reserip, and placing tile. 90OLI-R Run gusteftnilcl!l %AtI,%f,'ActI0n, f .L�,ff Qs be pf If.a province )lag a tight to dab.- oties; is it ljood measul'el 0 a whold. ilifoi,tivation, 1111fler the headin , A parlor coneerb will lie giirph to, Ito. till tile sum Me with the .010 . gL m(yrroll evening undf�r this. ouiploos 44.62 for starts, for oulyprt on TAndon individual oil IiW Antildem Started powers reserved tojlic B14 iota operation is �ri, rustcd to Clio 'Of lCis itll�yst weeks isgul', was rh for tile ol�lpoltdo 016rtt. But yet of Knox Chutch IAdipo Aid Soelpty. 1011fl, thN being 0111' -Part or tile ex. central government Ili one nvat.tep,.: d1ire,36 oppointeca of (lie OtAttrio. beive, of Illego b6ndfide 'I'llp concert , will:take plAce at tile P1,1180 -carried. )Moved I)V 4. Me. I'llow thateortain pebple aolnetlylles (I frOctf one 1rutellisorl pe tt n Balliple of tile , Xinley, aeotIndod bj ��. At. (Intripbell, walk lis; well wt stand on Blippery go I � what is there-fnprevelit"it4roin Atilt tbmo who earry. sf�ttiers anj is a fair res N enco of Af, All 11 Y. , me tic a r 'Pa t '11' Piners, lind h4oro mAny yorils hall dabbling with other powers o? . the it out too often do so in (I fairinfier Ifivol'A of music are. requested lov at. that tile Clof-st be 6,114 1.4 boreby 1 vi4'w$ Of tlld ))011"b bettlers 11) 0104 tend. sunintild to got 1W eoplos ot tile Avid' for 1, beell priss(A over,00 ll�)1110 volu"wer rhe Mot Reliable, l'alhis el 0 diat khadl advanco patty chdo rather NorthweAf. distribution fount, hiff ),,ole sitting flown, in .4 no Rev. �fr �LJajIjpwAi Imel'IMI)t"t of 11) n ThO.FodprAl Govornmet 111ta im. thito puble ovoralityandeven,liandf _. I . , ! -- onpried. I'lio by law fixing thitt "r6w 1116 Church, God-oriell wwri. 00,jr salaries of 'lid township,'MI, 8 wit, �q unmontiomitble position. in Ahouf it -rived froill a lailey Goods, 4t6*1 I olied 0, taritc dilty oil (Ift c. Sdolb CiVord, lately tile 11on, recent,ly rif And pniq8ed, 'Nioved by IT, foot of wateii At.ow Inng lie re. StationOrYj r t P.�.,ed then rosl;�l 1111onpaeliamlel)t is tile "AAA111 Cr6oks, cortWtuene.�, httq� 'oking trip"tii tile sonsido, 'pori4nileft, Roomfled hy %Vill, (Ilarlt, Inaitiod there wil, cannot say, neithof I-oNo Air. owne in Ills wilfiollf ; fIlle Dooll "14 hoety suffering front A very severe r(opt in stockl, in I 1,110111d .11fly thit '111!OPIO Of, 011tario 11110nia -powee -in Canada, , .'.The bepn� gono lind 'Iona' it, 16L . Ilk$ cold-olnee b.a, rkutfi, Oat ON Votificil do. now ft'licill'i), to 0AjjLWtIl`fty',V.ljfttjit0 (116 first ifidi. nickot liylaill tin , the fie. -It "�,aillrd'iy it) viflual illot, witIl. Let its hope. kjo Ilot %linto duty oil Coitl or lllrtt IL)OIJI lie. onoje,, iniloponvIenti Ill). Air. Cayloy Itat.illcon left ogain-ftin no.Xt, "'Lono' it -vii, % iniort V(,Piigo- Act liiv bpoi ert"et" I A1,011 olloolt pan. ­ear* jfoIVp%,pt,, fliat eftoll Wftp shottly that t1loy walit a higlierol 1 lo, or that pamsed by it, Tliat Aot*ill linva 0 eral, river tile rogillar grit flotniftoo on Monday (or tlii§ Northwest, We ried, Ono, KrIMI, RTI Clel'It. Ali HAL 't 1 1, 1 wkh tha , oritlelviall a 1111041lbrolts y1fte"Vitrilg vocitotild to flip boporry of V, Was U1101niNtittiliollyll, will 'Alloul'I be nN.Ypd, if Ilof, tho who'lo, Podomil Ate. Nnybri. What 1% fit'11419,4)(T is J,supnoy toT18 now bottle, Anti a liafiA 111.4,11mily, N8 here 110 w6lild no� floubt I '%FIR a I , mv lemmiltig (lr V,owor will have fa br, involied. '.rite flippo i Thf) 11"'tiftl Grit mtki6ritr I# 101,111,T) to the home oe Ilis boybood POWnf-MA TIPPIV)y 01HIEAP STORmi, itnerns, willberill, f"'llwy th I roeloullf, the ineitiontA in do"W'd Ion I lNctlul i -.,g illo 44;�V, ).0 11.11-111goid' Avis (it life !\,4tiOjiv1 Govortitnelit nearly 1,000. Mr. Crooks pA lite "ct yj wit# I . I wifl, (lit, Anti eftInt"ity. -t 0 lato lelAding, at, no r,liv 0 110004C innallt, .. ... ............. III F I AA) I HE CLOTHEERI, ITAS A- 0 0 M PLETt S 1 .00 : T '. Ke it kil vtt! it X/V It will Pity you to 011111, bi best *bArAnnalilp And A -perfect fit. Tilt largoAt ottiek of t1lidetwear iu Huron-, 4106 rot tootielt. A A.AINAA11 "'W"M Vhc Oratuarvas Ali