HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-12, Page 1ghtmongenlilegOr4 RITIOARUZD EveWe4u0Sday Morningii AT =VP OFMCII, Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. 11.04"; in advane. f YTS so paid. The proprietora of Ttta OODERICH News, having parchesed the basilicas anti plant of Tile Hvuotr Beene, will in future peblieh the amalgamated papers in Clinton, under the title of 'Ins Iluatett News - Recoup.", Clinton is the most properoua town in Western Ontario, is the seat of eopaideintble Manufacturing, and the ceetre of the finest agricultural section in Ontario. The ern/shined circulation of TUE News - RECORD exceeds that of any paper pub- lished. in the County of Huron. It is, therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising medium, Our rates for advertising aro: 1 column I year, Ofle column 1 year, $30 1 " mos, 50 't '0 6 mes, 18 1 44 3 mos, 30 a mos 12 " 1 year, 50 $ " 1 year, 18 44 mos, se /,-* 0 8 mos, 13 44 3 mos, 18 j, &mos, 8 •Advertisetnents, without instructions as to space and dine, w'll be left to the judg- ment. of the compositor in the display, in- serted until forbidden, measured by a _kale ef soilal nonpareil (12 lines to the rincli),.and, charged 10 ceuts a linetfor first insernon and 2 cents a line for eitelt sa- e:event insertion. Orders to discontinue advertisements inust be in writing, ear Notices set as REAMsio MATTER, (Nonpareil measurementj 12 lines to the ineli) 10 cents per line first insertion ; 3 cents per line each stbsequent insertion. TERMS ; $1,25 per Annum, in Advent)°, JOB WORK. We have one of the best appointed Joh Offices west a Toronto. Our facilities in this department enable us to do all kinds of work -from a %Olin mid to a mammoth poster, in the best styie known to the praft, and at the lowest possiblo.rates. Orders by mail promptly attended to. - . . Address, News -Record,--% • . , • Clinton. Out BUSINESS DIRECTPRY pentiotrg. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING," WHITELY & TODD, Publisher% VOL VI. NO, It, REMOVAL, DWILKEEFER, L. D, S., DENTIST, • CLINTON. • , Late of Toronto, Honor Graduatelloyaleollege of Deotal Surgeons, has, removed to the 411issise ••• Coats lilook; OerTayldr.8t 'Son's. All work Ort -class. Charges moderate. • 'CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY.; MARCH 12, 1884, ,..Arr".. ,......,&• '' C•OARTWEIGBT ,...g..-r,g,w• • !,..vr-,g, -7----- 'ID KV rwr't,guulgi ficrOoN. ' - - .,..-` ••`" thine the business formerly carried ,.,.,..f. , on by W. E. Cart- wright, 1,1-1y ' ao, -1.,41‘t.c40,1) Office open onFriday and Saturday of each week, in the old stand, Victoria Block, Albert St. Clinton. . 0 +3 ow' 0•A • ..—••••.••••••••,,,••••••••,••••••••••••••‘,....,. Wedieat. REEVL'. Office, aititenbury. Street,' ith- -LY nannately behind itansfords hook Store: ReSidence mposite the Temperance Hall, Htiron Street. Office hours front 8 amt. to 6 p. 'frt. Clinton, Jan. 14, , • , 1.•y • MANNING 84 SOOTT, Barrister's, Solicitors, 'Cotive,yancers, %Sic. Corn- tnissioncrit for -Ontario and 'Manitoba. . . • *V' OffiCe•-•-TOWN HALL; QLOTOlq. • Clinton, May i7th, 1882. , 20 • 6. A. FciRftETER; N r cile, • L.ASD,,MSVILANCE,;2 Li GENERAL AGEA , Noneg to Loan. Office, Beaver. Bleck,.Olintorf.. v2W EA0Elt s: moirrok, Barristers, lee., , GA- 47erich,and Wingliam. .0. seager, Jr.,'Uoclerich. J. A; Morton, Wingbain.• . ' 1-1y. . • TNAV1SoN & JOHNSTON, taw,,,ThAncory,and Convoyaking.• Oflico-West- Street, aext . dour to Peet Office, Goderieh, Ont. ", 57. • • . , . . iy C. DAYS, solicitor, Office, corner of I.tt 'Square and West Street, over Butler's Book lame, Gederieh, Ont. , 07. FR' Mono; to lend at lowest rates Of Interest. T1, CAMPION, Attorney,'Solicitrir in Chancery, . Conveyancer, Office over Jordan's Intid . Store, the rooms fortnerl, occupied by Judge Doyle. Or Any amount of money -to loan at lowest- vates of interest. uctienetring: -4 TAMES BORNS, Licensed Auctioneer for the ts County of Ilurom. Sales attended at reason. •ethic rates.. Office at. Weethereld's, Albert street. Orders loft at Tits Naws-Itacoan 'office will ' be 'attended tO.--r • • canton, Nov. Oth1683. H. W. -.BALL, • • A UOTIONEZLL for Huron county. saies.st, 4-1. tended le in any part of 'the County. Ad. dress orders to. Gonanfott F,.th . v.17. • 13.11AS.11A111LTON,- A UCTIONEER, land, loan anil insurance agent Myth. Sales attanded in town and country, reasOnable terins.• A list of farms 4ind village lots for sale, toner to loan on real estate, at low rates of Intl:West. Inseranoo. effected on ell classes of Monody. Noteit and dobts collected. Goods appraised, -and sOldsoll eenitnitision, Rank. upt stocks bought and told. 13Ivth. We. le, 1850 , Veterinarg. -BLAOKALL0. _ Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate et the.011ttlit0 Veterinary college, To, ronto, opened an oincb in Clinton-, it prepared to treat ttli aisoases of domestie animals on the most modern prin. ciprei.- All- operations carefully • performed, and calls prompt- iy attended to by day or . night. Fees moquette, Orrier,,-let door West of 'ten. nedy's Clinton Ont. V-17. • uoleal.- • iNsvorsiENTAL, stus'10,--atiss Webber, hint the notton conservatory ofmtusie, will take a limited filitither of pupils on the organ m plan% Fomenter attention glven-to those who, Wish to inprove On their present style of playing, at reel. treactest DAVP, hoilr the organ faetory.35 (Orange. V. L. O. L. No..710. OLIN TON, nolo 3IONOAY ot twory month. nen upstairs, opposite the Town nail. Visiting brethren De always made welcome. • A, M. Tenn, W. ANT2Lert, key. c. TweebY, rit. - - - Vationie. spelt Efezi 0 0 44 i'll,INTON Lodge, NO, 84, A. Sc A M., ki meets every Friday, On Or after the full moon. Visiting brethren comiaiir invited, .1 itscartllirreit, st a, L, eohttInt, tits. Clinton, Jart, 14, 1881. • 14 ,, EM ovet). IVA Att you thAt h0.00 116:14 Mile Iola f, Fallen. Hair, call st terry Fisher111 T0nI05IRl 's, ArtiStk'entfililffi Milniptlatot, Faeli Operata, anti'CaptliarY AhritlkOr• 1)116 dent setae! tlis Com SO*4 Ude Omuta, Ont. e•—•••*.-ro, Stglie000 Wilhite& T1110 COUNTY OF 11171tor A 01.A1141ENT. A deputation of farmers fres') the counties of Bruce, Huron, Welling- ton, Perth, Grey and Renfrew, waited on Mr. Mowat and Treasur- er Ross last Wednesday to secure information about the sum of money due from the Crown laud in3prove- went fuod. Among the delegates were john Kaine and B, "Cooks, Reeve and deputy Reeve of Howiek ; Warden Gibson, Reeve of Wroxeter Jas. liVintings, Reeve of Turnbury ; Thos, Strachan, Reeve of Grey, It appears that an order in council was passed in 1857, providing Oat one-lifitt of the receipts from the sale of the Crown Linde should be returned to the municipalities for to be applied on the roads. In 1861 the Order4n- Council was revoked, and another iasuedifor,the same purpose in 1667 by the Provincial Government. In the .interiat between 1861 and 1867 certain Moneys were received on accOunt of land scold prior to 1861, which the Government of Old Can- ada did not pay to the municipalities or to .the Province, of -0eta. io; and object of the deputation was to duce the Provincial Government to advance at least, tbe principal, which amounts to about $120,000, pending a settlement with the Dominion Government. Mr.• Kane, Reeve of Ilowiek ; Mr. Gibson, Warden of Huron, and Mr. Tofton ex•Warden of Bruce addressed. the Ministers, setting forth the claims of the munioipali- ties te, the Land iinprovenient Fund. Hon. kr. .Ross (Treasurer) repli- ed that there were two fii nds, 'Orem* Lands and Cotnnion School Land funds. ' The latter was disputed. by Quebec, arbitrated upon and settled, Ontario getting $124,000, interest on which is not yet received, as it has not yet been computed. The Into Dominion Budget . . Sir Leonard Tilly has delivered his budget speech. 1{0 reviewed the financial history of the country for the past decade, He said the credit of the country abroad yt.fis never better than at the present Aim% He stated that it would be necessary to raise $2,000,000 iset year and as much the following year te meet maturing 1 onds, but he added that there never was a time more 'favorable Otto the present to go to England for capital, and with in a year orlwo the 5 per cent de- benturee will be redeemed: It was not possible for the national policy to avert over production,' but bad it -not been for that policy the present depression would be very touch woSrsite:Iliebard Cartwright replied in his usual dolorous, warping Strain, winding up in a manner to fully "Hti fir el tins at! Lint oprophetnCI we2 Febyi1' ruttry last there was a surpl UR of tive tuillione, but be predicted that before mail months therewould be a deficit instead of a surplus and he said the policy pursued wail plunging the country into financill ruin which must soon end in disaster. principal had not arrived from the Dominion Government yet,' .but was expected soon. Be. thought the Crown Iv'ttvis fudd would .be set- tltd in a similarmanner. Tee amount due ill $127,000 without interest, Only TeCOUlly ft statement of the accottnt was receive'!" -frOm the Dominion Government, in which that Out was not oredited to the Province. He had written about the oiniSsion, and no doubt it would be corrected; • iinniediately. He would endeavor' to 'tome a apeedy. sett' omen t: . ' • , Mr,,Alowst said there would pro- ha,bly he a eettlentent of the account before the year was Out. No -good would be obtained bythe deputation going to Ottawa American EclLoes of The' Creat . "Storni ot Last 'Steck • .....•••••••-,•••••••••-••-••44-••••,•-•••••••••,••,,,-..1..• WHOLE NO. '277 commonly opoken 40 or 50 years ago A cas:toSfal:IrPd1;p4jatsoe'a horny. Itenny, where the Irish language, (pretty uear by extinct now) was very 1 ' that he had been on one occasion to handed T•Torth-west aettler has been pay and take a receipt from a ITIO• brought to light. The land regula: chant° whom be had known all hie lions are responsible for the hard - life by 1:411" Irish namelet us-BaY ehip. Mr. Blake breught the mat, keGowan. The man vrrote out his ter to .the attention of the House of receipt, hnt signed bit name Smith. Commons on Monday, and 110 saye gtHow is this?" asked the miller; "I ' ,trouthhetyt dhoe,y dreypoluieMactGuoetvamna?n1: hiteI4v,:t‘sa right. It 4 a 01::piellecliaes7; Ilbut am writirie English now,” Se all the other stories we hear about here 'Wag a perfotly innocent change hardship to settlers in the Muth of name. The man had no intention West are like to it. o clepelve; he had merely meant Lo It came to pees in this wise translate bis. ne.ma from Irish to , • English,tn as he had translated the "4 nal" 141111"Wn1 t?" up 4 naler words which he employed in home 1 ad in Meniteba; on section • writing opt the receipt. Tbet manta six, township two, range fourteen descendants probably an go by the west. He appears to have pre - name of Smith at the present day, empted another quarter section, so when Irish has died out of the dis- that he bold for settlement 320 , reasonablytrleSoillinfetirketheintanthnee.rn; ajFerirmy aTtille:leirielle;t1a'snogdorifvfteehaffsell%isl:tlieeittasit:oionhrtaia:effen,ogrfulniiiteri:Rns84:ts'ele:liaiii: call them, now existing in Ireland - the English trade names, tie the carpenters, coopers, chapmen, prGicoe:ebrutt: etch,. are mere translations from the him another at a very low Beetle. 80, too, with the color names it requires him to be a bona fide -the Blacks, the Browns, (this name -setta -settler. jiouneHe nuipuosni t live ao vaenon tuititt leace,it ti howev, Jou: sometinses merely a cor- Pu reptioemtr IT4034eh.(5h, son .01,. the. ;certain, portion of it... These eegula, :Mons are -ftecessary, because if any. judge,) the Whites, the Greens, etc, body might, home stead, a farm and redember,--indeed, to have Cagle n , 211:mil3Q8Srata,e‘amtGr ten'eftili,g1=1:c"ito:1;:sa. .1t631ter 'w;;I"e"'"-ctiOnTi country "wu be t'O''.1:c en. Iesonat.d.3111Y.,M.O.A-14,..#11.etk.. cial statement to the House onFri: day night. It is impossible to give his speech at lengtit,spffice it to say that the speech .0f the Honerable 'Irianc.e.„gtnister elearly established the benefits that had accrued to Can- ada as the result ef the fiscal policy adopted in 1879 by the present Gov- ernment. Belem will he found a statement of 00'431'110f financial feat- ures The budget always cov- ers three Years;.the year closet -1, the. year current, and the year to follOW. The year closed is the year ending 30th June, 1883, and its. fitancial Account was as follows: $23,009,5S2 6,260,116 6,524,050 $35,794,648 28,730,17 In Herd county,- Ala.; loge were whirled into the air and broken before they reached, the ground, • ' At Leeds,. Ala,, the termed° de-' posited pear theyailroad • a, Weed - working :Machine which no . one about teere had ever enen before._ ' • Three .11orsei belonging to Dr. Thomas Wright, near Birmingham, Ala.; were lifted hitt?the air, and have not been seen or heard froin - • A house near RirMingliam, 'Ala., in whieh two negroeii were, lyir.g iick; was picked up by the Wind and landed liftyyards away. Neither of the 'nen were injured. A 13. ale of cotton was blown,lialf a mile away .frota goehen, Ala. , A clinrolt was destroyed, arid a large portion et it wris found on the ton of the mountain thiee quarters of a mile . • Near Midway; S. C. kartin kings, a celored preachev, was' lifted ,froin his beil by the w ind and .de- posited Wm. valley 500. yards away, with but slight bruises.. 'Hie, house Was blotstit to piecue. . . , Cliffor Locke, of Jasper, Ga.. threw himself iitto a clump of under growth to escape the tornado, and was so severely threshed about end pelted with hailstones that his clothes were torn into ribbons. . 'Upon the hill in the ,eentre of the Ifillage,of Goshen, Ma., stood a new mid well-built solloolhottse. Al- though nbt a stiolt of the building could be found after the storm, ex• cepting the flooring, not one of the 28 inmates was fatally injured. At Rockport, Ind., a party Of. 12, who bad been across the river to attend Et. wedding, were caught in the tornadS,. The'- ferrybbat in which they were was blown ashore Wed dashed to pieces, and its pas- Hengers Were left clinging' to the limbs of the trees ageinst which the boat was hurled. one a them was killed. Customs' . Exoiae Other source° Total expenditure ••• a4itli ITS°, Witt' AO one 60 get 2 bptthoof Iu WINstow $ite;ratso fftatfr Fifa cleat s R rm Teersitie. Int veto T.S It will relieve the poor littlaarkfferer home; 41iAtelft Depend even it., mitibent, *lima la no mistake about It. It mu ea. tlysenteve. 41111 diarrhoea, regulates the stonianli tIHI bowele, enres win4 pelts, anftelis the gams, reflacea inflammittioa, awl gAves time and energy to the whole syetunt. Mite. LOW Soornitte Syeue roe Offitens, TE,rasi xe is pleasant to the taste, afal i. the p.rsseription of Witter the oldest ivinie4i. physIciane aml meat in the 'United', Stows and le for ;,itiu by..all druggists through. $7,064,491 Dominion lands.... •1,009,009 . Total ' $8,073,500. The next year is the -year now cur-. rent, to end on 30th June, 1894, and its account, which is still's, part esti- mate, is as follows : • . REVENUE FOR CURRENT YEAR, 1883-4. Custoins ......$20,250,000 Excise 5,550,000 ,Post Office 3,800,000 Public works and buildings 3,000,000 Interest on investments800,000 Other sources . , 800,000. Total estimated revenue $32,200,000 Total estimated expendi-; • ture . 31,200;000 $ 1,000,000 1,000,000 Estimated surplus Dominion lands This opposition, however, did not weigh niuoh 'with me, for I rernen:e bered that Grennan, the Anglicized form of Grianan, is a Yerytonunon, name its'applied to a Castle in Ire- land, and has no connection What- ever with the name of Green, but is derived 'from Grian, the sun, meana a summer, oy .pleasure -house, and Was originally applied t� the sunny side of 'the mansion, which was ap- propriated to the utie.of tliedadies'of the fen:lily. . As might be expected there area ,good many ludicrous translations of Irish surnames. For example,. the O'Sewell, who translated himself to Walker, from some fanoted connect, tion.between hie name and the Irish verb slubbail, Which was probably quite' honefft. It is bard .also tO be- fieve that .anything except. the love of truth, as he saw it, poor man, could have induced MaeCoshy to pea hinv self Foote, or 11IaeGillakilly arid O'Colligh to havereduced themselves respectively to Cocks ,and Woods. There are some very respeeteltle; even noble ferniliee-e. g., Dalhousie, Dalrymple, ete.,.eto:r.-meimbers who are 'in,•no way ashamed of the Gaelic prefix Dal, and I venture respectfully Le suggest that the sooner Delehunty goes back to it the•better.. -It has no unpleasant signification ; it merely paeans 'elan. Again, 'there seems to tiaveben long Seated in theTwairitme of Leinstera fatuily:of unquestionable 'Norman origin,by name D'Arey, and there are; or rather there wore, until 'recently, in the Province of Connaught, two Other families called respectively' O'Dorchaidhe via Mae- Dorchaide, which were usually An- glicized 0"Dorejt and kacDorcY, buL sometimes Darkey,lbrithe Gaelidg hard. The traveller will look iri'vain: for these qbarceys and NAOS in Conneught now,. But there areplen.". ty,of D'Arehys in Connaught l 1 in: vite these generous 'Normans tti join with me in bewailing the total extino tinction ' of' these two Irish : families. Even if one of their "%tineswere left it wOuld 'be something, but that their Should have perished t6 a. man is indeed remarkable. . • ;fetal- surplus $ 2,000,000 Thb neit year, whichis the one for which the Finance Minister is. pow preparing, is the year to end 30th. June, 1885; and its account, estimat; ed, is as follows: ESTIMATED EEVENUif 1884 5. • ..- Customs • . .$20,006,000 Excise.— ... .. ... 5,000,000, 1)ther sources............ .. 7,000,000 Total. " )32,000,000 Estimated exPenditure29,811,639 `Estimated surplus .$ 2,188,361 Leas supplementary. ex- penditures • 806,000 1 1,388,361 Add estimated receipts • from lands..., 1,250,000 Probable. surplus. $ 2,638,361 Now let, us for the benefit of our readers putfall the ' surpluses anti proceeds of land sales together, and bee what the result is forCa,nada • SURPLUSES AND LAND SALES. 1,880 -1, -Surplus $ 4,132,743 . Dominion lands131,124 188V -2 -Surplus. 6,316,351 DU/minion lands1,744?456 .1882 -3 --Surplus 7,064A1 Dentit ion lands... 1,000,010, 1,000,000 Dominion lands.... 1,000,000 1884 -5 --Estimated surplus '1,388,261 Dominion lands... 1,250,000 Total to 30th unit, 1885-$25,036,545 Title amount vvould, it will be obs aerved, eover the whole of the sub, eidy to the Pacific railway. • 1RISII 114,11rgs. The Singular Origin or • Many of 1. •.3 .1 •keifl . In the reign of Charleft:II, it first came to be discovered, and has since been univereally believed in Irelatid, that Cfalbhaoh, , Commit and Cathal are, strange to saY, all three of them, the undoubted „Irish ',for 'Charles. ,Proin -"furlough' (Tairdhealbach) has naturally boon derived the now fain' ihar Terrance. Teige ('rating) has been translated to Timothy, deremi. ah, cormilonly shortened to Jerry, and Darby are both understood to be good English for Diarmuid, 1rian ha beeorae Bernard and Bondy. Atidli hal for tentUriea always been irinslated Ilugh us a Christian name,. and when it forms part of a outman -le Id now to be found variously corrupt, ed, as rOP eXaMple, Magee, McKay, lInghei, Tewson. So mueh forthese old Gaelic Christian naroesii But the translation of' earna.tries la it eerious affair, When, for example, 0°Kulti- gan (0°Mael-balc1) tranelates Itimeelf to Baldwin (Maol-bald), he lays a -mighty clatigerouis trap for the after,. Coining ethnologist, who will be very apt to 'mistake this ahadeaeed Gael for a blufl Saxott Now, thie seri ofs thing'ilas for nenturies been going on In Ireland, arid is still, to an altneat incredible extent. Sometimes it is done it perfect good faittipand with ee' thetight Of (Molt or Mierepris000. tatiOn, The present, writer WAS late. V told by a miller ip the eourtil gilt" out the weld. PI tee 25 cents a bottle; The eatriordinary popitifolty Ayerts Clierry Pectoral Is the uatima result of its use. by intelligent people, for over forty years. It halt indieent• -ably proven itself the, very best known opecific for all c.11148e04-has aodpultuonary complaints, Women with pale colorless Noe evhnfestwekftfld dieeOliaaged, WII1 receiye both mental and bodily vicea abryeumaaiodgCa e forrttehre's bIlr000nd,Pills,nervesslraiin complexion. Oh What A. CottgluWUI t yonslgtial Ia psotheah re vl.? tllewrfilplieurtech",.tt peit that mere terrible ti Unusual ption. Ask yours•dves If you Can unlit for the sake of saving Deets, to run the rIgit And do nothing for it: We know from expel fence that Stilton's Cure wIll t lire philaS why more than a Million MA - ties were sold tee para year. It relieves Mothers do not he without It. Foe Lame Seek, Side or Chest, use 5-11110101 Dorcres Plaster. T.Iold by J. II. roinhe, 203.1y Fate( Stronger (Imp Fiction lt is fact that Alonso. lime, of Tweed, had a fever sore that"efillate.1, him for thirty -Ave yeare. So( bottles of Burdock lilood iiittera OUred hisi whieh he considers almost a miraele. It was but the nature' result of the., remedy restoring pure blood and ;Alt fect secretion. 210-a Take Ayer's Sarsao,arilil in iha spri-tig ofThe'yeitie trS' purify the Komi, .• invigorate the system, excite the liver to action, and restore the healkhy tone and Vigor of the whole - physical mechanism, • • ltp-by--epeculatorst, -aetual•-set • Prd15.1"Pt—rellef-Iff-ttek--headache•-'.,---0-- tiers would find no land. Well, dizziness, nausea coestipatiop, pain this unnamed' settler. did not live on the land lie had homesteaded and pieempted, and one Robertson, e: hotel -keeper at Cartwright, corn r• plained against him and his claim Was cancelled. Robertson then en- tered the land himself. But he, in Isis turn, failed to' corn- plf with the,reguletions. Be did net go upon the land; but continued tb 'live itt his hotel. in Cartwright. 'Complaint was entered the second time and the half section of lancl was put attender. Robertson of fered a certain sum; a man named Walitose offereda larger bum, and. of -course WallaCc got the land. Thai the iron entered Robertson's soul.. It was all right that he corn- plained against the first settler on the lariat, he did that with Pure, motives and in the country's inter- ests.. But • when someholy cum. plained agitinst hint for the tiante neglect it was all wrong. It was all right to cancel the claim of the first settler; but it was an: outrage to cancel Robertson's claim. So be wrote to Mr. Blake. He was a Britisifsullect, he said; but he must renounce his allegiance it outrages like this were to be tolerated.- He un/et take, his wife and eight Child - ..Ven and muid go to Dakota, where, we are to infer :that laud may be hemesteatled • without 'verb:inning any settlement 'duties. ' • • This is a semple case. The peo- ple 'wile arW making all the outcry about wrongs 'EP settlers are. hum - bugle like this Mari Robertson. They are willing to see the regulations forced against. others, but say that it is nialittiods to enforce them .against demise' yes. They try tp acquire land dislioneStly, and -then shriek out Mutt they ,must go to Dakota becausethey" are not per- mitted to. do so Well, let thein 'go to Dakota, Canada is better without them, Tim. iimiest, settler takes -.up lives upon it, cultivates it, sod com- plies with proper regalatiims, is the nmp wanted in Canada. Terrible Boiler Explosion. Last- WedeesdaY the boiler in the White Mill; a flour mill owned artd occupied. by IV Reynolds & Co ..$tayner, Siingi'm _County,exploded with a loud report, severely shaking 'buildings it the lower part of the 'village an.d, exciting alarm through; out the cordannity? The boiler house was totally destroyed and the main beilding badly sha,ttered. The steam fire engine loon had tem eteieurie ple-yhig op the burnirig debris - -a.ntl quickly extinguishing the fire. Search was then made for the men employ- ed in the mill,' The.. fireman, ,Wm. Penton, was first found, badly burned about the head and body, and his leg broken - in three places. 1.tiis feared he: will not recever. Jos. IItog, tinder millerwas next -found with ebad scalp wound ancl a leg -10-Olte55ir--',Deeters haViii,70044ropeeoe him. John Reynelds, one., of the partners; ,was then 'fotutcl buried underthe ruins. He was taken out and; thmigh broatbing,.died in Er few mOntent. One side of his head, was torn away, and the brain pretpttling. The Wilding is 4 total 'Wreck. ElectiOfi Judgment has been given by Chancellor Boyd anti Judge Came- eron in the East Sitncoe doction ease. The judges disagreed, with the effect that Drury, Reform mem- ber elect, 'retains his seat, and the petition teas dit3missed with cede. The Chancellor held that corrriot practices were proven,but not suf- licient to effect tho reeult, of the election. Judge Cameroti held that Drury should be unseated, on the ground thEtt the ,notilteation was held an hour too late, and on the grouttd of corrupt practices. The samedudgea gave jiniginent in the teat Middlesex case and dis- agreeing, with the game resulta, Meltentie, Iteforin member elect, retained tim *oat, The chan&llor, .held OTIC corrupt itet proiten, ' but; not sufficient: to Aged any result. Judge Cameron held several keta of corrupt pfactiees proven, eufficient affeet result, Ad •,ithat MoKensie IthOuld be unseatta, in the side, etc., guaranteed to those, suing Carter's Little Liver Pills. One Pill it dose. 25 cents. 410•21. Dyspepsia Liver CunploInt '• Is it not worth -the small Klee or 75 - cents to free 'yourself of every symp' ore of these distressitie complaints,' if yoe ' think so call at our store and get a bot- tle Of Sitilob's Vtallser, every heti le has a printed guerantee ,oii .1t, use tutor, • dInely and ir it Nos ye't no good it will' cat yeti nettling, ff,o111 hy J. , Cenibc. 203-ly ' For UI Ages. The agecl,T debilitated Mid itlfinn will find renewed vigor intlatrengta by taking Burdock Blood Bitters, The young hastening to early clew will also find in this revitalizing 011ie a remedy worth trying. 276.2t Crpo.heft 10 the 412tirt.4; A little son' of John Spinks, to, had his foot crushed by G. T. •It, Express train Borne time ago. Twg doctors at tended him without benefit, andamputation was preppsed, but liagyard's Yellow Oil was tried, whip!" gave pronipt relief anti effected a, speedy aura, even removing all stiff; pess of the joint, • 276 4. A True Remedy.. There is 'precisely pne cure" for *snoring, and. it is to Sir. Humphrey Davy that we owe its discovery. That eminent. scientific person as - ere tained that snoring is due to an .abnormal Vibratien of the cords ,of • the. laryiix, andthat this vibration 'wears only when the surface of the larynx has beceme .dry, A Man 'who sleeps with his.niouth open ue- til his larynx has become dry bY ,coutnot with the atmosphere la sure • to snore. . Sir Humphrey saw at •ortee,that in order to. cure a snorer' his 'larynx ;rest be .kept Moistened or relaxed.. , ite found by a seriee of • experiments npona Methodist prea- cher of unnsiifil peering poWers that a piece of eastile soap inserted in tim open mouth of the •snorer effected ati instant- cure and warded off any further'attack of anoring for at lost 24 hours; ' Repeated application's of s,oap broke up the habit.of • minting .nydAliee..effeete,d perimanent cure. We have a speedy ant .p6sitive fpr Catarrh, Diptheria, thinker men. 11 and. • Head Ache, In •sHILOUrs ARM REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with•each bottle. Use it If you desire health and 'sweet breath, rrice 50ete. Sold.by 4, IL Ofitene. • • 263!•ly • . It Favorite' Everyvvbere.• . . ' Wherever introd.uce.1 Hagyarelle .• Yellow Oil ' finds rfriends. 11. is the . old reliable hOusebold-remedy. for ex, ternaLand internal •nee in 11 aches, •pains, lemeness ited 'serenest, of the ,flesh. A. L. Green, a .preminent • druggist of ,Belleville,7672: 041t, is a great favorite 'here, arid has a good •.2 • Of Intorest to EXoditsters. The case of William Brown, of East Saginaw, Mieh., last eltarged with false pretenses, ended in a verdict of guilty. The case ox. cited great interest as P test of the legitimacy. of etripleynient bureims doing butenesi without the • regula. tion of the law. It is alleged that through these offices men have been brouglit trona Catta,da and else. where to aecure employment 'with fictitious firms, and after 'working enough t� pay the fee requ*eci for obtaining tile situation they were then diseharged. • ' Manitoba "fineltibi0; , According to pi r Humpiirey Davy 'cat -tile soap, winch is coinposed of olive. oil and soda, decompaeed, the momeut it comes into contact With Ilte human tongue, NvIiich has o wpederful . affinity for , oxygen. The olive oil being tilts set free, lu- bricates and relax9 tS0 larynx, while the, itolutien is forcibly expell- ed in the Shape of strongly alkaline language by the snorer, who awakes the moment the deeonaposition of the soap begins. It is Sekli3111.tleCeSiSOY to edminister astile soap Mere than throe or four times, end -the. most obstinate cases of snoring known to medical men Was cured with six doses. might be retnarked that aittest any variety of soap can be used with belle& as a remedy for -snoring, Castile soap is, nevertheless, much more rapid it its action than any other vattety, with the solitary ex - option of soft seep, The latter, however, kr seldom found outside df farm h0110401 and its afintinietration presents certain diflioulties will hinder it ever becoming a pop. tiler remedy. • The Trudy "Cleiod" Parent • The hurtling question which now befOre'soeiety is Whet shall Ise done with .the old peoplel Sootet3i,la, as' we all know ,. -a bbdv: of young .pee;,le who giggle, romp ..a7dflirt The "old people" are: of ovf°.t.liclieqm.eftng191sterlIseYo(ifilittot:ioet'tyt, pat,'en. Dociers have declare 1 that --the .eurest sign of having 4 healthy heart liver or stomach., is. to •Ini uncons;1. ous of 'the possei•s'on .of •either, ileell)Eterrei6,11t,CIP'14a 't:.tlEril`bgeorosd" 4.p.alt!iuiiketiYa ' knewn• in the :sante way., Taft •"gtiod" parent is neitherseen tier • hetird, . A parent of either sex Wile • is seen or heard IR "queer." ' ' The "roe parent of' the male ,sex Is careful not tp slipw any sign of itheesiness, if hie deughter'e eyoung luau" remains wit iti the parley Until after midnight,. Tial "good" parent reads liis paper in •a, distant 'beekrepm, and goes to heti ' earlyi. Ile toyer %rakes the firett• with ostentation or .bolts doers willi intention. He to.keit'off hit slippers as he oeasii.guhetsetraimrso,y ,fol; ftp freai;iticilah atItlti lovtig J ; his footfalls that ft WaXes We. iFfi Jtat foll:c8A1111:#1;g14)1:6:11:1; t.11:11:0.:*1111°;ffiP°:11):111.31:1-, sant questions when she • declares • • gtvoa that she nnist have a new gewn, to g6 to a ball with a young 'man she met 'hee with a pearl handle lateil key/ • with ."*We won't go home till nitwit; ing",ini"grayed en, the. 11.1,1,4,11e: Whop . • 000r "queer' -and of Course evila minded. --fathers remark tha%. the young man with 'the ttlovely tactic,' with whom she was Seen is blaekleg, he does no. rush'intine-lir fury anti deMand whereshe met him No; lie Winks, and says, "Sesitte.al; tail take cat e of .her'Aelf I" ' Abe recent meeting of Sunday Sobool teaollers Winnipeg, tbere Ween prayers, singing, doffed, oake, whist, 41.0 t,lt,e 0,001PobY broke up Omit daybreak aftor having 4 delightful night of it. by singing a hymn. There are oortaln. ly no ItitrAW prejtnboes an)00 the Manitoba barbarlano, A Double 'Benefit ,) half% :110(Wilf, apron-fluent reeieletit of 1,eamingtet3, Writee that he (lured diitivielf of Dyeptipailt of a yearts ntion by One bottle eflitircloelt Mood Iltii6totoorys,raanoe:uttwoontib:ictItl.oesnieit:urelytiorilinigs wike the great, (110.0100,tvit quo Wife who lied been for years.% sufferer Tho modoi ore*, bo of llitt • female SPX, Will be coati' to coneegl from the male parent all the pecea, dillos of file "boys." When they come in late and simplile up the Attire, she will assert to her lord end master that the noise is caused by rats or eats, or aey other mythical. thirohat may come 'misty; , will take an interest in their limo, cent and youthful gamea, and fii4 enough loose ehange iu her heat band's poolteta to keep ' their dear • boys busy at billiards pr poker, aft Will neVer Tilide them whop they bit 2ipin,itt the.onter aoor 0' nightst but make a convenient lie about tlt eddy minnow), and berry dowp Iti put thorn to hed. Site will he ready - to overt, that they have ,hat inestim% able disease, molatia; wil""er thei Male parent ahowe tendency to grumble at the Isten ma of thein sleeping. In 'lot, the truly t'good" aviator. mpo'pot be only AV hi pa t lyre tic, but full of thn tact (qui 1.0w,l, of charaeterisea Of the,stime disease, lie centime - Atm tl'ottbleo, 2,76.?A aceomplislivd