HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-05, Page 3aTux drvt QQIt f thO *04wb, i4t thiP GOVS004 DAXOX, of Goslorlob,' Walker anti Searle -5. A-grisiaRt it' n 14Y -on a visit to: Calst"Jop Vosts,, GlIttliqu, A. Mo ."ftem oisr, own usirwPosso4srsk -DOMMOA License Act soctiou wev, ropped on Sunday W04 in, tow" eXr. David moodys'of LiAckpow? WAN night last on Cite 1111re(III004 his, ilephow, LIT17ioliar4 ,4ilikeon, Ke wo on satiday. of Mr. 4 �4 Tit" knot by t4w ova 4%
F will lesive ,shortly for Kaulto. utotirlovits, ottit t4o Gord a -of StoAll"f, is t.bris shoppard, Bayfield line, 16 Was WbQ ix W. i .�i to Its bg. 4 Don't wbic A :porot lif Nit ORO
mirod b "TORAPO", OLP40111 04(t 11sid. see, the %oPtletuan. votini for the Wril
WAS achisrod corried. 000PE1918
. .. ... all so�ooHoot spaoiam"A of tho V9440 TRERIPr jo WAQI Uri, W, Situtl`1000, OtZlYtll, Is TIP-; PTWARD bold of mr. T. L. W#rna owing o This 36YOr 9XPIA1004 bill voting 10"Sirioo4i in Niaoish "gurM -33: he efftorta of Mr. Henry Porkhtil, thedentir.0 -of traou. Tsoulaq who againook 014 higher tIAX flow, whoreass Mr. 1). Turner wile bert been in the 713`1 'Vll# "VmJ4.4n4 bee W romrik W4
The: goderid News t "T sy ol' W. U.'Watson for gonto : 'G. M., of Gortio, tit,- voll, - 11 had livorl bix formerl W" U)Uch bolo Aexpreosed himself vs isinplic 14110.0fo �114,41411 to, 1118� skullierrQUIi Quir.
anext &Q"u@,1 Plovinoial Grand for tell.yeors in apitit'of. 6;lUQaeka lavoring it, by otiting tll&t be had yosirsol9ft for lIantliton on, Xonday.. TS HEREBY GIVEN that the Boitril Q-1 filootivo for! -th(Ar liberal PAW411#1,10t.
mr, AV. Coulter, watob-maker At Ji. contivisslorsers at the Vauatv at Ila W is Isigher Was 1110641. 'WY Poo �w fl out)([ tit r, tills T1111i e06rd Orange Lodge uloatilig ill Ile held A114 tirickbats.. been viisitlog friend. onetit %)a MONDXI ir Februar l3ext, 'a ran into 4114 'The Reeve did, pot o, Ini Wer t H- F. Mirstealf's boa MABOH, 1884, 'It It O'9104 In t 4 ;forersooss toillin to iliyo his, culswaseriii thal,
oelks. thop cou"'ll Ill the TOWN OF OQUEs" 1 .Huron'. A, TPAIN Of CRI (kalit for the past, two ff V '416.0t st'heir awitayi
legal, tb*& WAS IkIR vlow. Ife ridi lix sitcQuollaralon; broke up a A lorry Uvair tire station Mrs. P. Erw ll.tlollx or cortillitates far vulsh Octium lie bQpea, to meet 0 cl4lvd the idea of the higispir tax dis- "') 11�tqwnr Licquile Aqt 100`4 ll�* -41440= boi, Town, of. Sea Art ingsfirleads Ili toWin.' by "The It few,44yis ago. Tito track forew fo eChallenge UA 1880. la,6f.011"Losi, or 'AND' ILES
r of the prituinatitig AgAillsit tile Polite 10419. to bit otroulmOt'. who was in charge 00 SteVe'llit to ri r. Lvotit IIENUY PEKINS, Qlatpup,woonpodayollil(arch Oth L AkX . A, live mile lorry flas been ausliended. lie bow Searle hall been Loin out Arid gut sati Tflojifl AWIrC Solld.Faetitq In I V,,Qr 0 tile $eafortl) rink oil heen Stiont 15, year$ aog Enin for'yeiv, arid now -Chat he It TIEA
matelk all. or 05, 4 side. , ill 'the elliploy . , L ce to, abate ilia DUISalled.11 rho bebt !4100I.Purl er and 111vaterA His a evening f of tit* company And this. slight 11116-L bad 91141A ver
regulator a, IsIpced within. the All Ole*
On, tit AqUylty of tile .1 'A r record. v. butits6ity, tr
hapwits fira
Loy. in thiss, ( each of sufrorids
4LQG -L .'NT .0. Town has, put Up ilia .wor Ile Went tink on hill fortne
1. , . @& it WdU'd PoirralL a intim&ti AtO 0, M - 4 A limid,rof Mr. Counter, of �eaitlrtbt rather A severe IvEr. Searle' at every Electric Bitters. In Ia as low AS PO'OHJ)lq%
a %
Silovena, ill, will cover the d"Ilie fog plevented bill seeing the would lie' put 6 stion, Weak Kitilleyo, or RAY disease U
r re- $'the urinary Organao Or glaount, So 110 -was a hQoye y on, least. W rid the clintoll Syndicate, in whose 110 man of�QL413SWARRIPIIIA UL an* Aroun.4 tile I wilo. voted for the $4 mild 42 Liver,, Billioosness, Jouirldiee, CODA!- pi.nalty. w&s on duty and g it , ot 1) womil 5111h. tr slit next year did tonic or REMOVE still in t inte.. frighten, bim. in Ole qUirew an Bpi mild wi, I I their, come WE TuEft gaoque Argument N 'being in. tile council to. carry out hat Always find El#ctric r 'gSSORS,I Taw tfjoy .�Ila raw FRESH NUNEAL,
;I Tn a Ile lin ps,vidson died in GoLle do hurt say lislhd� 1; I gu6oq I I take V. 41 I rich %Idermma considered for the beistAnierosts of Bitters tire best find only certain cure —To THE— them to Raleq , f , &,toy, goodis. store *lid Toronto Inst Saturday, aged 84. aatitfie editor of the Grit journal. thOtOwli—todo, ilia right. Ifirlohlg known,. They Act surely And quickly, CORN Af EA L, FL OUR,
i 04T$,, PQTA.TOE9,
With tho w ve en. OWIST HALLe got theut Sharpened. Ifix load been. coaDvieted a Eli . list Ili* c9nacionep and judgment every bottlioguRranle6d, to I; T 16 opon At onee, Alio�gh Mothodillit nsillititry for 5Qr years. tbore. T.1to able , 446r sE0 hW&S, right would 60put tirels.istioraction orniodely retunded, t I)AII by calliiig thel, ald-rulan 4 cents a bottle by 'Watts, ;Lyhid XY41 Sold AC fifty tiols: yQUZ order 100 a 9004 Plotf Of E, Frid cy night He leaves one son andfour daugh, i)thrir yet hint out" lie supposed il.ewiiiild 11XVID oORG IVAOTORVIAND intend VIA& basatiliftea,
Atero, ne 0 the latter being the wife mar,, unsavory epithets. The worthy tQ "90," IVrA me a 0,41
i A�tin - up -4, 0 iiform inowediat owe Best - -Ma.rkets, and gn ely Thus Armatron,,, colloctor sit a he. wits a mar d 11 d i3oots, Nin $6 up, of Mr. aldrems,ti, -rewplie in kind. Arid Sesdol again ittvr rliiib Y4110 Cars
9 10 it Iike Clio* to utiore n, Ile had never 0
;'d O.'Wiss of Oleveland is a. Mr.' Artw I,V 1, nks, 'I'oron' LOW, sewea sh F ofiable.Teism " I - T 0 OPER,
of cusitoraR At Clinto no* the. editor f "all presentatio It , 'on of �cibn 5pi oes $2.60 up av, it Vp I ront, drusb�d ttk G. T.1t. lionse.on wook)t visfte sitrong was 'Duch 9,1 i0vatl At -'lot get if t le!,of argument—ox- been, down bit the 4094. ti -, tile Awl event it, time thrie ago. Two buy. , Ing sidvice of 'ant, aby himself. Tits TAG, LICENSE. sible to tors a, I,ellt ell hiin without bell of ]�Xet, tio Xtud,
it's; I ing iSH Lizzie Sulith. kott"111 tile funeral. ate difference whokie OX i doe n. . wag proposed ES 0 When i� wits proposiall to C"Pe nd asiputatiol LOAN ram ored, all 6wuera of do�s, in addition to liagyard's YollowOtl wds-tri",whi011 MONEY TO ELOOTT, of Tucke it's, oURE,IA.,fA.,S(-afortll bea 01111- 1.0 . �.0 We" intendto show -the. pixb own last we*L-. ton tit God -rich last week in, the id I dollars, gave prompt relief, itsI(L.,effected a
NARROW EucApz. Mr., JamQR tile statalory tax.of 2 ar M,"._ eet At low "to$ of tutorsll& 111114 00% %V110 IR 444
01, W&Ilig of narrowly bpeedF loure? evel!''reT9009 411 stiff JL 1,— Z,YouNo - of Gorrie, is match for tire Gibliquit! Madl tile Ist comp iietibriling (o sex, to io%� a. festo Of tel'i tis sea 0 �e, "DR ALU., WA n on Of e -276 2t lie -visiting at Me, ChriS.'Yqung a. Friday )art tile Seafarth curlerat toet as of tile jqksilt.: , .t -.4 'L . ",4c&pe With his kjfe. last Saturil4y, aente fq� tag and 15conts forsregi,tra� ne AUNNING & SCOTT. d ft 0 Se -represputatives f 0111 Wilighatil Ott :.ciock.si Jewilry ;t is p" ssibl
us. G 1, whil,t cro.,isiu,,# Clio, railrosil . tr4qk tion Costs moved, seconded by Can, lectsed, Stocks .1 9 , co. I ,4NTEy, town,, 11 ulceration It , . canary that brought 'otit g*brood of tho Clil'tOu link to agaill.cootPat for from, McGarva% salt well at Clinton. toloo, thaV50 conts his the charge.for To cure con Q1111tors, May 17th, 1882. in t he, IUD a be -stopped, tile th deto ce., ------- A prize After throwing A iag arid 50 cents (br're0stration, matter ,must I r,vvl�nif, ilia mom. the ra OR Old much covete Se*fortli Ott' hill load of wood, produ
y'-durli pa� two 25th LOCH. The VEfl WA RE. LION EY to land lit large or soniall on W;Ilnilig toy linvell a one 4aarwir f thQ latter aulOullt to branes 4i I I US healed, unit tile ;ood,,mortgages or ris, 3iol eoullrtyl; W14�� )D�&g Its 0, R 14 U n g out a lie stgIrted up town, anti, just "a bis, lit horso got oil tire trauk, lie breed. be paid tQ'tho collector.Aor register. systein 11 Invigoilis Donrilia to it urrent r06tC8. no . W 8 Wingloaul rink—Nn. 1, O."Xik . . ur clinton, in frvat, of h4ullop Ill t �y skill, 21 __O for . skip, 16; No. 4 J. Dio,s!i NO100, melt y�llilkg, and look"11kr ill) ing. Aftoar consWora will d All this, Try it. 'Every"botd i: Out cliAtin, IF i"' . . -,bl(: diticusislots 1. . Please, Lool iak-tXti, ,aw, the rains 41 )atg, motion Wa ie d. lout, twenty fevit, catt �d, 06 warTilin(6 A.VL3.qY took pboto- 270 4t. advertisement throughout the a haill —Total- 37, 81.1aforth t ]!�98TER I J ' I _.. . I 0. -1'4 -B 2, `Geq� �de a' Alavor, a legat, votiDg -'Ca W leLyns skipi, front him. Tito battles' lu, .buittlering'it -se@' vhat z graphs of �attorsoll SUP, 21—Tot-al 414,, itound arid clea'red, tire, track, bot'll-Ir. for it. OPPOSITE THE MARKET� CLINTON season'and '.you ill 4C .&Atr� W�fr _W�, ,zeyin-gyr-011on corie8vondeut, Miss Smith, 'itilig posilorjouk ward along with brolson parts Of Oo,tIs motiogs. a blind Iadleal Cold and Jewelry— W 0 of Wingliam, is visit toLtike E* sidXr. liumphroy isne I atton IevJn wl �Iiog at the 44&DoO of Ars, aciwaiin, irr I egg recent meeting. 6fthe short, llorn Is Ede T. od a& Toronto. Rings, Bra�elftts, eto, oseJw. tates that Although, badly bruised 'It eopitig lose d qg ding hotlab is) �.'Iiiiiibtllqly' injure. atit While, Coate 'refilied th WAS rig It, away to -,pu 0 of Part, tilat place -he ling cies of that nILD, I., I tio rehaied w
farin r�ied Ili a majdrity of speciman of the male ape MR. W,; H. RA -'2 isTax, following is: a list of the. having 6eettea abol,t- I J niled horth of Mow,14-wi, brited.' , ' " , '' L � parers at Clio child- born'06t a Arid _ WARE of last waski S town. long . with otb6ra frotp� Ontario, on Tuesdiky* evoning ell ioyorr said the Coats$ 8 111.1astiaerailo carnival last I , '1jillobley, 6th whout are Jag �AfWarttjoy,' e. houa.wk of.Kr. 'IN 6b�ft of 710 will' alliolig.' ;Uitahle for llollday, NVeddiria,-orTtleth- Aliavill Taylor Arid Or large at- small t1ugh Thotsipson, Saturds. make the tax tight fire And was completely Nellie Hearst, Red Itiding Hood. J. 'statute I a' 'illy presents; ; Goolls ft � I did' not -des- Ae tit P W
r6wout )e�'- tile regul;tr meet a z I gig Itext, John t;ej-iIHy from Olint5in. A! Ball, Ps;�e, Nottie 06mbe WiltUr, ClAm But the Id WaEsL bui.ning e tl,o 0111(nney, at though wood ise4ro tho Switzor, I T ointod re, coal Summer. Willa 'hie aggai permit q�itia. lot-40to the alarm was Clock$. i3vitrything. of this best I akes Th Drv-gobds EMPO Tile trd�ed. t that it took fire lid to suit all' seas,on$ ofthe KRM - b . P 1. A�, -1 g H kErAPP theStock. proSpect of Willie biallooh, James Tgrubulli Salvation payment of'tjois does iot, silly $0 a toil - with tile to 0�ba !P Y ge varlety f '01%tont r4
reas. of the O lilltoll High School " -my. Millie Holmes, Swiss Gii,l. - Nichol glyenj W n neighbors,togme, an 7PIaln and F ucy JeWd:7 As do -m to ruit. at large., . Tile d Gentlaaen% it being reduced to $5 or 06 ilexC Ili it. I . , Board Staubury, Call Me what you Like. Harry was, a permit to run at largp, with their tent? �'dl .. var LAY. Fitzsimi*um;'News', BOY. Carl'it Costs, Agriculturaf'SociWy winter' lid- be chsigv4 for getting pretty near all the con.. "ULU cot of �tlle house, W, Huckster Woman. Sidney 0, Smith, any . out Of tile lower psi. promptly attended'to -.Boom. , 111gliam In. A v� glories in having three news- flarleqtiin� Ansdo Fitzoiriiiinvols, Y a rill. proloahly hold a Spells. Show w ta arid registration. 9 but lit their romoval were to basil rid satisfaction 1101 lie. Contelo�,'Swiss Peasarit.L ludaith Iin Clinton' L Ed Coats explai pied, that hill Object (Jamagittl as to render them, uselem pulalished: I Brown,'Atothur'Gooso. Ellie Coatse DOW- were hisur- t, It" for. I vi�qkg itWdO_kw&y wItfi, dogs'rtinning Tile house anti contents MR. MALLdC pa perd Aurid R. Irwin, A Bride. FOR SALE. A-lit(-Iitli,wlii)utktilr(�ceiitly publirll, inialli Queert. -ed.for 6500 in the.* XcUlol" INlutual lIuron, paid. 11arlook �ubqrll #tit( II)OV, 'Hattie JI-Was,LS' arushLady, peloy Hal.' larke. Thebl, And $2 gvr�b the r. Ilitiolkley had§40 burnet Stock -of SpdctsiOcleao. ed the Roview 'it Blvth, lits sire Ybu,ng .K IA R111 f BELORAVE, the d
aiia., -it X THE village q' Iii 1s�rlcb isn ofli- T, f 1874. I,,- of thiatox liberty tif'ktepi .04 ues,. Canadian . liustrated No" 0 .1 9 other ochroolli; i iii MCIJ00,Yu, Fjow( which was in IILP`Is OElse gest.Mgkes, alw;lys on hand. PAY i house &lid store occuliled by ine., The site G
tax Ike k,o to prevent tile WoSt4 visit last week. ll ir Girl, Bart V T one of desirable tit the village for boat, ismues tile Ndoda-,:Dhore. t is; a lie Wh siss. There Is's, goQ4. stable, outhouses," an I - Negro Sboe-Bloek� Lelia Cooper, 11ouse- Unit It Th -it ICE water 0tol, 0 no, The buildings LM maid ' Minnie Conp Sour Stoina the prO. l.
of di A ,10. it: a cheor it*ougl ei-, 14clusollisid, - Will' front r illg " hirge ; all it surq rem�ily for Sl6k Ire4d. s't6fn ou%hisproinives.' ilia residence 0� looing tilieet as it to -key. Will Costs, Clown' Chas.' 1,lioy did �- so rua - air() -did 4a"A' S. ell, Dispepala, In -w JOOLBiddli6combe2 0 it
Pai tie Me Ing liat, tire old troda-P bath it' Jarvis,'Dai I - . . - - I .
oWill b
'i Green, tire Li tll�y could Ito- roeakiizo their igoot-ion, Coustipatit)ll,'i'oj,piti.Livet- bllTiirrv�isso. Stev 9. On POWAY evt,4 .tiv6 nice.) tire olierrior." ttleSallorBuy. 'Frank hie I and _X P e RlI;I 10ity 511iii Jim the (ilaine is equal Opposite trio Misirket, 011utori- i,ange Boy. Ma,y re.,pousib e. If dogs Biliousness, &a.,' ng me, IF.M' DUNC-klil. laingi 14t I last, detP comes out Wilkie G4uuAu_l`eas�I1t Gil -I. - 11. MUIh)3 , I . v Baxter's biandrake Bitter". ITI'Lli, 11, Bill tile ere -wa i !IS 11OU80. pets tliere to Dr. ------- -ILLOR CANTELON -has pur-- ill elidonvor to keep 'one leg' 'I I 1j'stio Rea(l, May I.X _�d t -per bottle, 27 0.4t (,7OV N C Tito I live payti I T H 1 -WE�E. .a a ,Ilorso� f a nest. . Frauk Upsla al'id. lig. ' 1U I.As ris- Aloth'sidem O the fen�qk ' i tlIo_,rralIfrL QU . III-, Chiluly Sweep. wir,uld be 'd 'd ig 1-6D the 25 can a rl Aliteliell ieThero we' . There was tip need - lm . We witili Mr. K alpit a three tit Ile pool rai;o 10 arid 15c a Varna. FARM. FOR klA X cdi�dil this ugency from -s, St.-Thowas t" e Ernifor; tire "10'Of i oag ill his new - venture. la -i Friday o-ening; foor ontrien fur tag tie regist, * tion if doga, were The pe RE� SIM WING'NOVELTIES IN - trip kept ou'their owne ' pr�tuis(!S. pl-ons, Sit, 'llanso - :2ud Win. Ile- WE A Dong Let 16, cost. 1.4, Goderich Townsfilt 484, -life. A, Halo hos tit. —Tito fine new rosi- Ist, �.lox.* 13LIL n, o . l.thir of Oy TIME.— 4oRTulirATIC. 3 I'd, Ogle Cooper; 4th, H. Start- Suarle.did Dot tIIi'1&,*t Nvall a fair Mr,. a offered ?
so acres niort, at? lebS, 6S.Aerft 0 04redl fr at Edward Rathwell Wa 1. racted thereon a good tranto house, A first-olistis frania brn rft4l), with outside trculars 0 wl' 10le"le Ole" derwe pf Mr. T. Jackson narrowlv' losi week,sloofora twovear old filly, Cantelon 1, c 3ros
liolicidlig his, ortlers for Chri,stioas �capetl tioing contiunii'ed by flile.on --VII8 of tile -Just What's Wanted." The L a e C611ar'st, 18x0Q,thebarn hats a otsille topirdallonan LEAP . YEAR PARTY, d th sired by IIOULUCed �V.-Cosn I �t, nealt1w orthard,.lind anati 'Alill waWOO stock, b6i ig fully tv�o months Ahead 'Fr last. hat has The deputy re _d t h � r, -ST., rostur. Ttlopo ilia All tile ii'l- 0 wall. aiimal hi been pro y tnost enjoy.-ble evenitigH t as ALBERT the prenilsea, abia a running at re,
Of the best QL of fall jt)Wn,1YjJIII be sold s - 21 sere wheat a Jacktion had Coll aibleternis.' For
11 r ide feeling -in OPF patent judges to be one Lin.n ipf year.'.. 41111ates were away. Mr.- oy our young folk strong�outtd losi�iosr e ever bui�iu �pout I al e all, 31iiness ar "at, "''dy Ia )dut to tijis crusade againsk.the d" 'I 6ill, the. 4301111ty- 'Mr- Y Ogi�' n ly Miz,;,!� on are itivitod occasioit to return to the llioulo about waou.Frid.ty For Gobd V' U * ill DAVID 2
PV(Jljiilg 1264t' t 20 olien had told would' rOfu§od the offer. NOL-RiValff. to attellol the 6likHervative Unit 'an hour.and. si,half of r leaving. , stiveti of riur'youug la(L. .,him t , hey Wo. Fear OneVt.. filled, With t w (A I I t --tile legality of Lace. Ties, U. ' 9 st.the Temprance hall thig the house ,.g o4 lie found viciad a sitifilir L , number of, our yot sidered i I legal aci Stranxer thafi FARM FOR SALH, ve It' kei -to tion- gqptlik tak . o part with, them what they toil ail g; mob, a Striking iodi -it e" Ili Tile: d, ti .),.it it is a. fact, tilat.Alono�; owe of' Silk 'Tie's,.L illi:� lj�jy. olamt�.ut warl at work from,- Everythitig tax. Lip Year party. 0 Tweed, jind. a fever sove that or -too Le it TEASPI inE iqlOis.41ber offora for sale pays lq-'. -THE UEAD QrFicz of the Canada 1 r4i bvewlil. c6d �,a- car diluted irl a beciouinur m or said there cobld be n. him 1,01. tiiii-ty-five eaes. Six Itottles cleared.,and * L .1 I ., - T'he May 1(galit , allp,Ostign. Q6#d ftlnls� 110411ill,! OVOII*OfL fll� RtOV� " , - excelle6t, arid d ab Its to red I - iiml, lit wllyg' clibice -And the i'Will Ilk arid frout t tile Muslin Ties, tood r , s;O: 'd- sheop house, Young orebard, ely tier. tire musle. wag 91' Burdock blo6d)3itters ou our, Teas are 'I lie. axe 'Was a lict-Lao feti for allowing ditga� to allno$�'a Mi es z1oAe. *essivo hAA.6t eaught firo., Coas 11, ,a pper, wlliiil� - provided, by which he -consiclei-o rab pric toold w(ill waosif an4 pufl: 31 sidles west Iran; to O,Assalo.., Wit . -bo sQl silivap. 'Teipti - iWe f fell on tire fl )or,� ignitid �bsil earpet'. at Clio Queen's, fully" rail' At Tito sfatute. gave w S'biit tho nattirlil. result, (of i.l,hp 'Coffees and verY best an ' it known by applylog 0), tho.PrO11111411111 101F "4!014: 'thore -is a-poliNibility 6, lei;. A ' IeL ri 'These. Gbdids' t to be ah ox- it -pt . I tl�tiosiL of',tha.t �a Mood a:nd Per. '.0IVkkpC.;t Ili ilia Intirkt-t. are all N of the Latps lout �Yfia.6 threatelitut Illai, aiiiod t to ro 6hein- the power. rotne.dy restoring pai Is no- th ton being Again at llffi& I tio 'att-ly feop ojoretion. 'sk I tiek or 243 -if Bruseels'p. 0. n. 'Was fol'JUU 144611Y ill 41)re�iling ail Inviting table. 0 Odr ']A AtoKorizie. maid 'tire spec.ifi 'that will ensure eir, -Utnsi ce RX �Q4 SAL9, su, In tile Coulltv. �M-R:- 'LA,wso of an erled. A goo;i thirigH hall. beoi. 'Pat and at, pri s for tire fter thi -amount lllep�ioned iii'Llie statute Was A.Favorite jj� I v61-ywh6iiin. 11 t' wr JLn FrultsICaried FA beeti ehaged It dnjiihtico to, th V_ tax, the game ag a . tax oil of ;,thb S. TIA NAB; rmnflv an v rall,,lly, Glga, 69okery d. - 4edure s e. fo to -The hex el o
Where 0 Goods", CC . e a au Liackstuith d4 ver intr .Itic�d ifagyard's I V111" ready sill i C 11 apiirtmi4�nt of Olt IWOU i r thtlink�Ft to 018- Inoved reevo fruits, tile toWn-41111). of hl(�K I- ored to expregis thei tire' tag slid rogistratio I finds frientip.- stile JP? THE Coru�y Chlilliew's; State Of Mlchllt�. i�arriago :works. . He - liag re prppor,y . Yellow Oi the,Southwost quarter of Section25,10washloo to L who i -A now residing, in tile fortheir kin,liti-iit, but Olil reliatile, Ilouset ex- AUdorew's Zyrup icept con- eforb:the wost, c6ittaininj 160 act" aov Ilis; faulily towlt, arid will - in 10, but ftie, Wass Paylll��flt Ora liuPLIS krant, told remedy for 13ARGAINS in this line. b 44, Nbr�h Rqpgp 2, Use j1IL_soll Af. * . I I
vici nity of Grittkivold, Manitof,a, ling tion, of- the. good, thi,,g 4 pro�wetl irs of -dogs � lie pri fI int�rfittl 'Ilk utiyoti iiund. Irpdgce taken. c6rdilijctdtiieoovernibentnuri,ey. Thislarmliss
tat; ininke his howeilvie.', 'in tlleowilL Of terliql An ak.l(i altruated oil �he sualst.road train Sault St.'Mart*. fut, Ilia. cropp. l0611,0wing thaill to Vull'at la'rge, paino, ajo te lj0Q0 acro.fArrn there. et,dnt-d -to then, slit, set qPs.. ke'd up. to Point St. Ignmeii, arill is n irlies front the rM'
0 riot fi ell OU011 A. 14. ,A Ing vhInyge A mAltalkas to k p1sesi in Clintoxs� f,, t 17 .5'Lliet�.8' Jag aid that :U'llife tho I E year. Its th 'last, Satur"y' bot.11 colltrlletjn�, ]ad yiolkl of L lit a, u ell, .11&11 ..no druggigii, of Belleville, says "It is It ary appOl 0 It RYGILLIKOHAtf, Red Fife wh�at arid I ords 46 tha . Ilk tlk6.-Iadi,,s. Tito majority -of B it;yfleld Road pxitieot to. which. wore fi-oull fis.04 1 U'Allels to tile store W*lijeh lie si�ld part.�y t-hor, wljopriie& to tire rooths I , greitt,.tavorite Ile're anti has. a guod Ood rich 44 14galitv of lu�posi 242-4t. I OUI)t -as to tile 11 Ing 11 276�2t. Bretaii. an -I wers Dan, at Gri I Lwold for, 0 cantor, a'. IOU.. Victoria Block; whe I re thoy� tat arid registration : feo', ak .41101, trip %the -hri ,slid, slid .14roonig- l'RIPTIONS, Crop al'iduit 300 0-1 file ligllt- falltastic until allout FARMS OF LL 'OESC Jill T97HEFOUBUI-00.' Mr Ilafinal . will . . to ( onight 6 tIsave 4,gs! nipitiVnit AN6 PARTLY IMI-POVEDO H W[ARKE ter b, Ora fia-illy )I JL, W40 _frqt�e..also, .2. p, w., . to par a up. AY -1 c 01r_QJ L .: ,
iiiatD,ed_ M�Doukld. ty.the'tir I;iok n t.110 T REPORTS. ka sce-ros - thig �coiniug. Apriog. a it; n.atL nt 4gf. POSSICSSION. Alorl!-y- Wardell colitliy.� %I'll . King; (corr . dot I *di every Tuj$(IvLi' afternoon,. Ili clalis of Property 'ghts of one wiAhlng.to sell:tt af.urillIftlOof )* lits. THE HIGH . wiy.4he ri -Pali b pI vIng to U1.11 �aattt; aled pos..sesHion.Ofthe Grand etiove d.f the muoicipality Of..WI i 'Tito third.readirag of by aw, Wa C, 0 -it. qt ta %_" a(.Ilv obtain ln',thia -Deparlilen " will tM 11atiab is well known road will Ila erniint3d by 7$5 00 to (I Land Oilke, Oundai St., London, Ont.. t we. e sliowing tW Vnion. 41oEeI and G�'O CoX-L 'of' 1?orter%` I11611PHT QOItOO1f; 24 ('10 nGlinton and was her %�hi V, 81d, I 00 to 1'05 It -Mirblib W v4 to I ilAVE apporn
�rid Ageint- of the PodeAc , lie , 0 to non. t R11 eat now, Geiw 1 Ill wh lot tile county ot.litiron, -V : : 40 EL n, And in a ai�liiipr tht wiltdond for few VS about 414 titust"'Imis, 100 to I Wool), of. XVTE. 0 iii to 0. atlre�r�e�tufi), and Ia-it 1 Applyto JOSEPH VANSTOXF. yea A .. H 0 S, London. Will tiellent O��ts . j 'L,4a it r Coats flarloy 0 -of Vietoeia, B &I 1, 1 0 70 to 0 ad Mr. SEARCH Or SENT a' of tire 5di ltwere I .9 colitelic 2 0Q'Pt6 2 d gpigh, FsOb: 4, JE183 tor) per bbl, 46 , to 0 fio G,� wasin n tb,i.s wd th�! CitY oil tile II.gbw!1y ill ol poki tion in rog �dowq ax;.1411 . .. 0 driving Arid cogorit rotimons. for I i A, He , .PI p nroato Nowd ftVtj to direct rd to tile Ooluml)ia ouir,or atis -to is is B %�flel I lin I "Mr. T. -it 031 to 03. - - - 0 own E �a 0 20 to 0 2P te 7 00, to 8 ()e -�,ff �earw ago. Ile has thearil.Ketier 11, -Ver, Ma etic-ipic princip iv inatittt.r. Wo.rogrot av j.glog 6.00 sof Winglian. Mr. A HALE nial , to oil 'this itel the, law.o.it tl TIA1 W. orks 1 or, ioult. As tire two -'rias were not. bo'l%layor imp,rdally -laid' d rooved to British 1 wa',J PUreh Lo 7 00 at. sitreo.there. 9nd teyer-explainedthai lid wit., pro..,, they eould not ocedIly the saiffit, tiot abli. to -gi�e a JID. atori 000 t a 00 M ak Ist Mdorittreal lie 'Js 'well 0 70. to I 00 '01; ST . ET) WhUNt . 1. t� I ,t -At pre, 81)oo�sldns . - ' L .. 0 00 HUR Rr ilia purposio of peurisit, tire the.saine Ile '. ful The only difflimIty 11 Turyoys, ilor pound. 0 00 to en�tfjr .1 etr antle.-M spaep O 41i In C ilitoo, syripathy of thii Coirucil . for a 000. to_ 0,00 Ou e r,. Jr. Wel8h took llth,14 f�et. as hi.4 Heated UNIf W as as io tile. ti Ine W hoo (10.8c r 0 a r -0
INfaria, Oooki� t., )I w.�'ur di ' nucks, per pill 00. to 0 00 Wall Po 14 vMENEAL. u en Out coVInII:i1ii.Qa.* t Worill"Sod'L Elio li Plig " NO Chlokene,ver pair W a I a 00 to 0 0 op r R 8 00 Manufacturer of and doaler In 'kinds tot we�kAwltfr. Irwin, of Stee,tsville, -uniary WW...'DiArriel 'oil I laws us ged Alr, Wolith to leave Ctilrdw..d, 1ca iBrackets All they what I kj, liege. �1
.ILP front Toronto. rightful and Ihil-diway 'jo 11 uhrble & a .4 wAs Ili lit Wilighatil. Pork, 1 50 to Clock helups,' Atf Tor(hito towimbip, Pool colklitY, tion hVt%j(ieh Toronto at thiii �'nbwlod'geof well known phyii- arld regitrado .8 Wool 0 is to 0 I Tuesday of' la�ir They riot wint an p 8 00 to 4 0 of -all A is re $5 25 to Nok Shelues, Graffii
Mlie:.bridt I tell, to tho cook -g od WM that tire. Should .40utiro, a to for Cen etery. Y eg. d p r i6ii of', the E list Walivano Flour, per barrol; 00 I to 1 05* and, of Gotlerich to;�n. akpadwtic 'expiraigioll Oita ' colt. Fall Wilmot, (Ad) lier bush. Iill oril.,r t6avoid a Froln ur 01- uOrs"r Fall wheAt, (new) 70 to I .06 Picture & Poto. ty's l'-ppl-.41-litativest Kilt lit 111 t1JUS (i,VIIIL? Up Wh 1. 00' to I O& wo I rk flgi!ros that dg �llip aud,cl fI out tho Oi what Ile cougider. Ash -men are 'Gilt --cheap soap. 46 to. 0 65 propared'to ' coute all M . 0. Z,Vln . 0 0, to 0.7.1 s Ete. 11as returned dnd il Yam�r we 'ha One of the I018 tkitttt�r.. 'rise Tol6uto, Grey 8hodily-peddlers arounil — ti'waroi. Fea m e Iiiii, right. of %�av orders eAtraste to her. -seasor a I t�fi within four iiiiii-s. of v .0 40 to 0 50 r a amount of Clio above -w manufacturer of tim C brak' coldewi inapH of the. bil- Br COL ferod itwoll olliellc� by 11 he Rev. Air, Par or Blyth,liad. oats; .0.1146 to 0 Al 01i
Inalli-in 1. laving his titkoig ' . es " .. .. Potttoes ... AUTIFiC(AL Sro,,;E for Building pur, low it ro... Many indoor plix its have Wingila.1'J. Thf, 0 11' alid teani inih* I- busln`i-as on the 901 i..1t week, 0 17 to 0 Is -Eslilr; of' Morris. ir ,so -to olo gobils an.4'gu2v,114�e sall-IfActiall- tosits anti Conietery Work,'which iliust
into 1 Induri init over, thAr I lid owned : tire road, anil the iii tile deeplinti* on: the untrav- I ItIllair Fannio ftuntr, (10 b gone; . .. 1, ft . . I I - I It 'A 00 to 6 3B STOCK. a Been to npogs,( to ifecur I if st lainit r 0 a 0,0 toL' 8 00 (I AP]
,kilt. entirely" re 0 porlion* "to 0. 10 JaLives. No refer- W-111, I lligllway!� A has been vi itingliiir sister,, Mrs,W. 0 4�00`. ot, over bil 11 L- rop 0 . .1 0� 'eti, of . t , I a company. wo0bl' q upo.flV� hoidit that. bi, J linato Corn Oen6e tb tho oati� Y* Walsh* edif8e '3 76 't herstli -wid sfutggy,� wood.". anher thiLt - Merit Nictlool gild. X:Fergusoft- of tire guests Of Ar OM
illis hiiFuf?of foul, full". - 4 noiltiou icalig foe tile .sullitilonhic; *of- Mr. . � t WHEN 66 tOW11 901,11ell grit Out Of 9(-r# latit week. ortior last weelct it Wai riot as lAd a, MiLH Aldfilmido expresive Woon-bofore ;I in agimtrailt�. Ili, of 146TIOE", On,,Chi4i evorsing of Ahlo i.)2nd inst., The Most Reliable'. or. fly lit son, o . n will old stated. Two fnt cattle. 40i.. to give the jk %ticia H. tire residence of .Ar. Jack I -Wood t Edg Jigs - rrrNDFRS WANTPD,—Soaled tenders I1OLVK8VILLC-�IDGE.—*VV0 Atatldin,g of th" -CA40. a tire. Ttev, mt, catflon by the undersigned for vierobuild, -AND IN it) ti . J( . . -tile 10th 0011-P SERTIQNSP .1hat. tho inat�rial for N ,vt.01, was. it, tow -on Mood", of tire Belgrave cir'lot..wxi made the hucol ILATIJIVELL'S BipuaE, over the Dayflold ods- Xt' it of tile two wilig leg,; thall heitti 0 Iaineations nim, bo soon at Stafloiiery,, Faney Go (I not 360.ait Our cotem. (I hiag 116ell eiting aov�cral parties, un FAII tile Holilleov ill deo� Postal ' i-,0`Iplent of a Wolf-fillokd PtIVist-I by (IARNINI, ElXIOq 'S, flayfield 00h., gets -9.-shOUld be cover- p4-izetl for a clailli Ag�llill�t Clio 16 of apfirtkit, 'to appeal- Ile- Lh!ii tneolh6rX' Of the Brick Cburoh� tilwnship, up.to Saturd4, Eith 12 kept.jn con: C.A, I I . .. . . (Orluck, noon. Tonders at -the .. I . I . I . 0, kt'of. very low ) It , t" cointnercial Erato, Clinton, at ! o'clock P- ,I', on 20.0]- NE. P A TTERNS [20 ell an soon Ali posibid. traetor. Tile ill el fore Squire 0 x jlyl� tell w.hat thay, congregit ion. young in n Con Wodn14s(1 try of jr�st week, a tll'o name day. ,Trio lo�,est or,#rly tinder riot ti endering is illutrated It, this Illat- kao4�labout this matter, DB Treasurer 4 it on the asseirill le(i on pedlissarily 60--i I it ry� �W 1 11,.4 I con. 'riv tile. farm of Mr. eii . A T 00s 0M cotIlIslel"d. Ia-it fall. OdderIch townshipf-Pab_251th take, up -his to, saw wo6d. Tito avening Was 91O(4� 6 riot 116W lie look- To*.& dCwliling,lio tile . .... . .. rpitl -of a lland Ui4de, the re'd -rib &Vt H ning ason s.. a0 .1 This'.Sd .:MP some Rilv4 elitvice, , It wag a(icool for if" the cciniraot6r'N ill tile di pf. tile violin., 16.samo a v &=ME D. - R I ItIrig ftIleJ*VeJI'L TrIat tit(] heill'. I *ig. Tire orta ions.
prituied Joy ail A, 1 sags Vitro 0 . ge Mont ay loarty- of!016 i, 'A 1; ed by 60 6" nt n. Ila bililt we hope &,,(I bo-iiijvo; by their N Alber''t St ieto,011- Icilidly reference " ill er se , . I Finhoic(A report for Poby. received ilbeautileq, ' illAde Thil subscriber It go t$rettifn'tilit kneem louther fit the moden ED WHE maAe'to Mi's. ufainconvenience havoc of 4110 to tho.o who would inakt- ust, of it, lid Adopted, It rowourin ca 6f Mr. j�Ules, CAV1t, - McDoNALlY, - Of Porier'S it is on tile thin�s to his custotnors Anti. the r0liq generally, for,thil 111loral patronage extondi
Milt droplied ill bit ug oil &IoudAY- §MD OATS, SEED PEAS; Stock Of 0. S, TXFORD'S Colo- to 6o dpi�lored that mottio ohor spent iii regular Qeor. iialary to
Contractor dill ihot.apt it even u:t P� PI'dt I all4l W. J. pait; Ay, There is it isOry going tha " rolinds Iff- IntoHding. bltyer§ Shon cl $ee oar stock, before
t -lit- Ilit-A tor 'towti hal), to 016 effect that a certain youn E ed to him ig tIJA iiast, od o. to their intorest tO 40 0, hilther figuro th-on iho lap -40 colt Rnti 81 1.2.5 for Wo . r3a'n in out midiri, wAs goon ver.; SPiED BATMEY r 8 4p: COP slid by (401i, tionedthe Not of 'him 90114 being ill tr�et called for. The chaste I Hickey for. , crossing the fields Purchasing,, -as 'it will be t eg "ro $L)1.00 to Gino &it,[ ' Poorly one morninp I �FOR. 9A1E BY— —A— tho tile Northwest. , They hold I 100 alieres tilat ib'nitay yet cost noore than tho breaking "tolle, groverieft anti wo,lit towards home. Wborp lie could Ile ill all, ceoppoil 800 attres 14-4t year Gritharn-6r4folizfea telldet;4, uIlloss for J. Walsl I I OV�4, rent.and finur who is the Ally; iand had i yl -1(1 of 3,00 'Ushela of' 0 t 1 6 f Best ait
tile �oniiikioiti!oiom or-deW4rdea's fill- Dovulp $6.60, to Aic(laivik, (or 6 L that wheat sold about 3,000. llumil#,,18 of Inittea faff bae it L upon the srois,l t f wough rn.,IY tile orii . hsittot eannot be At Stanaard Elovators ollts, ota, TWW.is very good donfild. s rom Young titan, Wilt) got uldfvt. latelyk 0 F T IT E LATE 16 good. Ilatu redly have blade, $13.90, ESTATF4 —AT THE
ering Chat P itirtial fail. ties w, 1,illkt ,thls jo air ag6 of Wcondern" 272.tf,. rL1N1:0N. pre. last year. thellmolvet; liable. John. Soott WA4 granted the call- 114a been often qixnted, anti now and Ir H Ic 'PAuLoti-, bosoctrr.—Thoi pis�rlar tountry,.usio of highway while build- I . I r . . I AX fiS I P Again, A0 , we heaf'-.' of eM something QAUTION itreert 'at the re,�hyti;itilul ing., Idd to believe - tile 'Tt . , strango we kpo u serali Sir. Soaet6 ioomplained 6"t Olin �.tjtteln(kllt. Irlieve ls.a mvAn living E NS9 f thEt Goderioli 'Skatnks. to rise (lit ThqqdAy evenine JARL, by T. HEREBY notify the pilhile that I *111 nab�b Ito bopes, f, A4 P raerit 4. coptinnalsoo �f.tlttl 1JAV6 -tile 00tt akiting 1111attl) Itis- Poreitm 51i'Ni(toftrY in Bolgritve, who &MYS Chat 111I 1) JL osponOdble for any debt,,i bontra-Aed Othor bit 1 six t;,eth exteactod irom on6 than sly mypoirt porsollany, or through illy writ- tween the Aalecta((O that, town and Suitpl;A. wAqi` con.41ering tnt- 4ato of e hi ovin regard t�ojjio �-Ouduut tothe toil ordor. C I -it Tho.follow. placo, find noyr tire seven th is appegr- SUIT11, tile Vt (311luton takts Pluto oil does Godoem R 0 14
trial ot, the wea,th't-, a tUCCesiS. flee Company. Ile WAS 'riot Ali North Albu4 Stro)t DRIAN I HIOANj Dry &Ddg Palo of GiintS all'
tod Tito cribbeil ilia pegr.allial" wag Pro ing—somMhiogvt�.r un�orntnonjoll? hirt.DiltrOT 19110ILTATIONE; 0 14T
rink is. tinwarrito . onfeelt every elleniv of, the fire (sompany. He Y rebruary, 1884, at, dimli'llisiong 40 the i3odrich rink pu-ca 1) L oing,'wtill remlered —Duot wantod' to I boL IlrsT huNDA df 133AINTDIV8, lOOR roliregooted fairly, would give it match there Clio. ap- oil 0 inouth lorgan ould guitar, Jilts. th,� gra - will probably Mrs, Mary A. of Ttinkhars. a t in '(Our fr' r6l, 1110(heirial purposom 4114 NOW Use. pearatic of it cbrxtep WAAlltub, Jak,ion and W. Straith; rodchug, 11;al,ii the ato'endo lionorklile to Nit, nooko raq �aa Affietod for Six years �Jr OIL '�ririg lsellen compared �yitls Oita on tile I U. with Astiona arid Br6neliltis, tW 13:4yley; Dream i4 it that geodemito, is corr� Olutxxrml PoItTtst"N ,opeti. Ada4iftilt space Olt cummalld .011 O'eri" Mrs, W. R. tanio still Th6s. W , Rich titlll� thO befit phgid'141`18 Could into or qu4
the 01inton rink. Tackson, 111.18 Oliver; eeLLPPRSONS dissirl"g Mconge., t-thoi "tile OA-�ADTANALP4 abro If lAqvioro for tile dimilhit licenge 1�0(IrAfe a VY LAW4, lullAt Ila In -pped W104 lie L4 ip*y . I q �,4
lagt-ontiobor she evoottrod LAov in town, ikgp(l 70 When Yo uhl.g wat, 4roby notifled 646 thell- it gil indA on or before tie Is6 day of April to ticie of in h And 'We are jiow-tboroaly q1t. t a corkatatitly on 1100,
abs -1 Stestith And LN1r, Nta 160D61 went into commi CO. ber t,oail; remling. Att-A. Fibit,; golo, "The tile wholo oil the ond"filtanding thAt "bell immodisitis rellof Avits; felt, gria . I I line flee grtn b continuingUg uso foe it sh4t. ti . z D and 004880801 tIddlilly tile Winil", T, Jackgoll, jr�; trio Lmt,. dilsbings Wits to take the chair tII. wirsor, This "Theati Duitible Ald deelilled An( illother, hild Rubs# V bV' fleEll, 50 Ill$. in A. lew montht, Clio pril.4tint IjOL.q" thd d(lpoly looVo risisSUDIdd That Lan bo 060atod, itnd n grot V906tY 1LAIlt ODA, how th"It ej goft to 4 quilt Paiftoo_ CooiRn mid ACT0611; InAtttl- Trial 11OU10A of thiss 66rtft'lD I .6f npwrital, Alm I'MAttivio dare Of All-Thmitt Awl Dirsig Digomoa 1wmg .4,16w��, VIA, A I -IT E
a t a
Lding OIT PottioH of to tax at Wsittxr�ko C618 Drug Store. DAV. I 4tAtirtnoo: I TI)o Same fatly )Afts A xilt-hr 114w good by(,,,, Iltror, 0 Gabinot Work
I do'g $2, per. yollir mild bitchott $4. 204106 $1-M. 1401 Spoon Whiell 'At tittlis boloii- Awl T,13P.ok,00 wo, I l I 00 T0111INVAT ll()Nvrsl, n0go, wa, , 4, $1000 Short ditttApiono At Mammt� ROW WarohOUS% 411100111plit, N R
flealt'll whit'll 011arlpil *0 Air. x,att.. 'riryiii W 0
geld ta I I el hfloiq Stesitil, slid, movod ioAkini. it :$2. And $1, to), Vile Dr. llonry Baxter's Mhods,Ftke SRE L , .- genetslitiorifir. Tile anil Red 4fittilik, 640 r Cout ALOT
told lidy wAil nierried ovet 6I lyeirsi M0100ap'. reditatiorri, lljr. Drow Bitter &I 0.
F.1010 130th or livotuouble, '26 othio, Will buy a' Amly to Are 0 5ndment Z11 Molt; 01ittob, )2 V - Thef(4 voted (6f the am, .1 Tin '840' mpylog 0064 Ok