HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-03-05, Page 2R
T. -W�WMMMFMrqW ____
. - lit
Mal Xr. 010044 —7-_` � r
Ati� � go Irk town aim Ovon ag'—Ul a fi�qv, Ailvis
W we
1 0" 00 0"winitt. � wal
At. I Re"lig, x*0 J. J), Uoved our Rotel Air
4r tip 14004
V144,e had tf). okcquit, mooneyp socob ibr L1,111,4111" unat C erect I Air Arstrollecil.111;.1 4iT
lil C>
404ding K. XW. 0, IrA r $her ho ha�. met 44
;Ve I ztvlall� W00!grjY 160, harill is
U. 1404
I!r 0090 If unt, ol
011'NAVA'Hor U Vartily %vt. ittlow:W,
ass. no All
ta cu gag no ArIth to bef-0
Ot INImes it W Pial be be b"Po"c"I for Initillst," TW fll" W101, the 4141 the of 11 Z.
Was. W10hom to Jarorm h!
A AM I now SOTo W04 NUPIWW(l b %1+14: fie" U"s fis lr%try 1*1811& 'ifrr, lbor
PAIU19110. writ" thilt Porma"44t ros�i4 _.y. Mr. j. 4# by WAI. prime , the d If rhood of Port I., old ersis� 9aer# And t
Oil W'Ire by Mr. T. 411glili . 0`0 jud - V"j ly $40140 ej oe Jilmothilre( that ho has
When A-. W. tow1m, or. wilitely, We nego O.A.0 70 0600040 by rO emirstlygo J�agh be, if I At 44%j flop
if', M1111i,
swill'Insoll And th �ara ?ie
to 10"Tot Ill, puthho vatwy
All 14 tills
3UP., Rpoke in. tj hotd DI P`ibfilli�d 14 the Uttrou.1gr,
wriflion, vourt Mr. U. 1. stris race?
Ans' An" 01 and V
Rolloo ill favor Of t 146t, rbur4d, mg Actied Ali 4udg val-ned. F a l4rg Illy
a .41jor. hor P Doyla` held, Division 604rt the vollop flow
r, 0 on ithpi ft 11
docided in f; liJal"o _ � . r
school if� 28th- Ult.- There were
of the slors.4 but two, r
104hop, 4144 0 Mr. and Mos's, 'Blaft lelvo t , MifiO4 by Wnt. Wray, Ise I
ffioct on th I'llorning for (,'hie 114 card mitqn,kolldoty 0, A,HQW.O t colliled by- long "tan4ing 01a the Owner or 1garan a
()�OQ .1 . h Oil tho rklQk4t, That
;go, ofter _44�u !FMIT)a at tho I '02pt. Xii'llol 1400VO Of '44. 04*up straetlf,,
'Suitt hOl4P, Alle. Crabb b StAt'lloary wSq 0�`se Of vs.. lel If u )it
In# A few months ja ra Ift tha affair, P ef apV0431tod.collootOr At 4PO'llifol of 61 the V$rl io, 10 the Wick Dullding-knuvra As tb
As AOU0 several Itill I n Q R
Ae $11<0 of town. sent Ajeslea B�Jtjejei A salary
.11 1 .� I - 1 1 60 Acre lot from Ur. 00 thie trode In All
r, I —CArricli
SW41)1110", as, Property," whore ho rlll I -Ar
'NIC1101. The slo to PAY for his house Altr Is, experlortee or ovpp, go.y(,
thent. In 01witkilIg, to oge Dr, thin bring It I Join ry
foong ollectio"IF nd Bueh� costs cQn4,dOrAbj; Will enable hlia to Ills, �Jra in hVivia
'ROW 4y"atinite_ had exploo, Next Sunday rooraing.griq evening 60b A ,"all Adjolf ing lit, brittlehPI4, An
ks, law the Out, he 4'
JUAN"i'lowl or file Yppr Ill.., et the orthe to
imle lint 11,0111le In IIIAV
se6lidod by t"I'Veristly When a' 0440 trins thr.04 4 UAW Agm 4110 ArIarkiflansfil 1144" All
boorfolo will be vlogs, meetinign"V& ofrille,
I ths.: dovoted to too dice Mt #"d approved, BO Man, that the Mere boji jjj�. the courts for Ibur 0 - P misturpalwd,
)uIloolube years. 4clo.re pur JAIAS111119. All the ht.vist .,in 4.
qumn oo *Sle �1109100 Fund, The frinoiliaA, struct'lo to Procure, 1 41, a 4 P QW.jj Vjud
I`- Itom Oren 4 report $be F�brtfary , op coUslautlyo 11' 0 ('011 ts-04
t isboWe4 the "a I rVNpLot 41, V4*lae �Fitlf 'Me 0., L 33. of thFa Mr. will. Utne of go 1133(tilopo
(if isaft at iciod's And tho avernge attvIrlditirsee.
A are bela# made In 'Or Of' Oto r,))l to bt.,
reforest, to sonle t4q0to. of t )a for, a Neff )AW
.0 oulpr4f; Yd got fall, fnoet�j place hold A rrle liaa
PoSitlo" that he h4d' 'i$on A*16 well- the comin sliad oil 00 Thuroilay I, ALL WOAK WAgpANTE0JF
9 se400m the I Y11101i prove YQ111"g. I 1� r
js 1j.1soll �jove withsig 4011A grand success not::. Th" attar intendl to go prop"tY.
There ia o, roport that 4 by H' A100047, JRPaOJj(jqJ7 fly riding tile 1 Obo. to 11414- Riots PJAMNA40.
Slid tb4t trilto ,We* sf$on of C`Q' b6Yjj attPrIlling tj
o v pill,; 1, daY there will. be atfir., central school, on a3etif)n the 10 ray -that the, %)rk.Q :.We4ther. ')clemency of 'the
VAR alsololls. ROP 119 311d RepaintinglFrom
Mr. RolaWaIII 4, Ite all r: doing bu-'sineiiis b . 4 heW, buiallershop Poet, with the Pro cIlly W4 in Rat(�hiswng hOlr fast our Vr' Peter ATcArtfirl"., of 01P.9t)) pitly Attended to,
R 1fPA(4? ilf4f follower of lor"Volr: ere, 9XV0010" of the reotir re a Noft-11-4111d �4
aloilation r n Pro
or 0XIA1110fill", Which is 0 4 u ift tb4,. Doctor
"it, over till; new Wiliness w All pie.k!0f; if eroLt A, new brick
Mr. *"4 1?ubwoll left town" 11101611011U11120 APeras heis dolilg aft I; relnd�nco.
X - e, fill,- new 00". Wed,; will
the in t , MOM of J,j - "1*1 * _. a Proof! Sff , , r
take part in tbe.Fire. co Yell and fyip(j, SlIndry ace.ts, F, STU
I u 404'tho W14018 cortutr 8 c Men,% 4300cerit a W04 re 6. All an# he 0OPtriping coating Numn)AP
. -1111t. L'43finiarl of �Vafft pre �njj, V�rjjoprd to It Wert, fortniffla filrnumf
1`0171 110 'y fie saw f, t Bxete 0 P01 and is I Said to I)e thi6yfeinity,
Or ItAt Itlipport tile wood 10 Corning in rathel. toro 0 co"1110" the" 00j:Fur,4 R. carnpion, of UndArial-
I hoo (1,1*01YI, and pr -c ins theatteall Annual reportwi,tail' Oct oat4e 2441, March. f, At file 'Nittille Of lj,,,,
Virtu i ly itlift lesid aentfq Th
Ai4lif:114 tg hlM OlIppsi, 7n t In4jiect al Ileter baso bee 011coessr"j. Aptpoi Is
V 00111100OX, � Ho in R. rrifolut ea. are IJO'Uewbft$ re. once and promotion, I now
10"S, Are. Artsm, ast,li. duclid thIII'(foutTatan
S 010,04 t iQ 13faforth, Tq
4111014blest dehtte f9p 1`110 year. 188s, was re4q it h" bean For i I (not, �UT
011 his sdze apon the met fid on "with, . qNwj4y
A new ss#t 4t fit _444 �%O.Qk,
of' that Aide. In Knight U., J�p , hi tbft Week erfoling Flit !Ort tile OXM arlicipajilliI, t . . .
in ON Too"flo" !JY. -0� tho. tyle'l, I I'll -"As recallfe(I antl 'I"Ittlit onsr
a 01)"lingant cola 471111ti Lin
10"Atinir lesisIN(tioll for Stsuoll, 11141ron, gillid in loss, peljortetj on file tfilittoo 80044T, Of, JIM "Venjjlg Axb#�jd stro
11"Ptilody eoXjKtj,i.g , 1-1 that L411411 tillum IN Cori , And the (141118, WQ, fleNtAbilit'Yof sidding .2 1'114 , ' )e , i1n,011, Tarnberrrt.broffght barlitty to tll,, lit
. I fsOt" fil our laws, a Stairway to'st Pat-t-joks 00 or I! i DEN1#_,0N
Alad ill 'itsitlatil)'T M It to. 01114 to dis Some 04trAordihary one honi whieb wiligIVedid, TaL-fjs th
hAv(w been tAken'. b trol;� for the. j;uppos 414tt-I'very stlecoBisful Nocial I Council met purousint to adjourn- life bujillel,
_j (AaNuret; it) Close lily nVotives! I wslis held ill , ty two ponlids,
bar- A. V, 1) 0 lmv If our ii�sjfe - oregrese in Case of "t7nion (JI.Or"II menvollsal.,( to Is Means of
air le past jew �Veqs ralva fil"ea , 01) "Ifitioln the A. Prue". IuYj Zhil Fpbrtju
801001 Ifouse NO. ett*ng 00 -Pub4c ku(j that '1,4
field. The Rev T., Thritup �Oij ocu" [lie, I
f Pelvecl an . if epart was re- I W
L-Pred to-essrsS i IV 444ir and Ali, nil Openelij ()Ut,a
Y.w'"4 th" Still I'lallill voice 4 ul"i"I'lo"d '110 pril)ciplift, demerit -if 'Mrs. Brown, wife, o Of � A,,,b111r,,1'1! All', *A111140F4011, a4l) all T Q 411- 0 --------- —_
'OPIP—but which will ere long, Via ouriyf t" be told that, it if, left tif �tl Wnsion I'"flent, Tbe. Actleve, in off chall.
Ve it, 14, n with full PnVkle
41 r to Ablo A�IjQjr, f he Week ileih�
1000 will . I . W tilaade C 4108fJ01114 ling tile 1011. ],,he Hilpilketis weee its �Orfjop� Chat job e0f, _ It was MOVO,j
t to disclostA rJvOcl in towtion mort,11, "r Act in file M Lter. Tho g1jestion 01, A lie for-thf, 04� bv INIAllougri s sibs Lion -ng
'-tk hall hoof y, X; _R41 U7
_,Arip flcol)(ied by LOU
11 Ot Ives 4 D01ohPir 0 boys meogio"i'd In, f. �
alorally thon"If riot StittlIp the iniplita Aserick be
Parties from Itown, theprincipall. GIllin, of who- Spoke I clerklih tile E3 0 0
TpIresent torin, ToopivA41
nnin in ilia OPPON, I's"I 'at, my j Afhitl I it 'e,' Ail 0.40 last Uartilval in the ivito Meeting were, then rena i 0
W1 , " 171114 Q. A. F� & A,, Skittin " '. RPQkk upna' CI)Ar Mistled* Lett' a 11
'at th) P, rinktj�,Ojojl ers wers, re(,.oiq
fitigh Girvin Still
Ort"War Iftatis tbat bir DI Ppoflition.efiarge on usual ollow aeu* the 'if R. bt 13
a. �fro-l- '' SHOE,
4`411fro, J>rjvate, Air vice "I. ) . oil. e AND
f)II40110411V slice f , 00111 in the dust utti.04-11 at J� 11 rklPort Was a(lopted by our tovrll I bue,-ce Of' J, Cook, (,be
Oak up thif wj't - 'Xth w Ala 41100
VON "L iN dart wilioli fell hIlralt arill J. Wrigli clut during "Poll' oruls," ajd war, W�jj U
0ext abloai' the
ujte� Unjostl) V, slt.least fill renod Ilove(I bQ Aral ter,
onc' Of their Thel to With, rapt "t,olltiol# C , laier that tsZia e Boojr'4' of
in V on e4iiii COM?4' 1$ .. - I . W:. q�.
itGrantima; Annie Straiten. 4 )d ltv 11 �jV OHM, of) :-:- OLD
��!Vhtlrsdfty Came, ;., , WATTS
'lumber has a
winces) town sbOrtiv after- one o 1 eAc Rajisliz Peasano Girl an Z. B411 Killop, iN AIA Veey ifItOrt-sitifig ariq, f(l by 'the Qionil jo p anj j?� at tht,, 1(jIlresi possiSTANDIF
g;o, � as;wIly aaws (8ir. sly Anorning A, ing
right Mchard : ' , �j
tc, , for the, latter U6 A Which he -will �011
went See Hush Girvin 'ol bW rates:.
Over 'clock, 46orgie Mar. butnero
IVY MiallikeallrJAaMf.,
and dU eek mel tintri last "ettlempri '(If It the On a til"Anorable rall" Was bo Toi` Aid addr"H9 off 4-DjA As to ifie
ifir-111, ARCO acting her kI,ring U)ill,rlery MOthcr 1111bbard, 11Fktti,j aurepable, 411olware4onil keeP the G t d
Nigger Girl, Maria SwafA the ra e
Olisful joatlep 11,40e it. to little t were 41ti; ro*j-
are totally Q Jisclose III stock 2 ? E.,pt R6601�ed 01it It lie
ti.vos- reqn!"w tThursday rij-1)z ;4Y was very 0 the Iblioti lbetlilb th4ttj
Some tink, the act d�ervoljp, Applivant I)MVIde the a SP Vilisll Girl, Ida, IlInkinson K0QIj III)?), e
ofthe soll�lon Hattie Donagh 1�rltcbftnj, as T. It,
fov� ill allition. to thsit
A find Otheris At rice 'ever
r. at Which it If, his fainilyar, 3ron cAlti t-LottiO Vaud PT,
.1ioultablebrii) liallialy, 40, "A-- IgIn
flpotatoes fr,)Ze 46
4,ss OX . Alex m
J11,11alloso Girl ld/ Tholop. Vachine
ji6liticil o at) OV14011, Alp
thaf_116 . - W, nd servant
_IjwjFi 11 are nor lley"
�nj �j ly. lerqua, 4`118,74 Til 0 OVWI fig ser�vice at Ballet Oirli Z� Corral) 4 0, f,. T-Atits not less than ejalli,be(IST1119
OILS t'by Arr '04h rho ro�' Mar 61VT 4J, G
Itillid that tbe tiorfe-, -a, -vexica S.'E, f;t. 4;
aftie Wljk-jfffl� h�Thai Mr. will be thest4t, I'll ;, * 0 Would fOr the clown ane flot01 -iltabi , itto, diaeh �04 irt ill - E, W-43 14,1z. sind "40 fO' At ],last
The brat ol ten I If lorse$ s000 to$160,000'., ST Fre(l Lioil k-44, W- NVOY$ on'
`0 charge oil &he cjl�toasB &M joy! � on
rPsl)0nfX may Ito I OrPOk, aibert IVilkins 4 P OMonthly on-
" 000 At Riiav Iortai"Iffents gi I Ill. 45; L R 13r()WIF, lot 8,; lin, III yet AV t4l� (Tay to i4 Iln- - I they ore Pler, L-911wood. , -11cDonabi one 13- tile RDarti,. (6) by go' 9g. On �00 at, tire Lopill 'S, AMe! , TP )r 6 Ican ,,and Townships a sgitAbje eM (3 14 el,,t
portifiticki he ditiplava, i Witj)r 010'Work, NOW t1loy DrInflus, during the aboonce D. 4jenold U
ky. th; AB y1en by the Yjjtj r A aD
Oil siok Vikjng� too( P"Ace"a Buthol Wellivy WD ie Sta
P170014iin that CIAO Of tflo Cillokor thepti, Jack ElAv s, Leall, lot 10, Mo. �Qt. less, thall,four ..:. . ..
jie . b. will pposite T! Coop`or�s
9011141 to niaicit n, 10; firld olle
roar w h be o Ste, 111ir nuoddls: ]Brigade 900(ily UUEIA,Uor werU Ia.
I)II04R AS th ed" Doling pesnand this list 6rort 134 J. Nixnn, S. pt 9 S loll t R bV tho a hIle
ege Enciatnproont, No, 28 �j, 0� Frank TraVusch 0a, 114.1 bigiliy apprjfliuteo by �11 j, I tile I 0 Of 119, 63111tably servants,
progralliAl N. PC 7 find 8
filAVC44'aflance - - I . . of- tdstioll t 0, Y, on
Paid) 6�nris I lagh Al Goo ti6114 alroarly even! rge coA!
is rPqt3IE Ali consisted of r6adings 'of). 4, P othiliplic �Qvo,,_ -Ated aj Save 10 0
10" 10
a ltb suharlosIv Wibe PrOftented" Olub 01larlie Slaii
Public prititing III cit:ndi HqRtor, A-'-Kirlbrido bor"o, foddew Tit. Cox and, Nas thll fell The N1,0981's, orible PI tt I wi� ant, oeoi jolimtorf ResOlved that it be also a
ihg it
nierl grati" r. 14 Ord;,r to deter tl4vo were 11 Nealforth d1lub. by 4fisses. ()OX IQ n,,, fit fit
UY attenti imaxone a4d 0, 06oribil, lijalle(I b Bf-curity rile-. Vp(lo"ll"te to obtuht Al Aotel-Lib6n4cj ty Illf-ot, flOne by i4is y Chii IIF
Von, taking out Ing of- the wilt Al IJOr of pieces by - t Searle I I good well* On orclifive"j.
(Cal buncombe. HOPIlsea nisder t1je It tire es, gliociatina. No, BaaU x and —aurrie All"Liliftillt $'In" P"Ovide OWev-r, epon X)PAIiijion Act nut' A all closet; and 3IS4 a
4ut, aPP-TZn MqT ilv. by blalloll"6* !.hnk the RA(Iitn b0flY adjaeLat to
the, Ontario G,.v Groat Mr, wbiall W�re lowing pree rp PrOP"f-tiOns are, being Life one destlArvilig W re.. And it's safe aistall
ed foon�q*ytjon oln� hile chose the Said Hotel
s"Flit. ling annoulleed it., inteirl 11 of o f 8t. re t e if,, fiOro theyl TOOOlv0; Anti last, io, ally fly" vator-Q108wits.
rq� file VA t�vranliical 014 fello da the 1`01-016 or.'Girls—isb, Hattic., by IvIallOug1j., W 11 otining st. j�fAtli�, btic 406 'Oust wasa lecture pa e 411 0 04, of Ili klir ay. Hattie tniol 0onaRh.j 2nd 'too find it 1jereby in,
0611se tax fie�
)je tl,4 a And i'luo 1, by, the c1prii 1.1, At tl)6 a I agi): Xi" hst`tll�tt'd to priq'atrn it by llt%y fr n resolutions be y
whii wih yr.Ba TE R
Xt mallitikined
'a tu� Ali. F� A. Kent;,W110 Is -ft 64,pri(jy suldeqt was of l'ouat'll r r �66 An AL al"teirly wayj -&Jil Wa,', holie currency of Pill Reform utider CIA for the Sailor. Sin . If I atl premis e . 1001190 sell
P4. 44ifil IQ ill'. - a - M I tint k�fq ell to town 110 9004 'sound pen
g ilSide, road J,e,,'w ng the Hotel and
("Ittlato author W Ant -
unlOrt 91't D 6 jIn*(1 7 can. lib bit k4pt elean
Pleti(In of the alteral ya I t B - S J46k, liumoro Irodd,
, NO ivito 0 mith, 2ad in the Illuce. tiOas to life Big Al.ill. The sr6oloty.- a us renittrk,,. 'WAY botwee
use P h., %nY S. ago Ahii'se lotolhow"ex 4 A Ived
couide-� Ow numbers folurteell tiuxioi. abe
Va. 4 reportorial prl!e f
at "i'lilici �ovr . liarlie Slnith� jad Alainbeis, and foll0tvIn", to be playeii-ill
ty. A correspondent f tu 0 quoi4tin Y*u'tlg'peo01,'!b'.S,,i,-t,',,,,,a Prod LiiIlcroji it has � only beel Passp,il iHotel bluldift. On
h. We
nad)14, agroll -gave their see -) if )it lye venture U 17,111tolic. Hot(,, b g
Trsinto jourritil -6urt Sjemt�arld , litel . 01 arst;O n debate -not , Ullfriei 411Y.r-'e caloil All. OWertai Mat it WDI flier 0 Nfty lort On o-rnry anti an,U11 tIA4 0 onixent Ilist "Goderich by file ease rapioly in, all Iii. '81.41(ite
co A:regujati,i" ' . . 11 0 0� 11.? 5,, &.elvi(l
in, n was PId of its
qie y too a" on '1, 611- � cDonuld n)e to tile ad Loudoij X $4.5 it, fin pothati, In3j, ting
ning. last 'be hour, I IV, neot N t. C:
rosedo I� 'aktj'by Itfil last we Owing to th of tho oarroundig. �qpl,. D9"Alfl a hill ki
Mpting 411111go D yie VrI)O 1144, Kintail, tile Hotel e 9 hulgh 1 'kill iVf
ilTire t!)O 1) "13101 tolifif '2 60 eol-dially Itr a ance (it) job; o. d :qlat"the Licenses
asurei. Res r,nk it sit n (I th b1p luyl 01-d 40 jQiu, auti, w6 j)op. hto be
ut'llat st��P(j in fill ous, aa -victor by* Sao 14 Ing ftl�lltnietlt w t1l C
Ull Vorlifilonf; is 1). , Ot to :21X. shotK� fill nnl6ary of bile Ino"t grAlvel on heid qf the
Off tario.0 o for Lhe A e
to all by .1419 soci.ebie's tilid Th
1 '11JIL4 0 eig, Fragplij 06 ell g I (" 18.-lnilO�
11t'for the atlf�ect W"s �j) 0 lborbood fia� J.- litah 4 ! yet? siovil. .10; b bit limited in 11101A Atli Hat
of j, sid; f, fr. Canipbel well 1� 41 ni 4, (ton. .5 eron oiji III, Pe Iture ov ev wil0ecturf�, oil wlVe fence" U 3 oliffnelY -
1, go fee t ropriati�jls for the In. tile Vblage oj'8�lt_ to 849111" -Calorti'ti' 0iY
Lhe aein a Godairiell Inost OF be 1.011,
"alusilti? spectacle the 1), 0 did of the 4u, hexed t I GjAinerwit 110WAIS, do [lay. six; . 11
p eaeuts Ouse
tied "i elinN T
lount 001 fe00*' a POVE Pluttler 10 '"-50tutioha�a ,eYnolds as 1patl for, ISRj, 1110FOssoven; Alegillop five, Rt ule
.1 Y .4asuluch d OfFirl'a, Out iftfil Alpeechor a gantl 1() tion, 4-b earilOs' &.11111`90:hqsnber ' Dr. S 7 "
MiAld" Ifinited'o'litea, of sbauow� 0' 654 �'j - , ativ elld vi, I of' the—ill fllf t116 (Itligoin's, Flullmer of kcill Clinton- on, lisi.. 1011voilt, langtfa,o of-Iite been till-ing, 9 and, 10" &Arld 7 rne oil,; East
d out J0111 t jjo� I t & .4 $I three and IV a so lkr�ely, U11660" , Loulgo, in r.0eiv d*O1,11; ulion the tile sick.� Conso r-colhPla' ill.lreas, est
01 'gin *wl'6�`ii geheial beariiig 'Up When pha�, Its insot,liat tj,� .11itAor Yrn; 01) 'and Anit-rielin ltq6ert 7. Rolsolved tj Ou'r, InImense tstoc
t1ornniorcial intorest.q. A ruriji-ise 4,1 each 'file extir a jaho req if isitq 'at it thall boa eonditinti of 2z
w�ith an�oratjorl. OvOr- expendittl I, tile, , IVA
(Nr* Callie. re 0 Rf'7;81.4 alivant'liges to, ),a rml j()adkf of yo MY, coniiis-tin,, of Sew, nail to Obtain A Shop e*
orateA) 86elno t(j, IIIAg I'll U01j, atinciling. hostile ,v re, Aing- p4rilao to 'k tied, to tileet Khall be uRri
N I pu I.P0"s a0inur, I * - a that tile
otir the' ift justillit.11 I A Agal ied on st,pal.aft,ly ri.oln
E,'- If;lIe&6t'That i 0(10 )Y. lal 'WAS nearly o, lie 19t
110 y foil'ileinoel'A tic. I r- tho -pla o,gn that, I,
til erYattitude of 0 Siloh all ri fit, III igratj ts i"W"libving too forgi, a piec read" b3" 4011,; coo hu gi-ant'll
C W09, Sol) tifilotit anit jan
fAg t Ills' lwen6 "i-i4ei.4nd
qg t etreptIvill. anti hn euioyablo
FJIUCIJ hwf�jgjlt buil
tOgA0A,V Of ; , -d , , . , . CIOVIY showti in jillystorg,
d(In t two rMs W .1 lere grqeodois Oth
iller trin sobject el be; tilp i 0011101 ellot our Film
Ate' humigir,atiol h Ito John; sonof
bpi' 4, * , . . ivor, njud, tiol , 't -
the o KP, to ally jiLl'.1611 (pot
e craii las's Of v4ies' Studied, that, diiri,, ' "aly 'V . y
r n
9 fit(- -he w4i 111
good a wen- -are Sold, Ali,
Utt for Sale ohas b"n . fill'ilig rPPa.r, ore, rIIarly sno
6H4 tile Itir connocteil by aily d bllb au11iuetrted'gurVVjer;it,, dort'n' Pop 0 AN
Who I' argil, rig by, '13, 'tile 6 �' 4y
ey arol er Of '"SL "ll. lid.
o:Oro,' ObIlaining he f8I0i.Il4)j6 Of, 'is 611 �a , O -W first aev1d"d ft.Fr; by tl)e
boti sitto the So unit. n4i.
colit,4114S liel-te arly Nil tile FAS Ito, r say,
The Ing 010 othical. ilfly 11 to n 19 fairl V. wel I
.�D I y- fire OlAt 110'sAle FT ave-- -the LAA61Eq-T a'nct
ke' 111fleo otraillt sS,UIjl,Ose#j to 1) sil Ain tool 61 rol: RS T I T 0 OX
o0 Ot"t" 2,0 Milo OIn of, oil
n4 (.off
'S tile'o t
I,ho on b" of 2o Y Shot)' TIT teptainto I P / . , 0 V, 1110ey. oIlliolot. 711t, 1`4611t 6 10itg 'if, ent 14 1 p Iffieow pollf, Was ade (if cefjaji Joe f the Rajlj� Act of
0 ',,We of' loal knit tile -ollt Of oil- frijul 11A and
tl,at "as t fill their) JtY Ofthe the ImIlk Y.
rt I hosio tha Illiogi-esit of III lund tho I' and
—To oj)to,,j, YS, songA,.otc. poopl�. 0 lie (W 'Olitlenc v 'Oil
414i. . " towill OfjI frorh rl . . ;� CIAO. whall, Ile Ono e, to "Five .0 clai
11j'are alillained :,)f r. 0 l"g the OX61,Anoe Of Was vtry 10 at, - AP saturilay if -ht till ori, face FIllsen fact Will] I'llroi'an'l to
n ore
de poli 1161-Y, pri bi. I Zin once aleariv. t*augflt ill ia-4)� t Its ljoss�r Mae 0 0 Oak At calla Doyle Arl.. tol"alvorceurld Ilbe prewial Mule or aftnr the the hot he(?PP40 Gof)ds
No of wholesale fly C je y Qs night (111fil 'Six 6'cl lbe1ft,ti) 'bdek.
'IV Is a b� Pit cej)tral- School, tion, .1ittilifis Atild ill
lid 119 r P.S.6sill4b was r 'up jtist
cf. At tile'Y(I - Oonchld�41 fly t "0 rU"nDIApi"g the 1111 the I`00 on all -the What W
road sillid. a 11,41, of All boa t 4 w o'
14Airig till, i)OE ing all iiigh us -84 ets II-Ights of t1joe W�t ki ii-XilePt Where it 1101 0 pors Wy
invorreof tatfnient. 'j� ot it Ing U)lg (1�6at very portillefit tj on-sbouid ,
as 'we. Arsi 1, �v say
Wuret takvjA -84, -letv jueeti '�I` ohud ha..119 on .Iiiiis pl�id:f a Hat see
sv)i,;-n rile fit ("Ia day Cittlitlia. to ilitin by %qjIl bo considers a
thlAtAlie D'. y IAtnoi)g _W1, OPthe 1)
iiat i4tis laltrela: IffaN -66filop itee noW the ell to -6z? 1110sO Who'a�4 cace Is prodiroled
CaunIf c chfilight bliva' it) see otiv-dilse 01, tl .9 It to r c, : 4 .."I) otofatised ? amlylltild6l) op
S '1101; exhit. s P. tal C 1-11 Ila pt irl otI' I to: -liqu6r traffi�_Ajp.
t Next. blt awne -of tile
what (it) 'lot be 'vere ('01inten.
well Mr nd prIA are
Alowat On F, ge/jiti, during lint it sllajj.bo� the . Inty Of. 61
t.�Swtived t
if llilceptIN 0 -111 quite c . ()u a. 0 poisilip Vwf I - ay he Ia-Ili ah11181lef-ter, f
auti,01.106s, (14V n Alibi, JI to pVeAOntp(j it ftick,to th, cluis tq O)e Canis, wife, person.,
Ohio rionle u�intloif oti of at- stock Fa,thtipolighe
tinatoall, of! Is Array
Division a
611 tile th4 9046 StUto Of f4reg
at' L poill" fi,
? I A. courteous, sins not Urny, that any a at issua. l(0fivonioncos aridt AlXarth At the sj('ailijj,, oty0f) tile ton-iol. ell notice to bill,
be. e(IIIII616 'torthe Pliatwille, goti.
t honor
at t "Selifol th I 100t wf;t, (fig
0( neg 001110 1 T pet we, countries' llbe aWyer f no 'I'Ve4li reowe Iot0 110 I-offl reon lwo-vef at urnOtita on (lose. es Ill to" .5e state
t of' the live I'l-i 'If took,lbur - Oil t the- III Al
a0y tillie, if c O"it 8 7eS alitlap(lo.] to loral. . I , ier tW n, , 111 I'l 611hicill side but, rutbor co , 0an 0 the file Nortjj%�es I I
q� let k nor d6thi 8i k It I 11'.)
t was Unboe. 09ale to) bitia 'It -no do- aw tint. capital, Px�v or in e
oll,, by fli.4 of"Call of' one 104 11111jorstbod thab, 'ILI !ej r Any, 61 kinstin- jViI 11 1
our wish the' js�. 211d fly, .1 rt
0 j.
Are W,,;
anline Hotel, of-, to Ito so used or f'if 0 Visit.
cot at' rVent, tho. acttoh� of tile fill v I rif, n(IS A Wilp (lei lite fice 14U uh( er. bijil tilat tlic S dy :a4f, letcej, it Atttickifig Life Y to Seat ion A safil Whi�h ISY. I)Ieas(.(l to 114V I; fa 1, WWI al
Out -13 call. n?Av fill -tile duty,
wbolly to t-li ItW-4fillob. ty tnalcillig IF an 'all to the suffic,
lierrilit; Ilo e 'S flifn alliong of
aare lit 41 it, ling the I MeIll, Oriee filitt.e. l0r tboh, gra, t to the. chief' BA
-ttlatt it, All In'li, hrioll that vit OF WAS tjon I ov a(
ohfITO A one .,th9i talities 'A Th ey 81) ,'to age, nd' te of til -viii-ty, Mackenzio I an -Mie Ootll(l 'bj olilling,thli'llapf 'Hotel, 0 . Ir
. -Me. pOS, V-hN. I, tile anornAlolls po8i MAI thOws by Tito Illsildi't0l"s attention or Power tradtf. he pro6oeiled toy oI'..BayfjejjjF ORD b 110 wtine'ut on to, "five flify juri Prphiier ISO e 0-M 11-h4 S116w that Ganailalls hild at I . Ns stile, fit
ioll. olon . I fly.' A �ib wilepe the Hottil
xproNse tio. will take tile has b"oon't la"fli. and, alSf? a ))Of - Pl
W ICU . oil, opil , , I "I � I light 6A the street )I, 00
rli4li.11 1 1. to look' 1116 ain't, that, tile, po, way.1 � orilled to wl,jlu I b tr jllil� of living, '01nnes are sittiatu.
r ripirituill, Nil] find that.t.110 decootor, 0 old jvbio�
Tit o 0111. r. Ann of tbeAV(L4fttj1 abol"y9ting, Ia" t30� Resolved MASS tit, I.,j() PP. Aledicin Inspecior of otte.1,
to reA'u Ite th at tratip rif� Art'afes 0W. W, net in To4er fly culialla, like �4,fro zes cotklpj� neiver soon a; p
tely 8hOw bt)r freedtill) difli(Jullil-s,- whidl) Was Origin IF). in., atid t 'coal $,-Its Cow Division .411101 vi�sje
ITIP09si file p e .1.1
I)rIlIjil , Fisition vice ati 2j().' it tell.
ll� In 1, fie fce t' Sor_
Owal t During o1oldost tile 0 tl ]!Ott town into fJ�ep k I L
Which iott, Identify � 9, distuage ill, fillif nto sell emmizire
labg(juge, of
World f'Pjt wiis Over Aet, ISM, and-reportr, tl' ord�r t Aftbotq at,, Und of' (jern IS fat Steers, le ay this w, violitil)g
114A Was, onublif(I to Allow tile. Ill, if Vy a -Jiye ty
J)gjJjtj8t tl�
tR�11 a,clash could ents 'per t, wtto� ce,11VI, i -Ile fe file t)qjjIg do f-1111 on sneh pi-ettlis
to(, is ojIlv watle it It '11) ut althr)Vt tiplo to.tha Bptird rtiley siloul to fg, I, . hot nepatic to UoiLohh Bros. for 6 walk drawing a to
g 10 .
110r" at -that r1p,
.still �hjtlihg hnd"-tho thertilonwter 54
an"] -th, Isliell other facts oks lXe Jay (104111. Illate
to dellso. Ae)f 11 1 WOO- from UUTS
..billy wltix in tIjojNSjVkj fie a
Allion AAA T1 go& is. 1xvigtol
fit8 athe rAAjI IIICd1liolit-liti-or) 'N If lo Most de I'rietjilA, union o r
I .8stIllial' to Lutes, 1,t.Wi, whdegVees bole)
le fOrgjVJf4!j Of 'I lie tillf,dr. (3ailitrief, it ha tueally f,l -in ife last iivtj YPIkeg W zeril. 4tijAoted InUeb hingu: t
(Iflubj statiff tj TZesolVed that it Shall bs� tl;e
f�'V of be lltte�tjon, (but )lot. in tile. Vi-q1till'o Triends �an,j fIxtrorne 410 luty or
1714�1`11141 rigil tj )0. gpl, ogr hChiot 111svela and III tf, th) tOwnst o file.
Oern4n AMP-11g,ca" nte of 1lighly of JN 4 Us speaks to'. 'I'd Of itwoiis t. ly re'it$ V� the."Filst Corn iniagioll ur to
t beef) Ont.part. in pell"" -by
MITI :annexation, lug anti ill 'ease of ol,f lBoard or
........ . ... ustthe 1vol't.111 k has in tht, cafladiA ve ypars, if). g� If is reSiff
r p poll' I$' e dpi tilAt tliti, definite Iniflar ' vpted- Neill itillpeo-t nrld or, thoDillpilliell I .')I! 1`001ttion. je ni(lull I Pit are tile e 8
Iri Torarito,4' lilay be quar s evideotly 0 Ile to P"'Pils in novel, withesisiij.FA t.110 haq provilifolls Of thL
Susl.teatlill of a 00 t or, fit, sfa rate e04 11 'Act 01. aily.pi-ellf-
Alug, ut Oil t for. a state, iiIII-Ig j& lillro vent'011 wifthe Said Act�
141v(d Vb OnAirnaoill) than o tlqtl.))t atilt ut Wa 8 11) A dirylified its.
Y rty
I)OSItIoll is rillis Ifirtiagil
fly Which 0 (1,40 ior $fill outioll p1loctfulifty at, tVV al.0,11)(I is REMEMBrilTHE PLACE-�-VjgToq
e4go uflrlghtpoui� of I his rollOW"t, routur - It tru tocitAtioll', It 1141 be the ollity,
aid wili6j, Aje�. - . "S a great Wi 1) reglai'll to� Infiny Sit 11 ohillrjuspeator, (trilest di�pewod by AfOwlit fiat). lJot l8i'm to unit VAPind girts .1 , 1111)0.1, ki gentirpont in. alla(la, �jftlf ejAAS,;_,NXnr the Bo esel' wj, re Irl Insirk(It AAA, to 11140,
8, sdistl, 1year to a! prendAes
lot Itof,
Of' ilia- tile Pow litialaoity v
n OqOolihap, and "Andon.
lit (IlfferfAit
8 11.00ign -pot I) -to fill
at IStill cpOrt t 101-0011
a Ple 11thi All
h (hit oror, 14 kill sr -1 .
lid. rr�aj)g-'r I) I fie, fligil flit
fro Lant0 it Ids i6je
T U41810
(4it A" writing to thd UO2AI AS a 0 9 Uto n,, flat to . . I
Jill t j A, 'A f, ArteIr such, visit,
at', that �4tve.af .4 Utilost, Elmo
I fe sect i, n
lat 1vottv tw (If
I'd aaq ring these 1-06tillitions %,I I I
)00,4 2ho 13"
Wit III eve TIM, Ali', F isholl VS. provi'le
1)(1piortiled Wit t s 2 1 ihole11 re ' of 40, wourd 11) All J)Pohabil' V 13
Alit,. Would a Pt I 0.11 8ifIVOM14 best �141,1 dok-w- f, -�%f said Act
ton.. The Grits dA, agn n7pwa, we wij V,Don� i ,, Won the I lie ellaiVIL114:11 XcUllifoligh Mallia, e ell, t p
IY 8- iin,ig will at.
Pilownt all Uson. o
aas Wit "hg 'bP J09111"Ielits on dually 18.44. cannot IF IF .13 1 L.Jjr ej Nejor the nder Itiltill bll,
fill$ MIA dit
o0616A tip to What ti,o;V
Warm ire
IPAPor to run t1lo will, IIt is C1, trqngan(l trtol. ��oi IlOdle in we UX e. SI)eedheA: eltgivin A011T,. qjti�yX.
sliatoc4te. th 1-4
inti$11011(j he 611(jil)(I 1 .4 1 th'shles ofire, S rl; ubt- Y
brICIlaving the 61 re If 0111, YJ
9 On p1liho'-, 111)(1 al'gillnentA ..... .......... ...... ..
011r Yoll 0 the iliatin, Irink 1 r Aille,
In 01' Ify ridt-bacNin Vdte%o, be.
it wt!I10 rule Ittl(" other ever gopp Up out, III rnglibl' Ste "own t1le'r acurrIdit, be tongrutill tile victor Is t6 106kv th" A5 - It weed ton(lpj,prj itht4 01141pril P116"t out bull 00
veins that AVO(_4tIjVo tjle,�Bpeke�R hallMr.
M148try of tjip Ated, lie ls� lt� good ij,r "' hed eadt"bato , : Wrff,
day t DUnt-A", mp,0 A to hant of the age �Ujjrj_ hjdff late to, ntsvilia"e. Ila morning last Ili
j tivo
write .01 file hov. Qlavle Whii. POSill -01o, MUARLfo
iflariffig -LANDS
15 gJAIIIag �j compgriv, it) it, suile 6t
$Poll 'oend with I I)Pginning to ,
011e f1fah—Ofteli irr�. him- I thlok It little MoUltiVe j6A(jjhg, fr) I�Ael Ills catt), R
hPoffAililits Fit tbail 1011041. , win one clay tiv 110.441 of OF a 16ad- M
Ak 1'!It Itell Our, pit Ch IL Steam joleigh near his.stilok. oftnill'Ing 11 . 1 1,
4UafFjfI fly mot on Vo-911-rist'll two sell bindees, fie discovered that a 11) Ot 410 lork# it filid
of 'the Over heirvj�� r collhait 31 r. Aliqisler i.s lot, Rvenlirg At the 04(irt PtIrmllifit to is eviriontly the 'I lWard U'(,,Ont)or In the
I thelli,'kht main, aOlIffiWo 1�qiiotjj XIIIM by oflit'j- oftnihIltog and Jot 1), t1lb Towa on Co
erg all I lip Aral nfittellipting to Inove. hid, -dis flea,
I've V400t if XDIUt iti,ps froll. . . . . . . . . . .
25i'llf Atemb
pip a arty form . Aid Y01111,11 who 144 tion of, ji'jlfQr W PrO8014t, the it jcVO if, tile a] (I'llont,tbat Are, MicAllutio that Ile wad UAIlly fJ1()Zc cov. U wortgige njadd jj will,
round it I Yotj?'Afer, Mott, tAl(pn 'up, Vale. halflod for' s-ovPral In, t 114 f 1, owirwn re-Alfil.
slot 44ter 011ill 'Minutes. Of last thoo )e, j low n Alld in - 4
poldwin 'And noMe roda w0l9tlingthree ton bellsilile, All', 14tiAlle'ab Of no
aVIIII1,01)[te hall rho Ifililoillhesq tosay, fhols to 43 Anil hattil to 1141�18 04� so sbould eq Jilin
Griki a1v Ile wor III I)IV()P or On ilevelft tons: MIMIC Attotiolly, bV
Accounts to tIAMILTO.N1 Allef Tiller, lit the votame,el I
()Ur Before At 0 Sent Il to Cho ))On$
M041cal a8jj$tA WaIt Ito 04t, CArotakop (of* Afaitylin'l ill from Vijhb#tA
#(fill RO#; 1,
b"t r u 1 raft U, rtfifff voirlitarl Was of DO AVAII its if
6104, histy hold thAt. trial) 1116 W6ro prVI(j as folloWs. 'if 1110 VILLAGI-,'Op
r appoi 13 til)g A, I 18 a4tillist 010, Ulel air". <, S salary, $10, IV PRIA4 K A4
Y Are pgr6. lifft-itt, It will "do 'T A U; if. _tell) tj it I'M prom 1884, 'A IliaoA, tgleurl j At Ono o'clock V, in., tile 6,110wifix prelihilld
Nttersiln, grgvel 47.10. Up WitIl 4e hIr resiflos At vir,
tilorlith They wel'a and liMSOR I4,1Xford. llarity - jA Port Alliort, ljg(j,f)eA6 to AlatIchol 1,
Mit,48kon. it Al it WAS rijovl v filiveirl What W* call
efor GIV16 (10cfrhio blit. 00 lip Alpribiritt Vw'j)At is Ill P r —The liorth figli, 6j, I'lit
olectioll est. I'Von"
,0,q�rfcft A04 th6 Rolith
lot '10f`90 dOw"ll with Out I fley, The oulfiry ,011ses, ")"tob"
, ttrill ( oadhad
111)JAl, It1tilf.0 tor wltl�lng eat #351), 04;,ft V34 'X,6w0ojn rav(jf akeNet Allwpil Townlinits. of ifottjs (dxcoPtfhg frof,, tjI6 ailld
aeiey it III t
Mlorlhg, to h L
e()at Ifiallwililot't lit, fill, tlid vijIjkg6 on the The (Arill lotit otbovo d6lootibe(I I,fith,hy I
Awl I tllihrk 0 itra it rich cIrsy IQAfh Anil Are U-611
16" If# has hitinlo r�DUVAIMVAt paptiolillfir f116 howdvee b0i PA
(I AlMoved by 11 A( wily I io
hoeil'.1th0lit, III lballerg aJjfV the IIbo4
ifIto llotgy At 4, Cin(joripli ifO
Joe thick 1111d thih Is be ily ptlpil.4 In Of VIA best stook or helow IA Nfe, "I' r tl)4t to un hitch tjVp tSitail a litirsos, linse(I oil t15J911A00, PrIlho Wdirleag WAA jJJjJjbIr alpf 11,11 have JtfVjf)# con, siorrio 'fly A Affld
Of it Float jo lifill oi66 4 1JAVII)g %UO't And twIt Alledir F 14 'Ilkel About j#11at Stone, 111);)thp 141. WILSON 'S that littloi 11,VC, y to s, gi,4( llyeftllb Anil, tjAhl,)jj Ii.1m 4090 Atilt two) ftr))4 s-tableto Liglit, 11�111�1114
I III# ieoin to Cilia intense 061(1 bth.11,te noff and
itsne'1110*01 thifligil not by J!" fileOf Iq it cVCVjA lt.'—flonAll Variety t uJillkoft Wj)j (1,,A* happely to loge 1), Ud lfn�
ej "t b# J04jiftsjab i)r t6 obtala tho' fflor, snflior ill11. 1V.V 80VOIllil tflia llo'kiAte, lI'all f iltatyr6fl. tallilleaq,
The 1,11M
60 to Dotltv Roove And f W- LA -it ft'a Aed ifithlo *211, '1
illne.itil) AM ilty,of 6660abor,
016 -*I*., . . I fl� W6 miol,
ho yolirs, 0al .111lepliv, to), sifill Alhortp Molt. �of W1,I)m PA Pluavolfti,
. Unflor the infirlt%he $4 �Nfijpiri Bliffite, Anti ROO Affair Was Cho. '0 g lots IjAVO
bt)ji)t# 0 pro"Pht T)A,,Pj)bV4 it Boom 'Afithom
ovar to chfioditforlt wilt N InAtto IOTIijolplf oil Apill
"4 ban$ 1101ta 1.4 ng 0"Adilf 6*4 Fit
A oT
asa I
flihson"? 11 till 64
Ito , Inor, RT 'AOINT0,
....... ...