HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-02-28, Page 1Ian bis Olkise•Swo4fronile, **".""•.-1••••••1.4e- goo* cgoot. %Ow 111.1411114TONo otowski44.„14Nok. awe beerstetiattialita0 ; $1.25.per lauiRM, MiTan00• • l000miwitooripo. ocno4/4=ionloor4. aiO SOL )4atat )0418" rist istete, at 41111r a•Va it Mos* Ittultsost taroutta oi88 -4184.11-04 ,ISPoiorgii,34-oatezia=teloto4^, Peetliteock tiPtrsoiktitt atloola. Igrtb. bee, oe, roe "INDEPENDENT IN ALI. THINgS, NEUTRAL 04 NOTHING.' VOL. VL-NO..1%. .49,4 441,44 itaitoa,lfar3/tb. let& MAktrOlUtrilttilo r---r-k-t--, . AV OrrAarCOrlo, LAVA jX3174,4o*Ot 4. Pffloots 11111,0or fAtoek gliolon 40* .....••••galtAattaticsagCL,WPAttMsaa=zsgtgr==-1=1.PFt:J..4. lrlAfte** -• -1-L - ' rov15033 4 .1411.113740i, tos,.(*losoomonat t„.rOsnveystiolsg, OD's -W' "As*. 01041 floor to 100 Oaks, f.toctechit, Ott. St CLINTON, litTROT COUNTY, OT., TITUR$D.AY,1411)RUARY 2$, 1$84* • Itirrustop.-31r. T. YOU OAN BUY A 1 102.00 SLEIGU FOR $1.00 $1,60 '30**00 *4 At DICKSON'S STORE. 76 50 will show the Largest, Cheapest and Best Stock of 1 In the County of Ilurma .this Spring'. I_ have alreacry received. two:large consignments,come aud see the pat- terns and prices before buying. and judge for yourselves. sokl nearly 20,00¢ rolls of 'paper last year, so you see my prices omit Wave been LQW and the - quality of the - paper-Q0C01)--in-ordef to -sell- such irlarge-quantity:---Just- -voe*.e.tthelo/i9wiAr 7,-", H144 Itt'VROINT M E10 of D.Lkota, w'lo has bean tittles Porter)* Hill and *icinitr„ 9,04 Ith awl friends Ogee/here h thea part of the clunty returned to the -North West o» Wednesday- Intik The itetlerieb. News bri,tisvt,,010.egou:„Trimitu.,,dg,;„tottne Monday, 25th hod. There wete Iluron Rea or uf nd tho Public ilenerally Were much / large autuber of eases. Our citizone • - interested in the emit of Andrew' (A X41.040t4r10. ft Callender ofor claim for the value a Stoma cheep SAN to hate Thursolay PO. WWIhowl killed by a dog that watt 'held tO have belonged to Mr, Callendsr. • " a 400 copies Robertson Library. * A new lot of Foot I3al1s; from $2,75 up to $4.50. These are first-class 01c1 Country.. )3alls, . A new lot of Combs. I have the best Comb for 5c. • 48 Express Waggons: 4 different kinds of IIamm:ocks, A new lot ot MethOdist'Hymit Books. A1New Goods received daily (Sundays excepted). To hleatify the canine in question aa 1400.,A,L MrS the animal that killed the sheep anti then to prove that tied dog he, In nod Around Sloe "lieb;,,, longed to Mr. Callender nepositated • the examination mid eroatkexandita- ' ;own /1111;. verbal or writlin. ,Revartal f tne4linga. env flioting.k The celebrated case of- ooroaosetoo, oeetete and church clangs, et0 • 4' Bui'em; vac poatern," was hardly me Igo , or cow oats' Mallen, Of Poll‘rat interact intric te orrinstrAis. Biettement eat afrays Asks aided otir ootionito--ED • , ran rage. The court tome -wan PRIATTINO I -000D densely crowded, but no definite re- nrcr-Letterlimilik—tialt—tritit arrived, at.—Wfirtidr- aTtotetnenk Batton*, nomi fhioubt will give bb diteiOiop the... 121.1a -of- Gontaireiot--14inting, •-et‘:-Trier- -Margit:v. In the -eteantimfi -certriin- r EWS.RECOttO ogiee, chopoper Man Me points *M130 argued before him in chiapesf, oatitielfeonvidoreit. Bust- Goaprieh.- - • " nese Enuel„opeop toiM card printed .on, ...1gniEsasT IX L. --Ort Wed - mon $1,25 .,..eri,000.and ninv neeilay of keit week all that tvas 33o^rgiot nut SdISSORS now they 'mortal of the late George A. Young do hurt my hand 1 guest:aril take was laid the Clinton cemeterY, them to Halett fancy goods 464e and The fuoeral u'iart under Hie direction get them sharpened. - Of the. Lacrosse Club. of Ole tOwn, members of which were the pall 4!ArrEa" Kentt, BY W. KITT, bearers. Toshio the eetlist waft aotorr, placed beautiful floral wreath, thot Another inotitithwiS and flowars may bring. Ali 1 why has Itoptiiness no svonil spring r oe'lltre 00 emblems .of My. dear Miss Santh, lots of it ean he seen that erganization. -The deceive:id Tryeu'Init owe D.."Items" Sewing machina: • bad been in empinye of the Dober- ty organ ,manufacturing firm, and A. A. BExErr, wititeitot-mishiag about to add to hie business a elan- attended flit!, femeral and added paleactek.lii,,neotoi ftielend;:alyta.kere goolds„Tlia •07(ittieeeshiotlot.ltolyle. 1,61147itnezeostvite,tittaitly ptrlotes. priate eel. otiona. When leaving the Ma. Jo3131 'KELLY, of • Myths . 1108fle awl before art iving the. tiott of ttunieroos witilesseri, As in $orrox_ At all tono loyal e ow to 004:0 a former trial the testimony. especi• nom o'reotoofrom any reliable (04ree.cither , aa ta. ownership, was vefy con - p•-•..- ....-•,*-r-.....,.....---..--• " 0 ....,.......--;.-. . . . . .. . . . • . . . . iill I 1 • , , . Bibies am selling Family Biblekeheiper than it is possible for any peddlar to sell% Eight, different kinds of Family Bibles to choose froni a,nti about 50 kinds of Pocket or small Bibles. ' 600 Scribbling 33ooks on hand. . • . My stock ' of Baby Carriages lorthe spring, wilLbe for an increase the death.rate, irr ,the Dolterty,Orger. ComPatiir Deed WROLE NO: 2V Perfect carnival.. style and Easkoll. DRy-GooDs ever before attempted by' us, =porting this season one Of the finest selected Sits:oks ot • - • rm Mr. m mr- • out this season - We are itt town during the week, „, • cemetery the Neleetiene were "For ' • • .• tugueatt .Hytne," ."Nearer 'My- God ' BAKER Itottliai bas.got an "ini. to Tie." and t.iting the Bette of • PrOvd"r(mid.8ter• • . . • - Ileaven.".' At the grays "Safe • in Homey 13EAcom has eight men 'on Jim Arnie, of Jostler •litorisinge the bench. Ife is rushing. iltiege in 'Sweet Bye and Bye,". the mush, • thq• leather line: ' . • • ^ • • • hehie• henutifully letillereil. con• vo- •,' • ey . . , eluding with • "Crown H it); Lora of • tr . v.' opEARLE has"reeetved a Ml." Deecatual WRft a member of 'quantity ^offi.totie f• a• the finuidation . the nand- It i's not -often that -we of its . propeoted twat „briek• bloek on •have hail ' tit record the death of one' Albert eireet. .- • . : '.• • . •• • • whose loss is so deeply deplore I by. . .Itosriarott R. W. •EAtt.„ otOode- •those who knew iiim meet int int•tte• deb, watt in owe yesterday •011 busi, iy .., Tin ired '4happy death nese itt contieetkowith the Dwain'. ,L1,1.,„Mt^. Stewart offietated:at the ion foicense'AW.. . ' - - -reneral'obsennies. I. • . , . . unsurpassed in the. County Of. Ilurita for style, finish; durability Ida cheapne-ss.— have. orklered nearly 200 Lacrosse Sticks of the best Indian makes, for spring_and summer trade. --McCauley's fristory.:of 'England,. 5 'ails., cloth, only $4.--2Wrapping Paper and TWines,..13irtlnla,y. and Easter Cards, —Books and Stationery of kinds. at lo‘Vest • living ra,tes -Cin.K;ertinas Acecirdeons, - - Mouth Organs, Writing- I).esks, Pipes, lo'baceo and gars, lawelry and Silverware,' Purses, Pocket Books and Ladies' Satchels, .Slates, Pell.% Walking StiCks, Blotting_ Paper, W Paper; Albums, Velvet Frames, Vases, Card Receivers, Hair' 33ruShes., .Clothes Brushes, Violin Strings. — When yon.want first-class goods at lo* prices, give.me 1)ICKSON, Clinton. „ . War ec are 1 NEW BitipinV,ecre, Eligit, • elia?...10ED, Italia • for *.ienders Op to the .811 experience is related by the Rev. W, Faindier, Mitheilist Episcopal Min. Miirch, for the rebuilding 'of 11..th- w'olli,,i t,iage over .0„ 13,0,4a i.i,,,r; ister,- of 'Essex Centre, which oecurr- en one dee last,..weelt.•• It appears Tendert; will be opened at the Com• itierciiti liotel, Clinton, it.2 o'clock that a yoUng.snen•called* at the par - P. tug. of initial daY.. .,' • ., ' . soilage stating that bo Wished to !k4 . ' • married at the reeidence of a eel tale 1 • Ti" new Pr"ahYt''ia" C;1"Ar.ch (6 •geittli man about four Miles. in the be-t•recteitduri,it the eciping season couotry. The revereed gentleman atIl itedoubtealy be Muter tile titieat • Procured a tttciy rt. atid preettedea' Phieca of weilibiP jo •W"stiv?,!°8" to the 'place. • While : enjoying tario• 9tuthtitY• of 't,ple.Ouint.it with•thititvst. the tnid,. btakling.anneriat is alreadyou the al pasty arrived. • The • nectitisety ground; and the work will be, pro_ dociiments- :Were produced and the • ""'"I'd with 1111: 86.4141.". the.•WeibAllet.. ceremony preceeded.:. The groom permits. • • • • • • -had plighted ilia t rod', 'and thus far A ocrtotit Sems.—D. • Dickinson • all had .gone•on satisfactorily •to the wilt sell eit lot 21, Con:•11, H•ullittt. ..groom; .the bride Was. at one &clock oh Thursday, March ,ttektel the inonientoua queetiott; 6t1t, farm stacir, implements, untie, "Wilt thou take this I wan," et., Bell organ,. I lie • preperty:Of when to the • Surprise' of the groom; Mr:. Alex. Taylor:. 'The •tisual •Oredit'. minister and wit twits; camethe reply, will given or; Oven per ceitt..dia. 'clear and decided, "1 Wild aet.".• count for cosi'. • . • • • ExplOnations • were •aslied• for, ' but ‘.• . WEDDING Bitt.8.44There was a •witen given were not very viettsract. 'veritable tiitkle, tinkle • of Wedding ory. The Rev. 5.1r. Eatitilier reprint.. bell yesterday •as the, horses attach- ended her for 'I...rifling With- aebotions sit -to six or Revell tatters liboo • a tuatter. . ••, • • • rieir beetle n.1 lit etcbd twit. it oet: fo. t, d limbs afong A brit ht rect. 'The., party was said -to be composed of the principala and attractants upotta happy..eeent, said event being the marriage ..^.;f' Mr. John Young, and Miss McGee,. fron't Illytit. • . . • NEW Iewt &treas.—The War- den Hardy, Yetind, Kelly and County Clerk. Adamson Visited . Matteloister. bridge 0110 *lay this. Week. A. Toronto engineer: no given it.aoi hie •,opittion that the, structure is littsafti. • The Warden. . • - . All overdue .acCounts placed in other hands' for c011Oo- tion after the 5th of MARQTL, CLINTOIT, WHEELER& ":$0. • 441)014VTIC Sewing ilachines, or .............. ................---............---- . .......... --_— , . 1 1 l Leek for Niti^ AolvOttlioe*Olitt ' . 1 In a Few Weeks. . . I oso-cnscAl, CLINTON EXPORITYM • CHALLENGE. )3,6 Ilig:40st Style of the Printer's Artl-Perfect Photogr' aphis. EAT SPECIALTY. he Newest Goods that can be BOUGHT FOR MONEY, we have secured for department. • ever had a in 3 Years•-doe't know what it means • • • . . • . Suits made to order. Fits Guaranteed. Cottons; $hirting6, Ducks and DeniMs,by the bale. roWit, SeaforM.,. . • itt; --As you .1.4tve' .refused to •altate tatt .ott.Cinton rink after • arranging a: • match; Will ' now. skate' you • a tett itdie rat* votir • owtiritik iii-Seafortli,• for .frcita $25. Ist $50 a• 'next Monday, Tuestlayi Tharsday;,eetating; you ellOwitig'nie $10 forexpenee. . • L. T.141VENS, ' •- •' • • • • • Clinton. you meno business you and Reeve Hardy anti Co. Clerk.. Aclainsort: progeeded to Hamilton to enquire of the Hamilton Bridge Railway Co. as to the cost of an iron istructure in lien Of the unsafe wooden one. • 'A NEW 17trunNr.:•—Reeve Elliott; Goderich township, 1404 jutivrepived three sacks of seedwheat from Da, kota: He will now it this .apring. We regret to have to record It itt of a lernlity 'known Tcr i1P10i.;". ID 1,hard). said to be fairly, prolitle, the Base Line, ,I1 ul lett, - this rnorir and to tuatura early. The straw:of ing, the 71,1i inst. He was oitti 'of tide variety is short and verY stoat the plopeere"of this aection, 'having strong enough to resist even the settled here over 40 year ago.- Do Dakota c:yeloites. It is said that it ceased was a member of a lstrge turd will ripen about the 888Ib time its- respetted fantity. and hie death will eon deposit •a forfeit 'With either rred. G, Neeliii or Dr. 'Coleman, o Settforth; stud let me know anti I will cover die !tame. ' L. STEVENS. Clinton, Vet,: 1884. • ' • • liotilett. • • Pewit our own 'COrieopoildent... • • '•• • DRY QOODS EMPORIUM, CLINTON. • fall soWn wheat, tette"' is considered of inimenrie importance, -a this early notaries, It irt claimed, will pine it beyond till, road) of the ravages of the weevil Pte. is excellent itnitittg ,• • e•--(1-•-• • • 0,--oanososs. DOH ER ,Genoral *Agent properties ceinbined,. witli th ti. other adtaittages clouted for it, would make it invalifible here Aftet next. harvest, Mr, Elliott will be hi a posit1011 to verity W188 i8 11011111011 L1001180 Aot .. .,. , , . . . claimed for it, or otherndatt . • A Pidoto Itn votilTalteb uttiser• . p• .--The $peetator says :.-.-'There net two kinda of atfeiltioartte fathers, One Itifigl spares the rod at the risk td spoiling the 'child, The other does not, Tho .followinsr, the copy • of a piaoard which hag Iseult posted up at Grimsby, seems to irglibato that there hi at least one father in 'that town who belongs to the chute that behove in heroin treatmentil oori,.5ot, 01 kin4tteetp to e 10(0 6 reW0r11,, 1 •W it i .4.1)Mitt 'hilly aptilgeon1forotaertIn too•toh poo:hosars "pay one 'tutored 40116,0 (and tiro ut,^6^^e„tgicrueousee'Att ise3^^ aro *tattooed law code if any should roerne) to s, MENTLY .PENUIN8, ChIof Inerootor ot 1,toonseig toe the any two or inert tutu finding my , c ounty of !Karon . NOTIO i lie mourned not only by ma re a i Hilt by a very large Little of itleIldr, 1 -Ito !Oates a wiilow aria 111,e el)iie. ton, giown it sons and three datightere, two Of 010 latter married. Tito funeral will take -place front his 'ate retddenes tlP ituroolaytcite gatit, • .. c2)00ia Inattny t0!11 thht the heard Of Llotnoo Connuholonere of Ono Countv of Iltust silt moot on MONDAY, Min TIIIII.tY.111113T DAY 1884, nt 11 o eloolc In Cho forenoon, at the Court Donee,Itt tho TOWN OF OODERICII. •• • • . ' ••• • • • • • • • • •: .11.1EA K0, •1 tiG0' El 311 K, CLINTON, ONT. • 11111 ashionable Suits -at Low Prices. Goods (Jut Style, Perfect Fits and tho rn Best_Trimmings used. No one special price, but all classes of, &ode. • • • marked down to the lowest living prices". Satisfaction gttaranteed, Now's Tour chance. to get a cheap, fashionable sud durable sUit of clothes. • . • . , . , . , . . • . • . • • • son Charles in any tavern oIA1 TOO)11'Ili 0010411 (he $10t, having instil forcibly tabes tliCre) Who wI etnear him all over with rotten eggs end tar an'a fee.there, 4,14 then gently ride him on throOgh the v 'Otago,. Itopitrg BECAUSE iE GOT 13"4'S SKATES SIIA.R:PENED AT flit/304i% WANtit3,-sestot tooderetotil be .a. teratota tito utultitisig nod for the. roluillti Ingot ItAT11-,VNIAS DOC, neer the Dnyllold 1,11.10 tot-olfloatIono inky to heOti t 'GA13411114 ELI.I017/4, Ooderloh totenhbflo, up, tafAirilny, 8111 Mnooh, a ut tht b elooki atom 1114y, vote a blotting to Iwo anti hui` littooTtlirlibmprotZif,”iritra•:43 family, • 1 l'etvalflo his affeetiotutte.. W. \V. Xreettitx.r,.•Grintshy,. to, tf,Uoil. • , 1ub.2t 1884 * • 04oriori t, sia,rct.MJr 1SUI UNA- euintentettoe. • . If yott,want your 'Scissors to out, yiou should take them to the- . , . . right place-:.•-.A.,TIAT.ill'S.C1:1EA13 SOB. •- . 1 • . . .. _ 14Tow is ybur chance to . get MATS STAIVIPMav . X 'he some . . h andspna,e designs of .Bird.S, rici*ers, Scroll, &c. . ' cheap, and made on the shortest notice; a large variety kept in stock V you. have not yet tried the New YorkDomesticPaper Pattern you should 4o so olt once; they take with evorybo4y; call and get the Fashion Sheet, given free, Palley Goods in great variety. Farmers' Wives and 1)#tightors-bUttOr ond eggs taken in exchange, .4. RAMS Cheap Stor ' bo ob. 01**Yt, .,_ . a igt‘A grand Assortment of Photo. Frames, at. gal price's. Picture riameo