HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-02-27, Page 2NEWSPAPER LAWS
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• st--rset5 Churelt.-sorrleee 00 seneae et 1
a.m. Hull IL Mr Bible Class, 10 A.m. SinidaY
SCIO101. p.m. Service on Wedemid,,y, 8 p.
.112V. WILLIAM CRAIG. Rector
Canada 111ethodlot.--Ser,lem, at 1040 a. In.
and 3.86p. nu •Babhath 8cho31
. Bev. J, Giter,Paster,
cense)* erestrteriate-serriees at 11 A.m. anl,
6,30 o„ sahhath School, 2.30 p. m. RAI.
ALBA. 2TEwsits., Pastor..
Bible chrIstlan.,?-fferiices at 10.90 a. in. an*
8.24 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m, nee. �.
Ermtunt, Pastor.
Baptist Church.-SorrIce at 6.30 p. m. cab -
.1„. :batbAkhool, 2.30 0.m. new. J. Muir, P3Oter.
limy Advertisements this Day,
Seed Grain.—R, Irwin.
Notice,—Ilanry Perkins:
- Z Farm for Sale. --:S. G. Plummer.
• 1. Bootand Shoes, etc.—W: Denison.
Dominien License Aet—Hem•y Perkins
•--Town Property for SalZIlenry Stevens
• Carriage and %Ron Busipese,e--,Inh
!Aeons° Inspector's Notice.—Stephen
:,1VO7'ICE..--7rre shall issue a regular
edition of "The ',won .iVelos•
lecord to -day (Tuesday), Wednes-
day awl Thursday. . Our total
circulation will. be nearly 000.
if71.1.VELY 4 TO.D.D, Publishers.
Th.e Clodorieh News
uron Record,.
(.4 ofif UM AVISD.)
Clinton, Tuesday, FON 26
.Tme"perinitted eriine" bill came
. up again this sem:done Why if should
. not paws is one. of those things' that
layMen 'cannot , ndeesteptl... *• Sir
J...10rag..iin opposed the most vital
points -in the hill on the iround that
to plovide punisinneet ferseducers
impriscininent. would -pave .the
. ..wity for .1ilaekniailing ori the part of
feMales. • As we stid. when this
• theaeure ea. me up lest, session, any
statutory 'enactment providieg
for•tlie, punishment of 9i:feudal's can.
• • , also be ritatie use of as • a lever .to
blackmail. In how' 'few , easee, how-.
ever, 38 •blackinhilieg .resorted to,
•• and in hew Many less is it success
fUI. •• -
. tnernhers •opposed elm mek,
seduction e'.crimefor thatwbeld jt
iegielating in. deference. to e sen4:i*:
.ine?zt. Greet Jieavens t ,Hovy • ter.-
• 'Tibia. ....What a erio.netroue lot Of bad
. egieletion Must,. have been enacted,
• 'fore pearly' allAtliat* is :Proper. is in
Aliferenee to sentiennit. -This World
• ' •ruled by. rieetheent.•:. • Order' *pre-
• -yid:1i and progress • i possibte' Only
by Iiwe enacted in eleference to eene
timent sentiment. . it -is
sentiment that keeps Britain the,fer-
•.• 'Molt nation' • ilia" 'werld : it is
. •
• sentiment that has • unified Italy,
Sseilidilied Germany', created an hide -
pendent• Hefted' States, and ponied.
• 'rated- this .glorious Dominion of
.It was •, a due regard•for
' well deed pnblie sentiment. that
• p'res'aieed the American 'Union
tact.. •It was : a proper .regard' for.
sentinijnt-tliat brought out a larga
majority"111 support of the
• Centide Pacific loan durinethe pre,
• sent session of the Dpniiiiion' par:
• Bement, and public • seetiinent will
fore the ultimate passage of the hill.
• .inuste be .• 'pereeeved, 'and" a chief
• • Means to that , ';sis the 'speedy
• completion ...of the Canada -Pacific
. • e: •.
• 'air these sentiMent 'has
",le,enleepeeteth 'ego
preinethe :,Ptiesge-
, et elm; Orange lecorporationebill
will . trioinpin Sent.i,
merit • forsooth 1 The protection 'of
otir sisteris and bur detighters 18
Only a mutter bf sentititeitt 7 Thie
ineisto.nce upon the passeeie'. of state-
tory•enactomitts or the protection
of the Weak against the strong, of,
Unsophisticated mid virtuous
neainet the.. Wily and libettine lets
. its root deep diewli inthe honest work.:
inge of the human mind. It/is a
eteltinierit . that does honor to
, hu 11)1111i fy.) 'is bad upon :,the teach-
ings of the Book of Book ,ef Books,
a sentiment which aempoulatee
force the more turrent events. are
Nerved aiid the disastrous tsdieute
'of libeithiiisin and beduetion are
.The press of the -country of hite
yeaisi • reeks' with absolute peoof
that the crime' of seduction itrant-
pAntly on ,the niereasm Call any
One doubt that this is largely due
to the meos. free manner ifi which the
iceducee polluteihocietY With his pre.
.1161160, Let the belted 11130 so. rt
and Accompally the breed
with iteprisonmeet and the.sejannty
libertines' will certehtly heeotee
herareer. We Shall hate less' of this
rsdaes- of gehtry whoeieein to fitke
sleiigh t hi An nitig the rein Of fete.
cent gide. We obeli have leso wivr.
gone and murder w Inothere and
ittfaute We eholl have lesa taking
of the law into their own bands Ly
justly incensed parents, or brothers,
or vietime. We *hall have a better
ate of society generally, a the
health public sentiment that. de.
mends that eeduction be madam crime
he acceded to.
Ia •the virtue of a deu,gliter or
eister of less value or to be mere
li3.41tt1y coneidered than a fete dollare
Worth of material merchandhei
The man who induces a tradesman
to part with his geode upon false re-
presentations can be crindeally pro-
ceeded against aid punitluel, T.e
mate who, npon falee representations
and proiniets of marriage, robe a poor
girl of that which though it enrielt-
etb him not maketh her poor iudeed,
can snap his fingers at Ilis victim
and her friends, and go on repeating
crime without the fear of the
law before his eyes. Thi e is surely
an abominably aiminalous state of
things. And yet some of our Ottawa
Selene say that the fuss abott thie
crying evil and great crime is only a
sentiment, Let us have more eon-
• timent and leis libertinism and
We shall give a, fsw extracts from
leading American papers to show
bow public "sentiment" there consid-
ers killing, no murder, wii4n the
slain is a seducer. We have had
several **taseis'in Canada during the
past year -wherein seducers . were
shot, but not gnially); ,W their
ai'd'ub1 cdiititnt4' ld
"served theni right."' It will -be re-
tneroheredthat one Dukes sedueed
and then traduced James Ntites
sister, then kilted her father during
an interview.. Young 'Nutt then
killed Dukes and the jury decided
that he was insane—forthefeie min-
utes necessary. to hill his sister's
seducer, • and consequently "not
guilty" of taiirder. • .•After the trial,
judge Stowe, before whom Nutt was
tried, remarked as follows : •:
"Should the verdict have ben d,ifferortt
mul necessitated the incarceration of- tte
prisowir, I 'would Italie been among tlIci
first to my 1141115 to a petition flr
to the publie, but for my 'own priVate. Self
haven° hesitancy in saying, a proper re-
tribution follotved the act of a yiltaln. I
coda scariely have done less its a private.
unlividiftdenyself, * * why, • do , yoti,
know my' • own little son bad read and
knew al; about. the ease, atid-.redently„
while they were Speaking about it iin• my.'
family and. its tieing tried before. me, lie
said s "If Dnkes 'had disgrace& Our family
.as he did the Nntts', ' I would net have
shot have out him up 'so that
'there would*t havebeen a piece 83 big
an inch left of lam.'" And a• happy.. ex
pression.. beamed • on* .the Judge's broad
couriteetineeaa he recalled hie. boye
ored deiotien.. • •• . • •
The New York • 'llerceld. said
• "'Pere •are'ceses :Which -the provoea,.
tion of takiiiiinman life is SQ -aggravating,
in which the circumstances so arouse' in-
digiiatien appeal. so strongly :spa
rcittliy that the aVerage jury is apt to- pitt:
feeling above law and decide a • prisoner's
fate by the forint* instead of the lotion
This. moy be all wrong in abstract, Mit it
is 'human nature.' * * • Row:many
men are they who *nail itet net ite Jams
Nutt did, ender the • seine • proyoention—
who,- .waited in veinicle the lee to mete:
outfirstice to thenettucee-of his sister and
tho. destroyei• of his hemeeeepaid hew many .
jades are there who would' not do • as the
Pittsburg jury. bas cone We might, as
some of onr.exchangesha.Ito already done.
and.‘others dolfhtless will*); 'moralizo. in n
differenevein, but we, hive chose)] 'total:0'
prectibal-Viear �f the matter.'!
• ThaNew World. said f'•
. "The trial of JaMeti 'Nutt bas ended as it
might tO have•saegnittal.
The lav ha declared that • When he took
the life'ef, one of the -vilest wrettlieZ who.
ever stood on 'the earth lir the forni '0 f man
-.-th'e 'seducer of his sisterhe did not
donninit Murder: .* .* Thera :arc' CMOS
in ,Which killieg seems 50 just a retribution
that no jurY could be iiirInced to proncninee
it murder., There are injuries so deep and
iota so vile and iufamOus; that to.avenge:
them atimuntrily appears to bo. no inore
crime than the Shooting sf anad dog or a
. midnight burglar, • * 'Dia after • all •
Abe strong, prothirient 'features of
is -the feeling that*Tames Nutt did a
aiatinsteed of -"a, criminal one when he
sliekdown the mieorable loved who had
blighted yOung, girl's life, • •*. There
are feelings Of 'tlie!Intition heart stronger.
than 'any written laivs, and' the. real vet. -
diet -prompted by these; ietliat the *retell
.Dekes deserved the deathe he met at tho.
hands of Jellies Nutt,- • Thejuri decided
that the young man was only ifirme for a
6171?..pli...6LrcsHooz sifsimit
The Anglian Bishop of Niageta'
.Iittesitddreeed letter.to the Termite,
• atote 4 -kW views
of that joureal anent ed.ucation in
this Province,
The Globe said : "Any kincl
education. that does not impart an
inereamel faculty for &dog seine -
thing by which Inmost 'standing -
room in the world ean lm earned
dOes not deserve the name." And
acids : "fl{s still an open question
if the education that ist •going all
• over the continent to-dity is subserv-
ing this primal ily important end tut
well as W113 aitoOmplielied in a rough
fashion in the old dive tri Canada,'
With the publie at large It is not
an open qiieso.n. The resulte of
our eyetem of education now -to -days
are not at all commensuratewith
the attendent'expenee to the State,
end unsatisfectery as they are, they
are brought about at the physical el.
penile of'our youth. •
. IIis Lordship cigrece with the
Globe, and hie remarks are so just
mid so much in harmony with what,
a groat Many think and would give
voice todid they have his Isordship,'s{
happy faculty of saying jest whet
they thoeght, Ott • we reproduce a
portion of what he ettes
"I tote a Seperintendent of Com.
mon Schools fir the ToWneitip
Thereto, when euely eflieers Were lirst
appointed, more than thiety yeers
ego, and 1 ean testify that the -
pupils in our common School* of
those day* could open, read, write,
Midler, and underetaud geography
better than they do now. it is
true they had not so matlY difrarent,
things to study as they now have;
they had by no means 40 tally
'elegies tO etude as they now have.
But they heti more time to study
those th"nge wilielt are good and
necessary for them. They were not
oo craterued with a dozen oubjeete
• cus they now ate, but what they
learned they learned well, and did
not forget a week; aud the com-
• mon eehool educetion,olthoee days
did not cost the people of the
country one afth' of what it now
coste thew, taking into account the
Minister of Education, with his
handsome salary, the (Ninety In.
spectors, the well remunerated
school teaeltere, very expensive
buildings, the very costly hooka,
apparatus; maps, 410., required now.
You might have very justly alluded
to the old school systems of New
Eriglencl, besides that which pre
veiled in Scotland at that time,which
certainly has trained a wonderful
race a num and women, well suited
to make their way in a country like
"The whole tendency, in short, of
the educational sytitein he vogue in
the States—the same thing is true.
of that in Ontario—ii to deeelop in
mite dons easentially aristocretic, in
which are sacrificed to a great ex-
tent the intermits of -the many, for
the sake of enaturhIly and utijustiti-
ably "coaching forward" the few.
An illustration • or this trutb. was
given a few years ago in one of our
large thriving towee. A. butcher's ,
apprentice lied served. out his time,
and his master wanting be supply
hie place advertised for a fortnight
before hie Ativer14,ie111011t Was ml-
•isWered, About- the same time a
-third-class Aeaehar wasrTql-irred it
olio of the ndinerous eche:els of, the
town, and en advertisement brought
out56 applicants ill_ two. days. Now
this diffienity of (hiding a lad to
learn Ohs respectable'and profitable
business was not that there were ne
la Is in tl LOWII tl
ie• n an le sur-
rounding country who were not by
nature and constitution fitted for
'this businese, but they had' been
spoiled for' it, they had bad their
beetle filled with too many 'elegies
and their minds filled with the idea
that manual labour • was degrading,
end that they should aim at some.
thing higher thee to be a butcher."
, The Bishop quotee from sthe
Globe die followieg and'givess. it
thorough enclorsation ;--
independent life it is needed that 'a
child should at any rate be well
grounded in the rtidimente of a good •
English edueation, should at least,
be Considered master of the three
Ws. frgreat ninny of the graduates
of evert 'High Schools,' both in the
States and in Canada, ale not that
length to -day ; a einattering of a
d It tl
but )300r compeosation for Mite
len rer hinge N ley ave is
lack.' .. • .
If aver the Coen ttof .ituron had'.
a gentleMen within -,its bordera. that
truly retlecteel, in. his .public conduct
the feelings, h900r,. manliness and
intelligence of the yeoman and the
peeple •genetallY of this bOunty--
Robert, Porter is that. man: In hie
ceptest egrtinst 111t.Camerote, Mr.
Porter gave-undoithted evidenee
'euperior 'ability and • o
. an enlarged grasp
that lie comp]
ninny politicalsep onents and even
extorted expeessieris 'Of admiration
from t•lielh.; This' Ito did while rel.
lying around'hith his party' fiends,
at the genie time cretiting,and ces
inenting 'ffiendslifps ;that .will con-.
leng as life- .lests. • It is,
'therefore,- With, pleasure • that Iv' 9.
now the faesetlitit. his More imbed iate:
friends'presen ted him, witlea pure
of .Money on his .reciinval. from -this
comity to gitneee'coentys,We dip
from thess
. Exeter Time& a'ortien of
.Perter'sletter from,- his new
home,' Elie vale, to his ,ohd. friends in
Huron.. lt.dees..hotioralika.to Mr.
Por•ter'S heart and. head :
"I desire to acknewladge the receipt of a
very bandsomeeprouniary present from my
Conservative friends in•ltuton, • Were my
indrits to be 'measured by my .sneeess I
know that my phrtY have 'nothing to be
render, but -I 'did the best 1 000k1, I
.gayie them all my energy aed ability and I
was grieved only for them' and not for 14-
.80f; when vietery did not crown, my- efforts
with applause. I entleavoied•always to be
e true representati-ve of the-Liberal-Con-
servetives Huron, "of their honesty of
melon end intention, of their iutelligence,
and of their Manliness of spirit in argu.
meat nod debate,. how well I amended my
may toll. 'You know that .I never
•was an °Rice hinder br a self seeker, and
while I em deeply inovedleye this generous'
kind estentatiens deinfahnent -my
friends have paid me, ewould wish them,
sometimes to tbiek oleo na of one' who
fought not for the loner or profit wide])
success might bring to himself, but because
he loved ins . comrades and their 'toilette,
Cdnvey, then, tuy• thanks to these tint-
rades Who trave.se ,nuinitieently remember -
tient mattere
le •prejudice of
— Einroze7At:.4vol
The other day -the Chicago Inter-
. Ocean published a list of the aver-
cee obtained in that city duriiig each
month of 1883, Which ocetipied four
colninne of $pace in small type, Out
986 applications made for divorce in
Cook Co., in which °Melte° is e1133 -
ate, 650 were granted, for eauses
such as adultery, cruelty, desertion
and cl run ken Rem. •
The able editor: of the tondo.
Adeertier bowls over the suspen.
iion of a firm of undertakeri as one
of the grievous coneequenees of the
N. B. .11 ie really too bad that the
N. P. Inie leseened 'the demand for
the wares that firm dealt in, Not
only will people not die off fast
enough to keep up the demand for
ututertakere goode, but new "sub.
jectsc are coining into the, totintry
rather ft rely. 'Tho lateet, aceording.
to a Winnipeg paper, . le l'stitere
lady ef.. that city ger) birth to
"ttiolets:" lady in liellett,
fOW milee from Clinton, presented
her liege 133r1 the other • day rith
twine. If people won't did 6re 'kilt
endugh to Ault the undertakers, this
twinI ntriolet" and qiutdruplet hied-
nosa Will have tole stopped. tin.
lese it le oveictopulation will he the
rthelt. •
The Gederich trit °igen bays c
4 The rior. Joint Cuetige.n'ts reeigna-
tiou awl reinetatement within 24
hours le the talk of the country."
The fact of the tuattee Is there was
ijo reinstatentent„ because his reeig-
uatiou wets ttot accepted. Ile ouly
dere' resignatien—d id. not act-
ually resign., Thi e "talk of the
couutry' le merely the talk of the'
rite. It a eonnocin practice of
puttee') journale to coufoucul clique
.with country.
Abont two weeks ago a young
man whose parents residain Simeon,
while acting as brakemen. on the
G. T. injured one of his legs
necessitating amputation in Toronto.
Mis father who was preeent at the
operation threw the severed litob
into a shed near by and went home
leaving it there. The 'young man
• has since had the fragments carefully
boxed and sent to his father in Sims
coe County as a reminder of hie
parental tentiernesti.
Senator Sherman has written a
letterseoncernieg the movement to
eecure reciprocity with Canada in
the matter of a reduction in the
duty on coal and iron ore. Ife is op-
posed to Ruch treaty, and says
Americans have plenty of coal and
iron ore, protected with 'low
duty. The whole protective system
is more in danger from its friends
than • erieuties. Manufacturing in.
are beginning to regard coal,
iron ore, pi; iron, wool and other
artielea of domeetic •preduetion. ati
-4•SW 'riiirefe-s- hot to PFOreeced BY."'
duty. He'claime that -if the-riew
doctrine shonld get,foothohl it would
destroy the Whole protective policy
of the Goverioneot. •
A grit eXcliangecrowed over the -
,alleged defection of Sir John's fel-
lowing in Perliament Awl the•rumor
that Mr. 131ake had purchased.", the
Malcontents. Not a word of rebuke
is offere'd to its glib frienda over the
alleged purchase by Mr. 131ake., Of
course the "purchase°. of. Sir .John'e,
supporters Was merely pat fort-li by
Mr. Blake's lieutenants as a,' feeler.
But they found that* the,. Quebec,
teentheresswerestrotioster than they,
took them for. The exqbange..men
tioned crowed 'pally, .if rather'
",too previously," after this fashions
. •
"Now we have our enemy °tithe ground,
our knee is on his -chest, our hand on his
windpipe, and the dagger 91 mercy in our
grasp—whot shall we-do1 Let 111131 up to
do as he did betore with • .
• "IDS narrow foxy face ..
And heart hiding smile."
11 does not spealc.well for the pce
lineal' morality oe "the;Olobei or the
party, that it can see nothing wroug
.in onicials of the Ontario ;Govern-
ment in Algoma sending telegretas,;
during the eleetion centest there, for
$500 to bue the inff eerier) •of.•
cal newsPaper;i• ancl $1,,590 besides
• for i"legitituate". election purposes.
Nor can the Government be held
blameless.- Whether they responded
we do not know, but vets do know
hat the officials, received no repri-
in n1 for suggesting .thiit the Goy -
eminent Iniy. up the eleotorate.
There was a lot wrong about that
affair. It is no vvender that 'Algo-
me was virtually diefranChiserl
tween officials anxious and -ready to
t"fix" thoee.all right wheiny they al -
owed to vote; and the refusing to re-,
ceive the batiota sir...those Whoin they
could nist-"fix" all right. As "eoute
Of: the., corrupt citsfestnchisers haee
been =let. in several thousandof
dollars' kr their nefarious practice§;
and as the Hen. Mr. Pardee and
other tnetnberteof• the. GOvernnient
have heen 'served with writs for their
•part in the ueltuly alliance to pre-
vent the atoned :•Algenta from ex-
ercieing their franchiee, the' end of
the exposurelas not yet arrived.
, Bruce Comity:Council has' wisely
decided, that it would- be impolitic
to reduce the number cif County
Councillors. The nuMber of mem-.
hers of the Ontario Parliament
might possibly „ be reduced on the.
score . of economy.. But • County
Couricile are comparatively inexpen-
• ).
Sive, are the leedy whose functions
Are most nearly the exercise of the
.pepular sovereign Wilt. sThcads pop,
ular niunicspal. bo'cliee form an ex -
excellent training scliool for bur
future Parliamentary legislators.
In no other. way ,01111 our people be-
, coine-sO conversant with municipal
sidtilieetied tite,Werkieg 02.rePt441013.,,
inetitugon Ole
in township and eounty municipal
hodiee. ,.The tendeney, however, in
Certain quertere Seeiria (0 run in the
way of limiting. heowledgo. 'Oer
schools are merely hotbeds for pro-
duchig educated specimens of
And im)rpienume mongers
would confine a knowledge of the
affairs of the county to three er half
a dozen peeeons, instead of he at
peeeent allowing forty or fifty• of
the select of the people to meet to
• gether ivory year and deliberate oVer
township and county craltters, cone
pure notes anent Provineal and Do-
minion Legislatiok and make re-
conunenticitions. toncernitg snob
other. Glattetti as they think fit. And
right here IS something the County
Council's negleet, that, is the point-
ing out of luefficient or deficient le.-
gialation. They, att ts body, knove
where the "shoe pinalles"the people,
'and Onus at the 'risk of even intrdt
doeteg whet i alled politics into
their deliberatiene--,thougli partisan.,
ship thould be excitulOd.–thoy should
plate non their mieutee, and eend
eepiee to ineinbeee of Parliament
and the Goverment, of vietve
they think should be- embodied in
St at II Wry 0ri8ct111 On tR. The express-
ed opinione of ChAty Commile would
eery netrly epproeth what would he
obtained by a ttnivermil vote 02 1130
people, end on that accOunt would
he a inetitimahle value to both Tee
mato and, Ottawa legisietora. The
attempt by eoule oligerehists, who
are opposed to Goverment by the
people and for thepeople, to ;OW
terially lemma the number of ()out) ty
Couneillore must end, as all at-
teinp4 to curtail the power of the
people must end, in failure. •
,The Canadian Senate has been
engeged for Borne time. lo eoneidering
the application of John Graham ef
Ottawa for ce divorce from his • wife
who, it is alleged, is now keeping a
disreputable lime in New York. It
itt fortunate, for Mr. Grillaw that he
is weahly, otherwise. be would not
have even the benefaction of having
his case considered. While ell will
condemn the laxity in an 'tiring the
marriage coutract whielt.prevaile l0.
the adjoining republic, there can be
no possible good served by making
the marriage tie between persons of
moderate means practically hells-
eolahle in Canada. That man or a
-woman should have tn consider as
his wife or her husband a person
!Woven to be living in adultery ete,
not right. It leads to violation of
the moral and civil law by persons
who would, if divorce were made
ettey for'icause, be law abiding citi-
zens. in all respects. Surely it is
lime that our courts were made cone-
1;.eten't to pass, upon divorce Mies.
They deal - with equally serious
matters, even to the taking away of
The question of whether grocers
are to Wive liquor lieenses has home
referred to the public_.yote
, s
ratepayers of Toronto; the coueeti„.
trellis' not undertake to 'say aye or
Am 7 -The Galt council:refused to
separate the liquor Wildness. fecnn
that of groceries, the majority con-
teeding. that the • best temperance
Men were those, who favored the'
granting of liquor licenses to grocers.'
Tlitie:), by :confining the liquor
business to liquor shops those engag-
,ed.in its sale woeid be enibily des-
irous of encreasingsthe 113e 0E liq&r
:nereeder to make the besiness nay.
„.).tylie;reas by ,allowing liquor •to be
*mid by grocers f good character,
the sale would to merely incidental
taidrieceisarely curtailed:. In spite
of thia plausible coetentioe the. best
interests of !moiety will be served by
confining shop. liquor licenses ex-,
elusively tti those engaged in.that
trade. Prohibition . is not likely to
become the law of the land., but
public policy and publio sentiinent
will approve of stringent municipa!
,Peacteeents for le ening inchice
• ments to laid foe the a:straining of in-
tomPe'rance. ,
• ---- - •
The McCarthy License Act..
• •
In view ef the fact that 'the A:et
is to'botriti into force :Upon the first
of Nay next, the followiei extracts.
eneettnente will prove of
eiit 16 'licene:
s. dvicteallers gener-
tiIt provided. hy Section 12 that
'very petition for. an hot-Olen:tient)
o.or shop liceinueshell heffiled with
"the Chief Inspeetor 'of . the- district
,‘411eretil the liceese is to tatee ef
"feet 00 ,or .hefere the firet day of
0.11131rel) itext preceding the day when
•..et is to ceene into' forte.” - .
Bsy Sub. -Section, 2. -"Every pad.
ce,jon • for any other ljeorisaatrthoriz;
"ed. to be granted-liy•this Abt.;.(e
"wholesale and •veseel •ficense) shall
e•be•filed With the, Chief lnspecir
Ity6 days at . least; le fore: the day
"uperi which the nieeting . of tiles
''Board: is to be hell' This meetniast bo. held some time during
the 'month* of •March, and which
,osisetbe duly advertises). • •
• .
er;se .
lee position must. be eigned -by
„the...appliealit. and may be in the
form:following viz • •
Dourt!D', joiftrioLit :cense C.cmmis. Rio:07 /Or,
'Alm petition of A. of the
t9;A-tflor:•v3l1age) of ,. Inkeeper, 340.
teethe eaSe. may be), elieweth your poti
•tioner DI a hotel keeper, • (as the case -
any be), 'carrying eir businesa ae • 10011 ht
tile tow rialiel• tewn or village) of-----,
1f1r33itf"4719't, 'under a license -or that.
your petitioner isten a lieinsee; or is ileS•
irons of obtaining. a &Moo for premise's
(describing thern)which .11 not now under
•lieeteie. •...
rolir petitioner isiticerlie•owner of the
business.now sought -to be• hcensed
tibe granted to him for the said promises.
ier;) e that
" Applicant.
SSction 12, (The applicant
ellen with his application deposit a
fee.Of.$10, to cover 7oxpon8es of in-
epecting arid adiettising2.1
. In; ,case the applieaht, is 'net a 11,
his ipetitlon must be. accompanied .
by a -certificate eigaed by one third a
of 'nee eleotora 'entitled' to vote in
the polling stitsdivieion wherethe
tit -enlist»; are' situate.. Such eettifi
ctite'sleill be given in the ecliedule
of the eke*, or to a like effeet. The
fern aa folletve, vie • ..
To tic Board Limn esneeesieriere ett (135
• IA'accso District
We the undersigned eleetere of polling
sub -division number • of the
mimicipality wherein are 'situate the pre -
mien in respect of which X. Y. is appli.
. pant for a thotele 83110031 or shop, as the
case may be), heenae, for the ensiling 11-
0eese year, do herehy'rertifx that X. Y.,
the applicant for the said lieense, is a tit
and- propor person to be lieeitsed to loll
lie:tuns to keep a (hotel, as the ease rimy
be); and that the premises in which the
said X. Y. proposes to carry on Ott
110331'01 Which fie, utlek8...1/ license, are, in
our glider), Suitable therefor, and that
thetanie aro situated 111 31 '111,00 where the
carrying on of this business 3111 not be an
annoyenee to the public generally.
.Aril we have .hereento appeede(1 our
nettles and the dietances approximately at
which WO 1031(10 Or 011r 1418terty 18 frail
•,I1)(1 saiti meinists for which the said H-
alm la aonglit.• •
Distances ef proiniate, Thipectieeiy
• frompreritiats sought V be licenaed.
The toeid shall meet seine dine
the incintli of Mardi to take
into consideration all appliedtions.
toe Brew*. Tido 11101441g shall be
relverneed by the Chief 1nspectoe,.
foe. at least one ealendar month.
The epplicant, prier to the meet.
in ef•the Board, Must . andel* the
ed by the Chief Inepector, 10 the
sum of 4150 each, conditioned for
the paywout of all fiuee and pupal-
tiee, etc., I feria of which ito wen
in the 1101104Ule to the Act. The ap
enema mut ;deo establish to the
benefaction of the Chief iniopector
that he has paid all local', 1)rovin
chit or menicipal reefs and upon oh
tuiniirg hie certiticete authorizing
1811110 of licensee shell pay to the
Chief Inspector a fee of $5.
No fees are collected by the Do -
minim) Coultniesioners. The license
fere are paid in to the Ontario
Treasury and the mutileipaliticer get
the minie proportion tte in the past.
The Domiulou Commissioners mere-
ly iseue a certificete to the appli
cant, iotimating that they shall be
allowed to take out iittenseit under
the Crooks .Act, hut stipulate that
Ruch lies:need premien shall be coo
ducted under the regulations of the
Domipion Act.
The Chief Inspector le made the,
cuetodian of all the minutes and
papers of the Board. Every appli-
cation to the Board has to pass
tlirougb bis hands. Re has to pub-
lish all noticee issued by the Board;
conduct all correspondence; 'keep a
list posted in bie office of all certifi-
catee lodged with him respecting
the asking for and against the issu-
ing of licenses, mid Ceep, it open for
lieinspection. He has to report
in writing 'upon all applications,
made, for the infermation of the
From our own Corscapondemt.
Today is AA). Wednesday
Next Sunday is the firet.Sunday in
Cayley Ileiniltotresreturtted
frOM;Eiliirnwall last Week -74-,
111 rri Dr, Hathilleott of 'Cornwall who
is io town is the guetit of Dr, and Mrs.
-• The Goderich-Youndry Will tieeoId
,on IsThnday. ,
Captain C. McIntoth left for bis
borne, Detroit, last-Thum:day. .
Warden Gibson, Reeve IIai•dy and
the Co: Clerk were at Manchester on
County bueiness lest Fridays ,
Sundry effects of Dr! Holmes were
offered by public auction at Brussels
last w.eek preparatory to the Drs.
removal to town.
- The eatalogue just being issued by
the Mechanics Institute was printed
at the News -Re -min Office.
, .
miss bjellie Vanderiip is in the
Forest Citteliaving been called there-
to by the iedisposition of her sister.
in law :Mrs. .,Vaederlip. '
• Miss-'1.1os returned to to,en last
week aftter a montles absence.
' The office of the Inland Revenue
'department is eow slocatedour
Rhyne:0 Drug Stove, in the rime:is
formerly occupied by Mr. W. 11.
Ridley. • . •
The Provineial Treasurer .strrived
hi town on Friday and left On MoxidaY
for 'I' yenta, .
McDougall is hom'e ,alter
lorig iourri at the Qtieen City. •
. e snow !terries. of Thursday an
Pat lie renewed the' trecks and mad
eleig. ng once mere easy tind .com
• Hie Honor, Judge Doyle, heldsDiv.
Court •last week at ExetereCrediton,
Zurich,: Wirighaen• Gerrie ued 13rus*
e'l"h. 'eetial entertainment of .the
It.8. L fe. will take place. onFriday.
ening. • •
Mr. M. Q. Cameron returned from.
Montreal on Saturday.
Our Cite Fethere will meet te-
bnuigsliittiefsos, rthe .transaetion of special.
•. •
aeting ofthetown 'councilw
The llonthly meeting of the cern-
moreechool board Q11 :Monday.
Yesterday. being 'Shrove Tuesday
paecakes were in order.
. ,
To cley, there will be servide in St.
•Gediges church at 11 a. m.3 the usual
evening'services being dispensed
: Te day . being Ash Wedeesday:
there will be the usual seryiees. at St.
P(-31118wind Storm teat, Wednesday
eveeing blow down a considereble
,porbien of the brick work of the east'
end of the Albion. Hotel, No per-
sonal injury resulted from. the dam-
• • : •
The 'reyivel, services bele in the
North', St. .Methodist church last
Week attracted a large attendance.
Miss Campbell haying recovered
from her recentsevere fall reeemed
charge of her class in ward sohool
on Moseley, , •
We are geased to note that Mrs.
Stitt is steadily- recovering from the
serious ilineso caused met* by her
close attendance on her relative, the•
late Mr. S. H. bettor.
The uppee portion Qf G. N. 'DAVIS'
8 tOVe wareroorn is at pretient
being uied foe the manufacture of
fishing pets; in millet' occupation a
large number Of our fisherman are
f4'omil'It)P11.7.1";dtcl iC; to.1 o.einae.n. eft eo nhMonay
employed for seine time painting
the new boats of -the C,P.R. Co.
We nbtice with pleasure the admit-
tance of Mr. C. W. Andrews to Et part-
wilieh will henceforth be known as
R. B. Sinith
11. vV. Bell has been appointedSub
Inspector of licenses for West Ilurori
under the licCarthy Act.
s The :toard of License Commismioh-
e(e -met „last week nt )Knigitain and
ge r CO thy n, Weird ,
en Gibson not being preseet. Alter
ppoint meat of Inspectors, tee Board
adjourned to leodetich where a meet..
ing was held yesterday, at which
imoneeAtie7. reaceutionsevere adolited for
the stria. enforcement of thaDozein-
Our town 'debating seciety will Meet;
tomorrow night, When the discussiOn
will be on the question of An no:tenon.
Mr. Promiloot will lead the stffirmats
tive mid Mr. Poo& the negative. As
ladies are to he prettatit we hope they
will be allowed to decide the question,
Its they ere SUN to decide in favor of
the smallest foots ,
A eure eeee for bill,iousYattacks.
'ssay reedy moneys
The North street 'Methotlitit &hero'
anniversary will be held on Sunday;
Rey. Win. Briggs, late of the eletrepol
lien 011113,011n Toronto, will condect
both morning mid evening serviees.
On this occasion the hid time tea
meeting will he omitted,. and the
friends of the °hutch asked to 00n.
tribute the usual auntie& cost in
6t1111);•. Ube Tolsrort halt for hie hente,
Detroit, en Moncley.,
Messra. Ogityle end
Commenced the altretinn ti5 the
Big Mill yesterday,' The popemed
iniptovernents will greatly Woven?*
the outPut And crudity- of the flour,
And will for the preeeet•glegiemploy
13)0331 (0 alarge number Of Mechate
• The looal Government luts inst
earned the thanks of the partieston
oersted by the felditien br thirty dol-
lars tonal% taVern and -Aar) Hamlett.
Ali applinatioes for hotel or shop
80338013 nin8t, be ii1 the Dominion In
peetor'S Mauls this month. Those
oncerned wOuld do well to Rd
(Mitt 1.116peetOr M 1th 1,011I1 hiliOie
1Viej4fy in the loin) of 500, And e
with 'CITA good eureties to be appeov-'
Shortly after 5 o'clock on Wednetk
day morning a fire was discovered
making •coneitterable hetetwety
Morton's hittelsemith shoo-. As Meows
C. A. 1toss and McDermott were
returning from a party, /parku were
observed flying Pow the chimney or
the building which the gontlenusn
proceeded to investypits. Noticing
that the fire bad obtacued a Om hold,
the elarm was aouuded, and peeper-
ationa made for ou_hduing the Ore,
whiel) with a little astostence the
above named gentlemezt effected.
The fire had taken a firm bold of the
froze work surrounding an unused
forge, and but for it providential
diecevery would, with the high wind
then blowing, have ended in * vast
conflaeration, The ineuranee com-
pany owe the discoverers a solid vote
ef thanks.
The North etreetMethodiat Church
choir visited Luchnow last Wednes-
dm? tO take part in a tea meeting.
The•journey over rough roads Was
rather enjosable, and the reception
at the border village most cordial,
Pedicaled to 412 Whom it may COttrern)
ge,—"Oli, I've a love te give both vast
and deep,
But I'm eo basliful—bright eyes make
Yet could I find a tender heart, I'd
Sue,--"Excuse mye blushes, gentle sir,
leap --year.
On Saturday Inerning a borse, the
property of Ber, J. Tewsiey, while
standing op East street took fright
and started in the direction of the
equare. Before leaving East street
the animal left the load of beef and
the sleigh, less the shaft, on differenb
parts of the road. Reaching the
square it took to the sidewalk near
ate Albion, and Oistributed the con-
tents of tietuiry baskets in front of
grocer's store, It then visited the
market and in leaving moue in con-
tact with Mynas' drug store, beak-
ing two of the large lights in the side
window. Contieuing, the animal
made for Grant's liquor etore, and
hut for the shafts catchiug against a
exposed' for show. The sudden con-
tact with the_ppeli turned the horse
eastward, and =tinning on the sidel
• walketo the imminent.danger of int.
therous pedeetriause t turned up
North street, where it was captured
by a passer. by. The' damage caused,
is about 1125.
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon
Flour, . .65 00 to a 00
Fall Wheat, old, • . 1 00 to 1 05
0 00 to 100
• 100 to 300
- 0-31 to 082
045 tc,c, 00 7505 •
to 200
'1 7.000006 00:0050 ttt:C000: 780?70 00 000800550;
00 00 00 tt 0o 00 00 00
6 ,50 19 02200 2182
10 ;,3 04 01
kall Wheat, new, •
spring Wheat, .. •
Oats, -
Apples, (winter) pe 1;b1, , g 00
Potatoes' ••
n er , • • 0 16
Eggs,. •
Hides, • • .
Beef, • . •
Sheepskins •
Tll rkoys, per pound,
00623C • •
Hacks, pot palr
Chickens, per pair
Pork, .
Cordwood, - • - 300
' •
Flour, ppr Varrol, • • 35 25
Fall Wheat, (old) per bum, - .1 00
Fall Wheat, (new) , • 0 70
Spring'Whea(, • - 1 no
Barley, • 0 45.
• • 011
" 0'19
• 000
• 65
'3 75 •
I ens, .
Oats, •
Rutter z•
EP301 -
Hides .
Wood . •
to 10 00
tO 1 05
to. 1 05
so 1 05
to 0 55
to 0 70
to 030
to 050
to 0 IA
to 0 20
to 0 00
to 800
to • 0 70'
to 400
REED B4LEY• - SEE)? .0010T,
. • . .
. f . •
. • AtStandard:Elevator, • .
. .
, . .
" Buy no °then; till you sbo the Celebrated
Wrought Iron Harvester and the Beatty Reaper
nay Rpkes; Straw. Cutters. Ploughs and other
I'mplentents. • •
An Warranted: Repairs eonstastly on hand,'
RV" Wmputoott .next cantelon'a carriage works
"01'6 • II.H.14•115.113---,
6 &6fperOeut
Apply to • 270'.y
M. J„ KENT; Manager
'Vre4t011 lim6eta3t.tiale-Ea4ahnit-ect01'i113,)itilukaviettIthwg-14- hp tgibrfeltet::
cem mo s sample rooms. The beat ot minors.
and eigith are ,aliVavs itept at the bar, llooti
table.. Hoot situated Hotel In Clinton. olve us
a hall.
SAS, Iv100EE, • Proprietor.
oUnton, June Inv 1882.
How to Sell Goods
E molsoNs IANK
• yneorporated by Aotiot Perliamont,. 1855.
CAPITAL,— ' .* • •- S2,0061000
• RBST, • ). $500,000. •
•Itettd Ornoo, ebAL5
3, U. It, litOlEOX, vlett•Presklent. ,
P. WOLVintirteue elitMas, totenereilehmeret
Notee discounted, Collsetiommaile, Drafts
lamed, Sterling mut Anierietin
than& bougbt +zed solditt
est current rates. •
ItreettisT afloWth 021 Dtrosits,
Aitiiattcea 10 tarlueril On 31(01*13(311
tin hi* to* more endotsers. NO mortgOtte re,
mere areerlte,
It. -b. enewen,
Wlebee to Inform bls old eustomere and tke public geoetelly
that he bust again opeueil out In the
Carriage and Waggon Business,tt
0/A the Corner el auren and Orange Streatg, Olinten,
In the Brick Building knowa.as tbe "Mounteestle property," where he will carry
00 the trade in *11 let breeches. an experience er uv.r 20 yettre In busineeshi
CAMPO will enable lib» to nett the requireeneab of the public In bia line,. 413
materiel of the very beet quality mai, the wortmeniehlp unsurptiesed. •Cell end
cexouastottitunetlybeofoureb4pouttetnOing. All the latest Unproved sigsuunsufeetured and kept
(IiRepairing and Repainting Promptly A.tten:ciectio.
We are opening up every day New
Oases of HATS, CAPS .and
NISHING GOODS, and in a -very
abort time we will be able to show the
• -
Finest Stock Of these Goods
County. Our at Stock will comprise
the Latest New Yetis Shapes, and we
. .
early S ring Trade will shoN. a ,grand
line of Caps. •
he liBlitmons
.Takes this Means of letting the Public know that he has
opened out a • •
C 0 M IT 0: 0.-r<7.
Which ho wig at the:lowest poSsible rates* .r
keep • t 49: ceiebrato .
Ata Price everyone can buy. All kinds of
AlWeys on hand.
Remember the Siand, ,Opposite T. Coopers..
' o o o
• • •
PHIL° 1\10.p4..E,
North. Street, near the Stinare, GODERICE, will punish :or make tip
Gent& 'Clothing in Fashionable Styles,
Vigz- At lowest Prices.
tree Mit NOBLE f3in expeilenced Cutter snd practical Tailor. No tnistits-
n0 slop worlc, ordere protoptly attended to, • Note the addresse-Pliseo NOBLE,
North Street Godetich,
tIllt:13E131CCM0Eil 3t.,Acovcrit
It, wilt pity yon t� all. Flveryttitmesrueratiteed of belt ItoricriAnthip sod s
petfect, fie - Thelargest stock ottrinietweist In 0110)n—see, to poll pier?.