HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-01-16, Page 4I Fill I v; m e F" , With $home A011 sip—otites —CLINTO.N.- ONT., DFIAI'm IN— A UK villivaria, , t6: 4111tilt, the y of louti oflumi, andappearod eartiestly that attend upoll light vurbes and 703rlag7l=-g "' he Spener uncle.noTm, their boul,ies by tile illart I i4go of molicitoos tbat this wissika oliould atountsia air. Tito told his C� , 6 W rk S* Cherry Pectm1111111 tileir chillirell. , Me be opoedily and courteouhl oxecut- best And loDgest stories, lind nover 11"' r I oil 9 ej No 906rowlP.141A 0411 I 't� ]TO thilit Slillipor Nr ill (11,01t, hail beelt conducted witb proper pd. da Its done," aid had lie told 010111 so well or with su� b PhY4101011,13' Fresoriptions 0,,Irefully and Amurately, Compounded, Wcolhuglilliswoo. . poIlia ittrow, nhpunctilio. Tile young peo I , , � Pie were lie, "I tiliall litot sleep quietly lit my great efrevt. It there was anything and Orders Answered with Care nd Deapatoll., go trifled with by the JuslootY of saxorm. Thai yestrecu to challiber I hila led�� betrothed Witl ou oveing each gravel" He last "larvelous his aliditors were lost it) ordinary coligh. or pold, r9sultillit; Perhitillo from 4 U14 )light Grav-steel bps Joule Ills bed. other witl the thoo Via "Publia will fina Our Stock of Adicbitos riding or unconsolloilis explitwoo, I# otteo b4l; t4a wait appointed words with peculiar io e kinity. A if Anything Slit Basil, Slit GRAHANX, lfor $tbis beglaulifig of a fatill olcknoplof AYMA'Obuisir cm,ty- - cerettiony. The pung request, at a. -a alld 01tAr -Rest Qnalif STFE14. ioulont so liupres8lvp, tioUS, they were Sure to laugh exavt rXeXOXIA L has vvo)l Prove# Its 02toolwy in 4 forty -Oil, the aullitilit , One of tile Von Alteulmirg bad been re. iii'vill'tted of Ito be4t. Can. S li:lt k li.. ilBaroo, 'of ly lit tile right place. �eijrsl flight with throat and hilool; 410"Ves, TOR01180aps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all called frow the ariny for tile purpose, 1811.0 011deavored tu soothe biuk to it is. true, like njost great men, wAa kinds of Druggists' Sundrie-is usual! kept lit a, V, irst-Clagis Drug Store, PRnORIETO 8 P49tild UQ taken III all COW without in and was actually Olt Ilia Way to tile Calulneg`l; proulisp(I filitliftally to, ex. too diguided to utter ally joke but a Hat, ORURO: roulantic tract of lVpper Baron't; t ) receive his bride. Mm- ecute, his wish, and gave him his dull one; it as iiitsvti�s isuforced, A$ 111 1857 I took a severe sold, which 9. that lip" notilar from the colifluence itivet; )tall even received train hand lit Saloum plvdi;6� The dylv however, by a 1,juluper of excellent UFACTURUA, iungs, I had a terrible couqu, and plowed night gA or ptior night ithout sleep� Tile doctors gave Allet lip. x rica A's*g PXCTORA I,, W141011 of tlie, Alable wid the rLblaiii tilere hint front Wurtzliurg, where, lie wag man pressed it I'll Acknowledgment, 11001111011vor, Paid even A dull joke, relieved Illy junp, ladullifit sleep, and We ed Met nocidpilially mentioning but Soon lapsed in to del irfaut—raved at orWs owio table, uorvvil up with r of a 19 stOO'l, 01aliv 1 41 .Years since, the castle bride --his fulgagelvents- old wine, is irramistildr. Alany 1 e tuls of Ills V 0, r tile (lay and ))out- WWII lie ulig-lit b; aboul; his AN�D U N I U` N H-OTELP of the Baron Von I"I I t. el acted, I at 0 6g a& a ol, ndabort. It bale 411il rt Julio a tia 4 y to I& plighted wtird, ordered his BUCIGIEStIOUTTERS WAQN;,9o,8I-RIGH6s8;C# - &02"A 0 , v lie. if expected to arrive, good things were said *by poorer iinw quite 6,11en to decity astle or nd keener wits, that not, NL tlthat be nilght ritle to tile o a Wly alrl(l The castle was lit tumult of pre. Ele-antly Ficirnisho(I throughout. Electric A04inglil, July 10, 1882, Croulix.-A Nothier1j; "biltPe. hi6st hu ried among besch *trees and, paration toive hirn a suitable wel- Laudshort, and expired in the faucied bear.repeating, execipt lt similar Bell$, 11ellte(I with Hot Air, ml lvell-lighted act of vaultim, into that saddle. oc(asions; many Ely speochus wills- "While Ili that pow.itry lost winter 47 I t , u ;I ilark 61-8; above which, bowever, come. Tile fair bride had bpon seemed as If he gould die from t ,orolail,op, en(I Elegrant P,flors. L11JUDER AND ITINGLE8 taken in jl�xcboitoge. Give in@ a call ang j boy, three yeara Olt], was taken ill witu its old w0cli- tower way still be decked out With unico oftion rare. 8tarkenfaut bestowed a sigh and peret) lit vars, that almost W I Everything for, tl�e G'Owfort of theTrayellin- Public� Repairlug and One of the finuily suggested the pite seat) strugling, like the former, polli The two aunts hall 8uPetlitionfled a soldier's tear oil tile ontituely fate cojivu).%ed thent with suppremed J dono with fiespatch. Q11EIRRY OCTO.RAL, a bottle of fell wit a keptin tile i so, "it w t Ioil I tier to t nud quarreled tl,e Whole of -his coturade; and thou rouder,o] laughtr; and a Selig or two roared. R. OANTE ig al; (ees, 11 to urd-li tj least sesslir I fil ve mentioned, to, carry a lip r, rd lRoom; also first-class LO morning article of her 0" the, qj%kward mission lie had cul, by A poor but inerry and br,)ad- m,van r 11 e tien r I 1A) ea 111-h bead, and look down upon a to. kon. Ilia heart waij heavy, aild faced coo�ili of the Isaroll, that Stock ia counection, ily. Thedoet r $.sit lit I I FCTOUAX. dreq. Tito? % o -lug lady had take, aA ril Ill u lau on er at iteigfilim inn country,, advantage,Ltif their coninst to fol his head perplexed; for. lip was absolutely ninde the waideki auuts t:r I low - to Us. The Baroii wits 'a'dry branch of the bout of her own tamte; and for� Pr"eiit hituself un willidden, guee, bold up their falls. 0-GIZ BAR is supplied with the (1ioicest Selectioli of IN West 128th St, Now Yoru, 1%4y lo, 1884 anioug ho.iWe pt ople, at) Ciours,.aiid all kin(la of Iteft I have weil AYFIt's Oil ERHY PFCTOIRAL in PIT tonately it wits i good one. She d dituip. tboir . Amid. all this revelry, the 9trang T.iquor.4, 0 tile great flintily of Katzenel fell- fanjll� for stilreml yors, and tie not hLeliftiltli I* looked as lovely as, a you Arel"8 entild it. hopem. . SUP there 'were ceitain and vT-Hotise sittuite(l directly opposite. Post OfIl Ito 'nil, tljftil ride. f0stir', itY with tidings fatal to Weir er guest ti ainthied it most siti-dular and colds ii J As the flutter unseasonable gravity. Hit, ce. Wig Crystal, Milin., March 13, 18M of tile lornperty and all the pride whisperings of curiosit ill his boI;ouj Countenance assumed a deeper Cast 11 I suffered for eight yeitrs froilijuronebitis, an4k of expectation heightened tile luster aftertirying manyremeaJes with no euteess,i *As. Use of , cured, by the of b4t; alivestors. Thongh tile whr. of her cligrins. to see this for -filled beautv of Rat- of clejection as'tije eveingadvanc6d GEORGE NeCULLAL71-1,, E, liko diallins4ion of his predecessors genellollbogan, So Cautiously shut U an(], strange as it way appear, eVfD Clihton L ont, U T U R JLo$l;rA WALDEX aTito guffusion; that mantled ller p 247 tf Proprietor,, April t,� IP$2. face and neck, the gontle ].leaving of front tile world; for lie war, a pas- the Baron's lakes seemed 'to render say enough sit pritloo of Almxft, sessiolls.1"Y' or, the Baron stiff endea. ionate admirer of Uie sex%, and there him. more melancholy. At times he 01=18AY PECTOnAL, believing ILE I do'that bilL "rJ41- In. kpen. tip saine Show of for- tile bopotill; tile eve 1.0vit And then its. Into I shottio long since have died fronik was a dash of eccentricity and (in. was, lost in thought," it([ At tit es J011 Cheap Stylish and lost lit reverie, all betrayed thn soft a it Ion troubles. itriell, state, The times were PF-Objt- terpripit, in his character 'that made there w*ig a ppAturbed wid restless Attractive, at TH Printillo, House. Mestliio� Toxas,, April 22, 1882. ditumult that was goin,d, on in er ,lit,, folld of Al No case of an alreetion of the throallorlumP I sia-ular ad vent )tall abandoned their it little beart. The aunts -wnre cnn� ure,, wanderin-v of tfie eye that bes okea Coll- p exIstawhich cannot be greatlyroilleved bytheme. Vojjij.IItL old Castle Previous to his departure, Ito, mipid but ill at ctse. His coriversa- of AYEWS CHXJtRY PVCTONA, L, and It Will 0111POYS tillually hovering around )ter- for f . perched . like made Lail due arraiwerneuts with t it more W-A-IN'9cul 10- TO MUCHANTS: CEO DIEHL & SON m4i.den aunts are apt to take gieat b lie tion w4h the bride becam cure when the disease Is not already beyond tbA nostamong the mountains, holy fraternity of the eo�hvent fat, and ulore earnest, and -mysterious. conoof allo flail b m iient, resi- interest in L affairl of this; nature: the"funeral solemnities of his friend, Lilwering'olonds bf-gan to stpal over H wt SellGoods VICTORIA -SL, 9111117o ON',. in the vjlIpvs; tttill tile they were givitiz ber a.vrord of al.aid FARMS OF ALL ESCRIPTIONS 0 0 who wasito Ile buried lit tile cathe-. tliefair�oreidty 9f her brow, and IMPROM ANDPARThr l8raoViali, Dr. J.* 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. proutill'iii draw I up counrel flow- to deport lirrself, what dral of Wurtzburrg, near sOaj.8 of bih trQui6irs. to ruu,00ou-It 11Y tS ][.L ' JU 0r S -:--TALK TO— Sold by all Druggists. ilt IjiS lklofortres.-a, wit] 'Y no] in what manner to tile illouril- fralue liene,littary invotfracy all' tile I * W sell'thil; 01alis of Pr9ilerty .1 ean reft0ly obtain a appli Ing to ing I ue rae, of 1iis ro- All till$ could Inob elicApe file The Baron wago less blisied in- sing. C1111140, 0 oil, ceive the expected ]over. retin 6ok:Lcha :truth, -notice of the company. Their ly f li I,; so that lie was on g ill prepatationg. 110 had, in Ill Land Utftt�e, Vinitlas %, London, Ont, L u AS terniWwhil sonif, Of Ilis neltre'st tie[ yll_ 01"Yety A, It.is now time that we should was chilled by tile unaccountable I-nrs, oil account if disputes that had. �nothingex etly -to do, but. lie war, -A -JOELn rot to tlle.L an6lent family of gloom of the' bridegroom; flivir THE PA IATrf, R. lanpolled. between thbi. a t -a 1�limjng, hustling little lowest r4testit'intere.4. 'Alitill-6 - ndon. reat. rea J�atzeilelleiijbog it, who -,--were C. R. DIM(lES, Lo nd7 gl mail, and could not roninin paNsi ve p , urn. t for their'guest, and still, glqnej�s were i4tercliflnged, ft�cotn' W G atien Tile, Baron bad but one, clillolf, wh6n all the world wau in A borrv, more far their ainuor; and to. the, panied by shrugs,and dubious TH %JAW MILL -He Worried born top t bottom of tile . hakes 11i la. e neWi- ditualiter when Site 'ttl WeL left but Nature ' worthy It 0 Baron, whom of tile head. T& and tile 'SIT oalways camper, tie, with ' n air of infii.nit � �t J , one ell - call I . a . e anx- airii)g Iiiniaielf on the watell-town laugh grew less and. less frequont;' it.ft prn,diLy ; and iety; lie continually called I,Lp ser- ihin GOSMAN & DODDS er. . � . ­ ­ , ­ I . -P. r there r 0- ri LL ign V waig vith ti vallts fr 00 -TS -A ot-nL- their -work -in - exhort now preparb'd to (to a ori iii 'i,oj;wiTTfiilF is daughter of tile them to - be diligent, -,and buzzed 1�igbb closed in, but still no guest conversation, which were' Jeru,;,th I a 6 abIll ' I L . ' A BEACOM 11-1119 I'll t 91"t'll we r 0 M tl P0*3DE3RSd 11-,',tron, All tlln nurses -a i L succe( teNk 'WAT arriveil Tile Baron descended dby wild. Wes and SULDLAr. to (IQ dioppilig at ally tiola and on the $tier 11h lid chamber, As Solis 139ots avil Slims of Ills own niake-lip, at tile notice. cousins a' , , PAYErt, WAL L.pAPER." ufli�rod heir " out -every 'lull It front the natural legandm.­ 40po,di%inal ory following low fligllres:- tfi%e. Contain their own. 'ldly� restless, and impoitunalig as a tower , in, despixii%., The icit to that he Lad not 1wr equal for, net wiliell 11 * �protiucod Another coarse botits fr mytti, one. :[a a sufp, suro, and i6ffectismal I)Pautv-- in:a1i Gv�rua*n h4ae-bottle of. a' warni suIumer 3 s banq ad beein still' ulare tip. ed. boot (Canadfail, Cakr),rronz The tintia for T-101108-010alling is near. - All wanting of sir,mms lu Ch4dxea-9r.,JdW* I� who fralm liour-to hour' could 110 lot g,� and tile Baron nenrly frig Jl Kip b Calf bouts, 4,00 up OOAT-IIAI�'9118 WANTED.. should , he . day' I . I I - - . know . )titt( thfAn t . �y I be po.�tponcd. The meat were al- . Bottle liftle ladies illtbbysterics wth J;rws Ifmisfrook 1,40 top She had, nioreoveti beell brought up ' In tile meaIntirne, the fattal calf boullifroni. H48111 Parlor, Pini'g-Rom, or Bed. �Pady ovelldone.; - the book. b!r Clotbing arsat care, "iler the , o;f1perin- lifid been. kilted; tile f&e9ts bad in all I carried a . way the fl, proinpay. fill I W;aoit -to. iroi*- ANTED, AT ONC)D, At tile Rojav� P ritll Wi tit the Claillo L of agony; and the whole house )tall tile fair Leonora- W House, Cliliton, tb reo Coat, Pailt, till -I vast of two',niaiden,aun W r tile liunts, look of a that ita 0131losito RACeY'S ITil,rdwlife Store, ooln apers, CARI r1E. (' ' a- dreadful but'true history, which has I'lldspent'solneypars of their I- ' nfen, tile kitchen was crowded with -eft r bWtAIII.SMITH, .. . L .1 I ear y 'Bitron Since been put into 'excellent verse-, w ill find the life at one -of tile L Ii ,00d chei iflin yieltied C --b aft tit, t... P. ITTLE' tile f .61ili,oed rpluctautly togixe�-­orders and, ' is'road aud bellu�ed y S f-riurm, arid4fire , skilledAn all the up whole. Ocean of Rhilito-wein and and Late IVER the troubles the. dire nt& of .for the' east. without tile presence world. eir at fit] probability; for eve Best atterns'' ELI nitFerne'.woin, and du ed by farnipe.. Th* Wa, ii�; tile cellarsi I llranch�a 6f knowledge Deems V to' exen tile. great He.i- that kind are extremely a PILLS... lie Tile briiiagrt)om, listefled -to till of so good "a and silt, loll ei In of -tile A(I wer'.0 seatod at the vilticitinn of A fine ladv. Un. delburg.lil tun -bad.been lai,a under than ev'et. at'tll�:table,. and aan4 —IN— .... ......... DD a .0 tic inore, a It ever, by e'' K ' i I', i 3 -le of - RdC B to receive tile' di I . tinguisbed guest cot at. WILD as. mirnt Dl way 9f ko sh,,Lb�c n-tri-but.�io6-i--Dv.frvtl)illC,-Witfir�rILady -,Owli , .0. -S-, tile tableLaud iu.qt M nuAicitia IF ries ithorn front wit.bout opitig up their spirits. . What & itimentfible alt, ation was when Clio sound .-6f a kept his eyes steadil It 6xil -oil tilt lj�to -ew . i T gavQ Bition aild a's tile story di to LL a eighteen s1le coul;l And Brail. in. diff true noti6e of the approiiali of it strauger CIO$ lbegan graduOly *to rise L from but. the...sit,uat,jan of tho widowed 'that 'bf the poor Baron I What FILLERS .9 co P, RIELS, CORINIUS A4 embroider to admiratin,' and ha(] spirit of ill" Anotber Jong bla9b tile U -R E wqirkpo wboleliistorle3i,olf tile saints. gii-est delayed to - Diake :hii, appear o.d his seat, gro�ying taller Aud taller, shebeart-rendint, di fenlinaL for a fond 0 PANELS, ftive 0 The Yazttar Fyisliion Books f6r*IP83-are oat and can be had for nothing. St�lt can an . ce(, eye, I', t a husband before. slip bad KI a not. ats of triv castlo with its- echops until, in tilt- * I I . .; fatlier, arld-L'a melliber of the great ball And a lit tapis,Rtr.v,-.witIl uch,strongth of Ance. Ilour wft*r hour, tl,e - ­ even embraced such a eg the Papers an d geCaj Book -sio Y -t to towt,r into a au�l.was answered b Wardell eillmos family., of Katzent-Ilenbouen, I, Ilis a,. Drowsiness. lAstress after eatIll Witiletlieirinoarrinaq n0 9 able The sun that Ila() ed to rcai.ve Ili'$ futu, -y V T1d Y R'S. t tile tal�. W1 ifiL tile! pn�rkl. Iii,; froul al Is. Tito &VI -fill giant. The momen hiMItcud 1 if the vet . sljocter Could had either been wrap- that they looked like so iilahv i;;nuis d6wnw6rd rays upon the rich 'f6r- n I ly dau'litei Olt w.Ktq-0f 01A .110�v j Ili; t tit; ptlranfnr�i. e i deep iiiall'and be so gracious and noble, Wilf" jil"" grav I, or i;� Was to law. took,it solemu.'farewell, of tlle,-Coul.� gleatiledsl6og tile timulitS' Of tile i Its. .have Some wool], n a nut vrpat diffioultv,- aniii 8, pe filld'ille house with It, tw4tatio 6T . drit, tail -son-in; GODERICH. The '(1rawbiidge had. -bacn� --I et They wels. all, slilazelkle.nt. he- wao chiii-:41 iiiountains.. The Baion. mountr,d- I a iv, nd-,p6rchance, a trpopofgoblin 11:3- He Sol lr.Che�pdr.tbtin -hay gneon tall of the Earo., down, an( e -at " ranger was :Baron wits perfectly,-, hundur- tile highest tower ' id ntrai-ited 1) i. er01) tile ni-hit of the secon(I tiny. pf Qalinn8t;,ill tile �.-hivittric I , Al 9 grandchildren. &a usual, lie ils pa0p, ell ring and reventine Wnnflarq Qf'-t�,os Ht,14nhueh.. eyes in hopes of catching a' dNtant tbo g"te. lie wits. a , tall, gallaut II6 . i. vVidowhood, site had retir6d to. collilAetely bewildered, ant! I the all Ilioittillineli, a ate lho liver ccoull) ., n . al I injul p o) ( find even ma(16 Conaiderable pr' ci- sight of tilt, Count and miller, mounted oil a black teed, "What I oing to leave the castlo her qhtir4bor, ft lli6d by .0.0e of' BULL rU.1141,;q tile bUiVelS. B� ell if tltky on;y curto, His cot . inteiiarice . w . ast pitle, but 'lie at midnih L t I � "hy, ei aunts, w ub insisted. oil . sloo Wit . e in iny uproar. Th -e men.were Pncv in ivrltinLy, coolld her own alltR- Once Ife -thought be belield vd�ytliiiig was pof had a beaming romantic ye,aud -an prepared for hih a bliamber With lier. The aunt, who.N�jls one a( ordered to take horse, nd scour s patil witlinut mis ing it letter,and so thistil; 'the sound 1)6rns,. came eve lloll(i I "d tile air. of stittely nielanclioly, The was ready;for ljilnL d floating he wishqd, to the best. telrei?s. atol'lea'in all IpLrihly Illat, )ter allittm.could fl, 'elf ])all j3hron-was it little.wortified tI lt 'It a reti -ecountifia Od4n' The Baroh 11 a withont, RoeciaeleR. .. She i"Keelled. in bY tile mountain 1`0110eq; 4 lilltill*F- 1`1 Germaiik, litid juS4 been I ami c iront ona (Ilsireesin� copililaim; bill forto. P41 see . 44- e- on bi-, iack-boots, girded e- ood-fer It 0 Ili I�g-hrtjy­ of--horp iOn so lt"iy style., Nis, �digility Oil Ili sivorc and wag about to moiml� 'It 1111(l little Tlillio Uko knicknackit.of all' kinds altill" mournfolly and tnya� -avd vint; titer. will net be 'Ill 6 was. slOwlY a( road- "I' slier.) in the vQry mid4t of.it; Th, ter aii sick head ;t abstr L I;' but When y near ruffied, and lje� tilt ulu,t 1. Ply m bed. ill a difr6rent chambel . wits re - niate, ill)( - loverlooked 8 It on tile versed -in, dip'nio,' 11 IT diancing. tile had ly reached Ii teed to sally fort. �y .,,poiP-d' to a naidur: ita,want of c1litin bef to nigh t P". fill que,4t, Wlien he was brouglit to of the day ; played it number of a�iris tile t0t Of tile InouliLtain, a suiall. garden. )'flece, lily peii- .on ile harp denlY Asirted :off in a Jiffer n i _I i., propek rosp.ect- for tile important I)allse by anew aliTlill-ition., A Judy. tile beituou al the a WaL this reply sively ooking.. iti law 131 Titer :s'lziolneth'ibry in occaimi all tile reetion. Th& last -ray- of sun seen 1111pro oitilt-. tenilprloalla& Of the I 8 .9hiTle (I the ittip6rwit . family I .1 WhiCII jt waS J31 Jig M0011j'as they. treallillid, (in . .,ft departed -the vVitII 'w)liellL lip, Was to be cenlleqt�nd. niounted.o'n 4pali'my attendd by EL 11 , - ed that made the�Barotj's hert llli.s- tile lea,ves or' an it en, t -e -e before .rac bua�L. OLIV loills -cure it while !ied r.9 �y heart. bat4 by tlied Wave), D dii - road : ]�H P!�?i lie billlSelfi 116 give ".but Ile- rallied.his force fler.atIrIti,. too, having been reat . grove . L . 81 0ock. had, It liorstibuk.' 81ye 9tilldF.ell ro.yfiryOfiliillajid rner and niinOr to ithat­it,�Illust llttvtl the lattice. I'lie a01" 311118 Ilia Wli Co.e. A and coqu(itteli in t ietr younger di -tile ViQw; - slit] and repeated Iiis.'hospitable eut,reat- to tile gate spran" fl-otu her Ibeen youthful' inipa ience whicii.4 just tOldmi4niht, when a solt strain . til,:r iw.lull A', were. 'admirithly cil'jinlnt�d to appeared siiMng in it, but toThe: Atirmiger- Ao6k and falling -at tbe Bvon's Jeet duce;d hill'io thus spur.on sooner 'of-musio stole. till fr6in I lie go,r%. ell, gwirdians (I strict cen-' and theh a pflasaut jugging ilvi t y but. 1) sitil, My at 6 eLr,i"-ll;(L4 ticr�, or bent by inail. all 1101lipw s; em erl It is k it all. I b wits l4s y She ro4 hasiffly. froin her nd ard lLT CO., of the, 7froui.W4 la�or. tllftl "'a dtt�lldflllt co'n(luet of their niece am 'sorry "-said the stranger, and waving 4 faiesiell to tile Com- and her vomphnio6­4he.. (10 While the.old bastle of La iny, stalked 816wly q at tile, hall. there is no fluennij so rividly lit* (I liOltiv: to..the, will W. flow york,01tr, to lifeak in*upon you thus urisea- U11i ligure mang. the shadows Specte�r 13H(le . gr I ii6m. I The- Ballon in. �t at' sabsolut Ife looked at Ills pry de.iit and inextIrably decorotimL rc,( was his St L 1.0, of* perplexity, aWas fiStIO'Linded., L �4til)ei*aniiiiate(i'cotltlett(-, Sit N , V A Of.the A it it very inte�,-4iug scene its transact ore the Baron interrupto,il him the- Spect,er; eam, Upon A ]a rfirely muffielled - out, of lbeir r -lit - in a different par6 of,the.0den and -el tear stol� to her eye. b of jjIo6jjlig4t­l e then, -at W.ald. iwlelits. and and LOIDOSt (loll) t6d the.:evidenCe tit vor'..went ':�-votld the Tile Ba''rtli follo, strall�p� countenance. Ildve11 and, tarth I W. A the IRtWrL too.L w is for, tell tho truth I * - - . %x I),e I, 0, Bri -66i J '! 'L L 10 o -e; attelidpi to ill t of tit,, 6aatle' Id tl 't the util ms well I at, Thfi:io�un- Oounblron Alf, U plhis- cour 81,10 belle j ei de, I 7i W derru y jil.hisappear- wpItwatcht'- u loine-lit burst Ila(] couti i ill was, tristiquily pursuin& his route in at- il yer.stood sliviek lit tllltt n r, pawing 1`001 ! upon lj�r �Ar' beLr'alint, juld v.iqjt to. -th arid. f .1ecturps feaoi.-bo her about strict cle.7 that eart'll, allil snorting who ito stdol lle coruin and.irnprli t If!$ (Iress wits Cit :0beflienbe ­ and nign travels beiiii-fxi�akv.ned 1) and Ia. and, torrentof uDin vain; so hii llIaWhose deopL. arch way 'bilid filllowed1i sfldn.�l , to tile' whi sa to the nien=pah 1 sbe' wAA tadght IfiR, friends have tit' t liff, a noble figure of. s3, Ili. kon all -the -bowed his -head. mix"d sufro�ed .,it.'.to er. y fn hold. theni tit guoh 4i lduOrtainty' at cp -bip a 116 i�tJ4 lid Ion urts ff hi -4- flaw, oil a Ij El" '. "Y oat. pale atid stance and t dimly -By.. the ly, Ilia 11 8' .1iNtrust, that,, unless prno�rly b d -ti (I 'hall 'call, t . Ila( melanchni otintentince R, ILlid R if 0 Is willtiliff at; 1, Paused, ind a or, a PA ooked again -the specter had dksap,. r cou rt of'.tho Cast a ; s d bdall,[- the mtrangrer' y,rioted.in his larg d linot thle land,%nmacit eavali6r'in'tho Pull at It"6 joill-liety. Hn� a )p t I I o. va it (i f re I I I, a (I - st i I tit a re itad .16 tle . ark eye: IG LE I' bt to two f�imales, the aunf; now WA?l '" L E 3 irl, sh." wal Ill' not alancrA him as cortai IY a-, a d tier, a tile 11 in, 0 Blivoll ill a-hollow,tdile of vote(- wllicfi�' was fluqlled.�witbj the glow.0 youth? reach' d the.illne 4gooh. Cleared ilp. lint -if.. lie were bviin countere,I �t.:Wortzburg, a youth- Fififill that, we are iipeak,wheit hewa,i�gaiii intt:ri-upird : -ed'the ulost�,aootl dvin at her feez. u q Wling, fat, . .. I . I :-Rev' F6.ther. Wild I simpatito!) tit arnia, w by file app6s?auc6af. the , fenwe .aVajier (far as you. Pat't of the fatnilv, leading forth tile egide� herself'%vith toir� 116tl And Doiniistia Sizeit -it xbor wild'Fuell. XP The gond effon* .4tpm to Ili(. geen some. Aorvice 6ri lYOLT I iy-gbing. I have Grek. Sailu-'WL. t8 of till$ sy . VC$ L Starl, 1. n r., As to mimb :Iiave',khow all, tile whi 43 wonilprful 'by apparent. r1ilie frontiers-:. ffernian It oletim uirid 0 -0 le, 1.1 E ERIENCE. 1-1) yj�iul) la(ly, thel "Ill is no goblin) as, hands and lized oil I;or for a Ili er "it, Uern.liin' Vqffi Stark'enhaust. fie 9 some. hing, even ill the silect* , eoUte� youh,, Indy was aoiatiern of docil'ity Jd(l8t, '01110, , f tile' t %Y t The Iter. .Z. P. I'Vilds, ell-linown clip -y lea o that gee mcd,eridearing. and -Wrin,fers, bost lakese .1 Yo)rk,' And brootheibUthe Whili-totherswe wi�rthi.etheartsofO i%nian.cbivah Sa t e Brcill, f re it speny L - a, nnot his a0enture wi�h tile, youn 10 w 11 ill tit There was till the qesniblatic� of inan. _0_0 setts 'Sulwevitile Conrt,-,tvr'ites: as follows: wilsti itu,their nwl as now returilit�g from tit yau send soim, one lit �our plac. I" __a Ia -gaze, a-nd I � t- Comit. Ile. told � how lie lind--hasten. 7A R. 114th .10.1 ile y bf� 11 - Avelo oll 16, 1882. of Ili.- wnrl(i and lia, 'to e.pI arniv. His'fathOr'scastle was not rested UlIon t1lt lo,v I fOJ!jJj. -ly beiiity; and though 'tile, shadow -of uck- a ubstitute�f ed to tile Ca8fle to deliver tile unwel- T -.OP'RENING, A I& Vas 11 attend il Ey, 8 ��—.J U.ST SUPERIOR LOT. f troubled witli a ulost uncorn, laud. thrown id fly Qvery hati,l far distant from, tho old fortress of 6f' lit. person -J inust a man is but little. calqulat6d to.sat. Come tidin ,;, but tbat the eloquiance. Itolitin ile Illidell, aunts whispered 'Mug . t . t I . , 1. . 9 litinior alrecting 64 re File wits 60vly 0 ii'l- :intm freNh a bereditlji� 6fy tile aft"ections of a -love siak gi I 1. rY something in her, al) awaV to NVUrtzb4i it cialieti),al-11. my lilllbs;. itelied so intolevoly, at night. 0 %,.in I al OL r:�Ile f(3U(I- r* 'substqn of the Baron 'Led him in 0 eudered - tile,. faillifliolim- hostile -eVort to sppak'; horiliois: yet, wh6ve th6 ce R not to Ile P tliat I couldscardely bear bitie 'evIDS "Ay," said the Baron, Till iiiii elothim, over flitim. *1 was alian, a sufferer protection of those it to-ealih other.' ticklUff 111) every �jttempt to tell his tal. , Tfovr� even' this is . pollsoling. The I aiiii esitarrlidl eotiglll� nly -7-tO ,idei bad cohiplet6ly' find it.. -7 nraised -ga:ve a a*-)), irit, 11bpt It I of thiB bi lie ,sp -r,,, like. a io idot until to-tiloi .1 ruit o�t( ftI allnALdealared 91io.-wauld never sle�6`p )e $"It l�jin%�'iitgtlieviilue0flIVElt'$S,%RHArA� Ili the wpi -.bearted' moulent..of of inquiry oil the sh'angfir you alla, brido calitivat6d, film, and, Oat to pass a AVA bv oblit-i-ratiolI of 7iialtiv other eases, anit a CaStL at -Cba�nbO14� again -'the niece, fat$ from pt,r,oual usoln former lipgai y u ll.was again' to t ie ground. t1jerel", the 6 tit, friinds relat. monow 11 take "yout oniong guardian :ljnr�dwits. rOcoal ' iitioli titl(inkf-I upon ]ter -with, pride and. ex-. etl.ali,their fill4t 'dvPnturo,4;.sjnd for.: The. words elied �ivay, 'but pier was tit . 1. I - lid declared few 0 I, e lad. tacitly once) Was ig about her lip4 il-e playit suffered the Itt:Je. shQrt dimi flin aotfit6i big i4re alinyed, and, a. -sweet Ant alitimit froin t1be firlitLifosa� After a jilltatinfl, "na. vaunted fhat' though $ . , No !.no I" .replied tb,ij stranger tuij!-s, and tile Count tit i - ' , mjstakev to Conti . ': '-Las strongly that she would- in no n1l tile othet, you' fil,tbily.of llis� i6t6nded and a soft with- weal flity, "illy on- it I I sigil"; (if ii -out tion of the sit in (lion -e. k ftow* he�, had been.Aoml f tho bhe� :w ther it) tile Cstl tile . y perplexed oat.irrli atilt ougli litirm iv tile suMe, L' * L IV. whoill lie hild that ]ter "lti m - )a 0 in way to :mahp. a decent ],a- ineftlis filk(l ]YIN, lloaltb gr4t13,'bnProved 10 gagetilent'. is ith. lit) world might yet, thELDI witiv..-A yourq% 6 bee;; ti IRON AND, HARDWARE. MERCHANT, I te.w L . tllftt:.qlie had to ale" it alo, e6ill orijim.expeetAlle'l I alli p in 11 et intil, t ill noiy I feel A hundred pc�' 11-avell, I'lltllin of tile kind d iever Seen, but of whose al1kriii.,4 he It vi�txs it'llp Worms treat'until thff Bann's goblin stories' P.014 I nt.tribute these irosults to tile tile 'iumt enraptudn� for n dead wan -L4 liav by' but Elie dreiv il'prb.m, NT .41, of- 010 1011011 I ecoinniend li,tpppti to the heiress' of e ISO from: lier L, T:L igirl.. 4 flie, folid ate of 18 ils�nhoge'll., highly prediposed for . robber�-uly :body - lies at' Wu'rtz- aunt not to relate tile �story�. of uIlia eccentrio exit. slove alld llow, fearing tile reudal hostility 0c clinton."Dee., 13, 1-88a. evPr devised. .1 took if in-sinall dosch t it,& bur—at inid"i-lit'l-aill t6 be -hu.H.' 9pecter, leat she should be denied lint however scantily tile Baron die route of the frionds Ifty,in hiatrilliony, lint to Ile. �Iased with time.q.1 11A)', afill ljiilkl� Ill all? loss than two bottlea, the.family, lie bail repeated I is visits ii .Aort Ile oil tf)e samip direction. they. �,ireod to �80 91111 lit ca alier. e !;ipe facts tit your service. hoping t1felie Tnn ijand l -tile. grave is waiting fat, �Ia- 1. theonly melancholy Pleasure loft ]lei, till j 1-th- that at iillabi'ting tile by stealth had haunted-tho''plirden Years rospectful: Z P. WILD&" (1hildren -Ilia ld loubt keei).uly appilintloolit I" 'on was by Perfo,-in tile 'rest, of their jotirnpy to-, lei) tile guest lit (Io it to for parley� 1-10 sprAilg Oil hig black Charger a boneath, the young lady!s tyinoov t 6nefii file rah "110.110-11,11u; it Sulall One,. foe Provi. arid that thev mig flail arvdleft Ito till oluiniber over whi I gllal�diftn Ilie above hititillooe is bu nytion- siumitlyLonifng.t otiriiotfcd,Wllttqkprovotliep$3r� ashade. of hrjr I.o ;Iltly- WHES ER & W1 LSO N The Ba .ailed over ti ver kept its nig donco had enrio'hoil him.witil, jobun. inore leisurly, set off froin W.urtz- da ldtit , . i . : iptory, and de. foilt Adaptability of Vulit'S SARAPARIt1A t6 (Un'do of poor oup bur -at an cail to' co�jversjttion clatte,1119of Ills 1101,4A 11 as aw6y in triollipli-and, ill 4 word, bad tile enrli ofall dilleftses arlAngfro'lln Impniroorim-1 relationg. They y tiro tile Couilt as sTF 'e. e D y .J 16611 cofniuml th tillue 'to follow And overtake bim. J 16linquet: .9 t, 11nder oth Sarsaparil ipomi to the tintatel bill '. haiie dbscirved.this j)r6mlia is uneerf. er airpums'f.�nbeg, I'la t, t;ve,A ; were woliderfuliv 111tachod to TItey berltiil6d, their wayfaring It Was- served lip Fit the gre.t hal) Tite Bft�ofi returned to the ba . to tit.1k oi *the Baran ba�e been inflexible, es, and girdngillions the blood, t, 1 I -ill din, forshe da'arly loved .1 elewses, onrloh i'thirecollet:tions of their military ho was 'tentimous at paternal an-. 711 stiollillittlu tho Ai'l toll of tho sioniach unit bowelsi, .Ile Baron, 'and took �very pomsiblo W of ip. castle, A�nulld tile walls Elie utmot. con,tircutpoij, it till relat. - tile itriumph fat -c ALIC"Rion '.to come in and ell. scenes and advouitur"', the Count hulig tho, har,l-favored ,portrails of' ed .what hall ll,ara, - Two Ifiliee in tile first to t4)11 r, frightful thority, anil devoutly obstillitte,in fill :D.O.MyT1�3S"32 auct iii4ell;Y enables the sracni torisslqtitndovev� Mile tile. Attitelpof Frjop-� falklily f6sti, %vas apt, to be it littln . tellioul, '001v 'Ile" bagen, aild fainted outright; otheis sickewid at story; it is, however, still quoted lit raniilY fiellds'. but lie loved Ills daugh- livon tr ons of Xfttz(!')( tile lie lions qi' The VAIS were Coll) in ell, oratell by these and then, abaut*the reputed Charms, tile teoullivs Which t1my. hati,grtinod tile i'lea banquoted With a tile nLighborhood as- it memorable in- ter� lie. had lamented her its lost,; lie 1).Nlitii, inal all ilisorders rosalting frow poor or g000l people at tile 131110n!� eXPA4(` '. of his bri(�e an the feliciy that lit the fluid and'in Ifilick. speewr, It was the opinion tanoe Of t6plale plocresy tba� site rejoiced, to find lle�r still Alive'. and, orraptud blood and a low ftnio of tile system. Will when they filled good awHite -Mass. wil'i hunts at0101191rher I'llsb0d Was (if 4 10stild Dr. J. Ci ker & Oo,, Lo*e1I and tattered banners were. mingled e Tf I ljouting that this might l3e tile ly� absolved lot, SOW by $ill Druggiatt, twido $1, Plix bottlea for $6. iltaclinee, thily. would declare that there In this way, they 11 she was sudden et than�� Ifeaven. Ito was not was nothin oil cai!th so (I )vftll tho pnils of sylvan I elightful tile mountains of 010 Otlell- wax6pe; -Hotne talked of 1110111,1taill sprit0s, a Norn all farther restritit f, by intolli. 911111111- 'I'llere ivas olliething, it as these Iftillil. ibejaws of the *air aurl tile -tu Illeetill"s, these jubiw Wald, and -Were travering one of 0cs wood-doilluns, alid of' o lilt. of the bon7ir grinned horlibly genc brought to tile breakfast tahl lthat did not e lees of the heart. its Illost lonely all-( thicki : Nvood p. d aluoug 111al being, Ivith tllp good veard. hhanAYEWS y cro,5,9-bows aild battle-axe.q, � and '(4arolony have been so Ono itini'lling that tile young ll�dy was The _lRaron, tholigh I, laq It is w(ill known that, the strict voracity, in'the j' CATHARTIC: huge pair of bittrialled hara.med ince tint(- im-. found, Ifer roorn was enip. oke� the knight of onellially )lave al lvays imill-diawly ov P tile in lnthad_tt large -soul ArR 1� el Ied' it ri, uot to b( i4atillfactial, It tinfested ]lead of tile. 0110 of Clio ..110011 rela. ty,_ thA­ bed had n had 1). sed Look PILLS -it llind the bi dead bill soveral old hil(Inds St3st ftr"afliloie- Medicine— h6 of C with robbers youthful brid O%V wita 6-poki rd 9 tile gi:patesb man i liftle as its ctuales .by tions veattil sligqelit that it 00 Wind ill a' Ft -.w Ifeeks. and at T110 cavirlivi. took, I-Intlittlo not who had sorilod W the Wars, fure Co and. spefterli, -titer foe bad flown'l world about him. Ito loved U tell this dine, -the tot sollm, evasion. of all 131 1 foils Djsorderii. 1011$( Rtnl'i0R 11.1-0 VrAr. larly llull�( ! hmof - the coinpany or tile entertain. till; Cavalicr, -that, t1w ult thostark old N woluA, from the hordes of ii,ent, 9 and concern' Is'Sold evotywhete. XtwAys ireltialtile. -Ile Kc'ftrd(,IY ta9ted tile 1) in. very gloolilin"g of tile Call' excusa,ble in love, and that the cata- riorN wboko ii,it*traits looked in-infly' disbafided' so)diPr4,w'anderiurt About rice sflelll� Ivith which tile. inalelligence was ro* -lior wits oil ritled,to especip�l'priv*ilege, uet) but lit ddmir. od t fltljv�ll tMill tile 'AaMn around, and lie the country. 1.4.ivill Ili) I . a accord with so laticlioly it eef�ed can only be imftgiiied by th.0110 t hppf�ar ex. ation of 11A coni,ers(rcl personage- This, at, e �tgi 11fiVing lAtqly served -its it trooper. �AT found 116 li-4telmis equal to, those tParinlina),yi. therefore, that tile Cava. ill 0, low tone that could not be him the Nolignation Of 00 who . le who lutive tatioti Ule'rerore were , happily W Oled Fit Ilia exPenso- Ile was Mees were by it gung of ithilleiii4ge of lov' whit, sit man' It '11. iho olislulp-1 of It 'gre Much givitin to and a traggle"; ill tit(', mid8it of tile colpally, all(I plipocially of tile Rtron arranged . Tito 11aran pfl.rdoned tho is shiver lead ltile who looked opoll hili'l ;Is little vatisoftillong Ills redH,veli t1its. youn on t1le spo THT"%v fitib belitiver: in all thoe uper. forest. They deferided flie.inolve It but1wilore , bet. t, rovels, C. U& J6M W 8 , foinale 041' 80 dull thfit it Cannot ter, than all lillidpl; lio thlitt 110 Wfis poor relations paused lot, it inomolft, nat-tteal tales With Well 'every with Illimvery, but Were nearly a', . catell thf. softpst whiPP" (it tile fin to abluro MA berosy wq Rpeedif rroill tile ilidefatigablo labora or ilewere in am* Valley lit Germany pownreil when the Cloutit's ratillue, 1" erl There w6i st twing4, y trencher, when tile aunt [loop relationgovervilwItned this new toll- a and mille ifito bu fititij .Who ])lid' at lik,own likell- s-Ight of them Mie roltbets fleill, but killdliess., lit) was so gallant, so goller- Tile fitith' of ol(i. guomis arrived to their At &(Ie.pnpqA Ali([ gravity ill It member of tile' family 'with loving' U, is "I'litiot Of thn'trup bolleveri, first been struck: speechless, to M to every of woulder With open not until the Count had it that appeared to lutive a powerful Put wlultp�lerinay hto. been the 11,11, hands awl shrieked nut, oits, and. sor P1ell. Tito aunts, it Is. eff-dt till thOYOurig Ift(IY- Iler Color dou6ta ei'itorlainn,l, they w(,-ro Clint goblin, I the 'gnblin I shols carried o eand miluth, and nover failed t a iniort" want'('- H6 Wit" '16"'Y and canity and went as she IiRtnned that 4,P-Aitoivislietf, t1tough eepp.atpd eief,ful ly &rried back to the al ty of deep wtpn w 1 Of P100TY Put tOnty (tild bV tile arrival -away by tho'golblin Ili true, wero. some Xow and thf, (19, 0M. of strieb Seclusion slid tioll, i .11 Who Ilextday, of �(Igtl4ar illis,4iv, I UX nmadn Amni, blushing renly; will Wlien firturilig tile otilt, youtin In it few weird , a Alto related file passive shmild Ile so badly WILL OURS OR REUEVV. th- 11,xrnit von tllt* 0 refarrill 800tios ofthf,g ,' �4%`IP front it "ev"It, `110 oyp was turned Alto wnald Coont's' inurder &iid hi ilitt:rtumit' Ardon, and Coil. but attributed Wall to 44 his talolp, Clio absohlik, loonfirch of was fanious for hfi4 kill in adininio, PI)POtor must llftv,e t,f,Al lit 1118 Milli- at Wuitzhuriz ti if Ilegligollee in hot having tile fl;4 littlP tPreit(Ity, ittid' IIAPPV, fthoVp Ille dig. W b 1,19PEAVA, bftom�, botl�l tlill tie anil )leave, a migli of ill-tv at, (lip eatitin may Well. Iv, fill. Carried aft lrwa of the will One of them Wag INDIOESTION, PLUMN)VII ill Was AUND10C. OF 711le me.4 ?h hale of his, ski g0fltlP 110PIlint'KA. It W.14 Ill hilliq it it) tho (00'ritillaion that lit, elf wAA tile wi,j(tmt 1%1411 'of the age, InOnIPIVIR Of if)(' Olt f0l'tUilAte Count .11. opinion, pril-tioulal-ly mortified wit haviiig her CRY&PEL0, ANDIry 60 ti at clip Votin nottillis eolliple. ill his gll0its %r 11 4 for they hall tho rifittrrilig of 19MMI At,tlip finm of whieh DIV �Afory The nuntg' wild .1 Illo,tilitalp ])all efitne to %I ill) Min pould the IlExpratio, � bi? lily Apoetopsilohittl eve,, seen should lltilt% Illy.qteripit ; hot 01110 abAndrining. 11fill in1lis Allmilt mi(I-Ilight, tti)(1111;11 till tInubt, hirn ant, to lie A Counterreit; but the D �H E. 'TY as) Ali Tito flo�tir af 00 IdA tritind it) 64titnt1v re,pail' to of flin seemed perrectly hAppy stt bay. d ISVISPY. SP60ti# I hot lituln't it, ill($ liARtle of Roil explaill it I ditartitt6d UVSR klbfillft $T AO I'll 1. y RX r 11A a A W tl tied 0 LTITV 0 PILLS '10 !I love NOth other tif 111 -At i It )t�ftring her, Away fli tile i ing Found 111111 Allbstantial flefth tind - Agen T54 FjOWaLb Dr. 011.6ti% 1,0101i'll, tllkt t'Alife of his not 06urbq, ol I�ollp tillarg ry` I Gonemi. bloll 1-alld, so Clio 6tory onth., Pftl*Iet6e8