The Huron News-Record, 1884-01-02, Page 2W CONS QUOSTION1 The St. Johl"a, DAY concert, under Uwleriellif 111owaolklip. kllightI that gives biol this 'Gonoral Pryor, O'Dornikell's Awe- 94114WATI INEWSPA: LAWS And wish you one And 0,11 a reg�rd to tboir proposel reduaVion doughty 111,118I)IOP3 Of Maitl(ind, LOddil", No, it attention of Post. A, IlArry NEW vv&u. of the duty oil wheat from 15 cents power,,' this "00111111AIldilig ability-" Can cou n3ef, is creditud. wi tit bAv. the A. V. and A. U., Was only fairly Froin, our oual corroop"MI.O. From our own NVO C411 the spQvift ing receive(.1 43,000, aud Charlet; A in"Ung of tho shareholders of 33, 10v. Afr.-Xatthows will winter ito- A borae bellonsial tQ Mr. NONA, And it we have Hot in evely in. to,71 ceuts per baNhol, to, As the Uosy topatheticTorit-s ,gy that there well Attended, the stormy ovettiog masters anti aqbscijb�rs to thu followhig Russell 1500 guille-im of tile allsount tile out.vilo Quebec anti Canadian militftringinuph Against a large gath- Cuba, not In the Westl0dics,44 OWL- of Ashlivid, dropper deill.1- near tbw 04 In$ t, week. Presbyterian clitirob the other day, syllopsisial'It" ii%-40.pliq laws 2,� stalicki been, in aceor4 with yo-ir deputation allege, equalize it with is.%pecaliarcharin In the luetallio coqtribntoil for thii offence of O'Dolk. Pacific rmilwayt; wits belil at th" ering J f h , it :�s vDivo, Which, 114.11. " That, offluio (if (11slor. 4 JI(ICIIIIA00d, 1414" the 1, Mr. Win. IforkAson lo going to lay Tbe oyster supper in connection X—A p '105ft is- '�Iluirelli' to give itlwws, We trust; YOU brive gt�llvrourily the duty oll flour which is Meta per On- of Lis sonorous ii till- way div hard earn. roevotlirl'o fly mentioning why 4 ;,: - . havo harrvl, The Fina (I 'ok a good supply Of fee for his 'With Leebllrll TOIA1110 WAS lk IlUocelltll' notice 131, 1 !4 raper"does4NAgevil to. disa-ree, where Ave wice Minister Jigs where it cannot flubdue, coluttlands. ill'a of"rhe di-littlell Irish go, in tile wt-ek for 0epurpone of leamin�tr wbat Masolls celebratolf the flay, And the 11 it was frei,rhte(I with Itopeless deftince of aturdorees. ift killm it its tiso 0,itario, & Qilebvu purpose to which the sui-plus pro. Creamery for next oamort Mr. John Linklateer Acted, As ii:balr- not ncitcolivincell you, And, hope tilat at, the I -natter unilvii-_ 'consitletwiltion. flow Uluic system of rallwo,ys to the (13tiaditilk. oco-Is would be devoted. I'lle open. Mr.John J�Ieweq gave a party to rrian. Addresses weria givelt by the f'I'tlie"01111 aid, A�. I-Lirbor Urace, Newfoundland, pot taL U �'u litfvp bveu in the past so you We have always floiwiilvred that the when lie commanded III(- eleetorli ing Ineilley, 014tor, And CoVoertinlL, 116 triends OR WelluesfiftY availing cbAirmll" And Me3or0i, Williams, Hol, 0 Itailway for 9,49 years. Front' state' tfic reason for� li.l not bell)- tauell. 0 Oraiii-euivii had a pubile proollstiloll 6y Moisrs. Luttrell and Bond, *was last,, it being tile natal day. There g4rlili, Ifortoo, Ch' t ton. Cu in Ming find Will !it the future duties, oil raw MIA alaijuractured of South Huron. to recede 'I. M the oil 0hrititows, d1ky. Tboy wel to ared what couIJ he gattki-red from thogo loudly encoretl and (July responded ulkj a The latly alembeis ileverve- Any neglect to do so Illakes the poistulastor good spread, anti vocal will jaw Pl'olvn 0 o to- tin Lift to), their part oftho pro - Is � to our faults a little kind; breatistoW.4 flifferentiatt, I] in LAvor of independent pogition, assulkleill it, "oil by partit-8 froln.bohind a huge who Wt`Ild (I th . A reikding by Air. Garrow was stputrental. music And a good le, June)) cre r4sitonsilile to the lrablislier,%44r p3yuteut. r 110. r Tbo other speakers will ry kind. , opinion ably receiv ul"013 generally. -tit me. D J to our virtuos VL tile fol eign miller. U) cet tho eltoiva of a representative cLll- sitow limp. The fire' was rotitroed. POare I to, be I* di Invor. e(I. Thesolo"A gi 0 )At Mr. W -If ally pmwn orklors his p%par dis- its A, bush. 'e . As to, the adyisability of mfAking the 15erenade," by Albs Radolifro, 1�'l t 11 411r. WaL.Rtithwell has p6robase4 not real "DrOy0d If we BAY ti 01litillued, lie must Pay 1-4141'rearages, or el oil 4 bushels And 351tis ot wheat, not be accurately determined. When .Vivo orangemoill And two catholius I Williallis Qn this occuslon,ago.) many the publisher Illay. routillue squitt it L1.1i"Ifol &tUNG $7,1770X. 1cilled lostanitly. Others are -injured, ent;, but als the davikulent ern. violin obligatil by Mr. Lloyd, were A fill, thorough b-ed short, ;iarn Ines. Wered, considering bull.(Sir Robert) foi- which lie paid A others, deserved well of.kille audienvio- a The ly autiliorities at Halifax that violin and piatio did not cordi, and his ApsociAtes. until pk�mellt is ulw �No the recoaOised quantity In a busliel. the Lennox protested election co I charmingly rej Ivet the', bodyin� the lo;ise was not really for whollew6unt. whether It lo'taken fepai, Goderich. port hasi for years been a Of flOuri, VUR109 about 69 cents duty on for trial the couitnaudibl; al�.flitie , have been. requested �I:o Baud a clo hig natnro, and a number of mattPirs, ally agree, Solo 'May Queen," by handsome price. This $!no animal 00 Ubrielimas day the f3sibbathi the ollive or not. There Cali he 110 10441 of detail werif to be arralwed, fill was bred by R.Govenlook arill is re. tultil thepayllieut is.'rilaile. flarbor of Z.fulae. It it; quite in oil a barrel of flourtuado in Cana0a of Sir ItivIiard m4y.be shown to' 461wneut of troops to maixitain lin, won the encore that this Ostered it) the Canadian Heed Beak school bad. A)i entertainment in the, ted wheat, VvItereas the calls al Ijournment was inade t In it tho 3rl 'R�tiel)lftn's a1bging always earns. Jo sit -pot by Bart of, Cambridge; 1) 1, church. The Rev. J. Turnbull gAvo Lt of 6ousmid dollars' o�rdvr.. 9 Itme, 3—Arty person who takoe 4 paithr from. order, !it fact obviously illperative front impor J u Ily the propotied art ange, response Mr. Jo0in gave A, for Illegal vice- P. Lorillard, the notod New York of 'ell o"Y' coWle Selina 2nal en tered;in Canadian fiord an QXcellentaddr-psli on the daties,of the post-ollree, 1010ther (III-OUVil 10 Ilia that thereshould besduin life Havind fOreigli millvir call, Blind In We for- coultributed. Ivy him Inellfthe (�!Afildjan Peo Acquires song which fairly carried the bouse Book, volume 3, page 772, naineoranother, or liorKeinan, gave all aver-,111ki wee it# a fie parentain co"llectioll with Sabbath 0 y by $to it schools. There was a, Christin wages as a Clbri4ni as present to cit,od I'll uticlibuck.111m," in tier usual , 'I' and music Andre and an svribut or,not, is retillonsible for:'thoi apparatuilthere. liminauityaswell tign ina(le flour for 51cents. 'J' let) tiOuCe)i1ill pUrD $,08. tile following lilies of Ilailwa rva. Miss Xathleen Ball re- Mr. Andrew R. Whitely, of Detro as, Y� I rev, & -By 'olesang"Wedding is vjsitin� -log libe holidays at tbLe ree 1q. it the freight on tberAw material fit 4 altogether 4—If a, sabscrifier orders big paper to be h1iipping interests deniand di esell of tlle 9.3,000 ealployeas ill his Toronto, G division, style. % r. J_.Ul, C g do, pleasant t7filll! Nearly. gilt WA% to Oweli, Soan(l, 122 W old homestead, calling Also oil III$ dollartl WL re stollped at a certain. time, and the lnilijish-' barrml Of flour is, L hall on the wsf,y city toll'iacco factory. About, To"011fO liorning," for which lie as rewlrip'wl seven e colleoted. for the, -I" thomfol'Le with much pleasure %N piore Sir Richard "hit Cartwri , 1A, nurikerous friends,. Although I Or Continues to send, it the subscriber is 1pes can- miles; Orangeville Junction to Tees- with an'encore, Miss Wynn's oolol. hd.olIng Sabbath school. butintl to licir for it Ube tal;es it out oftbe notice that tile Deputy Minister of manufactured arti0efor any give" retnrnecl by acclainatiotit last Thulko- '�),000 blki(l frilig"d ell"'(1 � , L well in the City of the, Strult water, 70 miles. 'rotal, 192 'miles. "EcstAcy,'rwas artistically sung an(I 'garine And Fisherish hal; 'iven distance, Thia still furtheroperates (Jay, as meolhol to III,, not accomplisheclas ulueli'as his [We would like if possiblf-tior bavf,, (, mulons fop tainiiig fron) 84' to $14 each, were ;a (,ariied a. �Ml deserved encore, which correspondence reach us oil Monday.) _i0r'mIIqt lie uses. -espond d to with "I will not say toot A inan atust '(4. ajost our home millers. It Is fair distil6uted a;i1ow,, the Teuiale ein- Credit Valley division, Tio, onto to' Was I e brother, IV. J., at' tile Garden City, �nitlk Hurnn.' The county of who with his wife, are also ape wbat w4y, be considercid a. favorable 49 ployoes, '411d 1,000 Others, colaaill- St. Thoulas, Streetfvillv to Orange- no.,, A, duet, sl;,jitinte Gun at Sea," nding olidays here.. A. It., however, to presume that the question for the Huron has a tho OR b'y (liversifle. .4 to $15 elloil, were Vitle, Churchs Falls to Elora. Total, sera. Bono And Ilenclertion, WAS C111FICC1111. DIPUCTORJi., reply to the prayer of the Ooui� y Ing frwn . $6 by Me 'I can. easily catch up if he can only Porters Hill. . 1, 1 . L !Fin4nee Mini4ter to consider will' represenitation. now. Thus. FerroW 13 .4. The, 1634 wiles. a treat to All lovers of music, an re - St. PiLut Is Church.-sar'V �40.�h SuAdoy-FLt I ' 0,6.uncil as forwarded by County p givell to the Ille" And buy catch on -to the right one.. Front our own (?*rrrspolufvnt. %.fit. 111117 1). In, Billie Class, 10� I§uttday' calved a rapturous encore, 'Vile gon- e no i lie, vklietber to increase the duty on NJ. P., is a, Liberal Cottevrvative- total, anioutiC dist;ributed was Wr Outado & Quebec, Toronto to, hellool qron� ServAcoon.1V d ollay, 6 0. it. Clark Adamson : Oemen responded by'singing, the WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE -SAYING. Mr. Andrew McDonald, of Dres4on, Itiv, floor or reduce the duty on witiat, )LI. C. Cameron, U. P., is a Conser- 600- Porth That there is 'Uss" slelghing.­That is visittqg frienfis h 200tilileg "Larboard Watch." 8010, "'rile Wag Pre, Ottawa, 24thDcc, 1883. tile NEWs REC oalit qi� A, Lai. stin, of Glovoravilln, N. 111a4i,mg A total of 575�� miles al- gon," by Pro r. roo a, was w a I - re. Xr, Robert Elliott, and helperg, 410 1,3� P� In. 8 kill ath SPI'm>1 all Z30 ii A4. sla,—1 llave to a0alowledge receipt of ConsideLing the bit"rests of former. net, An, onD has spicy reading a vativa Ileformer, all(! Sir Ricl.mird Reeve Ellioit will be tb"$hjIag. They. lost, Buy Y., became a�quainted with. it prig- r,,iady luilt. ceivea. 'Recitation, $Ufterthe Bat� matter. That, have flnisWill your letter 6r the 1801 inst., nddr6ssed td And they. must not be forgotten,, it 'a A 4 M'dyod in the elected.—That John ElliotVaporta a lie start of the Seallock tile Cwtwiiaht, L P,, I, vas loudly 310 time from t Ca��Jfk Prosbyt�rlivn­si�rvices at 1l; a.un. find Alinister (if AlariocL trallaillitting a pe-, 0 Oner linniod Itoderick, during I.Itir tie," by Mrs. T. Detloi, w 6.30 o a. sabblith sellout, 2.00 p, Ill. flim uron, WOLIN he manifestly unfair to do- wool Tory. kud the last of the.,, M a(rdition to this there is tho. un . find driver.--21lbat John Beacom will Anil put in 962, days; tition front the County Council of il a, 8,111(lay visit, to �ail. with other ro- tail. applauded. -this lady exilibiled high Alao:72THWART, Past= Iwaving that Golvo-nnient' will build and, onuipleted . London Junction. (Iramatio talent, and iftirlY tonk the bereturned by a good majority.— I air surprised to hko, that corres- I 14k a ii[14-saving station at Goilerivil prive them, of the beriefits of the if opposition had bonil offered, woult, ligious perailith to sing and pray. iouse by storm in this her firej ap. 'Chat John Cox will not run for reeve BI1Z,ChVJAt1Ci.-So,rvjee94at 10.30 a. in. and Ina Litt, wayi QovvrUig a distance of twiAve I . pondence mailed here for the Bro. 5.20 tariff , this year, wIlich i. one it) cl 0 1: Ncolk"Ver,41011 imt wil I be elected as councillor. — . 41liv4p1r, �* vll� J, and In I have to blirill - -Y likely ilavo been rvturneil b Uokil-ri I; nnounLed ;o,d Iiiie front -anco, belorea (lodericlinudio, nee. -Lion. regu- lilt) "tatiOlk ',which they so rillich re fl. yet ' a tod it to Awles, i4flu. lollea, I Itild the 1proect, M iss hime e th, �% iggingtoil will got a "Wigging!' does not reach its destina voluiliat it is proba6le a life -say q re all that. Smith a falls, to .51 ontreal, the dis- The solo 411'rusting2" by larly. When corresrondence is mi a majority, of. 400 in thoroti-hiX a out. That tbo N Ba �Iotff4urc. -go kl�q V, to, ;;ob, infly. be established at Goderich Go,�Hips apoke uokindly of was sweetly sang and most cordially fie come alAy, Past6r.. pan be, gained from a piotected tau". of -whioh inay bo roughly giv for THE XLws-1111ocan th& mpectilitirty Lienee, and. fatil oll, And duty responded to with COIJI) is the most largely circulated I arn, Sir, Tile tile girl in coliseol 125 milos, The iink. between oncor outside world soon know. it. Your obilt, servant. horne, market. It Will betiaid, IIQW7 about the rilprLsontation of South wait till the clouds roll by'l' he tovzriship.—ThRt the SBlITH, I to Mullin visit the illJ, Perth icl riIls is alreally treasurermadeagood trove forbade lk ag 11 , , Johnnies' And ainies are all in the, ever, that the interesta of inanufac. in ilio fact that*'those In Order to Join Ober prkorier-16?6r, .1 tile new r. for the County Triesurership being te.01111t PlICIVIIAT which was prattili rendered is kept Oil Deputy- Minister Marine, etc, wilt, and Will be part of -Bond gave -in sirtistio performance on "field. , k9ome say .1bey 0e runpIng,, R-TIU, nd cstou it 4146 be W ibe �to Dr. Holmes. We & THOMAS, itirs mug whom Sir Welland really represonts h,e "tole a lior%e,, and %%'as comoli d rystoul; and the C. P I't. alleafly thecon-certinti, aftor whioll Alnjos. next in Cho at the offlm of LORD' iklo: - � th�y tire bobbling, 'riloiii Gorinick lilook, Chicago, 111. eonoidered. Vita. And that iftbe to jilil where Rollleiielc -44. The ol,,i,atf:s a line from P�Wl to Otta- III, fiang IINVhen the Robins Nest that they Are but what-, XXTORfAL NOTES. I do aiot Tiumbor one quarter of the 1111 . Ile tt. ever their at I yle I of navi I gation hamy -bp,, 11pur is irscrease4 the cost fsll.rlfr 'ited theirio marriage, all() ya - .1 lin wa, At) office for -what way now Again," for wlitob he Was, 100i P duty oil 1* lie would A FF6D"'oh doet, "Les their Kim is the councit. r it is concedel trinjor . the district aft Onlig`8 to be known at, the luntario tk� Quebec I Corrospondene, The water in the. t. -Lawrence of that Article Al be increned. and Fauvettes"". UY Miss Radoliffe anil IIMVO' received hall a Con'servaUve tho'kii convicted. togk,ther o diyitioll of tbo C, P. li. WiA be es- I "A' it � I, I )lies aggie Bell is very low from Mr. Archie MePougall, the Bran - as to iuter� if the fl6ur daty is not increased or Prof. (10 Pouch. Y 'Its -far as out, .river': bas risen so high otOdillate booll, t4blished in Toroisto. the effects of a recently 6ontracted 'pitted norni'ast hit I; thaj they -all make their tour don, missionary, has given the nuins- we'red the im- ary knowledge of French go.4, correctly of his farm here. during ff ., , I . - 10 by friends hope she 901700."k Sir Uicl.rtcl is now I� k r South. in c0i"Pally to the'Peil't' rendered'. The rnti�ic was very pretiv 00111- Ilel 0 fere, with the inachinery in' Che 'the clutyon Wlicat to Absence to i 4tileaw . ..... it of ekeLt., Clio noted tol -axe llen�.' ;'ukay yet recovqr,. .. ..... ..... ....... . ........... .. 1judoll Cetton 1%lills all(] the alill portantrinanufauturing llitelt", )nceo Huron, lut tl)o;ze all I TO and the singing e I�n'glioh farriter, arad though only at Acquainted' is 8;1- kirill be closed u that of other indtistries fcturors of Hatuiltollroilt.,- "One hundred tathaills rleeli,' IvINlit. octal' who hits bilen "Iftnu Mrs. short time in this co'Untry has'be&i. views -.of' the elfttoratt ntil the Witter : 'OD -M with tile Cited the iiine.hoursytein a 1foindierson was rapturou,ly received ill or some irue, was to have had The Goderichi, upon it will I live to sue, f labor 10H able to enlighten some'ol"this old Ask. ibated" Ilei -L- is anothpir ebanc6 ffl� ciepeu6ot are �Yelf aware that tikere re. all( encorell. . his gentleman lifts R tier leg atu�utated Above the knee on no therein ` and at a well as VOu" farmers, In this icinity the defiressibut howlers to show tbe� curlb. It does tl:eti that in , I,tst yewil britone voicd ofgreat sweetness and are not a baker's dozen 6f Woni who union of t!niploved an Mrs. Vesey Elwood was one* of a 8unday. . Whetht r or not the opera. Thos.1 seed, both that planted itt the -y coloylpass. And with a little r.%otice tion was performed your corresfio�& hutoilin ipi4d wellasi iii1quity 9f � protective tariff. Itl.it is this vear of A short It . ottle grow," have a particle of political 'or party work ad Christmas group at thq. Rectal .. - lair*to become one 'of our lead as the earthy, tho. latter stawil i0re bids Bat has not since learned. o �d, Via, is the guest toll -will, no dou vary as. of old, of tiny use why clid'R.ilot keepo grain er6p tbakia arder Hot to un, (toile, thatl under the tell hour rqr, - Da lirty fohl IsDavis. Ing singers. A soloi "I sylilpatby w I t1i )ro, of life brother, Ap'. U.- -S - lv�-charrriingly rendered by Allies A (I w -0 at vwDe'd a eouncill met at Londesbo-ro an the, anil'zome an hu"nclr6d'Afold aff of As a.coosequ I six Mean . howcv�.r, is Olit) of' tlf(- P.X . 6aptiolift 6ts ofthe firm w. (ire reater in 1883 Cal -it.. 'INTurray UcGregor 4 hdrne 410od save the Quee1if� -by. . . I I I . ., . I y I . "I N , sources. and Virus proventAbis mper, life,- and to do ustice to millers by 15 December..' C1111ton, weiilii�sf I aZy, 4afl, 9ilid drawba6ka to a6vernment. fly party,. than la'any '.forn . let, y eftr. for the wInter. tie conifinny concludedtfie pertorm The school meeting ch Wednesday e Ai qu * tity in ibe t. L%wreucoi, m oil a 1pitine with other 'file netf proceodsof the eon Un motion. of B. Churchill and J_ was largely Att naed, . I r. Jag. Tor- fluous. all pkic . Ing tl)o* We are governed by party, biai- ruvicat k1wil donated exc6sq.,of Blipitland Lotlie, No. 03, A. and, anev I'AsIltim a resolution A. M.i w4ts next Tviesday evenin cart was 514.20. Ivas passed'ex" rance occupied , the chair. John, slid the throwing. out of omployt triParkie -0011008- in proportion to wa��e 88S.-1884, Vidua - corup?se the party, And thvy prebding prolbund sorrow fit. the oe- Pickard ivas e1qcted tgIiiistee for tb4l.- 0g, capacity anion Mr. as. Smith is y1siting At t he :of Severn, it 11 a 'Jboir sever . a vere And prostrated illness at reeve, coming year. Busintfis was runi, trient I hil; ilred hands., sio a should be ni� (]a, . lucrea, ahput restraint upon e i fit.. old homesfea - d. little Goderich Public Schooll Board. John Alason a6d hoping that lie may through'livoiy. Some of the rate- 6ontroll I) Alr. 11arry. Arrolil left On V'riday ored, to hisfortner health -essed Chef pe'vioduls'nil 110i boqhim. That Allity oil flul and ]asset) iton wilent, alld-will coittinue tht. Tli� 'To loTL wills fs; wliat the 'llo rknother ye Lr The Pit. The Shmal 'says there Will he lie aoop rest lay'ara expi r isapproval 71 , conf� 'a bushel. tfor 'Ohleago on a prospecting tour. -du -per- of the way in which school business.. all 11official glu, n 't illiller and-' '19. Coll givol lisi Bartle Or v 9 WArLIS . IlOWGV�r, t1ill -talring to "'a bffi.ae re � . . Ntrurnet , I itie conside'll I s tile to tiv contest -D.-to resume the ties ltdi ri 6 ci I Q' to ay downL_ but not t ,, emplovi eft in St patriolclis . anci St; jintl abl The stYlei. '18, The on4unler,., III) Ofts is isiti n a� her DtOidlsl a bad bee)iwanaged for the past year,, to;say, nothinjof the C �ad but W11'at a. a' c . , g. iIfio . I ... . . . I r 0)qr coarse and not quite appropo. to -Ood.. Governme ili this cas brotlier's in: London. ctions Of *.the 8chovl Botird during The so . rl� of was on motion of hroused the angerr of some., One well of t to tile -farnler thus (Roll ocn- ;load.. Wo' pan spea,v the. nine hou� 4yst6tp,. a IIby rart� an( party is mat 1101mes,le for home on at year ba a. not. given satis- B. Churchill and A, T. McDoltlalA or- -oceedtn� to divest t is the enjoluments not tile .0111--o' PQ a Mr. I tbe I), f, W'eal,, the a continu6d d v =I was pi Oft - ­Oijr country !bq. ;faotjoli to solne-of the gate.payers.11 eriidto-be-rfundocl to Supporters hiitiperfluobs! gATim T .... . 80--tiTat Voll s hthe wikilts. Pees's opinion arld P. ct; anti we-- will Man, al 11 C I lill a - . ; ' 11 a to LIP, choo , )pitig t: to �A.mqunt a �cep- diTit-ronce' be� a Reld:id home- again.,f6r a 'Its Is q I., 'Ill' 0 ti wh -e, forcibly, when the commandin- I itter hy fo e u alit of Cho units. Thoki�h we public opinion "generAlly coincides laXilitill y oil soinq of tile ' votes . ereill county aohool taxes paid by them fer 1ween tile dutyand whatev(r . I . . I I tors. has flourished fair- . I - .(4. HE MURDERED ORANCEMEN Niessrs. Bittler and Cantelon displeas- 1883. offleer 4).the chair oidledt ie be lig- cannot see that any.ben'elit. will i with theactipil ofthe Pution County, auloull� ivay� be -arranged r. �fagn as S�kvanson arrived home been pleiAiful.and. ed these same '1116Y VOLtid On motion of J. Ushaw atid. erent to of -der, disinissid the meeti- Cv r t io from Buffiflo oil onda -)urned to� the village and. Council in ippointing a T vult eitbov to till, Pat Y. And adji reasurer iIICrf`ft1i119 the P6110ila"S CIIIII-Chill the (flepUty reeve,arild at Nvelf. reinune.*rated." The a."gregate Ul.)011. PaAioulars- of the. Bloody Affair Dr. lolines, out, new County Trans- -a. hall a 01gar tile little V1. a R, S­veral (if. el6etion, salary to one oriZe(l to Bign a I)OtllLl()L thu's az to neceed Cal mR. country froill. Sir tielia thotisand dollat Were -411th n oil . . 1 9 wer, 'town oil Frblay-� il,hey Voted to dispense with all I 6elialroftlip Cotineit, to the Legisla­ iiational progres during 1883 has figo a in a "ohit " ­ ul in stroke. we mulit allwit that lis, pr 11c t 1. I I . hcil� , . Of tfln Torn 11 a ss try heit .1hogewho opposed the,niipoillitriecit, The� Globil. g efully quotas from n en v 0 I iben un,precedooted P in ape 114tory of Dr. Holmes, would' now, uppti the e a f0j. I ure, pra��Iiig for the it ( I I it not blilea-0 Tribune : . - . spentling tho,Xmas �ioh6ol. They 'voted to effect an LiOn Of the Torriins system of r that of any cot] -0 1 StraLiohi alga; ttle 11olvIc . k Council' 10 jorlid-u-, I 'a consi6ration, I) is a triumplit of political or. acati-011 at'llorne; altei tMo; , in the Cont,711 regi further if -t liciy hatl. Cangdft tot 00 HUI d al)i . otile lives OrJyie pupil ordwich. I)eo.. 19,1883 great'. national tralilf ca trilli�y, v g whicil will"qove the to W'omdn r I . I Ilia OP por oto in favor of t., U ited voutintleA at ilie ganizatifin %�.Iiich ca . rries out diroe 6T. Joil:\" Mill., Dec,' ".280i. -A .4.11001d it. fire;occur. :ThOY voted lot- on1he As to. inen. lilighway hills inade rate 80 192 will liftyc all 'restraillin-fullutioils for Bufflo, are in tom . i As 9 kto,s ts 0 f CK -1) ti', �he eounbil'iriet'll6-day in Bushirt"it. I _1 L 1. tive And Harbor Gra gentleinan, hiliding a first chess If the Council were 'rPe6tivenied t(y. It was, moved by B. sec. hotel, pill suant to adjourninoint. All. all or tholn t1l.) offfee tile d rrA boutt 0 Pucthttt- III lot. tile positioll'of Prit). I)v A. Tw:McDouald, an Tho-Reeveim. --tQ,' b . o 1 f a : '32, (". . - .1 inorrow bf the politival fille"ters, and tile inipol it tie, pos- and 'the inattor 'AI)OUrLI50,000 sdul cipal JV110 Oill'Ved to cc I' to the ovir -here 4.00li. There will lie �r�y tl�l Annual' 'lueeting -of the electors tha'Qhair... from will this Wednesday - - I h dates .(I'll, iiild'on tr.' no nee(I to it. wits pirbliely aiinothici-d inat eall, of'r. tlegda Rsltjsuiti, .1001 e6ad an(.I':. linpidai-inii -of the Do'lll it) ioll'. Iliosf iex, CIL filida 1 . le ' n: They I it of flulle'tt'lle -1.1 linutes, of- last meeting WilIL bring -or in order -to be oible to againstA gentlotrial a Dec., at,noon, in the Temy)eranco appointinont --vould -be. call- it �,x viii-, same class ovl�tllicate who. lfftll Londesboro, for the purpose Of 6f %viloill cblIcA t1lei I- -it woUld Lui I) -out Icing, OfDotrolt'wbo is proved,: six tfulljorce. J 1) e nominating candidates lbir.the (ififees 8..rGRd and pagoed. driiivd by a 0-f fiv:.'e nl� Oil ditil W�Jllvsdoly. is the guest Qf Mull eiglit Ia III, d both' By -lave No. is trresp !', . . . .. . .. If the pr'0mig a :were ccr- The. Ottawa cb dd hf -of Ill a oPil-rotip equally well -ty r"ve, And three t tit) Ann C, of reove, Petition read from the Canada Lai tD Lice lie Mlet.3 T so Votes that An-i6ridinent Assoclaii6il for approval 11 qiguitwofia icuture ha,ve There is a gi-eat diffore etthele nligfit,be sonici excuse for Korollito Globe ha discoVere"I'di3t in I -ets fi, af4w -ear- -co,incillors for -thi) ersuing officers 6n� Fricly have the raLepayers nion. 0 C I I asking 'foil the same rot, iuAtallatioll of ) tee-.66talif; In _Jg.L, PkdW1iLft1 enneluFJO Te AN,- -Lb4.n try, f Oil, Of ba proposed and ft'po.l be do. SYAtAH, talaborious 'ort5 pi,'r'ance must be held right an( p.ro* -maticled that the,eleetidia be he the States ot th� inanuractures will ,be forkii'l. it. liglit.., i ocCurredi but. liappil� hor. gentleple-11s "Ict on G. via z the W.Correfis' "lay atem,. The votes. For 18M payin:g thrr b to i.o;duco Intsirio. 'It to er' clinitic causes .,the I*r- Ilk fllillf�jug 11L.� ticto the. riumber-iwilo want- t i 6n 116da.j in Haiti fdr the Christrilas: onday the.7th day ol".Unuary 1884 to' 0 i I t in C _tll(' aof :'IELW tiong e. tliii a a alid Also stivittes. - , . and Fi-xty-dollal fit th;i�:tollowing,plaicoqq Div No. 1, by seconded by- fal I heat crop .11a's '"�n . btlo tilowyli, who. 'i fe hundred a for:alt W all troin Cali da t' AIA United.Stoliei 'the a 0 1 8 Of couree we'enji-tiot, di.qUte t I Le -a Ions here e.on hand Of hlr� Wol'r I.hat'ihe' pefition be -sign-. llvorlR:�P. OgoS, eons6 enti6uH' )posod..'to pi,o- lot tJII_ir , We wkiilcome'witli pleasure, the ad -w 'roil and scv4wy. six dol' Fo.w- i I Dut, as, i quied .5 L 7.8,- (1 it leat" 5� 160 in 1882 a ii not -P th two- hyind are at in 4883bt moi iI.L111711 t orSin P. Cal roll Anil falnily'- Its. oh hand a4 be ler tlep. ret officer- Div. No. 2, irl Cb' a n aud sent.: 16* Thies ou e 'N6. 6, Y tiy a iaily -So the tile de -dil con, 'a Vr tlilool h' 'a A tei, IIII've ii hibition. Thi'As eqpdL a lo (ifF(!r d7vear, nine nine dollard, h P, 16 be laiii 377; ho4rd the Globc�do tpung Div No. 3 -in SdI164 1:1 a fqri a Ature. ­Cari;od. liver. �(;e' crop Ilive ffild' ft r 11 Eag at a a Lille rate '�5 265 a4 %vlfe,,. A�d ohilt`h4n, of atl(I.Che tbree litill(Ire�d and AixtV' and I �Icln op. ret Petitio , n. Of ;Joe. (,,Ilri,,ttiittH,i.iioi-ijitig,.but oil Hatnilioil, wh 'h I 'r;5.VI'JNo.- 4, in liminsdon's others reivl� asiring fifty do a find Clio Minor prouic o spent U -istmas licili. cloijaps for' liars. ex�r -:is of, 0jerfarm �ft sernion - hall - been - Ilually,'anotber twq. yvars Will. iele hInO;PP0Ikts 110, with 1:1114. imp we sha I And A to Betriark;on morilbi �811k` of days in town wee the guest of their result'i ifig of five 11, Londeiboro,.A, Wooc� to Ublwi rrady, sale At highly re. preached iii �ii English. country toiVn -of Sir (JuLive,' S ngrante the tables turned., Then. wa4 c al)� Alialf I Ball, For .1884, hnAs fail. Wil . �4ftt ofloer; Div. L\To, .6, kfx c Iteact of e I a f,-w.weekg et"o," it collection w as 00tulnence to aling.x t.he Yantice's f I- the' Orangenien Ma- I-quidi. these gt�ntletnen's votes 9 tile surp 6'clocl, temperalled hall'Londeshoro, J. bilage. We LO so rise III. folL tile t Of 0 . of a670 bell deV. rot. Div. No. 6, in 11r.' 11 P66 as tht, stlidarilgliagq tak oil lie P Cho British lall*..and Goorge;a was ho -I I the, school rooni t Wi I. In far,.t we. httv& liladii Colliide b1 ! ) . _Weirf seconded by. What lilik oil 1�1,i,lfty eipllhl� wh�n­ oil roglift' of the -of'. I JIL(I()I!' s6hobt house IN 9j IL'Sprilog dep, that. dirdetioti to g, hilving d(il 11 v(�ntoe ! , � .1 . . I L. . . . . . its cotri-. the tcin p (trail an societies.. Th a t I (,se '1111 tic Knit One btlIllIr6(l ft�j(l Se i-,ijohns tfiiuIE'n o I ia&ioin be taken ve: t:officer.- Ile nart, e Te progilleAg y tho'congi ltiol �1. that thf. to .01.101 tile, tile n1'8833,'hoth as re- owit ouien p , for tliefl. to Lli( be pIntes. 0ne Were 30,,�,34 forethe rne'-eiin,- On thoti�n 6f J. Usbatin Ahd� B. Choy Uttelldeil-divill . t. - Moved' by Mr. Weir, yet -'t' mits the. C.I.) u I ell, v, fooltaher disperkse(l t%'itLll.�. Add those hasa CI -40 the 'United tel, e The X ftfflollfiti; to saving,3 or 18,53 And tfio'pe�ition ofJ. rlin$ton, t )a ie coanotilors s I vice. 8tafesL*.�n . . Ari. t* )It askini, aid,fo .10;V is WON -ed I'll'i -go ali a $60 , for hr,sort of l6ir tIlf thodis fe -bre er'.� IItio Offiet&I alid 6iie a -�v Il settled in Calinda.h. td all -,a: The 6160sa a acleat r'� 50'eabil (I th ' Re eye J(SLF -a A btl#y w over. telli, v;11141 ubscribet I dell to four Ole to,alloO it as laid council aild:coin mission. fees. -a of Iftill Iljatj6r mail" J, ell all who partioillated 81 Th19 alid plo6e.. Wag rLmal-Illb], 11 '' f'T. Hall. -oul. 'this they tbarched I..: �Iory we wl recap Uhur bearri prPtLy, And de 06" o6on o (A. cDonald and U ROIY' in file: unAdvance. unwar&ht&d,' The' n At r I ofilantity'. just G, the, fl: lWhIs addrts oii Friday at Seafill't1l Sir' t-hrotigli IlaowVey Atreeti wijd, Oil Altei-tition d D. 1Tglxri&'$4-,Wl eon' As a . pt, n Oni, ws as *ro orderb(l,to..be paid: -21 I y the- other,. t. 00 ng'bridge sideline 20 fr. wh of -to ea it Water' With efrect.to T Oro4y'll plevifl(v cal I , the oilit Of Jirnin� dow An excelIV.nt entertairimen F ad' s pi'd%,i(leol Qr ILI] t 177, 00 Metcalf,' st 0118171 t _ . I � 1 8.704 J. P. f, $10. bruptilkag, eon. 30; A.E roatters 'bo C�4 which. C011ser- ft, alailv 1884. 250 00 Browtio fixing. serapoesy $1; J. Cullis, than, ihe treat the volunics of futile abac s Ong 'Jus. '116po tb hstrept to return, to,theill Oil plL�iliciiliftl"4�8 Al C.Nli6haol foi- giavol i.R. Cross.' Vold . lilt er Kit a tji� 'I) nce I g ftaffieSSe ve 14 otid, d A Mont 11 t latea Kno obarch. on -evening. thi So that ov�.drd 01nada, b t offlei- Saying leach I' I plank, $230� G. Gillegpic, rep. i it for Clog Ill. hielti iii bo past. hn(l w�i-e evidently ONY y . JL7 60 $11,89; D. I :Wion i Lansing, $11 6.) o - 14L el'06, Wit organa and n' , 1, o F , Ifead, G 'D to appeared., Oil briklge�, 14L eches, I itations and 86tigs, Wei ....................... fpr'6R '06. agricoiltUrai CIRge is li�ari Ill. .110 a list al for ropall g to do so aga Ata istic,5. iown tj oy ills, ditullimi, right -1 Do, le Qoul Ivan o6d.ill. al.triost everyIn'. ditobing, $2; J.L Al dIn 11g, till are, Pro%�Cllt kZy con. I'0 'Dane and Graharbp gorneryt -avol, -bert, they Ila 8 A1100 au 4 50 gi V6 no u U I, �sLe ined to pl easeT the d. $90 -of way, teamirig $4; 1, Cai H , ollikii0q. Ile teanling griivol, $1; J.. Beunidan, repaiiing llloutiv� wior to January 2i,'1878; froni. �l a es dr Augtra It lion Will be n At Y11laredtic or lot IC ..Which s' e ark Clegg. 4, c'ulyeri, und by, -9110 of tilt- Ithe d and a few of' th'ti'llioro the gro noun t'recl tured- last year f Ii th Robertabrij plalik aiid ropairing bi eon.. 12'-. P. Orth; 150, fbr' -gravel iery mile] r i gfrkt event Wishd 't Don't forget Mie lebture in t1to elf it a Oatiservative pp6rs- itfid pamplilets by' ;on, a, o prove e4e t(; -halt I)WO -attael�c( I. 'I on 1,I)OSeS Of t n sws 'lie list A tol M i tj rioter orth s�r 'church lot f THr' N14 us reet; ethodist- ho. board. lfftving plac, cy $4, -'clilyart com 4, lot 10. J. Spr that Caiiada 9 to molIt wisert 0 ;011antrelliell $13'. L CIV CUIVer,LS ,va, divided. into adjectives and at , " Z If). jilll fired The Rev. ed'tlie facts k'kefore. I ho.ratepay- ung, plank,., S5 9�.J'. J 'r. DP I., iv plank, $57.76; NV 'oil, $8. lb'll' -l.ed for, ti no: 3,111. dri Yot. erw illstan ITIutical i.rik�a4o�-ectionftble I nedidt-dy spel country. to , to. till 0 11', to decide has -utntioll raj We leave it to -al heavil , loaded shot .the rep Of being a er ro* Bilriniaric -,t5O for outting� bill at t ley.,L y t'.* toifying'to bavi:I it ot I the - *iAqv sa v a -11 continue tile ot -or 'Newbridg, ).70, for gravel; 'r, e the, 6f�a; ive in, I need only fortify thp.rri talent,eirl lectul .7*and those A t6 wh�ther they wi It is grali "The 111 legal advieo,$7. The ieltsai of E. 15hiair$!, -iinary puri-fose Or, Bve. with corront exiVacts . from ar sudh an one would do well eflicient an(f econotpical manage; �yas g, 'perinission to deposit townshili Joe, NVooda, $2. for'statuto 100i. ftw bur pati onfie atid:s to lip. van of -be the- equitablii firovisiou (If ale tlivelliT IIEN .7=. attehol the North street hurch an m6rit I, ),go back funds in tho i)lols6o's Banlc*, Clinton, for &Uthority. Sir Itichard hinis If at p esent exis In-- fund for th�Ar th - ' i()r the Orit piees and with speeches at Ile is An' Adjocti-Ve i io -i 4heir haine Art, this Occasion. to tile, extPavaga'pt one loof-PreVi011s al keeping. -J. Watkins was ovoid by 2%fr. Clook, seconded b3i, to rise, r no e. e Butip, n 11176 a( Grit; orat.or 'tb,l Bar cars. is the iustilltioll orally tsrifT. Al 111)'ral ort. As 4- Ilk Untivo. Ali adjective, io� '0* tile p Pake rister, of, dcg tax; A. .:Date- wlis-rcifunded taxes oil Mri.Weir,: that tile Council do now . a persofial property assessed to S. ytitilig" a �.Ildemvort I'lait is the ver�, poo. MStltn.P( case 'g'6od. Any illustrtion is fit town oil.% N�e hay. A 'to our, to express quality.; 'to arfd J. Irwin, faxes an personal property olos . a. Y seeing -wilvallosil in against Ctnad& tire itotilall d t6 C. Fowlor, and 61 do&ux,�, used kngly el:ljo�,ab W. DAwp,. Clerk. I J1fia0e,1:g.F on tl).e, tive-is the name of -be his North Oy nono d a woi u is all -d in, P The councillors Nv�te pnid for services.as �rb . up 1, 1 N �4 the dAy.1:­1N7oJk4ve avoided w'a*,,t I r i' Tbat. tbo,tari residence, ',Tlie only alteration wt, N�hethe , low .6101 -LJ. lasim, 27 days, $47,95;.' J - r material o uYnia 01(1(4r to l dint IJ I ihollid durill-dio 'tI nks f: it' late. wili. V 0 'notice is that, We hotido that he looks Tic foneral of the lill: �.partisftl vide -a reventie requi�ite for th-o GeV- Brittop, 25 $43.75; J.. Lasliftin, 22' Ing.titlie bb shunned by Ne uivit more - a' rel of ajew MY)nthe Iva$ Uysi $zi&.60; �k. T. McDonald, 24 days, 4)(1, e Sp that upoll:- Ili own 9116 all 'hollost all( Ily at the . - ' . ' . a al-lers, ire, t than Ing ither oil imil,14!: Jill factious ail vocacy. We have lie 6P viiiiinent.' Th free tr t1lose -W )0 like to live' in Condor a1ally t; are -e. 'I Off it At a rFtls' $42; B, Olitin.,hill, .12', -Jag Wobstel'Wag Ur. ohn Dinley. hils -gone on,&.. . . - f, whose natue ybt to lionelit governi iont, t yeliente&'by; girjlichar� Crtwrigi i's, Diotm I il,ely . , i , . Ing, t661c place oil Chrigtrini ' day. $ ILI -P afid in . pence no. other 401%letl as is N cholas, Williall" : The- parrol irlmeA _jp a, $25tor lroepin� * W. U to -visit, to, his' friends down the 'at And to"t flow u S;l it, follot"d. 'the mlillailla inae[s'again at Londrm q�o eri I i 11 18 . t, Georg 'a About 120 1 colusulls as a lidld flilig although thti ry,oiu,ue coullti:y iii.thollweeld tliat� presents- Brown, 861olooll BQlltll Of *1 ip�IAIIY Us Ing, out I to tile' ceii)Jtery. Decense fOil tile 31st inst. for lie. i41rih aii-th-ft mother,s sii Alo, . the &atVs And Atidiof)Y, * 'a d church lifts been beautiftilIv embel.. hudweet the require. Orailgeman And ft , inember of We nnio� er.witlithe.eiection air'IJ i . lual c you kiiow of a. very poor qu'itlitv ftt� ralf"'. lished with tile crebJ_''It, paint. , . .. . ( ;( ey havo.the'Ir particl not -lid he eager -rush for the ;New' 'overnment, - Black Kilighis'ar Ireland, andalso a turkey, times are more than it %rere in A I u.-ttalis. tit nost ni-tkuklally n I n ad by Plucas', and Is I conceritu q I i I Years v arolPhilli 01 elaitter These 1, t al t ft� a Ila of opinion, bitt' C ary ' the Poresteis. a., t ogr the tariff so that ericusly woull( ,(I p ( clesiguod ant, I Inislied. lively: beri) I Th unwise 0 1 brothephooda formed a part. �'.��nd Utein I'd (list. Ali unite in loyallyto the 6ominott, ut Willi 614 of tile _atchm ain is a most desirable churdh improve.. AIL Nuutreal, is VIsItIn LtAincin, Itouben Cara,ge, Jas Bray, 'tit the . hat-mony.,iii it blending, of saM to revenue Rt. Although the show 6till continues ititerests of tI)o The Ottawa e ]cast equal to cause �Londun Ina I tocesslo . 114 h4pe. to fall the oil] inhabitants (sorne of NVII). Dest John Welf Mr. ohn Ualtel ge,. of Matlltob�t, is thoni) predict a thaw . of course they 1ocallyl 'o 'have i;it6od forth- be the most con tell) Ptibl(j 61 Ht' jour tho expenditure, Tile nob making ellhColors 11`)�ing Ovepy,thlug that f tic �va l,i)y,, :11tently Ajoseworthy, Michael could b -e w1fr!h0d. visiting hN friends aC thli prefrait (roni telling us when. this'will, a 6 se I y for �tfie interests of Our flat ill the 1))[11illio'll. No0ling is equitable Provision or.. Latest News Notes. Oil eyelling last at tile r, PaLi, Messrs. John tiiid Duncan Bowle, of tawn.'all(I O'f the Also.- We for it, to"itlVellt Mild, Pull. of the GVerninent -uniNr Sir Mich. parents here., 17 The slaf,ing ri rcigular meeting of fruron Lodge o. esisrs. And Will Detroft,ale.visithi, h91X AREtHSTS BEEN XADE nk' is pow in I -M r'to A, - i, ight'vai,ned for him the l-' 6.) 1, o 0. P., title -following were Moody: of Lualcuow,, spent t stated Clint 1NIr. blias. Ale. Llart%yr Iti stated that Afr. Parnoll is. - f Iii rice were hoftfo fol. 01ristmas. - : - -nit) Some blianges havie taken by til'o the 'rivel, 0 til 0 - . . . I . Ulifistmas at hoini, liere. g ftt�.' a flicers for th,li Present it ill t4A Gue, OC Otinwa, hatil charge. of a Lt.riviable title. of the Kniglilt of- dt-&- about to establish 'anW IiII11118 I t ftbl-lel Tjoinies, or the INTOrtli. it since last zesson,, The Grace, They are Viz*.- ?4. U., , M r. G Mr. find Airs, ioutheott sp t - q Brow �&. Givens;, V, Illool 'rot -oil to bd I cal Offly"all, -A 'a 1 0 ow ud 8tonoi ilarvies in. wlt!lflow� Harbor ent Chrl opens on the Ica valiolls Ifectiolls of �Ql� core p(loti fail(] an&went into'W(kt cits." ll�js polie' Bro. oe. Yates; It. 8'. Dr6. IV. West, And tnas-witli theiv many Irlefids 'At Ex. ter. As well 413,011 the lvding. The Y 111fitno.d. Qtlik iclillesox during the reectit eltictimi Ably alyd in Paired tie-bredit The .111 ag a of Ohicial retul Wig of the result Y, Su I (jeol tl venal. Schgoij are al a om . for f not been large so fair, loi6wni. the iLdv A tile VcOarth Mr. and4irs.ranner are penciffig thO dance -has hiwe Campbell. holidays In-Strathroy. nton as'a market, both for buying- for illegal purponeg�'Anvtlhlng to Alth6ugh"Uhlopri . U 11114�flil tile 'lliall wbo shot JAIno.4, which rini it) part, be Attributed to itHary 61 � sLailalioll orollicel's will talto place Mr. D Miss Arnie Ailte-1161, of this pIKce,,Is bVell mde pu "I an CalbOtfof London, Torn, the-xpising of the. entrance to I shoD. Callahan, Ali bqat t1l.6 Torl'es'- But ill 0 h-ee 1rms poscall' of ouViirid`_is f to nhorrow, Th u evotling of Brosols, And Alias Eleanor, of cardine. man of thi or vev"lluOt is fea6duletitly: obtained. iraj9riiy is I I - d And We have ti visiting frivilds at A011 one of.his own*,pftrty, by mistake, Oil -Ilt' Christmas vaeation Blyth Poulle sellool'will rdopcnon VI;0 wan to A d itfttiof I it . ction of Ittlowing that Nv,e have hall. to iipologize after the f6liowing Incidentally protective a n d h'as given at� 114, pint in, the of' st,� , df�tirge's �i e. oul)IO of years icif`.being under t pit-entalroof ard Thero is A, lull at p! -e lfeoliryiSmy -,.vlio wto elected in ti hilld a fill �reat in the shalle entertainment of age, in the. -Ove of We law, has un, to: excellit the,trade tilsto been. the itiftnal.of gtorni, but -the alithori6cist Are all Tile. Christmas LNIr, oilapol ntid family leftfor DAkolift dertaken the tifficult tash of running last week, two girls to all the allows of tile soni, ttrest toreprekent, to `R) %V iin'tive B. V. church Wits' a deci(Nd of our town by our. efforis. We r. Chat ijec, by hi ing factories, find. chpap�.�illg their tile C a fresh outbill-itit 0i of I, . I that. Santa Cilloa ))fill, suitilbly Aeld"'that lie toloic ally part in the last pi-olinots, The - Kon - t Ili the Canadian Commons. 06 funi�ra!4 of dio murderod' aucepos. progeammo - by -�Ile of sister of IMIss son (the itielosive) ; and all this 419,V.4 . . -ibe V. by' with presents fill;, the little' or tilt) school wtis Very high. N chill 11111111ler witil. D. On, less than g but the roth, Oleetioll in Middlesex, oil. t1lai lie Nvaq ha$ been unseated for . Ill will take , The $200 a year. lie is 111) a vorroptioll fund for the �4 fulfilled the On. Agents, Bviolle the distribution of ly its I%Iqo the ulu'4io and frieude In town, hetara Ili doubtless smie, relation of� pflailit e of tIvit 4WOrn Chat thoy will, IYPI/08a 1-00i It- adth-omteli (14vay, of becli lot(! by denial and to 111111 And diti0oll laid (town by the Ove pollepillen havo cli-ders att(!, gively i'll 0. Inau . tim, . I hat Me. 000 till 1114 0 . r Icingsley, I I; t fan(I 13 rkA of Iloillitiovillo. ho. 'Clive, k our I -egret for I%ylliell PellAves. of INIrs. F. 810teall "When all flia world is ycilipg loid, (10MIS of eftemets that they �!Ould itrid rolikoved the'lieciple of toora (Ill to saluto aldernivii who chancO (0 i,()1111) allot ofAbeir, or- all 'title 0111,11'eh, In Isoturtilly "I The ws loolultiftilly tire vislolig Itere. And all the trees are great),, T h 0 foren of -1110 ;hor alsa reefxivod )I bountirill fn I ly %viLli r0P 'pot,have br�ugbt tlictirpro4tice bore w11 reut taxation hy., reduchig postage theirl bit Olin- I ilessr.4, Gil,ky and spaillng and faml- Aml every goose a SWAft lad �; , of' cancly, frulit eto., burbro leaving and 11118, and pleased tile , guests of And ov in"o (�'rac -goily -01, IV(I' not 1)(011 fol. wbal the y ll�w wiliell wo now'. oil kittitellieloit, t0n, foedo,will prob4bly full A is lieiiig fell of' scal'ol tilt, 14.1.4 it flnool,il litill f eel'; buliuvo to 0 title. Some at Elio' �eople nppett, to be -fr. In thO lWighborilig town,; illst IN "irr Titti, Xiinvis Riwant). m� tea, 81.1"Mr, ete.y etc, Tho noniin6tion foi ollool A, of on of Dr, eb�cf,iou Rtituck this We k W t .,Aii(I th If) aromirt x" Gon, Calbiek had the The Ilihbp of Cintarix5 ry tee6, took place, at the ecutrat school to ourbis Not to such IL11 Ida Ili 451YI-11 sptwt clivistlilas With file cliql'tigard of the, poets wise, admo- ky�'Pra, invariably a litih(i �d tile ainterfere ill flm I ciwlt or tho Ploy, Dr, tlilin to the totith lit )too)). Ate. a11pocissititte hputtIlIg f)ajont I'Oeo' bete J.'Oth I'd t IIKL Globe sayl of lQ11g4t.011, froln 10VOral tOwIl"ll Meted n.-4 113tutIling I Tolront in of 7 stitc1licig, -'.0111' butchers have A., of 01CLICOP; q0ilt a "Oil t1lolmollillpfar, intot, P06 lls4iva care it- Are fit it Tho folloi�lug I 0 conlice- of thiVVexte ilk, the, �of selhl!g PrO, not liftillefP1, taxes ollhlcotli,� (lPaill-lotici I of aW 11110f; 110 the curticy for his doing4 1110 it,- hrlast, few tiny$ with -III$ parents Take thi lesgon to t I Ily UlleolltroUablo emotion Woro tilt) I loll 1 inatiotl,,4 Illado? life r ption frolil taxes ill such cases is U -11w PINtsed to so,(, Sir Richard artwi-Ight fjoti wfth tilt, LIlvation Army, statok, of lW',4 week. boist witiell lioth (Noto Ud ill: bUylli- fr�ln -Our )nor- It. W. every third ';mArt you meet is, W aor The New,; - again in kVp have Hot 40 zklldre, Word In Are tillit---thy work Of art," Jus" Civil servailtAget all tho'bollefif, Inally Immid iIq8I)lIltjes 20,000 OrangpAlloin 111.0 by r. Alox. Joint. o ho an aspirnht that 16 lmli to to Oppose the ilit0liflod N80011al goi They but-ebill'010' tIlb Innocent rij Af (axet; which arplaid ou-t for naluil, it) servt tha coming Record, 01111foll, and Willi �Vtflfter, of 15,114otb, l r r. Wilson plivoil, allil entleavoli to (.8tipt I rlude soine ofthoin'fronx public Invothig tit Dronjor(� onunty Dawl), N11011t,011" IlItM`Vit Sfalvolm i-tv WAS hold At ndiltire liot A ull�l- . is a vory find pecial trilill haye 110ell ftrrallg� Iloillillatod by C. Crabb, sqillurs�lfty nig protection, ote, And by r. 11; W. 11,111. Hills IvIth their [All -011t hCr0- ilia near . net to tlio tylIth, A. Tawpoy, a ie,glioint, Sunday and for past, favors, we trust they Wgood Ewan the Tories cre- od tri.convly them I frimv I)ablin, atilt re Litivrolic Nilteliell, propt'lefOr Of the OrWillona, Chr�jgtnias 1,,v(, in Attila they linvo perfout.rigilb to con- -do Itevicw offihle, hAs gold Out to Mr. i'llat . fol'SY0. its. izx 1. 010111. Man it ror wore thaii Illict, eftr, I like tiominated 'by Mr. C. Crabb, noolld. A Minister in up' (lit Sir Ilibliard With IlAvilig rid, heOf �Nfrs' "!'a Aldrich, who fbeftler y resIded In Dlyth. oil tht triliuto their olliota, therefor. to, tillmv out broAd bints About Stating that'l nipird Dr. ed by Mr. Mild, us votry nine)). 11a wag said to have had them And W, �)Iillotl Wa hoino from 0shitiva I tio, is goilig down sauth ror the 9XII(I wife fit Corset 1�1111 *ne nighto fact th(4i assured positiop, 'AAtkur 0( 1 wbat the. Ilivilicibl(is wowe going to �Inv Ditietivery for Consillilptioll, all thl, Alexandtir 'SauudilrH liolilhimtotl oil llfro Will Ford who has. beactit of his lical th. foI6 tha purpo),qe of (latedisitig her, net] one wiIJ get U All Additional i - ticonle'. with tile thiiin %Xbo 11, Ale, I �rton do ill Canada ollil of' day, litlqt ill file, foi- ("ougliq and, by �V. Hocoudod. by Aptint about tile Itist two in. AV4 411all lifivil the larget, tilado way tot hill) it: 11droll, ltbnqltiovL-rf,%ilt,,Ito(Itit'��tli'tlllt)st MrILIAllitu. hmefornfow WQ.01(0;- hit, Wirf, Govice ilt,l(l wire while out What is the Lord 's Supper- P099V , I,,,, ()f the antagoll �Oajd. W6 M r. DiAlloy it few (lava -Agew I(Ill. 11 el ving oil U1111101fmas (lily, Mid It borge ran Away, list.olany prciii-liwial p'Aper.in the Th(; of five or, mix yeats since. low Invinciblov, and wit, misaing the. paill In tho 0111st", bot- tow Tile : ntco)III16phy.4jually ineapacitated nialtio - b , . . 1 .1 noillillat(A by Mr, Willi- ed ft foix with it throwbur but the uiserl- Oil spiritual, fix ordor'w hilloce lo doonis, not sootil to, have It' nv011ing- all Throat flud by Rollin, hlellonttit, A that in gly 111jillhi At at Watts rl1kill TO till i WWI), 'is, g the lady, No botios Largo sive, $1,00. 14 fialp. 'to help. as Nse will neeplitill P%ylllel-t Iitupai 11 .dul vigor And of Dyna Awing UIPTI, soll, and. A"llur Cautolon 110111* oub oil the war path. LOt tilk" !OXPA welle 010ria"is line lorila coma, here Awq which they As RervAlitig of tile lipts to pro cei c it. A. I),& hai r, bo on the I k I rl'.114m,ftl of ,,I4b1Z-Apt,ion:nIId for a hIreAt Britaill. On Well- Ntr, I"', t it z t 1) 01 given 111) teAellhig anil intomils 116voit. -ita. nstationer ifemis deftlee of this per to u" a T;�,o ties itro very A fit Crops. At opo roturning officer frig WS time 6"ttl0ly to AOctionj IAtIkilIg his rlyls; anJ Atiolls w1liell".01ey uIId(,r to pay. vmhly Oil! rolof'of a N A of worill till tholsivoq i(illtrNI ffi(j h()uIjII1l,tIOua C-10,14011, And, Ali iteal. 18letefil f 1.4 doing An tho loave At higlit th ey tA Hor two dollrg, tive ek(j Troland, wag destroyed hy the front I ITo elit"4tillit 4114 wif it mul 'NioholsoU tooelling. for (110 1110 Will ill, A I cood trado MIA emon, a be U.40d Hit excues Ad florton if) Cointra 111yrod, la� bad c%Xpl0.qiOn of it flynatilito find St. and vile, pit til it. varletti would , 1, for 14b. Al NV inAPAIV A�y Air. McMillan, of wreck A train fOU In cobourg, olh tile, pulffle who, purvIllwo IrAlly of the Tho most ISt. PatritYR var(l tho Mr, (466, Al'ohor, td-Iflas 466,11s, prefer 10� buy&Oln one like him, fly thei inflameo Of T)oW m- 1111-A&�, WVRiPrl ars: 188 1, lind Xor . 86. yw *26th bV tile l0v, J, , wolrelq In III$ line not behig Judges of tfrolloldliq And Re