HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-12-26, Page 10i t), CLINTON NEW ERA FRIDAY,DECEMBER 26; 1384. LOCAL ] OTICFS. Oh fur ti goatl'lime this Christmas.--• catly nuc. per Ib, ler a line Nixed candy Oranges am* 'r<allyqer,n$. L1.18ER d COS ' AlIVO Zopi . Mit. Gro, PoRTEn, of Goderieh, has taken a situation in. M. Floody's store. Mie. Jor1N Srtrrx slipped down the other day, and dislocated hie left shoulder' MIC. D.11Ioltitow, of Goderich,l former- ly of Clinton, is giving up business there. Mit. JOHN MooxEY has bought the old Lane hotel property on Victoria street, paying $$00 therefor,. Mu. J. E. BityAxT, formerly of Clinton High School, is now editor of the Educa- tional weekly, published in Toronto. :'iris. Wat. GRtoo, of Clinton, has a lamp which she has had in use for over thirty years, and it is as good as ever. I Mr. Angus' change of "ad" will appea next week. He announces a large stop of first-class groceries at remarkably la prices. THE nomination of school trustoestake place at the town hall, next Wednesday' ft is likely the old board, or most of them will go in again. A LAR Box, doubtless filled with iielicacies and necessaries, was expresso from here last week. for the Beamish boy who are in Kingston penitentiary. • A. M. Smith, of London, has sold Iii two farms in Goderieh township, 2} mile from Goderieh, for $9,000, to -Wm. Baw den, of Exeter, (son-in-law of Mrs. Shaw Clinton). THE Brussels Post thus refers to a form er Clintonian;—Rev.. Mr. Cluff preached his introductory sermon 'in St. John' church, to a large congregation; last Sun day morning. His effort was highly ap- preciated. . A LETTER from J. R. Arrastrrong, Smiths Hill, Manitoba, undo,` date of, the lOth Dec., says:—"I have driven 35 miles to -day, and Suffered more from .dust• on the road than anything else. That is our Manitoba winter so far." • Fon some time past articles of value, and also articles of uo•value but to their proper owners, have been stoi1ei} 'in the public school, and Mr. Lough has been doing his hest to find out the culprits- succeeding last week. It is needless to say that they wore dealt with as they de- served. t. GOOD DRIVING.—On Saturday last Mr 11. Collier drove his team of ponies, with a'oad•ot 1,200 lbs. behind them. from.thc' village of Arthur to Clinton a distance of 711 miles, in 12; hours, stopping ,two ]yours out of°that time, to feed. If there is a span of ponies can beat that, he would like to hear of them. • r k w 8 d s s s a John's Mn. Eb..NEWMAnC.H •has lately got up some landscape scenes in. oil, for a party in town, that are really beautiful paint ings. They represent life in the north- west, and display a talent of which the public were in ignorance. He is also getting up window shades for 'I'. cool* & Son's nem store, that .11411. " take the cake," when finished. CONvierIoxs. ,—'1`lie list of convictions by magistrates in this. county, for the past. quarter, amounted to 131;. the largest pub, lished for a long time. 17 of them, were by Goderich magistrates, 16 by Seaforth, 22 by Clinton, 11 by Winghain, 24 by Brussels, 11 by Exeter, 19 by Blyth.' 29 of the convictions were for assault, 22 for being drunk, and a variety of minor of- fences. The total amount of fines imposed: was $344. " . • 1VI1IxE the Uncle Tom's cabin troup were playing here, on Monday, one. of the performersreceived word that Iris child 'was dying in Rochester,•and asking hint to go at once if' he wanted to see it alive; Going to the manager Ito stated the cir- curnstances and asked for his back pay, rvhich was refused. He then went up •to, the organ factory, sold his trombone to' one of the employees for a mere song, and started for his home. . A tory of the Moose Jaw News rtceiv ed from Mr. Copeland, son of the late ;John Copeland, 'states that wheat •had been sown in that neighborhood on the 2nd of December. 'It was not stated why the wheat was sown, or that the farmer expected it to grow. The cheering story comes from the north-west that a citizen of Port McLeod went in swimming ou the 13th of November. it wouldbe in- teresting to know if the Fort McLeod . swimmer was encased in a tin bathing suit or wrapped tip in a bufllo oyercont. • MR. ,fnllEs GIiAx'T, of tliis•place, who: has been teaching in Goderieh. township fbr a couple of years, severed. his connec- tion with the school; this week, very much to the regret of those in.that neigh, horhood, as he, liar proved to'be a good teacher. At the examination, on 'Tues- day, he was presented with a handsome gold locket and chain, 'as an expression of the esteem in which he is held. The trustees have engaged iiis brother Charles for next year, at 'a salary of $360. ,. Il'o has had some experience, and ha' proved to be efficient and thorough. It is reported Unit 11Ir. A, S. 11'islier Inas sold his store and' adjacent property, (occupied by Chris. I)ii'kson,) to Mr, John• 4). Elliott, of Goderieh• township, •It is 11 Ir, Fisher's intention to remove either to Denver, where his son has worked up an extensive business in the mercantile aged- •s cy line, or else 'to Toronto, which will. be more central for his busines al Mr.Fisher goes to Denver in a short time to see how he would like it there. He is.onc of the oldest residents in this plaice, and has tak- en a prominent part in business, aura, school and municipal affairs, and . the are Mire the people of''this town will be sorry a t. os.cl' e ung move away. Y (tt 3 ! • Tim wife of Mr. David Tiplady, of the I base line, accidentally slipped down the other day, and so severely sprained her ankle that she will be confined to the house for several weeks. Hutu Senor.. ---At the regular meeting of the High. School Board, on Friday evening, it was- decided that the annual announcement of 'the school be in- serted in both papers. The following a0 - counts were also passed:—J. H. Combe, chemicals, $24.69; It, Holmes, printing, etc., $7,70; News -Record, printing, 51.;50; W, Hooper, titni>er, etc., :+6. t'HELto."--•.Mr. B. Thorp, of London,. agent for the Bell Telephone Co., paid our office a visit last Friday, and by his affable and businesslike manner, induced us to become a subscriber for a telephone, and in a short .time we will be able to. "hello" to our friends through the country. The wire gang are now at work building the lines throughout the town. ENTEitTAIr.an:h,r.-.That the entertain- ment'to draw a crowd is one participated in by children, was shown by the large number of people that attended the Model School entertainment on Tuesday even- ing, which, from first to last, was a'com- piste success. The 'programme was long, yet exceedingly interesting, and was ap- predated by the audience, who frequent- ly applauded. the different parts. All who had anything to do with getting up the entertainment deserve credit, but spe-' elal mentionshould be made of the Prin- cipal; Mr, Lough, who has, in every pos- sible way, contributed to the advancement and pleasure of the scholars, with an amount of success that is flattering to him ; M. Linklater and Mr. T. Jackson,. jr., have also devoted much time to the. training of the :children, stnd have their reward in knowing that the children did $o well. Miss Callender Nets organist for the occasion. P iisoxArs;-31rs.Vogeler,ofChatham, is ;visiting her daughter, '_1lrs. W. Coats. Mrs. John Craib, who has been at her. home in Buffalo for several weeks, hes re- turned to town. Mr. Stephen Taylor,'of Birtle, Mao., (son of Mr. W. Taylor) is spending the Christmas holidays home. Mr. W. L Newton, of Toronto, dropped in to see his old friends here last week. Rev; A, Stewart, of Durham, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. P, Cole, Mr. Day. Angus is home for the holidays. hiss Chadwick, of Guelph, who•,has been the •guest of Mrs. 'W. II. ' Ransford, for some time, returned hotne•this week: Mr. Joe. Dunn, engineer on the L., Ti. & B. branch is to be transferred to the west end of the grain line. This is owing to the number of trains taken ofi'•the W., G. &•B. branch. The boys will be sorry to lose Joe, as he is the "boss" manfor the snowdrift. Mrs. W. 11. Ransford has gone.to Boston to re - •side for several months, her husband hold- ing a position there in the offices of the Allan line. 'Messrs.. A. Nesbitt and wife,. David Sheppard and. child, Wm. South- combe; comber and Miss P1►immer, all returned from the Northwest on Friday.;. they go back• in the spring, Jos. .O..Watson and. wife, of Kansas City, are,lrere on't visit. • Clrlrs —Sunday was. the :shortest. 'day, in: the year.. •.7'en below zero on Friday night. Saturday. was.:a lively day in town; Lots of wood is coming into town hy Way, of,'C'olborne bridge. Rev. Mr. Craig has erected a platform in..his yard, whereby'. his children -may enjoythe plea sures; of a• sleigh ride down ;hill 'at any time. r.1Viiit"e '1Saa evidently:' etiiianear= nest.. We are sorrv.'to hear of the Serious illness of Mrs. Andrew Diehl, London. Mr. Henry Stevens has ordered a ]ot of new inachincry for his planing factory; and purposes makinghis establishment one of the best in the county. At llrr. East's .Parkhill brickyard this year 700, - bricks wore made. The Salvation' Army Cadet islaid'up with an 'attack ofdipli- theriat. The entertainiiients on behalf' of the tow band 'were not very largely at- tended ;,. the weather was against them. . correrpondciit• Writes as: fellow's :-- would_ like 1:o see the church caretakers ;;et a Christmas box. from the members of' each church,. the Sunday after Christmas." A wag states that it.Was a mean trick for us to give that .young matt away in Gode= rich tocwnship, wlio purpeses getting mar- ried shortly—weplead guilty.. Messrs. Floody and G. A. Sharman boast of nobby new signs, The Christmas display by all the butchers is far ahead oi' any. previous year, Which ;fs saying a good deal, and shows that :the butchers of Clinton, aro willing.to spare no expense to meet the tastes of their customers. Miss Hutchin- son, late of New York, :has 'opened 'a School. of Elocution in town.; -she comes highly recommended. Several of the ntin- ist'ers, with Mr. Searle and Tunrbull, met at the clerk's office ou Monday, to arrange. for the .disposal of the. Thanksgiving Day collection, when it was deeid'ed to expend the amount for :woocl for such families deserving.of it. Jas, Addley'went to jail nig Wednesdly, for drunkenness. The.. Skating Bink '.'. opeficd on Tuescl ty.'• 9 ISTMAS, BIRTHDAY & EBBING PRESENTS, I i iid.1.cli'.ls' -NTEl,.iety., r'7,1G ickson'S, Bookstore'. The Largest and most complete Assortment an where, .PRICES THE LOWEST Large variety. of Christmas Cards PHOTOGRAPH A.r hints TOBACCO SETS AUTOGRAPH AI,Etrars WALKING CASES BQOKS ot•' .tilt, KINDS ODOR CASES ' • BIBLES . . LAWRENCE'S '. CELE HYMN BOOKS BRATED Srrc er'Ac:r,rs BLANK BOOKS , , : N'ECEOSSARIES BERLIN WOOL • 'NAIL SETS FINGERING YARN LADIES' COMPANIONS 'ANNUALS FOR 1884 WAX DOLLS VIOLINS CI;L• i:•N.A.,.DOLJ S ACOORDEANS • C •IINESE DOLLS. CONCERTINAS A ' MA TOLLICA TKE MOUTH ORGANS ' LOOKING GLASSES SCRAP BOOKS; ]Oi,uP THERMOMETERS STATUARY' STORM GLASSES SOLID . BRASS C A8.D SILVERWARE RECEIVERS AND CANDLE JEWELLERY STICKS ' • LADIES SATCHELS TOILET :SQAPS ' CUPS AND .SAUCERS CHINESE LANTE.ENS TOILET SETS HE DOLLS ADS : ASES '. DOLLS ':BODIES .' PLACQUES' WINE SETS • . • BRIEN FLOWERS FOOT BALLSDIARIES FOR 184; STi1+IT.LS. INK. STANDS MUSIC BOXES : WOI1IC I30XES PHOTO •FBAMES•5r,•• t p WRTTING� DESKS CABINET FitkMMES Wan., PIPES CHILDREN'S Tr•.A Sn,'rs. TOBACCOS :. . If )Vcotte0 h r $5 RMI' • It ttlier e- laugh able.ail iir' occurred. ou to ftrni of 0111 old friend ,J.. Stephenson, .' rt tho. houdon road ' • He is • the proud possessor of aline bull,,;tied thought'well• o tur .iii.m out ono day last week, to hare n run for the sake of his health,' 1•Ie.ran 0o much, however, and what .. the time eameto-put him in again, he refused to o and defied his would -be -gaolers 'to do heir. worst After some tall stunning, ud the u,c„ of various cletrces to iucdnce is .Blullshrp to return to • his stall, Mr.•' tephcnson went' ovc r rot Itis son, w.ho ives neat, to eonse and help. him. The on' cliorrfully responded; and soon the,, chase was made hot for the bull. He was . cornered in the orchard and it WAS thought h 'I ever, as I'Robbie.Burns,puts iii- , "'rhe heat• raixl. s,ihemes'ef mists nam men e would„withong fort her:trouble,. betake 'It to his usual place ot abode. flow - A correspondent thug refers to an :mei• dent that bcfel a former (Jliutonian : Mr, Thos. McKay, farmer, a short distance north ot Ktppcn, met with an tteeident on Saturday last, which might ila'vo proved fatal. He had boon • working in the mow of his barn, and while descending by means of a ladder, which• slipped from beneath hint, he was precipitated to the floor beneath, striking the ladder with his hack and 110.01, and inflicting serious in• .jury. After regaining consciocisnoss he had barely strength sufficient to enable him to er,•ep nn I. of'the building and ea11l for a-.;.aatme. Ern vrgo conveyed to 'Mr. .Tax. .;‘Ir•f.rdti'.' home, and met:ieal aid summoned, and i.. nernr'ding to report, slowly recovering. fang aft aal,'+ioo, nil Smit }troved•itt this,eaSec si:rmuioiing p all his courage, the bull 'resolved to charge right into the enemy, and In real- it y chid to. The .enerny coneludddd to re- • 'HANDSOME '11114(.1 "t ' l.'. % P;, ono in at laurel SILK 131) 4l l3.aS, 'ono fair tr i n ti EO CV hl w 0 n'l fi7 y�ttc. . eat bat discovered t3tat his time was li= tato att apple tree, where, neither horns t Cr hoofs•could reach.' In the meantime110 pawed.the snow beneath, the tree; ie bull hi rt stentorian voice bellowed ut ” We'll hang Joe .Stephenson .in a . iir apple tree,P There was n0160lor1yin it' the man in the tree. After a while hew- er, the boll came to the conclnsion:thast. o had not IreCn acting ars a decent, i•e- sectabl0, obedient • Balt should, and so; itltameek sub missive repentantdcinean Or CIGARS CIG ARETTES VISITING CARDS - DOLLS CARRIAGES DOOR BROOMS . WHISKS 'BRACKETS r DULCIMORES FRUIT BASKETS MACRAME. CORD PON PONS. KA.LEIDASt;OPES .AUTOSCOPES MICROSCOPES TELESCOPES•. BASKETS 5t. UP. COMBS BRIJSkiES• ' MIRRORS PICTURES 5e,. UP' TOY 1300KS • CHECKER BOARDS '- SLEIGHS 75c; TO S8.06 POCKET BOOB`S' PURSES TOOTH BRUSHES :VELVET FRAMES SHEET .MUSIC ,. MUSIC BOOKS .•l,.i, tut,ulr•rd.q u1 other o,tieles, rill of :which 4vill be sold its Cheaj,.as : :rtnybinl„ gii' rata Possibly sett -them... ris, Dickson, Clinton, qtr : D spIaj stmas• • r • t • • For the .liulialay Trade we shote a Ikratguieieiir►t Atisortmciit Sall,, Yland.. of ltcrcllie(, Mufdders, Neckwear; Gloves and Mitts,;tifX' L'l3uttont►, fins, Collar. uttolrs. Hosiery, Shirts,- Collars `and Cuffs, and our variety of these goods ca11riot'bo equalled in this seetirin, • • • • mired to do so, and so •ewtiug himself' tip.. he walked to his stable and allowed the.an who was trend In conte back to testi in at box.. "'" 1) ".AUTZIi'11L OXT3.+'.1+" I'3U11'O1sTS: X1.50 it }lair, worth`$2.50,' See,ottr SILK Tr`AN:i')'R nitd'fi Ul vs, 2 ► cents apiece. _.,.- , JACKSON, ."4-°7rifi7t1ti1. dent* ' na1ater, C 11 5 • Don't' Miss this Opportunity of, Securinga. Chea Te are ' Selling our OVER- COATS VE -COATS at . Astonishin g CST PZ0l' FY. COMPET,i.TION Our. Stack to be Cleared Out. We hive still a`num{ier left-, and you should not Pose this chance* you are needing an, OVERCOAT I set Call oft Rs whether you hmy not, THOS. JACKSON ON, CLATHU RSs CLINITON •