The New Era, 1884-12-26, Page 913e0eraber f26, [884, a he .4 latitewarv carte% Comrceed or the occasion by the Bey. J. K 0, x. D. D , wee mine by the curare tent bt d of debt- * glare at the tug or mth eomet C eery i,, _Drotin.rott dna we ek, the audience uu hymn ta ae folows : I:hour:ire' of Providence awl grace, Ow lathersGod io daya of out, Aikt1 to lib reveal Thy face, ..d ell '1 lay e ono', ous love nufold. We gamete magnify Thyname, yfu bye, Tby entree to sit g; To -404a, yesteretty the wane, Tat Thee our tribute song we bring. I. with Thy rich taw r deign to crown The waeting of Thy SerVeOt8 here •AAL„I%ka W lair telft, great r 41.140 WU ) • . ..'" ,tilta eur oeuttorary year. 04 451,14111141hou hast help, d luta this ht.ur. War 41tile Past and Prosperee dale, a >ours Of greetoue poer x, enezer hereaterei-e— earateaul. we own Thy guidinghand, By which eur fathom nut were led— Which.hromht them te title goodly land, aud them them hely mistion bled. For all the goodnese Thou haat ehown. INT all the a ondera Th, u bast rought, Fur all we've heard and semi and kuown, khop 41840 ',raise thee aa we ought. Flantea by Thee, by Thee we've grown, The ne betoume a litn3t The -glory be to Thee alone To r ether, on anu They Ohost. • M d nay the century to con e Witue.s new woutters of rhyerttee ukieht) worke thruugh us be done Totter= The eaut blebs the race i me bit cibia Atilt Lillita (at? 1 WES A t'olort 4 Moister la North aterolioa wheee 'Nick JII. tetotnething Colossal. FicetOli Globe :' Ruttiness men are not et/pecked to laugh at auy order, however, extravageot, that may be bait thorn, but if one of Lynu's big shoe dealers chtlu't indulge 'hi a real ghastly snide when he .recoved ohe order this fall, it was bectauee lie had not eildoient streugth lett. _ j: M. Parc thit is ii alloyed preacher M Charlotte, N. C., at d hie. fighting, -weight when bkliMaluteg with the legion ot Satin is 4 , 410 pouodes Eta etands 6 feet 10 inches hio boote, ah'd, telieu collet), Lively, would beli-adeatitercus • nion to 'fall - under at aektoting riok.tanae ago U Southern gentleman met Mr. 2--Favuum in •the• South, and the letter ordered a ' pair of • about triode ft& him at the North, for which thia geotlemon took the Meiteure. The- order was given. to, lnun'ii—leading k hoe tthulutaaturer, but it was too 'n.uch for binx, ood a, pair of thoet, were made from a epecial 14044 111 Bos- ton aid oint the revereud gentleman. The oboes are thirty-fivee.". The length from heel to toe' hi jut Comity itichee, aud. the width ot the ball, iuoluding a protub eraboe that may be a, corn and may be uaturan le a tr fie over eeveu anti oee-half inches. Stone bee. of be"ttout eueemele " • may be gained from the foot that a perste- board ric py of the bole of. one of the Shoed which a reporter carried in hie over -moat pocket, extended tram the loweet depthe of , MI6 puokee to tbe arm -pi tr. Thi, copy was • taken from a meaeurewent of the bootleee foot of the, en reyman, and those. wbo know prououuce it correct. • FC00.1 the •forward end of the sole apieoe the I.iZ8 of a deseert- plate could be •mostly our. Tirabeel, if ot the proper mate ittl;•" •a".•alidtritake a oeoici• edlY gellertars Ilattejeok; : 'and , the whole thiug, in thape hod eiii, t,ives one the • irresistitne`impresinon of a -teuuts.recket, ' elongated iiiiirt:frotat, without. its. symmetry. >km! I • 44/0 ; „ ecoC1) '40.6 t • , ' 'Fhe Herniation Hied. * Entirety peculiai' to Anutrica are- Ole- • humming bode, Their Oily male in -the _ mettsllre trolitmoy of•eilor, the 'min buds, . belong tu Best Iudia. Thus far about 450 st.to eti Ufa hurnaiug birth, heve beeu detc•Lbed, of whieh. only fifteen specaee beloug to the Vetted Suttee,. aud ouly U/le single epecies to Witoonsin. • Not knowing • • the differeoces between the ' eexee people. • frequeetly say : • " ..have seen them .on my mornitre-gloritie and betray suckiese and I know I have seen two specie& oue with et • fiery.red thioatatud the other without ihot ortooneet." It no geuerally••believed that the humining-liirde entwely •ou the nectar ot ft •wers. • TLI-i in tia p'..p Aar mietalte. Their • princip.1 feed jti small insects, ai. t•,-titied by nurnerotie eaten:ono., tioute of ,t mennie of those bird, ; • yet meaty titnee bud huntetehave sqUe, zed out sof the thruate and bi is. , of humming- - birdsthet • were shot while feeding • severe1 drop of • the sweet -et , The time when ..the hi.rutrung birth, tirrive ill the boring • isgenerally when the eat ilex, °mamma ai ee n flower ; immeir • s is little eal Imo The realms 'strive first, Iota tuiprisiog hew abuedeut they et metimee ore around • the corraut buthes The nett, ari excecuougly, neat little struc- ture, it, belch m' ever an ihoh arid a bolt tti. dianieter, and le' built ou the ut.per ode of horizuutal hianch of a tree—carefully: lined On the-1•41•bidO vit precise of leheu so as to •eppour likg a ,batural liobers- cove rt d bii.t be the 't se. Wti have. obteived beyerta Lebta • built eltae to otie, , "aid et men rues' .betweetr'. two , very 'Yeting •traiehlt te, volume hovel, wolild, wbeu fully ext.ehaea, for urel umbrella OVOrl. tile a.t. • There are alweati two ekgs.in the treat, and ihey.are ot a white oulor.. The ti-uol doeerver will Ito querory take the etin•titds to be butettiiegobirds, .while the orrathologist eau polut 'out .niarketi dffer• et.ees ' be trieete I heater t we beautiful houniiee • of passerce. The • Worooronti readers who' would lite to see at d trumpeter sPecimetke of thew %eta fid a dczen or more, niorkuted111 • verioue pohltkna ii t publie tuuteorn irk the. Expctiocn Wisconsin. • Corsets 31 ode el flerk. The boyadt:reit of India, who•possess the most perfect figures of any woolen of atty man try ou eitrib, have /boob more • healthful and charming device ' thita' any Eurot,eune. Their (rota ate are•formed out • of the bark of.the Medegescar tree, on a • priempie • 'which permits • them eVery freedom of movement in breathing told io any form of exertnee. These are Wonderful produatione • a ingenuity. The color reeemblee the likin to a remarkable degree, sod the matetial 03 80 fina that the moat delmare touch will hardly distiuguieh it from humeri flesh, Outie made thee cot - are FlOidOtil removed, the bityacleree eveu sleeping in them. The v thus peeeeeve isetoundougly beautiful fisuree to att advanced too, without pain or ditoimfort to thsnatelvet, while tve,who bckastoureelvee intelteotual arid clh1ihZ d, torture without beautify tog ouretilvoe. Biebhp Hugh Miflr Thompson of Miti shay pi ttdvieeti the Protestant Hpiran p .1- iantt not tt) employ ni,ero clergymen for the tutheih romroeti •Separate cougtegatious . with vat it° rectors itrearhat he r. commends He belie ves' tb a t the hlaeite • eutertain tio • resteat foe Ministers ot their Own ooler. Two lediett dontetulerl for preeedenoe in the court of Charlee V. They eppealed to the monarch, Who, like Solon:min awarded: "Let tbe eldeet go first," Stich a clispUte wits never known afterwards, ' .T16101 Till/94Titte$ CONIT91:144 POO. The litirendanit annanY41Plulur184 404.-7.4,0 performance net Okl the only. Tbe "InVelitigation " OnninanYi at the Victim° Otnnique, gave- a pertain:mane Wedoeeday nignt that the audieuee hi the trout of the house did not witneoi The ouditorium wao empty, but the patfOrth- Was held just the borne, aud without a rehearsal, too. It wait iuvestigetiou, but uoll the kind in which Mows. Harrigan trid Hort figure. The inveetigation wae • done by a deg, and he did to well ; so well that the Actors were beelegiug the treasurer yesterday for an advance on their tielariee to buy pew elothee with. g • 04 the northoeide ot the theatre 18180 alley wham the gallery flee (assayer§ deecend. In it are etored lumber, barrele, noxee, laddero and all hove of e Some one had also Wired a d ;14 that Wedees. • day night and fastened but by a rope to a .property box. It wee a big dt g—a Hoes tietweeu a, Newfoundlaud audit Shepherd— and he looked kittenish and tiloyful. He had a double row of double back action teeth, all the time. In tUe, alley is the bietorical •" Hole in the Wall," an aper- ture that tipene into an adjoiuing ber-rborn, through wItah are paused foaming tumblers of milk and seltzer to Blake the peeehed throoto of thirsty aotore. At the end of the first act in 44 Investiga. lion," Mr. Joint Si arks, who *mecums tbe rote of 1/41•048Z Rogaxi, Maiseil Me exit uo tuecitigh the thee and duee not coin° on • agaiu fur nearly half au hour. During tide time Weclueeday evening, as was his wont, Pdr. Sparks went for his utuel beverage, told to be milk and etsloaer, He got it, aud as he loctlied through the htittbm of the gla,s he ;saw the dog, Nice old fellow," said Mr. Sharks, diplomatically. The dog wagged his tail. M Spathe approached to pat hitn. The dog jumped up to meet him half way and effectiouately tripped Mr Sparks in the hp, and fiebitekled tpLee iuto the bargain. • 44 ttless him," rood Mr. ' r. Sparke or Words • boa coutrary effeett aa .I3 rosthed...betok the"• Hole"auu oti milled for atwitter milk and iteltzer- • • . • " Efere,•bathe your face in this," said.„the gaemou aa he brought up •a• -can of alcithon Mr, Sparks shuddered and wanted to ithow if seltzer wouldn't do as well. Ihe blood was stanuched, a doctor eummorsea, the wounds ceuterized atid the Ware hidden by ta1sew14tkers,so that Mr. Sparks came up beforethe footlights at the proper time as binning as a day in June. Meautitue it • was put and.oarried that the dog must he shob.-Ali-eien-oas the ptinforniatioe • was - Over three poliaernan,were Milled in to •du. 14. The Male coutingi3ut of the 0.114?„ny turned out in the alley to help end to but two dogs with one idiot,. as it were—to get • a fiutil millt and seltzer at the o . Each policemau drew • his pietul. One mitre veutureeome than the iskii• aimed hts'oaref ally at the dog'alread. 1r. Doyle, ihs gus mem, •held aIam Tilt3 pistil flashed. The dog looked eatoniebed 'Laid ati the bullet had out the ropele atagurstedly walked away; Then the officer fired the other barrele, anct:Mili dog yelled aud. began ta jump. The other ffioere tried to fire their pistols, but they wouldtftao oft. The Properitoroom !Ore sucked for fi-e- Orme, and thacioropeny.appearee brandiah- iug ti o sworde mon • wooden . umekete. Meatiothile plate's were pepping end. the dog Was gettiug lively. Io- the excntemeut eiltne one allot the lamp, mad in the enema% coutiteirin and darkness' Mr 'Llarrigan p.c.:red a rpiltt aud seltz •i clown a oitabine•• • barrel. ,Mr,•Pb.t.vigtou Said he regretted his ,tritiitake.• This gave in an idea. A • muuderbuse was btqught out and loaded with a paper of tacks. • When they 'were fired at the dog they seetned to exespeiate • Wino forielmadeordaelr theca -ugh -tile ortaw(1'. aud ran on tbe•stage. He wee -allowed to do eo. No OLIO seemed to have the leapt. Objection. • 44 Zialie ". climbed it leader. . • •, Tan "hoe OATS ON Mroaltiarke 'men to crawl. through the ".EIUle' ih•athe Wall." . Mr. 'Guuld,, the secretary, 'made' a wild lerair tam the stage into a box, oloaely followed by the dog,theu down to the orohestra, arid, its•trouble 'never corties• singly, 'tattled on, his. high • The.dog hounded like a hurdle horse over the meats, alternately pivoting and pursue& by the company. Through the, parquet up unto the balcony and gallery they went, teakingat frautio dash ot him, laid when he. turued retreating,ae fast as the seats would at them.' Jetunly Wild said he buyer- saw 'anythiog like ieinuoe.Toromy Shiele played rat being abe-goat. At Jest the dog gotanto the lobby, eemiped through the main eotrahce andvithielted dowar BroOdway, while— the amateur.• dog • attichers felt exhausterterinet the' HoIjthe' "' " If 1 fiud that dog my fortune is made," said the gas man. ' " I'd sell' him for old lead. Heas got twenty,seven bullets iu him, habitues lots of other things.",—N. Y. Herald.' • The Soudan a prayiog countiy. •. • Narly• in the meirning throughout my jowl -My, awayon the other side of the Nile, a red gleam in the sky betokeus the apprciach of dawn; , I aux awakened by the • early prayete'of My two guides.Heeding on mate on the ground,' and with •heads .1 urned toward Mecca, they alternately or out with loud Vedette, and alterriately mut- ter their petitions- for a sacceesfut day's joutmeY.", The toilet pray log country in the world is this Soudan. Quite independent o the Mahdi'irmovemeht, the people every. where are filled with reltgiouis favor , wbieb it pf eaey to tinderetaud with little effort ' may be turued into fauaticism. In his rigorous ohiServaime Of the .1aWs Of the kora u lies in great part tbe secret of the Mudir's power ; arid Oanian Dien* to Surtkiro, by dressing like Infaltit, iti asiogis. duty eotton Moth, and covering himself • with duet, and prayiug • continuously: initiated the Halidendowas. to follow him first to victoey and then to theie death. lu Suakim keen •the. moolah in the little -Mosque began to call- the people there to prayer at 4 &cloak ()eery morning: At fleet .the sonoroue tones of his deep voice, rising emd falling in mueical cadence, Was pro. tiouuced interesting in a high degree ;tato' on we detoribed it as bellowing and a nui. ititaran,ce of the first citrder,—Cor. London Stand- . • A son of the 13iebop of Rochester become a Roman Catholic. • A Fret (Annan Who recently (Veil direoted ib his will that the Bum of 1/5 000 Should be given to the "wounded in the next war with Germany, The uneducated palates of a Wiscootie total abstinence 'Moiety did not detect the turn id the lemonade oh a feative occasion until galloua had been ewallowed and viiiihle irJtOlil88tl�n -had beett produced The wicked mixer of thebeverage bed told them throttle peouliar. flatter Was dile to gond thit g tieW in linger. General Grant la a very painstaking writer, His "Century" attiole oil the battle of Shiloh Waft Written and reteritteb elle times befilee he °Mild let it go te the ptintent. He is Mier writing a history of the'we,r, and has floished PAO or 1,590 paged of the malatteoript. • ISIAtallIONV. Triteilcial Mess Dniurntle Plotters That Are %neon ilfetieldnrlatin Philadelphia ad/ : The valne ot home is in its attraotiveuens not oo mnoll with refereuce to esteem:I adornment al the restful, genial feollug that in onpecially au taming, of home, .6.ud this more then eine, the outgrowtu of harmony id the family. It moot ezint between husbaud riee• and wife as the ptpale an before it cbe luouleated ainoug the oinicireu. The °stab. bailment of oorditot relations betweeu hue - Maud and wife govern all thor later the hepptuese ot wedded hfe depends on the rottener in whieh tine oceemplished, la 1)8 rarelytbecase that pertain congeniality of diepositaou awl temperameut HEMS in a newly welded pair, Whet' the glamor ot the courtship 'loud boneyrnoeu boa ponied, the peouliaritiete of character, temper and habit on the part of each appear. And it cheoovered that these do 1394 per- fectly hartuouiza. Necessarily, if a happy wedded lite to be eujoyed there roust be ou aocsommodatiou to each other—eaoh yieldiug for the bake of he,rtnouy. Where et:althea bee that Faeroe are bind and agreed the tendeuoy of exiample •tuti. , duce. the same remits am mg them. They are exceedingly *sharp observers of human nature, and motioe the temper aud epirrt of part:inns with+ alumat percale ieuutton Reuter, 486 14 rule, a good example will (mu - trot arum* them. But Oita noe alwayis the oath. The charaotere childrou diner ars widely as therm of adults, mid in the same femily circle there will be the widest dteparitiee. Thus there will grow die- ogreemento out et there cifferent peopausia ties. The proper mutual and hormeuiziug ef these iuvolves priucipaily the crateful tandy of the peatiliortues at each. Om -same thud uf control will no e apply in each tome, Oue child is betodetrong and deternrinea, another timid and yielding. One is vicioos and puguacioue, another • amiable' and • pettoeful. • The' ova •wili need a firm, repressive • control, the bther encouragement apd support. To take the them entails eletneuta that' often tire found in f mullets arid hlend -there, iuto harmaroy requires skill and mouldiug pawer. •It is here that the motherly quahtme nod .ploy. • The gentle, !eying, aud forbearing spirit of wife aud mother, and the strong but kindly hand of the, judicious. huallatind aud fouler imperceptibly'bleud the dis- ci admit elemente tutu harmony, ond cause them to regard home as the meet delightful. place un earth. • There are web hOmes, wad ti up of material that would have been diecordaut atal quiureleowe bat tor.the moulding ieffireear.exeried by huatiabil d wife, aloe heve ,first learned to hermobiza their own eiftu ,recee. Aud there are few cases of ..Maouoparibility thet cermet be oured if a toothy earnest c- flue is. made. There is little eeed of enibutisted, welded hetet if thittleesou of oultivaoiug compati. iH properly learned. Aud nothing teiidsto make home wore delightful. • • ' 1lLow the. Ancients kisde'llareteal. , • . . That they had saddles of Rome.. Bait, there is, no doubt, • but they werekelikS oure. They,' were:chitties of. a eiugle piece Woven tbioklikea ato pet, or were doubted, or .eten quadrupled, *awl sometimes wad- ded. Among the thoutioudt, • of hernias tee:mitts of, • hardese,, 'heidle.bits, backfire auid other* horse-paraphereethrt in the • roake;rterteetrif the; " brnoll brOLZAi" in tile Naples Museum, there 48 4304 a Stirrup, not a spur, .u. t: a burseehoe.., Among the equestrian istatuesmaulatathettee tu bronze, traarble andtiurit orate, the eaddte, is rarely to be found Int 88 .04,01patiiOn 40 thOse 1 queetrion .statues. : greeter part are' al'tren a einiplei "oloth. The full equeetrian"B4H4lieSilLtili441:618 of theBsiiioa . Balbi-.thattier-rand-a'apilr he, (not in the theatre, as moat ciirerohe LtOdi goidets. tell the. traveller) ,at Heronionautat, are 'Without eaddies, aud of ,coureau. without ettrtupia: ..The Balbi ride bare -back The fttilooze eqUerierieteetittue iu brork'zioof Nam,' duscerveeed obly half a century. ago iu.'Potepeit, represents the Emperor ridieg .without saddle or stirrups. The 'wouderiul • brot•ze anattuette-group of Alexander tom& Bueeplialus gives ua, the •pose of ,thegreat Mairedotrian . seated upou his bare -back isteee, and he Oppettreriding oahnly teed fearleeely into, 'battle; dealing heavy blown•tVi,h tot much three as it he had tatirrupa to steed up C. F,ktcher, in the Evangelist. • •. • Neiveille, the I8Junmt.i. as n Book agent. • A few years agOtt Well -Wilt and pleasant looliiug man Of atkoit 50 year caliedoti me 40 SOliCiD my subscription for Appleton's Vectycloped He wait very agreteable,oud thinigh cf Etiglieh birth had a wide rituge.ol •thfortuattoo, Ruth int• could ouly be obtained by trattelHis card bore. -the name of "George tf.:Peroy,"• and during out tater- View her referred .40 his HAM!, uies among the Zalus and denounced the Zulu war in au earnest manner. The favorable ite pees. loll he wade Was deepeued by eubstodent convereatious. H113 intorniation Was sur- -prising, and I never' funnd hint:at fauit. • He had atudied at.O.xford, end when I aeked him what offiotie morreeponded to . OUT college president, he readily replied : "Sir, our Premdeet is theoCbaticellor.' The co'v no:Anise ofthie reply. preed that he knew sucoetbing of univereity life. Agent'while talking of Africa, I kqeired obnoeruillg the routeof travel, aunt- he intinediately replied "Sir. the beet way is to follow the -mountains." Other queeticani were spawned iu an equally norreot niauner. 114 an agent for the sale of the euoyalohedia• he was remarkably succeueful, tarot the Al platens telt highly favored iu Obtaining hiseervreee, awl yet he was 'at:that very titne rebbiug therein a very iutemiourt manuer,'and had his 'fourth wne at his boarding bouee.— N cut York Correspondence Cincipiati Enquirer, • Arr. 4.1odstone. • Mr. Gladstone, the stateeman, has been repeatedly deeeribed, but it ni not often that we see ally thing of Mr.. Gladstooe, the math • He Is retiring He loves btek streets. • It is no impede,' thing to gee him looking lute the windows of a hric-a-brito store. On summer days heoftert ttrolle' from Parliameht to his beget) in 'Halley • Street, an hoer/sided epeotetor of all thot goes on around hitn.. He is not well deemed. Efikl.troueere ore generally baggy at the knees. Hie tall collars are already familiar in caricature& He rarely buys a maw hat. tle,has a strong, hard, bohy face, to powerful forehead, a obaracteristio hoe& a firm month (a little toa hard in its limn). Ur. G schemes would [drib° the " Most ordinary observer as a man of great intel- lectual phyteque. • Th a wedding otttat of a S nith Carolina, bride enibremeti fointeen dresses, teh paint of sheet; aud live bonnets. She is going to be very happy. The rarest and most expensive stookinge are those of flue Brusseie lace. They are moulded to shape and put on like a glove, and are Need Up at the back with bilk twist; Dry.,W. Y. &pith, a Moog° oculist, propoilee to Satinlitle 70 000 pairs cf eyes in ThioitgoSOL1001,1, for the purpose of study. ing the Why and wherefOre of the increase of myopia. Tow Kenosszvo impLompo. The passer Meg in the exp, bus fu Gas Venerated Front fit., Girhi aa Wan as boys netd to ut derstand about kerosene expioeione, nage the Vitra- tion Union. A great many fatal ardsdehte happeo frow. trying to pour IA Into a lamp whiuu it le %kited. Mont perbous suppose that it ia the kerosene need that explodes and that if they are very careful to keep 41)0 011 from lisieg touched by the fire or the light there will be no explosion. Rut that 48 uot so, /1 180480 or a lump iii left about half full of kerosene oil the oil wili dry up, that n. evaporate " a little and will form, by mowing 10 the in the upper port ot the eau, a very explosive gas. You copilot SHa thol gas &by more thou you can Bee air. But 11 14 is disturbed an driven out, aud blest) remelted it, there will be a terrible explosion, although the blaze did not touch the oil. There are 'severed other ligindit used in hoitsewand workshope which will protium) on explosive vapor in this way. Beozine 18 One, binning fluid 18 another, and neptha, alcohol, ether And chloroform may do the same thing. In a New York ehop lately there was a can of benzine or gosoltue on the Sim. A boy 16 years old lighted a cigarette and threw me burning 'BAUM on the floor nor the Oen He cltd not 'dream that there waif soy danger; became) the liquid was looked up in the coo. 13tit thero. woe a great exploaiou, ahd he *as badly hurt This pouted very mysterious, The probability is that the out had-beenattandihg there a good while, and a good deal of vapor had formed, some ef which hatl' leaked out eround the stopper and was hanging in a sort of invieiblp °loud over and around the clan, and the aloud, when the match struck it, exploded. Bookie° a girl dies to fill a heroserte lump witherue first extinguiph. tug the • frieze. Of 'courts° the lamp ill needy empty or ehe wiaild not care to fill it. The empty tiptoe ha filled with a o'oud of •explosive • vapor aria- ina from the., oil in• the lamp. When ehe lushee the nozzle of the OHL into the limp at the -top aud begins to pour, the oilt, running We' the "lamp, filis. the empty •oparne and pushes the oloud exploeive vapor, and the vopor is. Obliged tO pear, over the edges of the lamp into the room out- side. Of coulee It !strikes against the bleaing Work which the girl is holding dowu by the aide, The blaze uf the wick diets the' anviatele cloud a vapor on fire,' and there, Is an explomen which ignites the ,oil and sermors it over her elothes and over the furniture in the room. . Tbie Lithe way in .whirsh a herneene limy buiet&L .This &Wm, thing may hat pen alum a girl p Aire the oil over the firean the mug& 0t atoye, if there hi Is olcud ot 'exploeive vapor le the upper part 01 the atir, ur if the steam is. hot euorigh to vamorize quiokly some of the oit • 488 14 fallii. Remeenuer iii M not the oil but the i eel/able vapor which 'explodee. Tak- lug care et the .oil will not proteet you. Ahern is ••.-no safety except to the rule ; Neyiar 'pour oil on 2. lighted tlye eir int0. a lighted lamp." •• • rertional. Thomas Harrison; the "boy" preaoher., •hes just celebrated Ida 43rd hirthclean "He objects to being spoken of .as.." tho old buy," • •• • . , The Prioce of Wales will be again nomi- nated fot the office of Grand Maliter ot • Euglibb Freeniatone at the quititt•rly -core. Mollie/ultra of the Greed Loewe of Erigland next week. . • Pepe LBO XLTI, will,before the clime of the ' year, coiner' the Order of • the Goldeu • Rose upon Freindi ladies who live ietbcii:lwtyurdhltitigundhed themselves by:char- -Si tting Bull is now BO far advanced in 0381 1)48410, that he is brought to believe the nepkin to be 'the beams 'of oivilization, auad whet, he comes to the dinner table he oere- folly enreade his napkin on .his• chair and. itotemnly sus down on it. • The venerable Edwin P.;Whitple, of BOE... 40n, Inks veetured upon a veritable ntot in remarking to Mies Rote Field at the con- , elusion 01 one of her Mormon. lectures "1 do not tide's your euuuciation •ie half • so beautilut as your dentuiciation."' • The lath" Peter Paul. McSweeney "the don labarreled apostle," es Jribia Mitchel : 'bailed him, Wes several times Lord MS/or' of Nubile. • When he was first eleoted lie' • made to very ridomlomi opeenh at48 bouquet he the Mennen House. Eta spoke of, the huge gallovvglaseee of his tweet tors,: and of the - gimlets of Ottaholio 'emancipation, whichanuabled kiM, the son of a peasant', to become Lard .111tio Or of the proud eity`of Dablin. 10-0h,"..he cried, 44 if my greed- • mother could •• only .see, me now, how estoniebed she.weuld." • The next day the Fettion paper, :Tits Irish 'People, whioh was bitterly oppuee,d to McSweeney and the. loyal Oatholiee, gave Val amusing account. of the batquet, tiocomPanied by some' queer versee,..ete f winch Was as •follows And there stood DicSweeety; of battle-axe fame, And b• Side hire the ghost, et ma arationaother OBItte_ • astmished," the thouted," This teems to me • quarel • . . Arramhayroettevr341148 gouthon, what made you Lord • • Thai Prince of Wales,' whose taste in tobacco am the respectful admiration tot .ail disciples of Raleigh, got lately from BAUM-. gorten, the gleat lobaccomst of . Betel eareet, a ..spetual brand of •Havana, for - worded by the proprietor, 'who grew aud *manutactured the artiale. . The . Prince 'called in a few days latek, and', having in; Biafra/1k way proiredthe weed, cffered to buy tibe -lot. "All right ; • honoxed, .de- lighted'!" " Ooly: Baumgartenadded thot the cigars were 61.25 apiece. "Your cigars," at once said Albert Edward, "are the fineet I have ever enaoked, btit I am 'too poorto give nob sluice." There happened to drop Pa a week iatee—the fates arrange %Moe fortunate coincidence:le—the Duke of S therlaud, to whom the merchant tendered, .14 epeounen of the particular ware, His Grace, having teethe by fire and smoke, surd the oigarsaiere delightful, bnOtoodear. Just whoa the Psi, be , remarked.'" 44 Ab, thenhe priced but • did not buy, because tbey Were beyond his Weans. On, take .the lot. Saud them, with my compli- ments, to 'Marlborough House." • George Gould,' Jay's sen, ie said to be a nice youog man. He is apologetically spoken of as not having iiad mutat chance yet, for be is only 23 food does not look over 20, but his father is puithing him eaid when the old -Mae hi dead the •boy will make the nettle better one than it hi bow. He has already put him into egieral boar& of directors, end Sven now he often efts at the head of the table as Vice-Presideut of the Western Union, and calla to order and ptesides Over a hoard ih whi,h Russell, Sage and Sidney Dalton tit as directors. He ie careitil af himself, avoids bad oompany, and is perhaps natter fitted to take charge of hta er's millions than Maby another eon of a father tvith letie than a tenth of Gould'e wealth to leave John Roberts, M.P., otitis about three hundred metes of laod on which Ltver; out is built, ()obtaining at present 7,500 hinnies, with a population Of about 40,000. No liquor ealdOne are permitted On the pro, petty, ISPIRANISE 1811101'., nnOirtntilarate:tri nuteeisrlexioymiinittutile 41.eutWtirhe'R Have ver into I reunite. The Winnipeg Free Press says:: About 10 o'clock on Satlinlay night all unfortunate awn:lent Ocourred in room 46 of the Brun,. wick Hotel, %violin may yet result fatally. The abl to ou 20y years W s fluego,Ilivt?Vtiohtsyuboeturtgwmorakn- ing oh summer at Moose ;few as head Paiater tar 1114 0. P. R. He Arrived from t/3e went in coinpaoy with three other young men OD Saturday afternoon, and regietered at the Bruntwioh. At about hall -p584 9 he thud oue of his friends, named A. B; Ledingliain, went to their Nun fur the night. leginigham had partly Un- dreseett when hie nose cohomenced bleeding, and, he pmeeeded to bathe it in a barrio cif water on the wathstand. While in that potation he was otartled by the repore ot a pistol within a few fest of- —him, and immtdiately the lamp was extinguiehed. He at once euruutoued amistauce, aud beveral persons from the parlor near by rubbed into the room with a lamp and disoovered Roust clinging to the bedpost with one nand 'while the other was preesed over his right Ilkley and blood meant through hie fiugers and eaturated hie Writ% Medical aid,wite diately tomitummd, when to was found that a bullet had eutt-red Ms right hide between, the Mai aud sixth rite, and, taking an upward direotton, lodged beneath . the• shoulder blade, near the erne, Blood !lowed profueeky trona the wound, and borne diffieulty was experienced in check - lug the hemorrhage. The victim retained oonsciouenees,, and though sufferme, intense pant wail able to tell • 11044( no received the olut. He stated that it wee purely acci- dental, aud cleared his rooro-mate of all in:apemen which the peculiar eireureets,nces • mighe have totaohed to hitn if the bullet had calmed inetaut deeth, He paid he was uudreeeing lumeelf, aid was taking his revolver, o 22 -calibre one, ow of his :hip pocket, wheu it blipped from hut hand mud tenth that:ker. The report folloWed Inetautly, and he felt a sharp twinge in his a:de. The .weepon must haye fallen with the butt downwards and the hammer ex- ploded the mutt idge agaiost which it rested wheu it etruok Late last night ittruittl" wee• still couecioue, though very weak, ited. suffering a good &sal of pain. • The doctors were not able to exPress an 'opieion'as to the reiorli of the wound, but earwig hi pe of his recovery are enter- tained. /lomat has been' uhout three years thisnoutstry find has &maven'. -Hetvils' ou his way to epehd Cutistmas with his widowed mother, who lives iu Tuokersmith township; three miles from Sealorth, Ont. He }ss. brothers' aud les:ere aed a Jorge Lumber 61. trieuds lli 4110 tiounty. of Huron, who Will deeply eeeree 13133 miefortutte. Toni not Isis wa4848ivis14. Thc iternit.r.oa.ble Ativeneures ot n rrenetle. •• Count und laIs 014012eY. " Mciet petiole in thie neighborhood have • . heard or 'read of detective T. IC Wynn, of •Niegara Falin, who has been thetrumeutat iu the capture of hundreds of oruninals great mud email attempting to °roes the _border. He ir, now Oa 1)148 way to Bogota,. the capital of the 'IIuiced States of Clolom- • hitt in SoLlth Awerioo, in company with a •Freneli nobltinau, :aunt Charles de Wris- orri. Their dowpattionehip eagle .about in this Way. ' About the eud of last •july the touut, withhtti isecretary, arrived 111 NO York from Perla, and the Count who •is about 50, tok oak and he wag laidup two nitortue. • Just es he Waraahout to leave :hitebed; itte Beisretary, 11/.. Paequay, stole a .fi,c21.11.1.61....11,31.., .12 equattit ..e.potturialt. PA -pi conattuen_di. •theri oanie to tue Falls where he tenteined wine time rind took a run over to Toronto. :•Ditring hie etay of tbree weeks there his valise was out, open i.0 his room in one of the hotele,thei-Aritermainattici 8600 in gOld Wite 'Apter, and thaw eel tiebte pegs. This 'also wits lobo, as the thief was not caught. He then rettiruedto the Felts where, being afraid of ruorta.'robtaeriee and extortions, ,he. Wats • odvieed by the manager of the. Bank of Briliett Moab Antetica and another ieflueutitti Twtouj�1 gent:en:1%u . to consult • the Police Magistrate et the Foils. ' Be did, so, tied for o iew dap, Datective.WYrin Woe detaileilui look alter turn. Re made up hiermiud Tom would have to iiceotopany him to Bogota, 'lied he got•the required pet - 1336111011. from the Chief and the •Pctegistrate. They spent a few :Needle- in Chicago, St. 1.40Ule,Itlackson, Teritt, and Js,oksoo, Plias., and are now lu New 0:tea1s, awaiting. ilk stettmer for" Clohno by way of Havana. They,vajll °roes 'the 'Is alined efyitantina to Aspeuwall and their take the steotner again. Dettsouve Wynn will not be back, 4111 41)6 middle of neatezieuth.. •. . *ELL sterar:A. TiStenzv. drartiten nensitlion 1 hcRuaa1ntateum Leona Lust Sight. • ' "013!Oh 1"-iihrieked fully five hundred. terrified emcee leet fright in .the. Royal MUMMA Theritre'or, ()kettle, a trapeze per. • went flying. headlong .frout • his lofty [oriel, perch onthe east eule of the. ceiling dowu 4aaI gle and os tiwift 488 1811 arrow towards the fl ,ur Oil illo west side of 'the, halP-alfeat ezcl1enueuut. emoted Nearly all presetit root to their •feet• with 'owe-. stricken tountenancee, itud amid the din and olottereould hoheard on all tidea ouch painful; eaprestionstte".ne's killed," "poor fellow," boa. The more.- oaurageoue, .to prevent any Mutt mg general .• oat,coma' tuanded dime on thkar feet to it down... A short 'suet:mese thilbWer, While " Manager C.im,Direetor Sprague 'and .a feat others were mending aroutai the prost0,te actor. The;imptelision euteetaiued by nearly all that Orville had beer, either killed or badly wouhded was, it wee tbetight, In a measure verified Wheti a atnakgroup were Seen lift- ing the uufortubette fellOw on to the stage aa if he were o corpse and carrying haul bellied the wimp.; lo a few Bea:nide after- wards the audientie were greatly surprised to see. Oreille Walk ou t) the oebtre of the stage as if. nothiug hacl happeued to him. Ele.e.poke 'a few words, .expeeseitig his deep regree that the aueidentbad octurred.---• Ottattuz Nee Prep. , • • An Rusty on Molise "Finger noile," eitye tie Peal Mail Gazette, according to the experte of the uew fad, if long and 'slender, denote imegi- • nation and p ketio feelibge, love of art tura litmus ; 16 keg mud flat, they are the eign ot prudence, good smote aud grave mental 14411141e8 ,ib wide ateirobort, tif anger and rudeuess, controverity and obetinuoy ; a, heolthy eerier siguifise vIrtue, health, happi- nese, courage and ; dry had brittle trade are mites of shger, Cruelty, quarrel, 'oultuivating even in Winder ; °naiad in this ellepe tif clovae, hypOeriay and wtokedoess ; soft, fetsbleueSa ot body and mind; and lastly, we are told that short nails guitwed down to the Hsieh, signify itillineee and &temp ,tion." Looltwood tttair TiUtie Wilkine when a child, ttud lived hstu Suippeneville and Corsiott,Cflatrion twenty, Pa. She retteried as la,wyer named thong, hut separated treat him before marrying Air. Lockwood. 1 UN 41 in I IC 'to St KtMilliA., noly• Dott flro wps 21.,124,2f.• Ikea Irroinea for reairs setoonto Wertz. Cirand Doke Radio/al •i• -•ti horn May 19, 1868, at ezqi.koe Selo 4 r•ir't• village], azi •impbrial summer pa'ater of St. Putersluirg, say s Jiu,o Doan Proctor in " St. Hicholue," Tine ni tit us palace Eitel:ids upon the Neva .-or tnti hun- dred feet above the tvet••,r, and is stn. rounded by extensive vs?. bo perfectly kept that you oan hae•ily ii4. ovon a demi • leaf upon the lawns, ntmeee have so mnoli to learn the.i, they must begin early and lose no time. Until Wu ninth year the education of tho GrabDuke wee Superintended by Madame De Plutow, one of the ladiee of hobor who 3uti4 followed the Prituseeto Dagmat from Denmark tO Himont. Itt 1877 the charge wee given to Lieutenant -G. tiered Datalovatun, litho has arrangeh•the Prince's hoore 4.1 instruction 1*4 anoordance with thotie of the militarily gyMnabillins, Hie reghlar loosinie are trona 8 in the morning till 3 in the tifternoon, but With tomb inteirci•inious that the, never exceed five •hogars a day, Hut afternoons are • Spent- wallie with the Emperor, or la outdoor sports—ridiug, ewittat 1444, fl48Ilu, fortchaga gymnitetice—of all of w total hot, very fend; and his eveninge ore to rreparing next day's leebone, realung d kteping48 • diary, He is ao woe:at-Lit :goody aod lin. guiet ; enters into lite .3*"3/1.1411 muck ',pith, and spatter, fitter. tly Russian, Demuth, Ftench, Gorman mod Erigitell. The Crow* Princes of Engleud ithd Germany may etudy if they bite tot the but the heir ot Russia mirat csuc ed by prim vete tutore. Last May, upeo„, hie 111th birthday, the day ou which the Prince became of age, he m tiewLd Lin oath or adheeenon to tti orteriaolt Olourob, the cereilionies ado photo iv, the chapel of thaWuz4ter Palearu ot . St. P. torahurg. Art htir to the'llarodati tit/tate lte tteetnopanied • the Emperor seri Emoross to thou. recent melding with the tiototalgt 8 of Germany and Anatria. In person th Prume le slight, and delicately formed, vo th f•e.ir euinplexion and auburn hair, !dui ize manelly wtare 48 sailor costume, whi 1 attue hie blonder • figure. He 40 a 411484e1 *ha Preobra- jenoky (Transfigure- _or f losat .!, the. fametui reguneut foiroded by Peter tate Greta, ahd )an, birth he fe attention (tibia) of all the Cossacks of the empire. I 16 114' privilege to wear' the Uniform tf tuay:regiment he pleases. •-`1 • • s (unions, Action leer grIceelt • •ai •'A. decision was elveri feeterday • in a breaah-of•prorniee co..e to withal a•sin- gular point WAS railied TOO notion Wes at the instance 01 ne1)7.1 chat, 48 cloonistio .Servant, who oltiartied ilatitagoe of 2i0O againet Robert By, ouotrao or, Lor breach of• pronlitie of matnago. Oloority alterthe action: wag .00naniebead tier, plata toff wade the acquairoance 01 eon( hi saw- miller—whom alie maul :Lq tbo action agalpet Ray was p.mairat. Tho dimulty thus raked v71411; i4 appaarod, entiono pre. cedent. The Solioitor ler the (16fendant pleaded that tun wortatto 16a; mit aue With- out the conaurreuce of ithtliatiol Alter hearing conneelthe r 43•,..intb8ed the aption, finding that,* the ktuthand of the • . pleintiff had not neon ei red as a concurring. party, Bite we [4 nOtentitLintd proceed. with • • • it. • The eller& said the let lin far as • it Was an action tor' danototia far alleged - breach of proinise of that.leg:•,'wea absurd and irfappliCable. The t of damage in encik a .case aroae 1143411 tile luBB'Of the expected bttebeud," :tun1 whet the older . lawyeendoeoribed 1.)89 of market" with 50038 U1101/Mbe for .w(iu.r4ded "feel- ings." The plaintiff Ilaywg'ulatried 481000 : • ..the.aOtioo.vttaa.ratseti4iod- ota.veed Buller:it of any such dau.dige: She had been- • already coropenated, wad had p4141 it out Of .. the power.of the defemi, All longer ' to •offerhimeett to hat, evou lar ieclined to di) so, It Wee to be Jeri vq the' but an/ she had got Was as good tit', 414(4.9140 she said She had lost: Bdt, at toll ovcoliiii it watt not the function of the cement of ht ,to.attecUpt to decide that the ot, s was worth es , muoh :more -or leis tinin tho other.— Et. James Gazette. '!•1 • • • • ; • The .Cintreh otAktegiona's Wealth., • • . The Wealth of: the Orairch of goklaud in • -worldly,. not spiritua$:. goeds ui just now . recetvivg. considerable ' attention, but • 'speculation hao not .muolr hoot) whioh tea . base iteelf! for the :reason that no one • knowe prionsely what tor income is, eXoqpt. the ,two .archbishops; 'and they, probably • wiSely,keep the knowledge st,oureir to '; themselves: -Borne of the plOst valuable property in Eug)and•boluugs to the Church whioh has held it ever sines it L'In taken • away from the Roman'Catholica by Henry VIII. and bOdowed upon the -newly created bishops to make their. fealty ••:sure. ' The Arobbifilep of Canterbury,' the primate of all England, has an an weal hicatne of 875 000 In addition to L .tutieth Palaces, Pit Itondott r city resitleuce. The Archhiehop. of York, the Primete of/Englan 1, receiver 660,0001i year beilidw• Two reeldennes and a large household dr nffi•itle. The tithes of eortie of the °thee bi-linpo are: lotedon, 850 000; Durham. 855 000 ; Wioterester, 055,000 ; Ely, 827,500; :trio 13h, I/termini; - Oxford, Saliebury bald Woretp,rei-, 825 000 etaoh. The hirshop of , &id :reed Mar., who has neither eithedral nor di6 ,iu:, $10 009 a Year fin doing nothiug.- iqiefili:e4;i Beg ibte. Vagaries AS tet•atittetzu • Mrs.•Parvenu bed been ahrtiad, attd when she returned she had moot( to *418, eays the Merchant Tretreitcr; Gee Atiar• 6 liy *Ai talking to her: "Ah, toy clear Mrs, Par - Venus did, you go into Lely ?" "On, yes " was the reply, "We w4* all over it titid saw everything." ,," Dd ytai at i.be \Teti, oat ?" "Yes, we went there, het• it Wail erupting fearful %hat day, theiltvP ri up lava and smoke and stuff, and they ettioutied 14 woulenet be sate to go up to the top.. It. Watt rt fine epeetaole from the- eoutoovattry ' of :the hotel, and 1 ebieyiko q,/re as tnneh ' As if I had been 11481)4 (143 tin, 1.1 —, 1-Ge4ting at lite ;? his,. ; • "Note, eir," Had the Ptoneett ing atter- nay pompously, "yotturii a railroad man, ' you say. NoW, sir, let'm 1300 how touch you ktiow about your bushwee, sir. • What • motive, air, hen your company for moiling, its trains thrOugh the eity faster Alan_ the ordinannee decree?" "What motive?" 0 Kea, eir, What motive? (1,mne., airl" "Why, locomotive, I iihodl s.oy," The withese wee fitted' for n.intetript ol e4art.—.6'hicago News , • Lotd Mayor Nottaae, od, in the author of a plah to'raise F-10 24 memo- • rial kind in aid Of aged Iiingly-h toit-adoe empioyeali. • ' . joileph' Thorpe, who btu intiiri Leng. fellow'o,daughter, hamie, a' nt 4100 bt a wealthy lumberoiat of Witootoati and a netted athlete. He is 481•40 11. g..altiate Of tiarvard. The Wife of Lietit. Grimly titOilaa the elavyieg admiratiolt of her frh tnitt by dis- playing on her parlor ti mr i irge rug o seal fur, a rode of her Ituohahil'o Arab' fe.