The New Era, 1884-12-26, Page 7g* ; >vuttotsititt4
Tho Beehive -E. Floody.
To the•electers--W.Coats.
To the electors -W. Cooper.
Stray Sheep. -Jobe. IL Govier
Disselution--Miller & Tedford.
Situatign wanted --Miss Phillips.
Farms for sale -Manning'.& Scott,
Teacher wanted ---J. B. Armstrong
Unprecedented -Dry Goods Palace.
Postponed meeting-W.L:Ouimette.
Cow time for Xmas -S. Palliser & Co.
Cheap, overcoats -Thomas Jackson & Son
Merry Christmas to all -Pay & Wiseman.
i.1i.nton jew (!.L�
Trie, Nnw Ln:c wishes its many
A 311EI ,R r eltitUST iIAS.
The Conservative Chieftein,g speech.
Sir John possesses to it large degree
one feature in particular that. is 110 credit
to a statesman, yet one that is .of consid-
erable service to a public man whoo is un-
scrupulous. IIe has an unlimited supply
of cheek, and knows that no
reckless or untruthful lzis statements,
when made to his own supporters, they
will be aeeepted without question, and not.
only this, he has the inost unblushing ef-
frontery, and glories in 'acts of wrong -do -
tag which: should banish forever any man
guilty oil them.
Take his statements in reference to the
Pacific Scandal as an example. He states,
in eftb'et, that there was no .1crong in his
acceptanceof Sir Hugh Allan's n1O ey,
and intimates that he would do the same
again, if he got a chancel and unblushingly
asserts that the money was justly expend-
cd, yet the ,people of Canada, expressed
their condemnation of that act, and no
longer ago than last week, the Hamilton
Spectator, one of the leading Oonservativo
papers in Ontario, stated, that "`tile one
• great blunder of Sir John's lite.'was in
the acceptance and use lie made of Hugh
Allan's money."
Then"again Sir John pinned his faith
to the N. P., intzrnating'thatt it' bad' not
failed -in the .slightest rirspeot in accom-
plishing all that had be'eir cLunied ft it
Could •a:more audacious untruth be utter
ed. Si .,.., a lost estimate be must' have-
had of the intelligence of liis hearers.
Hundredsof men out of employment;
factories closed, prices low ; depression ex-
isting in commercial circl'e's such as had
not been experienced for years -;and in'
the face of all these things; Sir Johii ha.
the brazen impudence to stand up and de-
clare that times are good. There •fess not
a' man among his hearers but knew he was
stating what was untrue, yet they are such
Servile' followers. of him; that they would•
no doubt cheer to the .echo snob. state-
Sir John's forecast •of trauscontitiontal
trade, on the completion of the C. P. P.:.,
T CAL CHURCH CHIMES .to the tiresentbe has always been Chair-
man ot the districts in which his stations
Gospel Bantu, ,ifthe Ra.ttenbury Se. have been eitnated.• On the organization
ot. the London •conference in 1.874, he was
appointed its first president, which office
he held for a second term. In 1876 be
was appointed representative to the Gen-
eral Coqnference of the M. E. Church of.
the United -States, at Baltiuugre, in associ-
atien with Mr. John Macdonald, of To-
ronto In 1.882-110 was elected Vice -Pres -
Elder Hawkins. of the Jubilec Singers, ident�'of the General Conference of the
will preach in the RattenburyS$,,Metho- Methodist church of Canada. In 1883, at
dist church, morning and •evenlug, on the first meeting of the General Confer -
Sunday, Jan, 11th, and on Monday even- ence ot the United Methodist bodies, he
ing a sacred concert will be held.. • was chosen President of that body, and
performed the duties of that difficult posi-
tion with great ability, tact, and fairness,
so that it will he seen Dr. Williams is not
without experience in the duties of the
office to which he has been. chosen. In
1885 he was chosen first President of the
newly formed Niagara Conference, Dr.
Williams has just returned frogs the great
centennial meeting of American Metho-
dism, at liaitimorc,•where lie read an able
and brilliant paper on the rise and pro-
gress of Canadian Methodism. He has
been intimately counected with the pub
fishing,:n1issienttry and educational work
of the chui•clt.
Dr. Williams 'liken imposing presence.
He looks like a rn nly•and, independent
Rev. Dr: 'Williams, of St. •Githar'ines, man, and his conditotis 111 entire harmony
with .this iinpreasion. As a preacher he
is' eminently thoughtfnl and suggestive,
with a good dash of • the old' Methodist
fire., • He wields a ready `and vigorous. pen
though the severe claims .of thea itinerant
work have not given him much chance: to
shotty ell the literary power that is in him.:
Ile has been for over forty years an earn-
est and vigorous :laboror i❑ temperance
cause. Tearing) for all:in all, there is a
food deal of the map about Dr. John A.
11/4,tethodzst church, l,r.sented Bev.Mr,Sal-
ton with a handsome .album, on Tuesday
The Saerameutal services in Willis
Church last frlabbath, were largely attend-
ed, Rev.. A. D. McDonald, of Seatorth,
preaching very accelitabie sermons loth
morning :and evening.
All the children of the Rattenbuiry St.
Methodist Sabbath School that took part
in the late anniversary, were treated. to
"the good things of life" by the superin-
tendent, llir, Thompson, on Friday,
On Sunday next Rev. Jas. Gray goes
to Uoderich, and Rev. Mr. Salton toPais-
ley. The services here will, therefore, be
supplied by Rev. Mr, Birks in the morn-
ing, and Alex. Birks, in the evening.
Missionary services will be held in the
Ra,ttenbury Street Methodist church, the
first Sauduy in the new year. Rev, G. 1`I.
Cornish, of SS'ingham, will preach in the
morning, and Rev. James ilroley, of Sea -
forth, in the evening.
formerly chairman of the Goderich Dis-
trict, has be,en appointed to succeed Rev,
Dr. Rice, as Senior General • Superinten-
dent of the Methodist church, until next
meeting of conference.
'Rev. 111r. Stewart preaches in Ontario
St. Methodist church •next Sunday morn-
ing. and Rev. Jno. Gray in the yelling..
On Sunday morning Rev. Mr, Kenner,
preaehes in the Presbyterian church, and
in the Baptist in the evening.
Rev.Jass Gray was one of the pall bear-
ers at the funeral of the late. Dr. Rice, in
Toronto, last week. : It is altogether likelyF1
that at the June conference this gentle-
•man. will retire from the active ministry
and devote himself entirely to the man-
agement of the several funds of the church
which he has charge of at present, finding
it impossible to attend to both with satin-
Section.. He has spenta long time in
ministerial work, and has literally become
gray in his Master's service,'thotlgh there
are yet very few more vigorous or .active
mon in the Methodist ministry, than Rev,
Jatlies.Gray. .
The Sunday . School:
Busil`a ss MEETING oz' • T731;' YTs1110
Ou Monday evening the auuuai'general
meeting of the officersand teachers of
the Ontario street Methodist Sabbath"
Scheel was •held, and was well attended.
'Tile pastor, Rev; J. Kenner, was in, ilio
'chair, and the Superintendent, itIr. '1)
Christmas rat Stock Bho9c.
']'be stook and potiltp-r show of the We>t
Riding Society, held at Goderich ou Thula-
day, was marred somewhat by the intense
gold and stormy weather; The exhibits were
quite: up to theaverage, The following is the
• rune star
Pat ox or steer --1, 2 and 3, Relit, lleLean;
Pat cow or heifer -1, Itobt. McLean ; S.
Andrews ; 3, 11, McLean. ' •
Fiat este-1 and 2, S. Andrews; i, l'. 11i:rt•
Dl aLean. 8
rat googol -1, 2 and 3, Thomas l'eu,x.• ••
-Fat ,luck -1,-T. Fear ; 2, \Vm SwafiieId
T. Fear.
Fat chicken --1 and 2, Thos, Fear ; 3, Isaac
Salkeld .
Fat turkey -1, Thos. Fear ; 2 and .3, John
Govier. '
Cow or.heifer-1, R.• McLean ,' A, Young,
Colborne; 3, Chas. Robertson, Ashfield.
Ox or steer -1, 0, F. Carey, Colborne; 2,
1'. Carroll, Colborne ; 3, Alex. Young.
Ewe-1•and 2, \Vm.. McLean ; 3, it. Lane,.
Pigs -1, Chris. Ste,vart, Colborne; 2'anrl
Ti )lady and the other officers were in
.3, S. Andrews.
l , •
audggs on'cattle; sheep •and pigs -(,barley..
their places. Alter devotional t' rcises, Robertson, ; Geo. Tindall, Auburn ;
-the yearly reports- were submitted. The ,toFcph Teiveley, Colborne: ' ,
Secretary Treasurer, Mr. Enos Hlill,, re- • Table butter -1 and _, John Govier;.3; J.
ported the finance:, its follows r -On hand 6. Stewart: -
at commencement of the year, and col- Creek. butter--lanti.2„ \int: Swalheld ; 73;
leoted since,.$100 42 ; expenditure `592.32; J. 0, Stewart, ' ` '
leaving $13.10 on hand to carry fvr%Vn.rd • ' Fat frog --1, lints, 114.e;u,; s and 3, S.
The ",ecretary'i report summarized, was Andrews. •
as o own:- `
(bergs If. Old, Charles Nairn.
Tottl No,. on lion;.' . )4l;
__.L'eachers •11141 Officers, >G • _ -.
Avera e attendance, 18 t - O ``LETTR '-B-O-X:
Addecl to Roll during ,year; 4 1 u tJr Ind e'• Gi,r o/ ,lit ' 41kik dn'JT4 td' arca.
heinov ahs,•34
T)s: tr ar/ Z notice a liicco jn�your paper
Deaths, •:. , .. - 1
lnerease of scholars, 0 • about Wa(� Elelmes, ills bridge, and row3 from•
\"ernes recited by the gifts, 11 J lG nluu,ccd iti drive le to over rte Celbot the cis Non, .
Verses recited by the bobs, 3r)22: thiol:, there are quite a number who. chance !
1, 4al verses, ..: _0J3
f ll• , ' •Jt ayes of poultry •tad dairy --1).0, Strachan,
.) - iL, sometimes three or four titnes a day,i '
I noir business must be;urgont or they,stonxxrl;.
is all moonshine. He is -.just throiving Average for each:Sabbath; 400' , ,in. rbanco it so often.. ll.o say} helip sten
'es of thepeople,and,"getting This is certainly a good.showing in thisi. a' good m 4r,y, leads, heft. nono to. egnal isTtis .
dust in the eyes
end in: clepartment,.and we doubt if many schools' epc. That may all,bti ;o; 1>ut 1 tltiuk 1' has
them" blind; has some :ulterior can beat it. The ti ery hest of sed feel-. freed loft .on some sunny spot; where his fa•
view. The transcontinental trade by' the in:: exists between all the.workers, _the'' thcr tied norther: fought. the battle of;7ife, for ' '
Union Pacific Railtsa y, h' h h •, had bill' ' classes are %yell, attended, acid' the• t. age, we have had worse
t d.:.'. f -house:_. doing a le itima
years, does not to da amount to a hill who•irmembers tt•.lteo tw"ty fns "1 s VV' e e y .:any, .
for Y tendntice.of ululta . c old it e t henry' load; wed svotticl.liavo to let the
of Deans, and the so -caked adraintagi of of tlic'cifnrch,
�.. 1 Y trade rhic•h• , 'Means.'selling'_. cod w' :th
team putt urer tiro satuetlmes..
the 'Shorter route by the C.P.B. will Tit.- • The officers for the ensuing. year tvcrc h i,h tl e b sb over `
Railway, which as 1 ). o c dyne.: him Since I taint to Colborne, not more
the trade ,prospects for the corrriug year are' excel- than twenty years •
the opportunity of 'establishinglent. One good fcaturc, iii the: large
aIIo Iboro, vhoro ars yoo ail
Going to get some 'of axe Big Ba�aas at
Everything must 3e sol
.. be in Toron " b Lst
1 /
In every department• you will save from.
• BUYING ' FRO], =.
VV ,
e say to the Gentlemen
its- t'oails. than thus;. 1 lravn. driven to I•oderlch
1 1 l cif wheat ,cenld he t
1 ;o .t tong, 1 bash, 4r t; .: •.
ecause tiio road was so bast. a: •
ytt 1mllar '.. .
avestrayedinta one of Mt. • . sho�4r . oo�.� at s�, •1 •
- yve .vonlcl ha, t, t4
also elected as folloly Stperurls not ut, knolls and furs, b
• D. Tiplady; .1s,t. SuliC., Jas.Welrt ; set. Our friend. e st u
tually make no difference in the.: cc;ut
• of trade "for some years, ifitcdoes' at all. 'Press linea; loll; asst 1t li 1 cT H 1 1 ' leatere mut . apron the
'rhe assertion, which he so boldly utter Li1.. X111' 11; R. 1i'cilker Asst,
•:urtottr.wro•ttq, o
W. H. bi'irTgc ktio.v VOW . 1:11011Y on those �. r
es- and by -roads, llc speaks et hills -there are only. �v+
L' the Reform lends:•±+' are litivoeat C,000r; organists, Miss l•[, Shiol t t
ale Leyaguoti..
r sellingon
reputation fo o. the
ed, the lillkrh . , '-d t lead t the 1l fes f t - - - •-nt 'ind they are to <7odo
laboring for anuC�iti<rn; `ia libel ti,,, 11118 b g t d
t'r ct to singing, .. I, a .t an. merits an o
Holt township:, \Vr, have the hill cut on the t .•
'which none kneti• better than himself; ' In subset tient eon versztvnaitt1a1i5p'lief ColliernesideVedas a. team couldldraw hfty
I bole he knows -that the ntal. t.. 1' 1 that nearly !,000 papers "Nuel, been distrl- bus„eis.of wheat
., I yon Can clo ort
ori v .o his
ur low rices hags laced. u
ul'� it; and that is .about all
arm llea4l from mos. in -the t the clothingtrade :n..Chnto
o�.fur e.VGtJ�..a •
the supprter: will believe ,'ti thing that he bitted ,lo the .LlulQlt n .dtitIng the year. villo'td (rode -rich.' ,i liaV( taken up the •first•
''•i rel'ut7tion•of 1Lfter stn interesting -discs Sion•upon vagi:-.
hill fron, tt.-ustrebri�3gn 21 barrels of apples, -
tt i! ries-err. td i•
utters;, and will
�• ons to )its: rcllttiu 1(i the svrarkin nf. sire 1 1 n f doing rL t (and loo.Se iricreaSlll
the f:,1. ehood, or ta1;r any lean to finch 1 n •u ouo team, ental CI aro none tt,e,ivoese M•l1scular dem' o 'at o S o o g fist
sib sakro f 116nieetfrag "8 at.Joilril ,or it, lied hill fix t. of haat .good has been
, out the truth. : eel wtth,the bi nedictititt. • token up with one two: lid speaks of ruts; trade, are not .indulged in by.'us the only ways by which we try to
1" 't tro rf't lc iri The "rh f , a
Wetouotkuowtzeztat l 1
anntversu'v servicers will llc' In Y ,swell, 1 guess lb* help to
;rvako t em, nt
1 ' 111•88 c of 1'e}aY iris r. ctiniu in •Witt .tlaiir goods, duel ap�l9g : KNOCK YOU DOWN are b our lour rices and good fits.
t1 e•l t� r,� � 'they Y p
vow' bit;iness transacted 'at. the Oonve ...- about •
for cider; cull we slue pleased they conic, for
tion; no.doubt there was sonic., but the ; •rns:.n[av •titx'1s.tinr►3 ' taD,�mie:zt. wealways said the would. lie is surprised:
speech of the \lenorable. gentleman, ..of t+i•P.retYNTE:rr►:tr•,xT t that:nny council`s Could err to tite expense of
whom so n„teb'sunnld 1)c C'� ecte<i, yt as r ptttin ; a bridge in tx place hke that. • l: mutt
;is devoid of Practical s ns0•;' truth, or 'Pitt: ,,lobe pi .;'hes tile. lOn0tvife , tell you the council;rtre no n.rrow.nnnded
1 �ral e ,• sketch which' r,. I. lie of 'interest here, mon; they looked�•to the interest of the pub-
st:t,...,,aairlikct,utteera:tit�es, ne a billiard ball } tv.blcrr• the 1)r. is •so well known:--- ' not they saw them were brat' three thousand
` a I eetino of the Speck): Committee acres of land in, the bend of the raver het•e,
Is of hair. - _ _.. r ...A t 1 c.....b . _ _.._... • i
]'here i+ not a doubt • itt.,,tli tt .lis ad- of the flenet•al Conference of the 3lethod- besides a • iriit v tit 'tired. laacl%ng.,thrcugh the •
t fat• Cllurcla yesterday the 1.-t v. ,John A. country,. and only this short ptoce of road
formed rho •Laurer We „have lived, and,
ia(�ri•iSt4 Svcrculiglltily.pleased wftlr the Will ams, 1). 1)., of St. Catlierioe-1 was could aee {one,h o;i- wcrliin•r,• but would
sueed], but that simply proves that it
doe, not take much to please them... 1f
they will simply use their reasoningpow•-
err<. and go carefully through the speech,
as published in 'their' own peepers, they
will see that from beginning to end there
• its little iia it but bombar4t and unqualified and administrator ofdiscipline, ,i
personal (dliameter, and the edeem din for Croderielt town', lip, tPthe road from rho
assertions. , .which lie is held by his brethren, and his Vre have es, Magnificent Stock, and at such
itong;tudintimate' practical.knowledge of
bridge ruins titan,; r$te pretty fur gtino. T.
1it:itttso the Conservative convention 1 all clepartinentg rif . ehureh work hake ado b'''''"'' tspace
stop, A.Ir,llditftr, ass is have talon •
' 'at great skits<e to you' columns already. •
tome,)aper clubbed the;leadet'of tile' On• him,just tiro ma.n.' r r <„alborne, Dec, 22, S84. , .'Azttrr:Av. • -•-•.
"Hen." lith 'Di% Willians in a native of Wales mid ;.l name' letter n °rho sante •icul)'eet is .
tario opposition Hen. lir. I+Ielec 7j •
must he something over sixty. 13aing crowded nut ,rut ntll pt,ear ndxt,veolr. Se,
b h We are making this Cour closing sale one of the greatest eve
appointed by a.0 taninlons trete its -1111 the slave to trait stn months before we eonl(1 speak
place. of Senior General: Superinteivlent, to enol, other.:.ire 8sia41 it would take ten
rendered vacant by -the lamented death of years to grape a docsntiortd of it; if he had
the•late 7)r, Rice. It will be the ,almost said so tyn ;ears ago, he wttukl have spoken
universal opinion that no More fiten' a the truth, but f thjt t lib iy reatl mistaken ,' i
p could - 'made this high� � ' as we have the thin;' in prutt.y anetl. shape, ,, t,r s, e•• we withave th.e � •.��. .1 % .Dep.'
'.,rice,.Lr. `Vlliams' ability as a hreitclier .now, our Li1:, Cn1 rot a (1 1„ ��
' MS high
We have. still on hand a few oft those
KNOCK�YO1 •-DO.V IL ..-a
road paasablo in a Fear, without an earth-
OATS', Pf?OM. ' OP:
r uako coshes rola' tlu is it upside down. . AO;
rices vziati will create .a snort
....... .._ ....,...- ..-.....alyd,...d.,.. .......w
c nsc• o
'•t.• it e a
actedthis sarcasm, W,5 I l it • clrild}1oorl nrthout parental care veial oilier letters ar ll ' 1 d ;j
acted so "honorable" in the �Vookes
forffiatto nucha degeee TBATITWILLftEOE$HE FOE60e.a�10 erotvratrot,`has .ever tai e . lace iu the Mercantile history of Huron Cop -et to such a deres 'SHAT IT WILL N�Y�RBE F4RC��1
�a g
of lie early devololie( l that stttrd}' indb len( --
t fv
• r on account 6
Or eh
� a
a p
"honorable" asst5ci`ttlotr with the..,lecl:,
Taunting A. Co. tribe of criminals, Arany
ence of character filr which he has a ways
He came.. fro Canada
+," heti
. 1 e a
been lntwguts
at the ago of sixteen. The first years ot
his lire in Canada ,vete iipent its. t to town
fate, when he react Lite report,' he iridal; o(':f'reseott.. in 1886, under the ministry
have felt It good deai more "honored" than -of the iate i ev. W. . H', 'Williams, father
of Rev. J. Cr. Wiliauttl, of l,tot.kv11le, he
tl..,re was reasin ler, When. he gots the entered nprtta a'chrlstian ate,. and united
title "Honorable" by virtue of being (t 'with the Wesleyan Methodist Church.
(MOO, it will be
From that time forward he bcestree..a claee
tn.inister of the Ontario i, , I
student of Methodist mid general dtera-
in the 841'eet-bv-si d•byy--t'oui+iclerhis}v by titre, lint lli1t not eider the iu;tlitctry`i;ill
anct-hy: _ 1R47. when he was stationed ill the Hail-
°well citCult, t' assceiate (,f the late Ivey.
.tante 13et , Q ty theft."' ' t 1 c1d I A: al I1 t ordained 1` t:
Do as we say: -Come and see ve,-we willyourheer[s gL
Do ,s say: '-Come and us,'ure make your hearts gla
t 'L of 03 AND tt0 the lover.prioes Ofgc ods that we have to show you,
County' Maitland Ger ¢e�n,n• h 4 Weyil t, t.t o Cr ry
There arc erected e„ta.aidprepLti.t titntnolten,e •
Remem eix '}'M the e 1a/"i(± and name
Earn and stabler,. •...ill... a, /.a� Vh J �.1 v
LINO 1.0141,
33.11 h .,; , , , : ..
•, e , t , r le rias,
, r hurt n emit:dn,; 'r`3a'notes,more or less'. •
AIL Lho hind is under it.nt;, rcopt Lot At, containing
$i netes,,tvidett is heavily Mit rr,l, •the te,lattea•(;l� a
wog) Plunder euttivatb (
Tim tarot Is Stull watert4t ,. ltit t r %toted •rrrtrrr
itis vltuntc4la',nut � 3nll Pr.aa ow r;r+•�cinw
111111(` tt°a ' e' ylr 1 rl' , Y� rlri'l. h was at ,rhe'- et cantons c_r�t 13„ r,:s •4 Genodeh, the kmrut,
fcvar, e.t.T()ront:), on Thutrdtay. /la was t vine, in 151st. in 180-9, lac wti (looted ` town,
- r with all :tart's• . 1 ''1141'nnce:". ;
tory popular i l 411atr111Ati 1,3f the Utvan Hound Ili�tl'it,t the r ti,r,+t,rP.�art tlt,fta•C;• Of.itfll: � + '
, LAS •� i� •�tt �'�s cr'''y �Y "�! 1Lp
I i+lra,rtol4tt t: r. ii+:r,..uptu.r.isLttt.ran.,lrs,c. i.A.9. �7.Ir . �.'•.,rt4+A.b�Jc9. t and H. 4 "+1..a'JL S 4.Ds . .
Leeds and 'Grenville dVEti'evtll' 00 mg- first Limo. t:l1e Conference appointed t1 tet l;,i,lt,frrn, ,1l�l AL, rtenoNitit,
jority for the Spelt AM: in'Ti uratit.y. I that ntliaebyballot vete:. Prom t�t faint e 1 llnrrl�r,•r,.�'„r;,ntr,.
my thttup:ii tiro lrnpeYtt. '