HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-12-19, Page 5a
e rog osurpassa
Our Stock for the coming season is large and 'varied, and will bo Sold
tit prices to suit the closest buyera:
and forsale at low prices.
Butter and Eggs talten in it=change;
riVG 'per cent off for • caSii.
SSLower always Loweree
*. WE ARE BOUND TO LEAD IN -1.0.07 Pit;pzs. •
And to have it ever known that THE 09 :IS:I3OSS,. o
OUR SUGAR is Cheaper than. ever. We have a splendid assortment in
TEAS, BLACK, GREEN and JAPAN, which we would -especially call
your attention to; from :25c. upwards,
13 pounds GRANULATED SUGAR $1.00'cash.
25 pounds of RAISINS for $1.00 cash..
15 pounds best PRUNES for $1..00 cash. •
15 pound' case CURRANTS $1.00 • cash.
. .
Brands, at the lowest prices. A very large assortment of CHINA, GRAN
ITE and GLASSWARE at right figures .; Ground "and Whole Spices, .nons
but pure kept. Everything else that is required .in it first:class Crt:orreiy.
HIGHEST Pride' for any quantity of GOOD BUTTER,. dash paid for
• EGGS. Don't forget the Old stand. :
WA.Pri'S sa_;
The public will find our stock of medicines cOmplete, warranted genuine; and 01
. - - the best quality. • . '
• . ,
• . •
••• •
Beautiful Dress Goods,
Tricotine Dres Goods,
New Cashmere Coupes,Ac
All of which havo been purchased an the :most advantageous
• •
tdrms'and-are offered. at the •
g •
ova LmmER, Box.
............!..„............,,,,.. _.-mer^o,"s‘ l'o Me Editor of the etozion xen, jera.
Sin,—Any ...„ aren, male or female, w
sus down and listees to eoniplainte
New' Seasons is too
luid only oureger Toothache. Headache
, FX.IghtnIng.1 or black, who, in los or her ;num me
Earlobe and Neuralgia. it does 110t take a day or an hour to by their children, vgarding the Luanne
cure it, but in IRON lhaa a minute all pain one, Theusetain
uhieli they are treated az school by t
lisatireltira4ttlaittilvenielgtweirthlgette Z."; ;0 ]'‘'IveltriI511LI!IgIebIII4Ige teaelier, and then comments on the eam
cases have bees permanently gUred la 0110 week Puce 450.
0. manner reflecting dim etlit on the tea
es Coldest drug store,
in their children's hearing, should be tato
frog hood to foot with an ornamental al
bet, sent to China and exhibited for
months, as a specitlien of Canedian "pluck
patience," and then be obliged to teach an
DO elate for twenty yea;'s ; and, shoul4
offence be repeated, he she uld be slung o
"first of July pole and all the bays in Oa
da allowed to pelt him %vial stones, U
he woeld close his eyes aucl cry "it is enou
and hie soul depart to mingle with that
Bennett, Gniteau, and other great spirits.
TaT rotrrim or
50 Or 60c. BLACK, GREEN or J'APAN, waria,nted to give entire
W -Try a pound of Chase & Sanborii's MOCHA, JAVA, Rio or
JAMAIf oorrEE, and be convinced that it is THE 'BEST
, .
A Complete Assortmoni of Fancy Mugs, Cops, $aucers, 8a for Christmas.
See lolir stock of COOKING STOVES:
See our stock of PARLOR STOVES.
..,See our stock of COAL STOVES.
See our itokof CROSS -CUT SAWS.
See our stock of COW CHAINS.
PRICES ' See :•0.1e1 . g tor 1 Et 0 1 e ffAcTuETSL. ERY
.. See - our, stock AXES &
' . ' LOW.. . 'Builders HARDWARE
, . Agent. Clieton.
LAMPS AT REDUCE1) PRICES. Juin received, a large quantify 'ortlies-EW ..rertgruseePs
, •
, • , . .........
pi a .. • ,. A any other
toe turonte
& Willow's
. •
she had her husband hand uns led tO t
gOntlertlan in questAm, and for the benefit
inan s impertinence, by writing a note, hi
lady similarly afilinted, by yo
• PROCESS. COAL OIL—try it. Also 4.111ERICIAN OIL. • . •F
• kind permission I will insert it ,xaetly
P.S.-;-Parties having Wire Stretchers and Cans of ours, will please 'return them. , , . . , .. .' .
, • .
. ., . .1. started a factory in Blyth, hog to intimate quiet means of ridding thenteelves of such
4-o the peop.o ' . .
rip Irk, bUllf,(,RIBEI,S 1/A.V11., G. It . CENTLY written, hoping they may tato the ea
_ „ ,. . , c•
IJARI.,ANID. D 111 no :, Sign -of the Padlock," '
g g , it, shot wens or c tt e ... , ,, •
I of Huron thin they axe prepared a
1 r 1.11S. and provid Pumps of ' . , ..
Nov 27th 1884 -'
tmoyenee Respectfully 0.134sitvEr
unua.9. Albert ,iee .
St •- t Clint .
__ Ull.` shier/dee exPerlonce
„,.„ • . no very omit worhinnaisaip. ilaving LULU 0011- I •
ill the punm-rusiting busi-
. • • ' nos.' they feel confident they eon give entire ' 1111.:C---Slu,:—You will code) a .vNer°yVir'29re2'fla8vecit
. , sotisfaction. All orders; by mail or otherwise, You will kindlY desist front the vory-porsistent effro
,r----, irtrAlirrATI;t1.288t:lio maost reasoilable rates. itlearsyt.yoltilitvvee abronmile3a,osnudloiiiitulttieltie,,Inncifz=itA
Perhaps Mentos.. extraordinary success that
has been achieved M modern medicine has been
&nettled by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh.
Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past Mx
months, fully ninety per cont, have been cured
of this stiibborn malady. This Is mope the leSs
Startling When it leovernembered Oat not Live
per cent, of patients presen 1 tog, themselves to
the regular practitioner are benefited, while bile
Patent medicines and other advertised curet;
never record 0 Cure at all, Starting with the
Claim now generally believed by the moat
scientific 1n01 that the detettee Wane to the pre.
seneet of living parasites tit the thyme, Mr.
Dixon at once &tanked hill cure to Mei r. exter
intuit/Jon —this ticrompislied, 110 elaims the
Catarrh is practically cured and tho perman-
ency isittiquesioned, aircures olfeeted by tlin
four years ago aro cares ttfti, No one else has
ever attempted to titre Catarrh n this monitor
and no other treanneut lies ever cured Catarrh
Thn oibt? tignaetlamit ifietilmet(hlYe pidre"sioinnPties'eaasuog
of the year is the meet favor:Ole for a speedy
and normal, cut 00rt4, the majority of eases be-
ing cured at 4)110 treatment. Sufferers 81104)
1(1. with Messrs, A. H.DEXON SOX;
305 King street. Weat, Toronto' canada, and en-
closed stamp for Clete treatise on catarrh.—
Montreal. Star:Nov. 17, 1882.
NNW Arm. Rsx.nencirs,—The most•exquisite
little toilet gem extent for the teeth and
breath is "Ticeneturr."
Having the5ntoTteorntidletnneervl
in its Superiori-
ty over all.o there, aud after thousands of tests
of the Most complicated and severest cases we
could Ml, we feel justified in offermato forfeit,
One Thousand Dollars for any call -o1 Cough's,
co s. sore throat, lufillenzl,, lielirsone&S, bran-
' chats, &mai inption, 10 its early stages, whoop.
ing couglt, and all diseases of the throat and
lungs, except Asthma, for which we only claim
relict; that we can't cure. with, West's Cough
Syrup, when taken according' to directions.
-Sample bottles 25 and 10 cants ,• largo botles one
Genuine 'wrappers etly in blue. Sold
by all OrturgIsts, or sent by express on receipt,
of price. :1011N 0 WEST dr, (10..,sole proprie-
tors, 81 & 83 King St, East Toronto. J.II.coinho.
11J1 HAIlt RENEW= lesteme, beautifiee,
vigoratee and renews the hair. Its pro
use is always satisfactory. CiseAtus)1
name well known in connneetion with
Hain ltsxswne, whicI1 restores grey hair
its natural color by a few weeks use, S
at 00 cents per bottle:
. -
Toth(' Editor of the Winton New Bra.
Visiting a certain church in
town not one hundred miles from your thr
leg town, a stranger cannot fail to rema
the conduct a some young mer,'who reyel
the name "gentlemen.' ' They make it
slut, when the Renner; begins, to geb int'
position to stare women (not moving amoi
their circle of acquaintances) unblushing
close, in th p face; . Now sir,' so,th coati
you will acknowledge, to say the least, is 0
of all order of good•society. What the m
ttve is it is impossible to decide; for it is e
dently done in a studied inannoi., and wh
the seesations of the person placed und
such sorutiny are you cart imagine. A frie
of mine (a lady) who 11011 been subjected
duel] impertinence for several mouths pa
(without on her part giving' the slightest e
eouragement by leek or action) took a nov
but eunimary • mauner ot treating the gentl
in preparingfor 'the fall :and winter trade, 'we have. received
a large stqck of
- -
Cooking' Stove's •Parloi.*.ttOves
and Coal Stoves- -: •
ever seen in Clinton. No Old stopli,all rely just . in..
AL.S0 si• splendid assortment. of LAMPS: of*,:eVery descrip-
tion. A fine stock of OTITLER,I.T.. •.,
opportunity to serutinlae every, feattire of my fa
closely, and If you area good physiognomist, you mu
• . .S19,..VESTER'6 mind], that I•have borne that scrutiny very patient]
for ono of iny.t.emperaineet, but there is a time whe
..• • ' . • ! .11,,Ig Inn co! clagxespetao beevear3v7 iirntaunei�. - s.rneditttllinnot t‘ ivim 11
fi81gbrateq .CHAMPION PLO' . .. . respect (Igoe true woman, until by my notions 1 ei
- &imago any insult, and 1 •think, sir, you will allo
. tfiCatAS TIPLING, ..,
ltny other treatment than that of remind-. front .yo
. .
that under no circumstances bave I eVer encourage
classes and characters a mon' 01 many ,eountries, an
Al toy life's 'work I haps been thrown amongst a
lias been appointed agent.for.syirester's Champion
perionce permit me to say that' tho conclusion:I hay
have received the greatest respect, and from niy e.
Plow, Whichlins recently. been greatly impiunal, and
• twriVed at is, •for mei, unpreeedeated effrontery, th
now stands without a rival. The mouldboard is made
Englishman ' bearing the synonym •of "'gentleman
51 the best diamond steel, cspecially hardened, war.
certainly "carries the 01(1(0." I have given you th
ranted to*clean in any field, and imported from Shot:
rebuke 111 the sable manner youhavo offered the in
field, England, 'purposely for these.plows.: Intending
stilt, viz.', 000i, studied, 'silent, 'and should this fail
pUrchasers eau have a•trialol the plow. and on receipt
produce the'desired effect,' 1 Will allow my hashan
of postcard it will be delivered free in any mut ofthe-
(ifthe instilt is repeated) to deal with.the matter'j
county. If the plow can be boat :by any ether make,
we will forfeit the plow; ' A Oar load just reeeived;
any manner lie may doom fit. Respectfully; --
elinton. - • . ....... _. : • • -
References. front' over 100 of the best farmers near
''$tift Oen from the efficts ,of quinine, ttee
' ne aloe manufactures tbc.colcbrated . ' . . . , . ,
, &O . • . • . '
as a retliedy for chills and fever, will.appreci
Scoteli ' Diana oud iliti.io*,'.
, s
ate Ayer's Ague Cure, -a powerful tonic bit
The reputatiOn bf which is sq well known that he bas ter, etimpeeed wlielly of vegetable iibstarkee
already received orders for So set this sonson.
Witbont a particle of any &miens drugs. It
action is, peculiar, . ptonipt, nod powerfu
•• - • • • .brealtiog.up the ehill, curing the fever, an
expelling the poison from the system, ye
leaving no harmful or Unpleasant effect, upo
• the patient. , ' • I . • , • ,
A l'OOR• 11OUSE..• ,. •
.. . .. -. •OgLDIfiASapNt(te4hteDaceI,i,atEL,T„lAaMoBc: Le•, dEh im,
BULDERS' HARDWARE&C ze. . . .7,G,yrg1)71, ltraiink
. .i. v54re ur 80,iiid wet, ' :'40'7.li-Srei::litFb4i
oI in0 ewnt eA,4
. p 218; : ;fell 121 Icfaiall iiile ...4rL.
B47*:..i:4,r\sy,....„.„; in::: oldlgale0,1444rir:mUllt,i; 1.... ;...11,,i
efore !...---. other diseasea that -- - '
lend to insanity or coneutuption and a premature grave. Full
particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to fiend free ht.
until to everyone. EV' The Specific Medicine is sold by nil
druggists et $1. tier package orresimatelcoargttfor live dollars
or vsli he tont lre • by mi fl,'
dresamg • TIIE,DRAY ;11];10'400 n"P"brna.
Toronto, Ontario, Caqhthi.
The undersigned begis to notify the people.of, Clinton, and vicinity that.he hasbought the
HARNESS BUSINESS formerly. carried oil 14 Yr. L- Nowtop,
And that he is prepared to furnish
Harness, Collars, Whips,. Trunks; Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blanket's,
And everything usually' kept in a first-class Harness Sliop, at tbe lowest pribes. Special
attention is directed to ray stock of Luna Halms.% which I will mike a specialty,
strict attention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my. customere, [hope te
• nierit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere.' • .
MA fidELF4 '
1:613:1 111 ItY.3 1.1:;;;;TY:SS.
„ opa FNE soft, -J., ea„.
aistioseit.• 1lyfaiiet. rosier:A '
Vt. 110 has been a great sutrerer S.:ra-
t:la, and tie inelostd letter,y lvliat
Maryplons,61Twt • . ,
bile bad in his case. I thin,k his blood must
have :contained the humor for at least ten
--yeari; 1 -fit It did not thew', except in 1 ho form
GMO, .A.c SI-1..A.MM.A.I\T... • of a scrofulous sore on the,wrist, unto, about
five years ago. From a fel' ?VAS WhtUil ail,
. . • . peered at that time, it gradually epread seas
• • • . to ecorer bis entire body. I assure yon Lo tra9'
— - -- terrlbly.afIlicted, and an object of pity, when
0 . . 110 began using.your medicine. Now„ there are
aInale. • . as he hes. 1 could easily.ntehe fifty persona
ici • few nion of Ids age who enjoy as good' health
Q./ 0 who jould"testify to the foots in his ease.
. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLirs."
. FROM THE FATHER : '"It Is botil a
pleasure and:
.' a duty for me to state to You the benefit; 1
have derived from the vie of
Annexation. witli:
This is an important political questionfor our parliamentary leader to attend to,
but the queetion of CHEAP GOODS concerns every man and woman in this part
of the County of Huron, and the way to solve the problem is to call at
r . •
Ayes- Sarsaparilla.
A. anis Emporium, Londesboro
N a terrible huntor and scrofulous soros. The.
Six months ago was eerily:lately covered with
tumor caused an incessant and intolerable,
Dry,Goods- SPecial bargains in Groceries- it this department 1
'this Department.-,- , "keep only the beat
The stock consists of Tweeds, Flannels, Sat lines in Teas; Shgars, Raisins, Currants,
excellent range in duality and quantity) Rice Barley • Meals; tte, No itiferier
Dress Goods, Winceys, very good 86 cheap, goods find a place here—if i know it.
Oashatereag all (IPalitieitand 8had0;11rititl5 Stilling, I have also a fine line of Hats,
Shirting% Cottons, etc. • W. Caps,Mufflers, Overalls,Shirts,
itiiiiinel7..refythetradoopeatritim,..or.'t,," 34raIrseCsr,s' 4311411EllYllstarry Combs, Lantekrriii,
, Overcoats, Trim s
"" 'Jur Coal Oil, Baskets ete.
stbelt of Hats, Plume% Flowers; Feathers, ,
Ribbons and Trimmings is just irnmonsa
ry Glagswaret'
C+IRO:DOMIR/IB to se% and, so cheap. , Crocke& 7-'),(.‘;
A new and choico akisortment. Boots &Shoos-
Itrogut8coot 6111161;npit.ild, iardwapp4A good general stock, as cheap
U to be found in tho trade,
arillahest priceforgaffer & Eggs. Furniture aiid Shingles, oheap
• -
R. COATS SOIN. Clint° INnanksiti 74)51 18S3, shin Want; CAM, AND S$ltix.E M' ONUS;
Lontlectstio. Nov. 21, I.
itching, and the skin 'cracked so as to cause
• • the blood tO flow in many places whenever
Emoved. 1,,fy sufferings were great, and My
life a burden. X commenced the use of the
aillSAPARITAtA, in April last, and have mad
it regularly since that time. Illy condition
began to improve at once. The sores have
all healed, and feel perfectly well in every
respect —being now able to (10 a good day'a
work, althengh years of age. Many inquire
what has wrought_,such a cure in nly case, and
I toll them, as X have here tried to telt gen..'
d.Vitn's 14AIISAV,AlttLt.k. elever, ()et.
2t 18e2.. 'Youth gratefully,
Ruttaf rattraps,,, '
AVnithi illiESJP.AMLLA titres Scrofula
'and oll 'gonfalons ComPIahltil• ErsIAP*
eles, Ectemst, Ringworm, Illotcheso
Acmes Roils,'Duntors, and Eraptione
the Alin: It clears the blood of !moo.
, aids digestion, stimulates the action of
the bowels, and .thus restoreg Vitality and
lifOrigthent the viholo system.
114 ....ws4 1.9.21. An km tit
Ft ADAMS Dr.J.C.Ayer &Co., Lowell,Meee.
MO trs all Druggists; #1, id: bottles for
. .
lo I/o'. ,
.Ledilov of .4.0 °amok Ar(u) Eta.
DnAn 'Su:Li-411i last' we ;k's isone of yen
paper I noticed a letter in reference to trt`poo
house" fpr the comity of }Lithe. ' Thanks t
your correspondent for appealing to the 1
dies,' and, as one oethe memberslof the W.0
T. U.; I.Must say I cad. sco no difficulty it
the. matter: Let .otir noble sisters Of the W
in 'all oer towns andvillages through
out the otninty of Huron, 'mite. their effo*I,
arid give local entertainniente, soliciting fff
hearty co-operation of tho clergymen an
local talent; asnunicians-readers or reeltere
and apply the proceeds 4 this fund. The
let them appoint committees fromanion
their members to .call upon farmers,. hesiness
men, mechanics and laborers, also wome
and girls, and solicit contributions fro.
'the small sum of five cents np to any
amonnt of dollars, and I feel certain there i
not ono man, woman or girl in deer old Hn
ron who .Will..not feel privileged in thus be
ing able to Contribute their mite to so laudabl
atI objeet. I firmly believe the, old Bee
"When a Woman will she will," and -I think
our Unioh has proved it in this last grea
' contest:1/p, then, sisters of our gran
:Union Never let it be said of us. that w
sat listless and . indifferent to suolt an tippet%
to our litinianity. Put your united shoulde
to the wheel, and set it in 'in:lotion,' and yo
Will find that the. "Lord loveth• a cheeriti
giver," Reinember the Motto of our blesie
".0or GO, for home, for nativoland,'
and I think lunu is the time to prove .th
trnth of this motto, Remember, God blames
all efforts for the good of' his .humble poor
for ho' says in bis blessed ' word, :" Whos
stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,. h
also shall cry himself but shall not bo heard,' •
Let each ono of us, as Ohristian women, result
the positionqf some of or dear ones.beeom-
ing so reduced. Oh1 my sisters, could ypu
bear the thought of any of your loved boos
thus brought low being compelled to breathe
the atmosphere of vice and evil surrennding
they are exposed to in a Common jail. God
'help the Man, woman or child reduced t
swill an extremity. I think, as oinistian
womon, we cannot sit•listlese or indifferent
Under snail en appeal to . our humanity
•Thoo, noble sisters of Our blessed Union, let
tut not hesitate, but usher in the " Glad NOW
Year" with an effort to assist others less fa
vorod to comfort and happiness, and God wil
bless us for it, for Ills promise is, " Give an
it shall be given unto you, good, measure
pressed dawn and runningover shall mon
give into your 1)050111."1)050111.",." Cast thy bread
upon the waters for thou shalt fid it afte
many days," ath 1 know his promise neve
falIeth thosetvlin trust him. Up, then,
christian weeisti, and Id ns work While tt is
yet day, for the night eometh whet, no ega.
can work. Yours in the.A. S. P.
Seafolth, nee, 13th, 1884. \ .
MN most pro t e soured o mosso
kidneys is traced by Beim:nista to 'the
ities of the water tve drink, To t,htir
this evil, Sir Garnet Wolseley is said
Ordered 10,000 0a808 of "DR. VAN' Bt .
KIDNEY CIDIE for the use of the ntroy. Is
the only biotin remedy that will care per
mariently all forms of kidney disease, and e
cry family should keep it,