The New Era, 1884-12-19, Page 4for ► rt tteturn is Furs -W. Jackson Money found -O. Carline. Xmas goods -Alex. Weir. For sale -Geo, Sharman. House to rent -Jos, Proctor. Stray cow R. McOnllou h. Furniture Red Rocker Store, Servaut wanted -Mrs. Gilroy. Tenders wantede-Box 74, Clinton, Christmas goods -J, Cutinghame. Christmas novelties -W. Jackson. Annual meeting -AV. J. Shannon. Cheap overcoats --T. Jackson . Jackson & Sou. Hello! for Christmas -S. Palliser & Co 01Hilton 1" riv era. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1884. A DASTARDLY attempt was made the other day to blowup the London bridge, by dynamite, but fortunately the attempt was a (ailuro, although considerable dam- age was done. What will be the end of all these attempts to destroy life and pro- perty, through the ngeucy of the Land Leagues,. is. hard w say, It is quite cer- tain that the cause of Ireland will not be.• benefitted thereby, and if they go ou much longer hatred will quickly take the place of sympathy. •fi1L• (lift,) -rift car .:hop, and the Grand Trunk cai:she 1;s, Loudon, each employing formerly _)0O and 1.10 betide, solve dis- charged all tete nice, and shut down.. This is a hard prospect for the ►neo, just as *winter is ,ttf�on them, but it Wilt, give thefu'tiu)e to reflect On the fact that the N. I',twhich taxes their c,;al 5j cents.a ton, 'fails to keep them in Work, as *HS promised it would. They will also •be "hle to appreciate the recent expression of the Mail, tha: " they arc in need 'o:f:a holiday." It is tquite evident that at no .distant clay, an eih,rt will -he made to abo7.ish rout io all exemptions ttaxatn, except such ars are aa strictly public nature. 'the. City council of Hamilton has ordered,It return of the value of all property in- than city exempted from assessment. .This is the first step toward taking action with a.vicw to the abolition of exemptions. If other towns and cities would follow suit, and secure a publication of theft, ures,-publiic, opinion would seen be aronsed ;t5 to the magnitude of the evil. A good many pco- pie have -a. very vague and shadowy -idea of the question, but if the amouut of the exempted property were plainly. set forth in black and white so that they could cal- culate the .extent to which their ta=pes aro•m increased by the operation of this syste of favoritism, they would .realize much more strongly than at present, its essential injustice. Exemption in any shape is a, wrong inflicted on• the balance of the community. . "• Tial: speeches delivered' by Sir John;'. while in the old country, have given rise to considerable discussion in this country, and well they might, for he said a good many things that will not stand scrutiny' and which appear to have been uttered without a moment's reflection as to their truth. Bystander, whish has usually -been. fitvorable to the.F.retnier, says of his speech at the Empire Club, that "some passages and *phrases do credit to the hospitality of the Tery club that dined him; only Under. g exhilarating influence can he have fancied that our Senate was a house of Lords,.. and that every educated man• who mine to Canada turned Conservative," and it' goes on to say that Sir John only commit. ell himself to the project of confederation in a champagne sense. .Bystander is lobe commended for the felicity' of its diction. The public will hat:vo no difficulty in un- derstanding his view of the real aitunlion. The club certainly must have been hospi- table to have drawn even from Sir. John Macdonald so preposterous a cleelaration as that which he made in favor of a life= LOCAL OHUROH CHIMES Exeter eau boast of some crack shuts, as ('nmutunian sercite in V illis Church, thstir,spoita at different time* recently chot ui I'ev. �. I), eight deer, and on.Wednesday they brought on uatur(tay atnd S Islay next, f noire five more Door mast .se plenttfL' ill the Hay swamp. "Rya" Conon CURE cures a cau,};h tragic• ally. 2i cents, Rich'. Robinson has disposed of his 100 acre farm, con. 171, MCJCillon, to Rich. Haas.- ilton, of Mornington, for $6,000. He gives up possession on March 1st. M r. Robinson has purchased lot 12, con. 12, inTuckersmith containing 10Q acres, for which be paid $7,000, There is a brick house, bank barn, and all the necessary conveniences upon the faro.. Mr. Wm. McQueen; formerly of Stanley, at present a vttudent at the Normal Sohool, has been engaged for the. ensuing year to teach the public school in the village of Lakelet, township of liowick. Mr. WillDuucan, who is a resident amof tlte'l'ttrnberry boundary, says that he has for The services of •Elder Hawkins, who the past 10 years teased only one Sunday in prell:ched bn„the Varna circuit last Sob- attendance to the Ylucvale Presbyterian bath, were highly appreciated. The con- church. lie must certainly claim a seat in certs ou Saturday, Monday and Tuesday ” 1114t home in glary• dvenings, are subjects of Most favorable i.)v..I', :JJlau,father of A. 'rcD. Allan, erlt: remark, ilit•d in Guult, or, W eal:esday, in his SOth re The anniversary services of Ontario. St. pastor oft1a 1'resbytetianwas t�chu•silt i 40 Muth • Methodist Church, will he hells on Sun- i'.asthope, and was beloved by- his congrega• day, tbe2Sth inst., Rev. A. Stewart preach- tion; tie removed to (1oderich about nine ' log in the morning, and Rev. Jno, Gray years ago. -- • in the scoring. ('i New Year', day the \ 'in� St:t:rtustN(; t•EItT.. UTY '. lcls rot•oi annual tea tneetimg will be held, when a Celle" attends to business ill Telieving and good time is anticipated. curing the welt obatinate cough. Who 1 Tho school room of St..l'aul'e church would sutler with a cough for 25e. ? was filled at the meeting of the Guild on.. , At the last sittiuj of the Division Court Monday evg, ; Rev, Mi. Craig haying re- he'd at Underwood there t'vas'a ease of unns- turned from his missionary work, presid- tial interest tried, viz., that of -Struthers vs.' ed, Interesting readings were giyen by Schell. It appears that defendant owns a lair. Joyner, and. by Misses payment, part of ttiff lot II, 1. con:Oth cothat he sr a en Bruce ve passes Staubury and Mountcastle. The mouth - the to 1 ,iho twtl lots, '.Chat detetidaut set organ band added tituell to the pleasure out fire on the lith Sept. last; in a slashing, of the eveuitig. The next meeting ot.the sod which rite spread to, and burned a car - guild will be held on Monday, Jan. ftth,nor of the plaintiff's hush. The case oeca-. 1885, the school room being required for pied about five len, and a great many .u.4.. McDonald',: ofSea torth, officiating. It is expected that the new Presbyter- ian church in this town will be formally opened for worahip,sometime in February. St. Paul's church is undergoing the us - nal Christmas decoration, and will pre- sent internally wvery pretty and attract i ve appearance. . Anniversary servic es of St. Paul's church Sabbath School, wilt be shortly held, when a "children's entertainment" as good,, as any yet given, will take place. The Varna' Circuit missionary meetings which were held last week, were tolerably good, considering the state of the made and weather. Revs. Kenner and Salton did good service. other purposes. ou the lntert'eurug bleu- tresses were examined. The acting Judge, J. dayeveni gs. C, Dalrymple, held .that: there was evidence PAitLolt Sea-Ate-Otteof the Seriest'f'negligeiice on the defendant's. part,• re - now being held in connection with Willis. serve his decisfuti as to the damages, which church way given at the residence of Mr: he has since fixed at $23 and costs. W21.. Murray, on •Friday evening last, -- therebefu a oodatt attendance. The young OUR LETTEIR. BOX. �! people present contributed to the even THE g g a y a in 'roeramme .vocal and instrumental ... COUNTY s ,CUG;1\(7Ih, g,p music, ;citations, etn lilt, and 'Lys. 1 .i'0i,,e i ior'of the. Clinton \oto. Era . Murray, Miss Douglas and Mrs. Stewart 1.1'I a members of our County` Council, at were Unremitting in their endeavors t0 the. 1>e'cemter session,. had to resort 1..' all. make tethstimony pass reeasantly, and manner of expedients to get even an'imaginary the testimony of those present is to the excuse for retraining iu session the regular - effect that they were successful. A good time, and in sheer •desperation they were slim' was added to the fund being raised forced to maktesome move to try and pacify for the new church. The next social, to their •consciences, and ease their ininds, for. be held sometime in January,' will be having, for the flee days previously, eaten the given by Mr. and Mrs. Wm.,Coats. Billy bread of idleness." will no .doubt drake it interesting for those So speaks the Heron Expositor; .in a lead .` in editorial,'last Friday, taking for. his text '1'11e.1lethodist churelt of ' Canada: lost the motion of the. Reeve of Blyth,.regarding this week two prominent mrd tvehknown Cie. -December meeting of the Council. If 1 ministers; in the persons et Rev: Dr. Rice, may be allowed to.corrch the Expositor. that General Su erinteudent, and Rev. ,Dr. Car- isnot the first ninon such a motion has bean P silacr that cortno, and the man who made rol, both of whom died in Toronto. They :it h still iii tpwn. Neither _does :the council were widely k ilown,•the former partiCnlar • alt six days, threeaimea a year, or eisilsys at: ly, owing '• to the positioua be held'." He any one session. I consider the langnngo of was born hi Hamilton, ;bine-. in 1815, the • Expositor an'• insult to every member of and 'was therefore past sixty-nine years of the Connty Council. ' afro. Ills :parents retuovedto Woodstock, Oris ox TUI. Peery. /4: 'L.. 'ita.1819, but lie .was 'educated in 'I owdoin College; Massachusetts. In 1887 HOT, (11E8N I t.L1. 'E.I:JDCx ,. lie war received as a probationer i,, tire! • who attend,:g Wesleyan ]Methodist Church; and him,' '1'ti'l•/,r. tlity, of tae &tie Era. siuce labored • 10 different parte of the Dominion; froth Nova Scotie to Manitoba. He inaugurated the movement for estab- lishing a female'collego in Canada. Last fall he tool: ieset'ere cold, 'from whirl :lie never recovered. Ho !salves! a widow aril, taondents generally, I. want simply. to say that nine children -Titre bile.. send four gits: n -age '. ' I chanced ,one day He was the guest of Itev. jas. Cii•ay, of 1,1st Nook to drive over from Holmesville to Clinton, for a :;bort time last winter, his Colborne,' via the' cow road and over the wife at that time. being under nietilleai:ll new brjdge, and, sir; I have seen a good macy. treatment here. - roads, hutin all my experience never a road I to usual that:. •1 mean for knolls, pitohholes, hills, ruts, and, Lnfact, everything bad.' I arc t'eally surprised that any council should. go to' the expense:af putting.. a bridge :,in' a place like. that, and where it will take. tea: years to get roads unto » shape. that is even passably passable. The bridge may, in time,; get to be a benefit to' a few in the southern part of Colborne;' say a family or.tyvo, or per. ' AFt'FCTlOv:1Tl Glint:TIMIS - • ..ha )s three, but. the present bridge will•be We intro felt that besides the Many blessings which to to smithereens; and this' will neceS92- we hope the passage of the Scutt Aet in this' eteunty . tette l great hicssinf• in that we have permitted. again, a cult.ert lens . en placed on the re ley the lessors of hearing \Our rluqucnt advocts.c of 1 ` : . •] ,•d„ d' that groat reform an b uu . ru ,l the. ,r ; e, , . example •of -slur Christ.lik self denial which ymti . such a cull eft.'' Tatet week when .I shove have ,it y'en t' Moro M N or. sinners nee nw@I. lewa Or rn t itr urmitlst 'runt we think Of the .,hassles which I I - ill of .:steed that • n „ r pew o ti ' an efts t no by you eta reasons for remaining quiet,. and when iso have walked over front one townsbtp to. the ki owtt a i the taco of these stings 'you came' forth t t t7c 1 } , as train Nazarreth to do. valiant battle for liberty, we are bound to place on ,,curd our aaiatiration for your. baldness in tem eau o of right, and • for the, eloquence with which you pressed upon panic their. duty, and mans of mt have, since Lho Contost,'hell &Vote us un., doitlited testimony how tinglttily'yett. moved mien s Minds lit the direc•tinn of temperaece, and we further: .wish to assure you of the deaf revert ' ,<I love which we 0,ttGrtate toward,: you far' the • chi istian charity with you invest your words and sett ms towards all men, and to eo.tend .our rant heartfelt sympathy to yet, under what may be trying' circumstances, in the opposition and inanity whirl; has been' stirred . tip Dealt. C>r,---1 notice among the items of. your Colborne oarrespondent last week a statement that Got -fetich township uses the bridge at Holmeavillc as ninth as. Colborne does. Now, sir, although :I hard a good deal of confident.e in. your paper, aud• its'eorres3. Prettentation 1t* itev. C..1t4_'C4tylor.g • The following address aceomtenied the presentation of a, clttter to hew. G. -13. Taylor,' of Bayfield, by, the :•tempernance people of this 'town :t•-• 11111/NDA OF TEMMPERA:CL -t\n S)1I11 Irl IN 'rIO TOWN OF CLINTON TO O. B. J'tV I na, OF HATFIELD, Slur allo there, where are you going? Goingto et' some of, the Bi Bargains at 4.1 Eker.. thi•nmust be . sold to .. enable us to in Torontot �-' be Ls march; 1885 by LL ON In everydepartment. you- ou will save from will'bring us, .we have alre t.ly entered into one 1 tate anew_ hridge, and sore expense. . And • ••� haw �euon to on,. • b<: h •' ad . . y plea bt:tw,cu tits diet h) 1 and thio it .,e, nu t t f d f tt lltt' 1 tl i i eta 1 displayed1 i f t 1 It t J it the a Lo a over the nubs of niy. • 1 bn ey and with all thein blow a bout the atootl it thio all a }our tutting a public ,tan oil t t t 4 ' t o 1 wit 1 t lIi • What. til t bar been ulgcd rand. great n r bre lg , nl 1 1 t U„ainstyno, because or your taint -title support of. the other l+•i.thoet a heavy lite, insurance .policy, nod would get soaking wet. Yes,' sir, the bridge may be a benefit to(loderieli township, slut the road is- not, and .Colborne road is very •' little, if any, better. Sir, it will almost ruin. • . either of thetwo, townships to snake good 'the road on their side in a single.year. Tour fastidious oorrespondont•.'eltould not .be, so froth with .his monied wagers, or he might ,be mailed, to task for his voleptnonsstatements,' l oars respectfully, 1Ioi:yxasvitaaa appointed Senate, Which by seine CVUI)ir vtottAc,t. Ha -respectfully ttsir jou to aecepttre'n,1 3 Sttl-8Register:. tiolta ry process is subsequently to be e' ' ,m tt a'iPi n .t'crtcr..Cutti,r, nIti rnestlj:'hope thatygtlI - OU- utayLo lob}; ht thalnud; that yun'tnity rejoicu to1i^nam ati,el3, RO., of Q,' (i016,'lrit 3A. )lilt eon, vertcd into a hereditary chainlier. 111.a 'Oe tbo good fl&erisl, for the hrfitr cult ;tltuttt .t whtelt (r0tier3Nlt to\fi,tsldtp, •tin . the esr,l Deg. i)al'frl'f if)ukltalal: met. few years, at the most, Canada will have no set;ond chamber, and wewill be all the better without it. +lhr lteansisis Caae- tt the sitting of the County Court last week, the grand jury iuuluded the following paragiaph in their presentment, which bears amt the position taken by ourselves prior to •the c:om2uutation of the sentence, and hall.s• cotes the feeling that exists among the eom. mnnity:• - tin one point this grand jury would ap••- proaa:1i your Honor to gain some information respecting the commutation of sentences iu droe a tried at the t s triur e the lioatuiah•11I11tn Jy toceiit assize court here. Tide' jury, not one member of whom knows what steps were tak• en to obtain a commutation, are of opinion. that unless good reason is shown to the coun- ty for the course of elomency shown by 1110 Executive, that there is but little use in con- vening juries, grand or petty, to waste their time in doing their duty as jurors, or for judges passing righteous judgment upon the .perpetrators of atrocious crimes, if as itt this' case where the criminals are, ono of them, let loose upon society and the sentences of others commuted in such a degree as to render the best efforts of juries and the righteous Benton - cos of judges little else than a mockery and a farce, public justice baffled, and no life safe in the community, but the convicted murder • or ; while Hero no aid has been extended or sympathy shown to the widow or the holt. less orphans of the murdered Man. ' Twenty-six Conservative member: of Commons of (.onllnonFl have' the Dominion Rouse signed,a memorial to the Dominiou Gov- ernment, (taking for the expUlaiou of Mr. (:'hapleau, troth the Dinrninion Govern- ment. your t oleo and lnaneuce has been felt Me, Taylor; in reply, staled .'that he Hardly knew in what way tc fittingly ac- knowledge_ the handsome present the temperance people. of; had given him. I -'Ce felt that he Wats entirely unde- serving. of sueh leeogiution, having_ only done his duty, and' what he would gladly do over again, The campaign, he believ- ed, had been of mush advantage to him= self, having 'brought: hint into contact with carseat chri.tlan v. s " . workers of all de- nominations,', old Ulm had infueneed a Single"' vote110 felt amply repaid in that for what little he hacl done, and beiyished iti'the most hearty manner, to thank his personally unknown friends for their un-. turn. deserved testimonial. • (,erxl,,eleitr tltlerfree from ail ineumhrantes. ... -7 .. -+ s . - -- prig„ t811 per acre• II sold before tat et. Jan., ism. • Apply le. 0-.• "Wart 111,1, McDONALU, .11.itoh�� .rarii:foria.10: . �]LK\1,1 1 OTs 33. 1, 61, 615, A1» 66, Maittend concession, in the Townshipet Godorlah, County of;biroi1 eentaining 881 acres, more or loss'. Tltcro'aro °retad on thti said property. Fralnii Douse' Darn and Stn:bles. r-itii' Aft the land in t�4clt:r fence except Lot tt•t, <1 n ai 1 1 >: S.. v'I riche oar tl e 1 ,ahuu�e -ovt 84 uta'os, whielt ie kca I y ti r , trrett) is under ci ltlyetiee. The ham is well watered, the RLver militia:id rant• inn through the 1'rone•ty. . hitt situated abort -7 allies from the growing town • et Climte,: nett to utiles from Clodorich, the (Monty }, Around' the Ceunir nerriattir,'Toronto. • • Mr. Dewar; Catnpbell,has purchased tisei ---- •- ---•' mtli property at Waltoin ► Xlll ettant . to Retire Farriers t that the contest cur the It i reported te� lle eve shitp of 1` lls:5 l i will he between 11 i —AND— Gorey. --AN111' Gerry. and Jae. I)rewo this year. (. MAli;KET . GAED1VI'.ES.• ln{;y lt: J'. t'. nkE,IE HAS t1EEtst JNOTI1U( 'ED 1I itt:i 'Merton, to sell tiv tti1Ile Anethet, • at the : • ('O)M1•lill. .71CL'1L Arid TEL, BIM FOR, 721 Bissett Bees., I'Ixeter, lent an from pimp in Mr, Jaeeb Schradeor's well, near I)ashwoliel, 170 feetxlcop ; pretty ,seep well, that, (:l , o ro tdnt'uctt, but if you have (.old be •., "litre" / . , . Cram � 1 2 o'clock, .0e aero and got is bottle of })ttti .,.nLn)r t,c ter :fit ., tr clot:)r, p.ri,,, i 'first and settle your cough. 1• Saturday, December 20th,ISSI, ' S. D, locust, of 13rnssele, goo to ,ittitishl, Columbia tlzis week to tnke charge; of the test. 4 f ing c 3tt. engine. A six year old'danghter of air. •i`Oflt1 hlitt, ttenr '111yth, had the two middle fingers of her• right hand cut 'eompletcly off, "nn 'i'uesday, with a turnip cutter. dis- posed Mr. 1 ,plc+t,. aeJ,or, ofl;rncc field has ti s pose,l of his vlllege property to Mhi Thee. Simpson, incl has moved to his fora in Stan. Mustard. l s, uul••1 oN, Prep, , And. it aplend(d property in the Village of Alma, Huron' noon nullett,•eotisisting of r.l sores Of excellent land.. t, the lot there is a extol frame house and barn, necessary. conveniences for a the t• all , t r t1Ut n e l e t t Comfortable roaidoucis '.Chore fag splendid frith t>t•• Chard of one acre, eentainin„ apples, Ikea-, peaches and all 'Linda of ain511 fonts, such a4 plumy, cherril'1' t•nrrililts. fie. It is rltuatotl on the Huron Road, mid, way between Seafortlr and Minton, it is a ino.,t•de• hirable place for either a retired farmer ar t tlia.rf.et n dotter and \x111 positively be,n1,1 without reserve. gardener, 1 Telco low .-Tt' ntyllte per cent: of the purchase money on the (ley of 'me, end the lrtlanne on theist hatch, ley, which he reeentlyl.cugbbfront lr,Alex. 11Seli, without Mitered. e •J'a'. 'MIME, At t 3Y :BUYING FROM HIM • that Clinton,: .. e say to the Gentlemen ofo a we defy any hou se d oin a eg it mate trade(which means selling 'goods with profits) 0show goods at similar r ri c es . Our reputation for se ling goods oads o n their l �. � r merits, �. and ourn low cos have.a cel n Clinton, �. C an the clothxn .trade . in the van of . vp Muscular demonstrations -of doing a fast (arid loose ) increasing trade, are not indulged us,the only ways bwhich we try to . • KNOCK YOUDQWN are:hy our low prices and good fits. . tiVe have still on hand a few of those :$5,KiNOGK..YOU DOWN O�lE�'OUATS>: ��©FROM UP., 1�1 Geiit's Furiiishing IDep ' We � have a Magnificent Stock, and at such prices that will create ashout rosiest events that' . sale, one of the greatest , We are making this our elosing� taken place in the Mercantile h,story of Huron. County, i.. has ever RGOTTEI� factTHATIT WILL NEVER BE FO. to such a degree , Do3r as. we sa. :--'Come and see us, we will make your hearts glad with the low prices of goods that we have to show you. and name, Remember the ...lace xa.exa1�e . , HN GRAIB, INT'ON,. . CornierAlbert and Huron A