HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-12-19, Page 3� 1. I � 1, ,a E 7 - 1. after they have been properly strapped, and PTINO BER01194 AN'^KiiAlssr, II)ece-m--ber 190 1884, 1. WELF4,1 8]K:y.E1 JNV,A$J,0N. gunboats Forester Bud Banterer Bud I the A WAINIKIINOW009. I91AQPXnJ9XT- 0 it may sometimes,take tile plitoo at a Paul. , , Salelde V4ase#4y s ticle, for swell4ags, which we Want to "Ooklis 11 . ,& Daughtier0o WeridValle 804trier " I anchor . ochiel, which had just d A L droppo in 00 roadstead. Fifty ruarlboo, 1poclety Mello Xlepop on the A � ,To 047411[eir I 1, I I �. . -_r__ -_.M"_ - I I ­ . = &Ad reduce. . ^0�108140110pp 1 � � I � . , . I - There was. 'The moriiel of lunar 006ustio In, a cage can A Wastilngtoa despatch ooyo.. under March of the, Expedition ,to told the command of Major Anson, were oft for duty at Staffla. Lodge, where a . 1131tarrialleo A last (WeassaBday) lolght's WAshingtog I li ;&A %be silmil, . be bOuglit at a chemist's ohop for, I bolieve) a tragic sad on FrIdAy to Ohio awful goand. 0 � I � Staffin. . posse of polioemess, will be quartered for dif �spmtdh astys : I Fmobionable society was 0, Tom,hpw could, utroat,moso? . a tow whioti bao,' broken tip the home, Of Prof. . 0 Canto, It is =04, to, cauterize dog or , , VQukvawmqbAXful,eo andsl4y, who iit some time, The detschineut of marines thrown here for over Into a wbirlwiad,'ot excitement . the 4noonnoensi tp-day of tho oat and also skunk bites, %rid also sar�at�beo Do Wolowski, fortnight ago was I I I , rollo. 5 wilt remain. tw%days, provisions. � Miss Mary Willard, daughter . I I I 11 to be, poiPonotio. � oitreated on the charge. Of feloniously THE that may be, supposed as r n t a ]a t 131 ; _ , 1k m SCENERY AND INHABITANTS. and . , I bedding. having been landed train the elopement of of - . . , Q. D, Wi0avd, one of VABbingtontp to Pao all, professor Shot n at, At 6. so ,'re 0 It is a well-linown X*ct that hydrophobia. assaulting his daughter. Who . � ain . is , t o cart a 6 or I I much more likely to be causotl by a olianix bi . I , 1 1 Is 11 moelf three times in the breast, And . � . , ForeatersuBlotopt to last for that Period. , ,, I The reat of the troops ,subsequently were wealthiest . . Citizens, with Win. Paxton., t rLe re aul 0 U isse e h ae I , a dol; bite, mud X tot one would never When 0 i , found in his room was A corpse.. Pow , , , no ou, d. , than: , , a X0 U � . 0 0 yo fsbbiqn� Whip lallstary PrecautioniiiTake—IlLank I ,?;­ � .1 patent watched to the Lodge and Served Wi before engaged offlas attorpoy. Miss Willard wak : I ; to, ]Frank Simpson, of New York, * � I . than be , go into the woods, where.thero was so pos- man were'loetter known � in &. And thou, all through the wal q4, qu .1 0 sibility of being bitten. by one at those"ore able society tu this city. Coming originally one Incidents opt itho Dar. .Der , � to, embarking on to card the gunboats I , return to Ulg. Here Also Sheriff Ivory wealthy . � banker's Bon, and elaborate pre- , I . You squeezed my4andanopresso atot turea, with . out car ying a, morsel a The more I blushed, the harder still, , r . , f Canada from Warsaw, Poland, he has been living, Till, really, L felt quite disgraced, in in, . for the VtLso three years at the I Capital. day's . y pookeO in case of a6a accident, � , A corfoopondent writes-, The second and I record of the Skye police and mill- of the other iminal Authorities partook Page, refroohm Or . . which , ents, before going on board the ,tions ba been made for their nupt)WO, . d were announced for Ppoember A . Ith I ­ Andwhe - u I sternly'looked at. y0Q, it is a very foolish plan, not to osyoruel, where be ,was employed as. inqtruotnir of tary.expediblon 1. was As daotimte of Bensa- Loobiel. The weather had' by this time Two , I . thousand invitations bad 1pen son; j, As though such Roscoe to forbid, to have the dog tbap has - I . ,bitten you do. music by the leading fal3bionable tion , You winked and all the bolder grow When this to done it is obviously � people �aud members. a$ the, Diplo- 250 youdid, you scomp, you know you dia. ntroyea. as v. match A's the first. There w Of become fully armed man along the bleak hill. . Ation . wild mud stormy, and the embark. 01 I I 'already of the marines wits aceompliahed with it, and. hundred 9 of costly presents I A , - I . � I rdo6ived, The bride's, father io a I , ow imposgibl.6 to discover whether or not he meitic Corps, He was a man of much aide , I . But, worse thou Ali, when once Alone, was rabid at the, time ,he made use of big talent, and a great favorlue with tbepareqts nine road from Uigto Stiatfin, a distance of considerable I I miles. ings began 14odge difficulty. Between at4fflat on , . and the sea beach the river Stea. ceremony.' big way from BuTope to ,attend the , I The father sent his daughtese � I l � . You whispered love -words in my ear, , � In passionate and tender One, . teeth. ,Let him live, by all meana; it will of big scholars. go possessed considerable At . � . - I , - livilf-papt 9, hen half s. dozen boats oboll I flows into the bay, An dresses . , dthe police, to . " by Worth,, of Paris, Which Are . ". be a satisfaction to kiow that he is ran. ooritsioing � Till, ob I I fait extremely queer; , � property. About a yed�r ago his wife died .marines' from the 48siatance 6 , t over 1bbi marvels; nable the morinee a Pago is at the famosis. man-williner"a orb, I I � , I tried to laugbi but had to cry, I cannot Ir about in the beat of liefilbb. and since than he has been living in big I xy searp fail fast the flowers amid; . . ni g saying that, in ninety-nine cases Cut house on New York Avenue with his only landed I h,p,V . put off train the vessel. The Man � were stream, ai on the Previous, day sit th a bead . . � 1. �. I I bridged it with planks. just The I before the soldiers tell out, Major Anebp heartily bride's tat , at were both hot find moth , f the' alliance, but Miss in favoro olie­ , And in your arms you =side to . of You did, bad boy, you know you dtd� of a hundred' , when a, dog bites any one thes daughter, Isabella, a handsome girt about the bay, and, being formed into fours, I wads a brief speech to them. He, bade the Willard was adverse to the match, Sho ' ' . I bitten has been to blame. and not the are old. $be hmd some lady friends 21 Y" were marched up the ateep ascent leading men be careful to refrain firom violenoe frankly, went to, Simpson and told him "I Narty And then you hold me, Oh I 80 fast, Og. I I 1 4110 living in tile house with her. These from -- 'Till Mrs. Elamore came. to see It is not oply unjust, therefore, to Wha,t kept us; for an ho , ur had past als, him, but Positively mean and Cruel. ladies tooU the daughter away with them the beach to Ulg Hotel. A baud of I I buglers preceded the $area and awp,koned . I unlees a resort to extremftie4 were urgently can demanded, and ordered them to show, as from never love you and desire tobe released' I my engagement." Owing to the , I upon toe moonlit' balcopyi mutlil bites are usually'.mare dangerous about a fortnight ago, and on Jhe next day the echoes among the surrounding hills far as possible, a f4endly" disposition pressure of family itifluences she did units - you said 'I Uy birdie I have caged," The W�ile my burrAing face I hid; than dogs; that is, they Bite; More Apt to Isabella Do Walowbki went before & magis- ' the terrible charge fester, and *also 'take longesi to heal, the traits and With A bugle march. Behind the soldiers came vi body of forty constables who . towards the drafters. , insist - It. has already been mentioned thatlVio allowed that her decision was final, and I it to be announced that the we& pl,m pleased and proud, for we're en goa,,_ � - preferred d "imply ,thie-a omt'a tooth ogainot bar father. The Justice issued a Yod did, dear Tom, you know you fdt reason being were Imuded from Loohiol;. the poll , , I . see � neighborhood was thel'6eat of much of - the ding would take place on the 11th instant. . � . -Somervilfe.lountal. makes a punctured woundo and a dog's a warrant and empowered two officers to I . beivg Accompanied by Sheriff Ivory, d,saffe tion prevailing on the eibp6to of This . morning, however she. met Paxtorip I. I .1 I . .. � more Open one. I . makethearrest. They went to De Walow- Mr.Ai3der4on,Proourator-Fioewlilttvari3eBB, . Rilmucir. Itishere that the forty,tiore Bud the couple procured A license Bud we -to . . I Adheive plaster comes in handy, It alsils house, and on making known their - SURGERY IN THE HOUSEHOLD* ought to be the best procurable, and, . errand the professor indignantly, Protowted and Chief Constable Uellardy-- Arrived in front of the hotel the troopq halted, arid a park, belonging to Major Fraper, hall been quietly seized by the crofters ; and accordingly it married in presence of the groom's brother and a few of big friends. After . I insteadof keeping it in a roll in the drawer, his innocence and desperately resisted ilia brief delay took place, after which the wag herd, if anywhere, that a stand haight the Ceremony this Couple left on A trailt ' I I � -overpowered mud . - it ought to be put up into strips of different, (),fft()ers_ He was- -flaally whole force set out for Staffin. From firob have been expected on the part of the bound . tar the South. The bride is a very , , . I I imprissoved. Some Simple Remedies for Every -Day breadth I 9. It iff thus, ready for immediate ' I to last, most rigorous military dlSOipliLAe . drafters. For weeks past their sentries have . handsome brunette, with large, dark � I Accidents, . a use, and there is no ohapoe of its sticking The, news ran like wiiafire through the was observed ; and it thp expedition had kept watchful outlook for an invading force lustrous I eyes and a plump figure, 22 years i . . I excitement together ako it does when it is kept in a buld. city and oroated the utmost been in the Soudan, or had been mairching I . at the top at the pass leading dom rn to the of age. The union of miks, Willard and ,. , _ . ..a . . When it is necessary to use this plaster vvherever it was announced. Public opinion -tJii6dgli'o6u t Afghan pass, no greater Caution village, and it wag i antiolpation that . I Is Paxton is said to be the culmination of a . I I IL11910 Article lwnyo be I a What 14hould A to keep the edges of &. wound together we in spite of Do Walowskile declaration, co uld ba,ve been adopted. Pt6dbdiag the hostile natives might be encountered that . Ran uine love match. - � I I � � iKept itteady tar an Entergency-When must be careful, first and foremost, to see I I quickly formodagainst him, and in a single, main body a. distance of fifty yards woo an , . scouts were sent to reconnoitre. In this ---I 1� the i6encet mhould be Kised-Prepara- that the wound is perfeo0ly clean, and 120 day he fell from th a universal respect in tion at Bandalle*-whia vue of Plasters sand, glass or grit, in it, tvbioh would Cause which he had been bola into univereal'oon- advanced guard at oomei'twenty marine , artillery; next came the, police mud the . district, too, reside the real loaders of the crotter agitation, Arobib%ld McDonald and - I . Personal Paragraphs. . -Benefit of . Poultices. festering and thereby I , preVerst- it from tempt. Siucehis arrest there had been two . healing. I hearings in the Police Court. The principal higher Criminal- Officials; then the Coat n .. � body of marine arsillery and marines. Rev, Mr. Davidson, on whom a suramona of removal from the two drafts lie oeoupiea Mr. Gladstone's salary as Prime Minis- . ter is said to be D25,Q00, while as Chancellor ' I 11 The following direotioris for taking pro- Never cover a wound wholly up. with a witness to the Crime, charged was & die. per care of ordivary� hurts, copied from . piece of pla5ter; whatever , be its Bize, use' Charged negro. At 040 sitting Do Walow- Mounted on wohaggy Skye pony procured is inn rode Lie4b.-Colon6l, Monro,' the at tl, has been. served by Major Fraser. . Sheriff I vory madpinquiriesin regard to theseizare of the Exchequer he receives 01,250. . . � Asa saj�nple of good guessing,'Congreao�- . I . Ghambe.r8' Journal, will be found of great '. � long, riari6w strips. Warm the plaster by alsils counsel tried to. ahow that - the object Of muob � quiet Chaff Amongst the 0 f M&r Praser's park, and the nature at . man -elect -Gibson, of Maryland, amid Isig . I .1 . service . . b-10 There are a hundred and 'Ity4ittle see I i- .holding the back of it against 6r'of boil- daughter was not, right in her mind. and men and the low bystanders that lined the _ At the of starting. the dispute was fully explained to him, .. would get 2,100.majority. He got 2,102., . . , I . , household, which trig w4ter for a few se0o9A;,etbbn Apply it that she bad been. unduly influenced to dents liable to occur in . I . I applied surgical skill, *ould across the wound, 1paying a, small space make the horrible charge against -her father tb'OrOughf&TG point off! wave The other Cora � major Night feli on the embarking bt the marines and the criminal officials &mid a I Jefferson Davis is now the last of his . " d twice, and has . , line. He has been msrrie I ' nodioum of �Visuffice to But right, thus .obviating the between each strip :to give exit to the Boas to gain pospesaiOn of property in the Anson, Major .Rose, Lieutenant and Bishop, Captain Skipworth, I scene of perfect tranquillity on the part of , no ma.lb'descandant, having redentlyloat ' . la necessity for calling,in a Burgeon or a Remember, that sticking plaster house: At the second. hearing both the I . lymph. Isbaliag motion in itaelf, the benefits bad in open. It is mbout few of' the has 11 .professor and 4a!Sgbbai fain Adjutant Lieutenants McDonald, Baker and . the village�o- .1 . I . , . his only Bon. I . I � I .. I I , Hr.. Angela Beak has modelled a bust of I isnedical man. a more common of these that I Wish to give derived from its , use are of a purely court. At the c168e of the preliminary hints. Whether have meallanical nsture., Clean onto are examination he was hold -to appear before , Mercer. As the expedition started. the gunboat, Vorester � and the stemmor I . A� Crocheting Mouse. . - Of the instanceo reported.of ' 'from . . Cardinal . Manning, having bad five Pilitings . I � his eminenca. A copy,of the bust Ism � . - Pome very useful- you 6 i, there better . bound up with the blood, simply the Grand Jury, and released on bo,11. . a medicine chest in the house or not of I . Lochiel. headed anchor and steamed oat of the bay north,Narda on the way to Staffini . all singulai human 111telligil One developed in animals, I . been placed in the ftallan church inHatto* I - mith s, linen rag, for sticking-plaater is tire several handy articles which should � .1 .The � scandal appears to have affected his always be kept ready in a bleau drawer in no use until the blooding slope., In case of mind, and.bardly was he lWout',of jail . Waved I I . there to await the arrival of, the troops �one, overland. T he villog of uig - i mosb peculiar exists in the of the family of Mr. Mahlon G, Chockwith, - Gardou. I I - - �. Joan Ingplow is turning gray in the prime ' scalp wounds the hair must be, off when -he began to ,make preparations . I amise of an emergency. A. little case con - before the plaster is applied. . - He shut himsell-up aloubju imising a pair of ordinary ourgical lancets of . . . for ou'ioide. Proceeding . ,,,a preseut�ediklmqtst the gains deserted sapeou th did on h a previous day. ' Few per- . Wing on,Pen,u avenue, in this city. The . -as d.rfqUittle animal is a "common house won of life.� Hei'Lbudon home, where she lives ' *.. -h robbers, is always full of . with or two b , the house last night and erected in his the old-fashioned bleeding pattern, surgical . A grain'or two of nitrate of Bilver. in an . . curses ofLdistilied:wator makes i very good room an impromptu Altar, which he era%- , on 800 s were abroad, and'these few were mouse and the pat of Miss Lizzia, Mr. . I flowers, 'She devotes much time 'and L . scissors, pins. needles and thread$ these are all the instruments required. Appliances atimula,ting lotion for wounds or acres that . mented with co.ndles and other p%rapher, mostly obildren ,or old man. Such of th& an as 'not .Indoors.vvere Chookwith!s youngest daughter. It was caught in a'trap last spring, and when money -to Charity. . - . The Rev. 3�rj John H�111; a f Now York, is I . . 0 A It will include one or two bandages, some. need such An appliostionl7but if they are. nslia. On the altar he pla ad umber of ilk, a -bit a healing kindly, with even white edges and, porbraits, on the books of' Which he wrote lint and oiled a t Caustic silver . I do ,ere Can a P -w Y g r r engaged lapotato-diggingand turnip lifting. They raised their heads for a mamout as the &bout to be drowned in a pail at witer w 56 rescued by Miss Lizzie, for whom it soon L . ahead of his Clerical conterdporaries in L . . . having a genuine live English, Llsrk in his not Much Lxudation, they .not want some words., One, of the, portraits was kept in a case, and some strips of adhesive atim ation. L . . a L stimulant . I ngres. There should be# ul . that of Maurice Schlosser, of the Co , '"tar,n . . - expedition Passed, but immediately.atter- day formed a strong attachment. It always , adoompan leg. bar 'about the house,' and � I study. The rest of 'am have to go 'away , . . . . eye L lotion, a linionent for opt& . iris, ists Binned 'Library. On the back of one of fall'on, Lsuguid, indolent sores mud'11vibby ula c b; these the L Want 66 stimulating lotion applied with I Words: ,�I have to die for war X work. The wad cold do resumed that '&Did blusteriogi and in the sharp hill breeze. I I a's . makes its bad in hot workabaskbb. M Wom home for a lark.' . :_� � � . . . The Earl of Shrewsbury, who hail I stiffness in the joints, ate., mud also one or Were , . . I ,gftej the manner of w, -dressing. and . Uy daughter two kinds of ointment ., I �ater . yoti well, it must be done. I a Tmiaq jack No4ea from the house of _ " IL Gladstone," and LWie is very forld * of crocheting, and the mouse which she has named "Little' . , -in recently engaged in the cab business . . roulticisare handy,to &Ila,y inflampa- ,the support ofu-bindage- LBut I should saved her life, but Condemned me to death. L ' to Boothe pain. They are like my readers, to bear in mind that the I left my word of honor with my daughter. MoLoodi odal, gave the rise to some comment and Bpeoulation' , ould sib on the table watching her Billy." w, . 'Interested, by the hour, -apparently 'deeply Loaddul...'is the bead of avid ,the leading mover in the Young Menlo Christiou - . . . tion and . . I � - invaluable in swelling about the:throst, in 'healin . g of ulcers depends in a very great I hope to be revenged. I am now dying." As tlsoypaised by a little furtbior on waved . covised white -flag, indicating pre- an IMP . On several occasions when* tile young lady- Adocolittion of England. * . . . . . I I I . . whitlows,, abscesseo, etc. A small battle at measure upon the state of the constitution- To make sfire at Accomplishing ,1118 pur� oil The bicoamustbe strengthened by good pose he had provided himself. with a oarvl- Jurpentine and one or more of . * sumablythalithe orofters -had proclaimed to the laid down her work -"Little Billy it, would -attempt to take up the crochet needle and �, Iieneus," of the New York Observer. . . says in a recent postscript to one of his. - ,Carron or not beal.- WhY, it ' � should also find a. place In the faimily ear. food, 01801116-b 0 will ing-knife, two. pen-kniven And two . piatolo� . . & truce, and made- submission. -In the. rear of: the Prone ssion, . I follow her ono. The thought at )met letters to that pAper, ' ,,, The grandqlaildren. -1 'these - I cannot heal unless.you supply it withfash- These weapo'ne were fouild lying About him gical drawer. , 1. I . i I muot when the door was broken open this .morn- The Imuosto will -be oometimai, required foriniuguip,teri%l, and thismaterlatl enPmy,. . , ad -MoLeod. himself in earnest con Walki . - Ivory the .moti Occurred to her .that his desired to learn , crocheting. She piocured it"s,niall Crochet , - . of those who read the 11 ist ,at letters I I are now reading thelast-of them."k .* . I � to open smill - abscesses or,, gum -boils. come from the blood. Bailin - addition to J -n -g. He was discovered lying dead on, the thei enrichment of the blood, if. the ulcer be bde,y, Matter had floor, with three shat'Wounda'bu bis tion with Sheriff and' velss , Chief Constable,thoobjecti of much speou- . . needle andi fastening it to a for's pavi * Atli 'a I . . '' The'Kwquia,of Uatndeh,'now 12 yews I - Large swellings Containing - . better be Been to by the family physician. in the leg, this must be kept up as much the fatal one being in his left breas-t-Upou b"-didlow. -lmtivO criticism On the Part of 1 . drafters, Who seemed to marvel at his Con- narrow gibbon, gave him sorne maoreme. card to practice with. It learne& Blowly Fit old, asked thii.Courb of Chancery the other - I . day to increase his allowanoo of 530,00D v. . Many peoule have the greatest-, horror of hie Ana bandaged firmly, but not 0, table he had lefb letters to different per- - . ma"Posai tly, from the toes upWard. I - . and will suffar okoruoiating pain ,sons, dated at 11 ololook.tho,t nightj Orbteat .the lancet too tigh - , ­ , . . f1dentittl talk with their avowed fossi The from Uig to Staffin at the outset rise$ I firstil. but with the . i6areful mud patient attention of its mistress, 11 Little Billy "' - ,jear to S46,000, on the ground that thefor- � � , I , met was not onough.to keep up his estate at . � 1 - - than of five . grains of poviderea alum A,mang them. was a, for days from &'trifling abscess rather - roar .to the ing.his. innocence. , -opened. -And in a or sulphate of zinc . ounce of.water settled letter to big daughter and a will yet � submit to ho6ve it I . I I road, over the shoulder of a hill facing the as&, ,aii,the in brilli-�nt scarlet � ultimately overcome the intri6aciles'of the stitch, and DOW oroah eta as industriously. . .. Baynhasso Court,' I I I I . . � . I . . . � , Governor Porter, of Indiano,, tallWevvery . I 1. allow case of this kind the relief - thab I. j 0, matte another handy stimulating lotion. leaving.all his property to her. . . . i a is, -Goulo;d w4teiii-easily made ;, simply add . . .. almost in oleo and marines, I .tanles, white forage bags arid glistening . as its 'Young � Ln"istrass. �Ifi.haa already Crocheted itself & n0bla and ot small bed- �. 'funny itory on-himeolf;-ackuowle , dging that I - , . In Dart .� simple and Painless. I �,. . - . . pil I .Almost instantaneous. Others, again, are a teaspoonful of sugar of lead to.. a - i at of I I - It water it is rendered more.cooling by -the � . TheAessepger trista Waterloo.,, , � �ltveta, passed upw ardo, they .�riisented, bf . andoithe ciiburnatonoes, a,unique appesr� spread, and is now ongiged on a; woollen 'tar forbade his life he was floored, I . I the recent campaign, he went h I :1 I . . . *speo6h.' 11 'Willing to have an Abscess opened when ; . . . But it hardl addition of spirits 6fiiinb. It is an-exoel- - The inb6stinger who, was . broployed to &I comes to a bead." Y wants. leDt'application for ful swellings. . to this RothschildB in London 'the. ance, as Been from the low ground. The single. souuds rov I orbers.ted fai across t I he b ayl hood Miss . Lizzle. It is quite a, ouriosity.in'tba vicinity,. and to Indeed one' I . . in ft a He began some- . . town to, ke � thing'ta.this way *., t, My friends, I am glad'. �1� I I . convey . opening then, as it will 'break .of its own Pain I , . accord. The time to. open an abscess is Foi.wry or Atiff-a-1, or in cases where news of the victory of Waterloo -was 'sg and were re-Qoh6ed from the -blaffB on tho detmohmetib't6iled.Blowly. of the mofit singular instances oUa human . intelligence.existiug'in an animal that has tt again. I always like to oo ' L to meet yo me IL ' .- to Islankville, and to see, as I do now, so � a order to of .Francs when there is a- fla6tumpiug, .baggy, feel to you wish Wreddenthe surface i ardoieato otill upon the Zu . i so ,way. relieve internal swelling Orp%in. it mixtdre! .(Louis XVIII,). at Brussels, on tl other side. -The up the hill, and -on reaching the summit a . ever been made known.-PhiladeZphia . . I .. I many old friends. Just here a tall, gaunt . . I " . . the-toubb, giving indication to this Presence,. Of of on . e part- hartaboin to two of, oliia oil is EEG did so, and ' thah proceeded to' the � at pus, in other wogdo of the formation � in, , - ­ After t&y- had exbrIaoted brief. halt: was made. ,Then on forAbrae miles the detmohment again ed, � . .. . Rocord.. . I � . ' Rockier, in a 600n-skifi cap, Cried out.in sit inimitable voice: -Name torn, Governor, matter. It this matte't'valabot have vent a capital liniWelot. Rub well - Roth6o'bilde. � . through the'tissues that lie Carron oil is a mixture of lime water and from him all' the information. that he " I wondering Highland dxqui. which Ciasid' . ' . Rules for Winter. . The following ruld� published in Farm , name lem V1 And' ilia Governor says he - . it will oat to Laid Liver, .. oil,audba6biaDin teput6 for can- 'possessed they sent him on . Immediately above lot arid while doing so OlivO der that tho turieS 68 an application tP,burns. I know the, Prime Minister, in or ta, .., th ir.heads as they nibbled the adant a paoture and, gazed stupidly at the inartial andFireside,- ate worth heeding by. those ' ­ 1, . ., I ,.was so broken up by this untimelyinquirlr I. f o*r details that he Could not name a Man. I . . I cause a great deal of. pain and incon. pool, . I . - i Wings of this I of nothing better, however,' for instantang Govornrb�6nt might receive it . ommonced to falli arid procession. . Rain 0 who believe thati an ounce at prevention . 11 , . It i worth. &.pound of cure � � The goosiero laughed good nawredly;-and -,� ' . venience. tied the OUBlY taking the beat: Out,,pf a buru; where =n,event. Lord 'Liverpool could arake When a gum boil needs to be ope iot br6kenttban turpentine. out of the mani-and after'examiii- with a the surface is I .the men, halting for a moment, donned their great -Coate.-. Then on - again for . Never loan with the. back upon anything . that to cold. Neverbegin a journey until, -the Governor joined in, too. .11 Natuo"'em.. . G mernor, name 'am 1"'has become a by- '. - , c . i lancet should be rolled round piece - . So k I A f rag to within about half an inch at the bhe part wellwith ib for a minute or ing and orogs-examinil)g -him for some time, 0 .two. The relief is magical. I-eipiiatimore, , he felt, iuciestaingly sceptical as to the it may then be freely used at that I . Another two mlli6s. of' bleak moorland,,no inoidentodoutrindauglug the mv,tch,more - � n eaten. .. the breakfaeb bag. bee - and then imme. . Never take warm drinki word1n. the EE060ior State. . . . . , . . I . . . I The happiest man xxt indistio, over Mr.. , '. ' . I PoiOt ; Atter,'a than a thousand of my readera-to be. grate- sathetiticity of this news which he brought'. part of the boil which is softest. . ­ . . ful to Die for givin'g them this, simple bia-tt ,-He thou sent for Mi. Croker and told him noticeable thin* the meeting of an Occasional . . cart, the district posit -boy, . or a woman � diately.goont in the cold sit, . Keep the back;e,,,,�Ciati� between the Hendricks' at ation. is his colored coach- - a , man IP Tom," When the, count in New gum boil has been opened gentle prosoure . Id conclusion, I have a word or two.to the messenger had come from Waterloo is needed to Equeeze out the matter arid - poultices. In casies of local with ilia tidings of victory, but - that his carrying a bunaie of peats on bar back. Now -and again Could be descriei I the figure . ahoulder-bladea� Covered;. also. th6 . . 'I 'In in -A I York settled the result - beyond qaeatiolt ., ohouted: "We are� elected: ovire, andL . the mouth should be wall rinsed with bob F38Y about . .. . . . . inflammation of any kind I they form . the atorywasoonfumadland it was therefore .of.& manor woman on the heights on ,the chest 4olk pro tootedi. sleeping. cold establish ,the habit of briewthiiig .Tom *6 at(] going to take oui Beat this time - Vater. t needles best appliotittiod, possible. They are of diffioult to accept it as genuine. Therefore I Counsel the keeping of pins Bud 1 . . ' . I many. different kinds. The simplest: are Mr-Croker began toquestioa the man with other Bide of this valley. Somisiftnes they tipproached hurriedly towards the expedi- room, through the nose, and never with the moutbF . . I . "k . without doubt. . There won't be .- senatorial oommission this time.- I heatd - -nd in order I ' a thread in the. surgical drawer, . I - u, bur, he suo . deeded no at hand., made of owbmeal,, linseed meal I or bread all his itigi source' 1) he' that they may ,be-,alwaYs ready and water. The oatmeal pouft4de is, to better than Lord Uverpool in maki g t I I = forces, and. jabber6d excitedly in . 'Four miles from.staffin a halt was Opel, . . Mver go to bed with cold ,or, damp fast. Never dmit regular batbiu�l for unless the . . i . Mr. Hendricks' say so. We'll ,take our. - 6 sest.11 This was amid to a repoiter. who The pins should be of different eiz&'; they , . narrative -intelligible. Wh awabout to'give . AI handy for fastening bandages, etc. speak -plainly, just Porridge wltbout�smlt; ' dolled. -The 'men fell out and took a snack by brook. 11 Keep skin is in native condition the 'cold will ke' embed Tom's utterances io Mr.Hendriekii, , .� ,,; P I I 'defiaut Iii We"It ,re . white, The linseed � Poultice. is D3adii by stirring it up in deipiir,,aR a last iesourainapti by.& . The thread ,should be strong And the meall into boiling Water. gradually and sudden impulse, Mi. Croker queationed the ,of luncheon a wayside your rides in Your hands." Arid as it in � . the pora�i and favor, congestion or P10136 . . . .. � Particularly his assertion, . � . i I 11 Did he Bay we? 11 ques- � . take; out seats.", and the needles of a fair. size, needles wlibb . . i - messenger . I . in their besao,'needlea working it up well until i proper con. As to hie interview with the good honest eyes � . . I The bread and French king, and he Asked him how the expbotAtion of the immediate ap proach of . atfft beef, enemy; the men hair biscuit and . other diseases. . . � ' After exercise of any kind never ride in d . who as I r . blamed - M .Hen rieksi and that such wag the CORO he buraill that even a man os,ri.thread. sistency is obtained. water Poultice is made by pouring king was El. . As tobandages, they can either be bought � � � dresse The messenger replied : 'Mr. ,an with - their 'muskets .slung across their . Again the bugle sounded, the an open carriage, or nemr the windOw of a " oa,r for a, moment; it is dangerous to health Positively . into the.heartieot laugh he has been knowsot, & . He fairly '. or made., For economy'a sake I think they boiling water over places of stale "In his dreaBing-gown," Croker WED. be for this old brdaa,.�overiog up with a plate for a short asked him what the -king did and said Ao shoulders. troops fell in Bud the'snitrolo was resumed. and even. to life. , . . . When hoarse, speak as little as possible to indulge in for many Yeats, shouted With *glee, and ,then, recovering ' - ' should made, and purpose linen of any kind can be washed and time, draining off the, water, Charooalmay 'him i to which the messenger replied .. , ' , His it be added to this, it thought desirable, which majesty embraced me and kissed me." Mri - - At this point the scenery betiomes gran d and impressive, A wide panorama bursta I until the boarsenesels recovered. from, else way. be lost, or.diffi. himself, said; 11 I wits not sure * how Torn. . ioted,'sud I never said a word to him on I . � , ,utilized. Teat it into strips and'sew neatly together. The bandages may be of- it might be ia cases of degenerate ulcers. C,voker askedi -&.How did the king kiso. ihoweei. upon the view. .The Needle R Oak and the of the uiiaing 9 the voice permanently . a of the throat be produced. , Cattle thfe=politi68-,uDtil fib calve to ilia - - � * before the - gaths, one Carrots and. turnips are sometimes Made YOU?". 14 CA both obeeks,"foplied - two or even three different bre into poulticos, and -46 very soothing. ' senger,upon which Mr. Croker 6rupbakoally for finger othergeologicalfesiurew . . are suddenly disclosed to I the , spectator, an Me"ty Warm d continue keepipg tbe back exposed to to n a few days oleo- tion. I founalthen howanted to know how. . ., 'K about one mud a. halt inches, Onion poultice is made . by mashing up exclaimed: ,, My Lord, it is true ; his news purposes, another about two'inchei and . livilf-roasted onionsand apresioing theta on is I And. so ba truth it proved--, and the fikat glimpse; is ea,aghwot the'ses, ' on the east side at * the island.' From,thig - never . ' heitt after it has become comfortably warm. I 1. to ta,lk--;wbM kind of a speech to make. , have sicticed'the result'was e . a thiid about three These - are called genuine., - I rag'. - It is a favorite application with The Croker -Vapers�Jenningsi . . I roller bandages. Theitb are also various . . . I do the ground.olQpos : buddealy, point Onwar away turns To do otheiWisoia debilitatting- . am a warm atmosphere - When. going fr ­ � gratifYidg to him; 'WO I I . are . ding to take - .. �& . I. I . . . I forms at tailail bandagea tot applications Some tot colds in the chest. Ifthe Chest � ., � � I . be previously 9 ,eddened* by rubbing With 6 Mout. Thousand ftil�k makes awkward I ,%rid the romaugles'of the bill., . ,inu�d &cut, Again the � . . into a colder one, kebg'ffie mouth closed so the may be warmed by !to passage our Best 11 Well, that is g I . . oodT' � I ' L' - . : . , , 11 . . . to the scalp, for instance, and to - parts at . L -Ix ail , is not little warm turpentine the �ffoo6 will be . . I . 'a . I the body to which it roller. bandag no account � should it be - ,'Day before yestarday," amid a K aussis . oradr,was given .to strike upthe bugle I match, but still. in spite of the imposing that air . . I � throu t reaches ilia lu I gh the nase, ere i 12913- .Cape. . I - �; *. � . I . - Dangers of the Vcleph6nt- I . .1 . I . . ,,but oif I . suited. The blispea of thew Will better' � themselves to a person at sense. The appplied't,os'n abraded �surfaoe. , . city operator, 11 a despatch was sent from I "taplasm is Independence, No., to an - inland t6on in � - . procession scarcely a human being was die- cori,ibl& .Even in the populous � district of Never stand" abill'in cold Weather, . OiallY after having taken &.alight degree of - � (Grip') I ... � ; . I (Brown, wholesale grocer, 'going out of L . .1.1 , 0 't mustard b scalp bandagell may mentiori,bowever, is , .ia just . � a broad one, with 6ur Wit -, this being well known. . In PAins in the 'client = Scotland, and a reply was received ' Staffill taw people -were stirring, but )cab . exercise; abd always,avoid standing on. ice Or.13DOW, or where.the person is expose to town inotraots'Mrs. B. to continue hii . . I ice of calling up the watedimawof the. laid upon the head sad crown; the. two colds it is of great Bi6rvioei and also in 0 9, Bag an hour and ton minutes." �, ' t '�4, MulliattsulT, . I .. � . foremost tails are carried backwitrabehind ot dyspepsia and pain$ in the -stomach, - , an ambuscade should be attempted scout. - 'sting of two Marines arid E6 ing parties consi , a cold wind.- . . .1 . .. .. - . I . . - :Praot . warehouse through the oight,) - I Mr6. B. (ttt 2 a.. m.) -Hello I . . I the head, crossed on the back of the sadjoks, with rbtabinj vind vomiting. , . I 4. No, it's DO Mulliattan story. It is a fact.' poulticeB to the neoli for sore throat and o was only an ordinary business despatch, constable ,�erd sent in . advance to. the top of the precipices commsfiding a view of the The Proper Vallcie la Unnes. . . W&tcbman.-Bur - I . -r-r I r -r -r I hello I I . . brought around and tied under the chin. . I � . . . In bamdaging g the art lies in * Ikeeping glandular swellings of 'a painful kind do' and, took its turn in the ordinary course 69 511, , . tablels'ud beneath. There was a ridiculous tathi6whale Sofarfrora The walking otick moat in demand' ab is the,rounalosa with Carved Mrs. B. -Is everything all,righb ? - � .1 , Wgtahman.-Yes, all rightt. Lie dowA: . . the bandage flat, Bmaoth and moderately , ; � but if you begin with them you must business." , , tight. Lay the ends along the instep Arst toolpi. on changing them or more hariv than i4 Do such things often hopped in 69,ble , , I I I side proceedings. any opposition being offered to ths advane. , present aides &bid a'sinooth top. for the name or A style is that Will ch you brute. and lop,quiet I . . [Mrs. B. retires astounded and indignant. P , . , n . 9 from the good Will result, Finally, I., remember despatches?" . . .. toward the toes, and ba da a *, Well it there is not a ruoh of businesis toes, includingall blie'toot except t 0 eel, what Dr�,Abernethy said about poultioes: ' i log bx�editlon scarcely any., one could be seen along the beighta. or� in the roonagrotso. nobby adds a heal to the usual handli, Bud ifi . the . Subsequent intervi�w between Brown and _ Watchman explains, thA then swath the ankles, and so - upward As ,, They Are either blosBinga at .duress, audit the Wires aie -in good working arde it. In' Osndi to whether they be well or badly mud the other man replies Pr,QmPt)Y, it r As the men marched ,valley beneath. - . into the ,township of Staffin a few of the muohaffected by.�S,'ouug swingers.of Wood. Ham mated gold and silver are, still the Watchman. . � his olosing remarka were addressed to him . far its the knee or aboVe according " "' . - 6. " - ought not' to take more Edam three houref to crofters a na th it Wives and families popul�r.' The lateat wrinkle in cause, dog, wl: 4 his trousers White kich:wAs. worry il ' - the CAR of the log, at every turn this hand tau. d �",. � get a reply from. an English or Scottish ---- ��. * i..lj I . . . it - B, i should be half -back ( . 'and emerged from Itself houses 'to ocan the however, is a stick suitable for a drum- Is furnished with he, Was at the - .telephone, Everybody a . . . age platted . I . town. -Two hours a halt is not - This is not a,baolutely necoagarYi for, ba.v- Odious comparstioas. . . uncommon time, but 1, one bout mud. ten Ing bandaged the lo6r half of the 109, uniformed array of airmed roon. Collie dogs barked as the troops passcid by, and major.. This style hollow.boad, the top of which,la filled with happy.], ., , I . I . . A Sign of siloge for Ireland, . . - , 1!ho %rtfuleot man is,tba designer. , emairkable you may then carry the roller righb away' . minutes is undoubtedly very r � Tlta most changemble-the banker, time."-Ziusas Cit Times., occasionally a. tow. arofters engaged in repaidug the thatch of t6eir houses paused & eorew plate wMCh can be taken off whoum . . ever the holder pleased, These Canes are Xew york Stari The most hopeful 01tilt . I , up to under the knee and than turn th6go, The most acoommoamting-,--the broker, . . ry . . and so on dow . � - n again to whatever POgibiOlt t The doctor. in their work and buriQualy Contemplated , 'menj us6d vow for tobaodo bbuchas and cigarette Some them 0 thibables " vitil for Ireland just Dow lathe rapidly doaresta.. � itig quantity Of waste land, For many , r4ost t, food$ %able -the , I � going to take hi's I the ba,ndage is found to lie the 11%tteet in, The taost _:-tb A gentleman who. Wag I a 6119ravok. the tormiamble body of Here withered ar6ne danced a derisive break. 0; oases. use an , oarri them to the theatre And opera filled y Are the area, under bog, marRhand barren - a . I ' chaste Charpia is made by atketohing or holding see av dramatic eriormance the The: ive--the cashiet. other day was surprised to gas .,4strips of old linen very tightly and soraping The tacat talkative -the mactionser; family to 1. P , his 'wife "Coe", do n,e1eitinglaug torn Oug-t a - arIndB; of 9 . a there returning with the good oi& stuff,—m. Y. ana . 11fait I Express. . I mountain become greater and greater'. but agricultural entorpcise m dst have found 1 . it with a rough knife. - Charpis is a, useful The Most tylla"It'81-11 -'thd printer. - : - pecking a large trunk And filling two large ak group Aitle 0 post 080 . gi led at and ads fro t 9 . - .. ROME) encouragement in the state of. the. � 44 � oatabloa juab before starting, application to wounds Bud - way take the I 0,61101 T a owl-t"t he Confectioner. " h b of . I , . . I 4, wfiwt on earth ate you doing that for?" place of lint, but after ail it is not so handy; The colds$ t go, 6 of the soldiers, ho to by,,no loat , to t The miss Prettypert-44 Why d'onit You dome over with your alattirs to Out Plaou some4 ,for this y oat we road' The I c=1 on of waste land limd been pro, V it does not lie so flat, and baddea this -the ice man. ­ . The 9MOSt-the andattiiker- inquired the husbaudo "Why,",roturoea means return a aff. bugles again sounded a march, for this times, Johnnie?" Johnnie (tieing 10)� � . greasing t,teadfly, and niow there Mo 89,720 in '1888. you Cannot spread ointment very wall . bliat six I I . The binatiefit-the baker, ' his wifol: 11 it says on the play bill I it. , between the first and second was meaut,to be an,imposbag domonstfa. ig Well; it's like Ahis, Ylknow, Miss Pfdtl1V Where there's a rippiug nice girl acres logo than there Were The extent of land under grass 4&4 largely upon The adediest-the go,rdenot. weeks olopoe in oases of sores that we wish to take on . . , Who gteititesh ttirh-coo,t�iho tailor. note." . tiob, ,mud it 1.80 a halt was Called before ' Staffin LodgEs. The last hmlf.mile of the orb. Ei Dfbdn people might thin ke you, it I Came I inereaoed� but lands Under orcps show a . 06 kindly healing adtiba, at tbosb that need .1 Thd apoosalest-the lover, ' . The attempt to raise dano - in the Sand stimulating or soothing, water, droMlug isi� � I a failure. It. it is islands has journeywasa merry and1or the Marines. bootleass ihiidinteatiob:o,snd,X'm.not'a�t�&r ,V91 Won Ill " . . tolling cff of il)ote .tbau-69,000 adteA, for Which the 'two Moot ptooperouK Provindoa� 1 . � � wich proved . , , ,. . invaluable. It is very simple mud asay of . � . ' the Saud, com6rb 'to our brethren. The villAgeidiot- a stookiagleso imbecile, breaet was entirely bare, . (ty, Vitteea orange trees, near plant a, tainster and Ulgtee�aso Mainly respon� � I I . ,any application. YOU have only to dip' a pieob Everybody wants �to sell but nobody wlohog,ta know it, we hereby reinvirk that of lint ioclean cold watert to, Which pt6ba- wants to bdy r9al dBt%t,6 in gngland now. Caln"hag'been ralged in the United .whose And whose ragged trousers were sd by a. straw rope-joifiod in the procession, Fla.. 'yield this year 160. 000 oranges- 10,000 to, the tree. - Whose trees are About BiblO." - I -t � . . � , I itt Kingston, jamaiON bly &-few aropB,of purgi oarbolio aold have . enough been wlaed, then, apply it to the sore, Which W Bob Burdett6 dissolved big .partnership States during the last thred mouth$ to Pre- I . . Ith the Hawheye on Thankagiving'aity. 'vent and by his inane laughter provoked in turn . 40 years old. . The estate of Sir ursablua.-Wil. � The Britiab police iLve dAptured this Cuban Agitator Bonaoliaoi, I I it must more thoin i ' I - any soardity. I 3over. A pladoat oiled I over the lint In order Sit Stattora Northdoid's Is the pour Chinese ambassadors passed, Battles of mirth And, expressions of pity. Among the men., 'When Staffiss. Lodge, was parOollid 1$lidt oft skin disleasso, xonj the great speol I and his baud, With their &rwo and stom"i. . . � . I 10,10, I oilk ia then applied . ,Iqt�j . to retain its moisture, and the . whole is pbrAofi. Who. mada public the, story about through ElPsgo, Tex., on Sunday, en rou!6 Coleridge's so ate the p%sov,ge WOMU11089 in big City Of Mexico to 0 reached the force draw Up. It was gaining ,Dow somewhat heavily, is believed to be the largest Of Any V lediesl a man on fedora in 911gland, viz., $1,320,000, I The. conto,nary of Kelthodista Will be cold. kept in pooitiou by Moving of a retaining Working tothb . daughter as a housefioeper; for the dornpats. of & law Permitting Chinsmets. to became bandage Olona. hanging' over -the ties, through 'The balk Will ultimately go to the Royal beated in 3aillmote tiu TuosdAy, Sit- hundred delegates will be prooebt, � Wate; dressing iR 41130 Applied to Wounds, tivdy sm%ll wages of 8P Shillings 4 wook. ditizong Of Mexico. � I � ,� . . . . . . . . . . � . . � � � . . I I . I . � . . I I . I I . . . . . I I I I . . I . I I - ­ 1: - .. �. 11 ­­ I . I . ". I 1, , 1.11-1 I . . I I .." . I ... . 11 � . . __­ ___­ I '. . � . I I which could . dimly be I dl000rnod the I . I � . . . I . . . I . I I . .1, I I . . I �, 1. . I I 11 . . . � I . Ool logo of Surgeons. I I I . . . . I I � . I I . .. I I I . I I I I . .. � .. , I � . . , . . .. I I ­ . 1 . I . . � . � ­ - ,� I I . � . . � � . I . . � . I . A . . I I � . . . , I � . -� I . � - - ') - I I � 1, . � " . I . - ... I �� _ - - � I - -1 __ - -1 - _ ____ ___ . ... .. ,, " 411601, Itli 0'.--, . , ..or, - _1� .._A_.:___-- , _. _L� _.,_...-_-1111- I I ,,,-,�_ �� 1, A., �: _�'. -, """ I �'-,A�-..i.."",AL-L,-�--21.'�L ­_'.6.AW&L ­ �- " I ,A . , __ A--., , 10 ..-i " 6 ,, � , - � ,.'.._-,�_ -111 -I - ­... .1 -1 -1.. - ­ -A