The New Era, 1884-12-05, Page 10et4IN'TONNEW ERA
wood have been brought in, and towns.
people, consequently, have not been so
much at the mercy of the rapacious wood-
men. Mt. Geo. Bay is recovering from
his late illness very slowly, and is not
able to be out alone. Alm Eva Steven-
ga-,XXAS CARDS in (peat 'variety, and all son, who has been in very poor health
• i Prices thelowest at since her return from Winnipeg, is not
t8i. 8'45 Pock coal .Irancy Goods store.
ON TAKE Any AN os —Raisins are steadily
advancing 30 pris. S. 1p.&14,1SER de 0-al-
wa3rs watehing gm markets, bought a lot early when
(he price was at 'tbo lowest ebb, and will give their
customers the advantage. We are bound to -turn
over a lot of goods this Xmas. Low priceswill do it.
S. PALLISER 4 CO., Clinton.
Low Price; Make Things Hum.
The trowels of good people who enter.
ed the Store of John Crafts during the
past week, bought quickly atm went
away well pleased, Laving Perceived
at once that the goods were lar below
their actual value. This Clreat Clear -
In dale 19 attracting people from GO.
derich.geafarth, Wingliam, Myth; 434,
and big parcels are the order of the
day. To those who have not yet paid
this establishment a visit, We Weald
kindly; remind' -them, for their own
interest, ;ado em at once.
INSTALLED.—At the last regular meet-
ing of Maple Leaf Lodge No. 16,. 0,0. F.,
on, Thursday evening, the following offic-
ers were installed :— A. Hale, W. C. R.
W. Sperling, V. C. R. T. Friendship,
Chap. Wm. Jones, F. S. J. C. Cole, R.
S. A. Twitchell, J.B. S. Pennybaker,
S. B. C. Wilson, J. W. 11. Folland,
S. W.
PRETTY GOOD.—We understand that
Mr. W. A. Milne has taken the highest
marks in the Model Sohool for teaching.
In every examination on which Mr.Milue
has written, he has succeeded in head-
ing the list. In 1881, he passed the en-
trance examination, coming out first in
Bruce by about forty marks, and at tne
last teachers examination he passed high-
est in the county of -Huron, We wish him
in all his future examinations to bead the
list as honorably as he has done so far.
AHEAD EVERY Tneh.—A farmer, near
Auburn, who bas been making Goderich
his market for his produce till a few days
age, informs us that he brought a load of
wheat to thileplace and got two and three
cents a tiara' more for it than he could
get in Goderieh. Ho said he was glad. he
foundout the difference in the markets,
as .he will now centiune to trade here.
We have claimed that Clinton is the best
market in the county, and the experience
of fartnerein all directions, supports our
A dispatch from Panama of the 25th
inst. says Mr. Hubert, of the Canal Com-
pany, has died of yellow fever. He is the
eleventh officer of the Dongler expedition
who has died within a year of his.arrival.
Mr. Hubert is understood to have relatives
living near Clinton or in that town.
--Daily paper. [We have made Careful
inquires and cannot learn of this person
having any relatives in this vicinity.
About a year since a man named Hubert
received mail matter at the post office
here, but nothing more is knoiv,u about
the matter.
MODEL SCHOOL BOA.Rb.—The regular
meeting of the School Board was held on
Tuesday evening. A large number of ap-
plications were received for the vacancies
in the school, when it was decided to re-
engage Miss Holmes at her present salary.
Miss Irvine was allowed $50 for her ser-
vices to the end of the year. Miss Jack-
son of Anrora, was employed for the third
aivisiori",-ar a eithify of $2S,
Simpson, of Toronto, for the first division,•
at. a salary of $275. The following ac-
counts were ordered to be paid:—Thomas
Stevenson, $6.50; Globe, advertising,
2.G1; Mail, advertising, $1.23; J. Wise-
man, $9.49 ; Nen-Record, $16. Mr. W.
H. Hine was appointed returning officer
for the regular election of school trustees. -
BRIEFS. — Conrad Schleismeyer, the
scamp who married Miss Rentgen here,
and deserted her, has turned up in the
neighborhood of Philadelphia, where lie
has re -married. Our esteemed cabin, the
Seaforth Expositor, appeared in a new
dress last week; the Expositor—like the
NEw ERA—keeps ahead of the primes -
pion. Mr. E. Floody has bought a stock
of groceries, and will open up in Mur -
ray's store. Mr. E. J. Hill, late of
Holmesville, is now living in Toronto,
handling bankrupt stooks ; he is said to
have made. clear last year,$5,000. The
editor of the Record slippeand fell hea-
vily on his back the other day; a wag
standing by remarked "that's like the N.
P.,—it has tumbled." In Galt they have
just commenced to use the word "taken"
for reserved seats at public entertainments;
they are behind the age, as that plan has
been in use here for years. A.G. Hodge; -
formerly proprietor of the St.Janses' hotel,
Toronto, and who afterwards started -a re-
tail grocery, has assigned, his parents re-
side in Goderich township. Mr. Gallag-
her, formerly of the Record, is now one of
the proprietors of the Pembroke Standard;
except that he is on the wrong side of the
political fence, he has our best wishes; by-
the-way,we believe he has carried away the
heart of a young lady of this town, and
will no doubt take niore than that part of
her anatomy at some future time. .Mr.
Wesley Cole had no connection whatever
with the communication' on ."diseased
meat" which appeared two week's since.
Mr. Jos. Allanson is bound to "grow,"..„in
more senses than one, and for this pur-
pose has purchased .the quarter -acre lot
of Mr. Fenton, adjoining his own proper-
ty. Mr. Paisley ejected a young man
from the Army meeting on Sunday after
noon, for disorderly conduct, and several
others in the hall trembled in their .shoes
lest they would be treated likewise. A
Mr. Ronayne, an evangelist from Chicago'
_has been holding Meetings in the hall,
Perrin's...block, during the past week.
Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy, of the Goderich
Signal, passed through town on Monday ;
he had been supplying the pulpit of the
Baptist church, Winghain, on Sunday:.
The county is fortunate in having three
editors who can, in addition to their other
duties, fill a pulpit with a measure of ac-
ceptance. The House of Commons Lite-
rary Society decided at its last meeting,
to adjourn until after New Years,owing
to so many other meetings requiring At-
tention before that time. Miss Ida Ham"
i I ton, (daughter of Bey. C. Haien) who
has been attending Lite Mode Scheel
here, has been engaged for It school near
Kincardine, at a salary of $2; she is a
lady of more than ordinary ability for her
years, and will no doubt give good satis-
faction. Mr. Jacob Morse, formerly fore-
man in the foundry,,died in Sr. Thomas On
Wednesday. During the few days we
had sleighing several thousand cords
yet able to lie out, though she is recover-
ing. Mr. Geo. Armstrong,formerly Cus-
toms collector here, is again discharging
the duties of the office, during the absence
of Mr. Radcliffe; it is reported that a
prominent and well-known Conservative
in town is an applicant for the position
ofCollector here: Mr. Young, editor of
the Pembina, Dak., Express, and for two
years registrar of deeds for Pembina conn-
ty, was defeated in a contest for the posi-
tion again, by a majority of 20, in a total
vote of about 2,309 ; he is a brother of
the Messrs. Young, of Blyth Salt Works.
A young man named Coyne was up be-
fore the Mayor for disturbing the Army
on snotty., and was fine $1 and costs;
there 'are some other young men who
should take warning, -A bone attached
to a Cutter, and driven by a young boy
named Denison, ran away on Thursday,
but did no, damage, although the driver
got a bad scare. There is a lady residing
within a hundred yards of the main street
of town, who, until Saturday last, had not
been down town for three years, and there
was no reason to prevent her coming out,
had 'she been so disposed ; she cannot
have the "natural curiosity" which is at-
tributed to her sex. Mrs. Geo.E. Pay has
a lamp chimney which has been in use
for 12 years, and is as good to -day as
when bought; that is not the kind of
lamp chimneys -made et this time. In
reference to, the fining of Mr, Brown, of
.Hullett, mentioned last week, we under-
stand that the case arose purely out. of a
misunderstanding between the leases of
the Canada CO. lot and Mr. Brown, _there
being really no trespass • in the sense in
which the paragraph intimated there was.
Mr. W. Jackson has put up in his store,
a pair of neat window blinds, the work
.of Mr. Geo, Bowers, 'Mr. Warren Callen-
der, formerly of Stanley, has returned
from Manitoba; and'expects to make this
town his homefor the next year.. The
reeve and deputy areattending county
Council. Mr. J. W. Broderick, of Exeter,
bought the stock of Mr. Denison. Mr.A.
Couch has traded, off'his well-known team
of ponies., In order to supply the de-
mand:for Doherty organs, it. has been ne-
cessary for Most of themen to work over-
time lately. A neice of Mr. John Wil -
Hama; (Of the Clinton foundry). unexpect.
edly dropped in to see him the other day;
her 'tense isin Newfoundland; and it gave
her unbounded pleasureto find there was
a person in town, Mr. W. Jones, with
whom she could .converse in Wels'hf'her
inother tongue and the conversation 13RSS•
ing between them was a jargon to all but
themselves, On Monday, Mr. W. Martin
shipped 20 tons of old iron, and 3 tons of
old rags. •We are sorry to record the
death of Mr. Andrew Duncen,'which took
place, at his mother's .residence, on Tues-
day •; deceased has been • ailing for some
time, and his death was not unexpected,
add although,be.suffered themost intense
pain at times during his protracted
ncss, it was all , borne without :murmur
and with a calm resignation to the Divine
will he had long believed on Himwho
alone can comfort in the hour of death,
andle..passed.tweetly into a better land;
•Mrs. Duncan has the heartfelt sympathy
of all in her bereavement, this making
thejourtli. member et the fansily she has
,lbstin a few years. ''.The, term for which
the following members ' of the Model
School .Board werq elected, expires at the
end Of this year, viz:—Jas. Thompson, J.
Cuningharoe F. Rumba'', and J.T.
Misf3 I:Tucker, at present 'attend-
ing the Model School here, has been en-
gaged to teach the junior department ,ot
the school in S.S. No. 1, Morris, for the
ensumg.yearrat a Salary of $230; she is
one that .will soon shev:. herself to be.
worthy of a larger salary 'tlian this: The
Grange Salt Company, who haVe been for
sever0 weeks sinking a well near the, G.
T. R. station at Kincardine, have struck
salt, and now w.e may expect to see a drop
in salt by the Huron Salt Association ;
'will the Grange Co. ran any longer that?
the Hensall CO Mr. John Beattie has
added a ,ceuple of very handSome large
cuttersto his livery they are expressly
for sleighing parties. The mother of Mr.
Thos. Cooper, grocer; died here on Wed-,
nesday, the advanced age of 84 years;
she has been in tolerably fair health until
for about a tnonth; the remains of her
husband being interred at. Toronto, her
body was likewise taken -there for iter-
meut. Mt. S3varts, formerly of this place..
has taken Over the livery stable at Gode-
rich,lately run by his son, and is catty-.
g it on. Last week a yohng man from
the country came in 'and requested the
presence of Rev. A. Stewart, to officiate.
at his .marriage, on Tuesday ; Mr. Stewart
got a,liVery that da, and drove out,
as desired, to find` that the ybung man
had been a day ahead, and consequently.
Iie had to, go out again on Wednesday:
On Monday night, a nuniber of gates were
Catried away, from premises on Huron St.
The wife UDE% Jas. •Moore, of .the Com-
haercial•Hotet, who underwent a, surgical
Operation this week, is recovering from
the effects thereof as well as could be ex-
peeted, Mr, Js. Combe, Jr., who has
been in New Jersey; for a year, it expect-
ecl home shortly, and ivill take. the place
of his brother Hugh, who goes to Toronto
to complete his studies in. medicine, Mr.-
Tipling claims to have pa on 600 horse
shoes in his blacksmith shop, in font days
this week; this is pretty good work; for
one shop. Mrs. Lawson Moore, of the
Base line, has been Seriously 111 for sever-
al days, and is not yet out of danger. We
uuderstand.that Mrs. Whaley intends to
build ,on her property on Rattenbtiry.
Street, The sale .of land for taxes 'took
place at Godericht on Wednesday; about
all the lots advertised were sold, at mod-
erate prices; there was not a very large
attendance of purchasers. Mr. Thos. 0:
Cooper las his brother living with Iihrf
tor the vinter. Between 60 and 70 per-
sons have signified their intention of
writing at the Entrance Examination
here. iIcsr 1i11crancl Malloch, Scheel
Inspectors, put the Modelites in atten-
dance here, through a thorough examina-
tion on Tuesday and Wednesday. At a
meeting of the County Scott AO Associa-
tion here, en Tuesday, Mr. James Scott;
,(of Manning &Seoti) was appointed.Soh-
citor for the Association. On Wednesday
Mr. S. Pike's team Of ponies ran away; cars
tying with them the tongue of the sleigh
mid Whiffiletrees; they ran for threetniles,
before Stopping ; this "beats the record')
and pttts 061)1 up head for running colts,
argovariety of Prosents
Suitable for Christmas 3Presents.
Saitifaetion. guraute,.ecl.
Nearly. -.250 Case*
Received this fall.
he Largest and Most Complete Stock. in
• Western. Ontario. Prices wir,
the LOWED/et
Is the line we forgot to mention last
week. Wecan give you a GRAND
" •
and colors to choose from., Ask to
see them, enquire the prices, and
New stock of GOOD FOOT 13A.LLS just received &QM •
:-------England, at remarkably low prices.
Large stock. o 7IW4.T SalkOOL
In 13LAOKS add 'COLORS, plain.
In BLACKS and `,_ OLORS, brocaded.
We have allkinds of':P134SENTS,'
at tile•.' Verylowest' prices.
SLEIGHS from 75c. up to. $3. , , .
•• WALL PAPER at greatly reduced prices.
ftfirWOOD :WANTED m trade for gogs.
Pay & Wiseman,
• . .
Vats c v')sse
s c'
6°46-se...ay.. °. .'
e °'I Cie° 11 1. 1,ANI . . .
IX% . . 0. ,
11 ' •I'07''
— skele,61°..c0e,t101
... 0 A
viovo.., ts,ck.'0,,t1;ofeovegs.110‘s.c0\6 .
4 e '11S G , .t)00 . ,0.0.0i • ; -0. tioi, \ .
v.0. -,r 8 ctivt4 ii**' .
• -10,-;.•-••,,,:c- „Joe. ,45N\ ••• \
° . \
-V ...a.N 0-A \ .
"S.V. • ,00•0-' 5:,,.t....: (4,10-°,1t1'w'
. . . 't1 $ ''al :01'11::11. :::::::ll•*:::go:::':' c'
1oe i.v° ri• NP
.4,14 0 .,,„„it.:0* • ,...' alt'S.r. 00.-
-0.1kS:0Yi.t.N,/:,s;it,41.:jP tot Se,‘'
I ,
Ifotunc.)as ]Tatter, •Clintono,
Our Stock is rthe Largest and Cheapest,
to be found anywhere.
_ • , .
We turn out the.cheapest Clothing, considering:the. fine work-
manship, that can be had .anywhere. Our fast increasing busi-
. neSs- is a sufficient guarantee that we give good'satisfaction,
both•In-a„splendid fit and low prices. . We have' been told by
people who have bought fronvother houses, that they have 11 en
. charged terribly high prices for Clothing, when we are g
better work and.lower'prices. , And we have also been told by
people• who have had experience in the "Big; Dic,ount Sale,'
that it is a big fraud, and that the best place to buy is from -
treetPrtattdae4oana.d 1.‘lave.. a geed
houses that do a gooesdtalbeigiisthhenda
Vio g C1llillg ClleapoP ton '6110P
We have a tremendouS stock, and vie are sure WO can
satisfy you in every Way.:
'••••• •• •