The New Era, 1884-12-05, Page 7el HELLO 24°11° CH*ISTMAS • S. PALLISER & CO, .4twe ready for it. Our Holiday Stock is now bomplete, and we are prepared to make it interesting and profitable for every citizen. in Clinton and. Huron county, We will offer at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES, the following A full line of NErilir IT'RUITS Valencia Raiszns. Sultana Raisins, Seedless Raisins, Table. Fruit, Loose Muscatel' Raisins London Layers,Black Baskets &c. New Cwrants very.choice Lemons, Figs, Nuts, Etc., Etc, A PULL ASSORTMENT OF CANNED GOODS. A full line of CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S .GOODS. Potted, Beef, Potted Ham, Potted Tongue, Calves -Foot Jelly. Black Currant Jelly, &c. . Pickles, Curry Powder, Capers, Essence of Anchoves, Harvey's Sauce, L. Sr P. Sauce, Indian Chutney„ Mushroom Cats -dip. &c. Dundee Marmalade, Extracts and Essenai. LEMON, CITRON AND ORANGE PEELS, Tal YDu have only to mention. cash, turn up your greenbacks, and you will be astonished. Our Groceries are all fresh and of the very best quality. TEAS, COI'VEES ce4 rvrtz. SPICES .opeciiity A good Tea for. 25c. per ib. Fresh Ground Coffee 30c. per lb. .LEXEMBEIVE ;OAST OUR ON corral NOTICE—Our friends have kept us too • busy this week, so that' we have not had time to get through opening. up our IMMENSE STOCK • OF CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE. . • We hope to be ready for you in a day or two. ‘, • We are bound. to make things rush for the next month, IF LOW PRICES WILL DO IT. CONE ONE, COME ALL: THE MORE. WE SELL THE CHEAPER YOU BUY. S. PALLISER & s; PALLISER, ' , } Next door to the Towii Hall Clinton: -warm. Christmas Thuir commociog . • • • .00 :. • • • . . • • V1111100 %,o. eti,rt. TirleiAtg; " .1 I 11111 DRUULIBIFii7 a ealimea. Prices. . , . . . • • • . .• BOARS FOR .SERVIOR • . CANADAys -ntrIvrEtt. • - ''' OVFFOLO 110AIL FOR SERVICE. .....4 . • )0 first Pri'Ae .XMPORTlia) SHIPFOLX ROAR will lie kept for service on Lot- 41, Bast: Line, •• Italica, JOHN Goyi,ER.. ..-7---r-- T.14?,,,Att 11,014 SERVICE.' . ' 1.41A....I.WDElt- . . ..11signocl.1,o904 for service on the north pert of lot 1 •• • --. 37, nui eon, -iilliett theroughltrea row!. ciii.k.,. •• ; H.A.. T0.118; , ot•tinic of s ry de, Iv CI) privilege of •• . • , returnitri* if Ile..CC8411.11' • WM. eASKIVIT11 Blue line, ' ___ • • ._ - ..• , • . : . .., ..,,.. DEERS/HEE 110Alt FOR SEILVICE.-• . •• • . • • ...1-2Tim subscilbt r- keeps for service, ' at his l• . . - . aim, lot .) .., liialtlatul eon., ' (Ifolme,sville) a 1 . • • ''' .tRoroughb.PN, Be.rksli i re, , Boar: Term:4 .I., 61,1 Ofiliqf. •.:,1)6c. ....I 11010 of seitit.e., n !Th. 1.1rty,kto_e_Of ,retu ening, it • necessnry t HAS. ,1. .urisAzr,.. Holatosville• • ' ). ' i'• .- 1:).• . • • . -DiFIRTE tiii II OF ' IIOAIIIS F 0 SERVICE. Ili! • • . : • ,.. , ,1-1, Tho mil/scriber keeps. for service, on hislarin, lot • • .. . , • . . . ••'. 23; 13tli concession' of Hallett, two. Thoroughbred . • . . . ' Berkshire Boars, onectgodrthe other a Spring Mg.—. . . . , Pedigrees giVCII 'if neeessary. Terin, St, payola» at,time of :,,ervieo, with privilege of returning, if nomm- sary.,--STiiIPIIENAlatAY, Mutat.' . , • 20 lbs. dry Brown Sugar for $1.00. 28 lbs. good Raisins, season of 1883, • for $1 00 25 lbs. good Currants, season of1883, for $1 00 22 lbs. Rice for $1.00 Also, New RAISINS, CURRANTS and FIGS. PEELS, SPICES, EXTRACTS, 8zc. A 1 quality. , . BEIIK6SIRE.BOAR FOR SERVICE—The under-- Signed has a eveaukt-nerkshire Bear. 011 his farm for •serviee, whieb was littered last April, tend has taken llrst prize wherever sh-wn this fall. Thum Si, with privilege ()I' retarning • if -net:Mary; TuoaLtp..; CARBERT, Oravoi ltd • 'PEItlIIIIIIE II0A/I FOOSERVICE.'—• 1, The undersigned keep for service on their farm, a theitinghbreil fierktirike Boar, -.Proinieri. born last A pril, and ,bred bJ., y Shell's •Sons, Edmonton. Fedi- gree,-4 Sire, Imported. Crown Prinee 10481,slan) Moon, min Belle 10172, bylmp. Royal Carlisle 8432.; g. dant. Imp Mountait1 Doisy0074,by Rotivitalti.),Volki ti.g.(10,111 Thirza, by Collegian ; .g.g.g. (lath •Ilandsemn 11, by Union Jacit,11 • „w g.g..g.dn Hyacinth,aiby Wallace ; g.g.g.g.g.tlam Iitindsotnel,-by•Exeliange ; g.g.g.g.g.(r• dam 1101)9, by Seniiiiigt!,or Lad ; g.g.g.g.g.g.g. (Jaill M • 0111, by iltshire Lod. ;term* el, at time of se' me; i with privilege of reurning, if neeessary. 11,, SNELL 1 4) So.•fs, 11o1 let.t. • - , . • • .1PIR:td000.Ib ".. cc! --• li rinPeas I! :* uIp ,...k 63 /1 P itt"'QQP el -I.' 1-3- LL p R I:I iz aDOCD g110 " 6 , . gl' P ' CD P ' .'' TA' ,_„,- CD ,,.. ) P P Cil bi o ra ‘i, gs 0 P 0 'Ws ti H ti PI is. v.% 2 ct-0) 44 T4''W 1:7: I—"PCD 00 0 (fil.112 liti. :4 026141.14.r."-". 1:1 .tilrill-'0*/.1-4t-14> C11;0tX)H1 t40/1115 1471L4 (111;'A.P rii iplpt 1.-11...q t'4, F.:4 194 0 vlfiQiYic4-ci) '724 g-rti ("Pfcr.),15;tor'lli&A))1 gt • (4. P • HowTo.-xxc3nE4.4ii -Otrit POREION-TRADE; During the season of navigation now closed 'the exports of butter from ,Mon - treat amounted to, about. 7,500,000 lbs. Ngaitist 12,760,000-ls. for the correspond- ing period in 1SS0 showing a decrease of 5,260,000 lbs. Now the chief, and may safely add the only reason'why Can-, ada has ,not shipped nearly double the quantity of butter which left this port since May lst, has been .owing to the in- feriority of quality arising (1) from a de- fective system of Making, and (2) from the unpardonable practice of holding choice firsticegf000ds until they -become stale. The these defects can easily be remedied by tho•adoption of the creamery system, which has given great iatisfaotion• wherever it has been tried, while the second is bound to work its own reform, and that shortly, from the Sheer- force of necessity, as the time is near at hand when farmers will not be able to dispose • 114 sn E;E:2,EJ 4E1 ;:p. t.:111.c,ip.cil, e" p> CD FrE3 0F12) coop ' P igs U-% OMP>P0Pg a3 9 of their. low .grade products except for soap boiling, purposes. The reason' for this is plain, for just as soon as the price of finegoods advances to a certain poi▪ nt, the poorer class of butter is completely ousted from the market by the introduc- don of butterine, which is far more whole- some and ' infinitely more palatable than the objectionable and nasty flavor of kept butter. The market appears,to be devel- oping an easier feeling which even the finest grades will find it difficult to egcape. Stocks back in the countrrare larger than anticipated and supplies continue to ac- .carmilate here. ----Montreal Produce Iui- ' . CD' P'tTgt'Tni1,2g0•lti• llIwiinrt.1,,i.%4. ' . Or .1• RN e8 )(menet. "F • Valuator ter the • c'AN %DA LA trOlilt) CitEcno A fine of $500 will hereafter be' imposed Stock complete ut all Departtuents, and yalues better than over before offered. O0111'A' • . A. FOR*IIESTER. upon persons convicted of selling or offer CliOtoll 1)e.?23% - ing for sale oleomargarine or butterine in . !, • Vermont. Ordere4 Ciothino- Depoirtment 4 ; • running night • and day.— • — HtALTH is WFATATIL • Leave, your order early if • •• • • • , • • • • • • , • The Minneapolis. Pioneer Press is en- couraging the 'farmers of the Northwest to increase the acreage of wheat.. It fir; gnewthat.the decrease in the acreage -else- where will make it probable that the os- cillation from •a superabundant supply BO1' TAnet OVIIIIS110E$ and this year to 4 largely decreased and per- V.• ii•allat SHWA itn d Fl i„mi,m4—•./ • . .arge stoelt---very low priceshaps inadequate supply next year, will swingback prices to a higher point than • I • . • , , • . 1 FULL LINES.' Veiattr' acte— . Crockery and Cliss 4 ._v 4 ire e 00CdS shitable for Hol7iday prseivnts. ii • . , . . . . . Call Slid, set) us, ditning thipS • Salo. • . • •. . . J THE PEOPLE APPRFICIATt OVR MOTTO, F-ILAUGEk SALES IYITII' SMALL PROFITS." WE HAVE NO MILL TIMES, •COME WIDgN ' Y017 WILL YOU •FIND ' US .1111' SY.E.P ALWAYS BEADY TO •''SEEVE NOV. .. • . . • . . • II UI • • LON DESB11,10. 1)11. k. C. WIISTN,NERAIN AND BRADTahAvAteisr, A guaranteed fnieelfle for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convill. Motel, Vits, Nervous Neuralgia, Ilcadache, NO11,6118 rrostrat ion caused by Ilse of alcohol or tobaceo, Wake fulness, Mental dcpressiOn, Softening of the brainve. suiting in Insanity owl leading in misery, decay Ana death; Premature Old Age, Barrer licss, Loss of pi War in ()mar NON, lavoluntary Losses and SIVMAtOrrlDINI 014.D9C(1 by ever -exertion of the brain, 80fainnie •0* nver-indulgence, Each box contains elm inontles treatment, $1 tv box, or six bosus for ,eiit by micimid on receipt of price. lArt, Cr.x.tttrstritee 4i4 151cexos To euro any case. With each Inter received by us for six boxes, accompanied with so, wo will send the pm, chaser oor written guarantee to rebind the nionee 33 the Acidulent does hilt effort :I Mire, (11.1110Alltet..t-'. suet!. onl,y by JOIIN•0; WEST 4: cc, SI & 51. 3iht, rolva,), . SOntl IVA It 0 We will pry nbeve re waril for any enfin of Li v.ej• Cot trviiint, 1 lyspepsia, Ste k 1 leachtehe. Indigestion, (most ihatt)in or Costiveness we minion ('333 3' 111•Itt 'West's Vegeta ver when the direialows nee strictly compiled, with .They are Nicely Vegetable, 1(3311 never fail •to glyS•safil tisetionSuer c . eatt.d. Luri.40 boxes. 9., containing 10 1311'..Per sato 1;y all ' Br Ware 44 comito felts anti imitations • The almond( moon 1,4.1 insoi only Ily Jo11X \V 1:51' & Pill' MAP! s." 3'31. X1311 1 SI, Vahty T333.0331314 1'ft.1. 111;11 1,11(130)'' 4 Itt 133' 1)31(31 333.(1,313311 013 otpt et eeei IT. Voltaic, Agem. Mite)). • • has been reached for some time. • ,a4 • . • An Ottawa correspondent says :—The deeisionof the Government in regard to the Scott Act in -Perth is looked upon here as the •most contemptible and unjustiflabic proceeding that any Admin. istration .would bc capable of. :To say that they would not' return a pepition which was declared by the Supreme Court of' Canada to be not properly in the pos- session'of the Secretary of State is a thing Which was never here before (1o1° by any Government. It is illustrated beyond the shadow of- a, doubt that Sir' Joh n Mftedon. aid and his colleagues are determined to oppOse the temperance people in every way possible. Prominent temperance men pleaded with the supposed .champion of their rights Leonard Tilley) :in the question 3 and 'asked him to do whet lie eotild for the Scott, Act men of Perth,but the Finance 'Minister was deaf to, their entrorttiet, lloii, IL W. Scott said to 111* 'correspondent to -day that there was neither law nor precedent for the actio11. of the Governrneht, 4 toves-AND Hardware. See our stock of COOKING STOVES. • • • See our stock of PARLOR STOVES.. • • See -our stock of COAL STOVES. See.our stock of CROSS -CUT SAWS: . See our stock of COW CHAINS. • PRICES See our stock of SKATES. See our stock of CUTLERY.' See our stock AXES 8z Low• - Builders HARDWARE • LAMPS AT REDUCED PEIOESjust receiVed,'a largo quantitylof tha.mmv • PROCESS COAL 01L—try it Also 'AMERIOAN IL P.S.-;--Parties having WireStretchers and Cans,of ohre, Will plea•e return BpnethaPadlOc k.,ARLANDAlbert • Street, Chao 7Esta-1-)li -shed 23 'Cears.. TaU and Stock of. loot:, Sholv IS 110W • complete iu every department, which I am selling at the very lowest possible prices. Full supply of . Overshoes & Rubbers, -0anadian ,Sr„ American, . at very low figures. CUSTOM WORK AIPUSUAL OF FIRST-CLASS MATERIAL & WORKMANSIIIP Call .on C. CRUICKSHANK,. THE BOOT MAKER. BRICK: BLOCK, CLINTON • Sehool'supplies extra, elleap. 23e. Foolscap for 20c, 20e. Foolscap for 15e. 20e, Note Paper for 1.5e. Me, Note Paper for 1.0c. 10e, Note Paper for 7o. per claire. • Extra value in Blank Books, Miscellaneous Books, Pocket and Family Bibles, 20 per cent less than usual prices, see them. Special value in all kinds of Albums, Pocket Booirs, Bin Books, Hand Bags, Satchels, Violins, Strings, Accordeana etc. Extra value in Silverware, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Targe and choke stock of' China Cups, • China Novelties, Vases, Dolls, Toys, cheap. Colored and Tet Necklets, Bracelets, Brooches, Combs, Brushes, &c., veil low. IIrdltiN, SAXONY and other WOOLS • CANVAS TASSELS, &c. ALL GOO1314 AT PRICES TO SPIT THE TIMES. • ,4545.• We shell "sIttrw In, a 'fw flays- ONE OF THE CM/ICIEST AND 'MOST COMPLETE STOCK'S IN r..1•II*1 COITNTY. • S rA r !NO DON r, To otil)mt, • • 1.1CTEIIIRJ . BEAVER BtOCX, NEXT 113) TROMPSON &•.• SWITZER;