The New Era, 1884-12-05, Page 1•••1•V••••••••••
Ogrott$Oioliat eardo.
wir.kitRIAGE eiteeleas.-areev TO THE
11.1. undersigned at the Library Room', Smith's
Block. 30 JAMES SCOTT.
JL.r it Insurance and General Agent. Money to loan.
ries, 13sAyza Biotic, Clinton, Qat.
0tiont on good mortgage security, Moderate
ate of Interest, H. HALE, Clinton.
Physician, Surgeon, ete. Office and residence
next Molzon's Bank, market square, Clinton.
.tion Ontario St t aton,oipoeitetbe English
harsh, Entmuceby Side gate.
kJ* Univereity0 PnYalchni, Surgeon, tie.'reeidence at
Idr.lianning's, three doors east of the Teinnerance
Tiall,I,ondesboro, Ont.
. University, Philadelphia, Member of College of
Phyeiciana and Surgeona, Ontario. Office at George
Alrantham's, three doors north of the post office,
Ur Ills. Honimv, Proprietor. I,arge and airy, cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
sir, large and well lighted stipple rooms. Good sta-
bling. 1 per day. 9
3.1.• Provincial soot De million Laud Surveyor,
Architect and Pratightsnlan, PERRIEN BLOCK,
1J • for the County a Huron, Sales attended.,
to promptly. 'Charges moderate. Residenee
Albert St. Clinton. •
Murray Blook, two doors east et, Hodgons" eii-
tranoe. Residence, opnesite the Temperance Halli
Theron Street, Clinton, Office hours, 8, to '6 p.m .
-in. attended at their awn reeldence,if necessary. Re-
sidence,. John Robertson% Rnron Street, Clinton.
Mice's new method tonight if desired.
GAL Department of VietoriallniversitY,T orento,i or
merly of the Heapitals and Disponisariee, New York
Coroner for the County of Httron,Bayfield,Ont.
.1.h.Torento lJniversity; member of theCollegeofPhy
elelene and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE & Basiniontion the
house formerlyetionpied by Dr, Reeve, Albert street
Clinton. -
Aeooneheur,T.deentiateof the Oollegeofrhysician.
an d Surgeons of LOWeteCanada,andProvineialLicen,
ilate and Corenorf or VheCountiollturon. Ordeeand
residenee,-The buirding formerlyoecupiedby Mr
Thwaites, Huron street..
Clint on , Jan.10,1871.
1' V Hotel is new and has all the requirements
of a first-class house. Large and airy rooms,
elegant parlors, heated with hot air, and in the
immediate vieinity.of the G. T. R. depot. The
liar is well stocked with the choicest brands of
hooters' arid cigars. The .travelling Imblie may
rest assuredof being well eared for attlitsbouse
tiRMUEL PIKE, proprietor. •
— .
of Stratford- will visit. Clinton and be at
the Grand Union Hotel on FRIDAY, DEC'BER 12t11,
where he will be prepared 'to attend all patients
professionally. The administration of Nitrous Oxide
GUN or Vitalized Air, giwen to patienta when reqtgred
lin the painless extraction of teeth.
Hold the exclusive right forthe county for the Hued
nrecess of administering chemically pure Nitrogen
lionsaide, which is the safest and best system yet dis-•
coveted for the painless extraction of teeth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. °FMB, BEAVER
BLOCH, over Thonipten &•Switzer's Grocery Store,
Albert Street, Clinton.
1110, 47.
TEIIS .--$1.1t0Per Annum
ln advanee,NIA .g,•A end nryeitir
4jeut ,ilvvrtionatitts.
1 Dominion Plano, nearly new. Rosewood Case.
round corners. In excellent condition and good tune.
Will be sold cheap. Apply ILt this offieo.
preintaes, Stopleton, about a week since, a snail
Mack Bow, The owner is hereby notified 80 prove
property, pity charges, and take it away, W. CEOSS,
To:someone Burma Axe CHEESE MA0I:104 00.,
will be held in BELL'S HOTEL, LONDESBORO,, on
TUESDAY, DEC. ievii. Shareholders meeting at
1.80 p.m. Patrons and public meeting at 2.80. Mit
JOHN AleMILLAN, Reeve of Hullett, and MR.JNO,t
HANNA, of Tuckersinith, will addreaa the meeting,
The public are cordially invited to attend. WM. 1.1
QUIMETTE, Sec.-Treas., Londesborough,
0 FFICES-W .13LYT.11.
In Blyth every Thursday. Collections and
claims promptly and venality attended to. -
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at lowest rate of.
Iffitortallt .to Retired Falters !
.1-71. Mr. Sidney Morton, to sell by ruble; Auction,
at the
At 2 o'clock, p.m.,0n .
Saturday, December 20th, 1884,
A splendid property in the Village pf Attila...Huron
Road, Bullet, consiatirlgof Si titres of excellent land.
On the lot there is a -good frame house and horn,
together with all themecesfiarv conveniences for a
comfortable residence. Thep° is a splendid fruit or-
chard of one acre, containing apples,pear'.1, peaches
and :Ail kinds °Ismail fruits, such as plums, ebonies,
• currants,.&c. It la situated on the Huron Roadonid-
way between Seaforth and, Clinton. It is a ,most de-
sirable place for either a retired farmer or a market
gardener, and will positiwely be sold withont reserve.
Tusiia-Twenty-flYe per cent of the purehass money
ontheday of sale, and the balance on theist March,
188,5; without interest. •
S. MORTON, Prop. J. 1'. meager /wet.
. •
Never in, the history of theOcean-Passen-
ger business -has rates ben so and par-
ties contemplating a tip to the:Old Conn-
try,should call and get fiull particulars:
WHITE STAR LINE. • • • ' .•
•xi . • Hullett, c•r to Lon es ore, . uel tneetie it sve y : •
X 7. Township of Hulled, Containing 90 acres.
of 'whit:it 80 acres are el,,eared and in good. cul-
tivation. Good Varna, stables, frame dwelling.
and over me bearing trees. in orchard. Several
springs convenient for cattle. Good soil, terms
easy. Apply to W. W. FARRAN, Clinton.
C'orTer foGrEal.'11R)at .eonyeniently situated (*Rage
-briek--on Townsend .Street, Clinton, now occupied
by Mrs. Kerr. It contains eight rooms; with closets,'
hard and soft water, and is in first-class condition.-
WM. WEIR, Bayfield Road.; 1.
QTDAT ,STEEE.-Came into subscriber's
1.../premisee, half a mile east of Londesboro, or.
the 20th inst.,.a 2 -yr old steer. Owner is noti-
fied to Drove 'property, pay chargeS anntake 18
away. JOHN LEE, Mullett. lin*" •
Li premises, Lot 21, con. 8. Mille% the beginning of
August, a small Itam 'Lamb. The owher is hereby
notified to, prove property., pay charges, and take It
QTR.AY STEER; -Strayed from the premi-
171ses of the subscriber, west 10 lot 29, eon. n,
Mullett, on or about the Oth of Nov., two yearl-
ing steers, one white and the other grey, any
person giving such information as will lead to
their recovery. will be -suitably rewarded.
THOMAS. MOGRIDGE, Londesboro, p. o.
" house, situated on Queen'St., Clinton, con-
talning eightroeine, cellar, hard and soft water, (the
punips. kitchen,) also good stable or workshop; and
garden well stocked with fruit trees, including ,apples,
pears, plums',. etirrunts,, grapes att..' Rent' nloderate:' .r. eccligiastie". of brick church
Apply at /Vita' ERA Oftiee,•Or tO C: COATES, BOX 17, • .
Zownolitip anti Vitlagt IlIzitteV$
Mr. Kitclien, of the third eon, of Stan-
ley, threshed last week, 300 bushels of fall
wheat trout eight acres of ground. This
19 very good yield. '
SuEne.-The people of the vicinity of
Erucefield, have been busy lately; in get -
tine increased stabling at the Union
church ana ale at Mr. Ross's ,ehurcb.
Biners.-Miss Bark -well, of Pert Hope,
IH the guest of her brother, Mr. W, Bark -
well. ,.Rev: Mr. Andrews delivered a lec-
tern on Sunday school work, in Benmillee
church, last Tuesday evening. The.julii-
'lee singers, under the leadership of Elder
Hawkins, gave one of musical concerts in
Benniiller church, on Thursday evening.
J. E. Steep, of Goderich township, has
opened a tailor shop at Carlow,. Mrs.
Richard Walters has been prostrate with
bronchitis, but is slowly recovering, Mr.
Josis Morris, teacher of S. S. No, 2, is en-
gaged to teach in Saltford ; Mr. T. O.
Moore, of Greyi Will take his .Place next
year. Master Paul Nott and sister intend
visiting friends in Clinton, on the way to
their home in Bowmanville. Miss Mary
Areasteeng, of Goclerich, .is- gtf.est of
Miss Lottie Morrish„ •
Council met in the town hall on Mon-
ey, with the membeve all present: The
tender .of Mr. Reid, tinsmith, for six
lamps to be placed on the Mein street,'
wee accepted. James Cowie was appoint-
ed a commissioner on the board of health,
in place of Robert Motrison, who refused
to net. The collector was requested to
have all taxes collected by the first day
of January; if possible. Several ac-
counts were ordered to be paid, amount-
ing to over $50. It was decided to peti-
tion the Canada Pacific Railway Co.,
through Mr. Van Horn, to visit and in-
spect the Bayfield harbor, and the route
thereto,beforedeciding on alerminus for
their railway, connecting with the harbor
on the east shore of Lake .Huron. H.
Minter, clerk, was appointed returning
officer for r the municipal election of 1885;
receiving four dollars therefor. The cone--
munication of H. Cottier, regarding tax,
was laid over until next meeting of cotin-
eil, which will be On the first Tuesday in
January, at 2 p.m. BLUNTER, Clerk.
James Henry, of the
8th' eon.. of East Wa,wanoshr was going:
from Belgreve on Wednesdeyeeight, and
when near home. going down it hill, the
bolt came nut Of the doubletrne,lhe horses
took fright, and piffled him out, breaking
his shoulder bone.
Jacob Lorge., Of Listowel
is -Visiting friends he this yieinity. The
ssaierte. was occupied by Rev. 1). 0.; Olappison, of
$4 500. WILL BIN PART.OF ,LuT NO. 28.
in the 4th concession of East Wei
withosh, see acres. Ten acres of `wood, good' or -
Chard, two good springs, two wells, log house
With, ironic- 'kitchen, frame barn and drive
househouse and 'other outbuildings: •Three inileS
and 14- from' the town of
Clinton. Store, blacksmith shop' an d Post offi ce
on the corner of the lot.; $2001) down, balance
On time to suit purchaSer. RO,BRT neeeeEy
Westfield E.O. . • • • .
.Brussels; on Sunday last. A yonng man
was lately seen to swim the river Mait-
land, near Harrison's . rapids; there:was
ice along the -edge on both sides of the
ter; which 'somewhat wide at that
point-ritther a deegerous experiment:
A committee has been :appointed to pur-
chase ati-orga,n fon, the brick church;
Doherty left.erie on trial ; it is the inten-
Fmcce .FOR SALE,.111V • T IIE ToWN- thin of the. committee to communicate
\Vial SO' erat. immiltheturers. Mr, De
tration of the K•tato of the late .Simon Shinier, offers .
for ssle the elist half of, lot 38,. 120 con. of Hullett. Scott, of the 10th cen. L. •Witwanoshe is.
containing 30 adros, about 40 aerceof which ore clear, now able ,to•be, around again ;. he got the
ed, the 'balance hindwooetimber... Frani° divelliir,
tioNpaersotto, Gonititeces TowNsiale,
BuTTEL-The annual meeting of the Mr, Geo, Churchill, of Toronto, is visit -
shareholders of the Londesbore creamery, ing his brotber-in-law,lAr.11y. Carter,
will be held here, on the 16th hist., Mr. Mrs.1ames Graham is laid up with a
John ll,feMillan, neve of Mullett, and Mr, severe attack of pleurisy, but nothing
Hanna, of Tuckeramith, will be .present serious is apprehencled. .
Miss Pluin mer, daughter of Mr, Stewart
to address the meeting.
Pluirthier, Of the 16th concession, is ex-
veetNA . pected home from the North-west this
BniErn. - Miss McAsh, who some month. She has been teaching there for
months ago was stricken down with ty- a couple of years, but it is said that' she
phoid fever, recovers very slowly. Until prefers: Ontario, and will reside here in
last week, the Dr. would not allow her to future.
be moved in bed, Mrs. Denison and her Mr. J. R. Holmes, of the Huron road,
daughter have been absent front our has bought the Stewart farra, in Colborne,
lage for some time, waiting upon another (lately rented to Mr. Disney). It con -
daughter, Mrs. Morrison, ef McKilrop,who tains 190 acres, and was bought at a bar -
is In a very precarieue state of health. gain. .
The little slip of sleighing, which we aie
now enjoying is much appreciated. We ItolGIIESVILLLE.
are hoping fur more snow. Some postal -Below is the repott of the School for Nov .
matter having been lost lately between Fourth class -J. Holdsiorth, W. Lobb, E.
Proctor, Estler Proctor, fil Holdsworth, R..
this point and Goderich, our village was
jarvie. Third elass-g. Tibutt, R. Foster,
visited by some of ,the P. 0. authorities,
G. Tebutt, T. Pickard,. A.Stanley, G, Acheson,
who. are -trying to seek out the offenders ; 5iniond class -F. ,Tarns, M. Oantelon, A. (h-
it is hoped they may be successful. baldestou, A. Duff, W. Glidden, It, llilurch.
. First class -E. Walters, J. Crooks, F.Miller,_
• MANCHESTER. BRIEFS. --Mr. J. -Marquis lost a vain-
Briears.-A happy' party assembled at able Mare en Wednesday, by getting into
the residence of Mrs. Young, on the 26th the barn at some • pea meal and. grail),
ult,, for the purpose of witnessing the eel:-
eemony of uniting Mr, Themes Anderson 'some cattle were in danger from eating
but are -likely -to- recover,' Mr.i
of East Wawanosh, and Mise Isiel,ellti,. the samer
George Cantelon upset a load of hey, by
Young, youngest daughter Of b/Irs. YoUng, which he was talrfng to
for life, • Rey. Jas. Pritchard tied • the some means)
oderich and Ind hie knee, but noe
nuptial knot. The. present week is far G
above tbe average; in intellectual enter- seriously. —.... .................e....
tele:met; on Monday evetieig • the • IVIiss- BELfattAE.E. .
ionary raeeting In the Methodist church, BneerseLMr. W Duncan has rented
which was well attended; Tuesday, open his gore to a maker from lien -
meeting' of the Good; Weanes' all ; this is seemething that Wei been t ed -
day, the Jubilee Singers. We are glade° ed for sontif time, and, we understandthe
see Mr. Hableirk has opened out again.
His store has been closed for the past neWecomeris a good workman Mr. M -
Andrew. is shipping turnips at 'this Poinet.
week or so. . • Several of our old bacherlors say they
; aiiiiiiti.s. • will take unto themselves Wives ; it iS the
WOon BEE. -Mr, James Nesbitt, of the cold weather that brings. them te their
9th eon., has let the lob of clearing and senses. A debating school Was formed
cutting the wood oft five acres of bush here on Wednesday night; it should peeve
land to Mr. Jehh:McCaughey, jr, On a semis, for -we have plenty of people
Thursday Inst the neighbors, to the mini- wile can "argy.". Peter Marson, who
ber of abeut 25, gathered for the purpose bought the hotel here last fall, is now re -
of assisting, in cutting the wood, the re- paring a house which belonged to same
suit of their efforte being that at dusk property, to rent as a dwelling house.
about 40 cords had passed through, the Mr. Fred Webster,. tailor, has engaged
usual process. In the evening they as- for six months with Mr, A. Taylor, mere'
sembloi at the residence of Mr. Francis chant, :Several boys here will be sem-
leleCau.ghey, .where ,,a goodly number of, moned before a magistrate if their disorde •
the fair sex had already congregated, erly. conduct after night isnot stained. -
After an excellent repast had been par- There is talk ..of a cheese factor being
taint. of,the room Was cleared, and the started here -next year, and a meeting will
remainder of the evening. was spent in shortly beheld to make necessary arrapge-
tripping the "light fante,stid." This was meets.; it would be of advantage alike to:,
continued until the eastern sky began to terraces. and villagers. .
assuthe a reddish tint, when all departed, --aieseee;-:---e.
well pleased with the evepirg's entertain- SEAFORTEI: -
bead,. :it 1$ Wiwi; ei miles _es tile village of Londet. Small bone ,.of' brolce.n ,.gettieg over
hero, and' abontiiix miles from' Myth, both on.the Li A. fence three we.eke eigee A tramp. has of
sown on the fano. For. further portienlars,. apply , to
&,11. R. There will be Obeid ten acres of fall wnetit
late s..No. 11
ld tl
wool), Afinfielquater Let a:3, cep. with- his presence.: . .9 Len eman
JACSONN. other half of said int can also tonight COld and exosure are the cause of nine -
w. -Iat the same time. l'pr t -----------------------
• •• . - .
Londesbor0 P, 0 tenths of the. disease wqich afflicts the
TICKET AGENT, c4INTON trInett, sept. 1884.
Hello Traveller T.
Are you going to MANITOBA, DAKOTA, CALI-
ORADO, or any ether point NY.estivard. Call and find
011t rates and prove that we sell tickets at the. lowest
Time card and all information freely. givem
hiTChertytieltets to Mackinaw, Sault 8t. Mimic, Sagi-
naw, nay tiny, Flint and all points .1aM1ehigan, .
TIllS Sffilce is reserved fey. .;
Practical VECIIMAla RUA,'
Albert Street, Clinton.
.. •
Stores and Offices to Rent.
• • . •
The neW Stores, With offices alrive, 11) 850 MOSt cell-
tral part of the Town of Clinton, are offered to rent.
Well finished, gOid cellars. !tent reasonable. "
. • .
Zliew Homio SolcL. Iowtglailmo-efoua
30 Izni:n Square,New
W. RITT, Ageiffi, Clinton
To .
Before 'Whig so, call find get all rates iind infor-
motion from the agent ol the ALLEN LINE, of ,
address Box 17, 'Clinton l',0.
memberof Bethel clinic')
.have pet 5 new fence around the churebe and -
put a new covering hnd carpet on the pulpit,
to pay for whieli they held a successful to,
realizing over S$0; nearly enough to pay for
the itnproveniehts. Bethany Presbyterian
congregation are resealing and covering the
pulpit of their ehurele Mr. Alex, Cox lost it
valuable horse last week, from inflammation
of the bowels, Mrs. T.Woode is soffering from
an attack:ea bronehitie. "Mies Lawrenee, of
Lucknow, is 17:jelling her aunt, Mrs. James
Colwell, Porter's Hill is agitating for a tele.
people of this country, but they do. not
seem to affect this old tramp in the least.
He is possessed of a most elastic recep-
tacle for food; he, can eat enough to make
a good, :square Meal for four ordinary
men, at two or three houses in succession..
The following is the standing of S. 8.
No. 4, for the month of Nov. It is based
on good conduct .and general preficiency.
Fourth class-M.A. O'Brien, Carrie johns
Ira Johne. Sen. third class -Geo. Lay-
ton, Gee, Crich, F. L. Peacock. Jr. third
class -IL Johns, Annie Johns, A. °rich:
Second class -R. Stanbury, G. Oriel:, M.
Pions. First class -V, Stanbury, Wm.
White, L. A. Sibbons. ,
On Sabbath we are to be entertained.
with it Missionary serinon, in Turner's
church, from 1.4v. A. E. Smith. Alr.
Smith is'a strauger in our neighborhood,
but we haye heard glowing accounts of
him, while putting in his term in Man-
chester. On:',Ettesday the annual meeting
of the society is to be held, addressed by
Revs. 41, E. Smith, jainee Grey, and the
pastor. •
• MUNICIPAL. -Ill 1111111iCipid thaltOrS the
people of this township always move with
great caution, and while they have plenty
of snap and vim in matters' relating to
the farms, they are somewhat lethargic in
other thine; consequently; there is very
little talk of anything in the way of mu-
nicipal changes in this township.- The
oely information yet known that Mr.
Additional Local Nowa,.
The following ineideat occurred in the
dining loom of' a popular Goderich hotel
the other day.
"Is there a snow -.hoe cluleallere?" sa•id
u stranger to a resident of Goderieh who
stahtenreevxit3rh. ice at table,
"No, there is no such chile here," °was
"Couldn't one be got up, with scene of
the ladies in it?" continued the stranger.
"No sir, the Goderich ladies don't need,
snow shoes to keep them up," replied the
other, and he wondered what made the
straieger ;mile so.
Every T-------sieivirsda 4mY
' 0•Vott only ro: IilfeIbodjat."
y evening tlte
holds what is terme—d, "a holiness meeting"
-to which pnly converts are admitted, as a
rule. Last week before the meeting corn,
menced, some boys loitered around the
doer, and were asked by a lady present to
, "No," replied one of the boys, "we'll ge
in after a while." •
"Ph', but you eannot come in after a
while" she replied, "unless you 'are a
Claristie,n. Are you a Christian?" she
pointedly asked.
Tee little fellotv did not answer for a
moment, and the question "are you a
Christian?" was repeated.
He hesitated moment before answer-
ing, and then as new light apparently
dawned. upon hire., be fairly shouted "No, *
not re Chtistan, Pm only a Metho-
dist," eeid the lady buried her face in her
lean& to hide her suilleS.
'tent. • Mr. C. W. Papst. left this
. week for the Sunny South, where he will
SIOKNESS.-We are glad- to learn. that spend a few Months for the good -of his
Christy McLeod, who has • been very ill health. He goes's. to Fort Worth, Texas.
recently, is now convalescent, • Rev. J. Kenner, of Clinton, occupied the.
lifutic:-Tife Jubilee Singerswillgive- -pelPit of-the-Methodist-Ohtereeihereeles
a.grand concert, at the. Nile, on Monday Sunday morning and everting, and preach -
evening. To lovers of music, this Will no ed excellent Sermons. Rev. Peter Wright,.
doubt be a treat. of Stratford, will -preach- the fitilliversary
SCHOLASTIC.-Q,Rite it number of chang, sermon's of the Presbyterian 'Church, bete
es are about to take place in our teaching
staff in the township of Colborne.
Remarous.=Miseionary *vices :were
held at Sheppmelten onSundey Morning,
by Rey. T. Campbell', of Croderiele and at'
the Nile, in the evening, by . Rev, J. Bre,
Icy, of Seeforth. •
ErreaTAneeig*T.-eIt is the intention
ef the) Nile Sabbath Scheel to have.:0;
Xmas tree, end entertainment, seine time
about Xmas;' "this, :no doubt, will be it de-
cided success, as the parties are moth 0. into
it with all possible zeal.
• ,
BRIEFS. -.It is rumored that a young
man living near Londesberoe has left
these parts to take unto himself "a partner
to share his troubles and joys, -in the fu-
ture. Mr; Wm. Martin left very Sudden-
ly for Kentucky, a few days ago, where he
intends to carey on business as a cobbler.
We wish him success. Tax -gatherer Yell-
an's has been around. these parts, and of
course it great many of his patrons are
complaining of "high taxes,'. and "low
markets." Mr. Geo. Raithby lost a vain-
-able young horse on Monday. The talk
of Mr. Mason opposing Mr. Mealillan for
:the reeveship; looks like a little anti -Scott
act dodge, Mrs. John McMullen is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs, II. MeBrien. • Mee.
rnother of Messrs. Humphrey and
Geo. Snell, is confined. to bed at the home
of the former, no hope.s being entertained
of her recovery; she is over 90 years of age.
Mr. FL Snell has a half acre of land that
yielded 890 bushels of carrots this year,
phone breech. A number from this neigh, John Hanna will again be. it candidate
hood attended the chicken tea meeting nt for the Reeveship, some believing him. to
Bayfieldand are cackling nth/ Crowing abbot be a stronger man than he was a year
the good time they had. ago. There is no likelihood ofany change
in either the Deputy-reeveship•or council,
. Ilitimos,- Messrs, G. Dick, IL Albert, Elder "Hawkins and his eompany paid
and w:Cudmore Jr., rettirped honae from ns a ViSib on Saturday last, and' gave us
eLeNerox tee ohl land on Thursday of last week. One of •their inimitable entertainments,
`Xliey report having had it pleasant pass- in Turner's church. Grave people laugh-
ed young children listened few° and a
OOMTS 1341dIrM.
eaeb. way, and enjoyed the trip very ,
1., miss Jennie Mellis is Visiting half hours, with eyes open, and some of
in Eketer. Notwithstanding the thein with mouths apart. The Elder also
T.'" times, tereinectings an talked of, preaehed On Sabbath. Some, we under-
(kurchimprOveitents. 111i.s. P. Grant, Stand, calealeted on saving theiqquarters,
h tl Sunda but 'Were dis-
et hes
ab e 'been ill for some alto, is -again. and ear lei y,
t•ttena to her household duties, aPPointed, as they aid not sing, The
school Literary seem:tr."
The last meeting of thepebool joint..Liter.
ary Seciety, was Thursday 'evening
last. ',The,l'redident and .,Seeretary, tendered.
their resignations of their respective offices,
as tla could not attend •any more of the -
meetings. ',They thanked. the members of the.
Socifity for the honor they. had conferred
upon; them, and wished them all 811°CeSS. 11,1
their next -session. • As the President was ap-
pbinted to speak in the debatIi, Mr. Canipbell
was cheeen chairman for the evening. The,
first piece on • the progranime Wail it duet on
the naonth organ. by Harry Stanleiry and
Charlie Bowers, after which Nisi MCEwan
read. '.!The Bridge Next came a humorous
.reading entitled "Tom,":by John Cooper, fol-
lowed by . touching song 'Driven from
home,". by Mies Floody.. Then oame the de- ' •
bate, resolved that Othe pen is mightier than ,
the sword." The speakers for the affirmative
were James Rinehart' and Fred Green.; and ••
for the' negative -ff. A.. Steivatt: and-W;,A.
Milne: The question 'Wad disouSsed In a, lively
manner for some time, and being Put to a Vote
of the meeting, was decided in favor Of the .
affirmative. The debate was. followed. by
comie reading "The (+nee Mountain Justice"
•by Wm: Potter. The lest pieee• on the pro-
gramme was a duet "Onantileea,"' Valles Me -
Callum and Miss . . , •
On the whole the . Meetings of the Literary ,
Society have been a decided tittOoeffS,- and the ,
members all agree that, the time they have.
Spent in attendingthem, 'could not have been •
better ocenpied.• i•Ve hope' that the new so-
• diety whickhas been formed will eentinue the.
good work;' they have our best wishes for '
success.1 • '
- • ,
• :Tun SICATING RINK. - The Skating I
Rink Directors Met on Friday last,: to
consider Matters connection with the
rink'. for . the coming season. It was
agreed to continence operations as soon' as
•poseible, end theeminegitgeennemittee for •
tht Year Was appointed as follows i -Messrs.
Ferrester, Cooper e.nd Jackson. The east
wing will be reserved three afternoons :
andeveriines' in the week, for curlers; the.
on Stendeythe 21st inet; the .anneal tea-, remaining part...being open to skaters
meeting will be held the following Mon- and the other nights the Whole rink.
day evening.' Peeparatione erebeingenade. • '. '
Tow* Coireiele.--,The regular meetiug
for the union Sunday :Sehool jubilee, to '
,risf the courthil was. held on Moinlay even.
beheld Me Teesday evening,. Dec; 23rd,
'Phe finteace committee recoinmend,: .
no p4ins Will be spared to. make this •rt
ed payMen t Of the following .
pleasing; and • successful exitertainment.
NV, Paisley, .Salary, $11-2.50 ;. T. accounts—
The inenibere of Winthrop Lodge;: O. G
Mc -
T., will, !pay a fraternal visit to Heron drit*i ng stone, $150 ,•• :Mr„Hen
50e...4.0'Toojes :work,
Lodge this Placee. to:night • (Friday).
odnuastellegtelP$15a;n•Tk'ellatter, work on street,
Mr. Geo. Good hits kyinglitythe dwelling
$2; J. Devine; work,. 50c.; charity, digging
end store, lately occupied by. Mr. Lewis •
Thierne. A gang of men Are busy erect- grave, $2 ; • S. Pratt, 3. months salary,
ing telepliciee wires here; nasiness has •$21 e L. Troupe, nionths' salary:, work'. on
bell, Ste. $2p ; R. Holmes; printing, &e. :
improved very Meueli since sl ei ghing. caul e, The receipts from scales Per the
every clay the street presents a lively, op.
mon h of Nov. amounted. to .$28.76; Mr.
pearance. Me. JaseWatson; who has been
in the Northwest for some tithe peat, hae. *Jae.' Sheppard Was:given the privilege of
part .of Townsend street whereon to •
returned honks for the Winter months;
puslainegebuildiug material. • On emotion the
Siin IS looking well -farming •agreeS with
' • • • , rent of the town hall to the Salvation army •
liiinwas raised, to $4. :pet night.: A 'Motion.'
Gotemetnii. was passed fixing the remeneration of de- .
pitty returning officers at,$2 each ter
Jui. D. Fisher has purchased the beautifel minetion' and election day duties, end '
no -
residence lately occupied by banker 'Williams.
lowed only $2,es. the rent Of room used for
Tbe 'price paid is under $2,000.
Rev. J. T.• LaGear, :Dungannon, occupied electien purposes; pelting places Andre-.
the pulpit of North street cluireh last %teepee turning officers, as followe were, appoint,
in the alesence of the poStor; with was away ed for the municipal
on miseionary Work. . dreWe ward; town ball; W. H. Hite, depue
The recent Scott Aet agitation has .not•yet ty-returning . officer- St. James' • ward; -'
ceased, and it is expected -that the smoulder- A. S. Fisher's office, 'N. Matheson, depti-
ing fife .will break .:out anew in the coming ty-returning officer; St.John's ward Rene:
'baWs.earriage shop, W. a. Cooper, dime -
municipal elections. The tomPeranee•.party
hope to elect a Scott Act couneil. • • ty-regiriiing officer.; •St. George's ward;
temperance hall. Gen:Bay, dePutrretUrn-• '
The Special totetings in the Victoria eireet
,Metheitlief Church, bontintio' with growing
Iiies?Ttee. •
Enters -De. Sloan left here on Motley',
for a ttvo weeks'. hunt in Muskoka,. It is
:reported, that Mr. Frank Metcalf is to be
brought out for the ,Reeveship; he has
intide:a good cot -mailer, and would fill
the position of Reeve with Credit and
The annual entertainment in connection
with the Blytli Presbyterian SS, is to be
held shortly, and the young folk are busy
preparing to make it as succcessful, if not
more so, as former gatherings of a similar
kind. As these entertainments have been
very 'liberally patronized in the past, no
doubt the approaching one will be no ex-
ception to the general, rule., •
The entertainment under the auspices
of the W. C. T. which came off
last week, was it grand success. The
evening being fine, the attenclanee was
large, the ball- being erowded to the door.
The programme, which was lengthy and
varied, was well carried .ont, the several
performers acquitting themselves; credit-
124m° ,nveer eeperte Rev, Mr. Adheson !songs and discourse were morelly °levet-.
1'8 "ftlii,011.6aliten called !Von to change ing, and such as the most fastidious need
sum° :flax Nusere name ; IVLSh her tet complain of, and should they return
every II appInc,m.
'ng officer Mr Corbett applied for re-
terest, between: forty ancl fifty names have 1 P . : ' . •
111158104 ot dog tax, which, was refused, .
been receivea ns representing those who have
ee. Mr. A. Foster was3,110Wed it rethissioni
been converted, and the number is nightly
creethig; -
, _elogheing killed, I Three of the return-
` '
Business is both decreasing and:increasing. ing ofiicers appointed have reftisedlnliet; '
So far as the.lake trade is concerned, it IS on account of the reduced pay, and the
about over for this season, but the recent fall fourth is not in it condition to act. Ia
of snow, and subsequently eXcellent sleighing fact, we belieye it Would only have been
that prOdueed-a 'rush of. merchandise into an act of courtesy to have re -appointed
town, and large quantities, of grain, wood, 1+,kr. T. Cantelon for this ward, as heels
hay, Lcze., are daily distosed. of.
. . . . flunilar with the duties of the position,
The visit of Bishop aldwm cleated quite The reduction of pay is certainly an act
a sensation in'the circular town, St. Geerge's of economy but if men are to be paid iit
church was packed both morning and evening all for their' tithe the emount named ' ie
on Sunday last, to hear the discourse of a so , ' '
popular divine, and to witness theeonfirma-
certainly small enough.]
tion ceremony. There were about 40 cattle •------"4-1--
dates in the class, incised Whom. were Wiese
The seevices were solemn and. impressive. . Bthere.--Xmmense quantities of woodhave
The sacineWs reached, ouitown on Mon• been taken to Clinton front this vicinity due -
day that Mrs: Robinson, wife of Capt. Robin: ing the past week: The public examination
son, of the United Empire was dead. Her will be held atNo. 4 school, on Friday, Dee.
decease was cow paratively sudden. Hee lath, to which all are invited to attend. Mr,
arrived from Sarnia the day betore. An im- J. L. MeTaggart, of ' Chiselhurst, is visiting
remains Were interred on 'Wednesday, having
pressively solenei service was conducted by friends here. Mr. ana Mrs. C. Beacom have
emennencea house keeping in the house leto-
Bev. T. M. Cainpbell, assisted' by Mee Dr, 1•Y` ""Pi."1 by Mr' T. Alas"; gi" " a
Poole, of Sarnia, in the•North street Church. "house,warming" Christy:
Much sympatl1Y IA felt for the bereaved lins. Enne4krt0X.t1'..-Tho following is the stand -
hand and family. ing of the pupils of 8,5, No. I, ; town,
ahip, for the month ending. December let.
The report is based on doligenee, punctuality,
and demeanor,. names arranged in order of
Merit. Fifth class--.Trro. Sheppard,
Thomson, G. Planitter; • Fourth class
Miller, Ida Thompson, L. Johnston. Th
sr, Clase.--•-Gco. Laithwaite, n. lQtu
pity, • jos. Watkins. Third jr, class --Rob
Watkins, W. Sheppard, J, P. Boll. .Seeen
elass-W, Mason, L. Laithwaite, Jae. Sande
son, rirst class -Geo. Mary johnstou,
A Meton, Sarah Nesbitt.
ably. Ihe Bilth etring ban ten ere „I
.l. us orgau recite and cotort given by
several pieces in good style, and deserve
lenoe churele last week, was it very grand, sue.
Sineial IllelltiOlo
I, considering the short cs. Tho reoe1.p, 8
t amounted: to abou":, $120,
time they have lied for practise. ,No ana Jadging by the continuous applause and
pains seemed to have been spared lu pre,-, the frequent mimeos, the mediation we's well
paring the tableau, "Her happiest time, satisfied, The singing of air. Kelly was well
taillifttleirfont thescaoundeir ace icoonigtledr havincevo lei tiv elvdottilliceet
fin the Desert," The honor of this successt
received, especially hie rendering of "Alone
have been an unqualified success. Rev. ful concert is almost entirely dna to the ite
3. Fisher acte& as chairman, anti paten& defatigable labors of the organist, Miss Viola,
ed the duties; of that office very satisfae- Tho choir ancl'eburch will loos e it good amis.
• ' tont When She taltes her aepartare next week.
we predict for thorn a large audience. torily.